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Pages in category "Kill"
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- Abhimanyu, the son of Subhadra, Krsna's younger sister, was killed at the Battle of Kuruksetra by the combined efforts of all the commanders in King Duryodhana's army - namely Karna, Asvatthama, Jayadratha, Bhisma, Krpacarya and Dronacarya
- Even saintly persons take pleasure in the killing of a scorpion or a snake
- Generally killing is not good at all, but when there is an enemy, an aggressor, then to kill the aggressor is not sinful
- If a ksatriya engaged in his own occupation kills an enemy, there is no sin incurred
- Kill the self
- Soul cannot be killed
- This killer of baby within the womb, so the result will be that this man who is indulging in abortion, he'll be put into the womb, and somebody will kill him
- A brahmana does not require to kill a person with weapon. No. That is ksatriya's business
- A brahmana is not butcher. Neither a ksatriya. Ksatriya fights, kills, but in regular religious fight. Not that by whimsically he'll fight and kill men. No. So here it is said, nijagrahaujasa virah
- A child is born and the material nature is killing this child every moment. The child has grown, two years old. That means material nature has already killed this child for two years. How you can stop this?
- A cow gives forty pounds, fifty pounds milk daily, but it does not drink. Although it is her milk, no, it gives you, human society: "You take. But don't kill me. Let me live. I am eating only grass." Just see. And the civilized men killing them
- A cruel and wretched person who maintains his existence at the cost of others' lives deserves to be killed for his own well-being, otherwise he will go down by his own actions
- A demon named Maniman lived near his abode in the form of a snake, and at the age of five Madhvacarya killed that snake with the toe of his left foot. When his mother was very much disturbed, he would appear before her in one jump
- A demon of the name Jatasura kidnapped her (Draupadi), but her second husband, Bhimasena, killed the demon and saved her. She saved the Pandavas from the curse of Maharsi Durvasa by the grace of Lord Krsna
- A devotee is the friend not only of human society but of all living entities, for he sees all living entities as sons of Godhead. He does not claim himself to be the only son of God and allow all others to be killed, thinking that they have no soul
- A dog, unless it has got a nice master, it is street dog. A street dog. It has no value. Anyone can kill, and it has no shelter, loitering in the street
- A gang of thieves has a signboard - "Goodman and Company." The philosophy is that when an animal is not properly nourished, that is cruelty. Therefore instead of allowing it to starve, better to kill it. That is their theory. Is it not
- A human being endowed with knowledge certainly commits sin if he kills or torments insignificant creatures, who have no discrimination
- A Krsna conscious person will not distinguish like that. For eating animal, they will philosophize that animal has no soul; therefore it can be killed. No. This is nonsense
- A ksatriya cannot tolerate insults on the principle of fighting. Bhismadeva therefore promised that the next day he would kill all five Pandavas with special weapons made for the purpose
- A ksatriya does not hesitate to kill his own brother. In other words, Balarama wanted to instruct Rukmini that Rukmi, Krsna were right in not showing mercy to each other in the fighting, despite family consideration, they happened to be brothers-in-law
- A ksatriya is allowed to kill only for maintenance of the law and order of the state; he is not allowed to kill or commit violence without reason
- A ksatriya is profited, either dead or alive. That will be explained. Because in a fighting, I mean to say, real religious fighting, on principle it is a ksatriya is not responsible for killing
- A ksatriya who is fighting for the real cause, as sanctioned by the dharma-sastras, then both ways he's profited. If he becomes victorious, he's profited, but if he's killed in the battle, he's also profited
- A lusty materialist is like a goat, for it is said that if goats meant for slaughter get the opportunity, they enjoy sex before being killed. Human beings, however, are meant for self-realization
- A man who is too materialistic will cheat anyone, kill anyone, beg, borrow, or steal - anything to bring money. He knows that his buildings, his family, his wife and children cannot continue to exist perpetually
- A medical practitioner may kill a patient by mistaken treatment, but such a killer is never condemned to death. So what to speak of a good and pious king like Maharaja Pariksit?
- A murderer is to be killed. Then his sins out of this murdering will be counteracted. If he lives, then he has to suffer so many tribulations. Better let him be killed. Then everything's finished. Life for life
- A national leader who is very great in serving his country is sometimes killed by his countrymen because of irregular service
- A person who commits murder is envious of himself and also the person he has killed, for the result of committing murder is that he will be arrested and hanged
- A person who desires unalloyed devotional service to Lord Krsna, who is praised by transcendental sound vibrations, should always hear about His glorification & transcendental qualities. This will surely kill all kinds of inauspiciousness in the heart
- A person who in this life is proud of his eminent position, and who heedlessly sacrifices animals simply for material prestige, is put into the hell called Visasana after death. There the assistants of Yamaraja kill him after giving him unlimited pain
- A public leader, a politician, he's thinking that - Without me, all the members of my nation will die. So let me work day and night. Up to the point of my death or up to the point until I am killed by somebody, I have to work so hard
- A relative should not be killed even if his wrongdoing warrants capital punishment. Rather, he should be thrown out of the family. Since he has already been killed by his own sin, why kill him again?
- A renounced life, sannyasa, if he is following the regulative principles, that is sannyasa asrama. Not that imitating somebody, I put on a saffron dress and I become a sannyasi and by begging I live. This has killed the sanatana-dharma society
- A sadhu is kind not only to human beings but to cats, dogs, trees, plants and insects; he will hesitate even to kill one mosquito
- A sadhu, a saintly person, a righteous person, a religious person, will never be happy by other's killing. But killing of persons like scorpion and serpent
- A sane man who does not want to glide down to the species of demoniac life must try to give up these three enemies which can kill the self to such an extent that there will be no possibility of liberation from this material entanglement. BG 1972 purports
- A scorpion or a snake is also a living entity, and a sadhu is never satisfied when he sees another living entity killed, but Prahlada Maharaja said, - Even a sadhu is pleased when a snake or a scorpion is killed
- A solid phalanx of 21,870 chariots, 21,870 elephants, 109,650 infantry and 65,600 cavalry is called an aksauhini. And many aksauhinis were killed on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
- A street dog has no position and sometimes they're killed. Similarly, when we live under the full protection of the Supreme Lord, that is our healthy condition, that is our real life
- A surgical operation is not meant to kill the patient, but to cure him. Therefore the fighting to be executed by Arjuna at the instruction of Krsna is with full knowledge, so there is no possibility of sinful reaction
- A Vaisnava should follow the examples of such Vaisnavas as Haridasa Thakura, Nityananda Prabhu and also Lord Jesus Christ. There is no need to kill anyone who has already been killed
- A very nice example: just like Jesus Christ. So what was his fault? But the sura-dvisam, the envious person, killed him. And if we find, if we analyze, what is the fault of Jesus Christ, there is no fault. The only fault he was preaching about God
- Abhimanyu was the son of Subhadra, Krsna's younger sister. He was killed at the Battle of Kuruksetra by the combined efforts of all the commanders in King Duryodhana's army - namely, Karna, Asvatthama, Jayadratha, Bhisma, Krpacarya and Dronacarya
- Abhimanyu, Arjuna's son, he went to fight in the battle. He was so great warrior. So seven big men required to kill him: Bhisma, Drona, Karna, Duryodhana, like that, all combined together. So there is no mercy
- Abuses the father, mother, like anything. "Ah! You rascal! Why you have come? I shall kill you!" Like that. I have seen it. Mad, you call, or ghostly-haunted. Very dangerous
- According to ksatriya rules, an enemy should be fought face to face and with proper weapons. Then if the enemy is killed, the victor becomes famous
- According to Manu's law, when a person commits murder, punishment is beneficial for him because if he is not killed he might commit more and more murders and therefore be entangled in his future lives for having killed so many persons
- According to sacrificial rituals, animals are sometimes sacrificed in the yajna arena. Animals are sacrificed not to kill them but to give them new life. Such action was an experiment to observe whether the Vedic mantras were being properly pronounced
- According to the methods of black art mantras instructed in the tantras, if the mantra fails to kill the enemy, then, because it must kill someone, it kills the original creator. Sudaksina was the originator, and the priests assisted him
- According to the prophecy, Kamsa would be killed by the eighth child of Devaki. Therefore, Vasudeva and Devaki saw that behind all these incidents was a great plan devised by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- According to the Vedic injunctions, only an aggressor can be killed. If a person comes with an intent to kill, one can immediately take action and kill in self-defense
- Actually only one of the citizens, not all of them, was guilty of killing his brother, Uttama. Dhruva Maharaja, of course, took a very serious step when his brother was killed by the Yaksas. War was declared, and the fighting was going on
- Actually those who are meat-eater, beef-eater, they are killing their father and mother and become implicated in sinful life
- Actually, beef-eating or flesh-eating is not in the higher stage (of Islam). But those who are inclined to take flesh, for them it is recommended that instead of killing many small animals, one big animal should be killed
- Actually, you have not killed the Yaksas, nor have they killed your brother, for the ultimate cause of generation and annihilation is the eternal time feature of the Supreme Lord
- After consulting together, They (Krsna and Balarama) decided to go to Hastinapura to show sympathy to Their relatives. Krsna and Balarama certainly knew that the Pandavas could not have been killed in the devastating fire
- After everything was executed exactly as directed by Lord Siva, Daksa's body was joined to the head of the animal meant to be killed in the sacrifice
- After his father was killed, Prahlada said to Nrsimha-deva, - My dear Lord, now that my father has been killed, everyone is happy. Now please withdraw Your angry mood
- After killing the great demon Dvivida and being worshiped by showers of flowers and glorious sounds of victory, Balarama returned to His capital city, Dvaraka
- After Ravana was killed by Lord Ramacandra, Sitadevi was brought before the fire and tested
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra, although the inimical kings were killed, their sons and grandsons were still there to deal with the Pandavas
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra, he punished Asvatthama, who had killed all the five sons of Draupadi. Then all the brothers (the five Pandavas) went to Bhismadeva
- After the battle, Maharaja Yudhisthira was unhappy over such mass killings. Practically there was none to continue the Kuru dynasty after them, the Pandavas
- After the six sons Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya are killed, the Sesa incarnation creates a suitable situation for the appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- After this, all the thieves, according to their imaginative ritual for killing animalistic men, bathed Jada Bharata, dressed him in new clothes, decorated him with ornaments befitting an animal, smeared his body with scented oils
- Aghasura, thus deciding to kill all the inhabitants of Vrndavana, expanded himself by the yogic siddhi called mahima. The demons are generally expert in achieving almost all kinds of mystic powers
- Ajamila continued: I am a shameless cheater who has killed his brahminical culture. Indeed, I am sin personified. Where am I in comparison to the all-auspicious chanting of the holy name of Lord Narayana?
- Akrura also learned that the envious sons of Dhrtarastra had tried to kill the Pandavas by poisoning them
- Akrura and Krtavarma were prominent members in the conspiracy to kill Satrajit, having incited Satadhanva to kill him
- Akrura continued, "Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the Hayagriva incarnation, who killed the two demons Madhu and Kaitabha"
- Akrura says, "Because I am going to see Lord Krsna today, all symptoms of inauspiciousness have already been killed"
- Akrura, who belonged to the dynasty of Yadu, explained the recent events in Mathura, including Kamsa’s attempt to kill Vasudeva, the father of Krsna
- Alas, my sister (Devaki)! Alas, my brother-in-law (Vasudeva)! I (Kamsa) am indeed so sinful that exactly like a man-eater (Raksasa) who eats his own child, I have killed so many sons born of you - SB 10.4.15
- All kinds of weapons, swords, flames, rains, tornadoes, etc., are unable to kill the spirit soul. It appears that there were many kinds of weapons made of earth, water, air, ether, etc., in addition to the modern weapons of fire. BG 1972 purports
- All of them chanted, "All glories to Balarama! We offer our respectful obeisances unto Your lotus feet. By killing this demon, Dvivida, You have initiated an auspicious era for the world." All such jubilant sounds of victory were heard from outer space
- All the commanders there in the battlefield of Kuruksetra were maha-ratha. They are described in the Bhagavad-gita. Especially Bhisma and Karna, Dronacarya, they were very, very great commanders. Still, Arjuna could kill them by the grace of Krsna
- All the demigods in the heavenly planets became very satisfied and showered flowers on the transcendental body of Balarama, and they also offered their blessings and congratulations for His having killed the great demon Pralambasura
- All the great saintly sages immediately cried: Kill him! Kill him! He is the most dreadful, sinful person. If he lives, he will certainly turn the whole world into ashes in no time
- All the kings present, belonging to the Kuru dynasty, Matsya dynasty, Kekaya dynasty and Srnjaya dynasty, were very angry and immediately took up their swords and shields to kill Sisupala
- All the kings who were detained in the concentration camp to be killed before Mahabhairava (Siva) were thus released by Bhima. Feeling thus obliged to the Pandavas, they paid tribute to King Yudhisthira
- All the kings who were detained in the concentration camp to be killed before Mahabhairava were thus released by Bhima
- All the saintly sages decided to kill King Vena, who was so dreadful and dangerous to all human society. We can appreciate the extent to which the saintly sages actually controlled the king
- Almost all the soldiers of Salva had been killed, but when Salva saw that Krsna had come to the battlefield, he released a great, powerful weapon, which flew through the sky with a roaring sound like a great meteor
- Although Asvatthama was an aggressor, he stood without any fighting weapons. The ruling is that an aggressor, when he is without weapon or chariot, cannot be killed. All these were certainly perplexities
- Although he (Jada Bharata) did not protest, the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His agent could not tolerate the injustice of the dacoits; therefore he was saved by the mercy of Krsna, and the dacoits were killed
- Although his commanders and captains were agitated and were about to kill the demigods, Maharaja Bali, seeing that the demigods were coming to him without a militant attitude, forbade his commanders to kill them
- Although his father tortured him and would have killed him had he himself not been killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Prahlada Maharaja begged pardon for him from the Lord. This favor was immediately granted by the Lord
- Although in actuality no living entity is killed, the pains of being pierced by the horns of animals will be experienced after death. Not knowing this, rascals unhesitatingly go on killing poor animals
- Although Jarasandha was killed, neither Krsna nor the two Pandava brothers made a claim to the throne
- Although Krsna is independent of all Vedic injunctions, He violates the Vedic injunctions only in inevitable cases. Kamsa could not be killed by anyone but Krsna; therefore Krsna was obliged to kill him
- Although Lord Parasurama is fully powerful and uncontaminated, in order to exhibit ideal character He performed great sacrifices at Samanta-pancaka to atone for His so-called sinful killing of the ksatriyas
- Although the benediction asked was not very commendable because the devotee wanted to kill his enemy, Lord Siva considered the devotee's good quality in worshiping and satisfying him and granted the benediction
- Although the earth assumed the shape of a cow by her mystic powers in order to be saved from being killed by the King, the King was aware of this fact and would not hesitate to cut her to pieces, just like small bits of grain
- Although the great sages could subdue the disturbance by their powers - just as they could kill the King - they considered it improper on their part to do so. Thus they did not attempt to stop the disturbance
- Although the hunter formerly took great pleasure in half-killing animals, since he became a great devotee of the Lord, he was not prepared to give pain even to an ant
- Although the last child was a daughter, Kamsa could not kill her, and she has entered into the celestial planets
- Although the sons of Jamadagni, including Lord Parasurama, were a long distance from home, as soon as they heard Renuka loudly calling "O Rama, O my son," they hastily returned to the asrama, where they saw their father already killed
- Although the Supreme Lord, Visnu, is always equal to both of us - namely, the demigods and the demons - this time, being devoutly worshiped by the demigods, He has taken their side and helped them kill Hiranyaksa
- Although their offense was not very severe, he killed them to lessen the burden of the world
- Although Vasudeva saw the imminent danger that his wife Devaki would be killed, he was convinced of his welfare because at his birth the demigods had played drums and kettledrums. He therefore attempted another way to save Devakī
- Always be busy with Krsna. Then sun will not be able to kill you. You are going to live forever. This is the process
- Ambarisa Maharaja was a devotee. Unnecessarily he was harassed by Durvasa Muni. But because Ambarisa Maharaja was a pure devotee, advanced, he was not afraid of being killed
- Among all kinds of killers, time is the ultimate because time kills everything. Time is the representative of Krsna because in due course of time there will be a great fire and everything will be annihilated. BG 1972 purports
- Amongst themselves. Now they will fight in the family. So people are becoming so degraded. They require all to be killed
- An aggressor intent on killing may be a very learned scholar of Vedanta, yet he should be killed because of his envy in killing others. In such a case, it is not sinful to kill a brahmana
- An enemy who does not resist is never killed by a warrior who knows the principles of religion. Formerly battles were fought on the principles of religion and not for the sake of sense gratification
- An example of Krsna's self-satisfaction was exhibited when He, Arjuna and Bhima went to challenge Jarasandha, the formidable king of Magadha, and Krsna gave all credit to Bhima for the killing of Jarasandha
- An unchaste woman is very easily carried away by paramours, and it sometimes happens that her husband is violently killed by her paramours. If the yogi gives his mind a chance and does not restrain it...
- An uncontrolled mind and an unchaste wife are the same. An unchaste wife can kill her husband at any time, and an uncontrolled mind, followed by lust, anger, greed, madness, envy and illusion, can certainly kill the yogi
- And as soon as you deviate from it, immediately, ordinary. This is the secret. Now it is up to us, how to keep it pure. Then no enemy can kill us. Nobody can kill you. That purity is wanted
- Animals who have four legs can flee from the forest fire or can at least try to flee, but the snakes are immediately killed. Similarly, the blazing fire of Krsna consciousness is so strong that the snakes of ignorance are immediately killed
- Another medha means killing. So one who keeps himself in household life, he kills himself. Killing
- Another significant point in this verse (SB 4.4.6) is that there were animals for sacrifice. That these animals were meant for sacrifice does not mean that they were meant to be killed
- Any living being, if he terrifies other living beings, is a most wretched subject, and the king should at once kill such a disturbing element
- Any sane man would have prevented him from doing such great harm to all human society. By killing a king like Maharaja Pariksit, just to make a show of acquired brahminical power, the inexperienced son of a brahmana committed a great mistake
- Anyone in this world, however careful he may be, must commit some sinful activities, even though he does not want to. For example, one may trample many small ants and other insects while walking on the street and kill many living beings unknowingly
- Anyone of us, serving somebody. But the result is, this material service... I have given several times the example that Mahatma Gandhi, he gave so much service. But result was he was killed
- Anyone says: "God," he should be killed. That is the example given by Krsna. He should be killed. No other remedy. Only kill him. That's all. Then this false propaganda will stop
- Anyone who has got intelligence, he has got strength. Just like by intelligence, they have discovered the nuclear weapon. By dropping a nuclear weapon, hundreds and thousands of soldiers can be killed. There is no more need of maintaining a huge army
- Anyone who hears, chants or takes pleasure in the narration of the killing of the Hiranyaksa by the Lord who appeared as the first boar in order to deliver the world, is at once relieved of the results of sinful activities, even the killing of a brahmana
- Anyone who knows that the living entity, soul, is avinasi, indestructible, then where is the question of killing? But that does not mean the Bhagavad-gita is encouraging killing. No. That is not the purport. Killing is prohibited
- Anyone who was killed, who died in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, in the presence of Krsna, they all attained their original, constitutional position, spiritual form. They all went back to home, back to Godhead, everyone
- Apart from this killing process within the embryo, there is also killing process in the slaughterhouse and in so many ways
- Appearing on the battlefield, Pradyumna immediately stopped him (Dyuman) and, smiling, shot eight arrows at him: with four arrows he killed Dyuman's four horses, and with one arrow his chariot driver
- Arjuna arrested Asvatthama and was going to kill him. In fact, Krsna ordered, - Kill him. He is not a brahmana; he is less than a sudra
- Arjuna had to keep the promise he had made before Draupadi just to pacify her. And he also had to satisfy both Bhima and Krsna, who advised killing him (Asvatthama). This dilemma was present before Arjuna, and the solution was awarded by Krsna
- Arjuna said, "Although Abhimanyu was killed almost in Your (Krsna's) presence, Subhadra's love for You is not agitated at all, nor has it even slightly changed its original color"
- Arjuna was lamenting for the body, thinking that it was horrible that his relatives would be killed in war. This was not the proper subject matter for him to be contemplating
- Arjuna was maha-ratha. Still, these commanders were very, very powerful. But by the grace of Krsna he could kill Karna, he could kill Bhisma, he could kill Dronacarya, and came out victorious
- Arjuna was not willing to fight to satisfy his senses. He thought that - If I do not kill my brother or nephews or my grandfather or my teacher, the other side, that will make me happy. If they are killed, then where is my happiness?
