Reporter (5): Does it ever happen, Swāmījī, that some disciples of yours may disagree with you on spiritual matters?
Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: No.
Prabhupāda: Unless he is a fool. (laughter) Unless he's damn fool, they do not. (laughter) If he's sane and sober, open-hearted, then he will agree. Not only Hindus. We have got so many Muhammadans also. So unless one is open-minded, sane, intelligent, they cannot understand. Therefore I say the Indians are becoming insane. By the influence of so many rascals they are becoming insane. So that has to be rectified. But insanity is prevailing all over the world, but not so much insanity as in India, that they are rejecting their own things. This is the greatest insanity. Why they are rejecting Bhagavad-gītā? What is the reason? Tell me, you.
Reporter (2): Because of Hindus suffer from basic economic instability.
Prabhupāda: Eh?
Hṛdayānanda: Economic instability.
Prabhupāda: Economic? Then why don't you accept the economic program given by Bhagavad-gītā? Why don't you accept?
Reporter (2): If you would elaborate on that, I would be very much interested.
Prabhupāda: Well, that is . . . it is . . . it is known to everyone. Kṛṣṇa says, annād bhavanti bhūtāni (BG 3.14). Anna. Anna means food grains, eatables. You must produce sufficient food grains. Why you are producing tire tube instead of food grains? And just entering your Delhi from Vṛndāvana, a big Goodyear factory, very big factory. You are producing tire tube, then iron, Goodyear and this and that. Where is food grain? And both sides, the field is vacant. Nobody is going to grow food grain. Then why you'll not starve? It is your fault. You are producing tire tube and iron instrument. You are neglecting agriculture. Then why you shall not suffer for want of food grain? And you are pleading, "Indians are starving." Why shall not starve if they do not follow Bhagavad-gītā? They are thinking, "By increasing industry in America . . ." They have got industry, at the same time food grains also. But you are taking to industry without taking care of growing food grains.