Category:Questions asked to Srila Prabhupada
- Here we place the questions that were asked to Prabhupada as page titles and the answers he gives are inside the pages as headings written in the colour green.
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Pages in category "Questions asked to Srila Prabhupada"
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- A brahmana priest would come (for the Vedic ceremonies)?
- A Deity of Krsna is carried on an elephant. At some of these big festivals there may be many non-Vaisnavas. Is it all right to show these people? Or should we only show Vaisnavas in this movie?
- A devotee becomes more surrendered because the influence of the modes, the three modes, becomes diminished, or is the influence just changed from ignorance and passion to goodness?
- A devotee is only supposed to want service, and sometimes he very much wants to be liberated to be finished with all this difficulty, isn't it?
- A devotee is sometimes subject to hankering or lamentation. That is material though, isn't it?
- A devotee may have some demoniac qualities?
- A devotee must work for everybody's liberation?
- A devotee who is very faithful reaches this stage (devotees are neither in the goodness, passion, or ignorance. They are transcendental to all these qualities)?
- A devotee, he can be very poor, but is it okay if he's hankering after something for Krsna? Can a devotee think like that, "Why can't we get a nice house like these people for Krsna"? Is that all right?
- A devotee, how can he control his tongue?
- A devotee, very often after chanting why they develop very, very high. I see a lot of devotees, they falls down back to the maya. What is the reason?
- A dog (We have been given chance to understand God. But if you don't understand, then next life you become a dog)?
- A God-brother brought up that he heard that Srila Bhaktivinode was at one time an impersonalist. Was he ever?
- A lot of devotees, they never read the books, but they're doing the chanting. It will progress them without reading the books, because they're the most important?
- A lot of people were unable to come. Do you think it will be possible for you to come back to Durban from Johannesburg, after your Johannesburg stay?
- A lot of them are very young people coming into the movement. Do you think they really understand what they're going into when they join the Krsna movement?
- A man is finite. How can he do good for everyone?
- A man may evolve to a state like unto the demigods. Is that a possibility?
- A man shipwrecked on an island alone, he is not in any sense taking part in illicit love. It doesn't mean that he is free from all desire for illicit love. Is it the exterior rather than the interior (that decides)?
- A person (Krsna)? Person in the ordinary sense of the word, or...?
- A person might argue that the Indians weren't satisfied either; otherwise they wouldn't have taken up the English culture. So what's the difference?
- A person who is a Negro, Chinese, Indian, etc. are they different species of life making up the 400,000 species?
- A person who is not indulging in illicit sex life or intoxication and other things has to live a comparatively simpler life... One will live much simpler life, agreed. But at the same time, would it change some complex things?
- A priori we are not born with knowledge of what is right?
- A pure devotee can see Krsna everywhere, that He's never out of your vision, and at the same time in Siksastaka prayers Lord Caitanya explains that "Govinda, I am feeling Your separation to be twelve years or more." Could you explain this?
- A pure devotee realizes it as Krsna's energy, but as a neophyte, how do we enjoy material energy in this aspect, the fresh air and the morning walk?
- A statement was made some time ago in a conversation that somebody was looking for the Gita without the Rama. Could you explain what they might be meaning by that?
- A sudra, if he is working, he cannot take brahmana initiation, but he can take hari-nama, is that it?
- A thief commits theft repeatedly and is imprisoned repeatedly, and he has full knowledge of it - then what is the cause of his putting himself into miserable condition of prison life?
- A vipra means he has the twelve qualifications, and he also has the qualification of faith. I don't understand exactly what it means when Prahlada Maharaja says that I should be meditating on a follower who has no faith in God or God watching him
- About a hundred hoods, how could Krsna manage all of those hoods?
- About Guru dasa prabhu's point, when the heart transplant, the soul stays in the subtle body. Is that sound?
- About how many followers would you say there are in the United States?
- About Lord Caitanya's civil disobedience. That is with the Kazi? His civil disobedience?
- About my birth?
- About religion, Swamiji. Religion is capable to stop death?
- About the apartment (these are one gentleman came to talk with me?)?
- About the creation. I have read it from Bible too, about Adam and Eve. Do you think that it's true?
- About the eternally conditioned souls and eternally liberated souls. I'd like to know what's the meaning of eternal in both those statements?
- About the shell which you are presently keeping in the temple
- Above the world or in the world (is there any hell)?
- Accepting that there is a eternal soul, how is the soul distinguished, then, from the body or from the machine since things like the senses, the mind, the intelligence, desire and hate, which people accept as the symptoms of the soul...
- According (What is the thesis of life?) to who?
- According to Caitanya, Visnu is an expansion of Krsna?
- According to karma (varieties of the body, according to the mentality)?
- According to Krsna consciousness philosophy, the first living being was Brahma, and in the Christian Bible it says Adam was the first man. So he wants to know if in Krsna consciousness scriptures there is any mention of Adam
- According to the Aquarian Gospel, Christ was in Jagannatha Puri?
- According to the Bhagavatam, the sun is also 93,000,000 miles away from the earth?
- According to the Vedic conception, is the king or the monarch above the law?
- According to their philosophy, if whether you practice or you don't practice you get the same result in the end, what's the use of doing anything? If at death everything merges back, what's the use of doing anything? Why not commit suicide?
- According to time, place and circumstance we must discriminate whether to eat meat, whether to eat the vegetables?
- According to Vedic culture, is seaweed edible?
- According to Vedic theory, when did this yuga begin?
- According to yoga, a yogi becomes sama-duhkha-sukhah svasthah sama-lostasma-kancanah, tulya-priyapriyo dhiras tulya-nindatma-samstutih. Can it be achieved by sankirtana?
- Actually are devotees or how do they become demons? Are they devotees? Obviously Kaliya is... Just like Jaya and Vijaya, they were devotees. And due to some offense, then they became demons and they fought with Krsna to satisfy Krsna
- Actually, although the actual number of initiated devotees is still few, there is a growing, ever-growing number of sympathizers - So you make good supporter, then government is yours - Then it's all based on selling your books more and more?
- Actually, I was concerned this morning about inflation. The government and the newspapers, they say the biggest problem today is inflation. From our Krsna conscious standpoint, how can we cure this problem of inflation?
- Actually, you were asking if there were any examples of explosions happenning without material cause, and I was just wondering if you could explain how volcanoes explode
- Adhyaki. What's that?
- African? No other meaning to it? No other meaning?
- After all, it is not even one full day yet since you first took the medicine. How can we reject it so quickly?
- After death no death?
- After if one becomes purified, is it possible when he becomes transferred to the spiritual world that he can meet Rupa Gosvami and other great...?
- After King Pariksit, then it divided up (Bharata-varsa), that soon after?
- After leaving this material realm does the devotee remain forever with his spiritual master?
- After taking birth again, how does one continue his spiritual progress?
- After taking sannyasa, though, He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) had sikha and Tulasi mala?
- After ten years? Then they (gurukulis) can do Deity worship?
- After that seven months of unconsciousness in the body, in the womb, what does that spirit soul experience from that time till it comes out?
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra there were many men killed. How were all the young people and the women protected after so many millions of men were killed?
- After the festival, Prabhupada, are you going to Vrndavana?
- After the scattering of these Aryans, they have come different place. How is it that we brought all the cultural heritage in north, east and western countries?
- After we die, what happens to our spirit?
- After you realize that you're not the body, then what comes next?
- After you, is it any decision has been made who will take over?
- Ah, but sir, what is lacking ("if you chant Rama, then gradually you will get attachment for Rama. Then how you can give it up?")?
- All activities done for sake of Krsna or God are the real...
- All classes of men should preach Krsna consciousness?
- All devotees are cultured?
- All new things are created out of necessity?
- All of the prasadam, or just sweets (order the foodstuff from confectioner)?
- All over the entire world we find the Indian community, practically speaking. Is this part of Lord Caitanya's plan to help spread this Vedic culture?
- All prophet is one?
- All right. But in terms of specific, say, choosing, specific things, specific details (Krsna said this knowledge to Arjuna and Arjuna said to others and it is open. Everyone can take it, there is no secrecy. We have to accept only, that's all)?
- All that karma is erased as soon as he surrenders to Krsna?
- All the basic questions are asked, "What is life? What is this?" So many things
- All the devotees here are your disciples, Srila Prabhupada, eternal disciples, eternal servitors. But what if we have to take birth in the material world in the next life? How will we be able to render direct service unto you?
- All the living entities are completely satisfied?
- All the night or do you (sleep) at the day sometimes?
- All the other programs should be continued, and this program (varnasrama college) should be added?
- All the people who are hoarding those grains, that economic procedure to produce famine. What is the way to check them?
- All the species, their forms, their gross forms... Yes, whether that has come all of a sudden. Or is it by gradual evolution from...?
- All the symbols in Visnu's hand, are, all the symbols in Visnu's hand are weapons. How is the lotus a weapon?
- All the Vedic literatures? Why would they be written down?
- All the women, when Lord Caitanya was a baby, how did they feel about Him?
- All they're (the scientists) doing is creating the conditions for the jiva to enter, actually. Isn't it?
- All this is prepared by these young men?
- Almost everyone, except me perhaps, is concerned about death. But how about the smaller obstacles which nevertheless can make people very depressed, neurotic? How do you recognize and live with them or eliminate them?
- Also (this Oath of Allegiance should be signed by the presidents also)?
- Also based on karma, that one man is meant to have more than another of material things? Is that an argument against...?
- Also different planets (for the 400,000 different species of human life)?
- Also in Los Angeles they are buying press?
- Also our party is well equipped to do evening programs. So there will be lot of senior devotees, and advance party could arrange programs and do different big temples or different public meetings… You want that, Srila Prabhupada?
- Also they bump one another with the drum or with each other's bodies, they dance and they bump like this. That is not bona fide is it? It is very popular in our movement now
- Also you mentioned Mullik family in Calcutta to be your grandparents or someone?
- Also, I have brought (indistinct) from the bazaar. In which subji should I put?
- Also, should this college have men and woman or just men (this is a union of various theological schools. So now in Berkeley we have this very nice building, and we can become a member of this Graduate Theological Union)?
- Although a devotee feels helpless in the hands of Krsna, still, in order to execute his duty, he must be very strong... How does he reconcile those two?
- Although we are conscious, our consciousness seems to be affected by different material arrangements... Is that simply the arrangement of the modes of nature?
- Although, Srila Prabhupada, it's somewhat easy for us to convince that Srimad-Bhagavatam is the summary study of all the Vedic literatures, how can we take that Bhagavad-gita is the summary study?
- Always a different color though (the sea). Always a little different isn't it?
- Am I conscious of... My body's being constantly changing?
- Am I keeping you too long now?
- Am I my brother's keeper? Am I, am I responsible for my brother's actions?
- Am I separate from matter?
- Am I to understand that women cannot go back to Godhead without being reincarnated to the male?
- America (formerly the Aryans never touched these places. Africa or similar, other places. They were living in best places, like India. Now the number of sinful persons are increasing. Therefore they have been transferred here)?
- America is living on advertisement. Right or wrong? I have been studying American, I mean, psychology
- Americans, they are not allowed to see Jagannatha temple. What Prabhu Bhaktivedanta is doing? What he's doing for them?
- Among the avataras which are described in the second and third book of Srimad-Bhagavatam, there are two questions I have to put. There is Krsna Himself, who appears as His own avatara, and the Krsna, the yadava Krsna?
- Among the trees also, there are different grades of trees, Srila Prabhupada?
- Among two of the incarnations, there is Kapila and Buddha. And Kapila is practically, finally, the classical Sankhya-ist atheist. How could it be?
- An extra burden on the mind (when there is bunch of hair, we feel it is an extra burden)?... Makes it, weighs heavily on the mind?... So that's the reason why? It makes the mind lighter?
- And a devotee is acting, but he's not getting any mental impression? From his activities?
- And after the (atomic) war what will be the result?
- And after they (people who) join it (Krsna consciousness)...?
- And after you left the college, were you employed?
- And ah, this inside, it grows because of Krsna does it (anything you take, it grows from the Supreme)?
- And all Krsna's soldiers were killed?
- And also that man, that Sastri, the Ministry of Education? That man Mr. Sastri, in the Ministry of Education, the Ratri of Sanskrit-samsad, he bought fifty copies?
- And also this Ujjvala-nilamani?
- And also with that (our lake in Mayapur we shall make like this, all sides clear and four sides, the steps, ghata, and garden) in the center? Island?
- And another thing I wanted to ask Your Divine Grace is this. This Bhagavad-gita, I would like to print it as it becomes finished chapter by chapter. Otherwise it will be a long time before we have a book
- And anxiety for Krsna (anxiety for one's self is maya? - That is material)?
- And are these married and...?
- And bhakti... (what is meant by bhakti-yoga?)?
- And Bon Maharaja also has told he is a graduate. What is he?
- And Buddha (this sankhya philosophy which is known in Europe amongst the European scholars, that is the atheist Kapila. It is not the original Kapila)?
- And by origin you are from?
- And can one not directly surrender to Krsna through his own feelings and heart and...?
- And Chapkhanna cannot be very not good. Not very good. Your printing is wonderful. From where... Where is that place? From Japan?
- And Christians, how do you present this? Suppose if someone was a Christian (this is our philosophy, to accept knowledge from the perfect person or his bona fide representative)?
- And did you stay in the city (Moscow), or did...?
- And do they go out and make other disciples?
- And do you have a, what I may call a training in contemplation, in which you get...?
- And during the recess what should they (Gurukula students) do?
- And for design of Gaura-Nitai and Radha-Krsna, we should just use the same design or we should make better?
- And green (eucalyptus twigs). And as thick as the finger?
- And have you many participants in these fifty-five branches?
- And he (anybody) cannot change that (given lifespan)?
- And He (Bob Dylan) came to see Srila Prabhupada?
- And He (God) comes in bodily form?
- And He (Lord Krsna) used to come here for herding the cows?
- And he (Syamasundara) is coming tomorrow?
- And he (this kaviraja) says very soon you'll be able to have the strength to actually do parikrama. So why are we throwing everything out the window, that we must go tomorrow? I cannot understand
- And health card (shall I take it)?
- And how about in the south? Do you have many...?
- And how do we get guru?
- And how does Krsna control a devotee?
- And how does yoga...?
- And how is Krsna different from us?
- And how long are you going to stay there (Kashi), sir?
- And how long do you think this takes to (become spiritualized)... for a young man or a young woman, beginning?
- And how long does this go on (are you say that we were perhaps something else before we were born as well? And we keep coming back in something else next time)?
- And how many disciples you have in India itself? From three thousand, how many members of your community you have in India itself?
- And how to surrender to God, how to do this?
- And I think, sir, even Sankaracarya has not meant that we must be short of that. He was also worshiping, was he not? He was worshiping Para-brahman
- And if everybody became Krsna conscious?
- And if he (Blitz) was Krsna before, how is it he's disagreeing with what the Bhagavad-gita says?
- And if it's finished nicely, are we prepared to give them money for that (Vrndavana gate)?
- And if the person rejects that love, does He (God) still love him?
- And if women were subordinate to men, it would solve all of our problems?
- And in Calcutta (where is your center)?
- And in Goloka Vrndavana, are there still varieties? Are there still varieties in Vrndavana?
- And in India where is your asrama or something like that?
- And in the way of hospitals (to serve the poor people in the way of welfare)?
- And inside these people doing this work (modern science), is it Krsna? Or what is it makes them do the work?
- And is everybody able to take the nine processes?
- And it (Krsna Book) is just two volumes or...?
- And it (the moon) does not go all around other planets?
- And it is sure to go through in this life if you try this (take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead)?
- And it's the same spiritual body that we had before we came into the material world?
- And Jiva Gosvami and Rupa, they drank from this well?
- And John Temple was here?
- And karma-yoga then (so you can perform bhakti-yoga by fighting, by cooking, by going to the office, everything, if that purpose is for Krsna. That is bhakti-yoga. Is it clear)?
- And Krsna consciousness can help me attain this (happiness)?
- And lastly, a very trivial question. The uniform, the haircut, why is that?
- And lot of people (in Bombay, Juhu Beach) can see you. And they bow down to you?
- And Maharaja, are they (the doctors) able to increase the life by a single moment?
- And material is, nothing but the transformation of maya, is it not?
- And Mayavadis, they do not attain that impersonal realization?
- And now divorce is getting easier too, isn't it (so by one instance I can understand that how in the Western countries people become out of social structure. The root cause is godlessness. Root cause)?
- And now you will remain here in India for some time?
- And now, how...? Do they go through college (your children)?
- And so that group of eighteen secretaries will choose another leader (he has appointed from all the disciples a group of secretaries. Each one is in charge of a different sector of the world... Presently there is eighteen)?
- And space (time is eternal. Reality. And therefore we take time as another feature of God)?
- And steady intelligence, that is acquired by hearing? We can keep our intelligence steady by hearing?
- And that (why you elect? Depend on God) comes through lack of spiritual knowledge, Swamiji?
- And that is also practical (the absolute value is God. That is division. Satyam param dhimahi. That is our objective)?
- And that machine (of nature) also makes distinction, doesn't it?
- And that mental process, if you are working, is it a wrong mental process?
- And that they should not bump each other or dance with each other personally, distracting the attention from the Deity? Shouldn't all the dancing be focused toward the Deity?
- And that works (voluntarily accepting death so that immediately he can return back to the spiritual world)?
- And that's permitted to the grhasthas (they can simply ask help for the bare necessities of life)?
- And that's why the Krsna movement is separate (the general world's activities are like a non-moving car? A lump of matter)… Appears to be separated, that's the way you would put it. Well, is it separated?
- And the actual importance of the Hare Krsna chant, is that in saying the name?... Or is it a... continuous flow?
- And the interpretation is by you yourself?
- And the part where you, which you said to preach Krsna's... to attain the satisfaction of..., but what you have already said, that one should first know himself first, basic...?
- And the pure devotee, does he see the Paramatma feature or does he see...?
- And the purport (of the meaing of verse SB 10.14.58)?
- And the purpose of sastra is to direct this minute independence so that it is not misused?
- And the swastika (where does it have it's place in Krsna consciousness?)?
- And then go back to the States?
- And then he (Gopal) arranged programs, speaking programs?
- And then were you at the university or the school or somewhere?
- And then what is the program? Your Divine Grace is coming back to Delhi? From Vrndavana after three weeks?
- And then you went directly to Pennsylvania? By bus?
- And then, then, then I want to make you talk. What will I do?
- And then, when he is physically fit, then he will do the needful. But first of all, by their prayers to Jagannatha, they should make him physically fit. Is that right, Srila Prabhupada?
- And there are particular scriptural verses that speak about this (sraddha, faith)?