- Arjuna was thinking in terms of his own sense gratification, because "The other side, if they are killed, I'll be unhappy." That was his consideration. Therefore he was not willing to fight
- As a brahma-bandhu, or a worthless son of a brahmana, Asvatthama was not to be killed, but he was at the same time an aggressor also
- As a natural devotee of the Lord, Arjuna did not like to retaliate against his miscreant cousins and brothers, but it was the Lord's plan that they should all be killed. BG 1972 purports
- As a result of his (Nasaratsa's, son of Nawab Hussain Shah) sinful activities (against the Vaisnavas), one of his servants from the Khoja group killed him while he was praying in the mosque
- As a result of this misunderstanding (between Durvasa Muni and Maharaja Ambarisa), Durvasa Muni tried to kill the king, when the Sudarsana cakra, the celebrated weapon of Godhead, appeared on the scene for the devoted king’s protection
- As a result of this quarrel (with Dronacarya), Drupada performed a great sacrifice, by which he received the benediction of having a son who would be able to kill Dronacarya. BG 1972 purports
- As Australian, you have one interest. So individuality cannot be killed. That is not possible. You are all individual. But when you make your interest one, then you merge into that thing
- As far as killing the body of a brahmana is concerned, Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.7.53) gives the following injunction concerning a brahma-bandhu, a person born of a brahmana father but devoid of brahminical qualities
- As it is not possible to filter muddy water through mud, or purify a wine-stained pot with wine, it is not possible to counteract the killing of men by sacrificing animals
- As it is suitable. It is not that because the ksatriyas were killing by bows and arrows formerly, you have to continue that. That is another foolishness. If you have got... If you can kill easily by guns, take that gun
- As it was the duty of the king to kill thieves and rogues, it was similarly his duty to immediately kill dishonest ministers in government service
- As moths at night surround a fire and are killed, so the demons become victims of the movements of the ball-like breasts of a beautiful woman
- As one should not try to be killed by embracing an enemy, a tiger or a snake, one should not blaspheme the Supreme Personality of Godhead and become His enemy in order to be put into hellish life
- As soon as Kamsa got this information from Narada Muni, he took out his sharp sword and prepared to kill Vasudeva for his duplicity. But Narada pacified him. "You are not to be killed by Vasudeva," he said. "Why are you so anxious to kill him?"
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.17): One who is not motivated by false ego, whose intelligence is not entangled, though he kills men in this world, is not the slayer. Nor is he bound by his actions
- As the king of a country thinks of diplomatic ways to achieve his object, Rukmini, being the daughter of a king, was diplomatic in suggesting how this unnecessary and undesirable killing could be avoided
- As the wild animal is killed when it creates disturbances, similarly any man who unnecessarily kills or terrifies the jungle animals or other animals must be punished at once
- As your (Kamsa's) younger sister, this poor girl Devaki is like your own daughter and deserves to be affectionately maintained. You are merciful, and therefore you should not kill her. Indeed, she deserves your affection - SB 10.1.45
- Asuras try to pacify the goddess Kali, or Durga, by worshiping her in material opulence, but when the asuras become too intolerable, goddess Kali does not discriminate in killing them wholesale
- Asuric leaders of society never retire from such lustful undertakings unless killed by the laws of nature. For them there is no question of retirement or of cultivating the human spirit
- Asvatthama discharged the brahmastra simply to kill the Pandavas, namely the five brothers headed by Maharaja Yudhisthira and their only grandson, who was lying within the womb of Uttara
- Asvatthama knew, - The last descendant of the Kuru family is Pariksit, the son of Abhimanyu. He is in the womb of Uttara, so let me kill him also, and then the entire dynasty will be finished
- Asvatthama thought, "If I kill these five sons of the Pandavas and present their heads to Duryodhana, he will be very much pleased." Therefore, when the five sons were sleeping, he severed their heads, which he then presented to Duryodhana
- Asvatthama was the representative of Dronacarya, and therefore killing Asvatthama would be like killing Dronacarya. That was the argument of Draupadi against the killing of Asvatthama
- Asvatthama, having been insulted, retaliated by unleashing a brahmastra. The brahmastra is something like a nuclear weapon. It can go to the enemy, wherever he is, and kill him
- Asvatthama, the son of Dronacarya, committed murder by killing the five sleeping sons of Draupadi, by which he dissatisfied his master Duryodhana, who never approved of the heinous act of killing the five sleeping sons of the Pandavas
- At last, in fear of his (Durvasa Muni's) life, he approached Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and ultimately the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He was so interested in his own body that he wanted to kill the body of a Vaisnava
- At night I get another body. I dream. I dream there is tiger. I go to the forest, and there is a tiger, and it is coming to kill me. Then I am crying, and actually I am crying
- At that time (Bhisma about to kill Arjuna) Lord Krsna wanted to please His devotee, Bhisma, by keeping Bhisma's promise, which was more important than His own. Seemingly He broke His own promise
- At that time the Lord of the universe, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the well-wisher of all living entities, will descend and kill them, just as Indra smashes the mountains with his thunderbolts
- At the present day, however, not only are animals killed in the name of sacrifice, but the killing of animals has increased enormously because of the increasing number of slaughterhouses
- At the present moment there is great propaganda from the side of the government and others to kill India's original culture
- At the same time, Krsna also found the lion killed by Jambavan, who is generally called Rksa. It was found that the lion had been killed by the hand of Rksa without the assistance of any weapon
- Atatayi means one who is aggressor. One who kidnaps one's wife, one who take away by force one's wealth, one who sets fire in one's house, these are called aggressor. So aggressor should be killed. Aggressor should be given trouble
- Attachment cannot be killed; it has simply to be transferred
- Avaisnava sees another person is suffering; he doesn't care: "Let him suffer." We have come to that state. I heard from one of my disciples that here, in New York, if somebody is killed on the road, nobody will care. Is it a fact?
- Balarama could quickly understand that He was being carried away from His friends by a demon who intended to kill Him. He struck the head of the demon with His strong fist, just as the King of the heavenly planets strikes a mountain with his thunderbolt
- Balarama said - This is an abomination very much contrary to Our family tradition! To cut someone's hair and shave his mustache and beard is almost comparable to killing him
- Bali Maharaja's statement that Visnu would lie down having been killed is not the direct meaning, for Visnu cannot be killed by anyone
- Because Daksa happened to be the father of Sati, she decided not to kill him but to give up her own life in order to compensate for the great sin she had committed by hearing blasphemy of Lord Siva
- Because he (Hiranyakasipu) originally came from the abode of Vaikuntha, he was not to be killed by anyone within this material world. The Lord desired to appear Himself to kill him
- Because he is godless, he did not say, "Even God cannot kill me." That he forgot. In this way he took benediction that "I shall not die on the land." "Yes." "I shall not die on the water." - Yes
- Because it is fight against maya, why we shall be afraid of being killed? Where there is fight, one must know that "Either I am going to be killed or gain victory." Jivo va maro va
- Because of her nature, a woman can respond to even a slight offense from her husband by not only leaving him but even killing him if required. To say nothing of her husband, she can even kill her brother. That is a woman's nature
- Because of his disobedience to the orders of the Vedas & the brahmanas, King Vena, Prthu Maharaja's father, was killed by the brahmanas. Prthu Maharaja knew very well that it behooved him to rule the planet as the servant of saintly persons and brahmanas
- Because of his sinful activities, a murderer is killed by the mercy of the king. Krsna, the supreme judge, deals with matters in a similar way because He is the supreme controller
- Because the business in India is important in this respect, that partly due to their subjugation by foreigners, their original culture has been killed
- Because the demons consider the Supreme Lord an ordinary living being, they think that they can kill Lord Visnu as one might kill an ordinary person
- Because the people of Kali-yuga are fallen, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, out of kindness, did not bring any weapon to kill them. Rather, by spreading KC, love of Krsna, He wanted to kill their nefarious, demoniac activities. This is the purpose of the KCM
- Because the quality of ignorance is prominent in Lord Siva, when he heard Bhrgu’s insult his eyes immediately became red with anger. With uncontrollable rage, he took up his trident and prepared to kill Bhrgu Muni
- Because the soldiers of Ravana were condemned by the curse of mother Sita, the monkeys were able to kill them simply by throwing stones and trees
- Because the soul is immortal, eternal, so if somebody kills somebody, the body is destroyed, but the soul is not destroyed
- Because they (Modern politicians) get some political power for some days, they become so much attached to their positions that they never retire unless they are removed from their posts by cruel death or killed by some opposing political party
- Because they are intoxicated rascals (edhamana-madah (SB 1.8.26)), they will not hear the real facts. But just consider: if a poor man is lying helpless in the street, can I kill him? Will the state excuse me
- Because they are sending sudras, ordinary workers, to Vietnam, these are unnecessarily being killed. Any country which is very proud of scientific advancement, and yet does not know how to organize its society, is a fool's society
- Because this demon (Trnavarta) was envious, cruel and sinful, he has been killed for his own sinful activities. This is the law of nature - SB 10.7.31
- Because we are all individuals sometimes there is disagreement between devotees. When non-devotees quarrel they cannot stop and end up killing each other
- Because we are drinking milk from the cows, so we are indebted. But instead of paying our indebtedness, we are killing. You see? These are all reactions. We are creating reactions
- Because we are engaged in warfare with the forces of Maya, there will be casualties. Even Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu a 16-year-old boy was killed at the battle of Kuruksetra
- Because we have killed so many kings, all their friends and relatives are planning to come fight with us again. So don't think that we are free from all dangers. We are not. And we have no protection other than Your lotus feet. That is our position
- Before accepting someone as an incarnation of God, one should verify his identity according to the symptoms mentioned in the sastras. Without these symptoms the pretender is subject to be killed by the authorities
- Before death, we must prepare ourselves, what is next body. If we are not doing that, then we are killing ourselves, committing suicide
- Being inspired by all the members of the conspiracy, Satadhanva one night entered the house of Satrajit and killed him while he was sleeping
- Being ordered by his father, Parasurama killed his mother, Renuka, just as if she were an enemy
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura said: When one surrenders to Lord Visnu, one must be prepared to abide by His orders in all circumstances, whether He kills one or gives one protection. Lord Visnu must be worshiped in all circumstances
- Bharata Maharaja was constantly thinking of the activities of the deer, forgetting that such meditation and diversion of attention was killing his progress in spiritual achievement
- Bhattatharis know many tantric black arts, such as the art of killing a person, of bringing him under submission, and of destroying or devastating him
- Bhima became disappointed, but Krsna gave him hints about Jarasandha's being joined together as an infant, and thus Bhima dissected him again and so killed him
- Bhima is known as Vrkodara because he could eat as voraciously as he could perform herculean tasks, such as killing the demon Hidimba. BG 1972 purports
- Bhima wanted to kill Sisupala immediately (because Sisupala was insulting Krsna), but because Krsna did not order him to do so, he became morose with anger
- Bhisma said, "I was opposing Krsna's most intimate friend, Arjuna - I even tried to kill him! I have so many disqualifications, and yet the Lord is still so kind that He has come to see me at the last point of my life"
- Bhisma understood later on that the five arrows were taken by Arjuna by trick. So still, he promised that, - Even without those five weapons, today I shall kill Arjuna
- Bhrgu Muni saw the danger and, offering oblations into the southern side of the sacrificial fire, immediately uttered mantric hymns from the Yajur Veda by which the destroyers of yajnic performances could be killed immediately
- Both Bhima and Draupadi held opposite views about killing Asvatthama. Bhima wanted him to be immediately killed, whereas Draupadi wanted to save him
- Brooklyn. It is difficult to walk due to the Negroes. They immediately: "Whatever you have got, give me." There are so many incidents. In such city as New York there is always danger like that. If somebody kills you, nobody will take care
- But it so happened that sometimes the belligerent princes were killed in such marriage-fighting, and the victorious prince was offered the trophy princess for whom so many princes died
- By advancement of knowledge, we have manufactured atom bomb so that killing process can be accelerated. People are dying, and that dying process is accelerated, and we are proud. Advancement of knowledge
- By killing a murderer the government shows mercy to him because if a murderer is not killed in this life, he will be killed and forced to suffer many times in future lives
- By killing many living entities, your elder brother has destroyed all Bengal. Now here you are destroying all my plans
- By killing the body or by protecting the body, that is not the solution. The solution is that the living entity has infected itself with the material disease. It has to be cured. That is the whole purpose of Vedic civilization
- By manifesting His form as Nrsimhadeva, the Lord also preserved the truth of Lord Brahma's promise that Hiranyakasipu was not to be killed by any animal or any man. The Lord appeared in a form that could not be said to be fully a man or a lion
- By nature one dies natural death, and you have accelerated-many millions of people can be killed by this atomic weapon. So what is your achievement? Save millions of people
- By nature the doe was always afraid of being killed by others, and it was always looking about suspiciously. When it heard the lion's tumultuous roar, it became very agitated
- By nature's way, when he gives up this body, that's all right. But I cannot force the soul to go out of this body by killing
- By nature's way, when he gives up this body, that's all right. But I cannot force the soul to go out of this body by killing. That is sinful
- By so-called knowledge we have simply succeeded in manufacturing the atomic bomb. Thus the killing process has been accelerated
- By such acts (seemingly fleeing from Jarasandha) Krsna wanted to exhibit the prowess of His devotees, as if He were personally unable to fight but His devotees could kill them. The relationship of the Lord with His devotees is a very happy one
- By the atrocious activities of ugra-karma, how we are killing the opportunity of human civilization
- By the influence of eternal time, which is a representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the father begets a son, and the father dies by the influence of cruel death. But by time's influence, even the lord of cruel death is killed
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has no astra. But this is astra, this hari-sankirtana. This is astra. In the Kali-yuga there is no profit by killing them. They're already killed. Therefore this is the astra. To kill the miscreants this is astra, this hari-sankirtana
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has shown us the way, that we kill the demons in a different way. We kill the demons in this way: By chanting Hare Krsna mantra, we purify him so that his demonic activities are stopped. That is also another way of killing
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna, merciful. Papi tapi jata chilo hari-name uddharilo. All the demons, full of sinful activities, they are to be delivered by this weapon, Hare Krsna. Otherwise, killing is going on
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, Jagannatha has saved Gopinatha Pattanayaka from being killed by the King today, but if he commits the same offense again, who will give him protection
- Canakya Pandita says that there are two envious animals - serpents and men. Although you may be faultless, either may kill you
- Cats and dogs can kill other animals for food without incurring sin, but if a man kills an animal for the satisfaction of his uncontrolled taste buds, he is responsible for breaking the laws of nature. Consequently he must be punished
- Citrangada, of whom Vicitravirya was the younger brother, was killed by a Gandharva who was also named Citrangada
- Consciously or unconsciously, in all our different activities, we are killing. Therefore, it is incumbent upon every householder to perform the panca-suna sacrifice to rid himself of the reactions to such sinful activities
- Consciousness cannot be killed, for the symptom of the living entity is consciousness. The material consciousness simply has to be purified
- Cutting the hair from his head, depriving him of his wealth and driving him from his residence are the prescribed punishments for a brahma-bandhu. There is no injunction for killing the body
- Cutting the hair from his head, depriving him of his wealth and driving him from his residence are the prescribed punishments for the relative of a brahmana. There is no injunction for killing the body
- Daksa was killed, and his head was taken away and burned to ashes. His body was lying dead, but by the grace of Lord Siva, as soon as the head of a goat was joined to the body, Daksa came back to consciousness again
- Daksa was Sati's father, so instead of killing Daksa she decided that it would be better to destroy the part of his body which was hers. Thus she decided to give up the body of Daksa by the yogic process
- Daridra-narayana seva, by killing goat narayana. Goat is not Narayana; simply daridras are Narayana. If you accept one as Narayana, why should you not accept the other as Narayana
- Death is already there in material nature, but we are so eager to promote it by killing everyone at one drop - this is called mayayapahrta-jnana knowledge carried away by illusion
- Demons are always busy creating disturbances and killing. But the child lying on the bed in the house of Nanda Maharaja was meant to kill many demons
- Descriptions of the Lord are the right medicine for the conditioned soul undergoing repeated birth and death. Therefore, who will cease hearing such glorification of the Lord except a butcher or one who is killing his own self - SB 10.1.4
- Devaki first adopted the policy of repression by directly attacking Kamsa for having cruelly, atrociously killed her babies. Then she compromised by saying that this was not his fault, and then she begged for a gift
- Devaki said "You are not to be killed by any female child. That was the prophecy. You are to be killed by a male child, so please do not kill her. My dear brother, you have killed so many of my children who were just born, shining like the sun"
- Devaki said, "In other words, I am asking You (Krsna) to bring back all my sons who were killed by Kamsa; upon Your bringing them back, my heart will be content, and it will be a great pleasure for me just to see them once"
- Devaki, Krsna's mother, was saved by her husband, Vasudeva, who made a compromise and proposed to his brother-in-law as follows - You are afraid of the son of your sister. So your sister herself is not going to kill you
- Dharma-yuddha. Even there is fight, there is religion, there is piety. Even by killing and being killed. Two ksatriyas are fighting. Either he kills or he is being killed, in both ways they are profited
- Dhruva Maharaja attacked Alakapuri, the city of the Yaksas, because his brother was killed by one of them
- Dhruva Maharaja was the king, and when his brother was unceremoniously killed, it was his duty to take revenge against the Yaksas from the Himalayas
- Dhruva Maharaja's younger brother Uttama, who was still unmarried, once went on a hunting excursion and was killed by a powerful Yaksa in the Himalaya Mountains. Along with him, his mother, Suruci, also followed the path of her son (she died)
- Dhruva Maharaja, who was a great charioteer and certainly a great bowman also, immediately began to kill them (the greatly powerful heroes of the Yaksas from Alakapuri) by simultaneously discharging arrows three at a time
- Dhruva was informed that since every living entity is a residence of the Supreme Lord and can be considered a temple of the Lord, the unnecessary killing of any living entity is not permitted
- Diti said: It is very good that my sons will be magnanimously killed by the arms of the Personality of Godhead with His Sudarsana weapon. O my husband, may they never be killed by the wrath of the brahmana devotees
- Don't kill my brother, but you can kill my neighbors - not like that. He is not sadhu. Sadhu is kind to all living entities
- Driven by selfish motives, one may be inclined to such sinful acts as the killing of one's own brother, father, or mother. There are many such instances in the history of the world. BG 1972 purports
- Dronacarya had some political quarrel with King Drupada, the father of Draupadi, who was Arjuna's wife. As a result of this quarrel, Drupada performed a great sacrifice, by which he received the benediction of having a son who would be able to kill Drona
- Drug is killing the whole Western nation. You will be spoiled, you will be finished with this drug habit. You are already finished. America is finished
- Due to their envy, these dacoits brought him before the goddess Kali for sacrifice. Such people are always addicted to envious activities, and therefore they dared to try to kill Jada Bharata
- During the partition days in India, Hindus and Muslims were living together peacefully, manipulation by politicians suddenly aroused feelings of hatred between them, and they killed one another over politics
- During the reign of Hiranyakasipu, everyone was disturbed in the routine duties of Vedic civilization. When Hiranyakasipu was killed, all the demigods, who had always been disturbed by Hiranyakasipu, felt relief in their general way of life
- During this strife between Balarama and Rukmi, Lord Krsna did not utter a word, for He knew that if He supported Balarama, Rukmini would be unhappy, and if He said that the killing of Rukmi was unjust, then Balarama would be unhappy
- During World War II it was reported that many wives of the German soldiers went to church to pray for their husbands' safe return, but when they found they had been killed in battle, they became atheistic
- Duryodhana criticized Bhismadeva, alleging that he was reluctant to kill Arjuna because of paternal affection
- Duryodhana pointed out this mistake of Dronacarya's (he did not hesitate to impart all his military secrets to Dhrstadyumna despite him having the benediction to kill Drona) so that he might be alert and uncompromising in the fighting. BG 1972 purports
- Duryodhana was always envious of Bhima because he knew perfectly well that if he should die at all, he would only be killed by Bhima. BG 1972 purports
- Each thought only of killing the other, and they (Bhimasena and Duryodhana) did not give much importance to the instruction of Lord Balarama
- Engaged in external activities, they (offenders) kill the internal vision
