Category:Gandaki River
- Gaṇḍakī
Pages in category "Gandaki River"
The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.
- In Pulaha-asrama is the Gandaki River, which is the best of all rivers. The salagrama-sila, the marble pebbles, purify all those places. On each and every marble pebble, up and down, circles like navels are visible
- In the gardens of Pulaha-asrama, Maharaja Bharata lived alone and collected a variety of flowers, twigs and tulasi leaves. He also collected the water of the Gandaki River, as well as various roots, fruits and bulb
- One day after Bharata Maharaja had taken his bath as usual in the River Gandaki and was chanting his mantra, he saw a pregnant deer come to the river to drink water
- One day, after finishing his morning duties - evacuating, urinating and bathing - Maharaja Bharata sat down on the bank of the River Gandaki for a few minutes and began chanting his mantra, beginning with omkara