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Pages in category "Personal"
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- A demoniac person believes in the strength of his personal work, not in the law of karma. BG 1972 purports
- A devotee may construct a temple for the Lord, and for that he may take all kinds of anxiety, but he does not construct a big house for his personal relations
- A devotee should be tolerant and should be very much compassionate toward others. For example, if he suffers personal injury, he should tolerate it, but if someone else suffers injury, the devotee need not tolerate it
- A devotee should engage himself exclusively for the satisfaction of Krsna, without personal motives. That will make his life successful
- A devotee situated in Krsna consciousness knows that devotional service to Krsna can relieve a person from all the problems of life. He has personal experience of this & therefore he wants to introduce this system, Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- A diseased person is recommended to worship the sun-god; a person wanting education may worship the goddess of learning, Sarasvati; and a person wanting a beautiful wife may worship the goddess Uma, the wife of Lord Siva. BG 1972 purports
- A few months during the summer season people can visit this place (Badarikasrama) at great personal inconvenience. There are four dhamas or God's kingdoms which represent the planets of the spiritual sky which consists of the brahmajyoti & the Vaikunthas
- A Krsna conscious person well knows that everything belongs to Krsna, and thus he is always free from feelings of personal possession. BG 1972 purports
- A living entity who wants to enjoy on his personal account and not cooperate with the Supreme Lord is engaged in materialistic life. As soon as he dovetails his enjoyment with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is engaged in spiritual life
- A loving, chaste wife and loving husband desire all welfare for each other in separation and do not care for personal happiness. Desiring only each other's well-being, such a pair certainly meet again without delay
- A nitya-siddha is one who is eternally Krsna's associate, an expansion of Krsna's personal body, whereas a sadhana-siddha is an ordinary human being who, by executing pious activities and following regulative principles of DS, also comes to that stage
- A person engaged in such pure devotional service neither desires anything for sense gratification, nor laments for any loss, nor hates anything, nor enjoys anything on his personal account, nor becomes very enthusiastic in material activity
- A preacher must face many impediments. Not only is he sometimes cursed, but sometimes he must also suffer personal injury
- A pure devotee does not think in terms of his personal gain or loss because he is fully surrendered to the Lord. He is concerned only with the service of the Lord and always engages in that service, and for this reason his heart is the Lord's home
- A pure devotee is never attracted by sense gratification, and he is liberated. In material life a person engages in sense gratification for his own personal satisfaction, but in the devotional or liberated life one aims to satisfy the senses of the Lord
- A rich man constructs a big house by spending his energy in the shape of resources, and similarly he destroys a big house by his resources, but the maintenance is always under his personal care
- Above the impersonal feature is the Paramatma, or the Supersoul, and above that is the Supreme Personality. Srimad-Bhagavatam gives information about the personal qualities of the Absolute Truth, qualities which are beyond the impersonal aspect
- Accompanied by His personal associates and Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu circumambulated the altar of Jagannatha. The Lord then departed on His South Indian tour
- Accompanied by His personal associates, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu washed and swept the Gundica temple, cleansing it as usual
- Accompanied by his personal staff, the King also came there and watched from a distance, and all the queens watched from the elevated parts of the palace
- According to Lord Caitanya, those who try to give personal interpretations to the Vedic statements are not at all intelligent. They mislead their followers by inventing their own interpretations
- According to spiritual communism, one cannot possess more than he needs for his personal maintenance. That is the law of nature
- According to the example set by Rupa Gosvami, whatever possessions one has, one should give fifty percent for Krsna and twenty-five percent for one's relatives, who will also expect something, and one should keep twenty-five percent for personal emergency
- According to the Visva-prakasa Sanskrit dictionary, there are seven synonyms for the word atmarama, which are as follows: (1) Brahman (the Absolute Truth), (2) body, (3) mind, (4) endeavor, (5) endurance, (6) intelligence and (7) personal habits
- According to Vedic system, marriage is a long program. The father of the girl and the boy first of all select. Then their horoscope should be consulted, how they will mix together, and then the family, then personal qualification, so many things
- Acts of sense gratification may be performed under the cover of public welfare, nationalism, religion, altruism, ethical codes, Biblical codes, health directives, fruitive action, bashfulness, tolerance, personal comfort, liberation from material bondage
- After all this consideration (horoscope, how they will mix together, the family, personal qualification), when everything is satisfactory, then the father and mother of both sides will agree, and they will be married. That is marriage
- After allotting residential quarters there to Rupa Gosvami, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu left. Then all of the Lord's personal associates met Srila Rupa Gosvami
- After surpassing the impersonal brahmajyoti and seeing the personal aspect of the Lord and His most auspicious eternal form, the devotee realizes the Absolute Truth in full
- After taking bath three times in that way, Her (Radharani's) body is covered with shining garments and decorated with Krsna's personal beauty, which is compared to cosmetics. Thus Her beauty constitutes the highest artistry
- After this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu offered flower garlands and sandalwood pulp to all His devoted personal associates
- Again let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. O my Lord, I offer my obeisances hundreds and thousands of times with all affection because by Your personal pastimes You plunge the gopis into an ocean of nectar
- All (five rasas) combine on the platform of conjugal love when the devotee wants to serve the Lord by offering Him his personal body
- All Krsna conscious activities should be undertaken for personal purification (apana sodhite), not for material gain
- All learned scholars cleanse head. Yes. And at least we get relief. A little hair growing is also burdensome. We cleanse. So it is personal convenience. So that is not the point of preaching
- All of them (deities of the temple of the pancopasana) are to be accepted as personal demigods, but they all serve the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- All the activities of a pure devotee are executed on behalf of the Lord (Krsna) because a pure devotee of the Lord has nothing to do for his personal interest. Arjuna's killing was as good as killing by the Lord Himself
- All the commentaries in the market, they are simply presentation of the particular commentator's personal view. That is not Bhagavad-gita. If you want to understand Bhagavad-gita, then you should understand as they are said
- All the demigods presented him with innumerable gifts, and he also expanded his influence upon personally receiving strength from Lord Visnu. Thus he greatly developed the earth
- All the gopis, the personal friends of Srimati Radharani, are equal to Her. Krsna is pleasing to the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, just as the moon is pleasing to the lotus flower
- All these mantras confirm that the Absolute Truth is personal, but the Mayavadis, throwing away the direct meaning, interpret the Absolute Truth as impersonal
- Although a person in bhava is situated in the best position, he does not hanker after honor or personal respect
- Although His (Krsna's) personal abode is Goloka Vrndavana & He is always staying there, still, by His different manifestations of energy and by His plenary expansion, He is present everywhere in all parts of the material and spiritual creation. BG 1972 p
- Although marriage by personal selection or by agreement took place in the past, we find no such thing as divorce by disagreement
- Although one has affection for many persons, different types of ecstatic love awaken according to the nature of one's personal relationships
- Although Sri Advaita Prabhu Himself was powerful enough to do the work, as a submissive servitor He thought that without the personal appearance of the Lord, no one could improve the fallen condition of society
- Although the associates of Radharani do not expect any personal attention from Krsna, Radharani is so pleased with them that She arranges individual meetings between Krsna and the damsels of Vraja
- Although the supreme light is situated in His (God's) personal abode, Vaikuntha or Vrndavana, His light is diffused not only in the spiritual world but beyond that
- Among Vaisnavas there may be some difference of opinion due to everyone's personal identity, but despite all personal differences, the cult of Krsna consciousness must go on
- An ideal king thoroughly trained by culture and devotional service with the martial spirit makes a perfect king. Such a personal monarchy is far better than the so-called democracy of no training and responsibility
- An irresponsible king takes the royal position to be his personal property and misuses his treasury for sense gratification
- Any cruel person - be he a man, woman or impotent eunuch - who is only interested in his personal maintenance and has no compassion for other living entities may be killed by the king. Such killing can never be considered actual killing
- Any way do not disturb them (the Bengalis) or any one about their personal affairs but give every one the chance of joining us in Kirtan that will pave the path of Krishna Consciousness. You are intelligent enough and I hope you will understand me right
- Anyone who follows in the footsteps of Kaviraja Gosvami also accepts the lotus feet of the above-mentioned lords (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda, Advaita Prabhu, Svarupa Damodara, Rupa Gosvami, Raghunatha dasa) as his personal property
- Anyone who has accepted Daksa as the most important personality and neglected Lord Siva because of envy is less intelligent and, because of visualizing in duality, will be bereft of transcendental knowledge
- Anything you do for satisfaction of Krsna, that is good work. This is the division of bad work and good work. The same thing, if you do for your personal satisfaction, it is bad work
- Arjuna appeared to be bereft of his bodily luster, and thus the King (Yudhisthira) inquired of his personal welfare and asked so many vital questions
- Arjuna has accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the supreme abode of all living entities, not only because of his personal experience but also because of the evidences of great authorities like Narada, Asita, Devala & Vyasa. BG 1972 p
- Arjuna was in the beginning not willing to fight. That was his personal satisfaction. He was considering in terms of his personal satisfaction. But later on, the same Arjuna, he wanted to satisfy Krsna, and he fought and he became a great devotee
- Arjuna, a personal friend of Krsna, he was in difficulty - there was a fight between him and his brothers. So this world is full of difficulties. But the devotee, when he's in difficulty, he does not express it
- As explained in Gautamiya-tantra: "Lust means attachment to one's personal sense gratification. But as far as Radharani and Her associates are concerned, they did not desire personal sense gratification. They only wanted to satisfy Krsna."
- As for their (the Yadu dynasty's) military strength, it is said that King Ugrasena alone had ten quadrillion soldiers as personal bodyguards
- As in your personal mind you see, you accept something immediately and again reject, "No, no, it is not good." The same thing is going on in a bigger scale. That's all
- As soon as one is freed from all the dirt of material contamination, as Maharaja Yayati was, one's original position as an associate of the Lord is revealed. This is called svarupa-siddhi, or personal perfection
- As soon as personal motivation comes in it is not possible for one to understand our Krishna Consciousness philosophy
- As soon as there is some personal interpretation (in the carried message of authority), the message is lost and the instructions become offensive. A person who interprets the scriptures according to his own whims should be immediately rejected
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.8), paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam: the Lord appears in order to protect the devotees and kill the demons. This was fully exhibited by His personal behavior
- As stated in Vedic literature, Brahman, or the Supreme Absolute Truth, is that from which everything is emanating. Krsna is Parabrahman, the Supreme Spirit. Brahman is impersonal and Parabrahman is personal. BG 1972 purports
- As such, it is not befitting that the guru's servant should engage in My personal service. Yet My spiritual master has given this order. What shall I do
- At the end he (Vidura) was again received by the denizens of Pitrloka & posted in his original position. The demigods are also associates of the Lord without personal touch whereas the direct associates of the Lord are in constant personal touch with Him
- At the utmost we can only gratify our personal whims by some pseudo-adaptation of this (Meditation) system
- At Varanasi there was a Maharashtriyan brahmana who used to come daily to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This brahmana was simply astonished to see the Lord's personal beauty and ecstatic love for Krsna
- Atheistic kings or state executive heads, try to equip themselves with all kinds of deadly weapons to bring about a war in a peaceful society. They have no ambition other than personal aggrandizement, and thus mother earth feels overburdened
- Because Arjuna was the Lord's affectionate devotee, the Lord did all this Himself without personal anxiety by Arjuna. That is the way of the devotional service to the Lord
- Because they are ultimately impersonalists, their uttering of the personal name has no potency
- Because you have worked so hard for Krishna, making all sacrifice without any personal selfish motive, therefore you are making such nice advancement in spiritual life. Thank you very much for helping me in this preaching work
- Before His personal appearance, the Lord causes some of His devotees to appear as His mother, father and intimate associates. He then appears later as if He were taking birth and growing from a baby to a child and gradually into a youth
- Before the time of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the suvarna-vanik class was condemned by Ballal Sena, who was then the King of Bengal, due to a personal grudge
- Being cleared of all sins, the hearer gradually becomes liberated from mundane association and becomes attracted to the features of the Lord. Narada Muni has just explained this by his personal experience
- Being in the disciplic succession of Prahlada Maharaja certainly we are not interested for our personal liberation as much as we want to work for the liberation of the conditioned souls because Krishna desires it
- Being materially advanced means taking birth in an aristocratic family and possessing great wealth, an education and attractive personal beauty
- Being perfect in the Lord's devotional service, he could execute his prescribed duties with complete perfection as befitted the time and circumstance and his financial strength and personal ability. The word karmani here (SB 4.22.50) is significant
- Besides her (Devahuti's) personal beauty, she was the daughter of Emperor Svayambhuva and sister of King Uttanapada. Who could refuse the hand of such a girl?
