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Pages in category "Tongue"
The following 327 pages are in this category, out of 327 total.
- Tongue (BG)
- Tongue (CC)
- Tongue (Conversations 1968 - 1975)
- Tongue (Conversations 1976 - 1977)
- Tongue (Lectures, BG ch 1 - 3)
- Tongue (Lectures, BG ch 4 - 18)
- Tongue (Lectures, Other)
- Tongue (Lectures, SB cantos 1 - 2)
- Tongue (Lectures, SB cantos 3 - 5)
- Tongue (Lectures, SB cantos 6 - 12)
- Tongue (Letters)
- Tongue (Other Books)
- Tongue (SB cantos 1 - 3)
- Tongue (SB cantos 4 - 6)
- Tongue (SB cantos 7 - 12)
- A devotee is never driven by the dictations of the tongue and genitals, and thus he is never victimized by the laws of material nature
- A devotee should try to restrict the vilifier by cutting out his tongue, and being unable to do so, one should commit suicide rather than hear the blaspheming of the devotee of the Lord
- A fish is very expert in gratifying its tongue, but when it eats the bait offered by the fisherman, it loses its life
- A man retired from household life must practice austerities of the body, mind and tongue. That is tapasya. The entire varnasrama-dharma society is meant for tapasya. Without tapasya or austerity no human being can get liberation. BG 1972 purports
- A man who has no control over the tongue at first can hardly become a yogi. Yogi and bhogi are two opposite terms. The bhogi, or the merry man who eats and drinks, cannot be a yogi, for a yogi is never allowed to eat and drink unrestrictedly
- A person whose tongue never describes the qualities & holy name of the SPG, whose heart never throbs as he remembers Krsna & His lotus feet, and whose head never bows in obeisances to the Supreme Lord must be brought before me (Yamaraja) for punishment
- A prostitute has no reputation for good womanly qualities. Similarly, the tongue, which is given to the human being for chanting the Vedic hymns, will be considered a prostitute when engaged in chanting some mundane nonsense
- A sannyasi must specifically remove himself from the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals, which disturb one as long as one is not fully aware that the body is separate from the soul
- A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world
- A toad in a field speaks by croaking, and similarly everyone who has a tongue wants to speak, even if all he has to say is nonsense. The croaking of the toad, however, simply invites the snake: "Please come here and eat me"
- Although that person (who does not lend his aural reception to hearing about the Supreme Personality of Godhead) has a tongue, it is like the tongue of a frog, which unnecessarily creates a disturbance by croaking, inviting the snake of death
- Although the tongue of one afflicted by the jaundice of avidya (ignorance) cannot taste anything sweet, it is wonderful that simply by carefully chanting these sweet names every day, a natural relish awakens within his tongue
- Always think like that, that as soon as you are chanting Hare Krsna, you must know that you are touching Krsna with your tongue
- Amongst all the senses, the tongue, taste, it is very strong. In your country especially, for the tongue so many advertisement: this wine, that wine, varieties of cigarettes, restaurants, roasted beef, so many things, just attracting the tongue
- Another function of the tongue is to taste and accept the Lord's prasada. We have to begin our service to the Unlimited with the tongue and become perfect in chanting, and accepting the Lord's prasada
- Another meat-eater said, 'Sir, please hear me. Since the day I joked with some Hindus in this way, my tongue chants the Hare Krsna hymn and cannot give it up. I do not know what mystic hymns and herbal potions these Hindus know
- Any rascal speaking about Bhagavad-gita we hear. That is not the process. Then you will misunderstand. Just like milk is very good food, everyone knows. But when it is touched by the tongue of the serpent, it is poison immediately
- Anyone who has become competent to control the tongue, to control the mind, to control the anger, to control the belly & control the genital, if 6 kind of control is there, he is fit for becoming spiritual master; he can make disciples all over the world
- As far as our ISKCON movement is concerned, we simply ask that one observe the four prohibitive rules, chant sixteen rounds and, instead of indulging in luxurious eating for the tongue, simply accept prasada offered to the Lord
- As for the urges of the tongue, we all experience that the tongue wants to eat palatable dishes
- As soon as the tongue is controlled, naturally all other senses are controlled automatically
- As stated before, the tongue, belly and genitals are all situated in a straight line, and they fall in the same category
- At that time (when one is actually enlivened by the spiritual energy) his hands, legs, ears, tongue, mind, genitals - everything - engage in the service of the Lord. Such an enlightened devotee no longer has any material activities
- Authorities like Rupa Gosvami says that, "What I shall chant with one tongue? If I would have millions of tongues, then I could chant a little more." So he's aspiring to have millions of ears and trillions of tongue to relish this chanting Hare Krsna
- Because of his material opulences, he thinks that "Oh, where is the disease? This is all right. I am happy." That is the defect. We have to reduce. That is called tapasya. Not that "Because my tongue is asking me to eat something, therefore I must eat"
- Because we have indulged this tongue to increase his greediness, therefore we see so much advertisement of liquor and cigarettes and so many, or teas and coffee. Simply it is practice
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura has taught that our tongue is very fastidious, wants to eat this thing, that thing, this thing, that thing
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura said that this network of ignorance, where the senses are like black cobra, out of all those senses the tongue is the greatest black cobra
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, "It is very difficult to conquer the tongue in this world, but You, dear Krsna, are very kind to us. You have sent this nice prasada to help us conquer the tongue"
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, "Somehow or other we have fallen into the ocean of material sense enjoyment, and of all the senses the tongue is the most voracious and uncontrollable"
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura states, krsna bada dayamaya, karibare jihva jaya, sva-prasada-anna dila bhai: in order to conquer the tongue, Krsna has been very merciful and has given us nice food that has been offered to Him
- Brahma informed Narada that none of the great sages, including himself, could estimate the potential strength & energy of the Supreme Lord. He admitted that even if Ananta with His thousands of tongues tried to estimate the Lord's energies, He would fail
- By exercising our minds we create many pleasurable things just for enjoyment by the genitals and the tongue
- By fixing up his mind in Krsna, then he could use all other senses, namely the tongue
- By further transformation of the mode of passion, the sense organs like the ear, skin, nose, eyes, tongue, mouth, hands, genitals, legs, and the outlet for evacuating, together with intelligence and living energy, are all generated
- By sticking to the regulative principles and chanting Hare Krsna, we shall be able to control the senses, and the first sense is the tongue
- By the interaction of fire and the visual sensation, the subtle element taste evolves under a superior arrangement. From taste, water is produced, and the tongue, which perceives taste, is also manifested
- By this practice of chanting and hearing the sound vibration of the Supreme Lord, one's ear, tongue and mind are engaged. This mystic meditation is very easy to practice, and it helps one attain the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Considering the fallen age at the present moment, God is so merciful and kind that He presents Himself as sound, sound vibration, which everyone can produce by his tongue and can hear, and God is present there
- Control of the urges of the tongue, the belly and the genitals (which are situated in a straight line) is called dhrti
- Damah means senses, controlling the senses. My tongue is dried up, asking for a cigarette. Now, if I am brahmana, then I shall say, "No, you cannot smoke." That is damah
- Despite crying in various conferences, therefore, the desertlike tongue continues to be parched. For this reason, people from all parts of the world must call for the devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Devotees whose tongues are decorated always with prayers to Lord Krsna are always given respect even by the great saintly persons and sages, and such devotees are actually worshipable by the demigods
- Devotion does not depend on the body, and in spite of all difficulties we can chant, so long we have got the tongue - and even we have got no tongue we can chant in our mind. So where is the question of not serving with devotion?
- Don’t eat anything which is not eaten by Krsna - your tongue becomes your most intimate friend. And don’t talk anything except Krsna. If you follow these two principles, Krsna will be within your grip
- Each of us has a tongue, and suppose we want to eat stool. We may say, "Krsna, I want to taste stool," and Krsna will say, - Yes, take this body of a hog and eat stool
- Eating is required, but not eating too much - not eating to the taste of the tongue, unnecessarily eating meat, fish, eggs. Why? You are human being. For you, Krsna has given so much varieties of foodstuff: fruits, vegetables, nice rice, dal, milk, ghee
- Form, with the power of sight, should be bestowed upon the sun. The tongue, along with the demigod Varuna, should be bestowed upon water, and the power of smell, along with the two Asvini-kumara demigods, should be bestowed upon the earth
- From His words came all the Vedic mantras, on His tongue was the demigod of water, Varunadeva, on His eyebrows were the regulative principles, and on His eyelids were day and night
- From the mouth the palate became manifested, and thereupon the tongue was also generated. After this all the different tastes came into existence so that the tongue can relish them
- Generally people are interested in things that give immediate pleasure. We want to taste something tasty to the tongue, regardless of whether it is edible or not
- Generally we understand by seeing or by hearing. Hearing is there, but here it is recommended tongue, especially. Why tongue is used? Because if you simply chant Hare Krsna by your tongue and taste Krsna prasadam, you will understand Krsna
- Genital has become my master, the tongue has become my master, the hand has become my master, the leg has become my master. So I am the servant of so many masters. So my position is very precarious
- God has given you the tongue, and you can chant "Krsna." Actually they (my disciples) are chanting everywhere, in all parts of the world, very easily, even a child
- God has given you the tongue, and you can chant and gradually improve. And if you make your life perfect in this way, then all material problems are solved in this life
- Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, 1971 - This transcendental name is so sweet that either you chant with your one mouth and one tongue or with one thousand mouths or one thousand tongues, still, you will never feel tired
- Hare Krsna means when I hear the sound, the transcendental sound vibration Krsna, that means Krsna is on my tongue, on my ear
- He (Ramananda Raya) compared his tongue to a stringed instrument, saying, "You are the player of that instrument." Thus as Lord Caitanya would play, Ramananda Raya would vibrate the sound
- He (Supreme Truth) can be known how? That is also described - sevonmukhe hi jihvadau: when you become in a submissive attitude and you chant. Jihvadau means the realization begins from the tongue. God realization begins from the tongue
- He engaged his sense of smell in smelling the fragrance of tulasi offered to the Lord, and he engaged his tongue in tasting the Lord's prasada
- He is chanting. He does not think that he is satiated. This transcendental name is so sweet that either you chant with your one mouth and one tongue or with one thousand mouths or one thousand tongues, still, you will never feel tired
- He seemed to be licking up all the stars in the sky with his tongue and eating the entire universe with his long, sharp teeth. Seeing this gigantic demon, everyone, in great fear, ran here and there in all directions
- His (Aghasura) jaws appeared like a big mountain cave, without limitation, and his teeth appeared just like mountain summits. His tongue appeared to be a broad traffic way, and he was breathing just like a hurricane. His eyes were blazing like fire
- His (Aghasura) tongue resembled a broad traffic-way, his breath was like a warm wind, and his eyes blazed like fire - SB 10.12.17
- His (the conditioned soul's) eyes are attracted to see beautiful things, his ears are attracted to hear nice music, his nose is attracted to enjoy the aroma of a nice flower, and his tongue is attracted to taste nice food
- His eyes in seeing the Deity of Lord Krsna in the temple, his body in embracing Vaisnavas or touching their lotus feet, his nostrils in smelling the aroma of the tulasi leaves offered to Krsna's lotus feet, his tongue in tasting food offered to Krsna
- His necks were bluish, as were His tongues. Thus Arjuna saw the Sesa Naga form, and he also saw that on the very soft, white body of Sesa Naga, Lord Maha-Visnu was lying very comfortably
- His tongue is the productive center of different foodstuffs and delicacies for offering to the demigods, the forefathers and the general mass of people
- Household life means sex life (yan maithunadi-grhamedhi-sukham hi tuccham). This is encouraged by the tongue. Then there are children
- Human form of life is a great boon to the living entity who is traveling through the cycle of birth and death, perpetually changing different sorts of body. Here is the opportunity, we can utilize the tongue properly and get out of these clutches
- I must hear and I must chant with the tongue. Then you keep yourself always in Krsna consciousness. Our method is very simple
- If a renunciant is eager for his tongue to taste different foods, his spiritual life will be lost, and he will be subservient to the tastes of his tongue
- If I (Rupa Gosvami) could have millions of tongues and trillions of ears, then I could relish something by chanting and hearing
- If materialists were to use their dry tongues to chant the holy name of the Lord - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - as exemplified by Lord Caitanya, they would taste sweet nectar and enjoy life
- If one chants the holy name even once without committing an offense, he attains all success. During the chanting of the holy name, the tongue must work
- If one happens to be a ksatriya he has the power to punish any man; therefore a ksatriya should at once cut out the tongue of the vilifier and kill him. But as far as the vaisyas and sudras are concerned, they should immediately give up their bodies
- If one hears an irresponsible person blaspheme the master and controller of religion, he should block his ears and go away if unable to punish him. But if one is able to kill, then one should by force cut out the blasphemer's tongue and kill the offender
- If one hears an irresponsible person blaspheme the master and controller of religion, one should block his ears and go away if unable to punish him. But if one is able to kill, then one should by force cut out the blasphemer's tongue and kill the offender
