Devotee (5): Śrīla Prabhupāda, how is it possible to obtain humility?
Madhudvisa: His question was, "How is it possible to obtain humility?"
Prabhupāda: That is in your hand. We are teaching that you become humble, meek, surrender. If you don't do it, that is your . . . you have got the independence. That is your business. Where is the humility? You are already surrendering to so many nonsense habits. Why not surrender to Kṛṣṇa? A little intelligence that, "I have surrendered to my sense enjoyment. My senses are dictating to do something, and I am doing it. I am doing it. So my business is to surrender. So I have already surrendered to my sense activities, to my whims, to my whimsical activities. Why not surrender to Kṛṣṇa?" A little intelligence. You cannot be independent. Just like if you say that "Don't care for the government laws." You may say, but you have to take care. You have to take care. Similarly, you may say that, "I don't surrender to Kṛṣṇa," then māyā is there. Māyā is there immediately, he takes charge . . . she takes charge.
- daivī hy eṣā guṇamayī
- mama māyā duratyayā
- (BG 7.14)
Then you become servant of intoxication, this, that, so many things. But if you are intelligent, then you will understand your position that, "I have already surrendered to so many nonsense things. Why not give up this and surrender to Kṛṣṇa?" This is intelligence.