Category:Questions On... ISKCON - Leadership and Management
Pages in category "Questions On... ISKCON - Leadership and Management"
The following 191 pages are in this category, out of 191 total.
- After you, is it any decision has been made who will take over?
- Also (this Oath of Allegiance should be signed by the presidents also)?
- And so that group of eighteen secretaries will choose another leader (he has appointed from all the disciples a group of secretaries. Each one is in charge of a different sector of the world... Presently there is eighteen)?
- And who sees to that ("I want to see, as the chairman of the BBT, that fifty percent is spent on printing and fifty percent is for constructing temples")? The GBC?
- And you're training them to lead?
- Are Siddha-svarupananda Gosvami and Tusta-krsna Maharaja and their followers more advanced in their understanding of Krsna and the spiritual master than the other devotees in ISKCON?
- Are there any local problems still surviving?
- Are there many decisions that people asked you to make, about whether the movement should do this, or should do that, or do they bother you of that now, or are you just busy writing and translating?
- Are you happy with the way the movement has really spread?
- Are you leaving the decision up to me?
- Are you planning to choose a successor?
- Are you training a successor?
- As for your question regarding the children, what can I do? I am not a teacher. You should ask Satsvarupa on all of these matters, he is the GBC, so everything small and big should be referred to Satsvarupa
- Before it can be printed, everything has to go through his hands because he is the chief translator. But at the present moment it's going so slowly. But one arrangement I proposed was to pay him some money?
- Better to keep the temple open with the Deities there or can the...?
- Brahmananda Swami's proposals, top portion, we'll just add?
- But by that time you had some kind of... organization going?
- But he does it on your behalf (he's guru. He's guru)?
- But now I'm wondering how this should be managed, who should take charge of this project (this one gentleman has already offered one house in Bangkok. He's put at our disposal, in the middle of the city. A very beautiful house)?
- But then, in the event that some present GBC member leaves, either leaves (how many GBC's are there already? So add him. GBC is not to be changed)?
- But what are you going to do about your security? Can I talk to this about this, you know?
- Do the needful? ... In what regard, Srila Prabhupada?
- Do you expect to name one person as your successor or have you already?
- Do you find that you are having difficulty disassociating yourself (your group) with false prophets like the Guruji?
- Do you have anything comparable to bishops and the hierarchy of the Christian faith and of other major faiths?
- Do you spend a certain amount of time in each center? Do you yourself travel from one center to another?
- Do you think we should go straight to the minister?
- Do you want us to make more zones now, Srila Prabhupada?
- Do.... Your lines of authority then come from you, or is it an elective authority?
- Does each temple operate by itself, or each division operate by itself?
- Have there been any complaints from Detroit?
- Have you many branches of your society everywhere? Where is your main center, and where are the branches?
- His idea.... His question, Prabhupada, is also, suppose someone wants to buy a farm or wants to do some new project. Do they ask your permission first?
- How are the boys and girls to learn these things in manners of decorum and manners from the sannyasis, for example. How are they to offer respects to their godbrothers?
- How do we handle these people who don't seem to want to carry their own weight, though, Prabhupada? The ones who don't want to work and help produce this food?
- How do we stop them from subletting? ... No, I mean supposing they were to move out completely and let someone else move in?
- How do you choose, you are responsible for the organization?… Are you the one who chooses who runs each center, who is responsible in each temple?
- How far should the orders of my duly appointed officers like GBC, etc., be obeyed and followed?
- How long do you want to work in Bombay?
- How many officials (?) are there?
- How should the relationship between a sannyasi and the temple president be?
- How should we do this in our ISKCON society with these young girls (the Indian system is that when the girl is utmost twelve years, not more than that, ten to twelve years, she must be married)?
- I don't think there's any need of taking any loan agreement or anything, is there? Is there any need?
- I have to, to contact them and find out how it was actually (published)... Should I write them a letter (they should be informed that without being passed by the authority, nobody should publish any literature)?
- I mean (what do you mean by retired life?) are you giving up your position as spiritual leader?
- I wanted to ask somebody to leave, but how does he leave? We have to buy him his ticket or something?