- If one is fixed at the lotus feet of Krsna, he can control the tongue
- If one with great care and attention takes to Krsna consciousness, chanting the holy name and hearing Krsna's transcendental pastimes, his ignorance will be destroyed and his tongue enabled to taste the sweetness of the transcendental nature of Krsna
- If the tongue, you give him something more beautiful than this fried chick or stick or this or that, it will stop. That is the policy. Our policy is that. We can give that, what is called, casein fried with rice. How nice it is
- If we can change the materialistic nature of the tongue, by changing of taste and vibration, then automatically the other senses become purified. And we can render service to Krishna with purified senses
- If you employ your tongue in the service of the Lord, He'll reveal Himself to you. He'll reveal, revelation. So therefore we have to control the tongue. What is the tongue's business? The tongue's business is taste and vibrate
- If you give privilege and indulgence to the tongue, you'll never be able to control other senses. This is the secret of controlling senses
- If you simply talk of Krsna and if you simply eat Krsna prasadam, oh, the poisonous effect of tongue will be broken
- If your tongue wants some nice palatable dishes we can supply you hundreds, thousands, offered to Krsna. Samosa and this sweet ball, rasagulla, so many things we can supply. You are not prohibited. But don't take too much
- In household affairs the first attraction is the beautiful and pleasing wife, who increases household attraction more and more. One enjoys his wife with two prominent sense organs, namely the tongue and the genitals
- In length and breadth the animal's (Aghasura) tongue resembles a broad traffic-way, and the inside of its mouth is very, very dark, like a cave in a mountain - SB 10.12.22
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we advise from the very beginning that one restrict the activities of the senses, especially the tongue, which is described by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura as most greedy and unconquerable
- In the mature stage . . . just like Rupa Gosvami, he used to say that, What shall I chant with one tongue, and what shall I hear with two ears? If millions of ears I had, if millions of tongue I had, then I could chant and hear
- Indeed, their (Sisupala's and Dantavakra's) tongues were not attacked by white leprosy, nor did they enter the darkest region of hellish life. We are certainly most surprised by this
- Indulgence in animal killing for the taste of the tongue is the grossest kind of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- It is said in the Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (13.2): O devotee of the Lord, to glorify your qualities is the perfection of the tongue, for it is very rare to find a pure devotee like you
- It is said that Anantadeva has thousands of heads, but although He tries to describe Krsna with thousands of tongues, His descriptions are still incomplete
- It is said that those who simply chant the holy name with the tip of the tongue are glorious
- It is with the tongue that we can chant the transcendental names of the Lord. This is not very difficult, and this path is open to everyone - even women, vaisyas and sudras
- Just as one can appreciate the real taste of milk with the tongue and not with the eyes, nostrils or ears, one can similarly appreciate the Absolute Truth perfectly and with all relishable pleasure only through one path, devotional service
- Just as the air or wind cannot be checked by anyone, the two nostrils, situated in one place, enjoy the sense of smell without impediment. When the tongue is present, the mouth continually tastes all kinds of relishable foodstuffs
- Just as there are five kinds of air functioning within the body, and so many organs - the hands, legs, tongue, genitals, rectum, etc. - all working differently
- Just like a chaste woman has got good reputation, similarly, a chaste tongue... Chaste tongue means... Chaste tongue and ear. Jihvadau. Our spiritual life begins from tongue
- Just like horse, when working very hard, you'll find some foams coming out of the mouth, we sometimes also, when we are very tired after working very hard, the tongue becomes dry and some foam comes
- Just like this cow. Just see. What does it know? He's an animal. You see? But the calf knows to brush his head and tongue like this, in love. It is doing and Krsna accepting, "Yes." That is expert
- Krishna cannot be known by the materially blunt senses. When you utilize your tongue in the service of the Lord then Krishna reveals Himself
- Krsna has given us a tongue and two ears, and we may be surprised to know that Krsna is realized through the ears and tongue, not through the eyes
- Krsna has given us ears to hear and a tongue to speak. We can hear from a realized soul and thus perfect our lives. In this way we are given a chance to purify ourselves. Unless we are purified, we cannot become devotees
- Krsna says, "You simply always think of Me, Hare Krsna." Not difficult. Krsna has given you the tongue. Every one of you can chant Hare Krsna. You have no expenditure, but great gain
- Krsna's name and Krsna is not different. Therefore, as soon as my tongue touches the holy name of Krsna, that means immediately it associates with Krsna
- Licking his lips with bifurcated tongues, the serpent (Kaliya) looked at Krsna with double hoods, and his eyesight was full of poison. Krsna immediately pounced upon him, just as Garuda swoops upon a snake
- Lord Siva prays to Lord Aniruddha to give him strength so that he will not taste anything but the prasada of the Lord. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung a verse indicating that the tongue is the most formidable enemy among all the senses
- Maharaja Ambarisa's tongue was engaged in two ways: in speaking about Krsna and in tasting prasada offered to the Deity
- Material advancement of civilization necessitates creating objects of enjoyment by mental concoction just to become happy on the basis of these two principles: pleasures for the genitals and pleasures for the tongue
- Material happiness or opulence means gratification of the senses, especially the genitals, the tongue and the mind
- Materialistic people are concerned with the tongue, belly and genitals, if anyone wants to advance in spiritual life he must be very careful about associating with such people. To associate with such materialistic men is to commit purposeful suicide
- Materialists are compared to the camel who relishes thorny twigs because he likes the taste of the twigs mixed with blood. He does not realize that it is his own blood and that his tongue is being cut by the thorns
- Mauna, for example, does not mean that one should just stop speaking. The tongue is meant for speaking, although sometimes, to make a big show, a person remains silent
- May our minds be attached to the lotus feet of your Lord Krsna, may our tongues chant His holy names, and may our bodies lie prostrate before Him
- My dear Lord, anyone who always keeps Your holy name on his tongue is greater than an initiated brahmana. Although he may be born in a family of dog-eaters and therefore, by material calculations, be the lowest of men, he is glorious nevertheless
- My dear Lord, my tongue is just like a stringed instrument, and You are its player. Therefore I simply vibrate whatever arises in Your mind
- My dear Lord, O infallible one, my position is like that of a person who has many wives, all trying to attract him in their own way. For example, the tongue is attracted to palatable dishes, the genitals to sex with an attractive woman
- My Lord, who are never conquered by anyone, I am certainly not afraid of Your ferocious mouth and tongue, Your eyes bright like the sun or Your frowning eyebrows
- Nescience, however, is compared to the disease called jaundice, which is caused by bilious secretions. Attacked by jaundice, the tongue of a diseased person cannot palatably relish sugar candy
- No one anywhere can counteract this military arrangement of Bali's. It now appears that Bali is trying to drink up the entire universe with his mouth, lick up the ten directions with his tongue, and raise fire in every direction with his eyes
- Not that simply woman is for enjoyment. Any palatable foodstuff which attracts my tongue, that is also
- Not to enjoy, but to abide by the orders of my tongue. Therefore in the name of so-called enjoyment, we are all serving the senses
- Now that I have seen You, my tongue is chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. The false prestige I felt from being a learned scholar is now gone
- O father of all planets, learned scholars know that fire is your mouth, the surface of the globe is your lotus feet, eternal time is your movement, all the directions are your ears, and Varuna, master of the waters, is your tongue
- O Lord, Your tongue is a plate of sacrifice, Your nostril is another plate of sacrifice, in Your belly is the eating plate of sacrifice, and another plate of sacrifice is the holes of Your ears
- O my merciful Lord Caitanya, may the nectarean Ganges waters of Your transcendental activities flow on the surface of my desertlike tongue
- Of all the senses the tongue is the most voracious and difficult to control. It is very difficult to conquer the tongue in this world; therefore Sri Krsna has given us this nice prasadam, spiritual food, to conquer the tongue
- Of all the senses, the tongue is considered to be the principal sense. So tongue, if the tongue is trained, or the tongue is spiritualized, then naturally all the senses become spiritualized
- Of all the senses, the tongue is the most voracious and difficult to control, but it can be controlled simply by chanting Hare Krsna and tasting Krsna prasadam, food offered to Krsna
- Of course, everyone must eat to keep the body fit for the Lord's service, but when one cannot control the senses, he falls victim to the dictations of the tongue and the belly. Naturally, genital agitation follows, and one seeks illicit sex
- Oh, how glorious are they whose tongues are chanting Your holy name! Even if born in the families of dog-eaters, such persons are worshipable
- One animal or lower than human being, they have got one sense very strong. Someone's the ear, someone's the nose, someone's the tongue, someone's the genital, in this way. But they have got one sense strong
- One cannot allow the tongue to take all kinds of forbidden food and drink and at the same time advance in the practice of yoga
- One cannot practice yoga in a congested city, living a life of extravagancy, including unrestricted sex indulgence and adultery of the tongue
- One devotee said, "You are the same Supreme Person, so how shall my tongue be so extraordinarily bold as to address You as an ordinary son"
- One does not even have to chant the holy name and understand the whole procedure, namely the offensive stage, offenseless stage and pure stage; if the holy name is sounded on the tip of the tongue, that is also sufficient
- One hankers to revive his original condition and inquires how to do so. There are also deep thought, heavy breathing, crying and lamentation, as well as a changing of the bodily color and drying up of the tongue
- One has eaten sumptuously at home but as soon as he comes out, "Let us go to the restaurant, let us have a cup of tea, a little this or that." The tongue is always dictating. "You eat this, you eat that, you eat that, you like that." That is going on
- One is authoritatively advised not to accept meat or similar uneatable things nor to allow the tongue to hanker to drink or smoke. Even the drinking of tea and coffee is not permitted
- One may be named Mr. John, but if we call for Mr. John, Mr. John may never actually appear. However, if we utter the holy name of Krsna, Krsna is immediately present on our tongue
- One must have disciplinary training in controlling speaking, anger, the tongue, the mind, the belly and the genitals. One who has controlled the particular senses mentioned above is called a gosvami
- One of the cowherd boys said, "That long highway appears to be its (the snakes's) tongue, and inside the mouth it is as dark as in a mountain cave"
- One should not accept messages from the professional men, as one should not accept milk touched by the tongue of a serpent. Milk is good, but as soon as it is touched by the snake it becomes poisonous
- One should note that chanting involves the activities of the upper and lower lips as well as the tongue. All three must be engaged in chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- One who can control the forces of speech, mind, anger, belly, tongue and genitals is known as a gosvami and is competent to accept disciples all over the world - NOI 1
- One who has conquered these two base mentalities and has raised himself to the platform of goodness, which is full of knowledge and morality, cannot also control the senses, namely the eyes, the tongue, the nose, the ear and touch
