September 01, 1975
ISKCON London and Paris
My Dear Hamsaduta and Bhagavan das:
Please accept my blessings. I have received one letter from Alanatha das Brahmacari, President of ISKCON Stockholm, in which he reports that there is much interest in Krishna consciousness in Eastern European countries. He is recommending two boys for initiation from Czechoslovakia. I do not know the language otherwise I would have gone there. So I am requesting you to make vigorous propaganda in Eastern Europe. In the latest English BTG there is my discussion about Marx philosophy which will appeal to any sane gentleman. This should be read and translated. Lenin killed the Czar that's all, but any gunda can do that.
You make one book containing my conversations with Prof. Kotovsky and also the one with Syamasundara, and translate it into Russian and distribute in Russia.
My special mission is for the Western countries. Whatever success I have got, it is because the Westerners have cooperated.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami