Atheist class of men, who are always engaged in sinful activities and therefore fools, they don't believe in the next life. Therefore they are fools. There is next life. They say: "Oh, we don't care for next life. Let us do whatever we like." That is a foolish proposition. Because there is next life. Just like a man, he becomes irresponsible. He says: "I don't care for government or law. I can do whatever I like." That means he's risking his life. As soon as he'll be arrested, he'll be punished. Therefore he's mūḍha, rascal.
Anyone who is defying the kingdom of God, he's a rascal. Na māṁ duṣkṛtino mūḍhāḥ prapadyante narādhamāḥ (BG 7.15). Narādhamāḥ is lowest of the mankind. God consciousness is meant for human beings, and if a person defies God, then he's the lowest of the mankind. Māyayāpahṛta-jñānā: his knowledge has been plundered by the illusory energy. He may be academically a very big title holder, but if he's not God conscious, then his knowledge has been taken away. Real knowledge has been taken away. Asuriṁ bhāvam āśritāḥ. These are the symptoms of the atheist class of men.
So on the whole, at the present moment, God consciousness must be spread if actually they want peace and prosperity. And those who are in charge of religion . . . religion means God consciousness. Everyone should combine to spread God consciousness. That is the immediate necessity at the present moment.