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- A big body, lump body, which is some million times greater than this earth, we can see it is floating in the sky. So how it is floating? Here it is explained, sarvasraya. It is floating on Krsna's energy. Everything is Krsna's energy
- A big lawyer means who is quite aware of the laws of the state. Similarly, a religious person means who knows completely, at least - partially also - the laws of God. That is dharmic. That is dharma
- A big scientist or a big medical practitioner, he reads scientific magazines, a scientist. A medical man, a doctor, physician, he reads medical journals. He does not waste his time in big, big chat-chat in the newspaper. He has no time
- A boy here, because he is Australian, you are thinking more intimate relationship with him, and because I am Indian, you may not think more . . . in such intimacy. Because bodily connection is there. But Krsna said - This is not very intelligent knowledge
- A boy is born in a brahmin family, but unless he's educated, unless he's purified, he cannot be allowed to perform the sacrificial rites. That means he's dependent on these other processes
- A boy is born of a medical practitioner, he has got greater chance of becoming, becoming a medical student, medical practitioners. But simply by getting birth as a son of medical practitioner is not sufficient. He has to take education
- A boy is given to a carpenter. He learns very easily. A weaver, he learns very easily. A shopkeeper, grocer, he learns very easily. That is education. Why he should waste time for academic education and create unemployment
- A brahma-bhutah, when one is self-realized, when one knows that he's not this body, he's spirit soul, he's part and parcel of Brahman, at that time he becomes joyful. And he sees everyone on the equal footing
- A brahmacari and unmarried woman in the same room together alone is strictly forbidden
- A brahmacari should dress like that. And that is very economical. Our dress is saffron dress. It does not become dirty very quickly
- A brahmacari should live in the gurukula for the following purposes. The first is that he should be trained up how to control the senses. So that, if you teach any child from the childhood, he'll be trained up
- A brahmacari should not eat anything except prasadam, that also when he is called by the spiritual master, - You can come and eat
- A brahmin is brahmin. A ksatriya is ksatriya. Vaisya is vaisya. That is real understanding. If you say: "Everyone is brahmana," that's not good
- A brahmin is truthful, and he's controlling the mind, he's controlling the senses. Samo dama titiksa: he's tolerant, and arjavam, he's very simple. Life is very simple
- A businessman, he cannot become strictly truthful. That is not possible. A politician, he cannot become actually truthful. Then the whole business will be spoiled
- A child can see also the sunshine, but that does not mean he knows what is the sun, although the sunshine is coming from the sun. So unless you understand what is the actual sun, what is the person within the sun globe, our knowledge is imperfect
- A child goes to capture a fire because his consciousness is not developed. But that does not mean the child has no consciousness or the child has no soul. Just like some rascal says - The animals, they have no soul
- A child or a boy wants to know who is his father. So what is the evidence? That evidence is sruti, hearing, from the mother. Mother says, "He is your father." So he hears; he does not see how he became his father
- A child or a man, you weigh him. When he's alive you will find one weight, and when he's dead you will find another weight. That is practical. It will be heavier. Why heavier? Because there is no more spirit soul
- A child sees, "Oh, such a big thing. How it is flying?" He does not know that this machine is not flying independently. There is a pilot. Without this pilot, all this mechanical arrangement is simply void
- A child, for him preyas means he wants to play, he doesn't want to go to school, but his sreyas is that he must go to school, must be educated, so that his future life may be secure
- A citizen is supposed to remain free, but sometimes is put into the jail because he has worked under different criminal energy. But when he becomes perfectly civil, so there is no jail for him - he is free to move
- A class of men should be trained up for agriculture, producing food grain, and cow protection. Cow protection means you get the milk sufficient quantity, and from milk you get so many nutritious, full of vitamin food
- A code word requires explanation. Just like in business circle there is Bentley's code. So for business facility, for saving expenditure, the telegraphic codes are there. So one who does not know what is this code, but he can refer to the book
- A crazy fellow goes to the psychiatrist and he talks with him; gradually, he cures him - similarly, these living entity, if they associate with devotees and they constantly talk and hear about God, then again he revives his God consciousness
- A devotee does not enjoy anything or suffer anything, because a devotee does everything for Krsna. So therefore for his personal self, there is no question of karma-phala
- A devotee does not live either in hell or heaven, he lives in Vaikuntha always. He doesn't care for hell and heaven
- A devotee does not want even salvation. Why Lord Caitanya says: "birth after birth"? The salvationists, they want to stop; the voidists, they want to stop this material way of life
- A devotee has no distinction whether it is heaven or hell, because Krsna is with him either in heaven or hell. So where there is Krsna, there is no question of hell; it is Vaikuntha
- A devotee is akama, there is no kama. He has no personal desires. His desire is only to remain eternal servant of God. That's all. That is his position. That is not desire. That is his actual position
- A devotee is always anxious to see God, but He (Caitanya) said that - I am not qualified. So even I become broken-hearted not seeing God, still Krsna is My Lord. I may see, or may not see. That is His mercy
- A devotee is naturally very good man, but when he acts just like a bad man on behalf of Krsna, he does not fall down. He still remains a pure devotee
- A devotee is neither ksatriya, neither brahmana; he's servant of Krsna, that's all. These "brahmana," "ksatriya," "vaisya," "sudra," they are on the material platform
- A devotee is not allured by any of the opulences of this material world. They are not interested. They are interested to transfer themselves in the spiritual world where, it is stated in the BG, yad gatva na nivartante tad dhama paramam mama - BG 15.6
- A devotee knows that all these wonderful things which are happening, behind this thing there is Krsna. And Krsna says - we believe that
- A devotee means one who has dedicated his body, mind and words for Krsna. That is the test of devotee, whether he has engaged these three things to the service of the Lord
- A devotee understands what is what, and he does according to the direction of God. Therefore he is demigod. And the demons will never agree. That is the difference
- A devotee's always servant of God. Whatever service is required, as a brahmin, as a ksatriya, as a vaisya, it doesn't matter. We are ready
- A devotee, either you live or die, the same thing. - Why? "You are living, you are serving Krsna. When you die, you go to serve Krsna. That's all." Jivo va maro va. Therefore they are called jivan-mukta
- A devotee, even if he falls down by chance . . . there is every possibility of falling down, because maya is very strong. And it is a fight against maya
- A dhira knows that he is changing his body; he is not dying. He will get another body. Dhira, sober. And one who is not sober, he says: "No, life is finished." Or he can imagine he is going to heaven or hell
- A diseased man, he cannot imitate the healthy man. A healthy man eats as he likes, but a diseased man, if he eats as he likes, he'll die. Death is sure. So he has to be restricted, not the healthy man
- A diseased man, he cannot say, "I am perfect in health." That is not possible. Similarly, if we are defective in so many ways, and if I want to become teacher or preacher to give you the truth, then how can I give? This is not possible
- A diseased man, he is also eating, and the healthy man is eating. But he is having bitter taste. A man with jaundice, if you give him sugar candy, he will taste as bitter
- A diseased man, if you give a nice foodstuff, he cannot eat much. After tasting, "All right, that's all." Finished. Because he is diseased. And give to a healthy man, oh, he will take so much. This is a crude example
- A diseased man, when he gets back his healthy life, he becomes very happy. Similarly, as soon as we become freed from this designation life, we come to the real life of spiritual life
- A diseased man: he is also eating, he is also sleeping, he is also having other duties; but that he is eating, sleeping, and the healthy man's eating, sleeping is not the same thing
- A diseased person, he has to be brought into the healthy condition of life, to cure the disease. So just a man, when he's diseased and when he's healthy, from external feature, the same
- A doctor, medical man. He diagnoses according to the symptom. He finds out the cause. So symptom is required, not that a man has become diseased or healthy by birth. No
- A dog cannot live independently. He must have a master. Then he is happy. Is it not? Otherwise it is street dog
- A dog is afraid whether another dog is coming, so the so-called civilized men, they are also afraid - "Whether Englishmen are coming to attack? Whether Germany . . .? Therefore there must be atomic bomb. I shall throw. Therefore you must give me tax."
- A dog is also becoming a father. The such kind of father-becoming is not recommended in the Vedic civilization. Just become a real father to give the real benefit to the son. Then you become a father. This is called varnasrama-dharma
- A dog is never happy without a master. Then it is a street dog. That is the difference between household dog and a street dog
- A dog is running from this side to that side. So he's feeling some pleasure. Similarly, we also, so-called civilized man, we are also running on a car, this side and this side. You see? So the same thing - the dog's race
- A dog is thinking, "I am very strong dog. I am this." And another man - "I am Englishman. I am . . ." So what is the difference? Mentality is the same
- A dog must find out a nice master. Otherwise it is a street dog; its condition is not very good. Similarly, a sudra means he must have a nice paying master. Otherwise his life is at risk
- A dog or a cat or a cow, if he crosses the road right or left, it is not subject to the law. Therefore all laws, all scriptures, all regulation - everything - is meant for the human being, not for the cats and dogs
- A dog thinks that he is the body. He cannot think that he is not the body, he is the soul. That is not possible. Because he is born, he is entrapped in such a body, they cannot think that the animal, the cat and dog, is different from the body
- A dog, unless it has got a nice master, it is street dog. A street dog. It has no value. Anyone can kill, and it has no shelter, loitering in the street
- A drop of seawater is as good as the seawater in quality - the whole seawater is also salty, the drop of seawater is also salty - similarly, we have got all the chemical composition, or qualities, of God. Now, God is eternal; therefore we must be eternal
- A family man is responsible. Because he has got responsibility to maintain the wife, children, therefore he works hard. That is impetus. So love is there. Unless there is love, you cannot work
- A father is generally, even though he's personally a bad man, he's still, he's kind, merciful to the son. That he is, actually
- A female child - by evolution, means when she gets another body, youthful body, her consciousness is different. If you get the body of a pig, your consciousness is different from the consciousness of a man
- A fighting soldier is honored by the government. He maybe dies, he is recognized by the government, "Here is a soldier, laid down his life by fighting." So we prefer that life. We shall die fighting with maya
- A friend can deny to accept the instruction of the other friend, but a disciple cannot deny. That will be guror avajna (Padma Purana). Therefore Arjuna submitted himself, that - Now I become Your (Krsna's) disciple. You guide me
- A frog lives in a well, three feet, that's all. So if he's informed that there is Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, he becomes surprised - "How is that? What is that Pacific Ocean?" he will ask. He will try to measure Pacific Ocean from the well
- A God conscious person cannot be neglectful or envious to anyone. That is the test. Sarvair gunais tatra samasate surah - SB 5.18.12
- A God conscious person has no discrimination between human being and animal or trees or plants, because they are also living entities
- A great commander can also become bhagavata, a great merchant can become also bhagavata, and a great Brahmin, learned scholar, he can also become bhagavata. There is no restriction
- A great man, if you give him little service, he rewards you more than you expect. And what to speak of Krsna? He is the greatest of all. If you give Him little service, He gives you more than you expect. That is a fact
- A guru does not mean that he has taken shelter of somebody else and he has become guru
- A guru should not become a guru, a father should not become a father, a mother should not become a mother, nobody should become relatives, kinsmen, if one cannot save his son, his disciple, his friend from the imminent danger of birth and death
- A healthy man is engaged in healthy activities, and the diseased man is engaged in diseased activities. The diseased man is also lying down, and the healthy man is also lying down. There is vast of difference
- A healthy man, he thinks, "I am enjoying," but he does not see that even he is now healthy, he will be an old man, he will be attacked with disease, he will die, and still he thinks, - I am healthy
- A healthy man, if he is in the society of contamination, is it not his life is very risky? He may be contaminated and infected by disease any moment
- A hog is eating stool. He's enjoying the pleasure of eating. And a human being eating very nice palatable food, he's also enjoying the same pleasure. There is no difference
- A human being is distinguished from the animal when he enquires about transcendence. And that is explained in the great literature Brahma-sutra, or the philosophy of Vedanta-sutra, athato brahma jijnasa
- A human being, if he does not come on the spiritual platform, he remains animal. That is the difference. Therefore Bhagavad-gita, you will find the first beginning of teaching - dehino 'smin yatha dehe
- A Krsna conscious person doesn't imagine anything. Krsna says that He is the greater than the greatest, we accept it; we don't imagine
- A Krsna conscious person is not at all anxious for his personal self, because he knows perfectly that he is protected by Krsna in all circumstances. Just like Prahlada Maharaja
- A learned brahmin, even though qualified academically and other brahminical qualification, but his only disqualification is that he is not a devotee, then he is not even equal to the person who is born in a family of dog-eaters, but he is a devotee
- A little higher grade of life, they try to understand about some religious principle, and they are generally become religious for some gain, some material gain
- A little mystic power, when we get, we become so big, important man. And now He's the master of all yogic mystic power. Yatra yogesvaro harih - BG 18.78
- A little scratching of nail again means three, four days so much suffering. So you cannot violate. That is breaking the laws of nature, breaking the laws of God. That is sinful. Either you take it as disease or sinful activities or whatever you call
- A living entity is never born or never dies. What is this birth and death? This is the change of the body
- A mad man, he's not so harmful. Sometimes he becomes naked and goes to the street and talks nonsense. That much
- A man cannot do that (immediately pounce upon any animal and kills and eat); but his teeth is different, he has no nails; therefore he has to kill animal in different way, by slaughterhouse. So he is worse than animal
- A man has fallen in the blind well, and he's crying, "Save me! Save me!" and when somebody comes and gives him a rope - "You catch it. I shall lift you" - but he'll not touch it, then who can save him
- A man has fallen in the dark well, crying. You give him one rope: "Catch it." But he'll not catch. Then how you can deliver? Let him suffer
- A man in his healthy condition, he is happy, but in his diseased condition he is not happy, similarly, we, being part and parcel of the Supreme, we are naturally jubilant, but on account of being contacted in material nature, we are morose
- A man is born out of his father and mother, so He has to take His birth from a father and mother. So these fathers and mothers are first sent. I think in the Bible they call messiahs, or what you have?
- A man is butter, and woman is fire. So this is restricted even the man happens to be father, brother or son. Matra svasra duhitra va
- A man is considered to be situated at a certain status of civilization according to the modes of material nature, and that is manifested by eating, by behaving. Acara, vicara. Acara means behavior, and vicara means judgment
- A man is dying on the deathbed, and his friend comes, "How you are feeling?" "Yes, I am all right." (laughter) Now he's going to die, and he says, "I am all right." So this is called maya
- A man is generally healthy, but sometimes he falls sick, so at the present moment our condition is sick. It is called bhava-roga
- A man is known by his company. - Because all these rascals and fools go there (one rascal, his name is Sai Baba), therefore he is a fool and rascal. It is concluded
- A man is sitting on the ass. And his hand just on the front of the gadha, ass, he's putting some grass. And the gadha is thinking, "I will eat this grass," he's going forward. But the grass is also going forward. This is very instructive
- A man may be born in a family of dog-eaters, but if he keeps himself as dog-eater, then he is dog-eater family
- A man may be born in a family of dog-eaters, but if he keeps himself as dog-eater, then he is dog-eater family. But if he changes his status - no more dog-eater, he is a devotee - he is not counted as belonging to that family
- A man may be director of this company and trust of that company and so many where he is working. But his wife is seeing that he is her husband, that's all. He does not see anything, although he is working in aneka-rupam
- A man may have very good brain power, organization, but if he has no money - useless. So four things required: land, labor, capital, organization
- A man may question, "How it has become prasadam? It is bhata, rice." No. Because it is offered to Krsna, therefore it has changed its quality from inferior to superior
- A man says: "Yes, I have expanded very widely my feelings of love." No. There are some symptoms how you are feeling, how you are . . . that is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita, that panditah sama-darsinah. Pandita means learned
- A man, he becomes irresponsible. He says: "I don't care for government or law. I can do whatever I like." That means he's risking his life
- A man, sleeping, but he is not sleeping. He's awakened. But a man is calling, "Mr. Such-and-such, wake up, wake up." But he's as if sleeping. So people who do not want to realize, there is no realization. Otherwise, it is very simple
- A medical practitioner who is approved by other medical practitioners in the medical college, he is medical practitioner. Similarly if you want to test who is spiritual master, you have to see the standard spiritual master, Krsna & Lord Caitanya & similar
- A motorcar is moving; that means the driver is moving. So foolish people will think that the motorcar is moving. Motorcar does not move. In spite of all mechanical arrangement, it cannot move. That is the wrong way of education
- A mudha, falsely thinking that "I am giving up." What you have got? Nobody can give up; nobody can enjoy. This is real knowledge
- A novice is being trained up, and he has no love, so he'll question that, "Why shall I do it? Why shall I do it? Why shall I do? What benefit I shall get?" So many questions will be there. But when there is love, there is no question
- A ordinary peon is also representative of the postal department. How he becomes representative of the whole postal system? He delivers your letter or money order without mishandling it, as it is
- A paramahamsa does not require any reformatory process, because they are already reformed
- A particle of gold is also gold, but that does not mean that the particle of gold is equal to the gold mine. That is the real understanding of philosophy. We are gods, undoubtedly. In which way? Qualitatively. God is gold
- A patient has suffered from the disease on account of certain bad habits & he has gone to the doctor. He paid much money & suffered injection, operation, & still he is doing that. Therefore Pariksit Maharaja says, - What is the value of this prayascitta?
- A patient lying in the hospital, he wants whatever is very palatable for him, he wants to eat that. But the medical practitioner has advised, - Oh, you cannot take it
- A person is suffering from some disease. He goes to the doctor, physician. He gives some medicine - immediate some relief from the pain. This is one sympathy
- A person who has got unflinching faith in Krsna and similar unflinching faith in guru, to him, to such person the Vedic knowledge becomes revealed immediately
- A person who is situated on the platform of pure consciousness, he's not disturbed by all these miseries (due to other living entities, mental and bodily agony). That is the symptom. He's not disturbed
- A philosopher at least thinks that "Why shall I work so hard for this, only a glass of . . .?" So therefore he is a little better than these karmis. Karmi, jnani. And they are restless, because they are falsely thinking that they will get some benefit
- A policeman, a constable, if he commits theft, he's severely punished. He's to detect criminality, but he becomes himself criminal, then he's very highly punished. That is the law
- A polluted woman is doing all household work, but she is always thinking when she will meet with her paramour at night. This example. Similarly, we may be engaged in different material activities, but if we keep our faith in Krsna, then it will save us
- A professional thief, he has gone to the prison several times. He has been punished. Still, he commits the same thing, again goes to the jail
- A public leader, a politician, he's thinking that - Without me, all the members of my nation will die. So let me work day and night. Up to the point of my death or up to the point until I am killed by somebody, I have to work so hard
- A pure lover of God, he loves everyone. Just like we are. Because we have tried to love God, therefore we are wandering, touring all over the world, and the same message, - Please try to love God
- A religious person means he has got complete love of God. Then he is religious
- A religious person, it does not mean whether he is Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Buddhist. He must accept God and surrender unto Him. This is religion
- A rich man's child, does he want anything from father? No, he simply wants father, mother. The father, mother knows what does he want, how he will be happy. That is the duty of the father and mother
- A rough idea of the form of the living entity has been given in the Padma Purana, that one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. Now perhaps we have no instrument how to measure one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. But this is given there
- A sadhu is advised, titiksavah, tolerate. Tolerate all this nonsense. What can be done? We have no other alternative to tolerate. Nobody's coming to help us, our business is so thankless task
- A sadhu is friend of all living entities. He is not only friend of the humankind; he is friend of the animals, he is friend of the trees, he is friend of the ants, worms, reptiles, serpents - everyone
- A sadhu, a saintly person, a righteous person, a religious person, will never be happy by other's killing. But killing of persons like scorpion and serpent
- A section is confused and frustrated. Why? The same position as Vyasadeva, who was not satisfied even after producing so many variety of literatures in material science and philosophy and religion
- A section of the people may be lawyers. Another section may be other - engineer, medical man. So all these qualification must remain there
- A simple truth, Krsna is explaining to Arjuna. It is authoritative statement because Krsna says
- A small child can become maha-bhagavata, and a very learned scholar may become a demon. Bhakti is so exalted that these are contradictory
- A so-called philosopher, scientist's knowledge is always imperfect. The perfect knowledge can be received through this parampara system - from Krsna, Krsna to Brahma, Brahma to Narada, Narada to Vyasa, Vyasa to Madhvacarya
- A soldier, he's also patriot, and another man is patriot. But the soldier who goes to fight forward for the state, his service is greater than this man, because he has to face so many dangers for the country
- A spiritual master is considered directly as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Saksad. Saksad means "directly." Why? Because he is jnana-prada. He gives real knowledge. That is the qualification of spiritual master
- A spiritual master is honored. Not only honored - in the sastra it is said, navamanyeta karhicit. The spiritual master should not be, taken as ordinary human being
- A spiritual master should not be accepted as a matter of fashion. Somebody thinks that, "Everyone gets a spiritual master, so I may also have some spiritual master." Or - I may keep some spiritual master as my pet
- A spiritual master should not be accepted as a matter of phobia. Just like you keep some pet dog or cat, similarly if you want to keep one spiritual master, there is no profit. You see?
