Category:Radha-Krsna Worship
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Pages in category "Radha-Krsna Worship"
The following 88 pages are in this category, out of 88 total.
- According to the regulative principles we cannot worship Radha-Krishna now. Radha-Krishna worship is meant for persons who have already developed spontaneous love of God
- According to them (some misled people), the system of nadiya-nagari, which they have recently invented in their fertile brains, is the worship of Gaura, Lord Caitanya, but they do not like to worship Radha and Krsna
- All the four (Brahma, Sri, Kumaras & Rudra) Sampradayas above mentioned, they are after worshiping the Supreme Lord Visnu, in His different Expansions, and some of them are in favor of worshiping Radha Krishna
- Although the all-pervading PG manifests Himself in His various transcendental, eternal forms as incarnations or plenary portions or various partial portions, the sages recommended the worship of the eternal dual forms of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna
- Although there may be a Radha-Krsna vigraha, or form, the worship of the neophyte devotees is acceptable as Laksmi-Narayana worship
- Amongst the different sampradayas (Vaisnava sects) either Radha-Krsna or Laksmi-Narayana is worshiped
- "And who is the most worshipable Deity?" Caitanya Mahaprabhu next inquired. Ramananda Raya immediately replied that the transcendental couple, Sri Radha and Krsna, is the ultimate object of worship
- Any sect that differentiates between Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha-Krsna, either by worshiping Radha-Krsna as distinct from Lord Caitanya or by worshiping Lord Caitanya but not Radha-Krsna, is in the group of prakrta-sahajiyas
- At present there are about five thousand temples in Vrndavana, & still our society, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, is constructing a huge, magnificent temple for the worship of Krsna-Balarama, along with Radha-Krsna & Guru-Gauranga
- Because we (the members of the Hare Krsna movement) live in the temples of Radha-Krsna and continuously hold hari-nama-sankirtana - the chanting of Hare Krsna - we consequently live in Vrndavana and nowhere else
- Bhakti-yoga can be applicable to any one of these form, either Krsna or Rama or Visnu or Narayana, so many forms. Generally, Vaisnavas worship the form of Krsna, Radha-Krsna, and Laksmi-Narayana. In our conditional stage, we cannot worship Radha-Krsna
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati remarks that one should not give up the worship of Radha-Krsna to worship Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- By serving Gaura-Nityananda one is freed from the entanglements of material existence and thus becomes qualified to worship the Radha-Krsna Deity
- For conditioned soul, there is no possibility of worshiping Radha-Krsna. But we worship through Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- For the real worshipers of Lord Caitanya, the ultimate goal of life is to worship Sri Sri Radha and Krsna
- From the Sri Ramanuja-sampradaya there is another branch known as Ramanandi or Ramat, & the followers of that branch also worship Deities of Sita-Rama very rigidly. The Ramanuja-sampradaya Vaisnavas prefer the worship of Lord Rama to that of Radha-Krsna
- Hari Hari Biphale, 1968 part one - I got this human form of life, manusya-janama paiya, radha-krsna na bhajiya, but I did not engage myself in the loving transcendental service of Radha and Krsna
- He (Krsnadasa Kaviraja) worshiped Radha-Krsna with his family, and once when there was some misunderstanding among his family members about devotional service, he was advised by Nityananda Prabhu in a dream to leave home and go to Vrndavana - CC Intro
- Highly elevated Mayavadi sannyasis sometimes worship the Radha-Krsna Deity and discuss the pastimes of the Lord, but their purpose is not elevation to Goloka Vrndavana. They want to merge into the Lord’s effulgence
- His (Krsnadasa Kaviraja's) family also worshiped Radha-Krsna, and once when there was some misunderstanding amongst his family about devotional service, Krsnadasa Kaviraja was advised by Nityananda Prabhu in a dream to leave home and go to Vrndavana
- I am very glad that you are doing such a nice service by worshiping Radharani and Krishna so nicely and giving Them so many nice clothes and ornaments and taking such nice care, so now I am very much relieved to know everything is going well
- I am very glad that you are worshiping Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu. So continue to do this. There is no need of installing Radha-Krsna, at least at the present moment
- I beg to acknowledge receipt of the following presentation for my Lord Sri Sri Radha Krsna. One handkerchief cloth finely embroidered in colors for offering with Aratrik, one set of clothes for the Deities, and ISKCON bullets - sweetballs
