governmen | government |governments | government's | govt
VedaBase query: governmen or government or governments or government's or govt not "laws of the state" not "law of the state" not "laws of the government" not "law of the government" not "state laws" not "state law" not "government law" not "government laws"
Subcategories Pages in category
This category has the following 43 subcategories, out of 43 total.
Pages in category "Government"
The following 853 pages are in this category, out of 853 total.
- Government (BG)
- Government (CC and Other Books)
- Government (Lectures, BG chapters 1 - 4)
- Government (Lectures, BG chapters 5 - 18)
- Government (Lectures, NOD, CC, & ISO)
- Government (Lectures, Other)
- Government (Lectures, SB canto 1)
- Government (Lectures, SB cantos 2 - 5)
- Government (Lectures, SB cantos 6 - 12)
- Government (Letters 1949 - 1970)
- Government (Letters 1971 - 1973)
- Government (Letters 1974 - 1977)
- Government (SB cantos 1 - 4)
- Government (SB cantos 5 -12)
- Actual government means
- Exact good government law means
- Good government means
- Government leaders means
- Government management means
- Government means
- Government recognition means
- Irresponsible government means
- ISKCON government means
- Kali's government means
- Krsna conscious government means
- Rajanyaih means
- Responsible government means
- Sasam means
- Sasana means
- Sasanam means
- Secular government means
- Strong government means
- The government has given land means
- The so called democratic government means
- A brahmana's property is called brahma-sva, and according to Manu's law it cannot be acquired even by the government. Both brahmanas, however, insisted that the cow was theirs and could not be taken back under any condition
- A city government may have a rest house where the governor & important government officers stay. Such a rest house is not an ordinary house. Similarly, Svetadvipa, which is in the ocean of milk, in this material world, it is param padam, transcendental
- A criminal is put in prison and punished by the government, but the same government, if it likes, can release the criminal from imprisoned life
- A fighting soldier is honored by the government. He maybe dies, he is recognized by the government, "Here is a soldier, laid down his life by fighting." So we prefer that life. We shall die fighting with maya
- A government must not discriminate in such principles - the protection of the lives of both the human beings and the animals
- A king heads a government which is but the manifestation of the king's energy; the different governmental departments are nothing but the energies of the king, and each department is resting on the king's power. BG 1972 purports
- A king heads a government which is the manifestation of the king's energy; the different departments are also the king's energies, & each department is resting on the king's power, still one cannot expect king's presence in every department personally
- A king or governmental head must therefore be so competent to rule over the state that the citizens will worship him as God in human form. That is the perfectional stage for the head of any government or state
- A king should also be strict in chastising the atheists. In other words, an atheistic or godless government should never be supported by a king or governmental chief. That is the test of good government
- A king, there must be one king responsible. But he was guided by the ministers and learned brahmanas, sages. There was a body to guide him, to train him. Therefore, the monarchical government was perfect
- A ksatriya government should engage people in performing yajna, studying the Vedas and giving charity. Thus the people will receive their necessities for life very easily, and there will be no disturbances in society
- A man, he becomes irresponsible. He says: "I don't care for government or law. I can do whatever I like." That means he's risking his life
- A peaceful and prosperous government, devoid of anxiety, was established by Prthu Maharaja. Thus the inhabitants of both saintly and demoniac planets were all engaged in glorifying the activities of Maharaja Prthu
- A person who is born into a responsible family - such as a ksatriya, or a government servant - but who neglects to execute his prescribed duties according to religious principles falls down at the time of death into the river of hell known as Vaitarani
- A philosopher and writer of many books on religious principles may also accept an exalted post in a government which denies all the moral codes of the sastras
- A policeman knows that he is not working independently but under government orders. This knowledge is required in order that the policeman, who has some power, will not think that he has become God
- A prison will never be vacant, for there are many prospective criminals who will fill the prison cells, even if the present criminals are freed by the government
- A responsible monarchy is better than a so-called democratic government in which no one is responsible to mitigate the grievances of the citizens, who are unable to personally meet the supreme executive head
- A strong government is compared to the scorching sunshine in the autumn season, the lilies are compared to unwanted persons like robbers, and the lotus flowers are compared to the satisfied citizens
- According to Srimad-Bhagavatam there will eventually be no rain and consequently a scarcity of food. The governments will also levy very heavy taxes
- According to the laws of nature, whether at the time of Parasurama or at the present, if the government becomes irresponsible and sinful, not caring for brahminical culture, there will certainly be an incarnation of God like Parasurama
- According to the Vedic instructions, the government should arrange things in such a way that there will be no question of starvation
- According to Vedic culture, first protection: to the cows, to the women, to the brahmanas, to the children and to the old man. This is the first business of the government, to give protection
- According to Vedic system, the government has to look after about the ultimate goal of life also. The modern government, they are anxious to give material comforts
- Actually people will be happy when a trained leader, whether a monarch or a dictator, takes control of the government and rules the people according to the standard regulations of the authorized scriptures
- Actually Sanatana Gosvami belonged to a very respectable brahmana family. Nonetheless, he submitted himself as a fallen, lowborn person because he had served in the Muslim government
- Actually, in the Kali-yuga, because there is no ksatriya, where is the government? Sudra government is no government. Sudra has no right to govern, but by force they are governing. That's all - Might is right
- Actually, we are not independent. If I think I am independent of Krsna, then I am dependent on the influence of material nature. Just like, if I think that I am independent of government regulations, then I become dependent of the police force
- After accepting the throne of the government by the fervent request of His younger brother Bharata, Lord Ramacandra ordered His younger brothers to go out and conquer the entire world, while He personally remained in the capital
- After calming down, the Muslim secretary offered his respects and informed the representative of the Orissan government, "The Muslim governor has sent me here"
- After executing the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and settling the affairs of the world, Maharaja Prthu was ready to retire. He had been exemplary in his governmental administration, and now he was to become exemplary in his retirement
- After sending a confidential account to the government treasury, the caudhuri brought the minister in charge. The caudhuri came, wanting to arrest Hiranya dasa, but Hiranya dasa had left home. Therefore the caudhuri arrested Raghunatha dasa
- After thinking this, the maha-patra immediately informed the Muslim secretary, "It is a great fortune for your governor. Let him come visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu"
- After two hundred years he will come out (of the machine) again on this hope, he is staying one weekend - and dies. And the government is allowing this business?