- A spiritually advanced devotee of the Lord, he sees the trees or the animals or the stone or the - anything he sees - he sees that it is the energy of God
- A street dog has no position and sometimes they're killed. Similarly, when we live under the full protection of the Supreme Lord, that is our healthy condition, that is our real life
- A temporary life for fifty years or sixty years, they are busy, making very, very gorgeous arrangement. This is asuric civilization
- A thief is thinking that, "I'm living here very comfortably, without stealing. I'm getting food and shelter. And if I go outside, I have to steal again." So it is good life? That is due to ignorance
- A thief knows that stealing is bad. He has seen it also that a thief is punished. Still he commits theft. Why? This is the question atha kena prayukto 'yam papam carati purusah
- A thing which you cannot get back by paying millions of dollars, if that is lost unnecessarily, so how much loss you are suffering just imagine. This is material calculation
- A transcendentalist who wants to work from spiritual platform, he has no botheration, "Whether I am doing good or bad?" He has only to see, "Whether I am acting on the platform of spiritual consciousness or material consciousness?" That's all
- A tree is standing for five thousand years or five hundred years. Is it not hellish? If I ask you, "Stand here for five days," you will die
- A typhoid patient, he's lying on the bed, the doctor physician has advised, "Don't take any solid food. Take liquid food - barley water, glucose water," this is tapasya
- A Vaisnava can understand this, that outwardly, externally, they may have nice dress or nice building or nice motorcar, but internally they are so unhappy that they rise up to the top of the skyscraper building and fall down to commit suicide
- A Vaisnava is godly. He is qualified with all good qualities. He knows the value of each and every thing. Therefore he's godly. And therefore to offer respect to Vaisnava is also a great qualification
- A Vaisnava, a devotee of the Lord, he always thinks of the fallen condition of general people. Just like in Christian philosophy they believe that Lord Jesus Christ suffered to be crucified by assimilating all the sinful activities of the people
- A Vaisnava, or devotee of Lord, his life is dedicated for the benefit of the people. You know - most of you belong to Christian community - how Lord Jesus Christ, he said that for your sinful activities he has sacrificed himself
- A Vedic statement is accepted in Indian spiritual society. There are hundreds and thousands of men who are still dedicated. Practically the whole population of India, they are dedicated to spiritual life
- A very learned man by academic education may not be a learned man according to the view of Bhagavad-gita
- A very poor man, he becomes by his energy very, very rich man. There are many instances in the world. That is called paurusam. Buddhi. Buddhi means intelligence, prajna
- A watchmaker is making, screwdriving, and doing so many things. All of a sudden his heart fails. No more watch. What is that active principle? Where is that science? That is my proposition
- A young girl becomes captivated by seeing a very nice boy, or a nice boy is captivated to see the beauty of a girl. These are sense gratification. There is no prema; that is kama
- Abhadra means the quality of ignorance and passion. They are abominable. Ignorance is most abominable, and passion is abominable. These two things must be given up
- Abhayam means we are always afraid. We are always agitated, anxiety, because I am thinking, "I am this body." But if you are completely realized that you are not this body, you are something else, spirit soul, then I am immediately free from anxieties
- Abhirama constructed that house. That's all right. He is within the campus. There is no harm. And now if he goes away after so much training, advancement, if they are lost, then that's a great loss for the Society
- About Kapiladeva it is said, kapilas tattva-sankhyata: "Kapila, the Supreme Person," "He can explain what is Absolute Truth." Kapilas tattva-sankhyata bhagavan. Without Bhagavan, nobody knows what is the actual position of the Ultimate Truth
- About sixty years before, in our childhood, or more than, sixty-five years before, when we were five, six years old, this system of hearing in the evening, in every village there was current
- Above all these (no bare necessities of life), there is always disturbance: sometimes war, sometimes famine, sometimes earthquake, sometimes overflood. Just like recently in New York there was overflood. So in this way we are so much complicated
- Above our planet there are so many other planets. This is called Bhur-loka. Above this, Bhuvar-loka; there is Svargaloka, then Janaloka, then Tapoloka, then Maharloka, then Satyaloka, then there is spiritual sky. Then there is spiritual planet
- Above that (Bhuvarloka) there is Svarloka, there is Janaloka, there is Tapoloka, there is Maharloka, there is Satyaloka, there is Siddhaloka, there is Brahmaloka. What do they know, the modern astronomers? They do not know anything
- Above the sun planet, 1,600,000, there is the moon. And above that there is Venus, there is Jupiter, there is Mars - all difference of 1,600,000s of miles. So it is not possible to go to the moon planet
- Abrahma-bhuvanal lokah punar avartino 'rjuna (BG 8.16). Abrahma-loka. The highest planetary system, Brahmaloka, he can go. That is also required superior judgment, what he has done for being promoted
- Absolute Truth is explained in the Vedanta-sutra, janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1). Absolute Truth is that from whom everything comes into existence, everything emanates
- Absolute Truth is known in three different phases. - What is that? "Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan." If we really seeking knowledge, then we have to find out a person who is tattva-darsi, who has understood the Absolute Truth
- Absolute Truth is that from whom everything comes into existence, everything emanates. Now that has been discussed in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, because Srimad-Bhagavatam is the natural commentary by the same author
- Abuses the father, mother, like anything. "Ah! You rascal! Why you have come? I shall kill you!" Like that. I have seen it. Mad, you call, or ghostly-haunted. Very dangerous
- Academic means this. They get the degrees, and after that they do all nonsense. That is academic. But this Vedic culture is not like that. He must act. Then it will be all right
- Acarati. Practically you have to behave; then you can preach. Otherwise you cannot become acarya. Acarya means one who practices the acara and then teaches. He is acarya
- Acarya does not accept anything on his own account. Acarya accepts everything on Krsna's account. That is the principle. And because he is representative of Krsna, he is dealing on behalf of Krsna
- Acarya does not write any book of sex psychology, Freud's philosophy. That is not acarya; he is a rascal. Acarya gives direction how one can make advance in spiritual life. That is acarya
- Acarya means one who is speaking exactly the same instruction as Krsna has given. That is acarya. Not everyone becomes acarya
- Acarya upasanam. We receive the knowledge throughout the disciplic succession of acaryas, and we accept it and we follow it, and practically you see the result. That is our request.
- Acaryavan puruso veda - One who is under the guidance of bona fide acarya, he knows things, what they are
- Accept the father, the bona fide father. Take protection from Him. He is able to give you everything. Why you are suffering? What is the logic
- Accept the lotus feet of God. That is the mission of God. God comes Himself. God sends His son or devotee or servant. The same thing. Then religion may be different. That is not very important thing
- Accept the varna and asramas: brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha. This is called varnasrama system. But this is the beginning of human life
- Accepting spiritual master means voluntarily accepting somebody to rule him. There is no question . . . I have no power to rule over you unless you voluntarily surrender
- Accepting these (There is no background of this material creation. This material creation is false) are the basic principle of this material creation, etam drstim avastabhya, nasta atmanah - lost their (demons') spiritual consciousness
- Accidentally I have got this body in America or India or Africa or in hell or heaven. That is accidental. Or by my karma. But actually, I am not this body
- According to Bhagavad-gita, real religious principle means to establish your lost relationship with the Supreme Lord
- According to Buddha's philosophy, this consciousness is production by combination of this matter. This body is combination of matter: earth, water, fire, air, ether and, according to BG, further, mind, intelligence, ego
- According to Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, every Indian can become a teacher, provided he accepts the teachings of their predecessors acarya. Otherwise they'll remain beggars
- According to change of body, we are not only going through the evolutionary process of different types of body, as we have got experience here - the aquatics, the trees, the plants, the insect, the birds, the beast, then a human being
- According to Hindu system, a father-mother responsibility ceases after he gets the children married, either daughter or son. So much obligation. Then they are free
- According to his (tiller's) capacity, there is production, and he makes profit out of it. Similarly, this body is the field, and I am, or you are, who is occupying this body, we are tillers. This body is given by nature, and I am spirit soul
- According to Indian culture, there is no divorce. There is no question of divorce. Both the husband and wife, they cannot dream of divorce, the love was so strong
- According to karma, karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1), by superior arrangement one has to accept a type of body. That we are forgetting. We are thinking that we shall remain free like this. That is not possible
- According to Lord Buddha's philosophy, these feelings of happiness, distress, is due to this combination of matter. So you dismantle this matter, material, there will be no more distress, and nirvana - finish. Nirvana means finish
- According to medical science, every moment we are changing body. That's a fact. But the changing is going so swiftly that we do not see how it is being changed
- According to our inclination we are contacting a certain type of the modes of material nature and we are getting different types of body. Karanam guna sango 'sya sad-asad janma yonisu - BG 13.22
- According to our material calculation, if one is very rich, he's attractive. If one is very influential, he's attractive. If one is very wise, he's attractive. If one is very beautiful, he's attractive. In this way, we attract
- According to our sastra there are seven mothers. Adau mata, real mother, from whose body I have taken my birth. Adau mata, she is mother. Guru-patni, the wife of teacher, she is also mother. The wife of a brahmana, she is also mother
- According to our Vaisnava philosophy, twenty-six (combination of matter). According to Mayavada philosophy, this is twenty-five. And according to impersonal philosophy, or void philosophy, it is twenty-four. So originally, it is eight
- According to our Vedic literature, Brahma, the creator of this universe, he is considered to be the highest creature within this universe, but he is also not God. That is stated in the SB - tene brahma hrda adi-kavaye
- According to Sankara-sampradaya, everyone must take first of all sannyasa. Sannyasa means this renounced order of life
- According to Sankara-sampradaya, there are ten titles. And, according to Vaisnava-sampradaya, there are 108 titles. So the ten titles which the Sankara-sampradaya claim, that is also included in the Vaisnava-sampradaya
- According to the conditions of the mind at the time of death, the minute spirit soul enters into the womb of a particular mother through the semina of father
- According to the laws of material nature, if you are in the body of ignorance, then you have to gradually elevate to the body of passion; then from the passion, passionate body, you have to elevate yourself to the body of goodness
- According to the material calculation, as Canakya Pandita says that, "That man is pandita." Who? Matrvat para-daresu: "One who sees every woman as mother." Para-daresu - Except his wife
- According to the modern scientists' calculation it is 93,000,0000. Taking it, accepted, as 93,000,000's from this earthly planet, then again add 1,600,000, that means 94,600,000 miles away from the earth there is the moon planet. It is not possible
- According to the Narada Pancaratra system, even if one is lowborn, he can be accepted as a brahmin by this reformatory process. Because kalau sudra sambhavah - everyone in this age is a sudra
- According to the time, circumstances, different types of philosophies are there. Just like Jesus Christ. He is advising, - Thou shall not killing
- According to the Vedic civilization, a human being must be trained up to become dvija, or take his birth second time. This is human civilization
- According to the yoga, God is the Supreme Person. Now just see. This is authoritative statement. You have been in so many yoga societies. Did you ever hear that God is the Supreme Person? Now just see
- According to Vedas, animal can be killed in sacrifice. That also to give a new life. But people misinterpreted and they began to kill animals like anything with the evidence - In the Vedas animal killing is sanctioned
- According to Vedic calculation, this tree which is grown here, that living entity was sometimes owner or occupier of this house, and it had so much attachment that it cannot go out of this house. Therefore he has been given this body, tree
- According to Vedic civilization, cow is one of the seven mothers. There are seven mothers: the real mother; atma-mata guroh patni, the wife of spiritual master; then queen, raja-patni. Atma-mata guroh patni brahmani, the wife of a brahmana
- According to Vedic civilization, there are four divisions of men: brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. And further, spiritual division: brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasa
- According to Vedic civilization, there are seven mothers. Adau-mata, real mother, and guru-patni, the wife of guru or teacher, she is also mother, because teacher is father. Brahmani, the wife of a brahmana, she is mother
- According to Vedic conception, the material nature, mother, is worshiped. There are seven kinds of mother, not one mother. Adau-mata, real mother, from whom I have taken birth, adau-mata. Guroh patni, the wife of spiritual master
- According to Vedic culture, the body is burned into ashes. So when the body is burned into ashes, who is coming again and paying him back? "Don't think about it. Everything is finished." This is the atheistic knowledge
- According to Vedic injunction, if you want to eat meat, you kill in the front of Goddess Kali, so that the animal will get next life as human being. He is promoted immediately. He hasn't got to go to the evolutionary process
- According to Vedic principle, the laws are given by Manu. From Manu, the word manusya has come, or "man." And there is Manu-samhita. In the Manu-samhita it is stated that if a man commits murder, then he should be hanged
- According to Vedic scripture there is life in the sun planet also. They have got fiery bodies. That's all. That is the difference. Just like the fishes here, we see they have got watery bodies, similarly, one may have got fiery body
- According to Vedic scripture, God comes, and He says personally why He comes: yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati (BG 4.7). Whenever there is discrepancies in the prosecution of religious principles, He comes
- According to Vedic scripture, if some of my relatives or father and forefather did not get the body - are in the, what is called, ghost body . . . one has become a ghost
- According to Vedic scripture, those animal-eaters should kill them personally, so that they can see how much suffering is there, so he will stop. But now the things are being done in the slaughterhouse. They do not see. They purchase very nicely packed
- According to Vedic system, a boy born in a Brahmin family, he is allowed all the samskaras, reformatory, purificatory process, but the girl is not. Why? Now, because a girl has to follow her husband
- According to Vedic system, amongst learned scholars, if one presents Vedic evidences, then his position is strong. Like one lawyer who quotes from the law book various bona fide quotations, the judgment is given in his favor because that is authorized
- According to Vedic system, as soon as a body is dead, there is no question of decorating. Immediately burn it and finish, make it into ashes. That's all
- According to Vedic system, marriage is a long program. The father of the girl and the boy first of all select. Then their horoscope should be consulted, how they will mix together, and then the family, then personal qualification, so many things
- According to Vedic system, the students are first of all taught the Sanskrit grammar, because it is very difficult subject
- According to Vedic understanding there are seven kinds of mother: adau mata, real mother. Guru patni, the wife of guru, the spiritual master. Brahmani, the wife of a brahmana
- According to Vedic understanding, the woman, the body of woman is lower-grade birth. Therefore if she's fortunate to have a good husband, devotee, and if she becomes faithful to that husband, then her life is successful. That is called tapasya
- According to Vedic version, there are twelve authorities, and one of them is Prahlada Maharaja
- According to your mental situation you enter into the womb of a mother injected by the semen of your father, you get an opportunity to grow another body. It takes about seven months to grow that body
- According to your quality and according to your position, you have to work. You cannot stop working. But you should not enjoy the fruit. - That is . . . in other way this is a conception of spiritual communism
- Acinoti sastrani: he must know all the principles from authorities, and he should apply in his life those principles. Not that he knows but does not apply. He cannot be acarya
- Acintya, which is inconceivable, beyond your sense perception, don't try to argue and understand it and speculate. This is foolishness. It is not possible. Therefore we have to go to the guru
- Act only for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then you are not entangled in the resultant action. Otherwise you'll be
- Activities out of these three qualities of material nature, they are called karma, work
- Actual human form of life, actual business of human form of life, begins from this inquiry: brahma-jijnasa. So this brahma-jijnasa is being explained in the Bhagavad-gita, - What is Brahman
- Actual knowledge means to understand what is the spirit soul, what is its nature, what is its necessity, how it is living, what is the ultimate goal. So many things are there. But unfortunately, there is no educational institution
- Actually Bhagavan, this word is applicable to Krsna. Therefore in the Bhagavad-gita you will find, whenever Krsna is speaking, Vyasadeva has written, sri bhagavan uvaca. Real Bhagavan is Krsna. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam - SB 1.3.28
- Actually bhakti begins with the tongue. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. Beginning from tongue, krsna-bhakti begins. It may be very awkward to hear, that "By tongue, how bhakti begins?" But that is the statement in the sastra
- Actually big merchant, big businessman, big industrialist, big politician, they used to visit him (Rupa Gosvami). So he gave up this company. Sada tuccha-vat: - Eh, what is this nonsense? What is the use of meeting all these men?
