- Kurukṣetra
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Pages in category "Kuruksetra"
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- According to some opinions, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited Kuruksetra while going to Prayaga from Vrndavana. There is a temple of Bhadra-kali in Kuruksetra, and near that temple there is a temple containing the Deity of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- After crossing these provinces (Brahmavarta, Kuruksetra, Matsya, Sarasvata, the province of the desert and the land of scanty water) He (Lord Krsna) gradually reached the Sauvira and Abhira provinces, then west of these, reached Dvaraka at last
- After giving up the company of the gopis in Vrndavana, Sri Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda, engaged in His pastimes at Dvaraka. When Krsna went to Kuruksetra with His brother and sister and others from Dvaraka, He again met the inhabitants of Vrndavana
- All persons who participated in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra or otherwise with the Lord (Krsna) or with Baladeva, etc., would benefit by attaining spiritual existence according to the situation of their minds at the time of death
- All the commanders on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra were maha-rathas. Many of them are mentioned in Bhagavad-gita. Bhisma, Karna, and Dronacarya were especially great commanders
- Among the women present at Kuruksetra during the solar eclipse were Kunti, Gandhari, Draupadi, Subhadra and the queens of many other kings, as well as the gopis from Vrndavana
- And by his mind a Krsna conscious person always thinks of the activities of the Lord - as He is speaking on the battlefield of Kuruksetra or engaging in His various pastimes at Vrndavana with His devotees
- Another son of Ajamidha was known as Rksa. From Rksa came a son named Samvarana, and from Samvarana through the womb of his wife, Tapati, the daughter of the sun-god, came Kuru, the King of Kuruksetra
- Arjuna had attained this stage long before on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, and when he apparently felt the absence of the Lord, he at once took shelter of the instructions of the Bhagavad-gita, and thus again he was placed in his original position
- Arjuna refers to the instruction of the Bhagavad-gita, which was imparted to him by the Lord on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
- Arriving in Kuruksetra, the members of the Yadu dynasty took baths ceremoniously, with self-control, as enjoined in the sastras, & they observed fasting for the whole period of the eclipse in order to nullify the reactions of their sinful activities
- At other times Krsna went to Kuruksetra from His paternal home (Dvaraka) during the solar eclipse, and at these times the residents of Vrndavana also went to see Him there
- Atheists try to interpret different meanings of the words dharma-ksetra and kuru-ksetra. Therefore Srila Jiva Gosvami has warned us not to depend on any kind of interpretation. It is better to take the verses as they are, without interpretation
- Because almost all the members of the Yadu dynasty went to Kuruksetra, some important personalities, like Aniruddha, the son of Pradyumna, and Krtavarma, the commander in chief of the Yadu dynasty
- Because almost all the members of the Yadu dynasty went to Kuruksetra, some important personalities, Sucandra, Suka and Sarana, remained in Dvaraka to protect the city
- Because the Bhagavad-gita is spoken on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra some people have asked what we have to do with the battlefield. We have nothing to do with any battlefield. We are after knowledge of the spiritual sphere
- Because the sages assembled in the place of pilgrimage at Kuruksetra had spoken about the Lord as the supreme cause of everything, Vasudeva simply repeated it out of his love for Krsna and Balarama
- Being village girls, they (the gopis) were not very much attracted to the field of Kuruksetra, where Krsna was present with elephants, horses and royal dress. Indeed, they did not very much appreciate Krsna in that atmosphere
- Besides all these infallible forms, He (Krsna) has His universal form, as manifested before Arjuna on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
- Between those kingdoms (Hastinapur, Anarta, Sauvira and Kuruksetra) were many mountains, rivers, towns, villages, pasturing grounds and mining fields. The procession passed through all these places in its advance
- By astronomical calculation, people were informed about this great eclipse prior to its taking place, and therefore everyone, both men and women, decided to assemble at the holy place in Kuruksetra known as Samanta-pancaka
- By taking shelter of Lord Krsna, one comes under the safest protection. Thus when the Pandavas took shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna, all of them were on the safe side of the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
- Devotees in the third stage, the stage of friendship, are Sridama in Vrndavana and Bhima and Arjuna in Dvaraka and on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. There are many others also
- Dharma-ksetra everyone knows. Kuruksetra is still dharma-ksetra. Everyone goes there for religious performances. Where is the difficulty? Why you make it difficult
- Dhrtarastra said: O Sanjaya, after assembling in the place of pilgrimage at Kuruksetra, what did my sons and the sons of Pandu do, being desirous to fight? BG 1.1 - 1972
- Dhrtarastra said: O Sanjaya, after my sons and the sons of Pandu assembled in the place of pilgrimage at Kuruksetra, desiring to fight, what did they do?
