Fourth-class men means śūdra-karma svabhāva-jam. What is that? Paricaryātmakaṁ karmam (BG 18.44). Just like dog. A dog, unless it has got a nice master, it is street dog. A street dog. It has no value. Anyone can kill, and it has no shelter, loitering in the street. So śūdra means dog's position. If he does not get a nice master, then he's street dog. In spite of high education—M.A., Ph.D., D.A.C, and this and that—if he does not get any employment, he's street dog. What is his value? Eh? "Oh, I have studied high technical education." But if you do not get a service for using your education, then you are a street dog. Is it not? Everyone is searching after some service, service, service. So this service attitude means śūdra. Paricaryātmakaṁ karma śūdra-karma svabhāva-jam (BG 18.44).
In the śāstras, therefore, it is said that the brahmins, even there is some difficult time . . . just like nowadays, at the present moment, we are creating brāhmins, but people do not much like us. They do not care for us. "What is this Kṛṣṇa consciousness, chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, their street . . .?" They are thinking they are beggars. But they are the most intelligent class, brāhmaṇas. They do not honor. So this Kali-yuga, actual intelligent class of men has no honor. A third-class man, fourth-class man, fifth-class man has got honor if he gets some money. That is the system of Kali-yuga. Somehow or other, you gather money and you are fifth-class, tenth-class man—you will be honored. This is Kali-yuga. Not for your qualification, but because you have got money you are honored. This is going on.