Category:In The Spiritual World
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Pages in category "In The Spiritual World"
The following 189 pages are in this category, out of 189 total.
- A devotee is always situated in the spiritual world. Therefore he does not desire anything. He is known as akama, or desireless, because he has nothing to desire except to render transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- According to the Tattvavadis, the highest goal is returning home, back to Godhead, but in Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's opinion the highest goal is attaining love of Godhead, in either the material world or the spiritual world
- Although pure goodness, or suddha-sattva, is the basic principle in the spiritual world, pure manifestation of goodness is not possible in this material world. Thus, the struggle for existence between different material qualities is always present
- Although there is no creation in the spiritual world, which is eternal, it is still to be understood that the Vaikuntha planets depend on the thinking energy of the Supreme Lord
- Any activities spiritual, that is all good, and any activity, material, that is all bad. This is the difference. Here, the so-called morality, goodness, they're all bad. And in the spiritual world, so-called immorality is also good
- Any material happiness is like water in a ditch, whereas the spiritual happiness eternally enjoyed in the spiritual world is like an ocean of nectar in which a devotee wants to swim
- As soon as we are in the spiritual world, in spiritual activities, then we are one. There is no discordance. There is no opposing elements. But so long we exist in the material world, everything opposing
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita (BS 5.40), the Brahman effulgence emanating from the body of the Supreme Lord creates innumerable planets in both the spiritual and material worlds; thus these planets are creations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As there are many planets within the material world, there are many millions of planets, called Vaikunthalokas, in the spiritual world. All these Vaikunthalokas, or superior planets, rest on the effulgence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As we have learned from the Second Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the ruling power of the demigods and the influence of material nature are conspicuous by their absence in the spiritual world
- At any stage in the material world, they (the living entities) are all dreaming. In the spiritual world, however, everything is awake
- Bankruptcy is a term that applies in the material world, but the storehouse of love of Godhead in the spiritual world can never be depleted
- Because this material world is a chaotic condition, therefore there is necessity of law and order. In the spiritual world there is no such thing
- Being situated in the spiritual world is certainly pleasurable, but those who realize the transcendental name, form, qualities and pastimes of Lord Krsna enjoy transcendental bliss many times more than one who has simply realized the self
- Brahma-samhita (5.37) confirms that Krsna expands Himself by His pleasure potency in the spiritual world and that these potencies are all nondifferent from Krsna
- By desire you are creating everything. Why these material varieties? You desire. In the spiritual world also, varieties
- By offering even water, newly grown grass, or flower buds at Your lotus feet, those who maintain no mental duplicity can achieve the most exalted position within the spiritual world
- Even in the spiritual world there is varieties. That varieties are reflected in this material world. Therefore here also, we love somebody as friend, we love somebody as wife, we love somebody as father, we love somebody as mother, like that
- Even one is married, he wants to love another's wife. Or if the girl married she wants to love another husband. Why? That is there (in the spiritual world). But without inebriety. That is the beauty
- Every incarnation of the Lord has His own abode in the spiritual sky. Therefore Lord Kapila also has His separate Vaikuntha planet
- For a devotee, being situated in the heavenly planets and being in the hellish planets are equal, for a devotee lives neither in heaven nor in hell but with Krsna in the spiritual world
- For them (living entities who do not satisfy Krsna), it (material energy) is there, "All right. Your field of activities, here." So it is not Krsna's desire. It is fulfill your desire. Because in the spiritual world, Krsna is supreme
- Here in the material world we serve somebody with a motive, for some material gain. But in the spiritual world, to serve God means - It is my duty. I love him. I want to serve Him
- Here is no inebrieties, in the spiritual world. Here it is full of inebrieties. You'll see that Krsna is enjoying with the gopis but there is no inebriety. There is no pregnancy, there is no abortion. That is the beauty
- Here it is said that the supreme predominating Deity is Krsna, in the spiritual, in the topmost planet in the spiritual sky. This is material sky. In the material sky this is one of the universes. There are millions and trillions of universes
- Here, this is also Krsna's exhibition of maya, but it is temporary. In the another, spiritual world, that is also exhibition of Krsna's maya, but it is permanent. Here is a perverted reflection. Just like shadow of the tree in the water
- I never discourage marriage, providing it is for Krsna's service and not for simply sex life. It is always meant for a higher purpose. In God's creation there is male and female even in the spiritual world and there is purpose for such creation
