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Pages in category "Lifetime"
The following 120 pages are in this category, out of 120 total.
- A distinction is made between the liberated condition of a personalist and that of an impersonalist, and there (in the Priti-sandarbha) is a discussion of liberation during one's lifetime as distinguished from liberation from material bondage
- A person who is too cruel is as good as dead, even in this lifetime. No one likes a cruel person during his lifetime, and after his death, people curse him
- According to the Bhagavad-gita, the most perfect man surrenders unto the Lord after many, many lifetimes of culturing knowledge
- According to the moral instructions of the great politician Canakya Pandita: even a moment of one's lifetime could not be returned in exchange for millions of dollars
- Actually the living entity does not take birth nor does he die, but he has to fight with the stringent laws of material nature throughout the entire span of his lifetime. He must also face different kinds of miserable conditions
- After many lifetimes of executing pious activities, when one becomes freed from all contaminations arising from illusory dualities, he engages in the transcendental service of the Lord
- Again, when the entire universe is vanquished at the end of Brahma's lifetime, there is another avyakta state. But beyond these two unmanifested states is another unmanifested state, the spiritual atmosphere, or nature
- Alas, O Providence, O Creator, You are certainly inexperienced in creation, for during the lifetime of a father You have caused the death of his son, thus acting in opposition to Your creative laws
- All the material planets-upper, lower and intermediate, including the sun, moon and Venus-are scattered throughout the universe. These planets exist only during the lifetime of Brahma
- At the time of death we have to finish that process of perfection. During our lifetime we have to practice the method of approaching that perfection so that at the time of death, when we have to give up this material body, that perfection can be realized
- Atheist class of men, in the beginning in their lifetime, they say, "What is God? We don't care for God." But when God comes as death they say, 'Yes, Sir, take me wherever You want." Finished. At that time you cannot say - No, no, I don't care for death
- Because Ajamila was now free from all sinful reactions, his lifetime was extended, even though he was to have died immediately
- Because he was very cautious within his deer body, he took birth in a brahmana family as Jada Bharata. During this lifetime, he remained perfectly Krsna conscious and preached the gospel of KC directly, beginning with his instructions to King Rahugana
- Being under the influence of illusion, we spend our lifetimes trying to make adjustments to this material atmosphere, but this is not the purpose of human life. Human life is meant for understanding the science of Krsna
- Both realization of Brahman and meeting with the SP of Godhead are described (in the Priti-sandarbha) as liberation within one’s lifetime, but meeting with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, both internally and externally, is shown to be superexcellent
- Canakya says, ayusah ksana eko 'pi na labhya svarna-kotibhih. The duration of one's life is extremely short, but if in that short lifetime one can do something that enhances his good reputation, that may continue to exist for many millions of years
- Continue to chant all of your rounds daily, and read our magazines and books as much as possible. In this way your future will be very bright, and surely you will be able to do great service to this movement within your lifetime
- Despite all these changes (dogs, cats, men or gods), as living entities, we are eternal. Just as in previous lives we have prepared for this body, in this lifetime we are preparing for another body. We get our bodies according to our karma, or activities
- Devotional service which is rendered by the devotee in this lifetime can never be destroyed by time. Such spiritual assets remain unchanged, being beyond the influence of time
- During one lifetime, a materialist engages in acquiring land, money, friends, society, friendship, love and so on. He also wants to enjoy the heavenly planets after the annihilation of the body
- During our lifetime we have to practice approaching that point of perfection, and at the time of death, when we give up this material body, that perfection has to be realized. At the time of death, one must be prepared
- During the lifetime of your Spiritual master you bring the prospective disciples to him, and in his absence or disappearance you can accept disciples without any limitation. This is the law of disciplic succession
- Eating, sleeping, sex life and fear are the four bodily necessities but to utilize the full duration of life a person desiring to advance in spiritual consciousness must reduce these activities. That will give him an opportunity to fully use his lifetime
- Everyone has a limited duration of life, but a devotee's lifetime can be extended by the mercy of the Supreme Lord, who is able to nullify the results of one's karma. Karmani nirdahati kintu ca bhakti-bhajam - BS 5.54
- For one who very seriously practices devotional service during his lifetime in order to understand the constitutional position of the SP of God, liberation from this material world is guaranteed, even if he has previously been addicted to sinful habits
- For self-realization, the people in Satya-yuga, living a lifetime of a hundred thousand years, were able to perform prolonged meditation