- Foolish commentators say that kuruksetra means the body and that panca-pandava refers to the five senses. In this way they distort the meaning, and people are misled
- For example, the Bhagavad-gita is spoken on the battlefield of Kuruksetra, and the impersonalists say that although Krsna is of interest, the battlefield of Kuruksetra isn't
- For Krishna we can execute any activity, but this is not free license to act whimsically. Arjuna was able to fight on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra because this was Krishna's desire, not because it was simply his whims
- Going to take their (members of yadu dynasty) baths in the place of pilgrimage at Kuruksetra, in observing the regulative principles during the solar eclipse, or in feeding the brahmanas in all their activities they simply thought of devotion to Krsna
- Gold is natural, and similarly God is natural. In His childhood pastimes, in the lap of His mother, He is God; while He is playing with His boyfriends, He is God; while He is dancing, He is God; while He is fighting at Kuruksetra
- Here at Kuruksetra You are dressed like a royal prince, accompanied by great warriors, but in Vrndavana You appeared just like an ordinary cowherd boy, accompanied only by Your beautiful flute
- His (Dhrtarastra's) brother Pandu died also. Then in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra his one hundred sons and his grandsons all died, along with all other well-wishers like Bhismadeva, Dronacarya, Karna and many other kings and friends
- His (Krsna's) childhood pastimes were blissfully enjoyed by mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja. This fact was admitted by Vasudeva himself when he met Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda at Kuruksetra
- I (Krsna) shall finish all those who have assembled here (Kuruksetra) except you, the Pandavas. This killing does not wait for you to take part in it. It is already arranged: all will be killed by Me
- I appreciated the grand place of Kuruksetra. I wish to organize this holy spot for spreading Krishna Consciousness all over the world
- I shall inform you immediately as soon as I know of the Kuruksetra land. In the meantime, you should honor the contract, and if necessary do whatever is required
- If one speculatively interprets the Vedanta-sutra or Bhagavad-gita, saying, "The word krsna means this, and kuruksetra means that," one is simply wasting one's time. One should hear this literature as it is
- In India there is still that place, Kuruksetra, and religious men go there especially on the occasion of solar eclipse. So recently there was solar eclipse
- In Kuruksetra there are crowds of people, elephants and horses, and also the rattling of chariots. But in Vrndavana there are flower gardens, and the humming of the bees and chirping of the birds can be heard
- In others' opinion (some say Brahmavarta is in Kuruksetra), Brahmavarta is a place in Brahmaloka, where Svayambhuva ruled
- In the Kuruksetra, that place, if anyone wants to perform religious rites, he should go to Kuruksetra and perform there. It will have better effect. This is the indication in the Vedic literature
- In the religious field of Kuruksetra where the father of religion, Sri Krsna, was present, the thoroughly religious persons, headed by Yudhisthira, would be established by the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In the second part of the Gopala-campu, known as Uttara-campu, the following subject matters are discussed: (22) the killing of Dvivida and thoughts of Hastinapura; (23) departure for Kuruksetra
- In the second part of the Gopala-campu, known as Uttara-campu, the following subject matters are discussed: (24) how the residents of Vrndavana and Dvaraka met at Kuruksetra; (25) Krsna’s consultation with Uddhava; (26) the deliverance of the king
- In the Vedic injunction it is said, kuruksetre dharmam yajet: "When you want to perform religious ritualistic ceremonies, go to Kuruksetra." So Kuruksetra is still there
- In the Vedic literature it is stated that kuru-ksetre dharmam yajayet: If you want to perform religious rites, then you should perform at Kuruksetra
- In this meeting at Kuruksetra, Kuntidevi and Vasudeva, who were sister and brother, met after a long separation, along with their respective sons and daughters-in-law, children and other family members
- In those days - those days means at least five thousand years ago - they selected a place and, "Let us fight and decide our fate," ksatriyas. Why the public should suffer? So in this way Kuruksetra was selected to fight between the two parties
- Influenced by the kama spirit, Arjuna declined to fight in the Kuruksetra battlefield because he wanted to save his relatives for his own satisfaction
- Is it not a Hindi word? Kuruksetra is a name of place. So what is the difficulty? Why do you interpret that Kuruksetra means this body? This rascaldom has killed the whole spiritual atmosphere of India
- Krsna never goes even a step away from Vrndavana; therefore Kuruksetra is less important for the gopis than Vrndavana
- Krsna says that "I am the Supreme." We accept it. That is hearing. And if you interpret, "Oh, Krsna means this, Kuruksetra means this," that mean you're spoiling your time. Why this, that? As it is, hear as it is
- Kunti prays to Krsna by describing how He saved the Pandavas on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. Mrdhe mrdhe 'neka-maharathastratah - SB 1.8.24
- Kuruksetra continues to exist since the Vedic age, and it is sheer foolishness when interpreters ignore or deny the existence of Kuruksetra
- Kuruksetra is a fact, and it is a dharma-ksetra. Still many millions of Indians go there to visit, especially during the solar eclipse occasion they go there
- Kuruksetra is a place which is still a place of pilgrimage. The Hindus, those who are followers of Vedic rites, they go there. They perform religious rituals. And there is Vedic injunction, kuru-ksetre dharmam acaret, dharma yajet
- Kuruksetra is dharma-ksetra, the place where religious ritualistic performances are done. Kuru-ksetre dharmam acaret. That is the Vedic version.