- Envy means the cow has got right to live; he does not allow the cow to live. That is envy. You cannot understand this? Suppose you are walking. You have got right to walk, I have got, and if I kill you, you cannot walk. That is envious
- Especially in this present age, Kali-yuga, people are already poverty-stricken, and physical killing is too much for them. They should be killed by argument, reasoning, and scientific spiritual understanding
- Even if a devotee has a history of very grievous criminal activities behind him, instead of being killed he may only get a little cut on his finger. Why then should a devotee fear danger
- Even if Kamsa were to see that the eighth child of Devaki was a daughter, he should have no doubt that the eighth child was to kill him. According to the Visva-kosa dictionary, the word garbha means "embryo" and also arbhaka, or "child"
- Even if the body were killed, he (Jada Bharata) would not have cared, for he was thoroughly convinced of the proposition found in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.20): na hanyate hanyamane sarire. He knew that he could not be killed even if his body were killed
- Even if we kill one mosquito, we are responsible
- Even influential professors and other educators say that as soon as the body is finished, everything is finished. This atheistic philosophy is killing human civilization
- Even Mahatma Gandhi, the great servant of India He served India so nicely. Still, the master was not satisfied, and the master killed him. He wanted to serve his country, but the result was that his countrymen killed him
- Even so-called religious priest, they support killing, astonished. Killing is impious, sinful activity, but in the name of religion, killing is also going on
- Even the papa-yonayayah, if he takes to devotional service, he also goes back to Home, Back-to-Godhead. This conception of caste on the basis of birthright has killed the Vedic culture
- Even though Kamsa was planning to kill Devaki, he too awaited the arrival of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - pratiksams taj janma
- Even though there was no certainty of victory for Arjuna's side, he still had to fight; for, even being killed there, he could be elevated into the heavenly planets. BG 1972 purports
- Even when a king or the state government kills a person who is a murderer, that killing is for the benefit of the murderer, for thus he may become cleared of all sinful reactions
- Even within your mother's womb, you will be killed, where it is supposed to be good protection, there also you will be killed. The human nation being degenerated in such a way, the killing business is increasing daily, daily, daily
- Every day a demon would come and interrupt their (the cowherd boys) sporting pastimes. The demon would be killed, and then the boys would engage again in their transcendental pastimes
- Every living creature is the son of the Supreme Lord, and He does not tolerate even an ant's being killed. One has to pay for it. BG 1972 purports
- Every morning you see something (in newspaper): "Somebody has stolen, killed, some political leaders have bluffed you," and so many things, repetition of the same. This is also repetition, Hare Krsna, but by this repetition, you enlighten spiritual life
- Everyone believed that the Pandavas, along with their mother, Kunti, had been killed. This information was also sent to Lord Krsna and Balarama
- Everyone is afraid of being killed. That is the most fearful position. But if you are convinced that "I am not killed; I exist . . ." That does not mean I shall be voluntarily prepared to be killed. No, that is not the idea
- Everyone is created, everyone is maintained, and everyone is ultimately killed. As far as these three things are concerned, the Lord is equal to everyone; it is according to one's karma that one suffers and enjoys
- Everyone is going to die, but they are so voracious, they do not wait up to the death, and they have theorized that - Dead animal is dangerous to health. Now kill while it is in life
- Everyone is in ignorance. Any sinful activity is done out of ignorance. So ignorance is no excuse. The butcher is killing animal because he does not know what is the effect of this killing
- Everyone is ultimately afraid of being killed. But if he understands fully that he is not this body, then killed or not killed, he is not any attached to this body
- Everyone who is not a KC person is a butcher. Even the so-called pious man, who is not in KC, he is also a butcher. Because he is killing his own self
- Everyone, especially the householder, commits five kinds of sinful activities: When sweeping a floor or igniting a fire we kill many germs, and when we walk on the street we kill many ants and other insects
- Everyone, especially the householder, commits five kinds of sinful activities: When we receive water from a water pitcher, we kill many germs that are in it. Similarly, when we use a grinding machine or eat food, we kill many germs
- Face to face. Yes. Where there is tiger, a ksatriya, would meet him with a sword. That's all. "Come on. You attack and be killed." Even twenty years before, the king of Jaipur, every year he should go in the forest and kill one tiger personally
- Factually this is all due to the supreme will of the Lord, the Personality of Godhead. Sometimes people kill one another, and at other times they protect one another
- Father will be sorry even the intelligent boy is killed or the dull boy is killed. For father, there is no such distinction. Similarly, you cannot kill animals without being sanctioned. That sanction is in the sacrifice
- First of all the Buddha wanted to make them sinless, "Don't kill"
- Five minutes before he (Mahatma Gandhi) came to the meeting at which he was killed, he was warned by confidential associates not to go, but he persisted
- Flesh is called mamsa. "The animal I am killing, he will have the right to kill me and eat me." That is going on, repetition: "I kill you this life. Next life you kill me. In this life you have become a cow or goat. Next time I'll become a cow or goat"
- Following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, whenever there are obstacles the Hare Krsna movement should kill the opposition with reason and argument and thus stop their demoniac behavior
- Following the instructions of the great sage Aurva, King Sagara reformed many clans, including the Yavanas, Sakas, Haihayas and Barbaras. The king did not kill them, but reformed them
- Foolish person suffering from some disease, he wants to kill himself, sometimes commit suicide, because he does not know that after suicide, the policy, there is no stoppage; you will have to become a ghost because you have disobeyed
- For a deer to run after a mirage of water in the desert is not unusual. The deer is also very fond of sex. The conclusion is that one who lives like a deer will be killed in due course of time
- For a ksatriya who are engaged in fighting, in religious fight must be religious fight. The cause must be right. Then the fighting is all right. So ksatriya, killing in the religious fight, he's not responsible; he's not sinful
- For a ksatriya, or administrator, there are so many abominable things; a ksatriya has to be violent to kill his enemies, and sometimes a ksatriya has to tell lies for the sake of diplomacy. BG 1972 purports
- For cruel people, those who are accustomed to killing, for them this is best advice, "Thou shall not kill". Next stage - prasadam. First of all let them stop
- For one man's fault a whole state is sometimes attacked. This kind of wholesale attack is not approved by Manu, the father and lawgiver of the human race. He therefore wanted to stop his grandson Dhruva from continuing to kill the Yaksa citizens
- For satisfaction of the tongue we shall kill so many chickens and cows and goats, why? What is the use. There is no use. It is simply sense gratification
- For the maintenance of the body, men are killing so many other bodies and becoming implicated in karmanubandha
- For the royal order to become nonviolent, this is not good. The ksatriyas, when they are fighting in the battlefield, the killing is not a sin for them
- For the Supreme Personality of Godhead there is no one to be killed, no one to be protected, no one to be neglected and no one to be worshiped
- For us, killing or nonkilling is not very important thing because everyone is killing, knowingly or unknowingly. So our point is we take foodstuff offered to Krsna, and whatever Krsna eats, that is our foodstuff. We distribute that thing
- Formerly the kings of Bharatavarsa, India, used to kill these uncivilized men. Bad example. They did not follow the Vedic civilization, so the king's order was that they should be killed
- Formerly the ksatriyas, they were trained up how to govern. They were trained up by military men, just like Dronacarya trained Arjuna, Duryodhana. All the royal princes were trained up how to kill
- From above, the goddess addressed Kamsa: “You rascal, how can you kill me? The child who will kill you is already born before me somewhere within this world. Don’t be so cruel to your poor sister”
- From the bumblebee I have learned to be unattached to accumulating money, for although money is as good as honey, anyone can kill its owner and take it away
- From this verse (SB 7.2.11) we get a clear indication of how human society is disturbed when the Vedic Aryan civilization is killed and the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies performed by the brahmanas are stopped
- From time immemorial the killing of living entities is prohibited all over the world
- From Visvabahu came a son named Prasenajit, from Prasenajit came Taksaka, and from Taksaka came Brhadbala, who was killed in a fight by your father
- From within the womb of his (Parasara's) mother he learned the Vedas. His father was killed by a demon, Kalmasapada, and to avenge this he wanted to annihilate the whole world. He was restrained, however, by his grandfather Vasistha
- Fulfilling my (Bhismadeva) desire and sacrificing His own promise, He (Krsna) got down from the chariot, took up its wheel, and ran towards me hurriedly, just as a lion goes to kill an elephant. He even dropped His outer garment on the way
- Fulfilling my (Bismadeva) desire and sacrificing His own promise, He (Krsna) got down from the chariot, took up its wheel and ran toward me hurriedly, just as a lion goes to kill an elephant. He even dropped His outer garment on the way - SB 1.9.37
- Generally, if one leads an austere and pious life of celibacy, equanimity, charity, etc., people will say that he is a very pious man, but simply by becoming Krsna conscious, one can kill all the resultant actions of his past sinful life
- Ghostly life means one who has misused this life, this body, and by his whims he has killed this body. He becomes ghost. That means he will have to suffer for so many day, then he'll get another material body
- Gigantic demon asked with folded hands, "What shall I do, my lord?" Lord Siva, who is known as Bhutanatha, directly ordered, "Because you are born from my body, you are the chief of all my associates. Kill Daksa and his soldiers at the sacrifice."
- Give up this darkness, hitvatma-patam, "because it will kill you." In this dark well you'll be killed
- God is the original cause of one's birth. Similarly, the Supreme Lord is the cause of one's being killed. No one is independent; everyone is dependent. The true conclusion is that the only independent person is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- God is the supreme father, and He will never tolerate that, "Because you are intelligent, you are allowed to kill another unintelligent living being." No
- Gopal Banh said: "You can pass stool, but you cannot pass urine. If you pass urine, then I shall kill you." Passing stool without passing urine, how it is possible? "So you have come to pass stool. That you can do here, but don't pass urine"
- Gopinatha Pattanayaka was lifted onto the canga to be killed, and all his money was taken away, but instead his debts were excused, and he was appointed collector in the same place
- Grant me that I not meet death from any entity, living or nonliving. Grant me, further, that I not be killed by any demigod or demon or by any great snake from the lower planets
- Haihaya achieved all such perfection in devotional service but, because of his offense at the feet of a devotee, was killed by Lord Parasurama
- He (Arjuna) said that, "Even they usurp my kingdom, I do not wish to kill them." So this affection, this bodily affection, was not very much approved by Krsna. He said that - You are talking like a non-Aryan
- He (Balarama) immediately took up an available weapon (most probably the elephant’s tusk which He carried) and killed the eight brothers one after another, just as a lion kills a flock of deer
- He (Carudesna) was a great warrior like his brothers and father. He fought with Vivinidhaka and killed him in the fight
- He (Dhrtarastra) had become a pauper in the true sense, yet he wanted to live comfortably in the house of the Pandavas, of whom Bhima especially is mentioned because personally he killed two prominent sons of Dhrtarastra, namely Duryodhana and Duhsasana
- He (Hiranyakasipu) guarded against all kinds of time, space and countries because he was afraid of being killed by someone else in another land
- He (Hiranyakasipu) indirectly, he thought that "If I get benediction like this, I'll automatically become immortal." What is that? "Now, no man can kill me." "All right, that's all right." "No demigod can kill me." "That's all right." But he forgot God
- He (Hiranyakasipu) never forgot his vengeful attitude toward Visnu for having killed his brother, Hiranyaksa
- He (Janamejaya) performed a great sacrifice called Sarpa-yajna, to kill the race of serpents, including the taksaka, which had bitten his father (Pariksit) to death
- He (Jesus Christ) cannot do that (kill). That is real faith in him - that he cannot do that. So why has he eaten meat? He knows, but he has asked me not to kill. I have to follow. That is the real system. You are not Jesus Christ; you cannot imitate him
- He (Jesus) is himself eating meat, but he is advising others not to kill. Do you think that Jesus Christ was contradicting himself
- He (Jesus) may eat anything. He is powerful. But he has ordered, "Thou shalt not kill. You must stop killing." He is powerful. He can eat the whole world. But you cannot compare to Jesus Christ
- He (Kamsa) kept Devaki and Vasudeva in prison for a long time (ati-ciram) and killed all their sons. Finally, Krsna appeared and saved Vasudeva and Devaki
- He (Kamsa) sometimes wanted to kill Devaki; then he restrained himself that, "If I kill Devaki in pregnancy, it will be bad reputation." So he restrained himself
- He (Karna) killed Ghatotkaca with the Sakti weapon obtained from Indradeva
- He (Krsna) hinted to Bhimasena that since Jarasandha was brought to life by the joining of the two parts of his body, he could be killed by the separation of these two parts
- He (Lord Jesus Christ) told everyone, "Thou shalt not kill," but they are indulging in killing, thinking, "Lord Jesus Christ will excuse us and take all the sinful reactions." This is going on
- He (Lord Jesus Christ) was crucified by the nondevotees, but He sacrificed His life for spreading God consciousness. Of course, it would be superficial to understand that He was killed. BG 1972 purports
- He (Lord Ramacandra) instructed His brother Satrughna to attack Lavnasura, who reigned at Mathura, and the demon was killed
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) knew that Narayana (Lord Krsna) had saved him when he was burned in the womb of his mother, and if he were to be killed by a snake bite, it would also take place by the will of the Lord
- He (Maharaja Yudhisthira) fought for the right cause under the guidance of Lord Sri Krsna, but he could not enjoy the results of his victory because his cousins were all killed in the fight
- He (Maharaja Yudhisthira) thought himself ungrateful because when the Pandavas were fatherless, Maharaja Dhrtarastra had given them all royal facilities to live, and in return he had killed all Dhrtarastra's sons in the Battle of Kuruksetra
- He (one) falsely thinks, "I am different from my enemy, and my enemy is different from me. The enemy has done this, and therefore my duty is to kill him." This misconception is described in this verse (SB 7.5.12) as bheda-gatasati
- He (Parasara) then performed a Raksasa-killing yajna, but Maharsi Pulastya restrained him. He begot Vyasadeva, being attracted by Satyavati, who was to become the wife of Maharaja Santanu. By the blessings of Parasara, Satyavati became fragrant for miles
- He (Pariksit) was thinking how ironic it was that although no one was saved from his sharp sword when he desired to kill, the poor lower-class Kali was spared by his timely surrender. Maharaja Pariksit's glory and kindness are therefore sung in history
- He (Pradyumna) killed the carriers like the horses and elephants by releasing three arrows directed toward each one
- He (Pradyumna) then released another one hundred arrows toward the body of Salva. After this, he pierced each and every soldier by releasing one arrow, he killed the chariot drivers by firing ten arrows at each one of them
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) advises, "Give up this darkness," hitvatma-patam, "because it will kill you." In this dark well you'll be killed
- He (Samba) struck each of the six charioteers with six separate arrows. He used another four arrows to kill the charioteers' horses. Then he used one arrow to kill the driver and one arrow for Karna as well as the other celebrated fighters
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) concluded that Isana was secretly carrying some money and that the hotel keeper was aware of this and therefore planned to kill them for it
- He (Siva) wanted to reply to this insult, and thus he decided to kill Daksa because he was the cause of the death of Sati
- He (Socrates) was going to be hanged or killed. He is fearless: "But what is this nonsense? He (judge) will kill my body, that's all." So it requires very firm knowledge
- He (Vasudeva) never expected that Krsna would live, because all his other sons had been killed by Kamsa
- He (Vasudeva) requested, - Don't kill your sister. Save her, and I promise that all the sons born of her will be brought to you, and if you like you can kill them
- He (very big scholar) has got some scientific knowledge, but he's busy to find out a nuclear weapon, how to kill other enemies. This is the research work. No. That is demonic
- He (Vidura) hinted that the party of the Pandavas was being sent to Varanavata to be killed, and thus he (Vidura) warned Yudhisthira to be very careful in their new residential palace
- He also killed her fourteen thousand Raksasa friends, headed by Khara, Trisira and Dusana
- He asks permission, "Swamiji, can I smoke?" He's being predominated. He does not know. He's thinking that "I am smoking," but he does not know that smoking is eating him. He's thinking that "I am enjoying LSD," but LSD is killing him
- He creates by engaging a father to beget a son, He maintains by engaging a government or king to see to the public's welfare, and He annihilates through agents for killing, such as snakes
- He forgets that before him is time, which is taking away his life-span with the passing of day and night. He does not see the gradual diminishing of his life, nor does he care about the superintendent of death, who is trying to kill him from behind
- He is himself a poor man. But he has no knowledge to understand it. Why he is falling down from the skyscraper and killing himself? Why? A poor man commits suicide. So if he is committing suicide, he is a poor man. He falsely thinking that he is rich man
- He killed them just as the leader of a pack of boars kills barking dogs, one after another. In this way, Aniruddha was able to escape the palace
- He therefore took up a very fearsome sword, which was very sharp and, consecrating it by the mantra of Bhadra Kali, raised it to kill Jada Bharata
- He thinks that "By killing this body, I am free from this bodily miserable condition of life." No. He's immediately . . . either he has to accept a next abominable body or he'll have to become a ghost, one who commits suicide
- He was a God-realized soul and a well-wisher to all living entities. The Vedas did not at all sanction the killing of Jada Bharata by rogues and thieves. Consequently the goddess Bhadra Kali emerged from the deity to give protection to the Lord's devotee
- He will go on, go on killing, killing, killing, killing, killing, killing. He is never satisfied, "Now I have killed so many. No more. Stop." No, there is no stoppage. That will go on
- He would have to be employed, however, to kill someone other than a qualified brahmana. If all these conditions were met, then Daksinagni, accompanied by Lord Siva's ghostly companions, would fulfill the desire of Sudaksina to kill his enemy
- Here (in SB 10.4.5) we see that Devaki first focused Kamsa's attention on his atrocious activities, his killing of her many sons. Then she wanted to compromise with him by saying that whatever he had done was not his fault, but was ordained by destiny
- Here (in SB 3.21.50) two terms are clearly mentioned: vadhaya, "for the purpose of killing," and asatam, "those who are undesirable." The protecting energy of the king is supposed to be the energy of the Supreme Lord
- Here (in SB 3.29.15), significantly, it is stated that every living entity has to live by killing another entity; that is the law of nature
- Here (in SB 4.11.7) Lord Manu prohibited Dhruva Maharaja from killing the Yaksas because only one of them was punishable for killing his brother, Uttama; not all of the Yaksa citizens were punishable
- Hippies and murderer in the name of religion. This is their culture. And abortion. Because there is no such culture, therefore the result is the abortion and killing and bombing, making the whole atmosphere abominable. This is your culture
- Hiranyakasipu had taken a benediction from Lord Brahma that he would not die from any weapon or be killed by any person, dead or alive
- Hiranyakasipu murmured to himself, - Lord Visnu, who possesses great mystic power, has made this plan to kill me, but what is the use of such an attempt? Who can fight with me
- Hiranyakasipu planned to kill the inhabitants of earth so that yajna would stop and the demigods, being disturbed, would die automatically when Lord Visnu, the yajnesvara, was killed. These were the demoniac plans of Hiranyakasipu
- Hiranyakasipu received from me the benediction that he would not be killed by any living being within my creation. With this assurance & with strength derived from austerities & mystic power, he became excessively proud
- Hiranyakasipu wanted to receive a benediction from Lord Brahma so that in the future he would be able to conquer Lord Brahma's abode. Similarly, another demon received a benediction from Lord Siva but later wanted to kill Lord Siva
- Hiranyakasipu was afraid of being killed by someone else in another land. There are many other planets, higher and lower, and therefore he prayed for the benediction of not being killed by any resident of any of these planets
- Hiranyakasipu was an atheist who denied the existence of God, but God came as Lord Nrsimha-deva, a half-man, half-lion incarnation, and killed him. Therefore praise is given to the Lord as supreme controller of the universe and all living entities
- Hiranyakasipu was killed because he was worse than a snake or a scorpion, and therefore everyone was happy. Now there was no need for the Lord to be angry
- Hiranyakasipu was sure that he would not be killed by any man or demigod or by any kind of known weapon, nor would he die in day or night
- Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu, having received the boon that they would not be killed by any other living entity within this universe, were almost immortal, and thus they were completely fearless
- His (Hiranyakasipu's) first proposal is that he not be killed by any of the different forms of living entities created by Lord Brahma within this material world
- His brother, Uttama, was without fault, yet he was killed by one of the Yaksas. It was the duty of Dhruva Maharaja to kill the offender (life for life) because Dhruva was the king
- His only fault is that he owes some money to the government. If he is killed, however, what profit will there be? The government will be the loser, for it will not get the money
- How a human being can kill another human being or another animal unnecessarily? And if you kill, there is law: life for life. But they've made laws for human being. When an animal is killed, he's not a criminal. But in the God laws you cannot avoid that
- How can you support Christ that if he has done killing business himself and he instructs others not to kill?