- Actually everyone is searching after that perpetual happiness. So it is a problem for everyone, and that problem can be solved by Krsna consciousness
- Actually I began my this Krsna consciousness movement - not that they came in a very purified condition. That we, every one of you, know, that those who came to me, they according, they have been trained from childhood
- Actually in this age one should live at least one hundred years, but because we do not follow hygienic rules, do not live nicely, extravagantly, therefore the duration of life is reduced. And we are proud that we are improving
- Actually it is not blind faith. It is full faith in God. "God is speaking this; I'll accept it." Sa mahatma sudurlabhah. That is the position of mahatma
- Actually the judgment is there immediately, and he gets another birth, either hell or heaven. Not that he has to wait for the day of judgment
- Actually the man is there, he is talking (in telephone) and I am hearing, but by scientific arrangement it is so that he is thousand miles away but he has come before me just like speaking with him
- Actually the supreme father is Krsna. Therefore He says, aham bija-pradah pita. So Krsna is for everyone. Krsna is not monopolized. This is a wrong theory, "He is a Hindu god." No
- Actually the whole situation is lamenting, because we are losing. Take, for example, this body which we have gained from our father and mother on a certain date. It is losing gradually
- Actually they (Mayavadi philosophers) do not know Vedanta means bhakti. Real Vedanta commentary is Srimad-Bhagavatam. Bhasyam brahma-sutranam. Brahma-sutra means the Vedanta-sutra
- Actually they are doing that (following Krsna's instruction). They are representative. Not only I, but they are also. Every one of our members, they are Krsna's representative. They are not trying to malinterpret
- Actually this is the fact. If you live irresponsibly, then you have to suffer. So not that all living entities are going to the hell, but some of them. Because most of the living entities, they are less than the human being
- Actually this is the position of all living entities. Everyone is servant. But in the material sense, he is servant of maya, servant of senses
- Actually this Tirtha Maharaja, he wanted to be acarya. People did not like him, so they made another bad acarya. Why acarya? They should have continued the preaching work uncontaminated
- Actually we are making struggle, hard struggle, just to conquer over this miserable condition of life, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi. But that is not possible
- Actually we are not in peace, but maya is dictating, "Oh, you are very comfortable," and he's accepting, " Oh, I'm very comfortable." Yes. This is your problem
- Actually we are not these bodies. That is the first instruction in the Bhagavad-gita. So, especially in the modern age, people are thinking like that, and they are unhappy
- Actually we are pledged to give something substantial to the human society. This is our mission. We are not that group, that showing some magic and take some fees, it is not our business
- Actually we are standing on a false platform, understanding this body as the self, and in relationship with the body we are considering, "This country is my country. This man is my family man" or - my national man
- Actually we have no death. So we are accepting this change of body as death. That is another illusion. One who is sober, he is not bewildered
- Actually, before planet was covered with water. Water is going down. Now the one fourth dried up, and gradually the remaining three fourths will be dried. There will be no water
- Actually, dharma cannot be changed. The example is given: just like water. The characteristic of water is liquidity. So you cannot change this quality of water, liquidity
- Actually, everyone is in need of spiritual understanding. So by distributing the spiritual food, simply by eating he will be in Krsna consciousness, even if he does not do anything
- Actually, everyone is trying. Material life means it is full of distress, duhkhalayam. Krsna says. So, so long you'll prolong this material way of life, that is called struggle for existence
- Actually, he is nothing but a small particle. This egotism (I am the doer of everything) is the root cause of suffering. Discuss all these, amongst yourselves & preach & inform these rascals, so-called civilized scientists & philosopher. That is preaching
- Actually, in this material existence we are forgetting our real, constitutional position, that we are all eternal servant of the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- Actually, nobody is God here. Everyone is servant. He's simply falsely thinking that he's God, he's master, he's this or that
- Actually, the enjoyment is in my mind. That is not enjoyment. Real enjoyment is when I am free from this embodiment of five elements, gross elements, and three subtle elements
- Actually, the proprietor is God, but we are falsely claiming that "It is my property" or "our property." Therefore there is no santi. Try to understand
- Actually, there is no difference between them (Panca-tattva) because they are situated on the absolute platform, but they manifest different spiritual varieties as a challenge to impersonalists to taste different kinds of spiritual humors, rasas
- Actually, there is no happiness, because the Supreme Personality of Godhead says it is a place of misery. How you can make it comfortable place? So this is one side
- Actually, this material life is our bondage. Just like gold handcuff or iron handcuff. So handcuff is bondage; either it is made of gold or iron, it doesn't matter
- Actually, to understand one verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam it requires at least seven months. Janmady asya yatah anvayad (SB 1.1.1). My Guru Maharaja explained this verse in Dacca for three months, janmady asya. Actually, it is so important. The beginning
- Actually, we are trying to get because we are eternal. We are trying to get eternal happiness
- Actually, you cannot enjoy this diseased condition of this body. Enjoyment, real enjoyment, means that is non stopping. Nonstop
- Adhira means one who does not know anything. Just like cats and dogs, jumping, that's all. That is called adhira. So adhira and dhira, there are two classes of men
- Adhruvam means it will also not stay. "Because I have got this human form of body, therefore, I'll live forever," no. I'll have to die like cats and dog
- Admitting that you are defective, I am defective, but I have got some authority. You have nothing. You are in the darkness
- Advaita Acarya is isvara, He's incarnation of Maha-Visnu. Sometimes Advaita Acarya is called Sadasiva avatara. The Sadasiva is also expansion of Maha-Visnu
- Advanced in knowledge how to live, what is the purpose of life, goal of life, how to become peaceful. That is civilization. And blindly go on committing criminal activities under a nice dress, and nice motorcar, that is not civilization
- After 8,400,000 species of life, evolution, one gets this human form of life. And if he does not properly utilize it, then he is committing suicide
- After all this consideration (horoscope, how they will mix together, the family, personal qualification), when everything is satisfactory, then the father and mother of both sides will agree, and they will be married. That is marriage
- After all, the soul is within the body. So if the body has become unclean, or some other reason, the body has to be changed, so that is not lack of love. Therefore we have to understand actually what we are. Am I this body or something else?
- After all, we are beggars; we have no money, no business, no income. Whatever you pay us in exchange of books or subscription, we utilize it
- After all, we have to follow leader. So your leader is Lenin. And my leader is Krsna. So where is the difference between the process? You have to accept some authority
- After birth the baby, requires little honey or little milk, not the meat. But afterwards, the parents or the guardians are teaching how to eat meat. This is not our human business. Human teeth is meant for eating fruits and grains. That is scientific
- After committing some sinful activities to counteract it, there are, in every sastra there is some counteracting formulas. The people generally follow that
- After creating in bodily relationships so many unwanted things, I am absorbed in thought that, - I belong to such-and-such nation. Therefore I have got my duty to do this, do that for the nation or to the society or to the family or to my personal self
- After curing him from that poisonous effect, he is under criminal code of the state: "Why you have attempted suicide?" Similarly, in the laws of nature if you commit suicide, that is another criminal act
- After dark, the moon comes out just like a line, then it increases, & one night it becomes full. Similarly, as your heart becomes cleansed of the material dirty things, your real form, eternity blissful life of knowledge, becomes visible, just like moon
- After death, if the same body is going, then why the same body is not going? Why it is lying here? They must be reasonable, not dogmatic. How it is same body?
- After describing the material energy, bhumir apo analo vayuh (BG 7.4), earth, water, air, fire, this material energy is also female, prakrti
- After destroying the wood, you use your intelligence to construct this house. You have intelligence, there is no doubt
- After destruction of this body, the soul is never destroyed. This is our real, constitutional position
- After discharging duties very nicely, very accurately, very faithfully, if one comes to the point that vasudevah sarvam iti, then you should understand that your feelings of love or international feeling or national feeling has actually expanded
- After giving up one body I enter another body. And there is no security what kind of body I shall get next. It may be human body, it may be animal, it may be trees or it may be better than human being, because there are three divisions
- After giving up this body I'll have to accept another body. Now the question is, "What kind of body I shall accept next?" This preparation is necessary
- After giving up this body, the soul is going to accept another body. Now the human civilization, is it not duty of the human society to know what kind of body I am going to accept?
- After giving up this material body he (the living entity) does not accept material body, but he has got already spiritual body. That remains, and that works, and that is transferred to the spiritual world. That is the highest perfection of life
- After his writing of the Vedanta philosophy - he (Vyasadeva) was also not happy. But when he wrote Srimad-Bhagavatam under the instruction of Narada, he became happy
- After human being, if we do not work properly with our advanced consciousness, then we go down again in the hellish planet that are down this universe. And if we act piously, then you go to the upper planetary system
- After learning Bhagavad-gita, after taking lessons of Bhagavad-gita, he (Arjuna) did not become a bad man. No. He become a transcendental man
- After many, many births of sincere inquiry, when he is actually intelligent, he will see, "Oh, vasudevah sarvam iti (BG 7.19). Here is Vasudeva. He is everything." That is stated
- After many, many births trying to become the master, when actually he becomes jnanavan, then jnanavan mam prapadyate. This is the sign, when he surrenders to Krsna. That is real knowledge. That knowledge is not sentiment
- After many, many births understanding the Brahman . . . Brahman understanding is certainly transcendental, but because Brahman is only partial realization of the Absolute Truth, only the eternity
- After many, many births, we have got this human form of life. If we simply waste like cats and dogs, then again we become cats and dogs or tree or anything. There are so many species of life. That will be great mistake, great loss
- After performing so much austerity and penances, they rise up to the highest position, Brahman realization, but," patanty adhah, "they fall down." We have got so many instances
- After reading your newspaper, you throw it away. After one hour of its publication, it has no value. But this Bhagavad-gita, it was spoken five thousand years ago, still they are being read with respect and honor
- After seven months, there is consciousness. Then, some way or other, you get out of the womb of your mother. Then there are so many troubles - crying
- After seven months, when the body is fit, then our consciousness comes back. Then we want to come out of the womb
- After speculating in the impersonal philosophical way, when one is mature, bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan, when he's actually wise . . . so long he cannot understand that the Supreme
- After spending so much money, living at the cost of fathers, mothers - unemployed. No job. No food. Then plan something, Naxalite, this party, that party
- After stoppage of the function of this gross body, the soul is transferred to another gross body. This statement we get from Bhagavad-gita
- After taking the M.A., B.A. degrees, they have no employment. So what they'll do? They'll form party of anarchist and Naxalite and play football, because they must have some engagement
- After the appearance of Lord Caitanya, there was great ceremony, all the inhabitants of Navadvipa. His father, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's father, was not very rich man but was very respectable brahmin
- After the death we cry that, "My father is gone," "My son is gone." But where he has gone? He is lying on the bed
- After the death, we have to give somebody, some living entity. So generally, it is given to the vultures. So why to the vultures? Take the civilized men, who are as good as vultures. The so-called civilized men. Yes
- After the end of his material way of life, he (Bharata Maharaja) divided the property to his sons and left. And he was living alone at Pulahasrama near Haridwar, and undergoing severe tapasya. That is human life, to accept tapasya
- After the evolutionary process of lower than human being, when we have come, we have got this body, human form of body, the business is brahma-jijsasa," jivasya tattva-jijsasa. That is the Bhagavata
- After this death, all this science and philosophy is finished after this body is finished. Then you are under the control of nature. What will you do? The nature will force you to enter the womb of a hog or a dog. How you can check it
- After twenty-five years he will remain a student brahmacari, then you accept one wife according to religious ritualistic ceremony. But no illicit sex. That is not allowed. Bachelor daddy is not allowed. That is very dangerous
- After two hundred years he will come out (of the machine) again on this hope, he is staying one weekend - and dies. And the government is allowing this business?
- After undergoing severe austerities and penances, they rise up to the Brahmaloka, param padam. Patanty adhah, again falls down, again falls down
- After your death, when you have to quit this subtle atmosphere, then after your death what is happening to you, you are not concerned to know
- Aham evasam evagre (SB 2.9.33). This is the Bhagavata's first instruction to Brahma. Agre means in the beginning. So in the beginning Krsna was there, then creation took place
- Ahankara is there, "I am Brahman, spirit soul." But he is thinking, "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am dog," "I am cat." Vimudhatma. And this first principle of knowledge they cannot understand
- Ahara-nidra, and bhaya, and we are always afraid. Therefore police is there, the government is here. These things are bodily adjustment
- Ahara-nidra-bhaya, and maithuna, and sexual intercourse. These are physical necessities. So these physical necessities, if you study, they, amongst the animals, they have no problem
- Air is carrying some flavor from flower garden or some filthy place. You cannot see the air, you cannot see the smell, but you can perceive the bad smell or good smell. So the subtle body carries like that
- All acaryas - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Nimbarka, and latest, Sri Caitanya, and before that, other acaryas like Vyasadeva, Narada, Asita, Devala, and before that, the original acarya, Lord Brahma, Lord Siva - everyone accepted Krsna the SPG
- All advancement of science, knowledge, philosophy, theology - anything - the idea is how to stop the miserable condition of life. But the real miserable condition of life, according to Bhagavad-gita, is birth, death, old age and disease
- All bad men, unfortunate and disturbed. This is the position. They will work so hard, catch daily passenger trains, Calcutta, Bombay, I have seen. They are actually hanging, some of them are falling down, lost life, and coming from hundred miles away
- All deaths are temporary. When you change body, you die for seven months. This death is for few hours, and that is for seven months. That's all
- All GBC members should organize like that. Then everything will be all right
- All his (Charlie Chaplin) comic play has got some originality. That is the beauty. How he invented! I think that character, when he was a drunkard, he's a great friend. When he's not drunkard, "Who is this man?" He's grave, as rich man
- All human beings, although they are born sudra, he can be made a brahmin by the process. Samskara means by reformatory process, bhaved dvijah. Dvija means second birth
- All learned scholars cleanse head. Yes. And at least we get relief. A little hair growing is also burdensome. We cleanse. So it is personal convenience. So that is not the point of preaching
- All living entities, especially the human being, especially the civilized human being, those who have got sense, they can revive Krsna consciousness very easily by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra
- All of a sudden they (Pakistan) separated from India as Muhammadans on the basis of religion. Now they are Muhammadans, of the same religion, but they are fighting
- All of them (Ravana and Hiranyakasipu) became vanquished. Nobody can check the progress of Krsna consciousness. Simply we have to remain very serious and sincere. Ahaituky apratihata (SB 1.2.6). It is apratihata. Pratihata means being checked
- All of us, we are already under the clutches of maya. That is the position of intoxication. And again intoxication? So what will be our condition? So therefore it is prohibited
- All other system, Christianism or Buddhism or Muhammadanism, they have got one book - Koran, Bible. And we have got so many, dealing with the same subject matter. So which is better? Higher mathematics, or two plus two?
- All our disciples, they are young men. Because they are receptive. And their intelligence is intact. Old man takes time
- All over the world we have got about hundred centers. Everywhere, hundred, two hundred, three hundred disciples are there. They're chanting, dancing, with Hare Krsna mantra. Why? Because it is not material sound vibration. This is the proof
- All people interested in Krsna consciousness should follow the regulative principles, gradually raise himself, one after another, and reach the highest successful transcendental platform of understanding Radha and Krsna
- All problems, whatever you want, you consult Bhagavad-gita - you'll have perfect answer. That is called Vedic literature. Perfect, without any flaw, you'll get
- All right, don't care for God, but care for somebody else. That is obligatory. You cannot say that, "I don't care for anybody." That is not possible
- All Sindhis, they have a special reception for saintly person. The religious person. So you are all here. I think you should open a very nice center for preaching this gospel
- All sinful activities are done in ignorance or in mixed-up passion and ignorance. Therefore one has to raise himself to the quality of goodness. He must be good, very good man
- All so low-grade person at the present moment. mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah (SB 1.1.10). Oh, this is a civilization of all bad men, manda, manda, with ideas, nonsense ideas, sumanda-matayah, and all unfortunate
- All sorts may go, but you must know the real message, that within this machine - the owner of the machine, the driver of the machine
- All the acaryas, big, big acarya, accepted Him, Krsna is the origin of everything. Arjuna, who heard Bhagavad-gita, he accepted Him, Krsna is origin. Why we should try to understand Krsna otherwise? What is this foolishness
- All the associates of Caitanya Mahaprabhu - sri-rupa sanatana bhatta-raghunatha sri-jiva gopala-bhatta dasa-raghunatha - Six Gosvamis, the direct disciples of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they were all in renounced order of life
- All the combination of the fiery effulgence is the heat of the sun globe, and that is being distributed. You can see and realize. Everything is there. If you study nature you will get everything
- All the daivi sampat means jnana-yoga. It is immediately analyzed. This is possible when you are situated on the platform of knowledge
- All the desires and propensities what God has got, we have also got. God has got this propensity to love Radharani. We have got also the same propensity to love another young girl or young boy. So originally it is there
- All the devatas, all the demigods came: Narada Muni, Brahma, Siva. They came in disguise, and their wife, Savitri, and then Uma. Uma is the wife of Lord Siva. In that way you can show so many demigods and their wives coming
- All the distress and happiness that we feel in this material world, that is due to this skin, this body. Otherwise, the things as they are, they are neither miserable nor source of happiness
- All the laws or injunctions are for human being. So human being, human life, is very responsible life. As you cannot violate the state law, similarly, you cannot violate the laws given by God. That is called dharma. If you violate, then you are punished
- All the people of the world, they are struggling hard for existence, simply calculating that, - This much I have achieved today, and this much I'll achieve tomorrow. In this way my bank balance will be increased more and more
- All the people of the world, they're fools and rascals. Why they are fools and rascals? Now, there are two things. Vyasadeva, by his bhakti-yoga meditation, he found out that there is God and there is maya
- All the problems are in the civilized . . . so-called civilized population
- All the servants, they complained, "Sir, there is ghost." So I was chanting. He was living in several spots, especially on the gate side. So I could understand. But I would chant Hare Krsna, and I was saved. Everyone was saved
- All the thoughts which I have concocted, based on the principle of "I" and "my," this is all illusion. So one, when one is intelligent to get out of the illusion, he surrenders to a spiritual master
- All the wealth belongs to Krsna. When He was present on this earth, He showed it. Aisvaryasya samagra . . . as much as we can comprehend, He showed. Sixteen thousand wives, sixteen thousand palaces. Who can show it?
- All these (Vaisnava) songs are like that (maha-mantra), requesting relationship. Therefore they are the same. Nirbandhah krsna-sambandhe yuktam vairagyam ucyate - Brs. 1.2.255
- All these boys and girls who are sitting here, you know that they have given up automatically (four pillars of sinful activities). They have been able, by association with Krsna
- All these Christians, they are violating the First Commandment. That is their business. Simply engaged in killing, big, big slaughterhouse. And they give the example that, - Others are eating vegetable. That is also killing
- All these demigods who are so highly elevated in their position, they have requested me (Prahlada). That means God can be pacified even by me. Otherwise how they recommend? So whatever qualification, intelligence I have got, I may offer Krsna
- All these eight elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego), they are material. One section is gross, and another section is subtle. So the psychology means the subtle material elements. It is material; it is not spiritual
- All these food grain plants, when the food grains are ripened, they dry. So it is not required to kill the plant. When it is already dead, you can take it, food grains
- All these Gosvamis, they used to sleep not more than two hours. That was also not possible in some day; they were so busy in writing books
- All these mahajanas - svayambhur naradah sambhuh - they also follow the same principle (sarva-dharman parityajya). Therefore we cannot understand very easily what is the truth of religious system, but if we follow these mahajana, then we can understand
- All these material qualification, highly educated, and sama, dama, titiksa, practice how to control the mind, senses - everything is complete. When one becomes such qualified, he becomes proud. That is the material status of life
- All these mystic powers can be attained by ordinary man if he wants; there is process. But Krsna is the master of all yogic power, Yogesvara. So who can get victory?
- All these rascals, they do not understand. There is practical experience, and there is authoritative statement, and still, they do not know, and still, they are big, big professors, big, big learned scholar, doctor, scientist, philosopher. What is this
- All these so-called civilized men, they are not men even. They're all animals. But in the sastra, they have been described as dvi-pada-pasu. They are animals, but they have got two legs. That's all. That is the difference
- All these so-called sannyasis, simply understanding aham brahmasmi, "I have become now Narayana," not giving them satisfaction
- All these sun's time, twenty-four hours, they are present even in this hour. You have to know by telegram or telephone. So if it is possible for the material thing, sun, so how much it is possible for God? This is called raja-vidya, king of knowledge
- All these theories, big, big theories - politician, scientist, philosopher - they simply say "perhaps," "maybe," "missing link." This is not knowledge. Therefore we are reading Bhagavad-gita: sri-bhagavan uvaca. There is no imperfectness
- All these things (bones, blood, skin, veins, stool, urine) are available. Why don't you put together and bring life? "That we shall do in future." Just see. What is the proposal?
