Gargamuni | "Garga Muni" | "Garga Rsi" | "Gargacarya"
- "the family priest of the yadu-vamsa"
- "priest of the Yadu dynasty"
- Father of Gargi
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Pages in category "Gargamuni"
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- Addressing him (Gargamuni) very politely, he (Nanda) said, “My dear brahmana, your appearance in a householder’s place is only to enlighten. We are always engaged in household duties and are forgetting our real duty of self-realization"
- Although seeing Garga Muni with his eyes, Nanda Maharaja could appreciate that Garga Muni was adhoksaja; that is, he was not an ordinary person seen by material senses - SB 10.8.2
- As factually stated by Nanda Maharaja (in Chapter 8 of SB Canto 10), Garga Muni, being a devotee, had no needs. Similarly, when Krsna comes He has no needs, for He is purna, atmarama
- Because Garga Muni was an astrologer, he knew what others did not know. Yet Krsna has so many names that even Garga Muni did not know them all. It is to be concluded that Krsna, according to His transcendental activities, has many names and many forms
- Because of Kamsa's atrocities, Garga Muni tried to avoid disclosing this fact (that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead), but he indirectly informed Nanda Maharaja that Krsna, his son, was the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By the strength of this (astrological) knowledge, any human being can understand what he has done in his past life and how it affects his present life. This is known to you (Garga Muni) - SB 10.8.5
- Garga Muni argued very soberly that his taking part in performing the reformatory process for Krsna would give rise to many doubts, so that Kamsa might take very severe steps to kill the child
- Garga Muni continued to say, "My dear King of Vraja, in His previous births this child many times protected righteous persons from the hands of rogues and thieves whenever there was political disruption"
- Garga Muni further hinted to Nanda Maharaja that his son would also be called Giridhari because of His uncommon pastime of lifting Govardhana Hill
- Garga Muni had no interest to serve by going to Nanda Maharaja, but Nanda Maharaja, as a grhastha, was always perfectly ready to receive instructions from a mahatma to gain the real benefit in life. Thus he was ready to execute Garga Muni's order
- Garga Muni indicated that although the child was exaltedly qualified like Narayana, He would enjoy more than Narayana as rasa-vihari, the central enjoyer of the rasa dance
- Garga Muni indirectly disclosed that Krsna was the son of Devaki, not of Yasoda. Since Kamsa was already searching for Krsna, if the purificatory process were undertaken by Garga Muni, Kamsa might be informed, and that would create a catastrophe
- Garga Muni indirectly disclosed, This child was originally born as the son of Vasudeva, although He is acting as your child. Generally He is your (Nanda Maharaja's) child, but sometimes He is the son of Vasudeva
- Garga Muni said to Nanda Maharaja, you may designate your son with a similar name (to Lord Narayana), such as Mukunda or Madhusudana. But you must always remember that whenever you want to do something very good, there will be many hindrances
- Garga Muni said to Nanda Maharaja, you should raise and protect this child with great care. If you can protect this child very cautiously, as Narayana always protects you, the child will be as good as Narayana
- Garga Muni said, "Because your family and the family of the Yadus are so intimately connected & attracted, His name will also be Sankarsana." This means that Garga Muni awarded three names to the son of Rohini - namely Balarama, Sankarsana and Baladeva
- Garga Muni said, "Being very popular in Vrndavana, He will be the cause of all good fortune for you. Because of His presence, you will overcome all kinds of material calamities, despite opposing elements"
- Garga Muni said: My dear Nanda Maharaja, I am the priestly guide of the Yadu dynasty. This is known everywhere. Therefore, if I perform the purificatory process for your sons, Kamsa will consider Them the sons of Devaki - SB 10.8.7
- Garga Muni said: This child, the son of Rohini, will give all happiness to His relatives and friends by His transcendental qualities. Therefore He will be known as Rama - SB 10.8.12
- Garga Muni stated, "I do not want to become responsible for all these future calamities"
- Garga Muni used the word sama, meaning "equal," because he wanted to treat Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead who had become Nanda Maharaja's son
- Garga Muni wanted to impress upon the mind of Nanda Maharaja, Your worshipable Deity, Narayana, is so pleased with you that He has sent you a son almost equal to Him in qualifications
- Garga Muni was a great saintly sage who had undergone many austerities and penances and been appointed priest of the Yadu dynasty
- Garga Muni was proficient in this knowledge (of astrological science). By this knowledge one can understand what his previous activities were that are causing him to enjoy or suffer in this life
- Garga Muni was the priest of the Yadu dynasty, Nanda Maharaja also belonged to that dynasty. Nanda Maharaja, however, was not acting as a ksatriya. Therefore Garga Muni said, If I act as your priest, this will confirm that Krsna is the son of Devaki
- Gargamuni did disclose to Nanda Maharaja that Balarama would be known as Sankarsana because of uniting two families - the yadu-vamsa and the vamsa of Nanda Maharaja - one of which was known as ksatriya and the other as vaisya
- Gargamuni said to Nanda Maharaja that, Your son, He formerly accepted whitish color, sukla; reddish color, rakta; sukla-raktas tatha pitam, and yellowish color and now He has accepted blackish color
- Gargamuni Swami is collecting for Mayapur. Is he sending you any money? How is the money being utilized?
