Category:Questions On... Pastimes of...
Pages in category "Questions On... Pastimes of..."
The following 56 pages are in this category, out of 56 total.
- About a hundred hoods, how could Krsna manage all of those hoods?
- And all Krsna's soldiers were killed?
- And He (Lord Krsna) used to come here for herding the cows?
- Are there any of the characters listed up here among the brahmanas who complained (to the magistrate)?
- Are there any other, any other nice incidences between this time and when Lord Caitanya got married?
- Astakala-lila. What is that exactly? Eightfold lila or some...?
- He (Lord Caitanya) would sometimes eat clay?
- He (Lord Krsna) displays His Vrndavana only on the earthly-like planet?
- How could Visnu appear from the nostril of Brahma?
- How does He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) accept sannyasi?
- How it was that even though there is so much distance between, let's say, Govardhana and Radha-kunda and Vrndavana, Nanda-grama, Varsana, how it was that still Krsna and Radha could go and meet?
- How you explain the act of Krsna taking away the saris of the gopis?
- I thought Krsna was sixteen only?
- If the Lord's pastimes are manifested differently, are they manifested the same in one universe?... Are they different every time? In other words, is the Srimad-Bhagavatam a history of what took place once, and then it will be different next time?
- If the planets, they have always been floating, but the stones of Lord Ramacandra has put in the ocean, they are still not... Where are they?
- If there is a spiritual world, what is it like, and what are the activities of Krsna there?
- In the case of Jaya and Vijaya, who fell down and took the role of demons, after three births as demons, they were supposed to go back to the spiritual world. So after the three births in this universe, were the same pastimes going on in other universes?
- Is it offensive to think of Krishna's Pastimes while chanting?
- Is this life, this present life, is this also being within Krsna's pastimes, because Lord Caitanya's sankirtana movement is Krsna's pastimes?
- Is this the learned brahmana (so he asked his men to carry Him to his place and that will be the scene. Then after His departure His followers will come, and they will search in the temple that Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not there. Then one Gopinatha Acarya)?
- It was a big snake? Very big? And was it Sesa?
- Krsna and His friends would play sometimes, catch with fruits in the forest?
- Krsna appears and performs His pastimes and then He disappears and then appears in another universe? Or He appears...?
- Krsna had other brothers and sisters besides Balarama and Subhadra?
- Krsna has exhibited His pastimes on every planet in the universe?
- Krsna manifests more pastimes in the higher universes?
- That (Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the middle would dance and the four parties will chant Hare Krsna) only happened as long as He stayed there (Jagannatha Puri). Is that right?
- That particular lila of Krsna is the most thrilling one. No?
- The stories of Krsna's pastimes in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, are they found in the Vedas also?
- There is very little description from the age of 31 to Lord Caitanya's disappearance. Maybe you can tell me as much as you can of what happened?
- There's (with the affairs of Krsna and the gopis) never mention of lust or of any animal desire at all is there?
- There's a scene about Lord Caitanya embracing the leper Vasudeva. Is that a nice scene to perform?
- Well, is that (Lord Caitanya inquiring from Ramananda Raya) important? That's the scene about the meeting
- What are some of the things that Lord Caitanya did when He was a little boy? Some tricks or things?
- What does this story (the story of the Gopala, Saksi) have to do with the temple? Lord Caitanya has entered this temple
- What is the outcome of this (discussion of the Vedanta-sutra between Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and Caitanya Mahaprabhu) now? Final outcome?
- What is the story (about Gopala Saksi)? A short little story?
- When Krsna lifted up Govardhana Hill, nobody said that was a miracle. But when Jesus Christ made so many things, they say it's a miracle. How is that?
- When your spiritual master was a little boy, did he do things like Lord Caitanya did like when He went to the water and all girls were asking for...?
- Why did Nityananda Prabhu break His (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) danda?