- Ahara-nidra, and bhaya, and we are always afraid. Therefore police is there, the government is here. These things are bodily adjustment
- All governments should cooperate, pushing on this movement for humanity's sake
- All high government posts are especially meant for persons who are well conversant with the teachings of the Vedas. In the Vedas there are definite instructions defining how a king, commander-in-chief, soldier and citizen should behave
- All the political parties - I have seen personally - simply they are making plan how to keep their position in the government so they may not be dethroned, other party may not come. The whole time is wasted
- All these jewels (of the Red Fort) have been taken away when British government was there, and they are now protected in the British museum
- All these varieties of life are not controlled. He accepts to be controlled. Nature does not want to control you. When you become a criminal, then police force controls you, not that police force is made by the government unnecessarily to control you
- Although a damned government of the people may be given a good or fancy name, if the people are not good they cannot have good government, regardless of which party governs the administration
- Although formerly the government was a monarchy, all the kings were very affectionate toward the citizens, and they strictly kept them engaged in their respective duties. Therefore society was very smoothly conducted
- Although he knows that one who takes the wealth of others will be punished by the law of the government, and by the laws of Yamaraja after death, he continues cheating others to acquire money
- Although ordinary citizens work under the direction of the government, they cannot understand how they are being governed or what the government is
- Although qualified medical men may consider him (a man who becomes a doctor by practical knowledge) a quack, the government will recognize his work
- Although the demons who take possession of the government are dressed like men of government, they do not know the duty of the government
- Although the government is ultimately the supreme authority, the justice is administered by the departments of the government, and the government is not responsible for the individual judgments. Therefore the government is equal to all the citizens
- Although the government may license liquor shops, this does not mean that liquor shops should be opened unrestrictedly and illicit liquor smuggled. Licensing is meant for restricting
- An Australian citizen: he is under the laws of the state of Australia. But if he says: "I don't care for the government," he becomes lawless, and sometimes he becomes criminal, and he is put into the prison life
- An officer is invested with all governmental power, and therefore he is identical with the government. When the fair is over, there is no need for such an officer, and he returns home. The Paramatma is compared to such an officer
- An outsider may consider the criminal department inauspicious, but from the government's point of view it is as important as the education department, and therefore the government finances both departments equally, without discrimination
- Any man can become very honest citizen, do business honestly, earn money and live very honorably. But no, somebody has learned how to steal. The government does not say that you becomes thief and go to the prison house
- Any man outside America, he cannot come here by force. He must take the permission of the American government, visa; then he can come. So how you can go to the moon planet without taking the visa? Simply by your bodily strength? That will not be allowed
- Any person employed in government service, including the president, is a part and parcel of the entire government
- Any way so far I have studied the American people they are very much eager to learn about the Indian way spiritual realization and there are so many so called Yoga ashramas in America. Unfortunately they are not very much adored by the Government
- Anyone who is in this material world, he is supposed to be atheist. Just like the government gets together all the criminals in the prison house, similarly, those who are disobedient to the laws of the Supreme Lord, they are sent into this material world
- Arajaka-bhayam. If the government is unsteady and unregulated, there is danger of fear for the people. At the present moment this danger always exists because of government by the people
- As a government officer is sometimes accepted as the entire government although he is actually but a departmental manager, so the demigods, having achieved power of attorney from Visnu, act on His behalf, although they are not as powerful as He
- As a ksatriya or emperor, Maharaja Gaya sometimes had to fight with subordinate kings to maintain his government, but the subordinate kings were not dissatisfied with him because they knew that he fought for religious principles
- As a result of incapable government, at the present moment thieves, rogues and cheaters are very prominent all over the world
- As some of the old prisoners in government jails are entrusted with some responsible work of prison management, so the demigods are improved conditioned souls acting as representatives of the Lord in the material creation
- As soon as He has got a brain, He is a person. Therefore God is person ultimately. Just like the government. Government is imperson, but the president is person
- As soon as his (Uttanapada's) son Dhruva Maharaja was quite worthy to take charge of the government, he took this opportunity to leave home, just like his son, who, without fear, left home for self-realization, even at the age of five years
- As soon as the administrative class is turned into a gang of mercantile and laborer men, the whole machinery of government becomes polluted
- As stated in the Twelfth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the men of the governments of Kali-yuga will be no better than rogues and plunderers
- As the human being requires protection, similarly, the cows . . . not only cows; everyone requires protection by the government. Why they should be not protected
- As there is no mistake in the judgment of the high court, similarly, what to speak of Krsna, the Supreme Lord. There is necessity. The government, in order to keep law and order, there is violence also
- As you are learning so many department of knowledge, similarly, this is also another department of knowledge, to learn the science of God. The government should come forward to popularize this movement and to educate people in the science of God
- As you have got the laws and the punishment in this government, so why do you think there is no punishment and there is no God? This is utopian. Don't think like that. Utopian. There is God, there is his government, there are his agents
- As you want good government or good man as president, similarly, formerly, although there was fight between the two kings, the objective was different, not to occupy one's property, not to become a big thief
- Aside from Satya-yuga, even formerly, in the days when demons were flourishing, Hiranyakasipu planned to destroy the brahminical culture and the ksatriya government and thus create chaos all over the world
- At present, politicians are very eager to take charge of the government, and they engage their men in canvassing from door to door to get votes to win the post of president or a similar exalted office
- At such a time it is to be understood that the ruler, or the government, is dead. All of these misfortunes happened due to the death of King Vena. Thus the saintly persons became very anxious for the safety of the people in general
- At that time (when incident of the Saksi-gopala happened) King Purusottama-deva managed to control Orissa and appoint a government
- At the end of Kali-yuga when the power of government is transferred to the hands of ministers elected from the lowborn sudra class or those less than them, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser
- At the present moment the government means that the same rogues and rascals come to become minister and take fat salary and sleep
- At the present moment there are different parties in the democratic government, but everyone is busy trying to keep his post or trying to keep his political party in power
- At the present moment there is great propaganda from the side of the government and others to kill India's original culture
- At the present moment there is no guarantee by the government of even the primary necessities of life in the state, namely, the protection of the lives and property of the citizens
- At the present moment these (asuric) rulers are so powerful that by hook or by crook they capture the highest posts in government and harass countless numbers of people on the plea of national security or some emergency
- At the present moment, all over the world, governments have no respect for brahmanas, cows and Govinda, and consequently there are chaotic conditions all over the world
