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A typhoid patient, he's lying on the bed, the doctor physician has advised, "Don't take any solid food. Take liquid food - barley water, glucose water," this is tapasya

Expressions researched:
"a patient, typhoid patient, he's lying on the bed, the doctor physician has advised," |"Don't take any solid food. Take liquid food—barley water, glucose water," |"this is tapasya"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

A patient, typhoid patient, he's lying on the bed, the doctor physician has advised, "Don't take any solid food. Take liquid food—barley water, glucose water," this is tapasya. This is tapasya. In order to cure him from the disease he should follow the instruction of the physician if he wants to be cured.

Tapasya is not very severe thing. Tapasya means to abide by the orders of the śāstra. Just like a diseased man, his tapasya is to abide by the orders of the physician. The physician says that "You do this; you do not do this." So just like a patient, typhoid patient, he's lying on the bed, the doctor physician has advised, "Don't take any solid food. Take liquid food—barley water, glucose water," this is tapasya. This is tapasya. In order to cure him from the disease he should follow the instruction of the physician if he wants to be cured. Then . . . but if he wants to do anything and everything as he likes, then he'll suffer. So tapasya is required.

So Vedic civilization teaches this human . . . really humanity. Vedic civilization does not teach that you do irresponsible anything and everything, and that is accepted. Nowadays, the so-called Vedāntists and so-called Vedic civilization, they are also advocating, "Yes, you can do whatever you like; there is no restriction." But actually that is not the fact. There is restriction: you should eat like this, you should sleep like this, you should mate like this, you should defend like this. They are required. That is called tapasya: voluntarily accepting for my interest. Tapasā, brahmacarya.

Brahmacarya means celibacy, not to use the semina unnecessarily, discharge. That is called brahmacarya. Therefore the students are advised, or they are trained up. The students are sent to gurukula to be trained up as brahmacārī. Just like we have opened our gurukula āśrama in Dallas. We are teaching from the very beginning of life small children how to become brahmacārī. That is required. Recently we have received their picture, how nicely they're looking, the children. Children, they're innocent. If you want to kill, you can kill; if you want to train him just like a perfect man, you can train him.

Page Title:A typhoid patient, he's lying on the bed, the doctor physician has advised, "Don't take any solid food. Take liquid food - barley water, glucose water," this is tapasya
Created:2024-09-23, 12:50:26.000
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1