- One who has controlled over his speeches, over his anger, over his tongue, over his mind, over his genital, over his belly, when one has full control over these 6 things, he's gosvami. Prthivim sa sisyat (NOI 1). He can make disciples all over the world
- One who has not listened to the messages about the prowess and marvelous acts of the PG and has not sung or chanted loudly the worthy songs about the Lord should be considered to possess ears like the holes of snakes and a tongue like that of a frog
- One who is subservient to the tongue and who thus goes here and there, devoted to the genitals and the belly, cannot attain Krsna
- One who lives in a secluded place, who eats little and who controls the body and the tongue, and is always in trance and is detached, such a person is certainly elevated to the position of self-realization. BG 18.51-53 - 1972
- One who violates controlling regulations has to be punished by degradation to a lower status of life. Consider, for example, the tongue and its controlling deity, Varuna
- Our eating is done with the friend Rasajna, the tongue, which can taste so many different types of foods
- Our Krsna prasadam are so variegated, nice varieties . . . the variety is the mother of enjoyment. How much enjoyment you want with your tongue? You can have simply by eating Krsna prasadam
- Our tongue is like prostitute. It is not satisfied with simple foods. Sometimes here, sometimes there, sometimes on the street, sometimes on the restaurant, sometimes a hotel. Regular prostitution. It is called tongue prostitution
- Our tongues always engage in vibrating useless sounds that do not help us realize transcendental peace. The tongue is compared to a desert (in CC Adi 2.2) because a desert needs a constant supply of refreshing water to make it fertile and fruitful
- People attached to fruitive results and mental speculation generally desire to be promoted to heavenly planets, merge into the existence of Brahman, or keep themselves in the midst of family life, enchanted by the pleasures of the tongue and genitals
- Please bring to me only those sinful persons who do not use their tongues to chant the holy name and qualities of Krsna, whose hearts do not remember the lotus feet of Krsna even once, and whose heads do not bow down even once before Lord Krsna
- Prthu prayed, "I shall simply always pray unto Your Lordship that You may give me millions of tongues and millions of ears so that I can constantly chant and hear of Your transcendental glories"
- Radharani continued, "If one does not taste it, he should die immediately after birth, and his tongue is to be considered no better than the tongue of a frog"
- Ramananda Raya humbly submitted himself as a puppet before Lord Caitanya, the puppet master. He only wanted to dance according to the will of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He compared his tongue to a stringed instrument
- Relative name and absolute name. Krsna, if you always keep Krsna in your presence, then where is the possibility of ignorance and delusion? No, there is no possibility. This is the shortcut way of keeping Krsna always with you on your tongue - Hare Krsna
- Sense gratification means udara-upastha-jihva (NOI 1), jihva, this tongue, and the belly and the genitals. This is the prime sense gratificatory sources. Very palatable dishes, fill up the belly as much as possible, and then enjoy sex
- Sense organs for acquiring knowledge, such as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and touch, should be fully controlled and should not be allowed to engage in self-gratification. BG 1972 purports
- Sense perceptions, such as aural perception of the sound of a drum, visual perception of a beautiful woman, or perception of the delicious taste of a milk preparation by tongue, all come through different senses and are therefore differently understood
- Similarly, the tongue should be trained to speak only of Krsna and to taste only krsna-prasada
- Simple thing. Chant Hare Krsna, dance, and take krsna-prasadam. And if you are not educated, you are illiterate, hear. Just you have got natural gift, ear. You have got natural tongue
- Simply for the tongue we are committing so much sinful activities and becoming implicated, because implication means there is no God consciousness, no Krsna consciousness
- Since materialistic people are concerned with the tongue, belly and genitals, if anyone wants to advance in spiritual life he must be very careful about associating with such people. To associate with such materialistic men is to commit purposeful suicide
- Since that time, my tongue also always vibrates the sound "Hari, Hari." I have no desire to say it, but still my tongue says it. I do not know what to do
- Since then, the holy name of Krsna has been tightly fixed upon my tongue. Indeed, since I have been chanting the holy name of Krsna, the holy name of Lord Ramacandra has gone far away
- Soma, or the predominating deity of the moon, is responsible for the living entity's ability to relish the taste of food through the tongue
- Some good, palatable foodstuff I have been offered by some friend, I am eating. "Oh," I am thinking, "oh, how happy I am!" But what is that happiness? That happiness is due to my tongue only. But I am not this tongue
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then recited the following verse, "My dear Lord, one who always keeps Your holy name on his tongue becomes greater than an initiated brahmana"
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, tara madhye jihva ati, lobhamaya sudurmati. Among the senses, the tongue is the most formidable enemy of the conditioned soul. Urged by the tongue, one commits many sinful activities
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has explained that jagad-guru properly refers to one who is the controller of his tongue, mind, words, belly, genitals and anger. Prthivim sa sisyat: such a jagad-guru is completely fit to make disciples all over the world
- Srila Rupa Gosvami said that if he could somehow get millions of ears and tongues, then he could relish spiritual bliss by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "He (Ambarisa) engaged his nostrils in smelling the flowers and tulasi which were offered to Krsna, and he engaged his tongue in tasting Krsna-prasadam"
- Suppose I cover your tongue with some cloth & then I give you one rasagulla. Can you taste it? What you'll taste? There are so many things. If you cover the senses, the real senses, & try to enjoy with that covering, what you'll enjoy?