- At the present moment, despite so many arrangements by the government for good schools and universities, the civilized countries of the world are producing hippies, young people who are so frustrated that they even worship hogs
- At the present moment, in spite of so much arrangement by the government, nice school, nice university, colleges, but they are producing hippies. They're so much frustrated. So they are now worshiping hog
- At the present moment, the so-called democracy . . . nobody is representative of Krsna. Everyone is demons. Everyone is a demon. So how you can expect peace and prosperity under this government? This is not possible
- Because I am thinking American, the American government claims, "Yes, you come and fight, give your life," draft board. Why? This body. Therefore the intelligent person should know that - I am suffering all miserable condition of my life due to this body
- Because I have got very good means of living, very good means of sleeping, nice house, and very good wife and very good bank balance and good government, therefore I am secure. That is nonsense
- Because nowadays it is democratic government, teach people how to select the real leader
- Because of the increment in demoniac population, people have lost brahminical culture. Nor is there a ksatriya government
- Because of the sinful activities of the citizens and the government, rain will become increasingly scarce. Gradually there will be complete drought and no production of food grains
- Because of working in the Muslim government, these three brothers (Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and Anupama) were given the title Mullik
- Because such betrayals (betraying the confidence of a living entity who takes shelter of him in good faith) now go unpunished by the government, all of human society is terribly contaminated
- Because the government in Kali-yuga is full of demons, the living conditions of devotees are always disturbed. Devotees cannot perform yajna, and thus they cannot partake of the remnants of food offered in yajna for the worship of Lord Visnu
- Because the government means a set of fools, so all foolish people are flourishing. Government is a set of fools because sinful men. They cannot be intelligent. A sinful man cannot be intelligent. Yes. That's a fact
- Because the government was very lenient, not very strong, a demonic class of men took advantage of it and they began to create atrocities and fearfulness in Calcutta city
- Because the woman does not agree to be subordinate - she wants equal freedom - so the husband goes away and the woman is embarrassed with the children. And it becomes a burden to the government
- Because you are cheating government or do not following the laws of the government, that is very risky life. Similarly, if you do not perform yajna, you cannot avoid it
- Because you are rascal, your government is rascal. Democracy. What is the government? Government means your replica. So why do you blame the government? You are fools, rascals; you send other fools and rascals and suffer consequence
- Being unpurified, neglecting to discharge human duties properly, and being influenced by the modes of passion (rajas) and ignorance (tamas), unclean people (mlecchas), posing as members of the government (rajanya-rupinah), will swallow the citizens
- Bhavananda Raya first met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu after His return from South India. At that time Ramananda Raya was still serving at his government post; therefore when Bhavananda Raya went to see Sri Caitanya, he went with his other four sons
- Big, big politician, when they enjoy, they bring naked girls and drinking, and this is their standard of enjoyment. So how you can expect good government? It is not possible
- Both these items (candana & camphor) were under government control; therefore the devotees had to meet with the government officials. Informing them of all the details, they attained permission to take the sandalwood and camphor outside Jagannatha Puri
- Brahman and Paramatma are concomitants deduced from the Absolute Personality, as a government and its ministers are deductions from the supreme executive head. In other words, the principal truth is exhibited in three different phases
- Brahmana he may excuse, but a ksatriya, the government, the ruling power, he cannot do so
- By his example, Prthu Maharaja indicates that whenever there is a scarcity in food production, the head of the government should take steps to see why production is being held up and what should be done to rectify the situation
- By killing a murderer the government shows mercy to him because if a murderer is not killed in this life, he will be killed and forced to suffer many times in future lives
- By maya (Krsna controls a nondevotee). Just as the government controls everything. A kingdom is controlled by the king's departments. Just as you control your beloved. For example, if you have a beloved child, you control him for his benefit
- By strict vigilance, the king could run the government very well, and the citizens would be happy to have such a king
- By the will of the Lord, the circumstances were so created that they became ways to the King's (Pariksit) becoming unattached to family connection and governmental activities and becoming a completely surrendered soul unto the lotus feet of Lord Krsna
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested Ramananda Raya to retire from his government post and come to Sri Purusottama-ksetra (Jagannatha Puri) to live with Him. When this proposal was submitted to King Prataparudra, he immediately accepted it
- Caitanya says, "Since there were restrictions against taking the sandalwood out of the Orissa province, the toll official confiscated the stock, Madhavendra Puri showed him the release papers given by the government & consequently escaped difficulties"
- Communist Party is always disturbing to the government, similarly the demons, the atheist class of men, they're always disturbing to God. How they can gain the benediction from God?
- Communists means the so-called low-class people, sudras and candalas, they are now in majority. They have formed a government that on principle, as soon as some brahmana comes for government service, he will reject. So the brahmanas are now hiding
- Criminals may think that the police department is an inferior governmental department, but the law-abiding citizens do not think that this is so. It simply functions in a particular way
- Despite all sorts of education, scientific improvement, brainwash and so many things, people are unhappy. Diseased, unhappy, dissatisfaction, confusion, this is going on. Because everything is not properly done. The government is not strict
- Dharma is given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as the law is given by the state government. Man-made dharma has no meaning
- Dharma means the codes given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just like law means the codes given by the government
- Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam: (SB 6.3.19) no one actually knows what dharma is, and no one can manufacture dharma. Dharma is the order of the Supreme Being. No one can manufacture state laws; they are given by the government
- Discipline is the first law of obedience. If people do not care for the government laws, then there will be chaos
- Disturbances similar to those created by Hiranyakasipu are now taking place all over the world because of demoniac governments
- Divorce was completely unknown, even up to, say, five years ago. Now this Nehru government has enacted Divorce Act in Hindu law, but actually, Hindu law-maker, they have no such thing as divorce
- Don't hide your income tax. You simply pay tax to the central government and it will be distributed to the educational department, to the defense department, to the hygienic department, everywhere
- Due to Maharaja Pariksit's good government, even a boy of tender age, who was playing with other inexperienced boys, could become as powerful as a qualified brahmana
- Due to their (Prabhupada's personal family) accepting the posts of zamindars in the Muslim government, they received the title Mullik. Similarly, Rupa, Sanatana and Vallabha were also given the title Mullik. Mullik means - lord
- During time of war, the government takes care of the soldiers first, and the civilians, their eating, their supply is controlled. But the soldier's supply is never controlled, because he is giving good, better service to the state
- Economic development may be pleasing for some time, but it cannot endure. Thus many big businessmen are now very morose because they are being harassed by various plundering governments
- Either my father was lord or I have accumulated some wealth, the government has recognized me as lord . . . under certain condition, I have become lord. But He is adi. Adi means He is the origin. There is nothing beyond Him; therefore adi. Adi, anadi
- Either you are in jail life or you are in free life, you are always under government control. Similarly, either we remain in the material world or we remain in the spiritual world, we are controlled by Krsna