- Kuruksetra is still there in India, but these so-called learned scholars, politicians, they're squeezing out some meaning out of Kuruksetra. What is the necessity? Kuruksetra is a place where actually, historically the battle took place
- Kuruksetra is still there, and it is a dharma-ksetra. From Vedic order, Kuruksetra is dharma acaret. Still, people go there by thousands and by millions as pilgrimage. So where is the difficulty, dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre, unless you make difficulty
- Kuruksetra is still there, the place is there, the station is there, and it is mentioned in the Vedas, it is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita. Where is the difficulty? Why you create difficulty? It is your fault that creates difficulty
- Lord Brahma is a great devotee of the Lord; therefore he has been empowered or inspired by the Lord to create such a universe as the one manifested before us. The Lord also inspired Arjuna to fight in the field of Kuruksetra
- Lord Caitanya’s heart was always filled with separation from Krsna, but as soon as He had the opportunity to visit the Jagannatha temple, He became fully absorbed in the thoughts of the gopis who came to see Krsna at Kuruksetra
- Lord Krsna would not have been glorified as the speaker of the Bhagavad-gita had His devotees like the Pandavas not been entangled in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
- Mamaka, pandava. "My sons and my younger brother's sons, they assembled together for fighting." Yuyutsava. Yuyutsava means "with fighting spirit." And dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre, on the place known as Kuruksetra
- My ambition is that the Kurukshetra field should be fully utilized for spreading the cult of Krishna Consciousness all over the world
- O Saunaka, the Lord (Krsna) then proceeded towards Kurujangala, Pancala, Surasena, the land on the bank of the River Yamuna, Brahmavarta, Kuruksetra, Matsya, Sarasvata, the province of the desert and the land of scanty water
- On Battlefield of Kuruksetra there were great fighters called maharathas. Just as military men in modern days are given titles like lieutenant, captain, commander, & commander-in-chief, formerly there were titles like eka-ratha, ati-ratha, & maha-ratha
- On the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, Lord Krsna fought simply by giving directions. Yet it was Arjuna who took the credit for fighting
- Once during his travels all over the world, Pururava saw Urvasi, accompanied by five companions, on the bank of the Sarasvati at Kuruksetra. With jubilation in his face, he then spoke to her in sweet words as follows
- One politician has said that Kuruksetra refers to the body, but in the dictionary there is no such definition. this imaginary meaning is gauna-vrtti, whereas the direct meaning is mukhya-vrtti or abhidha-vrtti. This is the distinction between the two
- Pandavas and the Kauravas, they wanted to fight. Yuyutsavah. That's all right. Where is the interpretation? They wanted to fight. They selected a nice place, dharma-ksetra, Kuruksetra, and there they fought. So it is, meaning is clear
- People still go to observe religious ritualistic performances. And in the Vedas there is injunction, If you want to perform some ritualistic ceremonies, religious, then go to Kuruksetra
- She thought of Him in the calm and quiet atmosphere of Vrndavana, dressed as a cowherd boy. But at Kuruksetra He was in a royal dress and was accompanied by elephants, horses and crowds of men. Thus the atmosphere was not congenial for Their meeting
- So-called scholars and commentators do not believe that Krsna was factually a historical person whose presence on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra is recorded in the history of Mahabharata
- Sometimes commentators say that the word kuruksetra in the first verse of the Bhagavad-gita refers to one's body, but we do not accept this
- Sometimes it is stated that Brahmavarta is a part of Kuruksetra or that Kuruksetra itself is situated in Brahmavarta, because the demigods are recommended to perform spiritual ritualistic performances in Kuruksetra
- Still there is Kuruksetra, and people go there to perform religious ritualistic ceremonies. And in the Vedas it is written clearly, kuruksetre dharmam acaret. That is the statement of the Vedas
- That is the whole scheme of Kuruksetra fight - "Wipe out these rascals." Krsna was not interested to rule over, but He took the guidance - "Yes, I'll guide you." That's all
- That kuruksetre is still existing. It is not a myth or mythology. The nonsense people, they may say like that, but Krsna is the supermost person both in history...
