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Your working so hard is not that to develop your material condition of life. You live peacefully, without any disturbance of hunger, but your life should be engaged in Krsna consciousness, asking about Krsna

Expressions researched:
"Your working so hard is not that to develop your material condition of life. You live peacefully, without any disturbance of hunger, but your life should be engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, asking about Kṛṣṇa"

Conversations and Morning Walks

1972 Conversations and Morning Walks

Jīvasya tattva-jijñāsā nārtho yaś ceha karmabhiḥ. Your working so hard is not that to develop your material condition of life. You live peacefully, without any disturbance of hunger, but your life should be engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, asking about Kṛṣṇa. That is life.

Śyāmasundara: We've all experienced that. We've had so much bread. What did we get?

Prabhupāda: That's it. Even you get bread, what do you get? Bread is already given even to the animals. That they do not know. Therefore they take religion for material gain, dharma artha. And Bhāgavata says, arthasya dharmaikāntasya kāmo lābhāya hi smṛtaḥ. When you get money, it is not for satisfaction of your senses. Kāmasya nendriya-prītir (SB 1.2.10). And when it is the question of kāma, desire, that does not mean sense gratification. Lābho jīveta yāvatā. Simply you have to accept thing for living. It is not that you shall not eat. You eat, live. Then what for living? Jīvasya tattva-jijñāsā nārtho yaś ceha karmabhiḥ. Your working so hard is not that to develop your material condition of life. You live peacefully, without any disturbance of hunger, but your life should be engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, asking about Kṛṣṇa. That is life.

So we don't want to stop all the activities. But they are busy always. They have no time for . . . ask all these men, they are obstructing, "What these people are doing?" You see? There is no end of their sense gratification. First of all, get one motorcar is required, "All right." As soon as he gets money, "I'll purchase another one for my son, another for my daughter, another for my wife." Going on, going on. And he has to maintain four motorcars, then work hard, hard, hard. So indriya-prītiḥ: "Oh, I have got a car. Why not my son?"

Śyāmasundara: Boy, it's vicious.

Prabhupāda: Vicious civilization. Simply increasing, increasing, increasing.

Page Title:Your working so hard is not that to develop your material condition of life. You live peacefully, without any disturbance of hunger, but your life should be engaged in Krsna consciousness, asking about Krsna
Created:2024-06-28, 20:29:13.000
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=1, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1