- Bewildered by the personal potency of Lord Krsna, a terrible quarrel arose among them
- Bhakti means sravanam kirtanam visnoh, chanting and hearing about Lord Visnu. Impersonalists cannot be purified, for they do not offer personal prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Both demons and demigods, have been born of the same father, Kasyapa, and thus we are related as brothers. But now we are exhibiting our personal prowess in dissension. Therefore we request You to settle our dispute and divide the nectar equally among us
- Both Kasisvara and Govinda were personal servants of Isvara Puri. After Isvara Puri’s demise, Kasisvara went to visit all the holy places of India. Following the orders of his spiritual master, Govinda immediately went to Sri Caitanya for shelter
- Brahma is the personal representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the source of transcendental sound and is therefore above the conception of manifested and unmanifested
- Brahma said, "As it is described in Brahma-samhita, the brahmajyoti is nothing but Your personal bodily effulgence. There are many Visnu incarnations & incarnations of Your different qualities, but all those incarnations are not on the same level"
- Brahma said, "If one understands You through Your personal teachings, as stated in the BG, or through Your pure devotees, as stated in SB - if one realizes that You are the ultimate goal of understanding - he need no longer fear this material existence"
- Brahma said, "Just see my impudence! I wanted to supersede You (Krsna) by my own personal power, and I was very puffed up with this tiny power of mine"
- Brahmaji believed in this art of bhakti-yoga; he believed in the instruction of the Lord to execute tapa, & he discharged the function with great penance & thus achieved the great success of seeing the Vaikunthalokas & the Lord also by personal experience
- Brahmaji does not want to become a speculator dependent on the strength of his personal knowledge and conditioned to material bondage
- By following scriptural injunctions one may enhance his appreciation for the glories of the Lord, but there is no chance for one to enter into personal dealings with Him
- By his (Sanatana Gosvami's) personal behavior he taught how one should act in the renounced order, completely devoted to the service of the Lord
- By His left side is Srimati Radharani and Her personal friends. With them Lord Govinda enjoys the rasa-lila and many other pastimes
- By His personal expansion, He is manifested in various forms like Lord Rama, Nrsimhadeva, Visnumurti and all the predominating Deities in the Vaikuntha planets. The separated expansions, the living entities, are eternally servitors. BG 1972 purports
- By Krsna's grace, Arjuna has personal experience, intelligence and knowledge and whatever else a person may have through all these agencies, and he has understood Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- By one's personal attempts, therefore, one cannot get free from the clutches of material nature. One has to accept a bona fide spiritual master and work according to his direction
- By the nectar of His personal glance, the cloud known as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu poured water upon the garden of Gauda-desa and revived the people, who were like creepers and plants burning in the forest fire of material existence
- Caitanya continued, "If one considers the Supreme Personality of Godhead in both features, he can actually understand the Absolute Truth. He knows that the personal understanding is stronger because we see that everything is full of variety"
- Caitanya continues, "This is the natural result of intense love of Godhead. The devotee does not consider personal inconveniences or impediments. In all circumstances he wants to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- Certainly Bhagavad-gita was never meant for the demonic persons, who would dissipate its value for no one's benefit and would devise all types of interpretations according to personal whims. BG 1972 purports
- Classes and personal study should be undertaken penetratingly
- Concentrated selfishness centers around the personal body - this is generally seen amongst the lower animals
- Continual perfect love of Godhead is called sthayi-bhava, and when it is performed in a particular type of transcendental relationship it is called anubhava. But the stage of mahabhava is visible amongst the personal pleasure potential energies
- Dasa means servant, and go means senses. And if you are master of the senses, then you are gosvami. Every word has meaning. So without being fit, we should not use this word as personal designation
- Devotee hasn't got any personal decision. That is the process of Krsna consciousness. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh. We should decide by the order of Krsna through the disciplic succession, via media, the spiritual master. That is required
- Dhruva Maharaja's closing the holes of his personal body and thereby closing the breathing holes of the total universe clearly indicates that a devotee, by his personal DS, can influence all the people of the whole world to become devotees of the Lord
- Distribution of personal wealth is very instructive for all who desire to be elevated in spiritual knowledge
- Divided his (Sri Rupa Gosvami's) money, giving fifty percent to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas and twenty-five percent to his kutumba (family members), and keeping twenty-five percent for personal emergencies
- Dr. Radhakrishnan interprets: It is not the personal Krsna to whom we have to give ourselves up utterly but the Unborn, Beginningless, Eternal who speaks through Krsna
- Draupadi is sympathetic. That is Vaisnava. She is Vaisnavi. This is the attitude of the Vaisnava. Para-duhkha-duhkhi. Vaisnava is para-duhkha-duhkhi. That is Vaisnava's qualification. He doesn't care for his own personal distresses
- Due to a poor fund of knowledge, the impersonalist does not believe in the personal management of things as they are. But in this verse (SB 3.9.16) it is clearly explained that everything is personal and nothing is impersonal
- Due to their (Prabhupada's personal family) accepting the posts of zamindars in the Muslim government, they received the title Mullik. Similarly, Rupa, Sanatana and Vallabha were also given the title Mullik. Mullik means - lord
- Each of them (devotees and impersonalists) likes to keep separate from the other because of the ultimate personal and impersonal realizations. Therefore it appears that Srila Sukadeva Gosvami also had no liking for the devotees
- Education does not mean having academic degrees only. One should execute what he has learned in his personal life
- Emperor Bali attained success by surrendering everything unto the Lord, including his personal body
- Especially in this age, because people are interested in hearing Bhagavad-gita from unscrupulous persons who depart from the simple presentation of Bhagavad-gita and distort it for their personal satisfaction, they fail to derive the real benefit
- Even great sages who have no material attachments do not contact him, despite their always being absorbed in meditation to attain his personal contact
- Even if one goes to a temple of the pancopasana, as mentioned above, one should not accept the deities as they are accepted by the impersonalists. All of them are to be accepted as personal demigods, but they all serve the order of the Supreme Personality
- Even my stool, I pass in the WC, and immediately I wash and become purified. Oh, this is my stool, personal, and what to speak of other stool? So stool is impure. But the Vedas say that the stool of cow is pure
- Even the personal associates of the Lord do not know Him perfectly well, so what do the thesis writers or mental speculators know about the transcendental glories of the Lord
- Even though Arjuna was a personal friend of Krsna and the most advanced of learned men, it was still not possible for him to know everything about Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Even though there were many thousands of maidservants (in the palace) equally beautiful and qualified and of the same age, Rukminidevi personally was engaged in fanning Lord Krsna
- Every living entity has an individual soul, his personal individuality and a minute form of independence. By misuse of that independence, one becomes a conditioned soul, and by proper use of independence he is always liberated. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone acts in this world to maintain his family and their paraphernalia, but no one is working without some self-interest, some personal gratification, be it concentrated or extended. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone captures the post for personal gratification, and thus instead of one king, a number of irresponsible kings grow up to tax the citizens
- Everyone engages in some sort of service. If one does not know one's constitutional position, one engages in the service of his personal gross body or his family, society or country
- Everything in the transcendental world, the land, the water, the tree, the mountain, the river, the man, the animal, the bird - everything - is of the same quality, namely cetana, and therefore everything there is individual and personal
- Everything is insignificant in comparison to His (God's) personal, all-defeating transcendental qualities
- Exceptionally qualified daughters of powerful kings were allowed to make a choice of their own bridegrooms in open competition, and such ceremonies were called svayamvara, or personal selection of the bridegroom
- Fifty percent of his accumulated wealth was distributed to the KC persons, namely the brahmanas & the Vaisnavas; twenty-five percent was distributed to relatives; and twenty-five percent was kept against emergency expenditures, personal difficulties
- Fifty percent of one’s money should be distributed to qualified and pure devotees of the Lord. Twenty-five percent may be given to family members, and twenty-five percent may be kept for personal use in case of emergency
- Fighting for the country and killing the enemies, that is taken into good account, but fighting for one's personal cause, fighting or killing one man for personal cause, that man is hanged by the laws of the state
- First the student must be able to repeat exactly the words of the guru and then after some time he may be qualified to apply the principles he has learned word-for-word to personal situations
- Following the instructions of Bharata Maharaja, we should act not for our personal satisfaction but for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Following the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Govinda, His personal servant, called for all the poor beggars, who were unhappy due to their poverty, and fed them sumptuously
- For a pure devotee, the conception of Mukunda, Lord Sri Krsna, is both personal and impersonal
- For a Vaisnava sannyasi, renunciation means not accepting anything for personal sense enjoyment. Devotional service means engaging everything for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- For advancement of material knowledge there is a need for personal ability and researching aptitude, but in the case of spiritual knowledge, all progress depends more or less on the mercy of the spiritual master
- For example, one can observe the personal artistic work in a painting of a flower, and one can understand that the color adjustment, the shape and so on have demanded the minute attention of an artist
- For his personal interest there is nothing which is agreeable or disagreeable; everything is done for the Lord, and therefore he (a pure devotee of god) is free from attachment and detachment. That is the transcendental stage of neutrality
- For one who does not take personal training under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master, it is impossible to even begin to understand Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- For the maintenance of the universe, Lord Krsna descends as His personal plenary expansion in the form of Visnu. He is the director of the mode of goodness; therefore He is transcendental to the material energy
- For the Mayapur festival ghee will be supplied by each and every devotee who comes. Everyone should bring one tin of ghee. It can be brought for personal use
- From my personal instance I can explain to you it is my duty, that I am not very wonderful man, but I have tried to execute the order of my spiritual master. Whatever little success you can credit, that is my only qualification
- From Rayarama's letter it is clear that Kirtanananda has not rightly understood Krishna Consciousness philosophy & it appears that he does not know the difference between impersonal & personal features of Krishna
- From the combination of Subhra and his wife, Vikuntha, there appeared the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vaikuntha, along with demigods who were His personal plenary expansions
- From the Lord's personal activities, human society should learn how to give protection specifically to the brahmanas and cows. Then the protection of religious principles, fulfillment of the aim of life and protection of Vedic knowledge can be achieved
- From the statement of Sukracarya (in SB 8.19.33), it appears that he was in all respects a smarta-brahmana interested only in personal gain
- Generally in the Upanisads the Supreme Absolute Truth is described in an impersonal way, but the personal aspect of the Absolute Truth is mentioned in the Isopanisad
- Generally the so-called Bhagavatam reciters are either professional readers or so-called learned impersonalists who cannot enter into the transcendental personal activities of the Supreme Person
- Generally when the associates of the king are quiet and obedient, the king can be happy. Therefore the great sage Angira Rsi inquired about the King's personal health and the good fortune of his seven associates
- Giving too much attention to understanding the exalted glories of the Lord reduces the chance of one’s entering into personal loving affairs with the Lord. To teach the principles of such loving dealings, the Lord decided to appear as Lord Caitanya
- Gopinatha Pattanayaka is a pure devotee who worships You only for Your satisfaction. He does not care about his personal happiness or distress, for that is the business of a materialist
- Government means people in general, they are losing their independence. Personal independence, nil. Russia, cent percent, no personal independence
- Govinda was the personal servant of Isvara Puri, Sri Caitanya's spiritual master, and now Isvara Puri had ordered Govinda to become Sri Caitanya's personal servant. So what was to be done? This was the inquiry of Caitanya placed before Sarvabhauma
- Govinda was the personal servant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Gradually the sincere devotee pleases the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the Supreme Lord reveals Himself. One cannot see the Supreme Lord by making personal efforts
- He (a devotee of God) does not envy his fellow living entities. Here is a contrast between a pure devotee of the Lord and a yogi interested only in his personal elevation. BG 1972 purports
- He (a devotee) does not demand anything from God for his own personal elevation or comfort
- He (a devotee) may construct a temple for the Lord, and for that he may take all kinds of anxiety, but he does not construct a big house for his personal relations. BG 1972 purports
- He (a Krsna conscious person) has no hankering for anything on his own personal account. He knows how to accept things in favor of Krsna consciousness and how to reject things unfavorable to Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- He (a Krsna conscious person) is not even attached to his personal maintenance, for everything is left to Krsna. Nor is he anxious to secure things, nor to protect things already in his possession. BG 1972 purports
- He (a representative of Krsna or spiritual master) simply has to carry the message from the authority as it is without any personal interpretation
- He (Agnidhra) mistook her (Purvacitti) for a muni-putra, the son of a saintly person in the forest, and addressed her as muni-varya. Because of her personal beauty, however, he could not believe her to be a boy
- He (Arjuna) was a personal friend of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is a highly elevated position and is one that cannot be at all attained by one without great qualifications
- He (Bilvamangala Thakura) personally realized Krsna through bhakti and wrote of his personal experience. He wrote, - Mukti is not a very important thing. She is always at my service with folded hands, saying, 'My dear sir, what can I do for you
- He (Caitanya) also told him about the Lord's conjugal love, His personal opulence and the mellows of devotional service. All these truths were explained to Sanatana Gosvami by the Lord Himself out of His causeless mercy
- He (Caitanya) cleansed the (Gundica) temple with firm conviction, as is evident from His using His own personal garments for cleaning
- He (Durvasa Muni) could understand the influence of a Vaisnava by personal experience. Durvasa Muni was certainly a great yogi and a very learned brahmana, but despite his being a real yogi he was unable to understand the influence of a Vaisnava
- He (Isvara Puri) accepted Govinda, although the boy was born in a sudra family. When Govinda was initiated, he became a brahmana and was accepted as Isvara Puri’s personal servant
- He (King Bhismaka) was hospitable not only to Krsna, Balarama and kings such as Jarasandha but also to many other kings and princes according to their personal strength, age and material possessions
- He (Krsna) can understand that Arjuna wants to see the universal form to convince others. He did not have any personal desire for confirmation. BG 1972 purports
- He (Lord Krsna) does not require anyone's extraneous help for His personal satisfaction. Therefore, the queens could not satisfy the Lord by their feminine attractiveness, but they satisfied Him by their sincere affection and service
- He (Lord Krsna) expands Himself as Paramatma in everyone's heart by His inconceivable energy, and He also expands Himself as the glowing effulgence of brahma-jyotir by expansion of His personal glow
- He (Maharaja Drupada) arranged for Draupadi's personal selection of a groom who could pierce the eye of a fish hanging on the ceiling
- He (Pariksit) desired the imminent calamity to fall on him and not on his family members. A man's personal misconduct affects all his family members. Maharaja Pariksit desired the calamity to fall on him alone
- He (Rupa Goswami) was very rich man; he was minister. When he retired, fifty percent of his money he spent for Krsna, and twenty-five percent he kept reserved for personal emergency, and twenty-five percent he gave to his relatives
- He (the living man) never forgets his personal identity, even though he is placed in awkward circumstances
- He also worshiped many other living entities who presented themselves in the sacrificial arena. With folded hands he worshiped all these, as well as the SPG and the personal associates of the Lord, by offering sweet words and as much wealth as possible
- He cannot place his mind unto Krsna, matir na krsne paratah svato va, either by good advice of guru or personal, svatah; na mithah, nor by meeting, sat-sanga, so-called sat-sanga, because the real disease is grha-vrata
- He has become impersonal. He is simply out of the jurisdiction of personal care. The guru is personal or Krsna is impersonal?