- Especially in India, there are many such doctors (who becomes a doctor by practical knowledge) who perform their medical services perfectly. They are accepted even by the government
- Especially in this age of Kali-yuga, it is said that instead of protecting the money of the citizens, the government itself will take away the money with the force of law. The learned brahmana had therefore decided that he should not accumulate any money
- Even if such a person atones and is punished by the government, he will again commit theft as soon as he comes out of jail. If punishment in jail is considered atonement, what is the benefit of such atonement
- Even if you are put into the jail life, prison life, for these things government has arranged already. In the jail life there is eating, sleeping, arrangement. So for these things we should not be very much anxious. That is human life
- Even in Africa, in the village, where they have got so big, big earrings, they are also chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra. They are also chanting. Therefore the African government is a little afraid of this movement
- Even in India the government doesn’t want that Krsna consciousness movement should go ahead. It is the demonic principle - "Krsna should be cut down." That is the way of demonic civilization: Stop Krsna consciousness
- Even in our country, in India, the government do not like us, because nowadays, everywhere practically, the demonic people being very much increased, the government is also demonic. So they do not like people in divine nature
- Even when a king or the state government kills a person who is a murderer, that killing is for the benefit of the murderer, for thus he may become cleared of all sinful reactions
- Every citizen of America is controlled by the government. When he is all right, the civil department controls him; when he is not all right, the criminal department controls him
- Every gentleman in your country is anxious about their children, and gradually if the richer section of the people or the government cooperates with us, we can expand this movement for total welfare of the younger generation
- Everyone has to surrender to someone superior. That is always the nature of our living condition. At the present moment we are trying to surrender to someone - either to society or to our nation, family, state or government
- Everyone in the world is suffering. Despite so many attempts on the parts of the governments and planning commissions of the world, still the suffering continues
- Everyone is a government servant, but no one is the government himself. That is the position of all living entities in the government of the Supreme Lord
- Everyone is thinking, "Oh, I must have a vocation in order to maintain my family." Society, the government or the family have to be satisfied, and no one is free from such consciousness One has to be in proper consciousness to execute any activity nicely
- Everyone should have a piece of land given by the government, and everyone should possess a few cows. Both of these should be utilized for one’s daily bread
- Everything belongs to God. Just like everything belongs to government, either in the prison house or outside the prison house, similarly, this material world is just like prison house, conditioned life
- Everything belongs to the brahmanas, but the ksatriya government and the mercantile people keep everything in custody, like bankers, and whenever the brahmanas need money, the ksatriyas and vaisyas should supply it
- Everything is open. Not that government says that you become a criminal and he prefers somebody, "You become a high-court judge" No. Everything is in your hand. If you like, you can become so
- Everywhere the government, father and society are bad, and therefore we are producing bad men, and therefore there is no peace and prosperity
- Executive branch of government
- Farm organization will not be liked by the government
- Fighting was also there. The fighting also, they came out victorious. But still, it was confirmed by Yudhisthira and Krsna. Then he took over the charge of the government and he ruled the citizens, dharmena, as it was done by his predecessor forefathers
- Finally Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu bade farewell to the maha-patra. Standing on the riverbank and looking at the boat, the maha-patra began to cry
- First of all there are laws, and then there is police power, and beyond that is military power. Therefore, what is the use of trying to overcome the power of the government? Similarly, what is the use of trying to challenge Krsna
- For a nice citizen, government is there. He's taking all advantage offered by the government and he's obeying the laws. No trouble. But one who says "I don't care for the government. I am free. I shall become naked..." Just like that John Lennon
- Forget good government for millions of years, unless you establish this varnasrama-dharma
- Formerly the kayasthas belonged to the clerical and secretarial staff of the government, and later if one served in such a post, he was called a kayastha
- Formerly, when the Muslim government was in power, the person appointed tax collector would collect the taxes of the local zamindars, or landholders
- Four kaudis made one ganda, twenty gandas made one pana, and sixteen panas made one kahana. Gopinatha Pattanayaka owed the government 200,000 kahanas. The King absolved him of this debt, reappointed him to his post and doubled his salary
- From historical reference it is so, but it can go still farther, and in that way India's glories will be magnified. But unfortunately, our leaders and government are callous. They do not know what is India's glory and how India's glory can be distributed
- From sas-dhatu, sasanam. The Sanskrit words are coined from the dhatu verb. So sas-dhatu means ruling. So there is ruling. You cannot think that you are independent. There is government
- Gandhi started civil disobedience movement, disobedience to the government laws, but all the whole stock was put into jail and they were beaten with shoes
- God has His eyes, heads, legs, hands everywhere. Therefore He is all-pervasive. So just like government has got vigilance
- God is materially impersonal, just as the executive head of the state may be impersonal in the government offices, although he is not impersonal in the government house
- God is one without a second, and He is the primal cause of all causes. As there are many departmental heads of governmental affairs, so there are many heads of management of the universal affairs
- God is the supreme controller. And we have to learn how to remain peacefully under the supreme controller. Just like citizens and the government. Good citizenship means one who lives under the control of the government
- God means that as we are person, He is the supreme person. That's all. Just like you are also persons, you are also Australians, and the president of the Australian government, he is also a person. He is not imperson
- God says, "Surrender unto Me," so why not surrender? Why surrender to maya? That is the individual's choice. Another example: the government does not want the youth to become hippies, but they are abandoning a wealthy life just to lie down
- God's property, why you should fight among themselves? Property belongs to somebody else. Insanity. Just like this is government park. Anyone can come in. Everyone can equally enjoy
- Good character in the consciousness of the mass of people is the first principle necessary for a good government and equal distribution of wealth
- Good direction required, good government required, good production required, and good worker required
- Good government can exist when the relationship between the citizens and the government is like that exemplified by Lord Ramacandra and His citizens
- Good karma means performance of the yajnas as they are prescribed in the Vedic literatures. And the purpose of this yajna is to satisfy the Supreme Lord. A good, law-abiding citizen is one whose actions satisfy the government
- Government creates university
- Government creates university also, or government creates prison house also. But it is your freedom. You make your choice: either you go to the university or you go to the prison house. It is your choice
- Government gives protection to the good citizen, and those who are rogues, punish them. Law and order. Two things are there: maintenance and law and order. So similarly, our Krsna consciousness is also the same thing
- Government has arranged policeman in every crossing. They are wandering in the street. They are meant for helping you. They are not meant for controlling you. But when you agree to be controlled by the police, then it will control you
- Government has got many departments - the criminal department and the educational department. Educational department is giving knowledge to the citizens, and the criminal department is punishing, chastising the citizen
- Government has got two departments: law and order department, military department. Why? Two things must . . . This is their business, sudra business
