Category:Soul Within The Body
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Pages in category "Soul Within The Body"
The following 104 pages are in this category, out of 104 total.
- A learned man does not distinguish between a wise brahmana & a dog because he sees the soul within the body, not the external bodily features. Such a perfected, self-realized person becomes eligible to understand bhakti, or devotional service to the God
- A living entity who is not properly enlightened in spiritual knowledge simply takes care of the external body, not knowing that the spirit soul is the principal factor within the body
- A materialistic rascal does not know that he is not the body but a spiritual soul within the body. However, one should understand his real position and cultivate knowledge by which to get free from bodily entanglement
- According to the Vedic scriptures, within the body is the owner of the body, the soul
- After all, the soul is within the body. So if the body has become unclean, or some other reason, the body has to be changed, so that is not lack of love. Therefore we have to understand actually what we are. Am I this body or something else?
- All these airs are generated from the center of the heart, which is one only. This central energy is superior energy of the Lord, who is seated within the heart with the soul of the body, who acts under the guidance of the Lord
- Although the soul is within the body, it is separate and always pure. One must analyze and understand his self. This is self-realization
- Although the soul is within the body, nevertheless, because of misunderstanding and animal propensities one accepts the body as the self
- An expert geologist can understand where there is gold and by various processes can extract it from the gold ore. Similarly, a spiritually advanced person can understand how the spiritual particle exists within the body
- An expert in the study of soil can find out where gold is and then dig there. He can then analyze the stone and test the gold with nitric acid. Similarly, one must analyze the whole body to find within the body the spirit soul
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.13): dehino 'smin yatha dehe. Everyone is encased within the body. Since the body is never identical with the soul, the bodily activities are simply illusory
- As explained in the Thirteenth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, there are two souls within the body. The body is called ksetra, and there are two ksetra jnas, or occupants of the body, namely the Supersoul (Paramatma) and the individual soul
- As one who is not expert cannot understand where there is gold, a foolish person who has not cultivated spiritual knowledge cannot understand how the spirit exists within the body
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.55), bhaktya mam abhijanati. Unless one takes shelter of the bhakti-yoga process, one cannot understand the existence of the soul within the body
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, intelligence and forgetfulness are both supplied by the Supersoul sitting with the individual soul within the body
- As the soul is within the body and the body is changing every moment, similarly, the last stage of change is called death
- At death the process of changing bodies takes place due to the subtle body; the mind, intelligence and ego carry the soul from one gross body to another. This is called transmigration of the soul
- At the time of death he understands that, "My real father, the soul, which was within this body, he has now gone." Therefore our vision is always imperfect
- Because the atma is within the body, if I pinch or if you pinch my body, I feel pains and pleasures. As soon as the atma is not there, it will be cut with a chopper, there is no protest
- Because the soul is in the body, the body feels pleasure and pain. When the soul leaves the body, the body can be hacked to pieces, and yet it will not protest. This is because the consciousness is gone
- Because the soul is within the body, the body changes through so many forms. There is a soul within the body of every living creature, whether animal, tree, bird or human being, and the soul is transmigrating from one type of body to another
- Because the soul within the body associates with the three modes of material nature (goodness, passion and ignorance), he receives different types of bodies
- Beyond the existence of the body are the Paramatma and atma within the body. This is the first understanding of spiritual knowledge explained in Bhagavad-gita
- By nature we try to protect the body. This is self-preservation. It is a natural law of the living entity, just as eating is a natural law and sleeping is a natural law. Why do I protect the body? Because within the body is the soul
- Dehi, within the body, the living spirit, or living soul, is sitting there. And because we are under the control of maya, we wanted it, such a body, so Krsna has given
- Dehino'smin yatha dehe. The proprietor of the body, the soul, is within the body
- Directly we cannot appreciate what is that spiritual fragment, particle, which is within this body. Because the length and breadth of that spirit soul is impossible to be measured by our material instruments
- Even when the gross body is not acting when the living being is in sound sleep, we know that he is within the body by his breathing. So the living being's passing away from the body does not mean that there is no existence of the living soul
- Everyone loves his body and wants to protect it because he is within the body as the soul, and everyone loves the soul because the soul is part and parcel of the Supersoul
- Hare Krsna movement is a spiritual movement. There is spirit soul within the body, and the material body is covering, just like shirt and coat, of the spirit soul
- He (Krsna) is ordering completely that the subject matter of this body is not very important thing. The most important thing is to understand about the spirit soul which is within the body
- Head, hands, legs and indeed the entire body have grown on the basis of the soul. If the soul is within, the body, head, hands and legs grow, but otherwise they do not. A dead child does not grow up, for the soul is not present