- And these asexual people...?
- And they (the Gosvamis) used to meet here daily?
- And they should give us some facilities (a good person is one who is God conscious and lives according to the instruction of God. So there is instruction of God, we are presenting this all over the world)?
- And they told me also that this morning you had some brahminical initiation to the... Gayatri... How many people?
- And this (Gayatri) mantra. What's the purpose?
- And this (primary readings) is all right to use (for the New Vrndavana Gurukula)?
- And this is your first visit to this (Paris) center?
- And to your mind is it possible to come to God consciousness through other means than yours?
- And we as human beings, are we part of that (God in three aspects) too?
- And we let the parents know how the children is progressing? Do we have responsibility to parents, to let them know, inform them about the progress of children?
- And what about before they joined Krsna consciousness?
- And what about desires?
- And what about France (you have some disciples)? Is it...
- And what about with people (we are maintaining animals, giving them food, giving them security of life in all our farms the animals are very free)?
- And what are you doing now, sort of a meditation?
- And what do you mean by surrendering, sir?
- And what else would one have to give up (illicit sex and)?
- And what form does that direction take (the direction from Krsna)?
- And what if the brahmana starts to rule the world in their own interest?
- And what is favorable to Krsna? How one knows?
- And what is the figure (of people joining) likely to be? Five a week, ten a week?
- And what is the fourth?
- And what is the gain?
- And what is the upasana you will be prescribing for those people who want to achieve jnana?
- And what is your program, sir?
- And what is your relationship with the Ba'hai faith?... The Ba'hai faith that also preach Krsna consciousness?
- And what is your relationship with, say, the Ramakrishna Mission?
- And what of special foods and special drink?
- And what was his (Prakasananda Sarasvati's) role again in the town? What was he... He was a Vedantist?
- And what were you in India before that? Did you have a religious background?
- And what will be the benefit of classifying men according to their qualities?
- And what will it profit us if we get to know about Him (Krsna)?
- And when did you go to the United States?
- And when I have been doing some other saguna puja, another is seen always... Suppose I am doing... Sankara pure puja then I am seeing er, Devi.... Like that it is happening. Secondly, so how to go to nirguna state? That is my difficulty
- And when we understand that… (our movement begins when one understands that he is soul or something other than this body)?
- And when you have these asramas and all, and how to serve the poor people in the way of welfare?
- And when you translate the texts that you use, they come from Caitanya?
- And where did it (the Krsna consciousness movement) first start, which country?
- And where did you sleep? Was there a bed (I was paying seventy-two dollars a month)?
- And who decides what is first class?
- And who is that (everyone is puffed up with his body. Nobody considers even that "When I say this finger, 'my finger, my head, my leg...'") "my"?... Who is that, saying it, "my"?
- And who sees to that ("I want to see, as the chairman of the BBT, that fifty percent is spent on printing and fifty percent is for constructing temples")? The GBC?
- And why should they object if we decide to surrender to one authority?
- And you are sure this is the truth?
- And you had not bad days all your life. Or you were quarreling? I am sorry to intrude
- And you had one house near (the Los Angeles black quarter temple)?
- And you in turn choose others (I have been chosen by my spiritual master)?
- And you think it's more because of your age, I mean you've got used to a colder climate than India, have you?
- And you think there's enough food (now, so far I have studied, that in America, in Africa, in Australia, there are so much vacant places that the present population of the world, if it is increased ten times, still there is enough food)?
- And you think they (gurukulis) can be taught typing, for instance? A skill like typing and how to use typewriter?
- And you were having also a guru there (in Bengal)?
- And you'll continue to take the kaviraja's medicines?
- And you're training them to lead?
- And your actions are perfect actions (we are giving knowledge from Bhagavad-gita. This is perfect knowledge. You take it; you become perfect)?
- And your Godbrother Swami Bon?
- And your health was better?
- And your own schooling, then, in the local schools in Calcutta?
- And your question about Bhisma deva, after he left this planet...
- And you’ve got another copy of this (book)?
- And, while we're on success, how many people in India are becoming like these?
- Animals?
- Anitya is temporary, Prabhupada?
- Another question comes. Why, how the caste system has crippled our society so much, was accepted by...?
- Another question I have is, if materialism is not so important as the...?
- Another question that raised itself, you'll see in the paper in fact, was the little mention in one of the books that I was reading, not from Krsna consciousness movement, just to get a bit of background, on Lord Caitanya, and it seems to have been...
- Another thing is they know they are taking body again and again. They are taking the body again and again after birth. Why they are committing again and again sins and which mode of nature...?
- Another thing that's stated in the Bible, in the Christians' philosophy, they say that God created man out of His own image. It's stated in the Bible. So therefore man has a form, why not God? Because it's stated there in the Bible
- Anxiety for one's self is maya?
- Anxious to learn from the spiritual master?
- Any activities in Krsna consciousness... Is chanting the most exalted or...?
- Any difficulties?
- Any elaboration of what you refer to as vanaprastha college?
- Any English literature, American literature, English literature (should be taught)?
- Any Indian history (should be taught)?
- Any kind of living entity who takes prasadam or hears the name, that it will come back at least to human form of life. Is that correct?
- Any of the sciences at all (should be taught)?
- Any other type of concentration (meditation) you do?
- Any way how to make any progress, or have you any representation, for instance, in Russia?
- Any work you do, do it very nicely. That is expert. Don't do it haphazardly. To your best talent, to your best capacity, try to finish it very nicely, whatever it may be. You are entrusted with some work. Do it nicely. That is expert
- Anybody who comes to the farm has to agree to follow the four regulative principles? These people?
- Anything else in the second scene, fourth act (of a play about Lord Caitanya)?
- Anything else you would like tonight?
- Anything other than this (in Bhagavad-gita it is said, etat jnanam: This is knowledge, and all other things, they are not knowledge) is ignorance?
- Apart from (indistinct) quality of Lord Rama, are there a few other things which could be included while you are worshiping or devoting or meditating on...?
- Apart from Catholicity of the American church, what can be the other reasons of their indifference towards your positive ideas?
- Apart from giving spiritual enlightenment, do you also..., are you also concerned for people's physical well-being?
- Are all of these translations that you've made Your Grace? I don't blame you for sleeping only four hours a night. I tell you, just to produce a half a dozen books in a lifetime is quite a job you know
- Are all religions following? There are so many sects
- Are all spiritual bodies the same? I mean, is your spiritual body exactly the same as...
- Are Arjuna and Kunti Devi in Krishna Loka?
- Are blood transfusions permissible, Swami?
- Are changes visible in Hinduism in its doctrinal content, mode of individual and collective worship as a result of Hinduism's contact with the West?
- Are disciplic successions from Brahma and from Arjuna different?
- Are fasting and other dietary regulations necessary for leading a spiritual life?
- Are great sages put under yogamaya or maya? Also are all the eternally liberated souls under yogamaya?
- Are human beings the only creations that can have Krsna consciousness?
- Are many people joining you?
- Are men superior in your movement?... Are men regarded as superior to women?
- Are more souls falling all the time?
- Are not all the poor, and miserable, and the weak, God? Why not worship the living God first?
- Are not also the evil qualities in man existent in God too?
- Are people using the wrong things to live too sophisticated?
- Are persons who are trying to cut down appetite, they should eat cool foods?
- Are Siddha-lokas like angels, Prabhupada?
- Are Siddha-svarupananda Gosvami and Tusta-krsna Maharaja and their followers more advanced in their understanding of Krsna and the spiritual master than the other devotees in ISKCON?
- Are spirit souls alike, or are they different?
- Are sudras supposed to take sannyasa also?
- Are the (book) prices in here?
- Are the animals complacent with their hellish condition of life?... Like the dog. Is he happy to be a dog?
- Are the devotees in the mode of goodness?
- Are the impersonalists better than the gross materialists?
- Are the lower human species responsible for sinful activities?
- Are the majority of citizens sudras? In a varnasrama society?
- Are the moon's phases due to the planet Rahu, Srila Prabhupada?
- Are the people (at Srinivasa's house) mainly young people like Himself (Lord Caitanya)?
- Are the people in this age lusty in the modes of ignorance or are they lusty in all three modes?
- Are the prajapatis responsible for propagating human species or all species of life?
- Are the Spiritual Master and the Grand Spiritual Master consciously aware of the prayers of a sincere devotee who prays in love to Them?
- Are the teachings themself spiritual?
- Are there any books particularly that focus on all this (when you are able to describe God very philosophically, scientifically, mathematically, then your education is perfect)?
- Are there any books written about Krsna consciousness here available in Seattle or any other organizations besides the temple?
- Are there any centers of the society in the Communist world?
- Are there any formal rules that they agree to accept at this stage? Over and above the earlier...?
- Are there any local problems still surviving?
- Are there any moral guidelines to Krsna consciousness?
- Are there any murti, having (so I was thinking to take some Deities with me to worship wherever I go)?
- Are there any of the characters listed up here among the brahmanas who complained (to the magistrate)?
- Are there any other Deities besides Kaliya-Krsna you want us to make for Fiji?
- Are there any other earthly planets of this type where human beings are staying? Why the information is not given about that? About the other earthly planets also (why not? In Bhagavata there is all information)?
- Are there any other prophecies in the Bhavisya Maha-Purana or in any other scriptures telling more accurately Jesus Christ's birthday?
- Are there any other Vedic scriptures that you believe speak to a situation that is greatly misunderstood today besides this?
- Are there any other, any other nice incidences between this time and when Lord Caitanya got married?
- Are there any prohibitions as to what type of work? For example, would a follower of yours work in a war industry?
- Are there cases of..., which relapse? Persons who begin to withdraw from drugs...?
- Are there Christian also, or Muslim also joining this (movement)?
- Are there different Kailasa-dhamas like is there any Kailasa-dhama in a particular universe also?
- Are there different paths that one can learn to love God?
- Are there different prajapatis for the different species?
- Are there different reasons for these higher worlds (this is only one-fourth part manifestation of God's property. The three-fourth part is the spiritual world)?
- Are there elephants available in India, Swamiji?
- Are there fundamental differences between, or is it simply a difference in approach between your awareness and interpretations and, for example, those of the people who are involved with Zen?
- Are there individuals in these bodies?
- Are there lines of disciplic succession on planets all over the universe or only on these middle planets, like Earth?
- Are there many decisions that people asked you to make, about whether the movement should do this, or should do that, or do they bother you of that now, or are you just busy writing and translating?
- Are there many Indian-born disciples abroad, or are they mainly Western disciples?
- Are there many living entities within the body?
- Are there many places, let's say, beyond the physical?
- Are there many songs in there?
- Are there many universes, or only one?
- Are there not certain characteristics that are particularly male and certain characteristics that are particularly female?
- Are there not enough people chanting to their God or to the one God?
- Are there not things about which in the mortal life one can have no clear idea?
- Are there other paths to awareness of spirit consciousness other than the Krsna consciousness path?
- Are there other ways besides Krsna consciousness to reach that same goal? Or is that the only goal?
- Are there some people who do not find Krsna attractive?
- Are there some qualifications of grhasthas, that grhasthas, they're required, like they are required to support the brahmanas, like that?
- Are these (Srimad-Bhagavatam) going to be translated into Swedish too?
- Are these actually the tangible signs by which one can judge what is real religion?
- Are these astrological charts very much applicable for a devotee, Srila Prabhupada?
- Are these bad conditions or ailments not part and parcel of God?
- Are these living entities (within my body) constant? They don't change any?
- Are these people consciously cheating or raised in cheating so that they don't know the difference (in this material world, the more you are expert cheater, you are considered very able man. All over the world, so many expert cheaters are going on)?
- Are these people considered to be more unfortunate than the people who have no desire for spiritual life, because they are making just some artificial show?
- Are they ("no sinful life." No more illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxicants) prerequisites to accepting your knowledge?
- Are they (our books) sold mainly in the Western countries?
- Are they (the stars) self-luminating like the moon?
- Are they (your men) in Arabic countries also?
- Are they able to increase the life by a single moment?
- Are they brahmanas (devotees in the Krsna consciousness movement)? Not by birth?
- Are they equal and the same, or are they just equal (those who are actually learned, they do not see the outward covering, either human being or animal)?
- Are they going to start on Mayapur building this year?
- Are they less fallen (the jivas in brahmajyoti) because they are doing some service by lighting it up?
- Are they supposed to chant the mantra throughout the day?
- Are things bounded by space in the spiritual world?
- Are those rooms you live in, were they formerly inhabited by the Gosvamis, Jiva or Rupa Gosvami, those rooms you have now?
- Are we all part of Krsna and at the time of death if we think of Krsna, like we become what? Like meshed in with Krsna?
- Are we all part of Krsna?
- Are we closer to this practicality when we sleep (when you engage your physical senses in the service of the Lord, then the physical quality of the senses will be diminished or gone, your spiritual sense activities will begin. This is practical)?
- Are we doing bhakti, Srila Prabhupada?
- Are we duty-bound to maintain our body?
- Are we even one millionth of what Krsna was?
- Are we giving the knowledge (of material science)?
- Are we going to have any kirtana tonight? What is the program
- Are we more conditioned than the people in the Satya-yuga?
- Are we not all one?
- Are we not observing this eclipse rituals, that, during the eclipse we stop aratis and all of this... And after the eclipse is over, take bath and then do the arati?
- Are we not training all classes of men? In Krsna consciousness...?
- Are we not, potentially, not to understand Bhagavad-gita, then (at least you do not understand. That's all)?
- Are we supposed to chant twenty-four hours?
- Are we to believe in that by chanting the holy name of Krsna that we can attain a higher conscious level on this earth and attain self-realization without going through all the rigors of the old Vedas, scriptures?
- Are we to take Krsna conscious dreams seriously or some illusion?
- Are you a Bhagavan?
- Are you a brahmana? By birth you're a brahmana, right?
- Are you acquainted with Swami Ranganathanandaji? You have met him?
- Are you against medical help? I mean, you want just to let Krsna do His way and not let the doctors help at all?
- Are you all becoming first-class men? You want to become first-class men?
- Are you also obliged to help animals, to help other human beings?
- Are you at all concerned about the, what seems to be an increasing number of gurus and swamis throughout the world?
- Are you attempting to form a college?
- Are you comfortable, Srila Prabhupada?… Little?… What is that "my," Srila Prabhupada?… Massage? Where, Srila Prabhupada? On your leg?? On your leg?… Both sides?… Here, Srila Prabhupada. Hm?…
- Are you ever going to stop traveling?
- Are you familiar with the writings of Descartes?
- Are you feeling any pain, Srila Prabhupada?
- Are you feeling the cold in Melbourne your grace?
- Are you getting any opposition from the church?
- Are you God?
- Are you going to give some more instruction (you just show how to Deity worship, how you are doing that, and they will learn. Yes. She is doing that very nice. So you can, all of you, all girls, you take, her. See doing, how she is doing)?
- Are you going to have any kirtana also tonight?
- Are you going tomorrow?... Tomorrow at what time?
- Are you happy always in reflection?
- Are you happy with the way the Krsna movement is progressing throughout the world and particularly throughout Australia?
- Are you happy with the way the movement has really spread?
- Are you in this world?
- Are you interested to know how we produce anti-matter in our laboratories from...?
- Are you knowing people take diksa from many gurus?
- Are you leaving the decision up to me?
- Are you liking the massage, Srila Prabhupada?
- Are you married, sir? You say you have no connection with your family? Why? To do this, did you have to divorce? When did you renounce your family? How are they managing without you? Do you ever see them at all?
- Are you perfect master?
- Are you planning to choose a successor?
- Are you planning to go there, to Manipur?
- Are you prepared to die?
- Are you referring to self-realization when you mentioned that Krsna consciousness? Are you referring to self-realization, cosmic consciousness?
- Are you retiring now?
- Are you say that we were perhaps something else before we were born as well? And we keep coming back in something else next time?
- Are you saying that our men should have more than one wife?
- Are you saying that there are people on the moon?
- Are you saying that they (men in our society) do more work?
- Are you saying that this (Vedic) knowledge has appeared in many forms? Does it appear also in, let's say, Christianity, in Muslim, Mohammedanism?
- Are you saying that you should never kill a cow but that you sometimes can kill a person?
- Are you speaking of ant-eater? They eat ants?
- Are you speaking specifically about all animal killing, Your Excellency? Or, how do you speak of animal killing? In other words, vegetarian living, is that what you're speaking of?
- Are you suggesting that every person, whether he is Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or Jew or Parsi or anybody else for that matter, should accept the Hindu doctrine of transmigration or reincarnation of soul?
- Are you suggesting then that what is taken to be liberty is actually enslavement? And what is assumed to be the pursuit of happiness is nothing more than a rat race in which you try to make the best of what you can?
- Are you surprised at the great success you've had?
- Are you surprised to see the popularity of your teachings in the last few years?
- Are you talking about reincarnation, life after death?
- Are you there referring to references from the scriptures (that is explained very elaborately in the Bhagavad-gita: na jayate na mriyate va kadacin na hanyate hanyamane sarire)?
- Are you thinking of formal education now?
- Are you training a successor?
- Are you training people to become teachers in this school, this process of education?
- Are you trying to say that human beings are created for sacrifice of God from the beginning to the end
- Are you welcome in Japan? People are interested, eh?
- Are you yourself or do your followers regard you as an incarnation of Krsna or as the teacher of His teachings?
- Are you, sir, writing off all scientists because they've failed to understand the spiritual dimension in life?
- Are your disciples supposed to chant the mantra all the time?
- Are your followers encouraged to visit with their... (all family members, children, husband, wife, they are present there. How do you say it is against family? Wrong criticism)?
- Aren't the planets in this universe the sun's energy, a product of the sun's energy?
- Aren't there coverings of the 8 elements?
- Aren't these desires given outlet in other ways? Do we channel the desires to some other field? Instead of seeing a beautiful woman, we see the beautiful form of Krsna, like that?
- Aren't they allowed to boil water in India? In boiling the water do you kill any little insects that are in the water?
- Aren't we all the sons of God?
- Aren't we the images of God?
- Aren't you in a sense eating another soul too if you're eating vegetables? Not only if you're eating meat?
- Arithmetic should be taught (in Gurukula)?
- Arjuna had to fight in the war, didn't he? In the Bhagavad-gita, he still had to... But it didn't matter him killing if it was Krsna's responsibility?
- Arjuna uvaca. These boys understand this, all of them?
- Arjuna was praised as Gudakesa?
- Around all the holy places I always see a lot of monkeys and cows in India. Is there some reason, special, about... I mean, cows, there's obvious reason, but what about the monkeys? Why are they around the holy places?
- As (a man is supposed to be educated when he sees every woman as mother)?