- I was wondering if he had a successor to do... Do you have a successor to take your place when you die?... So what process would the Hare Krsnas...?
- I was wondering whether perhaps you would personally take a less active role?
- If in our society we say, "Srila Prabhupada wants some to be sudra..."
- If the king gives to you (the temple), what will we make there?
- If we are not at the purified stage, then why is the temple president a representative of yourself?
- If you had a big house, a rich house. You would use that?
- In order to establish the asrama will you be spending part of the year here?
- In other words, there's no set principle that only the works which you have already translated can be published by the BBT. If there is some worthy translation of a bona fide Vedic reference, if it's properly done, the BBT could publish it?
- In our community, being as we're training up as Vaisnavas, how will we be able to make divisions in our society?
- In Washington with Rupanuga Prabhu and the other scientists in our group for the Institute. So I have some papers to be signed by Your Divine Grace. So you'll read in the morning? Tomorrow?
- Is that (the moving of ISKCON Press) a GBC matter or BBT matter?
- Is that all right (that Atreya Rsi writes a final draft ot the Oath of Allegiance)? Should we go on (with reading of the Oath of Allegiance) while he's writing?
- Is that called rtvik-acarya (yes. I shall recommend some of you. After this is settled up, I shall recommend some of you to act as officiating acaryas)?
- Is there a GBC for Thailand?
- Is there any method for dissent within your movement? Or change?
- Is there any system for publishing works in the future that you may not see?… What would the system be to insure the parampara if you would not personally see these translations?
- Is there anyone who is designated to succeed you as the primary teacher of the movement?
- Is this style acceptable to Prabhupada (they sent one sample, Bhaktivedanta Institute, the emblem. And they had wanted to include some Sanskrit slogan, perhaps, and you'd mentioned athato brahma jijnasa, so they have done that and decorated little bit)?
- Isn't the GBC supposed to be more trusted than the temple president?
- No, he's asking that these rtvik-acaryas, they're officiating, giving diksa. Their... The people who they give diksa to, whose disciple are they?
- Now, another point is, which we have put off until this (GBC) meeting, especially to be considered in this meeting, is the moving of the Press. The moving of ISKCON Press. Is that...?
- Oh, you mean before (the Southeast Asia and Australia if that were one zone, it would be alright. Make it. It wouldn't be too difficult. So write, write that. What one, two, three. What is the one zone, zone number one? Eastern U.S)?
- One thing he's saying, this gentleman, and I would like to know, is your successor named or your successor will...?
- One time when I was staying in the Krsna-Balarama mandira, I saw a man smoking a bidi in his room. If that happens - in the bedroom - should the managers go and say this is not permitted?
- Our first question is about the GBC members. We want to know how long should they remain in office?
- Prabhupada, I have a question and it applies only to me, but it's important. A year ago you wrote me in a letter when I was..., said the editing was going slow, to pay more attention to managing the temple. So...
- Prabhupada, what is the plan? To send money or books?
- Prabhupada, when you are not present with us, how is it possible to receive instructions, for example, on questions that may arise?
- Really? That ("We have got the "no objection" certificate") is for a skyscraper building or for the temple?
- Regarding asking me questions
- Regarding your question about closing the temple for a few hours during the day...
- Regarding your question whether grhastha couples can live together in the temple...
- Regarding your questions about GBC and sannyasi
- Should I not go to the London zone at this time? I've been invited. They say they need a sannyasi in that zone, for years, so I've been invited. Do you think I should go now with Satsvarupa Maharaja, or go to London?
- Should there be some kind of a seal?
- So far your question regarding Bhetnama
- So I can go on and read these (the responsibilities of the GBC men)...?
- So only keep thirteen GBC at this point? Will Bali-mardana stay at the Press and be considered GBC?
- So shall we keep the number at thirteen, Srila Prabhupada?
- So they'll be able to take care of the situation there by themselves?... In Hong Kong?
- So we have some guidelines in here about that (general reporting: "Yes, everyone is chanting," or "He is not chanting in spite of warning"). So should I go on with this?
