vaisnavism | vaishnavism
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Pages in category "Vaisnavism"
The following 85 pages are in this category, out of 85 total.
- A Vaisnava is simply interested in chanting about the Supreme Personality of Godhead and glorifying Him. Haridasa Thakura epitomized this foremost order of Vaisnavism
- According to Mayavadi philosophers, the Vaisnava conception of the Lord as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and of the jiva, or individual soul, as His eternal servant is a manifestation of ignorance
- According to the Vaisnava regulative principles, one must be initiated as a brahmana
- After being initiated into Vaisnavism by Sri Caitanya, Bhattacarya realized what a mistake he had made in trying to understand Ramananda Raya, who was very learned & whose endeavors were all directed to rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord
- After hearing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the acarya of the Tattvavada sampradaya became very much ashamed. Upon observing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's rigid faith in Vaisnavism, he was struck with wonder
- After installing the Deity of Gopala, Madhavendra Puri initiated all the brahmanas into Vaisnavism. He then allotted the brahmanas different types of service to the Deity
- Although preaching is not meant for a maha-bhagavata, a maha-bhagavata can descend to the platform of madhyama-bhagavata just to convert others to Vaisnavism
- Although Ramacandra Puri was naturally very envious and although he was against the principles of Vaisnavism - or, in other words, against the principles of the Supreme PG and His devotees - common people nevertheless addressed him as Gosvami or Gosani
- As far as Vasudeva Ghosa is concerned, he composed many nice songs about Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and these are all authorized Vaisnava songs, like the songs of Narottama dasa Thakura, Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Locana dasa Thakura, Govinda dasa Thakura
- As previously, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu converted to Vaisnavism many people He met on the road. After some days, the Lord reached the banks of the river Godavari
- I found that only bhakti is the real way. And to correct myself I read out all the Vaisnava literature
- I have started a small Ashram at the above address and young American students are taking very great interest in the philosophy of Vaisnavism based on the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I said in many lectures that Christianism means Vaisnavism. Where is the Christian?
- If a devotee sticks strictly to the principles governing Vaisnava behavior, his bodily luster will naturally be attractive, & his singing and chanting of the holy names of the Lord will be effective. People will appreciate such kirtana without hesitation
- If the Vaisnava spirit is revived there (in Manipur), it will be a wonderful place, renowned throughout the entire world
- If these (popular) leaders, including preachers and heads of state, do not perform act of Vaisnavism - and instead place themselves artificially in the exalted position of Visnu, the supreme enjoyer - then they may indeed enjoy temporary gain
- In Los Angeles it is very freely going on. In the name of Vaisnavism they are drawing salary, living comfortably, having sense enjoyment. This is not good, not at all. So you all high officers, you think over it and do the needful
- In some of the Vaisnava literatures it is found that sometimes, in His (Krsna's) form as Vasudeva, He becomes attracted to the form of Govinda in Vrndavana
- In the Ramanuja and Madhva sects of Vaisnavism there are extensive descriptions of the sri, bhu and nila. In Bengal the nila energy is sometimes called the lila energy. These three energies are employed in the service of four-handed Narayana in Vaikuntha
- In the Twenty-fifth Chapter there is a description of how the residents of Varanasi were converted to Vaisnavism and how the Lord returned to Nilacala (Jagannatha Puri) from Varanasi
- In this way the Lord went to the extreme southern part of India, and He converted all the provinces to Vaisnavism
- Initiated members shall adhere his body with the marks of Vaisnavism. He shall chant the holy name of God systematically & regularly according to the rules of the Goswamis
- It is extremely difficult to convert a mleccha, or meat-eater, into a devotee of Lord Krsna. Therefore anyone who can do so is situated on the highest level of Vaisnavism
- It is not Vaisnavism, "Oh, this man is coming to kill me. All right, let me embrace him." No. That is not the rule. When there is atatayi, aggressor, you must fight, you must kill. That is religious
- It is still a respectful practice to circumambulate the Lord in Hindu temples. Especially in Vaisnava temples there is an arrangement for people to offer their respects to the Deity and circumambulate the temple at least three times
- It is the duty of every human being to surrender to a bona fide spiritual master. Giving him everything - body, mind and intelligence - one must take Vaisnava initiation from him
- Maharaja Prthu specifically appreciated the position of the Kumaras because they maintained the brahmacarya vow from the very beginning of their birth. Prthu, expressed his great appreciation of Vaisnavism by addressing the Kumaras as vaisnava-sresthah
- My students have been sent to India specifically to study in the Bengali, Sanskrit, and Hindi languages, because we have to present to the world so many English translated authentic literatures on Vaishnavism
- Mystery of the Vaisnava (devotional) cult
- Narada is advising Vyasadeva; Vyasadeva is advising his disciple Madhvacarya; he is advising his disciple. This is Vaisnavism. They are not concerned for personal self
- Not for money's sake, not for reputation sake, labha-puja-pratistha. Only for serving Krsna. Anukulyena krsnanu-silanam (CC Madhya 19.167). This is pure Vaisnavism. One has to satisfy Krsna. Not for any other purpose
- Once Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was asked by one of His householder devotees about the general principles of Vaisnavism, as well as the general routine activities of the Vaisnava
