Anyone who is engaged in devotional service, unflinching devotional service, he's already on the Brahma stage, on the spiritual platform. He's already. He's not in the material platform.
This temple and these temple activities, they are not in Melbourne; they are in the spiritual world. Just like your embassy, Australian embassy. The members of the Australian embassy, suppose they are in foreign countries. They are not in foreign countries, they are in Australia. You know this international law? Suppose a embassy man has committed some mistake or violated the state law, he cannot be arrested so long he is in the embassy.
He cannot be arrested, unless the particular government hands him over. This is the etiquette. Suppose if your Australian ship goes to India. So long you are on the Australian ship, you are not under the Indian laws. These are international law. Similarly, so long one is engaged in Kṛṣṇa's service in this temple, he's not in Melbourne or in this material world. He's in the spiritual world. This is the principle.