- As a conclusive question, she asks what can we do to help the whole movement to continue to expand?
- As a life member, I am suffering because of this reason that there is no construction of a temple, therefore I cannot develop spiritually. If I have got attraction for a particular temple, why I should be denied?
- As a mother loves the child in pure love, does that help her to also find the pure love in the spiritual world?
- As a practical result of his (Arjuna followed the decision of Krsna, so there is value. He became victorious, he enjoyed the kingdom, and he became a famous devotee) activities?
- As Arjuna he (Nara-narayana) acts as an ordinary jiva?
- As far as I can gather, the self - no-self thing, Buddhism was denying that you're the atman, I think. Could you perhaps say something about that?
- As far as I can operate within my practicality, there are no purple men. I've never seen one; no one has ever seen purple men. So isn't this logical?
- As for the question about menstrual cycle...
- As for your question about celibacy...
- As for your question about the ecstasy of chanting and working for Krishna...
- As for your question regarding the children, what can I do? I am not a teacher. You should ask Satsvarupa on all of these matters, he is the GBC, so everything small and big should be referred to Satsvarupa
- As for your questions you have asked for clarification in the KRSNA Book when Maha Visnu says to Krsna and Arjuna that you are my incarnations in my appearance as Nara-Narayana
- As long as I continue my identity that "I am so and so, I am this body," or "I am a person, or atma seated in this body, or dwelling in this body," when I dislodge my body from atma, then what is the position?
- As many as in the West, or more (many people in India are becoming spiritually successful)?
- As soon as the modes of nature are no longer working on the spirit soul, then he experiences that he's no longer changing his body?
- As soon as you start chanting, bhakti starts, and then further development is the result of chanting?
- As the age of Kali progresses, will those people just eventually be diminished and wiped out because they already live so short?
- As the Kali-yuga advances, the human beings will eat their children too. Srila Prabhupada?
- As the Kali-yuga progresses the people are getting smaller. Does this mean that Krsna and His associates were much taller in stature than we are now?
- As the man's concentration through which progresses, how, in what forms he goes on seeing Him (you cannot see unlimited. That is His mercy, that He presents Himself before you in three dimension because you have no eyes to see Him)?
- As the spirit soul is leaving the body, do you become older?
- As the world is coming to be divided into just two classes, atheist and theist, is it not advisable for all religions to come together, and what positive steps can be taken in this direction?
- As the yugas progress, the human body itself, doesn't it become more degraded?
- As we develop our experience, our life progresses, then we develop truth because we see that this idea works in my experience, so then it becomes true. Is this not the process?
- As You have explained in "Two Essays", that as body is covered by shirt and coat, similarly, soul is covered by mind, intelligence, and false ego - if it is so, then who are mind, intelligence and false ego? Who controls them?
- As you, yourself have said: What is talking? What is lies?
- As Your Divine Grace had said, that due to the sankirtana movement an auspicious atmosphere is being created all over the world. So is it not possible that at least for the time being things will improve?
- As your students, we are trying to hear in that way. Now when we go and preach and we tell, if we tell a man, "First of all, you surrender before you'll be able to understand," then what, what question is there of preaching?
- Asato ma sama grad? You said, Prabhupada?
- Assuming for example that Hare Krsna grew to gigantic proportions as Christianity has grown, would not they (the fringe areas, who professed to be the followers of the Hare Krsna) be the difficulty as the Christian is today?
- Astakala-lila. What is that exactly? Eightfold lila or some...?
- At Bheda Dvaraka, that is the residential palace of Lord Krsna. And seven ranis of Lord Krsna. They show each building, their whole building. So what was that?
- At night you're supposed to take tripolin, no?
- At noontime you seemed to be getting a little taste. Did you have a little?
- At one of the programs, somebody raised the question that we cited that Lord Siva is worshiping Krsna, that he is a Vaisnava. So that person replied that Lord Rama also worshiped Siva. So he wanted to know the explanation
- At one time, you had instructed that all the children should attend the main class. They say that some of the very small children have trouble to keep their attention...
- At Radha-Damodara, did you cook yourself?
- At rebirth do we all return as a male if the previous existence was a male, or do we change
- At that time (end of the day of Brahma. End of fourteen Manus) is the earth destroyed, or is it simply covered by water?
- At that time He acted like a magician, that God. How can He reduce it into writing?
- At that time Vrndavana was existing as a village or mostly open area?
- At that time were there only insects existing?
- At the beginning one, the word, and this word was God and this word was with God. So what is this word?
- At the end of Manu's day, when there is flood (the whole thing would be filled up with water. So water course is very heavy. So it can turn even big, big rocks, mountains rolling)?
- At the end of the Krsna Book, when Krsna and Arjuna visit Lord Visnu and Visnu calls them incarnations of Himself, that is because Krsna appeared through Ksirodakasayi Visnu?
- At the moment of pregnancy (as soon as one girl is pregnant, she should be separated)? From the moment of pregnancy one and a half years?
- At the present, I can't live in the temple, can't live in the asrama, but I can still see the devotees. What else can I do?
- At the time of creation of the material world, when all the species, 8,400,000 species... They are all simultaneously manifested, just at once?
- At the time of death, soul goes with the actions, the past?
- At the time of death, when the soul leaves the body, at that time the body is destroyed. So at the time of sleeping, when the soul leaves the body, how is the body maintained?
- At the time of sleeping, there is a subtle reality that the subtle body enters into?
- At the time of sleeping, when the soul leaves the body, why is the body not destroyed at that time?
- At this time should we try to introduce it (varnasrama) in our centers or not?
- At Vrndavana you studied at a later time, then, did you?
- At what age did you realize God?
- At what age may children be recommended for initiation?
- At what age should they (gurukulis) be taught to cook prasadam?
- At what point is a householder to know when he should leave his family or her family?
- At what stage could one say that a person is Krsna conscious? There must be a beginning stage...
- At what time did you have your own personal realization, Swamiji? At what age?
- Aurobindo? He always had some French people with him?
- Avaroha process?
- Babar was also a minister of his (Akbar)?
- Back to the temple we'll be performing aratik to Your Divine Grace. And there was not very much time. I was wondering whether during the time we're performing aratik to you, whether it's proper to be giving out cookies to the children?
- Bacteriology, study of germs. So Srila Prabhupada, the reason one person gets a disease from a germ and another person doesn't get a disease, it is karma?
- Bada? That means?
- Baka is a duck?
- Balarama and Subhadra month, is that on the same, the next month, Krsna came (Bhisma was waiting, lying on the battlefield for about thirty or forty days)?
- Basically they and myself and others want to know how do we get this spirit into our own hearts and how does this then issue out into everyday living?
- Basically, what have you to offer that is different than the Christian ethos or the Jewish ethos?
- Because for me, God is merely a word. How can you explain God with a word?
- Because he (Arjuna in the beginning denied to fight, but he agreed to fight) was satisfied by his faith in Krsna?
- Because he (Hiranyakasipu) was standing still (his body was practically finished by the earthworm, what is called, moths and ants)?
- Because he has become devotee of a follower of Laksmi-Narayana, he may come to associate with Laksmi-Narayana?
- Because he was the spiritual master, would he be living in a very opulent house?
- Because I inquired with him that whether it is not something to do with CIA, wherefrom your money comes?
- Because of impiety the sun and the moon, people would not be able to see. So there would be no vegetation. And without vegetation, even animals cannot live. So eventually they would take to eating their own children. Is this what takes place?
- Because scientists cannot enter into the actual activity on the moon planet, technically, according to Bhagavata, they have not reached there?
- Because the guru is responsible for taking all of his disciples back to home, back to Godhead, I was wondering what was the position of Lord Jesus Christ?
- Because there's no sacrifice, because people aren't performing sacrifices now, is it more difficult to live off the land? It is more difficult to grow vegetables in Kali-yuga where there's no sacrifice?
- Because they are materialists, so whether they live or die does not affect anything so much. But because you are a great transcendentalist, your presence means that so many thousands of people can be saved. How are you feeling, Srila Prabhupada?
- Because they do not understand the difference between the soul and the body, that's why they don't understand what you are contributing… Do you think that...?
- Because they promise something they don't deliver (the so-called religion, so-called economic development, so-called sense gratification, so-called liberation, they're all cheating)?
- Because we do not know what sin is, wouldn't whatever the authority said be purely an idea to us?
- Because we get lots of that dahi. You drink it cool with a little sugar in it. I think it's good for digestion, dahi. How are you feeling today?
- Because you have asked me, I am your spiritual master, I must try to answer to your satisfaction
- Beef bouillion (I saw that she (Sally) was feeding her child, one boy, meat powder)?
- Before I go, Your Grace, I am employed in government service. Is it your wish that I resign?
- Before I leave, can they just stand here and have darsana and then we go? Can they come in?... My sister and my brother-in-law.
- Before it can be printed, everything has to go through his hands because he is the chief translator. But at the present moment it's going so slowly. But one arrangement I proposed was to pay him some money?
- Before Krsna, who was?
- Before one has success, the kundalini must be opened. What do you think about this?
- Before the birth of Lord Krsna, was God existing?
- Before the body, the soul is still there?
- Before you went to America, in India, before 1965, were people coming at all, Indian people, to learn anything? Were they interested in any way?
- Being a brahmana by birth, does it mean anything?
- Being an initiated member means that the individual has acquainted himself sufficiently with your teaching and gone through certain disciplines?
- Being capable of action, is that a good definition of substance?
- Being in these modes determines your karma, is that correct?
- Being influenced by different degrees of desires, would that influence each person's faith?
- Besides the chanting Hare Krsna and arousing this Krsna consciousness in the people, what else are you doing to establish the way...?
- Better to keep the temple open with the Deities there or can the...?
- Beyond exclusive centers, how far beyond that can it go in the United States?
- Bhagavad-gita did it take place? There was a battlefield of Kuruksetra?
- Bhagavad-gita says that the conditioned soul is subjected to four defects. Does that refer to the body or the soul?
- Bhagavad-gita teaches us that one should treat a piece of gold and a piece of stone alike. Is it practically considered?
- Bhagavad-gita's Battle of Kuruksetra fought, in which month?
- it the proper one?
- Bhagavatam class in the morning?
- Bhakti is really a process of decontaminating the mind?
- Bhakti-caitanya Swami is the fit driver for your vehicles, Srila Prabhupada. Is that all right? I know he would want to come. Is that all right, Srila Prabhupada?
- Bhakti-caru is just waiting to go and get the kaviraja in the front. Do you want me to bring him?
- Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu was written here, in this place?
- Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhu, Bhaktisiddhanta your spiritual master. How you spent the days, your young age, with Bhaktisiddhanta?
- Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust (and different name, you can purchase)?
- Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust, or Charitable Trust? Which do you prefer, Srila Prabhupada?
- Bharadvaja is here. He can sing any song you'd like to hear especially this morning. ... Is there some special request?
- Bigger than Los Angeles (one very large church to see on Monday)?
- Bijam, seed, "I am the seed of all existence" (Plato uses the word "idea" in order to denote a subject's primordial existence, or maybe it's archetype. I think that Krsna uses the word bijam)?
- Billiards (What is called? That table?)?
- Biology (should be taught)?
- Birds have language? Animals have their language?
- Black is beautiful?
- Blind leaders and blind followers (another blind leader, so-called leader, he is blind himself. He does not know how to lead people. And the followers, followers are also blind. So what will be the result?)?
- Body is finished and atma is emerged. So, what, why the atma suffers next generation for the deeds done by the body in this life?
- Bol, Srila Prabhupada?… Soda water?
- Both (spirit and matter) come simultaneously?
- Both the human and the animals (the spirit soul is passing through different dresses)?
- Both were the sons of Kasyapa... Kasyapa, gods and demons. By their behavior one sect became demons, no?
- Boy, was he skinny in those days! This is Brahmananda? And this is Kirtanananda Swami sitting down?
- Boy. That's Visnu within their (birds) heart?
- Brahman realization for the devotee in the beginning is just that he realizes his constitutional position as servant of Krsna?
- Brahmana can teach how to fight?
- Brahmana initiation should be strict (actually chanting sixteen rounds, following the regulative principles)... Those are the important...?
- Brahmana is not to accept any employment?
- Brahmananda Swami's proposals, top portion, we'll just add?
- Brain of who (the brain of Einstein)?
- Brain-washed they call it, you know, by getting up and having the two hours or three of chanting in the morning and prayer beads constantly and the group life, that they're sort of controlled, and denied their freedom. What do you say about that?
- Brainwash, accha. How you entered in their hearts?
- Brainwashing (to define brainwashing)?
- Brazil (that Ravana's brother, Mahiravana, was in...)?
- Buddha taught very similar things to what the Gita taught also, didn't he? Are there agreeances there, agreement in certain places what Buddha taught and what the Gita teaches?
- Buddha's name is also considered hari-nama?
- But a renunciation of something?
- But a Vaisnava would always offer his respects to a sannyasi. Is that not true?
- But are you asking people, if they accept your teachings, to retreat from the world, like for instance, the people who are surrounding us now?
- But are you feeling better, Swamiji?
- But are you not giving credit ("If you want little credit by experimenting, hydrogen, oxygen mixed together, then how much credit should be given who has created the vast Atlantic Ocean, not only one, millions! Why don't you give credit?")?
- But aren't they also purified spiritually by doing this (distribute these books)?
- But aren't we impure and He is pure?
- But Arjuna got it due to guru, like Krsna means is it possible in this age if one has the right guru, a man, he can elevate himself?
- But as I understood it, you were encouraging death as a form of liberation. Isn't that my understanding? That that was the ideal?
- But because this is the age of Kali, even if the Krsna consciousness movement spreads and even captures governments, how can we stop individual people from doing this (sinful life)?
- But by that time you had some kind of... organization going?
- But can all the masses of people become devotees?
- But can God be defined? We haven't got a definition of God. I challenge you... You cannot. Intellectually, you cannot analyse things
- But can God protect? Even Jesus Christ, he was killed
- But can they not come at the function?... He says some friends are coming at some time, so can you meet them? We can just go back and if you want to walk or something?
- But can you prove that ("This (Krsna consciousness movement) is the only association for understanding Krsna throughout the whole world"?
- But can't we bring chanting of japa into it? Mantra Yoga (regarding the starting up of yoga courses for tourists in Vrndavana and Bombay)
- But can't you have people doing good for the sake of goodness?
- But couldn't it be the difference between appearance and reality (in future, everyone may fall and everyone may become elevated. But we have to take his present situation, what he is at present)?
- But did you hold any meetings or anything?
- But do the results of an idea have to be predictable?
- But do they (men living in other planets) not come here sometimes to visit us or we cannot go there?
- But do you accept the validity of other religion?
- But do you get benefits? Benefits there are but not the same (Siva is just like milk and yogurt. The yogurt is milk but it is not milk. You will not derive the benefit of milk from yogurt)?
- But do You mean that up till now your excellency were giving the question of transmigration, field of science, and now you are also taking that subject of God in this sphere of science?
- But do you think it's unusual, the fact that it's an Eastern, mysterious Eastern religion has an appeal to American young people?
- But do you think most of the Hare Krsna members will vote in the election in November?
- But do you think that really God love human beings and...?
- But do you think they (the dinosaurs) were on this planet?
- But do you think they (the Koran or the Bible or any other religious) are successful?
- But does he (the pure devotee) focus his mind upon the two-armed...?
- But does He not say that "Whatever or whoever does it, it comes to Me" (the Mayavadi philosophers, they say that "We can chant anyone's name, either I chant of any demigod's name or any name")?
- But does it depend on knowledge? I mean, the final judgement that you make (then you must know what is distinction between Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan, if you are serious student)?
- But does that light (coming from the snakes which have got jewel on the head) also keep them healthy (the people in those seven other planets where the sunshine does not go)?
- But does this not imply - one ten-thousandth the size (the size of the soul) - does that not imply measurement, that it can be measured?
- But doesn't bondage give the incentive to live (good bondage, but it is bondage, after all. If you are prisoner, first-class prisoner or third-class prisoner, you are prisoner)?
- But doesn't it (faith) come first because of trust?
- But doesn't Krsna know if I will do it (misuse my independence)?
- But don't we do that also (Caitanya Mahaprabhu was interested only on the spiritual platform. He had no idea of material side. He rejected material side)?
- But don't you look upon him as a religious man? Gandhi, religious man?
- But encouraging (to give money to the temple) is not recommended?
- But even accepting that the soul is the living force, they may say that "Well, we're living in this material world and we have to deal with matter, so what is the importance of all this knowledge?"
- But even accepting their idea that things are produced from chemical reactions, who is creating the chemical reactions?
- But for Brahmananda, he may remain sannyasi? Brahmananda?
- But for happiness, or ananda, isn't bhakti essential, love, or ananda?
- But for his actions other than just following the four regulative principles and chanting sixteen rounds. He does so many other things during the day. Where does he derive his authority if he's not, let's say, living in the temple?
- But for our plan to be put into action on big scale, big people must accept, who, who are presently, who presently have power to control the state... So is this to say that we must... replace them?
- But for what purpose and to what end? What's the final end (ultimate is that you are spirit soul, you are being materially engrossed, you are creating different situations and you are being transferred to different bodies. That is different situations)?
- But from '65-'66 how did you manage? You didn't have any money with you
- But God can communicate differently?
- But Guruji, giving those who are in need, is not giving to God?
- But have they (devotees) met God?
- But he (Gandhi) did not accept any post, you know that? At the same time...,
- But he does it on your behalf (he's guru. He's guru)?
- But he has to be yogi at that time, isn't it?
- But how about the people living next door or the people...(everyone can sit down and chant Hare Krsna mantra)?
- But how can so many cheat?… Together they all cheat, they all say they went to the moon. One thousand scientists, all together in one room? They all say, "We agree, this, they went to the moon, here's the..."
- But how can that (real process is devotion) be scientifically presented? How can we accept that scientifically?
- But how can they (scientists) prove the existence of the soul through experiment?
- But how can we understand all this science and technology just by understanding Krsna, just by one book?
- But how do they (disciples) know they're pleasing you, Srila Prabhupada?
- But how do we reconcile the fact that our doctors tell us we should eat meat because of the protein?
- But how do you know it (egoism is there in ass also)?
- But how do you know one authority from the other?... But what I mean is you use the word authority, saying why would he translate that into English without authority? Now, what is the authority and who has the authority?
- But how does someone prove that something exists beyond his..., beyond our senses?
- But how does that give us sense content (this is sense content, that sarvam khalv, "Everything is Brahman")? What does that mean to my sense observations?
- But how does this differ from the Hebrew scriptures? Hebrews also say the same thing, you know, that you have fallen down from the heaven and go back...?
