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Pages in category "India"
The following 1,449 pages are in this category, out of 1,449 total.
- Due to my absence from India the publication is stopped, and therefore it disturbs my mind
- Greatest misfortune for India
- In India, eighty percent people, they are vegetarian. They are living very nicely
- India is lame and America is blind
- India is the land of religion. India is the land of philosophy
- India, Indians and para-upakara
- Many ksatriyas fled from India at the time of Parasurama
- Sankaracarya drove Buddhism out of India
- The blind man of the Western countries and the lame man of India should combine together in this Krsna consciousness movement
- There is a class in India, cobbler. Their business is to take away the dead animals, especially cows
- This syphilis disease was imported to India by these Europeans
- Why you are bringing India?
- A candidate for Krsna consciousness in the Western countries should be taught about the renunciation of material existence, but one would teach candidates from a country like India in a different way
- A faithful wife cannot live without her lord, the husband, and therefore all widows used to voluntarily embrace the burning fire which consumed the dead husband
- A good son is called apatya, one who does not allow his father to fall down. The son can protect the father's soul when the father is dead by offering sacrifices to please the Supreme Lord, Visnu. This system is still prevalent in India
- A great hero in India named Baji Rao became a victim of a woman during the time of Maharashtrian politics, and he was defeated
- A human being can attain perfection in life by self-realization through the Vedic literature and its practical application. This is possible especially for a human being born in India, the land of piety
- A little movement of the mind can change the whole consciousness. Therefore in India one seriously practicing yoga traditionally remained brahmacari, or celibate
- A spiritual body is not burned. They are kept, samadhi. Just like in Western countries they give samadhi to any, everyone, tomb, entombing. In India the tomb is offered to a very advanced spiritually person
- Acaryopasanam is there. And still in India the acarya's parampara system existing, sampradaya. Ramanuja-sampradaya, Madhvacarya-sampradaya, Nimbarka, going on
- Accidentally I have got this body in America or India or Africa or in hell or heaven. That is accidental. Or by my karma. But actually, I am not this body
- According to scripture, kalau panca vivarjayet. In this age a woman is forbidden to marry her husband's brother. This system is still practiced in some of the hilly tracts of India
- According to Vedic civilization a brahmana is a learned man, or one who knows the spirit. In India, brahmanas are addressed as learned men, but in fact they cannot be brahmanas by birth. They are expected to know what is spirit
- According to Vedic civilization, Manu is the lawgiver. Even today Hindus in India follow the laws given by Manu
- According to Vedic civilization, the, a girl must be married. But in every country I see the female population is more than the male population. Then how every girl should be married? Therefore in India more than one wife was allowed
- Achyutananda is getting good opportunities to move amongst enlightened circle in Calcutta, so if some of our advanced students go to India for this purpose, that will be a great achievement
- Actually in our India, formerly, the brahmins, they usually become teachers. In any village, a brahmin has no other business
- Actually my ambition is to form a strong Sankirtana party and travel all over Europe, and then in Africa, Asia, India, and Japan, etc. This is my thought. Please try to give it effect
- Actually the Muslims in India did not come from the country of the Muslims, but Hindus instituted the custom that somehow or other if one contacted a Muslim, he became a Muslim
- Actually we have need of many men in India, at least another 50 or 60. But they need not be important men. Assistant men will do nicely. So if you can arrange to send 50 or 60 men here for propaganda work in Calcutta and Bombay, that will be very nice
- Actually we need such a nice building in London. People of the world take it very seriously. During the British period in India, anything which was trademarked, "made in London'' was sold very quickly, so try to make your London Yatra equally important
- Actually, in India, the temples are just like royal palaces. They are not ordinary buildings because the worship of Krsna should be performed in just the way that a king is worshiped in his palace
- Actually, our main business in this country shall be to distribute our books profusely. Mayapur, Vrindaban, these temples shall be utilized for the most part by foreigners
- Acyutananda wanted to come back, so it was very welcome suggestion. But I think he might have changed his decision again. I do not know what to do with this boy. And if they want to remain in India, they must do something tangible work for our society
- After taking sannyasa at the age of twenty-four, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lived another twenty-four years. For six of these years, He traveled extensively throughout India, sometimes going to Jagannatha Puri and sometimes leaving
- After visiting this place, He (Balarama) gradually proceeded toward Setubandha, the place where Lord Ramacandra constructed the stone bridge from India to Lanka (Ceylon)
- All eighty centers are being received with great enthusiasm. I have not imported these boys and girls from India, but they are taking this movement very seriously because it appeals to the soul directly
- All Indians should take up this mission and do welfare activity. That is India's special function
- All my temples and centers here in India are being managed by my foreign disciples. I want that they should be admitted as immigrants
- All of a sudden they (Pakistan) separated from India as Muhammadans on the basis of religion. Now they are Muhammadans, of the same religion, but they are fighting
- All of India was Buddhist voidism. So, although a personalist, he had to keep pace with voidism by expounding impersonalism
- All of our devotees in the Western countries give up their old habits of illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. Of course, five hundred years ago these practices were unknown in India - at least in eastern India
- All of you are in now double strength, so please do things very enthusiastically and organize the world Sankirtana Party because in India the people are already expecting us next year. Also open as many branches as possible
- All raw materials was being taken away, and this necessities of India, especially cloth, was being supplied. And the local weavers, their hands cut off. So many thing
- All the acaryas in South India, especially Sri Ramanujacarya, constructed many big temples, and in North India all the Gosvamis of Vrndavana constructed large temples. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura also constructed large centers
- All these two groups (of Sankaracarya and Vaisnavas), following the Vedic principles, they accept Krsna as the SPG. So far India's authoritative persons are concerned, there is no two opinions, that Krsna is not God. Both of them accept Krsna the SP
- All these, my students, all of them are Americans, and they come from Christian or Jewish group. None of them came from Hindu or India. But what is the process I have given to them? The process is chant Hare Krsna. It is very simple method
- Also inquire from them if they are interested in being the sole selling agency in India. In this case, they must purchase at least 500 books. If not, they can help us by sending a list of leading book sellers in India who can help in selling our books
- Although a hundred years ago the four principles of sinful life were strictly prohibited in the families of India, they have now been introduced into every Indian family; therefore they cannot follow religious principles
- Although brahminical cultural life is enunciated in the scriptures of India, it is not for Indians alone, but for all human beings
- Although He was born in Bengal and Bengalis therefore have a special duty toward Him, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is addressing not only Bengalis but all the inhabitants of India. It is in the land of India that actual human civilization can be developed
- Although India has the sublime knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, Indians have not done their proper duty of distributing it. Now, therefore, the Krsna consciousness movement has been set up to distribute this knowledge as it is, without distortion
- Although India is now fallen, when there is a message that someone will speak about Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, thousands of people still gather to hear
- Although Indian people are by culture God conscious, yet on account of vigorous preaching of the Mayavadi philosophy, we sometimes feel a little difficulty preaching this cult in India
- Although Krsna appeared in India, now He has come to the Western countries through this Krsna consciousness movement
- Although Krsna demands our surrender in the Bhagavad-gita, the greatest scholar and so-called philosopher in modern India has protested that it is "not to Krsna" that we have to surrender. Therefore, he is envious
- Although Lord Buddha appeared in India, for some time many people became followers of Buddhist religion, but later on it disappeared from India. It went outside. What was the reason?
- Although our philosophy is revolutionary, even in India also, it is being received favorably. In our Kumba Mela camp it was very successful. Our camp stood out first in the whole campus
- Although Sri Candrasekhara was a clerk from a kayastha family in upper India, he was considered a sudra
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, not to believe in a next life and not to believe in a distinction between pious and impious life, and although they are teaching them how to drink wine
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, people are nevertheless afraid and whenever there is a religious festival, they gather together by the thousands. We have actual experience of this
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, people are nevertheless afraid of the four activities of sinful life - namely illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, they are teaching them how to eat meat and become supposedly civilized
- America has the money, so this is co-operation between the blind men and lame men. This will be a good name to your country, that Americans are building such nice buildings. It will make good relations between India and America
- Americans want this place to fight with the Russia. So if American comes directly in India, that "We want to fight," then India would not agree. Therefore they're keeping with these foolish rascals, Pakistan
- Among the principal philosophers in India are Gautama, Kanada, Kapila, Yajnavalkya, Sandilya and Vaisvanara. And finally there is Vyasadeva, the author of the Vedanta-sutra
- Amongst the demigods they (people in India) also worship Narada, who is considered the greatest devotee in the universe. Thus he is the representation of Krsna as a devotee. BG 1972 purports
- An account would be opened under the name INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS BUILDING FUND and that it would be operated jointly by the Founder-Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami and the Zonal Secretary for India Tamala Krishna Das Adhikari
- An ordinary child would cry, but these were not ordinary children, they immediately made preparations to punish the doormen, for the doormen had committed a great offense. Even to this day a saint is never checked from entering anyone's door in India
- Andha-kupa means blind well. I do not know whether you have got experience. In India there are several old wells on the paddy fields, and they are covered with grass. Nobody can understand that there is a well underneath this, underneath this grass
- Any of the great religious reformer or acaryas of any country. In your country, Lord Jesus Christ or Lord Buddha. Of course, Lord Buddha, he advented himself in India, but later on his philosophy was broadcast all over Asia
- Anyone can distill liquor at home. It is not very difficult thing. Anyone can do it. In India they do it. It is called dheno-mada
- Anyone who has taken birth in India as a human being will kindly make his life successful. And after making his life successful he should distribute this knowledge throughout the whole world for the welfare of the human society. This was Caitanya's order
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, Bharatavarsa, because he has got the facilities, the Vedas - the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Vedanta-sutra - all these things are cultivated in India. So they have got the facilities
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, Bharatavarsa, let him make his life successful, and kara para-upakara, and go outside India and do good to others. - Para-upakara. This is India's business
- Anyone who has taken his birth in India, he should make his life perfect by studying this Vedic literature and then spread the knowledge all over the world. Because they are in ignorance. Here also now they are ignorant
- Anyone who is against the behavior of the Vedic principles is called a yavana. Such a yavana may be in India or outside of India
- Anyone who takes birth in the land of India (Bharata-varsa) has the special privilege of being able to take advantage of the instruction and guidance of the Vedic civilization
- Arjuna in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. There was a fight. That is the history of greater India, Mahabharata. It is called Mahabharata. This Bhagavad-gita is part of Mahabharata. Mahabharata means greater India or greater planet
- As explained before, the Mahabharata is the history of ancient India, and so also are the Puranas
- As for Kanupriya, if he returns to the U.S.A. he will not stop this nasty habit and it will be worse if he goes there than if he remains in India with his family. So he may remain wherever he likes in India
- As I have already informed you by telegram, until further notice you should not dispatch any further shipment of books for India
- As I have already informed you, there is a complete arrangement for supplying our goods from India. I have already made them; there is no difficulty
- As in the modern day there are many champions in sports, so in bygone days there were many learned scholars in India who were champions in learning. One such person was Kesava Kasmiri, who came from the state of Kashmir
- As mentined above, it appears that Krsna enjoyed the rasa dance with the gopis when He was eight years old. At that time, many of the gopis were married, because in India, especially in those days, girls were married at a very early age
- As soon as in India they took it that by birth one becomes brahmana, the whole Vedic civilization has been spoiled. Brahmana means this quality - Satya, sama, dama
- As soon as one is highly qualified medical man, he comes to Australia. So who will take care of them? So therefore they imported some brain from India. Anyway, our time should be saved for self-realization
- As stated in Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Adi 9.41): "One who has taken birth as a human being in the land of India (Bharata-varsa) should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people"
- As stated in the SB, the incarnation in the age of Kali is Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who spread the worship of Krsna by the sankirtana movement (congregational chanting of the holy names), and spread Krsna consciousness throughout India. BG 1972 purports
- As the Socratesian ways of reasoning is not bound up within the walls of Athens so also the Brahminical culture is not bound up within the walls of India
- As there are many holy places for the worship of Krsna, there are also many holy places in India for the worship of Durgadevi, or Mayadevi, who took birth as the daughter of Yasoda
- As there are professional singers, dancers and reciters of prayers in the heavenly planets, so in India still there are professional dancers, blessers and singers, all of whom assemble together during householder ceremonies, especially marriages & birth
- As there is now great difficulty for getting money from India therefore I am requesting you to allow me the place for use of the International Institution For God consciousness at least for some time
- As we learn from the history of the Mahabharata, or "Greater India," the wives and daughters of the ruling class, the ksatriyas, knew the political game, but we never find that a woman was given the post of chief executive
- As you are a very nice, good soul, Krishna will certainly bless you with all benedictions. It doesn't matter whether or not you remain in this part of the world or in India
- At least in India there are many great acaryas - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, and even Sankaracarya and Guru Nanak. All of these have accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Why, then, should we reject Him
- At least in India there must be an institution that is strictly following the principles of Bhagavad-gita. This is my institution. We don't want anything more, other help. We simply request them that "Give some of our men permanent residentship"
- At least in India, all the great personalities, saintly persons, sages and acaryas, they have cultivated this spiritual knowledge so nicely and fully, and we are not taking advantage of it
- At least in India, it has become a fashion, that everyone is coming out and he declares himself, "I am God. I am God." As if the God has become a very cheap thing, and it can be had in the market, wherever you go
- At least our young men in India, at least still inquiring. That is the culture. "What is God?"this is the beginning of human life, when one inquires about Brahman
- At least, we have got this experience in India. There are so many unemployed, educated. Because they have been educated as dog, they must find out a master. Otherwise, they have no independent power to work
- At one time that (spiritual advancement) was India's principle of life, and there was a class of people, the brahmanas, who engaged themselves exclusively in spiritual culture
- At present there are especially many rascals prevalent in India who proclaim themselves incarnations of God or goddesses. Thus they are fooling and bluffing foolish people
- At present, compared to other countries on earth, India is artificially disturbed. However, Despite the material disturbances the country's culture is such that one can easily attain the goal of life - namely salvation or liberation from material bondage
- At that time (when Madhvacarya’s devotion to the Lord and his erudite scholarship became known throughout India) the followers of Sankaracarya were afraid of Madhvacarya’s rising power, and they began to tease Madhvacarya’s disciples in many ways
- At the age of 70 I had the energy to go outside India and apart from other various duties, engage myself in writing books even at night without sleep. All these have been done in accordance with the direction of my Prabhupada Gurudeva
- At the dawn of modern history, the Armageddon fought in India over a political question. On that historic battlefield the problem of human suffering and its permanent solution was discussed, and this discussion was compiled in the form of Bhagavad-gita
- At the present moment in India - a man is born in the brahmana family, he is brahmana. No. He must have the brahminical qualification. That is the verdict of the sastra. Not by birth. Birth is a facility
- At the present moment the people have become rascals. They have given up the Vedic knowledge. They are hankering after technical knowledge. That is India's main fault. Otherwise real knowledge is there
- At the present moment there is great propaganda from the side of the government and others to kill India's original culture
- At the present moment we are publishing our books in Japan, because in India there is no high class printing. But now just to supply cheap books in India, I want to publish there
- At the present moment, how the whole world, whole atmosphere, is condemned is described in the next verse (SB 1.1.10) The first qualification is short span of life. In India the average age, span of life, is thirty years. The vitality is so reduced
- At the present moment, India may be compared to the lame man and the Western countries to the blind man. For the past two thousand years India has been subjugated by the rule of foreigners, and the legs of progress have been broken
- At the present time, especially in India, so many rascals are claiming to be incarnations, and people are being misled. Therefore, the identity of an incarnation should be confirmed by the descriptions of the sastras and by wonderful activities
- At the present, however, agriculture having been neglected & cow protection given up, the agriculturalist is suffering pitiably & is dressed in a niggardly torn cloth. This is the distinction between the India of history and the India of the present day
- At Vrndavana in India there are temples still, they are spending thousands and thousands of rupees for palatable foodstuff, offering to the Deity. And those foodstuff are distributed to the, I mean to say, the devotees
- Auspicious ceremonies with decorations of the green leaves of palms, coconut trees, betel nut trees and banana trees, and fruits, flowers and leaves are an age-old custom in India
- Background is Krsna conscious. Sukrtina. Sukrtina. They're not so sinful. In India they're not so sinful as the Western. Sukrtina. Catur-vidha bhajante mam janah sukrtinah arjuna. And in the Western countries they are simply acting sinfully
- Be it Hereby known that Kirtanananda Brahmachari (Keith Gordon Ham) was initiated by me into the Sannyas Order, Goudiya Sampradaya, as TRIDANDI SWAMI KIRTANANANDA, on this 28th day of August, 1967, at Vrindaban, India
- Because India has got the opportunity to be spiritually advanced by the grace of learned, saintly persons, they should first of all make their life perfect by taking education & distribute the knowledge throughout the whole world. That is India's mission
- Because India is a tropical country and sandalwood is very cooling people in India use sandalwood pulp as a cosmetic
- Because India is poverty-stricken, so if you do some social work, give them some medicine, give them some financial help, they think of, being obliged, and whatever you like, you can tell them
- Because the business in India is important in this respect, that partly due to their subjugation by foreigners, their original culture has been killed
- Because the prostitute was not married to Ajamila, her sons were not Ajamila's sons. They were all sons of the prostitute. Therefore, at least still in India, a prostitute's son has no position in the society
- Before going to India, we may acquire a description of what the country is like; the hearing of a place is the first experience. Similarly, if we want to get information about the planet where God lives, we have to hear
- Before me, from India many svamis came, but actually they could not induce the Westerners, especially the young generation, to any Indian cultural movement except this Krsna consciousness movement. That's a fact, historical
- Before returning to India, if I am able to run at least three centers like the one in New York, another in San Francisco and the other in Montreal, then I shall feel successful in my mission
- Beginning from Cape Comorin and extending through Bengal to Vrndavana, during these six years He toured all of India, chanting, dancing and distributing love of Krsna
- Being a great devotee of the Lord, he (King Janaka) was transcendentally situated, but because he was the King of Mithila (a subdivision of Behar province in India), he had to teach his subjects how to fight righteously in battle. BG 1972 purports
- Bhagavad-gita is recognized and accepted as scripture by all classes of men in India, and as far as outside India is concerned, many scholars, theologians, and philosophers accept Bhagavad-gita as a great, authoritative work
- Bhagavad-gita is recognized, so far India is concerned, cent percent. Either they may be theist or atheist, that doesn't matter. Bhagavad-gita is accepted by all classes of men in India
- Bhagavad-gita was there, so Krsna consciousness movement was there. India, it was existing. Unfortunately, some of the less intelligent swamis and philosophers, they could not understand what is Krsna, and they misinterpreted the Bhagavad-gita
- Bhagavatam is the eighteenth Purana. So there are seventeen Puranas still more, not yet touched. Beside that, there are 108 Upanisads. Then there is big Mahabharata, the great history of India. Then Ramayana
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura tried his best to spread the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to countries outside India. When he was present he patronized the disciples to go outside India to preach the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Bhargava means the descendant of Brghu. Brghu is one of the great sages, seven sages, rotating around the polestar, seven sages. And Brghu Muni is one of them. Bhargava. In India there is still a brahmana's family, they are called Bhargava
- Bombay city is the best city, most advanced city in India, the best city in India. And people are also very nice. They are religiously inclined. They are opulent. They can take up better things very nicely. Therefore I wanted to start this center, Bombay
- Bombay is the best city in India, and people are also very advanced, enlightened. So let us combine together and develop this institution for the whole human society. That is our ambition. It is not for any sect or any creed or any particular class of men
- Bombay is the most important city in India. There are many advanced gentlemen in Bombay interested in transcendental elevation. Why not join this movement which does not discriminate between human being to human being
- Bombay is very advanced city in India in all respects. They have got money, and they have got heart also to participate in such movement
- Both Kasisvara and Govinda were personal servants of Isvara Puri. After Isvara Puri’s demise, Kasisvara went to visit all the holy places of India. Following the orders of his spiritual master, Govinda immediately went to Sri Caitanya for shelter
- Both parties, the girl's father and the boy's father, will spend. Still in India, there are cases like that. They'll spend their hard-earned money during the marriage ceremony of their son and daughter
- Brahminical culture also, similarly, it is just like sunshine. It is meant for everyone. But the people must be intelligent enough to take it. Unfortunately, this system, although India was observing very rigidly, now it is slackened, or practically nil
- British occupied the half of the world in their colonization, whole Africa, and they controlled India and controlled China, Japan, yes, Burma, Ceylon, Australia. So these poor people, they manufactured
- Buddha philosophy has gone outside India - China, Burma, Japan - because here in India they are very strong in the standing of Vedas. Sankaracarya established that, - This Buddha philosophy is non-Vedic. It cannot be accepted
- Buddhism was originated in India. Lord Buddha was a Hindu, and he was a prince, and still, Buddhism was not accepted by the Indians. Why? Because the Buddhism decried the Vedas
- Buddhist religion from India was practically banished. So these are historical facts. The real fact is that as soon as the natural sequence of living entities is jeopardized, at that time, non-religious principle, unnatural life, becomes prominent
- By the grace of Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu there will be no trouble. You'll be happy. Try to preach this Krsna consciousness movement in India at least for some time, and help them to rise to their standard of Krsna consciousness
- By the grace of the Lord, there are still families that foster transcendentalists generation after generation (in India). It is certainly very fortunate to take birth in such families. BG 1972 purports
- Caitanya could remain a big devotee at His home. But still, He took sannyasa and went door to door, village to village, town to town in India, and He left His order: all over the world, as many towns and villages are there, this KC movement should be
- Caitanya has advised this para-upakara, and He has especially advised the inhabitants of India: One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people - CC Adi 9.41
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally spread the sankirtana movement, and He advised all the inhabitants of Bharatavarsa to take up His cult and preach it all over the world. The visible bodily symptoms of devotees who follow such instructions are called avesa
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said one thing, that "Any Indian, any man who has taken birth on the soil of Bharatavarsa, India, he has got a special duty. And that duty is to spread Krsna consciousness"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted everyone in India to know the science of Krsna and preach Krsna consciousness. This is very simple
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted everyone, at least in India, to become a preacher of this mission. In other words, one should become a guru and preach the Lord's instructions all over the world for the peace and prosperity of humanity
- Caitanya predicted that this missionary activities will be spread in future in as many towns & cities are there on the surface of the globe & He entrusted Indians, or those who are born in India, that Please convey this message throughout the whole world
- Caitanya says, "In the provinces of India governed by the Muslims, there was much inconvenience in traveling with sandalwood and camphor. Because of this, Madhavendra Puri might have gotten into trouble. This became known to the Gopala Deity"
- Calcutta, Bombay is really important city in India: big business, port, all rich men, every kind of, all cultural, everything - Calcutta and Bombay. Originally only Calcutta, now Bombay also. Because the Britishers, they made Calcutta capital
- Canakya Pandita was a great politician, prime minister, in India, about three thousand years ago, when Candragupta was the emperor. It was about contemporary to Alexander the Great in the Greek history
- China has attacked the border of India with a militaristic spirit. We have practically no business in the political field, yet we see that previously there were both China and India, and they both lived peacefully for centuries without ill feeling
- Concerning the idea of exchanging our books for Russian books, unless we find sellers in India for Russian books (in English language), what will be the value of getting their books
- Concerning your personal service, when I come I shall personally take this up with you. You can come and personally speak with me when I return to India
- Conflict between Hindus and Muslims was created by polluted politicians, especially foreign rulers, and thus the situation gradually became so degraded that India was divided into Hindustan and Pakistan
- Cooperation and work together for advancement of our mission to make the people of India Krishna Conscious
- Cow dung is, according to Vedic injunction, is pure. In India it is actually used as antiseptic
- Dai Nippon has agreed to take money in exchange of books. Whatever money you pay, you print books and send to India. You can also send to Australia or to USA if they want. You begin with Srimad-Bhagavatam and the small edition of Bhagavad-gita
- Dangerous civilization that labdhva su-durlabham idam bahu-sambhavante (SB 11.9.29). After many, many millions of years one gets the chance of becoming a human being, especially civilized and especially in India
- Delhi is the cultural capital of India, but we have not yet done very much to develop in Delhi
- Delhi is the most important city in India because the capital is established there. Mostly the population is educated. Many foreigners are there also and embassies of different countries. So from the cultural point of view Delhi is the most important city
- Devotees (of Krsna) take shelter of the Vrndavana in India, for it is considered to be a replica of the original Vrndavana
- Devotees (of Krsna) take shelter of the Vrndavana in India, for it is considered to be a replica of the original Vrndavana - CC Intro
- Do not consider that Krsna belongs to the Hindu community or Krsna belong to the India or any way, ksatriya, no. He does not belong to any material designation. He is above
- Do you read? So if you don't read, then you will feel restless: "Oh, let me go from Japan to India, from India to Japan." You are restless because you don't read. I am laboring so hard for you, but you don't take advantage
- Dog is your best friend. In India dog is untouchable. So "Man is known by his company." If your best friend is dog, then what you are?