- Government is equal to everyone, all citizens. But why somebody is going to the university to take his M.A. degree, and why one is going to the prison house to be imprisoned and suffering for so many years
- Government is giving facilities everyone equally. You become educated, you become high-court judge. And if you become criminal, then go to jail. So similarly, God, He's equal to everyone. Samo 'ham sarva-bhutesu (BG 9.29). There is no discrimination
- Government is not partial to people; it does not say, "You live in this university and be educated, and you go to the prison and live," It is the individual's choice. Similarly, God has created so many things, it is our duty to follow His instruction
- Government means people in general, they are losing their independence. Personal independence, nil. Russia, cent percent, no personal independence
- Government means to draw fat salary at the expense of poor people
- Government means, nowadays, all rascals. They are elected by rascals and they are rascals. That is the difficulty. Everywhere you go, you will meet only rascals. Manda. The definition is given, manda
- Government opens some liquor shop, gives license. That does not mean that government is encouraging drinking. The liquor shop is there. Those who are drunkard, they can go. That's a facility. That's all
- Government recognition means we have to abide by the orders of government. We cannot teach Bhagavad-gita only or Bhagavata
- Government should establish an institution to create ideal men. We can help
- Government will be just like thieves and rogues. We are already experiencing. Now a new law has been passed in India that nobody can keep property more than five to seven lakhs of rupees. So people's incentive to earn money is now being cut down
- Government's duty is that whether he is acting as Christian. This is government's duty. Not that you are acting like a something else, and you are calling yourself Christian
- Governor has got his own house, government house. At the same time, when he goes on tour he has got a particular place called the circuit house. He stays there. Similarly, the whole creation is Krsna's property
- Gradually the democratic government is becoming unfit for the needs of the people, and therefore some parties are trying to elect a dictator. A dictatorship is the same as a monarchy, but without a trained leader
- Hari-tosanam - whether by your duty, by your action, the Supreme Lord is satisfied. Just like we want to satisfy... In the schools, colleges, we want to satisfy our professor, teachers, principal. Or as good citizen we want to satisfy our government
- He (King Nabhi) entrusted Him into the hands of learned brahmanas, who would guide Him in administrating the government
- He (Suryadasa Sarakhela) was employed as a secretary in the Muslim government of that time, and thus he amassed a good fortune. Suryadasa had four brothers, all of whom were pure Vaisnavas
- He (the local zamindars, or landholders) would keep one fourth of the collection for himself as a profit, and the balance he would deliver to the treasury of the government
- He does not know that this (valuable things left on road for repairing road or electrical work) is all government property. He takes it away. That is stealing. And when he is caught, he is arrested, and he is punished
- He is one of the chief secretaries of the government, and he is such a fool. He is taking this movement (Krsna Consciousness) as a religious movement, just as we have so many sentimental religions. But this is not sentimental
- He wanted to help me in any way in the government affairs. So immediately see him with some prasadam and flowers
- Here (SB 4.17.25) we find some indication of how the government can arrange for the eating of cow flesh. It is here indicated that in a rare circumstance when there is no supply of grains, the government may sanction the eating of meat
- Here I see the Europeans, they are working as the ksatriyas, government, and the Indians they are working as vaisya, and the Africans, they are as sudras. But where is brahmana? There is no brahmana; therefore it is not good
- Here the government begins cheating. He is engaging you to hard work day and night and paying you a piece of paper, where it is written "one hundred dollars." That's all. This is your society, cheating and cheater
- Hindustan has become independent, but while she was under foreign government she had the liberty to preach her culture and religion in foreign countries
- Hiranya and Govardhana were the two governmental treasurers in that division of the country. Their priest was named Balarama Acarya
- Hiranya dasa was collecting 2,000,000 coins and therefore should have delivered 1,500,000 to the government. Instead, he was giving only 1,200,000, thus making an extra profit of 300,000 coins
- How God is dead? You are under so much control, how God is dead? You can say that there is no government, provided there is nobody to check you. But if you are in every step checked, how you can say there is no government. That is another foolishness
- How much the father and the government or the guru should be strong so that he can save his dependents from the clutches of death
- How regrettable it is for the government itself to cause a breach of trust and put the citizens in difficulty for political reasons
- How the government will be good? This is also bad. Mahaprabhu's name is Patita-pavana; He is delivering all bad men. In the Kali-yuga there is no good men at all - all bad. Strong you will have to become to deal with all bad men
- How we can expect good government? You become Krsna conscious, you elect your representative, Krsna conscious, and the government will be all right. You'll be happy
- How you can say God is dead? If there is some mismanagement, you can say there is no government, but if there is nice management, how you can say there is no government? So God is there. You do not know God
- Human society is so arranged that the people, the members of the human society, should be free from all anxiety. Therefore we require good citizens, good father and mother, good system of government, and pious, virtuous, cooperation between God and nature
- I am a prisoner of the government, and I cannot go along the way of the ramparts. It will be very pious of you to take this money and kindly get me across this hilly tract of land
- I am anxious to know if there has been any response from the Home Minister of India to the letter I wrote him while I was in New Delhi regarding the Indian Government assisting us in the development of our Juhu Beach Project
- I am glad that Purusottama is trying to get our Society recognized in the U.N. as a non-government organization. And if it is successful, then we shall be able to perform Kirtana in the U.N. stage
- I am not encouraged by the government, by my godbrothers, and still I have to do this duty
- I am not talking of any government. We are not in politics. We are talking of preaching. Why? Why this government you should try to change? Where is the better replacement? First of all find out the better replacement. Then you talk of changing
- I am preaching in the Western countries. So nobody has checked, the government has not checked, because the time is not so cruel. Although in that Western country, Lord Jesus Christ was crucified
- I am stopping American boys and girls from taking LSD and other drugs, and the government is spending millions of dollars to do this. It is only practical that they come forward to support this movement
- I am very anxious for Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day to be celebrated by all of our devotees in Mayapur in February. There is no reason why the government will not let 20 or 25 of our men come there for two weeks
- I am very glad to hear that everything is going on nicely, especially your developing your new 250-acre farm. Yes, if you can get the government to support our project, that would be big triumph for us
- I am very much obliged to you and your government that both the people and the government of America do not put any hindrances in distributing our books
- I beg to inform you that a difficulty has arisen in that we have not yet received visa permission from the Australian government. As such, it may be that I will not be able to meet you in Bombay on 23 June as previously informed
- I further understand that the attack was for the second time. Here in Mayapur there are reports of dacoity at least once, twice in a month surrounding our place. So we have now taken two guns under regular license from the government
- I have been in Russia also. It is not that, that they are godless. The population is as good as in other country, but the government is suppressing
- I have heard that the Government allots free gift land for religious temples. If such land is available, then we can immediately take up the project of constructing a very gorgeous style Indian temple
- I have sent a letter to your government asking them questions that you write on the bills, "In God We Trust." So you trust in God blindly or knowingly? That was my question. Suppose I trust you. you must be trustworthy. Otherwise why shall I trust you?