- So which do you think is more important-this deal or the palace? I think the palace
- So you want Kirtanananda to be president?
- So, now what, what is your problem?
- Some day one person will do the floor, and the next day another person? Is that all right?
- Srila Prabhupada, did you want him to translate, I mean, tomorrow?
- Srila Prabhupada, do you want it Bhaktivedanta Institute or Bhaktivedanta Swami?
- Srila Prabhupada, I just want the name of the person who gave us that land in Orissa because I'm getting this retyped
- Srila Prabhupada, I've got a letter here from Jayadvaita and from Jagannatha dasa regarding some corrections. These are two books that are in production right now. So would it be all right to ask you them?
- Srila Prabhupada, you gave that example: If you want to kill a mosquito, use a gun. What does that example show?
- Srila Prabhupada? For the Bombay opening, is it necessary to have those South Indian brahmanas?
- Srila Prabhupada? I'm thinking to go today to the Radha-Damodara temple to see how things are going on. You told me regularly to check there whenever we're here?
- Srila Prabhupada? There was a nice letter from Haridasa in Bombay. Should I read it to you?
- Srila Prabhupada? We can also purchase in the name of Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust… Should we buy this land, Srila Prabhupada?
- Srila Prabhupada? We got a telegram from Nrsimha-Caitanya. You know, he's the boy who does library distribution? Should I read it to you?
- Ten years ago, when you first came to the United States, did you take a very active role in the organization, and I'm wondering whether you do much of that now?
- That book that Jayatirtha was making on Deity worship following from the Hari-bhakti-vilasa, he told me he is making on your order to make a standard of Deity worship. That is the standard we should be advising the temples to follow?
- That should be done in front of Your Divine Grace (You discuss. Then I shall give my decision)? They should all come?
- The Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity trustees would fix that up?
- The last time I saw him (Madana-Mohana Gosvami of Radha-Damodara temple), he said he wants Panchu to work for us... He says he will do anything?... Right now we have no work except construction. So what should I tell him when I see him?
- The one you've written, from the old Book Trust?
- The other morning Srila Prabhupada was mentioning about the Institute, the Bhaktivedanta Institute. So is there anything else that your Divine Grace wants to?
- The pledge. Should I read the pledge (the Oath of Allegiance)? I have written it
- The recommendation here (for first and second initiation), Srila Prabhupada, is that...?
- Then our next question concerns initiations in the future, particularly at that time when you're no longer with us. We want to know how first and second initiation would be conducted?
- Then what is the relationship of that person who gives the initiation and the… (yes. I shall recommend some of you. After this is settled up, I shall recommend some of you to act as officiating acaryas. Rtvik, yes)?
- There are two more GBC appointments that have been made, Srila Prabhupada?
- They criticize this in ISKCON, that the leaders pick out husband and wife... And that they're not allowed to mix freely. They say, "Well how do you know who you want to marry unless you can mix with that person?"
- They wanted an Indian to be the leader (of ISKCON)?
- This meeting right now is concerning ISKCON and the GBC, but are we going to have some kind of meeting regarding the BBT?
- This movement must have structure. Will you please tell us about the structure from the hierarchy on the top, and all the way down?
- This Oath of Allegiance is a legal document also, isn't it? It's both a legal document and a spiritual document
- Want to go over it (the new mail) now? Shall we go over everything now?
- We could rent it for wedding ceremonies, things like that also. ... What do you think, Srila Prabhupada?
- We'd have to completely revise the whole system that we have now?
- We're very, very busy, Jayapataka and I, because the festival is coming up. Would it be all right if I stayed back? I make all the arrangements, but stay behind to supervise it?
- Well, let's say someone gives the temple president some money, and he puts in an account with his name and the treasurer's name, and they both conspire and take the money. Then there's no...?
- Well, what happens when I leave? Then if he's not here and I leave, what happens then?
- What about if you, at least, can approve the (GBC) agenda?
- What about Los Angeles?
- What about my position, Prabhupada?
- What about the possibility of opening more than one temple in this city? Just like if there's a good building on the East Side, if we can manage, what about the possibility of that?
- What are your plans for India?