- Don't talk of India! Talk of philosophy. If there is not devotion, Krsna does not accept anything, either in India or in your country. Lord Krsna is not obliged to accept anything costly because it is very tasty
- Don't you think that this movement is glorious both for India and the world? Kindly, therefore cooperate with me in full heart
- Due to my indifferent health, for the time being I am going to India; and even if I cannot come back, I will work for an American house there so all you transcendental children can come there and learn and be strong enough to preach this cult
- During the British rule there was a secret policy by the British to cut down the Vedic civilization in India
- During the partition days in India, Hindus and Muslims were living together peacefully, manipulation by politicians suddenly aroused feelings of hatred between them, and they killed one another over politics
- During the political upsurge in India and its division into Pakistan and Hindustan, so many rich and influential Indians had to surrender life, property and honor due to the influence of time
- Each center should send their magazine money directly to my BKF Account in Bombay Central Bank of India
- Either you stay in India or you stay in America, the bodily comforts or sense gratification, that will be achieved either in India or America. What you are destined to achieve, you will have it
- Elephants taking bath, perhaps you have not seen. In India we had some opportunity. They wash the body very nicely, repeatedly throwing water with the trunk, and as soon as come on the shore of the tank, again take some dust and throws over the body
- Emperor Aurangzeb also inaugurated a tax that Hindus had to pay because of their being Hindus. Thus all the poor Hindus of the lower class voluntarily became Muslims to avoid the tax. In this way the Muslim population in India increased
- Enclosed please find a clipping from the Times of India regarding our New York High Court victory. Please mount this article nicely and display it at the entrance of our Temple
- Englishmen were very much eager to know the man who is working, whether he's family man, because a family man will never become irresponsible. And this is very, very much visible fact in India
- Especially during the days of the Jhulana and Janmastami ceremonies, the ladies of India still throng up in the greatest number at the temple of the Lord, where His transcendental eternal form is worshiped
- Especially in India, the whole Vedic system is being followed by the people under the authorities of the acarya
- Especially in India, there are many such doctors (who becomes a doctor by practical knowledge) who perform their medical services perfectly. They are accepted even by the government
- Especially in India, there is no brahmacarini. But here, in your country (America), the boys and girls mix very freely, but just to restrict such free mixing, we think that the unmarried girls should remain separately. That is the contemplation
- Especially in India, there is practically no ghee; for everything that should be done with ghee, people use a certain type of oil preparation. Oil, however, is never recommended for offering in a sacrificial fire
- Especially in India, this ideal life of human society should be inaugurated. We should not imitate the Western people, who are now dwindling
- Especially in India, where Krsna personally came, where He gave..., left behind Him so valuable instruction, Bhagavad-gita, why you are refusing? Why you are misinterpreting and spoiling your life and spoiling others'? Don't do it. Take it very seriously
- Even a great sannyasi of India delivered speeches in Chicago protesting the benedictions of the Supreme Lord
- Even after the British period in India this practice (the saha-gamana) was rigidly observed, but soon it degraded to the point that even when the wife was not strong enough to enter the fire of her dead husband, the relatives would force her to enter
- Even at the present moment the guides in the pilgrimage sites of India submit a complete account of genealogical tables before a newcomer. This wonderful act sometimes attracts more customers to receive such important information
- Even in Gandhi's strong civil disobedience movement, out of the whole population of India, only sixty-thousand men joined. What is the India's population? Six hundred million, and out of that, sixty thousand joined, and it became successful
- Even in India the government doesn’t want that Krsna consciousness movement should go ahead. It is the demonic principle - "Krsna should be cut down." That is the way of demonic civilization: Stop Krsna consciousness
- Even in India they (the members of the present Krsna consciousness movement) are well received as perfectly well behaved Vaisnavas wherever they go
- Even in India they protest, because I am making them brahmin. My disciples, they're offered sacred thread. They're regularly made into brahmin
- Even in India, still a brahmana is addressed "Panditji." He may be a fool number one, but he is addressed like that, - Panditji
- Even in my absence many centers are developing. When I came back to India this time... There were thirty-five or thirty-two centers. Now it is forty-two
- Even in our country, in India, the government do not like us, because nowadays, everywhere practically, the demonic people being very much increased, the government is also demonic. So they do not like people in divine nature
- Even in such a sacred place as Vrndavana, India, unintelligent men pass off this rectal and genital business as spiritual activity. Such people are called sahajiya
- Even in such an advanced country there may be possibility such failure but failure in America is more dangerous than that in India. In India they are not so much dependent on electricity but in America the whole activity is dependent on electricity
- Even Mahatma Gandhi, the great servant of India He served India so nicely. Still, the master was not satisfied, and the master killed him. He wanted to serve his country, but the result was that his countrymen killed him
- Even on this planet we experience different climatic conditions. In temperate countries such as the United States, the climate is different from that of a tropical country like India
- Even one hundred years ago in India, all dramatic performances were centered around the superhuman activities of the Supreme Lord
- Even one hundred years ago in the state of Kashmir in India, the king was so strong that if a thief were arrested in his kingdom and brought before him, the king would immediately chop off the hands of the thief
- Even still in India, you'll find this satisfaction by Krsna consciousness. A poor man, practically very meager income, but he's satisfied. He's satisfied in this way: he thinks, "Krsna has given me this much. I must be satisfied
- Even the best apartment in India, that is not a good apartment for America. This is simply my mental concoction
- Even today in India people decorate swinging thrones and re-create this scene during the month of July-August. Generally at that time people go to Vrndavana to offer their respects to the Deities there - CC Intro
- Even today in India people decorate thrones and recreate this scene during the month of July. Generally at that time people go to Vrndavana to offer their respects to the Deities there
- Even today in India these two classes of devotees still criticize each other, and especially in South India the followers of Ramanujacarya and the followers of Sankaracarya hold occasional meetings for understanding the Vedic conclusion
- Even today in India, this (Dipavali) festival is generally celebrated very gorgeously in the month of Kartika by fireworks and lights, especially in Bombay
- Even today in India, this festival (the incident of Krsna's breaking the pot of yogurt and being bound by mother Yasoda) is generally celebrated very gorgeously in the month of Karttika by fireworks and lights, especially in Bombay
- Even today, in India, at the end of August the people are accustomed to celebrating Krsna's birthday, regardless of sect, just as in the Western world Jesus Christ's birthday is celebrated at Christmas
- Even unserious persons who execute devotional service according to the regulative principles during the month of Karttika, and within the jurisdiction of Mathura in India, are very easily awarded the Lord's personal service
- Even until fifty or sixty years ago, the relationship between Hindus and Muslims was very friendly, and there were no disturbances. We do not find any Hindu-Muslim riots in the history of India, even during the days of the Muslims’ rule over the country
- Every Indian should take Bhagavad-gita very seriously. Then India's fortune will change
- Every minute I think of you and as you asked me to go to San Francisco while returning from India, I am trying to fulfill my promise. I am thinking of going directly to San Francisco
- Every person should use the sandal pulp. Because in India, it is tropical country. So this is a good cosmetic. Still, those who can afford during very warm day of summer season, if you apply pulp of sandalwood on your body, you feel no warm. It is cool
- Every word of Bhagavad-gita is fact, historical, and very nicely composed and spoken by the greatest authority, Krsna, who is accepted by all parties as the SPG. There are parties of spiritual life in India. Just like Sankaracarya's party
- Every years, almost six to seven months, I pass outside India
- Everyone goes out of India. They go there to exploit. But it is for the first time that India is giving something to the outsiders, this spiritual knowledge. And the proof you can see. We are giving, we are not taking
- Everyone in India is a devotee; they have simply been misled by politicians and so many things. By Lord Chaitanya's mercy we are again reviving their original Krishna Consciousness, just as we are doing in all our centers all over the world
- Everyone is convinced that India has got some sort of spiritual. Everyone admits, that’s a fact. But these rascals they come, they do not know anything, beginning from Vivekananda, and they come there, and they are criticized
- Everyone is very anxious to become guru, but rascal does not know how to become guru. So many gurus come from India, all rascal, but they will not speak what Krsna has instructed. Maybe for the first time this has begun, in Krsna consciousness
- Everything is there. Especially in India, we have got so much asset for understanding God. Simple thing. Everything is there ready made. But we won't accept
- Everywhere, but in India especially, people should know that the real religion is this Vedic system. Vedic religion means varnasrama-dharma. Krsna says - God says - catur-varnyam maya srstam - BG 4.13
- Extending to the borders of the river Sindhu and the Himalayan Mountain valleys, these two branches expanded throughout India, including all the places of pilgrimage, such as Vrndavana, Mathura and Haridvara
- Factually, in no country other than India have the great sages endeavored so much for the realization of the spirit self
- False or nonpermanent, whatever it may be, the real human civilization should be based on the purpose of becoming immortal, sat, not asat. That is the distinction between India and other countries
- Family means wife and a few children, or one or two children. That is called family. But family does not mean in India like that. Family means a joined family. Joined family, the father, the sons, the nephews, the sister, husbands. They join together
- Fifty-two (centers) outside India, but in India there are many thousands
- First of all he (King Nagnajit) gave them (Krsna and Satya) 10,000 cows and 3,000 well-dressed young maidservants, ornamented up to their necks. This system of dowry is still current in India, especially for ksatriya princes
- First thing is sravanam. If we simply keep these Deities here, we may see. But if we don't hear about Him, then it will be hackneyed. Then it will be hackneyed. Just like in India it has become. Because they have given up the process of sravanam kirtanam
- Five hundred years ago in India, the Hindus were so rigid and strict that if a Muslim would sprinkle a little water from his pitcher upon a Hindu, the Hindu would be immediately ostracized
- For everyone who is born in the land of India has a natural spiritual inclination and is taught the basic principles of spiritual life; they merely need to be a little more educated in the Vedic principles
- For preaching work, especially in India, preachers are generally sannyasi. And I know that even in Buddha philosophy, a Buddhist, a person following Buddhist religion, he has to take sannyasa at least for some time
- For some time now it has been my desire that our students in India shall have the advantage of one or two trucks or vans for spreading this Krsna consciousness movement there
- For the last two hundred, three hundred years, from India so many svamis, yogis came. But because they missed Krsna, it was all useless
- For the present, at least two of my disciples must come to India to assist me there both for the sake of my health and for the editorial work of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- For the time being all three should only translate so we can publish many literatures in local language. All Hindi and Bengali literatures should be composed in India and sent for printing by Dai Nippon in Japan. That will be nice progress
- For the time being, I have given up the idea of opening a center in India because by so attempting, I have simply lost money in so many ways
- For two purposes - to spread the cult of bhakti and to defeat and subdue the atheists - Lord Nityananda, the most dedicated devotee of the Lord, moved throughout the country
- For upkeep of the human society in order, according to the quality and work, there must be division. But that is not that division as we are thinking at the present moment in India - a man is born in the brahmana family, he is brahmana. No
- Foreigners who have accepted this sect and religious process, they should be allowed on our recommendation to stay in India
- Formerly many mercantile men from the up-country of India used to go to Bengal, and thus there is a familiar saying, "If you go to Bengal, your fortune will go with you
- Formerly the kings of Bharatavarsa, India, used to kill these uncivilized men. Bad example. They did not follow the Vedic civilization, so the king's order was that they should be killed
- Formerly, from all parts of the world, used to come to India to learn what is spiritual life. Even Jesus Christ went there. And from China and from other countries. That is history. And we are forgetting our own asset
- Formerly, the people of India (now misnamed as "Hindus") followed varnasrama-dharma or sanatana-dharma, the system that organizes human affairs according to four social orders and four spiritual orders
- Four orders of spiritual life and four orders of material life, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. This is called varnasrama-dharma. So India, it is especially practiced, India
- Free mingling with women has never been possible in India, but for one who wanted to associate with society girls, they were available in a district of prostitutes
- From historical reference it is so, but it can go still farther, and in that way India's glories will be magnified. But unfortunately, our leaders and government are callous. They do not know what is India's glory and how India's glory can be distributed
- From India a large number of renowned persons frequently visit temples throughout the world and they have made remarks to the effect that in each and every temple arrangements for daily worship and functions are remarkably done smoothly and methodically
- From India they are coming, but I am very sorry to inform, they are not giving the real, not delivering the real culture
- From Mahabharata, the great history of India, we can understand that up to Maharaja Pariksit, the whole world was ruled by one flag, this Vedic culture. Gradually it deteriorated, as we have practical experience
- From Mount Meru the water of the Ganges finally reaches the lower planets and the peaks of the Himalayas, and from there it flows through Hardwar and throughout the plains of India, purifying the entire land
- From the early history of India we find that when Maharaja Pandu died, he was survived by two wives - Madri and Kunti. The question was whether both should die or one should die
- From the Vedic angle of vision, the Western people are the most uncivilized. Only money is covering them. When they introduced that mini-skirt for the girl, how much abominable it was considered in India
- From the very beginning I wanted to open a branch in Tokyo because when I was in Tokyo on my way to the States from India, I saw it exactly a duplicate city like New York
- From this statement it appears that town and city planning is not new but has been coming down since the time of King Prthu. In India we can see regular planning methods evident in very old cities. In SB there are many descriptions of such ancient cities
- Further I beg to inform you that all my temples and centers here in India are being managed by my foreign disciples. I want that they should be admitted as immigrants
- Gandhi is known for having started the movement of nonviolent civil disobedience in India, but about five hundred years before him, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu started His movement of nonviolent civil disobedience to the order of Chand Kaz
- Gandhi went to this point that, "If you think that without division India will be chaos, so you better give it to Jinnah in the hand. Don't give it to me." But they wanted division
- Gaudiya indicates the part of India between the southern side of the Himalayan Mountains and the northern part of the Vindhya Hills, which is called Aryavarta, or the Land of the Aryans
- Gavayas are sometimes called camaris, and they are considered very sacred. In India there are still gypsies or forest mercantile people who flourish by trading kasturi, or musk, and the bunches of hair from the camaris
- Generally the suvarna-vaniks are bankers dealing in gold and silver. In western India, the Agarwalas also belong to the banking profession. This is the original business of the suvarna-vanik or Agarwala community
- Generally Westerners are addicted to meat-eating, drinking, gambling and illicit sex; therefore their taking up KC is astonishing. In India, especially, there is much astonishment at this. The answer, however, is given here - in CC Madhya 16.175
- Generally, at least in, say, three thousand years ago, all the inhabitants of India were strictly followers of Vedic principles. After the advent of Lord Buddha, a different religious system developed
- Go ahead with your translation work. This is very important and work together with Yasomatinandana. We want very much to publish Hindi publications and distribute throughout India
- God has given: "Oh, here is first-class quality." They will eat little. And in India there are classes, they will eat so much. So for them that red rice is good. They do not like this fine basmati. I have got practical experience
- God is one, and to realize Him, the path is one. There cannot be two paths. Just like suppose in India. So India is from here to the eastern side? Yes. This is an example. But you cannot find in the western side. Just like Columbus
- Government will be just like thieves and rogues. We are already experiencing. Now a new law has been passed in India that nobody can keep property more than five to seven lakhs of rupees. So people's incentive to earn money is now being cut down
- Gradually people were influenced by non-Vedic culture, and they lost sight of how to behave in connection with devotional service. Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami very kindly preached the bhakti cult in western India
- Great thinkers in the Western countries must look to the people of India if the message of Godhead, of genuine spiritualism, is to reach their ears
- Greater India means India and outside also. And so far we collect records from the Mahabharata, part of Europe, also India. Up to Greek and Rome. Therefore it is called Mahabharata
- He (a German scholar) intelligently went to India to learn how he could understand his eternal relationship with the Supreme Lord by means of bhakti-yoga, devotional service
- He (Canakya Pandita) was living in a cottage, not accepting any salary. And as soon as Maharaja Candragupta wanted some explanation,immediately resigned. This is the standard of persons who are born in India
- He (Carvaka Muni) says, his philosophy - hedonism, "That so long you live, you live very happily." In India the standard of living happily is to eat more ghee, that is a luxury
- He (God) is like the sun. The sun appears and disappears on its own accord at any place without disturbing its presence in other places. The sun appears in the morning in India without disappearing from the Western Hemisphere
- He (God) is the proprietor of Russia, He is the proprietor of China, He is the proprietor of India, of everything. But because we claim that we are the proprietors, there is fighting, there is discord, there is disagreement, and how can there be peace
- He (Krsna) is for everyone. Otherwise, how you Americans, Europeans and others outside India, how you are accepting? Because originally Krsna is your father, everyone's father. Mamaivamso jiva - BG 15.7
- He (Lord Buddha) also appeared in India. Why? He was also Hindu. He was ksatriya, king. He promulgated this philosophy, ahimsa, when there was unnecessary killing of animals
- He (Lord Buddha) converted practically the whole population of India, Buddhist. They gave up Vedic type of religion. Now this Sankaracarya's mission was to reestablish again Vedic culture and stop this Buddha philosophy
- He (one German scholar who became a devotee) came to India not to learn the methods of the yogis’ mystic powers but to learn the path of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord, as mentioned in the great scripture Srimad-Bhagavatam
- He (Vallabha Bhattacarya) traveled throughout India thrice on trips lasting six years each. Thus he passed eighteen years and became victorious in his discussions of revealed scripture
- He (Vidura) passed through very wealthy provinces like Surat, Sauvira and Matsya and through western India, known as Kurujangala. At last he reached the bank of the Yamuna, where he happened to meet Uddhava, the great devotee of Lord Krsna
- He (who takes birth in India) automatically receives the basic principles of spiritual life, for 99.9% of the Indian people, even simple village farmers and others who are neither educated nor sophisticated, believe in the transmigration of the soul
- He says especially to people born in India (CC Adi 9.41) - Anyone who has taken his birth as a human being in India, Bharatavarsa, should make his life successful and work for the upliftment of the whole world
- He was the first man in the history of India who started this civil disobedience movement. It is not Gandhi who is the originator of civil disobedience; it was Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He said that "Defy the order of the Kazi''
- Here God says that "I have created." So God's creation is not limited. Suppose the sun is creation of God. It is not for India or for Australia - it is for everyone
- Here in India we haven't got devotees pushing as in USA and America we have got our devotees, they are attacking and pushing. Here there is no such devotee. And therefore I have proposed huge, big advertisement in the paper
- Here in India we require paper of the size of "Back to Godhead" magazine, and I wish to know if you can supply it from Stockholm. We would like to purchase first-quality paper, so please let me know the ways and means
- Here in India, we are planning construction of a very large "Vedic Planetarium" or "Temple of Understanding"
- Here in Vrndavana so many pilgrims, they come from all parts of India; now all parts of world, they're coming. But it is kept in such unclean state to discourage people not to come here
- Here is Bhagavad-gita. Try to understand it, make your life successful, and then broadcast this message all over the world. That is paropakara. So actually, India and India's people, they are meant for paropakara. We are not meant for exploiting others
- Here is the truth, Bhagavad-gita, Krsna. So why don't you accept this truth? If you are actually trying to find out the truth, here is the truth. It is accepted by all learned scholars and acaryas of India: the Supreme Absolute Truth is Krsna
- Herein (SB 6.10.16) the Narmada does not mean the Narmada River in India
- Hindu society was so rigid at the time of Lord Caitanya that if a Hindu were converted into a Muslim, there was no chance of his being reformed. In this way the Muslim population in India increased
- His (Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) mission is that anyone who has taken birth in India, he first of all make his life successful and spread this knowledge for welfare activities of the whole human society. This is required
- His (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's) father was a very much celebrated man of the name Mahesvara Visarada. It is said that Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was the greatest logician of his time in India
- However, after the appearance of the great stalwart teacher, Sankaracarya, this Buddhism was driven out beyond the border of India
- Human civilization begins when there is religious conception of life. Therefore all over the world - it doesn't matter whether Europe, America or India or China, Japan - there is some kind of religion
- Human civilization, as conceived of by the sages of India, is to help one free himself from the clutches of illusion
- Husband is accepted as guru, pati-guru. In India, when a woman speaks of her husband, she says pati-guru, "my husband-master," pati-guru
- I am a big sannyasi and big devotee, I do not go outside Vrndavana, I do not go outside India. I am jagat-guru . . . This cheating is going on
- I am a little in anxiety on account of Bombay affairs. It is a question of fifteen lacs of rupees, but the matter has not been properly handled by our men in India
- I am a Vaisnava Sannyasi and I have come from India (Vrindaban U.P.) for establishing a preaching centre in America for the first time in the study of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I am advising my Bombay center with a copy of this letter to send you the latest amended copy of the Rules of the Society. It is not yet settled up as to those who will be the Trustees. When I return to India, I shall send you the list
- I am always pleased and looking forward to seeing more beautiful pictures in our books. In India we make life members simply from the high quality and appearance of our books with illustrations. Our society is unrivalled in this respect
- I am anxious to know if there has been any response from the Home Minister of India to the letter I wrote him while I was in New Delhi regarding the Indian Government assisting us in the development of our Juhu Beach Project
- I am anxious to know what has happened to Aravinda since he left me in India. I think his parents live there in Detroit, his other name is Arthur Friedman, so kindly search them out and ask them where he is
- I am coming from India, and other parts there is drought. There is no rainfall; they are suffering for want of rainfall. But in Australia, especially in Sydney, I see there is good rainfall. So how the distinction can be adjusted?
- I am coming to India soon, at least by October, and I want to see that the building projects in Bombay, Mayapur and Vrndavana are going on nicely
- I am confident if this Krsna consciousness movement is taken seriously in India there will be very, very good thing. That is absolute
- I am confident of this great Krsna Consciousness Movement for worldwide peace and prosperity. I am therefore coming to India as of the 29th August, 1970, to meet all respectable Indians to help me in this great Movement
- I am experiencing so much inconvenience in this matter of exporting from India, although the price is already transferred from the States. So if you kindly give me your direction what to do in this connection, then I shall do it
- I am free to come to Calcutta for holding our festival, but these things should be decided amongst all of you leaders in India, including Gurudasa, Giriraja, Tamala, Bhavananda, Gargamuni
- I am going directly from Los Angeles to India, but when I return next year then I shall certainly come again to Mexico and visit all of my nice disciples there
- I am hearing from the newspapers that in India there is some upheaval on the ground of political activities. I have also heard that you are observing "fast" and it has given me some concern
- I am hopeful that if we can widely distribute free foodstuffs to the people of India, by giving it out at our centers as well as by travelling parties to villages, we will win over the whole country and the whole world by this activity on Krsna's behalf
- I am in due receipt of your letter along with the very nice article, Prabhupada: India's National Hero. I am very grateful to you for your kind words about me, but I do not think I have done anything, but I am only delivering the best message as it is
- I am not exercising myself. I am an old man of seventy-two years. I was ill, I went back to India; but I want to work. Actually, I could retire from all these activities, but as far as I can, I want to work; I want to learn day and night
- I am not thinking of India. I am thinking for the whole human society. Anyway, why shall I think for India? When we become God conscious, then we don't think in that way, "I am Indian," "I am Englishman," "I am Australian," "I am this." No
- I am now in India, so in my presence another GBC may not be required, but if required in my absence, my question is whether it will be possible for you to take charge
- I am pleased to learn that the devotees who will be going to India are taking twenty paintings with them to our Mayapur center. I want that all rooms and verandas and especially the Deity hall should have first class paintings
- I am prepared to cooperate with the Gaudiya Mission wholeheartedly. I am prepared also to be amalgamated, and they have invited me to go to India to talk frankly, face to face
- I am rather proud to say that the movement of Krishna Consciousness which I have started in your country will fulfill the desires of many sincere citizens of your country who are actually anxious to have a bon-a-fide spiritual guidance from India
- I am situated in a temple of Sita-Ram in a nearby suburb of Bombay. The atmosphere is very relaxing, such as I have not found anywhere else in India thus far. So in every way it is very conducive to my translating work
- I am stressing again that we have to find out a reliable person who can regularly supply us with goods from India. This is the sum and substance, and now you can do the needful. If Mr. Vora wants to be our supplying agent, we have no objection
- I am the only one in India who is openly criticizing, not only demigod worship and impersonalism, but everything that falls short of complete surrender to Krishna
- I am therefore training local boys and girls for kirtana and very soon we shall be out on world tour with this kirtana party. In India, however, many rich business men maybe ready to spend this amount to spread the kirtana movement
- I am traveling all over the world. My opinion is that, materially, America is happy. And spiritually some portion of India is happy. Otherwise, there is no happiness all over the world
- I am traveling either in Europe, America, Africa, Canada, India, everywhere
- I am trying here to establish one Temple of Sri Sri Radha Krishna and one big industrialist of India has promised to pay for the cost
- I am very anxious to hear from you how you are proceeding towards India. Whether you have obtained a visa, etc. Please inform me by return mail of your present position and plans
- I am very much anxious to know if the goods from India Mrdanga etc have been already received by you. Please let me know as soon as you receive them
- I am very much anxious to open schools for educating children of responsible leaders in our Krishna Consciousness way of life, especially also in India
- I am very much hopeful of success of the attempt and I am seeking your good consultation if it is possible to have full sympathetic cooperation of my Godbrothers in India in this adventure
- I am very much pleased to inform you that there is very good demand in India for the small edition of my Bhagavad-gita published by you
- I approve for you to get books from BBT-L.A. at reduced prices, at the cost price, the same as India is getting. You can inform Ramesvara that I give my sanction
- I beg to inform you of one matter which may be of interest to you, namely that we have now got thousands of disciples and well-wishers in the Western countries and out of them many are desiring to travel to India in the near future
- I beg to inform you that all my temples and centers here in India are being managed by my foreign disciples. I want that they should be admitted as immigrants
- I can reorganize all branches of the Gaudiya Math in India & if there is financial question it won't be difficult for our society to help. So if you can negotiate about our amalgamation on a cooperative basis it will be great service to Srila Prabhupada
- I cannot stay here, neither in India. This is my position. Neither in my temple. This is my position. Nor India, nor America, nor Europe, nor any place
- I do not like to have New Vrindaban with industrial or mining areas. I have got experience of them in India, that the mining areas are simply next to dungeon
- I don't find any difference between India and this South Africa, because the same trees are there, same grass is there, the same road is there, the same . . . So similarly, in every planet, without going we can understand, if we are sane men
- I don't know who has given you this idea of shaving your head and wearing white garments. In India only the widows are allowed to shave head. I have never suggested your husband to take to Sannyas
- I don't think there is any discrepancy, but I do not know why in India cooperation is lacking. So you should do things nicely and in consultation with others and rectify the situation. I have also apprehended a scandalous situation
- I especially wanted to stay in India for this Mayapur celebration, but if there is no scope, or if our men are not able to do anything, then I can return via Africa
- I fully approve your plan to come to India for Kumba Mela and to work mainly in India after that, visiting America every six months to see that everything is going on properly with the life membership program
- I had good opportunities to become a very rich businessman. An astrologer even told me that I should have become as rich as the wealthiest man in India. There were very good chances
- I had no objection of your coming to India. But if you can stay there in England and continue your festival program, that will be best. It is a very nice program. You should increase it as much as possible
- I had some discussion with her that she will go to India and help in constructing our temple there. So now we are getting our land there and if she is able to help in this connection, then her going to India will be a great service to Krsna
- I have advised Pradyumna to go there and teach students primary Sanskrit lessons at least to learn the alphabet, so that in the future when they go to India they may learn Sanskrit very easily
- I have already explained in a previous letter, if we can establish a bona fide language school then our American and European disciples can acquire student visas for coming to India. This will solve our visa problem
- I have already explained that our idea of religion means that like the sugar, it must be sweet. It is not that in Europe sugar is not sweet, in India it is sweet. Sugar, wherever it is, it is sweet. Similarly, the spirit soul is the same everywhere
- I have already informed you that some of the San Francisco boys are ready to go and join you. If required I shall ask Acyutananda to join you from India
- I have already placed order with them (Dai Nippon Printing Co.) for different books and magazines to the extent of $52,000. Most of these books will be carried to India for making propaganda there on or before the World Sankirtana Party reaches there
- I have appointed Giriraj to be the GBC zonal secretary for India zone, and I am sure that he meets your requirements of being equiposed and considerate of all the needs of all the branches under his control or jurisdiction
- I have been traveling on our usual touring program of India and the mails have been piled up here in Bombay for some time. Now I am replying so many letters and some of them are a little late
- I have come to your country, at your country. There are many rules and regulation in India which is different from your rules and regulation. But if I follow, if I stick to rules and regulation of Indian conception, then it is impossible to remain here
- I have got my this body, a dress, covering. And when I go India, this is not required. So they are taking that the body has evolved like that. But no. Here, under certain condition, I accept this dress
- I have guaranteed their staying in India in the matter of their maintenance and security and still they are being asked to leave the country. I cannot understand what are the legal intricacies in this connection
- I have heard from reliable sources that Christ was absent from his home for twelve years, and he went to India for studying
- I have heard of the report of your stealing from the temples, and Mukunda has requested that you do not go back there. Therefore I recommend as the best thing that you make a fresh start and stay here in India where there is such a great need
- I have heard that you are a very good man with cows. Your service would be very valuable here in India. I think that you could travel to the centers here where we keep cows and try to establish a very high cow-protection standard
- I have left India on April 1, 1973 so now it is almost 20 days and I have received no report from India. There are so many questions and answers for India, the Bombay, and Hyderabad, but I am in darkness
- I have left my hearth and home in India but here by the Grace of the Lord I have got good sons and daughter like you
- I have no program to return back to India
- I have not heard anything from you since I have come back to India. Vinod Kumar who was supposed to reach U.S.A. on visitor's Visa is not granted the same. Please see if it is possible for him to get Immigration Visa
- I have now certificates from my Godbrothers in India where we have got very big organizations in the matter of Krishna consciousness
- I have received one letter from Madhavananda who was instructed by the physician that I should come back to India immediately
- I have received one very nice letter from your good wife, Citralekha, and I hear that she has now joined you there, so I may thank her here for serving me so nicely in India. She has learned a lot about deity worship
- I have received very encouraging reports from the Library Party in India, and it appears that this program will increase more and more
- I have seen form of Krsna. You have seen also form of Krsna. There are hundreds and thousands of temples in India. Do you think they are all fools?