- Here is a very good example concerning spiritual understanding. Foolish rascals, including so-called jnanis, philosophers and scientists, cannot understand the existence of the soul within the body because they are lacking in spiritual knowledge
- Human life is meant for realization of the self, the spiritual soul within the body (dehino 'smin yatha dehe) - BG 2.13
- I love this body. Why? Because I am the spirit self, or soul is within this body. Therefore just like I love this apartment. Why? Because I live here. Similarly, I love this body because I am spirit soul, I am living within this body
- If one is expert and follows the acarya, he can understand that he is the spiritual soul living within the body
- If we don't understand this philosophy as Krsna teaches, asmin dehe dehinah, "Within this body there is the occupier, soul," so if you do not understand, that is very risky life. Nature's way must go on
- If, with all these facilities (of Human body), a human being does not fully utilize his life for self-realization, he must be considered atma-ha, a killer of the soul
- In the previous verse Kapiladeva instructed: yoga adhyatmikah pumsam mato nihsreyasaya. The soul is entrapped in the body, and the process of perfect yoga is the process of saving the soul from bodily confinement and the four miseries that plague the body
- In the university or any educational institution, there is no department of knowledge to find out what is that thing which is entrapped within this body. We get this information from Bhagavad-gita: dehinah asmin dehe
- In these material eyes we cannot see even the spiritual spark within the body. How you can see the Supreme Spirit? It is not possible
- In this way the conditioned soul living within the body forgets his self-interest because he identifies himself with the body. Because the body is material, his natural tendency is to be attracted by the varieties of the material world
- Just like in a house there are two kinds of persons: the occupier and the landlord. The landlord is actually the proprietor of the house, and the tenant is occupier. Similarly, there are two souls within this body. That is stated in the Vedic literature
- Just like so long the sun is visible, there is heat and sunlight. Similarly, so long the soul is there within this body, we have got this consciousness. And as soon as the soul is gone from this body, there is no consciousness
- Just like the motorcar is not the driver; he is within the motorcar. Now, that driver, or the soul, within the body is immortal. And it is transmigrating from one body to another. So this transmigration from one body to another is not very good business
- Material civilization means they are taking care of the body and no information of the soul which is within the body. This is material civilization. And our KC movement is not so much attention for the body, but full attention for the soul
- Materialistic persons generally worship the transient material body and forget the welfare of the spirit soul within the body. Some take shelter of materialistic science to improve bodily comforts
- One should know that the activities of the body are due to the soul within the body. That is the real fact. The body is only the outward covering
- One should not be very anxious about the body's changing from childhood to boyhood, from boyhood to old age and then to apparent annihilation. Rather, one should be very seriously concerned about the soul within the body
- One should take care of the driver, of the driver within the car. That is the instruction of Bhagavad-gita: dehino 'smin yatha dehe (BG 2.13). Asmin dehe. Within this body there is actually life
- One who has connected himself with spiritual knowledge can understand that there is a spiritual soul within the body. However, one who is in an animalistic conception of life and has no spiritual culture cannot understand
- One who has no inner knowledge, who does not know that he is actually the spirit soul living within the body, who is simply enamored by the dictation of the senses, is called a materialist
- One who has not been trained cannot distinguish between gold and stone. Similarly, fools and rascals who have not learned from an expert spiritual master what is soul and what is matter cannot understand the existence of the soul within the body
- Our real problem is that we have got this material body, but we have no sense that, Within this material body I am the spirit soul, living. So how to get out of this material body and again revive our spiritual body
- Real knowledge pertains to the living entity dwelling within the body. Unfortunately, because of ignorance, the living entity identifies himself with the body and therefore feels pleasure and pain
- Recognition of the spirit soul within this body, that is first education. Unless one understands this simple fact, there is no question of spiritual advancement
- So long the soul is there within the body, body is acting. As soon as the soul is out, it is not acting. It is very easy to understand. Is there any difficulty to understand
- So long the soul is there within the body, the child from the babyhood will come to childhood, then childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youthhood. In this way the body will change. We have changed so many bodies, every one of us
- So long the soul or the living force is within this body, it is moving. As soon as the spirit soul is out of the body, it is . . . we call it is dead
- Sri Isopanisad warns in clear terms that the killer of the soul is destined to enter into the darkest region of ignorance to suffer perpetually
- That atma is present within this body, that is understood by the presence of consciousness. Just like we are here in this room, but this light is the reflection of the sunshine. We understand there is sun in the sky
- The astanga-yoga system is also materialistic, inasmuch as it teaches one to control the movements of air within the material body. The spiritual spark, the soul, is floating on air within the body
- The bodies are material productions of different modes of material nature, but the soul and the Supersoul within the body are of the same spiritual quality. BG 1972 purports