- But how has the cockroach been formed?
- But how many of them (people in India) practice it (Krsna consciousness)?
- But how problems of India... like poverty, and this lack of balance between rich and poor. How these problems can be solved?
- But how so many things are working under the laws...?
- But how that will affect the atmosphere and Krsna consciousness of the temple (that hall is made, constructed for making some money, then the money will not come if we don't rent out to the cinema actors, actresses)? It's not that the theater...
- But how they have forgotten this is the greatest, I mean, mystery to me. Because the sadhus voluntarily, I mean, embrace poverty?
- But how to convince them (the Ramanuja and the Madhva)?
- But how to engage these people who are desirous who have desire of serving Krsna in Bombay? If you are talking about a farm and other things
- But how to make the people realize importance of Bhagavad-gita?
- But how we can get them to come, to take prasadam?
- But how would the soul develop a particular body...?
- But how would you be able to carry out your educational or book publishing program if you did not have a financial backing?
- But how would you know, anyway? How are you able to tell, anyway? I mean, for any of your disciples or us or anybody that goes to any spiritual master, how are we to tell... True master. How are we to tell one from the other?
- But how you can say he (the pope) is not the best Christian? He is the head of all the Christians?
- But I am God, right? I am God. You are God too
- But I have never heard anything of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, and I wondered if you would tell me a little bit about him, if you would?
- But I mean they do, these men who are space travelers, they say "We did land on the moon." Now are they lying?
- But I mean, how about in your view (could you tell me why you think the Western world has espoused your sort of movement now, has been keen on looking to the East for spiritual...)?
- But I'm going on the argument that his medicine is doing some good. So I don't want to see it stopped. So you have no objection if we consult the other kaviraja, do you?
- But I'm trying to ask does he (the Presidential candidate) have to be Krsna conscious, involvement, in order to be God conscious?
- But if all matter is Krsna?
- But if he's (indistinct), then where is he going to get the money for his food?
- But if I think I'm happy, isn't that enough?
- But if it's (independence) not good for me, if I will misuse it, why would Krsna give it to me anyway?
- But if man is small and imperfect, how can he execute God's perfect orders for a perfect government?
- But if that energy (God's energy) is perfect, how can it violate?
- But if the standard is happiness, and the hog is happy and the devotee is happy, then what is the distinction?
- But if there's anything that you feel that you want to ask me or...?
- But if they (the faithless) take some prasadam, that will help them?
- But if they (the scientists) accept, do we have program ("be Krsna conscious and solve all the problems." This is our point)?
- But if they're committing so many sinful activities, murdering their father and like this, then how will they get to that stage of being able to approach Krsna consciousness?
- But if this energy (the spiritual energy, everything is ever-existing) was never created, then what is the need for a creator?
- But if we don't make the research, then how will we ever solve these problems?
- But if we tell that that there is no law of gravity, they will say that why is it that if you throw up a ball then it comes down?
- But if we tried to do that, wouldn't it be sort of artificial (they go in the village for begging little food, that's all. Just like you can live in this forest. And what you will eat? Two capati. So you can go and beg. That's all)?
- But if what you say is true, why don't more people know about it? There are so many teachers. There are spiritual teachers and...?
- But if you're actually followers of God, then why are you breaking up the families? Shouldn't you have love for everyone?
- But in all humility, Srila Prabhupada, supposing that they would succeed in actually creating the living cell artificially, what would we say?
- But in India there are so many people. They're not disciples; they're not initiated by you. So are they in the same category (a brahmana woman who came to touch the feet of Lord Caitanya; immediately He went and jumped in the Ganges)?
- But in our Krsna consciousness philosophy the ideas are not to be re-evaluated. Aren't they absolute, the philosophy of Krsna consciousness?
- But in the people in general, how can we engage them also in Krsna consciousness? How can we provide them a means to use their leisure time to perfect their lives?
- But is each cell an individual living entity?
- But is good bondage good?
- But is it (that worship made by trees and other lower animals) voluntary or involuntary?
- But is it not animal food?
- But is it not correct, Srila Prabhupada, that Paramatma is the (...) is behind?
- But is it possible to also learn spiritual truths from this..., from representatives on the subtle plane?
- But is it possible to lead the life of a grhastha and at the same time think of that (janma karma me divyam yo janati tattvatah)?
- But is it possible to understand Krsna directly?
- But is it the guru? Does the guru give him that sense (when one is actually in service, then he comes to.... "So I have enjoyed. Now, no I don't want. Now I want Krsna." That is voluntary)?
- But is meditation in itself..., would that be sufficient to transcend these lower...?
- But is that correct (in any position, if you worship Krsna, then it is all right)?
- But is that true (training should be given from childhood)?
- But is the converse true, that we chant very well and that we can love Krsna even when we cannot love our fellow people?
- But is there a great time period between the different divisions of the creation?
- But is there any special, specific person who wants to go to India immediately?... Who would like to have visa?
- But is there anything wrong with accepting the fact that you are mortal, you die, you rot and you become nothing?
- But is there something else that you may know or that you may feel that you may be able to say that would assist us in a reduction less than the ideal?
- But is this force (nature is forcing) irrational and blind? This is what he thinks
- But isn't inflation possible even with coins? Even if you have gold coins, isn't inflation still possible?
- But isn't it better to give up all ego altogether?
- But isn't it by force anyway (Krsna does not want to become a lover like that, on the point of revolver, "You love me, otherwise I shall kill you.")? If we don't love Krsna, we suffer
- But isn't the bhajana that you do for concentration?
- But isn't the Krsna consciousness has not spread in the Arab world?
- But isn't the tendency there to exploit the man and take more profit (I have hired one man to work for me. I have to pay him and therefore I require profit)?
- But isn't the understanding of the white light composed of seven other colors, isn't that also a fact of direct sense perception?
- But it (prapatti or surrender) is not yoga. It is different from yoga?
- But it is possible to man without the helping of God to realize his perfection?
- But it requires some emanation from a cockroach body in order to create another cockroach body. So how can a cockroach body be created from vapors without contact of another cockroach?
- But it's not by Krsna's sex desire. What is the meaning of the words "Krsna's sex desire"? Krsna's satisfaction?
- But it's possible that an animal may disappear from one planet, but still be on another planet, though, like that?
- But it's the same with Arjuna, wasn't it (clear word is there, "Thou shalt not kill." And why they're maintaining so many slaughterhouses?)?
- But just because you have two different kinds of energies, why do you have to differentiate them (you cannot say that, that the temperature of the sun and the temperature of the sunshine is the same)?
- But just like when we want to try and attract someone to Krsna consciousness now, the main theme is to try to get them to come and stay at the temple. But will that continue in the future?
- But Krsna means... Who is He? Is He a personal or impersonal?
- But Krsna will always be there if we want to go back?
- But Krsna's disappearance, about having a maya body that He left behind. A maya body. Is that anything to do with Mayavadī?
- But Mahabharata describes all the continents even way before that, doesn't it (...the Vikings first discovered America, they said... From Scandanavia came, before Columbus)?
- But maybe he's taken (he's not sannyasi, he is householder), I don't know, I thought he had a danda, one of those staffs. I saw the little temple in the garden, Krsna and Radha, where they stay in bed. It's like a bed like this. You know the one?
- But most people are materialistically minded, aren't they? There's very few that aren't
- But mostly they are in America. Also in that number in Japan (in one week, the books, total of books, was seven lakhs books in one week)?
- But nobody off the street would go into the temple, would they (our business is to sell this book so that people may take advantage of it…. we have got fifty books like that… We are giving enough knowledge)?
- But nonviolence is not well in every case?
- But not in the material..., not in the material body (have you ever seen Krsna?)?
- But now do you not think that Christianity and Islam accept this (when he is on the platform of Brahman realization, then he becomes jubilant, prasannatma, na socati na kanksati. That life is required, Brahman realization. That is education) as well?
- But now I'm wondering how this should be managed, who should take charge of this project (this one gentleman has already offered one house in Bangkok. He's put at our disposal, in the middle of the city. A very beautiful house)?
- But now they are again becoming a mouse, the Americans? Now they are losing the favor of God?
- But now we should not teach them any exercise at all?
- But on the spiritual platform, everybody (on the material platform, nobody is prasannatma)?
- But on this one time should we bathe directly?
- But one must come to that point of being serious to recognize the problems of life? Before one can understand your books, the karmi must become serious to understand that he is in misery and that he must get out?
- But one should pray, is that so?
- But people are objecting that: If we cannot get divorced, then we are forced to live with each other even if we hate each other
- But people in general you say are walking on the dead platform in live bodies (this living condition is one platform and when I or you, we are dead, that is another platform. So generally people are working on the bodily concept of platform)?
- But people know when they're doing evil, don't they?
- But philosophy is meant to understand the ultimate goal of life. What does he say the ultimate goal of life is? What is his ultimate goal of life?
- But Prabhupada, I'm still not quite clear. In other words, we'd teach, for example, like Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam (on the varnasrama college)?
- But Prabhupada, there are still such things as dead matter?
- But Sagar Island, isn't that in the Bay?
- But she (woman) doesn't have any structure at all until marriage?
- But somebody asks, "How do I know a bird is not more highly advanced than a human being?"
- But sometimes the impersonalists, they say, Prabhupada, that this Krsna consciousness is just the beginning platform, that after Krsna consciousness then one can come to impersonal realization
- But Srila Prabhupada, the living entities, the jivatma within the..., and the Paramatma within, why the living entities suffering even the Paramatma is directing the living entity within?
- But still, somebody must have seen Krsna... to actually paint Him?
- But suppose the government is atheistic (the leaders cannot control nature, so why don't they accept a supreme controller? That is the defect in society)?
- But surely there is a practical point of view also. There is nothing to eat. What will happen?
- But that (Bhagavad-gita as it is) must be also a translation, mustn't it? Whoever puts it into English
- But that knowledge that Krsna is everything comes by Krsna's mercy, Srila Prabhupada?
- But that subtle reality is just as real as this gross reality?
- But that would be the same if I could see a picture of you or I could see a...?
- But the body is important to the self isn't it?
- But the bones of those people that they've found, where are their bodies now? Have they gone to some other...?
- But the extinct species are not all present at this particular moment on this planet, are they?
- But the innocent souls, they're not surrendered to Krsna?
- But the intelligence is awarded from... Intelligence, according to the individual, is awarded according to pious activities?
- But the personality is changed (what about the heart transplant? The spirit soul is within the heart, but when the... in the medical science nowadays, the old heart can be replaced by a new one. So what happens with the spirit soul with the old one)?
- But the question comes up that you have given a vow against fire at the time of marriage that the husband will look after the wife and the family. Then how does that fit in when you leave the family all of a sudden?
- But the Sanskrit wasn't give here?
- But the sheep has no sense of herd. What poor sheep can do?
- But the world will never all become Krsna conscious, will they? There will always be different scriptures
- But then God in His essence is Atman, Brahman, not Krsna. Is that what you're saying?
- But then is that man that's hammering the bricks, isn't he going to quit hammering the bricks, too?
- But then it is very bitter or... Because medicine will be a little bad tasting. Very much bitter, no, Srila Prabhupada?
- But then there is an argument, if we were originally in the spiritual world, why don't we remember that and try to go back to the spiritual world?
- But then what is the action for the... Practical action, practical... (when there is no more people following their sva-dharma)
- But then what is the stimulus? Why will they... (Krsna says, "Anyone who comes to Me, back to home, back to Godhead, he does not come again to this material world which is full of misery")?
- But then who created the creator?
- But then why do you fear this death of the physical body (the material body is the cause of pains and pleasure. So if you don't get the material body, if you remain in your spiritual body, that is real enjoyment)?
- But then, in the event that some present GBC member leaves, either leaves (how many GBC's are there already? So add him. GBC is not to be changed)?
- But there are in India other community of Visnu...?
- But there are many spiritual masters in the world. Each says...
- But there are some very intelligent men who are not spiritually enlightened, perhaps even men who understand that they are not, or the body is not all, the body is dead and there is something else. Why aren't these men spiritually aware?
- But there is no, no atheism, literate, some atheism, atheism, atheism, religious indifference, materialists exist in the towns, in the towns (in India)...?
- But there must be different stages that you go through, is that not correct?… Can you tell me from your own experience some of these different stages you've been through
- But there's no doubt it would be a big help if we could give Ph.D.s. Wouldn't it establish? Give some prestige?
- But there's so many so-called gurus, Prabhupada, how...?
- But these religions are just material. These Hindu, Christian, Muslim, they're following these things because that is simply their destiny? They don't know how to please God, so that's simply part of their happiness and distress?
- But they have choice within maya. Isn't that a fact?... Choice what to do in the material world, many different fields. They will say that they can do this or that
- But they may say "Where did God come from?"
- But they permit this kind of thing (Russian young boys are as good as Americans. By artificial means they have been checked. The Russian government is not good at all. Suppression. Simply suppression)?
- But they say, "Where did Krsna come from?"
- But they will be on the altar or they will be in front (and on the opening day the Deities will be on the altar or they will be in front when they're bathed? When the bathing is taking place in Bombay for the opening...)?
- But they'll actually manage the government (one day our men will be leaders of government? - Yes. Leaders means as soon as you make the public in your favor, you are leader)?
- But this is Krsna's inferior energy, right (my body is also Krsna's energy. I am also Krsna's energy. I am always with Krsna. Simply I have forgotten it)?
- But this young boy who was asking what to do with the fascists the day before yesterday, he wanted precisely violence to fight against the fascists. You, remember...?
- But those devotees will eventually go there. Those kind of devotees like devotees of Sita-Rama, they will also attain the spiritual sky in their various positions?
- But to a layman what would you preach?
- But to become learned, you go to so-called learned people, and you go to so-called learned people. How do you know that those so-called learned are...?
- But to get the initiation, you have to be how many years old?
- But to whom did God give the seed (material nature is the mother, and God is the father)?
- But trained by others or trained by themselves (a certain man can be trained up as first-class man)?
- But ultimately you're basing all your faith factually, aren't you, on your reasoning?
- But wasn't that school (the gurukula school in Texas) moved to India?
- But we are so insignificant. Why should God waste His time talking with us?
- But we must all perform yajna?
- But we were all cheaters before we came to you, Srila Prabhupada. So how is it that we're not accepting a cheater? How is it that we cheaters have accepted some knowledge from you?
- But what about Lord Caitanya? He is a little rare
- But what about people that are never exposed to Krsna consciousness?
- But what about the cheating going on, big cheating, international cheating about the space flights?
- But what about the persons who may be a little bit devoted but who have not achieved that unalloyed devotion?
- But what are you going to do about your security? Can I talk to this about this, you know?
- But what do the hogs think (you rascal, you do not know what is pleasure. Just like the hog. He's also enjoying pleasure, eating stool. So your pleasure is like that. You eat stool and enjoy life. That is your standard of pleasure)?
- But what do you do when different religious groups claim to be the center?
- But what do you see happening to (the future of) the actual world? Do you see any... You know, with Christianity and other religions? The world has... a beginning and an end
- But what happens if you do die before you finish (I have taken up my translation work, Bhagavatam. So I am trying to live at least up to the time I finish my translation)?
- But what I'm basically asking is what are these ksatriyas going to fight with?
- But what if they asked you, "What is this all about?" (they came... Naturally they came and joined me and began to dance, that's all. That is the beginning)
- But what if they change later on in their life (you believe in free choice. So suppose the children grow up and they want to go to college. But you have not sent them to a public school. Therefore they are not eligible for going to college)?
- But what if you are reincarnated into other planets? Is it less painful, or is it the same procedure?
- But what is our inner things? How we know it? In our classical music, actually Lord Krsna is the main figure in all... In even Muslim classical music, they also pray Lord Krsna
- But what is that sun?
- But what is the breaking of the pot (you take one pot and you take water. The water is there, but if you break this pot, the water comes and mixes with)?
- But what is the meaning of akarma?
- But what is the position now? Is it dying out or increasing?
- But what is the stage at which it is atma gets merged with Paramatma? If atma would get merged with Paramatma then...?
- But what is the use of having big strong body if now they're using airplanes and tanks and guns?
- But what of our efforts to conquer cancer and tuberculosis (no, we do not say that we are making progress like you. We are trying to make spiritual progress. We are servant of God. We never say that we are very big men)?
- But what was your experience of that saksaska?
- But when I surrender my karmas to Almighty... Then those karmas don't affect...?
- But when the body is finally finished, aren't the senses also finished?
- But where can I stay in the night?
- But whether Prabhupada will eat some? Prabhupada, you will try to eat the Gujarati ruti and dal?
- But who is to say... what is a perfect experience?
- But who sees all these things (mayavadi says zero, just like the sky. The sky is there, but it is zero. You cannot see the planet)? That is what...
- But who wants to make eggs (write in the paper that, Prabhupada was speaking like that, a challenge to the scientist: Is there any scientist who can make an egg which is put in the incubator and gradually it comes to become)?
- But who was responsible for bringing this body into existence? ... The owner?
- But why are we in the prison house?
- But why do they not follow if He is perfect leader?
- But why do you blame us for not surrendering when we see that even Krsna's devotees can't surrender to Him? They come to us and ask us for money for these books. Why don't they give them away?
- But why existence of all these things (I have already said that we have got our imperfect senses. We cannot understand. But we have to understand from a person who has got perfect knowledge)?
- But why give names to Him? Why give names to that God?
- But why is there no disease here? Why is there no symptoms (they argue that this Vedic philosophy is coming from India, and in India there is so much disease and so many problems, but here, where we have our science, there is no disease)?
- But why only the name Krsna?
- But why should He (God) create them (the jivas) in the first instance?
- But why should we be callous to the sufferings of others?
- But why the samudra changes (phenomena is changeable, always changing. Just like this samudra - sometimes here, sometimes there)? We go into there, into deep depth of that...
- But why would God want to keep the living entities in darkness?
- But why, why 1966 (my movement was started from U.S.A in 1966)? I mean what was there, what was there, special about the Sixties?
- But within each atom the living entity is present?
- But without pain how can you experience pleasure?
- But would that mean that a person who is a pure devotee doesn't have to die?
- But would you think of a young man as wise man? Isn't it normal that a young man is working his way towards wisdom?
- But you are me and I am you. We are both God. Right?
- But you ask a great deal of people. So why do you think they're willing to give?
- But you can come to God consciousness through a variety of paths?
- But you can improve it (this world)?
- But you don't find that the fact that your monks are wearing robes or shaving their heads is a difficulty in the West, where not many people...?
- But you don't require recognition of any court, do you?
- But you know Aldridge?
- But you led a rather normal life - before this you were married. You were a businessman?
