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Pages in category "Cruel"
The following 121 pages are in this category, out of 121 total.
- A cruel and wretched person who maintains his existence at the cost of others' lives deserves to be killed for his own well-being, otherwise he will go down by his own actions
- A gang of thieves has a signboard - "Goodman and Company." The philosophy is that when an animal is not properly nourished, that is cruelty. Therefore instead of allowing it to starve, better to kill it. That is their theory. Is it not
- A householder who receives guests or visitors with cruel glances, as if to burn them to ashes, is put into the hell called Paryavartana, where he is gazed at by hard-eyed vultures, herons, crows and similar birds
- A life for a life is just punishment for a person who cruelly and shamelessly lives at the cost of another's life. Political morality is to punish a person by a death sentence in order to save a cruel person from going to hell
- A person who is too cruel is as good as dead, even in this lifetime. No one likes a cruel person during his lifetime, and after his death, people curse him
- A person who is very cruel is regarded as dead even while living, for while he is living or after his death, everyone condemns him - SB 10.2.22
- A snake and a cruel person are both cruel, but a cruel person is more dangerous because although a snake can be charmed by mantras or subdued by herbs, a cruel person cannot be subdued by any means. Such was the nature of Kamsa
- A snake is considered to be the most cruel and envious living entity, but those who are human beings and are envious of others are considered to be even more vicious than snakes
- After Akrura was thus properly received and seated, Nanda Maharaja, the foster father of Krsna, said, "My dear Akrura, what shall I inquire from you? I know that you are being protected by Kamsa, who is most cruel and demoniac"
- After fixing his bow and arrow, the cruel boy used to go to the forest and unnecessarily kill innocent deer, and as soon as he came all the people would cry, "Here comes cruel Vena! Here comes cruel Vena!"
- After his (Nawab Hussain Shah's) death, his eldest son, Nasaratsa, became King of Bengal (A.D. 1521-1533). This King also was very cruel. He committed many atrocities against the Vaisnavas
- After seeing the cruel and merciless behavior of his son, Vena, King Anga punished him in different ways to reform him, but was unable to bring him to the path of gentleness. He thus became greatly aggrieved
- Alas, just see how I was conquered by my wife! Just imagine my cruelty! Out of love and affection the boy was trying to get up on my lap, but I did not receive him, nor did I even pat him for a moment. Just imagine how hardhearted I am
- Alas, just see the behavior of this cruel man! He is not a devotee of Lord Visnu. Being proud of his material opulence and his position, he considers himself God. Just see how he has transgressed the laws of religion
- All the gopis conjectured that Akrura might have come again to fulfill another cruel plan. But they thought, "We are now dead bodies without our supreme master, Krsna. What further act can Akrura perpetrate against these dead bodies?"
- All the great sages assembled together and, after observing cruel Vena's atrocities, concluded that a great danger and catastrophe was approaching the people of the world. Thus out of compassion they began to talk amongst themselves
- Any cruel person - be he a man, woman or impotent eunuch - who is only interested in his personal maintenance and has no compassion for other living entities may be killed by the king. Such killing can never be considered actual killing
- As soon as the sons of Devaki were killed, they would return to their original place. The devotees wanted to see this also. Generally speaking, no one kills his own nephews, but Kamsa was so cruel that he did so without hesitation
- Atheists do not believe in the existence of the soul. Nonetheless, unless one is very cruel, why should one kill animals unnecessarily?
