Category:Questions On... Devotional Dress, Paraphernalia
Pages in category "Questions On... Devotional Dress, Paraphernalia"
The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 76 total.
- About the shell which you are presently keeping in the temple
- After taking sannyasa, though, He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) had sikha and Tulasi mala?
- Also they bump one another with the drum or with each other's bodies, they dance and they bump like this. That is not bona fide is it? It is very popular in our movement now
- An extra burden on the mind (when there is bunch of hair, we feel it is an extra burden)?... Makes it, weighs heavily on the mind?... So that's the reason why? It makes the mind lighter?
- And lastly, a very trivial question. The uniform, the haircut, why is that?
- Did someone put tilaka on the dog?
- Did Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu have a dandi or a tridandi?
- Do they (people who join) have to wear those clothes and shave their heads and chanting those things...?
- Do you have any of the other things you find in the inside of churches?
- Do you take this throne (vyasasana) with you all the time?
- Does the swami, once he has been installed in office, does he wear a white long coat with a white hat?
- Does your haircut have any particular significance?
- He's asking, "How do we see ourselves and how is it that we intentionally distinguish ourselves by dressing differently, by having a different presentation than the rest of society?"
- He's saying why are we dressing like that, like Indians?
- His first question was regarding tilaka. What is the symbolism, significance?
- How do you recognize someone who has already a family and he's working and who wants to progress in Krsna consciousness? Is he, does he have to give up his job and shave his hair and wear robes?
- How many sticks of incense? Two?
- I don't quite understand that in terms of my question about wearing street clothes and wigs instead of saffron robes and chanting and so forth?
- I understand that it is an offense to wear red or blue in the Krsna temple. Why is this true?
- I wanted to know what was that, the meaning of that mark you made... The fire, yes. Yes, oil and... Was it a third eye? That means you are dust and you become dust again, or what?
- I went to shake hands with everybody and I found that all your right hands were wrapped. What is the significance of that?
- If all that is required is chanting Hare Krsna, why do we have the pictures and the clothes and the instruments and the altar and Lord Jagannatha?
- If anyone can dress as he likes, then why do you all dress alike?
- Is incense a form of intoxication?
- Is it compulsory to have a full consciousness that he must shave his head?
- Is it natural for a child to grow up and then shave his head and serve God, or is it just a form of socialization?
- Is the exterior clothing important?
- Is the exterior identification important?
- Is there some mention in the Bhagavatam about this, that the religious men will wear only the clothes to make a profit?
- Is this manifestation (many of your followers dress in what for the West is an odd fashion) the only way to be spiritual, dressing in this fashion?
- Is this manifestation, dressing in this fashion, playing drums and dancing in the streets, the only way to be spiritual?
- It should be below the knees or... (Sukracarya's cloth)?
- Many of your followers dress in what for the West is an odd fashion and relate to the world in what for the West is an odd fashion. Can you respond to that? Why have you asked your followers to dress in this fashion and to play drums on the streets?
- May I ask the significance of the markings?
- May I join the kirtana in the streets over the weekend? Dressed as I am?
- Monsieur le President says that he has been to India, and he understands that one dresses like this in India. But why would the disciples dress in America or in Europe in this way? Is it necessary?
- Outer cloth (the Western people, they do not know what is cleanliness. And therefore brahmana's another name is suci, always clean. Three times' bathing, three times' changing cloth. It doesn't matter, loin cloth, but cloth must be changed)?
- Outer cloth? Dhoti, like that (brahmana's another name is suci, always clean. Three times' bathing, three times' changing cloth. It doesn't matter, loin cloth, but cloth must be changed)?
- Small black beads that the devotees are wearing from Radha-kunda. They have a string of beads made of clay from Radha-kunda Are they...? .... So it's all right to wear them?
- So what is that incense?
- Some hair for him is all right?
- Someone has said that the dhoti, the dhoti that the brahmacaris wear, is the dress that's worn in Vaikuntha. Is that correct?
- Srila Prabhupada, the dhoti is not important then?
- Swamiji, excuse me, is there any special significance of keeping this bead hidden from the public?
- The beads, Swamiji. He wants the beads. We can get it from the office?
- The gopi-candana comes from the lake where they say the gopis drowned themselves, and that is near Dvaraka. Is that a true story?
- The members of the movement… they've decided to dress differently, and they're dressing now in an Indian style. Is it necessary to do that, or could I carry on being a member of a radio station and still be a member of the Hare Krsna movement?
- The shaved head, he's asking?
- The vyasasana. Like in Los Angeles, at the side? On the left-hand side?
- Then clothing is more? Clothing is more? Maintenance?
- They (the paramahamsa) have got white? Do they wear white?
- They (Why not employ one man to manfacture tulasi beads?) have to live here as devotee?
- Was long hair a sign of beauty in those days?
- We should get deerskin also?
- We will need a harmonium. Should I wait till we get to India to purchase one?
- What about mrdanga?
- What are the reasons why one should not hear from one who has got sufficient knowledge on Lord Krsna if he is not outwardly a Vaisnava? That means he's not having sikha or kunti
- What can an ordinary man do? I mean the Krsna consciousness movement involves shaving the head and wearing the saffron robe. What can the man who is caught up in family life do?
- What is the hand attire which you are wearing?
- What is the purpose of the robes and having your head shaved?
- What is the symbol of the staff here? There's a symbol of that, is there?
- What was the meaning of the bag you wear on your hand?
- Why do you dress in that way which is an Indian way and not the European way?
- Why is it that the Hare Krsna movement has in the last couple of years attempted to make itself a little bit more respectable in the public's eyes by having members wear street clothes and wigs and so forth, while they are soliciting?
- Why is Lord Caitanya carrying a forked stick?