- Generally liberation takes place after one gives up this body but one who lives according to the example of Prthu Maharaja is liberated even in this lifetime
- Go on with your life time plans making secure in distributing of books. There is no cessation. This movement is eternal
- God is eternal, and we are also eternal, but the difference is that we are always changing our bodies. At death we forget the events of our lifetime; death means forgetfulness, that's all
- He (Guru Maharaja) never asked anybody to become acarya. He asked that, - You form a governing body of twelve men and go on preaching, and Kunja Babu may be allowed to remain manager during his lifetime
- He (Narada Muni) had many other disciples, but he was very pleased with Dhruva Maharaja because in one lifetime, by dint of his severe penances and austerities, he had achieved Vaikuntha
- He irresponsibly spent his long lifetime transgressing all the rules and regulations of the holy scripture, living extravagantly and eating food prepared by a prostitute. Therefore he is full of sins. He is unclean and is addicted to forbidden activities
- He spoke to His mother about self-realization, by which, in that very lifetime, she became fully cleansed of the mud of the material modes and thereby achieved liberation, the path of Kapila
- Here (in BG 9.28) it is specified that the devotee who has always lived his lifetime here under the direction of the Supreme Lord, as stated, has evolved to the point where he can, after quitting this body, go back to Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- His (Hiranyakasipu's) decision was that since the self (atma) and time are both eternal, if he could not occupy that post (of Lord Brahma) in one lifetime he would continue to execute austerities life after life so that sometime he would be able to do so
- I am getting older day by day, so if I can see in my lifetime that all of you have opened at least 108 branches of ISKCON institution that will be a great pleasure for me
- I am requesting all of my disciples that for this one lifetime you give all of your energy and service to Krishna
- I could not mention the names of all these wonderful eatables, even in a lifetime. Damayanti made hundreds and thousands of varieties
- If in this human life the soul makes no attempt to alleviate his situation, even after learning how horribly he has suffered in millions of previous lifetimes, then such a person is certainly a miserable miser and naradhama
- If it were not possible in this lifetime to gain Krsna's favor by these activities, she (Rukmini) was prepared to die from such austerities and to undergo similar difficulties lifetime after lifetime
- If one always remains a servant of Krsna and engages everything in His service, one is accepted as jivan-mukta, a liberated soul, even during his lifetime within the material world
- If one engages himself in the service of the Lord through his life, wealth, words, intelligence and everything he possesses, he will always be liberated in any condition. Such a person is called a jivan-mukta, one who is liberated during this lifetime
- If one is thus constantly engaged during his lifetime, after giving up the body he will return back to Godhead to serve Sri Radha in the same way as he contemplated during his life on the banks of Radha-kunda
- If one purposefully falls victim to sense gratification, he has to be punished, at least for one lifetime, like Bharata Maharaja
- If we don't try to see God during our lifetime, then there will be an incidence which is sure - "As sure as death." That death is God. So to the atheistic person, death is God. And to the theistic person, they can see
- If we try to understand Krsna by the speculative process, we will have to spend many lifetimes of speculation; but if we take to devotional service and just try to please Radharani, then Krsna can be very easily realized
- If you simply follow the simple program that I have initiated you will be happy in this life time and in the end you will go back to home, back to Godhead
- If Your Lordship is satisfied, one can very easily obtain a lifetime as long as that of Lord Brahma, a body either in the upper, lower or middle planetary systems, unlimited material opulence, religion, economic development and satisfaction of the senses
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that at the time of death one will be absorbed in the thoughts which he cultivated during his lifetime. A person who had no other idea than to properly maintain his family members must have family affairs in his last thoughts
- In Bhagavad-gita, Ninth Chapter, verse 21, it is stated that such (materialistic) persons are elevated to higher planetary systems. As soon as their lifetimes of fruitive activity are finished, they return to this planet, and thus they go up and come down
- In grades of life higher than ours, pregnancy occurs once in a lifetime
- In grades of life higher than ours, pregnancy occurs once in a lifetime. People still have sex life, but there is no pregnancy
- In Kali-yuga one has a maximum lifetime of one hundred years, but as people become degraded, the duration of their lives decreases
- In our lifetime, if we can fix up at least one soul in Krishna Consciousness, Krishna immediately recognizes the service
- In the age of Kali the less intelligent men mistakenly consider the short lifetime of one hundred years (now factually reduced to about forty or sixty years) to be all in all
- In this way keep yourself engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours, and in this lifetime you will become perfectly happy and in the end reach the Supreme destination
- It is not enough to take only the first steps toward liberation. We must strive to reach the final goal within this very life-time
- It is said that six months on earth is equal to one day on the higher planets, the unsuccessful yogi stays on these higher planets for many, many years. Vedic literatures describe their lifetimes as lasting 10,000 years
- It is stated in BG that those who are advocates of knowledge alone, without any religious ritualistic processes, advance in knowledge after many, many lifetimes of speculation & thus come to the conclusion that Vasudeva is the supreme cause of everything
- It is the custom that during the lifetime of your Spiritual master you bring the prospective disciples to him, and in his absence or disappearance you can accept disciples without any limitation. This is the law of disciplic succession
- Just as there is an orbit of the sun, there is an orbit of Krsna's pastimes, which are manifested one after the other. During the lifetime of fourteen Manus, this orbit expands through all the universes, and gradually it returns
- Just like during the lifetime of our Guru Maharaja, all our Godbrothers now who are acting as acarya, they did not do so
- Krsna continued, "I cannot repay your (the gopis) continuous love for Me, even throughout the lifetimes of the demigods in the heavenly planet"
- Krsna is so kind upon me for creating this condition of struggling, thus He is relieving me of so many billions of lifetime of sinful reactions by this very insignificant and temporary condition of suffering something
- Krsna said: "O gopis, I am not able to repay My debt for your spotless service, even within a lifetime of Brahma. Your connection with Me is beyond reproach"
- Mental absorption in social, political, pseudoreligious, national and communal consciousness is cause for bondage. During one's lifetime one has to change his activities in order to attain release from bondage
- My (Krsna's) dear gopis, I am not able to repay My debt for your spotless service, even within a lifetime of Brahma. Your connection with Me is beyond reproach
- My Lord, You may say that there is no law that a father must die in the lifetime of his son and that a son must be born in the lifetime of his father, since everyone lives and dies according to his own fruitive activity
- O Narada (the Lord spoke), I regret that during this lifetime you will not be able to see Me anymore. Those who are incomplete in service and who are not completely free from all material taints can hardly see Me
- On this planet we may live for at most one hundred years, but on the higher planetary systems one can live for a lifetime we cannot even calculate
- One who actually satisfies the Supreme Personality of Godhead during one's lifetime becomes liberated from the gross and subtle material conditions. Thus being freed from all material modes of nature, he achieves unlimited spiritual bliss
- One who has attained his constitutional position by the strength of devotional service attains a transcendental body even in this lifetime. Being attracted by Lord Krsna's transcendental qualities, he fully engages in service at His lotus feet
- One's lifetime, one's home and everything one has, if not properly used in the service of the Lord, are all sources of material conditions of perpetual suffering under the threefold miseries - adhyatmika, adhibhautika and adhidaivika
- One's riches, beautiful wife and female friends, one's sons and daughters, one's residence, one's domestic animals like cows - indeed, even the lifetime in which one can enjoy all these material opulences - are certainly temporary and flickering
- Sacrifice means denying the interest of the senses. One has to learn this art by employing the senses in the service of the Lord during one's lifetime. One can utilize the results of such practice at the time of death
- Since Brahma lives for one hundred of his years, it is calculated that there are 504,000 Manus manifest during the lifetime of one Brahma
- Sometimes we dream of coming to a place we have never known or experienced in this lifetime, but this is proof that in a past life we experienced this. The impression is kept within the mind and sometimes becomes manifest either in dream or in thought
- Sri Yamunacarya further says in his prayer that the forgiving power of Lord Krsna is even greater than that of Lord Ramacandra, because Sisupala was always in the habit of insulting Krsna - not only in one lifetime, but continually throughout three lives
- Srila Narada Muni is giving a practical example from his past life. Formerly, during the previous lifetime of Lord Brahma, Narada Muni was one of the denizens of Gandharvaloka
- The (Bhetnama) room is his for his lifetime only, it is not that anyone coming after him or his sons or family after his demise can use the room
- The activities of the day evoke dreams at night and induce emotions appropriate to those activities. Similarly, the activities performed in one's lifetime flash across one's mind at the moment of death and determine one's next life
- The acts of commission and omission made by them (the materialistic leaders) during their lifetime of leadership will remain in the psychic encagement of mind and the subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body
- The acts of commission and omission made by them (the materialistic leaders) during their lifetime of leadership will remain in the psychic encagement of mind, intelligence, and false egoism in a very subtle form