- Because they (Modern politicians) get some political power for some days, they become so much attached to their positions that they never retire unless they are removed from their posts by cruel death or killed by some opposing political party
- Because this demon (Trnavarta) was envious, cruel and sinful, he has been killed for his own sinful activities. This is the law of nature - SB 10.7.31
- Because this son of King Anga, Vena, was born of a bad mother, he was very cruel, and he used to go to the forest and unnecessarily kill the animals
- Before King Vena was enthroned, all the great sages were very much anxious to see to the welfare of society. When they saw that King Vena was most irresponsible, cruel and atrocious, they again began to think of the welfare of the people
- Being merciless and cruel, I (Kamsa) have forsaken all my relatives and friends. Therefore, like a person who has killed a brahmana, I do not know to which planet I shall go, either after death or while breathing - SB 10.4.16
- Bharata Maharaja would think: Alas, the deer is now helpless. I am now very unfortunate, and my mind is like a cunning hunter, for it is always filled with cheating propensities and cruelty
- By the influence of eternal time, which is a representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the father begets a son, and the father dies by the influence of cruel death. But by time's influence, even the lord of cruel death is killed
- Daksa was so cruel that he would not save her (Prasuti's) youngest daughter, Sati, from the act of committing suicide in the presence of her sisters
- Death is compared to the taking off and birth to the putting on of outward garments. Foolish human beings who are grossly absorbed in the culture of avidya, nescience, do not mind this cruel process
- Devaki first adopted the policy of repression by directly attacking Kamsa for having cruelly, atrociously killed her babies. Then she compromised by saying that this was not his fault, and then she begged for a gift
- Devaki said, "My Lord, I request You to save me from the cruel hands of Kamsa, the son of Ugrasena. I am praying to Your Lordship to please rescue me from this fearful condition because You are always ready to give protection to Your servitors"
- Durvasa Muni used the word nr-samsasya to indicate that the King was cruel, but Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura interprets it to mean that the King's character was glorified by all the local people
- For cruel people, those who are accustomed to killing, for them this is best advice, "Thou shall not kill". Next stage - prasadam. First of all let them stop
- For the maintenance of their bodies and the satisfaction of their tongues, cruel persons cook poor animals and birds alive. Such persons are condemned even by man-eaters
- Formerly he (Nawab Hussain Shah) was the servant of the cruel Nawab of the Habsi dynasty named Mujahphara Khan, but somehow or other he assassinated his master and became the King
- From above, the goddess addressed Kamsa: “You rascal, how can you kill me? The child who will kill you is already born before me somewhere within this world. Don’t be so cruel to your poor sister”
- From birth they are extremely powerful and cruel, and although they are proud of their strength, they are always defeated by the Sudarsana cakra of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who rules all the planetary systems
- He (Dhruva Maharaja) frankly admitted that his heart was full of material desires. He was very much affected by the cruel words of his stepmother, whereas those who are spiritually advanced do not care about anyone's condemnation or adoration
- Hiranyakasipu was by nature very cruel, and feeling insulted, he began hissing like a snake trampled upon by someone's foot. His son Prahlada was peaceful, mild and gentle, his senses were under control, and he stood before Hiranyakasipu with folded hands
- I am preaching in the Western countries. So nobody has checked, the government has not checked, because the time is not so cruel. Although in that Western country, Lord Jesus Christ was crucified
- I have given the example of the hunter: before becoming God conscious, he was a cruel hunter, and after being God conscious, he was not ready to kill even an ant. This is the result
- If somebody comes to Me, then he hasn't got to return back to this miserable condition of life, which is not only miserable but temporary." So we should understand that. Nature is so cruel
- If we analyze, what is the fault of Jesus Christ, there is no fault. The only fault he was preaching about God. And still he'd find so many enemies. He was cruelly crucified
- In the second part (of the Gopala-campu), known as Uttara-campu, the following subject matters are discussed: (1) attraction for Vrajabhumi; (2) the cruel activities of Akrura; (3) Krsna’s departure for Mathura; (4) a description of the city of Mathura
- In the West, slaughterhouses are maintained without restriction, and therefore every fifth or tenth year there is a big war in which countless people are slaughtered even more cruelly than the animals
- In this age, animals are kept nicely sheltered, completely confident that their masters will protect them, but unfortunately as soon as the animals are fat, they are immediately sent for slaughter. Such cruelty is condemned by Vaisnavas like Visnudutas
- In this forest there are dense bowers composed of thickets of bushes, grass and creepers. In these bowers the conditioned soul is always disturbed by cruelly biting mosquitoes (envious people)
- It appears that all the members of the assembly, including Lord Brahma, requested him (Daksa) not to be angry and leave their company, but in spite of all these requests, he left. That is the effect of cruel anger
- It is said that a cruel person like a butcher is advised not to live and not to die
- Jatila said, "You cruel-faced Mukhara! By hearing your words my heart feels like it is burning in a fire!"
