My Dear Rupanuga,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your kind letters dated from London and Buffalo respectively. I am so pleased to learn of favorable reports of your touring and you'll be also pleased to know that preaching work in India is going on nicely. At present we are staying at Gorakhpur, one of the important cities in Northern India and we are for the present guests of Gita Press authorities. Temporarily we have installed very nice Deity and people come here to attend lecture and arati to the fullest extent. I'm negotiating with local university authorities to donate a piece of land within the university campus so that we may construct a nice temple there and preach this cult amongst the students. If this program is successful here, then we shall be able to introduce this system in all universities of the world and probably in different factories, institutes, etc. gradually.
Although our philosophy is revolutionary, even in India also, it is being received favorably. In our Kumba Mela camp it was very successful. Our camp stood out first in the whole campus. Many government high officials, retired high-court judges, big police officers came to see me and invited me also for lecture and all of them were very much encouraging. Our program of recruiting life members is also going on nicely. Actually we are and meeting our expenditures very heavily on this book distribution scheme of life membership. 50% is utilized for reprinting books and 50% is being utilized for increasing the number of centers. I think the same program may be vigorously introduced in your country and that will be a great success.
I've received one letter from Gargamuni and replied it and have just now received one from Visnujana Swami, but have not heard from Brahmananda Swami for some time. Reports from Subala Maharaja are very encouraging. He has sent me some photos also. But our long outstanding program for opening a center in Paris is still in oblivion. I understand that Jaya Govinda is now very much interested in family life. Similarly Umapati has also left Europe and gone back to the U.S.A. The wife is maya but at the same time a great friend. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu remarked that the wife is the goddess of fortune somewhere and somewhere she is a witch. Anyway, you are very strong and an ideal grhastha and therefore instead of being influenced by your wife, you have influenced her to take to Krishna Consciousness. I expect every one of my students to come to your standard and remain steadfast in pushing on this movement of Krishna Consciousness. Mandali Bhadra has changed his wife because he was also being deviated by his former wife and I hope he will stand on this point steadily.
I am very glad to learn that the situation in London is improving and I'm sure that as soon as Mukunda joins wholeheartedly, it will be all right. As soon as the new record album is imprinted, please send a copy to the above given Bombay address.
I'm so glad to learn that a scientific bookkeeping system is being introduced in our different centers. If possible, some instruction may be sent here in Bombay for this scientific bookkeeping system. Here in India, although they are trying their best, still it is not satisfactory. Perfect accounts means every information regarding financial and stock situation must be ready for immediate reference and not a single farthing should be wasted.
There are many candidates for being initiated who are waiting and I think when I return to U.S.A. by month of April, all their initiations can be performed. Yes, Tejios can be initiated for the second time by that tape record with earphoning method.
It is very encouraging to note that a new branch is being opened in Wilmington, Delaware by Lalita Kumar and his wife. Encourage them and offer my full blessings for their endeavor.
Please offer my blessings to the others there. Hoping this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami