This material world is supposed to be blazing fire. Blazing fire. It is called blazing fire in the forest. Just like in the forest nobody goes to set fire, but it takes automatically, similarly, in this material world, however you may try to live very peacefully, it will not allow you. There will be some fire.
Just like in Pakistan. All of a sudden they separated from India as Muhammadans on the basis of religion. Now they are Muhammadans, of the same religion, but they are fighting. First of all they wanted to save themselves from fighting from the Hindus. Now they are Muhammadan—they are of the same cult, same religion—still they are fighting. So you cannot stop this fighting. It will automatically come out. Just like the forest blazing fire: nobody goes to set fire there, but it takes place.
So this world, nature of this world, is like that. However you may be careful, however you may be peaceful, some elements there will be who will put you into trouble, into frustration. That is the nature of this material world. Try to understand. But if you understand your constitutional position, what you are, then immediately this blazing fire will be extinguished, and real knowledge come out. If you understand your position, then what is your real occupation, real activity, you will understand.
- ceto-darpaṇa-mārjanaṁ
- bhava-mahā-dāvāgni-nirvāpaṇam
- śreyaḥ-kairava-candrikā-vitaraṇam
- (CC Antya 20.12).