- But you mentioned in Miami... This is the reason I'm bringing it up. In Miami we mentioned that we would be discussing at Mayapur. Something, you know, should be done so that...?
- But you might want to come back to the U.S.?
- But you said in Hawaii though that there are some animals that are as big as skyscrapers?
- But you, aren't you translating your books still?... Isn't that a great joy, a great joy to you?
- But young men don't tend to be wise, do they (so at the early age, up to twenty-five, he's trained up. If he can, he can continue as brahmacari. He directly can take sannyasa)?
- But your teaching, doesn't it offer a way of meeting these problems (no rain, no food, and government taxes)?
- But, Guru Maharaja, if one has some original faith in Jesus Christ or Muhammad, would he...? They think they're sons of God or a messenger of God
- But, Guru Maharaja, one has to do her duty as advised?
- But, of course, there are conflicting educations, aren't there (people should be educated that "If you do not perform this yajna, you will suffer")?
- But, Prabhupada, the point was, can there be more than one article (in the BTG) by yourself? Or only one..?
- But, sir, if we are drop of the same ocean, why should we be impure at all?
- But, Srila Prabhupada, don't you think that the medicine is working, is having some good effect?
- But, Srila Prabhupada, is this valid to conclude that spirit, spiritual world, or life is very complex?
- By a reintroduction, reintroducing Krsna consciousness, the tide can be turned in age of Kali?
- By argument you can convince a skeptic of the possibility of the existence of God, but the reality of Godhead can only be really realized... I mean has to be experienced or realized, does it not?
- By brain what do you mean?
- By details (in the beginning don't talk of these details) do you mean the rules and regulations?
- By elaborate you mean effective, is that? You mean effective by elaborate? I mean is that the proper synonym for elaborate (well is Krsna consciousness very elaborate)?
- By His grace, Krsna will show Himself to you?
- By our desires we are pulled?
- By pleasing Lord, one does not please one's own ego also to some extent?
- By preaching Krsna consciousness would you condemn other people's beliefs?
- By struggling to overcome our senses, we can please you and obtain your mercy?
- By the frogs (kumbhaka; this art is known by the frogs also)?
- By the mercy of Supersoul, he (the pure devotee) can be present in many places at once?
- By this (there are degrees of light), you mean that those who adopt the teachings coming from the Koran or from the Bible is lesser light than from the Gita?
- By understanding this mantra, Hare Krsna, if you do not know any scriptures, you do not know srutis, mantras, anything, then has any effect at all?
- By who (their (the Marwari's) food is first class, there is no doubt. Yes... It is certified by Sir P. C. Raya), Srila Prabhupada?
- Cadillac (first-class car must go to India)?
- Caitanya was incarnation of Krsna? But was a disciple of someone who was not incarnation?
- Call the sannyasis (to discuss about our preaching work)?
- Can a father impose on a child, something which he does not believe himself?
- Can a hydrogen molecule desire to become part of water and be given that body? Does it have the independence to desire something and take a body accordingly? The hydrogen molecule, does it have a life?
- Can a living entity ever lose his existence?
- Can a man become, after his body dies, I mean, say, an animal or an insect of some sort?
- Can a material calculation prove a spiritual fact?
- Can a normal student from, for instance, from one of the best universities, who is attending lectures in normal way, etc., also be initiated and admitted to your community?
- Can a person become a brahmana?
- Can a person become Krsna conscious only by renouncing, or can he do both, continue his life and also become Krsna conscious?
- Can a person who eats meat obtain a human birth? Or he must be put back into animal species, meat-eaters?
- Can a scientist teach the science of combining acid and alkaline and this kind of science with Krsna as its object?
- Can a self exist without a body?
- Can a true devotee come face-to-face with God through the teachings of Buddha, the teachings of Christ?
- Can a woman become sannyasi?
- Can a woman reach the perfectional stage of devotion to Krishna?
- Can all people have an equal interest in religion despite their different classifications?
- Can an animal be in the mode of goodness?
- Can anybody create anything with this mystic power, any idol of God or any idol of devotee or anything, and then turn them to..., just a good mission to turn them to God?
- Can anyone be said to be innocent in this world?
- Can changing the type of service one's performing, can that help him to achieve the desired perfection in relationship with the spiritual master and Krsna?
- Can crops be grown anywhere in the world?
- Can drugs sometimes be used to help us for spiritual realization?
- Can hatha-yoga hinder or help Krsna consciousness?
- Can he (this yogi who attains Vaikuntha) later go on from Vaikuntha to Goloka? Can that happen also?
- Can he find the truth on his level, because he hasn't arrived at your level?
- Can he hear? We say "Rama, Rama." Can he hear that?
- Can I ask a question? Am I to understand that women cannot go back to Godhead without being reincarnated to the male?
- Can I ask is this a very special welcome for you, or is this a performance that you go through each day?
- Can I ask one more question, Swamiji?… Some people are more inclined to worship Rama, saying Hare Rama, Hare Rama instead of Hare Rama, Hare Krsna, both?
- Can I ask one question? You were mentioning that you wanted to start local industries, casting Deities?
- Can I ask you where you come from?
- Can I get a copy (from the recorded tape) from you?
- Can I put a question? Why do you always say, "From a perfect person"?
- Can I say about my concept of God and philosophy?
- Can I see God by becoming a Christian?
- Can I serve the devotees, Srila Prabhupada?
- Can I show you a copy (letterhead from France)?
- Can ice cream purchased from the market be offered?
- Can intelligence be created in an unintelligent person?
- Can it (aratiks) be three, can it be simple?
- Can it be understand that if a person, for instance, some Americans are very wealthy, that they... (pious family means automatically he gets chance to become Krsna conscious)?
- Can Krsna be called by any other name?
- Can Krsna give us the ability to someday remember every word that you are saying to us now?
- Can one assume that matter is a kind of energy?
- Can one be a householder, I mean, with his normal worldly life, and at the same time be a...?
- Can one be egoistic and be spiritual at the same time, I mean, be proud of himself, not as a body, but proud of his state of the spirit?
- Can one be forgetful of Krsna eternally?
- Can one be in spiritual life if they're not worshiping the Deity?
- Can one chant when working?
- Can one develop determination gradually?
- Can one perceive by their own senses what is that (the mercy of Lord Caitanya)...?
- Can one say om instead of "Krsna" and gain the same benefit?
- Can one say that Krsna is the form that presents itself, of Godhead that presents itself to man and Bhagavan is the essential aspect?
- Can one say that necessity for eating, sleeping, mating and defending is animal life? The necessity for God is advanced life?
- Can one say that soul and life are identical?
- Can one say what qualities the atman has?
- Can only a few pure devotees deliver others
- Can our religion bring something more than other religions?
- Can realization be had through service without theoretical understanding?
- Can someone achieve self-realization without a guru or does he need a guru?
- Can someone outside, who does not follow these practices (give up certain habits such as one should not smoke and things), can he achieve perfection?
- Can Swamiji please explain how is it that Sanjaya is to Dhrtarastra and how it came to pass that Vyasadeva wrote the Bhagavad-gita?
- Can the Bhagavad-gita be sung?
- Can the desire to go back to Godhead be sense gratification?
- Can the human consciousness transcend time?
- Can the human heart feel compassion?... The human heart cannot take to compassion?
- Can the Janata explosion be regarded as a division of Krsna consciousness or similar consciousness?
- Can the living entity perceive the situation at this time, when he's being transferred from one body to another?
- Can the name of God be pronounced, uttered?
- Can the older boys be trained in a particular kind of devotional service? For example, press work?
- Can the profit of the manufacture of something which is manufactured purely for profit be turned to good?
- Can the scientists control that, the type of genes, the kinds of body, the child will get?
- Can the seed extract anything without the spirit soul being present there?
- Can the Vedas be taken symbolically as well as literally?
- Can there be an existence without a faith, sir?
- Can there be opposition in the spirit world? Conflict in the spirit world?
- Can these things be understood theoretically, Srila Prabhupada, or is realization required?
- Can they (ksatriyas) still make spiritual advancement?
- Can they be in opposition (spirit in themselves, they are not opposition)?
- Can they do Bengali work (simply they have to find a good press who can do the work. Press, Usha Press is nice)?
- Can this mantra also be chanted afterwards, in addition, also on the beads?
- Can we assume that energy itself, all three types of energy, are related to life?
- Can we become Krsna consciousness right now?
- Can we call these trees (with no fruits and no flowers) demonic?
- Can we decide what we want to be in our next life?
- Can we drink date rasa? We are allowed to drink date rasa?
- Can we eat cheese?
- Can we find it (truth) only in the scriptures, in following all the regulative principles we're following day after day, or can we find also that truth by following our own path, by keeping our own freedom to do whatever we like?
- Can we find the one in ourselves?
- Can we get one picture of the group?
- Can we get some cymbals?
- Can we hear a little bit from the Sankhya philosophy? Sankhya philosophy of Lord Kapiladeva? The creative elements
- Can we just have the chanting without instructions?
- Can we not also say that self and not self must separate, either in death involuntarily, or through destiny?
- Can we overcome that danger? We can try to overcome that danger (as soon as we give up this temple worship method, regulative principles, then we become, in the dress of so-called, we become victim of maya)
- Can we purchase the house (take to farming for supporting yourself) for our own staying?
- Can we say that the living entity is present within the atom by consciousness?
- Can we say that the living entity is there, and that he is the one that makes the molecules and the atoms come together to form a body just like the scientists give explanation? No? We can't?
- Can we see Him, just as we see Lalaji? But with these eyes or the... (so our knowledge is very easy. We don't make any research. Here is Krsna says that He is the Supreme Personality - we accept it. That's all. It is very simple)?
- Can we solve political problems with this religious basis?
- Can we stop mental speculation immediately
- Can we take you some time all around Vrndavana? ... What about to Govardhana?
- Can we touch your feet, Swamiji?
- Can we withdraw our independence, can we request Krsna to force us to surrender to Him, due to our conditioning?
- Can we, can you say a bit more of that, just for the tape? You were saying that religion is obeying the supreme controller
- Can you be completely perfect and follow the orders perfectly?
- Can you be interested directly in politics?
- Can you become aware of this without Krsna consciousness (when one understands that this big machine (the body) is useless without the pilot (the soul))?
- Can you briefly tell us what the difference, how your approach is different from the approaches of the other gurus who have come? You seen to have rather a unique place in...
- Can you ever lose your identity? Can I ever forget myself?
- Can you explain about taking a spiritual body after death?
- Can you explain about vaibhava and prabhava?
- Can you explain exactly what speculation means?
- Can you explain more about the Stita-dhi Muni, the undisturbed sage? In the purport you explain how he is neither attached nor detached. What is that, that he is neither one or the other?
- Can you explain subordination again?
- Can you explain the reason why yogis don't eat meat?
- Can you explain the ways of papa-nirvanam?
- Can you explain to me just a bit more, if the soul is undying, does everybody's soul go to be with God when they die? Do you have a belief in a heaven or a hell?
- Can you explain to me then what difference it makes being a member of the Hare Krsna movement
- Can you explain to me what is good sex life and bad sex life?
- Can you explain to me, then, perhaps finally, just some of the stages you go through in this spiritual life. Sort of, from somebody being a new devotee to Hare Krsna, what are the mental or the spiritual stages you go through?
- Can you explain to us what time is?
- Can you explain what I read in one of your books, that the sound spoken either in chanting a mantra or when talking about God or Krsna is somehow transcendental sound, though it's spoken with the same voice?
- Can you explain why Lord Krsna encourages Arjuna to fight his own blood?
- Can you explain, Prabhupada, once again what action in action and inaction in action?
- Can you give any explanation about the spiritual, around the earth. If they are all luminous?
- Can you give us the number how many temples are there in foreign countries?
- Can you have perfect knowledge?
- Can you make a child Krsna conscious if you yourself don't believe in Krsna consciousness?
- Can you make them (the people) reasonable? If they're unreasonable, is there some way to make them reasonable?
- Can you not say that this knowledge is an atma-vidya, that we are trying to come to the knowledge of the atman (this is our main business, that is, jivasya tattva-jijnasa, to inquire about the Absolute Truth)?
- Can you please describe the dress in which you are clothed?
- Can you please explain that it is our only way out for salvation?
- Can you point out any time in history when there existed such a perfect system (we are always hankering after happiness. So we do not like suffering. So if there is no suffering, that is perfect system)?
- Can you really expect to change the whole society?
- Can you remember some of your first impressions of North American society when you came here? Did you feel it was ripe for Krsna consciousness at that time?
- Can you repeat why you said you have been successful where others have not?
- Can you satisfy equally as brahmacari or grhastha or sannyasi? Can you satisfy equally in whatever path you have chosen?
- Can you say exactly the point where Christians are not obedient. Do you see any points here by your visit to the Christian countries and you like to say for us? It is a help for us to say exactly the point
- Can you say something about the training for a brahmana (in the varnasrama college)?
- Can you say that it is worse, the condition of the world is worse now than it used to be or is it relatively the same or...?
- Can you say what is God?
- Can you see an age that you could live until? Could you predict how long you might live?
- Can you show me something about that visva-svarupa?
- Can you take inside? Is it allowed (I wanted both of you to take various detailed photographs of that Capitol)?
- Can you take little bit of ice cream or cold custard?
- Can you tell me a little bit about the future direction of the movement, how you plan to expand?
- Can you tell me again what intelligence is?
- Can you tell me how many of those (who joins) actually stay?
- Can you tell me how the Hare Krsna movement came to be founded?
- Can you tell me how you feel about this welcome that you got? Are you used to anything a little bit more serene?
- Can you tell me how you feel led, you know, how you are guided to do what you do?
- Can you tell me how your teaching relates to the Bible, to the Christian teaching?
- Can you tell me some more about chanting Hare Krsna?
- Can you tell me something about Caitanya's initiation in Vaisnava faith? When He was initiated?
- Can you tell me something about Lord Caitanya's birth, when He was born, what happened, what was it like?
- Can you tell me the chant? Will you recite the chant to me? And then tell me why it's used so often by the followers?... The Krishna chant
- Can you tell me what is Krsna consciousness?
- Can you tell me what this painting up here is?
- Can you tell me what you believe to be the meaning of life, why do we exist in the first place?
- Can you tell me what you believe, what is the philosophy of the Hare Krsna movement?
- Can you tell me who is Lord Krsna?
- Can you tell me...? There's been an awful lot in these last two years said about the Jesus Movement. How does that sort of line up with Krsna?
- Can you tell us a little bit about Krsna consciousness, what it does mean?
- Can you tell us a little bit about the plans you have for your project in India
- Can you tell us the wonderful feeling of enlightenment to enter this spirit? We don't know how to exactly enter this spirit and travel as you travel
- Can you tell us what the program is for Hindu priests or Hindu holy man, swami?
- Can't people be spiritual without dressing in this fashion and dancing in the street?
- Can't we all be combined in a single person rather than dividing them into four, at least in the present age?
- Cannot be done, then (take the chemicals and combine them together in a test tube so that a soul can enter into)?
- Catur-varnyam maya srstam: is it applicable to India alone, or the whole world?
- Cause passion will come you, when at times of anger gets temporarily the better of you, what is the guidance which can bring you back to normality?
- Certain sections, or just say all of these (the lawyer can present that "My client's defense statement is here in these books." "Defense statement." Don't say, "the books." "Defense statements are there")?
- Channa?
- Chanting His names, surrendering to Him, feeling love for Him, doing service. Is that not or would that not take one person to...?
- Chanting in the temple increases the?
- Chanting is devotional service?
- Chanting is mental concentration, is it?
- Chanting, following the orders of the spiritual master... Is that considered offenseless chanting?
- China?
- Christ consciousness and Krsna consciousness, the words are so similar. Please combine the words, explain how the words came to us
- Christ says that he's the Almighty. What is your opinion?
- Christ's general teaching was that they should not worry for anything because God is supplying to everyone, even the birds and beasts. So why should they (the preachers) worry? Just go out and preach. That was his basic teaching to his twelve apostles
- Christian priests, they asked me that "Why Christianity is dwindling? What we have done?" So I told them, "What you have not done?"
- Christian..."Watchtower" (the idea is that marriage is not sacred. They think marriage is a legalized prostitution. They think like that, but marriage is not that. Even that Christian paper, what is that, "Watch...?"?
- Christianity has to change their customs or the Christianity, Roman Catholic or Protestant, must return to the source?
- Cobbler (woman can take care of the milk products or spining (spinning). And sudras can be engaged for working as weaver, as a blacksmith, a goldsmith. There are so many things)?
- Coming back to this question of the western type of civilization, do you feel that the success of the movement in the western society is an indication of the need being felt by the western man that has been lacking in spiritual ideologies?
- Communists win, that will not stop our preaching?
- Completely (the sinful departments, illicit sex, meat-eating, this will be closed)?
- Concerning your questions about tantric sastras
- Conchshell. What is this for, Swamiji?
- Consciousness is also subject to body's changes, change of body?
- Consciousness movement in the West-like you said, the Western people are fed up with materialism. Is it that they are fed up only with materialism or with...?
- Contact labor? Labor contact (now we want to finish this. If you have got any good contact on labor?)?
- Costumes were good (play was very nice)?
- Could a monarch use this argument, the argument of divine right, in order to discourage his subjects' rebelling under the pretense that they are communing directly with God? What guidelines are there to assure against this? Wasn't there one King Vena...?
- Could a woman be a temple president?
- Could he (a merchant in India) spend that (a bunch of Indian notes printed in China) money?
- Could I ask please, if prana is the life force, isn't it? Is it the prana is the life force, isn't it?
- Could I ask you another question? You've been hitting on some of the Ten Commandments tonight like "Thou shall not kill." Now, if you believe the Ten Commandments like that, it also says in there that you shouldn't worship idols, bow down to idols
- Could I ask you if you might sign... Put your name in... Autograph?
- Could I have been in my last life?
- Could I permitted to take a Bengali class one hour daily, the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust room for foreign and also Indian boys?
- Could it (chanting Hare Krsna) be called the true yoga of our time?
- Could it be that there may be different interpretations (if you do not accept the direction of the author, then what right you have got to say that you have understood Bhagavad-gita)?
- Could it be, Srila Prabhupada, that this sanction of wine drinking be from God? Could that sanction come from God? Do we think that is possible?
- Could that go on and on forever, his not desiring (as soon as the living entity desires to unite with the Supreme Lord, he can become. And so long he does not desire, he'll have to continue this material existence. So that depends on him)?
- Could the president of the Coca-Cola company find the way to Krsna, to serve Krsna?
- Could they (liberated souls) ever misuse it (their independence) ?
- Could we just talk for a minute or two so that we could get all this set up? If you'd like, just to tell me. You're going to India tomorrow, is that correct?