- I have seen one sannyasi in India, very learned, very good scholar. Now he's rotting in the jail. He has taken to political movement. He wants to make . . . nullify this Pakistan and so many things. Now he has become a politician
- I have seen the copy of the newsletter drawn up to send to influential people, etc. there in Canada and it is very nice. So you can send such newsletters to all our life members in India also
- I have therefore decided to send more men from America to India to preach this cult all over the country. We require about 100 men minimum, out of whom there are about 40 men in Calcutta and Bombay and other places
- I know from experience that Karandhara is a highly qualified devotee and I feel confident in placing him in such an important position for our society as head of affairs in India. It is a great relief for me
- I know in India there are many foolish persons who think that by reading Bhagavad Gita one is apt to renounce this world. This is completely foolishness. Arjuna was a family man, a soldier, and he was directly taught the principles of Bhagavad Gita
- I may inform you that although there is no law by which the Temples can bar anyone's entry in India, still sometimes practically I have felt the difficulty in respect of my American and European disciples
- I never tried in India to construct big temples or even in your country we didn't. I never tried. But I was selling personally books. That is the history
- I received report that he was talking privately in his room with a woman, and if anybody would try to come in, then he would get angry, saying get out, get out. What is this? In India private talks with woman are immediately condemned
- I remember when I sold the first one volume personally to the Archeological University. I sold them personally long ago. Now you must work conjointly with the other library men in India
- I say the Indians are becoming insane. By the influence of so many rascals they are becoming insane. So that has to be rectified. But insanity is prevailing all over the world, but not so much insanity as in India, that they are rejecting their own things
- I see Srimad-Bhagavatam so exalted knowledge and so beautifully literary presented. Srimat. Srimat means beautiful. Throughout the whole world, you won't find any literature. This is India's fortune, and they are keeping it packed up
- I sent you a telegram requesting you as follows: "Come immediately to Bombay. Everything is all right. Krsna will bless you." But I have received no word from you as yet. If you are not coming to India please let me know what your program will be
- I shall be glad to hear from you how much you are interested in this movement. On hearing from you favorably, I shall arrange to send a batch of trained disciples of this country to exhibit in all important cities of India how they are working
- I shall be much pleased if you kindly introduce to me some good presses who can take up the work. To print my books in U.S.A. is five to ten times more expensive than in India. I therefore want to get the books printed in a first class press in India
- I shall give you one tangible example in the life of Mahatma Gandhi. You know he was a very great man, political leader in India. So he was also very God-fearing man, a very nice soul. But he also committed mistakes so many times
- I shall require some Samkirtan instruments from India and three men to assist me in my missionary activities. And if the Temple is started I have to bring many things from India
- I shall try to do some work in India regarding the Krsna Consciousness Movement although my physical strength is diminishing. But still now if all you cooperate with me with your full young energy I am still competent to work with you with greater energy
- I take America as my fatherland. India is motherland, and here is fatherland. So many fathers. My father was very affectionate to me. He would do everything for me. I lost one father, I have got so many fathers
- I take it as warning from my Spiritual Master not to attempt in India, but rather to concentrate my energy in this part of the world
- I thank you very much for the news that many cassette-tapes you have sent for continuing the taping process of my lectures and translating. Otherwise they are either unobtainable or very costly here in India, so it is a very nice service
- I think a double-decker bus may not pass all the road obstacles such as bridges and tunnels between Germany and India, so I think a single-decker bus may be more practical for driving there
- I think that devotees of Lord Krishna in India should come forward and cooperate with my missionary activities
- I think that that place will be most important preaching centre for India, because I have noted that you are all so much eager and enthusiastic to serve Krishna
- I think you should take Australian rather than American passport. Australian passport is better because it is Commonwealth. You take Australian passport & immediately go to India. We require good men in India now. Indonesia is not a very important place
- I took some of my books, Srimad-Bhagavatam, printed here, up to three parts, First Canto. And I was personally selling these books to the book sellers and to the persons
- I understand that some of our householder devotees are ordering for Deities. The point is that they worship strictly. Don't make a play. If you follow strictly the Deity worship method, then you establish; otherwise, don't establish. It will be offense
- I want that our temples in India supply me with two life-members daily, that's all. Then I shall take care of all other programs, you needn't worry about that. Just get me two life-members a day in all of India, the rest I shall decide
- I want that our Vrindaban temple to be the first class temple of India. Already people are saying that it surpasses all temples of the district in beauty, and I think it surpasses all temples in India
- I want to come, especially your Mauritius program is attractive, but my present state of heath will not allow me to travel outside of India. I am not having any appetite so I am eating less. By eating less where is the energy for travelling?
- I want to convert the money into books on this Krishna Consciousness Movement and get them into India without any payment
- I want to have in India a nice center so that foreign students will go. College for students from America who travel (indistinct). So I want to keep at least one hundred students here
- I want to increase my work. Brahmananda Swami and Gopala Krishna were suggesting that I go to some other place in India, but if Tamala Krishna flies 10,000 miles to lodge some complaint against Jayatirtha what can I do?
- I want to see that you make BTG a successful magazine like Life magazine or Illustrated Weekly of India. I am very much ambitious of the progress of the paper
- I want to start a center in India at the birth-site of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu specially for accommodating non-Indian students for taking lessons in this great transcendental art
- I want to take some of my exemplary character devotees for performing sankirtana in India so that they may see what is their defect
- I wanted that such a magnificent gift from the side of India, it shall remain uncontributed to the world, let me try
- I was astonished when a yogi came here, having advertised in India that you can be a yogi even though you may be addicted to drinking. This is not the yoga system. This is not standard. You can call it yoga, but it is not the standard yoga system
- I was thinking that Kirtanananda Swami is angry upon me because I did not go to New Vrndavana, but what can I do? They are dragging me in so many places and it was arranged for me to see Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India
- I went to America, for instance, but either in America or India, I am the same man. But follow - you must strictly follow if you are serious
- I will leave India for Paris, and will travel 4 or 5 days in each place to Geneva, Rome, Sweden, then 3 or 4 cities in Germany
- I will reach India by July 26th to arrange for our grand festival in Vrindaban
- I will visit, Geneva, Rome, Stockholm, and three or four cities in Germany, each place for no more than four or five days. So since I will not have to return to India until August, after Europe I can go to Australia for your Rathayatra
- I would like to hear from you, how many men are there in Vrindaban and how the project is progressing there. Now we have got good respect there in India, so you boys manage everything intelligently and responsibly
- I'll cite one story. It is very interesting story. If you go to India, you'll find one nice temple in Orissa. It is called the temple of "Witness-Gopala," Saksi-Gopala, Witness-Gopala. This Gopala was situated in a temple at Vrndavana
- I'm glad to hear that you are coming to India in the near future. Yes, Krsna wants you, don't try to avoid Him. You are a sincere devotee
- If all Indians had taken to this path (of spreading Krsna consciousness movement), as advised by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, India would have given a unique gift to the world, and thus India would have been glorified
- If I go to India for some days, I am sure I shall be able to collect a considerable amount of money for this purpose, but I wish that people from this part of the world should be sympathetic with my movement
- If Indians remain as Indian, then we cannot rule over. Then we cannot rule over. We must make them anglicized -So that policy was followed for two hundred years. So India has lost its original culture
- If Mrs. Nair is not definite of selling to us, then what is the purpose of transferring the required money to India
- If one has to learn spiritual science, then he must consult some bona fide spiritual master, in India. So people are not going there, neither Government has any arrangement to educate this spiritual science. Therefore I have come to your country
- If one kind of trouble goes, another quickly follows. India, politically free, is faced with difficulties that are no less serious than the troubles under foreign rule
- If one takes shelter of a dhama, worship of the Lord becomes very easy, and resultant spiritual advancement quickly takes place. In fact, in India one may still go to Vrndavana and similar places to achieve the results of spiritual activities quickly
- If one wants to go from India to Europe, where the climatic condition is different, one has to change his dress accordingly. Similarly, a complete change of body is necessary if one wants to go to the planets of Vaikuntha
- If one wants to go from India to Europe, where the climatic condition is different, one has to change his dress accordingly. Similarly, a complete change of body is necessary if one wants to go to the transcendental planets of Vaikuntha
- If one worships as prescribed in the temple (in the temples in India there is always some statue, usually of Visnu or Krsna), that is a chance to progress. BG 1972 purports
- If some of the young, educated men like you in India join this movement, we can change the present situation of poverty and restlessness all over India
- If somebody has got money, he wants to construct temple, it is welcome. We can give nice plan how to do it. In India there are Radha-Krsna temples, just like one temple is as good as a big fort
- If somebody makes distinction between Hindu or Christian philosophy, he is not a philosopher. He can not say the sun is the Indian sun because it shines in India, or it's the American sun because it shines in America. But actually the sun is the same sun
- If the selected people of the world, combined together, they push this movement in India, then the whole program of the modern leaders will collapse. That's a fact. And that was my idea
- If the USA, which is completely different from India, can accept this philosophy, I do not find any reason why Europe, which may be completely different from the USA, will not accept
- If there are so many foreign brahmanas in India and I am making brahmana in the Western countries, if they are still fallen, then what is this attempt? My attempt is futile. So kindly be responsible, those who are second initiated
- If there is a beautiful girl and one man is attracted, still, he will feel shame to capture that girl. Of course, here I see the boys and girls, they are kissing in the street, and in India it is very uncivil
- If there is possibility to lay down the corner-stone there I can also do that before leaving from India. This will please me very much and give me great relief to know that we have done something solid in Vrindaban before I leave, and the credit is yours
- If we can administer the spiritual advancement of life in the proper way, as they are in our Vedic literatures, so we can contribute greatest contribution to the world, and that will glorify India's name
- If we can manage successfully, we will be attractive for the whole of India. Our task is very heavy, do not neglect by paltry disagreement. I hope Krishna will bless you to understand my heart and oblige
- If we can organize such an institution such as St. Xavier's college and we can give them instruction through the English medium and raise them in a Krishna Conscious culture, we shall get unlimited number of students from respectable families of India
- If we fight amongst ourselves that, "I am proprietor of India; you are proprietor of America; you are proprietor of Germany," this is false conception of life. Real proprietor is Krsna
- If we get chance to meet again, I want to discuss frankly how we may co-operatively push on this Krishna Consciousness movement, especially in India. Let us see what Krishna desires
- If we get chance, we must open a center in Kanpur. It is a very important city in India. I heard that there was someone who was willing to give us a house. Kanpur is the third most important city in India next to Calcutta and Bombay
- If we have got a press in our control with full equipment it will be a great boon. If such manipulation is not possible, then I wish to start a nice press in our Indian branch and get all our books and printing work done there
- If we want to be quickly recognized by Krsna, we should become preachers. This is also the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It is not that one should remain in India; rather, one should travel all over the world to preach Krsna consciousness
- If we wish to present the real traditional cultural ideas of India to the western public, we have to present to them the teachings of Lord Krishna as they are. That is my mission
- If you allow free passage for some of my American disciples they can come to India and take training from me at Vrindaban
- If you are actually serious about becoming immortal, then you should study the Vedic literatures from India
- If you are feeling inconvenience being the only woman devotee in Mombasa you may move. I have invited you to attend the Mayapur festival, but if you cannot wait then you can move at once to the Nairobi temple, or you may come to India and stay at Mayapur
- If you are serious, you can keep yourself pure anywhere. It doesn't matter whether you stay in America or India. But you must know how to keep yourself purified. That's all
- If you can attract all the westerners in India in that way, it will be a great service, and I am repeatedly requesting you to take up this matter seriously and combine together
- If you go on Sankirtana to the big steel-making city in India and you do not take donation of steel from the citizens, only some letters, then where is your credit? Chanting and dancing, that's all right, but there must be some tangible results
- If you go there through India, overland, of course that will be cheaper for you, but it will also be a very, very difficult journey with many unfortunate or disturbing incidents
- If you go to India, there are many scholars expert in Bhrgu-samhita astrology. They will tell you, if you approach one of them, he will give you the history of your past life, the history of your present life, and the history of your future life
- If you have no objection, you can chant Hare Krsna, & if you think that "The Hare Krsna is imported from India. We shall not chant," all right, you chant your own God's name. Where is the objection? But chant the holy name of God. That is our propaganda
- If you like, come to India as soon as possible. You may come directly to Calcutta and from there you can easily go to Sree Mayapur-candra-daya Mandira
- If you like, you can come to India and live with me for some time. During Sri Caitanya's appearance day festival, if you like you can come and live with me. Then everything will be alright
- If you live in India it will be better facility that you have some preliminary knowledge of the local language. This was recommended even for big British officers who used to go to India either for business or for political purposes
- If you think seriously to improve the condition of India, you can begin even in a small-scale the propagation of Krishna Consciousness, and if you do it seriously and sincerely, surely you will be successful
- If you think that Indians do not eat or Indians . . because you have not seen them, but if you . . as soon as you know they are also human beings like us . . . just like as for my example, when I was in India I was thinking of America something wonderful
- If you want to do something for India, the only remedial measure that you can take is to spread Krishna Consciousness amongst the peoples. Otherwise, the next step is surely communism as you have already suggested
- Important people will become our life members, all over the country. Millions of life members can be made. And they are liking our books
- In 1942, in India, there was an artificial famine created by people gathering money and stocking it unnecessarily
- In 1967, when I went to India, five American disciples were with me. One of them, Kirtanananda (Keith Ham, B.A.), was given sannyasa by me at Vrindaban
- In accordance with the evidence given in the sastra and the example set by Advaita Acarya, we give prasada to devotees regardless of whether they come from India, Europe or America
- In almost all the cities and towns of India there are temples of Hanumanji, the eternal servant of Lord Ramacandra
- In Bengal the kayastha community is honored almost as much as the brahmana community, but in the up-country of India the kayasthas are considered sudras because they generally eat meat and drink wine
- In Brahma-samhita it is said: Advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam (Bs. 5.33). In India there are many thousands of temples, and within these temples there are arca-vigrahas, Deities. All these Krsnas are nondifferent; they are one
- In comparison to Western countries, we are poverty-stricken. That's all right. But still we have gift. We have to give something which is so brilliant. This is Krsna consciousness
- In different countries there are different types of fruit trees. In India the mango and jackfruit trees are prominent, and in other places there are mango trees, jackfruit trees, coconut trees and berry trees
- In Dvapara-yuga the temple worship. Now this . . . we have got in India, especially in South India, many temples, more than two thousand, three thousand years old. So temple worship is very old, since five thousand, six thousand years
- In every part of India, and especially in the holy places of pilgrimage, even an ordinary uneducated man is inclined toward Krsna consciousness, and as soon as he sees a Krsna conscious person, he offers obeisances
- In Hong Kong you won't find street dogs. They'll eat them. So in India also there are dog-eaters. In Assam you'll find. They make kukura-pitha
- In Hrshikesha, the westerners are attracted for finding out some recluse, for practicing so-called yoga. So if you can attract them in India in that way, it will be a great service, and I am repeatedly requesting you to take up this matter seriously
- In India (Bharata-varsa), there are many worshipers of the demigods, the various officials appointed by the Supreme Lord, such as Indra, Candra and Surya, all of whom are worshiped differently
- In India a husband is still called pati-guru, the husband spiritual master. If husband and wife are attached to one another for advancement in Krsna consciousness, their relationship of cooperation is very effective for such advancement
- In India a mango is considered best when it is red and yellow, its seed is very small, its skin is very thin, and it is so palatable that if a person eats one fruit he will be satisfied. The mango is considered the king of all fruits
- In India all scriptures and great spiritual teachers, including Sankaracarya, an impersonalist, accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord
- In India also there are many examples of devotees risking their lives for the spreading of God consciousness, such as Thakur Haridasa. Why such risk? Because they wanted to spread Krsna consciousness, and it is difficult. BG 1972 purports
- In India also there are svamis who go to people's houses and preach, "If you give me one ounce of gold I can make it into one hundred ounces of gold." The people think - I have five ounces of gold. Let me give it to him, and I'll get five hundred ounces
- In India any man in the villages, unaffected by the industrial cities of India, can still live in any condition and make spiritual advancement
- In India because it is tropical climate... I think in Western countries they attain puberty not before fifteen, sixteen years. So although a girl is married before puberty, she is not allowed to go to the husband until she has attained puberty
- In India during the Mohammedan rule, many servants, by plans and devices, took over the posts of their masters
- In India during the rainy season the roads become muddy, and when the cows and calves walk they create holes in which water collects. But of course one can easily jump over a dozen of such puddles at any time
- In India especially we see hundreds and thousands of temples that were constructed by the wealthy men of society who did not want to be called thieves and be punished
- In India especially, the karmis, they want like that. Sri, beauty, beautiful women. Sri, aisvarya, wealth, and praja. Praja means many children
- In India especially, there is now a class of professional Bhagavatam readers whose means of livelihood is to go from village to village, town to town, reading Bhagavatam & collecting daksina, or rewards, in the form of money or goods, like cloth & fruit
- In India especially, there is now a class of professional Bhagavatam readers whose means of livelihood is to go from village to village, town to town, reading Bhagavatam and collecting daksina, or rewards, in the form of money or goods
- In India especially, we must be careful to remain above any criticism especially in Vrindaban. Our behavior there and everywhere must be first class example
- In India even the poorest man will take an early morning bath every day, but when I came to America I saw that even taking one's daily bath may be a difficult thing and is often not the practice
- In India even the poorest man, he knows that, "There is next life. I existed in the past, and I will exist in the future." This Vedic conclusion is known even to the poorest man, illiterate man. That is, of course, the difference between East and West
- In India even today the Hindu community often takes advice from expert scholars regarding how to counteract sinful activities. In Christianity also there is a process of confession and atonement
- In India every Hindu, even those not belonging to the Vaisnava group, take special care of the tulasi tree. Even in great cities where it is very difficult to keep a tulasi tree, people are to be found very carefully keeping this plant
- In India five thousand years ago, even in the villages such as that of Nanda Maharaja, people knew know to purify things, and thus they enjoyed even material life without contamination
- In India ghee is needed in our temples. I want to know if you can supply ghee by exporting it from USA
- In India ghee is required for our temples. I want to know if you can supply 200 lbs. per month in exchange for books
- In India higher caste you will find this sacred thread. Sacred thread means when he is accepted, when he is given the second birth, this thread ceremony, there is a thread ceremony
- In India I had one father who raised me a Krishna Conscious child, but in America I have got many fathers who are reminding me always of Krishna
- In India I lived in Vrndavana, and now I am in America, but this does not mean that I am out of Vrndavana, because if I think of Krsna always, then I'm always in Vrndavana, regardless of the material designation
- In India it is said that a little bit of a pure thing is much better than huge volumes of impure, adulterated things
- In India it is still a practice that many advanced transcendentalists give up their family lives and go to Vrndavana to live there alone and completely engage in hearing and chanting the holy pastimes of the Lord
- In India it is still current for an aristocratic family never to consider a marriage with a common family. Though the caste may be the same, to maintain the aristocracy such marriages are rejected
- In India it is still the custom for a daughter to be offered to someone simply by word. This is called vag-datta
- In India it is still the prevalent custom that one put his shoes in a specified place and then enter the temple barefoot after washing his feet
- In India it is the custom that immediately after payment the buyer gets possession of the house immediately. I think the same procedure is followed in this country
- In India it is the old custom that a prostitute quarter is maintained for the lusty people. Those who are not satisfied with one wife, they should not pollute the society, but they should go to the prostitutes. So that means illicit sex
- In India it is the practice among the general populace to hear about Krsna, either from Bhagavad-gita or from Srimad-Bhagavatam, in order to gain relief from the disease of repeated birth and death
- In India it was the system, after bathing & sanctifying the body by applying marks of tilaka, one would offer obeisances to the Deity, take some candana-prasada from the room of the Deity, & apply it as a cosmetic to the body. This was called prasadhanam
- In India millions and trillions there are, Krsna conscious persons. And practically there is not a single . . . even there are Muhammadan Krsna conscious. In Allahabad University there is a Muhammadan professor, he's a great devotee of Krsna
- In India one Punjabi, that father was anxious to get the daughter married, and the brother wrote the father, "My dear father, don't bother about my sister's marriage. We have arranged ourself, brother and sister." You see? So sex life is so strong
- In India plain cloth is sufficient. Most of the…, most part of the year in the villages, they remain naked body. There is no need of any heavy clothing. But sometimes, to keep up the modern civilization, we dress heavily with coats, pants and necktie
- In India private talks with woman are immediately condemned. He is a good preacher, but it is very dangerous to close the door with woman, and then he becomes angry if anybody comes. Lust is so strong that if it is obstructed it turns into anger
- In India still the system is a householder keeps at least, in the village, at least ten to twelve cows. But he hasn't got to pay anything for keeping these. The cows go to the pasturing ground and in the evening comes back
- In India still the system is they keep some name which is with reference to Krsna. He has got thousands of names, so you can keep one name so that you have the opportunity of repeating, chanting the holy name of the Lord
- In India still there are merchants, they would not take profit more than twenty-five percent, highest. There is no question of black market
- In India still we have got some martial races, the Jats, the Sikhs. They will be very glad to accept military training, still, because there is ksatriya spirit. But in other countries they have been made all sudras. How they can take up ksatriya spirit
- In India still you will find hundreds and thousands of men are going to take bath in the Ganges in the morning. They might have only one cloth and one napkin, still, they will take twice bath
- In India still, although poor country, they have got a courtyard, a little garden. That kind of house, in the village that is the system. So the first business is cleanliness. Everything should remain clean
- In India still, because they are not so materially advanced, even the poorest man has got some certain fixed-up place, his cottage, he has got his wife, he has got his child, and he works, whatever he can do
- In India still, eighty percent, ninety percent they are very happy in their family life, never mind one is poor or rich, because the wife knows these three things: to remain chaste and faithful to the husband, and she knows how to cook nicely
- In India still, not in the city but in the village, the brahmana is accepted as teacher, natural teacher
- In India still, the wife addresses the husband as pati-guru. And father is guru. That is natural. So why don't you become real guru to your wife, to your children, and instruct Bhagavad-gita as it is? This is our mission
- In India still, there are many snake charmer. They, simply by mantra, they can get out the poison. Materially if it is possible, how much it is possible in spiritual?