- I got this nice human form of body especially for worshiping Radha and Krsna, but I have not done that. Therefore willingly I have drunk poison
- I have already written you about this in my last letter, that we require many Deities for our temples as well as for our many devotees who want to worship Radha Krishna at home. So we want to introduce this Deity worship in this country
- I have no objection if you install marble Radha-Krishna deities. They may be ordered from Yamuna devi in Delhi, she has got some arrangement for very nice murtis from Jaipur
- I think that because you are unable to tend the Deities in the temple, that you and your sister, Ekayani, may serve the small Radha-Krishna Deities which you will be receiving soon. Try to follow all the rules and regulations of Deity worship
- If the leading men of every city takes this example of installing Radha-Krishna deities in the home exactly as in our temple, then our preaching will be very successful
- If you are only a few persons, and if the place is so big, how you can manage? Especially I don't think you will be able to worship Radha-Krishna deities at the very high standard until later time
- If you can carve Radha Krishna Murti very nicely, it will be a great service to the society
- In continuation of my last letter, upon opening further the box sent by you along with your letters to me I have found the necklaces and handkerchief made by you for Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, and they are so wonderful
- In Melbourne, Australia who dreamt that there would be such a nice temple, Radha-Krsna, and that local men would be worshiping. And still anyone who is sincerely serving, he will get inspiration how to do it nicely. Krsna is there in his heart
- In my childhood I was worshiping Radha-Krsna Deities
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, our students are first advised to worship Guru-Gauranga, and then, when they are somewhat advanced, the Radha-Krsna Deity is installed, and they are engaged in the worship of the Lord
- In The Nectar of Devotion full instructions are given about the vidhi-marga worship of Radha-Krsna, or Laksmi-Narayana
- Irregularity in worshiping Guru and Gauranga can be tolerated, as they are always kind and forgiving, but irregularity in worshiping Lord Jagannatha and Sri Sri Radha Krishna is not good
- It was customary for members of the three higher classes - namely the brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas - to worship the salagrama-sila, or a small Deity of Radha-Krsna or Sita-Rama in each and every home. This made everything auspicious
- Laksmi holds in her two hands lotus flower and offers blessings with the other hand like you see with the murtis of Radha Krsna with palm open and facing forward
- Live a simple life. Take a little milk and food grains, chant Hare Krishna and worship Sri Sri Radha Krishna deity, that's all. That will make you perfect
- One must be a submissive student of the six Gosvamis, from Srila Rupa Gosvami to Raghunatha dasa Gosvami. Not following their instructions but imagining how to worship Gaurasundara and Radha-Krsna is a great offense
- One should first approach Lord Caitanya and Nityananda, or worship Guru-Gauranga, and then come to the stage of worshiping Radha-Krsna
- One should not give up the worship of Radha-Krsna to worship Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. By worshiping either Radha-Krsna or Lord Caitanya alone, one cannot become advanced
- Radha-Krsna includes Laksmi-Narayana; therefore when one worships the Lord according to the regulative principles, the Lord accepts the service in the role of Laksmi-Narayana
- Radha-Krsna philosophy is not to be understood in the conditioned stage. But when we worship Radha-Krsna in our conditional stage, actually we worship Laksmi-Narayana
- Radha-Krsna worship is little difficult. We have to worship Him with great awe and veneration. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu has voluntarily come to deliver the fallen souls. Little service, He will be satisfied
- Regarding his Deities. They should be returned. What is the use of keeping Sarasvati? We do not require to worship any other Deity besides Radha Krishna
- Regarding the Radha-Krishna Murtis, first of all, as you are searching out a permanent place, the best thing will be to install Them in that permanent place. It doesn't matter if it is on rent or purchased
- Some misled people put forward the argument that since Caitanya appeared as Radha and Krsna combined, there is no necessity of worshiping Radha & Krsna. Such differentiation by so-called devotees of Lord Caitanya is considered disruptive by pure devotees
- Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, one of the six Gosvamis of Vrndavana, has written in his prayers called the Manah-siksa that one should simply worship Radha and Krsna with all attention
- Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, the author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, predicts in verses 225 and 226 (of CC Adi-lila, Chapter 5) that in the future those who manufacture imaginary methods of worship will gradually give up the worship of Radha-Krsna
- The Deity worshiped in the Temples are Jagannatha Swami with Balarama and Subhadra, and Radha Krishna; when we first start a Temple, we start with Jagannatha Swami
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana do not know anything but the worship of Radha and Krsna
- The ksatriya kings were mostly staunch Vaisnavas, worshiping Lord Visnu in either the Radha-Krsna or Laksmi-Narayana form; still, for their material welfare they used to worship goddess Durga
- The love of Godhead of those engaged in pancaratrika regulative principles depends more or less on the opulent and reverential platform, but the worship of Radha and Krsna is purely on the platform of transcendental love
- The opportunity for this purification is the special feature of human life; in other lives, this is not possible. Such purification can be achieved very easily by radha-krsna-bhajana, devotional service rendered to Radha and Krsna
- The order of worshiping is first Spiritual Master, and then Lord Caitanya, then Radha Krsna (as in the mantras or Bunde aham prayer)
- The process of spontaneous service - following in the footsteps of the gopis, who are the denizens of Vrndavana - is transcendentally more advanced and is the process whereby Radha and Krsna are worshiped
- The Ramanuja-sampradaya Vaisnavas prefer the worship of Lord Ramacandra to that of Radha-Krsna
- The sages recommended the worship of the eternal dual forms of Sri Sri Laksmi-Narayana, Sri Sri Sita-Rama, and Sri Sri Radha-Krsna
- The Vaisnava philosophy first of all pays obeisances to and worships the internal pleasure potency of the Supreme Lord. Thus the Lord and His potency are always referred to as Radha-Krsna
- The worship of Radha-Krishna as They appear in Vrndavana is a very advanced stage, so we worship Them in the Temples as Laksmi-Narayana
- This bhakti-yoga practice. Actually, this was the practice in India in every home. There was Deity. At least, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, they had Deity, Radha-Krsna, Sita-Rama or Laksmi-Narayana or Narayana sila. Every house, it was being worshiped
- This is jnana, regretting "My dear Lord, I got this very opportune moment to possess this human form of life, manusya-janama paiya, but my duty was to worship Radha-Krsna." That is the highest perfection of worshiping
- Thus (by worship of Guru-Gauranga) despite all his (a neophyte student's) disqualifications one will very soon become qualified to worship the Radha-Krsna vigraha
- To worship Nrsimhadeva requires a separate temple structure, not that Lord Nrsimhadeva can be worshiped in the same temple as Radha-Krsna
- We are trained up, because we belong to Krsna family. So this Radha-Krsna worship is our family tradition. Our forefathers, my father, my maternal uncles, we are Vaisnava family. Belonging to the Caitanya-sampradaya
- We worship Krsna - Radha-Krsna, Laksmi-Narayana, Sita-Rama. This is Vaisnava's worshipable Deity. We do not worship alone God. We Vaisnava, we want to see Krsna and His energy, potency
- Whatever we are worshiping Radha-Krsna, that is Radha-Krsna in His Narayana form - Laksmi-Narayana. In the beginning we should worship Radha-Krsna in the level of Laksmi-Narayana, with awe and veneration, very strictly following the rules and regulations
- When one is attracted by the transcendental beauty of Radha and Krsna, he is no longer attracted by material feminine beauty. That is the special significance of Radha-Krsna worship
- Worship of Radha-Krishna Deities is the ultimate pinnacle of Deity worship, and it must be done with the utmost caution and attention to every detail of giving opulent service
- Worship of Sri Sri Radha Krishna is the ultimate in arcana worship, so the standard must be the highest
- You need not send the Murtis by air cargo to London because some devotee here has contributed a Radha-Krishna Murti pair imported from Jaipur. It is 42" high and very nice. So Krishna has saved us in this point
- You simply chant Hare Krsna mantra, and whatever you can, offer Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is very kind. He does not take offense. Radha-Krsna worship is little difficult. We have to worship Him with great awe and veneration
- You will be pleased to know that now I have got 24 branches - perhaps you have seen the list in our "Back to Godhead." Our Indian Vaisnavas are helping me by contributing each one pair or more Radha Krishna Murtis for our different Temples