- I require the real water. That is the nature of the relative world and relative consciousness. But in the spiritual world or spiritual consciousness, the name is the same as the thing that is named
- If the citizens are trained to become devotees, they will automatically become peaceful and honest, and if they are guided by a devoted king advised by devotees, the state will not be in the material world but in the spiritual world
- If we can induce even one person to understand that this material world is not meant for our living, our real home is in the spiritual world, and if we can convince this philosophy to even a single person, that is the success of our missionary activities
- If we join with Krsna, we also enjoy the varieties of pleasure eternally in the spiritual world. That is success of life
- If we live in the temple, we live in the spiritual world because in the temple there is no business other than Krsna consciousness. There are so many engagements carried out for Krsna
- If you live in the temple or if you live in God's business, Krsna consciousness, then you are in the spiritual world. You are not in the material world. Material world means where God is forgotten
- In Brahma-samhita we learn about the desire tree which is found in the spiritual world, especially in Krsnaloka, the abode of Lord Krsna
- In modern human civilization, sex is the central point of all activities; indeed, wherever we turn our face we see sex life prominent. Consequently sex life is not unreal; its true reality is experienced in the spiritual world
- In order to go to the spiritual world after penetrating the covering of the material universe, one must penetrate Brahma-loka, the spiritual effulgence. Then one can come to the Goloka Vrndavana planet
- In the absolute platform, in the spiritual world, Krsna is the supreme whole spirit. Therefore He may expand Himself. Advaita acyuta anadi ananta-rupam (Bs. 5.33). Ananta-rupam, various kinds of forms
- In the Bhagavad-gita, you'll find, all these planetary manifestations is situated in one fourth of His (Krsna's) effulgence. Three fourths of the manifestation are in the spiritual sky
- In the desert there is no water, but the mirage suggests that there is such a thing as water. In the material world there is no water, there is no happiness, but the real water of actual happiness is there in the spiritual world
- In the desert there is no water, but the mirage suggests that there is such a thing as water. In the material world there is no water, there is no happiness, but the real water of actual happiness is there in the spiritual world. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the material world one is always a servant of a greater person, and in the spiritual world our constitutional position is to serve the Supreme, the greatest, param brahma. This is the instruction of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In the material world the senses are manipulated for individual and personal satisfaction, whereas in the spiritual world the senses are properly used for the purpose for which they were originally meant, namely the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord
- In the material world there is difference between a sweeper and a cook; in the spiritual world a person who sweeps the temple and a person who worships in the temple are all the same. That is absolute knowledge
- In the material world this sort of relationship (the attraction of a married woman for a man other than her husband) is most abominable because it is a perverted reflection of the parakiya-rasa in the spiritual world
- In the prison house there are some population, but they are not majority. The majority of the population, they're outside the prison house. Similarly, majority of living being, part & parcel of God, they are in the spiritual world. Only a few falls down
- In the Sixth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam we read that when the Vaikuntha-dutas came to take Ajamila, they were four-handed and very beautiful. In the spiritual world, there are four-handed living entities, and they are all nitya-mukta, eternally liberated
- In the spiritual sky you will find happiness, real happiness. In the material sky there is no happiness. How it can be happiness, because the four things are there, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi
- In the spiritual world all existence is unadulterated goodness. The goodness found in the material world is contaminated by the modes of passion and ignorance
- In the spiritual world God and God's son or God's friend or God's lover, anyone is the... They're in the same platform, spiritual. Therefore they are identical
- In the spiritual world of Vrndavana the buildings are made of touchstone, the cows are known as surabhi cows, givers of abundant milk, and the trees are known as wish-fulfilling trees, for they yield whatever one desires
- In the spiritual world satisfaction of the senses is equally shared by the transcendental reciprocators. Since the activities are unlimited and constantly increasing, there is no scope for material attempts or artificial arrangements
- In the spiritual world the body does not change; there is no old age, there is no birth, there is no death. There all exists in oneness. BG 1972 purports
- In the spiritual world the love between the gopis and Krsna is constantly increasing. That is the difference between transcendental love and material lust
- In the spiritual world the only enjoyer is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All others are enjoyed
- In the spiritual world the SP of Godhead has all the dealings of love, displaying the symptoms called sattvika, sancari, vilapa, murccha and unmada. Thus when Lord Ramacandra was separated from Sita, all these spiritual symptoms were manifested