- In India still, they are not so degraded. You see. Even at night you can safely walk on the street. But in Europe, America, you cannot with confidence walk alone in the big, big streets
- In India such vast knowledge, it is kept for professional Bhagavata readers. How much harm they have done! Some professional Bhagavata readers, it is their property
- In India sukla-caula (white rice) is also called atapa-caula, or rice that has not been boiled before being husked. Another kind of rice, called siddha-caula (brown rice), is boiled before being husked
- In India sukla-caula (white rice) is also called atapa-caula, or rice that has not been boiled before being threshed. Another kind of rice, called siddha-caula (brown rice), is boiled before being threshed
- In India that (Battlefield of Kuruksetra) was also great world war. Just like we had experience . . . I think in the First World War none of you have seen, because you were all young men. And we were child
- In India the Brahmacaris are meant for begging from door to door for the Spiritual Master. But in your country this activity is not allowed
- In India the Brahmacaris collect alms and subscription but here it is not possible to do like that: therefore all Brahmacaris may work at least part time so that our financial difficulty may be minimized
- In India the cent percent, they are Krsna conscious. Unfortunately they have artificially covered that by the so-called blind leaders
- In India the children in good families are still given dolls of the Lord like Rama and Krsna, or sometimes the demigods, so that they may develop the aptitude of service to the Lord
- In India the custom is that even an ordinary person is offered a glass of water if he suddenly visits and one cannot offer him foodstuff. If there is no water, then one can offer a sitting place, even if it is on straw mats
- In India the custom is to honor any promise made before the Deity. Such a promise cannot be canceled
- In India the Kalyana magazine has published a nice description of our movement, and they have very much appreciated about my regulative principles. So keep this standard rigidly intact so the Indians may not be able to criticize
- In India the labor is cheaper extensively than in America. My idea is that if we are able to have a nice branch in India we can do the printing works nicely under your supervision
- In India the people hanker after Rama-rajya because the Personality of Godhead was the ideal king and all other kings or emperors in India controlled the destiny of the world for the prosperity of every living being who took birth on the earth
- In India the system is that all the ladies and gentlemen who come in the morning to visit the temple bring so many things. Even one morsel of rice or one morsel of flour can be offered
- In India the yogis, the transcendentalists or the devotees all leave home and reside in sacred places such as Prayag, Mathura, Vrndavana, Hrsikesa, & Hardwar & in solitude practice yoga where the sacred rivers like the Yamuna & the Ganges flow. BG 1972 p
- In India there are 645 different commentaries on the Gita. One professor has proposed that Krsna is a doctor and Arjuna is His patient and has made his commentary in that way
- In India there are examples like Haridasa Thakura, Prahlada Maharaja. And the Western countries also, Lord Jesus Christ, he is saktyavesa-avatara, God's son. And he tolerated so much. These are the examples of mahatma
- In India there are five sacred rivers, but the Ganges is the most sacred. The River Ganges and Bhagavad-gita are chief sources of transcendental happiness for mankind, and intelligent persons can take shelter of them to go back home, back to Godhead
- In India there are hundreds of sacred places of pilgrimage, of which Prayaga, Hardwar, Vrndavana and Ramesvaram are considered principal
- In India there are many devotees of Durga, that they take Durga as the supreme. Durga is supreme, the supreme power and energy within this material world. The supreme energy, that is external energy, that is called Durga
- In India there are many parties of philosophers, such as the dvaita-vadis, advaita-vadis, vaisesikas, mimamsakas, Mayavadis and svabhava-vadis, and each of them opposes the others
- In India there are many parties of spiritual understanding, generally classified as two: the impersonalist and the personalist. Both of them, however, lead their lives according to the principles of the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- In India there are many places very suitable for spiritual advancement. Still they are existing from the very, very old times, historical time
- In India there are many rascals who think that without being born in a brahmin family nobody can become brahmin. That is not the verdict of sastra
- In India there are many sacred places, because in India, India is known as the place of religion, the country of religion
- In India there are many sects, but every one, each and every one, all, all sects, including the Mohammedans, they have got great respect for Krsna
- In India there are many so-called gurus, and they are limited to a certain district or a province. They do not even travel about India, yet they declare themselves to be jagad-guru, the guru of the whole world. Such cheating gurus should not be accepted
- In India there are many such acarya families, but they have now degenerated due to insufficient education and training. BG 1972 purports
- In India there are many temples, but it does not mean that I shall not also establish some temples. Just like there is overpopulation. It does not mean that one should not beget child
- In India there are many yogis who display some magical feats. They can walk on water, make themselves very light or very heavy and so forth. But what is this compared to Krsna's yogic mystic powers? By His potencies, great planets are floating in space
- In India there are sacred places where yogis go to meditate in solitude, as prescribed in Bhagavad-gita
- In India there are six seasons. There is summer season, and there is spring. There is autumn. Then there is winter, there is fall. In this way, there are six seasons. So the saintly persons, in the, during the autumn and rainy season, they keep together
- In India there are some people who say that they belong to this cult but who are actually very envious of the acarya
- In India there are still many magnificent places for spiritual understanding; there are many rsis and saintly persons living in nice cottages on the banks of the Ganges and Yamuna for purposes of spiritual cultivation
- In India there are still thousands of yogis and sages, and every twelve years or so they meet in particular holy places - Allahabad, etc. - just as in America they have businessmen's conventions
- In India there are various professional communities known as Aula, Vaula, Kartabhaja, Neda Daravesa, Snai, Atibadi, Cudadhari, and Gauranganagari
- In India there is a class of men known as arya-samaja who say that they accept the original Vedas only and reject all other Vedic literatures. The motive of these people, however, is to give their own interpretation
- In India there is a class, they are professional Bhagavata reciters. They make contract that he shall recite Srimad-Bhagavatam, finish within a week, and he should be rewarded. These things are not recommended in the authoritative scriptures
- In India there is a system of jata-guru, the guru by caste. By familywise, they become guru. One family is attached to another guru family by hereditary rules, the sons after sons accepting guru, the other party, and there is regular business
- In India there is a system to become humble. If you take one blade of grass in your, between your lips and approach somebody, it is to be understood that you are approaching with great humbleness
- In India there is already a party who are prepared to criticize my activities in the matter of offering sacred thread to the so-called mlecchas according to their calculation
- In India there is always a kind of spiritual rivalry between the Mayavada and Bhagavata schools, and thus when the news of the Lord reached Prakasananda he knew that the Lord was a Vaisnava sannyasi, and therefore he minimized the value of the Lord
- In India there is an astrological system, it is called Bhrgu-samhita. According to that Bhrgu-samhita, the astrologer can say what the man was in the past and what he's going to be in future. And present also
- In India there is great agitation for birth control in various mechanical ways, but birth cannot be mechanically controlled. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.9), birth, death, old age & disease are certainly the primary distresses of the material world
- In India there is no free mixing with women
- In India there is no state religion. Every country has state religion. Even Pakistan, it has divided. It is now a part of India. But they have also their state religion. But unfortunately India has no state religion
- In India there is no such big, big universities, facilities, but in your Western country you have got nice universities, nice teaching system. Why the result is hippie?
- In India there is still a class of professional mendicants who are very much like the gypsies of Western countries
- In India there is still a class of servants, called sudras, whose maidservant wives are called sudranis. Sometimes people who are very lusty establish relationships with such maidservants and sweeping women
- In India there is still that place, Kuruksetra, and religious men go there especially on the occasion of solar eclipse. So recently there was solar eclipse
- In India there is storehouse of spiritual knowledge, and every one of us should make our life successful by assimilating this knowledge and distribute all over the world. There is customer; there is appreciation. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- In India there is the story of a man who did not know what sugarcane was and was told that it was very sweet to chew. "Oh, what does it look like?" he asked. "It looks just like a bamboo rod," someone said
- In India there was agitation during Gandhi's political movement because the lowborn classes of men like street-sweepers and candalas are prohibited, according to the Vedic system, from entering the temple. Due to their unclean habits they are prohibited
- In India these Britishers created feelings between Hindus and Muslims, but otherwise the Hindus and Muslims are living since eight centuries
- In India these nine gates (of the body) are kept clean by the villagers who rise early in the morning, bathe in the well or rivers, go to the temples to attend mangala-arati, chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and take prasada
- In India they have got organized family attachment. They are not interested. They are after money now. That I have experienced
- In India they have taken this point very seriously that, - India is now poverty-stricken. There is no question of Krsna consciousness. Europeans and Americans, they are now comfortable, so they can take to Krsna consciousness
- In India they sometimes come to fight with me that I am making these papa-yoni, namely, the Europeans and Americans... They are considered by the rigid Hindus as a papa-yoni. "They cannot become"
- In India we are accustomed to see people bathe thrice in a day, but in New York I have seen that one may have to go to a friend's house to bathe because one may not have facilities to do so at home. These are symptoms of Kali-yuga
- In India we are falsely accused of converting mlecchas and yavanas to the Hindu religion. In India there are many Mayavadi sannyasis known as jagad-guru, although they have hardly visited the whole world
- In India we had British rule. The Governor General, he was Viceroy. So he was given honor, as much honor we used to give to the king. So that is the etiquette
- In India we have actually seen one industrialist who, like King Puranjana, was very much sexually inclined and had a half dozen wives. Each of these wives had a separate establishment that necessitated the expenditure of several thousands of rupees
- In India we have got almost all the year climate like this, except in the rainy season - that is also not constantly. Therefore India is supposed to be the best place for developing Krsna consciousness, because the climate is very suitable
- In India we have got experience how in the morning the cowboy takes some food from the mother and with the cows he goes to the field. The cows are let loose on the grazing ground. They are enjoying, and this cowboy is sometimes singing
- In India we have got so many centres. Which ever is convenient for you, you can join and live with us
- In India we have got this opportunity. Why should we miss this opportunity? It is a suicidal policy
- In India we haven't established a very strong distribution, but I want to organize sales here. Please consider this, and if you have any suggestions how to do it, please give them to me
- In India we make life members simply from the high quality and appearance of our books with illustrations. Our society is unrivalled in this respect and this is your credit who are working so selflessly to illustrate my books
- In India we require more men from the U.S.A., our trained devotees, because India is taking a special interest in this movement on account of American participation
- In India you can't get such nice land, but there is enough good land in America. Just introduce this new type of Krishna Conscious civilization and the whole world will thank you
- In India you have got the community, Parsee community. They do not burn, neither they bury. They throw and the vultures immediately comes and eat. Then the body turns into stool
- In India, a brahmin is addressed as pandita, however rascal he may be. Because it is expected, when one is born in the brahmin family, he must be well-learned. These are the 6 occupational duties of brahmin: pathana-pathana yajana-yajana dana-pratigraha
- In India, a man born in brahmin family, and if he is - mostly they are poverty-stricken at the present moment - if he is asked that, "You can come, you take daily five rupees. You can wash the dishes," oh, he will never accept
- In India, according to Vedic civilization, a brahmana who is learned is considered to be the topmost man in human society. The pandita, who is learned and gentle, sees such a brahmana on the same level with a dog or an outcaste who eats dogs
- In India, according to Vedic civilization, one is very much afraid of taking loan from others because he has conviction, "If I do not pay, then in my next life I'll have to pay many times. So I must liquidate my debt." That's a fact
- In India, according to Vedic civilization, the marriage is done after seeing the family tradition very scrutinizingly. So here it is advised that duskulad api: In a abominable family, if there is nice girl, educated, beautiful, accept her. Accept her
- In India, actually, everyone is a devotee. They have simply been mislead by the politicians and so many things. By Lord Caitanya's mercy we are again reviving their dormant Krishna Consciousness, just as we are doing in our centers all over the world
- In India, after the scorching heat of the summer, the rainy season is very welcome. The clouds accumulating in the sky, covering the sun and the moon, become very pleasing to the people, and they expect rainfall at every moment
- In India, all the big places of pilgrimage are situated on nice rivers like the Ganges, Yamuna, Sarasvati, Narmada, Godavari and Kaveri
- In India, all the big places of pilgrimage are situated on nice rivers like the Ganges, Yamuna, Sarasvati, Narmada, Godavari and Kaveri. Ambikavana was situated on the bank of the Sarasvati, and Nanda Maharaja and all the other cowherd men went there
- In India, as in many other countries, some people follow the custom of leading a procession with a decorated dead body for the pleasure of the lamenting relatives
- In India, by this propaganda that "There is no God in temple," by this false propaganda, the temples are not closed. Still in Vrndavana you'll find five thousand temples
- In India, cow flesh is strictly forbidden. But it doesn't mean that they are vegetarian. They eat fish and goat, lamb, sometimes buffalo. But not to touch the cow.
- In India, due to her long subjugation by the foreigners, practically the so-called educated persons, they have lost their original culture. Rather, those who are not so-called educated, following the traditional rules and regulation, they are more KC
- In India, especially in Gujarat, there are many temples of Krsna known as temples of Ranacoraji. Ordinarily, if a king leaves the battlefield without fighting he is called a coward
- In India, especially in the villages, you'll find cleanliness. He has got one cloth, poverty-stricken, one cloth, not very white. Due to dirt, it is black. But that one cloth should be washed daily, still, one cloth
- In India, even in the interior villages, all the Hindu and Muslim communities used to live very peacefully by establishing a relationship between them
- In India, everyone feels for Krsna, but they have been educated in such a wrong way, they cannot accept Krsna as the Supreme, as Krsna says, mattah parataram nanyat. This is the difficulty
- In India, everyone is feeling some sort of anxiety due to the political condition, so I have given them a sort of hope that if they take to Krsna Consciousness their problems will be solved
- In India, for instance, when people were over-indulging in animal slaughter, Lord Buddha came to establish ahimsa, nonviolence to all living entities. Similarly, in the above-quoted verse BG 4.8, Sri Krsna says that He comes in order to protect the sadhus
- In India, from the very moment we stepped down from the airplane, there is good propaganda work going on. We are following the same principles as in the U.S.A. by sending Sankirtana Party and it appears to be very successful
- In India, ghee (clarified butter) is a basic ingredient in preparing many varieties of food. Since everyone wants to enjoy nice food, Carvaka Muni advised that one eat as much ghee as possible
- In India, if one's name is Krsna, we say Krishta. My younger brother, his name was Krsna. So we were calling him Krishta. So Krishta, Christian
- In India, in British period, every officers had to learn the local language. We were student in the Scottish Church College. Our all professors were Europeans, but during their service they had to learn Bengali
- In India, in the street, there are many cows. They are allowed to move free. And sometimes the foodstuff is there, and the cow immediately grabs the foodstuff and eats half of it
- In India, it is the custom that the Hindus do not ever take meals in the house of a Mohammedan, Christian, or anyone other than the house of Hindu Brahmin
- In India, of course, the traditional family is the joint family, consisting of a man & his wife, their parents & children, their in-laws, & so on. But in Kali-yuga it will be difficult to maintain a simple family of oneself, one's wife, & a few children
- In India, one can actually see that a person who takes a bath in the Ganges waters daily is almost free from all kinds of diseases
- In India, one who has taken birth in India, it is understood that in his previous birth he tried to cultivate spiritual culture; therefore he has been given the opportunity to take birth in India. India is so fortunate
- In India, still there are many saintly persons. They are simply interested with the supreme controller. So by their research work they have found out the supreme person who is simply controller but He is never controlled by anyone. That is Krsna
- In India, the average age is thirty-five years. In other countries, maybe little more. But gradually it is decreasing, and it will decrease to such a point
- In India, the catur-varnyam, the brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, so at least the most intelligent class of men, the brahmanas, they were interested to understand brahma-jijnasa. Athato brahma jijnasa. But at the present moment they are all sudras
- In India, the climatic condition is such that one can live very peacefully without being disturbed by material conditions
- In India, the country where still God consciousness is so strong, the government wants that they should forget about this God business. So this is Kali-yuga. Kali-yuga means simply for fight on trifling things and forget God
- In India, the father is supposed to get his children married. When he does so, his responsibility to the family is complete. Arranging marriages is very difficult, especially in these days
- In India, the girls, they cover their head. That is the system of married girl's shyness
- In India, the rich mercantile community or princely orders open various kinds of charitable institutions like dharmasala, anna-ksetra, atithi-sala, anathalaya, vidyapitha, etc. BG 1972 purports
- In India, there are disciplic successions coming from Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Visnu Svami and other great sages. The Vedic literatures are understood through the superior spiritual masters
- In India, there are still many yogis who assemble at the Kumba Mela. Generally they are in seclusion, but on rare occasions they come to attend special functions
- In India, there is a class of men, they are called gurus. The professional guru, rather
- In India, they're very conservative, perverted. So they accuse that "Swami Maharaja is spoiling the Hindu system of religion because he's accepting brahmin from outside." So actually they're also not aware
- In India, those who are meat-eaters, they are advised - that is also under restriction - advised to kill some lower animals like goats, even up to buffaloes. But cow killing is the greatest sin
- In India, those who are very serious about practicing yoga go to Hardwar, a very secluded place in the Himalayas, where they remain alone and follow a very restrictive process for eating and sleeping. There is no question of mating
- In India, Tirupati, I think that Deity is richer than many kings in the world. Daily, 100,000 rupees, not less, daily. (break) ...few kings who has got so much money?
- In India, to the woman, in order to become very chaste and devoted to husband, they observe the ritualistic ceremony to worship Savitri-Satyavan
- In India, we had many pandal programs and they were very successful, so you try to have one there also
- In India, when one becomes very humble, submissive, he takes a straw in his mouth. Perhaps you know. Even in the village, still it is going on
- In India, when we speak on the BG or SB, we regularly perform worship with flowers, or with other paraphernalia, as is required for worshiping. In the Sikh religion also, although they have no form of the Deity, they worship the book Granthasahib
- In India, wherever some famous temple is there, there is a tank. Now the haircutting, that lakhs of rupees are sold to foreign countries is hair. Heaps. These managers, they are selling the hairs. Very big business
- In India, women or even men, those who are in the village life . . . well, I don't say all, but most of them, they obey these things right from the very childhood itself
- In India. No, world. It is very important city. Export, import, local. Tremendous business possibility there. Many poor men goes and becomes very rich men. Bombay is very important center
- In Indian villages, whenever there is a quarrel between two parties, they go to a temple to settle the quarrel. Whatever is spoken in front of the Deity is taken to be true, for no one would dare lie before the Deity
- In Maharastra a saint of the name Saint Tukaram was also follower of Lord Caitanya and he has overflooded the whole Western India with Sankirtana Movement
- In Mathura, India, the Kesava murti is worshiped, and similarly there is a Purusottama form in Jagannatha Puri in Orissa
- In my country, India, I was also a student of Gandhi. In 1920 I joined the noncooperation movement and gave up my education, because Gandhi's program was to boycott the British educational institution
- In my opinion, it is better to travel and preach than open business. I had a nice business, one of the best in India, and Krishna took it all away, and now I am very much thankful
- In northwestern India, vaisyas are divided into various subdivisions. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura points out that they are divided as Agarwala, Kalawara and Sanwad
- In one of our community, the girl was to be married, and it is the custom in India, the bridegroom's party comes to see the girl, whether she is right. Similarly, the girl's party goes to see
- In order to establish his doctrine of nonviolence, Lord Buddha flatly refused to believe in the Vedas, and thus, later on, Sankaracarya stopped this system of religion in India and forced it to go outside India
- In our country (India) there are big, five acaryas who is practically controlling the Hindu society or the Vedic society: Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Visnu Svami. So we have to follow the footprints, the footsteps of the acaryas
- In our country, in India, if one is attacked with syphilis, then he is taken as very abominable. His character is not good, it is understood
- In our India, formerly, the brahmins, they usually become teachers. In any village, a brahmin has no other business. He sits down. He's called catuspathi, the higher scholars. But for ordinary also
- In our Krishna Consciousness Society we are training our students up to the standard of brahminical culture. So the great respect we are getting here in India and throughout the rest of the world is due to these restrictions
- In several provinces in India, especially Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and other adjoining states, there is sometimes a great scarcity of foodstuffs due to lack of rainfall. So-called scientists and economists cannot do anything about this
- In some parts of India there are still such mystical witches, who can sit on a stick and use it to fly from one place to another in a very short time. This art was known to Putana
- In some parts of India, animalistic men are still sacrificed before the goddess Kali. However, such a sacrifice is only performed by sudras and dacoits
- In some readings, the word darah is not used, but the word used then is rayah, which means "wealth." In India there are still wealthy persons who are recognized by the state as raya
- In that history of greater India, there is a, there was a fight between two cousin-brothers, the Pandavas and the Kurus. The Pandavas and Kurus, they belonged to the same family known as Kuru dynasty
- In the Amrta-pravaha-bhasya, Bhaktivinoda Thakura states that Vidyanagara is today known as Porbandar. There is another Porbandar in western India, in the province of Gujarat
- In the country known as Kamarupa she (Mayadevi) is known as Candika, in Northern India as Sarada, and in Cape Comorin as Kanyaka. Thus she is distributed according to various names in various places
- In the Hindu society since a very long time, especially since the days of India's destruction of the original culture, so many offshoots they have come out under the name of so many isms
- In the history of India there is no woman leader
- In the history of India there is opulence, but that opulence is of different kind. By nature they used to enjoy life - enough jewels, enough gold, enough silk, enough food, enough metals. You see? By natural product
- In the history of India there were many great kings like Bharata Maharaja who even at a very young age practiced tapasya
- In the holy places of India, like Vrndavana, Hardwar, Jagannatha Puri, and Prayaga, there are many great devotees, and there are still free kitchen houses for persons who desire to advance spiritually
- In the Mahabharata, or the old history of India, we see that ksatriya kings especially used to marry many wives. According to Vedic civilization there was no restriction against this, and even a man more than fifty years old could marry
- In the northern Indian high country, the kayasthas are accepted as sudras, but in Bengal the kayasthas are considered among the higher castes. It is a fact that the kayasthas came to Bengal from northern India, specifically from Kanyakubja, or Kanauj
- In the palace of Rukmini were many flower groves of mallika and cameli, which are considered the most fragrant flowers in India
- In the summer they (tapasvis) also ignite fires all around themselves and sit down in the midst of the blazes and meditate. These are examples of severe tapasya undertaken by many ascetics in India
- In the temple even living with one wife it is not possible. We have to restrict them. No wives live in the temple in India. Family. In certain circumstance, in the temple they live separately, but not in the temple building. That is strictly prohibited
- In the Vedic way of marriage a dowry is still given to the bridegroom by the father of the bride; even in poverty-stricken India there are marriages where hundreds and thousands of rupees are spent for a dowry
- In the Western countries this disturbance (of family life) gives rise to the divorce law, and in Eastern countries like India there is separation. Now this disturbance is confirmed by the new introduction of the divorce law in India
- In their temples impersonalists install deities of Lord Visnu, Lord Siva, the sun-god, goddess Durga and sometimes Lord Brahma also, and this system is continuing at present in India under the guise of the Hindu religion
- In this age people are very short-lived. In India the average duration of life is thirty-five years. In your country it may be more than that. But actually, whereas your grandfather lived for 100 years, you cannot. These things are changing
- In this country it is not possible that the Brahmacharies or Sannyasins shall beg from door to door, as it is the custom in India. But at the same time we require some money for conducting our business of our society
- In this earthly planet there are so many countries - America, Canada, United States, Mexico, India, China
- In this old age, wherever I go I take with me one personal assistant. This means if I go to India, I will have to take my secretary, and that means two return tickets also, as well as other expenses
- In this planet also, different places have got different opulence. Just like in India you will find throughout the whole year brilliant sunshine, and in Western countries, in London, hellish - always moist, raining, and cloudy
- In this verse the most significant point is that although King Prthu's residential quarters were in India, between the rivers Ganges and Yamuna, the demigods also participated in the great sacrifice he performed
- In this way (by breaking the statues and images of God during the Hindu-Muslim riots in India) they (Hindu and Muslim) were both thinking - We've killed the Hindu God. We've killed the Moslem God, etc
- In this way Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed His pastimes. Coming to the western part of India, He bestowed good fortune upon the yavanas and mlecchas
- In this way of six Life members daily, we shall very quickly expand our Society in India. This Life Membership is the support of our Movement here, so you must stress this program especially. That will be our success
- In this way the Lord went to the extreme southern part of India, and He converted all the provinces to Vaisnavism
- In those days, India was more or less following the principle of smarta-vidhi. Srila Sanatana Gosvami had to keep pace with this, and his Hari-bhakti-vilasa was compiled with this in mind
- In Vrndavana there are five thousand temples, Krsna. Five thousand, ten thousand people are going. You know in India there are so many pilgrimages. So do you think all these temples established by our predecessor, they are all fools?
- In Vrndavana we find that devotees chant Radharani's name more often than Krsna's. Wherever we go in India we will find devotees calling - Jaya Radhe
- In Western countries, if you can eat meat you think that, "I am very much fortunate." Similarly, in India still, in villages also, they think that - If we can eat more ghee, we are very fortunate
- In Western countries, younger generation go to so many svamis and yogis who come from India. But there also they are frustrated. But here they are finding the real substance. That you can ask any one of them; they will explain how they have come
- In your country I know that there is no such disease as typhoid, but India there is a fever called typhoid
- In, in the market you'll have so many commentaries of the Bhagavad-gita. In India we have counted, there are about six hundred and forty-five different commentaries of Bhagavad-gita
- Indeed, gods have become very cheap, being especially imported from India. people in other countries are fortunate that gods are not manufactured there, but in India gods are manufactured practically every day
- Indeed, Vedic culture prescribes tapasya, and one can see many tapasvis undergoing austerities in India. In the winter they stand in water up to their necks and meditate
- India became divided, Pakistan and Hindustan. Actually India was one, but we see now it is Pakistan. And some day another "stan" will be divided. So this is going on. So sarva-loka, in all planets, all the planets, actually that is God's place
- India being exploited for so many thousands of years and their standard of civilization deteriorated, the condition is now . . . still, India's position is unique, still, in this fallen condition
- India has good income from Arabian tourist
- India has got so much great, exalted knowledge given by Krsna. India should learn it and teach it to the whole world. That is India's business. Paropakara
- India has got such exalted vast knowledge of spiritual life, and that is locked up. We are imitating the Western dog-dancing. This I wanted to bring to your notice
- India has many holy places of pilgrimage, such as Gaya, Benares, Mathura, Prayaga, Vrndavana, Haridvara, Ramesvaram and Jagannatha Puri, and still people go there by the hundreds and thousands
- India has many sacred rivers, such as the Ganges, Yamuna, Narmada, Kaveri and Krsna, and simply by bathing in these rivers people are liberated and become Krsna conscious
- India has the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, but unfortunately, for some reason or other, this sublime knowledge of the science of God was not distributed throughout the world, although it is meant for all of human society
- India hasn't got to learn from anywhere else. Everything is there. Let him (one who has taken birth in India) understand the whole philosophy of life perfectly and distribute this. This is India's mission. So I have tried alone on this point
- India is advertised very poor country. But still, majority of the people in India, they are happy. People do not know. Although materially they haven't got possession...