- How everyone can be military man? Because they are sending sudras to Vietnam they are unnaturally being killed
- However, first-class human beings - brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas - are developed in consciousness, and therefore they know how painful it is to be killed
- Human society needs only sufficient grain and cows to solve its economic problems. All other things but these two are artificial necessities created by man to kill his valuable life at the human level and waste his time in things which are not needed
- Hundreds and thousands of animals are killed in slaughterhouses, and no one cares about them, but the killing of even one human being is taken very seriously. Why? Because the human form of body is extremely important in executing the mission of life
- Hunting business was allowed only for the kings, ksatriyas, not for ordinary man. Killing in sports. Because the king had to administer so strongly that sometimes he had to kill an evil person immediately with sword. The kingdom was very strong
- Hunting is allowed only to ksatriya. Because they were to rule over, and formerly the rogues and rascals by the order of king or king himself would kill him immediately, so they had to practice how to kill. And that practice was done by hunting animal
- Hussain Khan replied, "Subuddhi Raya has maintained me very carefully. He was just like a father to me," he said. "Now you are asking me to kill him. This is not a very good proposal"
- I (Vasudeva) shall deliver all the sons to you, and then you may do whatever you like with them. Why should you kill this innocent, newly married girl
- I (Vrtrasura) shall not kill you, for unlike you, I am not so evil minded as to kill persons who are neither heroic nor willing to fight. If you have faith in your heroism, please stand before me
- I (Yudhisthira) have killed many boys, brahmanas, well-wishers, friends, parents, preceptors and brothers. Though I live millions of years, I will not be relieved from the hell that awaits me for all these sins
- I (Yudhisthira) have killed many friends of women, and I have thus caused enmity to such an extent that it is not possible to undo it by material welfare work
- I am encouraging now cow killing or animal killing, and when by nature's law, the turn comes upon me to be killed, if I pray I want to stop it, how it can be stopped?
- I am killing somebody, he is being killed. I am envious. And I forget that I'll be killed. Then I am envious to me also
- I am killing somebody, somebody is killing me. That is nature's way. So what is your special credit? There is no credit. There is no credit. You save yourself not to be destroyed by others
- I am practically seeing that as soon as they begin to learn a little sanskrit immediately they feel that they have become morethan their guru and then the policy is kill guru and be killed himself
- I do not want such things (animal skins)," Narada replied. However, I do want something else. If you kindly grant it to me, I shall tell you. Please, henceforth from tomorrow, whenever you kill an animal, kill it completely. Don't leave it half-dead
- I have already been defeated, for my weapon and arm have been cut to pieces. You have already overwhelmed me, but nonetheless, with a desire to kill you, I am trying my best to fight. I am not at all morose, even under such adverse conditions
- I have met with so many Christians and when I ask them why Christians are killing they cannot answer. The first principle of spiritual life is non violence
- I hear that these Naxalites are taken to slaughterhouse to learn how to kill. Do you know that? Somebody was telling. Yes. Your husband was telling
- I hope you will understand me rightly. Everyone who is not a KC person is a butcher. Even the so-called pious man, who is not in KC, he is also a butcher. Because he is killing his own self
- I know about my body, about the interest of my body. If somebody wants to kill me, I take protection because it is my body, ksetra
- I shall not die in the air. - "Yes." "I shall not be killed by any animal." "Yes." In this way, whatever intelligence he got, but he forgot one thing, that "God cannot also kill me." Because maya is there, he forgot it
- I understood that you (Sanatana Gosvami) had eight coins with you, and I was thinking of killing you to take them," the hotelkeeper confessed. "But I can understand that you are such a good man that you don't have to offer me the money
- I wander alone at night killing fish in solitary places, but because I remember the hymn to Lord Nrsimha, ghosts do not touch me
- I was lifted upon the canga to be killed, but instead I was honored with this silken cloth. This is all Your mercy
- I would consider it better for the sons of Dhrtarastra to kill me unarmed and unresisting, rather than fight with them. BG 1.45 - 1972
- If a goat is to be killed after five minutes but you give it a morsel of grass, it is happy because it is eating. Just like a child - even if you are planning to kill her or kill him, he is happy and laughs because he is innocent. That is ignorance
- If a king is allowed to hunt in a forest, it is not for his sense gratification. We cannot simply experiment in the art of killing
- If a king, to learn how to kill, may go to the forest and kill animals, why should a living entity, who has been given senses, not be allowed unrestricted sense gratification
- If a ksatriya engaged in his own occupation kills an enemy, there is no sin incurred. In the Third Chapter (of BG) these matters have been clearly and elaborately explained; every man should work for the purpose of yajna, or for Visnu, the SPG. BG 1972 p
- If a leader is actually kindhearted and deserves to be the object of a living entity's faith, how can he punish or kill a foolish person who has fully surrendered in good faith and friendship?
- If a particular animal is killed, then his progress is checked. BG 1972 purports
- If a person mistakes a snake for a rope, he dies. Similarly, Putana had killed so many babies before meeting Krsna, and she mistook Him to be like them, but now she was accepting the snake that would kill her immediately
- If a person who has committed murder, killed somebody else, then if he is punished by death, then the sinful activities which he has committed, that is counteracted. Otherwise he will have to suffer next life very severely, four times
- If a sick man is not supposed to eat, his eating unrestrictedly actually kills him. Similarly, the more we increase material enjoyment, the more we become entangled in this world and the more difficult it becomes to get free from the material entrapment
- If a tiger kills a man, this is not sinful but if a man kills another man, this is considered sinful, and the killer is hanged. What is a daily affair among the animals is a sinful act in human society
- If by chance, by inattentiveness, one does something wrong, he should not be considered as enemy. He's careless. He should be chastised, but not... Even if he's enemy, he's not subjected to being killed
- If God is anxious, what kind of God is He? Even Lord Brahma and other demigods are anxious. Lord Brahma is engaged in meditation, Lord Siva dances to annihilate the universe, the goddess Kali is engaged in killing with her sword, and so forth
- If I call loudly, they will come immediately to kill you and plunder your horses and saddles
- If in ordinary laws, in the state laws, that if you have killed somebody you must be hanged, so do you think you can simply bluff the supreme authority, Krsna, that you are going, killing, killing, killing, and you will be saved? No
- If Krsna protects, who can kill? And, if krsna kill, who can protect? So, if we are sincere servants, then Krsna will give us protection
- If Krsna wants that you should kill your guru, then you have to do it. That is Krsna consciousness. Of course, Krsna will not ask you to kill guru
- If ksatriya becomes nonviolent, then the whole state will be in chaos. They must learn how to kill any criminal
- If ksatriya becomes nonviolent, then the whole state will be in chaos. They must learn how to kill any criminal. He should be immediately killed
- If one always pleads that he has nothing, he is condemned, for he is a dead body while living, or while still breathing he should be killed
- If one continuously or permanently concentrates on living with his family, he should be understood to be killing himself
- If one continuously poses himself as possessing nothing and collects money by begging, he should be killed - sainam tatraiva hanyat
- If one enviously kills others for the protection of such a body, does he actually know the true interest of life? Certainly he does not, for if one is envious of other entities, he surely goes to hell
- If one hears an irresponsible person blaspheme the master and controller of religion, he should block his ears and go away if unable to punish him. But if one is able to kill, then one should by force cut out the blasphemer's tongue and kill the offender
- If one hears an irresponsible person blaspheme the master and controller of religion, one should block his ears and go away if unable to punish him. But if one is able to kill, then one should by force cut out the blasphemer's tongue and kill the offender
- If one is a brahmana he should not give up his body because by doing so he would be responsible for killing a brahmana; therefore a brahmana should leave the place or block his ears so that he will not hear the blasphemy
- If one is demon, and if you can turn into a devotee by your logic, by your arguments, then that is also, he's killed, his demonic principle is killed - now he's a saintly person. That is also killing
- If one thinks that "I have killed him, he's finished," he's also foolish. And one who thinks that "If I have died in the fight, then I will be finished." No. Ubhau tau na vijanitah. Both of them are ignorant
- If one transgresses the laws of a man-made government, he may escape being killed by the state, but one cannot escape the laws of God. A killer of any animal must be killed in his next life by the same animal. This is the law of nature
- If people do not start eating prasadam, grains will no longer be produced, and people will simply starve. Indeed, not only will people be obliged to eat less, but they will kill one another and eat each other's flesh
- If she (a woman) is given independence and allowed to mingle unrestrictedly with men, she will be spoiled. A spoiled woman, being manipulated by paramours, might even kill her husband
- If somebody comes and drives us out of this room, that does not mean I am finished. I shall go and take shelter of another room. Similarly, when the soul, when the body is killed or annihilated by nature or by force, the soul takes shelter of another body
- If the cows are not happy, if they are always afraid that, "These rascal will kill us at any moment," then how they can be happy? There was no such thing. Therefore it is said, muda
- If the enemy happened to be intoxicated, asleep, etc., as above mentioned, he was never to be killed. These are some of the codes of religious war
- If the government drafts us into the army, and we engage in battle and kill someone, we do not suffer the reactions, and this is called akarma
- If the king was an upstart, the brahmins, they were so powerful, they did not require any weapon; simply by their words they will kill him
- If the murderer thinks that, "You are very conservative. I wanted to kill you and you did not allow," that is not conservative. That is self-preservation, that is not conservative
- If the opposite party is your own son, but when there is fight, there must be decided: one party must be killed. This is ksatriya's business
- If the Pracetas tried to kill them off, their own subjects would also suffer, for trees are also required for food
- If the religious men kill so many chickens daily, then what is the irreligious man do
- If the yogi gives his mind a chance and does not restrain it, his mind will give facility to enemies like lust, anger and greed, and they will doubtlessly kill the yogi
- If this brahmana really is Lord Visnu, who is worshiped by Vedic hymns, He would never give up His widespread reputation; either He would lie down having been killed by me, or He would kill me in a fight
- If we become addicted to sinful activities, the result will be we shall be degraded. But they do not know. Even so-called religious priest, they support killing, astonished
- If we remain Krsna conscious Vaisnavas, then our position is strong, If there is slackness, then they will come to kill us
- If we take it upon ourselves to kill someone, we are subject to capital punishment by the state government. Our actions are then called vikarma, for they are against prescribed actions
- If we take shelter of Nrsimhadeva and Prahlada Maharaja, it will be easier to kill the demons who are against Krsna and to thus reestablish Krsna's supremacy
- If we turn our desires toward the transcendental loving service of the Lord, our desires become purified. We cannot kill desires. We have to purify them of different designations
- If we want to be happy in this life and the next we have to worship Visnu. But Gandhi did to satisfy Visnu? He was trying to satisfy his country, and his country killed him
- If you (the hunter) half-kill the animals, they suffer great pain, Narada explained. And if you give too much pain to other living entities, you commit great sin
- If you (the hunter) want to kill an animal, why don't you kill it completely? Why do you leave it half-killed and allow it to die flopping around
- If you are accustomed to kill somebody, either man, animal, trees, fish, anything, there is no entrance in religious life. There is no entrance because everyone, every living entity, is son of God
- If you are interested in the skin, if you are interested in the flesh, so at least wait for the time the animal will die. There is no doubt about it. So at least let him, let her die natural death. Why you should kill?
- If you are sincere, if you follow the principles and push on this Krsna consciousness movement, nobody can kill you. You'll go forward, rest assured
- "If you don't accept these coins, then someone else will take them from me," Sanatana replied (to hotelkeeper). "Someone will kill me for them, so it is better that you take them. I offer them to you"
- If you eat meat, that means you become implicated in sinful activities. You have to be killed by your enemy, and he will eat you, or enemy . . . or you become a goat or a hog or a cow, and your other person will kill you
- If you enter anyone's house without permission, he can kill you. This is the law. And every door, there is signboard: "Beware of the dogs." So it is not possible to go and beg, "Sir, give us something
- If you have got some opinion, if you have got some philosophy, you can write in your own book. Why you are, I mean to say, killing others and yourself by interpreting Bhagavad-gita?
- If you kill anyone, then you'll have to suffer, because everyone is God's creature. They are in different dress only
- If you kill somebody, then you become criminal. But when a soldier kills hundreds of men, he is not criminal. The process is the same, but because one is acting on behalf of the supreme lawgiver, he is immune
- If you perform such activities again, I shall not be tolerant. At that time I shall kill you, your entire family and all the meat-eaters
- If you take sword and kill the papis, then everybody will be finished. Of course, that will be done at the last stage of Kali-yuga. But here the Krsna consciousness movement is killing the papa-bija
- If you untimely kill this body, then it is sinful
- If you want to kill your enemy, you'll kill your enemy, not others. Other innocent people will not be killed. But nowadays, for defending, we are using atom bomb. So many thousands of innocent men are being killed
- If your fathers and grandfathers, they could not make you right, then send them to Vietnam to be killed. This is going on. Suicidal policy
- Immediately begin Deity worship as Kirtanananda and Brahmananda is doing, and I am sure this process, helped by your regular chanting, will kill Mr. Lust, rest assured
- Impersonalism and voidism kills the natural aptitude of devotion which is lying dormant in everyone's heart
- In another popular picture the goddess Kali is sometimes seen standing on the prostrate body of Lord Siva, which indicates that sometimes Lord Siva has to fall down flat in order to stop goddess Kali from killing the asuras
- In any civilized human society, no one would dare kill his father and mother for the purpose of eating them. Therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu challenged the system of Muslim religion as patricide and matricide
- In biological laboratory, the medical practitioner, they test with animals to observe the physiological and anatomical conditions. But they cannot give life; they simply kill. But in the Vedic yajna, the animal was put in fire and it was again taken alive
- In due course of time the Lord appeared as Nrsimhadeva and killed Hiranyakasipu in the presence of his son. As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.13.47), this killing process is natural. Jivo jivasya jivanam: "one animal is food for another animal
- In every scripture and in every lawbook man is warned not to kill, yet no one is concerned with these laws. What is the remedy for this? Drsta-srutabhyam yat papam - SB 6.1.9
- In Gandhi's life also, he once killed one calf or some cow. It was suffering very much. So Gandhi ordered, - Instead of letting it suffer, just kill it
- In human society, if one kills a man he has to be hanged. That is the law of the state. Because of ignorance, people do not perceive that there is a complete state controlled by the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In India, those who are meat-eaters, they are advised - that is also under restriction - advised to kill some lower animals like goats, even up to buffaloes. But cow killing is the greatest sin
- In Kali-yuga men all over the world are very expert in opening slaughterhouses for killing animals, which they eat. If the old ritualistic ceremonies were observed, people would be encouraged to kill more and more animals
- In killing animals, there are eight kinds of criminals. That he has explained. One who is killing, one who is ordering, one who is purchasing, one who is eating, one who is cooking, in this way...
- In order to save her husband from the charge that he employed his wife, Sati, to kill Daksa because he could not do so due to his inferior position, she decided to give up her body
- In our country the ideal man was Mahatma Gandhi. Still, he was killed. Just see. This is material world. This is material world. He was doing harm to nobody, but he was killed
- In sastra nonviolence is recommended, as in every scripture, but the serpent & the scorpion are allowed to be killed. You cannot say that milk is so nutritious, & we can drink - what is the harm if it is touched by serpents? No - the result will be death
- In some cannibalistic communities, the old grandfather is sportingly killed, and a feast is held in which his body is eaten
- In the act of killing an animal, there is a regular conspiracy by the party of sinners, and all of them are liable to be punished as murderers exactly like a party of conspirators who kill a human being combinedly
- In the arena of the sacrifice performed by Visvamitra, Lord Ramacandra, the King of Ayodhya, killed many demons, Raksasas and uncivilized men who wandered at night in the mode of darkness
- In the Battle of Kuruksetra both sides belonged to the same family, and practically everyone was killed, but the five sons of the Pandavas survived
- In the Battle of Kuruksetra he (Bhurisrava) was especially engaged in a fight with Satyaki, and he killed ten sons of Satyaki. Arjuna cut off his hands, and he was ultimately killed by Satyaki. After his death he merged into the existence of Visvadeva
- In the beginning of the would-be Vaivasvata Manu such devastation (vast water up to the earthly planets) would be seen by him. There would be many other incidents also, such as the killing of the famous Sankhasura
- In the Bible also it is said, "Thou shall not kill." Why it is forbidden? Because if he kills, he'll have to suffer. But they do not care for it. Therefore they suffer
- In the Bible, the first injunction is "Thou shall not kill." This means the people were, in those days, at least people who were all around Christ, they were very much expert in killing. Otherwise why he says first, "Thou shall not kill"?
- In the bodily conception of life, one remains in darkness, without self-realization, thinking, "I am being killed" or "I have killed my enemies" - SB 10.4.22
- In the city, when Satrajit's younger brother Prasena did not return from the forest with the jewel, Satrajit became very upset. He did not know that his brother had been killed by a lion and that the lion had been killed by Jambavan
- In the Daksa-yajna arena, he (Daksa) was once killed by Lord Siva's servant, Virabhadra. Because that was not sufficient, he again took birth, from the womb of Marisa
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (2) the killing of the Putana demon, the gopis’ returning home under the instructions of mother Yasoda, the bathing of Krsna and Balarama, snigdha-kantha and madhu-kantha
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (3) the dream of mother Yasoda; (4) the Janmastami ceremony; (5) the meeting between Nanda Maharaja and Vasudeva, and the killing of the Putana demon
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (7) the killing of the Trnavarta demon, Lord Krsna’s eating dirt, Lord Krsna’s childish naughtiness, and Lord Krsna as a thief
- In the form of Marici, the SPG creates progeny; becoming the king, He kills the thieves and rogues; and in the form of time, He annihilates everything. All the different qualities of material existence should be understood to be qualities of the SPG
- In the God's law there is no such thing that if you kill a human being you'll be killed, and if you kill an animal you'll not be killed. That is imperfect law, man-made law
- In the Kali-yuga there is no profit by killing them (demoniac people).They're already killed. So therefore this is the astra. To kill the miscreants this is astra, this hari-sankirtana
- In the last stage of Kali-yuga, Kalkideva, the fierce incarnation of Kesava, will descend to kill all the atheists and will save only the devotees of the Lord
- In the lower animals sometimes the father-mother eat the offspring, but in the history of human society it has not come into notice that the father and mother eating the offspring. But time has come when the mother is killing offspring
- In the Manu-samhita it is stated there that when the king kills one man, or hangs one man who is a murderer, that is benefit to him
- In the Manu-samhita the concept of a life for a life is sanctioned, and it is actually observed throughout the world. Similarly, there are other laws which state that one cannot even kill an ant without being responsible
- In the next day's fighting Bhismadeva fought so violently that both Arjuna and Krsna were in trouble. Arjuna was almost defeated; the situation was so tense that he was about to be killed by Bhismadeva the very next moment
- In the next life they (those who do abortions) also enter the womb of a mother and are killed in the same way
- In the northeastern direction, they saw the horse near the asrama of Kapila Muni. "Here is the man who has stolen the horse," they said. "He is staying there with closed eyes. Certainly he is very sinful. Kill him! Kill him!"
- In the platform of dharma, to become very religious, moral, who can be more religious than the devotee? Who can be more moralist than the devotee? A devotee is not prepared to kill even an ant. So who can be more moralist? These things are already there
- In the previous time, this cow sacrifice was actually being done. That's all right. But that was not for killing. That - to give the cow, the old cow or bull, a new life. By the power of mantra, just to give evidence of the Vedic mantras
- In the recent history of warfare the Supreme Personality of Godhead created a Hitler and, before that, a Napoleon Bonaparte, and they each killed many living entities in war. But in the end Bonaparte and Hitler were also killed
- In the sastras, he who attacks without notice or kills from behind or sets fire to another's house or kidnaps one's wife is condemned to death. Krsna reminded Arjuna of these facts so that he might take notice of them and do the needful
- In the second part of the Gopala-campu, known as Uttara-campu, the following subject matters are discussed: (14) the killing of the yavana Jarasandha; (15) the marriage of Balarama; (16) the marriage of Rukmini; (17) seven marriages
- In the second part of the Gopala-campu, known as Uttara-campu, the following subject matters are discussed: (18) the killing of Narakasura, the taking of the parijata flower from heaven and Krsna’s marriage to 16,000 princesses
- In the second part of the Gopala-campu, known as Uttara-campu, the following subject matters are discussed: (19) victory over Banasura; (20) a description of Balarama’s return to Vraja; (21) the killing of Paundraka - the imitation Visnu
- In the second part of the Gopala-campu, known as Uttara-campu, the following subject matters are discussed: (22) the killing of Dvivida and thoughts of Hastinapura; (23) departure for Kuruksetra
- In the second part of the Gopala-campu, known as Uttara-campu, the following subject matters are discussed: (27) the performance of the Rajasuya sacrifice; (28) the killing of Salva; (29) Krsna’s considering returning to Vrndavana
- In the state known as Usinara there was a celebrated King named Suyajna. When the King was killed in battle by his enemies, his kinsmen sat down around the dead body and began to lament the death of their friend
- In the Vedas and Puranas there are injunctions declaring that if one can revive a living being, one can kill it for experimental purposes
- In the Vedas there is sometimes recommendation, not for killing, but for giving rejuvenation to an animal. But killing, in that sense, is there for sacrifice. But Lord Buddha did not accept even animal killing in sacrifice
- In the Vedic scriptures there are concessions for meat-eaters. It is said that if one wants to eat meat, he should kill a goat before the goddess Kali and then eat its meat
- In the Visnu Purana it is stated that in order to pacify Devaki, all the demigods, along with their wives, used to visit her to encourage her not to be afraid that her son would be killed by Kamsa
- In the Western countries they are killing so many birds and beasts, especially cows, thousands and thousands. They are all becoming implicated. You have no right. Even Christ said, - Thou shall not kill
- In the Western countries, especially in America, it is very nice to possess a good car, but as soon as one is on the road, there is danger because at any moment an accident may take place and one will be killed
- In their forest life they lived with a brahmana family that was in trouble because of one Bakasura demon, and Kunti ordered Bhima to kill the Bakasura to protect the brahmana family against troubles created by the demon
- In this age it is very difficult to find such a head of state who is expert in killing the undesirables. Modern heads of state sit very nicely in their palaces and try without reason to kill innocent persons
- In this case, she saved the situation by evoking Lord Siva's quality of goodness. She fell down at the feet of her husband, and with her sweet words she talked him out of killing Bhrgu Muni
- In this connection, there is a story in the Skanda Purana about a hunter who was converted into a great devotee under the instruction of Narada Muni. When the hunter became a perfect devotee, he was not prepared even to kill an ant
- In this narration it is clearly indicated that the brahmanas used to control the royal power. When an evil king like Vena ruled, the brahmanas would kill him through their brahminical powers and would select a proper ruler by testing his qualifications
- In war either the husband or the brother or father or sons go to fight. And when they are killed, a fresh enmity is created & thus a chain of actions & reactions increases which is not possible to be counteracted even by thousands of Asvamedha-yajnas
- India's original culture is all right. But unfortunately, our modern leaders, they are killing the original culture. They want to introduce Western culture. Now it is openly there are beef shop, wine shop. So what can be done? It is Kali-yuga
- Indra thought: Formerly, when many mountains flying in the sky with wings would fall to the ground and kill people, I cut their wings with this same thunderbolt
- Inside herself, Kunti felt like a she-deer in the midst of tigers, actually her position was like that. After the death of her husband, Pandu, she was supposed to take care of the pandavas, but the sons of Dhrtarastra were always planning to kill them
- Instead of thinking always like these demon, that "I have got so much money. Now I shall get further amount of money and it will be like so much money. He is my enemy. I have killed one of them" This is going on actually, in the material field
- Is it not a Hindi word? Kuruksetra is a name of place. So what is the difficulty? Why do you interpret that Kuruksetra means this body? This rascaldom has killed the whole spiritual atmosphere of India
- It appears also that the king was not independent of the brahminical culture. Above the king was the control of the brahmanas, and if needed the brahmanas would dethrone the king or kill him, not with any weapon, but with the mantra of a brahma-sapa
- It appears from many Vedic literatures, especially histories like Srimad-Bhagavatam and the puranas, that the pious kings of old used to tour their kingdoms in order to give protection to the pious citizens and to chastise or kill the impious
- It appears that He is acting, but He is not the actor. He is killing, but He is not the killer. Thus it is understood that only by His inconceivable power is everything happening
- It does not mean that one man is eating meat; therefore he is killing. But even vegetarians, they are also killing
- It doesn't matter whether first-class eating, second-class. But still, they have got a home, and there they live peacefully. The wife cooks for the husband, and the husband eats, and the child is also taken care. It is not killed
- It is a big history, how they (Britishers) killed India's original culture. And then Hindu-Muslim riots, friction, fighting between Hindus and Muslims and dividing them
- It is evident from this verse (SB 5.9.18) that the devotees of goddess Kali are not at all favored by her. It is goddess Kali's work to kill and punish the demons
- It is forbidden, matra svasra duhitra va, "Don't keep yourself in a lonely place and talk 'pish-pish' with woman, even she is mother, daughter or sister." Strictly forbidden. That "pish-pish" will kill you
- It is impossible even for Lord Brahma to give anyone the benediction of becoming immortal, but indirectly Hiranyakasipu received the benediction that no one within this material world would be able to kill him
- It is not generalization. But there is chance. If they (women) are not controlled, not properly educated, there is chance of becoming pumscali, and there have been many instances that woman, for being attracted by paramour, has killed even one's own son
- It is not necessary to commit violence to stop the opposition from hindering a movement, for one can kill their demoniac behavior with reason and argument
- It is not possible to kill a living entity because factually he is eternal; he simply has to suffer the consequences of his activities of sense gratification
- It is not the duty of brahmanas and saintly persons to kill, although they may sometimes do so in the case of an emergency
- It is not Vaisnavism, "Oh, this man is coming to kill me. All right, let me embrace him." No. That is not the rule. When there is atatayi, aggressor, you must fight, you must kill. That is religious
- It is said in the Mahabharata, Adi-parva (20) that 640,000,000 men were killed in the eighteen days of the Battle of Kuruksetra, and some hundreds of thousands were missing. Practically this was the greatest battle in the world within five thousand years
- It is said in the sastras that by killing animals in a sacrifice, one immediately promotes them to human birth. Similarly, by killing their enemies on a battlefield, the ksatriyas who fight for a right cause are elevated to the heavenly planets
- It is said that Kamsa was the most demoniac of all the Bhoja dynasty kings. Immediately after hearing the prophecy from the sky, he caught hold of Devaki’s hair and was just about to kill her with his sword
- It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita that a ksatriya can benefit in either of two ways while fighting. If a ksatriya gains victory in the fight, he enjoys the results of victory, but even if killed he is promoted to the heavenly kingdom
- It is stated that Kamsa refrained from killing his close relation Devaki because if he had killed her, a great fight would have ensued among the other members of the family
- It is the custom between the ksatriyas that in the fighting, if the other party hasn't got weapon to fight, this party will supply him weapon, not that the other party without weapon, and this party will take opportunity to kill him
- It is the duty of the elderly son, those who are advanced, not to kill the insufficient son, but to give them education of Krsna consciousness
- It is the practice that after a snake has been killed, its body is cut into various pieces for fear that it may come to life again simply by interacting with air
- It is understood that there are gigantic birds that can carry off elephants, kill them and eat them
- It is very simple to understand that . . . just like a soldier is killing and the state is awarding him medal. And the same soldier, when comes home if he kills somebody, he's hanged. Why
- It was by His (Krsna's) mercy only that my enemies neglected to kill me (Arjuna) when I descended from my chariot to get water for my thirsty horses
- It was possible for Him (Balarama) to kill Romaharsana Suta simply by striking him with a blade of kusa grass
- It was told that the eighth son of the sister would kill him. So, when Krsna was in the womb of His mother, Kamsa was always thinking of Krsna
- It would be better to live in this world by begging than to live at the cost of the lives of great souls who are my (Arjuna) teachers. Even though desiring worldly gain, they are superiors. If they are killed, everything we enjoy will be tainted
- It would be better to take the horses for a proper price and let him gradually repay the balance. Why are you killing him unnecessarily
- It would not have been difficult for Sati to punish her father but she thought that since she was his daughter, it was not proper for her to kill him. Thus she decided to give up her own body, which she had obtained from his & Daksa did not even check her
- It's better to live in this world by begging than to live at the cost of the lives of great souls who're my teachers. Even though they are avaricious, they're nonetheless superiors. If they are killed, our spoils will be tainted with blood. BG 2.5 - 1972
- Jada Bharata was a qualified brahmana, highly elevated in spiritual knowledge, yet he was forced to carry the palanquin. He did not mind this, but while walking on the road, he could not forget his duty to avoid killing even an ant
- Jada Bharata was completely liberated. He did not even care when the dacoits attempted to kill his body; he knew that he certainly was not the body
- Jagannatha Puri's sanctity they are killing. Thousands of years. Hmm? Gaura-Govinda?
- Jamadagni then ordered his youngest son, Parasurama, to kill his brothers, who had disobeyed this order, and his mother, who had mentally committed adultery
- Jamadagni was certainly very powerful due to his austerities, but because of a slight offense by his poor wife, Renuka, he ordered that she be killed. This certainly was a sinful act
- Jamadagni was killed by the sons of Kartaviryarjuna, as described herein (SB 9.16.9). Lord Parasurama was also infected by sin because of killing Kartaviryarjuna, although this was not very offensive
- Jamadagni, the son of Satyavati, was very much pleased with Parasurama and asked him to take any benediction he liked. Parasurama replied, "Let my mother and brothers live again and not remember having been killed by me. This is the benediction I ask"
- Jambavan at once felt relieved from the fatigue of the great fight. Lord Krsna then addressed him as King Jambavan because he, and not the lion, was actually the king of the forest, having killed a lion with his bare hands, without a weapon
- Janadhipah, the leaders, when there is fight the leaders must come forward. And as soon as the leaders are killed, then it is victory - not by killing the soldiers or common men by atomic bomb. No. That was not fighting
- Janamejaya performed a great sacrifice called Sarpa-yajna, to kill the race of serpents, including the taksaka, which had bitten his father to death
- Jarasandha was very powerful, and having been defeated seventeen times, he might vengefully kill the members of the Yadu family or arrest them and take them to his kingdom
- Jesus Christ said, "You nonsense, stop killing." Then there will be time we'll understand one day Krsna. So the first instruction is to stop sinful activities; then he'll be qualified
- Jesus Christ told, if I remember, that "Lord, excuse these persons," who were crucifying him. Is it not? He knew that "These rascals, they are killing me, but... They are offending certainly. So they do not know that I cannot be killed
- Jesus says, "There is God. I am son of God." That is parampara. Yes. Unfortunately nobody cares to follow Jesus Christ. That I must say. Jesus Christ says, "Thou shall not kill," and Christians are very expert to kill
- Just like a student is working very hard to find out the possibilities of nuclear weapon. That is also tapasya. But what is that? For finding out some means to kill the human society. That sort of tapasya is not required
- Just like Arjuna. He fought. He killed. Killing is not good business, but he killed on the advice of Krsna, and he became a bhakta by killing
- Just like father earns money for feeding the children, similarly, the bulls help producing, plowing, producing food grains, and the cow gives milk, mother. And what is this civilization, killing father and mother? This is not good civilization
- Just like in our country the camaras, they take away and take the skin for preparing shoes and eat the flesh and use the bone. So we request those who are flesh eaters, that "Wait up to the natural death. Why you are killing?"
- Just like Jesus Christ. He is advising, "Thou shalt not killing." That means the people were so much accustomed to kill
- Just like man is sleeping, and some enemy has come to attack him or to kill him. So still he's nicely sleeping. But if some friend cries, "Mr. Such-and-such, wake up, wake up! Here is enemy. He'll kill you, kill you!" he can rise up
- Just like these Western people, mostly Christians. It is clearly stated in the Bible, "Thou shall not kill," and they're simply killing. Their only business is killing
- Just like this abortion. Now they've passed some law which allows killing. So now it is going on, wholesale slaughtering, by mothers of their own children. This is the condition of human society
- Just like Vena Maharaja. He was not rajarsi, so he was killed by the brahmanas, "Get down." There are instances. Then Prthu Maharaja became king.
- Just like Vivekananda: "daridra-narayana-seva," the human society, the poor men. And chaga-narayana, the goat narayana, they must be killed for this daridra-narayana-seva. This kind of discrimination is not for the sadhu. He's not a sadhu
- Just see how the rascal civilization is going on. They're thinking they're killing. This way killed, that way killed. No. You, it is sinful because you create inconvenience to that particular soul. He was taking shelter
- Kah ksemo nija-parayoh kiyan varthah sva-para-druha dharmena: "What is the meaning of a civilization that kills oneself and others?"
- Kalki avatara will come. At that time there is no preaching of God consciousness, simply killing. Simply killing. Kalki avatara with His sword will simply massacre. Then again Satya-yuga will come. Again golden age will come
- Kamsa agreed to the logical arguments of Vasudeva, and, having full faith in Vasudeva's words, he refrained from killing his sister. Vasudeva, being pleased with Kamsa, pacified him further and entered his own house - SB 10.1.55
- Kamsa attempted to kill all the babies born of Devaki and Vasudeva, although he knew that if Visnu were born, He would not be killed
- Kamsa considered that if he killed his sister, while living he would be condemned by everyone, and after death he would go to the darkest region of hellish life because of his cruelty
- Kamsa continued, "Also my father, Ugrasena, who has always supported my enemies against my will, should be killed"
- Kamsa feared Devaki's existence because after her eighth pregnancy she would give birth to a son who would kill him. Vasudeva, therefore, to assure his brother-in-law the utmost safety, promised to bring him all the sons
- Kamsa finally decided not to kill Devaki right away but to wait for the inevitable future. But his mind became absorbed in animosity against the Personality of Godhead
- Kamsa had taken birth as Kalanemi, and now he was obliged to kill his own sons. This was a mystery
- Kamsa having good sense about the science of the soul's transmigration, deliberately refrained from killing Devaki
- Kamsa immediately got up from bed, thinking, "Here is Kala, the supreme time factor, which has taken birth to kill me!" Thus overwhelmed, Kamsa, his hair scattered on his head, at once approached the place where the child had been born - SB 10.4.3
- Kamsa killed all the sons of Devaki who were born before Krsna, but Krsna escaped the danger of child-slaughter because He was transferred to the house of Nanda Maharaja, Lord Krsna's foster father
- Kamsa knew a little about Krsna - that He could not be killed - and therefore he attained salvation although he thought of Visnu, Krsna, as an enemy. What then is to be said of one who knows Krsna perfectly from the descriptions of sastras like BG?
- Kamsa said - As long as I thought that I would be killed by your (Devaki's) son, I was in ignorance, but now I am free from this ignorance, which was due to a bodily conception of life
- Kamsa said, "I shall also kill my father, Ugrasena, and his brother Devaka, because they are actually my enemies and are hindrances to my diplomacy and politics. Thus I shall get rid of all my enemies"
- Kamsa said, "The cowherd boys who have come with Them should be plundered and all their riches taken away. Nanda Maharaja should immediately be arrested and killed for his cunning behavior, and that rascal Vasudeva should also be killed without delay"
- Kamsa said, "With their help it will be easy to kill all the kings on the surface of the earth who support the demigods. This is my plan. In this way I shall be free from all opposition, it will be very pleasant to rule the world without obstruction"
- Kamsa very conscientiously deliberated upon these facts (of SB 10.2.21) and therefore refrained from killing Devaki, although he was completely confident that his enemy had already appeared within her womb
- Kamsa was a great asura, but still, he was thinking of future life. When he was informed that his sister's son, eighth son, will kill him, so he was trying to kill his sister: Because sister is the source of the nephew coming, so better finish the sister
- Kamsa was driving the chariot and controlling the reins with his left hand, but as soon as he heard the omen that his sister's eighth child would kill him, he gave up the reins, caught hold of his sister's hair, and with his right hand took up a sword
- Kamsa was the most demoniac of all the Bhoja dynasty kings. Immediately after hearing the prophecy from the sky, he caught hold of Devaki's hair and was just about to kill her with his sword. Vasudeva was astonished at Kamsa's behavior
- Kamsa's enemy was within Devaki's womb, but killing an enemy in such a nescient state would not be an exhibition of prowess
- Kamsa, being an asura, did not believe that the eighth child would kill him; he took it for granted that he might be killed by any of the children of Devaki. Vasudeva, therefore, to save Devaki, promised to give Kamsa every child, whether male or female
- Karmis who act very seriously for sense gratification are always referred to in the sastras by such terms as pramatta, vimukha and vimudha. They are killed by maya
- Kartaviryarjuna sent seventeen full aksauhinis of soldiers to check Parasurama. But Lord Parasurama alone killed all of them
- Kartaviryarjuna, with his one thousand arms, simultaneously fixed arrows on five hundred bows to kill Lord Parasurama
- Killed by the authorities for pretending
- Killing an enemy from behind is also inglorious. When an enemy turns his back and runs in fear of his life, he should not be killed. This is the etiquette of military science
- Killing business has so expanded that they are killing their own children. Just see the influence of Kali-yuga. The children, they take shelter of the father and mother, thinking very safe. Now, in this Kali-yuga, even there is no safety
- Killing is a sinful act, and in the revealed scriptures a specific hell is designated for those who commit such sins
- Killing is bad, but a ksatriya's business is to kill. Without killing, one cannot become perfect ksatriya
- Killing is bad, but a Ksatriya's business is to kill. Without killing, one cannot become perfect Ksatriya. Because he has to give protection, and there are so many demons, rascals
- Killing is not bad, but when killing is done unnecessarily or when an offenseless person is killed, such killing opens the path to hell. Dhruva Maharaja was saved from such sinful action because he was a great devotee
- Killing is sinful activity, even if we do not kill willingly. When you walk down the street you are killing many animals. Whenever you drink water, you are also killing. Below a water pot there are many ants and microbes that are being killed
- Killing is sinful for the ordinary citizen, but killing by the order of the supreme executive head, the president or the king, that is not criminal
- Killing means he's being implicated in sinful activities. Anartha, unnecessary. So we restrict this
- Killing means that you have to eat something. Our philosophy is that we cannot stop killing, but there is no unnecessary killing
- Killing on the battle on the religious principle and the killing of animals in the sacrificial fire are not at all considered to be acts of violence, because everyone is benefitted by the religious principles involved. BG 1972 purports
- Killing proposal is not good. We have to kill them with arguments and reasons not with sticks and weapons
- Killing the body of anyone without authority is abominable and is punishable by the law of the state as well as by the law of the Lord
- Killing the body, he does not die, but because you disturb him, his duration of period to live in that body, you become sinful
- King Indra is known as sata-kratu, which indicates that he has performed one hundred horse sacrifices (asvamedha-yajna). We should know, however, that the animals sacrificed in the yajna were not killed
- King Kamsa, for example, was the maternal uncle of Krsna; and there was a warning that Kamsa would be killed by one of his sister's sons. So he became very anxious about the sons of his sister, and he decided to kill his sister
- King Prthu replied: My dear earth, you have disobeyed my orders and rulings. In the form of a demigod you accepted your share of the yajnas we performed, but in return you have not produced sufficient food grains. For this reason I must kill you
- King Yudhisthira said: O my lot! I am the most sinful man! Just see my heart, which is full of ignorance! This body, which is ultimately meant for others, has killed many, many phalanxes of men
- Kings are not only grhasthas, who are generally absorbed in sense gratification, but are sometimes employed to kill animals in hunting because they have to practice the killing art, otherwise it is very difficult for them to fight their enemies
- Kings greedy for sense gratification on this earth almost always kill their enemies indiscriminately. To satisfy their own whims, they may kill anyone, even their mothers, fathers, brothers or friends - SB 10.1.67
- Knowing all this (Asvatthama releasing brahmastra to kill all the male members in Pandu's family), Lord Sri Krsna at once took up His personal weapon to protect His devotees, who did not know anyone other than Krsna
- Krpacarya helped kill Abhimanyu, the father of Maharaja Pariksit, but he was still held in esteem by the family of the Pandavas due to his being as great a brahmana as Dronacarya
- Krsna addressed Balarama, "I request You to sit on Your chariot and kill all these soldiers, the entire military strength of the enemy"
- Krsna advised him to fight, but because Arjuna was a Vaisnava, in the beginning he was unwilling. A Vaisnava does not like to kill anything, but if Krsna orders him, he must fight
- Krsna consciousness movement, is killing these Jagai-Madhai principles: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, and no meat-eating. So one side killing the Jagai-Madhai principle, and other side protection, chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Krsna encouraged Rukmini, "My dear Rukmini, don't worry. Please rest assured that the soldiers of the Yadu dynasty will kill all the opposing soldiers without delay"
- Krsna gave all credit to Bhima for the killing of Jarasandha. From this we can understand that Krsna never cares at all for fame, although no one can be more famous
- Krsna is very much anxious to take us back to home, back to Godhead. Because we are part and parcel of Krsna. Suppose if your son is loitering in the street, are you not anxious, "Oh, there may be some accident, and the poor boy will be killed"
- Krsna promises in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.31), kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati. This is a declaration by the SP of Godhead that His devotee cannot be killed by demons. Prahlada Maharaja is the vivid example of the truth of this promise
- Krsna recommended evam parampara-praptam. We have to receive knowledge through the disciplic succession. Mahajana-gatah. You cannot manufacture. This concoction has killed the spiritual life of India. "You can think any way; I can think in my way"
- Krsna said, "The sons of Hiranyakasipu were thereafter put into the womb of mother Devaki, and as soon as they took their birth Kamsa killed them one after another"
- Krsna said, "There are many snakes on Govardhana Hill, and persons neglecting the prescribed duty of Govardhana-puja will be bitten by these snakes and killed"
- Krsna says, "Give Me foodstuff prepared from this group." That we do. Accepting that the fruits, they have got life. There are many fruits, it is offered by the tree for eating. The tree's not killed
- Krsna transferred His power into the body of Bhimasena and informed him of the device by which Jarasandha could be killed
- Krsna was inducing him (Arjuna): Never mind. According to ksatriya rules and regulation, even the opposite party is your own son, you should not hesitate to kill him. This is ksatriya's business
- Krsna was particularly angry with Satadhanva and wanted to kill him because he had killed Satrajit, a superior personality
- Krsna's fine discretion was exhibited when He was fighting with the untouchable king who attacked the city of Mathura. According to Vedic rites, those who are untouchable are not to be touched by the ksatriya kings, not even for killing
- Ksatriya king has got two functions. One function is to give protection and happiness to the good citizens, and another function is to kill the demons or the disturbing elements in the society
- Ksatriya kings are sometimes advised to go to the forest to hunt ferocious animals just to learn how to kill, but such forays are never meant for sense gratification. Killing animals to eat their flesh is forbidden for human beings
- Ksatriya's business is to keep himself in power even by killing his own son. That is Ksatriya's business
- Ksatriya's business: to establish religious principle and to kill the demons. This is ksatriya's business
- Ksatriyas are allowed to hunt in the forest for the purpose of learning the killing art, not to kill animals for eating or for any other purpose
- Ksatriyas are meant to rule over a country; Dhruva Maharaja, for example, in the course of ruling, had to fight and kill many Yaksas. Such action is necessary for ksatriyas
- Ksatriyas killed in the battlefield attain the heavenly planets as do the brahmanas who attain them by offering sacrifice. BG 1972 purports
- Ksatriyas were allowed to hunt in the forest to learn the art of killing, because that was necessity for the ksatriyas. Ksatriyas, if . . . if the king, if he finds somebody is doing wrong, he can immediately chop off his head if he likes
- Kuvera assured him (Dhruva Maharaja) that factually he had not killed any of the Yaksas; therefore, he was not at all sinful. He did his duty as a king, as it is ordered by the laws of nature
- Kuvera told Dhurva Maharaja: "He (Uttama) died or was killed in due course of time by the laws of nature. Eternal time, one of the features of the Lord, is ultimately responsible for annihilation and generation. You are not responsible for such actions"
- Later, when the wife of Nawab Saiyada Hussain Khan saw the whip marks on his body, she requested him to kill Subuddhi Raya
- Learn to kill. No nonviolence. Learn to kill. Here also, as soon as you'll find, the ksatriya, a thief, a rogue, unwanted element in the society, kill him. That's all. Finish. Kill him. Bas. Finished. So other will see, "Oh, the ruler is very strong"
- Lenin killed the Czar that's all, but any gunda can do that
- Lord Balarama heard that although most of the ksatriyas had been killed, the Kurus were still engaged in fighting. Therefore He returned to the battlefield just on the day Bhimasena and Duryodhana were engaged in a personal duel
- Lord Boar very easily took the earth on His tusks and got it out of the water. Thus He appeared very splendid. Then, His anger glowing like the Sudarsana wheel, He immediately killed the demon (Hiranyaksa), although he tried to fight with the Lord
- Lord Brahma then told Devahuti: My dear daughter of Manu, the same Supreme Personality of Godhead who killed the demon Kaitabha is now within your womb. He will cut off all the knots of your ignorance and doubt. Then He will travel all over the world
- Lord Jesus Christ had some enemies, and Mahatma Gandhi had also some enemies so who killed him. So the world is such treacherous, even a sadhu, he has some enemies. You see
- Lord Jesus Christ said: "Thou shall not kill," and now they are interpreting, "Killing means murdering, human being." But that is not in the Bible
- Lord Jesus Christ says, 'Thou shall not kill,' and you are expert in killing. And you are still Christian? So you cannot understand what you have done? You have always misguided people. - I told him. So he was not very happy to hear this straight answer
- Lord Jesus Christ started the religious system of Christianity, adhering to the Old Testament commandment "Thou shalt not kill"
- Lord Krsna broke off a twig from a tree, took it in His hand, and bifurcated it. In this way He hinted to Bhimasena how Jarasandha could be killed
- Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is omnipotent, and if He wants to kill someone, no one can save that person. Similarly, if He wants to save someone, no one can kill him
- Lord Manu said: My dear son, please stop. It is not good to become unnecessarily angry - it is the path to hellish life. Now you are going beyond the limit by killing Yaksas who are actually not offenders
- Lord Narayana then informed Lord Siva that this demon, Vrkasura, was killed as the result of his sinful activities
- Lord Parasurama and Lord Nrsimha displayed unusual opulence by killing the disobedient ksatriyas twenty-one times and killing the greatly powerful atheist Hiranyakasipu
- Lord Parasurama had killed his relatives in accordance with his father's order because he was fully aware of his father's power, austerity and learning
- Lord Parasurama, the incarnation of the Personality of Godhead, appeared in such a state of worldly affairs and killed all the miscreant kings twenty-one times
- Lord Ramacandra's mission, however, was not only to kill Ravana but also to teach mortal beings that material happiness centered around sex life or centered around one's wife is the cause of many miseries
- Lord Ramacandra's reputation for having killed Ravana with showers of arrows at the request of the demigods and for having built a bridge over the ocean does not constitute the factual glory of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Ramacandra
- Lord Ramacandra, whose lotus feet are worshiped by Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, had assumed the form of a human being. Thus He performed the funeral ceremony of Jatayu, who was killed by Ravana
- Lord Siva advised that Sudaksina, assisted by the brahmanas, execute the ritualistic ceremony for killing one's enemy. This ceremony is also mentioned in some of the tantras
- Lord Siva and Lord Brahma are two chiefs of the demigods. They are full of mystic powers. For example, Lord Siva drank an ocean of poison of which one drop was sufficient to kill an ordinary living being
- Lord Siva drank poison to the extent of swallowing an ocean, but if any common man tries to drink even a fragment of such poison, he will be killed. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Siva is always accompanied by his material energy (saktya ghoraya). Material energy - goddess Durga, or goddess Kali - is always under his control. Goddess Kali and Durga serve him by killing all the asuras, or demons
- Lord Sri Krsna said: O Arjuna, you should not show mercy by releasing this relative of a brahmana (brahma-bandhu), for he has killed innocent boys in their sleep
- Lord Visnu can kill everyone, but He cannot be killed
- Maharaja Pariksit wanted to kill the personified Kali, who was attempting to kill a cow, the emblem of peace and religion
- Maharaja Pariksit, as soon as he saw that a cow was being attempted to be killed, immediately he took his sword . . . "Who are you, nonsense? You are killing my citizen." This is good government
- Maharaja Pariksit, who was qualified to accept surrender and worthy of being sung in history, did not kill the poor surrendered and fallen Kali, but smiled compassionately, for he was kind to the poor
- Maharaja Vena, he was upstart. He was born of a low-class mother, so he became so upstart that in his boyhood he was playing with friends, and if there was some quarrel, he would kill such friend
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was the ideal and celebrated pious King of the world, and still he was greatly afraid after the execution of the Battle of Kuruksetra because of the mass killing in the fight, all of which was done only to install him on the throne
- Maharaja Yudhisthira, as the most pious king of the world, takes for himself the responsibility for killing such a huge number of living beings because the battle was fought to reinstate him on the throne
- Maharaja Yudhisthira, the oldest of the brothers, is the most pious person. He is even called Dharmaraja, the king of religion. Bhima and Arjuna are both devotees, and they are such powerful heroes that they can kill thousands of men
- Maharaja Yudhisthira, the topmost pious person. His name is Dharmaraja, the king of religiosity. He is the eldest brother. And Bhima and Arjuna, they are devotees and so great hero. They can kill thousands of men. They're so powerful
- Main teaching, so far we read Bible, Jesus Christ said: "Thou shall not kill." But they are, you are . . . everyone is killing. That's all. The first commandment is violated
- Mam aprapya. He cannot understand God. That is killing himself. This human form of life was given to him by nature's way, that "Now you understand God." But he's wasting time by surfing in the water. You see?
- Manu is supposed to be the law-giver to the humankind. So in the Manu-samhita it is stated there that when the king kills one man, or hangs one man who is a murderer, that is benefit to him
- Manu spoke the secret of BG to his son Iksvaku. So now that system is lost. Kalena mahata: by the great power. Kala means time. Time has got his influence, very great influence. Time's business is, whatever you make, time will try to kill it. That's all
- Many "isms" and cults will spring up in Kali-yuga only to kill the spotless bull of religion
- Many soldiers of Lord Siva followed the fierce personality in a tumultuous uproar. He carried a great trident, fearful enough to kill even death, and on his legs he wore bangles which seemed to roar
- Maya is always ready to kill those who are pramatta with her invisible bows and arrows. Agnidhra questioned Purvacitti about this
- Maya is coming to kill him, to send him to the darkest region of hell, and you are saving him, Chant Hare Krsna and be saved
- Maya will always try to defeat us or even kill us but we can always be saved by clinging unto the Lotus Feet of Krishna. Kindly remember this secret of our success and try to convince all your God-brothers on this point
- Meanwhile, following the dictations of mature time, the hunter, who was very carefully hidden in the distance, released his arrow, which pierced the body of the kulinga bird and killed him
- Merely killing a serpent is not sufficient; after it is killed, it must be cut to pieces and burned, and then the danger will be over
- Milk, butter and similar products give animal fat in a form which rules out any need for the killing of innocent creatures. It is only through brute mentality that this killing goes on. The civilized method of obtaining needed fat is by milk. BG 1972 pur
- Mother earth took the shape of a cow. She was also a woman. Thus she appealed to the King (Prthu) as one who knows the principles of religion. Religious principles also dictate that one is not to be killed if he surrenders
- Mother killing. He was about to be killed. He admits. His grandmother advised the mother. Yes. Krsna saved him. Because he is devotee, some way or other, he was saved
- Mucukunda told Lord Krsna, "For such an offensive act, I have burned this person to ashes simply by glancing over him. Fortunately, now I can see You in this grand & beautiful feature. I think, therefore, that You are the cause of my killing my enemy"
- My (Kamsa's) dear sister Devaki, all good fortune unto you. Everyone suffers and enjoys the results of his own work under the control of providence. Although your sons have unfortunately been killed by me, please do not lament for them - SB 10.4.21
- My (Prahlada) father was just like a snake or a scorpion, & therefore now that he has been killed, everyone is happy. - Hiranyakasipu was a very dangerous demon who gave trouble to devotees, & when such a demon is killed even saintly persons are satisfied
- My dear brother (Kamsa), by the influence of destiny you have already killed many babies, each of them as bright and beautiful as fire. But kindly spare this daughter (Yogamaya). Give her to me (Devaki) as your gift - SB 10.4.5
- My dear Dhruva, you thought that the Yaksas killed your brother, and therefore you have killed great numbers of them. But by this action you have agitated the mind of Lord Siva's brother Kuvera, who is the treasurer of the demigods
- My dear King Pariksit, as Rudra, being very angry at Antaka (Yamaraja) had formerly run toward Antaka to kill him, Indra angrily and with great force attacked Vrtrasura, who was surrounded by the leaders of the demoniac armies
- My dear King Pariksit, the sons of Kartaviryarjuna, who were defeated by the superior strength of Parasurama, never achieved happiness, for they always remembered the killing of their father
- My dear King Yudhisthira, when all the attempts of the demons to kill Prahlada Maharaja were futile, the King of the demons, Hiranyakasipu, being most fearful, began contriving other means to kill him
- My dear Lord (Narada Muni), the hunter replied. My name is Mrgari, enemy of animals. I am following the teachings of my father who taught me to half-kill animals and leave them flopping about. When a half-dead animals suffers, I take great pleasure in it
- My dear son, it has been proved that you are very much affectionate towards your brother and are greatly aggrieved at his being killed by the Yaksas, but just consider - for one Yaksa's offense, you have killed many others, who are innocent
- My dear son, killing a king who is an emperor is more severely sinful than killing a brahmana. But now, if you become Krsna conscious and worship the holy places, you can atone for this great sin
- My dear son, the killing of the sinless Yaksas which you have undertaken is not at all approved by authorities, and it does not befit our family, which is supposed to know the laws of religion and irreligion
- My dear the best of the demons. - "I think that is very nice." What is that? - This worldly life, materialistic life, is self-killing just like a dark well. So one should give it up & go to the forest & take shelter of Krsna. That is the best way of life
- My insignificant enemies the demigods have combined to kill my very dear and obedient well-wisher, my brother Hiranyaksa
- My Lord (Krsna), when Jarasandha is killed, queens of all the imprisoned kings will be joyful at their husbands' being released by Your mercy that they will sing Your glories, being as pleased as the gopis were when released from the hands of Sankhacuda
- My lord, you are completely aware of the religious principles. As a son never deserves to be killed by his father, here is a brahmana who should be protected by the king, and never killed. How does he deserve to be killed by a rajarsi like you?