- He kept one-fourth of his wealth with a respectable brahmana. He kept this for his personal safety because he was expecting some legal complications
- He who is described in the yoga-sastras as the indwelling Supersoul (atma antar-yami) is also a plenary portion of Govinda’s personal expansion
- Hearing from an authority is a better experience than gaining personal understanding
- Hearing the greatness of the sankirtana, King Prataparudra went up to the top of his palace and watched the performance with his personal associates
- Here (in CC Madhya 4.134) is an example of a personal benediction by Krsna’s immoral activity. By Gopinatha’s stealing for His devotee, the devotee becomes the most fortunate person within the three worlds
- Hiranyakasipu had been exactly like a fever of meningitis in the head of the three worlds. Thus when the wives of the demigods saw that the great demon had been killed by the personal hands of the SPG, their faces blossomed in great joy
- His (Lord Krsna) personal weapon is the most powerful weapon, greater than the brahmastras or similar other disastrous weapons
- His father even had five watchmen guard him day and night. Four personal servants were employed to look after his comfort, and two brahmanas were employed to cook for him
- Human being, our business is to teach and become ideal ourself. Apani acari prabhu jivere sikhaya (Lord Caitanya). We have to teach by our personal behavior
- I (Bharata) was successful in my attempt, so much so that my mind was always absorbed in devotional service. However, due to my personal foolishness, my mind again became attached - this time to a deer
- I (Krsna) am anxious not only for the gopis but for anyone who sacrifices society, friendship, love and personal comforts for Me. It is My duty to protect such exalted devotees
- I accept your invitation. I will advise Giriraja, my secretary in Bombay to see you in this connection. I wish to take with me my sankirtana party whether you would like to accommodate them. If not then only my personal secretaries, all together five
- I always remember his smiling face and when I was in Hamburg he was my constant companion and my personal attendant also
- I always remember you for your kind personal attention upon me, and most probably, if you are not engaged otherwise, I shall call you when I return back to the States
- I am merely an insignificant jiva, so what power do I have to give directions to You? By Your own personal choice You will meet with the King. I shall see it
- I am not angry. You can beat me with shoes, I am not angry - That is not devotional. You see? But the thing is, a devotee is not angry on his personal account. Just like God also does not become angry on His personal account
- I am requesting my good disciples as much as possible to consult the senior disciples in matter of management, philosophy, and personal problems
- I do not care for my personal happiness or unhappiness, but only for His happiness. Indeed, I accept His happiness as my happiness
- I do not mind My personal distress. I only wish for the happiness of Krsna, for His happiness is the goal of My life. However, if He feels great happiness in giving Me distress, that distress is the best of My happiness
- I have already described the pastime and prakasa forms. Now please hear about the different personal expansions
- I have heard of your compilation of my “Analysis” is well done. It is a good summary for study of Bhagavad-gita. I am having my personal GBC secretary scrutinize it more closely with the idea of presenting it to the BBT Trustees for publication
- I have now converted My body and mind into the ecstasy of Srimati Radharani; thus I am tasting My own personal sweetness in that form
- I know you are always experiencing difficulties in living with devotees, but we must be tolerant and endure the personal differences, being humbler than a blade of grass, and stick to our duties to the spiritual master
- I met (Gandhi) several times, but not as personal interview. But I liked his movement, national movement. Young men, everyone likes politics. Actually, later on, I did not like
- I purchased one motorcar in 1925, Buick car. Not for personal use, but for using it as a taxi. My one nephew, he was a good driver, so my father, "Why don't you give him? He can do that, we can use it our own car, also taxi"
- I shall request you not to circulate all my letters that I address to you. Letters are sometimes personal and confidential, and if all letters are circulated, it may react reversely
- I think for Krishna's sake we shall try to work together even at the risk of little personal inconvenience. Our foremost concern is Krishna. If Krishna's service is well done, then we should try to forget our personal inconveniences
- I think whatever money is received from the Book Fund or for my personal account may be immediately deposited in my savings account No. 12410 with the Equitable Savings Bank at Fairfax and Beverly, and monthly statements may be submitted to me
- I wrote a personal letter to Gandhi that "Mahatma Gandhi, you are recognized all over the world as a very pious man, and you are supposed to be very devotee of Bhagavad-gita
- If a brahmana or Vaisnava sticks to his position as an eternal servant of the Lord and executes the will of the Lord, there is no question of scarcity for his personal maintenance or the needs of his family
- If a human being has personal beauty, a good education and good wealth, and if he is nonetheless not proud of his opulences, it is to be understood that he is especially favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If a man is born in a brahmana family but his personal qualifications are those of a sudra, he should be accepted as a sudra
- If a man is the greatest man in richness, greatest man in power, greatest man in fame, greatest man in knowledge, greatest man in beauty, then where is the impersonality? These are all personal qualification
- If activities are performed for personal satisfaction one is involved in pasanda or atheism but when they are performed for the satisfaction of God, one is following the Vedic principle. All the assembled sages performed sacrifices for one thousand years
- If Christian, Mohammedan or Buddhist religions are personal that is quite welcome. But Krishna religion is personal from a time long, long ago when Christian, Mohammedan and Buddhist religions had not yet come into existence
- If Dr. Radhakrishnan really accepts Lord Krsna as the absolute God, then what inspired him to see another being within Krsna and to write, "It is not the personal Krsna to whom we have to give ourselves up
- If for a small government, three bighas of land, you require a personal governor, and such a huge government, millions and millions of universes, how the governor, the Supreme Person, supreme executive, shall not be a person? What is the reason
- If love of Godhead is elevated to the personal platform, it is called prema-bhakti
- If one continues to offer personal prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is eligible to become a pure devotee and return home, back to Godhead
- If one hears about Him (Lord Caitanya) through books like Sri Caitanya-caritamrta and through the parampara system of pure Vaisnavas, there is no difficulty in becoming a pure Vaisnava, free from mundane desires and personal motivations
- If our purpose is for our personal convenience, for that purpose we shall not pray. But for the convenience of Krishna and the Spiritual Master we should always pray
- If we become fixed up in this resolution, that "Whatever we have heard from my guru, the representative of Krsna, I must execute. I do not care for my personal convenience or inconvenience. This is my life and soul," then your life is perfect
- If we do not decorate Krsna, if we decorate our personal body, then gradually it will be finished. You'll be forced to become naked, what to speak of decoration? This is the way of nature
- If we have to constantly move until we find the situation where there is no personal difficulty in relationships then we may never get down to our real work
- If you decide to remain as brahmacari, then I may call you back for my personal assistance when I return to the States. I was very much pleased with your service. May Krishna bless you more and more
- Impersonal Brahman is situated in the personal aspect - that is stated in Bhagavad-gita. Therefore, originally, Krsna is the source of everything. He is the root. BG 1972 purports
- Impersonalists also become devotees when they are attracted by the personal transcendental qualities of the Lord. The conclusion is that Lord Siva wanted to remain a fixed devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva
- Impersonalists generally give the example of a river flowing into the ocean and merging. This may be a source of happiness for the impersonalist, but the personalist keeps his personal individuality like an aquatic in the ocean. BG 1972 purports
- In explaining Vedanta I (Siva as Sankaracarya) describe the same Mayavada philosophy in order to mislead the entire population toward atheism by denying the personal form of the Lord
- In fact the impersonal and personal realizations develop in proportion to the development of devotional service. The more we develop our devotional service, the more closely we approach the Absolute Truth
- In forms of the Personality of Godhead other than Sri Krsna and Baladeva, there is no facility for intimate personal contact as in the transcendental pastimes of the Lord at Vrajabhumi
- In His other manifestations and personal expansions, there is only a partial exhibition of such qualities. We understand all His personal expansions in this way
- In his poem known as the Gauranga-stava-kalpavrksa, Raghunatha dasa has described his personal deliverance
- In Kali-yuga, the position of the citizens is very horrible because taxes are exacted in so many forms and are spent for the personal comforts of the administrators
- In Krsna consciousness the results of one's activities depend on the will of the Supreme Person. Indeed, in all cases the result is not dependent on one's own personal dexterity but is completely dependent on the will of the Supreme
- In order to see his (Samba's) personal strength, however, they (the members of the Kuru dynasty) fought with him, and without respect for the regulations of fighting, they all arrested him
- In other Dvapara-yugas, previous to Lord Krsna’s appearance, the Supreme Lord appeared in a greenish body by His own personal expansion. This is mentioned in the Visnu Purana, Hari-vamsa and Mahabharata
- In other words, one should not bother about his personal or family maintenance or sustenance. If one is actually surrendered in body and soul, he should always remember that his only concern is to be engaged in the service of the Lord
- In other words, these are all potencies of God - internal, external and marginal. But the internal potency is the Lord's personal energy and stands over the other two
- In our mental activities we should always try to think of Krsna and try to plan how to please Him, following in the footsteps of the great acaryas and the personal spiritual master
- In response to this request (Saubhari Rsi went to King Mandhata and begged for one of the King's daughters), the King said, "O brahmaṇa, any of my daughters may accept any husband according to her personal selection"
- In spite of the father's good will, the son is sometimes misguided because of his misuse of personal independence. Every living entity, however small or big he may be, has the choice of independence
- In that personal abode of the Lord, the material modes of ignorance and passion do not prevail, nor is there any of their influence in goodness
- In the Age of Kali, Lord Krsna assumes a golden color and, accompanied by His personal devotees, introduces hari-nama-sankirtana, the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra. By this process He delivers love for Krsna to the general populace
- In the beginning, the Kumaras were self-realized impersonalists, but gradually they became attracted to the personal pastimes of the Supreme Lord
- In the Bhagavad-gita, the Lord explains His personal rays (brahma-jyotir), the dazzling effulgence of His personal form
- In the brahmana stage, one's understanding of the Absolute Truth is mainly based on the impersonal view. When a brahmana, however, rises to the platform of personal understanding of the Supreme Godhead, he becomes a Vaisnava
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta the pure devotee is called niskama, which means he has no desire for self-interest. Perfect peace belongs to him alone, not to them who strive for personal gain. BG 1972 purports
- In the case of their (personal defamation, curses, negligence) being performed against the Lord and His devotees, then the devotees take very strong action
- In the Gita Lord Krsna gives only a small hint of His personal abode (Goloka Vrndavana) which is the supermost planet in the spiritual kingdom. A vivid description is given in the Brahma-samhita. BG 1972 purports
- In the material world the senses are manipulated for individual and personal satisfaction, whereas in the spiritual world the senses are properly used for the purpose for which they were originally meant, namely the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord
- In the material world there is no such thing as a lover's wanting to please the senses of his beloved. Actually, in the material world, everyone wants mainly to gratify his own personal senses
- In the Mayavada school of philosophy, discussions on pure knowledge can throw some light on the real nature of the Absolute Truth, but they are unable to fully reveal the esoteric and personal aspects of the Supreme Absolute Being
- In the meantime, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, accompanied by His personal associates, met all the Vaisnavas on the road with great jubilation
- In the morning, He was found by His personal devotees. May that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the son of mother Saci, protect us by His transcendental pastimes
- In the morning, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took His personal associates with Him to see Lord Jagannatha at Sundaracala
- In the presence of the great sage Narada, the demons, the inhabitants of Siddhaloka, and his personal associates, Lord Siva, who is most powerful, spoke to his wife, Parvati, while they all listened
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is also confirmed by Prahlada Maharaj that merely by personal efforts or by the instructions of higher authorities one cannot attain to the stage of devotional service
- In the tad-ekatma-rupa there are pastime expansions (vilasa) and personal expansions (svamsa). Consequently there are two divisions. According to pastime and personal expansion, there are various differences
- In the Vaikuntha planets the land, the trees, the fruits and flowers and the cows - everything - is completely spiritual and personal. The trees are desire trees
- In this age, husband and wife means sex satisfaction, personal. There is no question of that "We shall live together; we shall satisfy Krsna by being trained up how to satisfy Krsna." That is Krsna consciousness movement
- In this connection (Krsna thought of making His own body disappear), Sukadeva Gosvami described how the Lord gave up His body. But this was not the destruction of Krsna's body; rather, it was the disappearance of the Supreme Lord by His personal energy
- In this material world, the conception of self-preservation is the first law of nature. According to this conception, one should be interested in his personal safety and should then consider society, friendship, love, nationality, community and so on
- In this regard (various names of the demigods, Brahma, Siva, Indra & so on are not personal names; they are names of different posts), we understand that Lord Visnu sometimes becomes Brahma or Indra when there is no suitable person to occupy these posts
- In those Vaikuntha planets there are many forests which are very auspicious. In those forests the trees are desire trees, and in all seasons they are filled with flowers and fruits because everything in the Vaikuntha planets is spiritual and personal
- Influenced by his personal bodily luster, all the fire-gods and other participants in that great assembly, with the exceptions of Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, gave up their own sitting places and stood in respect for Daksa
- Instead of satisfying one's own personal material senses, he has to satisfy the senses of the Lord. That is the highest perfection of life. The Lord wants this, and He demands it. One has to understand this central point of Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Preface
- Irresponsible work is carried out in the light of one's personal experience. This is called illusion. And all such illusory work is a product of the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- It (when a devotee thinks of Him as his pet son, personal friend or most dear fiance) is pure and natural love of Godhead, spontaneously aroused in the absolute stage
- It is a natural psychology in every individual case that a person likes to hear and enjoy his personal glories enumerated by others. That is a natural instinct
- It is impossible to check this wheel of time. This wheel is very exacting because it is the personal weapon of the SPG. Sometimes the conditioned soul, fearing the approach of death, wants to worship someone who can save him from imminent danger
- It is instructed in the sastras that one should follow the great authority and the infallible Lord without any personal motive and manufactured ideology
- It is instructed in the sastras the one should follow the great authority and the infallible Lord without any personal motive and manufactured ideology
- It is natural for those who have developed intense love for Krsna not to care for personal inconvenience and impediments
- It is not that he (a pure devotee) thinks of becoming one with the Supreme and attaining liberation. Rather, his liberation lies in his personal relationship with the Supreme Lord Himself
- It is said that he (Subhananda) ate the foam that came out of the mouth of the Lord while He danced before the Ratha-yatra car. Isana was the personal servant of Srimati Sacidevi, who showered her great mercy upon him. He was also very dear to Caitanya
- It is simply foolish to think of the Lord as being originally impersonal but accepting a material body when He appears as a personal incarnation. Whenever the Lord appears, He appears in His original transcendental form, which is spiritual and blissful
- It is stated by God Himself that devotional service to His devotees is better than service offered directly to Him. Sometimes the sahajiya class of devotees are interested only in Krsna's personal pastimes to the exclusion of activities of the devotees
- It is stated that as the personal attendants and maidservants of a queen follow the queen with all respect & obeisances, similarly the joys of religiousness, economic development, sense gratification, liberation follow the devotional service of the Lord
- It is the duty of the king to look after the comforts of the citizens, even at the cost of his own personal convenience. This is not the case, however, in Kali-yuga
- It is the general practice of all saintly people to deliver the fallen. Therefore they go to people's houses, although they have no personal business there
- It is very difficult for a person who is too materially affected to understand the personal nature of the Supreme Absolute Truth
- It is very difficult for a person who is too materially affected to understand the personal nature. BG 1972 purports
- It should be noted herewith (in SB 4.6.47) that a Vaisnava should not tolerate the blaspheming of Visnu or Vaisnavas, although he should tolerate personal insults to himself
- It was a personal affair, and therefore Samika Rsi knew that the King (Maharaja Pariksit) would not take counteraction. Thus there was no alternative than to place an appeal to the Lord for the immature boy
- Just as Isopanisad indicates, the Supreme Absolute Truth is both impersonal and personal eternally, but His personal aspect is more important than the impersonal one
- Just as physicians are always present in all countries and at all times, so also brahmanas or ksatriyas are always present in every part of the earth, by dint of personal and practical qualifications
- Just as Srimati Radharani inquired from Her personal friend Visakha, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, reciting that very verse, began speaking like a madman
- Just like a dog is also jumping, a man is also jumping. This is going on. But that is not civilization. Real civilization means these things are to be acquired in real life, personal life; then that is civilization
- Just like your coat and shirt cannot have hands and legs without you having your hands and legs; similarly, this material body which is considered as dress means it has developed on the personal body of the spiritual form. This is called savisesa-vada
- Karmi is working so hard, day and night; he is expecting that "I shall get some money out of it and I shall enjoy." And sannyasi, he is working in the same way, day and night, but he is not expecting the profit for his personal use. For Krsna
- Kindly remain there and teach Upanandadas by nice example and work together with the devotees there. If we work hard for Krsna without personal consideration or ambition, then we are assured of success
- King Gaya gave full protection and security to the citizens so that their personal property would not be disturbed by undesirable elements. He also saw that there was sufficient food to feed all the citizens. (This is called posana)
- King Nagnajit presented himself before the Lord, "You (Krsna) are self-sufficient and pleased with Your personal opulences, so how can I offer You anything? And how could I please You by such an offering?"