- Jesus Christ also was killed by the sura-dvisam, those who were envious of him. What was his fault? His only fault was that he was preaching about God. Yet he had so many enemies, who cruelly crucified him. Therefore Krsna comes to kill such sura-dvisam
- Kamsa considered that if he killed his sister, while living he would be condemned by everyone, and after death he would go to the darkest region of hellish life because of his cruelty
- Kamsa was so cruel that he did not listen to the pitiful prayers of his sister Devaki. He forcibly grabbed the newborn child to rebuke his sister and attempted to dash her on the stone mercilessly
- Krsna continued, "I (Krsna) have also heard that Dhrtarastra is not only blind from birth but also blind in his affection for his cruel son Duryodhana"
- Krsna satisfied all great sages by His wonderful pastimes. He demolished all of the demoniac activities of the cruel royal order, protected all pious men, and killed all cruel fighters on the battlefield. Therefore He is all-auspicious for all men
- Krsna, the PG, confirms in the BG, only those who cultivate transcendental knowledge in relation to the eternal spirit soul and without being disturbed by temporary happiness and distress will be able to escape the cruel hands of old age, and disease
- Krsna, the PG, confirms in the Bhagavad-gita, only those who cultivate transcendental knowledge in relation to the eternal spirit soul and without being disturbed by temporary happiness and distress will be truly happy by gaining eternal, spiritual life
- Like an animal, he has no proprietorship even over his own body. A cruel proprietor of an animal sometimes kills the animal in his possession, yet the animal does not protest. Nor does it have any real independence. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Indra, who is very much fond of sense gratification, has killed the two brothers Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu by means of Lord Visnu. Therefore Indra is cruel, hardhearted and sinful. When will I (Diti), having killed him, rest with a pacified mind?
- Lord Sri Krsna, appearing within and outside of all materially embodied living beings by His own potency in the forms of eternal time - that is, as Paramatma and as virat-rupa - gave liberation to everyone, either as cruel death or as life - SB
- Material science can discover the nuclear bomb to accelerate the process of death, but it cannot discover anything that can protect man from the cruel hands of old age, disease and death
- Materialistic inventions are considered to be advancement of human civilization, but the result is that people grow more and more violent and more and more cruel, cruel to animals and cruel to other human beings. BG 1972 purports
- Milk is very nice & nutritious, but as soon as it is touched by a serpent it becomes poison immediately. The serpent is very envious. He bites & puts to death immediately, unnecessarily, & therefore is considered the cruelest animal
- Modern civilization, not referring to the verdicts of Vedic literature, is so cruel to the members of human society that instead of teaching children to become brahmacaris, it teaches mothers to kill their children even in the womb
- Mucukunda continued, "Due to the action of cruel time, the royal body which was always decorated with golden ornaments during life & which moved on a chariot drawn by beautiful horses or on the back of an elephant nicely decorated with golden ornaments"
- Nanda Maharaja replied: My dear Vasudeva, I know that you are very much aggrieved because the cruel king Kamsa has killed all your sons born of Devaki. Although the last child was a daughter, Kamsa could not kill her
- Nanda Maharaja was surprised that Yasoda, Krsna's mother, could have bound her beloved child in such a way. Krsna was exchanging love with her. How then could she have been so cruel as to bind Him to the wooden mortar
- Naturally a child, he thinks, "I am safe now with my mother." But the Kali-yuga is so cruel that even with mother you are not safe. And still you say it is a place of happiness? This is called illusion. It is not place
- Nature is very cruel. She does not excuse anyone. When people do not care for nature, they commit all kinds of sinful activities, and consequently they have to suffer
- O King, when the great hero Vrtrasura saw Indra, his enemy, the killer of his brother, standing before him with a thunderbolt in his hand, desiring to fight, Vrtrasura remembered how Indra had cruelly killed his brother