- The gopis saw their beloved Krsna at Kuruksetra after a long separation. They secured and embraced Him in their hearts through their eyes, and they attained a joy so intense that not even perfect yogis can attain it
- The kuru-ksetra is a pilgrimage, dharma-ksetra. Still it is. There is a railway station of the name Kuruksetra, and that Kuruksetra place is very big field
- The Kuruksetra is dharma-ksetra. Still Kuruksetra is there in India. People go there for performing religious ritualistic ceremonies. So where is the difficulty to understand
- The Kuruksetra is still there. Everyone knows. There is a railway station of the name Kuruksetra and there is a place Kuruksetra. Now it is being developed by the government. So how you can explain Kuruksetra otherwise? Kuruksetra is a fact
- The land at Kuruksetra is now available to us. So you can come and join me
- The Mayavadis explained that the word kuruksetra refers to the body. Such interpretations imply, however, that neither Lord Krsna nor Vyasadeva had a proper sense of word usage or etymological adjustment
- The Mayavadis never accept the direct meaning. Even big political leaders who are influenced by the Mayavada philosophy cover the meaning of the Vedic literature by speculating, - Kuruksetra means this, and dharma-ksetra means that
- The meeting of Radha and Krsna during this occasion (in Kuruksetra during the solar eclipse) is a very pathetic story, and Lord Sri Caitanya, in the ecstasy of Radharani, always pined for Lord Sri Krsna at Jagannatha Puri
- The members of the Yadu dynasty came to Kuruksetra in their gorgeously decorated chariots, which resembled the airplanes of the demigods and which were pulled by big horses that moved like the waves of the ocean
- The perfection of any activity - social, political, religious or philanthropic - is to satisfy the Supreme Lord
- The procession of Lord Krsna's party advanced toward Hastinapura (New Delhi) and gradually passed through the kingdoms of Anarta (Gujarat Province), Sauvira (Surat), the great desert of Rajasthan, and then Kuruksetra
- The sacred lakes like Puskara and places where saintly persons live, like Kuruksetra, Gaya, Prayaga, Pulahasrama, Naimisaranya, the banks of the Phalgu River, Setubandha, Prabhasa, Dvaraka - all of these are to be considered most pious and sacred
- The statements of the Bhagavad-gita (BG 1.1) are themselves proof that there is a place of eligious pilgrimage named Kuruksetra where the Pandavas and Kurus met to fight. After meeting there, what did they do? This was Dhrtarastra’s inquiry to Sanjaya
- The subject of His thoughts was Srimati Radharani, who met Krsna on the field of Kuruksetra. Although She met Krsna there, She was nonetheless thinking of Him in the following way
- The temple (of Lord Jagannatha in Puri) is still visited by thousands of pilgrims daily. This temple is in remembrance of the Lord's visit at Kuruksetra during an occasion of solar eclipse and His subsequent meeting with the residents of Vrndavana
- There is a proposed meeting with the chief minister of Haryana for organizing Kuruksetra and if that meeting is serious, then certainly I shall remain in India
- There is a station, railway station, called Kurukshetra near Delhi, about hundred miles away from Delhi. So these are facts. Why there should be interpretation?