- He (Garga Muni) informed Nanda Maharaja that the son of Rohini would be very pleasing to His family members and relatives and therefore would be called Rama. In the future He would be extraordinarily strong and therefore would be called Baladeva
- He (Garga Muni) pleased Lord Siva and received from him the benediction of a son. He begot this son, Kalayavana, in the wife of a Yavana king. This Kalayavana inquired from Narada, "Who are the most powerful kings in the world"
- He (Yudhisthira) invited the most expert brahmanas & sages, as follows: Vamadeva, Sumati, Jaimini, Kratu, Paila, Parasara, Garga, Vaisampayana, Atharva, Kasyapa, Dhaumya, Parasurama, Sukracarya, Asuri, Vitihotra, Madhucchanda, Virasena and Akrtavrana
- He received Garga Muni with the feeling of one who is worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He offered him a nice sitting place, and when he sat down, Nanda Maharaja offered him a warm reception
- If Garga Muni were to perform the purificatory process, Kamsa's suspicions would be fully confirmed, and he would take very severe steps. Garga Muni gave this warning to Nanda Maharaja
- In every millennium, Krsna appears in a different form, either as white, red or yellow, but this time He personally appeared in His original, blackish form and, as predicted by Garga Muni, exhibited the power of Narayana
- In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad, Yajnavalkya says to Gargi, the daughter of Garga Muni: "Even the sun, the moon and other controllers and demigods like Lord Brahma and King Indra are all under His (the Supreme Personality of Godhead's) control"
- In the Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad, Yajnavalkya says to Gargi, the daughter of Garga Muni: "My dear Gargi, everything is under the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (104) it is mentioned that Nilambara Cakravarti was formerly Garga Muni. Some of the family descendants of Nilambara Cakravarti still live in the village of the name Magdoba, in the district of Faridpur, in Bangladesh
- In Vedic literature the different colors assumed by the Personality of Godhead in different millenniums are stated, and therefore when Garga Muni said, "Your son has assumed these colors," he indirectly said, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is said that the King of the Yavanas, known as Kalayavana, was induced to attack by Narada. This story is narrated in the Visnu Purana. Once, Garga Muni, the priest of the Yadu dynasty, was taunted by his brother-in-law
- It was not that because Garga Muni gave the child the name Krsna, that was His only name. He has other names, such as Bhaktavatsala, Giridhari, Govinda and Gopala
- Kamsa, upon hearing that the purificatory process has been performed by me (Garga Muni), the priest of the Yadu dynasty, may certainly consider this point and suspect that Krsna is the son of Devaki and Vasudeva - SB 10.8.8-9
- King Nanda said, "Actually, he (Garga Muni) said that my son has many varieties of names, according to His different qualities and activities"
- Krsna is the Supersoul, and Nanda Maharaja is the individual soul. By the instructions of Garga Muni, both of them were blessed
- Mucukunda continued, "My dear Lord, You are so merciful that in spite of my being reluctant to associate with Your pure devotees, You have shown Your extreme mercy upon me as a result of my slight contact with such a pure devotee as Garga Muni"
- My (Nanda Maharaja's) lord, you (Garga Muni) are the best of the brahmanas, especially because you are fully aware of the jyotih-sastra, the astrological science. Therefore you are naturally the spiritual master of every human being - SB 10.8.6
- Nanda Maharaja addressed Garga Muni as one of the great authorities in astrological science
- Nanda Maharaja also addressed Garga Muni as “the best of the brahmanas.” A brahmana is one who is expert in the knowledge of the Supreme. Without knowledge of the Supreme Absolute, one cannot be recognized as a brahmana
- Nanda Maharaja could understand Garga Muni's purpose and that his own duty was to act according to Garga Muni's advice. Thus he said, Please tell me what is my duty. This should be the attitude of everyone, especially the householder
- Nanda Maharaja did not like the idea of avoiding the purificatory process. Despite the many obstacles, he wanted to take advantage of Garga Muni's presence and do what was needed
- Nanda Maharaja said, "We belong to the twice-born caste, and I am taking this opportunity of your presence. So please perform the name-giving ceremony without external pomp"
- Nanda Maharaja said: My dear great sage (Garga Muni), if you think that your performing this process of purification will make Kamsa suspicious, then secretly chant the Vedic hymns and perform the purifying process of second birth here - SB 10.8.10
- Nanda Maharaja said: Your (Gargamuni's) coming to our house is to give us some enlightenment about spiritual life. You have no other purpose in visiting householders
- Nanda Maharaja submitted with gentle and submissive words: Dear sir (Garga Muni), because you are a devotee, you are full in everything. Yet my duty is to serve you. Kindly order me. What can I do for you - SB 10.8.3