- Could we say that anyone who is engaged in glorifying the body is actually engaged in idol worship?
- Could we use alchemy to make gold for Krishna's altar?
- Could you accept me as your student until eternity?
- Could you describe Krsna's pastimes as cowboy whenever He goes out in the morning with the cowherds boys?
- Could you describe your temple to me?
- Could you discuss the various levels on the way to bliss consciousness? What happens to the body and the mind as one approaches bliss consciousness?
- Could you elaborate a little bit on the point of debate of Krsna manifesting everything, and therefore He's attractive?
- Could you estimate how many people in India have found true spirituality through Indian religion?
- Could you explain (illicit sex, do you think it is...? Not only outside marriage. Even in marriage, you cannot have sex as you like. You must have sex according to the regulative principle or religious principle)?
- Could you explain a little bit about the position in which we were situated in the spiritual sky before coming to the material world?
- Could you explain further, purification of the senses? You said that you had to purify your senses before you can see God
- Could you explain that (this women's liberation is just a trick by the men)?
- Could you explain what you meant by knowledge? What? Spiritual knowledge or...?
- Could you give me a brief rundown on their...? Are they devotee, they're devotees... (Srinivasa and Haridasa. Haridasa character is there?)
- Could you give them by name, the five kinds of liberation? In English?
- Could you go over each of the three functions you've been mentioning-eating, sleeping and sex - and tell me what specifically, what rules or hints that you would give people who are seeking spiritual enlightenment to aid in their lives in these ways
- Could you just count numbers and think about God and that would work just as well? Are the names important? Could you just count - one, two, three, four - and that would work just as well?
- Could you please tell me a little bit about your life and how you knew that you were the spiritual master for the Krsna consciousness movement?
- Could you recall the beginning of your first trip to USA and how you spread the message? I was told that you came here with six dollars?
- Could you repeat that, Srila Prabhupada? I want to record it
- Could you say that prayer again of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, "You chant Hare Krsna..."? I didn't understand that
- Could you speak to us on giving thanks to the Lord?
- Could you tell about Lord Caitanya asking where is Krsna and falling in the water?
- Could you tell me a little bit about your background, when you were young, what types of things you did...?
- Could you tell me about the Hare Krsna mantra because it's so important to Krsna consciousness
- Could you tell me how much you do derive from the airport solicitations in the United States?
- Could you tell me how old you are?
- Could you tell me something about your altar?
- Could you tell me the names of these special foods? How do you know what Krsna eats and drinks, please?
- Could you tell me why at times it is dangerous to meditate on concentration on the astral world?
- Could you tell people how you are dressed today, what's the significance of your clothes?
- Could you tell us a little about your spiritual master's life?
- Could you tell us about something about Lord Caitanya's production of Vaisnava drama? Are there any of the plays that you know are still extant?
- Could you think of yourself? And when you think, you are thinking of Krsna?
- Couldn't we say that we as men are determined to freedom, determined to indeterminism, so to say, determined to take some responsibility?
- Couldn't you get all the necessity you require from grains?
- Cow dung chip is called kandi?
- Created a new species, Prabhupada?
- Crime, Why and How to Solve It?
- Cyavana and his followers (two heavenly physicians, asvini-kumaras made him very nice beautiful-looking young man by taking him to a certain lake, and they dipped down and all of them became fresh young men, beautiful, very beautiful)?
- Daily how many times you'll utter the names of Lord Krsna?
- Death is just like sleep. When we're sleeping we feel.... So why, then, we should be afraid of death?
- Defamation of our religious cult. Because we're recognized by scholars as being bona fide. It says here, "Ungodly face of Krsna cult." How is that ungodly?
- Defense (so material things, viṣaya, simply increasing the method of eating, sleeping, sex life and defense. This is material activity)?
- Dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara. Could it be said, then, that we are transmigrating even while in this life?
- Deity worship is temple worship?
- Delhi, some astrologer said (one astrologer has said that Jawaharlal Nehru has become a dog in Sweden)?
- Demigods are not liberated?
- Devotees are beginning more and more, Srila Prabhupada, under your instruction, to enter into politics. But the political leaders, they will claim, "Well you have no experience. How can you be qualified to...?"
- Devotees are doing very well in Moscow, Prabhupada? Is that right? They are distributing books there?
- Devotees, do we get sick because of our bad actions in the past?
- Devotees, sometimes they feel that in ISKCON we're talking so much about the business of how to spread Krsna consciousness, but we're not talking enough about Krsna's pastimes, krsna-katha. Won't it purify them? That's what they say, "It will purify me"
- Dharma is for the envious?
- Dharma there (sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam) means to the religious faith or duty?
- Diameter (of the universe)?
- Did all the souls that were in the spiritual sky fall out of the spiritual sky at once or at different times, or are there any souls that are always good, they're not foolish, they don't fall down?
- Did any of them come up here who are still with you now (alone I was doing that. And then gradually one or two boys began to come)?
- Did anyone tell you that, or you just know it from before (these kind of symptoms are seen when a man is poisoned. He said like that, not that I am poisoned)?
- Did Bhaktivinoda Thakura take sannyasa in later years?
- Did Bhismadeva get wounded by arrows at the battle of Kuruksetra, or did he simply chose to leave his mortal body and thus lay down for passing on a bed of arrows?
- Did Gandhi reply to your request (this request I made to Gandhi That "You are..." People accepted him as a spiritual man all over the world. So if Gandhi would have taken this movement sincerely and scientifically, it would have grown thousand times)?
- Did Hakeemji come? Did the doctor come? Hakeemji?
- Did He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) have a spiritual master?
- Did He (Krsna) translate it into English?
- Did I understand you to say the swami has no sex life?
- Did Jesus die on the cross to redeem all the sins of the world?
- Did Kamsa also achieve the grace? He was immediately transferred to the spiritual planets after he was killed?
- Did Krsna create us to serve Him? And to enjoy us?
- Did Krsna describe to Arjuna the disciplic succession?
- Did Krsna have children by the gopis?
- Did Krsna invent Radha for His own pleasure?
- Did Krsna play that (football)?
- Did Lord Caitanya have women, householders traveling with Him when He went on sankirtana?
- Did Lord Caitanya take sannyasa from a Mayavadi sannyasi?
- Did Lord Caitanya worship Sarasvati?
- Did some time lapse between Vyasa's conception of the Srimad-Bhagavatam and the actual writing down of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Was it passed orally, or was written down by Vyasa Krsna himself?
- Did someone put tilaka on the dog?
- Did Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu have a dandi or a tridandi?
- Did that milk give you any mucus, Srila Prabhupada?
- Did the Chand Kazi stop this cow killing thereafter? After talking with Caitanya Mahaprabhu?
- Did the Gosvamis drink from this well, Srila Prabhupada?
- Did the Greek civilization follow the Vedic culture?
- Did the people who said they went to the moon, did they go to another planet?
- Did the residents of Vrndavana see the many expansions or did they only see one Krsna?
- Did these dinosaurs exist, or is it just their imagination?
- Did they (Englishmen) teach God consciousness (in India)?
- Did they (Scottish Churches College) teach in English or Bengali?
- Did they (the astronauts) actually get to the moon or not?
- Did they (the European professors from Scottish Churches College) come mostly for missionary work? Was that their purpose?
- Did they actually land on the moon, Srila Prabhupada?
- Did they find a temple in Hamburg? In Hamburg. I was there once, but they just had a little tiny house, and they were trying to get another
- Did they go to some other planet (than the moon), Prabhupada?
- Did they try to make you Christian? Like that?
- Did we fall in the material world to experience something which is higher?
- Did we fall in this material world to find some highest pleasure?
- Did you build a Maha-ratha?
- Did you come with the purpose of spreading Krsna consciousness?
- Did you ever think at that time that you would be able to expand or...?
- Did you get formal training with a...?
- Did you get some barley flour?
- Did you go to East Africa also?
- Did you go to the United States to found the Krsna consciousness?
- Did you have to go there (to Dr. Mishra's apartment) to bathe also?
- Did you help to build that one?... Did you help to establish that Gaudiya Matha (In Allahabad)?
- Did you know him (Sir Jagadish (this Marconi's theory is his theory)) ?
- Did you mean to ask whether the ultimate state of consciousness is within us that has to be brought out? The dormant Krsna consciousness, is that...
- Did you meet any of them (the Soviet Union leaders)?
- Did you purchase any land at Kuruksetra yet, Prabhupada?
- Did you say once that sometimes Krsna will let you work off some of your karma in a dream (indistinct)?
- Did you say self-realization is realizing our identity with Brahma?
- Did you say that for the atman, are part of the eternal? For the atman, it is... A need for the being is for the purpose, ananda
- Did you say that having a family necessarily interferes with Krsna consciousness?
- Did you say that illicit means sex between people who are not married?
- Did you say that Sri Krsna Caitanya was playing Radha?
- Did you say through a particular ritualistic process you can go there in your next life?
- Did you see the color printing inside? It's also very nice. They have done the same.... This was last year in Paris, when you received Bhagavad-gita
- Did you send copies to all the libraries (of the first Back to Godhead magazine)?
- Did you stand on street corners and chant?
- Did you talk with people there (in Moscow)? Were you permitted, were you allowed to talk with the people in the streets and so on?
- Did you tell everyone you were leaving, or you simply disappeared?
- Did you then begin, after you finished the university, did you begin your writing?
- Did you want to go out into the garden tonight or not?
- Did you want to know where that was, "Hallowed be Thy name."?... Were you asking where that was from?
- Did you work for Jagadishacandra Bose too?
- Did you work out the spiritual disciplines for the group yourself? I mean about the morning chanting and the recital of the two thousand Hare Krsnas a day and... Did you work those out yourself?
- Did you write all these books?
- Did you yourself study Sanskrit at Vrndavana or...?
- Didn't Bhaktivinoda Thakura do that (there are many who claim to become God. All of them should be brought into the court) once?
- Didn't Karna request Arjuna not to fight when he was lifting the chariot? Didn't Karna request Arjuna not to kill him?
- Didn't some Manipur devotees visit Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Jagannatha Puri sometimes?
- Didn't that Dr. Radhakrishnan go crazy at the end of life, Srila Prabhupada?
- Didn't the Queen make some remarks about that? She said something to you… (Yes, she said, "How marvelous it would be to completely trust Krsna")?
- Didn't they (the residents of Vrndavana) know who Krsna was?
- Different levels of consciousness?
- Different Puranas have different Gitas, Prabhupada?
- Different stages? Are there different stages?
- Dinosaurs also (were from a previous Kali-yuga )?
- Disease is not hopelessness. Otherwise why the people go for treatment to a physician? Similarly, out of ignorance you are now in this miserable condition, but if you become treated by bona fide spiritual master, then you'll be cured
- Distributing books (first-class brain, they should be engaged in studying sastras, writing books and in the worship of the Deity, lecturing enlightened people. This is brahmana. They haven't got to work as ksatriya, as vaisya)?
- Diwali is the 10th or 11th. I think the Marwari community, they celebrate on the 10th. So we expect him on the 11th or by the latest the 12th, which means one week from today. Do you mind waiting that long?
- Do (the jivas in vegetables that are offered to Krsna) they just get liberation or do they go directly to Krsna? They go to Krsna or do they only get liberation? Do they go to Goloka Vrndavana? What kind of liberation?
- Do all spiritual paths lead to the same end?
- Do animals also have independence?
- Do any of them come now? Do any of them come now apart from Prabhakara?
- Do different spirit souls have different activities, spiritual activities?
- Do ghosts refer to categories of ghosts or particular famous?
- Do I have to join your movement to be happy? Can I just take Krsna consciousness outside your movement?
- Do I think it (one should only endeavor to go back to Godhead. That should be the mission of everyone's life." So this is our mission. We are propagating this) is all right? Well, it's a point of view
- Do I understand that the children in your school in Texas, that they're brought up in what you consider spiritual consciousness...?
- Do innate ideas have to be universal? Might not some living entities have some innate ideas and other living entities have others? Why does an innate idea have to be universal and apply to everyone?
- Do many people follow Krsna consciousness by reading books in this method?
- Do mental sinful activities cause a bad reaction?
- Do monkeys have any use?
- Do most human beings fall down into the animal species?
- Do people come to the services who are not disciples and devotees?
- Do people lose God consciousness as they grow older?
- Do people naturally act sinfully, or is that something that they develop?
- Do the animals have no consciousness of God?
- Do the car companies make bicycles?
- Do the demigods sometimes forget their positions?
- Do the disciples take on new injunctions and prohibitions at this time?
- Do the fallen souls leave the spiritual world all at once or gradually?
- Do the five direct rasas take place between jiva souls also when they are...?
- Do the laws of nature also make distinction, Prabhupada?
- Do the liberated souls also seek after this Krsna consciousness? Those who have become free
- Do the living entities who are born from perspiration require a mother and father?
- Do the needful? ... In what regard, Srila Prabhupada?
- Do the number of demigods have something to do with the number of species, like there are thirty-three million demigods?... Do they belong to these species? They are also included in these eight million four hundred? These Gandharvas?
- Do the rays of the sun actually take away our life?
- Do the rickshaw drivers in Letchmore Heath chant Hare Krsna?
- Do the same rules apply to women as to men?
- Do the Vedic histories refer to this planet only?
- Do these demigods have the potency to show the universal form?
- Do these men get trained in mystic prayer, contemplation?
- Do they (people who join) have to wear those clothes and shave their heads and chanting those things...?
- Do they (the sudra class) kill them in a slaughterhouse? The goats?
- Do they (the Vallabhites) worship in vatsalya-rasa or just show?
- Do they (your followers) do anything like social work or other...?
- Do they have a period of training or a program for the training of the swamis?
- Do they have any temples of Lord Jagannatha there? They have any temples of Lord Jagannatha in Kuruksetra?
- Do they have many birds in Bhuvanesvara?
- Do they have to practice every day?
- Do they know the cause of cancer?
- Do they reject it because they (the politicians) cannot do it?
- Do they speak Kashmiri language, the people, or is it Hindi?
- Do we accept the contour of the continents? Do we accept the general continents?
- Do we all originate from Krsna?
- Do we announce that you will give darsana on the stage for five minutes?
- Do we believe in reincarnation? She wants to know if we believe in reincarnation
- Do we consider ivory as something pure or impure?
- Do we ever personally contact Krsna in Krsna consciousness?
- Do we get a second chance if we don't make the most of this life? In other words, is reincarnation part of your...?
- Do we have a meaning, do we have a definition for the third eye?
- Do we have a viewpoint on contraception?
- Do we have anything, Srila Prabhupada, in the reference, saying that all the living entities are already there?
- Do we have to completely leave the world? We cannot stay within the world and sanctify ourselves?
- Do we have to liberate ourselves from karma in order to achieve Krsna?
- Do we offer any solution for socio-economic problems that you can...?
- Do we recognize that any of those Christian saints were great devotees? Did they develop love of God? Or what's the comparison?
- Do we take these births in a human form all the time, or perhaps do we take a birth in perhaps an ant or a rat or a dog, or will it always be in the human form if we believe in Krsna consciousness now?
- Do we use machines and modern methods on our asramas and farms
- Do women fit into this (four classes) social structure? You keep referring to man
- Do you accept the supremacy of the Vedas, veda-pramanam?
- Do you accept the whole of the material world? Do you think there are some things in it which are wrong?
- Do you advocate sending the children to secular schools, or have you made arrangements with the government to...?
- Do you agree with that, Prabhupada? Isn't it? Prabhupada, Prabhupada? Do you agree with that, though, that it was not necessary to, say chant continually out in a doctor's surgery or...?
- Do you agree with the work of the Ramakrishna Mission, Mahesh Yogi, and Divine Light Society that are working in America?
- Do you attempt to speak with governments and city officials and that sort of thing to spread your message?
- Do you attribute accidents and disease to a desire for self-destruction?
- Do you basically reject the modern civilization?
- Do you believe in a life after death for the body?
- Do you believe in a resurrection?
- Do you believe in love of God, and that God is a person? Some people say that God is not a person, and we say God is a person
- Do you believe in reincarnation?
- Do you believe in some sort of universal but inherent deficiency in human nature, in other words, that man irrespective of his environment, irrespective of where he comes from, that he has, he is prone to evil?
- Do you believe in the blessed trinity?
- Do you believe in the essential unity of religious paths in such a way that soon people will take to God and yoga?
- Do you believe in the Holy Bible?
- Do you believe in these (Hindi) and everything?
- Do you believe that Christ said that Krsna was his father?
- Do you believe that God is pleased by your prayer and helps the world because of your prayer?
- Do you believe that Hare Krsna is the only true faith?
- Do you believe that Jesus and Buddha and Krsna are manifestations of the same God?
- Do you believe that other religions have some truth to them because they all are...?
- Do you believe that the Gita should be followed as it is or interpretation...?
- Do you believe that the origin of this creation is a sin?... A sin of man or is the love of God? What is the origin?
- Do you believe that the soul and God is one as Ramanuja and Sankaracarya says, or as Madhvacarya says...
- Do you believe then that there is more than one way?
- Do you believe, I mean now from the point of view of facts, or events, not of ideas, of events, of reality, do you think there are many these men who are without spiritual ideas in the world of today?
- Do you call it your temple or a church?
- Do you claim then that your way of loving God is the way to love God?
- Do you come (to India) every year, or is this the first time you have come?
- Do you consider that this kind of practice or the practicing this kind of culture is regimentated? A person has to come in and spend sometimes in the temple, and...?
- Do you consider that your movement is basically more of an educational movement than a religious movement?
- Do you consider.... Is it your Deity? Do you consider that glorified?
- Do you deal in percentages?
- Do you defy by trying to learn His mayadhyaksena suyate prakrtih sa-caracaram (you defy Krsna)?
- Do you differentiate, as you would do, it's only a matter of attempting to comprehend the differences of things, the difference between thinking and feeling as rational functions?
- Do you direct us also through the heart? Besides the Paramatma
- Do you do your printing in Japan and America?
- Do you envisage or envision a different role for Hinduism in the Western countries where the influence of other great religions has been felt for centuries?
- Do you equate then the impersonalists and the Mayavadis? Are they the same?
- Do you ever feel Krsna's presence, or see Him?
- Do you expect Him (Krsna) to come again?
- Do you expect to name one person as your successor or have you already?
- Do you feel also that if someone read the Bhagava...?... Bhagavad-gita and other books, that a person merely by reading these could attain knowledge of Krsna?
- Do you feel any difficulty during urination?
- Do you feel are you in good health now? You look it.
- Do you feel diseases and sickness? Is this a result of your past karma?