- In the spiritual world the unalloyed quality of goodness prevails; there the quality of goodness is called suddha-sattva, pure goodness. Another name for suddha-sattva is vasudeva because God is born from Vasudeva
- In the spiritual world the Vaikunthalokas are themselves illuminated; there is therefore no need of sun, moon or electric light
- In the spiritual world there is another energy: the superior, spiritual energy, or internal energy, known as Yogamaya. She also works under the Lord's direction, but in the spiritual world
- In the spiritual world there it appears that gopis are dressed very nicely not for the purpose of her own satisfaction. They want to satisfy Krsna, that "If I dress nicely, Krsna will be pleased"
- In the spiritual world there often seems to be no difference between the master and the servant. For instance, Krsna's friends the cowherd boys - they do not know that Krsna is God. They play with Him on equal terms
- In the spiritual world this religious principle of Krsna consciousness is maintained in harmony, and therefore that world is called Vaikuntha. If the same principles can be adopted here, wholly or partially, then it is also Vaikuntha
- In the spiritual world to accept one's inferior position does not mean envious mentality upon the other
- In the spiritual world you cannot become a competitor of Krsna. That is not possible. In this material world you can become a false competitor of Krsna. Your position is false
- In the spiritual world, all the perverted forms of material variegatedness are fully represented in their original spiritual identity. The only difference is that material activities are contaminated by the three modes of material nature
- In the spiritual world, because everything is spiritual, therefore it may be father, it may be son, it may be land, it may be water, it may be flower, it may be trees, whatever it may be - varieties there are
- In the spiritual world, everyone has a spiritual body. There is no conception of material existence there. In the spiritual world there is only service and the receiving of service. There is only sevya, seva, and sevaka
- In the spiritual world, if the servant cannot serve under certain conditions, the master is still pleased. And if the master does not pay, the servant is also pleased. That is called oneness, absolute
- In the spiritual world, if we take a mango from a tree and at the same time desire grapes, the tree will supply them. This is called a "desire tree." These are some of the actualities of the spiritual world
- In the spiritual world, Krsna and His devotees are friends, and they play together as cowherd boys. They are not interested in Brahmaloka or Candraloka, for these planets will ultimately be annihilated
- In the spiritual world, people are not very attracted to sex life, due to their exalted devotional attitude
- In the spiritual world, separation is more relishable than meeting
- In the spiritual world, these three things, four things, are conspicuous by absence. There is no necessity of eating there, no sleeping, no mating, no defense. That is spiritual life
- In the spiritual world, Vrndavana everyone - Mother Yasoda, Nanda Maharaja, Srimati Radharani, the gopis, the cowherd boys, Sridama, Sudama, the land, the water, the trees, the birds - all are trying to satisfy Krsna. That is the real meaning of Vrndavana
- In the spiritual world, which is tamasah para, which is beyond this darkness of this material world, there is jyoti
- In the ultimate issue there is nothing material because everything has its origin in the spiritual world. The material manifestation is therefore called illusion in the proper sense of the term
- In the Vaikuntha world all the living entities are in oneness with the Supreme Godhead because they never defy His orders. Here in the material world, however, they are not sammata, agreeable, but always asammata, disagreeable
- In this material world we require sunlight and moonlight, but in the spiritual world there is no need of sunlight and moonlight because everything and everyone is effulgent
- It is well known that Narada Muni travels everywhere, both in the spiritual and material worlds
- Just like Krsna is dressed, similarly, His friends, cowherd boys, they are also dressed. In the spiritual world, when you go, you'll not be able to understand who is Krsna and who is not Krsna. Everyone is like Krsna
- Just like we have got many universes within this material world, similarly, there are many spiritual planets in the spiritual world. These are common sense affairs. Why people will not understand
- Kama spirit, or the desire for one's own satisfaction, is fully exhibited in the material world, whereas the spirit of akamah is fully exhibited in the spiritual world
- KC is so nice that you are aspiring for still more work. That is the sign of spiritual life. In the material world we want to minimize our activities and take rest more but in the spiritual world, there is no rest and there is no limit of activities
- Krsna comes down to teach us how we can enjoy with Him on the spiritual platform, in the spiritual world. Not only does He come, but He personally displays His pastimes in Vrndavana and attracts people to spiritual enjoyment
- Krsna showed that the spiritual world is not devoid of such pleasurable facilities of life. The only difference is that in the spiritual world such facilities are eternal, never-ending occurrences
- Krsna will give you, whatever you want - but in this material world. In the spiritual world you cannot become a competitor of Krsna
- Krsna, who is the Supreme Brahman and Supersoul, is not at all interested in anything material. His activities with the gopis are all spiritual and take place within the spiritual world. They have nothing to do with the material world