- All these three features of the Absolute Truth - Brahman, Paramatma & Bhagavan - the ultimate cause is Bhagavan. As it is confirmed by Krsna: The Brahman effulgence, that is standing on Krsna. Krsna is the source of Brahman effulgence
- All these varieties of life are not controlled. He accepts to be controlled. Nature does not want to control you. When you become a criminal, then police force controls you, not that police force is made by the government unnecessarily to control you
- All Vedic process of knowledge is taking from the authority. And it comes down through disciplic succession
- All, every each and every planet: Janaloka, Tapoloka, Maharloka, what kind of men are living there, what they are doing - everything is there (in Bhagavata). Svargaloka
- All-around Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness. This is called bhakti-yoga. This is called bhakti. Somehow or other, you become surrounded by Krsna atmosphere
- Almost every one of them have expressed their own opinion through the commentation of the Bhagavad-gita without touching the spirit of Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- Almost every one of us is forgetful that "I am spirit soul. I am identifying with this body." And Prahlada Maharaja says because we have identified with this body, therefore we are always anxious, full of anxieties. And that is the fact
- Almost everyone is short span of life. Prayenalpayusah kalav asmin yuge janah (SB 1.1.10). Kalau. In this age, kalau. It is not for a particular nation or party or religion. Everyone is subjected to the laws of nature
- Almost everyone is unfortunate. They haven't got even means to accommodate the bare necessities of life - eating, sleeping, mating. They're also deficient
- Almost everyone, because they do not know what is the subject matter of teaching. The subject matter of teaching is beginning with this understanding, that life is different from matter
- Almost everyone, the so-called scientists, philosophers, they simply theorize, "I think." Who are you, you are thinking like that? You are imperfect
- Almost everyone. Ninety-nine point nine percent people, they want to become happy within this material world. Therefore they are poor, very, very poor
- Alpayu: they (people of this age) are living for a short time; and mandah, mandah means very slow or inferior quality of human being. Not superior
- Although Caitanya Mahaprabhu is God Himself, Krsna, Krsna-Caitanya, but He is not dictator. No. You'll never find Him. Whatever He'll say, immediately He is supported by Vedic evidence
- Although everything is expensive, one thousand rupees sufficient for a person. You are each getting that. So the plan is all right. Now you try to become devotee. That will bring happiness. Otherwise there is no happiness
- Although he (Arjuna) was born in royal family, but he was not a Vedanti or vast scholar in Vedic literature. No. But he was bhakta. That is the qualification. He was a devotee
- Although he (Lord Buddha) decried Vedic authority, still, he is worshiped, kesava dhrta-buddha-sarira jaya jagadisa. This is the understanding of the devotees. They know everything perfectly well, what is what
- Although he (Prahlada Maharaja) did not ask anything for his personal self, but he asked the Lord, prayed that, "One thing I request." - What is that
- Although he (Yudhisthira Maharaja) was also great politician, he had to fight in the Battle of Kuruksetra, he had to adopt diplomacy, everything, but not that he would forget his real duty
- Although he is child - he has no knowledge - but when he says that "This is microphone," it is correct. This is the process. He is a child. He does not know what it is. But the father has said; he has taken it. And then he is correct
- Although he was born in the brahmana family and educated nicely, but on account of bad association he fell down from the standard of human ideal life. Therefore he is punishable
- Although he was lecturing on Bhagavad-gita, and people knew that Gandhi's life and soul is Bhagavad-gita, but the result is that he does not understand Krsna. Just see
- Although it (understanding what is Krsna) is meant for a particular person out of many thousands of millions of persons, but still, by the blessings of Lord Caitanya, anyone can take it up. Anyone. It (Hare Krsna) is freely being distributed
- Although it is a small box, you don't think it is small box. It is whole post office. Similarly, anyone who is carrying the message of Krsna, don't think that he's ordinary man
- Although it is simply dream, they can never become, but they are envious that, - Why Krsna should be God? I have got so many gods
- Although Krsna is never conquered, still, you can conquer Him. How? Simply by becoming His beloved devotee. Just like Bhismadeva. Bhismadeva is one of the recognized stalwart devotee of Krsna, mahajana, authority
- Although my bodies have changed so many times, I am cognizant; I know that I had such-and-such body. Tatha dehantara-praptih: to transmigrate from one body to another. This is the authoritative statement of Bhagavad-gita
- Although she has got the body of being enjoyed, but she has the mentality of enjoying. Therefore everyone is described, although by nature everyone is prakrti, not purusa
- Although socially it is forbidden that brother and sister should not marry or should not have sex life, but that is also come. It is Kali-yuga
- Although that (yajna) is mentioned in the different scriptures, that sacrifice should be performed in that way (sacrificing large quantities of butter), but it is impractical. It is not possible
- Although the body has changed, I am not changed. This is my position. Therefore perfection of life is to keep oneself in his original, constitutional position, not to change body
- Although the life is temporary, but it is very suitable for self-realization. So therefore one should begin this process from childhood
- Although the nature's law is like that - one animal or one living entity is the foodstuff for another - but there should be discrimination
- Although the problem (disease or death) is there, they are trying to solve, but they have no means. Here is the means - Krsna Consciousness
- Although the relationship is father, son and servant, but the fact is one. That is to be understood, what is the spiritual world
- Although the volume of work has.... a hundred times, but these American disciples, they are helping me, so I haven't got to work personally so much
- Although the whole ladder is called yoga system, but one who is on the fifth step, he cannot be equal with the person who is on the fiftieth step. Or one who is on the fiftieth step, he cannot be compared with the man who is on the five-hundredth step
- Although the woman is born in the brahmin family, she has no that reformation. Because striyah, woman class, are taken less intelligent
- Although there are varieties, these varieties, the spiritual varieties, are simply reflection in this material world
- Although they (impersonalists & so-called Vedantists) are very much proud of their knowledge, we know where they are: partial realization. Of course, they are also in the same field. But they'll not understand the Supreme Person
- Although they are American, European, Canadian, African, Australian - not all of them are Indian; Indians are also there - but because they are giving aural reception to this transcendental message, they are becoming enlightened
- Although they are not in darkness, but without being in the platform of sattva-guna, nobody can become very intelligent person, philosopher, or mental speculator also. Their position is very high in the material calculation
- Although they are situated for executing different function, the whole aim is targeted to maintenance of this body. Similarly, whatever you may be, you do not require to change your position
- Although they are so degraded, still, they have not sanctioned as yet to have openly sense gratification on the street like hogs and dogs. That is regulated. That's still going on
- Although this body is temporary, but why don't you understand that it is klesada: it is always subjected to miserable condition of material life
- Although this Kali-yuga is full of faulty things, everyone is embarrassed with so many difficulties, still, very easy method - This is spoken by Sukadeva Gosvami after describing the faults of Kali-yuga
- Although we are also prakrti, we are now in the mentality of purusa. Just like in this material world, man and woman
- Although you are claiming, "It is my hand. I shall use it," but when it is paralyzed, you cannot do anything. Therefore I may have possessed this hand by the grace of Krsna, but I am not the controller. That is Krsna consciousness
- Although you have got airships, you cannot go, neither others. So many machines have been discovered, but they cannot go even to the moon planet, what to speak of others. Therefore it is very big for us
- Always be busy with Krsna. Then sun will not be able to kill you. You are going to live forever. This is the process
- Always chanting the glory of Krsna and trying everything for benefit of Krsna, that is mahatma
- Always thinking in Krsna consciousness, that is called yoga-yukta. Yoga-yukto muni. Muni. Muni means one who is thoughtful, he's called muni
- Always thinking of Krsna. Bhakta means servant, devotee. Whatever Krsna desires, do it. It is not very difficult. Worship Krsna and offer respect to Krsna. Four things. Anyone can do. It doesn't require any high education, high philosophical mind
- Amanitvam means that we are very much proud of our material existence. That pride must be given up. That is the first principle of knowledge
- Ambarisa Maharaja, he was emperor, very responsible man. But he kept his mind always on the lotus feet of Krsna
- America is not declaring war against Asia, Russia or China. They are thinking, because they have got the deadly weapons, atom, and that is now diplomacy. When there will be war, the first dropping of atom bomb will be victorious
- Americans want this place to fight with the Russia. So if American comes directly in India, that "We want to fight," then India would not agree. Therefore they're keeping with these foolish rascals, Pakistan
- Among some devotees, they will criticize, "Why you are worshiping Ramacandra? He could not save even His wife." And some will, "Ah, you are worshiping Krsna. He was so fond of women." Like that
- Amongst the human being, those who are intelligent, those who are acting according to the Vedic instruction, they will not be also suffering. Those who are avoiding the instruction of the Vedas, they will be put into that hellish condition of life
- Amongst the mass of people the Krsna consciousness is there, but amongst the so-called educated, advanced, they are trying to forget. This is the difficulty
- An Australian citizen: he is under the laws of the state of Australia. But if he says: "I don't care for the government," he becomes lawless, and sometimes he becomes criminal, and he is put into the prison life
- An imperfect person is teaching about transcendental knowledge. Therefore people are being cheated. Our process is to take lesson from the perfect person and distribute it, just we are doing
- An intelligent man should always keep before him four principles of material miseries: birth, death, old age and disease. These are instruction of the Bhagavad-gita
- An intelligent man should know that, "I am not this body; I am spirit soul. My field of activities are on the spiritual platform and then I will be happy." So KC movement means educating people how to be situated on the spiritual platform and be happy
- Ananya-cetah, without any deviation from this path of Krsna consciousness and devotional service in submission, if anyone thinks always of Krsna . . . Krsna says, tasyaham sulabhah. Sulabha means - I am very easily available for him
- Anartha means things we do not want. Artificially we are practiced to things. Just like meat-eating. Meat-eating, we do not practice it from the beginning of our birth
- Anatha means the street dog - nobody to take, always barking, always hungry, always disturbed, somebody is throwing stone
- And as a retaliation, the common people have bereft them (the princes and zamindars) of their kingdom: "No more kingdom, because you always supported Britishers." It is a great politics
- And people, leaders, andha yathandhair upaniyamanah (SB 7.5.31). Ask big, big scientists, philosopher, "What is the goal of life?" They do not know. They simply theorize, that's all
- Andha-kupa means blind well. I do not know whether you have got experience. In India there are several old wells on the paddy fields, and they are covered with grass. Nobody can understand that there is a well underneath this, underneath this grass
- Andha-kupam means blind well. I saw one blind well in Ascot when I was at John Lennon's house. There was a blind pit, and it was covered with grass, and somebody fell
- Animals are walking without clothes, but if a man goes out in the street without clothes, he's arrested. So we are making the point here that man is held responsible for his actions, whereas animal is not
- Animals, they cannot know what is God, how God is great, how God is all-powerful. But a human being, if he tries, if he consults books of knowledge just like Bible or Bhagavad-gita or similar other scriptures, he can know what is God
- Animals, they cannot take advantage of this knowledge. But human being can take. Therefore it is said, indicated, in the sastras, that this body is very suitable boat for crossing over this ocean of nescience
- Anitya samsara. You cannot live here. You have to give up this place. But still, you are thinking to make it a permanent settlement. That is not possible
- Another demand of the karmis is that "I must have very nice, beautiful, obedient wife." Caitanya Mahaprabhu said: "No, I don't want that." Na dhanam. This is finishing materialism
- Another friend for criminal activity is put into jail, but the friend is thinking, "Anyway, my friend is now put into jail, suffering. How to get him released?" That is friend's action - father, mother or friend. Similarly, Vaisnava
- Another man, if he has all the bad qualities but he has got money, he's respected. He'll be respected. This is the symptom of this age
- Another offense is to explain the glories of Hare Krsna mantra to a person who is not interested
- Another opulence, to have a very nice wife, beautiful, obedient, very pleasing. So these are material necessities. People generally aspire for these three things: wealth, many followers, and a good wife at home
- Another place it is stated that "Cow dung, although it is the stool of an animal, it is pure." Even if you apply in an impure place, it becomes purified
- Another process is, save time, if you chant Hare Krsna mantra then the time is not lost. Hare Krsna mantra, read Krsna Book
- Another thing is that while chanting Hare Krsna mantra, if we are still attached to material attraction, that is also offense. The whole process is to become disgusted with material things. Vita-raga
- Answer (for what is next after civilized form of life) is there in the Vedic literature that there is higher planetary system. We can see at night, there are so many millions and millions of planets. So we can go there. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- Anukarana, anusarana - there are two Sanskrit words. One is imitation, and one is following the footprints. If one tries to follow the footprints of great personalities, that is very nice, but we cannot imitate
- Any advanced student, if he wants to know about science practically, he can go to some country or . . . either to preach or to learn. So our coming and going throughout the whole world . . . we are interested to enlighten people about the science of God
- Any associate of Krsna, either His cowherd boyfriends or calf or cow, or the Vrndavana trees, plants, flowers or water, they are all devotees of Krsna. They like to serve Krsna in different capacities
- Any big man you take, no big man can say that, "I did not commit any mistake in my life." That is not possible. He must commit. He is illusioned; he takes one thing for another
- Any criminal . . . mostly, he does not know the real law. He commits something unknowingly, by ignorance, and he becomes a subject of criminal punishment. Therefore ignorance is sinful life
- Any devotee of Lord should not be blasphemed. It doesn't matter in any country. Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he is a great devotee. And even Muhammad, he's also a devotee
- Any drop of the ocean, you can take the salty taste, but the drops may be of different quantity and the ocean is very, very big. This is called acintya-bhedabheda, simultaneously one and different. One in quality
- Any father who gives chance to his children to become Krsna conscious, he's real father. Pita na sa syaj janani na sa syat . . . na mocayed yah samupeta-mrtyum
- Any intelligent man can understand that "I am simply dreaming. At night, I am dreaming something, forgetting day's dream. And in day, daytime, I am dreaming something; I am forget the night's dream. Actually both of them are dreams, and I am the observer
- Any intelligent man can understand that the real father, within the body, was a different thing. But our ignorance is so great that we accept this body, this dead body, as my father. This body is not only dead now; it was always dead
- Any man who is going to purchase a new shirt and coat, he considers before going to the tailor's house what kind of shirt he will have, what kind of coat. Everyone thinks. That is natural. You cannot deny it
- Any materialistic person, however educated he may be, so-called educated, he is simply a snake, dangerous. That's all. He has no qualification. Harav abhaktasya kuto (SB 5.18.12) One cannot have good qualities unless one is advanced in Krsna consciousness
- Any moment, any time you spend for thinking of Krsna, working for Krsna, chanting for Krsna, eating for Krsna, dancing for Krsna, that time is saved. Therefore it is recommended, harer nama
- Any planet you go within this material world, the four principles of material sufferings are there. What are those? Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi (BG 13.9): birth, death, old age and disease
- Any reason which could prevent Krsna's existence would have to be either external to His own divine nature or in His own nature. Nothing can be outside of Krsna's all-inclusiveness
- Any religion which does not teach about God, which does not know what is God, that is cheating religion. That's all
- Any religion without the conception of God, without knowledge of God, without knowing the surrendering process, that is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam as - cheating religion
- Any religion, it doesn't matter. The process should be quest of God. What is God? What is Absolute Truth? Wherefrom everything has come? What we are? What is our relationship with God? Religion means this science
- Any religious sect, either Hindu or Muslim or Christian or anyone, they go to temple or church to pray to God for some solution of problems. People generally think that, - If I become religious person, then my economic condition must be very nice
- Any religious system - it doesn't matter whether it is Hindu religion or Christian religion or Muhammadan religion - it is the question of how the followers are covering the steps
- Any religious system which is teaching to divert the attention of the follower to so many things, that is cheating religion
- Any rich man comes forward, "Please get me back again 1974, 19th January," "No, sir, that is not possible." Any price you offer, it is not possible. So just imagine, if we waste our time, how much loss we are suffering
- Any sampradaya, either the Sankara sampradaya or Vedanta-sampradaya, if they have no standing on the Vedanta-sutra, they are not recognized
- Any sane man will hear (surrender Krsna and be saved from problems). But the major portion of the so-called leaders in the society cannot make a solution, and still they are very much proud of their education, their social status. Just see the illusion
- Any servant of any big man, he is bigger than his master, because master is given so many varieties of food. Master takes little, and the balance the servants eat. So where is his want? There is no question of want
- Any sinful man, he cannot understand about God. It is not possible. Param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan (BG 10.12). But without being pavitra, they want to go to the platform of understanding God
- Any way my (Devahuti) husband may be, whatever he may be, because I have accepted some gentleman as my husband I must look to his comforts, and whatever his position, it doesn't matter. - This is the duty of the woman. That is Vedic instruction
- Anyabhilasita-sunyam (Brs. 1.1.11). Nobody can allure you by material inducements: "Oh, here is money. Please come. Here is woman. Please come." That you have seen
- Anyabhilasita-sunyam: no desire. I'm going to God not with a desire. Why you should desire? Why you should go to God?