- Nanda Maharaja cried for help, "This serpent is swallowing me!", all the cowherd men got up and saw what was happening. They immediately took up burning logs and began to beat the snake to kill it
- Nanda Maharaja replied: My dear Vasudeva, I know that you are very much aggrieved because the cruel king Kamsa has killed all your sons born of Devaki. Although the last child was a daughter, Kamsa could not kill her
- Nanda Maharaja said, "Kamsa's protection is just like the slaughterhouse keeper’s protection of animals he will kill in the future. He is so selfish that he has killed the sons of his own sister"
- Nanda tells Yasoda, "Never mind, all auspiciousness to my son! I shall raise this hand which is as strong as a pillar, and I shall kill the Kesi demon, just to give freedom from all anxieties to the inhabitants of Brajamandala"
- Narada asked him (Mrgari), "Why are you killing in this way?" And he said, "Oh, it is my business. My father taught it." So he was honestly doing that
- Narada Muni continued, 'All the animals that you have killed and given unnecessary pain will kill you one after the other in your next life and in life after life'
- Narada Muni said, "The invincible death incarnation, eternal time, You (Krsna) will vanquish all belligerents assembled there. A large number of military forces killed in that battlefield. Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Your lotus feet"
- Narada said: There is a great offense committed when you (the hunter) kill an animal completely, but the offense is much greater when you half-kill it. Indeed, the pain which you give half-dead animals will have to be accepted by you in a future birth
- Narayana said, "If the benediction proves false, then you (Vrkasura) can at once kill this liar, Lord Siva, so that in the future he will not dare give out false benedictions"
- Nature's law is so strong that if you kill the child in the womb then you'll be also killed. "Tit for tat." There is no escape
- Nawab Hussain Shah, of course, was very grateful to Subuddhi Raya and therefore refused to kill him
- News of this was received by the gorilla king, Jambavan, who then killed that lion in the cave and took away the jewel
- Newspapers, for instance, are filled with gramya-katha. There is no spiritual understanding in them. In the United States there are many newspapers, and simply to publish the New York Times many trees have to be killed
- Next he (Jarasandha) turned toward Balarama and addressed Him, "You, Balarama! If You like You can fight along with Him, and if You have patience, then You can wait to be killed by my arrows. Thus You can be promoted to heaven"
- No animal could be killed except in sacrifice, as prescribed. Unnecessarily there was no need of killing animals. That is great sin
- No one can create a living being despite all advancement of material science, and therefore no one has the right to kill a living being by one's independent whims
- No one can kill a devotee of the Lord because he is protected by the Lord, and no one can save a person whom the Lord desires to kill
- No one checked her movement, because of her exquisite beauty and therefore she freely entered the house of Nanda Maharaja. Putana, the killer of many, many children, found baby Krsna lying on a small bed
- No one should ever be killed in a sacrifice meant for the satisfaction of Lord Visnu
- Nondevotees are killing cows, goats and so many other animals for eating purposes, and a devotee, who is vegetarian, is also killing
- Nonetheless the ksatriyas had to perform such undesirable actions (fighting and killing) as a matter of duty
- Nonviolence is generally taken to mean not killing or destroying the body, but actually nonviolence means not to put others into distress. BG 1972 purports
- Nor do we know which is better - conquering them or being conquered by them. The sons of Dhrtarastra, whom if we killed we should not care to live, are now standing before us on this battlefield. BG 2.6 - 1972
- Not wanting to detract from the mission of the Lord (Balarama) in killing Romaharsana Suta, all of them (the sages) prayed, "Our dear Lord, the uncommon use of Your kusa weapon to kill Romaharsana Suta may remain as it is"
- Now I am a sannyasi. I must open school, college and daridra-narayana seva and goat-narayana killing -This kind of sannyasa has no meaning
- Now I am being killed," she said, "under the protection of an unworthy husband, who is a coward and a eunuch although he thinks himself a great hero
- Now India has learned, imitated the western countries. Now there is war between India and Pakistan. Otherwise there was no such thing. During two wars between the Pakistan and Hindustan, unnecessarily, without any profit, millions of people were killed
- Now that You are present before me and ready to kill me with Your weapons, let me know where I should go to take shelter, and tell me who can give me protection
- Now there is a paper scarcity. Why are they uselessly killing trees just for gramya-katha? They are only interested in making a profit
- Now they are killing animals. That is separate from human being. But time will come, the human beings, they will kill themselves, one another. Not only one, two, but wholesale. Daily, millions or thousands will be killed
- Now we are very powerful, and we have good weapons to fight with, and we can kill many people. But these are no qualifications for good men or a good society
- Now you have got this body. This is temporary. That's the real understanding. And if I say it is mithya, then if I kill you, then why I am punished? I can say, "Oh, it is mithya, it is false. So what is their fault?" No. It is not mithya. It is temporary
- Now, after taking instruction from Christ, first of all they killed Christ. That means they could not understand the instruction. Therefore their first business was to kill the instructor. And after that, two thousand years passed, still they are killing
- Now, Hiranyakasipu having been killed, their (the nagas') wealth and wives were returned, and their wives felt satisfied
- Now, what was to be done? How could both the killing of this demon (Aghasura) and the saving of the devotees be performed simultaneously - SB 10.12.28
- O brahmana (Narada), O master, I (Yudhisthira) have never heard of such a contradiction as an affectionate father's punishing his noble son with the intention of killing him. Kindly dissipate our doubts in this regard
- O demigods, these demoniac soldiers have taken birth uselessly. Indeed, they have come from the bodies of their mothers exactly like stool. What is the benefit of killing such enemies from behind while they are running in fear?
- O great hero, my dear son Parasurama, you have unnecessarily killed the king, who is supposed to be the embodiment of all the demigods. Thus you have committed a sin
- O greatly fortunate one, you came under the influence of lusty desires, and therefore you could not understand the influence of mother Sita. Now, because of her curse, you have been reduced to this state, having been killed by Lord Ramacandra
- O greatly fortunate ones, you should not kill these poor trees by burning them to ashes. Your duty is to wish the citizens (prajas) all prosperity and to act as their protectors
- O Janardana, although these men, overtaken by greed, see no fault in killing one's family or quarreling with friends, why should we, with knowledge of the sin, engage in these acts? BG 1.37-38 - 1972
- O Kamsa, we (the ministers), who are your adherents in all respects, shall therefore kill the brahmanas (because Visnu lives wherever there are religious principles & sacrifices), the persons engaged in offering sacrifices and austerities - SB 10.4.40
- O King, as in the ocean the bigger & stronger aquatics swallow up the smaller & weaker ones, so also the Supreme P of G, to lighten the burden of the earth, has engaged the stronger Yadu to kill the weaker, & the bigger Yadu to kill the smaller
- O King, O hero, this human body is meant for universal benefits. If you kill this body untimely, you will kill all the benefits of human life
- O King, the demons, aggravated by their usual anger, took their lances and tridents in hand, and against the will of Bali Maharaja they pushed forward to kill Lord Vamanadeva
- O my (Vasudeva) Lord (Krsna), Lord of the demigods, after hearing the prophecy that You would take birth in our (Vasudeva's and Devaki's) home and kill him, this uncivilized Kamsa killed so many of Your elder brothers - SB 10.3.22
- O Partha, how can a person who knows that the soul is indestructible, eternal, unborn and immutable kill anyone or cause anyone to kill?
- O Partha, how can a person who knows that the soul is indestructible, unborn, eternal and immutable, kill anyone or cause anyone to kill? BG 2.21 - 1972
- O protector of the universe, you are engaged by the S P of Godhead as His all-powerful weapon in killing the envious enemies. For the benefit of our entire dynasty, kindly favor this poor brahmana. This will certainly be a favor for all of us
- O son of Kunti, either you will be killed on the battlefield and attain the heavenly planets, or you will conquer and enjoy the earthly kingdom. Therefore get up and fight with determination. BG 2.37 - 1972
- O son of Kunti, either you will be killed on the battlefield and attain the heavenly planets, or you will conquer and enjoy the earthly kingdom. Therefore, get up with determination and fight
- O Vasudeva, you may take back your child and go home. I (Kamsa) have no fear of your first child. It is the eighth child of you and Devaki I am concerned with because that is the child by whom I am destined to be killed - SB 10.1.60
- Of course, after death there must be birth; therefore Yavana-raja thought it wise to kill all the karmis through the agency of Kalakanya and thus try to make them aware that materialistic advancement is not actually advancement
- Of course, those who are Krsna’s servants cannot kill such imitation gods, but they should try their best to defeat them through the evidence of sastra, authentic knowledge received through the disciplic succession
- Oh, who are you? You appear to be strong and yet you dare kill, within my protection, those who are helpless! By your dress you pose yourself to be a godly man (king), but by your deeds you are opposing the principles of the twice-born ksatriyas
- On request from many influential demigods and sages, he (Janamejaya) had to change his decision to kill the race of snakes, but despite stopping the sacrifice, he satisfied everyone concerned in the sacrifice by rewarding them properly
- On the other fronts, heroes like Gada, Satyaki and Samba were killing the soldiers of Salva. The soldiers staying with Salva in the airplane were also killed in the fighting, and they fell into the ocean
- On the way (of Jagannatha Puri) they (Sanatana Gosvami and Isana) stopped at a sarai, or hotel, and when the hotel keeper found out that Isana had some gold coins with him, he planned to kill both Sanatana Gosvami and Isana to take away the coins
- On this very night I would have killed you and taken your coins. It is very good that you have voluntarily offered them to me. I am now relieved from such a sinful activity
- Once it was found that an asura took a benediction from Lord Siva by which the asura would be able to kill someone simply by placing his hands on that person's head. Such benedictions are possible to receive from the demigods
- Once the great saint Narada approached Kamsa and informed him of how the demoniac persons who were a great burden on the earth were going to be killed. Thus Kamsa was placed into great fear and doubt - SB 10.1.64
- One can be killed if he comes to set fire to the home or to pollute or kidnap one's wife. Lord Ramacandra killed the entire family of Ravana because Ravana kidnapped His wife, Sitadevi. However, killing is not sanctioned in the sastras for other purposes
- One cannot violate the nature's law. You can violate the state law. Suppose you kill somebody, you can escape by trick. But you cannot escape nature's law. As many times you have killed, so many times you have to be killed within the womb
- One cowherd boy said, "Although the Dhenukasura demon was assisted by his cohorts, also in the shape of asses, all were killed, and the Talavana forest was then open for the use of the animals and inhabitants of Vrndavana"
- One cowherd boy said, "When Krsna, along with His brother, Balarama, entered the Talavana forest, the demon known as Dhenukasura, in the shape of an ass, attacked Them and was immediately killed by Balarama"
- One cowherd boy said, "When Pralambasura entered amongst Krsna's cowherd boyfriends, Krsna caused him to be killed by Balarama"
- One life is, one living being is food for another living being. But that does not mean that you shall kill your son and eat, and it will be supported by the society
- One living entity is the food for another living entity. That is lower-grade life. In the higher-grade life, no, they cannot kill anyone for eating purposes. Therefore in the Bible the First Commandment is - Thou shall not kill
- One man, one medical practitioner, he killed his servant in the operation room very mercilessly. The servant was implicated with his wife
- One may have been destined to be killed, but instead of being killed with a knife, he may instead get some little cut on his finger. In this way, for those who engage in devotional service, the reactions of past activities are minimized
- One may try to get out of diseased condition. This attempt does not mean that one should be killed so that one may get out of miserable condition of diseased life. The real method is to remove diseased condition and be placed in healthy life
- One occupation which is not exactly fitting you, you do not know how to do it, so avyapare suvyaparam yo kartu... If one wants to act in a business in which he is unable to do, then he is killed just like this fool monkey
- One of the elderly friends said, "My dear Mandalibhadra, why are you wielding a shining sword as though you were running towards Aristasura to kill him"
- One should kill mental concoctions by the sword of service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotee
- One should know in truth how Krsna, who takes His birth transcendentally, acts to kill the demons but is never killed. When one perfectly understands Krsna in this way, through the medium of sastra, one becomes immortal
- One should know that neither we ourselves nor our enemies in the bodily conception of life are ever killed
- One should not accept the body as the self and thus, like the animals, kill the bodies of others. This is especially forbidden by saintly persons, who follow the path of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One should not kill bodies for one's sense gratification, for this will implicate one in sinful activity
- One should not think that since the spirit spark is never killed even after the killing of the body there is no harm in killing animals for sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- One should not try to imitate Lord Siva. Lord Siva can do whatever he likes, but those who try to imitate Lord Siva by smoking ganja and other poisonous things will certainly be killed because of such activities
- One so seriously considers one's wife to be his own that he sometimes kills himself for her or kills others, including even his parents or his spiritual master or teacher
- One such rascal, known as Paundraka, appeared before Lord Krsna, and the Lord immediately killed him
- One who considers himself a hero should not kill an enemy who is afraid of losing his life. Such killing is never glorious, nor can it promote one to the heavenly planets
- One who is not motivated by false ego, whose intelligence is not entangled, though he kills men in this world, is not the slayer. Nor is he bound by his actions. BG 18.17 - 1972
- One who keeps himself in household life, he kills himself. Killing. Grhamedhi. And that is little long-term meaning. But this is the direct meaning. The medha rod is there, and he simply . . . he's very busy
- One who understands the soul as eternal and indestructible - how can he hurt or kill anyone? It is only the outward body and mind that are destroyed
- Ordinarily a murderer is hanged, and in the Manu-samhita it is said that a king bestows mercy upon a murderer by killing him, thus saving him from various kinds of suffering
- Ordinarily they (saintly persons) never want anyone killed. Therefore, although it may appear that Lord Krsna or Prahlada Maharaja acted immorally, in fact they acted in accord with the highest morality
- Ordinary persons who are following the regulative moral principles of scriptures, no matter in what condition they are found, will certainly be attracted, but not persons who are killing themselves
- Original mother, wife of the spiritual master, wife of the priest, wife of the king, cow, nurse and Earth. These are seven mothers. Cow is mother because we drink cow's milk. How can I deny that she's not mother? So how we can support killing of mother?
- Other men, even they are not fighting spirit, we can kill very easily. But own men, although they are fighting spirit, still he (Arjuna) hesitates, because own men
- Others joined the conspiracy because they were disappointed in not having the hand of Satyabhama. Some of them incited Satadhanva to kill Satrajit and take away the jewel
- Our dear husbands (Kamsa and his eight brothers), you treated persons ill who were faultless, and as a result you have been killed. This is inevitable because a person who torments an innocent person must be punished by the laws of nature
- Our miserable condition of life is due to our material attraction, or papa, impious activities. Here it is confirmed that kevalaya bhaktya, agham dhunvanti kartsnyena: totally you can kill all reaction of sinful activities
- Our point is, the birth problem is not solved. If there are unwanted population, you kill them, that does not mean the population problem is solved
- Our process is . . . we . . . killing is not very important or nonimportant for us. If Krsna says, "Kill," we can kill. If Krsna says: "Don't kill," we don't kill
- Paper is now in scarcity. Why? Because they're killing the trees and making this gramya-katha newspaper, bunch of. Useless. They are making profit
- Parantapa means one who can give trouble to the enemies. It is the duty of the ksatriya. Enemies, aggressor, they should be killed
- Parasurama cut off like a mountain peak the head of Kartaviryarjuna, who had already lost his arms. When Kartaviryarjuna's ten thousand sons saw their father killed, they all fled in fear
- Parasurama established that the killing art, although sometimes necessary, is not good. Lord Parasurama considered Himself culpable for the sinful killing of the ksatriyas; therefore, how much more culpable are we for such abominable unsanctioned acts
- Parasurama thought that when his father was pleased, Parasurama would ask the benediction of having his mother and brothers brought back to life. Parasurama was confident in this regard, and therefore he agreed to kill his mother and brothers
- Parasurama, having killed the enemy, released the kamadhenu, which had undergone great suffering, and brought it back with its calf to his residence, where he gave it to his father, Jamadagni
- Pariksit Maharaja was not a foolish and partial administrator who would arrange for the protection of one living being and allow another to be killed
- Pariksit Maharaja was the son of Abhimanyu, who was the son of Arjuna and Subhadra, Krsna's sister. When Abhimanyu was sixteen years old, he went to fight, and seven great commanders joined forces to kill him
- Pariksit Maharaja, who was very intelligent, said - By atonement one can become free from sinful activity, but suppose a man has committed murder and then is killed
- Pariksit was in the forest, hunting. Hunting is allowed only to the ksatriya kings. Because they were to rule over, and formerly the rogues and rascals by the order of king or king himself would kill him immediately, so they had to practice how to kill
- Parvata Muni is also a devarsi, a great sage amongst the demigods, like Narada. He was present along with Narada at the sacrificial ceremony of Maharaja Janamejaya, son of Maharaja Pariksit. In this sacrifice all the snakes of the world were to be killed
- Parvata Muni, a friend of Narada's, saw the wonderful transformation of the hunter by devotional service, and remarked, "My dear hunter, your unwillingness to kill even an ant is not very astonishing"
- People are so rascal that they did not believe even the son of God, what to speak of His representative. What is that? Why Jesus Christ was killed? What was his fault?