- India is enriched with Vedic knowledge, and those who are born in India, they should take advantage of this facility, especially those who are in the higher topmost ranks, the brahmanas, the ksatriyas, the vaisyas. Especially the brahmanas
- India is meant for para-upakara, not for exploiting others. That is not India's business. That may be for the fools and rascals in other countries. But in India is dedicated. Therefore in India Krsna comes
- India is now divided, Pakistan and Hindustan. So if we actually try to understand Krsna and Krsna consciousness, there is solution for all the problems of society, of government, and everything
- India is so fortunate. They are still ready to assimilate the instruction of Krsna. The land is so fortunate. So we must give them the chance. That is our duty. That is government's duty. That is teacher's duty. That is father's duty
- India is still alive in that sense. We have seen it. We have experience. Wherever we have chanted, people have come
- India is still for monarchy, not for democracy. They would like. If they get ideal king, they'll accept it. So if you can, and if she's serious, let her become ideal. The people will worship him like God
- India now has become eager to do away with the real God and replace Him with many fake Gods. This is the greatest misfortune for India
- India should have given the spiritual knowledge to the Western countries instead of competing with industry. And that is a fact
- India was under subjugation by so many foreigners: Mohammedans, Greeks, and so many others. Lastly, the Mohammedans ruled for eight hundred years. And the Britishers ruled for two hundred years. So now they have got independence, India
- India you will find in the bazaars. There is crowd, and the cows enter there, and they eat the vegetables to their heart's content. But he is not punishable. Still the cow is not punishable
- India's basic principle was village life. Now that is lost
- India's culture depends on the acaryas. Just like Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Sankaracarya, Nimbarka, Visnu Svami, like that. So in the Bhagavad-gita it is said, acaryopasanam. So India's culture is still, up to date, it is followed by the acaryas
- India's original culture and religion is being spread all over the world, and out of their religious feeling if they come to stay in Vrindaban especially, why the government should harass them
- India's position is different now. India has practically no milk, and no food. Due to our leaders' mismanagement, there is no milk. India is depending on your milk powder sent by Australia or by Europe. There is no milk
- India's position is that they have lost their own culture, and they could not assimilate the western culture. But in the western countries, if they accept this Vedic process of civilization, then they will again take it
- India's position is very precarious, because they have left their own culture & they're trying to imitate the Western culture, which they cannot due to so many circumstances, & therefore they're put into, between the horns of Scylla & Charybdis. You see
- India's position is very precarious, because they have left their own culture and they're trying to imitate the Western culture, which they cannot, due to so many circumstances, & therefore they're put into . . . between the horns of Scylla and Charybdis
- India's wealth, formerly, it was depending on these things: gold, silver, jewel, pearls, silk - not industry. And from the forest, from the herbs, from food grains - all natural product
- India, eighty percent people, they are vegetarian. They are living very nicely. They are eating sufficient food grain and fruits and milk and milk product. God has given us so many. So why should we maintain slaughterhouse, killing other animals
- India, of course, Krsna consciousness movement is known since a very, very long time. At least, everyone in India knows what is Krsna consciousness, and he may not be seriously engaged in Krsna consciousness, but even a street man knows what is Krsna
- India, they have given up the real religious system, sanatana-dharma, or varnasrama-dharma. Fictitiously, they have accepted a hodgepodge thing which is called Hinduism. Therefore there is trouble
- India, this is strictly forbidden. There is no such thing in the public street a young man can embrace or kiss. No. That is not possible. Then it will be criminal
- Indians were called by the Muslims on the other side of the River Sind, or Sindu, and they pronounce Sind as Hind. Therefore they called India as Hindustan, means on the other side of Sindu, or Hindu River. Otherwise, it has no Vedic reference
- Instead of taking money from my disciples, I want to convert the money into books on this Krishna Consciousness Movement and get them into India without any payment. Kindly give me necessary permission for this noble activity
- Is it not a Hindi word? Kuruksetra is a name of place. So what is the difficulty? Why do you interpret that Kuruksetra means this body? This rascaldom has killed the whole spiritual atmosphere of India
- ISKCON is a bona fide religious society strictly following the principles described in the Vedic scriptures and practiced in India for thousands of years. Our basic beliefs are as follows
- It appears that in those days in the western part of India there were many small kingdoms, ruled by the Yadu dynasty, Andhaka dynasty, Vrsni dynasty and Bhoja dynasty
- It does not matter whether one is born in India or outside India. Those who are naturally very heroic and who tend to rule over others are called ksatriyas
- It doesn't matter whether it is in India or America or Australia. Any human being, if he tries and if he reads the scriptures - never mind, Bible, Bhagavad-gita, Bhagavata - then he will understand God
- It has now been arranged that Geetopanisad shall be now printed in India and therefore you are requested to send me back all the corrected forms of manuscripts on receipt of this letter
- It has proven to be very troublesome to send money from America to India, but you can get books as many as you like, sell them there to the public at large
- It is a source of great pleasure for me to hear that you are seriously undertaking publication of the abridged version of Bhagavad-gita As It Is in India
- It is a special facility for all the people of India that they can bathe in the water of the Ganges at so many places of pilgrimage
- It is a system in India that if somebody's invited to take prasadam, he takes something, some fruits, some sweetmeats, something, and offers to the Deity. Of course, that is distributed amongst the prasadam, but it is the system
- It is a system, still current in India, that when a child creates too much of a disturbance, his mother may bind him up in one place. That is a very common system, so Mother Yasoda adopted it
- It is customary for the priests of temples in India not even to touch outsiders or enter the Deity room after having been touched. This is a very important item in temple worship
- It is customary in India that all the followers of the Vedic scriptures bathe in the Ganges or the sea as soon as there is a lunar or solar eclipse
- It is indicated that this earth is divided into seven islands, which are the seven continents, and it is understood that on each and every island there are similar forms, but at the present moment these are found only in India
- It is meant for the human being and - do not mind it - it appears that rarely a human being is found there to take up the responsibility in India. They're talking all nonsense. The real message of Indian culture is Krsna consciousness
- It is my opinion that considering all points, we will do best to move Gurukula to India
- It is not dependence; it is protection. So there should be responsible father, responsible husband, responsible sons to keep woman very happy. In India still it is going on
- It is not necessary that the rules and regulations followed in India be exactly the same as those in Europe, America and other Western countries. Simply imitating without effect is called niyamagraha
- It is not that the brahmanas are to be found in India only. Any intelligent class of men, anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness, he is brahmin
- It is not that this system (of four divisions of human society namely brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudras) refers to the perverted caste system in India
- It is not that without meat-eating, we cannot live. Thousands and thousands in India, eighty percent, they are strictly vegetarian. That does not mean they are dying
- It is not uncommon in India for a man to give up all material engagements, to leave his home & family & take the renounced order, sannyasa, & after meditating for some while, begin doing philanthropic work by opening some hospitals or engaging in politics
- It is not uncommon in India for a person to go to a svami and say, "Swamiji, could you give me some medicine? I am suffering from this disease." He thinks that because a doctor is too expensive, he can go to a svami who can work miracles
- It is now the duty of the leading men of India to consider the importance of this (Krsna consciousness) movement and train many Indians to go outside of India to preach this cult
- It is now the duty of the leading men of India to consider the importance of this movement and train many Indians to go outside of India to preach this cult
- It is only the less intelligent persons not well versed in the history of the world who say that observance of separation of female from male is an introduction of the Mohammedan period in India
- It is regrettable that in India, where these literatures are available, people are not interested. They are interested in Marxist literature but not Srimad-Bhagavatam, and this is India's misfortune
- It is said that from Madhavacarya the sampradaya known in western India as the Vallabhacarya sampradaya has begun
- It is said that the Bengali kayasthas were originally engaged as servants of brahmanas who came from North India to Bengal. Later, the clerical class became the kayasthas in Bengal. Now there are many mixed classes known as kayastha
- It is said that the living spirit is eternal, all-pervading, unchangeable, indestructible, and so forth. What is known in India as sanatana-dharma, or "the eternal religion," is meant for this living spirit
- It is so pure that if you apply on some impure place, it becomes pure. That's a fact. In India still, especially in villages, they mop the floor with cow dung, and it is so nice and so fresh. You can try
- It is still, such kind of astrology there in India. They will speak what you were in your last birth and what you are now, and what you will be in your next birth. That is astrology. So still there are Bhrgu-samhita
- It is the custom of India from a time immemorial that a citizen of the state would approach the king, to express his grievances for redemption & the king would very kindly consider his case as duty bound & give him necessary relief by the royal judgement
- It is the custom still now, India, that when you go to see some Deity or a Vaisnava, sadhu, you bring some, one misti rice or atta; you give them as contribution
- It is the duty of all grhasthas to invite a sannyasi to their homes if he happens to be in the neighborhood or village. This very system is still current in India
- It is the duty of everyone, especially one born in the land of Bharatavarsa, India, to make his life successful by taking advantage of this Vedic literature
- It is the duty of family members, especially the son, to offer oblations to the demigod Aryama or to Visnu. From time immemorial in India the son of a dead man goes to Gaya & at a Visnu temple there, offers oblations for the benefit of his ghostly father
- It is the greatest misfortune that in India many so-called missionary workers are spreading irreligion in the name of religion. They claim an ordinary human being to be God and recommend meat-eating for everyone, including so-called sannyasis
- It is the history, history of greater India, Mahabharata. They take it as stories, as mythology. That is nonsense. It is history. Mahabharata is the history. So we take it as history
- It is the long-standing tradition of the Vedic system that a faithful wife dies along with her husband. This is called saha-marana. In India this system was prevalent even to the date of British occupation
- It is the statement of Carvaka Muni that one should beg, borrow or steal money to purchase ghee and enjoy life (rnam krtva ghrtam pibet). Thus even the greatest atheist of India recommends that one eat ghee, not meat
- It is very appropriate to compare a powerful king like Prthu to a lion. In India, ksatriya kings are still called singh, which means "lion."
- It is very encouraging to learn that you are so enthusiastic to sell BTG. I consider sale of BTG so valuable because in the beginning I worked for BTG day and night alone in India. I still remember the hardship for pushing on this BTG
- It is within our experience that the politicians in India do not quit their positions until death. This was not the practice in olden days
- It may be noted that in India, especially in Visnu temples, the system is that apart from the big Deity who is permanently situated in the main area of the temple, there is another set of smaller Deities which are taken in procession in the evening
- It was decided that "You (Pariksit) hear Srimad-Bhagavatam the seven days." The Sukadeva Gosvami spoke, & he, listened from Sukadeva, and he became perfect within seven days. Therefore in India they observe this Bhagavat-saptaha. That is simply official
- It will be glory of India if we preach the message of Krsna, Bhagavad-gita. They're accepting. And I wish that the Balaji's estate, Balaji's money, should be spent for spreading Krsna consciousness, not for any other purpose. That is my request
- Just like in our India, especially in Bengal, sometimes they say a dull-brained man, "Oh, you have got cow dung within your brain. You have no brain substance." Actually a man becomes intelligent by the greater amount of brain substance
- Just like king, Maharaja Bharata, under whose name India is called Bharata-varsa. He was the emperor of the world, but at the age of twenty-four years only he gave up everything - his young wife, young children
- Just like nowadays, party. India is suffering in party politics. And they did not like to give importance to monarchy. They wanted to rule according to their whims, and therefore the whole scheme failed
- Just like some of my Godbrothers wanted to take men from India to London but the attempt was a failure, but when I trained up local men then it was successful
- Just like the Ramakrishna Mission, who are advertising that they have done wonderful importance. They are now finished. They are simply making false propaganda in India
- Just like we are living in a state, either in England or in Germany or in America or in India, there are state rules and regulations. Good citizen means who are abiding by the state laws. Similarly, a devotee means who is abiding by the laws given by God
- Just like when there was political movement in India, the Britishers, they presented so many problems - just like the untouchables, the Muhammadans and so many things
- Just like you saw these boys and girls. I have not imported them from India, but they have taken this movement very seriously, and they will take it, because it appeals to the soul directly
- Just see these boys, these girls. I have not imported from India. I came here single-handed with seven dollars. I have got hundreds of students like that. How they have changed, their character, their behavior. I have given them life
- King Bharata - after whom India is called Bharata-varsa - was also a pure devotee, and at an early age he left his household life, his devoted beautiful wife, his son, friends and kingdom just as if they were stool
- Kirata: A province of old Bharata-varsa mentioned in the Bhisma-parva of Mahabharata. Generally the Kiratas are known as the aboriginal tribes of India, and in modern days the Santal Parganas in Bihar and Chota Nagpur might comprise the old province
- Krishna appreciates very much when His devotee becomes attached to Him in this way. Yes, the cooperative spirit of working together without any argument is especially prominent in Mayapur, more than other places in India
- Krsna and Balarama strictly followed those regulative principles while living under the instruction of their spiritual master, Sandipani Muni, who was a resident of Avantipura, in the northern Indian district of Ujjain
- Krsna appeared Himself five thousand years ago in India, and He exhibited His godly qualities, established Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead by His various activities, and still people are dying to see God. That is very regrettable
- Krsna being richly dressed, richly fed, it will be reflected on you. Krsna is not in necessity, but we should dress Krsna with the first-quality ornaments. In India, the Deities, They are given very, very valuable jewelry
- Krsna Consciousness cultural movement is not actually Hindu movement, but originally it is India cultural movement. Krsna does not claim Himself either as Hindu or anyone else, but He claims to be the father of all living entities
- Krsna consciousness is applicable anywhere and everywhere. It is not that it is monopoly of India or for the Hindus. No. And actually it is being accepted, practically, in all countries, even from all religious sect
- Krsna consciousness movement is not limited in India. It is for the whole world
- Krsna does not say that. He says "according to quality and work." He never says "according to birth." So this so-called caste system in India is a false notion of catur-varnyam, the system of four social divisions
- Krsna five thousand years ago appeared on this planet, but still He's famous. His worship is going on still. In India there are hundreds and thousands of temples like this. Not only in India, now outside India there are least hundreds of temples like this
- Krsna is accepted higher authority not only by us, by big acaryas like Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, those who are guiding our Vedic life in India, Caitanya. So Krsna is accepted the highest authority
- Krsna is not a Hindu god; He is God. But He appeared in India. He remained in the Vedic culture. Lord Buddha was also Hindu. And he was in Vedic culture. Later on he spread his own mission. That is also Hindu culture, ahimsa, nonviolence
- Krsna is not just for India. He is for everyone, because He is God
- Krsna is the supreme authority, accepted by all acaryas. In our India the acaryas are Ramanujacarya, Sankaracarya, Madhvacarya. They all accepted Krsna, the Supreme
- Krsna recommended evam parampara-praptam. We have to receive knowledge through the disciplic succession. Mahajana-gatah. You cannot manufacture. This concoction has killed the spiritual life of India. "You can think any way; I can think in my way"
- Krsna's abode in the transcendental kingdom is called Goloka Vrndavana. The Vrndavana in India is that same Vrndavana descended on this earth. When Krsna descends Himself by His own internal potency, His dhama, or abode, also descends
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami considered the Vrndavana in India to be as good as the Vrndavana in the spiritual sky - CC Intro
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami considered Vrndavana in India to be as good as the Vrndavana in the spiritual sky
- Kurma-ksetra is situated on the line of the Southern Railway in India. One has to go to the railway station known as Srikakulam Road. From this station one goes eight miles to the east to reach the holy place known as Kurmacala
- Kuruksetra is still there in India, but these so-called learned scholars, politicians, they're squeezing out some meaning out of Kuruksetra. What is the necessity? Kuruksetra is a place where actually, historically the battle took place
- Lampaṭa, just like a debauched husband sometimes entreats the good wife & the wife tolerates. There are many instances, such thing, India still, but that is diminishing. Of course, if we say so many stories, it will take... But there are many examples
- Last time when I was in India you told me that Lalita Prasad wanted to see me and according to his desire I saw him. And the proposal was accepted by him. Now it appears he has changed his mind so what can be done?
- Last year when I was in India, I thought that Acyutananda would publish them in India but this boy could not help me in the least, and the net result is that I have lost my typewriter, and Rs 2000 are now in the dark well of Hitsaran
- Later the British government made it a policy to divide the Hindus and the Muslims, and thus they maintained ill feelings between them. The result was that India was divided into Pakistan and Hindustan
- Lazy fool is better than the active fool. Just like the monkey, it is active fool. In the Western country, you don't see many monkeys. But in India, there are many monkeys. As soon as a monkey will come, he will create some mischief
- Let us cooperate. You'll see how I can change the face of India. And this is the only platform where real United Nation can be made. That is practical. That is practical. That United Nation has failed
- Live carefully, it is India, we must live according to the time, place and circumstances, that is intelligence
- Lord Balarama next came to the bank of the river Narmada, the biggest river in central India. On the bank of this sacred Narmada is a pilgrimage spot known as Mahismati-puri
- Lord Brahma is worshiped in marriage ceremonies. In India even today, wedding invitations are still issued with a picture of Lord Brahma on the face of the card
- Lord Caitanya has said those born in India have the special responsibility to spread Krsna Consciousness all over the world
- Lord Caitanya, who started this movement five hundred years ago in Bengal, India, He immediately informs you that our real identity, real constitutional position, is that we are part and parcel of Krsna, or God
- Lord Ramacandra's kingdom is still existing, and recently there was a political party in India named the Ramarajya party, which wanted to establish a kingdom resembling the kingdom of Rama
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu preached this system of Bhagavata-dharma, and He recommended that all those who were born in India should take the responsibility of broadcasting the messages of Lord Sri Krsna, primarily the message of Bhagavad-gita
- Madhvacarya’s devotion to the Lord and his erudite scholarship became known throughout India. Consequently the owners of the Srngeri-matha, established by Sankaracarya, became a little perturbed
- Maha means greater, and bharata means India. Mahabharata
- Mahabharata is called, according to Vedic authorities, as the history of India. I do not know who first designated it as an "epic." That is the cause of the falldown of Hindu culture. They did not believe in their Vedic literatures presented by Vyasadeva
- Mahabharata is the history of India. Maha means great, and bharata means India. And you see, Mahabharata is the history of two royal families fighting in the Battle of Kuruksetra and politics and diplomacy
- Manda-bhagyah: and most unfortunate. Everyone is practically unfortunate. Nobody has certainty what he will eat tomorrow, or in the evening. Everywhere. Don't think only it is only in India
- Many good men such as yourself are required here in India to complete the works that are started in various places such as Vrndavana, Mayapur, Hyderabad, Delhi, like that. But this is difficult work, and it will require very strong devotees
- Many ksatriya kings fled from India to other parts of the world at that time, and according to the authority of the Mahabharata, the kings of Egypt originally migrated from India because of Parasurama's program of chastisement
- Many monkeys in India were caught and sent to Europe so that their sex glands could serve as replacements for those of old people. Those who actually descend from the monkeys are interested in expanding their aristocratic families through sex
- Many sages, including Sankaracarya, have composed prayers in praise of the Ganges, and the land of India itself has become glorious because such rivers as the Ganges, Yamuna, Godavari, Kaveri, Krsna and Narmada flow there
- Material facilities, I think you American boys and girls, you have got material facilities better than any other nation. At least better than India, that I can say by my experience
- Mayavadi sannyasis generally call themselves jagad-guru, the spiritual master of the whole world. Many consider themselves worshipable by everyone, although they do not even go outside India or their own district
- Mayavadi sannyasis in India are limited in their experience to a small town or village, or perhaps to the country of India. Nor do such sannyasis have sufficient education
- Mayavadi sannyasis in India are very much accustomed to declaring themselves jagad-gurus, teachers of the world, although they have no information of the outside world
- Maybe number of the atheist are now greater than before, but there was great atheist in India. There are six kinds of philosophical theses. Out of those, atheism is also one of them
- Modern advanced in science people, they think: "Oh, what is the use of asking bread in the church? Why not take to industry?" That is their aim. In India, especially, this is the situation
- More than five thousand years ago, while Saint Vidura was traveling the earth as a pilgrim, India was known as Bharatavarsa, as it is known even today
- Most people in India are still inclined to bathe in the Ganges, and there are many places where they can do so
- My body could not be used in the service of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore although it took birth in the land of India, this body has been useless
- My cultural mission as I have tried to explain in my books Srimad Bhagwatam has been highly appreciated by all responsible quarters in India including the Late Prime Minister Lal Bhadur Shastri
- My Guru Maharaja's desire and Caitanya Mahaprabhu's prediction is now being fulfilled. At least, it has begun to be fulfilled. So it is a genuine movement, authorized movement, and India's original culture
- My immediate program in India will be for one month at Radha Damodara Temple in Vrndavana up till November 15, where we shall be holding class on the Nectar of Devotion
- My manager supplied morphia preparation to an unlicensed doctor, medical practitioner. In India there are many so-called medical practitioners. They are compounders, and after . . . because there is scarcity of medical man
- My mission is that "You Americans chant Hare Krsna so that the people of India will see, 'Oh, Americans, they are also chanting. Why not ourselves?'"
- My only request is: the leaders of India should now come forward and join this movement and take this advantage of doing good to the whole world, para-upakara
- My program in India is not yet fixed up. I may go out in December to Honolulu. Anyway Yasomatinandana dasa has written you to come, if he has written you to come, then you can come immediately with the Hindi typewriter
- My program is to visit some of our U.S.A. branches for some time, keeping Los Angeles as my home base and then to return to India by Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day
- My spiritual master used to say that if you take a langera mango, which is a first-class, topmost quality mango in India, very costly, very sweet and very tasteful, and go from door to door and try to distribute it freely, people will doubt
- My students have been sent to India specifically to study in the Bengali, Sanskrit, and Hindi languages, because we have to present to the world so many English translated authentic literatures on Vaishnavism
- My suggestion to you for going to Pakistan was on the following point: if any mission goes to Pakistan from India, they will not allow
- My translation of the Srimad-Bhagavatam (published in three volumes first canto) is recognized by the Government of India both central and states education department
- Naimisaranya is a place in India still existing.This place is situated near Lucknow in the northern India provinces, a very nice place, sanctified place. Still people go and find peace for spiritual meditation
- Naimisaranya is a very famous and sacred forest in northern India, where all the rsis, the sages, generally go to aid their spiritual advancement of life. This Srimad-Bhagavatam was first discussed in this age in that forest
- Narmada is a sacred river in India, like Ganges
- Natural antiseptic water. Any septic, you simply wash with water, it will be antiseptic, natural. In India even the poorest man who has no sufficient cloth, but he will daily wash the cloth twice
- Neither I have got any acquaintance with them, nor I am getting any help from India's side in this great propaganda work of Krishna Consciousness Movement which is actually felt by the local people as a major spiritual revolutionary movement
- Nepalese. They are very brave. Sikhs are very brave. They're martial. And another martial race, Jats. They are ksatriyas. Oh, they can fight. When Britishers possessed India they organized this military with Sikhs especially, Jats, and Gurkhas
- Never mind if you do not get the visa for India. We can preach anywhere. We have to preach both in heaven and hell
- Next year I am contemplating to send a World Sankirtana Party, therefore I wish to have a nice place in India either in Vrndavana or at Prayag Sangam. So I shall be glad to know if you can help us in this connection
- Nine different process of Krsna consciousness movement is being pushed on by the members of Krsna conscious Society all over the world. And we have opened also here in Bombay, the most important city of India
- No poetry, no science, no philosophy, no religion, no culture, no knowledge we have today can be said to be superior to that we find 5,000 years or more ago in India
- Nobody is allowed to study law unless he is a graduate of the degree college. At least in India that is the law
- Nobody says that, "This (Hare Krsna) is a word from India. Why shall I chant the Indian name?" No. It is God's name. God is neither Indian nor American nor otherwise, neither Christian nor Hindu nor Muslim. God is God
- Not more than twenty-five years ago, and perhaps it is still current, parents in India used to consult horoscope of the boy and girl to see whether there would be factual union in their psychological conditions. These considerations are very important
- Not only in America but also in India, none of them can be strictly said to be authoritative because in almost every one of them the commentator has expressed his own opinions without touching the spirit of Bhagavad-gita as it is. BG 1972 Introduction
- Not only it (Krsna Consciousness) is authoritative; it is accepted by millions and thousands. At least in India there are many. And in the Western countries also, they are also accepting because it is scientific. They are not fools and rascals
- Now as I am going to send the Gitopanisad to India for printing, please see the 1st and 2nd chapters finally if there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Also mark the verses with diacritic signs as they are in Dr. Radhakrishnan's book
- Now coming to the question of Gitopanisad, I am sorry that the book is not yet ready for printing although I have finished the book I want to get it immediately printed either there in U.S.A. or in India but the editing is not yet finished
- Now everyone is having atomic weapon, just like India has now got. That means by nature's course, they are preparing for war, and "I put my atomic bomb on your head, and you put on my head. You die; I die." That's all
- Now I am in Dallas and the climate here is very suitable with plenty of good sunshine. I shall remain here for a few days and if my health improves there will be no need for my going back to India
- Now I shall require some Sankirtana instruments from India and three men to assist me in my missionary activities
- Now I think that you can join me as the next GBC secretary for travelling with me by my side. If I go to New York in the first week of April you can meet me there, or if I go to South Africa you can meet me first here in India
- Now I want to send a batch of trained disciples into India, and you will see how they are absorbed in this Sankirtana movement
- Now in India we require very good men, men who are steady, who follow the rules and regulations and who are willing to work hard
- Now India has learned, imitated the western countries. Now there is war between India and Pakistan. Otherwise there was no such thing. During two wars between the Pakistan and Hindustan, unnecessarily, without any profit, millions of people were killed
- Now India is atheist. Very tragic position
- Now India is known as a poverty-stricken country, and whenever anyone from America or another opulent country goes to India, he sees many people lying by the footpaths for whom there are not even provisions for two meals a day
- Now India there is scarcity, scarcity of foodstuff. But the same India was producing so much grains, even during British time, that many thousands and thousand tons of rice were being exported from India to other countries
- Now India's position is: it is neither spiritual nor material. That's all. Dui noukay pa. Just like it is, the example is, if there are two boats and if you place your leg this boat and that boat, the position is very precarious
- Now our next program will be to lead a Sankirtana Party round over the world. It is already advertised in India from mouth to mouth that I am coming there next year with forty disciples
- Now the whole world is suffering for drought. There is scarcity of rain. And if the rain is stopped for one or two years more, there will be havoc. It is already there, havoc. In India there is famine, because they are more, mostly agriculturists
- Now we have come to establish some branches in India. We invite everyone. There is no discrimination that "You are such, you are such." Anyone can join us
- Now we have seen that many foreign visitors are coming to India to see the sacred places like Vrindaban, and the KLM Airlines has requested us to guide their tourists in some scheme
- Now, one thing is I understand that in the past you were visiting Lalita Prasadji and that you may also be planning to continue to visit him when you return to India. This is not approved by me and I request you not to go to see him any more
- Now, there must be sufficient stock of each book in our India warehouse to supply all of these orders immediately. I have written one letter to both Tejyas and Gopala Krishna in this connection
- Nowadays I am not keeping very good health and very soon I may return for a change in India
- Nowadays India, like the rest of the world, has also given up the real religious system - sanatana-dharma, or varnasrama-dharma. In India they have accepted a hodgepodge thing called "Hinduism." So there is trouble
- Nowadays, not so much in India, but in the Western countries it is very usual thing - a young man is embracing another young woman or kissing. So there is no fault. But according to Vedic civilization, this is fault - because it'll give chance to others
- Nowadays, of course, Malaysia is growing rubber trees because there is a good demand for rubber, but formerly Malaysia grew sandalwood on a large scale because there was a great demand for sandalwood, especially in India
- Nrsimha Prayers, 1970 - Nrsimhadeva will give you protection in my absence. I am now going to Japan to get some books printed personally and after that my program is to go to India
- Of course, in your country it is cold country. In India, common people, they go to the river and take bath very nicely, because it is a tropical climate; there is no trouble. So you can cleanse your body
- Of rivers, the greatest in India is the Mother Ganges. BG 1972 purports
- Old history you will find that India, they had got their own ships for exporting spices to Greece and other countries of Europe. The history is there. And they were supplying muslin cloth, even just before the British period, Muslim period
- On behalf of the Pulindas, Alexander the Great conquered India, and on behalf of the Abhiras, Muhammad Ghori conquered India. These Abhiras were also formerly ksatriyas within the brahminical culture, but they gave up the connection
- On very large roads in India, especially in Uttar Pradesh, there are hundreds and thousands of nima trees
- On your approval of this scheme, I may at once go to India along with some of my American and European disciples to do the needful
- On your way to India you can perform Kirtan in some important cities of Europe, and then go to Africa, Kenya
- Once a well-known swami in India was asked whether God or providence is responsible for the sufferings of humanity. The swami replied that these sufferings were all God's pastimes or lila
- Once, while wandering in this way, he (King Puranjana) saw on the southern side of the Himalayas, in a place named Bharata-varsa (India), a city that had nine gates all about and was characterized by all auspicious facilities
- Once, while wandering in this way, he saw on the southern side of the Himalayas, in a place named Bharata-varsa (India), a city that had nine gates all about and was characterized by all auspicious facilities
- One can cultivate a garden. Anyone who has land-in India, at least, any poor man has a certain amount of land-can utilize that for Krsna by growing flowers to offer Him. He can sow tulasi plants. BG 1972 purports
- One German scholar who became a devotee of Godhead in India said that material science had already made laudable progress in duplicating the mystic powers of the yogis
- One great stalwart acarya of India, Sankaracarya, whose name you might have heard, he says, "Narayana, God, the Supreme Lord, He is beyond this creation. He's not one of the created beings." You try to understand
- One has to consider the particular time, country and conveniences. What is convenient in India may not be convenient in the Western countries
- One may not necessarily be born again as a human being, or in America, or in India, or even on this planet. There is no certainty; it all depends on our work
- One of our life members here in India, and our good patron as well, has requested some back issues of BTG. So please send him as many back issues as are available
- One pana is eighty kadis, or small conchshells. Formerly, even fifty or sixty years ago, there was no paper currency in India. Coins were generally made not of base metal but of gold, silver and copper
- One should take bath three times. In India there is no difficulty. Even in Western countries you have got very good arrangement, hot water and cold water
- One who has taken birth in the land of Bharata-bhumi, India, should take full advantage of his birth. He should become completely well versed in the knowledge of the Vedas and spiritual culture & should distribute the experience of KC all over the world
- One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India (Bharata-varsa) should make his life successful & work for the benefit of all other people
- One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India (Bharata-varsa) should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people
- Others are toiling, and we are getting money by some dress. That's all. They are getting money by laboring hard, and we are getting money... In India, mostly the sannyasis, they do that. The priests also, they do that
- Others rascals may be misled, but in India at least there must be an ideal class. That I want. Why India's name should be defamed?