- That gentleman was sitting and asking "Can I smoke?" The tongue is agitating for... "Please, please give me one cigarette. One cigarette." He became disturbed. And we said, "No. You cannot smoke." This is material pleasure
- The answer to that argument is that Sati was not vilifying but defending. If possible she should have cut out Daksa's tongue because he blasphemed Lord Siva
- The best use of the tongue and of sound vibration is to chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. That will protect one from the hands of cruel death
- The body has five working senses, namely the hands, the legs, the tongue, the rectum and the genitals. By taking full advantage of these working senses, the body enjoys material life
- The camel is very fond of thorny twigs. Why? Because when he eats thorny twigs, the twigs cut his tongue, blood oozes out, and he tastes his own blood. Then he thinks, "I am enjoying." This is sense gratification. Sex life is also like that
- The chariot is driven by five horses, which represent the five sense organs - namely the eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue. These sense organs are very easily attracted by the sense objects. Consequently, the horses are described as moving swiftly
- The city called Apana represents engagement of the tongue in speech, and Bahudana is the variety of foodstuffs. The right ear is called the gate of Pitrhu, and the left ear is called the gate of Devahu
- The conclusion is that one who can control these six items - speech, mind, anger, tongue, belly and genitals - is to be called a svami or gosvami. Svami means master, and gosvami means master of the go, or senses
- The ears are telling us, "Oh, there is very nice music. Let us go hear it." The tongue is saying - Oh, there is a very nice restaurant with palatable dishes. Let us go
- The eating process should be moderate, just enough to keep body and soul together; it should not be for the enjoyment of the tongue
- The elementary creation of sixteen items of matter - namely the five elements (fire, water, land, air and sky), sound, form, taste, smell, touch, and the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin and mind - is known as sarga
- The eyes are dictating some way, the tongue is dictating some way, the ear is dictating some way. Therefore, one should be trained up not to be dictated by the senses, but he must be master of the senses. That is called samah
- The eyes cannot work, therefore it is blind, similarly, the hand cannot work, the leg cannot work, the tongue cannot work, because at the last stage when this mechanical arrangement of this body will stop to function, that is called death
- The first agitating agent is the mind, then the another agitating agent is this tongue. Another agitating agent is our speaking power. Vaco-vega krodha-vega. Another agitation is when we become angry
- The food is prepared in four divisions, called carvya, cusya, lehya and peya-prasada that is chewed, prasada that is licked, prasada tasted with the tongue, and prasada that is drunk
- The frogs loudly croak, with the result that they invite the snakes to eat them. The human tongue is especially given for chanting the Vedic hymns and not for croaking like frogs
- The frogs, frog's tongue, very busy in croaking. But it, it, it is means inviting death. Similarly, by talking nonsense we allow our span of life being diminished by the sunrise and sunset, but if we talk about the SPG, then our life cannot be taken away
- The function of the tongue is to taste and to vibrate. Therefore, by systematic regulation, the tongue should always be engaged in tasting the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Krsna and chanting Hare Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The functions of the tongue in devotional service are to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and eat prasadam that is offered to the Lord
- The giant fiery demon appeared still more fierce due to the movements of his eyebrows. He exhibited long, sharp teeth and, sticking out his long tongue, licked his upper and lower lips. He was naked, and he carried a big trident, blazing like fire
- The holy name of Krsna is the controller of the opulence of liberation, and it is identical with Krsna. When a person simply chants the holy name with his tongue, immediate effects are produced
- The holy name of the Lord and the Lord are nondifferent; therefore when a devotee chants Hare Krsna, Krsna and His internal potency are dancing on the tongue of the devotee. BG 1972 purports
- The hot chili-like taste burned the tongues of those who chewed the seeds. Thus the eating of pilu fruits from Vrndavana became a pastime of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's
- The impersonalists, they do not develop body. They simply remain as spirit particle. That is their idea. But we Vaisnava, we want to serve Krsna, therefore we require hands, legs and mouth and tongue, everything. So we are giving such body
- The ingredients of matter are counted as twenty-three: the total material energy, false ego, sound, touch, form, taste, smell, earth, water, fire, air, sky, eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin, hand, leg, evacuating organ, genitals, speech and mind
- The knowledge-acquiring senses are the eyes, the ears, the nose, the tongue, and the sense of touch. The mind, the center of all the senses, is sometimes considered the eleventh sense
- The living entity, thus taking another gross body, obtains a certain type of ear, tongue, and nose and sense of touch, which are grouped about the mind. He thus enjoys a particular set of sense objects. BG 15.9 - 1972
- The Lord always reserves the right of not being exposed to everyone. The devotees, however, are always engaged in the service of the Lord, serving with the tongue by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and tasting maha-prasadam
- The material scientists - the modern quasi priests who invoke such material activities - invent many objects to gratify the material senses such as the eye, ear, nose, and tongue and ultimately the mind, & there results a field of unnecessary competition
- The mind of a person in Krsna consciousness also acts in a similar way (activities of the gross body are reactions of the mind). The tongue chants Hare Krsna, the maha-mantra, the hands are raised in ecstasy, and the legs dance in Krsna consciousness
- The most important and uncontrollable sense is the tongue. If one can control the tongue, then there is every possibility of controlling the other senses. BG 1972 purports
- The mouth becomes the resting place for the tongue, which tastes all the different juices, of which the controlling deity is Varuna. This suggests, therefore, that Varuna was also generated along with the development of the tongue
- The mouth is the instrument for acquiring knowledge by taste, for by chewing an object and touching it with the tongue we can understand its taste
- The object of speech, along with the sense of speech (the tongue), should be bestowed upon fire. Craftsmanship and the two hands should be given to the demigod Indra
- The opulence of a person within this material world is estimated in terms of his exercise of the genitals and the tongue
- The primordial matter, or prakrti, material nature, consisting of three modes, generates four groups of five. The third group is the five sense organs for acquiring knowledge: eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin
- The real fact is that you cannot stop the tongue working. Engage the tongue in Krsna consciousness. That is wanted. Don't talk material subject matters
- The sastras state that the following bodily features indicate a great personality: a reddish luster in seven places - the eyes, the palms, the soles, the palate, the lips, the tongue, and the nails