- Marginal energy is that the jiva soul is always called marginal energy whether he is in the spiritual world or in the material world. There are instances where marginal energy jiva souls have fallen from the spiritual world, just like Jaya and Vijaya
- Material conception there is difference. If you want water, simply by chanting, "water, water," your satisfaction will not be there. But in the spiritual world, everything being absolute, there is no difference between the name Krsna and the person Krsna
- Material world is also existing in the spiritual world, but it is covered and in a fragmental segment
- Material world is not spiritual world. In the spiritual world you haven't got to work, neither you have to eat. Everything is complete
- Materially obtained opulences are never fixed, but all six opulences perpetually exist in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not only in the spiritual world, but also in this material world
- Men with poor fund of knowledge do not know, in the material world however you try to arrange things very right, it will always fail. But in the spiritual world the spiritual varieties displayed by Krishna along with his associates gives eternal pleasure
- One should know that beyond this material nature is another nature, which is spiritual. Just as there are material forms in this material world, there are spiritual forms in the spiritual world. This is confirmed by all Vedic literature
- Our father is Krsna. We can live in the spiritual world very comfortably without any botheration, without endeavor for earning money, but we have decided that we shall live here in this material world. This is called ass
- Our movement is meant for training spiritual leaders, but without hearing and chanting it is impossible to become a leader. Of course, in the material world it is possible, but not in the spiritual world
- Our natural position is to provide enjoyment for Krsna. In the spiritual world, for example, Krsna enjoys, and the gopis, the transcendental cowherd girls, supply the ingredients for Krsna's enjoyment. This is bhakti
- Real happiness can be achieved in the spiritual world. Not in the material world. So certain amount of happiness and certain amount of distress we have to enjoy and suffer. You cannot change it. This is the law of nature in this material world
- Real opulence is in the spiritual world. In the spiritual world the predominating Deity is the Lord Himself, whereas in the material world there are many lords. That is the difference between the internal and external energies
- Romantic love is in the spiritual world, Radha-Krsna. That is the origin of romantic love
- Santa-rasa is a very grand idea for materialistic philosophers, but such idealistic appreciation is only the beginning; it is the lowest among the relationships in the spiritual world
- Sex life is not unreal; its true reality is experienced in the spiritual world. Material sex is but a perverted reflection of the original; the original is found in the Absolute Truth
- So long you are on the Australian ship, you are not under the Indian laws. These are international law. Similarly, so long one is engaged in Krsna's service in this temple, he's not in Melbourne or in this material world. He's in the spiritual world
- Some of these conditioned souls are engaged in the false enjoyment of material senses and others in simply negating their real life in the spiritual world
- Sometimes devotees desire to enjoy material happiness also; therefore, by the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the devotee is given a chance to enjoy the material world before his final entrance into the spiritual world
- Son of Prtha, a transcendentalist engaged in auspicious activities does not meet with destruction either in this world or in the spiritual world; one who does good, My friend, is never overcome by evil - (BG 6.40) - Krsna replied to Arjuna
- Sridhara Svami comments, bhagavattvaya bhagavat-saman aisvaryaya. Bhagavattva, becoming as good as the SP of Godhead, does not mean becoming one with Him or equal to Him, although in the spiritual world the servant is equally as opulent as the master
- Such sensual activities (for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord) are natural, and therefore sense gratification there (in the spiritual world) is uninterrupted and unbroken by material contamination because the senses are spiritually purified
- Svayambhuva Manu instructs that whatever exists, not only in the spiritual world but even within this material world, is the property of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is present everywhere as the Superconsciousness
- That reflection in the water, of the tree, is not real. Real tree is up. Similarly, real enjoyment, real varieties - everything is in the spiritual world. It is simply reflection. It is not fact. Therefore our enjoyment here is called maya, or illusion
- That you should understand. Not that remembering or not remembering. Even in the spiritual world, they do not know that Krsna is God
- The activities in the spiritual world are without any of the inebrieties of the material world, but there is no question of impersonal voidness on the spiritual platform, as suggested by the impersonalists
- The activities of devotional service both in this world and in the spiritual world are one and the same
- The Blessed Lord said: Son of Prtha, a transcendentalist engaged in auspicious activities does not meet with destruction either in this world or in the spiritual world; one who does good, My friend, is never overcome by evil. BG 6.40 - 1972
- The captivating power of woman, and man's susceptibility to such attraction, must also exist in the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the spiritual world and must be represented in the transcendental pastimes of the Lord