- King Prthu continued: My dear devotees, headed by the suta, just now I am not very famous for my personal activities because I have not done anything praiseworthy you could glorify
- Krsna continued, "In comparison to Sisupala, with his personal qualities, I am nothing. And you (Rukmini) may personally realize it. I am surprised that you rejected the marriage with Sisupala and accepted Me, who am inferior in comparison to Sisupala"
- Krsna expands Himself in many forms. Some of them are personal expansions, and some are separate expansions. Thus He performs pastimes in both the spiritual and the material worlds
- Krsna has now explained about the personal, the impersonal and the universal and has described all kinds of devotees and yogis. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna Himself is the SPG, Bhagavan; the localized Paramatma is His plenary partial expansion; and the all-pervading Brahman effulgence is the personal rays of His transcendental body. Therefore Krsna is always one, & for Him there is no differentiation
- Krsna is fully represented with all potencies in each and every personal extension, but the living entities, although separated expansions, are also considered one of the Lord's energies
- Krsna is the nondual Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although He is one, He maintains different personal expansions and energies for His pastimes
- Krsna says: "My dear Arjuna, you are My friend, personal friend, and you are proposing this, which is befitting to the anarya"
- Krsna was not attracted by the opulence or personal beauty of the gopis but by their pure devotional service. Similarly, the gopis were attracted to Krsna as a cowherd boy, not in sophisticated guise
- Krsna was now able to turn His attention from the attack of Lord Siva to the efforts of Banasura, and He began to kill Banasura's personal soldiers with swords and clubs
- Krsna's personal instructions are needed in order to understand the Personality of Godhead as the Supreme Absolute Truth. Bhagavad-gita is the evidence of such transcendental knowledge in gist
- Krsna's personal servant, Daruka, seeing Krsna at the door of Dvaraka, forgot to offer Him respects with folded hands
- Krsna, in other words, means everything and includes everything. Generally, however, we should understand Krsna to mean Krsna and His personal expansions
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja, placing himself in a helpless condition, states that he has no personal power, but by the desire of Caitanya & expressed through the Vaisnavas, it is possible for him to cross a transcendental ocean to present Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
- Krsnaloka, as above mentioned (in LOB 47), is the residence of the Personality of Godhead, the original Transcendence. The glowing effulgence emanating from Krsnaloka is the personal glow of the Lord
- Last and ultimate feature is Krsna's personal body, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah. Vigrahah means form. That form is not like ours. That is sat, cit, ananda
- Let this life be dedicated for satisfying Krsna's senses. That is Krsna consciousness. One life. We have, several lives, we have tried to satisfy our personal senses. Let this life, at least one life, let me try, what happens
- Lord Balarama heard that although most of the ksatriyas had been killed, the Kurus were still engaged in fighting. Therefore He returned to the battlefield just on the day Bhimasena and Duryodhana were engaged in a personal duel
- Lord Brahma presented himself to Lord Krsna as the most presumptuous living creature because he wanted to examine the wonder of His personal power. He stole the boys and calves of the Lord in order to see how the Lord would recover them
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was Krsna Himself, and we should take this to be Krsna's indication of our proper work. But we should be careful to present Bhagavad-gita as it is, without personal interpretation or motivation
- Lord Caitanya quotes one important verse from Bs: "I worship the SPG, by whose personal effulgence the unlimited brahmajyoti is manifested. In that brahmajyoti there are innumerable universes, and each is filled with innumerable planets - Bs 5.40
- Lord Caitanya was very strict in advising His followers in this matter of celibacy. One of His personal attendants, Chota Haridasa, was severely punished by Lord Caitanya because of his failure to observe the vow of celibacy
- Lord Caitanya's behavior is very significant. It shows that a Vaisnava may be very tolerant and meek, foregoing everything for his personal honor, but when it is a question of the honor of Krsna or His devotee, he will not tolerate any insult
- Lord Jesus Christ said that for your (people of Christian community) sinful activities he has sacrificed himself. That is the determination of devotee of the Lord. They don't care for personal comforts
- Lord Kapila was very satisfied by the request of His glorious mother (Devahuti) because she was thinking not only in terms of her personal salvation but in terms of all the fallen conditioned souls
- Lord Krishna killed his own dynasty under His personal supervision. So certainly Krishna didn't like the idea that future dynasties would be able to identify having Krishna's blood. Krishna has no material blood; neither He is different from His body
- Lord Krsna gives only a little hint in the Gita of His personal abode (Goloka Vrndavana), which is the supermost planet in the spiritual kingdom
- Lord Nityananda Prabhu sat down for supper with His personal associates and made a sitting place on His right side for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Lord Siva is praised by Sati, partially due to her personal respect for Lord Siva, since he is her husband, and partially due to his exalted position, which exceeds that of ordinary living entities, even Lord Brahma
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed a learned brahmana to study Srimad-Bhagavatam from a personal bhagavata
- Lord Sri Krsna, by His personal example, taught us the importance of cow protection, which is meant not only for the Indian climate but for all human beings all over the universe
- Lord Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appears with His personal entourage once in paraphernalia, just to attract the conditioned souls of the material world
- Love means without any personal profit. If I love God for some profit, that is business; that is not love. Ahaituky apratihata. And such love of God cannot be checked by any material cause
- Lusty desire refers to the desire to gratify one's personal senses, and transcendental desire refers to the desire for serving the senses of the Lord
- Maharaj Yudhisthira had no such material desire; he executed all sacrifices under the direction of Krsna, and not to take any personal advantage from them
- Maharaja Pariksit was pious according to the scriptural codes, whereas the modern politician goes by his personal belief and sentiments
- Maharaja Pariksit, as a result of his wholehearted attraction for Lord Krsna, was able to give up all deep-rooted affection for his personal body, his wife, his children, his palace etc
- Maharaja Prthu's philanthropic activities were not for the sake of show but were performed out of personal feeling and commitment. All philanthropic activities should be thus performed
- Maharaja Prthu's speech was very beautiful, full of metaphorical language, clearly understandable and very pleasing to hear. His words were all grave and certain. It appears that when he spoke, he expressed his personal realization of the Absolute Truth
- Maharaja Prthu, although situated in the transcendental position of a pure devotee, came down to the position of brahmana and ksatriya for the benefit of human society and thus gave protection to the entire world by his personal prowess
- Maharaja Yudhisthira admits this truth (ultimate sanction for all success rests in the hands of the Supreme Lord) in his personal success, and it behooves one to follow in the footsteps of a great king and devotee of the Lord to make life a full success
- Maitreya is addressed as bhagavan because he was spiritually far advanced. He was a personal friend of Dvaipayana Vyasadeva, a literary incarnation of the Lord
- Man can attain the highest perfection of life by worshiping God & by performing sacrifice for the sake of the Supreme Lord, who is all-pervading and by whose control every living being acquires his desired facilities, according to his personal propensity
- Manifesting His personal potency, Advaita Acarya floated about on the water, carrying Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Many other commentators due to poor fund of knowledge tamper with the lines of Bhagavad-gita and twist the meaning for their personal motives, but we do not do like that. We present it exactly as it is; without any additions or subtractions
- Material desire arises when one wants to satisfy one's personal senses
- Materialists who try to get the favor of the goddess of fortune only to possess her for personal enjoyment are frustrated. Theirs is not a good policy
- Matir na krsne svatah. Svatah means by his personal mental speculation. Just like many philosophers are thinking to reach the Absolute Truth beyond this limitation. That is called svatah, by personal speculation
- May the Supreme Personality of Godhead's holy names, His transcendental forms, His carriers and all the weapons decorating Him as personal associates protect our intelligence, senses, mind and life air from all dangers
- Mitravinda said, "My dear Draupadi, there was a great assembly of princes at my svayamvara ceremony (the personal selection of a husband). Lord Krsna was also present in that meeting, and He accepted me as His maidservant"
- My dear father, what is the source of your knowledge? Under whose protection are you standing? And under whom are you working? What is your real position? Do you alone create all entities with material elements by your personal energy
- My dear Lord - Prahlada began - I am not very anxious for my own deliverance. At this point we may contrast this attitude with that of the Mayavadi philosophers who are very careful that their personal salvation is never interrupted
- My dear Lord, I can understand that You have assumed the ecstasy and bodily complexion of Srimati Radharani. By accepting this, You are tasting Your own personal transcendental humor and have therefore appeared as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- My dear Lord, You have descended in this incarnation of Lord Caitanya for Your own personal reasons. You have come to taste Your own spiritual bliss, and at the same time You are transforming the whole world by spreading the ecstasy of love of Godhead
- Naradaji has therefore explained the nature of unalloyed devotional service by his personal experience in the development of intimacy between the Lord and the living entity by a gradual process of progressive devotional activities
- Neither group (the impersonalist Sankarites of Varanasi and the Buddhists of Saranatha) agrees to accept the existence of a personal God
- Niraham does not mean that the Supreme Lord has no identity. Rather, the stress given by the word aham proves strongly that He does have His personal identity because nir not only means "negative" but also means "strong ascertainment"
- No one can render devotional service to an impersonal entity because such service implies a reciprocal personal relationship between the servant and the master
- None of the activities are personal affairs. It comes only through the proper channel, otherwise each and every activity is directly connected with Krsna
- Not a single paisa for personal use. Everything is utilized for propagating God consciousness. So in this way everything can be utilized. After all, it is God's property
- Not only does a pure devotee purify his own personal existence, but whoever becomes his disciple also becomes purified and is ultimately able to enter the kingdom of God without difficulty
- Not personal satisfaction, Krsna's satisfaction. That is Krsna consciousness. Whatever you do, it doesn't matter. You have to test it, whether you are doing it for Krsna. That is your perfection
- O lord, you are self-effulgent and supreme. You create this material world by your personal energy, and you assume the names Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara when you act in creation, maintenance and annihilation
- O Maharaja Yudhisthira, descendant of Pandu, by dint of his personal power, Hiranyakasipu, being situated on the throne of King Indra, controlled the inhabitants of all the other planets
- O my lord, since you are a Prajapati and are personally my instructor in the principles of religion, where is the possibility that all my desires will not be fulfilled?