- I have several times explained that you cannot make law in your comfortable home. No. Law is made by the government. And you have to accept it
- If a government worships the brahmanas, the cows and Krsna, Govinda, it is never defeated anywhere; otherwise it must always be defeated and condemned everywhere
- If a man gets some ministership in the government by worshiping a political leader, he considers that he has achieved a great boon. All of them are therefore kowtowing to the so-called leaders or "big guns" in order to achieve temporary boons. BG 1972 p
- If a murderer is hanged, then that is a favor shown by the government, because the next life you'll not have to suffer
- If all people became Krsna conscious they would vote for persons of the category of Dhruva Maharaja. If the post of chief executive were occupied by such a Vaisnava, all the problems of satanic government would be solved
- If all the people of the state, including the government servants, are taught the techniques of spiritual life, then although everyone is liable to be punished in different ways by the stringent laws of material nature, they will not be implicated
- If anyone depends on the master's mercy, he's a sudra. Here in Delhi, New Delhi, these big, big buildings, big, big officers, as soon as the government will fail, they will be street dogs, that's all
- If for a small government, three bighas of land, you require a personal governor, and such a huge government, millions and millions of universes, how the governor, the Supreme Person, supreme executive, shall not be a person? What is the reason
- If government does not allow some drunkards to drink, they will create havoc. They will distill illicit distillation of liquor. To check them, the government opens liquor shop with very, very great, high price
- If one earns a great deal of money but tries to hide it to avoid paying income tax, the government considers him to be a criminal. He cannot say, "I have earned this money. Why shall I pay tax to the government?" No, he must pay or risk punishment
- If one has to learn spiritual science, then he must consult some bona fide spiritual master, in India. So people are not going there, neither Government has any arrangement to educate this spiritual science. Therefore I have come to your country
- If one thinks he is independent of Krsna, he becomes dependent on the illusory energy of Krsna, just as if one thinks that he is independent of the government and its regulations, he becomes dependent on the police force
- If one transgresses the laws of a man-made government, he may escape being killed by the state, but one cannot escape the laws of God. A killer of any animal must be killed in his next life by the same animal. This is the law of nature
- If one worships the demigods, the demigods, as servants of the Supreme, carry the sacrificial offerings to the Lord, like tax collectors collecting revenue from the citizens and bringing it to the government's treasury
- If outsiders want to send their children to us, it will not be for their accreditation, but because they will get the best education for relieving them of all anxieties of material life and for this education the government has no idea
- If people become irreligious in the name of secularism, then they are simply animals. So it is the government duty to see that the citizens are not becoming animals. He may profess a type of religion. That doesn't matter. But he must be religious
- If people strictly followed the principles of Bhagavad-gita, they would elect a person who is the Lord's devotee. Then automatically there would be good government. Rsabhadeva therefore recommended Bharata Maharaja as the emperor of this planet
- If people take to it (the Krsna consciousness movement) seriously, discharging this duty scientifically, as ordered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the world will see peace and prosperity instead of being confused and hopeless under useless governments
- If public is polluted, the government must be polluted
- If some of the leaders may come and see me. Just like the governor of Chandigarh. He's nice man. He came to see me in his governmental position, with his aide-de-camp, car and men
- If some organized things are done like government help or people help, then this movement can be pushed further nicely. Otherwise slowly it will go on, as Krsna desires
- If some policeman comes here, immediately you shall feel disturbed. But he is the sincere servant of government. That is the position of Maya
- If somebody is claiming that "I am brahmana," then government should force him to become actually a brahmana. That is government's duty; that is secular state. Not that "Let people go to hell. We don't care for them." That is not required
- If the American nation trusts in God... If not... They say, they have declared. Now, the difficulty is they do not know actually what is God, how to trust. That we are teaching. So the government must come forward to cooperate with us
- If the American people, who trust in God, constitutionally, take this movement seriously, it will be a great service to the human society. We are prepared to cooperate in this connection if the American Government takes it very seriously
- If the citizens are unhappy due to bad government, the heads of government are condemned
- If the citizens of a state assemble in a fair to enjoy for a short period, the government deputes a special officer to supervise it. Such an officer is invested with all governmental power, and therefore he is identical with the government
- If the Constitution is that, that in the name of religion somebody cheats, the government should take action, so here it is being done
- If the government becomes irresponsible and sinful, not caring for brahminical culture, there will certainly be an incarnation of God like Parasurama to create a devastation by fire, famine, pestilence or some other calamity
- If the government drafts us into the army, and we engage in battle and kill someone, we do not suffer the reactions, and this is called akarma
- If the government is careless in this matter, the citizens will act whimsically, without any sense of God realization or spiritual life, and thus become entangled in sinful activities
- If the government is convinced that you are studying these theistic literatures under my guidance, then you can be classified in the 4-D section, qualifying you to be a student of religious ministership, and there will be no problem from the draft board
- If the government is very strict, then rogues and thieves cannot become very prominent. So when Krsna comes, He has got two business - for giving protection to the devotees, to the faithful, and for killing the demons
- If the government or the chief of the executive power, the king, is just to the point, dharmena, as it was said, "Abiding by the religious principles, ruling over the country," then everything, even natural elements, they become cooperative
- If the governmental head is not aware of life's goal, he should not take charge of ruling the people
- If the guru and father and the government, they are themselves rascals and fools, how they will guide? And that is the position. General public, they require guidance, but the guides themselves are rascals and fools, cheaters, bluffers
- If the head of the government is saintly, certainly the citizens become saintly, and they are very happy because both their spiritual and physical needs and hankerings are satisfied
- If the king dies, his government is not stopped. We should remember that. That government is prakrti, the material nature. Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah
- If the king or dictator individually, or the members of the government collectively, cannot maintain the state or kingdom according to the rules of Manu-samhita, certainly their government will not endure
- If the king or government becomes demonic, it is the duty of a saintly person to upset the government and replace it with deserving persons who follow the orders and instructions of saintly persons
- If the king or the head of the government follows in the footsteps of the brahmanas & Vaisnavas, who are naturally leaders in missionary work, the vaisyas will also follow in the footsteps of the Vaisnavas & brahmanas, & the sudras will give them service
- If the leaders become nice, Krsna conscious, then everything will be all right. These rogues, by force, by device, they all occupy the government post. Formerly, Vedic, the king was trained up very nicely by the brahmanas
- If the priest says, "The scientist speaking against religion; therefore he should be hanged," so that is not good government. Government must see that whether the scientist is speaking the truth. That sense must be there
- If there is such order from the government, "You stand here for so many days . . ." Naked. This is hellish