- People are still very much interested in writing and reading books about Hitler and Bonaparte and how they killed so many people in war
- People are very much anxious to give service to other living entities, especially to the poor, but although they have manufactured many ways to give such help, actually they are expert in killing the poor living entities
- People do not believe even in the next life, and what to speak of atonement and punishment. They are kept in darkness. Otherwise if they would have followed actually the injunction of the sastras one should not be killing anyone
- People in modern civilization do not like pregnancy or childbirth, and when there is a child, they sometimes kill it. We can just consider how human society has fallen since the inauguration of Kali-yuga
- People must stop this cow killing, the greatest sin. They should divert their tendency for happiness differently than by killing and drinking
- People nowadays are so unfortunate. So why should come Krsna to kill them? They are already killed by the laws of nature. They are already killed, half-killed. Therefore Krsna has come in the form of His name. Please chant Hare Krsna
- People will be killed and injured, and animals and women will be stolen. And for all these sins we shall be responsible
- Persons destined to live in deserts are understood to be sharing the reactions for the sin of brahma-hatya, the killing of a brahmana
- Persons who observe everything with differentiation, who are simply attached to fruitive activities, who are mean minded, who are always pained to see the flourishing condition of others have already been killed by providence
- Physical killing is for very big, big, strong man like Mao, or this Lenin, like that. Not common people. They have to be shown mercy
- Please go kill him and thus regain Your wife, Sitadevi. O great hero, although my water presents no impediment to Your going to Lanka, please construct a bridge over it to spread Your transcendental fame
- Pleasing Narayana does not require as much endeavor as pleasing one's family, community and nation. We have seen important political leaders killed for a slight discrepancy in their behavior
- Politicians especially do not retire from political activities unless they are dragged by the cruel hand of death or killed by some opposing element
- Pradyumna's attachment in anxiety for Krsna was expressed when he said to his wife Rati: "The enemy, Sambara, is already killed. Now I am very anxious to see my father, who is my spiritual master and who always carries the conchshell known as Pancajanya
- Prahlada Maharaja is beginning his prayer: My dear Lord, You pacify Yourself. Now my father is killed. That business is finished. Now, these people, they will never create any trouble, so You become pacified
- Prahlada Maharaja is not protesting, "Why you are killing my father?" No. He's seeing. So why Prahlada Maharaja is worshiped? Why he has become a mahajana, authority
- Prahlada Maharaja said that even a saintly person becomes pleased when a scorpion or a snake is killed. So if it is a fact that Nair is dead it is a matter of great pleasure for all devotees
- Prahlada Maharaja says, - Even a sadhu is pleased when a snake is killed or a scorpion is killed. So my father is just like snake and scorpion. So he's killed; therefore everyone is happy
- Prthu Maharaja's father, Vena Maharaja, he was disapproved by the brahmins and the saintly person, and immediately he was dethroned and killed
- Prthu's father was a number one atheist who did not abide by the injunctions mentioned in the Vedic sastras, who practically stopped all sacrificial performances & who so disgusted the brahmanas that they not only dethroned him but cursed and killed him
- Puranjaya agreed to kill all the demons, on the condition that Indra would be his carrier. Because of pride, Indra could not accept this proposal, but later, by the order of the Supreme Lord, Visnu, Indra did accept it and became a great bull
- Pure devotional service in Krsna consciousness is the highest enlightenment, and when such enlightenment is there, it is just like a blazing forest fire, killing all the inauspicious snakes of desire
- Putana was a great Raksasi who knew the art of covering her original form by mystic power, but when she was killed her mystic power could not hide her, and she appeared in her original form
- Putra has got a duty, to save the forefathers. Therefore one has to, it is his duty to keep a putra. At least one son he must leave. But people are not very much anxious to have putra. Rather to kill putra. They are so sinful
- Radharani continued, "'If you say that Krsna is an ocean of transcendental qualities and therefore must be merciful some day, I can only say that He is like fire, which attracts moths by its dazzling brightness and kills them"'
- Rati continued, "Before he (Demon Sambara) again attempts to kill you (Pradyumna), please kill him as soon as possible with your divine power"
- Rati continued, "You have come under my care, but actually, in your former life as Cupid, I was your wife; therefore, my manifestation of conjugal symptoms is not at all incompatible. Sambara wanted to kill you, he is endowed with various mystic powers"
- Read Bhagavad-gita very carefully. Don't misinterpret. That has killed our culture
- Real guru is never to be killed, but the so-called guru has to be killed
- Regarding Jesus Christ, unfortunately he could not meet such nice devotees as I have met. Jesus said, Thou shalt not kill, but their first business was to kill him
- Sagara Maharaja, following the order of his spiritual master, Aurva, did not kill the uncivilized men like the Talajanghas, Yavanas, Sakas, Haihayas and Barbaras
- Saintly persons are very kind to all kinds of living entities, but they are not unhappy when a serpent or a scorpion is killed. It is not good for saintly persons to kill, but they are encouraged to kill demons, who are exactly like serpents and scorpions
- Salva addressed Krsna, "You rascal, Krsna! Look. This is Your father, who has begotten You and by whose mercy You are still living. Now just see how I kill Your father. If You have any strength, try to save him"
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu. Equality to all living entities. That is real love. That is real concern, Krsna consciousness. A lover of Krsna will hesitate to kill even one ant
- Sanatana Gosvami replied, "If you do not accept these coins, someone else will kill me for them. It is better that you save me from the danger by accepting the coins"
- Sanatana Gosvami was indicating that since the governor (the Nawab) was engaged in hunting animals and in killing men to expand his kingdom, let both of them suffer according to the acts they were performing
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya considered that if Amogha were killed, the killer would suffer sinful reactions for killing a brahmana. For the same reason, it would have been undesirable for the Bhattacarya to commit suicide because he also was a brahmana
- Satadhanva was a sinful man of abominable character, and although due to his sinful activities he was not to live for many days, he decided to kill Satrajit while Satrajit was sleeping at home
- Sati herself could have killed her father, Daksa, because she is the personified material energy and has immense power to kill and create within this material universe
- Satrughna had two sons, named Subahu and Srutasena. When Lord Bharata went to conquer all directions, He had to kill many millions of Gandharvas, who are generally pretenders. Taking all their wealth, He offered it to Lord Ramacandra
- Satrughna killed a Raksasa named Lavana, who was the son of Madhu Raksasa. Thus He established in the great forest known as Madhuvana the town known as Mathura
- Saunaka and the rsis were astonished to hear that the pious Maharaja Pariksit simply punished the culprit and did not kill him
- Saunaka Muni asked: After killing his enemies who desired to usurp his rightful inheritance, how did the greatest of all religious men, Maharaja Yudhisthira, assisted by his brothers, rule his subjects?
- Self-interested persons, by demoniac austerity, want to kill even their benedictors, whereas the Vaisnava wants to remain an ever-existing servant of the Lord and never to occupy the post of the Lord
- She (Devaki) is your younger sister, and you should protect her, just as you would protect your daughter. Why should you kill her? - In this way he (Vasudeva) placated Kamsa
- She (Draupadi) was very much aggrieved when her five sons were killed by Asvatthama. At the last stage, she accompanied her husband Yudhisthira and others and fell on the way
- She assumed a frightening body, as if she were prepared to destroy the entire creation. Leaping violently from the altar, she immediately decapitated all the rogues and thieves with the very sword with which they had intended to kill Jada Bharata
- She could immediately understand that these sinful dacoits were about to kill a great devotee of the Lord. Suddenly the deity's body burst asunder, and the goddess Kali personally emerged from it in a body burning with an intense & intolerable effulgence
- Simply by performing a little devotional service according to the instructions of Narada Muni, Prahlada became so dear to the Lord that the Lord came to save him, whereas Hiranyakasipu, in spite of all his austerities, was killed
- Simply you wait for the natural death. Where is the restriction? You have got a limited number of cows. Either you wait for the death, or you kill it at once, the number of cows are the same. So we simply request you that you don't kill them
- Sin will overcome us if we slay such aggressors. Therefore it is not proper for us to kill the sons of Dhrtarastra and our friends. BG 1.36 - 1972
- Since a cow is never to be killed, mother earth thought it wise to take the shape of a cow in order to avoid King Prthu's arrows. King Prthu, however, could understand this fact, and therefore he did not stop chasing the cow-shaped earth
- Since Brahma told him that he could not grant the gift of immortality, Hiranyakasipu requested that he not be killed by any man, animal, god or any other living being within the 8,400,000 species
- Since every living entity is a residence of the Supreme Lord and can be considered a temple of the Lord, the unnecessary killing of any living entity is not permitted
- Since I suffer when pinched or killed by others, I should not attempt to pinch or kill any other living entity
- Since Krsna was absent from home, His wife Satyabhama was present on the night Satrajit was murdered, and she began to cry, "My dear father! My dear father! How mercilessly you have been killed"
- Since Lord Siva is the protector of religion, a person who vilifies him should be killed at once, and after killing such a person, one should give up one's life
- Since she (Devaki) had heard of this incident, she had also been thinking of her own sons who were killed by Kamsa, and while remembering them she was overwhelmed with grief
- Since the eighth son of Devaki was to kill Kamsa, one might ask what the need was for Vasudeva to deliver the first-born child. The answer is that Vasudeva had promised Kamsa that he would deliver all the children born of Devaki
- Since the Pandavas' cause was just, they would come out victorious, and the sons of Dhrtarastra would be killed. This was a prophecy told by Akrura to Dhrtarastra
- Since the sons and grandsons of Dhrtarastra were all killed in the Battle of Kuruksetra, the last son of the dynasty is designated as the son of the Kurus
- Since their hearts (of materialistic persons engaged in fruitive activities) are always filled with anxiety, it is understood that they have already been killed by providence. Thus Lord Siva, as a self-realized Vaisnava, was advised not to kill Daksa
- Since you Muslims cannot bring killed cows back to life, you are responsible for killing them. Therefore you are going to hell; there is no way for your deliverance
- Sinful dacoits were about to kill a great devotee of the Lord. Suddenly the deity's body burst asunder, and the goddess Kali personally emerged from it in a body burning with an intense and intolerable effulgence
- Sisupala did not care to think of the pros and cons of his foolish talking, and instead of stopping when he saw that all the kings were ready to kill him, he stood to fight with them and took up his sword and shield
- Sisupala was so foolish that he was not even slightly agitated, although all the kings present were ready to kill him
- Sit down here for a while and keep us all under arrest. When the sannyasi regains his senses, you can question Him. Then, if you like, you can kill us all
- Sixty-four crores of men were killed in the battlefield of Kuruksetra. So he was not happy, although the battle, the fight, was religious fight. It is not whimsical
- Sleeping - oh, there is no limit, twenty-four hours sleeping if it is possible. Go on, this is going on. Eating, sleeping, mating. And defense - and discover atomic weapon, this weapon, that weapon, and kill innocent persons, unnecessarily, defense
- So far nuclear weapon is concerned, so there is no much credit. Because it is a weapon for killing, death. Is it not? Not for that purpose?
- So ksatriya means they used to kill, practice. Unless they practice, how they can kill? And now our president, they practice only smoking, that's all. That's all. And when there is fight, he is in the chamber
- So that is violence required. Tit for tat. One who is going to commit violence unnecessarily, the king, government, should immediately take the sword and kill that person. That is government's duty
- So this Asvatthama was an aggressor. Therefore Arjuna decided to kill him
- So when you go to preach, you know the preachers are sometimes attacked. Just like Nityananda Prabhu was attacked by Jagai-Madhai. And when Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, killed... So a preacher has the risk
- So, the real explanation is that you take which is offered to Krsna. That is nice philosophy. Killing you have to do, either you kill vegetable or animal, killing you have to do. Therefore our proposition is that you take the prasadam of Krsna
- Soldier, when comes home, if he kills one man, he is hanged. Why? He can say in the court, "Sir, when I was fighting in the battlefield, I killed many. I got medal. And why you are hanging me now?" "Because you have done for your own sense gratification
- Soldiers killing and ordinary killing is not the same, but my point is that God gives you the law that you shall not kill. Now if you are violating that law, then how you can become religious? That is my question
- Some of the dead animals that were fit to be offered in sacrifices were carried by servants and sent to King Yudhisthira. The ferocious animals, such as tigers and rhinoceroses, were killed only to stop disturbances in the forest
- Some of the people at the arena were prepared to kill Sisupala (because he was calling Krsna ill names), but Krsna restricted them. He was so forgiving
- Somebody comes to set fire in your house, especially they are called aggressors. So these aggressors are to be immediately killed. There is no question of nonviolence. You must kill immediately. There is no sin. Atatayinah
- Sometimes a child is born despite contraceptive methods, and therefore the parents kill the child in the womb
- Sometimes during war, soldiers keep their enemies in concentration camps and kill them in very cruel ways. These are reactions brought about by unrestricted animal-killing in the slaughterhouse and by hunters in the forest
- Sometimes Kali becomes so infuriated that she indiscriminately kills all kinds of asuras
- Sometimes ksatriyas go to the forest to kill animals like deer because they have to learn the art of killing, and sometimes they eat the animals also. Sudras, too, eat animals such as goats
- Sometimes ksatriyas used to kill animals in the forests to practice the killing art because without such practice they would not be able to kill the undesirable elements
- Sometimes politicians act most sinfully for their own sense gratification. It is not unusual for a politician to kill the opposing party
- Sometimes the king had to kill personally with the sword. Even in European countries, the royal orders were trained up. Nowadays it is constitutional, democratic government. The king has no power. But this is not good for the people
- Sometimes we see that a powerful preacher is killed, or sometimes he is put into difficulty, just as Haridasa Thakura was
- Soul, the spiritual spark, even in minute quantity, it can float the heaviest matter. This is the conclusion. If the pilot is killed some way or other, no more floating, come down
- Spiritually, no one was killed on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. Only their dresses were changed by the order of Krsna, who was personally present. BG 1972 purports
- Sri Baladeva was very angry at Arjuna (for kidnapping Subhadra), and He wanted to kill him, but Lord Krsna implored His brother to excuse Arjuna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu challenged the Muslim Kazi - What kind of religious principle do you follow by killing your father and mother (the bull and cow) to eat them
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has prescribed: Let people chant the Hare Krsna mantra constantly. Then their demoniac tendencies will be killed, and they will become first-class devotees, happy in this life and in the next
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: Just to help Indra, Lord Visnu killed the two brothers Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu. Because of their being killed, their mother, Diti, overwhelmed with lamentation and anger, contemplated as follows
- Sridama, Subala & Stoka Krsna said, "All of them (the demons) are very strong, so it is very difficult to approach this place. Dear brothers, You are the only persons who can kill such demons. Other than You, no one can go there for fear of being killed"
- Srimati Radharani continued, "In that birth, instead of killing Vali, an enemy of His friend, in the manner of a ksatriya, He (Ramacandra) killed him just like a hunter. A hunter takes a secure hiding place and then kills an animal without facing it"
- Striking their breasts in affliction because their husbands had been killed by the arrows of Laksmana, the women embraced their respective husbands and cried piteously in voices appealing to everyone
- Such kind of creative energy which is trying to put something for understanding of Krsna consciousness, janatagha-viplavah, that brings a revolution to the people for killing their effect of sinful activities
- Such misbehavior (disrespecting a great personality) is called mahad-vyatikrama. They (sons of Sagara Maharaja) were killed by the fire of their own bodies because of insulting a great personality
- Such persons (who are interested in trivarga) are killing themselves by willingly keeping themselves in the cycle of birth and death. They cannot be interested in Krsna consciousness
- Sukadeva Gosvami informed the King that the island known as Nagalaya was inhabited by serpents and that Kaliya was one of the chief serpents there. Being accustomed to eating snakes, Garuda used to come to this island and kill many serpents at will
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Because of your (Pariksit's) death by the Taksaka snake, your son Janamejaya will be very angry and will perform a sacrifice to kill all the snakes in the world
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Deliberating in this way, Kamsa, although determined to continue in enmity toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead, refrained from the vicious killing of his sister - SB 10.2.23
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Once Saudasa went to live in the forest, where he killed a man-eater (Raksasa) but forgave and released the man-eater's brother. That brother, however, decided to take revenge
- Superficially it appears that animal is put and he is killed, but when the animal comes out of the yajna, that is the test of yajnic brahmin chanting the Vedic hymns correctly. That was the system
- Suta Gosvami said: Being afraid for having killed so many subjects on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, Maharaja Yudhisthira went to the scene of the massacre. There, Bhismadeva was lying on a bed of arrows, about to pass away
- Symbolically, mother Devaki's constant fear of Kamsa was purifying her. A pure devotee should always fear material association, and in this way all the asuras of material association will be killed, as the sad-garbhasuras were killed by Kamsa
- Taking a human body is meant for completing one's progress in life. Throughout human society, killing of a human being is taken very seriously
- Taking up a broken chariot wheel, He ran toward Grandfather Bhisma as a lion runs toward an elephant to kill it
- Taking with Him some of the important inhabitants of Dvaraka, Krsna went to search out Prasena, the brother of Satrajit, and found him dead, killed by the lion
- That foolish person is killed just like this monkey. The monkey's business was not to imitate the sawman, but he wanted to imitate. The result was that he was killed. So that is not expertness
- That is the law in Manu-samhita, that a murderer is killed, then his all sinful activities, reaction of life, finishes by that killing, by that hanging. Otherwise next life he has to suffer so many things
- That man who is simply proud that 'I am born in such-and-such family,' he is a rascal, - because this false prestige is rascaldom. This false prestige has killed the Vedic civilization
- That means he's killed my independence
- That most unkind king, Puranjana, had killed many animals in various sacrifices. Now, taking advantage of this opportunity, all these animals began to pierce him with their horns. It was as though he were being cut to pieces by axes
- That the ksatriyas had killed Parasurama's father was only a plea; the real fact is that because the ksatriyas, the ruling class, had become polluted, their position was inauspicious
- The administrators should not simply pass resolutions for anticorruptional steps, but they must be ready with sharp swords to kill the persons creating corruptions from the angle of vision of the recognized sastras
- The age of Kali aims at killing the higher principles of life, and although Maharaja Pariksit strongly resisted the domination of the personality of Kali within the world, the influence of the age of Kali came at an opportune moment
- The animals gathered were not meant to be killed and eaten. The real purpose of a sacrifice was not to replace a slaughterhouse but to test a Vedic mantra by giving an animal new life. Animals were used to test the power of Vedic mantras, not for meat
- The atheists theory is: after death everything is finished. No one is responsible for anything he does during his life." This atheistic conception of life is killing human civilization, for it is without knowledge of the continuation of eternal life
- The attendants who came with Sati were meant to protect her from calamities, but since they were unable to protect their master's wife, they decided to die for her, and before dying they wanted to kill Daksa
- The beautiful Diti said: My dear brahmana, kindly see that my embryo is not killed by Lord Siva, the lord of all living entities, because of the great offense I have committed against him
- The Bengalis got this appetite for eating flesh and fish and at the same time becoming one with God. This foolish theory and fanaticism has killed the Bengali culture. Not all, but a few percentage
- The Bible says, "Thou shall not kill," and the Christian people are killing, maintaining slaughterhouse. What is this? This is my question. How they'll understand God if they are so much implicated in sinful activities
- The body of a snake is very cool, but if a man, wanting to enjoy this coolness, garlands himself with a venomous snake, he will surely be killed by the snake's venomous bite
- The body of a tiger is made for killing and eating raw meat. Similarly, the hogs are made in such a way that they can eat stool. And as human beings our teeth are made for eating vegetables and fruits
- The body should be properly cared for. Because the body is temporary, not permanent, one cannot expose the body to being devoured by a tiger or killed by an enemy. All precautions should be taken to protect the body
- The boy was so cruel that while playing with young boys of his age he would kill them very mercilessly, as if they were animals meant for slaughter
- The brahmanas are not encouraged to fight or kill. No. They should remain always nonviolent. Even there is required violence, a brahmana will not kill personally. He will bring the matter to the ksatriya, royal order
- The brahmastra is something like atomic weapon, nuclear weapon. It can go to the enemy wherever the enemy is. It doesn't matter. It will go and kill. That is called brahmastra
- The Britishers peacefully killed the Hindu culture, Vedic culture
- The bull is the father of human society because the father earns for the children just as the bull tills the ground to produce food grains. Human society will kill its spirit of life by killing the father and the mother
- The canga was a device for killing a condemned person
- The chanting of the holy name of Lord Visnu is the best process of atonement for one who kills a brahmana, or for one who indulges in sex with the wife of his guru or another superior
- The Christian religion says in the beginning, first commandment, "Thou shalt not kill," and you are simply killing. So where is Christian? Christian religion is not bad. No religion is bad
- The citizens of Indraprastha felt their hearts become joyful simply by hearing the vibration of Krsna's conchshell because they could understand that Jarasandha had been killed. Now the Rajasuya sacrifice by King Yudhisthira was almost certain
- The citizens of Mathura then began to talk about Balarama. They spoke of His very beautiful lotus-petal eyes, and they remarked of Him, "This boy has killed the Pralamba demon and many others also"
- The commander says, Just go and kill the enemy, and he is rewarded. Do you think that by killing one gets reward? No - it is for the duty discharged
- The Communist philosophy also, there are so many defects. They also think of equal rights for everyone but why not for the animals? What right you have got to kill the animals? Similarly, the animal also kill you. So this is not organized society
- The conscience, the so-called conscience is created. You go on killing, your conscience will be killing conscience, "It is all right"
- The conscious being, the imperishable self, is eternally existent and cannot be killed under any circumstances, even after the dissolution of the body
- The constitutional position of the dog is th