- Our aim of starting a centre in India is to attract Indian youngsters by American devotees. Combined together we shall be able to make a wide circulation of the Krishna Consciousness movement
- Our business is to become a Brahmin. Don't think that Brahmins are produced only in India. No. Brahmin can be produced any part of the world. Simply by knowing Brahma, he can become Brahmin
- Our institution is mainly for the devotees and as it is the custom in India, devotees are maintained by the general public, who are engaged in materialistic activities for sense gratification
- Our life members in India must be kept alive. This literature will keep them alive, plus kirtana
- Our life membership program has been very successful here in India and we want to initiate this program whole-heartedly in all our centers. So you should certainly try to make life members also
- Our mission is that especially those who have taken their birth in India that it is their responsibility to become perfect in the science of Krsna Consciousness and to deliver everyone in the world
- Our mission is to preach Gita. The best thing is that if we can conjointly preach, we can benefit the whole of India, and the whole of the world. Vinobaji is very respected and they can do a great deal to help our preaching mission
- Our movement is based on this Bhagavad-gita, the authorized book of knowledge, and approved by big acaryas in India - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Lord Caitanya. So you are all responsible representative of papers. Try to understand this movement
- Our movement is revolutionary to so called religious principles, gurus and swamis. This fact is being appreciated even in India
- Our only request is that India should not be misled by imitating the Western type of civilization
- Our preachers are very much enthusiastic but in India they have got a language difficulty. If you cooperate with us along with other learned devotees, we can immediately take up preaching work in India with great enthusiasm
- Our preaching on the basis of Personal God is almost revolutionary in India also. Last night somebody said that Aurobindo is greater than Krsna. So this is the world situation
- Our program requires the assistance of both Sriman Wayne Gunderson and his wife Srimati Citralekha Devi Dasi, who are my initiated disciples. My request is that these two, husband and wife, be granted visa for coming to India
- Our proposal is, that is first-class religion which teaches the followers to go back home, back to Godhead. It does not matter whether it is Christianity or Muhammadanism. Just like if I want to return to India, I shall see which plane goes faster & safe
- Our real interest is in the western countries. The trouble in India is we cannot preach. There are language difficulties and the people think they already know everything
- Our tongue is never satisfied. But it is not unusual in India to see a yogitake only a small spoonful of rice a day and nothing more. Nor can one execute the meditational yoga system if one sleeps too much or does not sleep sufficiently
- Our touring program here in India is going on and I have just come from Allahabad where we attended the Ardha Kumbha Mela. Our camp was very highly appreciated by all the big officials and they have said that ours was the most successful presentation
- Our traveling each time, lakhs of rupees, I am traveling. But one man cannot see once in life London or New York from India. I see four times in a year. So I have no problem - because Krsna is there
- Out of many sinful people, many so-called incarnations of God are emerging. This is a very regrettable situation, especially in India
- Pandya-desa is situated in the southern part of India known as Kerala and Cola. In all these areas there were many kings with the title Pandya who ruled over Madurai and Ramesvara. In the Ramayana the Tamraparni River is mentioned
- Pariksit Maharaja further explains in this verse (SB 6.1.10) that kvacit nivartate abhadrat. Abhadra means unclean, wrong things. Bhadra means right thing. Bhadra and abhadra. In India bhadra means gentleman and abhadra means uncivilized man
- Particularly in India there are many temples throughout the country
- People all over the world, especially in India, have forgotten their relationship with SPG and His eternal servants. Therefore the principles of morality, religion and ethics have almost disappeared. This situation is most unprofitable for human society
- People are becoming meat-eaters nowadays. There is no secrecy. Formerly, at least in India, the meat-eaters used to eat meat very secretly. We had seen in our childhood
- People are going from this country to that to improve economic condition. But it is a common saying that "Wherever you rascal go, your fate will go with you." Either you go to England or India or here and there
- People are not bad. I have seen. They are very nice. The government, the rascals, a few men who are controlling the government, they are all rogues and thieves. The same thing in India. Everywhere the mass population, they are innocent
- People have taken advantage of this dress, vesopajibhih. In India still, although poverty-stricken, if a person simply by dressing in saffron cloth goes to a village, he has no problem. Everyone will call him, invite him, give him shelter, give him food
- People misunderstand that Indians have created a caste system. No. That caste system is everywhere - sarvam idam jagat. Not only India, all universe is being conducted by that process
- People of India as well as the priestly order should receive them properly. When they go to India, I wish to accommodate them in Lord Krsna's birthsite at Mathura. I shall be glad to know if there is accommodation for such visitors
- People will be glad to read such articles in this country. At the same time, people in India will be glad to learn that Krishna Consciousness is being preached in western countries
- Perhaps while you were in India you have heard that we glorify in the following way: Guru Gauranga Chandarbika Giridhari. Four "G''s. So Guru-Gauranga you understand, and Chandarbika-Giridhari means Radha and Krishna
- Personally I have no aptitude to open temples neither I have done it in India although there were many great opportunities. But here see there is necessity even from the point of Hindu cultural view
- Places outside India where there are centers of the Krsna consciousness movement and where Radha-Krsna Deities are worshiped must all be visited and worshiped by those who want to be spiritually advanced
- Please immediately send me the names and addresses of all the foreign devotees in India. Please also their passport numbers and nationality
- Please let me know exactly what is the procedure for exporting books from India, because I have to do it periodically
- Please work in cooperation with the GBCs and other leading devotees in India, and never mind if your efforts take some time before they produce solid results. The main thing is enthusiasm and determination
- Practically we are demonstrating that they have given us foodstuffs in India and we are distributing them daily to not less than 500 men, and if they would give us more we could also increase more and more
- Practically your country is my home now. India is foreign country for me. The reason is that my spiritual family is there and my material relationships are in India; therefore factually where my spiritual family exists, there is my home
- Practice yoga - solitary and sacred place. What is this circle we see in morning? Simply "Chai, chai, chai." And cigarette, bidi, and talking nonsense, drinking - no arrangement. Vedic system, still in India in morning they take bath, in the villages
- Presently I am touring many cities in India and the response to our Sankirtana Movement has been tremendous with thousands upon thousands actively participating
- Presently in India, so-called brahmanas are almost all engaged in some mundane service, and they do not understand the import of the Vedic sastras. Nonetheless, they are passing themselves off as brahmanas on the basis of birth
- Previously, great personalities in India used to go to the forest in order to meditate to stop the repetition of birth and death. That is the highest occupation for man, and actually every man is meant for that
- Previously, in India, the brahmanas were interested in understanding Brahman. Athato brahma jijnasa
- Previously, when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had been touring South India, He had met Ramananda Raya on the banks of the Godavari
- Probably we may also make a program for observing the birthday ceremony here. So you will find that just like in your country in Christmas day you all observe the birthday of Lord Christ, similarly, Krsna, the birthday of Krsna, will be observed in India
- Radhavallabha is sending Gopala Krsna all the transparencies from all of our books as we intend to print all of our books in India for profuse distribution
- Rama Krishna Mission here is busy in preaching a misrepresentation and therefore practically they have failed to preach the real cult of India
- Recently one lecture of mine is arranged in our Indian Government House (New India House) organized by the Tagore Society of New York who organize such meeting only for the most distinguished persons
- Recently there is division of Pakistan and India. Twenty years before, this Pakistan was part of India. Now, these Muhammadans, they did not come from outside. They changed their faith from Hindus to Muhammadans. Now they divided their property
- Regarding Karandhara's comment that Mayapur and Calcutta were the best organized centers in India, that I know. I have full faith in you, and also Bhavananda and Jayapataka Maharajas
- Regarding my assistance in the producing of your film, if you are producing it in India, it is impossible for me to assist you with manpower. I have no sufficient men in India to give you
- Regarding our Indian centers, it is already decided that in Bombay we must have a center first and negotiation is going on seriously. If we cannot open many centers in India, at least one center must be opened in Bombay before we go back to the States
- Regarding our Indian centers, we are experiencing some bright glimpse because in Calcutta, as informed to you by Acyutananda, we may get a nice plot of land. So you can save money as much as possible for constructing buildings or Temples in India
- Regarding printing BTG Hindi in India your scheme to print them in Bombay is accepted by me. So you do the needful being contact with Ramananda
- Regarding the farm in Gainesville, yes we require land for food grain production. One of our programs should be to send food grains to India for Vrindaban and Mayapur. If we distribute profusely prasadam we will become very popular
- Regarding the new car, I think we require some new cars in India. So if it is possible, the car may be dispatched to India. We have already applied to the Import Department Govt. of India
- Regarding whether to follow Tamal Krsna Goswami and work at architecture and mechanical plans in the Pennsylvania farm or to come and work in the same way with Saurabha in India, now Tamal Krsna himself is in India
- Regarding your correspondence with the leading men in India, I don't think it will be very much fruitful. Personally I have no faith in them, but if you decide to open correspondence with them, I have no objection
- Regarding your idea of marrying one Krishna Conscious girl and then going to India, that will depend upon the desire of your wife. I cannot interfere with that. But generally the wife is meant to follow wherever the husband goes
- Regarding your plane fare to India, it will be best if you can collect that money by selling some books on sankirtana. Then there will be no shortage
- Regarding your visa problem, I think by tactful arrangement they will extend, but you know better than me. Otherwise you can come here to India. Or better, why not go to Mauritius and take missionary visa there and at the same time work vigorously
- Rupa Gosvami first met Lord Caitanya at Prayaga (Allahabad, India), and on the Dasasvamedha bathing ghata of that holy city the Lord instructed him continually for ten days
- Sadhu community in India
- Sanatana Gosvami walked alone on the path through the Jharikhanda forest in central India. Sometimes he fasted, and sometimes he would eat
- Sanatana Gosvami wrote his Vaisnava smrti, Hari-bhakti-vilasa, which was specifically meant for India
- Sankaracarya defeated many scholars throughout India and converted them to his Mayavada philosophy. He left his material body at the age of thirty-three
- Sankaracarya had four principal disciples, & he established four centers under their management. In North India at Badarikasrama, the monastery named Jyotir-matha was established. At Purusottama, the Bhogavardhana or Govardhana monastery was established
- Sankhacuda was killed by the Lord during His pastimes at Horika in the month of Phalguna, and the same ceremony is still observed in India by the burning of the effigy of Sankhacuda one day prior to the Lord's pastimes at Horika, generally known as Holi
- Sankirtana Movement which I am propagating all over the world was also exhibited in the Cross Maidan for eleven days which I think you must have seen. So in India I am especially present here to popularize this movement for awakening God Consciousness
- Sannyasa is very respectable position. Still it is honored in India. Anyone where a sannyasi goes, at least in the villages, they offer respectful obeisances and gives all kinds of comforts, still now
- Sannyasis are generally meant to travel all over the country for preaching work, but during the four months of the rainy season in India, from July through October, they do not travel but take shelter in one place and remain there without moving
- Satyam saucam tapo samah damah titiksah. This is godly civilization. And this godly civilization can be given to the whole world by India. That is India's special privilege. Because in other countries beyond India they are almost asuri-jana and ugra-karma
- Send a copy of this letter to all our centers in India so that if there is any harassment of the security police, we can utilize it. I think that in Bombay since they have received this letter, our devotees are not complaining about police harassment
- Sexual service is considered to be in the mode of darkness. Similarly, in remote villages in India there are worshipers of ghosts. BG 1972 purports
- Similarly, people who went to Jagannatha Puri from various provinces of India were fully satisfied after seeing the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Simply all you leaders there in India must cooperate with him nicely and give him confidence and advice how to manage the things in the best manner
- Since arriving in India I have been extensively travelling and preaching our Sankirtana Movement to all parts of the country. There is good reception also for our Society here
- Since his service here in India is valuable as GBC (Governing Body Commissioner) for our branch in Mayapur, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, kindly give him visa. Your willing assistance in this matter will be much helpful
- Since I have come here to Letchmore Heath, I am improved in my health more than in India. The place is very calm and quiet. It is sufficiently spacious also. I walk within the village daily in the morning along with devotees and it is very pleasant
- Since India has become dependent on foreign countries, the particular influences of her social orders have been lost; now, according to the scriptures, everyone is a śūdra
- Since India is situated in the tropical zone, the atmosphere is always dry. Dust always accumulates on the streets and roads, so they must be sprinkled with water at least once a day, and in big cities like Calcutta twice a day
- Since leaving India, I have not heard from you. Gurudas has written that the work has stopped in Vrndaban for want of finances. What is the position of your collections in Delhi? I am arranging to collect and send money from here for the Vrindaban project
- Since that (Battle of Kuruksetra) time, this movement is current in India, supported by great Acaryas like Ramanuja, Madhya, and Visnu Swami, and Nimbarka
- Since the appearance of Sri Caitanya, there have been many pseudo incarnations in India who do not present authorized evidence. The disciples of Bhattacarya, being very learned scholars, were certainly right in asking Gopinatha Acarya for evidence
- Since the beginning of Pakistan they could not make any economic condition very sound. But when the people are too much agitated, they declare war with India
- So far as my translating of the rest of Srimad-Bhagavatam is concerned, that is my next program. After returning from India I shall be seriously engaged in translating work
- So far going to Madras is concerned, the first thing is that we are now short of man power. Whatever men we have got in India are engaged in Calcutta, Bombay and Delhi
- So far Hindu religion is concerned, there are millions of Krishna Temples in India and there is not a single Hindu who does not worship Krishna. Therefore, Krishna Consciousness movement is not a concocted idea. The chanting process is also authorized
- So far I am personally experienced, in our childhood there were not so many problems. Now India is faced with so many problems on account of imitating Western civilization
- So far I know that a pregnant woman should not eat any pungent food stuffs, she should not move in cars, and she should not sit idly. She should move and do some physical work. These are the general rules and regulations I have seen in India
- So far outside India is concerned, all scholars, all religionists, all philosophers, they have accepted this Bhagavad-gita as authority. So there is no doubt about Bhagavad-gita's being authority. Even Professor Einstein, he was reading regularly
- So far your arranging to bring other men with you to India for opening a center, that is all right, but if they come as tourists and then go away that is not good
- So far your daughter's marriage is concerned, I have no business. I cannot negotiate marriage. That is impossible. Neither there is any need for her to be sent to India
- So India was so rich. But now how that India has become so poor? The same land is there. Why? Because they have lost that old culture, God consciousness
- So many mothers we have got, out of which cow is also mother. Therefore she's addressed as amba. Amba means mother. Still, in Gujarat province, they call amba. And in U.P., in India, they also call amba, or in a broken language they call amma
- So many Muhammadans were there in India, and ultimately, by the British policy, they divided. They were not actually Muhammadans coming from Turkey or from West. They were lower-class Hindus
- So one side, there is no rain - one side, there is no rice, especially in India; and one side, heavy tax. So they'll be all confused. They have already become confused
- So that is India's position now. They do not care for their original culture. They are after money. You teach them something to earn money. Therefore they are after technology. This is not experience in India
- So there is a big field, in India 600,000,000 people. In every home there should be at least one BBT publication, so the field is very big
- So this so-called castism in India that is a false notion of catur-varnyam. Real catur-varnyam means guna-karma-vibhagasah. One must be qualified
- So we invite everyone, from all parts of the world, and they are coming, they are joining. So in India Krsna appeared. India has got a special advantage to understand Krsna, and the Indians neglect it. That's a great misfortune
- So we, of course, we are not so advanced, but we have got many examples of advanced devotees. Still there are in India. You will find in Vrndavana and other places. Actually, they have no means - simply depending
- So when it is creation by the Supreme Lord, it is not that the brahmanas are to be found only in India. That is another wrong conclusion. Because brahmanas means representation of the quality of goodness
- Some portion of land, I am saying, "That is India," you are saying, "This is Australia," another saying: "It is England." But it is neither England nor Australia; it is all property of God. We have created man-made designation
- Somebody is coming from India in this country. The climate is not very suitable in comparison to India, but they have come here to work hard. Why? Sex pleasure. That's all
- Sometimes American or European devotees may be criticized because they make mistakes and fall short of the system for worshiping the Deity as practiced in India, but still, according to Bhagavad-gita, they must be considered saintly
- Sometimes devotees of the Lord go from door to door. Their policy is to go as beggars. So in India, beggars, especially sannyasis, are very much respected
- Sometimes these pure devotees, who have been accepted by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, are not allowed to enter certain temples in India
- Sometimes we speak in English, but even though most people (of India) do not understand English, they nevertheless come to hear us. Even when imitation incarnations of Godhead speak, people gather in the thousands
- Sometimes when our students of the Krsna consciousness movement chant and dance, even in India people are astonished to see how these foreigners have learned to chant and dance in this ecstatic fashion
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu decided to take sannyasa so that people would not commit offenses against Him, considering Him an ordinary householder, for in India even now a sannyasi is naturally offered respect
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally traveled to different regions of India to spread the bhakti cult throughout the country. He also personally relished transcendental activities. By His personal behavior He has given an example for devotees to follow
- Sri Krsna, is always filled with transcendental bliss (ananda-mayo 'bhyasat). When He was present at Vrndavana in India five thousand years ago, He always remained in transcendental bliss, even from the beginning of His childhood pastimes
- Srila Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis were situated in government service, and Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was the topmost scholar of India. Similarly, Prakasananda Sarasvati was a leader of many thousands of Mayavadi sannyasis
- Sripada Sankaracarya established four monasteries in India, in the four directions (north, south, east and west), and he entrusted them to four sannyasis who were his disciples
- Still among the villagers the system is current in India: when there is some fighting, they go to a saintly person or in a temple to settle up
- Still in India you go to the village. They are happy with their destination. This is the Indian culture. Now we are injecting discontentment, injecting. Otherwise everyone was happy in his position: "God has given this position. So this is all right"
- Still in the village, any sannyasi - he may be a cheater - still he is welcome. In the cities, of course, in India they are now doubtful, "Whether he is actually sannyasi, or to fill up his belly he has taken this dress?" So this is the formula
- Still there are hundreds and thousands of holy places like Jagannatha Puri, Vrndavana, Hardwar, Ramesvara, Prayaga and Mathura. India is the place for worshiping or for cultivating spiritual life
- Still today in India, from these two things, namely food grains and milk, hundreds and thousands of varieties of food are prepared, and then they are offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then the prasada is distributed
- Still, in India, although it is fallen so much, in the interior village you'll find the social divisions are maintained and they live very peacefully. Very peacefully. Those who have gone into the interior village, they have seen
- Still, India, they do not disrespect a sannyasi, although many so-called sannyasis, they are taking advantage of this. That is another subject
- Students from various parts of India still come to Navadvipa to study logic
- Subhadra was married with her cousin Arjuna, and this system is still prevalent in some parts of India
- Sucinam srimatam gehe, in very rich family and very pure family. Sucinam means pure, brahmana. So in India still, if one is born in a very nice, rich and pure family, he is considered to be very pious in his past life
- Sukracarya means jata-gosai: by semina they become acarya. The semina. That is the, in India, guru-vamsa. Guru-vamsa, guru meaning spiritual master, the spiritual master, vamsa. That is disciplic succession
- Sun is creation of the Supreme. So sunshine is here in America, in Russia, in India -- everywhere. Similarly, this varnasrama system is prevalent everywhere in some form or other
- Superficially he (the caudhuri, or minister) would chastise Raghunatha dasa with threatening vibrations, but he did not beat him. The members of the kayastha community in India are generally very intelligent and expert in business management
- Supreme Lord, who is eternally engaged in transcendental activities, chooses a particular land in which to unfold His earthly pastimes, and that this designated country is Bharata-varsa, or India
- Suta Gosvami was presiding in a very learned assembly at a place which is known as Naimisaranya. It is long, long ago, at least four thousand years ago, but that place, Naimisaranya, is still in India
- Take the case of a hog. Of course, here in New York City no hog is seen. But in villages in India one sees the hog. Oh, how miserable his life is, living in a filthy place, eating stools and always unclean
- That division (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya & sudra) is there all over the world. Either you name differently, but these four classes of men are there, either in India or in America or Hawaii or Japan or anywhere
- That is mentioned (in sastra), "This Kalki avatara incarnation will come. He will appear in a place whose name is Sambhalapur." That is still in India. - And his father's name will be Visnu-yasi
- That is the birthright in India - they are automatically Krsna conscious. Automatically. Therefore all the demigods, they also desire to take birth in India
- That is the process of Vedic injunction: you have to accept without argument. Just like for practical life I will say some examples, that cow dung. In India cow dung is accepted as very pure
- That is the Vedic civilization, to understand Krsna. Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo vedanta-vid vedanta-krt ca aham. So at least this knowledge from India must be spread all over the world. We are making a humble attempt
- That is your fault (that you are not taking Hare Krsna). You have manufactured your own way of life. Otherwise, Hare Krsna is India's gift
- The Age of Kali is so strong that it affects even the so-called followers of Lord Caitanya. At least the followers of Caitanya Mahaprabhu must come out of India to preach His cult all over the world, for this is the mission of Lord Caitanya
- The America is my fatherland. My motherland is in India, and America is my fatherland
- The American Congress library purchasing department in India are pleased to purchase 18 copies of my Srimad-Bhagavatam, as soon as it is published and they have open order for it
- The Americans, they are throwing tons of food in the water. Why they do not send to India for feeding the skeleton cows?