- O queen of the home, we are not able to act like you, nor could we repay you for what you have done, even if we worked for our entire life or even after death. To repay you is not possible, even for those who are admirers of personal qualities
- O Vyasadeva, you are freed from all sins. Thus I (Narada) have explained my birth and activities for self-realization, as you asked. All this will be conducive for your personal satisfaction also
- Of course modern government, especially democratic government, is impersonal to some extent, but ultimately the chief executive head is a person, and the impersonal feature of government is subordinate to the personal feature
- One cannot attain the highest perfectional stage of devotional service without personal endeavor
- One cannot establish a friendship with the Supreme Lord Ramacandra on the basis of material qualities such as one's birth in an aristocratic family, one's personal beauty, one's eloquence, one's sharp intelligence or one's superior race or nation
- One day Govinda, the personal servant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, went in great jubilation to deliver the remnants of Lord Jagannatha's food to Haridasa Thakura
- One has to get rid of all three stages of attachment to the material world: negligence of spiritual life, fear of a spiritual personal identity, and the conception of void that underlies the frustration of life. BG 1972 purports
- One may argue that Arjuna was acting under the personal direction of Krsna, but, when Krsna is not present, how should one act? BG 1972 purports
- One of the gopis, namely Srimati Radharani, was so much absorbed in thoughts of Krsna by dint of Her personal touch with Him that She actually began to talk with a bumblebee which was flying there and trying to touch Her lotus feet
- One should be interested in his personal safety & should then consider society, friendship, love, nationality, community & so on, which have all developed because of the bodily conception of life and a lack of knowledge of the spirit soul. This is ajnana
- One should be very meek and humble in his personal transactions, and if insulted a Vaisnava should be tolerant and not angry
- One should follow the path of Bhagavad-gita as it is expressed in the Gita itself and beware of self-interested people after personal aggrandizement who deviate others from the actual path. BG 1972 purports
- One should never pass over the honor due to an elderly spiritual master in the interests of one's own personal gain and fame. Impertinence on the part of the pseudo spiritual master is very risky to progressive spiritual realization
- One should not meditate according to one's personal whims
- One should read Bhagavad-gita very scrutinizingly with the help of a person who is a devotee of Sri Krsna and try to understand it without personally motivated interpretations. The example of clear understanding is there in the Bhagavad-gita itself
- One should sincerely try to bring himself (the GBC member) to the stage of devotional service motivated by pure love of Krsna, and our personal example must set a guide for them (the new and old students)
- One should study the Vedas with faith, not only for one's personal knowledge, but for the sake of spreading this knowledge and these activities through real faith in the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the Vedas
- One who is dazzled by the effulgence of the impersonal brahma-jyotir cannot know the personal transcendence; therefore in the Isopanisad it is prayed that the Lord shift His dazzling effulgence so that the devotee can see the real reality
- One who is in personal touch with Krishna, their spiritual bliss is incomparable. The spiritual bliss derived from impersonalist realization is just like a drop of water in the presence of the Atlantic Ocean. That is the difference
- One who is Krsna conscious is a perfect yogi; he is aware of everyone's happiness and distress by dint of his own personal experience. BG 1972 purports
- One who joins with an ulterior purpose, to get material benefit or personal gratification, will never be able to grasp the philosophy of this (Krsna consciousness) movement
- One who takes sex life to be supreme finds action in Krsna consciousness confusing. Either due to his own personal consideration or due to his having taken instructions from others or conferring with them
- One who thinks himself lower than grass, who is more tolerant than a tree, and who does not expect personal honor but is always prepared to give respect to others can very easily always chant the holy name of the Lord - CC Adi 17.31
- One who thinks himself lower than grass, who is more tolerant than a tree, and who does not expect personal honor but is always prepared to give respect to others can very easily always chant the holy name of the Lord - CC Antya 6.239
- One's accumulated wealth may be divided into three parts for distribution, namely fifty percent for the service of the Lord, twenty-five percent for the family members and twenty-five percent for personal necessities
- One's position should be established by personal qualifications and not by birth
- Only brahmanas may engage in Deity worship, and they may accept as prasada whatever people offer the Deity. Although a brahmana may sometimes accept charity, it is not for his personal maintenance but for the worship of the Deity
- Only one who is completely surrendered at the lotus feet of the SP of G, depending fully on Him for personal maintenance or even for maintenance of his family, can attain perfection by recitation of SB, which is full of pastimes of God & His devotees
- Only the ignorant person does not know this difference (the living entity is the minute master of his personal affairs whereas the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of everyone's affairs) between the Lord and the living entities
- Only the Krsna conscious person can attain perfection in yoga practice. Nor can one who artificially abstains from eating, manufacturing his own personal process of fasting, practice yoga. BG 1972 purports
- Originally Lord Krsna is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), the transcendental form of eternity, bliss and knowledge; therefore His personal potency, the internal potency, has three different forms
- Our (Prabhupada's) personal family is connected with the Mulliks of Mahatma Gandhi Road in Calcutta, and we often used to visit their Radha-Govinda temple. They belong to the same family as we do
- Our activities may remain the same; we simply have to understand that we are acting for Krsna and not for our personal satisfaction. In this way we can come to our original consciousness and be happy
- Our loving affair begins from personal self to family, from family to society, community, nation, international. But still, it is imperfect unless the circle reaches to the lotus feet of God. Then it is satisfied. Svamin krtartho 'smi varam na yace
- Our personal power or endeavor is not always supreme. We must therefore accept the position offered to us by the order of the Supreme
- Our reality is God realization. There are different stages, I mean to say, direct perception, then receiving knowledge from authority, then personal experience between the two, then above that transcendental, and then, I mean to say, spiritual
- Perception of the disagreeable arises from attachment. A devotee has no personal attachment to anything; therefore for him there is no question of agreeable or disagreeable
- Perfection of desires may be achieved when one desires to serve the Lord, and the Lord also desires that every living entity banish all personal desires and cooperate with His desires. That is the last instruction of the Bhagavad-gita
- Personal activity and responsibility arise from false ego and godlessness, or a lack of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Personal affairs cannot be adjusted by rules and regulation; it can be adjusted by oneself, and then everything will be all right
- Personal grudge is not inhuman and as I have told many times, that individualism is the cause of personal misunderstanding. When such individualism is employed in the center of Krishna there is no harm even if there is personal misunderstanding
- Personal hita-karinau is not high-class Vaisnava - "I shall become liberated. Let me give up everything and sit down." Sometimes that is also good, but sometimes we take it to get cheap adoration from innocent public
- Personal misunderstanding exists even in the higher levels. There is competition of loving Krishna even in the party of Srimati Radharani. It is a kind of rasa to compete in loving affection centering around Krishna
- Personal realization does not mean that one should, out of vanity, attempt to show one's own learning by trying to surpass the previous acarya
- Personal servants of the Deity and the spiritual master should always be very careful, for negligence may overcome them in their duty
- Personal superintendence of the illusory energy is confirmed in the Vedas (Kena Upanisad) in relation to the demigods' controlling power. Herein also it is clearly stated that the living entity is controlled by the external energy in a personal capacity
- Personality of devotee
- Please accept my humble dandabats. As we are eager to meet, I am sending hereby Sriman Satadhanya das to hand over this message: I can send my personal car at any time you like to come here
- Practically speaking, there is no conflict between personalism and impersonalism. BG 1972 purports
- Prahlada Maharaja said, My Lord, I have no personal problems, for I have learned how to glorify Your transcendental qualities and thus enter a trance of ecstasy
- Preaching Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult throughout the world is more important than staying in Vrndavana or Jagannatha Puri for one's own personal satisfaction
- Prthu Maharaja was also very humble, meek and gentle, and whenever he performed any philanthropic work or welfare activity for the general public, he would labor exactly as if he were tending to his own personal necessities
- Pure devotees are not desirous of any material enjoyment, nor are they averse to it. They completely dovetail their desires with the desires of the Lord and perform nothing on their personal account. Arjuna is a good example
- Raghunatha dasa took his bath in the sea and saw Lord Jagannatha. Then he returned to Govinda, the personal servant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Regarding your situation, it is nothing new for Westerners. This is a family matter. It is better to consult Bali Mardan how to manage your personal affairs. He is a grhastha, so you can speak with him
- Regardless of the affluence of the boy or the personal beauty of the girl, without this astrological compatibility (yotaka) the marriage would not take place
- Rendering personal service to the Deities. 13) Singing. 14) Sankirtana. 15) Chanting. 16) Offering prayers. 17) Reciting notable prayers. 18) Tasting maha-prasadam (food from the very plate offered before the Deities
- Resuming His external consciousness, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Sanatana Gosvami, "I have not spoken of what I intended. Lord Krsna is very merciful to you because by bewildering My mind He has revealed His personal opulence and sweetness"
- Right conclusion is God the father of all living being is person. Personal conception of God is there in every religion-Christian religion, Muhammadan religion, or Vedic religion
- Rudra, Lord Siva, has various forms, which are transformations brought about by association with maya. Although Rudra is not on a level with the jiva-tattvas, he still cannot be considered a personal expansion of Lord Krsna
- Sannyasi means he is in renounced order and lives by begging alms for the bare necessities of life. It is not good to make trade to get money for personal expenditure
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was very surprised to see the personal beauty of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as well as the transcendental transformations wrought on His body due to love of Godhead
- Seeing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's special mercy toward Srila Rupa Gosvami and seeing his personal qualities, all the devotees were struck with wonder
- Self-control means that the senses should not be used for unnecessary personal enjoyment. BG 1972 purports
- She (the wife of the brahmana) said, "My dear lord, I know that Lord Krsna, the husband of the goddess of fortune, is your personal friend. You are also a devotee of Lord Krsna, and He is always ready to help His devotee"
- Similarly, Uddharana Datta Thakura and many other personal associates of the Lord sat on the raised platform with Nityananda Prabhu. No one could count them all
- Simply by hearing Your holy name, a candala, the lowest of men, can be purified. Now this conditioned soul has received Your personal interview
- Simply we have to change the consciousness, that "I am doing for Krsna, not for my personal." In this way, if we develop Krsna consciousness, then we come to our original consciousness. Then we become happy
- Since he (Sukadeva Gosvami) himself became a saturated devotee, he desired always the transcendental association of the visnu-janas, and the visnu-janas also liked his association, since he became a personal Bhagavata
- Since Krsna was kind, affectionate to His aunts, He solaced them as far as possible. The ritualistic ceremonies performed after death were then conducted under the personal supervision of Krsna because He happened to be the nephew of all the dead princes
- Situated in everyone's heart, Krsna deals differently according to the living entity's position. The living entity's position is to be under the protection of the illusory energy or under Krsna's personal protection
- So devotee hasn't got any personal decision. That is the process of Krsna consciousness. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- So far I am concerned I am conducted by the order of a superior authority and liberated person. My spiritual master Om Visnupada Sri Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja wanted it and just trying to serve Him without any personal whim
- So far your personal matter is concerned, you are a Brahmacari, you can marry at any time
- So go on printing and distributing as many books as possible; this is your real work and your personal success
- So just like for management we expand some secretaries, or personal representatives, similarly there is good management also in Krsna's affairs. The original person is Krsna, and His expansions, they are also as good as Krsna, but departmental
- So the original primeval cause is vigraha, the personal, and the impersonal spiritual effulgence, brahma-jyotir, is also an effect of the Supreme Brahman
- Some of the cowherd friends of Krsna said, "My dear Krsna, O enemy of the Mura demon, just think of Your personal servant Raktaka"
- Some of the philosophers, who deny all sorts of duality, declare that one's own self is responsible for his personal happiness and distress. Others say that superhuman powers are responsible, while yet others say that activity is responsible
- Somehow or other, if one meets a saintly person and achieves his favor, then the entire mission of one's human life is fulfilled. In our personal experience we have actual proof of this statement of Manu
- Sometimes a person melts and manifests these transcendental symptoms (standing of the hairs on end, etc.) yet at the same time is not well behaved in his personal transactions. This indicates that he has not reached complete perfection in devotional life
- Sometimes a person melts and manifests transcendental symptoms yet at the same time is not well behaved in his personal transactions. This indicates that he has not yet reached complete perfection in devotional life
- Sometimes an impersonalist may gradually elevate himself to the personal conception of the Lord
- Sometimes we get honor. Just like I have become spiritual master; I am getting honor, I am getting respect. But if I want to utilize your service for my personal comfort and do not actually preach Krsna consciousness, then I am another fool. That's all
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is well known as Patita-pavana, the savior of all fallen souls, and He proved this in His behavior toward His personal servant, Krsnadasa, whom He saved
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered His personal servant Govinda that no one should take the water that had washed His feet
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested all His personal associates to bless Rupa Gosvami so that he might continuously describe the pastimes of Vrndavana, which are full of emotional love of Godhead
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu traveled all over Vrndavana and pleased all living entities, moving and nonmoving, with His glances. The Lord took much personal pleasure in seeing everyone. In this way Lord Gauranga traveled in Vrndavana
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to point out intense love of Krsna exhibited by Madhavendra Puri. All Caitanya Mahaprabhu's devotees later followed in the footsteps of Madhavendra Puri, serving the Lord without personal considerations
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would regularly visit the temple of Jagannatha every day, and at that time Govinda, His personal servant, used to carry His waterpot and go with Him
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's personal servant, Govinda, lay down at the door of His room, and the Lord very loudly chanted the Hare Krsna maha-mantra all night
- Sri Krsna is the possessor of the attributes cent percent. And His personal expansions such as svayam-prakasa, tad-ekatma up to the categories of the avataras who are all visnu-tattva, possess up to ninety-three percent of these transcendental attributes
- Sri Narada has explained all these from his personal experience, and one can obtain all the facilities which Sri Narada obtained by perfecting the chanting process of the sound representation of the Lord
- Sri Visvarupa said: O demigods, although the acceptance of priesthood is decried as causing the loss of previously acquired brahminical power, how can someone like me refuse to accept your personal request?
- Srila Rupa Gosvami is trying to prove by the above examples that in relationship with Krsna there is no question of impersonalism. All personal activities are there in relationship with Krsna
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is a personal commentation on the Vedanta-sutra by Sri Vyasadeva. It was written in the maturity of his spiritual life through the mercy of Narada
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the personal commentary on Vedanta-sutra made by Vyasadeva when he had attained maturity in spiritual realization. He was able to write it by the help of Narada's mercy
- Srimati Radharani and the gopis are not interested in their personal happiness derived from association with Krsna. Rather, they become happy by seeing one another associate with Krsna
- Srimati Radharani's personal beauty is the reddish powder known as kunkuma, Her affection for Her associates is sandalwood pulp, and the sweetness of Her smile is camphor. All these, combined together, are smeared over Her body
- Srimati Vindhyavali said: O my Lord, You have created the entire universe for the enjoyment of Your personal pastimes, but foolish, unintelligent men have claimed proprietorship for material enjoyment. Certainly they are shameless agnostics
- Srutadeva said, "Your (Krsna) Lordship, apparently also in a sleeping condition, enters this material world to create a temporary manifestation, not for Your personal necessities but for the conditioned soul who wants to imitate Your Lordship as enjoyer"
- Such a loving, chaste wife and loving husband desire all welfare for each other in separation and do not care for personal happiness. Desiring only each other's well-being, such a pair certainly meet again without delay
- Such a universe may be gigantic, but it can be measured, just as we measure our body as seven spans. Generally everyone's personal bodily measurement is calculated to be seven spans of his hand
- Such mixed transcendental flavors are manifested by such devotees as Uddhava, Bhima and Mukhara, the personal attendant of Mother Yasoda
- Such people are satisfied by chanting the transcendental qualities of the Lord. The Lord's personal presence is not actually required
- Such pure devotees are of two types: personal associates (parisats) and neophyte devotees (sadhakas)
- Such pure love of Godhead (when a devotee thinks of Him as his pet son, personal friend or most dear fiance) is unadulterated by any tinge of superfluous nondevotional desires and is not mixed with any sort of fruitive action
- Sudarsana: This wheel which is accepted by the Personality of Godhead (Visnu or Krsna) as His personal weapon is the most powerful weapon, greater than the brahmastras or similar other disastrous weapons
- Suppose one man is stealing for his personal benefit, and the same stealing, if he steals for his family, is he not a thief? Either he steals for his family or for himself, stealing is stealing
- Suppose they're making research, find out petrol on the moon planet. But say it takes forty to fifty years: by that time your personal petrol will be finished. You cannot move; you cannot stop all nonsense. Then what you will do?