- O lord, you have now been removed by cruel providence to a state beyond our sight. You had previously sustained the livelihood of the inhabitants of Usinara, and thus they were happy, but your condition now is the cause of their unhappiness
- O my dear wife, O most cruel one, kindly stay, kindly stay. I know that I have never made you happy until now, but you should not give me up for that reason. This is not proper for you
- Oh, cruel Providence! You are very unkind, for you bring together in love people who are rarely in touch with each other. Then, after you have made Them meet but before They are fulfilled, you again spread Them far apart
- Old age is the notice of the arrival of death served by cruel time, and no one can refuse to accept either summon calls or the supreme judgment of eternal time
- Prahlada Maharaja persisted in disagreeing with his father, the great atheist Hiranyakasipu, and thus voluntarily accepted the cruelties his father inflicted upon him
- Putana Raksasi's heart was fierce and cruel, but she looked like a very affectionate mother. Thus she resembled a sharp sword in a soft sheath - SB 10.6.9
- Ravana's wife Mandodari and the other wives knew very well how cruel a person Ravana was. The very word "Ravana" means - one who causes crying for others
- Rebuking Indra with harsh, cruel words that were piercing to the heart, these demons showered him with arrows, just as torrents of rain wash a great mountain
- She (Devaki) prayed - I request You (Visnu) to save me from the cruel hands of the son of Ugrasena, Kamsa. I am praying to Your Lordship to please rescue me from this fearful condition because You are always ready to give protection to Your servitors
- Showing compassion and mercy is a relative activity. It is not the Absolute Truth. Apart from this, we also must know what actual mercy is. To give a sick man something forbidden for him to eat is not mercy. Rather, it is cruelty
- Since Sati was the daughter of Daksa, however cruel and contaminated he might be, naturally it was expected that he would receive her very nicely. But here (in SB 4.3.18) it is indicated by the word anavasthita that such a person cannot be trusted
- Since the King (Anga) was very liberal, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in order to increase his detachment from this material world, willed that a cruel son be born of the Queen so that the King would have to leave home
- Sometimes during war, soldiers keep their enemies in concentration camps and kill them in very cruel ways. These are reactions brought about by unrestricted animal-killing in the slaughterhouse and by hunters in the forest
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: O best of the Kuru dynasty (King Pariksit), Kamsa was fiercely cruel and was actually a follower of the Raksasas. Therefore he could be neither pacified nor terrified by the good instructions given by Vasudeva - SB 10.1.46
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Piteously embracing her daughter and crying, Devaki begged Kamsa for the child, but he was so cruel that he chastised her and forcibly snatched the child from her hands - SB 10.4.7
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: When thus rebuked in cruel words, Sarmistha was very angry. Breathing heavily like a serpent and biting her lower lip with her teeth, she spoke to the daughter of Sukracarya as follows
- The boy was so cruel that while playing with young boys of his age he would kill them very mercilessly, as if they were animals meant for slaughter
- The father is sometimes seemingly cruel to the son, but that does not mean that the father has lost the qualification to be a father
- The gopis said, "O Providence, you are so cruel! It appears that you do not know how to show mercy to others. By your arrangement, friends contact one another, but without fulfilling their desires you separate them"
- The King (Dhrtarastra) is reminded of his precarious condition, influenced by cruel time, and by his past experience he should have been more intelligent to see what was going to happen to his own life
- The laws of nature are so cruel, however, that despite his denunciation of the need for self-realization and his (Human being) eagerness to work hard to fill his stomach, he is always threatened by unemployment