- The arrangement for printing books has not materialized, so I want to utilize this money for commercial purchases from India. Please let me know if there is any difficulty in this connection due to exchange control
- The banyan tree (asvattha) is one of the highest and most beautiful trees, and people in India often worship it as one of their daily morning rituals
- The BBT is in the Gwalior Tank Road Branch, Central Bank of India, but Gargamuni Maharaja says you have opened another account in the Indian Overseas Marine Lines. Please let me know what is this idea? I never knew of it
- The Bhagavad-gita is the standard book of knowledge in India and many eminent persons like Gandhi, Aurobindo, Dr. RadhaKrishnan, etc. they tried to understand the Bhagavad-gita, but could not do it
- The body is undergoing evolution, not the soul. Just like if I come to the USA from India, I have to change my residence. I personally do not have to change, but my residence changes
- The brahmacaris and I use very simple clothes here. I am sending you a photograph to show how I live here. I am making the Americans wear brahmacari robes, and shave up. If a brahmacari from India dresses like an American he will not be appreciated
- The brahmanas are supposed to be pious; therefore a sannyasi is advised to accept food, luncheon, in the brahmana family. And brahmana family, still - not all, a few families still in India - they worship regularly Narayana-sila, salagrama-sila
- The British government fabricated the Hindu-Muslim riot, and lastly, at last also, their purpose was fulfilled by partition of India - Pakistan and India
- The Caturmasya ceremony is observed during the four months of the rainy season in India (approximately July, August, September and October), beginning from Sravana
- The chief executives of the present day introduce all kinds of sinful activity, especially illicit sex, intoxication, animal killing and gambling. These sinful activities are now very prominently manifested in India
- The Christian priests were conscious: "But how is this? From India he (Vivekananda) has come and he's talking like nonsense?" They questioned in Chicago speech
- The civilization, human civilization, begins. Athato brahma jijnasa. Unfortunately, there is no education. This education was little there. Even in India that is now becoming finished on account of this Western influence
- The country's culture of India is such that one can easily attain the goal of life
- The custom of giving one's daughter in charity with a dowry is still current in India. The gifts are given according to the position of the father of the bride
- The different forms of Krsna are distributed throughout the universe to give pleasure to the devotees. It is not that devotees are born only in India. There are devotees in all parts of the world, but they have simply forgotten their identity
- The doctrines of anthropomorphism and zoomorphism are never applicable to Sri Krsna, or the Personality of Godhead. The theory that a man becomes God by dint of penance and austerities is very much rampant nowadays, especially in India
- The English boys are able to stay 3 years in India because they are citizens of the Commonwealth so we should take advantage of this. Hence they should go as soon as possible, especially those who are fixed up and steady
- The entire world is bewildered because people are thinking, "This is my land," "America is mine," "India is mine." Not knowing the real value of life, people think that the material body and the land where it is produced are all in all
- The etiquette is if one presents his identification, he has to give his father's name. In India it is very essential, and the father's name or the title is the last name of everyone
- The exact example of varna-sankara is the hippies at the present moment. All over the world, not only in the Western countries but in India also. So the population, hippie population means sankara population
- The famous anna-kuta ceremony, performed in Vrndavana especially and also in all other parts of India, was thus introduced by the Lord, and people still follow this path by worshiping Govardhana Hill, where the Lord used to take pleasure in tending cows
- The fig tree (asvattha) is one of the most beautiful and highest trees, and people in India often worship it as one of their daily morning rituals. BG 1972 purports
- The fighting is going on between Pakistan and India, between Vietnam and America, and this and that. It is not the process. The process is Krsna consciousness. Everyone has to understand this fact, that we are not proprietor. Proprietor is Krsna
- The five sacred rivers in India - Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Kaveri and Krsna - are all celestial. Like the Ganges River, the Narmada River also flows in the higher planetary systems
- The followers of varnasrama-dharma - they never tried for economic development. You'll find in India, still, millions of people taking bath in the Ganges during Kumbha-mela. Have you have been to the Kumbha-mela festival
- The gopis were childhood friends of Krsna, and many were married, for in India the girls are generally married by the age of twelve. The boys are not married before eighteen, so Krsna, who was fifteen or sixteen at the time, was not married - CC Intro
- The idea is like that of a Bible society in India which distributes millions of dollars in the shape of biblical literature without any consideration of return. Similarly, we have to sacrifice each $750 on this principle
- The idea of philosophy and religion, that is originated from India. There is no doubt about it. And that original idea of philosophy is practically demonstrated by Krsna
- The Indians who are outside India, they have got a special duty
- The inhabitants of this piece of land are very fortunate. They can purify their existence by accepting this Krsna consciousness movement and go outside Bharata-bhumi (India) and preach this cult to benefit the whole world
- The kingdom of Dvaraka is situated in the western part of India, and Vidarbha is situated in the northern part
- The Kuruksetra is dharma-ksetra. Still Kuruksetra is there in India. People go there for performing religious ritualistic ceremonies. So where is the difficulty to understand
- The laborer class... In India, of course, we have got this distinction. They are not satisfied for, with this white rice. They want coarse grain for satisfaction. While gentleman class, they cannot eat coarse grain. They want finer grain
- The leaders (of India) are blind. They have no training. They are not in disciplic succession. They do not know what is what, and they are taking the part of leadership, then everything is spoiled
- The leaders are blind and they are leading other blind men. So it is a very dangerous civilization. In spite of being born in India, in spite of having the privilege of studying Bhagavad-gita, they are not taking advantage of it
- The leaders say that "India, giving more stress on the soul, not on the body, India's position is so degraded." This is the leaders' opinion. Big, big leaders, they think
- The light of India's knowledge, contained in the sublime philosophy of the Vedas, the Upanisads, the Vedanta-sutra, the Puranas, the Gita, and their corollaries, is certainly available, but by divine will it is temporarily beyond our view
- The Lord has kindly delivered the above-mentioned scriptures in India and other scriptures in other countries to remind the forgetful human being that his home is not here in this material world
- The Marwaris in India, they don't educate their son. Just like Birla. They say: We can purchase these rascals. Why we should waste our time? So-called technicians, so-called expert computer, these are . . . we can purchase. Why we shall waste our time
- The material advancement of the Western countries and the spiritual assets of India should combine for the elevation of all human society
- The meat-eaters, they are everywhere, all over the world, but in India meat-eating is allowed - the fifth class, fifth grade community, they eat these cows when it is dead. And the sudra class, they also eat meat restrictively, goats
- The members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness should go to India during the birthday ceremony of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Mayapura and perform sankirtana congregationally
- The members of the kayastha community in India are generally very intelligent and expert in business management. Formerly they were mostly government officers. They were mentioned even by Yajnavalkya, as quoted by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- The members of the present Krsna consciousness movement were not born in India, nor do they belong to the Vedic culture, but within the short time of four or five years they have become such wonderful devotees simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra
- The members of this Krsna consciousness society are sometimes refused entrance into some of the temples in India. We should not feel sorry about this as long as we engage in chanting the Hare Krsna mantra
- The modern civilization is based on bodily designation - American, India, German - but our proposition is to become free from these artificial designations, & unless one becomes free from these artificial designations there can't be any God-consciousness
- The modern civilization means large-scale arrangement for killing animals and large-scale arrangement for distilling liquor, especially in the Western countries. And India is also now following. So this is the position of the world
- The modern, so-called advanced boys and girls (in India), they are now after divorce. But before that, even there was misunderstanding between husband and wife, quarrel, there was no question of divorce
- The months of November and December are considered the best of all months because in India grains are collected from the fields at this time, and the people become very happy. BG 1972 purports
- The more you engage yourself in the service of the Lord, the more you become enthusiastic. There is no question of becoming tired. Just like I am old man. I have come from India. My age is seventy-six years. So still I am enthusiastic
- The Muslims called India "Hindustan," which means "the land on the other side of the river Sind, or 'Hind.'" Otherwise, "Hindustan" has no Vedic reference. So this "Hindu dharma " has no Vedic reference
- The next business is to teach others, to make disciple. Formerly, even fifty year or sixty years ago in India, a brahmana would not accept anyone's service
- The normal temperature should be maintained at 98.6 degrees, and the great sages and saints of India have attempted to do this by a balanced program of spiritual and material knowledge
- The people in general on the western side of India were neither intelligent nor well behaved, but by the influence of Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami they were trained in devotional service and good behavior
- The people in India are so trained and cultured that in spite of this artificial famine they did not revolt but preferred to die peacefully. Of course, this is only one instance, but it shows how problems are not created by God but by man
- The people of India were entranced by the political leaders. We preferred, therefore, to come to the West, following the order of our spiritual master, and by the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu this movement is becoming successful
- The performance of sraddha, or offering oblations with prasada, is still current in India, especially at Gaya, where oblations are offered at the lotus feet of Visnu in a celebrated temple
- The persons coming to India, however, must be experienced older devotees, not new men
- The photographs of the St. Louis farm appear very nice. There seems to be ample grazing ground. In India you can't get such nice land, but there is enough good land in America
- The plan of your husband and yourself, Yamuna, of going to India is approved by me, I am simply waiting for the place where you shall stay. I have already informed this matter to Guru das and he is preparing for this
- The policy followed by India now - that is, to imitate the Western way of life - is not very happy mood. This means they have lost their original culture
- The Pracetas (the sons of Praceta) occupied the northern side of India, which was devoid of Vedic civilization, and became kings there. Yayati's second son was Turvasu. The son of Turvasu was Vahni; the son of Vahni, Bharga; the son of Bharga, Bhanuman
- The present religious system of the world, all of them originated from India. The principal religions of the world, namely the Christian religion, the Buddha religion, the Hindu religion, even Muhammadan religion, originally it came from India
- The priestly class, they will make propaganda against us: "Oh, they are mlecchas , they are Europeans, they are Americans. What they can do? It is not good." Because India, the caste system is very strong
- The problem was that in India the men who joined the Gaudiya Math mission were not very educated. So I declined to bring them in the Western countries and by the grace of Krsna I was able to train the local men
- The process (offering sacrifices to Lord Shiva) is still current in India in a place called Vaidyanatha-dhama, where demons offer animal sacrifices to the deity of Kalabhairava
- The process is there: to receive knowledge from authority. Similarly, some serious students, they go to India, they try to search out some saintly persons to receive knowledge about the spiritual world
- The proper distribution of knowledge (of Bhagavad-gita) has begun by which not only will the whole world benefit, but India's glory will be magnified in human society
- The purpose of building very high temples is to give people a chance to see them from a distant place. This system is carried on in India whenever a new temple is constructed, and it appears that it is coming down from a time before recorded history
- The purpose of dispatching this money is for construction of temples in India
- The purpose of going to a place of pilgrimage is to get the chance to glorify the Lord. Even today, although times have changed, there are still pilgrimage sites in India
- The Ramakrishna Mission, they are collecting money, huge money, from your country, here also, to mitigate the sufferings of the poor people, daridra-narayana seva. But actually you see that how many poverty-stricken people are there in India
- The real name of this planet is Bharatavarsa, this planet. Now, gradually, it has been cut up. It has been cut up, just like we have got immediate experience that some portion of India is now cut up, and that is named Pakistan. You know, all
- The real success or fulfillment of the mission of human life can be achieved in India, Bharata-varsa, because in Bharata-varsa the purpose of life and the method for achieving success are evident
- The saints & sages of Bharata-varsa, as India has long been known, never tried to cultivate or satisfy artificially the needs of the body & the mind exclusively; they always cultured the transcendental spirit soul, which is above the material body & mind
- The sannyasa order is still respected in India. Indeed, the very dress of a sannyasi still commands respect from the Indian public
- The sastra says, everyone is born a fool: because he has this body, therefore he was born a fool. No being, either American or Indian, cat or dog, is free from this. You have come to disease, that's all
- The school should be moved to India, specifically to our new gurukula project in Vrindaban, where the facility will be just to our needs and the needs of the brahmacary to develop spiritually because it is based on authentic scripture
- The sons of India, those who are Indians, those who are proud of becoming Indian, they should take up this mission - of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The Sri Rangam temple is the largest in India, and there are seven walls surrounding it. There are also seven roads leading to Sri Rangam
- The state of India should better follow the examples of Maharaja Pariksit, the ideal executive head, than to imitate other materialistic states which have no idea of the kingdom of Godhead, the ultimate goal of human life
- The sudra has no initiation. So in India there are professional gurus. They initiate sudras, but do not eat foodstuff touched by the disciple
- The sufferings are there, here or India or hell or heaven - anywhere within this material world there is suffering. But people are so foolish that simply having a nice motorcar or a skyscraper building, he thinks that - My all problems are solved
- The summer season in India is not very much welcomed because of the excessive heat, but in Vrndavana everyone was pleased because summer there appeared just like spring
- The sun is always present either in India or in America, but when the sun is present in India, the American land is in darkness, and when the sun is present in America, the Indian hemisphere is in darkness
- The supposed followers of the Vedas say that there is nothing beyond the Vedic ceremonies. Indeed, there is a group of men in India who are very fond of the Vedic rituals, not understanding the meaning of these rituals
- The Tagore Society of New York Inc. Cordially Invites You to a lecture "GOD CONSCIOUSNESS" by A.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI Date: Sunday, November 28,1965. Time: Lecture, 3:30 P.M. Tea, 4:30 P.M. Place: New India House, 3, East 64th Street
- The tract of land comprising about one hundred square miles from modern Delhi to the Mathura district in Uttar Pradesh, including a portion of Gurgaon district in Punjab (East India), is considered to be the topmost place of pilgrimage in all of India
- The tract of land in India between the Himalaya Mountains and the Vindhya Hills is called Aryavarta
- The tract of land south of the Himalaya Mountains is the land of India, which was known as Bharata-varsa. When a living entity takes birth in Bharata-varsa he is considered to be most fortunate
- The two classes of devotees, namely the devotees of Lord Siva and the devotees of Lord Visnu, are always in disagreement. Even today in India these two classes of devotees still criticize each other
- The varnasrama-dharma, that is beginning of human civilization. So in this age they have already given up. There is no varnasrama. In India it is simply in name. Actually, there is no varnasrama. The, most of the people, they are sudras
- The Vedic religion or the principles of the Vedas have been followed by the highly cultured population of India since time immemorial; no one can trace out the history of Vedic religion. Therefore it is sanatana
- The Visnu forms of worship in great temples of India are not arrangements of idol worship, as they are wrongly interpreted to be by a class of men with a poor fund of knowledge
- The ways and means were envisaged by the liberated souls and especially by the sages of India, and I am proud to feel that Lord Buddha happened to be an Indian and we worship Him as incarnation of Godhead
- The western Yavana joined with Duryodhana in the Battle of Kuruksetra under the pressure of Karna. It is also foretold that these Yavanas also would conquer India, and it proved to be true
- The white swan, they live in a very nice garden - there is lake, flower. And the crows, they live in the city. Of course, here in your country the garbage is not open. In India there is thrown anywhere
- The whole of India under the patronage of Emperor Asoka, all Indian people, they became Buddhist
- The whole Western world are filled up with these sunyavadi and impersonalists. India is also nowadays, but still there are devotees in the acarya-sampradaya. They are fighting against sunyavada and nirvisesa
- The woman class, they are not happy in the Western countries. And still in our country, although we are so fallen, still our woman class remains satisfied. Being predominated, they are happy. They are happy. That is my practical experience
- The word (Hindu) most probably came from Afghanistan, a predominantly Muslim country, and originally referred to a pass in Afghanistan known as Hindukush, which is still a part of a trade route between India and various Muslim countries
- The word veda means "book of knowledge." There are many books of knowledge, which vary according to the country, population, environment, etc. In India the books of knowledge are referred to as the Vedas
- The words matuh anugrahat ("by the mercy of their mother") refer to the breast milk of their mother. In India it is a common belief that if a baby is fed his mother's milk for at least six months, his body will be very strong
- There are 18,000's of verses in Srimad-Bhagavatam. And the acaryas, the great saintly sages who are the preachers of this Bhagavatam throughout India, their opinion is that it is the ripened fruit of the Vedic desire tree
- There are acaryas in India. Actually, practically, our whole civilization is guided by the acaryas. Acaryavan puruso veda. We have to accept acarya
- There are also institutions (in India) collecting money from all parts of the world in the name of welfare activities for poverty-stricken people, but they are spending it for their own sense gratification
- There are Aryans and non-Aryans. Aryan means who follow the varnasrama-dharma. They are Aryans. In India they were following strictly this varnasrama-dharma; therefore they are Aryans. Not now; formerly they were
- There are different classes of men and eating. So there is a class of men, dog-eaters. I do not know whether in your country (USA) there is any class of men who are dog-eaters, but India, Assam side, there is a class of men who are still dog-eaters
- There are different grades of intelligence. In Europe, America, they are intelligent, but their intelligence is utilized for material purposes. And in India their intelligence is utilized for spiritual purpose
- There are hundreds of thousands of temples in India for the worship of Krsna, and devotional service is practiced there. When such practice is made, one has to offer obeisances to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- There are many examples of sincere devotees in the history of the world, especially in India, and they are our guides on the path of self-realization
- There are many facilities in India, Bharata-varsa, for executing devotional service
- There are many fools who claim that worship of Krsna began only about five thousand years ago, after the appearance of Lord Krsna in India, but this is not a fact
- There are many Indians, but I have no Indian follower here. Of course, in India we have got. That's a different thing. But these, all these American boys, they are cooperating with me. That means they are taking this movement very seriously
- There are many instances of this happening (Krsna responding through His image). In India, there is one temple called Saksi-Gopala (Krsna is often called Gopala). The Gopala murti or statue was at one time located in a temple in Vrndavana
- There are many instances, especially in India, where these mayavadi sannyasis descend to the material platform again. But a person who is fully in Krsna consciousness will never return to any sort of material platform
- There are many men who claim to be God. In India, for instance, at any time, one has no difficulty in finding at least one dozen people claiming to be God. But if you ask them if they are the proprietor of everything, they find this difficult to answer
- There are many people, they do not like us because we are preaching God consciousness. This is our fault. Even in our country, in India, the government do not like us
- There are many places of pilgrimage in India, and especially prominent are Badari-narayana, Dvaraka, Ramesvara and Jagannatha puri. These sacred places are called the four dhamas. Dhama refers to a place where one can immediately contact the Supreme Lord
- There are many sannyasis in India who stress the importance of the body. Some of them give special importance to the body of the poor man, accepting him as daridra-narayana, as if Narayana had a material body
- There are many similar instances in the history of India. Even very recently, about 200 years ago or less, one big landlord known as Lalababu, a Calcutta landholder, became a Vaisnava and lived in Vrndavana
- There are many thieves. At least in India I have seen. Their business is stealing, and they are put into the jail, and as soon as he comes out, again commits the same thing and put into the jail for many days
- There are many thousands of temples in India, very old, five thousand, three thousand years old. Why? The acaryas wanted to give facility to the common man to enter into spiritual life. That is the idea
- There are many tourists eager to come to India to understand India’s spiritual life, and the devotees in our temples both in Vrndavana and in Navadvipa should make arrangements to accommodate them as far as possible
- There are many untouchables of the lower caste in India, but according to Vaisnava principles everyone is welcome to accept this Krsna consciousness movement on the spiritual platform of life and thus be freed from trouble
- There are millions of Krishna Temples in India and there is not a single Hindu who does not worship Krishna. Therefore, this Krishna Consciousness movement is not a concocted idea
- There are seven principal philosophers in India: Gautama, Kanada, Kapila, Yajnavalkya, Sandilya, Vaisvanara, and, finally, Vyasadeva, the author of the Vedanta-sutra. BG 1972 purports
- There are six kinds of philosophical processes in India
- There are so many incarnations of God, especially in India. It is a breeding ground of Gods, so many. So that is, means they do not know what is God. Mudha. They think God is so cheap thing
- There are so many yajnas... And sometimes India, they perform so-called yajnas. They collect some money. That's all. It cannot be successful because there is no yajnic brahmana. The yajnic brahmana is not in existence at the present moment
- There are some of my Godbrothers here in India who had constant personal association with Guru Maharaja, but who are neglecting his orders
- There are three million serious sadhus in India
- There are twelve forests in the area of Vrndavana, and Madhuvana is one of them. Pilgrims from all parts of India assemble together and visit all twelve of these forests
- There are two different platforms, the material and the spiritual. Followers of the Vedic civilization, which is practiced in India - although nowadays it is distorted - actually, these people are not lazy
- There are two kinds of Mayavadis. They are called Mayavadi of Saranatha and Mayavadi of Varanasi. Some of you who have gone to India might have seen Varanasi, very ancient city, pilgrimage, many thousands and thousands years ago
- There are two things. One material, one spiritual. Spiritually, India is happy, those who are actually spiritualists. But materially, India is unhappy
- There is a ceremony in India, annakuta, Govardhana-puja. So in that ceremony, in each and every temple they prepare as many varieties as possible. Some of them prepare three thousand
- There is a common saying in India that everyone goes to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead when he is in distress, but when a person is in an opulent position, he forgets God
- There is a complete arrangement for supplying our goods from India. I have already made them; there is no difficulty
- There is a great need for this movement. We want hundreds and thousands of preachers to go outside India and preach this cult. And there are customers ready
- There is a group of men in India who are very fond of the Vedic rituals, not understanding the meaning of these rituals, which are intended to elevate one gradually to the transcendental platform of knowing Krsna
- There is a long history, how the human society was distributed all over this planet. So far Mahabharata is concerned, you Americans or Europeans, you also originally belonged to India, according to Mahabharata
- There is a proposed meeting with the chief minister of Haryana for organizing Kuruksetra and if that meeting is serious, then certainly I shall remain in India
- There is chance of uniting all these different parts of India by Krsna consciousness. You have to organize. At least you organize here, Manipur center, Burma and Bangladesh and Assam. It will be successful
- There is great need of introducing our Chinese literature. Chinese people are interested in India, and Vedic literatures
- There is mahima-siddhi, laghima-siddhi. He can become lighter than the swab of cotton. The yogis, they become so light. Still there are yogis in India
- There is need for a centralized European continent headquarters, just like our Bombay branch is the headquarters for India zone
- There is no cause of quarrel between the two countries China and India over land which is not very suitable for habitation, and certainly there is no cause for fighting on this issue
- There is no man who does not commit mistakes. In India, for instance, Mahatma Gandhi was supposed to be a very great personality, but he also committed mistakes
- There is no marriage in the animal kingdom. But in the human society, never mind whether it is in India or Russia or China, there is marriage system in the human society, maybe methods may be different
- There is no necessity of your going to India. Better to begin preaching work immediately
- There is no question of limitation according to nationalism. Whether one lives in India or outside of India, he is called a yavana or mleccha if he does not follow the Vedic principles
- There is not a single Hindu in India who is not more or less Krishna Conscious. So far descendants are concerned, material nature is so strong that she does not allow anything to go on steadily
- There is so much quarrel and trouble all over the world because India has failed in her duty by neglecting this responsible work
- There is very good chance for our success in India. We should follow the same principle; namely chanting the beads regularly, following the regulative principles, leading the Sankirtana Party on the street, try to sell our literature and books
- There must be distinction, some higher class, some middle class, some lower class. Even in European countries, there are, in America there are, so are in India. So it is not very astonishing
- There was a confidential policy by the British government to kill India's original culture and everything Indian was condemned. From the very beginning they took this position
- There was a famine in India in 1942, big famine. I particularly inquired among the disciples of my Guru Maharaja, and even the remote village, they said that "We have no difficulty"
- There was regular policy to kill Indian civilization. And because they were on the governing power, they could do it. Therefore India lost its own culture and victimized by the Western culture. This is the position
- There were thousands of rsis in Naimisaranya... When you go to India, you must see this place, Naimisaranya. It is very, very old place. At least, from historical point of view, modern estimate is it is five thousand years old
- Therefore in this age practically everyone is a mudha, not educated. He does not know how to look upon woman. Woman should be looked as mother. Still in India, a unknown woman should be addressed - Mother
- These (musk and hair from the gavaya cows) are always in great demand for the higher classes of Hindu population, and such business (trade) still goes on in large cities and villages in India
- These Britishers created this religious fight between Hindus and Muslims. Before that, there was no in the history, religious fight, in the history of the whole India. The Mahabharata, Kuruksetra fight was... That was political fight
- These gopis were childhood friends of Krsna, and they were all married, for in India the girls are married by the age of twelve. The boys, however, are not married before eighteen so Krsna, who was fifteen or sixteen at the time, was not married
- These ideas (transmigration of the soul, past and future lives, believe in God, wanting to worship God) are the natural inheritance of a person born in India
- These incidents are all recorded in the book known as the Mahabharata. The word maha means "great" or "greater," and bharata refers to India. Thus the Mahabharata is the history of greater India
- These intelligent Britishers could understand, "Now it is no more possible. With whose cooperation, we shall kick?" Then they made a friendly settlement. Friendly means "Divide it so that they'll perpetually fight, and let us go"
- These people are, all over the world, they are in darkness. It is not partiality, because I am Indian, but actually it is a fact. A Chinese Communist, he wrote a book, I saw it. He has written that, If you want to know about religion, then go to India
- These rascals give trouble to the people, especially in India. They are not after the vaccine. They will catch people and force them. Just see. This is going on
- These six sons, headed by Anga, later became kings of six states in the eastern side of India. These states were known according to the names of their respective kings. From Anga came a son named Khalapana, and from Khalapana came Diviratha
- They (Americans) do not know even the hygienic principle. What is the question of purification? You see? In India the system is from childhood, a child is trained to take bath, to wash teeth in the morning
- They (disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) merely came back to India falsely advertising that they had converted all the foreigners to the ideas of Vedanta or KC, & then they collected funds in India & lived satisfied lives of material comfort
- They (disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) simply wanted to take credit for having gone to foreign lands and utilize this recognition in India by advertising themselves as repatriated preachers
- They (hippies) are no longer satisfied to live materially opulent like their fathers and grandfathers. In other countries also, the same symptoms are there. Just like in India, the Naxalites. So that is another form of confusion
- They (in the villages) will take one napkin and wash the cloth, and India, tropical climate, here also, and spread it on the floor. Within five minutes it will be dry, and then change clothes
- They (India and China) lived those days in an atmosphere of God consciousness, and every country, over the surface of the world, was God-fearing, pure-hearted and simple, and there was no question of political diplomacy
- They (leaders of India) have carefully set aside the treasure house of India's spiritual asset and they are imitating the westernised material way of life constantly engaged in the acts of error of judgement, misgivings, imperfectness and duplicity
- They (the three great mountains named Nisadha, Hemakuta and Himalaya) mark the boundaries of the three varsas named Hari-varsa, Kimpurusa-varsa and Bharata-varsa (India)
- They (these boys and girls) are coming from your community - they are not imported from India or I have bribed them to do like that (engaged in God's service twenty-four hours). No. They've got an attachment
- They are also already divided. But the culture diminished. Because the center of culture was India, Delhi. So as the power diminished, the maintenance of the culture diminished, and by contact with other types of aboriginal, they learned eating meat
- They are contemplating to open a preaching center at Kanpur, and you can open correspondence with them before starting for India
- They are converted Vaisnavas in the strict sense of the term. No Temple authority of India should therefore restrict them in the matter of offering their respects to the Deities or chanting the Hare Krsna Mahamantra within the vicinity of the Temple
- They are criticizing in India that I am giving a brahmana's position to these mlecchas and yavanas. You should be very careful so that we may not be subjected to criticism
- They are doing work less than a sudra, and still, they are passing on as brahmana. That is the cause of India's spiritual falldown
- They are planning so many things for future, but it is being baffled. So many schemes, so many there are. Our . . . in India there is a planning commission, after independence. So whatever they did, all failure
- They are thinking by material opulence they will be happy. This is their ignorance. Therefore so much struggle all over the world. It is not the question of India or America. It is the material way of life
- They are trying to unite all nations, spending so much money. But here, we have attempted this Krsna consciousness movement. All parts of the world they have joined. From America, from Europe, Australia, Africa, India
- They do not know how to eat on the whole. India knows how to eat. I have traveled all over the world, and this is my experience. Nobody knows how to eat
- They go to worship Lenin's tomb every day. Many other fools also go there, tourists, that Red Square. They tried in India for Jawaharlal Nehru's tomb, for Gandhi's tomb. So in the beginning there was little crowd. Now nobody goes
- They have been forced to forget Hare Krsna by the so-called rascal leaders. Otherwise India is meant for chanting Hare Krsna, the whole India
- They know how to earn money in America, and there is money also. Here in India even if I know how to earn money, there is no money. But America is not like that. You can earn money like anything
- This (Krsna expanding Himself to 16,108 times) may seem difficult to believe, but it is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam, and the great sages of India recognize this as scripture and recognize Krsna as God
- This atheistic philosophy (that the living entities are the body and should therefore enjoy the material senses irresponsibly) also flourished in India, where it was sometimes propagated by Carvaka Muni
- This bhakti-yoga practice. Actually, this was the practice in India in every home. There was Deity. At least, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, they had Deity, Radha-Krsna, Sita-Rama or Laksmi-Narayana or Narayana sila. Every house, it was being worshiped
- This black art of witchcraft is still practiced by some women in the remote northwestern side of India
- This British government took advantage of this ill-feeling between Hindus and Muhammadans. And they wanted to rule over India. They felt that ill-feeling. There is a great history. They are very big politician
- This city had been very opulent and great for a very long time. Even now, the city of Varanasi is opulent and famous, and it is one of the important cities of India