- Anybody can say, "I do not know who is my father." And if the real father says, "I'm your father, my son," then how he can prove? How he does not know
- Anyone can collect these things. Even if he is the poorest of the poor, then he can also collect a little flower, a little fruit, little water and offer Krsna
- Anyone can understand that God is all-powerful; He can create. But the scientist says that "There was a chunk, and creation took place from the chunk." Just see
- Anyone detached from God consciousness, he has no qualification. Manorathena. Their only qualification is mental concoction. That's all
- Anyone discovers or says something nonsense, it is accepted. But the process of Vedic understanding is not like that. You have to accept knowledge from the authority. Therefore Vedic system has rejected the Carvaka Muni
- Anyone falsely claiming that, "I am God," that is the last snare of maya, that one is falsely claiming - God
- Anyone has got the potency to come to the stage of maha-bhagavata, provided he follows the mahajana. You can become maha-bhagavata if you follow mahajana. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah - CC Madhya 17.186
- Anyone in the most miserable condition of life, he'll think, "Oh, I am very happy." Ask him, "How are you?" "Oh, very nice. Very nice." - So there is no adjustment. A Krsna conscious person knows that here, only adjustment is to live in KC
- Anyone questions, you can answer. That is required, preaching. Just like this girl, "Why you are recommending your Bhagavad-gita?" Answer must be there, - Because this is. They are all rascals. They are not speaking Bhagavad-gita as it is
- Anyone who believes in direct perception, his knowledge is imperfect always, because the senses are imperfect. Therefore we have to receive knowledge from perfect: Krsna, the supreme perfect. He is above this darkness. He comes from the kingdom of light
- Anyone who can teach, he is brahmana. So unless you read thoroughly what you are going to speak to the world, how you can become a brahmana and pandita? You should carefully note this
- Anyone who can understand the process of karma, the process of work, in this way, he is the most intelligent person in this world. - Most intelligent person. Not that a person who has passed M.A., Ph.D. examination from the university
- Anyone who does not appreciate the greatness of God, they're asses, mudha. As good as the ass. And lowest of the mankind, naradhama. And their so-called scientific knowledge, useless
- Anyone who has gone into the factories, it is ferocious activities, unnecessarily economic development. So this is kastan, so much laboring. Even the animals, they do not undergo so much laboring
- Anyone who has got devotion to the Lord, he is qualified with all the good qualities. - Just like you are God conscious, so you have invited us to hear, because the good qualities are there. So without God consciousness there cannot be any good qualities
- Anyone who has got intelligence, he has got strength. Just like by intelligence, they have discovered the nuclear weapon. By dropping a nuclear weapon, hundreds and thousands of soldiers can be killed. There is no more need of maintaining a huge army
- Anyone who has knowledge, not only this knowledge, absolute knowledge as well as relative knowledge, such class of men is called the brahmanas, the most intelligent class
- Anyone who has no God consciousness, he has no qualification. However academically he may be very rich, he has no qualification. Manorathena asato dhavato bahih. His only qualification is mental concoction. That's all. He has no other qualification
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, he has got a natural inheritance of spiritual life. Unfortunately, at the present moment the leaders are under wrong impression that in India, being too much spiritually inclined, material advancement has been checked
- Anyone who is advanced in spiritual life, they are called Aryans. Anarya-justam (BG 2.2). Arjuna was chastised by Krsna that - You are talking like non-Aryan
- Anyone who is completely free from the reaction of sinful life, how it is possible? If one is simply engaged in pious activities
- Anyone who is engaged in devotional service without any impediment, avyabhicarini, without any stoppage, continuously, he is not on the material platform
- Anyone who is engaged in the service of the Lord is always situated in the transcendental platform. They will never come down. Because it is so sweet, it is so nice, they will never agree
- Anyone who is engaged in the service of the Lord, he is transcendental to all these material laws. He is not material. Just like this child: he does not know what is KC, but he is also dancing, because he is already on the transcendental platform
- Anyone who is hesitating in accepting this principle of knowledge, or Krsna consciousness, for him, - nayam loko 'sti, - not even this material world will be happy. And what to speak of his next life
- Anyone who is in this material world, he is full of anxieties, because material wants cannot be satisfied at any time. It will simply increase. So unless one comes to God consciousness understanding, there is no possibility of satisfying
- Anyone who is narayana-parayana, he does not fear whether he is going to hell or heaven, because wherever he goes he is with Narayana, he is safe. It doesn't matter whether it is hell or heaven
- Anyone who is not devotee, who is not engaged in the service of the Lord, he is under the control of maya. And anyone who has surrendered to Krsna and is simply twenty-four hours engaged in the service of Krsna, he is not under the control of maya
- Anyone who is not Krsna conscious, and following blindly some rascals, he is imperfect and he will suffer. And because we have taken Krsna's shelter, Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam (BG 18.66). He will give guidance
- Anyone who is speaking about God with authority - take for example Jesus Christ; he is speaking in the western world - you accept him
- Anyone who is thinking, "I am this body," he's a rascal. He's an animal. Sa eva go-kharah. This is Bhagavata, practical analysis
- Anyone who is trying to divert people's attention from Krsna to non-Krsna . . . that is the business of the modern so-called philosophers and educationists or religionists
- Anyone who is trying to study religion and God, they should try to understand our philosophy, this Krsna consciousness
- Anyone who is trying to understand the Absolute Truth by direct perception, he can rise up to the impersonal Brahman understanding, not more than that
- Anyone who is very much sensuous, very much attached to sense gratification, they are called demon
- Anyone who offers Me (Krsna) a little fruit, a little water, and little leaf, oh, I accept." Tad aham asnami, bhakty-upahrtam - Because he has brought with the devotional love, I accept it
- Anyone who thinks like that (to be on equal level with God), they are imperfect knowledge. That is not perfect knowledge. They have been described as avisuddha-buddhayah, imperfect knowledge. Buddhi means intelligence. They have no intelligence
- Anyone who thinks that, "I am chanting Hare Krsna mantra, so I am becoming free from contamination of sinful life; therefore let me commit sinful life and counteract it by chanting Hare Krsna," this is the greatest offense
- Anyone who understands Krsna factually, the result is tyaktva deham, giving up this body, he never accepts again material body. He goes back to home, back to Godhead
- Anyone who understands this philosophy that, "I am servant's servant's servant's servant, hundred times, million times lower servant," he is a liberated person
- Anyone who was killed, who died in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, in the presence of Krsna, they all attained their original, constitutional position, spiritual form. They all went back to home, back to Godhead, everyone
- Anyone who will give aural reception to this message - first of all Bhagavad-gita, entrance, then Bhagavatam, then Caitanya-caritamrta, like books - then gradually he'll be self-realized, fully cognizant what is God
- Anyone who will stop chanting, he will be a victim of maya. Always remember it. Therefore we insist, "Please do not forget to chant at least sixteen rounds." That is minimum. The maximum is 300,000
- Anyone, any politician, any gentleman knows what was the cause (of two great wars). The cause was Germany is always envious of England
- Anyone, even up to date, who is trying to help the propagation of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, preach this sankirtana movement all over the world, he is also associate of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They are not ordinary human being
- Anyone, if he goes to hell or heaven, then why do you say "one life"? Then another life. Otherwise what is the meaning of going to heaven or hell
- Anyone, newcomer, give him very nice place, nice food. Food and shelter is the first consideration
- Anyone, you will find somebody lower than him and higher than him. But nobody can say that, "I am the supreme." That is not possible
- Anything spiritual, spiritual identity, spiritual God, spiritual kingdom, you have to learn simply by hearing from authorities. There is no other process. There is no other, second process. Simply you have to hear
- Anything which does not help me in serving Krsna, if we give it up, and anything which helps me to serve Krsna, if we accept, in that way if we live, then gradually we become situated in our original constitutional position, eternal servant of God
- Anything which does not speak in terms of the Vedic formula, we do not accept such knowledge as valid
- Anything which is accepted by leading men, that is accepted by others. - So you are one of the leading men in the society, lawyer. If you understand our philosophy, then many others will follow
- Anywhere we are going, beginning from old man to child, everyone chants Hare Krsna. Therefore it is recommended. Our intelligence should be applied there, that what is recommended in the Vedas, that is perfect
- Anywhere you go in the material planet, either by Sputniks or by your tapasya or by meditation, a-brahma-bhuvanal lokah (BG 8.16), even if you go to the highest planet, there the four principles of material miseries are there
- Anywhere you go within this material world, either the moon planet or sun planet or Brahmaloka, Krsna says, abrahma-bhuvanal lokah punar avartino 'rjuna (BG 8.16). Even if you go to the Brahmaloka, that is also not permanent settlement
- Anywhere you go, all over the world, the division is already, because there are three qualities of nature, and any man you find, he must be under one quality. So according to that quality, he is divided as a brahmin, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra
- Anywhere, hell or heaven, it doesn't matter. You induce people to chant. This is the sum and substance of devotee
- Apani acari' prabhu jive sikhaila. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He did so. The whole human civilization is on a risky platform
- Apart from other laws of nature, I become hungry; I require to eat something. I require to sleep. I require to have some sense gratification. So these are laws of nature
- Apart from spiritual division - brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa - the social division must be observed. The brain must be there, brahmana
- Apart from sun planet, if we take this teeny earthly planet, on which we are living, there are so many oceans, so many mountains, skyscraper building and if you go above this planet a few thousand miles, oh, you will see just like a spot, this big planet
- Are the whole situation is not full of rascals? They do not know. They are accepting unhappiness as happiness. This is called maya. Maya-mohita-jiva. And you cannot get out of this illusion and mistakes unless you surrender to Krsna
- Are we wasting our time by decorating a doll, a statue, and we are struggling so hard to establish a temple of Krsna? No
- Are you independent, anyone? Everyone is servant. He's serving his senses. That's all. He's servant. He's never master. But he has become the servant of maya or senses. That's all
- Arjuna accepted Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, param brahma param dhama (BG 10.12). So if we follow Arjuna then we can understand Bhagavad-gita very easily. So we should not waste
- Arjuna and his brother. His brother . . . eldest brother Maharaja Yudhisthira, he was very moralist, Dharmaraja. His name was "The king of religious principles," Dharmaraja
- Arjuna and Krsna was talking. That is another thing. But when Arjuna submitted and Krsna instructed him, that is serious
- Arjuna did not accept Krsna blindly. He knew, but for our sake he gave so many arguments. At last, he accepted. So we have to follow Arjuna
- Arjuna did not ask him (Dronacarya). Arjuna was satisfied with Krsna. That's all. Krsna also divided Himself, because it is family quarrel
- Arjuna did not like to kill his brothers, but Krsna said that "This is My desire." "All right, I shall kill." This is krsna-bhakti. When Krsna says, we can do everything, not for our personal self
- Arjuna directly listened to Krsna, and he says, "This is my practical experience, that when I. . ." He was a politician, I mean to say, a fighter. He had so many anxieties. So he used to remember the instruction given by Krsna directly to him
- Arjuna heard from Krsna about Himself, and he agreed. So He is accepted by the direct disciple, Arjuna; He is accepted by Vyasadeva; He is accepted by Narada Muni
- Arjuna is a great warrior. He could fight all the soldiers, all the fighting men, yuyutsu. The other party, they were also, they were assembled, yuyutsu, with fighting spirit
- Arjuna is encouraged, because Arjuna was thinking in the terms of material calculation. Just like Gandhi introduced this nonviolence. That is material calculation
- Arjuna is fighting. That is also Krsna consciousness. Yudhyasva mam anusmara (BG 8.7). Krsna said that - You chant. You remember Me. At the same time, fight
- Arjuna is not a fool. He said: "Whatever You have said, I accept them as truth." That is real understanding
- Arjuna is now perplexed, "Whether I shall fight or not fight?" That is also everywhere. When there is declaration of war between the modern politicians, they consider . . . just like in the last, Second World War, when Hitler was preparing for war
- Arjuna is surrendered soul. When he felt that temperature of brahmastra or radiation of the atomic weapon, nuclear weapon . . . So devotee has no other . . . Krsna krsna maha-baho bhaktanam abhayankara (SB 1.7.22) - Our only shelter is Your lotus feet
- Arjuna never requested Krsna that "My dear Krsna, You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and we are in so much difficulties. You cannot give us relief?" No, you will never find
- Arjuna thought, "Now this is the opportunity. I shall go and ask Duryodhana to give me those arrows." So Arjuna went to the other camp, and immediately Duryodhana received him as his brother
- Arjuna took compassion that, "I don't want victory. Better not to fight." So that is the cause of describing the science of Bhagavad-gita before Arjuna, just to induce him to act as a dutiful soldier. This is the background of Bhagavad-gita
- Arjuna wanted, "Don't induce me." And Krsna did not like that. "You are speaking like non-Aryan." Kutas te kasmalam idam (BG 2.2). Anarya-justam. "This kind of words are spoken by the non-Aryans." He was accused of being non-Aryan. Anarya
- Arjuna was a family man, grhastha, a politician. He was not a Vedanti. He was not a big scholar in Vedanta. Ksatriya. He knew how to fight, how to fight with enemies. This much qualification he had
- Arjuna was a grhastha, householder, and a politician and a soldier. Why Bhagavad-gita was instructed to him? That is natural. He was not a vedanti. He was not a brahmin. He was not a sannyasi
- Arjuna was hesitating to fight in bodily relationship. He was thinking that he is this body; his other side, the relatives, brothers or nephews or grandfather, the other side, they are also the bodies
- Arjuna was hesitating to fight, "How can I kill my nephew, my brother, my grandfather," and so on, so on. So Krsna was instructing him that, - It is your duty. As a ksatriya, when there is battle, you should fight. You should not deviate from your duty
- Arjuna was little flickering, he showed his little weakness, and he was at once condemned as non-Aryan, "Oh, you are just showing your symptom of a non-Aryan." You see. And by Krsna
- Arjuna was not willing to fight to satisfy his senses. He thought that - If I do not kill my brother or nephews or my grandfather or my teacher, the other side, that will make me happy. If they are killed, then where is my happiness?
- Arjuna was reputed as a great warrior. So he should remain a great warrior. A warrior's business is not to stop fighting on the plea of becoming kind
- Arjuna was speaking like ordinary gentleman on the material field, but Krsna, when He took up his charge, He said that - You are hovering over the material plane. That is not your learning. The learning is when you understand from the spiritual platform
- Arjuna was sympathetic with his brothers and relatives, and he was practically crying, with tears in his eyes, and Krsna said that it is non-Aryan. It is not befitting for an Aryan
- Arjuna was thinking only in terms of this body. "He is my grandfather. He is my brother. He is my countryman. He is my this." Why? Because they have got some bodily relation
- Arjuna went to the camp of Duryodhana, and he was well received. - Well, Arjuna, come on. What do you want? Come on. Sit down. Do you want anything from me? If you want, I can stop this fight
- Arjuna's desire was not to fight, but Krsna's desire was to fight - just the opposite. Arjuna ultimately agreed to Krsna's desire: "Yes," karisye vacanam tava (BG 18.73): "Yes, I will act according to Your desire." That is bhakti
- Arjuna's mother name was Prtha, therefore Arjuna is addressed sometimes as Partha. Partha means "son of Kunti," in relationship with his mother's name
- Arjuna, a personal friend of Krsna, he was in difficulty - there was a fight between him and his brothers. So this world is full of difficulties. But the devotee, when he's in difficulty, he does not express it
- Arjuna, five thousand years ago, he was given lesson about this, that "You are not this body, you are soul." The same problem is now also for the foolish person, because he will always remain in the world, and the intelligent man is to teach him
- Arjuna, when he understood BG, he declared that "to understand Your personality. It is very, very difficult." And he has accepted Him as person, purusam sasvatam, "You are eternally person." These things are there. The real understanding is there
- Arjuna, you are being carried away by your material affection, and you are hesitating to execute your duty. This is not good. - Anarya-justam - This is befitting for the anarya, non-Aryan
- Arrangement is there. If you remain in sattva-guna, then you get higher form of life. Nature's law is so perfect that it hasn't got to create; it is automatically
- Artificial intoxication, forgetting his present. Just like sleeping, one forgets, and he becomes a God. Oh, it is very dangerous theory. And this is going on
- Artificially do not try to become equal with men. That is not allowed in the Vedic sastra. Na striyam svatantratam arhati (Manu-samhita). That is called sastra
- Arya means the person who has got godly qualification. This is the meaning of Aryan. Aryan, advanced. Aryan does not mean godless society. They are non-Aryans
- Arya-samaj means one who knows his duty, how to do it in proper time. So ksatriya, his duty is to fight, to defend from the hands of the enemy. So he was declining to fight, so He chastised him, - Non-Aryans. You are not Aryan
- Arya-samajis are strictly forbidden to go to the temple
- Aryan civilization means this Vedic civilization. Just like Arjuna, a ksatriya, belonged to the Aryan civilization, and because he was denying to fight, Krsna accused him, "Oh, this is just like non-Aryans." Anarya-justam, non-Aryans
- Aryan means advanced in knowledge. He's called Aryan. And anarya means uncivilized. So immediately He (Krsna) rebukes him, anarya-justam - You are talking just like non-Aryan, uncivilized person
- Aryans means those who are advanced. Non-Aryans means those who are not, this is the Sanskrit meaning, arya. Aryans are divided into four castes
- As a human being if he lives like cats and dogs, he'll never be happy. Because there is no happiness, therefore he takes these drugs, to forget. This is the drug philosophy
- As a medical practitioner, so why you take this disease as bad or that disease as good? Your business is to see that there should be no disease
- As a medical practitioner, you should not say that this disease is horrible; that disease is very nice. You cannot say that. - That was between them - Colonel Megar and Dr. Ghosh
- As all our Godbrothers are doing. They have got a little temple, and a few devotees go and beg rice and cook it, and eat and sleep, that's all. No fighting spirit
- As Australian, you have one interest. So individuality cannot be killed. That is not possible. You are all individual. But when you make your interest one, then you merge into that thing
- As Caitanya Mahaprabhu did (organized Sankirtana Movement), we can follow. We are not doing anything harm to the people; we are actually giving the highest benediction to the human life
- As for the diseased person, there is a hospital, there is operation is going on, so many severe things are going on, similarly, for the criminal there is prison department
- As friend, He (God) is living with the soul as Supersoul. That is stated in the Vedas, that two birds are sitting on the same tree
- As God is full of joy, similarly, we are also part and parcel of God; we are also full of joy. So we have to treat ourself how to go that platform of joyfulness
- As he is changing different types of body during this duration of life, similarly, after this annihilation of this body, just like old garment or old shirt cannot be used - it is thrown away; another new shirt is taken - the soul accepts another body
- As I advance in my spiritual life, I'll see, "Here is Krsna." It is not the doll Krsna. Doll Krsna is for the kanistha-adhikari. But one who is advanced, he sees Krsna
- As I am getting one body after another, baby's body, then another body, child's body, then another body, boy's body, you may say: "It is growing." Growing or not growing, it is another body
- As I and you enter in our body, similarly, vistabhya aham, Krsna says He enters within this material world. Therefore the creation takes place, it grows, it gives off so many by-products, and then again there will be destruction
- As I described the other day that there are twelve authorities. Out of them, Sukadeva Gosvami himself is one of the authorities. But still, he is citing the authority of Krsna. That is the way of presenting things
- As I have read the literature of this Unitarian Church, in one place he has denied authority, and in another place he has quoted so many authorities. Why? If you deny authority, then why you quote other authority? So you cannot defy authority
- As in government offices or state, there are so many departmental management, similarly, in God's government there must be so many directors, so many officers. They are called demigods. Devarsi-bhutapta-nrnam pitṟnam - SB 11.5.41
- As in the family - the father is one, the children are many, say ten - if the children are very obedient to the father, then that family is very nice
- As in the material world there are varieties, similarly in the spiritual world also there are varieties; but those varieties are of the same quality, spiritual quality. That is called one. That is oneness
- As in the, within our memory, there are two great wars, world war number one, world war number two. We have experienced
- As in your body so much subtle energies are working, just imagine this universal body of Krsna, virat-rupa, how much subtle energies are working and there. So that we do not know. That is our ignorance
- As it is materially possible, that a man of this world can work so wonderfully simply by pushing some button, so how much great is God, or Krsna, simply by His desire, "Let there be creation," immediately everything is there
- As it is said that in the beginning was the word, that means before the creation there was the transcendental sound. So that word, or transcendental sound, is not like the material sound
- As many times he has killed children, he will have to live within the womb and be killed. Bahu-duhkha-bhajah. It will be followed by so many miserable condition of life
- As one goes to the physician, for treatment of his disease - otherwise it may prove fatal - similarly, one should atone the sinful activities as they are prescribed in different scriptures. That is the prescription
- As our consciousness is now for my sense gratification, my society's sense gratification, my nation's sense gratification, similarly, if we change it to Krsna's sense gratification, then we become perfect. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- As soon as Bhagavad-gita is interpreted in the ways of a particular scholar or particular man, oh, then the purpose of Bhagavad-gita is lost
- As soon as he becomes Krsna conscious, then he becomes joyful, because he has no more enemy. "Everyone is my brother." Therefore he has no fear
- As soon as he comes to the understanding of spiritual platform, then he becomes joyful, immediately - freed from all anxieties
- As soon as he's requested that, "You become servant of Krsna," "Oh, this is nonsense. They are old-type people." - We have invented something new, to become servant of sex and intoxication
- As soon as I am engaged in Krsna's service, then I will be satisfied, Krsna will be satisfied, and the whole world will be satisfied. So nobody should interpret any other way. This is direct meaning
- As soon as I have got a particular type of body, my pains and pleasures are already settled up. You cannot make any improvement or degradation
- As soon as I rise up in the morning, I remember, "Oh, I am such and such officer. I am such and such father, such and such husband, and I have got to do such and such things." Everything remembered. But during your sleep, you forget everything
- As soon as in India they took it that by birth one becomes brahmana, the whole Vedic civilization has been spoiled. Brahmana means this quality - Satya, sama, dama
- As soon as it (material contamination) begins to diminish, then it will diminish finally, and then you will be situated in your pure, original constitutional position, Krsna consciousness
- As soon as it (water) becomes solid, again it liquefies; again it becomes liquid. Because that is his dharma. That is called dharma - liquidity. Similarly, dharma means which you cannot change