- Only Narayana Himself or His bona fide representative can preach the cult of Vaisnavism, or devotional service. When a Vaisnava is born, he delivers both his maternal and paternal families simultaneously
- Sanatana Gosvami was advised to construct temples in Vrndavana and to write books on the principles of Vaisnavism, as authorized by Lord Caitanya Himself. Sanatana Gosvami executed all these desires of the Lord
- Sanatana Gosvami was empowered to establish the cult of Vaisnavism
- Seeing that Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was firmly fixed in the cult of Vaisnavism, Gopinatha Acarya, his brother-in-law, began to dance, clap his hands and chant, "Hari! Hari"
- Since we are all pledged to work for Krsna we should follow the principle of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna. This is Vaisnavism. So my request is do not be agitated. Let us do our duty honestly
- So this is Vaisnavism, to follow the previous acarya. This is Vaisnavism
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu could understand that the Tattvavadis were very proud of their Vaisnavism. He therefore smiled and began to speak to them
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that any Vaisnava who is constantly chanting the holy name of the Lord should be considered to have attained the second platform of Vaisnavism
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has given some practical hints to the effect that an uttama-adhikari Vaisnava can be recognized by his ability to convert many fallen souls to Vaisnavism
- Srila Nityananda Prabhu was praising Srila Advaita Acarya through friendly mock fighting. He was giving the Vaisnava conclusion in terms of the Bhagavatam’s conclusive words, vadanti tat tattva-vidah
- Such a person (who is favored by Lord Sri Caitanya or His devotee, the spiritual master & request everyone to chant the maha-mantra) can convert others to Vaisnavism, showing them how to become pure devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- That is Vaisnavism. We don't manufacture ideas. We don't commit such rascaldom. We simply accept the behavior or the activities of previous acaryas. There is no difficulty
- The asuras perpetually struggle to persecute the Vaisnavas because they do not want Vaisnavism to spread
- The Bhattacarya was fully converted to the cult of Vaisnavism, and he was following the principles automatically, without being pressured
- The demoniac followers of Kamsa thought that if the Vaisnavas, saintly persons and sages were persecuted, the original body of Visnu would naturally be destroyed. Thus they decided to suppress Vaisnavism
- The exchange between God and the living entity is called sanatana-dharma or Vaisnavism. So we are teaching that. We are not teaching Hinduism, Muslimism, Christianism. We are teaching how to love God
- The foolishness is going on that without understanding Krsna, there are so-called rascal foolish poets. They are describing Krsna's pastimes with Radharani. That is the cause of falldown of the so-called Vaisnavism
- The Lord (Caitanya) explained in summary all the details one need know in writing a book on Vaisnava regulative principles
- The present-day village of Prembagh, which lies near Ramshara in the Jessore district of Bangladesh, is said by many to be the site of Kumaradeva's house. Of his many sons, three took to the path of Vaisnavism
- The principles of Vaisnavism are to satisfy the Lord by all means
- The Tirupati is a Vaisnava temple, so they should encourage.... Vaisnavism means real religion. All other, bogus, cheating religions
- There is a book of the name Yoga-vasistha that Mayavadis greatly favor because it is full of impersonal misunderstandings regarding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, with no touch of Vaisnavism
- This kingdom (Manipura) is a very old, aristocratic Vaisnava kingdom. If this kingdom is organized as a Vaisnava state, this revitalization will be a great success because for five thousand years this state has maintained its identity
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not Hinduism. It is Vaisnavism. Vaisnava means Visnu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and one who loves Visnu or loves God, he is Vaisnava. So Hinduism is not like that
- Those in the three higher social orders - namely, the brahmanas (the instructive order), the ksatriyas (the administrative order), & the vaisyas - all used to lead the life of Vaisnavism, or centering every action upon the Supreme Deity, Visnu
- Those who are serious about the Vaisnava method of devotional activities do not take part in such worship of demigods
- We can enjoy only what comes from Visnu as a token of His kindness. We must not enjoy anything that is not offered by Him. We should not make any extra effort to obtain anything which belongs to Him or others. That is the spirit of Vaisnavism
- We do not know why the pasandis of the present day protest that we are deteriorating the Hindu religion by spreading Krsna consciousness all over the world and claiming all classes of men to the highest standard of Vaisnavism
- We offer all respect to Lord Siva. We consider Siva as the best of the Vaisnavas. Vaisnavanam yatha sambhu. And we have got sampradaya from Siva. He is considered one of the authority of Vaisnavism
- We want to serve Krsna. We want to offer everything to Krsna. We do not want to enjoy anything ourself. That is Vaisnavism
- What did you go to take shelter of another? That means you condemned Vaisnavism that is not good of you. The same thing because one man is bad as soon as I condemned Christianism you're argument is bad
- When He (Caitanya) was asked by a grhastha devotee how to behave like a Vaisnava, what is the behavior of a Vaisnava, He immediately answered that the standard Vaisnavism is asat-sanga-tyaga, - ei vaisnava-acara
- When the Lord toured South India, He delivered many people, and when He traveled in the western sector, He similarly converted many people to Vaisnavism
- When Vallabha Bhatta heard from the mouth of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu about the pure Vaisnavism of all these devotees, he immediately desired to see them
- Writing poetry, especially poetry concerning the Vaisnava conclusion, is very difficult