- The atmosphere of the subtle body at the time of death is created by the activities of the gross body. Thus the gross body acts during one's lifetime, and the subtle body acts at the time of death
- The balance of your lifetime still remains because you died untimely. Therefore you may reenter your body and enjoy the remainder of your life, surrounded by your friends and relatives. Accept the royal throne and all the opulences given by your father
- The beginning is cleansing the heart, because we are impure on account of dirty things within our heart, accumulated lifetime after lifetime in the animalistic way of life
- The common man does not appreciate such a statement by the Supreme Personality of Godhead because he thinks that during his lifetime his family, society, country, body and relatives are everything
- The devotees must bear in mind they are promising to follow four regulative principles & chanting a minimum of 16 rounds of japa daily. Everyone should take very seriously this vow & make steady & sure progress in KC & go back to Godhead in this lifetime
- The help is offered on the ground before flying in space. Similarly, the spiritual master, the father, the mother, the relatives, the husband and others can all render help during one's lifetime
- The incident occurred before Hiranyakasipu's lifetime, but the same ignorance in the bodily concept of life is still prevalent, not only among laymen but even among scientists who think they will be able to revive frozen corpses
- The lifetime of such an envious householder is passed at night either in sleeping or in sex indulgence, and in the daytime either in making money or maintaining family members
- The mental speculators can reach the point of buddhi-yoga after many, many lifetimes of speculation, but the intelligent person who begins from the platform of intelligence above the mind makes rapid progress in self-realization
- The Prajapati's (Samvatsara's) offspring number 36,000, one for each day and each night in the lifetime of a human being
- The principle of the soul is eternal, and it exists in this body or in another body. Even in this lifetime we experience existence in a child's body, a youth's body, a man's body & an old body. After the annihilation of the body, we acquire another body
- The so-called progressive modern civilization has produced reprobate human beings, whose sins have been accumulating over many lifetimes. Yet if they surrender to Lord Krsna, even they will have all their sins eradicated forever
- The sum total of His personal family members amounted to about 100,000, popularly known as the Yadu-vamsa. And again, during His lifetime, He managed to vanquish them all
- The things which we possess during our duration of life are first achieved and then let out along with all of our other temporary possessions. Therefore the best use of possessions during our lifetime is to dedicate it to the service of the Lord
- The thoughts which you are maintaining during your lifetime, if that thought becomes prominent - naturally it becomes - at the time of death, then you are going to get a similar body
- The very short duration of the life of the mosquito and the very long lifetime of Lord Brahma are both awarded by the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to the results of their karma
- The wives of the demigods repented because although they had the opportunity of a birth in a higher planetary system a lifetime spanning millions of years & all material comforts, they were not as fortunate as Prthu and his wife, who were surpassing them
- There are many people who are liberated even in this lifetime. Some are liberated by discharging devotional service, and others are liberated through the philosophical speculative process
- There are two forces of nature working in us. By one we decide that in this lifetime we will make spiritual advancement
- They (the devotees) receive special favor from the Lord for their compassionate work that they can even go back to Godhead in this very lifetime and not be forced to take another birth
- This (in SB 7.6.8) is the account of one hundred years of life. Although in this age a lifetime of one hundred years is generally not possible
- This material world is a transformation of the material qualities (sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna), yet no one could possibly explain it perfectly, even in a lifetime as long as that of Brahma No one in the material world is perfect
- Time is compared to a sharp razor. A razor is meant to shave the hair from one's face, but if not carefully handled, the razor will cause disaster. One is advised not to create a disaster by misusing his lifetime
- Trees also should be given protection. During its lifetime, a tree should not be cut for industrial enterprises
- Yes, the mind is subject to so many impressions from past activities as well as so many past lifetimes, so when disturbing thoughts enter your mind you should simply ignore them. Actually the process is to always remember the Lotus Feet of the Lord
- You have always served me very faithfully, so I pray that Krishna may bless you with a long life with which to open many temples and that in this very lifetime you may return back to home, back to Godhead
- You have got some good souls assisting you, and that is a good sign. Please take care of these boys and keep them fixed up in Krishna Consciousness. In our lifetime, if we can fix up at least one soul in KC, Krishna immediately recognizes the service
- You may please me the most by reading my books and following the instructions therein and by becoming fully Krishna Conscious in this life time