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Go into the womb of the mother and there being killed, and again go into the womb of the mother and again being killed. If you want to save yourself from this process of nature, then you have to practice tapasya

Expressions researched:
"go into the womb of the mother and there being killed, and again go into the womb of the mother and again being killed. If you want to save yourself from this process of nature, then you have to practice tapasya"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

That has to be given up if he wants release from such kind of tribulations, janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi—go into the womb of the mother and there being killed, and again go into the womb of the mother and again being killed. If you want to save yourself from this process of nature, then you have to practice tapasya.

Prabhupāda: Tapasā, I have explained the other day, that you have to voluntarily accept some inconveniences. That is That is not inconvenience. But because I am accustomed to such things, it appears to be inconvenient. Just like a smoker, he is veteran smoker, chain smoker. If he is asked that, "Stop this. This is not good" . . . practically every state is now trying to stop it. Every cigarette packet it is written . . . what is that written?

Devotee: "May be hazardous to your health."

Prabhupāda: Huh?

Devotee: "It is hazardous to your health."

Prabhupāda: The advertisement is there, but they cannot be stopped; because they're so much intrinsically habituated, they cannot give it up. But that has to be given up if he wants release from such kind of tribulations, janma-mṛtyu-jarā-vyādhi—go into the womb of the mother and there being killed, and again go into the womb of the mother and again being killed. If you want to save yourself from this process of nature, then you have to practice tapasya. Tapo divyaṁ putrakā yena śuddhyed (SB 5.5.1). If you want to purify your existence—because you are eternal—then you have to practice this tapasya. Not being carried away by the waves of material nature. No. You have to fight. You're fighting against. That is the . . . but you do not know how to fight. That is tapasya.

So, very simple. Tapasya is not very severe thing. Tapasya means to abide by the orders of the śāstra. Just like a diseased man, his tapasya is to abide by the orders of the physician. The physician says that "You do this; you do not do this." So just like a patient, typhoid patient, he's lying on the bed, the doctor physician has advised, "Don't take any solid food. Take liquid food—barley water, glucose water," this is tapasya. This is tapasya. In order to cure him from the disease he should follow the instruction of the physician if he wants to be cured. Then . . . but if he wants to do anything and everything as he likes, then he'll suffer. So tapasya is required.

Page Title:Go into the womb of the mother and there being killed, and again go into the womb of the mother and again being killed. If you want to save yourself from this process of nature, then you have to practice tapasya
Created:2024-09-23, 11:40:00.000
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1