- If there were one government on the surface of the earth to handle the distribution of grain, there would be no question of scarcity, no necessity to open slaughterhouses, and no need to present false theories about over-population
- If they (government) give us financial help in this matter of human welfare activities, we are prepared to save or rescue their entire population from the clutches of ruin and degradation of all sorts
- If we do not have an ideal president or ideal king on the head and the prajas also, the citizens, they do not follow the varnasrama, then there cannot be any peace
- If we take it upon ourselves to kill someone, we are subject to capital punishment by the state government. Our actions are then called vikarma, for they are against prescribed actions
- If you actually want good government not only for India but also for all the world over, you must promote the sales of this publication either or you may purchase some thousands of copies of this publication at concessional rate & distribute the same
- If you agree, the Muslim governor will come here to meet Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and then return
- If you can gain the sympathy there of the government, local state or national, that will so much enhance our prestige
- If you cannot manage the overpopulated countries, they should come. If the government allows, they would immediately come and utilize the vast land for producing food grains
- If you do not know what government desires, expects from you, then what is the meaning of your good citizenship? There is no meaning. Similarly, to become religious without any clear understanding of God is bogus, is cheating. That is cheating
- If you do not know what is God, then what is the use of this rocket? Just like they are going to the rocket planet, moon planet. Now the American government stopped announcing this rascaldom. You know that? Yes
- If you make a revolution of this sankirtana movement, everyone chanting and dancing, the government will be changed immediately. So push this movement
- If you perform yajnas rightly, you'll have got, you will have sufficient rains to produce everything. Maharaja Yudhisthira's reign, his kingdom, his government was conducted in that way. Profusely, the nature was producing profusely
- If you say that "I have studied all the medical books," the government will not recognize you as a medical practitioner
- If you train the African to preach that will be a nice reply to the African Government for not letting me come there
- If you try to criticize that will be of some value because you are outside purview of the Indian government, but do it very carefully
- If you want good government, then - this is democratic age - then you must be good. You must know who is good. Then you can elect: "Here is good man"
- If your government would give us some help I can save all of them. That would be a great blessing for your country. Otherwise this hippie class will simply spoil everything they have worked so hard for
- In a responsible monarchy the citizens had no grievances against the government, and even if they did, they could approach the king directly for immediate satisfaction
- In America you are all fortunate. You have got very nice roads, very nice cars, very nice skyscraper building, government, food, everything very nice. But in due course of time everything can be taken away. You cannot check it
- In comparison to other countries, I have seen that it is simply difficulty. Frankly speaking. And to speak more frankly, why there is Emergency? Emergency means bad government. Otherwise, there is no necessity of Emergency
- In democratic government at the present moment all kinds of fools and rascals are making decisions. But what can they do? What is the result of their legislation? They enact something today just to whimsically repeal it tomorrow
- In each and every planet there must be some king, governmental head or executive. Such a person is supposed to be the representative of Lord Visnu. On behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he must see to the interests of all the people
- In every state all over the world, such activities (of sense gratification) are encouraged by the government in the form of birth control
- In his next life, a sinful king or governmental representative who punishes an innocent person, or who inflicts corporal punishment upon a brahmana, is taken by the Yamadutas to the hell named Sukaramukha
- In human society there have been many instances in which great, exalted politicians have fallen from government and become lost in historical oblivion. The cause of this is avisuddha-buddhayah: (SB 10.2.32) their intelligence is impure
- In India, the country where still God consciousness is so strong, the government wants that they should forget about this God business. So this is Kali-yuga. Kali-yuga means simply for fight on trifling things and forget God
- In Kali-yuga, as stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 12.2.13), dasyu-prayesu rajasu: the ruling class (rajanya) will be no better than plunderers (dasyus) because the third-class and fourth-class men will monopolize the affairs of the government
- In Kali-yuga, in the so-called secular state, the executive branch of government is in the charge of so-called kings and presidents who are all fools and rascals, ignorant of the intricacies of nature's causes and ignorant of the principles of sacrifice
- In Kali-yuga, the king or government has no well-protected treasury, and the only means of circulation is currency notes made of paper
- In many instances they (the Mayavadis) were checked by the government, arrested and punished. In Orissa, Thakura Bhaktivinoda punished a so-called incarnation of Visnu who was imitating the rasa-lila with young girls
- In material world this is always. The plan is . . . There is planning commission by the government. Why? To engage them to work very hard. That is going on
- In one case we are acting according to our own whims, & in the other we are acting under the direction of the government. Similarly, when we act under direction of Krsna, our actions performed are called akarma, for that kind of activity has no reaction
- In order to counteract this unfortunate situation in government, the general populace is advised to chant the maha-mantra: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- In order to save the human society from this dangerous condition, without any knowledge of God, without any knowledge of religious principle, there must be some strong king, strong government, to save the people
- In other ages-in Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga and Dvapara-yuga-the general populace was not so degraded, and the head of government was never elected
- In our government, central government, there is a planning commission. Perhaps every one of you know it, planning commission. From. . . for the last twenty years they are making simply plans, and no plan has become successful
- In political affairs, when a person disobediently agitates against the government, four principles are used to suppress him - legal orders, pacification, the offer of a post, or, finally, weapons. When there are no other arguments, he is punished
- In previous ages, however, these (great saintly) kings were rsis - great learned scholars and devotees - and because they were not ordinary men the government which they headed worked very nicely
- In prison a man may want to improve his condition to become a first class prisoner, and the government may give him A-status, but no sane man will become satisfied by becoming an A-class prisoner. He should desire to get out of the prison altogether
- In Russia, they cannot speak anything against the government, and they have got so many protests to lodge. So many. But they cannot speak. If you speak, immediately he's sent to the concentrated camp
- In some nations there is so much surplus grain that sometimes extra grain is thrown into the sea, and sometimes the government forbids further production of grain
- In some places certain capitalists in government restrict the farmers’ production of grain, not knowing the actual fact that all food grains are supplied by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the government, the criminal department and civil department may appear different in the eyes of the citizens, but in the eyes of the government both departments are one and the same
- In the Kali-yuga everyone is sudra. And how you can have good government by the sudras? Ksatriya required
- In the name of secular government, the king or governmental head remains neutral and allows people to engage in all sorts of irreligious activities. In such a state, people cannot be happy, despite all economic development
- In the name of secular government, unqualified people are taking the supreme governmental posts
- In the name of secular government, unqualified people are taking the supreme governmental posts. No one is being trained to act according to the principles of varnasrama-dharma, and thus people are becoming increasingly degraded