- The sense objects, namely form, sound, smell, taste and touch, are always attractive for the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin
- The sense organs for acquiring knowledge - the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and touch - should be fully controlled and should not be allowed to engage in self-gratification
- The senses demand that one see beautiful things; therefore money should be spent for decorating the Deity in the temple. Similarly, the tongue has to taste good food, which should be bought and offered to the Deity
- The senses interact with the sense objects, like the ear for hearing, eyes for seeing, nose for smelling, tongue for tasting, hand for touching, and all of them are thus engaged in activities outside the self. BG 1972 purports
- The six agents of sense gratification are the tongue, the genitals, the belly, anger, the mind and words. Anyone who has practiced controlling these six is permitted to make disciples all over the world
- The six plunderers (in the forest of material existence) are the senses - eyes, ears, nose, tongue, touch and mind
- The so-called educational vibrations of the tongues of university professors who do not have spiritual knowledge is like the croaking of frogs
- The specific meaning of sruta means this knowledge has to be received through the ear, through the tongue. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. Sruta-grhitaya. It is never explained in the Vedic literature that the science of God can be understood by the eyes
- The strongest enemy is our tongue, is our tongue. Jihva-vegam. If one can control the urges of the tongue then he will be naturally able to stop the urges of the belly and the urges of the genital, three straight line
- The sun was setting, and the sage was sitting in trance after offering oblations to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, whose tongue is the sacrificial fire
- The thorns the camel eats cut the tongue of the camel, and so blood begins to flow within the camel's mouth. The thorns, mixed with fresh blood, create a taste for the foolish camel, and so he enjoys the thorn-eating business with false pleasure
- The tongue (jihva) can be controlled if one chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, does not speak of any subjects other than those concerning Krsna and does not taste anything not offered to Krsna
- The tongue and the palate, being instrumental, are adhibhutam, or forms of matter, but the functioning deity, who is a living entity, is adhidaiva, whereas the person undergoing the function is adhyatma
- The tongue can be utilized to spread the message of Krsna and glorify the Lord or take prasada, the remnants of food offered to Krsna
- The tongue dictates, "Bring tea," "Bring coffee," "Bring cigarette." Therefore the tongue is very formidable enemy of this human being, if you indulge
- The tongue engagement is you chant the holy name of the Lord, and you take the prasadam, remnants of foodstuff given to the Lord. Then you become self-realized, God realized. By these two method
- The tongue has two functions - to vibrate and to taste. So if one repeatedly hears and vibrates the Hare Krsna mantra and tastes prasada, food offered to Krsna, by this very simple method one will realize Vasudeva, Krsna. Krsna will reveal Himself
- The tongue is also used for speaking, and it can speak of either material sense enjoyment or Vedic knowledge. Of course, here (SB 4.25.49) material sense enjoyment is stressed. Therefore the word rasajna is used
- The tongue is considered to be the most uncontrollable sense because it hankers for so many unwholesome eatables, thereby forcing the living entity into the dungeon of material conditional life
- The tongue is described here as the instrument for acquiring knowledge of taste. Because taste is a product of water, there is always saliva on the tongue
- The tongue is meant for eating, and men, animals and birds each have their different tastes because of different licenses. The taste of human beings and that of the swine are not on the same level
- The tongue is meant for glorifying your qualities because in this world a pure devotee of the Lord is very difficult to find
- The tongue is saying, "Oh, there is a very nice restaurant with palatable dishes. Let us go." In this way the senses are dragging us from one place to another, and because of this we are perplexed
- The tongue is sevonmukha-jihva - it is controlled by service. One whose tongue is engaged in tasting material things and also talking about them cannot use the tongue for absolute realization
- The tongue is so formidable enemy, simply for tasting, they will commit so many sinful activities
- The tongue must be utilized to chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and take Krsna prasadam. Thus the tongue has a dual function, and by utilizing it in this way, we will realize Krsna
- The tongue should be engaged in chanting and in eating the Lord's prasada so that the other senses will be controlled
- The words - Hare Krsna - should be very distinctly pronounced and heard. Sometimes one mechanically produces a hissing sound instead of chanting with the proper pronunciation with the help of the lips and tongue
- There are false ego, intelligence & the unmanifested stage of 3 modes of nature. Then there are 5 senses for acquiring knowledge: the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and touch. Then 5 working senses: voice, legs, hands, the anus & the genitals. BG 1972 purports
- There are many urges: urge of the mind, urge of the anger, urge of the talking, urge of the tongue, then belly, then genital. In this way, we are driven by so many urges. So out of that, the strongest enemy is our tongue
- There are prostitution of three things: prostitution of the tongue, prostitution of the belly, and prostitution of the genital
- There are six kinds of rasas (tastes), and if one is agitated by any one of them, he becomes controlled by the urges of the tongue
- There are the forces of talk, forces of anger, forces of mind, forces of the stomach, forces of the genitals, & forces of the tongue. One who is able to control the forces of all these different senses, & the mind, is called gosvami, or svami. BG 1972 p
- There is a very nice foodstuff, but still, my tongue should not be agitated. There is a very nice girl or boy, still, I shall not be agitated sexually. In this way, when you are able to control the six agitating elements, then you become dhira
- There is also tapasya with regards to the tongue, belly, and genitals. One cannot eat anything and everything, or at any time he pleases. Nor can one have sex freely, but only according to the scriptural injunctions
- There is no question of cast, creed, nationality, color, richness. No. Everyone has got the tongue, by the grace of God. Everyone can chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- These young boys and girls from Europe and America, they have been, they are being taught, "Use the tongue for Krsna. Chant Hare Krsna, and eat Krsna prasadam." And as practical result, although they are very young, still, they have realized God, Krsna
- They (Kings and Princes) looked upon Him to their hearts' content, as if drinking nectar through their eyes, licking His body with their tongues, smelling the aroma of His body with their noses, and embracing Him with their arms
- This (chanting Hare Krsna) taste takes time to awaken, but when Rupa Gosvami was chanting he was thinking, - I have only one tongue and two ears. What can I appreciate of chanting
- This entire universe, filled with its many great mountains, rivers, oceans, trees and living entities, is resting just like an atom on one of His many thousands of hoods. Is there anyone, even with thousands of tongues, who can describe His glories?