- Surrounded by His personal expansions and assistants like Visvaksena, He exhibits all His perfect opulences, such as religion and knowledge, and His mystic powers such as anima, laghima and mahima
- Suta Gosvami confirms this, that "Your question about Krsna is so nice that it is auspicity for the whole world." So we have started this Krsna consciousness movement. It is not any personal affair. It is auspicity for the whole world
- Tell her that I sent you to inform her of My personal activities so that she may share in My happiness
- That deer is exactly like a prince. When will it return? When will it again display its personal activities, which are so pleasing? When will it again pacify a wounded heart like mine?
- That is the way of Vedic understanding. Great sages like the four Kumaras, headed by Sanaka, followed these principles of Vedic knowledge and came gradually from impersonal understanding to the platform of personal worship of the Supreme Lord
- That prince had a personal idiosyncrasy of turning his neck and facing the sky, looking here and there again and again
- That which cannot give them satisfaction is accepted as an object for satisfaction. So Narada Muni, by his personal experience, says that satisfaction for such frustrated beings engaged in sense gratification is to chant always the activities of the Lord
- The Absolute is personal, but He is independent. He does not require to personally take a brush and colors to paint the flowers, for His potencies act so wonderfully that it appears as if flowers have come into being without the aid of an artist
- The Absolute Personality of Godhead, out of His limitless and causeless mercy, descends from the spiritual kingdom and displays His personal pastimes at Vrndavana, the replica of the Krsnaloka planet in the spiritual sky
- The Absolute Truth is both impersonal and personal, but somebody is stressing on the impersonal point of view and somebody is stressing on the personal. But we Vaisnava, we know what is the meaning of impersonalism and what is the meaning of personalism
- The Absolute Truth is one, but one who is trying to understand Him by the dint of his personal knowledge, he approaches up to impersonal Brahman
- The Absolute Truth is personal, for the Absolute Truth cannot be impersonal and have a sense of pure sex life
- The angelic dancers approached (the Lord), as did the Gandharvas, the Caranas, the Yaksas, the inhabitants of Kinnaraloka, the Vetalas, the inhabitants of Kimpurusa-loka, and the personal servants of Visnu like Sunanda and Kumuda
- The attention of human being should be drawn to the cultivation of the human spirit, for this will gradually protect him from all sorts of discomfiture & elevate him to a higher status of life for real & eternal enjoyment in personal contact with the PG
- The author (of Caitanya-caritamrta) is stating that he did not inject personal opinion in the Caitanya-caritamrta. He has simply described his spontaneous understanding from superiors
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) asserts with authority that sexual love is a matter of personal sense enjoyment
- The basis of such activity is sense gratification, either personal or extended. Only when a person gratifies the senses of the Supreme Lord can he be called a mahatma, or broadminded person
- The bhukti-kami, mukti-kami and siddhi-kami all desire something for personal satisfaction, but the niskami devotees of the Lord desire everything for the satisfaction of the Lord
- The bona fide spiritual master, by his personal activities, teaches the disciple the principles of devotional service
- The boys who play with Krsna are all highly pious souls, and after many, many births they are able to play with Krsna. Such boys do not know that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They take Him as a personal friend. BG 1972 purports
- The Brahman effulgence is the personal bodily rays of Krsna. As such, impersonal Brahman cannot be the original cause of the cosmic manifestation. The original cause is the all-perfect, sentient Personality of Godhead, Govinda
- The Buddhist philosopher, they say, "Ultimately, everything is zero." And the Mayavadi philosopher says, "Not zero, but imperson." But actually that is not fact. There is everything variety and personal
- The caste system is universally applicable in terms of one's mundane, practical qualifications and personality traits. The classification of brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra is never made with reference to one's accidental birth
- The colorful greenery of the newly grown grass, the seasonal flowers, the frog's umbrellas, the butterflies, and the other variegatedness of the rainy season perfectly represent a well-to-do family absorbed in vanity over their personal assets
- The comparison (of God) is made here (in CC Adi 2.25) to the qualifications for viewing the personal features of the sun-god
- The conjugal love of Radha-Krsna is never disturbed by any personal consideration
- The conjugal love of Radha-Krsna is never disturbed by any personal consideration. The undisturbed nature of the conjugal love between Radha and Krsna is described thus
- The creation takes place by the diffusion of His (the Supreme Personality of Godhead's) different energies, and, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita, He is everywhere present by His personal representation, the diffusion of His different energies
- The creation takes place by the diffusion of His (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) different energies, &, as is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, He is everywhere present by His personal representation, the diffusion of His different energies. BG 1972 pur
- The demigods said: Let Maharaja Nimi live without a material body. Let him live in a spiritual body as a personal associate of the S P of Godhead, and, according to his desire, let him be manifest or unmanifest to common materially embodied people
- The demon (Vrkasura), however, being very sinful, immediately decided that he would use the benediction to kill Lord Siva and take away Gauri (Parvati) for his personal enjoyment
- The demoniac thinks that all these things (birth in a high family, well education, etc.) are accidental and due to the strength of his personal ability. He does not sense any arrangement behind all the varieties of people, beauty, and education. BG 1972 p
- The demons, thus being killed, would attain either the impersonal brahma-jyotir or His personal abode in the Vaikuntha planets
- The descriptions of Goloka Vrndavana, that even the dust is personal... So we have experience of personal form. Even Krsna's form is personal. How is the dust of Vrndavana personal? How is it individual living entity?
- The destination of the devotee (the bhagavata) is to enter into one of the Vaikuntha planets, in each of which the Personality of God, in His unlimited personal expansions, enjoys Himself in the association of unlimited numbers of pure devotee associates
- The devotees mentioned herein (CC Antya 6.63) are described by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta in his Anubhasya. For further information one may consult the following references in the Adi-lila: he (Murari Caitanya dasa) is a personal associate of Nityananda
- The devotees of Lord Caitanya must preach Krsna consciousness in every village and town in the world. That will satisfy the Lord. It is not that one should act whimsically for his own personal satisfaction
- The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food which is offered first for sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin. BG 3.13 - 1972
- The devotees of the Lord do not want anything on their personal account
- The eleven people - five watchmen, four personal servants and two brahmanas - who were guarding him became less strict in their vigilance. When Raghunatha dasa actually took up his household affairs, his parents reduced the number of guards
- The exalted position of the speaker and the audience will be explained very nicely in the next verse (of SB 10.1.16). Krsna-katha is so enlivening that Maharaja Pariksit forgot everything material, even his personal comfort in relation to food and drink
- The example of Indra is very appropriate in this connection. The king of heaven is the controlling deity for arranging clouds and supplying rains in the universe, as such he does not have to take the trouble to dig a well for his personal water supply
- The explanation is that Pradyumna's personal appearance was exactly like Krsna's, and he was factually Cupid himself. There was no cause for astonishment, therefore, when the mothers of Pradyumna and the other women mistook him in that way
- The feeling of equality was there because Draupadi spoke out of her personal experience
- The first personal expansion is Sankarsana, and the others are incarnations like the fish incarnation. Sankarsana is an expansion of the Purusa, or Visnu
- The following verse appears in Gita-govinda (1.11): My dear friend, just see how Krsna is enjoying His transcendental pastimes in the spring by expanding the beauty of His personal body
- The formless Brahman conception can be received only by aural reception and not by personal experience. Knowledge is therefore acquired by aural reception. It is confirmed in the Vedanta-sutra, sastra-yonitvat
- The four divisions are exactly like the four divisions of one's personal body
- The general public will not be very much interested to see the deity, it is our personal business. When you contact with the mass of people Sankirtana is the main business. So considering all these point you do the needful, I have no objection
- The good instruction given by Lord Balarama to Bhimasena and Duryodhana was intended for the equal benefit of both of them. But they were so enwrapped in anger against each other that they could remember only their long-standing personal enmity
- The great sage Vidura continued: O best of the brahmanas, it is very difficult for living entities encaged within this material body to have personal contact with Lord Siva
- The happiness of the abode of love is in the happiness of the object of that love. This is not a relationship of desire for personal gratification
- The highest perfectional ingenuity is the personal perception of My (Lord Krsna) abodes, and this has been possible because of your (Brahma) submissive attitude in the performance of severe penance according to My order
- The husband's duty is to give the wife all protection, even from the material maya, and the wife's duty is to see to the personal comforts of the husband
- The idea in this verse is that the devotee is desiring to personally fan the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That means that he is desiring to become the personal associate of the Supreme Lord
- The impersonal feature of the Absolute, the Brahman effulgence, is but the rays of the personal body of Krsna. These rays of the personal body of Krsna are cast all over the creation of the Lord
- The impersonalists, who are actually more attracted by the impersonal feature of the Lord, are only superficially attracted by the Lord's personal activities
- The impetus to fraternal love upon seeing the associates of Krsna in Vrndavana is also very natural, for their personal bodily features, their qualities and dress are all equal to Krsna's
- The individual living entity is the minute master of his personal affairs whereas the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the master of everyone's affairs, past, present and future
- The individuality of both the Lord and the wives remained, yet they felt oneness in existence. When a lover submits to his lover without any pinch of personal consideration, that is called oneness
- The initiating spiritual master is a personal manifestation of Srila Madana-mohana vigraha, whereas the instructing spiritual master is a personal representative of Srila Govindadeva vigraha. Both of these Deities are worshiped at Vrndavana
- The insuperable ecstasy was so strong that the queens, who were shy, first embraced the Lord in the innermost recesses of their hearts. Then they embraced Him visually, and then they sent their sons to embrace Him (which is equal to personal embracing)
- The internal potency acts in relation with His personal affairs, and the material potency manifests the three modes
- The karmis, however, or jnanis or yogis endeavor always for their own personal happiness
- The king dedicated his own personal body to fulfill the measurement of the Lord's third step. For such a personality, even the kingdom of heaven, which he conquered by his strength, was of no value
- The kings thought that their kingdoms were their personal property. "I have so much property, such a big kingdom," they thought. "I am God. I am the lord of all I survey." But that is not actually the fact
- The life of a sincere devotee of the Lord is thus explained in a nutshell by Narada Muni by his personal example
- The light of the moon spread throughout the sky appears to be impersonal, but the moon planet, as it is, is personal, and the living entities on the moon planet are also personal
- The living entity comes in contact with his material bodies, whether high or low, and later gives them up by his personal prowess. This strength can be perceived in a living entity's personal power to possess different types of bodies
- The living entity creates his own body by his personal desires, and the external energy of the Lord supplies him the exact form by which he can enjoy his desires to the fullest extent
- The living entity who acts for satisfaction of the supreme whole and not for personal satisfaction is the perfect sannyasi, the perfect yogi. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord becomes a subordinate object of love in such transcendental relationships (when a devotee thinks of Him as his pet son, personal friend or most dear fiance)
- The Lord finally reached Panihati, and as an act of mercy He gave the captain of the boat one of His personal garments
- The Lord is bedecked with flower garlands, His neck is decorated with the Kaustubha gem, and He carries with Him the goddess of fortune and His personal weapons, like His disc and club
- The Lord is omnipotent, and He expands Himself in innumerable forms and energies, and the whole unit is known as the one Supreme Brahman. Such extensions of the Lord are divided into two divisions, namely personal and differential
- The Lord said that because He entered into the material universe by His personal representation, the cosmic manifestation has been made possible and is going on
- The Lord was attended by His personal associates Nanda and Sunanda, and the personified Sudarsana disc was also standing by Him
- The Lord's mercy was bestowed upon him (Dhrtarastra) by his personal contact with Vidura, and when he was actually practicing the instructions of Vidura, the Lord helped him to attain the highest perfectional stage
- The Lord, the personal enjoyer of all sacrifices, now discharged His beloved Sudarsana, which was capable of dispersing the magical forces displayed by the demon
- The lusty affairs of the gopis actually constitute the topmost love of Godhead because the gopis never act for their own personal satisfaction. They are simply pleased by engaging other gopis in the service of the Lord
- The Mayavadi philosophers are completely unable to conceive of a spiritual body. They say that the spirit is always impersonal, and whenever they see something personal, they take it for granted that it is material
- The Mayavadi philosophers miss even the first stage in self-realization because they have no conception of God's being personal
- The mind of Sukadeva Gosvami was attracted by the transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna, and the minds of the damsels of Vrndavana were attracted by His personal beauty
- The minds of materialistic persons are so disturbed that it is almost impossible for them to search after the Supreme Truth by personal regulative endeavors
- The ministers, the military commanders and even the ordinary soldiers were all selected by personal qualification, and the king had to supervise them properly before they were appointed to their respective posts
- The most intelligent man is he who tries to find the cause of his personal existence and that of the whole cosmic creation and thus tries to find the ultimate cause
- The mystery of this knowledge (In a sense, there is nothing but Sri Krsna, and yet nothing is Sri Krsna save & except His primeval personality) culminates in personal attachment to the Lord, with a resulting effect of detachment from anything - non-Krsna
- The next planet below Atala is Vitala, wherein Lord Siva, who is known as the master of gold mines, lives with his personal associates, the ghosts and similar living entities
- The number one Bhagavata is the established personality of devotee, and the other Bhagavatam is the message of Godhead
- The opulences belonging to all the personal expansions of Krsna are to be understood to be bestowed by Krsna; therefore Krsna is the original source and shelter of everyone
- The order of guru should be the life and soul of the disciple, without caring for his personal salvation. This is the qualification of sisya
- The original purpose of the Mayavadi sannyasis of Benares in meeting Caitanya Mahaprabhu was to defeat His personal conception of God. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as a preacher, turned the minds of the Mayavadis. They were melted by the sweet words of Caitanya
- The Pandavas could not even think of separation from Sri Krsna, since the attraction was more intense for them because of continuous personal contact
- The people were astonished when they saw Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's ecstatic love and personal beauty. The priests who served the Harideva Deity offered the Lord a good reception
- The personal associates of Radharani are called sakhis, and Her near assistants are called manjaris. It is very difficult to express their dealings with Krsna because they have no desire to mix with Krsna or to enjoy Him personally
- The personal associates of Radharani, the damsels of Vraja, are direct expansions of Her body
- The personal body of the living entity exists due to the presence of the spiritual spark. BG 1972 purports
- The personal plenary expansions are visnu-tattvas, and the separated expansions are living entities. Since the living entities are very small, they are sometimes described as the marginal energy of the Lord
- The personal qualities of Dhruva Maharaja described herein (SB 4.12.12) are the exemplary qualities of a saintly king
- The personal weapon used by Lord Krsna, the disc, is called hari-cakra, the disc of Hari. This cakra is the wheel of time. It expands from the beginning of the atoms up to the time of Brahma's death, and it controls all activities
- The personalists who follow in the footsteps of the inhabitants of Vrndavana or strictly follow the path of devotional service are elevated to the personal abode of Krsna
- The Personality of Godhead is the last word in transcendental realization. The Absolute realized as impersonal Brahman or localized Supersoul, Paramatma, is less productive of transcendental bliss than the supreme personal realization of His glories
- The pious wives of the Yaksas act as personal maidservants to assist Bhavani, the wife of Siva. Because they drink the water of the River Arunoda, their bodies become fragrant, and as the air carries away that fragrance, it perfumes the entire atmosphere
- The pure devotee is always prepared to execute the order of the Lord without personal consideration
- The pure devotee will soon see the personal manifestation of Lord Sri Krsna
- The pure devotees have nothing to derive as personal profit from their unalloyed service to the Lord. They render incessant service to the Lord spontaneously, without any reservation
- The purpose of King Pariksit's inquiry was to ascertain from Sukadeva Gosvami whether the Vedas ultimately describe the Absolute Truth as impersonal or as personal
- The real perfection of life is whether, by your action, Krsna is satisfied. That is perfection. You don't consider of your personal victory, defeat, loss or gain, or distress or happiness
- The remaining fifty percent (of wealth) was again divided in twain - he (Rupa Gosvami) distributed one part to his relatives and dependent family members, and the other he kept for personal emergencies
- The results of fruitive activity and empiric philosophical speculation namely religion, economic development, sense gratification & liberation become like personal attendants & remain standing before me as if awaiting my order- said Bilvamangala Thakura
- The second person is Govinda, Lord Caitanya's personal servant. The Lord has sent garlands and remnants of Lord Jagannatha's food with these two persons simply to honor the devotees from Bengal
- The selfless love of Godhead exhibited by the gopis cannot have any parallel. We should not, therefore, misunderstand the carefulness of the gopis in their personal decoration
- The serpent first entered the body of Krsna personally and mixed with the Brahman effulgence. This merging is called sayujya-mukti. But from later verses (of SB 10.12) we find that Aghasura attained sarupya-mukti
- The situation of the gopis is perplexing, for although they did not want personal happiness, it was imposed upon them. The solution to this perplexity is that Sri Krsna's sense of happiness is limited by the happiness of the gopis
- The spiritualist's endeavor is to work whole day and night strenuously without any hurt simply for Krsna. That is spiritual life. And the materialist means the same endeavor, always trying to satisfy their personal senses
- The stage of pure Krsna Consciousness is when our only desire is to be serving Krsna with no personal considerations whatsoever
- The strong man's strength should be applied to protect the weak, not for personal aggression. BG 1972 purports
- The sum total of Krsna's personal family members amounted to about ten million, popularly known as the Yadu-vamsa. And again, during His lifetime, He managed to vanquish them all
- The Supreme Lord expands Himself in two ways - by personal plenary expansions and separated minute expansions
- The Supreme Lord is one - Krsna, the visnu-tattva. Krsna expands Himself into visnu-tattva personal expansions (svamsa), who control everything
- The Supreme Lord is the Soul of all souls; therefore, one who depends solely and wholly on the Supreme Soul without personal consideration, or in other words, one who is fully Krsna conscious, is called adhyatma-cetasa. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Lord, who is known as the yajna-purusah, or the personal beneficiary of all sacrifices, is the master of all demigods who serve Him as the different limbs of the body serve the whole. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is directly the cause of the spiritual world, where there are innumerable spiritual planets known as Vaikunthas, as well as His personal abode, known as Goloka Vrndavana
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is never inclined toward a dangerous person who uses his mystic power for some personal design. By the laws of nature, such misuse of power is ultimately dangerous not for society but for the person who misuses it
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is one. Unaffected by the conditions of the material world, He creates all the conditioned souls by His own personal potency
- The svamsaka, or expansions of the personal potency, are (1) Karanodakasayi, Garbhodakasayi, Ksirodakasayi and (2) incarnations such as the fish, tortoise, boar and Nrsimha
- The tad-ekatma-rupa is that form which most resembles the svayam-rupa, but there are some differences in the bodily features. The tad-ekatma-rupa is divided into two manifestations: the personal expansion (svamsa) and the pastime expansion (vilasa)
- The third stage is to practice the prescribed rules and regulations of devotional service. This will dissipate all sorts of misgivings and remove all personal deficiencies that hamper progress in devotional service
- The transcendental qualities of the Lord are so attractive that Srila Sukadeva Gosvami became detached from being completely absorbed in impersonal Brahman and positively took up the personal activity of the Lord
- The twenty-five percent of his (Rupa Gosvami's) accumulated wealth which he kept for personal emergencies was deposited with a good business firm, since in those days there were no banks
- The ultimate cause of everything is the supreme eternal form of Krsna. All material actions and reactions take place in the impersonal Brahman, but in the personal Brahman, the eternal form of Krsna, there is no action and reaction
- The ultimate goal of the yoga system is to become one with the Absolute. This means finishing one’s personal existence. But the spiritual part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead has an eternal individual existence
- The various forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, such as Narayana and Visnu, are beautifully decorated with different weapons. The Lord exhibits those forms to maintain all the varied planets created by His personal potency, yogamaya
- The various names of the demigods - Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Lord Indra and so on - are not personal names; they are names of different posts
- The Vedanta-sutra says, janmady asya yatah: (SB 1.1.1) "The Absolute Truth is that from which everything emanates." But this needs some explanation. One may ask, Is that Absolute Truth personal or impersonal
- The Vedas recommend many ritualistic ceremonies to be performed with one's wife, on the birthdays of one's children, or during funeral ceremonies, and there are also personal reformatory methods like initiation
- The Vedas, the Upanisads, the Brahma-sutra and the Puranas all describe the activities of the spiritual potency of the Lord. If one cannot accept the personal activities of the Lord, he jokes foolishly and gives an impersonal description
- The very idea of the scientific divisions of four classes of human society and four orders of life is also inquired about herewith on the basis of individual personal quality
- The Vrndavana pastimes demonstrated that although generally people worship God with reverence, the Lord is more pleased when a devotee thinks of Him as his pet son, personal friend or most dear fiance
- The wife must remain embraced by her husband. Thus she becomes beloved and well protected. Just as one saves his money and places it under his own personal protection, one should similarly protect his wife by his own personal supervision
- The word atma-medhasa is used to indicate that by his (Durvasa Muni's) personal experience he would understand how great a Vaisnava the King was. When Durvasa Muni was chased by the Sudarsana cakra, he wanted to take shelter of Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- The word atmarama refers to those who are not interested in the material world but are simply engaged in spiritual realization. Such self-realized persons are generally considered in two categories - impersonal and personal
- The word stri means "expansion." By bodily union of the husband and wife their qualities are expanded: children born of good parents are expansions of the parents' personal qualifications
- Their (Radharani's personal associates) affection for Krsna and Radharani is so pure that they are simply satisfied when Radha and Krsna are together. Indeed, their transcendental pleasure is in seeing Radha and Krsna united
- Their (sincere devotees) only business is to chant and remember the holy name, fame and pastimes of the Lord and, according to personal capacity, to distribute the message for others' welfare without motive of material gain
- Their (the scientists') personal petrol, it is sure to finish. That they don't care. So after finishing the personal petrol, if he is going to accept the body of a dog, then what is the use of finding petrol in moon planet?
- Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to His personal devotees and began speaking about Haridasa Thakura's transcendental qualities as if He had hundreds of mouths
- Then, without help from others, one will find material enjoyment detestful. Those whose minds are changed by others do not become as renounced as those who have personal experience
- There (in the Bhagavata-sandarbha) are also discussions of the eternality of Deity worship, the omnipotence of the Deity, His personal manifestations, His expressions of form, quality and pastimes, His transcendental position and His complete form
- There are clear instructions in Mahabharata and Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 7.11.32) stating that a person - be he brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra - should be accepted by his personal qualifications and not by birth
- There are eight kinds of marriage, of which marriage by agreement is called gandharva marriage. Generally the parents select the husband or wife for their daughter or son, but gandharva marriage takes place by personal selection
- There are innumerable authoritative statements in the Vedas regarding the personal feature of the Absolute Truth
- There are nine alternative transcendental means of attaining the stage (of personal attachment to Krsna, with a resulting effect of detachment from anything "non-Krsna"): (1) hearing, (2) chanting, (3) remembering, (4) serving the lotus feet of the Lord
- There are nine alternative transcendental means of attaining the stage (of personal attachment to Krsna, with a resulting effect of detachment from anything "non-Krsna"): (5) worshiping, (6) praying, (7) assisting
- There are nine alternative transcendental means of attaining the stage (of personal attachment to Krsna, with a resulting effect of detachment from anything "non-Krsna"): (8) fraternizing with the Lord, and (9) sacrificing everything for Him
- There are two kinds of sayujya-mukti: merging into the Brahman effulgence and merging into the personal body of the Lord. Merging into the Lord's body is even more abominable than merging into His effulgence
- There are two kinds of self-interest also, namely personal selfishness and extended selfishness. But there is no qualitative difference between personal and extended selfishness
- There are various kinds of personal devotees of Lord Krsna in the transcendental abode
- There is a common controversy over whether the Supreme Absolute Truth is personal or impersonal. As far as Bhagavad-gita is concerned, the Absolute Truth is the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna, and this is confirmed in every step. BG 1972 purports
- There is a practical example in my personal life in this connection. My father was a pure devotee of the Lord, and when I was only four or five years old, my father gave me a couple of forms of Radha and Krsna
- There is also quality in the Lord's own establishment, the kingdom of God. It is stated here that Goloka is His personal situation. There is also quality in Goloka, but that quality is not divided into creation, maintenance and annihilation
- There is no clash between the Bible and the Vedas, simply some people formulate their personal ideas and cause quarrelings
- There is no evidence in the scriptures stating that by cultivating knowledge or worshiping the impersonal Brahman one can become a personal associate of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There is no room for personal whims; we must always be guided by the pleasure of the Lord. Such action is called yogah karmasu kausalam (BG 2.50), or actions performed which are linked with the Supreme Lord. That is the art of doing a thing perfectly
- There is the sun-god, the sun itself and the sunshine which is the shining effulgence of that original sun-god. Similarly, the spiritual effulgence (brahmajyoti), impersonal Brahman, is nothing but the personal effulgence of Krsna
- These are special indications of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord's personal attendants and other devotees in Vaikuntha have the same features, except for the Srivatsa mark and the Kaustubha gem
- These branches and subbranches of devotees are innumerable and unlimited. Who could count them? For my personal purification I shall try to enumerate only the most prominent among them
- These rays of the personal body of Krsna are cast all over the creation of the Lord, and the portion of the effulgence which is covered by the material cloud is called the created cosmos of the three material qualities - sattva, rajas and tamas
- They (Bhattatharis) are very expert in these black arts, and one such Bhattathari bewildered the personal servant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu while the servant accompanied the Lord in His travels through South India
- They (sages) are sincere friends to all living entities, and at the risk of great personal inconvenience they are always engaged in the service of the Lord for the good of all people
- They (the asuras) have no ambition other than personal aggrandizement, and thus mother earth feels overburdened by such undue increases of military strength
- They (the personal associates of Radharani) have no desire to mix with Krsna or to enjoy Him personally. Rather, they are always ready to help Radharani associate with Krsna
- They are practically unaware of the transcendental pleasure derived from personal contact with the Supreme Godhead
- This (Kamsa's cruelty towards Devaki) is a graphic example of a cruel demon who could sacrifice all relationships for the sake of personal gratification
- This confidential service (of CC Adi 10.92) was the personal care of the Lord - Caitanya
- This description of the Lord’s creative energy is from the Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38), which Lord Brahma compiled after his personal realization
- This devotional service (when a devotee thinks of Krsna as his pet son, personal friend or most dear fiance) is executed in a favorable atmosphere freed from material affection
- This impersonal feature, or Brahman manifestation, of the Supreme Lord is meant for persons who are essentially very advanced but still not able to understand the personal features or variegatedness of the spiritual world
- This is a very difficult subject matter, and unless one has personal understanding of the Absolute Truth, there is no meaning to devotion
- This is stated from personal experience by such an authority as Sri Narada Muni. And we can have the same experience also if we begin to follow in the footsteps of the great sage, the dearmost devotee of the Lord
- This is the real significance of phalam brahmani sannyasya. A soul dedicated to the service of the Lord should never think of himself as the personal proprietor or the superintendent
- Those puffed up by a high birth, wealth, education and personal beauty unfortunately do not care for developing Krsna consciousness, nor does the Supreme Personality of Godhead care about all these
- Those who are householders living outside, they are expected to contribute fifty per cent of the income for the society, twenty-five per cent for the family, and twenty-five per cent for his personal emergency