- In the present day also, people all over the world may join together in the Krsna consciousness movement and protest against the present degraded governments of the world’s godless societies, which are based on all kinds of sinful activities
- In the so-called people's government there is no trained ksatriya king; as soon as someone strong accumulates votes, he becomes the minister or president, without training from the learned brahmanas expert in the sastras
- In the state of endurance: "I shall prefer to remain naked, without proper dress of garments. I shall prefer to lie down on the ground without any matress. And despite all these disadvantages, I shall refuse to serve anyone, not even the government"
- In the system of democracy, thieves and rogues naturally collect money from other thieves and rogues, and thus there is chaos in every government, and no one is happy
- In the Vedic way of life, the king is trained to become a rajarsi, or a great saint, although he is ruling as king. It is the king only by whose good government the citizens can live peacefully and without any fear
- In the Western countries, the younger generation are becoming too much addicted to this intoxication, LSD habit, and it has become a problem to the government and they have established so many institutions to stop this habit, but they have failed
- In the Western world one atheistic government tried to induce the innocent citizens to embrace atheistic views. The government sent their propagandists to proselytize the people in the villages
- In this age of Kali the people want their own government, because the kings have become corrupt. Formerly it was not like that
- In this age of Kali there are no pious kings. Instead, rogues and thieves are elected to head the government. But how can the people be happy without religion and God consciousness
- In this age, there will be insufficient rainfall and food, and the government will plunder one's income by heavy taxation. All of these characteristics of Kali-yuga are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In this material world there are many envious people. There is the tax-exacting government, which is compared to an owl, and there are invisible crickets that create unbearable sounds
- In this material world, we need a leader for a monarchy or good government. Lord Sri Ramacandra, by His practical example, showed how to live for the benefit of all human society
- In this verse (SB 5.5.21-22) the brahmanas are given a position superior to that of the Supreme Lord. The idea is that the government should be conducted under the guidance of the brahmanas
- In this way Sanatana Gosvami convinced the jailkeeper, who replied, "Please hear me, my dear sir. I am willing to release you, but I am afraid of the government"
- In times of distress the government artificially inflates the currency by simply printing papers, and this artificially raises the price of commodities, and the general condition of the citizens becomes very precarious
- India is now divided, Pakistan and Hindustan. So if we actually try to understand Krsna and Krsna consciousness, there is solution for all the problems of society, of government, and everything
- India's original culture and religion is being spread all over the world, and out of their religious feeling if they come to stay in Vrindaban especially, why the government should harass them
- Instead of creating adverse reactions, it was better for Maharaja Prthu to stop the yajnas in the interest of his original purpose as an incarnation. This purpose was to establish good government and set things in the right order
- Instead of spending money there, if the government is specifically passing the act against us, then we can spend that money in the Gurukula in Vrindaban
- Is it government's fault that you go to the jail? Therefore government has fault? Why is this nonsense question? When a man, instead of going to the university, goes to the police custody, is it government's fault
- It (constructing the prison house) is not done for the pleasure of the government, which has to spend a great deal of money in constructing and maintaining it
- It (research work) may not be for the mass of people, but at least one, two intelligent class of men, he (government) pays, qualified: "Let them have this opportunity." So this is like that. KC movement is not for ordinary men, but it is very important
- It appears that now it is the government policy to curb our activities. The zoning problem is another harassment
- It is a good sign that the Government has taken up this work of social upliftment as a right measure at a right time. And in order to give the scheme a right direction the government may take authoritative hints from the scriptures like Bhagavad-gita
- It is foretold herein (SB 1.18.44) that in the absence of good monarchical government, everyone will be the cause of disturbance for others by plundering riches, animals, women, etc
- It is misconceived that formerly the monarchial government was autocratic
- It is not that everyone is drinking, but there is facility for the drunkards. Because the drunkards want to drink, so government gives facility - All right. Here is a liquor shop. You drink
- It is not that mass of people is interested in Ph.D. degree. But if one is interested in Ph.D. degree, government provides: "Yes, in university you come." That is the real facility. So if anyone is interested to understand KC, why it should be denied
- It is not the government's desire that there should be hospital or prison house. They can save so much money. But the people want it. A class of men, third-class men, they want this
- It is not the government's partiality, that somebody go to the prison house and somebody will go to the university and occupy responsible position. No. It is our fault that we do not take opportunity or the facilities offered by the government or Krsna
- It is psychologically very natural that a prostitute does not care for her paramour as soon as he loses his money. Similarly, when the citizens find that a government is incapable of giving them full protection, they leave the country
- It is said that anyone working in the government secretariat at this time was a kayastha
- It is said that in this age of Kali everyone will be extremely disturbed by three kinds of tribulations: scarcity of rain, famine, and heavy taxation by the government
- It is stated herein (SB 2.7.38) that the governmental power of society in Kali-yuga will be passed over to the uncultured, godless laborer classes of men, and thus the nrdevas (government ministers) will be the vrsalas, or the uncultured lower-class men
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam that in Kali-yuga the heads of government will be plunderers and thieves. These thieves and plunderers take the money and property of the public by force or connivance
- It is stated that during the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthira there did not even exist severe cold or scorching heat, nor did the citizens suffer from any kind of mental anxiety. This is the standard of good government
- It is the duty of guru, it is the duty of father, it is the duty of the government, it is duty of the elderly relative to educate everyone. This is human life, not that simply eating like dog and dancing like dog. This is not human civilization
- It is the duty of the demigods, as well as kings and aides of governments, to give full protection to the Vedic authority; otherwise human society will be in a chaotic condition in which there cannot be peace or prosperity
- It is the duty of the government to see that nobody is unemployed. Everyone must have some means of earning. That is good government
- It is the duty of the king or the government to insure that the people observe the social order and that they are also employed in their respective occupational duties
- It is the duty of the spiritual master not to be angry, because the disciples or the followers, they are fools. Sometimes they do not obey. But the ruler, the spiritual master, the government has to tolerate. And still, vimanyava, sadhava. That is sadhu
- It is the king's duty to see that there is no increase of thieves and rogues either in the government secretariat or in the departments of public affairs
- It is the person who rules, and not the impersonal government. If the person is perfect, the government is perfect. If the person is a fool, the government is a fool's paradise. That is the law of nature
- It is very good news to hear that the German government has granted you a 5 year visa and that your Sankirtana activities are expanding. This is all very encouraging
- It may be that government may take action against me because I'm speaking something revolutionary. Yes. But that is the fact. Why you should work?
- Just as a government may issue trade licenses in order for its citizens to act in a certain way, the Vedas contain injunctions that restrain and regulate all of our fruitive activities
- