Prabhupāda: It is a dangerous civilization. You . . . you should . . . (pause as things are moved around) Dangerous civilization that labdhvā su-durlabham idaṁ bahu-sambhavānte (SB 11.9.29). After many, many millions of years one gets the chance of becoming a human being, especially civilized and especially in India. They will bring the same. And Kṛṣṇa personally says that if this chance is missed and a person does not become God realized, then he again returns back to the . . . to the . . . today I am a prime minister—tomorrow, if I become a dog, what is this civilization? And they will have to become. Nature's law we cannot avoid. And there is no question, "Why you are touching me? I am prime minister." Who cares for you? You have to take account of your activities, karmaṇā daiva-netreṇa (SB 3.31.1). So human life is so important, and we are simply wasting this valuable life with this temporary adjustment of so-called happiness or distress—big, big plans. Simply bluffing. Indira Gandhi, one daridrāṇaṁ hatā: "Poverty drive away." Now she is poverty-stricken. "Oh, you want to drive away poverty? Now drive away your own poverty. Where is your position? How you can drive away? You do not dare to come out, twelve nights." Within one day. Who has made it? This is possible for everyone. Why do they not care, this important knowledge? This knowledge is India's knowledge, and India government is callous. They are not interested in distributing this knowledge. Sarasvatī jñāna-khale yathā satī (SB 10.2.19). Just like a person who has got enough knowledge, but he does not give it to others, it is to check the flame. Such a risky civilization. The knowledge is there, and people are kept in darkness. What is this? Tathā dehāntara-prāptiḥ (BG 2.13). So we are the only friends, within this world, of the human society.
Girirāja: That's true. It's a fact.