- There is another statement in the Srimad-Bhagavatam telling of the damsels of Braja meeting Krsna at the sacred place of Kuruksetra, many years after their childhood pastimes
- There is no need for any mental speculation, like, "Kuruksetra signifies the body, Pandavas signify the five senses, this and that." By doing this the everything is spoilt because this is not the actual meaning
- There is still one place - you know better; you are Indian - there is place Kuruksetra still existing. Dharmaksetra, that is a religious place, place of pilgrimage. Still, people go for religious performances
- They (Pandavas and Kauravas) were generous because in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra they would fight like anything, but at night they were friends. The one man is going. Just like sportsman. They fight during the play, but after that, they are friends
- They (the rascals) will never agree to accept Bhagavad-gita as it is. They'll never agree. The other day I was there in Kuruksetra. They have got their own plan-manava-dharma, this dharma, that dharma. Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya
- This is the significance of the words dharma-ksetre and kuru-ksetre (unwanted persons like Duryodhana others would be wiped out and the religious persons would be established by Krsna), apart from their historical and Vedic importance. BG 1972 purports
- This song refers to Srimati Radharani’s meeting with Krsna at the holy place of Kuruksetra, where Lord Sri Krsna and His brother and sister came to visit when there was a solar eclipse. It is a song of separation from Krsna
- We can see that Krsna is active as chariot-driver for Arjuna and engages in so many activities on the battlefield of Kuruksetra
- We do not explain Kuruksetra as this body. There is no meaning. There is no dictionary which means Kuruksetra this body. So Kuruksetra is a place. Dharmaksetra, it is a place of religion or as our Vedic instruction
- We have presented Bhagavad-gita As It Is. We do not create meanings by concoction. Sometimes commentators say that the word kuruksetra in the first verse of the Bhagavad-gita refers to one's body, but we do not accept this
- We understand that Kuruksetra is a place that still exists, and according to the Vedic version it is a dharma-ksetra, or a place of pilgrimage
- We understand that Kuruksetra is a place that still exists, and according to the Vedic version it is a dharma-ksetra, or a place of pilgrimage. People still go there to perform Vedic sacrifices
- What is the difficulty to understand dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre (BG 1.1)? There is no difficulty. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous commentator says that "Kuruksetra means this body." In this way Bhagavad-gita is being misinterpreted
- What is the difficulty? Dharma-ksetra kuru-ksetra, is that a very difficult Sanskrit? Now, there is no question. Even in... If you do not understand Sanskrit, what is the difficulty to understand dharma-ksetra?
- When He saw the deities, Lord Caitanya thought He was seeing Krsna in Kuruksetra. He wondered, "Have I come to Kuruksetra? Where is Vrndavana"
- When Krsna is interested in some matter, that matter becomes Krsna-ized. Otherwise, there would be no need of discussing the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. That is His omnipotence
- When Krsna was performing yajna (sacrifice) at Kuruksetra, He invited all the inhabitants of Vrndavana to come see Him
- When Lord Krsna, along with His elder brother Balarama and sister Subhadra, came to Kuruksetra in a chariot on the occasion of a solar eclipse, many mystic yogis also came
- When Maharaja Prthu heard about the hellish condition of his father, Vena, who was suffering from leprosy in the family of a mleccha, he at once brought the former king to Kuruksetra for his purification and relieved him of all sufferings
- When Mother Yasoda, the Queen of Gokula, was going to see her son Krsna at Kuruksetra, one of her friends began to address her thus
- When Nanda Maharaja and the other residents of Vrndavana had heard that Krsna would be present in Kuruksetra because of the solar eclipse and that all the members of the Yadu dynasty would also be there, they had immediately prepared to go there
- When Radharani met Krsna at Kuruksetra, She remembered His intimate association in Vrndavana, and She thought, Now I have gained the Lord of My life. In His absence I was being burned by the arrow of Cupid & thus I was withering away. Now I have My life
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would see Jagannatha along with Balarama and Subhadra, He would immediately think that He had reached Kuruksetra, where all of them had come
- When the cowherd men of Vrndavana arrived in Kuruksetra, all the members of the Yadu dynasty were most pleased
- When the gopis of Vrndavana, the residents of Gokula, met Krsna at Kuruksetra during the solar eclipse, they wanted to take Krsna back to Vrndavana
- Where is the dictionary where Kuruksetra is explained as this body? And Kuruksetra station is still existing. People are going to Kuruksetra for religious performances
- While speaking with Sukadeva Gosvami, Maharaja Pariksit also referred to this. "The Battlefield of Kuruksetra," he said, - was just like an ocean
- Why one should interpret that kuru-ksetra means this body and Pandavas means these panca-indriyas, so many things? There is no question of interpretation
- Why should we interpret it that "This Kuruksetra means this body, dharmaksetra, this body"? Why? Why mislead people? Stop this misleading. And Kuruksetra is still there. Kuruksetra station, railway station, is there