- This custom is still prevalent in India in some of the royal families and temples. Professional musicians sing with sahnais, and the sleeping members of the house gradually get up from their beds in a pleasing atmosphere
- This custom of a would-be bride's going to the temple of a demigod is still practiced in India. As the procession continued, various musical sounds were heard
- This earth was formerly known as Ilavrta-varsa, and when Maharaja Pariksit ruled the earth it was called Bharata-varsa. Actually, Bharata-varsa is the name for the entire planet, but gradually Bharata-varsa has come to mean India
- This etiquette (to address the members of different castes by different names) is still followed in northern India, where the ksatriyas are addressed as Thakura Sahab
- This girl in front of you, Srimati Yamuna devi, she and her husband Gurudasa are in charge of the temple; but because I have come to India, they are assisting me
- This holy place, Naimisaranya, is still existing in India, and in ancient times it was especially used for the meetings of great sages and saintly persons with the aim of understanding spiritual life and self-realization
- This Indian culture is being accepted all over the world. We have got fifty branches all over the world. Now we have come to establish some branches in India
- This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission. Those who have taken birth in India, Bharata-bhumi, they should make their life perfect by understanding the Vedic knowledge. And the Supreme Lord Krsna comes here to teach the Vedic knowledge
- This is India's original culture, Krsna culture - And ninety percent of the people, they are Krsna devotees, of India. There is no doubt about it
- This is Indian civilization. Yet in the same place, India, Bharata-varsa, how much people are suffering by giving up the Vedic way of life and not understanding the teachings of Bhagavad-gita
- This is the age of Kali. Therefore the only shelter is Krsna. There is no other way. In India it's practically dwindling. Now there is no reason they are not sanctioning our temple
- This is the greatest defect of modern civilization, that they won't accept real authority. They will create some authority. Or rascal, he becomes authority. Especially in India
- This is the sublime science of devotional service as propounded by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who appeared 500 years ago in West Bengal, India, to propagate the movement of Krsna consciousness
- This is very good system, that if you keep the name of your children "Narayana," "Govinda," "Krsna," "Rama," you will get some chance to chanting this Hare Krsna. Therefore in India still the system is they keep some name which is with reference to Krsna
- This Janmastami ceremony is observed by all Hindus. Irrespective of becoming Vaisnava or not, this ceremony is observed in India every home. Just like in your Western countries the Christmas is observed in every home
- This Janmastami day is the most opulent festival day for the devotees, and it is still observed with great pomp in every Hindu house in India
- This Krsna book, Bhagavad-gita, is very well known, so take this opportunity, both ladies and gentlemen in India, and present Krsna consciousness without any adulteration
- This Krsna consciousness movement was first attempted in India, but the people of India, being absorbed in political thoughts, did not take to it. They were entranced by the political leaders. We preferred, therefore, to come to the West
- This land of India is for the welfare of humanity, not for looting others. This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission
- This morning I met here in Delhi with your American Ambassador to India, Mr. Kenneth Keating. He has got very good respect for our Movement, and he has promised to help me to arrange a meeting with your President
- This movement should therefore be conducted under strict disciplinary methods as prescribed by the 'Mahajans' or the 'Harijan' of accredited merit. In such a movement we shall have full co-operation of the 'Sadhu' community in India
- This movement, for the first time, India is giving something to them. It is not a begging propaganda; it is giving propaganda. Because they are hankering after this substance, Krsna consciousness. They have enjoyed enough of this material consciousness
- This poetry was found in the India House Library at London by Gurudasa. I was searching after it and my master has rewarded me of this after so long a time (34 years). Please publish it in BTG
- This portion of India (Gaudiya or Aryavarta, the Land of the Aryans) is divided into five parts or provinces (Panca-gaudadesa): (3) Madhya-gauda (Madhya Pradesh), (4) Maithila (Bihar & part of Bengal) and (5) Utkala - part of Bengal & the whole of Orissa
- This practice (Demons eating meat and flesh without discrimination) is still prevalent in India, and those who eat meat and fish are generally called demons and Raksasas
- This program is approved that first we establish some more centers. My missionary activities are especially meant for the Western countries. To go to India is a secondary question
- This rascal civilization, they could not take the Western civilization, and they lost their own civilization. This is India's bad luck
- This seven days' discussion (between Sukadeva Gosvami and Pariksit Maharaja) is imitated by the professional Bhagavata reciters in India. But that is not required. We have to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam daily
- This statement (of SB 6.16.58) is confirmed in Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Adi 9.41). Lord Caitanya said: Everyone born in India, especially as a human being, can achieve the supreme success through the Vedic literature and its practical application in life
- This system of carrying luggage and packages is still current in India and other oriental countries, and we have seen that the same system is still current even in Jakarta, Indonesia
- This system of saha-marana continued in India even until the time of British rule, but later it was discouraged
- This tract of land (between Ganges and Yamuna), which is called Brahmavarta, consists of what is known in the modern age as portions of Punjab & northern India. It is clear that the kings of India once ruled all the world and that their culture was Vedic
- This whole campus should be for devotees. We don't want tenant. And it should be developed for that purpose, for developing Krsna consciousness. Either here or outside India or anywhere, this principle should be followed
- This whole world is in darkness, demonic civilization. And India, there is the remedy. So if the Indians take advantage and make his life perfect and then go to the Western countries and distribute this immortal knowledge, that is real business of India
- Those parampara system (from Brahma, Laksmi, Siva & Kumaras), line of disciplic succession, are still existing in India. Practically India's spiritual life is still being controlled by these lines of disciplic succession
- Those who are not actually in the line of acaryas, or who personally have no knowledge of how to act in the role of acarya, unnecessarily criticize the activities of the ISKCON movement in countries outside of India
- Those who are not human beings, the animals, the birds, the beasts, and the worms, the trees, they have no economic problem. I see in India the sparrows, they were chanting and dancing and eating
- Those who have no other means, they eat flesh and they recommend that one big animal should be killed. So India, the cow is big animal, therefore we kill. But that is not recommended for advanced spiritual students
- Those who imagine the form are called iconoclasts. During the Hindu-Muslim riots in India, some Hindus would go to the Moslem mosque and would break statues and images of God, and the Moslems would reciprocate in like manner
- Those who persist in the theory that the four social orders called the caste system exist only in India are totally mistaken. In all other countries, also, there are the same orders of life, under some name or other
- Through the Krsna consciousness movement we are trying to train young people to become devotees and return home, back to Godhead by following rigid regulative principles, but our service is appreciated neither in India nor abroad in the Western countries
- Till now there is no worshipable temple of the Hindus in New York although in India there are so many American missionary establishments and churches
- Time is very bad at the present moment everywhere, especially in India. Of course, India's original culture is all right. But unfortunately, our modern leaders, they are killing the original culture. They want to introduce Western culture
- To dance with the wives of others at the dead of night is immoral, at least according to the Vedic civilization. Even today in India, a young woman will never be allowed to go to a young man at the dead of night to dance with him
- To get a motorcar in this country is ordinary thing, but in our country, in India, if somebody has got a motorcar, he's considered to be very rich man. Here even a worker goes on motorcar, but in India only a person who is very rich
- To get the human form of life born in India, that is a special prerogative. Bharata-bhumite manusya-janma haila yara (CC Adi 9.41). He is fifty percent prepared by birth
- To have a look at the Lord is a great festive occasion undoubtedly, as it was considered by the metropolitan ladies of Dvaraka. This is still followed by the devout ladies of India
- Today is very important day, Lord Caitanya's birthday ceremony. At least in India, specially in Nabadwip, there is very, very great ceremony today. Thousands and millions of people are gathering to observe this important ceremony
- Today this decoration is so nice. Of course, such kind of decoration is made in India. But if some devotee comes from India he'll see, "Oh, it is very nice. How they have done?" How? It is possible, because Krsna is everywhere
- Unfortunately at present all of India has been victimized by these non-Vedic principles (illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling), which are sometimes even supported by the government
- Unfortunately in India they do no take it very seriously; it is up to you in America to actually accomplish something in terms of introducing the principles of Bhagavad gita As It Is into government
- Unfortunately Sankara who belonged to the Mayavada school made a misinterpretation of the Vedanta for his own purpose to convert the Buddhists in India
- Unfortunately so-called scholars and saintly persons have misguided the people by making different interpretations of the divine instruction unnecessarily. That is the cause of the ruination of our culture in India
- Unfortunately there are many fools and rascals in India who do not allow Western Vaisnavas to enter certain temples. Such rascals do not clearly understand the Vedas. As stated previously, yan-namadheya-sravananukirtanad . . . savanaya kalpate
- Unfortunately we are manufacturing a man-god. Therefore we are mudhas. Avajananti mam mudhah (BG 9.11). Here is God, accepted by all acaryas. Not that by sentiment. There are acaryas in India
- Unfortunately, at the present moment there are many foolish sannyasis, both in India and elsewhere, who simply read and study Vedic literature without understanding the purports
- Unless one associates with devotees, one cannot learn the science of vasudevarpana, or dedicating one's life to Vasudeva, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In India the principles of this science were followed strictly
- Unless the children are married, the father's or the mother's responsibility continues. That is our social system, at least in India
- Upon accepting Yayati's old age, Puru was given the kingdom. It is said that two of Yayati's other sons, being disobedient to their father, were given kingdoms outside of India, most probably Turkey and Greece
- Vaisnava is Vaisnava. Spiritual master, they are all transcendental. Of course, in this country you are introducing new, but in India we had been at Tirupati. Thousands of people were coming, & their daily collection was not less than 100,000 rupees
- Vallabha Bhatta is the head of the Vaisnava sampradaya known as the Vallabhacarya-sampradaya in western India
- Valmiki Muni meditated for fifty thousands of years, and then he wrote Ramayana. The Ramayana is not an ordinary book. You see? Therefore Ramayana is so much popular in India. Before the appearance of Rama, he wrote Ramayana
- Vedanta Sutra is now mishandled in India by unauthorized persons of different camps and as such the people are being misguided
- Vedas is the evidence so, "Here animal killing is ordered. How you are stopping it?" Therefore he (Lord Buddha) said: "I don't care for your Vedas." And because he did not care for the Vedas, therefore in India, later on, nobody accepted Buddha philosophy
- Vedic authorities, authoritative statement, are accepted by the acaryas. Just like India is governed by the acaryas, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya and Sankaracarya. They accept in that, and the followers accept them
- Vedic culture is full of knowledge, and a person born in India can fully take advantage of Vedic cultural knowledge and the cultural system known as varnasrama-dharma
- Vedic culture was lost, or put into difficulty, simply for this reason, when the Vedic followers in India, they made these classification of brahmin, ksatriya, as hereditary
- Vedic culture was there long, long ago all over the world. But now that is finished. Now in India, also, where little Vedic principles were still glowing, that is now being finished also
- Vedic principles are accepted as axiomatic truth, for there cannot be any mistake. That is acceptance. For instance, in India cow dung is accepted as pure, and yet cow dung is the stool of an animal
- Vivekananda advocated daridra-narayana-seva hundred years ago. So India is full of daridras. What Mothilal can do? What Vivekananda can do? This is all simply concoction. You cannot do anything
- Vivekananda preached for Daridra Narayana seva and the practical Americans question the swamijis of Ramakrishna Mission why there are still so many Daridra Narayanas lying on the streets and foot paths in India
- We accept atheist, one who does not believe in the Vedas. Therefore we have rejected the Buddha philosophy. They could not exist in India. But those who are preaching atheism through Vedas, impersonal, they are more dangerous
- We actually saw during the partition days in India that although Hindus & Muslims were living together peacefully, manipulation by politicians suddenly aroused feelings of hatred between them, and thus the Hindus & Muslims killed one another over politics
- We are accepting the statements of authorities in every field of our activities. From newspapers and radio we also understand that such and such events are taking place in China and India and other places all around the earth
- We are approved, our books are approved by the greatest learned scholars of all universities. Because they are seeing a new light. No hodgepodge philosophy. India also, wherever we are going
- We are arranging to send 60 devotees from different centers to India
- We are being directed by the whims. So it is very lamentable condition of India, although this Krsna consciousness is India's original culture, Krsna culture. Krsna appeared on this land
- We are going three times, four times India. Who is dying? Everyone is dying natural death. This is all propaganda, to make their position secure. That's all. I have never seen anyone dying for starvation
- We are making a very gorgeous plan at Mayapur and if you altogether can give shape to this plan, it will be unique if not in the whole world then at least in all of India
- We are not introducing caste system, that any rascal born in a brahmana family, he becomes a brahmana. We don't accept that. A man who is first-class trained up to become a brahmana, we accept him. It doesn't matter whether he is India, Europe or America
- We are now trying to get one very suitable house here for our India headquarters. The cost is rupees 10 lakhs, and it is located in a very rich quarter of the city, with many aristocratic houses nearby
- We are preaching now. I came from India. If I would say: "I am sannyasi. I will not ride in a car or aeroplane; I must walk," then what kind of preaching would have been? You see? So therefore it depends on the acarya how to adjust things
- We are trying in India to establish some centers and the response of the people here has been very favorable towards our movement which they have found to be a great stimulus to the revival of Krsna consciousness
- We are trying to give them solid personification of the Absolute Truth. Here also, India, they are spoiled by these Mayavadi. Now it is in your able hands. You are resourceful, intelligent. Spread this Vaisnava philosophy and challenge this Mayavada
- We don't find either in the Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam or any authorized Vedic literature "Hindu dharma." Unfortunately, in India it has become very prominent, Hindu dharma, something hodgepodge
- We have created this atmosphere of interest in Krsna in the Western countries, and I think that cooperatively we may work together to increase the foreign tourism in our country of India
- We have got about one hundred branches all over the world - Europe, America, Australia, and Far East, Middle East, India - everywhere we have got branches. And I am very much obliged to your country, USA. You are mostly cooperating with this movement
- We have got everything in India, and to become God conscious, to establish the Lord's kingdom, not at all difficult. But we manufacture our own ideas. But we want that rama-rajya, but without Rama. How rama-rajya will be there?
- We have got four branches now in India, out of 102 branches all over the world. But especially this movement is easier for the Indians because by birth they are imbibed with the Krsna consciousness idea
- We have got, not only in west outside India, in India, we have got standing order from all universities, libraries, and many other places. Complete standing order value is 40,000 rupees
- We have introduced a Life Membership program there in India, for the purpose of giving the intelligent men in the society an opportunity to help push on this great movement of pure Vedic culture
- We have not come here to collect some money. Money is supplied by Krsna. I am going back and forth to India - not only I, but my students as well. For a rich man there would be many expenditures; it would cost ten thousand dollars or such trips
- We have received one letter from Cox and King's, one of the world's biggest travel agencies, requesting us to assist them by providing facilities for all the tourists coming from foreign places who are interested in seeing the real spiritual life of India
- We have recently experienced a war between India and Pakistan. Within fourteen days there have been immense losses of men and money, and there have been disturbances to the entire world. These are the reactions of sinful life
- We have seen in India, a madman lies down on the street. That is not in your country? But he thinks that he's safe. He's not safe. Similarly, we are, because we are mad, by the influence of maya, we are not safe
- We have seen in the history of India that Aurangzeb killed his brother and nephews and imprisoned his father to fulfill political ambitions. There have been many similar instances, and Kamsa was the same type of king
- We have seen that in India the lower class people sometimes go to the forest, and if they have knowledge that a ghost lives in a tree, they worship that tree and offer sacrifices. These different kinds of worship are not actually God worship. BG 1972 pur
- We have to learn (Srimad-Bhagavatam) from the tattva-darsi, not from the professional reciters who make business with Bhagavata. Therefore there is misunderstanding of Srimad-Bhagavatam. So India, this should be stopped
- We have unlimited number of instruments and other goods which we shall be needing from India, so if arrangement can be made for these goods to be sent safely and promptly, there is so much business which we shall give you
- We may not hate even the prostitutes if they are devotees of the Lord. Even to date there are many prostitutes in great cities of India who are sincere devotees of the Lord
- We may purchase a ticket to go to India, and on the basis of the ticket we have faith that we will be transported there. Why should we pay money for a ticket? We do not just give the money to anyone
- We need supply money to India. Depend on Krsna; Krsna will supply
- We require some men for India. Karandhara informs me that you have declined to send any. Our programs there are important and there is a great need. We have not captured very many first class men there so we must import
- We see now at our function in Vrindaban that hundreds of members are attending from all parts of the world. In this way our movement is unique, that not just the people of India are hearing about Krsna, but from all countries they are joining
- We shall become fully Krsna conscious, and we shall go out, outside India, to preach Krsna consciousness movement. That is para-upakara. That is the best welfare activities in the human society. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission
- We shall not think that this is my zone, that is his zone, just like the Indian and Pakistan nation are thinking, and then there is war, no
- We shall require at least one dozen students to go to India and stay there at least for 6 months, and be completely trained up on our line of activities
- We should certainly have a centre in Kanpur. It is the third most important city in India after Bombay and Calcutta
- We should not think that because Krsna was born in India that the knowledge of BG is sectarian or that Krsna is a sectarian God. Indeed, in the Fourteenth Chapter Sri Krsna proclaims Himself to be the father of all beings
- We should not utilize this Hare Krsna movement for any material purpose. Then it will fall down. Either the man will fall down or the status will fall down. As it has become in India
- We should take advantage of the sastras, Vedic knowledge. It is India's property. Everything was cultivated in India, but because andha yathandhair upaniyamanah. Our rascal leaders (of India), they are leading these andhas, they are not interested
- We want hundreds and thousands of preachers to go outside India and preach this cult
- We want our men to come to India to learn the Sanskrit language so that we can study the Vedic literature. So you must arrange for a teacher to coach these boys in Sanskrit
- We want to see the quality, not the quantity. So our process is parampara. Just like in India there are acaryas: Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Visnu Svami, Caitanya. If the acarya accept, then we accept. This is our process
- We wish to see distributed in India a small, very inexpensive abridged edition of The Bhagavad Gita As It Is by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. Such important knowledge as contained in The Bhagavad Gita As It Is is vitally needed by all of humanity
- Western countries and the lame man of India should combine together in this Krsna consciousness movement. Then the lame man of India can walk with the help of the Westerner, and the blind Westerner can see with the help of the lame man
- What Gandhi has done? These things are cheating, spoiled. Then they have now a slogan to drive away poverty. Vivekananda imitated, daridra-narayana-seva. That Vivekananda started his mission in India hundred years ago
- What GBC man from India has written that GBC member should be "disentangled from local management"? I have no information who it is. I never advised GBC men to write like that
- What is known in India as sanatana-dharma, or "the eternal religion," is meant for this living spirit. That is to say, real spiritualism is transcendental to the various religions that focus on the gross material body or the subtle material mind
- What to speak of temple, I had no residential place even. So in that condition I was thinking of returning back to India. So the shipping company I was, practically every week, I was going
- Whatever is done by a great nation or a great man is followed by ordinary persons, so it is my mission to distribute the treasure house of India's transcendental knowledge to the whole world, and your cooperation in this connection will be a great asset
- Whatever spiritual culture they have got, still they are happier than others. In India still in village you'll find a man with practically no income but he has got his happy home, good wife, a cottage, little bread, but he is happy
- When Devarsi Narada descended to instruct Sarvani Manu, he described the opulence of Bharata-varsa, India
- When He (Lord Caitanya) was traveling through the forests of Jharikhanda in central India for spreading His sankirtana movement, the tigers, the elephants, the deer and all the other wild animals joined Him and were participating, in their own ways
- When I came to your country I saw that taking bath is also difficult thing. Taking bath, that is also not in practice. Perhaps once in a week. We are accustomed to see in India thrice in a day
- When I go to India, sometimes they speak like that, that "India does not require Krsna consciousness," because they are in a very awkward position so far economic condition is there. But that is not the actual fact
- When I return to India my ambition is to construct an American House at Vrindaban and get some of you boys and girls there to train for our preaching work in this part of the world
- When I return to India, I shall surely try to travel with your buses. It is a very nice program and I want to see it go on very enthusiastically
- When I started this movement, I wanted to bring some men from India. The problem was that in India the men who joined the Gaudiya Math mission were not very educated. So I declined to bring them in the Western countries
- When I was in Columbus, I met one gentleman on the street. So as soon as he understood that I am from India, "Oh, India is very poverty-stricken." Yes. This is our advertisement
- When India was divided into Hindustan and Pakistan, there was good opportunity for the Hindu Indians to follow strictly the principles of Bhagavad Gita, and the state religion should have been declared Krishna Consciousness
- When India was too much addicted for animal slaughtering under the plea of Vedic sacrifice, the Lord Buddha appeared. Why? They misused the Vedic injunctions
- When Krsna descended on this earth, He sported on that particular tract of land known as Vrndavana in the district of Mathura, India. BG 1972 purports
- When Krsna was present before us on this earth, not that all people of the world or all people of India could recognize. Only few people -- the Pandavas and the inhabitants of Vrndavana, inhabitants of Dvaraka, some of them could understand
- When Nimai Pandita heard of this incident He organized a party for civil disobedience. He is the pioneer of the civil disobedience movement in India for the right cause
- When one takes a vow to remain a complete celibate, his mind may still be agitated by sexual desire; therefore in India those practicing the traditional yoga under strict vows of celibacy are not allowed to sit alone even with a mother, sister or daughter
- When people become godless, there is restriction of supply. Just like practical experience. I am saying from my practical experience that in my childhood I saw that India was exporting millions of tons of rice and wheat
- When people say in India, "Swamiji, you have done wonderful," and yes, I do not know. I'm not a magician. But so far I am confident that I did not adulterated the words of Krsna. That's all. That's my credit
- When the milk is available in the marketplace, what is the use of keeping a cow? It is a very abominable condition in the Western countries - I have seen it. Here also in India, gradually it is coming
- When the Temple is constructed, I shall ask you to go there with your wife and preach Krishna Consciousness amongst the Indian community. Sometimes you desired to go to India, and Krishna will fulfill your desire to a greater extent
- When there is a little more stoppage of a mail train . . . the people of India, they are accustomed to take bath daily. So immediately they take some advantage, and they begin to take bath
- When there is a scarcity of food in India on account of meager rainfall, some members of the richer class very proudly distribute foodstuffs, making huge arrangements with the help of the government
- When there was fighting between India and Pakistan, they (all the Pakistanis) were all united. Now they have changed their . . . another anyatha rupam, that - I am Eastern Pakistani, I am Western Pakistani
- When these American devotees go to India, the Indian people are surprised to see that Americans have become so mad after God
- When we established the Bury Place Deity, on the three days before, the Deity which I ordered from India, it did not arrive. Three days before. And I was so much full of anxiety
- When we held Krsna festival in Bombay, Calcutta, twenty-thousand, thirty-thousand people come. By nature. We cannot expect this big assembly in other countries. That is my experience. But India, because it is Bharata-varsa, it is very easy
- When you go to India, you let me know and I shall give you some introductory letters to Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi, Navadvipa, Jaipur, Kanpur, etc. Perhaps you have to visit Udaipur also. But in Europe wherever you go, you must arrange for opening a centre
- When you return to India there are so many ways you can convince your parents that to take to Krishna Consciousness does not mean one has to give up his worldly affairs
- Whether one is a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, American, Englishman, Indian, etc., one can execute devotional service anywhere and everywhere in the material existence simply by offering prayers unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- While preparing this commentation on this particular stanza of Srimad-Bhagavatam we have a crisis before us. Our neighboring friend China has attacked the border of India with a militaristic spirit
- Who is mahajana? Mahajana. In India, a mahajana is accepted who can give you loan, money. He's called mahajana. Not that, that all. It is, it is a perverted word. But mahajana means a, one who is pure devotee of the Lord
- Who says India is starving? You are saying. I'm Indian, I don't starve. You are false propaganda
- Why India's name should be defamed, that they are following in the same blind man's way? Therefore I repeatedly said that, - I invite you all. Come. Join. Understand
- Why is it that money that has been collected on behalf of ISKCON Food Relief program has not been sent to India? Where is that money? This is not good. If you are not intending to send for food distribution, then do not collect in the name of Food Relief
- Why they cannot give us permission for printing BG? Make it clear whether we can print the older abridged edition, or if we can print the newer unabridged one. They must allow us to print here or immediately send 20,000 copies in India. We can sell all
- Why you are thinking "This portion is Russian," "This portion is American"? It is father's property. So if there is rush in China or India, why not allow them to come to Russia or America? "No. That is my property." What is this philosophy?
- Witches are called khecari, which means they can fly in the sky. This art of witchcraft is still practiced by some women in the remote northwestern side of India. They can transfer themselves from one place to another on the branch of an uprooted tree
- With reference to your point that it may be too difficult to drive with van to India, if it is not practical then we should not attempt. But I see so many world tourists here in such vans, how they can do it and we cannot?
- Wrestling matches are still enjoyed by people in northern India, & it appears from the statements of Srimad-Bhagavatam that five thousand years ago wrestling was popular. Kamsa planned to arrange such a wrestling competition & to invite people to visit
- Yes, I say fatherland. India, motherland; New York is my fatherland
- You are blind by material advancement, and India has got spiritual advancement, but for want of money they cannot Move. So you take this lame man, you blind, on your shoulder, and cooperation will be good for the whole world
- You are brought up in a different standard in Europe and America, and in India it may be difficult because you haven't got all the facilities. But you learn tolerance. Execute Krsna consciousness. That should be our business
- You are more advanced in every way, you Americans. And because I have come from India with some poor knowledge, I am injecting something in your brain? No. The Krsna consciousness is already there. I am simply helping you to revive it
- You are welcome to join us at any moment provided you do so in your original status. You have to immediately leave India for working outside
- You cannot take the Western culture properly, and you have lost your own culture. This is India's bad luck. They never taught Indians how to become actually Westernized. No. They were not giving them sufficient education
- You come and preach. The country is going to hell, the human society is going to hell for misguidance. These rascal leaders, they're going to hell themselves and they're leading others
- You don't bother about species. There are different forms. Just like in Europe the form is different from Africa or India
- You go to Saurastra and see what is the possibility of opening centers there. I want that we should open up more centers in India. When I return to India I shall go there to Saurastra
- You have asked me what are the formalities that you have to observe for recruiting Krishna devotees in India, and the first principle is that you have to become a pure devotee of the Lord. Then you can attempt to convert others to become devotees
- You have been to India so you know the importance of the life membership program here, so I am requesting that you personally attend to some items needed here for the preaching work in that connection
- You have got by the grace of Lord some foreign degrees. If you present this Krsna consciousness movement in India, many persons will follow. So you think in that way and try to understand our philosophy
- You have neglected. My charge is that you have neglected. Bhagavad-gita is there. Bhagavad-gita is spoken in India. Bhagavad-gita is there. I think every home has got a Bhagavad-gita. But you do not study; you neglect it. That is your fault
- You have no experience in your country. In India still there are snake charmers. If one is bitten by a snake he remains unconscious. By mantra he can be brought into consciousness, in life
- You have no experience. In India we have got experience. Each and every monkey has got at least hundred girls with him. Hundred, one hundred. So what we able to enjoy?
- You have no position. You cannot take the Western culture properly, and you have lost your own culture. This is India's bad luck. They never taught Indians how to become actually Westernized. No. They were not giving them sufficient education
- You know how the things are taken in India so be yourself very careful to always avoid these things and instruct others how to do it also
- You know there are six kinds of philosophies in India; the mimamsaka philosophy; and Sankhya philosophy; and nyaya - nyaya means logic - nyaya philosophy; then Mayavada philosophy; then Patanjali, yoga system, Patanjali & at last, this Vedanta philosophy
- You know very well that I went to India this time empty handed but we spent there not less than five lakhs Rupees during my 10 month stay and all the money was collected simply on the strength of our books and literatures
- You may immediately send Nitai Das here to me in India and he may remain with me to do this work
- You may say that because India is poverty-stricken the people are frustrated, but why have American boys and girls been frustrated? That is the proof that the materialistic way of life cannot make you happy
- You must construct something wonderful. Otherwise, it will be a discredit to you American boys. That will exalt the position of America in India. And in every temple food distribution must go on profusely with American food supplies
- You simply send me now the manuscripts as required by you, and I shall send back either dictaphone tapes or tape-recorder cassettes. There is presently shortage of tape-recorder cassettes here in India, so if you can send a few that would be a help
- You told me you could help me in getting a permanent visa; you also asked me to see you when I return. But if in the meantime you come back to India, then I request you to leave a note to your successor about this, or better yet, obtain the visa now
- You wanted to come here to take further inspiration from the L.A. temple activities. So you may ask Muljibhai to come with you also, and we can discuss together our future plans for India. I will be very glad to see you both at that time
- You wanted to go to India. Now there is opportunity. Acyutananda is opening a centre at Kanpur the third important city in India. Rayrama and Brahmananda will shortly start for India. You can also go with them
- You were ready to bear my passage expenses from India to South America. And as I could not get the No objection certificate I had to postpone the journey. This time there is no such question & the passage expenses to Japan are far less than South America
- You will find many healthy persons in India subsisting only on these vegetarian foodstuffs, and they have good brain also
- You will see that how much profusely the earth was producing during the time of Maharaja Yudhisthira, because the executive head of the state was a pious, so how nature was helping. Nature was helping. Now India there is scarcity
- You'll be surprised, in 1942 there was an artificial famine in India by politicians, and practically they were starving. And one American gentleman, very responsible man, he was present
- Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service
- Your thinking about my health; yes by the Grace of Lord Nrsimha, I am not in bad health. Rather I have improved since I have come from India back