- What can I suggest (the system of management will go on as it is now. There is no need of changing… A few deposits, which is allowing some pension to the members of my former family, may not be touched. That's all, two points. Hm? What do you think?)?
- What can I suggest?… That in regard to the three temples, Mayapur, Bombay and Vrndavana, you should designate who you want the trustees to be
- What happens when that inevitable time comes when a successor is needed?
- What heading does book distribution come under?
- What is that overburden?
- What is the idea behind the movement?
- What is the procedure of the movement? Do you initiate yourself all the disciples or do your other disciples also do that?
- What is to be done now? In regard to that Trust?... In regard to what were you asking?
- What should we do with, like there's some sannyasis here, like Yasodanandana Swami and his party?
- What thought there is in bringing the temple and the farm closer together as one entity rather than two?
- What will happen to the movement in the United States when you die?
- What will the business of the trustees (for construction of Bombay) be?
- What, Srila Prabhupada? Wherever you are kept?
- When we come to a center, naturally there are certain men who want to go traveling. Not all men want to go traveling, but there are definitely some who want to go traveling. And if they come to me, what should I do? Tell them, "No, I'm sorry"?
- When you say that we don't find any progress, do you mean just on account of Pradyumna's testimony? Or do you see beyond that, also, that there's no progress.
- Where will we introduce the varnasrama system, then?
- Who controls, if one of the members becomes grasping, wants things for himself?
- Who has control of the money?
- Who has the authority to say to somebody, "Please go," though?
- Who is in charge of a temple when you're not here?
- Who is the representative in India? Of this...? In Delhi, of your organization? In Delhi?
- Who will be president? Of the institute (Bhaktivedanta Institute), Srila Prabhupada?
- Who will carry on this movement after you?
- Why can't two people be in charge? Why can't we both...?
- Why doesn't the Krsna conscious movement stop cow slaughter?
- Will there be one spiritual leader, though?
- Will we be someday in charge of those (Vrndavana and all these other lands)?
- Would you like myself or Hamsaduta to stay here and help with this building?
- Wow. Just like "No dogs allowed." Are you serious about that (you can have signboard: "No Mayavadis visit here"), Srila Prabhupada?
- Yes, that the president's recommendation is overseeing, is scrutinized, by GBC, so that when Your Divine Grace gets a recommendation, it's been, by someone else, it's been checked. Do you think it's unnecessary?
- You (the actual head of the Krsna movement) have no successor when you move into another dimension; that from the masses, from the disciples that you have throughout the world, someone will rise to take your place when you move to another world?
- You are at this particular time then the head in the world of this movement? Would that be correct?
- You are now the leader and the spiritual master. Who will take your place?
- You are the founder of this movement. You are the founder?
- You are the head of ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Is it a church?
- You arrange the marriages?
- You choose the leaders, or Krsna does and tells you, how does that work?
- You got a report?
- You have asked about construction plans in New Vrindaban...
- You have asked about the management of our society, and the position is that management should be done in such a way that people may not break away. That is the first business of management
- You have asked for some men...
- You have asked me about my plans...
- You said that the purpose of the Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust was for development of Gaura-mandala-bhumi. ... It should be just for Gaura-mandala-bhumi or general?
- You want Gopala Krsna to print in India or you want us to print in Los Angeles?
- You want him to do it here, though (either he (Bhagatji) does the puja here or don't do it at all. Is that all right?)?
- You want me to give him the receipt?
- You want me to start using that new type of letterhead that Bhagavan has brought? Should I start using it?
- You want me to take care of it? Your rooms at Radha-Damodara? You want me to take care that they're cleaned and kept?
- You want to know when the godown is beginning to be built?
- You want your name to be taken off (so they want a second person from our Society also to be on the coordinating committee, because you may not always be able to attend the meetings)?
- You've always preached that we should do things in a modern way, just appropriately… And use for Krsna whatever available... I think if we fix up vehicles very nicely, that will be nice. Will that be all right, Srila Prabhupada? Is that all right?
- Your question about travelling SKP parties in other zones...
- Your representatives, the presidents and GBC may be there, but what is my personal relationship with you?