- The body is material, but within the body is the soul. This is spiritual understanding. Unfortunately, one who is in ignorance, under the spell of material illusion, accepts the body to be the self. He cannot understand that the body is matter
- The body is not a lovable object. But because the soul is there within the body, therefore we love this body
- The dehi, the spirit soul, is within this body. Now you apply your logic and reason, you will see, "Yes. It is all right." That is the system of Vedic civilization: that anything which is described in the Vedas, that is real proof; that is real knowledge
- The fact that the atomic soul is within the body of a gigantic animal, in the body of a gigantic banyan tree, and also in the microbic germs, millions and billions of which occupy only an inch of space, is certainly very amazing. BG 1972 purports
- The first instruction is that one should understand that the soul is within the body and is transmigrating from one body to another. This is the beginning of spiritual knowledge
- The individual human body does not develop from the womb of the mother independently but because the living entity, the soul, is within the body
- The individual soul is within the bacteria
- The intelligent person who is expert in finding the self within the body must understand the eight external energies
- The medical practitioner may deny the existence of the soul in the physiological bodily construction of an individual person, but he cannot give life to a dead body, even though all the mechanisms of the body exist even after death
- The missing point is being presented that you are not this body; you are within this body, spirit soul. You just try to come out of this entanglement of birth, death, old age, and go back to home, back to Godhead
- The so-called rascal scientists, they'll never accept that within this body there is the soul, because they're always thinking there is no such thing as soul; only the material, that's all. This is illusion
- The soul is present in bodies like those of trees, plants and stones. They are all living entities. Among moving living entities such as birds, aquatics and animals, the same spiritual spark is there
- The soul is within this body. He is transmigrating from one type of body to another. This is fact. If we ponder over it, we shall find it is fact. So we take it as it is. That is our method of knowledge. Very simple
- The soul within the body is in the bodily concept of life, he suffers happiness and distress, but these come and go
- The spirit soul possesses the body and is within the body. This is the real analysis. The soul never mixes with the bodily elements
- The spirit soul, as he's existing within this body in spite of all changes, similarly the spirit soul will continue to exist even after the final change of this body. This simple truth. Try to understand this
- The uttama-adhikari sees the spirit soul within the material body and serves him as spirit. Thus the material aspect is automatically served
- There are two souls within this body. That is stated in the Vedic literature. Just like two birds on one tree. So the living entity, the individual soul, is there. He is also one bird. And the Supersoul, or God, is also there
- There is no possibility of maintaining the body permanently or eternally. Antavanta ime deha nityasyoktah saririnah. This is the statement of Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.18). The material body is antavat (perishable), but the soul within the body is eternal
- There is spiritual division also, because we are combination of matter and spirit. I am the soul. I am living within this material body. This is actual position
- They cannot understand that because there is soul within the child, therefore child is becoming boy. As soon as there is no soul, the child does not become a boy. This simple philosophy they cannot understand
- This body will be finished, everyone knows. But the spirit soul within the body, that will not finish. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). That is spiritual education in the beginning
- This consciousness formula is very simple to understand. Anyone can understand. Just like this body, so long the soul is there within this body, there is consciousness. Just like so long the sun is visible, there is heat and sunlight
- This is very important verse. In the previous verse it has been described, dehino 'smin yatha dehe (BG 2.13). Actually, we living entities, we are within the body. The bodily pains and pleasure are not the pains and pleasure of the soul within
- This living spirit remains within the body just like a tiny dose of a potent medicine: the soul spreads its presence all over the body. And thus, we can understand, the sensitivity we experience to even the slightest touch
- Try to understand that within this body there is the soul. The body is called in Sanskrit language, deha. And the soul, which possesses this body, just like I am possessing this body, you are possessing your body. We are all individual persons, soul
- We have many powerful microscopes to see what we cannot see with our limited vision, but there is no microscope that can show us the soul within the body. Nevertheless, the soul is there
- We have no brain, we are all not very intelligent. But we can understand if there is the active principle soul within this body, there must be a Supersoul within this huge structure of body
- When perfect knowledge is expanded, one ceases to see the outward covering of the living entity. He sees, rather, the spirit soul within the body. Thus he does not make distinctions between a human being and an animal, a learned brahmana and a candala
- Within the body is the atma, the soul, whereas the various parts of the body like the hands and legs are external
- Within the material body is the spirit soul, but we cannot see it with the material eyes. When we see a body full of spiritual energy, it is very difficult for us to understand how the spiritual energy can have a body
- You analyze the body, but you won't find the real soul or real life, although it is within you. But why you cannot find? It is very, very small
- You can just see that that minute particle of the soul within this body, how wonderful things we are doing. Everything, whatever material manifestation, at least in this world