- Do you feel like going on? I don't think I'm going to write these now. I'm just going to use this tape. When I go over a scene I'll just play it back. It's too much to write
- Do you feel like speaking and hearing about Bhagavatam?
- Do you feel that astronauts did land somewhere, but it was some other planet?
- Do you feel that he should come and prepare it (medicine) in your presence? You want to see him? Or can it be prepared in South and brought by the devotees?
- Do you feel that those who've had genuine religious, spiritual understanding would not have that kind of argument?
- Do you feel, sir, that it (education about God) is lacking only here in the United States?
- Do you find a place for romantic love within...?
- Do you find that in the translation from the thoughts and the Sanskrit to the English words, then from the English words to the mass of the people's heads, do you find that there is much loss?
- Do you find that the chant goes on in your heart?
- Do you find that you are having difficulty disassociating yourself (your group) with false prophets like the Guruji?
- Do you find that you chant, it clarifies you?
- Do you find the English weather cold?
- Do you find, Swamiji, that the mood of the young people in North America is the same now as it was in '65, or has it changed?
- Do you find, uh, you must find it very, very difficult travelling all the time?
- Do you foresee a time coming when people will realize... (it has already come, disaster). No, I mean a time coming when disaster is averted and people realize...
- Do you foresee a time when many people will receive that remedy (the instruction is there. Just like Bhagavad-gita says, "Produce food grain." The remedy is there. But you will not produce food grain; you will produce motorcar. Then you must suffer)?
- Do you foresee that the devotees will grow in numbers in this country?
- Do you give him permission to come visit you ("...with your permission we would like to come and visit you sometime later this year, as it has now been so long since I have had your personal association")?
- Do you go to this institute for a certain period of time (yes, there is a monastery. We have got institution, Gaudiya Math Institution. They have got hundreds of branches, yes)?
- Do you have a large number of American negroes in your movement, Swamiji?
- Do you have a name that you call... are they called students?
- Do you have a particular asrama there (in Vrndavana)?
- Do you have a temple here, Swami, or do you meet in libraries?
- Do you have altars?
- Do you have an opinion on the Hebrew scripture, the Kabbalah?
- Do you have any children, family?
- Do you have any evidence ("what you say, you have no proof, but what I say I have got proof")?
- Do you have any feeling about the crime here in the United States as opposed to the crime in your own land?
- Do you have any hope in the future that you, your movement, will involve printing a lot of books, making, building schools for your children?
- Do you have any ideas where you would want (the facility to chant the holy name of God and distribute prasadam)?
- Do you have any in training for second class?
- Do you have any of the other things you find in the inside of churches?
- Do you have any opinion about Ted Patrick, who I guess you've probably heard of?
- Do you have any other source, like donations or something like that for your movement?
- Do you have any panditas in the Western movement?
- Do you have any plans of propagating your movement in India?
- Do you have any proposal to spread this movement in Communist countries?
- Do you have any sort of teachers in your centers, and how do they get their education if you have any teachers?
- Do you have any views that for the past fifty or hundred years people have been predicting that there is going to be like a second coming or a spiritual changeover which will have an effect on the whole planet
- Do you have anything comparable to bishops and the hierarchy of the Christian faith and of other major faiths?
- Do you have arrangements with hospitals in case somebody gets sick, and do you watch diet carefully and...?
- Do you have certain dietary rules for which you do not eat? What do you not eat?
- Do you have children?
- Do you have children? You just left them?
- Do you have classes on Caitanya-caritamrta?
- Do you have lots of members?
- Do you have many Indian followers? Many Indian followers as well as foreign?
- Do you have more temples there (in India) than here (in the West)?
- Do you have much of a following in India itself?
- Do you have plans for other schools?
- Do you have plans, Srila Prabhupada, to comment on Ramayama in future?
- Do you have programs developed to educate mankind towards this God consciousness?
- Do you have references about that (Jahnava-devi was controlling the whole Gaudiya Vaisnava community) in any of your books, Srila Prabhupada?
- Do you have that photograph? I'll show you
- Do you have the original here of the Bhagavata Purana?
- Do you have the powers of Jesus? Can you say to a person, "Rise up and walk," when they're paralyzed?
- Do you have these temples in India?
- Do you have this, the Tenth Canto of the Bhagavatam?
- Do you have women followers also in this movement?
- Do you hope to acquire school buildings for teaching school?
- Do you imagine in this life an attainment of a follower...?
- Do you initiate girls?
- Do you initiate yourself all the disciples or do your other disciples also do that?
- Do you just keep changing bodies indefinitely or does it end?
- Do you know about Paramahamsa Yogananda?
- Do you know how many followers there are in the United States now?
- Do you know how old she (Sumati Morarjee) is Srila Prabhupada?
- Do you know much of Mormonism?
- Do you know Professor Bimal Motilal came in during your discourse?
- Do you know that story of Ekalavya?
- Do you know that? Do you know that for a fact? How do you know this is not illusion? How do you know that? Do we know anything for sure (this is cotton. This is cotton. Everyone knows. But if I give you a lump)?
- Do you know the prayer that the Russians use, the Jesus prayer?
- Do you know the Sufis are Muslims (indistinct)?
- Do you know their (Hawaii birds) names
- Do you know this man from a long time ago?… He wants some money for some temple?…Here in Vrndavana
- Do you like it (bitter melon), Prabhupada?
- Do you like that (there will be at least forty devotees going with Your Divine Grace to Mayapur - the devotees who go and the devotees who greet you there), Srila Prabhupada?
- Do you like that place, Swamiji? Where the disciples are now, on Glenville Avenue?
- Do you like this (painting) one, Prabhupada?
- Do you mean (in the sky there are millions of miles land of copper, gold) other planets, Srila Prabhupada?
- Do you mean every, the whole of India is Krsna conscious?
- Do you mean Krsna is Absolute, and Krsna is everything? Then why does Krsna have a specific form?
- Do you mean that (if you keep people in darkness - he does not know what is his future - then what is the use of education and university) the university should be abolished?
- Do you mean that healing is an illusion? Because healing is a fact (better, that is everyone is trying, that is... But there is no cure. If you think that temporary cure is better, that's nice, but there is no cure)
- Do you mean that nobody could be cured (you stop his death or you stop his birth, stop his disease. So point is when I say you cannot heal, that's a fact. That's a fact. You can heal one disease, another disease will appear. Therefore you cannot heal)?
- Do you mean that Siva is demigod?
- Do you mean the Kali-yuga exists all the time?
- Do you mean the perfectness is to become God or to become the man?
- Do you mean the universe is likely to go on forever?
- Do you mean to say that this (transcendence) is just a contemplative thing that doesn't really have a active influence upon the society to change the different...?
- Do you need a car, Swamiji?
- Do you need to be involved in the Krsna movement to be God conscious?
- Do you need to have a name and address and occupation for God?
- Do you not project this Krsna consciousness movement is an improvement over the whole...
- Do you not think it's worth going to such places as Ireland and trying to talk to the people out there to stop warring?
- Do you plan to propagate your message in India?
- Do you practice meditation in your center?
- Do you prefer they go to a place where God is not known, where spiritual values are not estimated? Or they go also to places where God is loved and God is present?
- Do you read newspapers?
- Do you receive some knowledge directly from Krsna?
- Do you receive visitors most of the time, or do you do a lot of reading?
- Do you recite this also, Caitanya-caritamrta?
- Do you recognize that India does need some method at this point...?
- Do you regret having come back to India?
- Do you remember what you wrote about, which part? About Krsna's birth?
- Do you return to Vrndavana often?
- Do you rule out talking about the beings living on the moon planet?
- Do you say that God has nothing to do? But He has lots of energies, and it is the energy that creates beautiful things? How is the energy ordered?
- Do you see a difference or a conflict between being a devotee of Jesus and a devotee of Krsna? May one be both?
- Do you see a time coming when all mankind will be united?
- Do you see America getting more God consciousness?
- Do you see hope for mankind in the future?
- Do you see that nations will fight too? That there will be wars, things like that?
- Do you see yourself then as the savior of American youth?
- Do you seek government help?
- Do you separate the eternal world from the Paramatma? It is something, a world like our material world that we have got, physical world that we have got, is going to be out of, the eternal world?
- Do you sing any hymns, kirtanas in Bengali also?
- Do you sit and meditate alone? What do you do with your mind as it wanders? Do you think of something? Do you put it on something or do you let it wander by itself?
- Do you specifically have a precept against telling a lie, or against hypocrisy?
- Do you spend a certain amount of time in each center? Do you yourself travel from one center to another?
- Do you spend your whole year traveling, or only part of the year?
- Do you suppose that the British supported Darwin so that that would also help their political ambitions, by introducing...?
- Do you take interest in the political happenings?
- Do you take rebirth in human form literally?
- Do you take this throne (vyasasana) with you all the time?
- Do you teach abstinence or moderation in the use of these things?
- Do you teach Gayatri mantra to your disciples also?
- Do you teach self-realization? Do you initiate? Then you are an authority on initiation?
- Do you think for instance, in this country, if somebody is a Protestant, or I mean a Christian and goes to church, this is also, you don't try to convert them away from that?
- Do you think he is a good doctor?
- Do you think I should set up a separate account for the records, so that all the profit is used for food distribution?
- Do you think if a person is to be a real believer in God he has to also worship Krsna or speak of Him?
- Do you think if all men, let's say, all the religions could try to come together...?
- Do you think if people had a deeper understanding of God... a spiritual consciousness...? Do you think it would solve the problems of...?
- Do you think it is necessary for India to eschew religion?
- Do you think it is possible to live in say an education framework, or should it be something quite separate?
- Do you think it is possible, for instance, to have the husband being involved in this movement and not his wife?
- Do you think mankind is making some improvement?
- Do you think meditation is a way to see God inside yourself?
- Do you think modern man must get better and know God or he will destroy himself?
- Do you think Mrs. Gandhi's leadership has not been successful?
- Do you think of this in terms of a historical event that will occur in the lifetime of your disciples (all miscreants will be killed, and out of them, there must be some pious... They remain)?
- Do you think people should beware (of false gurus)?
- Do you think so (everyone is loving themselves)?
- Do you think something could be written on this wall?
- Do you think Swamiji, the scientists would be able to create life as they...?
- Do you think that all men can stand on the spiritual platform?
- Do you think that drugs would help attain the Krsna consciousness?
- Do you think that every human being will become liberated?
- Do you think that I am inferior to you (by physiological condition (women are inferior to men). Just like you are. Your bodily features are different from the man's features. You cannot deny it)?
- Do you think that in the future all religions and all these spiritual groups will come together and form one group?
- Do you think that my father is in any way different in his parentage of me from God in His parentage of me?
- Do you think that one of the attractions of Krsna consciousness is the rather exotic, Hindu, unusual customs in the West. These customs are unusual in the West and they have a sort of exotic appeal for young people?
- Do you think that some day the Krsna consciousness movement will spread to all the people in the world?
- Do you think that some people could have best... better gift for healings, for temporary healings than other?
- Do you think that the great mystics down the ages have actually seen this spark?
- Do you think that the Hare Krsna chant could serve as an intermediary to link the religious tendencies of, both of Christianity and Muslim religions?
- Do you think that the message of Krsna consciousness or Krsna Caitanya is very different from the message of realizing God which is promulgated in other religions, for instance the Saiva religion or...?
- Do you think that the present democratic system will be able to impart a spiritual education?
- Do you think that the Russian society is not put off by this bhajana?
- Do you think that the Vedic sciences will be revived?
- Do you think that the young Indian boys in the future, they will become anywhere near as pious as their parents?
- Do you think that the, say astronauts that would land on the moon, do you think they would encounter any difficulty in going about and doing what they wanted to and then leaving?
- Do you think that the, the poor Indians who are suffering because of this terrible drought in India... is their relief never going to be in this world? Is it only going to be when they die?
- Do you think that there is a special way that Hinduism looks upon man's place in the universe?
- Do you think that there will become a level of demigods, a race of demigods?
- Do you think that this concept (God means Supreme Controller) is the special insight of the Vedic?
- Do you think that this is because of the Western influence under which they have gone and you are... (nobody spoke that "Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You worship Him." Nobody has said. This is the first time, I am saying)?
- Do you think that this M. M. would try to cause any trouble in the future? Or is he so useless that he won't do that even?
- Do you think that this powder has been successful, Srila Prabhupada?
- Do you think that we should make these marble here, on the side?
- Do you think that your mission is successful?
- Do you think that your movement has a chance to make it here in America?
- Do you think that, that stage (to be united on the spiritual platform) is possible within this generation?
- Do you think the deep-rooted Indian culture and religion will ever have a sort of a re-creation, or will it continue?
- Do you think the India-originated religion is, serves its particular purpose in the Western society? I mean, does, is it of particular value in a rather technological society, the Hindu tradition?
- Do you think the same problem is here in India as in other countries (and now in India another danger is that so many rascals, they are declaring, "I am God." And this India, people have become so fallen down, they accept all these rascals as God)?
- Do you think the social unrest...?
- Do you think the time will come when we will... (if they allow us to forward our movement, then we are satisfied. And when there is hindrance, the person who is hindering, finished. But don't do it now, (chuckles) then you will be finished)?
- Do you think the type of life that your devotees must lead... is in fact a happy one, getting up very early in the morning?
- Do you think then that that, that message is the most important message that you have to convey?
- Do you think there is a necessity to open a ministry of religion?
- Do you think there should be any sequel to this film? In other words, to carry on the philosophy?
- Do you think there will always be a few who understand (God)?
- Do you think there's a difference between the various peoples of the world? In other words, do you think that Indians as opposed to Europeans have more of a tendency or are more likely to adhere to the Krsna consciousness?
- Do you think they (west) are taking to it because it is novel?
- Do you think those who are butcher are all criminals?
- Do you think transcendental meditation is beginning to help...?
- Do you think we have too much for our needs?
- Do you think we should go straight to the minister?
- Do you think we're going to come right, then? Is that a possible question? Or is it just far too many people now who are purely in the body and in the world of the senses? Is the world going to come around?
- Do you think you could do a little (recite Caitanya-caritamrta)?
- Do you think you could explain to me about the Deities and how it's different from idol worship?
- Do you think you'll be able to see the temple either today or tomorrow and give me some ideas on how to utilize the building? I can arrange it with Pusta Krsna? When you're available?
- Do you think your movement is the only way to come to know God?
- Do you think your quality to change... A person, if that sould becomes fate or lift...?
- Do you think, in a world so much caught up in material way of things... (indistinct) able to penetrate?
- Do you think, in your opinion, mayavada was a necessity to undo all the bad effect of the degenerated Buddhism? This followed some three, four or seven hundred years of after Gautama Buddha
- Do you think, Swamiji, that man can become perfect?
- Do you think, this one (this book), do you think I could...?
- Do you travel much all over the world and...?
- Do you understand your previous lives from the descriptions in authoritative texts, or from any introspective recollection of your own?
- Do you use any grammar, Sanskrit grammar, when you study Sanskrit?... How do they learn when they learn Sanskrit?
- Do you use Gayatri mantra also?
- Do you use the Judeo-Christian scriptures at all in your work?
- Do you use the word guru?
- Do you use your body when you speak?
- Do you want another cover, Srila Prabhupada?
- Do you want him (Mr. Myer) to be initiated just now or wait some time?
- Do you want the peanuts roasted in ghee or just dry roasting?
- Do you want these (cotton swabs)?
- Do you want this to become a part of the educational system here?
- Do you want to give ... authorization to take sannyasa as soon as possible?
- Do you want to go further, Srila Prabhupada?
- Do you want to have responsive chanting?
- Do you want to hear the next letter?
- Do you want to keep the checks or give them to him (Kirtanananda)?
- Do you want to know more about the conference?
- Do you want to take rest, Srila Prabhupada?
- Do you want to walk?
- Do you want us to distribute this? Srila Prabhupada, this is special water from the Ganges if you want to drink some?
- Do you want us to make more zones now, Srila Prabhupada?
- Do you want us to offer feast to your Guru Maharaja at noontime? A special plate of feast?
- Do you want your hat, Srila Prabhupada?
- Do you watch TV yourself?
- Do you wish me to take this (book) away or should I look at it here?
- Do you worship to a person or what? To his doctrines or...?
- Do you, in other words, do you believe that astronauts landed somewhere?
- Do you, in your creed, do you believe in metempsychosis, that is the soul going through one form of life and then if it lives badly, the person lives badly, it comes back in another form and so on? Do you believe in the metempsychosis?
- Do.... Your lines of authority then come from you, or is it an elective authority?
- Does a devotee lose some of his individuality in that...?
- Does a devotee, who is working as a sudra, get second initiation?
- Does a man then stop judging his actions (if the physician says that you take this medicine in such and such dose, you don't do this, and do this. If I follow, then I'm cured, perfect)?
- Does a person have to experience enough frustration to give up this process of...(chewing the chewed)?
- Does all desire ultimately have to go, including the desire to attain Krsna consciousness?
- Does an animal make that mistake? I thought the animals would not see the water that our eyes tell us that there is a mirage in the desert
- Does any physical change take place in your body when you become Krsna conscious?
- Does belief in any scripture whatsoever, such as the Bible or Koran...? Does belief in any scripture lead to salvation?
- Does devotion come before wakefulness, or does wakefulness come before devotion?
- Does each temple operate by itself, or each division operate by itself?
- Does evening arati vary according to the sunset?
- Does everyone go there (spiritual world) or only some?
- Does faith develop from accepting (bhakti)?
- Does fortune mean it's the mercy of Krsna?
- Does God need service?
- Does God speak to me, within me, whether I listen or not?
- Does He (Krsna) also appear through Maha-Visnu?
- Does he (Lord Brahma) become a pure devotee? Otherwise how he can see Krsna and reveal Brahma-samhita? Also he's the head of our disciplic succession. How can he be the head of our disciplic succession if he's not a pure devotee?
- Does he (Lord Buddha) say so (He's personally Krsna), or you...?
- Does He (Lord Caitanya) meet any of these characters at the river?
- Does he have to be designated by the former spiritual master (a spiritual master)?
- Does ISKCON believe in reincarnation?
- Does it (just like these boys they are after Krsna's service) mean that we should leave the work and we should not work and...?
- Does it (victory for the communists) mean that they will also attack the Krsna consciousness?
- Does it do atheists any good to chant your verses if they only want to be happy through chanting them?
- Does it ever happen, Swamiji, that some disciples of yours may disagree with you in spiritual matters?
- Does it have to do anything with the distance? As the sun is recorded first (nobody could answer, a simple question... According to Vedic astronomical calculations, sun is first)?
- Does it matter how long it might take you? Can you become first-class men soon, within five years?