- The difference between the material and spiritual worlds is that His external energy is manifested in the material world whereas His spiritual energy exists in the spiritual world
- The greatness of the living entity can be perceived when he is in the spiritual world, engaged in spiritual activities
- The impersonal manifestation, either in this material world or in the spiritual world of the Supreme Lord, is a problem for meditation. Actually, one cannot perfectly conceive of the impersonal feature of the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity who enjoys the interaction of the above gross and subtle ingredients, as set up by eternal time, is an offshoot of internal potency, with freedom to remain either in the material world or in the spiritual world
- The Lord's supremacy is equal in both the spiritual and material worlds, but the spiritual world is called the kingdom of God, and the material world is called the kingdom of maya. Maya refers to that which is not actually fact
- The major portion of the living entities, they are in the spiritual world. They are called nitya-mukta, ever-liberated. And we, in this material world, we are nitya-baddha, ever-conditioned
- The manifested cosmic creation appears as reality. But reality, of which this is but a shadow, is in the spiritual world
- The manifested cosmic creation appears to be reality, but it is simply a reflection of the true reality which exists in the spiritual world
- The material qualities of goodness, passion and ignorance cannot act in the spiritual world, which is therefore called nirguna, as clearly indicated in the Bhagavad-gita
- The material world is shadow reflection of the spiritual world. Unless the original thing is there in the spiritual world, it cannot be reflected in the material world
- The original form of the Personality of Godhead is actually the svarupa, or real form, and He eternally resides in the Vaikuntha world (Visnuloka)
- The other three fourths of His (Lord Krsna) energy are displayed in the spiritual world, and so what can the tiny scientist with a tiny brain know of the Absolute Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna?
- The parakiya-rasa of the spiritual world should not be discussed except by one who is very advanced in pure devotional service. The parakiya-rasa in the spiritual world and that in the material world are not comparable
- The Paramatma manifestation is also a temporary all-pervasive aspect of the Ksirodakasayi Visnu. The Paramatma manifestation is not eternal in the spiritual world. BG 1972 purports
- The river fishes sometimes go to the sea, but the sea fishes, they never come to the river. Similarly, there are living entities in the spiritual world. They never come in this material world. Their number is greater, at least three times greater
- The separation of Lord Ramacandra from Sita is spiritually understood as vipralambha, which is an activity of the hladini potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead belonging to the srngara-rasa, the mellow of conjugal love in the spiritual world
- The significance of spirituality is that everything is eternal and inexhaustible. Everything taken from everything remains everything, or, as has been stated, in the spiritual world one minus one equals one, and one plus one equals one
- The Supreme Lord bestows upon His pure devotee the inconceivable power that allows him to stay aloof from all mundane circumstances and reside eternally in the spiritual world
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead has innumerable expansions of His transcendental form who eternally exist in the spiritual world
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is that in the internal energy, or in the spiritual world, all the opulences are undisturbed, whereas in the external or material energy, all the opulences are temporary manifestations
- The tendency to be attracted by womanly beauty is natural because it exists in the spiritual world
- The tendency to be attracted by womanly beauty is natural because it exists in the spiritual world. In the material world it is reflected pervertedly, and therefore there are so many inebrieties
- The transactions between lover and beloved in the spiritual world are pure transcendental love and unadulterated bliss
- The transactions of the spiritual world are inconceivable to us in our present state of life. Great liberated souls like Rupa Gosvami and others have tried to give us some hints of transcendental activities in the spiritual world
- The transcendental opulence in the spiritual world is caused by yogamaya, whereas the opulence in the material world is caused by mahamaya
- The varieties of this world would be impossible unless there were a real prototype in the spiritual world. The Mayavadi philosopher cannot understand this
- The vast majority of living entities live in the spiritual world and are called aksara. They are in the position of Brahman, pure spiritual existence. They are different from those who have been conditioned by the three modes of material nature
- The whole relationship, as we have got experience in this world, the same relationship are there in the spiritual world. But that relationship is not contaminated with matter. Therefore they are pure and transcendental
- The whole relationship, just as we have experience of it in this world, is there in the spiritual world, that relationship is not contaminated by matter. Therefore it is pure and transcendental. It is of a different nature
- There (in the spiritual world) the enjoyment is brahman, whereas here (in the material world) the enjoyment is jada. The Krsna consciousness movement is meant to train one how to transfer oneself from the jada to the Brahman
- There are also other planets in the spiritual world, called Vaikuntha planets, and on these planets Lord Narayana is worshiped with awe and veneration. On these planets santa-rasa is prevalent