- Nanda Maharaja took advantage of the opportunity of Gargamuni's presence by requesting him to perform the necessary reformatory activities for his sons to guide Them toward the destination of life
- Nanda Maharaja wanted to keep the name-giving ceremony a secret and yet take advantage of Garga Muni’s performing the ceremony
- Nanda Maharaja was trying to take advantage of the opportunity afforded by Garga Muni's presence, for Garga Muni was a great authority in this knowledge of astrology, by which one can see the unseen events of past, present and future
- Nanda Maharaja, however, did not want to neglect anything. To keep intact a happy society advanced in spiritual knowledge, he took full advantage of Gargamuni's presence to do what was necessary
- O great saintly person, you (Garga Muni) have compiled the astrological knowledge by which one can understand past and present unseen things - SB 10.8.5
- O my lord, O great devotee, persons like you (Gargamuni) move from one place to another not for their own interests but for the sake of poor-hearted grhasthas (householders). Otherwise they have no interest in going from one place to another - SB 10.8.4
- On hearing the praises of the cowherd men in Vrndavana, King Nanda said, "My dear friends, in reply to you I can simply present the statement of Garga Muni so that your doubts may be cleared"
- On hearing the words of Garga Muni, Nanda Maharaja said, "If there is such danger, then it is better not to plan any gorgeous name-giving ceremony. It would be better for you to simply chant the Vedic hymns and perform the purificatory process"
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami continued: After Garga Muni, having instructed Nanda Maharaja about Krsna, departed for his own home, Nanda Maharaja was very pleased and considered himself full of all good fortune - SB 10.8.20
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Having been especially requested by Nanda Maharaja to do that which he already desired to do, Garga Muni performed the name-giving ceremony for Krsna and Balarama in a solitary place - SB 10.8.11
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: O Maharaja Pariksit, the priest of the Yadu dynasty, namely Garga Muni, who was highly elevated in austerity and penance, was then inspired by Vasudeva to go see Nanda Maharaja at his home - SB 10.8.1
- Taking advantage of the opportunity afforded by the presence of Gargamuni, Nanda Maharaja suggested that Gargamuni prepare a horoscope for Nanda's two sons, Krsna and Balarama
- The brahmana is considered to be the spiritual master or priest for the ksatriya and vaisya. Nanda Maharaja happened to be a vaisya, and he accepted Garga Muni as a first-class brahmana
- The duty of a pure Vaisnava devotee is to act for the welfare of others. Nanda Maharaja could understand that Garga Muni had come for this purpose and that his own duty now was to act according to Garga Muni's advice
- The golden Lord Krsna is Lord Caitanya, who is worshiped by intelligent men in this age. That is confirmed in SB by Garga Muni, who said that although the child Krsna was blackish, He also appears in three other colors - red, white and yellow
- The words of persons in full knowledge of Brahman never become untrue. It is very wonderful that whatever Gargamuni predicted we are now actually experiencing in all detail - SB 10.11.57
- This (CC Madhya 6.101) verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.8.13) was spoken by Garga Muni when he was performing the rituals at Lord Krsna’s name-giving ceremony. He states that the incarnations of the Lord in other ages had been white, red and yellow
- This being so (Gargamuni being the spiritual master of every human being because he is fully aware of the jyotih-sastra), since you have kindly come to my (Nanda Maharaja's) house, kindly execute the reformatory activities for my two sons - SB 10.8.6
- This type of symptom (smoky condition) was experienced by Priest Gargamuni, who was performing some ritualistic ceremony in the house of Nanda Maharaj
- To take advantage of Garga Muni's presence, Nanda Maharaja wanted to perform the nama-karana ceremonies secretly, without any gorgeous arrangements. Therefore, the opportunity for purification should be regarded as the essential duty of human society
- When Garga Muni arrived at the home of Nanda Maharaja, Nanda Maharaja was very much pleased to see him and immediately stood up with folded hands and offered his respectful obeisances
- When Garga Muni was so eagerly requested by Nanda Maharaja, he performed the name-giving ceremony as secretly as possible in the cowshed of Nanda Maharaja
- When I was in New York in the beginning of our activities there was no departmental management. The account was very clearly kept by Gargamuni, corroborated by regular vouchers. That is the true system of keeping accounts
- When Nanda Maharaja saw Garga Muni present at his home, Nanda was so pleased that he stood up to receive him with folded hands - SB 10.8.2
- When the kings of the Yadu dynasty heard the taunt they laughed at him, and Garga Muni became angry at the Yadu kings. He decided that he would produce someone who would be very fearful to the Yadu dynasty