- As soon as one accepts that God is there and I am subordinate, and my business is to surrender unto Him, then immediately he becomes Krsna conscious
- As soon as one becomes free from all sinful activities, he becomes firmly convinced of God consciousness. That is called nistha. Tato nistha tato ruci. Then you taste, - Oh, it is so nice, Krsna consciousness
- As soon as one chants Hare Krsna, immediately he remembers Krsna, Krsna's activities, Krsna's pastimes, Krsna's form, Krsna's quality, Krsna's attributes - everything. That is called to absorb the mind in Krsna. You become immediately the first-class yogi
- As soon as one comes to this platform of knowledge, then he becomes prasannatma. - Oh, why I am serving these nonsense? I forgot that I am a spirit soul, minute particle of Krsna. My business is to serve Krsna
- As soon as one dies, gives up this body - he does not die; he changes the body - now, here is a duration of changing body. Say for a hundred years the changing is going on
- As soon as one has his mastership on the grammar, he can study all other books
- As soon as one is convinced that "I am not this material body," then immediately he becomes joyful
- As soon as one is highly qualified medical man, he comes to Australia. So who will take care of them? So therefore they imported some brain from India. Anyway, our time should be saved for self-realization
- As soon as one is said that "You become God's servant," "Oh, again servant?" But he's actually servant of intoxication. That will continue
- As soon as our heart is cleansed, we can understand that - I am not this material body. I am spirit soul. I have got different business. So long I am working for the maintenance of this body. Now I understand that body is superficial shirt and coat dress
- As soon as speak of laws of nature, we must accept that there is a law maker. Laws of nature cannot develop automatically. There must be some authority on the background
- As soon as the consciousness is developed at the age of seven months, the child wants to come out. Therefore it moves
- As soon as the mind is purified, then all this expansion into thousands and millions of ideas will be controlled, and the only idea will be Krsna. This is called yoga system, concentrating
- As soon as the problem is finished, they forget God: no more church, no more temple. You see? That is not devotion. Devotion is that, "No problem. I am ready to serve You, my Lord." That is life
- As soon as the soul is away from this body, it is a lump of matter. So when the soul is off from the body, if somebody decorates that dead body, what is use? It is simply concoction. That's all
- As soon as the spirit soul is off, you do not care for the son's body or daughter's body or your wife's body. Then who is the lovable object? The soul. It is very natural to understand
- As soon as the women is polluted, strisu dustasu, the woman is polluted, varsneya, "My dear Krsna," jayate varna-sankara, - Then the whole population will be varna-sankara
- As soon as there is disobedience of law and order, immediately police department must go and punish and arrest. We can experience these things. Similarly, by God's side there is such department, police department. That is maya, Durgadevi
- As soon as there is experiment, there is no truth. And if there is truth, there is no experiment
- As soon as there is little light, immediately they (birds & beasts) will rise up & will talk amongst themselves & go, one tree to another, & he will eat one or two fruits, little fruits, ample fruit. They have no scarcity of food & live very pleasantly
- As soon as there is misunderstanding between husband, wife, it will be hell. So the principle is the husband honestly tries to earn livelihood, and at home the wife should be so intelligent that whatever money the husband has earned, she'll manage
- As soon as there is some motive, that is cheating religion. But bhakti, there is no such thing, dharma, artha, kama, moksa. It is above, transcendental
- As soon as there is soul, there must be consciousness. These things are described in the Bhagavad-gita, and you can perceive also. I am existing in this body; you are existing in your body
- As soon as they (the aborigines) see a big sea, ocean, they offer obeisances. So that is inherent. But due to the material association, it is covered
- As soon as this blazing fire of material existence is extinguished, immediately you come to the platform of blissfulness. Then that blissfulness will increase one after another, one after another. Just like the comparison has been given just like the moon
- As soon as this standard method was changed into mechanical - a person born in brahmin family, he may be less than a dog-eater's family; he is worshiped as brahmin - this has ruined the Indian civilization
- As soon as we become addicted to sinful activities, then our real, constitutional position we forget, and we become mad after it, and the disease increases
- As soon as we come to the spiritual platform, there will be no more different opinion. Then everything will go on. The first lesson of coming to the spiritual platform is to understand that - I am not this body
- As soon as we see somebody is engaged in Krsna's regulative service, you should know that he is above all kinds of reaction of sinful life. This is the proof
- As soon as we work on the platform of bodily consciousness, we become bound up by the reaction of my work
- As soon as you . . . you have to introduce this metal coins, value. The whole cheating scheme will fail
- As soon as you are initiated and you execute the regulative principles as they are prescribed, you become eligible (for going back to home, back to Godhead); there is no doubt. So the only thing remains that you become trained up
- As soon as you are surrendered to Krsna, your business is done. My business is to introduce you to Krsna, to convince you some way or other that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, you surrender unto Him and you will be happy
- As soon as you become God conscious, the demons will create disturbance. Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he was crucified by the demons. The only fault was that he was God conscious
- As soon as you become Krsna conscious, as soon as you become God conscious, then your real universal, ideal universal consciousness develops. Otherwise it is all simply jugglery
- As soon as you chant the holy name of Krsna, immediately you will see the form of Krsna, you will realize the qualities of Krsna, you will immediately remember the pastimes of Krsna. That is pure chanting of Hare Krsna mantra
- As soon as you come to that position, that "I am not this body," then automatically you become abhayam, no fear
- As soon as you come to the material world, immediately you become contaminated by the modes of material nature
- As soon as you come to the platform of God, you transcend all the qualities. There is no such distinction, "good man," "bad man," "this man" or - that man
- As soon as you come to the transcendental platform, you become joyful, happy. That is the sign. It is not that simply you say that, "I am in the transcendental meditation." no
- As soon as you come to this (I am not this body, but I am spirit soul.) platform of understanding, then the next stage will be you will be jolly
- As soon as you decide that you are not this body, you are transcendental to this body, then you have to understand what is the transcendental nature and what is your business, what you should do. These things will come
- As soon as you engage yourself in devotional service you become purified of all material contamination
- As soon as you get - klesada asa dehah - this body, full of miserable condition, then you again put into miserable condition of life
- As soon as you get a material body, you have to undergo the pains of pleasures of this. No pleasure; all pains. You have to undergo. This is subjected
- As soon as you get another material body, it is suffering. So try to realize these things. Therefore, punar-janma-jayaya. The whole aim should be how to conquer over again material . . . this is intelligence
- As soon as you get the most valuable body, spiritual body, there will be no more change. Why don't you understand like that? So that you have to get. That is very simple
- As soon as you get your eternal body, which is already there within this temporary body, then you also become blissful and full of knowledge. That is oneness, one in quality
- As soon as you give up this mentality that, "I am the enjoyer," as soon as we change our mentality that, "Krsna is enjoyer," then immediately we become liberated. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita - 14.26
- As soon as you have passed your examination of the civil service, the civil post is ready, immediately. There is no delay. Simply you go and take your seat. So what is that examination? Just try to understand what is Krsna
- As soon as you purify yourself and become identified with the existence of God, immediately you become joyful, no anxiety
- As soon as you see one man is sitting on the bench of the high court, you must know he is very learned man and learned lawyer - he has passed already. That is the test
- As soon as you take birth, brahmana is your guru. So where is brahmana? Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum eva abhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). Where is that guru? Therefore the society is chaotic condition
- As soon as you take birth, the all the material conditions, tri-tapa-yatana - adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika - you have to accept. There is no rescue
- As soon as you take birth, your body also becomes older, and you must suffer from disease. This is called imperfection. But they have become so dull that they cannot understand. They cannot imagine that one can be perfect against this imperfection
- As soon as you take your birth, the food is there. For example, a young girl gives birth, just a moment before the birth of the child, there is no milk in the breast, but as soon as the child take birth, immediately immense supply of milk
- As soon as you understand that you are not this body, you are not matter, that you are spirit soul, then immediately you become joyful
- As soon as you understand, "All this material condition of life we are simply dreaming; I am actually servant of Krsna," then you are liberated. That is Krsna conscious
- As soon as you work for your personal benefit, that is material. And as soon as you work for Krsna's benefit, that is spiritual. That's all. This is the distinction between material and spiritual
- As soon as your car stops some this bums, they come, and they wash your motorcar with a towel, and the man gives him one dollar, "All right." But he does not know that this man, as soon as he gets this one dollar, he will purchase one bottle
- As soul they are one in quality, but in consciousness they're different. He knows everyone's pleasure and pains; I know my pleasure and pain
- As strong as you think, because in every village, every town, every home, there is Hare Krsna, still
- As the cats & dogs, do not understand what is the future of life, similarly, if human beings, getting this opportunity of very intelligent, developed consciousness, do not understand what is the goal of life, future of life, then he remains a cat & dog
- As the devotee is only searching the opportunity how to serve Krsna, similarly, Krsna is also very eager to serve the devotee. That is a reciprocation of devotional service
- As the devotees think, so I also in that way thought. - "I thought it a special grace of the SPG." "And I at once took leave of my so-called home and went away." So that is the difference between the devotees of the Lord and materialistic person
- As the lusty man finds pleasure in the vagina, similarly, this sort of literature, nonsense literature, are enjoyed by persons who are just like crows, not, what is called, swan. Swan will not go to that place
- As the materialist has centered round the sex, this way, that way, similarly the transcendentalist, their center is Krsna. That is the difference. So if you want to enjoy life making Krsna as the center, that is eternal happiness
- As the mechanical arrangement of the watch is made by some brain, similarly, your brain or Professor Einstein's brain, that is also made by another scientist. And who is that scientist
- As the spiritual master is the representative of Krsna, similarly a student must be also the representative of Arjuna. Then Bhagavad-gita discussion will be nice
- As the state is protected by the department of law and order, similarly, this whole universe is protected by the stringent laws of nature. If we violate, the stringent laws of nature will not excuse me
- As the sun and the sunshine, they are together shining, there is light, similarly, when we are again posted in our own constitutional position, and Krsna is like the sun and we are shining particles, then our life is successful
- As the water dries up, then they (fish) come out as grass, as vegetables. Then grow, different types of trees, plants, creepers. Then gradually develops to become insects, flies. Then develops to serpents. In this way, this is evolution
- As there is death, birth, old age and disease, so you go in any planet within this universe - there are millions of planets - the same thing will follow
- As there is difference between gold and iron, similarly there is difference between the loving affairs of gopis with Krsna and these mundane, so-called lusty affairs between man and women or boys and girls. It is never equal
- As there is no mistake in the judgment of the high court, similarly, what to speak of Krsna, the Supreme Lord. There is necessity. The government, in order to keep law and order, there is violence also
- As there is summer season; after summer season, there is rainy season; after rainy season there is winter season. Similarly, there are four yugas, namely Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga
- As this father injects the seed of living being within the womb of the mother, similarly, God injects the living being within this material world, and they come out under different forms with the material body
- As we act under the leadership of a supreme person, similarly, if we live under the leadership of God, that is our perfection of life. This is called yogam yunjan mad-asrayah. Mad-asrayah means - under My direction
- As we are above these lower animals - aquatics, birds, bees, trees, plants, insects, cats, dogs, so many - we are nara, human being, similarly, there is another group: they are called demigods
- As we are chanting, if you kindly chant for one week, and you see how much you progress in spiritual knowledge
- As we are getting life here according to the father's semina and mother's secretion, the body and situation . . . somebody is very highly intelligent; somebody is not so intelligent. Somebody is very rich, somebody is poor. Somebody is middle class
- As we are representative of God, we are canvassing door to door, "Please become Krsna conscious and make your life successful." That's all. Now it is up to you to take it or reject it. That is your business
- As we are teaching this bhagavat-dharma, the Srimad-Bhagavatam, we are following the footsteps of Vyasadeva
- As we are training a medical practitioner and an engineer or any particular type of line, similarly, there must be training school and college where a person or a boy may be educated as a brahmana or as a ksatriya
- As we are, in our own original, constitutional position, we are not subjected to birth, death, old age and disease
- As we cannot stop the fighting between dogs, similarly, so long people will remain in bodily concept of life, the fighting cannot be stopped
- As we create sinful reaction of life by our body, by our words, by our intelligence, similarly, by our body, by our intelligence, by our work we can be elevated also. Just like we have engaged our body in cleansing this temple
- As we go to the physician, we have to go to consult an expert learned brahmana, that - I have committed sin
- As we have got experience, the nuclear weapon is very, very dangerous. Similarly, the brahmastra is also very, very dangerous. And another weapon, they knew this art, sabda-bhedhi
- As we make progress in the matter of Krsna consciousness, then our original, constitutional position becomes revealed. And as soon it is fully revealed, I am free from all these material obligations. Oh, my place is reserved there
- As yogi he satisfied her (Devahuti) in every respect. And then she wanted children. So Kardama Muni begot in her nine daughters and one son, with the promise that - As soon as you get your children, I will go away. I am not going to live forever with you
- As you are elevated to the human form of life, if you do not utilize this human form of life, if we behave like animals, then we shall be converted again into animals
- As you are experiencing this change of body, similarly, you take it that this body also will change. An old man like me, the next body is there. Either farther old man or, after death, another body. This is to be understood
- As you are understanding about the sun by authoritative statement of the geometry, that this sun globe is so great, but you are seeing just like a disk. So how to get the knowledge of the sun? By receiving through the ear. That's all
- As you generally understand in the Western country, the word religion is used as "a kind of faith." Faith you can change. Today you are Christian; tomorrow you can become Hindu. But religion cannot be changed
- As you get different types of body, your atmosphere, your activity, your knowledge - everything - becomes relative. So for a higher relative standard, better standard of life, you can go to the higher planets. Similarly, you can lower down also
- As you get miserable condition of life - you don't like it, but it comes - similarly, happy condition will also come according to your destiny. Why you are wasting time for this? This is the decision of the sastra
- As you go to the moon planet but if you cannot stay there, you must have to come down again to this planet, similarly, one may rise up to the Brahman platform, which is called param-pada, but if you cannot stay there, then again you fall down
- As you have got a president here, similarly the sun planet there is president. His name is Vivasvan. So we have got such knowledge
- As you inquire what is svami, svami means master. And master, what does it mean? Master of the senses. Generally people are driven by the dictation of the senses. So if you can control your senses, then you become a svami
- As you say that his presence is required, therefore I say he may remain here. Otherwise, to remain here is not his duty as a sannyasi. That is actually your duty, to organize the local management and everything
- Asad-dharma means referring to the body, karma-kandiya. Karmis, they are engaged in asad-dharma, not sad-dharma. Because the body is asat
- Asakti is also not attained very easily, but there is a process. If we follow the process, as recommended by the authorities, then there is way. And one who is serious to understand God, or Krsna, they must follow the methods prescribed by the mahajanas
- Asat-karma means you become poor, ugly, without any education, no riches, always hungry. These are the results of asat-karma. So this is called karma-kanda
- Asat: they will not stay. I have got experience. Everyone has got. I was children, you were children. Now, I had father to take protection or other relative, friend. But now they are gone. Asatsu. Everything is finished
- Ask big, big scientists, philosopher, "What is the goal of life?" They do not know. They simply theorize, that's all. The real goal of life is to understand God. So that can be done, as it is said here, that you make association
- Ask your any family member, your wife or your children or any friend, so "I have given you so much service. Are you satisfied?" "Oh, what you have given?" You have to do so many things. You have got so much things
- Asraddadhanah purusah (BG 9.3). Purusa means any man, any human being, living being, but a human being, because otherwise who will hear Krsna? The cats and dogs will not hear
- Ass cannot understand that he's suffering, loading so much cloth upon his back. That is ass, one who cannot understand the suffering. And we are taking it, - This is not suffering, this is pleasure. I am working so hard
- Associate with God means you gradually become godly. This is the meaning of chanting the holy name of God
- Association of material world means accepting one type of body and enjoy or suffer for some time; then you get another body. Now we have to make our choice, whether you want to stop this material way of life and attain the eternal spiritual life
- Asura thinks that he will live forever, and let him prepare big, big plans for material comforts. This is asuric civilization. He'll not be allowed to stay here. Duhkhalayam asasvatam - BG 8.15
- Asuri sampad means more and more entanglement and bondage within this material world. And daivi sampad means your freedom from material world
- At any moment death can take place. How you'll protect yourself? Therefore we take protection of God. That "God, You can kill me at any moment. You can save me also." Therefore we are intelligent
- At heart he (Dr. Radhakrishnan) was (afraid of God). But because he is impersonalist and mundane scholar, he was writing all nonsense
- At heart, they were, "After demise of Guru, I shall become acarya," "I shall become acarya." So all the acaryas began fight
- At home they (Gosvamis) had more time to sleep, but when they went to Vrndavana they were sleeping only one half-hour to two hours only. At the present moment, when a man becomes old, he requires more rest but according to Vedic civilization, no more rest
- At least for the time being, they (warriors on the battlefield) knew that Krsna has come. Suppose a prominent man comes in a big meeting. Is not everyone conscious of that person?
- At least our young men in India, at least still inquiring. That is the culture. "What is God?"this is the beginning of human life, when one inquires about Brahman
- At least the brahmanas, the priestly heads of religion, the king and the public leader, they should stop these four sinful activities. The leaders of the society, they must be sinless. Then the human society will make nice progress
- At least those who are Vedic followers, they take cow dung as pure. Anywhere impure, they smear with cow dung. And that is fact also. Cow dung is full of antiseptic properties. It has been analyzed
- At least to have a guarantee that our next life is going to be human life, everyone should take to Krsna consciousness. From mundane profit point of view. There is a story, Savitri-Satyavan. It is not a story. It is historical fact
- At least, in the lower grades of forms, there are eighty-one lakhs, or 8,100,000, and above that, about 400,000 forms of human being
- At night I am forgetting this body, and daytime I am forgetting my night body. So forgetfulness is not the basic principle of knowledge. The things as they are we have to study
- At night the gross body does not work. We are thinking, "I am sleeping." Sleeping means the body is so much tired, it is no more working
- At night, let me do all sinful activities; in the morning I shall chant Hare Krsna, and everything will be nullified. - This is the greatest offense
- At night, we cannot see even four yards. So what is the value of these eyes? It is conditional. If there is sunrise, then we can see. That condition is made by God
- At that (Brahman realization) time, he realizes that all living entities, they are spirit soul, panditah sama-darsinah (BG 5.18). That is equal vision - not the bodily vision
- At that time this Vrndavana, which you have seen, now it is nice city, but during the time of Caitanya Mahaprabhu it was a big field only, that's all, nothing more than that
- At the age of seven months only, the child becomes active. So spirit soul is always active. So all these activities should be dovetailed in Krsna consciousness, yat karosi, whatever you do
- At the full youthful age He gave up His family life, beautiful wife, most obedient, perfect wife, beautiful wife, mother, affectionate mother, very good prestige, social prestige
- At the maximum enough food for two people, for man as well as for the cow. That person will be healthy and nourished other times he will chant Harinama. The cow will produce milk and after drinking it, the man will be healthy and nourished
- At the modern age the people are simply kept into ignorance so that they can work like ass and cow and be satisfied. This is the present civilization. And this Krsna consciousness movement is a fight against this civilization, this wrong civilization
- At the present age, mostly the scientists, they cannot give us perfect knowledge, because there are so many "if's." They say, "It may be," "Perhaps," like that. But this is not perfect knowledge
- At the present moment . . . that is sudra. Kalau sudra-sambhavah. In this age of Kali, everyone is in the modes of ignorance. Sudra
- At the present moment almost everyone, 99.9 percent people, they do not know what is our problem and how to get out of it. They do not know. Ignorance, stupidity, mudha
- At the present moment in Kali-yuga, it is said (in SB), svikaram eva hy udvahe. Boys and girls will loiter in the street and two of them, as they agree, "Yes, we will live together." That's all
- At the present moment in this age, Kali-yuga, everyone is sudra, nobody is brahmana, by the caste system or by birthright. Sudra. Kalau sudra sambhavah
- At the present moment Krsna, in the BG, wanted: sarva-dharman parityajya. Krsna wanted Arjuna - Arjuna means everyone - that they should surrender to Krsna and be engaged in the service of Krsna. So when we speak of Krsna, means God, the SPG
- At the present moment modern educated persons, they do not know that there is something like moksa and it can be achieved, and there is process, and the whole Vedic sastra is trying to educate us for getting moksa
- At the present moment people are very, very much addicted to sinful life. Because they are less intelligent
- At the present moment the education department does not distinguish who is a brahmana, who is a ksatriya, who is a vaisya or a sudra. And because the things have topsy-turvied, there is chaos all over the world
- At the present moment the population is not being produced very nicely; therefore there is disturbance of peace all over the world. But if there are Krsna conscious children, they will grow up and they will possess all good qualities
- At the present moment the so-called human society, civilized human society, is giving up the conception of God, understanding God, especially the Communist party
- At the present moment there is a movement amongst the younger section to commit suicide. Why? Why younger section are feeling such frustration and confused in spite of so much educational institution?