- There are innumerable living entities, the majority of whom are in the spiritual world and are nitya-mukta, everlastingly liberated. There is no question of judging these liberated living beings
- There are innumerable planets in the material world and innumerable planets in the spiritual world as well. On each planet there are innumerable inhabitants who worship the Lord, for the Lord is worshipable by all but the impersonalists
- There are many yogis. They have got very exalted, extraordinary power. Just like Durvasa Muni. He once traveled all over the space. Not only within this universe - he traveled outside the universe in the spiritual world, and he saw the SPG face to face
- There are two classes of beings, the fallible and the infallible. In the material world every living entity is fallible, and in the spiritual world every living entity is called infallible
- There are various associates of the transcendental Personality of Godhead, and His weapons and carrier are among them. In the spiritual world, nothing is material
- There cannot be any love in this material world. Because love is between spirit and spirit. But if we try to love the Supreme Spirit, Krsna, then we shall understand how our love can be spread in the spiritual world
- There is no duality in the spiritual world. One plus one equals one, and one minus one equals one. If we love Krsna, that love will not be destroyed as love is in the material world
- There is no reality in the manifested world, but there appears to be reality because the true reality exists in the spiritual world, where the Personality of Godhead eternally abides with His transcendental paraphernalia
- They (the devotees) are above goodness! Suddha-sattva. The devotees are not in this material world. They are in the spiritual world
- This is the nature of Krsna. One can take everything, and yet the same will remain. In the material world, one minus one equals zero, but in the spiritual world, one minus one equals one. That is called advaya jnana
- This sense gratification (like the gopis dancing) in association with Krsna is not gross sense gratification; rather, it is the spiritual sense gratification enjoyed in the spiritual world
- Those in ignorance of this (variegatedness in the spiritual world) think that spiritual existence is opposed to material variety. But actually, in the spiritual sky, one attains a spiritual form
- Those who are in the spiritual world are known to be completely self-realized because on the spiritual platform the living entity is not forgetful of his service to the Lord
- Time cannot deteriorate or interfere with the conditions in the spiritual world, where different manifestations of the Lord are the recipients of the worship of different living entities in their constitutional spiritual positions
- Time cannot deteriorate or interfere with the conditions in the spiritual world, where different manifestations of the SP of Godhead are the recipients of the worship of different living entities in their constitutional spiritual positions
- We are chanting Hare Krsna. If Krsna were different from the chanting of Hare Krsna, then how could we be satisfied chanting the whole day and night? This is the proof - in the spiritual world, the name is the same as the thing that is named
- We are thinking that being a servant of God is like being a servant of some man, but in the spiritual world the servant and the served are the same. For instance, the guru is the servant of Krsna, but he is accepted as Krsna
- We can live in the spiritual world very comfortably without any botheration, without endeavor for earning money, but we have decided that we shall live here in this material world. This is called ass
- We can never expect to find any kind of utopia, even in the spiritual world. Where ever there are persons there are bound to be differences, so we should not expect any kind of perfect arrangement, especially here in the material world
- We can take it for granted that in the spiritual world, stool and urine are also pleasantly scented
- We can take it for granted that in the spiritual world, stool and urine are also pleasantly scented. Indeed, the entire atmosphere became very pleasant due to Lord Rsabhadeva's stool and urine
- We have got experience: one minus one equal to zero. But there, in the spiritual world . . . that is called Absolute. Millions times one minus, still, the original one is one. That is Krsna. Advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam - Bs. 5.33
- We should understand that in the spiritual world all these activities (like fighting and stealing) exist, but there is no inebriety, whereas in the material world all activities are full of miserable conditions
- When one is situated within the material world, it is not possible to experience this Brahman effulgence. In other words, in the material world this effulgence is not manifested, whereas in the spiritual world it is manifested
- When the girls live together they will pick up quarrels. Anyway, that sort of quarreling will continue whenever there is a little bit individuality. Even such quarreling is visible in the spiritual world also
- When this Vrndavana is exhibited in the material world the place is called Gokula, and in the spiritual world it is called Goloka, or Goloka Vrndavana
- Wherever one turns his face, he sees sex life predominant. Therefore, sex life is not unreal. Its reality is experienced in the spiritual world
- Why Arjuna was puzzled by Krsna's going to see Karanarnavasayi Visnu in the spiritual world is fully discussed in the commentaries of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, as follows
- Without hearing and chanting, to become leader it is impossible. You can, you can become leader in the material world, but not in the spiritual world