- Those who are personal devotees of the Lord take everything to be the property of the Supreme Lord. Everything, whatever we see, is the manifestation of the Supreme Lord; therefore, everything should be engaged in the service of the Lord. This is oneness
- Throughout the Gita personal devotion to Krsna is recommended as the highest form of spiritual realization. BG 1972 purports
- To be a good man or a nonviolent man is a personal attachment, but to act on behalf of the Supreme is to act without attachment for the result. That is perfect action of the highest degree, recommended by the SP of Godhead, Sri Krsna . BG 1972 purports
- To become liberated means to become free from dehatma-buddhi, the illusory attachment for personal bodily coverings and everything connected with the body, namely wife, children and all other entanglements
- To cease from personal sense endeavors and to concentrate on the supreme cause is a sign of self-surrender, and when self-surrender is present, that is a sure sign of devotional service
- To chant the holy name always, one should be humbler than the grass in the street and devoid of all desire for personal honor, but one should offer others all respectful obeisances
- To derive personal material benefits for sense gratification is the reason persons like Daksa and his followers perform sacrifices. Such sacrifices are condemned here as a labor of love without actual profit. This is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- To execute the will of the spiritual master, the disciple should be prepared to lay down his life and abandon all personal considerations
- To follow in the footsteps of Rasala, the personal attendant of Krsna in Goloka, or to follow Krsna's friends, like Sridama & Sudama, or to follow Nanda & Yasoda, devotees in parenthood. Ecstatic love for Krsna is never manifested directly with Krsna
- To protect the Yadus, His personal devotees, from Kamsa's attack, the Personality of Godhead, Visvatma, the Supreme Soul of everyone, ordered Yogamaya - SB 10.2.6
- To seek knowledge on the strength of one's personal attempt is a sheer waste of time
- Topics concerning these qualities (the personal qualities of the Absolute Truth) are greater than topics of impersonal philosophical speculation
- Touring and book distribution, side by side, this is the main business. The general public will not be very much interested to see the deity; it is our personal business
- Unfortunately the politicians do not want to see people in higher consciousness. They want to keep the people in darkness and exploit their sentiment for personal aggrandizement. They pose to be the friend of the people, but they are actually not
- Unfortunately, most people have no personal conception of God. Nor can they describe the Lord's personal beauty, knowledge, strength - His fullness in the six personal opulences. There is no such description
- Unintelligent men, who do not know Me perfectly, think that I, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, was impersonal before and have now assumed this personality. Due to their small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature
- Upon seeing the Lord's personal beauty and ecstatic love, Krsnadasa was very much astonished. Out of ecstatic love, he offered his respectful obeisances unto the Lord
- Vaisnavas accept the SP as the supreme cause and want to serve Him, talk with Him and see Him, just as the Lord is also eager to see His devotees and talk, eat and dance with them. These personal exchanges of love do not appeal to the Mayavadi sannyasis
- Vaisnavas following the path of Sri Narada and his successors endeavor to establish a personal relationship with the Lord by receiving the grace of a bona fide spiritual master through initiation
- Variety means each and every thing is a personal, individual being. That is variety
- Various kinds of personal devotees
- Varuna said, "I beg Your (Krsna's) pardon for the offense of my servant. I think that it was Your plan to show me Your mercy by Your personal presence here"
- Vidura was undoubtedly a highly elevated and pious soul, otherwise he would not have taken his birth in the Kaurava family. To have high parentage, to possess wealth, to be highly learned and to have great personal beauty are all due to past pious acts
- Visnu, the Supreme Lord, has no independence but is bound to award a certain kind of result to the worker. Such a dependent goal becomes subjected to the worshiper, who accepts the Supreme Lord to be both impersonal and personal, as he may wish
- Vratam means that one should take a vow as explained in Bhagavad-gita, amanitvam adambhitvam, without hankering for personal respect and without being proud of one's material position
- We (members of the Bhagavata schools) should not take it for granted that because we cannot see God with our eyes the Lord has no personal existence
- We are also expansion of Narayana, vibhinnamsa. We are called vibhinna, separated particles, part and parcel of Narayana. And Narayana has got personal expansions
- We are experiencing, if we speak something impersonal, they think it is very learned speech, and when we speak of something personal they think it is old, old style. This is nonsense
- We are selling Back To Godhead through the personal approach, through the Sankirtana Party, so I expect each center to sell 50 copies daily on the average as we have practical experience here
- We don't want monkey renouncement; we want real renouncement. We don't use anything for my personal comfort; everything for Krsna. That is called renouncement
- We have good accommodation and good prasadam for you. You can just bring your clothing and personal needs. It will be a great pleasure for me to talk to you on the various topics you are interested in
- We have personal experience of a person of such demoniac mentality, who, even at the point of death, was requesting the physician to prolong his life for four years more because his plans were not yet complete. BG 1972 purports
- We have personal experience of consciousness, for it is spread all over the body; in every hair follicle of our body we can feel consciousness. This is individual consciousness. Similarly, there is superconsciousness
- We have practical experience of this with our students in the ISKCON. Before becoming students, they were dirty looking, although they had naturally beautiful personal features; but due to having no information of KC they appeared very dirty and wretched
- We have to preach Krishna Consciousness even at the risk of personal violence. Just like the children sometimes become violent, but the father knows he can defend himself at any time, and so he tries to teach them correctly by reprimanding them
- We have to stick to the principles stated in the Bhagavad-gita. Vyavasayatmika buddhih: every man's duty is to receive orders from Lord Krsna or from His bona fide representative and take these orders as his life and soul, without personal considerations
- We may never have seen a man who is not mortal, but we are judging this on our personal experience, which is finite. Our senses have limited power, and there are so many defects in our conditional state
- We may try to follow the footprints of our predecessors. Srila Rupa Goswami used to distribute his money as follows: 50% for Krishna, 25% for relatives, and 25% for personal emergency expenditures. I think this is very nice
- We should be satisfied with whatever is offered and supplied by Krsna without much personal endeavor
- We should not make exorbitant profit by exploiting each other in the matter of vital Krishna Consciousness paraphernalia such as books, tapes, etc. which are vital for our preaching work and for the devotees' personal advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- We should save time (in New Mayapura), as much for this purpose, for chanting, discussing grantha. Not for any personal so-called comforts
- We try to follow these principles laid down by Rupa Gosvami, that fifty percent for Krsna or Krsna's devotees, twenty-five percent for personal emergencies and twenty-five percent for the dependent relatives
- What is that impersonal karma? Karma is always personal
- What is the interest of maintaining body and soul together? One earns money for maintenance of the body - personal or social
- When a person is attacked by the invalidity of old age and is still addicted to sense gratification, he gradually loses all his personal beauty, intelligence and good possessions. He thus cannot resist the forceful attack of the daughter of Time
- When a soldier kills under the command of a superior officer, he is not subject to be judged. But if a soldier kills on his own personal account, then he is certainly judged by a court of law. BG 1972 purports
- When Ajamila was in great danger of being carried off by the order carriers of Yamaraja, the Lord immediately sent His personal order carriers to protect him, and because Ajamila was freed from all sinful reactions, the Visnudutas spoke on his behalf
- When all misgivings and personal deficiencies are removed, there is a standard faith in transcendental matter and the taste for it increases in greater proportion. This stage leads to attraction and after this there is bhava
- When Daksa, the leader of the Prajapatis, entered that assembly, his personal bodily luster as bright as the effulgence of the sun, the entire assembly was illuminated, and all the assembled personalities became insignificant in his presence
- When he (Rupa Gosvami) decided to retire, he distributed fifty percent of his life's earnings to Krsna's service and twenty-five percent to his relatives and kept twenty-five percent for personal emergencies
- When he saw the Lord's ecstatic love, Vallabha Bhattacarya was certainly very much astonished. He was also astonished by the Lord's knowledge of the essence of devotional service, as well as by His personal beauty and influence
- When he saw this, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's personal servant, Govinda, hastily got her down from her position. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, however, chastised him for this
- When his beauty, personal qualities, magnanimity, behavior, wealth and power were described by Narada in the court of Lord Indra, the celestial woman Urvasi was attracted to him
- When his personal petrol will be finished, he will have to accept the body of a dog. That's all. What he is going to do? First of all try to fill up your own personal petrol
- When husband and wife aim at spiritual advancement by mutual cooperation, there is no consideration of personal beauty or the disruption of so-called love
- When I was in your temple both you and your wife took very much care for me, so kindly accept this little help. This is apart from my temple contribution; this is for your personal expenditure
- When Lord Siva released his personal weapon, called Pasupata-astra, Krsna immediately counteracted it with the Narayana-astra. Lord Siva then became exasperated in fighting with Lord Krsna. Krsna then took the opportunity to release His yawning weapon
- When Lord Sri Krsna was in Dvaraka, He offered His respects by bowing down at the lotus feet of Narada. When Sudama Vipra came to His house, Lord Krsna personally washed his feet and gave him a seat on His personal bed
- When one engages in devotional service, naturally the attraction for personal comfort - for eating, sleeping and dressing - is reduced
- When one's personal body and head is given to the service of the Lord, then one becomes perfect in offering everything to the Lord. This is called complete surrender of everything that a devotee may possess
- When the brahmana (Sudama) entered his personal apartment in the palace, he saw that it was not an apartment but the residence of the King of heaven. The palace was surrounded by many columns of jewels
- When the Kazi came down to see Him (Lord Caitanya), the Lord offered him proper respect and a seat because he was a respectable government officer. Thus the Lord taught us by His personal behavior
- When the Lord reached Alalanatha, He sent His assistant Krsnadasa ahead to call for Nityananda Prabhu and other personal associates
- When the Mayavadis pretend to perform kirtana or hold discourses on the Bhagavatam for personal name and fame, they may sing and talk about Brahman, Caitanya, and Paramatma, but they cannot utter Lord Krsna's name
- When the Sudarsana cakra appeared, Durvasa himself was afraid and fled to various planets for his personal protection
- When there was fight between two kings, it is on the principle that who is giving good protection to the citizens, not for personal profit. Who is able to give good protection, life, security for life and property, he should become king
- When they (materialistic men) are informed that spiritual life is also individual and personal, they become afraid of becoming persons again, and so they naturally prefer a kind of merging into the impersonal void. BG 1972 purports
- When things are done for one’s personal satisfaction, the form is called atmane-pada
- When we read the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, it is understood that we are receiving personal instructions of Krsna. No physical barrier is there in the case of spiritual affairs
- Whereas karmis are interested only in the personal satisfaction of their senses, devotees work for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord
- Why should mother Laksmi, the mother of the universe, be angry with an insignificant devotee like Prthu Maharaja? All this was not very likely. Yet Prthu Maharaja, just for his personal protection, appealed to the Lord to take his part
- With a poor fund of knowledge, we cannot adjust to the idea of the personality of the Absolute Truth, and the personal activities of the Lord are deplored by the less intelligent impersonalists
- Without a doubt whenever we refer to control over others we must admit the existence of a personal feature
- Without considering his personal comforts, Madhavendra Puri carried one maund (about eighty-two pounds) of sandalwood and twenty tolas (about eight ounces) of camphor to smear over the body of Gopala. This transcendental pleasure was sufficient for him
- Without personal existence, how can there be activity (activities of the Lord)?
- Without such meditation on God, either personal or impersonal, all good qualities of the human being become covered with misconceptions regarding his constitutional position & without advanced knowledge, the whole world becomes a hell for the human being
- Without the spiritual master's order, nobody can utilize the service of a godbrother as one's personal servant. We address each-other as prabhu, so how can we engage our godbrother as servant?
- Woman's beauty is how she is chaste and devoted to the husband. That is beauty, not personal beauty. Vidya-rupam ku-rupanam. And education is the beauty for the brain
- World monarchy has failed ever since kings began to satisfy their personal senses with the taxes accumulated from the citizens. Of course, whether the system is monarchy or democracy, the same corruption is still going on
- Yet one should not conclude that because He is spread all over He has lost His personal existence. To refute such argument the Lord says, "I am everywhere, and everything is in Me, but still I am aloof." BG 1972 purports
- You are all qualified American boys, now push on this glorious mission without letting it be hampered by personal differences
- You are devoted already to the service of the Lord, without any personal consideration, you are always sannyasa at heart. Now if you can get some money for our cause of K.C. I think it will be a great service
- You are naturally respectable. Besides, You are a sannyasi; thus I wish to become Your personal servant
- You are the original personal founder of all the demigods and the orders of different gradations, yet You are the oldest and are unchanged
- You are the real representatives of Lord Caitanya. Without caring for any stable home, without any thought of personal gain, you are travelling distributing KC everywhere you go. I am very grateful to you both for assisting me so energetically
- You cannot say, "No, I have made my philosophy to become a child." That may be your personal philosophy, but law will not allow you. Ignorance is no excuse
- You cannot say: "No, I have made my philosophy to become a child." That may be your personal philosophy, but law will not allow you. Ignorance is no excuse
- You cannot understand Krsna if you remain under your personal intelligence
- You combine the sanyasi requirement for traveling extensively, and at the same time as GBC man you shall be my personal secretary for maintaining the highest level of Krishna Consciousness amongst the devotees in your zone
- You know - most of you belong to Christian community - how Lord Jesus Christ, he said that for your sinful activities he has sacrificed himself. That is the determination of devotee of the Lord. They don't care for personal comforts
- You needlessly created a mentality of renunciation in innocent boys, and therefore you are shameless and devoid of compassion. How could you travel with the personal associates of the Supreme Lord?
- You should always live with your husband and help him with his personal comforts, and he will look after your all necessities of life. There is no question of separation. By mutual agreement and advancement of Krishna Consciousness you can stop sex life
- Yudhisthira thought that although he was not actually involved in the administration of the kingdom, which was being carried on well by Duryodhana without harm to the citizens, he caused the killing of so many living beings only for his personal gain