- At the present moment there is no brahmana, qualified. Therefore the society is in chaos. In chaotic condition, all are searching after something substantial. That is the position of the Western countries
- At the present moment there is no fixture even for the physical necessities. No hope. When I first came to America, when I saw in the Bowery Street, they're lying on the street, - And how is that?
- At the present moment there is scarcity of brahmana. Brahmana means who has got very nice intellectual brain, who can understand the Absolute Truth
- At the present moment they do not know what is papa and how to get out of it; what is next birth. Everything is unknown at the present moment. This is the modern civilization
- At the present moment we are covered by two kinds of dresses - the subtle dress: mind, intelligence and ego; and the gross covering. Subtle means we know there is this thing, but we cannot see it
- At the present moment we have got this human form of body. We can hear the instruction of God, and we can again elevate. That is possible. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita - janma karma me divyam
- At the present moment, "In the Kali-yuga, everyone is sudra." It is hardly to be found a qualified brahmana. Of course, there are, but very rare. Practically brahmana is not a single there, especially in this age
- At the present moment, 99.9%, they are sudras. Therefore the society is chaotic condition
- At the present moment, all over the world, Kali's influence is going on, everyone, almost everyone, 99.9 percent. You cannot say cent percent, because there are some saintly persons
- At the present moment, as you say, in the Kali-yuga, it is accepted that almost everyone is a sudra. Otherwise, do you mean to say because everyone has become sudra, the science of Krsna, or Krsna consciousness, should be stopped? No
- At the present moment, because the leaders are foolish, blind, they have no spiritual knowledge, all the population of the world becomes godless
- At the present moment, by the principle of vox populi, a butcher goes to the legislature. So everything depends on training. In our Krsna consciousness society we are actually doing that. But in the case of politics they forget it
- At the present moment, even in the civilized world, so-called civilized, if one man is being killed on the open street, nobody will go and help him because the tendency for showing mercy to others, that is diminishing
- At the present moment, how the whole world, whole atmosphere, is condemned is described in the next verse (SB 1.1.10) The first qualification is short span of life. In India the average age, span of life, is thirty years. The vitality is so reduced
- At the present moment, in our material conditional life, we have no attachment for Krsna. We have got attachment for non-Krsna. So you have to transfer that attachment to Krsna
- At the present moment, in the materialistic concept of life, everyone is servant of the senses. Everyone acts by the dictation of the senses; therefore they can be called, in other words, as godasa, servant of the senses
- At the present moment, Kali-yuga, kalau sudra-sambhavah. In Kali-yuga there is no first class, second class or even third class. All fourth-class men, sudra-sambhavah
- At the present moment, most people - they are in the lower grades of the material quality, ignorance and passion. Therefore you see all over the world, rajas-tamo-bhavah kama-lobha (SB 1.2.19). Every man is greedy and lusty. Every man
- At the present moment, people are captivated for human welfare activities. Oh, what human welfare activities they will do? It is not in your power
- At the present moment, so many big, big scholars and professors and educationists, they are also the same category as the dog. As the dog is thinking, "I am this body," he is also thinking, - I am this body
- At the present moment, the human society has been educated to love his country or family or one's personal self, but they have no information where to repose the loving propensity so that everyone can become happy
- At the present moment, the Kali-yuga, the sastra says, almost everyone is a sudra because nobody can live independently
- At the present moment, the motorcar civilization, he's anxious how to get a Rolls-Royce motorcar, that's all. That is his business
- At the present moment, why the society is chaotic condition? Because there is no brahmana. That is the defect
- At the time of Bhisma's death he was thinking of Krsna: in His fighting spirit He was coming to kill him. That is in Bhisma's prayer. There is in the Bhagavata
- At the time of death he understands that, "My real father, the soul, which was within this body, he has now gone." Therefore our vision is always imperfect
- At the time of death we suffer very much. Just imagine, when we give up our life, how much difficult position at that time. So we forget birth and death
- At the time of death, by superior authority, what body I'm going to take next, that has to be decided
- At the time of death, if our consciousness is pure, then it is sure that next life is not material. Next life is pure spiritual life
- At the time of death, the condition of my mind will carry me to a particular type of body. And there are 8,400,000's of bodies. That will be given by superior authority
- At the time of death, we have got some bhavam, some situation. So that is situation in the mind, intelligence. Because this gross body, at that time, stops working, but the mind, intelligence, ego, works
- At the time of death, when one very sinful man is dying, he sees the Yamaraja or the order carriers of Yamaraja. They are very fierce-looking. Sometimes the man on the deathbed becomes very much fearful, cries, - Save me, save me
- At the time of delivery the woman is in danger. There may be so many dangers. Therefore twice sada-bhaksana, at the period of seven months and perhaps in nine months
- At the time of his death, because there were seven days only, so he (Pariksit Maharaja) wanted to do something which may emancipate him. So Sukadeva Gosvami, he arrived in the meeting and he advised him to hear about Krsna
- At Vrndavana in India there are temples still, they are spending thousands and thousands of rupees for palatable foodstuff, offering to the Deity. And those foodstuff are distributed to the, I mean to say, the devotees
- Atha means now. Atha, hereafter. That means after passing through all animalistic way of life, when a man comes to the stage of civilized life, perfect civilized life, at that time his business is to inquire what is the Absolute Truth
- Atha means those who have become experienced of this miserable life of this material world. They can enquire. They can enquire what is Absolute Truth, what is spiritual life. Athato brahma jijnasa
- Athato brahma jijnasa. Then the question will be that "Why I am not free? What is the reason?" Then that is, real human life begins. Otherwise he's a dog
- Atheistic theory, is aparaspara-sambhutam. It has taken by mechanical arrangement. Mechanical. . . Kim anyat kama-haitukam (BG 16.8). Kama. Just like kama - a man, a woman becomes lusty, and there is sex, and there is production. So they say like that
- Ati-buddhi galaya dekhe. If one is unnecessarily over intelligent, just hang him with a rope in the neck. So he is ati-buddhi. Anyway, he was intelligent to purchase
- Atmanam ajitendriyah, the whole training is to control the senses, and the most powerful sense is the tongue. Sense control begins from the tongue
- Atomic bomb, the nuclear weapon, is not used when there is fight between two dogs. It is not so insignificant. When the fight is very severe
- Atomic energy, big energy, it is done by a scientist, not that the ingredients automatically mix together and become an atomic . . . no. That is not possible
- Atonement is prescribed in every scripture. Even in Christian Bible there is atonement. So in other scriptures also there is atonement. Just like a man who has committed murder, he, he must die. "Life for life." This is atonement
- Attachment comes after passing over so many different stages of devotional service. So Krsna's recommending mayy asaktah: you have to increase your attachment for Krsna and God
- Author has given you some knowledge, so he has got some particular aim and objective. So why should you change that? You have no right to change that
- Authorized person in the line of disciplic succession, he does not speak by his own authority. Immediately he'll quote from the Vedic literature to support his proposition
- Avaisnava sees another person is suffering; he doesn't care: "Let him suffer." We have come to that state. I heard from one of my disciples that here, in New York, if somebody is killed on the road, nobody will care. Is it a fact?
- Avatara means one who comes directly from the spiritual world. And incarnation . . . of course, this avatara is translated with the word incarnation, but I think real meaning of incarnation means "who accepts a body." Is it not
- Avatarana means "coming from up to down." That is called avatarana. And avatara is understood that when God or His bona fide representative comes from that sky to this material plane, that is called avatara
- Avyayam means whatever little service you render, that is permanent settlement. If you come here and dance and chant or ring the bell or anything about the aratrika, if you see, drsta - anything you do, that is your permanent credit
- Awaken their Krsna consciousness. - That is Krsna consciousness movement. It is the best welfare activities to the human society
- Awakening of love cannot be possible in other living condition than the human being. The human form of life, is therefore the perfectional stage how to develop our love for God, or how we can love God
- Back to home, back to Godhead. You are going this side, opposite side, toward the side of hell. That is not your destination. You go this side, back to Godhead. - That is our propaganda. So we have not manufactured this; this is the standard
- Bad men also will get peace? This is nonsense. Just see how nonsense philosophers they are
- Bahyabhyantara-sucih: inside and outside. Outside by taking bath, washing with soda, soap, or if soda, soap is not available, with earth or oil. That is external cleanliness
- Bali Maharaja is the grandson of Prahlada Maharaja. They are demonic family. So amongst the demons, many devotees came out. So to become devotee does not depend on particular family, this or that. No. Anyone can become devotee
- Bali Maharaja rejected his spiritual master. That's a great sin. But he rejected on shastric ground, because he objected for Visnu worship. Therefore such spiritual master should be rejected. Therefore he became mahajana, authority
- Bank balance also will not stay, the wife also will not stay, and good position, that will not stay. As soon as the body is finished, everything is finished. Therefore they are called asat
- Bank gives you interest, you have to pay. But we cheat so many people. We are thinking that we are very clever: "I can cheat so many persons and take money and enjoy." That is atheistic
- Because "I want sense gratification, so let me have complete freedom for sense gratification. That is the idea now, life." No, that is not ideal
- Because a sadhu is friend of everyone, there cannot be any conceivable enemy. But still, there are enemies. That is the nature of the world
- Because all the six Gosvamins happened to be direct disciples of Lord Caitanya, so Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, although very young, he was treated as younger brother of Sanatana Gosvami
- Because Arjuna was illusioned and he was not prepared to fight, so this instruction was given, this Bhagavad-gita instruction was given to Arjuna
- Because Bhisma would not die unless he desires, "Now let me die." Then he would die; otherwise not. So he was lying down on the deathbed, but was expecting to see Krsna at the last stage
- Because by the influence of Kali-yuga everyone is Sudra, so he does not know what is the actually Brahminical qualification. Therefore there is, I mean to say, competition
- Because cloth are very costly. And there are rats. If one cloth is cut by the rat, then it is great loss. So to save from this loss, he (Prabhupada's uncle) will put in a basin rice
- Because doctor says you have to starve, if you want to cure a disease, then I have to voluntarily accept, accept starving. This is called tapasya: voluntarily accept some miserable condition of life
- Because everyone is dying, but the man who is not yet dead, he thinks that he'll live forever. This is the most wonderful thing
- Because God has given you the seas and oceans of salt, you cannot make it use more than is necessary. If you think that, "There is so much salt, let me eat it," no, you cannot do. Any action
- Because God is absolute, there is no difference between His name and He Himself. In this material calculation, if you want water, simply by chanting "water, water," you won't get water. The water substance is different from the name - water
- Because he (a big scholar) has committed so many offenses, now he is living, but lost his memory. So all his intelligence is finished. So you can malinterpret, but nature is so strong that one day he will make you forget everything, brain paralysis
- Because he (a disciple) is not submissive, it is useless waste of time. Guru should not speak to anyone
- Because he (Sri Yamunacarya) has experienced. He was a family man, he was a king. He said that - Whenever I think of, not to act, but whenever I think of sex life, oh, I say, now, - tuh
- Because he (such and such scientist) has posed himself as a very big man, people follow him blindly and they're misled
- Because he carries the message of Krsna. Krsna is friend, and he is carrying the friendly message. Therefore he is friend
- Because he has got already natural tendency. And if he is . . . there is sanction by religiosity, ritualistic, religious process, then he will stick to it. So you have not done very nice work
- Because he is godless, he did not say, "Even God cannot kill me." That he forgot. In this way he took benediction that "I shall not die on the land." "Yes." "I shall not die on the water." - Yes
- Because he is ignorant, he is making plan to be happy, and one day it comes, "Kick out! Go out!" That is ignorance. Therefore sudra
- Because he is seeing always Krsna there, so he has no fear. He is enjoying life there. There are many instances. In our line, Rupa Gosvami
- Because He is sitting there (in the heart), therefore all kinds of remembrance, smrti, knowledge and forgetfulness. These things are functions of the mind
- Because He is the father of all living beings, therefore there is response from Europe and America. Otherwise, what connection they have got? They have got their Jesus Christ or something else. But why they are attracted to Krsna
- Because He is unlimited, He has got unlimited business also. So He can be called according to that name, according to that business. But this name, Krsna, is the best, because "Krsna" means all-attractive
- Because I am accustomed to think like that (my son or my grandfather is dying). So there must be grief. - So Krsna replied, "Yes, that's a fact. So that you must have to tolerate, that's all. There is no other remedy." Tams titiksasva bharata - BG 2.14
- Because I am born of a brahmin father, even though I am a carpenter or shoemaker, I am still a brahmana. - This has spoiled the Vedic culture
- Because I am chanting Hare Krsna mantra I can go on committing all kinds of sinful activities. It will be neutralized by my chanting. - This is offense
- Because I am chanting, therefore I can do anything sinful. It will be counteracted. - This is the greatest rascaldom, sinful activities. Yes
- Because I am eternal, I do not want my body be annihilated. But it will be. Therefore I am always fearful, "When it will be annihilated? When it will be annihilated? Is the time come? Is the time come?" This is called bhayam
- Because I am eternal, you are eternal, so I want to live forever. But we are put under certain condition of this material world that we have to die
- Because I am in ignorance, therefore I am thinking, "I am this body": "I am this white body," "I am this black body," "I am this American body," "I am this Indian body," "I am this cat's body" and - dog's body
- Because I am in ignorance, therefore I am thinking, "I am this body." So it requires a little jnana, knowledge. Then we will understand that - I am not this body; I am different from this body
- Because I am not supreme controller, because I am in diseased condition, therefore my business is to cure the disease. Cure the disease - that is sane man's business
- Because I am thinking American, the American government claims, "Yes, you come and fight, give your life," draft board. Why? This body. Therefore the intelligent person should know that - I am suffering all miserable condition of my life due to this body
- Because I cannot see what is happening beyond this wall, oh, that does not mean there is nothing beyond this wall. So everyone wants to see God immediately. God you can see when you are perfectly qualified
- Because I have accepted material nature's protection, I am getting different types of body. This life I have got this body; next life I may get another body
- Because it is fight against maya, why we shall be afraid of being killed? Where there is fight, one must know that "Either I am going to be killed or gain victory." Jivo va maro va
- Because Krsna says: "If somebody offers Me fruits, flowers, grains, milk with devotion and love, I eat," so we are pledged to Krsna, I offer these things to Krsna, and we eat. That is our process
- Because my (Prahlada) spiritual master gave me blessing, therefore I see You. So my first business is to serve him. - This is Vaisnava conclusion
- Because Nrsimhadeva was groaning in anger, and the demigods are afraid to approach Him, so Prahlada Maharaja first appeals to Him, - My dear Lord, there is no need of any more groaning
- Because one has concentrated himself simply in Krsna consciousness and devotional service, even though sometimes there are some discrepancies in the matter of his work, still he should be accepted as sadhu, as purified soul
- Because one has got the Russian body by some way or other, another has got American body, I am making distinction. So this distinction is on the material platform
- Because one living entity is food for another living entity, you cannot eat your father, mother or children. Why? Because you are human being, you have got discrimination
- Because originally it (the world) belongs to God. Originally it is spiritual. Therefore in the higher sense there is nothing material. Everything is spiritual because everything is emanating from the Supreme Spirit
- Because people are becoming religious for moksa, liberation. So Sridhara Svami says that up to the end of moksa-vancha, desire for liberation, that is also rejected. Because moksa is also not our ultimate goal of life
- Because she is married, and if she serves faithfully her husband, her husband is pleased and there is love, in due course of time, there will be child
- Because snakes are always envious, so they are first up to be burned into that forest fire. They cannot go very swiftly. Others, tigers and other beasts, they go away. But the snake, they crawl. They cannot get out. Mostly they burn
- Because spiritual master has to be accepted saksad-dhari, directly the Supreme Personality of Godhead, therefore the so-called spiritual master should not be puffed up, that "Now I have become God." This is Mayavada
- Because that minute spirit soul is there, you are moving, you are acting, your brain is working, you are denying the existence of God, you are doing all these things
- Because the child offers to the father in love, father takes it very seriously, "Oh, you are so nice. Yes, yes. Give me." "A leaf, a fruit, a little water." What is the value of these? But - Because he is giving Me in faith and devotion, I accept it
- Because the living entity has got his karma, therefore one is born as Mr. Ford, and one is born something else. Otherwise, why he's born one rich and poor? There must be some consideration
- Because the love is misplaced, therefore we are frustrated. The example is given in the sastra: Just like the tree has to be watered, but if you do not know the purpose of watering, where to water, then our business of watering will be misused
- Because the maya, this wonderful material energy, is acting in such a big curtain, they cannot understand that beyond this there is something else. They are thinking this material energy working, that is everything - nothing beyond this
- Because the soul is there, therefore the body has developed, according to the desire of the soul. But it is very, very minute
- Because the Supreme Spirit is within, therefore it is floating. Not that weightlessness. Weight is there, very heavy weight. Just like you can test: This body will float in the water so long you are living
- Because the train is going, either you place yourself in the first-class compartment or second class, you will go. It is not that because you are situated in the third-class compartment the, your train is not going
- Because the Vaisnava-sampradaya does not give very much importance to Vedanta-sutra - because the explanation is there, they are reading actually Vedanta-sutra - people misunderstand that the Vedantist, followers of Vedanta, is the Sankara-sampradaya
- Because the whole aim was to get away the existence of God, therefore all the Vedic literature was . . . were interpreted by Sankaracarya in his own way. Still it is going on
- Because the whole world is running on under the false impression of sense enjoyment, therefore He (Krsna) comes and advises, sarva-dharman parityajya - BG 18.66
- Because the woman does not agree to be subordinate - she wants equal freedom - so the husband goes away and the woman is embarrassed with the children. And it becomes a burden to the government
- Because the youngest son had the name Narayana, the original Narayana took notice of him, and he (Ajamila) was saved, and he was immediately taken to the kingdom of God because he chanted the name of Narayana
- Because their life has been so modeled, it is no better than animal life. So they do not see any difference between animal life and human life. Therefore to become animal or human being, they do not mind. This is the position
- Because there is no such division, people are not trained from the very beginning. Therefore a Sudra is called by the draft board, "Come on," to fight. Now, how he can fight? He is not a Ksatriya
- Because they (many learned scholars and sannyasis) have no information of the spiritual varieties in the Vaikuntha planet, in the Goloka Vrndavana planet, they come down, because there is no bhakti
- Because they are busy for eating, sleeping and mating, by the laws of nature, that is also being minimized. I have already explained. Because the nature wants to help us, because we are now forgotten soul. We have forgotten God
- Because they are dependent and there are so many sufferings awaiting them for their so-called independent life, they do not believe in the next life. This is the special feature of the modern civilization
- Because they are on the spiritual platform, they forget the material designation. Young people, they have got brain, receptive
- Because they are rascals, they are falsely claiming, "This is my country. This is my property. Nobody can come here." This is a dog's philosophy
- Because they could not engage their service to the lotus feet of Krsna, therefore, these so-called sannyasis again come down to this material platform and engage their service to the mithya
- Because they do not know (what is the self-interest), therefore, out of ulterior motive, they are thinking that, - Satisfaction in the material way of life will give me ultimate pleasure or ultimate satisfaction. That is my ultimate goal
- Because they do not know, rascal, what I am, what I can do, - avajananti, - they think, - Krsna is like me
- Because they have been taught like that (to watch television). What is their fault? They do not know the importance of human life. "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy." That's all. And then become a dog. That's all
- Because they have no taste for Krsna, they have to. They will come again for opening hospitals and so on, so many activities, material activities. This is fall down
- Because this human form of life is meant for developing love for God. Because in all other life we have loved our children, we have loved our wife, we have loved our nest in the bird's life, in the beast's life. There is love
- Because this material world is a chaotic condition, therefore there is necessity of law and order. In the spiritual world there is no such thing
- Because we accepted this material body, we must be always afraid. Not only we, even a small ant or birds and beasts, everyone
- Because we are adhyama purusa, therefore there is chance of our brightness being sometimes covered. But we can again revive our brightness and shine with the Supreme Person
- Because we are all occupying this room just now, it does not mean the room and we are identical. Try to understand this point. The room is matter, but we are living entities
- Because we are distributing this, the most valuable asset of the world, so cheaply, don't neglect it. Take it. Don't minimize the value because we are distributing free
- Because we are flying one teeny rocket or sputnik in the air, we are taking so much credit: "Oh, we are so much advanced." What advance you have made in comparison to God?
