Category:Questions On... Animal Killing
Pages in category "Questions On... Animal Killing"
The following 79 pages are in this category, out of 79 total.
- Anyone who knows that the living entity, soul, is avinasi, indestructible, then where is the question of killing? But that does not mean the Bhagavad-gita is encouraging killing. No. That is not the purport. Killing is prohibited
- Are you saying that you should never kill a cow but that you sometimes can kill a person?
- Are you speaking specifically about all animal killing, Your Excellency? Or, how do you speak of animal killing? In other words, vegetarian living, is that what you're speaking of?
- Aren't they allowed to boil water in India? In boiling the water do you kill any little insects that are in the water?
- Aren't you in a sense eating another soul too if you're eating vegetables? Not only if you're eating meat?
- Did the Chand Kazi stop this cow killing thereafter? After talking with Caitanya Mahaprabhu?
- Do they (the sudra class) kill them in a slaughterhouse? The goats?
- Do you think those who are butcher are all criminals?
- Does it say somewhere in the Bhagavad-gita that we shouldn't eat meat?
- Does that (they think catching fish is great sport, great fun) mean that the people that catch the fish have to also become fish?
- Does that take on a positive aspect as well so that by not only do I not kill animals and I don't kill men, do I, am I obliged under your system (we are not cruel to anyone. Either he's a man or animal or tree or bird), am I obliged to actively help...
- Don't you think we are killing other living beings (there is a sect in the Orient that wears gauze over their mouth so as not to kill microbes while they breathe. But we are killing those microbes - So they are to satisfy everyone)?
- He (cobblers, they eat this cows' flesh when the animal is dead, not living and we'll kill) dies his own natural death?
- He says, "But then Krsna says, 'Why are you afraid to fight? After all, the soul is eternal, but the body is only temporary.' So isn't that a justification..."?
- He says, "How is this, that the only thing we've talked about since we've gotten here has been eating of meat? Is that the only thing that the Bhagavad-gita teaches?"
- He's saying if man is not meant to eat meat, then why is it that some animals eat meat? He's saying that we are animals also
- How would the ksatriyas kill the animals (in the varnasrama college)? How would they kill? With guns or bow and arrow?
- I am a part and parcel of the almighty God. So when animals are butchered, why the butcher does not get pain?
- If every moment we are killing in breathing and walking and doing so many things, and then it says, "Thou shalt not kill," so then hasn't God given us an instruction which is impossible?
- If it's offered, though (to Kali), who accepts it? Whose prasadam is it? Who takes it?
- If we're performing devotional service and an insect is in the way, like if you're painting the walls and you find this ant and you must paint this wall to please the spiritual master, what is the attitude?
- In New Zealand we have a situation where the main industry is killing animals... Why is there such a nice atmosphere, nice rain?... Is that that they are innocent and they do not know and so Krsna is not punishing them so much?
- In the US and everywhere they maintain them just for slaughter. So will that dwindle out?
- International Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, in London, I shall try to see if there is any similar society here. But one thing I can suggest as you have asked me to give a thought to this problem
- Is it because they are killing the cows that this is happening, Srila Prabhupada (they've lost their religious sentiment, religious consciousness. They're just like rude, crude)?
- Is it possible for a dog-eater to become a first-class man?
- Is it possible for people in the most animalistic conditions of life such as the Eskimos, who need meat to survive-is it possible for these people to become purified?
- Is it wrong to kill, to eat fish?
- Is there some mention not to eat many animals but eat one...?
- Isn't that (you cannot catch even nonpoisonous snake, and you are telling that 'I shall now catch cobra') "shooting the rhinoceros"?
- It is prohibited to consume, consume flesh, meat. It's because there is soul in the body and if we kill it, therefore we are doing a sin. I think it's because that we can't consume meat according to the Vedic literature. But what about plants, Swamiji?
- Seems silly, doesn't it (do you think it is civilization? Mother who has given you milk in your childhood, and maintained your life, and because she is old, cutting throat. Is that good civilization?). Umm, I think are you keeping cows here?
- Should we also try to introduce legislation immediately to close the slaughterhouses?
- Should we depict meat-eating or animal slaughter?
- Should we tell all Christians like that, Srila Prabhupada? That they're killing?
- So actually, perfect kings, they may have eaten meat?
- Some number (suppose if you kill one cow, you get blood how much, how many pounds?)?
- Some people say that in our philosophy, if we do not wish to slaughter the animals, what about the trees?
- Srila Prabhupada, isn't it so that we do not kill voluntarily. Because involuntarily, of course, we kill with every moment? We kill all the bacteria and we kill all the microbes and... we cannot help doing that
- Swami? I have one question which is widely discussed everywhere, that eating of meat is sin. Now we see that while for our survival, while walking, while working we kill so many things, knowingly or unknowingly, is it not sin that?
- The cows were running away?
- The meat-eating also leads to many other sinful activities too, right?
- The story of Mrgari and...?
- The stricture on the eating of meat, does that derive from the fact that animals have their lives which are accorded... What I'm asking is that because animals have a higher priority in life than vegetables?
- There is another question, Your Grace. I wear leather shoes, and I know they come from animals which have been slaughtered for this. Should I stop wearing leather shoes?
- They have stopped it (cow killing) because they see we are getting so much support?
- They speak of peace, such nonsense. How can they expect peace when they're slaughtering?
- They'll ask what should be killed and what shouldn't be killed for eating? Where do we draw the line?
- This government of Maharashtra has created an institution, government institution, which are feeding pigs for selling, meat, and poultry. It could have been done by any private institution outside. Why, eh?
- We see that while for our survival, while walking, while working we kill so many things, knowingly or unknowingly, is it not sin that?
- We shouldn't kill them. What about if they're biting you, right in the process of biting you?
- What about a cow?... So they say like that (So if you kill one animal, camel, it is equal to fifty goats)?
- What is bad about eating, people who are eating beef? What is bad about it?
- What is the difference between fish killing and goat killing?
- What is the difference between killing a plant and eating it and killing an animal and eating it?
- What is the reason for that law (So you cannot keep even bull privately. Must be killed. This is the law)?
- What's the explanation then? They are slaughtering more cows in the United States, but there is still more fortunate situation there materially
- When the man is fishing with the hook, the fish that takes the hook...?
- Why are so many cows being killed in the slaughterhouse?
- Why can't we offer meat?
- Why did Jesus eat fish?
- Why did people in the past ages sacrifice animals, and how did Krsna put a stop to this?
- Why do we make the distinction between not killing animals and plants? Why do we kill plants?
- Why doesn't the Krsna conscious movement stop cow slaughter?
- Why God make some animals who eat other animals? There is a fault in the creation because... It is a fault in the creation?
- Why not (eating) animals?
- Why not meat?
- Why the Vedas allow us to eat the meat of goat and other animals?
- Why we cannot eat meat?
- Why you've not answered my question (about killing)?
- Would a Vedic king try to prohibit the fifth-class men from eating the animals?
- Would you say that because we - and I talk about myself - because I have meat and bacon and so on, I am a, does that make me sinful? If I didn't eat those, I would be less sinful?