Devotee: There are two more GBC appointments that have been made, Śrīla Prabhupāda?
Prabhupāda: Yes, they are already. Now extra. Now we are increasing to fifteen.
Śyāmasundara: Practically, there is not much... To divide Europe into another zone.
Prabhupāda: No, for the time being you can do it like that. So three has already entered and three has already gone. Tamāla Kṛṣṇa has gone, Hayagrīva has gone, and Kṛṣṇa Dāsa has gone. And we are introducing three: Brahmānanda, Girirāja, and Madhudviṣa.
Devotees: Gaurasundara.
Prabhupāda: Gaurasundara.
Devotee: So shall we keep the number at thirteen, Śrīla Prabhupāda?
Prabhupāda: Make it, make it (maybe?).
Devotee: Thirteen is...
Prabhupāda: Or you can make it out to fifteen, I have no objection.
Devotee: Your Guru Mahārāja wanted twelve originally?
Prabhupāda: He wanted, but he was manage Gauḍīya Maṭha. We are managing the whole world. Guru Mahārāja (indistinct) less intelligent than (indistinct).
Śyāmasundara: We can divide it up into smaller and smaller parts.
Prabhupāda: What you do now, this is my manifest plan, you... And so far Vṛndāvana is concerned, now there are three properties, so ideally one should keep (give?) his own property. Is that all right? (indistinct).
Devotee: That leased property.
Prabhupāda: Leased property. So I am not concerned. (indistinct) I want that you should live very peacefully and concentrate your mind for (indistinct). And we are not disturbed with these arrangements. Kīrtanānanda Mahārāja will be (indistinct), then that problem is solved. Now you make divided zones and work (indistinct). I want to (indistinct). That's all right.
Devotee: Do you want us to make more zones now, Śrīla Prabhupāda?
Prabhupāda: You make ourself. Because thirteen, you are making now thirteen. You make thirteen.
Devotee: No, actually there's twelve, and Bali-mardana is staying at the press and he is going to travel around. We want to increase and make more...
Prabhupāda: That's all right, that's all right. Bali-mardana will be stagnant.
Śyāmasundara: He can oversee some foreign...
Prabhupāda: Yes, he has this book department. Book department and... They may move according to convenience, Bali-mardana and Karandhara. He has got also very responsibility, with this department, that department. He has to purchase small houses. So big brain (indistinct). So similarly, you also think on the books. Everyone take big responsibility. Then we have to serve this mission. The people are foolish, they have forgotten God. We are delivering them. Best service. And without God, it is all useless, zero, all this civilization. Zero. Whatever they are making advancement, it is all zero. And nonsense. But actually it is. Now the priestly order supporting homosex. I was surprised. They are going to pass resolution for getting married between man to man. The human society has come down to such a degraded position. It is astonishing. When I heard from Kīrtanānanda Mahārāja there is a big conference for passing this resolution. In India still, if there somebody hears about homosex (makes sound of breathing out). Homosex is there but nobody will support publicly. (indistinct) People are going down and this is the subject matter for priestly order? It may be subject matter for the legislator, priestly order, they are discussing for one week. Just imagine. Phalena paricīyate, one has to study by the result. Not that superficially you show that "We are very much advanced." Phalena, what is the result? Phalena paricīyate, your, that is in English word also, end justifies the means. The end is this (indistinct) "We are going to support homosex." Getting married. There are many cases the priestly order has actually got married. I read it in that paper, Watch, what is called?
Devotees: Watchtower.
Prabhupāda: Watchtower. They have complained(?). So we have nothing to (indistinct) them. The world is degrading to the lowest status, even less than animal. The animal also do not support homosex. They have never sex life between male to male. They are less than animal. People are becoming less than animal. This is all due to godlessness. Harāv abhaktasya kuto mahad-guṇā (SB 5.18.12), godless civilization cannot have any good qualities. Harāv abhaktasya kuto mahad-guṇā mano rathena asato dhāvato... They simply go to the untruth by mental speculation. (end)