Prabhupāda: Ask this rascal that you stop the cause of fear and we have no . . . (to devotee who is walking too close) Don't come so far. You may . . . we admit that we are afraid of death. You are also afraid of death. Are you bold enough, if I kill you, immediately you shall stand? Ask the scientist, "Are you bold enough to die immediately I shall kill you?" At that time he will be afraid: "Call police! Call police!" "Why you are afraid of death? You are great scientist. What is your answer?" The scientists are not afraid of death? They are not afraid of death?
Vīrabāhu: I really don't know what they will answer. They should be. Sure they are, inside, but they are puffed up.
Hṛdayānanda: They are very much afraid.
Prabhupāda: Very much afraid, yes.