Category:Questions On... Ethnicity, Nationality
This category contains questions dealing with the people or culture of specific ethnic, regional or national groups.
Pages in category "Questions On... Ethnicity, Nationality"
The following 66 pages are in this category, out of 66 total.
- A person who is a Negro, Chinese, Indian, etc. are they different species of life making up the 400,000 species?
- African? No other meaning to it? No other meaning?
- After the scattering of these Aryans, they have come different place. How is it that we brought all the cultural heritage in north, east and western countries?
- America (formerly the Aryans never touched these places. Africa or similar, other places. They were living in best places, like India. Now the number of sinful persons are increasing. Therefore they have been transferred here)?
- Americans, they are not allowed to see Jagannatha temple. What Prabhu Bhaktivedanta is doing? What he's doing for them?
- Are there many Indian-born disciples abroad, or are they mainly Western disciples?
- But now they are again becoming a mouse, the Americans? Now they are losing the favor of God?
- But they permit this kind of thing (Russian young boys are as good as Americans. By artificial means they have been checked. The Russian government is not good at all. Suppression. Simply suppression)?
- By who (their (the Marwari's) food is first class, there is no doubt. Yes... It is certified by Sir P. C. Raya), Srila Prabhupada?
- Did they (Englishmen) teach God consciousness (in India)?
- Do you have a large number of American negroes in your movement, Swamiji?
- Do you have many Indian followers? Many Indian followers as well as foreign?
- Do you see yourself then as the savior of American youth?
- Do you think that the young Indian boys in the future, they will become anywhere near as pious as their parents?
- Don't you think that the blame should not be, usually be laid on the Africans but on the whole...? The brahmanas who comes from our overseas temples here, it's their responsibility to see that the Africans follow properly
- He asks if our students are Indian. He likes the paintings. He was wondering whether they were done by Indian students
- He says that legions of sadhus, such white men, persons from West, become sadhus, then who will do this job of earning a living?
- How is it that these men (Mayavadis like Vivekananda) are so attractive to the Indian people?
- Huns. They were considered like that (to be aborigines)?
- If a brahmana is black?
- Is it because the Indians think that they know much about Bhagavad-gita (now all Indians, they should take Bhagavad-gita as it is and make their life fruitful. The Europeans and Americans, they are taking. Why Indians are not taking?)?
- Is it possible for people in the most animalistic conditions of life such as the Eskimos, who need meat to survive-is it possible for these people to become purified?
- Is Krsna consciousness more easily accepted among Indians and among Far Eastern peoples than among the Western peoples?
- Is there any reason why that (there is not large number of American negroes in your movement) is so?
- Should non-Hindus who have adopted the Hindu way of life e.g. the followers of the Hare Krishna movement, be allowed to enter Hindu temples?
- Sir, would you like to give any message to the Indian people?
- So all the different kinds of human beings actually were originated there ("India was the whole world")?
- So by joining this movement we come to the platform where we can take birth in India in a nice brahmana family?
- So why is it, then, if it's a question of ajnata-sukrti... The Indians, from their birth they're watering tulasi, they're chanting Hare Krsna, they're doing so many activities, but mostly your disciples are foreigners?
- Some American gentleman?
- Somehow or other, Bengalis and Gujaratis are akin. Why they have one living in West and other in East? What must be the cause of oneness even in thought and action, in every way
- The Americans say he (Abraham Lincoln) acted with negroes just we have acted with the aboriginals, the Aryans. What have we done with the poor aboriginals of India?
- The Krsna consciousness movement has been what some people would consider sexist or racist because certain propensities for women and for blacks have been defined. And I wondered if you would comment on that
- The press reporters, they were asking me that we make distinction between man, woman, and black, white
- The question is most of the African people here are not educated in spite of their education
- There are many swamis coming from India nowadays, and they are trying to confuse Westerners; being Indian, how we can help about this confusion?
- These children, they are coming from which place?
- These Turks are yavanas? Demons and yavanas?
- They (the Germans) couldn't chant those mantras though, could they? If they tried... Even if they tried, they wouldn't be able to chant the mantras
- They are all nationalities?
- They wanted an Indian to be the leader (of ISKCON)?
- Well, what about all these artificial divisions, "this nation," "that nation," "this land"?
- Were all the races originated in India?
- What about British devotees, British citizens? Would the British be asked to leave, British citizens? Commonwealth citizens?
- What about nationalism here in India?
- What are the aims of the Indian society. Although it's given birth to so much, it still doesn't take it as success. What is the weakness in the Indian society that they don't...?
- What are they (in India, we have got gypsies) called? Bauls? Bauls in Bengal?
- What is the origin of the black race?
- What is the purpose of so many nationalities on this earth?
- What is your background? Are you from India?
- What was the attitude of the Indian colony in London (after Ratha-yatra, wherever our men went, they were received very well)?
- What will be the position with the Chinese if the Russians and Americans fight?
- What will be the technique to attract the Bengali educational class? To attract the Bengalis who are educated, what technique will be most effective?
- Who were the aborigines they (Aryans) associated with?
- Why is that (Germany will be able to rise again. Englishmen will not be able to), Prabhupada?
- Why the brahmanas of the Jagannatha temple are not allowing foreigners?
- Why the Germans are good Sanskrit scholars? Why (they couldn't chant those mantras, of theses three books: one is Akasa-patola, one is Kapota-vahi and Khapoda-vahi)?
- Why the Indian population is so slack in spiritual life?
- Would you say that the Americans are generally less tolerant than Londoners to you or more tolerant?