- Because we are foolish, we cannot understand properly. Tad vijnartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). Therefore, one has to go to guru and understand the meaning by parampara system. You cannot make your own meaning
- Because we are misled by foolish leaders, we are confused. Otherwise everything's clear
- Because we are missing God, we are loving this thing, that thing, that thing, that thing, that thing, and frustration. That very love which is reserved for God, we are applying it in this material world, - I love my country. I love my society
- Because we are part and parcel of God - God is fully independent - so we have got also little particle of independence. As soon as we misuse that independence, disobey the words of God, we become sinful
- Because we are part and parcel of God, we can study God's personality from our personality. Just like we can study the father by the symptoms of the son
- Because we are part and parcel of God, we may be called as sample God. Just like in Christian Bible also it is said that man is made after the form of the God
- Because we are part and parcel of Krsna, all the qualities of Krsna in minute quantity, they are within us. We are sample of Krsna, but wherefrom we get this fighting spirit? The fighting spirit is there in Krsna
- Because we are personalist. We are not impersonal. This (chanting Hare Krsna, the pictures, the clothes, the instruments, the altar and Lord Jagannatha) is spiritual varieties. You are talking of no variety. Is it not?
- Because we are sample God, therefore we have got God's qualities in minute quantity. Very minute quantity. We have got creative power also
- Because we are so-called civilized, we have created the problems for eating, sleeping, mating. Otherwise there is already arrangement for everyone, by God. Eko bahunam vidadhati kaman
- Because we are spiritual entities, our natural tendency is to enjoy life. Spiritual entities means by nature, anandamayo 'bhyasat (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12); by nature, they want to enjoy life
- Because we are surrendered to Krsna we are confident about eating, sleeping. We don't bother about that. That is not our problem. Our problem is how to serve Krsna honestly
- Because we are trying to understand Krsna through Caitanya Mahaprabhu, therefore it has become easy. Otherwise it is very difficult subject
- Because we are unfortunate, we go to rascal, and they interpret Bhagavad-gita in a rascaldom way, and you are missing. So you should be very careful not to go to a rascal. Then your mission will be successful
- Because we have all forgotten Krsna. That is our miserable condition of life
- Because we have become mad, whole human civilization is meant for these four things: illicit sex, meat-eating and intoxication and gambling
- Because we have forgotten Krsna, we do not know the source of happiness. Anandamayo 'bhyasat - Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12
- Because we have got senses, they want satisfaction. So we must give food them also, senses. But ultimate goal is how to get out of this material existence
- Because we want something, there is demand. So long there is demand, we will never be satisfied. When there is no demand, fully satisfied, that is God realization
- Because You (Krsna) know yourself, what You are. Nobody knows. - Therefore to understand Krsna, or God, is to accept whatever is spoken in the Bhagavad-gita. That is real understanding
- Because you are devotees, you want to serve Krsna, Krsna has come in your temple in a form which you can very easily serve. Krsna does not require your service, but He is so kind that He is accepting your service
- Because you are foolish, you do not know that, "I am working under the dictation of my senses. My masters are the senses." So, "Why not accept Krsna as my master?" This is intelligence
- Because you are human being, you are together here to get this knowledge. The cats and dogs, they cannot come. They cannot take this knowledge
- Because you are limited, therefore you are under the control of material nature. If he keeps his limited existence, that is nice. But unnecessarily if he wants to become unlimited, that is artificial
- Because you are not able to offer such gigantic food to Krsna, Krsna says: "All right, give Me a little flower, give Me a little fruit, give Me a little water, I shall accept it." This is called arcana-viddhi
- Because you are part and parcel of God and God is the complete enjoyer. So you have also that spirit to enjoy
- Because you are part and parcel of God, you are as pure as God, but now you are put into this material condition. You are being contaminated in so many ways; therefore you are suffering, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi
- Because you are rich man, because you are beautiful man, because you are educated man, because you are born in a aristocratic family, that does not mean that you have avoided death, old age and disease
- Because you are son of God - God has got full independence, almighty - therefore you have acquired the quality of your father. You have got little independence. So God does not interfere with your little independence
- Because you are soul, spirit soul, part and parcel of God, you have got a particular duty. That is eternal duty
- Because you are woman, you have to be pregnant. How you can avoid it?
- Because you cannot say what is beyond this wall, that does not mean that there is nothing beyond this wall. Your knowledge is insufficient
- Because you cannot see at the present moment Krsna in spiritual identity, therefore Krsna comes before you as stone, as wood. But He is not stone; He is not wood
- Because you have committed, executed vikarma, therefore you have got this body. It doesn't matter whether it is rich body or poor body, everyone has to undergo the threefold miserable condition of life
- Because you have got one interest, therefore you one. Just like we. We are so many individuals. But our interest is Krsna. Therefore we are one
- Because you have got the God qualities, you are not the Supreme. That is not possible. Supreme is Supreme. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13). That is the Vedic injunction, that He is the chief of the eternals
- Because you have no direct touch of Krsna, therefore you take shelter of Krsna's representative. Then this yunjan begins. He will teach you how to practice the bhakti-yoga
- Because you say: "I have been cheated. I could not get the right information. I stop this business," that is not allowed. You must. Therefore, according to Vedic order it is said, tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet - MU 1.2.12
- Because your mind is absorbed in the thought of dog, therefore you must take the dog's body. This is nature's law. Therefore we have to train up our mind. Instead of dog, you must train up your mind to think of God. Then you will be saved
- Become religious. If you are really Christian, that is all right. But you are not Christian, because you are violating the orders of Lord Jesus Christ
- Becomes a renounced order, sannyasi, and highest order, and then, after some time, he becomes engaged in opening hospitals and philanthropic work and in politics. We have seen it. Oh, why?
- Before accepting the spiritual master, you must find out whether Krsna or Krsna's representative is there. Arjuna surrendered to Krsna. Sisyas te 'ham: "I am Your disciple." Similarly, everyone should surrender to Krsna or Krsna's representative
- Before breakfast I used to ask him (my second son), "Show me your teeth." So he'll. "Yes." "All right, you have washed your teeth. That's all right. Then you are allowed to take breakfast." Yes. So this training there are
- Before his body was constructed the father was there, now how could he see? So by seeing, you cannot ascertain who is your father. You have to hear from the authority. The mother is the authority. Therefore sruti-pramana: the evidence is hearing
- Before making guru, the system is, for one year the prospective disciple should hear from the person and then decide. And similarly, the guru also see a person who is actually submissive or not. That is Vaisnava injunction, Hari-bhakti-vilasa
- Before us there were so many exalted acaryas - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Nimbarka and, in our line, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So our process is to follow the predecessor acarya
- Beg, borrow, steal - eat ghee. - Eat ghee, because so long you live, you'll live very sumptuously eating ghee and become fatty. That's all
- Beginning from Lord Brahma down to the worms in the stool, gradually, according to your work, according to your desire, you manufacture your different types of body and enjoy and suffer. That's all
- Beginning from that indra (one worm called indra-gopa) up to this Indra (king of heaven), everyone is bound up by the fruitive resultant action of his karma. This is called karma-phala
- Beginning is faith, but faith should not be blind. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186). You have to take faith from great personalities. That is faith
- Beginning is hearing. If you patiently hears, then that dormant God consciousness again becomes revived. Yes. Then his life is successful
- Behind this big, gigantic machine, physical world, there is a living entity, a big, powerful living entity. He is God. We are simply sample of God, a small particle. Mamaivamso jiva-bhutah jiva-loke sanatanah
- Behind this material combination there is an active principle, which is soul. That is the important thing. But in the modern age they are giving more stress on the unimportant thing
- Being afraid of death, we should not deviate from our duties, real duty. That is Vedic civilization
- Being bewildered by this maya, this soul, who is part and parcel of Krsna, or God, he's thinking that 'I am a material product. I am made of these material things
- Being completely aware of Brahman, the Supreme Absolute Truth, not a bogus. If you want to receive knowledge, then you must approach a guru who is brahma-nistham. That is the qualification of guru
- Being situated on the spiritual platform, automatically you achieve your original status, constitutional position, brahma-bhutah prasannatma (BG 18.54). Then you are able to enter into the kingdom of God, or the spiritual world
- Besides cooking for the family, she (my mother) was being assisted by my sisters. Always palatable foodstuff. So many guests were there, and if son-in-law would come, they would specially prepare food for him
- Best achievement of life is the how to stop this getting material body again. Spiritual body, that is happiness. Then you will get eternal happiness, blissful life
- Best quality of association is devotional service, the devotees, because they're transcendental, above goodness
- Best thing is take to this Krsna consciousness, kevalaya bhaktya, simply this understanding, that - Krsna is my eternal master; I am Krsna's eternal servant. So let us exchange our feelings of master and servant. Then I shall be perfect
- Best thing would have been to live with us and work, give contribution as much as possible for running on this missionary work. But the thing is, we have no place
- Beyond the sky there is another sky and we are trying to go there according to the perfect knowledge
- Beyond the sky there is another sky, which is called paravyoma, or sanatana, eternal sky. And in that sky there are innumerable Vaikuntha planets. Vaikuntha means vigata-kuntha hy asmat: there is no anxiety
- Beyond this covering there is another nature. That is spiritual nature. We get this information from the Vedic literature. Paras tasmat tu bhavo 'nyo 'vyakto 'vyaktat sanatanah - BG 8.20
- Beyond this inferior quality energy, I have got another, superior quality of energy." What is that? Jiva-bhuta. You can understand that jiva-bhuta, the living entity. Yayedam dharyate jagat - BG 7.5
- Bhagavad-duta, those who are strictly following the dictation of Krsna under strict disciplinary chain of disciplic succession, he is Krsna's representative, and he should be given all the respect
- Bhagavad-gita cannot be understood by so-called scholars by academic degrees. One has to become a devotee of Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita gives you full information so that you can accept God with your reason, with your argument, with your knowledge. It is not blind following
- Bhagavad-gita has taught that one can go back to home, back to Godhead, in any position, provided he knows how to tackle the situation
- Bhagavad-gita is a well-read book all over the world. In any country you will find edition of Bhagavad-gita by the language of the country. So in this Bhagavad-gita we find that Krsna is giving instruction about what is dharma, religion
- Bhagavad-gita is based on philosophy, this system, krsna-bhakti. Bhagavad-gita means krsna-bhakti, devotion to Krsna, Krsna consciousness. That is Bhagavad-gita
- Bhagavad-gita is eternal because it teaches what is your relationship with God, what is your eternal duty to God, and what is the ultimate end of life. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- Bhagavad-gita is real Vedanta. And if one understands Bhagavad-gita as it is, he is really Vedantist. Veda means knowledge, and anta means the last word. So last word of knowledge is Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita means the knowledge given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. Not secondary knowledge; first-hand knowledge
- Bhagavad-gita points out that you should always keep these four principles (birth, death, old age and disease) of misery in front. Then you'll be able to advance in spiritual path
- Bhagavad-gita says that - You may think of yourself as very happy within this material condition. That is called maya. Actually, it is not happiness
- Bhagavad-gita teaches us that anyone, if he worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead by sva-dharma, by his occupational duty, he also becomes perfect. For example, just like Arjuna
- Bhagavad-gita was instructed to Arjuna for his only qualification, that he was a devotee of Krsna. Bhakto 'si me sakha ceti
- Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, all these books should be studied from the direct meaning. Don't try to interpret
- Bhagavan is the first nominative case from the word bhagavata, and from bhagavata, Bhagavatam. Bhagavatam means in relationship with God and in relationship with the devotees of God
- Bhagavat-tattva, the science of God, is a vijnana. It is a science; it is not sentiment. Sentiment: I close my eyes and shed some tears, and then I go for smoking cigarette. That sentiment will not help us
- Bhagavata is natural commentary on Vedanta-sutra, and Lord Caitanya therefore gives evidence from the Bhagavata generally, and Puranas also, Mahabharata and Upanisad. They are all authorities
- Bhagavata is the natural commentary on the Vedanta-sutra. Therefore one who has sufficient knowledge in Bhagavata, he has automatically sufficient knowledge in Vedanta-sutra
- Bhagavata said that tarko 'pratisthah srutayo vibhinna - Simply by argument you cannot establish what is Absolute Truth, and if you consult different scriptures, you will find difference of opinion, or difference of procedures, rituals
- Bhagavata says that one should not become a father, a mother, one should not become a teacher, one should not become a king unless they are able to elevate their dependents to this spiritual knowledge, which can save him from repeated birth and death
- Bhagavata says that, "If you cannot develop the spiritual life of your dependent, then don't become a spiritual master, don't become a teacher, don't become a father, don't become a husband." These things are restricted
- Bhagavata says, dharmah projjhita-kaitavah (SB 1.1.2): "Except surrendering to Krsna, anything, that is simply cheating," cheating, kaitavah, cheating religion. This is challenged by God, cheating religion
- Bhagavatam is accepted as the real commentary on the Vedanta-sutra. Real commentary. Bhasyam brahma-sutranam. Vedartha paribrmhitam. These are the statements. This is accepted by the acaryas
- Bhagavatam is the eighteenth Purana. So there are seventeen Puranas still more, not yet touched. Beside that, there are 108 Upanisads. Then there is big Mahabharata, the great history of India. Then Ramayana
- Bhagavaty uttama-sloke bhaktir bhavati naisthiki, then your firm, steady, steadiness in devotional service will be fixed up
- Bhaj-dhatu means offering service, rendering service. So bhakti, bhajana, bhakta, bhagavata - they are coming from the same root, bhaja-dhatu, Sanskrit
- Bhaja vasudevam, this is not very much appealing. But this is the only way to become out of entanglement. Otherwise, we shall always remain in this false ego that "I am this body. I am of this material world," no information of the spiritual world
- Bhakti is not that it is something sentiment, without any basic principle of knowledge. No. It is fully based on Vedic knowledge
- Bhakti is nothing artificial. It is the activity of healthy stage. Just like a man, when he is diseased, his activities are differing from the man who is cured and healthy
- Bhakti means purificatory process. We are impure. Because we are impure, therefore we are undergoing so many tribulations, so many miserable condition of life
- Bhakti, devotional service, is not easy, but at the same time very easy, one moment's business, one moment's. But I must be willing
- Bhakti-marga cannot be checked by any material impediments. Simply we have to become very serious and sincere. So I am very glad to see that you are doing nice
- Bhakti-yoga process, if you can execute one percent, oh, it becomes asset, and next life you are guaranteed, because you will be given the facility of executing bhakti-yoga further. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, in every sastra
- Bhakti-yoga therefore requires little tapasya, not playthings. Tapasya, that, "We are addicted to so many sinful activities. We must give it up." That is tapasya
- Bhakti-yoga, karma-yoga, jnana-yoga - there are different names of yogas - but actual fact is how to link up our lost relationship with the Supreme Lord. That is called yoga. Yoga indriya-samyamah
- Bhaktivedanta has no difficulty. The things are already there. Simply you have to present them as it is. That's all. You become Vaisnava. Where is the difficulty? And as soon as you change, become over-intelligent, everything spoiled
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura is warning, "My dear friends, why you are being carried away by the waves of this material ocean?" Mayar bose, jaccho bhese', khaccho habudubu bhai. This is Vaisnava's desire
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, "It is very, very difficult to control the tongue." Therefore the tongue should be engaged in service of the Lord, beginning from the tongue
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, jada-vidya sab, mayara vaibhava, jibake koroye gadha (Kalyana-kalpa-taru). He has said like that, that so far advancement of material education means that so-called educated man is becoming more, more, more an ass
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings, "On account of my fruitive result before the beginning of the creation, I am now in this material ocean." "I do not find any means how to get out of it." This is knowledge
- Bhaktya mam abhijanati (BG 18.55): by devotional service. Neither by jnana, yoga, karma, no, that will not touch. You cannot become mad after Krsna by any means except by this devotional service. Therefore, we are so much conservative
- Bhaktya tutosa bhagavan gaja-yutha-paya (SB 7.9.9): "The God can be pleased only by the feelings of your love." That is required. But anyone can do that, provided he feels the gratitude that, - God is so kind
- Bharata-bhumite haila manusya-janma yara (CC Adi 9.41). The Indians' duty is to carry the message and give it to the other people, and then they'll do
- Bhaumasura, by the grace of Lord Siva, he got one thousand hands. And he wanted to fight, but he was so powerful that nobody would dare to come before him to fight
- Bhava means assimilation - "Oh, Krsna is so great." This is called bhava. That is real understanding, when you understand really this bhava stage. Bhava-bhakti
- Bhava means love, feelings, feelings of love, - Oh, Krsna is so great
- Bhaya means "to become afraid of." That is material nature. We are always afraid of. Therefore we have military strength. Your country is very busy in that way, how to protect. Everyone should be, protection
- Bhinna means the quality different; not of the same quality. Apareyam - This is inferior quality, but there is another, superior quality, jiva bhuta, and that is living entity
- Bhisma is accepted as mahajana, as authority. And what was his business? He wanted to kill Krsna and Arjuna. Just try to understand. Therefore, we have to follow only the instruction of mahajana; otherwise, we'll be bewildered
- Bhisma is stated as one of the authority, mahajana. But what did he do? He fought against Krsna and pierced with his arrows. You know, we have stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Bhisma understood later on that the five arrows were taken by Arjuna by trick. So still, he promised that, - Even without those five weapons, today I shall kill Arjuna
- Bhisma, everyone knows. Bhisma is one of the authorities, authorities of religious principle. There are twelve authorities
- Bhisma, he's authority. Next to Krsna, Bhisma is one of the authorities. There are twelve authorities: svayambhur naradah sambhuh kapilah kumaro manuh, prahlada bhisma janakah (SB 6.3.20). They are the authorities of piety, religion
- Bhisma, the Grandfather Bhisma, he is also mahajana. Therefore Bhisma's instruction in the Bhagavata should be taken seriously. And on his deathbed he instructed Maharaja Yudhisthira, and Krsna also heard