- Does it matter what religion you believe? Does it matter which religion you believe? Would it matter if one was a devotee of Hare Krsna...?
- Does it matter what the specific thing is, like not killing a cow or like chanting or are there many specific things that people can do for love of God and for discipline that will serve the same purpose?
- Does it matter who performs the Deity worship?
- Does it mean (because in the air there is sound. Therefore ether is there. It is a production of the ether... Air from the ether because when the air blows, you find the sound, sshhhh. That is ether) beyond the ether there's no sound?
- Does it mean that the initiative from the human being is completely surrendered to the almighty God? And if you surrender, is there any initiative left for the human being?
- Does it mean that Your Divine Grace will come on the experiment (Vrndavana parikrama), or we should go without Your Divine Grace and experiment?
- Does it mean we should use violence to spread Krsna consciousness then, Srila Prabhupada?
- Does it not mean, sir, that naham tesv avasthitah, "I am staying in Goloka"?
- Does it say somewhere in the Bhagavad-gita that we shouldn't eat meat?
- Does Jesus Christ reside in the Vaikunthas or Brahmaloka?
- Does karma-yoga mean to follow exactly the sastras?
- Does Krsna consciousness make you aware of this, though (actually knowledge begins from that point, that "I am not this body." Just like a big 747 plane is running on, but there is the intelligent pilot)?
- Does Krsna create the universe or does He just make it possible to be created?
- Does Krsna desire we get a spiritual name?
- Does Krsna eat out of the fire?
- Does Krsna give beneficial instruction to someone and not to someone else, intuition in the heart to take or not to take the book?
- Does Krsna know ahead of time that a soul is going to be foolish and fall?
- Does Krsna know beforehand everything?
- Does Krsna know that he will rebirth and then come to earth and to preach us and make all that?
- Does Krsna know the time, or does He direct the living entity at some certain time to surrender or is this the will of the living entity?
- Does Krsna know when the living entities are going to surrender unto Him? If He knows, then how does the living entity have choice?
- Does Krsna makes us ignorant or are we ignorant?
- Does Krsna mean God?
- Does Krsna punish people who do not serve Him purely? Or do the people punish themselves when they do not serve Him purely?
- Does Krsna speak the Bhagavad-gita in the hellish planets?
- Does Lord Caitanya always appear just after Krsna? In every universe?
- Does Lord Jagannatha reside there any more (Jagannatha Puri)?
- Does Lord Jesus Christ appear in the spiritual sky with the body he manifested on the earth?
- Does Lord Rama or Lord Caitanya forget?
- Does Lord Siva have a wife, like, a consort?
- Does one attain a consciousness that is beyond words? Or, I dare say, is there a communication that is not the word itself but perhaps a vibration which is much like sound or sound itself? Is there something else beside the verbal? Talk?
- Does one become elevated by following the karma-yoga principles only?
- Does one experience the miseries of the gross body when one's in sattva-guna, in the mode of goodness? Does one experience hunger and thirst, those things like that?
- Does one function better in society as a result of affiliation with Krsna consciousness?
- Does one go into a subtle machine?
- Does one have a better chance of reaching to the spiritual platform if he is performing pious activities?
- Does one have to leave one's family? I think everybody lives in the temple, don't they?
- Does our line of succession go directly to Gaurakisora dasa Babaji or to Bhaktivinoda Thakura?
- Does religion or God, can give you eternal life?
- Does she (Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mother) give Him her blessing finally?
- Does somebody forget his wife completely then?
- Does someone who has been in prison and then he becomes free, does he appreciate his freedom more than someone who has always been free?
- Does straightforwardness, that arjavam quality of a brahmana, does that include making the truth palatable to someone who will not understand the truth directly?
- Does such a comet (comet Kohoutek) affect consciousness as well as matter?
- Does sundara, like "Gaurasundara," that sundara means beautiful?
- Does taking the initiation create a permanent bond between disciple and guru?
- Does that (it is said that sun is the source of everything within this universe) mean that Vivasvan is more powerful than Lord Brahma?
- Does that (it is stated in the Bhagavata, the moon is 1,600,000 miles...) mean that the earth is farther from the moon than from the sun?
- Does that (love towards relatives is also bondage) mean you should not love your parents?
- Does that (there is smaller particles than the atom) mean the electrons?
- Does that (they appear to be other solar systems. Like they have a sun and planets around them) mean the material covering between the different brahmandas is invisible?
- Does that (they think catching fish is great sport, great fun) mean that the people that catch the fish have to also become fish?
- Does that (they will come, after much trouble, much enquiry, they will come to the same conclusion, vasudevah sarvam iti) mean that everybody is ultimately on the way back home? Back to Godhead?
- Does that (we are inviting to the farm and giving food to the jobless in industry) mean we have to wait for the situation to arise where they are jobless?
- Does that (we have got two selection, either to the path of hellish condition or to the path of back to Godhead) name, that the things such as, you mentioned smoking and alcohol and sex and meat, that all those things are material and therefore bad?
- Does that also apply to reading the words of a pure devotee (even a moment's association with a pure devotee - all success)? Even a little association with your books has the same effect?
- Does that apply then to other kinds of decisions and other kinds of activities as well (Krsna will tell directly. A devotee always consults Krsna and Krsna tells him, "Do like this." Not figuratively)?
- Does that apply to all the rules of the Krsna movement?... For everyone. I mean rules about not drinking... Would that be a sin in a non-Krsna follower?
- Does that include all sex life or...? What is illicit?
- Does that involve a majority of the people, or... (so those who are working on the bodily platform, they are working on the dead platform)?
- Does that mean a serious devotee should only pass stool once a day?
- Does that mean difficult to understand or difficult to practice?
- Does that mean he (a dedicated disciple) must give up his family, and come and live here?
- Does that mean Krsna is beyond even spiritual?
- Does that mean that he (one who is in the mode of goodness) is not... He's experiencing the subtle body inside of the gross body, or what does that mean exactly?
- Does that mean that once one enters the material world, there's only progress in going back to Godhead, although it may be slow, over many lifetimes?
- Does that mean that the atom is living entity?
- Does that mean that the more one gets control over his senses, he becomes more lazy intelligent?
- Does that mean that the spiritual body changes, Prabhupada?
- Does that mean that these workers in factories and industries, to take to Krsna consciousness they could not go on with their work?
- Does that mean that you assume or propose that the world would all become one in one religion?
- Does that mean the same amount of gold is here (if the large scale industry and trade becomes stopped, that is good for people)?
- Does that mean they have no knowledge about leaves (Vedic scripture was there. They did not read. That's all)?
- Does that mean to say that you can't live a happy life without being religious?
- Does that mean to some extent that the soul is dependent on a material condition?
- Does that mean you are calling Jesus Christ a hypocrite (how can you support Christ that if he has done killing business himself and he instructs others not to kill)?
- Does that mean you go back to Sankaracarya?
- Does that means all the planets are fixed in relationship to each other as well (Gita says, urdhva-mulam adhah-sakham. The pole-star in the... And we see at night everything is moving. As a bunch it is moving)?
- Does that means they should not worship these demigods and goddesses?
- Does that sound right (and if for some reason it's not effective, then we have to trust simply in krsna-nama. That we're doing anyway, but that's... We'll have to do exclusively at that point), Srila Prabhupada?
- Does that take on a positive aspect as well so that by not only do I not kill animals and I don't kill men, do I, am I obliged under your system (we are not cruel to anyone. Either he's a man or animal or tree or bird), am I obliged to actively help...
- Does the condition of being entrapped, enhance the understanding of liberation?
- Does the devotee go through these levels of understanding Brahman then Paramatma then Bhagavan? Does the devotee gradually go through these levels, or does he immediately realize Brahman when his service is perfect?
- Does the devotee who surrenders keep his individual taste for different things? Does he keep his individual likes and dislikes?
- Does the devotee, I mean just like you are always enthusing us to push on...
- Does the group live a vegetarian life, without any meat? Is that what you're saying?
- Does the heat of the sun increase or decrease through the ages?
- Does the human species come with the gradual evolution or is the human species created first?
- Does the hydrogen molecule have an independent desire?
- Does the Krsna movement recognize other types of service to human beings like the social workers?
- Does the Lord go to sleep so early and before everyone, and wake up so late, after everybody?
- Does the method include meditation? What... How do you go about this process?
- Does the mind play any part in the evolutionary process? The mind?
- Does the self exist without the body in this world?… In this life?… As a spirit apart from the body
- Does the soul ever become weak or strong on account of its association and contact with material nature?
- Does the soul reincarnate?
- Does the soul suffer with the mind, or he's always enjoying?
- Does the soul which passes from body to body, does it or he experience the pains and pleasures of my body?
- Does the swami, once he has been installed in office, does he wear a white long coat with a white hat?
- Does the table have a jiva soul?
- Does the word nirvana mean Krsna?
- Does there come a time Srila Prabhupada, when one misuses his independence, the independence is taken away?
- Does this (non-veg) food make effect on a human nature?
- Does this apply to the brahmanas (you cannot see your wife being insulted before you. You must fight. You must kill him.That is the law. Aggressor)?
- Does this make a difference, the opinion that one's fellow ksatriya would have of him?
- Does this mean that a person should turn his attention from the world, from his surrounding?
- Does this mean that by their activities that they're engaging in now their incentive is that they want to enjoy these four sinful activities...? And that really they're not looking for truth?
- Does this mean that that rasa (relationship with Krsna as lover) is superior or better than the other rasas?
- Does this organization (ISKCON) do social work?
- Does this remind you of Vrndavana, Prabhupada?
- Does this take a whole lifetime to learn (process by which you can see the other world)?
- Does your haircut have any particular significance?
- Does your method include meditation, austerity of various sorts in addition to no alcohol, no drugs?
- Doesn't everyone derive strength (from God)?
- Doesn't he (Mahatma Gandhi) know this, that he is not in the disciplic succession? And if this is so, why does he do this? Why does he make a translation?
- Doesn't Krsna say in the Bhagavad-gita, "I am the spiritual master"?
- Doesn't necessity mean plan?
- Doesn't Rama refer to a man that was born in India or somewhere, and Christ was born in Europe? Two different men, but still the same?
- Doesn't that make us a rather exclusive group of people? If only those who are completely pure can engage in service, that means only people like us who have time to sit and meditate...
- Dog is barking, but does he possess discriminative knowledge?
- Dogs, they are becoming attached to the human being. Are they becoming human beings in their next life?
- Don't followers of Krsna consciousness ever get angry?
- Don't they sometimes have to go to Yamaraja first for practice?
- Don't what, Prabhupada?
- Don't you find it extremely difficult to get the literal meaning from the Sanskrit to the English?
- Don't you find the whole Krsna movement more successful in an age and era when there is such laxity of moral standards and spiritual leadership and direction?
- Don't you have a gurukula in Texas?
- Don't you think it is a contradiction that if a man is a bad throughout his life and only at the time of death he thinks of Krsna and gets...?
- Don't you think it will be a bad thing, because there are some bad people in the world, like Hitler and Stalin and others, they may be the first people to use the technology to prolong their life?
- Don't you think it's against the dharma-sastra (we are creating brahmanas in the western countries)?... Tell me why?
- Don't you think that all the other chantings like in the Muslim religion and the Buddhist religion and the Japanese religion, their chantings, they are all the same thing?
- Don't you think that by denying raja and jnana and some of the other yogas that you're denying the infinite aspect of mankind? Don't you think that by asserting bhakti-yoga as the only way that you're saying that...?
- Don't you think that instead of building a temple, asramas in this brahmacari model would be...?
- Don't you think that perhaps bhakti-yoga isn't the way for everyone?
- Don't you think that the blame should not be, usually be laid on the Africans but on the whole...? The brahmanas who comes from our overseas temples here, it's their responsibility to see that the Africans follow properly
- Don't you think that the children should be given freedom to choose voluntarily?
- Don't you think that the scientists have done good things but people have...?
- Don't you think the people are lazy also?
- Don't you think this kind of reasoning (if there is a man, he must have a father) is a deductive logic rather than inductive?
- Don't you think we are killing other living beings (there is a sect in the Orient that wears gauze over their mouth so as not to kill microbes while they breathe. But we are killing those microbes - So they are to satisfy everyone)?
- Down the fall (ice, flood, every second)?
- Dr. Agarwal was your sponsor?
- Dr. Wolfe? Is he missing the evolution (he was speaking biological?) Yeah, I think he was not understanding it so well?
- Drinking tea and coffee also ("unless one gives up these four things he cannot understand what is God")?
- Due to a larger number of people, is it possible to return all these people to the real goal?
- Durga, she is in charge of... She is Krsna's agent, so what is the harm in worshiping Durga?
- During the aratiks here at the temple where should the women be standing?
- During the present day, sir, to whom we will treat as brahmana, ksatriya and vaisya and sudra?
- During the time when the living entity is transferred from one body to another, is he always fully conscious of the subtle facts?
- During this transformation, are we still ignorant? During this transformation from body to body.
- Dvaita-advaita?
- Each second the body is a little different?
- Earth is a mixture of all these different elements?
- Eight billion years one day of Brahma?
- Either direct or indirect. But how can I experience that statement that "Everything is Brahman"?
- 11th. And coming back (to Bombay) about 17th?
- English car, Prabhupada?
- Equal in intelligence (woman is not equally intelligent as a man)?
- Especially Indian people, you know, they say, "Well, if I surrender to Krsna, who will feed me?"... But because in India people know that they should surrender to Krsna, no?
- Eternal life (explain to them about eternal life)?
- Eternally individual, so how do the impersonalists attaining their goal merge into the impersonal brahmajyoti?
- Ether. How does ether distinguish...?
- Evam prasanna-manaso?
- Even a drop of water, when you take it from the glass and put it on this one. Another drop of water will come and when you put it in medicine won't come in water. Like that, atma, will it not merge with the Paramatma?
- Even a tulasi dala and a little water is not necessary?
- Even all species of life it (we hear that woman is pregnant. We never heard the man is pregnant) is the same?
- Even between the atoms of matter there is a spiritual life, spiritual force?
- Even good literature sanga is also sat-sanga, is it not?
- Even he doesn't consider material necessity (a devotee has to work sincerely to serve Krsna. Then everything is there)?
- Even if it's a work which you have not yet translated yourself (we are doing other languages. If it is properly translated, it can be…)?
- Even if they mix hydrogen and oxygen to get water, still, where does the hydrogen and oxygen come from?
- Even if we don't surrender to Krsna in this life, will everyone surrender to Krsna? Will everyone go back to Godhead eventually?
- Even if we see the seven colors in the laboratory with instruments, we still don't understand the even simpler facts of which that is composed. There may be seven colors, but how to understand those?
- Even if you study the way the sun and the rain and so on combined to make this fruit ripe, you still have the question, "Well, why is there fruit in the first place?" Why is there fruit? Why has fruit appeared on this planet?
- Even in India, Muslims are taking to Krsna consciousness?
- Even nitya-siddha has guru?
- Even the basic of this (you were saying that the children should learn these three, geography and these things, and I wanted to know if they should also learn what they call biology, that is how the body is working, what are the bones and blood)?
- Even the mind occupies space and transpires in time. Mind occupies space and works in time. Is that also a fact?
- Even those three days they have to attend the mangala-arati?
- Even though several million years ago they find no evidence in the rocks...?
- Even when this universe ends, doesn't that (temporary) law carry on?
- Even when you drink fruit juice there is cough?
- Even with all our philosophic and all our learning we have the sense of possession of this body which can't leave the moha in it. With all that, sir, then how can they do it?
- Even with this education, they (the children in Gurukula) still might not be intelligent, what you consider intelligent people. How, you know... Is it more likely that they will be what you would term intelligent, having been educated in this system?
- Eventually we should divide up our society in this way (if you are fit to become brahmana, become brahmana. If you are fit to become ksatriya, become ksatriya. If you are fit to become sudra, do it)?
- Every day she does some meditation, so before meditating, she wants to know, how many rounds should she chant?
- Every stone has life?
- Every successive teacher has added some interpretations of the knowledge, no?
- Every time I make lot of rats, I'm asking for rat souls. Why then I can do it? When I can, or when I want them to be here, they will be here, not on the will of God
- Every time Lord Krsna appears, original Krsna appears, does Lord Caitanya appear on the following Kali-yuga?
- Every, every word is important, Bhagavad-gita... Why one word?
- Everybody is concerned with peace. Do people like Guruji, because they're such rascals... Like Guruji, this young boy, do they constitute a threat to peacefulness in society?
- Everybody knows God, but what's His name and how can we tell that He's God?
- Everyone becomes Brahma first?
- Everyone has some special strategy if we don't want the total population the world is Communist. Should not there be a special strategy to enter in their own hearts?
- Everyone has to go through all the 84,000,000 journeys, or is that to, like, you know, on his pious or impious karma he might go through only the vegetable class or he might go through only the animal life?
- Everyone has to learn from someone. Who has informed God of all knowledge?
- Everyone is born with this devotional spirit?
- Everyone requires leader, yes, Srila Prabhupada?
- Everyone should marry?
- Everything comes down to just another form of energy, another form of complexity, so that everything is suited to one thing and yet it's different?
- Everything he says must be done in perfect Sanskrit verses?
- Everything is being controlled ultimately by Krsna. Either by inferior energy or superior energy. His activities (of the jiva) are never independent?
- Everything is Krsna's. How can you give anything? Even a leaf?
- Everything is not God?
- Everything is occuring by explosions. In our mind an explosion occurs, and we start believing in God. So that is not that, sir. I think they (the scientists) are misguided. How can anything happen without a supreme power?
- Everything that exists wants to enjoy?
- Everything we conceived, that is wrong (take the version of Bhagavatam)?
- Except this Kimpurusa-varsa and other varsas in the mountain area, these are part of subtle world. So how we will mention it?
- Excuse me ((one should pray, is that so?) that is his business)?
- Excuse me (because I take the version of the greatest scientist, therefore I am greatest scientist. I may be fool personally, but because I take the knowledge from the greatest scientist, I am greatest scientist. I have no difficulty)?
- Excuse me if I insist on the first question I asked for. Your aim, your most important aim, if I understood it well, is to bring the faith and love for God to man. No? This is your first aim, to encourage man to be a...
- Excuse me, does that mean that people from other religions may..., it is not possible for them to achieve the highest perfection?
- Excuse me. Your honor, sir, what is the duty of the perfect master?
- Expansion or incarnation has the six opulences in full except for Krsna?
- Factual scientific study would mean to study all 8,400,000 species?
- Faith begins from the association of devotees?
- Faith is fixed by knowledge?
- Falldown means deviation from the orders of the spiritual master?
- Family names, we said two family names, like Raya Chaudhuri, like Datta Gupta. How this happened?