- The material disease is due to thinking of becoming independent of everything. But the cruel material nature does not allow us to become independent
- The restless heroine sometimes chastises her lover with cruel words, sometimes pulls his ear and sometimes binds him with a flower garland
- The sons of Kartaviryarjuna, being devoid of the qualities of ksatriyas, were so cruel that despite her prayers they forcibly cut off his head and took it away
- There is sometimes agitation against cruelty to animals, but at the same time regular slaughterhouses are always maintained. A Vaisnava is not like that. A Vaisnava can never support animal slaughter or even give pain to any living entity
- Therefore you should not see your father, although he is the giver of your body, because he and his followers are envious of me. Because of his envy, O most worshipful one, he has insulted me with cruel words although I am innocent
- They are advertising prevention of cruelty, and they are maintaining thousands of slaughterhouses. You see? That is another foolishness. They are regularly cruel to animals, and they are making a society
- This (Kamsa's cruelty towards Devaki) is a graphic example of a cruel demon who could sacrifice all relationships for the sake of personal gratification
- This proves that you (Rahugana) are cruel & unkind, yet due to false prestige you were thinking that you were protecting the citizens. You were such a fool that you could not have been adored as a great man in an assembly of persons advanced in knowledge
- Those who are envious of My form, who are cruel and mischievous and the lowest among men, are perpetually cast by Me into hellish existence in various demoniac species of life
- Unable to control their senses, rascals who are falsely proud of their riches or their birth in aristocratic families are so cruel that to maintain their perishable bodies they kill poor animals without mercy - SB 10.10.9
- Upadeso hi murkhanam prakopaya na santaye (Canakya Pandita). If a foolish person is given good instructions, he becomes more and more angry. Moreover, a cruel person is more dangerous than a snake
- Vasudeva began to address Kamsa by putting forward reasonable arguments. Vasudeva was a great personality because he knew how to pacify a cruel person and how to forgive the bitterest enemy. One who is fortunate is never caught, even by tigers or snakes
- Vasudeva's mind was full of anxiety because his wife was facing danger, but in order to please the cruel, shameless and sinful Kamsa, he externally smiled and spoke to him as follows - SB 10.1.53
- Vena was very severe and cruel; therefore, as soon as all the thieves and rogues in the state heard of his ascendance to the royal throne, they became very much afraid of him. Indeed, they hid themselves here and there as rats hide themselves from snakes
- Wanting to pacify Kamsa, who was so cruel and envious that he was shamelessly ready to kill his sister, the great soul Vasudeva, who was to be the father of Krsna, spoke to him in the following words - SB 10.1.36
- We struggle very hard to adjust things in so many ways, but nature's laws are so cruel and dangerous that in spite of our hopes and plans the blazing fire of the problems of material existence continues
- Westerners contend that this (woman being trained to be submissive to her husband) is a slave mentality for the wife, but factually it is not; it is the tactic by which a woman can conquer the heart of her husband, however irritable or cruel he may be
- When the government is very strong, all the thieves and rogues disappear or hide themselves. Of course Vena was not a very good king, but he was known to be cruel and severe. Thus the state at least became freed from thieves and rogues
- When Uddhava was leaving Vrndavana, some of the elderly gopis rebuked him as follows: "O son of Gandini, your cruelty is defaming the dynasty of King Yadu. You are taking Krsna away, keeping us in such pitiable condition without Him"
- While living, a cruel person creates a hellish condition for his next birth, and therefore he should not live; but he is also advised not to die, because after death he must go to the darkest region of hell. Thus in either circumstance he is condemned
- Whoever fully surrenders unto Krsna can be saved from the cruel hands of material nature. The conditioned soul, however, sometimes wants to take shelter of a demigod, man-made god, pseudo incarnation or bogus svami or yogi