- This example is sometimes given for persons who vibrate sounds simply for death. One may have a very nice tongue that can vibrate sound like the frogs, but that kind of vibration is simply calling death
- This is an opportunity, this human form of life, this particular type of tongue which you can use. In other type of tongues you can chew, you can taste the blood and the flesh, and so many things. But you cannot chant Hare Krsna
- This knowledge, we have to acquire, that "We have got the greatest powerful friend in Krsna, and He is with me." This is knowledge. Just like when you chant Krsna, Hare Krsna, actually the fact is Krsna is dancing on your tongue by sound vibration
- This tongue is sudurmati. It is very, very badly intelligent. Not at all intelligent. He wants to eat. That I hear. Just like here we can see, in these big cities
- This verse (CC Madhya 19.213) is from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 11.19.36). The conditioned soul under the clutches of maya, the material energy, is very much agitated by the urges of the tongue and the genitals
- Thus He would be completely overwhelmed by ecstatic love of Krsna and begin to chant the holy name and dance. His tongue worked incessantly as He chanted, 'Krsna! Krsna!' Will He again become visible before the path of my eyes
- To eat and to vibrate sound is the business of the tongue. If you can control your tongue for prasadam, spiritual food, and make the sound vibration of the holy name, then by surrender of the tongue you can control all the other senses
- To stop this attraction of the tongue, one is authoritatively advised not to accept meat or similar uneatable things nor to allow the tongue to hanker to drink or smoke. Even the drinking of tea and coffee is not permitted
- Tongue has got two functions, namely to vibrate to speak something, and to taste something. So you engage. You simply engage your tongue for chanting and glorifying Krsna, and eat prasadam, then the two tongue's business will be finished
- Tongue should be used always for glorifying the Supreme Lord. That is our business with the tongue. And the tongue should not be allowed to eat anything except krsna-prasada. Then you become liberated, simply by controlling the tongue
- Topics concerning his renunciation are wonderful. Throughout his life he never allowed his tongue sense gratification
- Transcendental activities of the Lord are so arranged in writing by the great sages that simply by hearing of those narrations one becomes perfectly self-realized, and the proper use of the ear and the tongue is also achieved
- We are talking so many things, whole day and night. But if we utilize this tongue for chanting Hare Krsna mantra, what is the loss there? That is the injunction of the sastras
- We have a tongue, and if we use this tongue to chant Hare Krsna, we shall immediately come directly in touch with Krsna, because the name Krsna and the person Krsna are not different
- We have got these wives, the senses. The eyes are dragging: "Please come to the cinema." The tongue is dragging: "Please come to the restaurant"
- We require that men of all tongues may know of the great message of Krishna and your rendering our books in the Spanish language will be a tremendous service to our Krishna Conscious movement
- When 1) the eyes are engaged in seeing the beautiful form of the Lord, the tongue engaged in tasting prasada, or remnants of foodstuff offered to the Lord then only can the transcendental senses become satiated and eternally free from material engagement
- When a conditioned soul is awakened to Krsna consciousness and renders service by using his tongue to chant the Lord's holy name & taste the remnants of the Lord's food, the tongue is purified, and one gradually comes to understand who Krsna really is
- When Hare Krishna Mantra is vibrating on your tongue and you are hearing attentively, then your consciousness becomes clear or Krishna Consciousness and there is no question of maya or hazy consciousness
- When Hare Krishna Mantra is vibrating on your tongue and you are hearing attentively, then your consciousness becomes clear or Krishna Consciousness, and there is no question of maya or hazy consciousness
- When Hare Krishna mantra is vibrating on your tongue, and you are hearing attentively, then your consciousness becomes clear
- When one engages his senses in the service of the Lord - specifically, when one engages the tongue in chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and tasting only Krsna prasada with a spirit of service - the Supreme Personality of Godhead is revealed
- When one is devotee, he'll chant more and more. He'll aspire, "If I could get millions of tongues and trillions of ear, then I could finish." That is devotee. And one is thinking how to finish it by chanting once, he's not devotee. That is neophyte stage
- When the mind is joined with a particular sense, it immediately becomes manifest in a certain way. For instance, when there is anger in the mind, the tongue vibrates so many maledictions
- When the palate of the gigantic form was separately manifested, Varuna, the director of water in the planetary systems, entered therein, and thus the living entity has the facility to taste everything with his tongue
- When the sun is in the sky, then where is the question of darkness? Similarly, when Hare Krishna mantra is vibrating on your tongue, and you are hearing attentively, then your consciousness becomes clear or Krishna Consciousness
- When the transcendental sound vibration is practiced by a conditioned soul, the Supreme Lord is present on his tongue
- Whenever there is sun, there is sunlight, immediately. Where there is light, immediately there is illumination. Just like a drop of poison. You just take a drop of poison as soon as it touches the tongue immediately it expands all over the whole body.
- With my tongue I shall chant Your holy name, 'Sri Krsna Caitanya!' That is my desire. Kindly let me give up my body in this way
- With the material senses one cannot understand the transcendental holy name of the Lord or His form, activities and pastimes. But when one actually engages in devotional service, utilizing the tongue, the Lord is revealed
- With this mind you cannot understand. You cannot think of Krsna. With this tongue you cannot chant Hare Krsna. With these ears you cannot hear what is Hare Krsna. With these eyes you cannot see what is Krsna. But if you purify...
- With woman, the living entity is entangled with lusty desires, and he enjoys sex, just as one enjoys the aroma of a flower. He thus enjoys a life of sense gratification - from his tongue to his genitals
- Working with the five material elements (panca-bhutas), as well as with our five knowledge-gathering senses like the eyes, ears and tongue and our five active senses like the hands and legs, we become involved in the material condition
- You are talking and painting about Krishna, so that your mind, hand, and attention are all absorbed in Krishna samadhi, and tongue chanting Hare Krishna. This is first class samadhi, and the highest position of the greatest yogi
- You cannot stop the activities of the senses, but you have to purify. That is recommended. That purification of the senses begins from the tongue. Therefore we have recommended that don't eat meat, don't taste intoxication, don't . . . and illicit sex
- You chant Hare Krsna mantra with your tongue. Take prasadam of Krsna. You will gradually develop your Krsna consciousness, and you will understand what is God. That is the process
- You have got the tongue and you have got the ear. Chant Hare Krsna and use this instrument to hear. Finished. All perfection is there
- You inspire me within the heart and make me speak with the tongue. I do not know whether I am speaking well or badly
- You prepare cheese and fry it. You'll get the same taste. But let the animal live, take its milk, and prepare so many milk preparations. But these rascals will not do. You kill simply for this tongue. It is so strong, this tongue
- Your lips increase the greed of the tongue and thus attract it. Considering all this, We see that the activities of Your transcendental lips are always paradoxical
- Your service begins with the tongue. How? By the tongue you can chant Hare Krsna, and by the tongue you can taste Krsna prasadam, spiritual food. So, the beginning of the process is very nice
- Your tongue asks you, "Go to the restaurant and eat some nice thing." But if you are a Vaisnava, if you have this vow that "I shall not allow my tongue to eat anything except prasadam," it is already controlled. That means, to control the senses
- Your tongue is pinching you, "Please give me a cigarette." Oh, you at once supply, "Yes." So you are serving your senses means the dictation of your senses
- Yuktahara means to take food is not forbidden, but you have to take food only just to maintain your body, not for, I mean to say, taste of your palate or tongue