They go to the church for some material benefit: "O God, give us our daily bread," asking some material benefit. Similarly, Hindus also, they go to the temple, pray to the Lord, "My Lord, I am very much distressed. I have no money. Kindly give some money." So harināma, chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, should not be taken like that, that "I am chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra so that my material condition will improve." Not like that. Chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra means to come in contact with the Supreme Lord and increase my love for Him. That is the point. Prema pumārtho mahān. So if we think that it is śubha-kriyā—śubha-kriyā means something auspicious—no, that is also offense. We have already described so many offenses; this is also one of offense.
And next offense is nāmno balād yasya hi pāpa-buddhiḥ (Padma Purāṇa Brahma-khaṇḍa 25.16). Anyone who thinks that "I shall counteract the resultant action of my sinful life by chanting, atonement," prāyaścitta . . . just like one . . . somebody commits some sinful activity, and according to different śāstra, scripture, there are atonement. Just like in Christian religion, if they admit, then it is all right. No. Harināma should not be taken like that, to counteract my sinful activities, or, "Because I am chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra I can go on committing all kinds of sinful activities. It will be neutralized by my chanting." This is offense. Nāmno balād yasya hi pāpa-buddhiḥ. Pāpa-buddhiḥ means the desire for committing sinful activities.