Category:Enthusiasm for Krsna Consciousness
Pages in category "Enthusiasm for Krsna Consciousness"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.
- I am little observing now, especially in your country, that our men are losing their enthusiasm for spreading on our programmes of Krishna Consciousness movement
- I am very glad to see your enthusiasm in the matter of starting a Krishna Consciousness primary school in New Vrindaban and it will be just befitting that you become the head-mistress of the school
- I am very glad to see your enthusiasm in the service of Lord Krishna and I am sure that this spiritual intoxicant of Krishna consciousness will encourage many many students who are actually in search after the Absolute Truth
- I am very pleased with your preaching, please continue with all enthusiasm and determination and win the hearts of all your fellow countrymen by offering this authorized process of Krishna Consciousness
- I can see also that you are a very sincere and enthusiastic boy and are anxious for spreading this movement. Those are first class qualifications for making advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- I can understand that you are rigidly following the regulative principles, chanting without fail always 16 rounds, so in this way you will be protected and your enthusiasm for pushing on this Krishna Consciousness Movement will not dwindle
- I have heard from Upendra and he seems enthusiastic about opening the Fiji center. Our Krsna Consciousness Movement is flourishing all over the world by the grace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and I am receiving favorable reports and full invitations
- I have heard that there is very good potential for spreading Krishna Consciousness movement in Toronto especially among the large younger population. So I think this will be a good field for you to work enthusiastically
- In our Krsna Consciousness movement the first qualification required by the devotees is enthusiasm. Then work it out patiently and with conviction that it will surely be done
- In such a condition, people do not become very enthusiastic to receive this Krsna consciousness movement, just as a diseased person suffering from jaundice does not relish the taste of sugar candy
- In the path of Krsna consciousness the first principle is enthusiasm. If you lack enthusiasm then other things will not happen. And you can keep enthusiastic if you follow the rules and regulation and chant regularly Hare Krsna mantra
- In this Krsna consciousness movement there are four basic regulative principles, forbidding illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication. A devotee must be very enthusiastic about following these principles
- It is my (Prabhupada) firm conviction that this Krsna Consciousness Movement of Lord Caitanya's will be successful in all parts of the world if our students kindly continue in their enthusiastic endeavors to distribute this message freely to all persons
- Krishna Consciousness is such a nice thing that the more you work for the cause, the more you become enthusiastic to execute the purpose
- Krishna Consciousness is the greatest of all good fruits. We must therefore have necessary endurance and enthusiasm to get the result. We shall never be disappointed when things are presented in reversed order
- Krishna Consciousness means we should always be satisfied and happy, not that we must work something impossible, becoming overburdened, and then because we are unhappy by so much trouble we lose enthusiasm altogether and give up all hope
- Krsna Consciousness means always increasing, so I am glad to see that you are remaining enthusiastic to push on this Krsna Consciousness movement more and more
- People are receiving this (KC) movement very enthusiastically all over the world, and they are purchasing literature about Krsna consciousness with redoubled energy. But there are both encouragements and disturbances. This was so even in Krsna's time
- Please increase your enthusiasm for pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement and Krsna will inspire you with all intelligence for serving Him as much as you engage yourself with sincerity and devotion
- The soldiers in this Krsna consciousness movement must always possess physical strength, enthusiasm and sensual power. To keep themselves fit, they must therefore place themselves in a normal condition of life
- There is good potency there in South Africa and the Europeans are also taking up Krishna Consciousness seriously so continue enthusiastically to preach and distribute books and develop a nice center in Durban
- Those who have joined this Krsna consciousness movement, my request is they follow the regulative principles, as instructed by Rupa Gosvami, with enthusiasm, read books and distribute books. And that is a very great service
- When we earn money, we are very enthusiastic, similarly, if we want Krsna consciousness, if we want to earn that position, go back to home, back to Godhead, we must be very much enthusiastic, utsahan
- When you have entered into devotional service, bhakti-yoga, bhakti-marga, your success is assured, provided you are enthusiastic and patient. Not that "Immediately I want a child," "Immediately I become fully Krsna consciousness and perfect." No
- When you work for Krsna with love and enthusiasm, that is your Krsna conscious life. If you think that "It is hackneyed, it is troublesome, but what can I do? These people ask me to do it. I have to do it," that is not Krsna consciousness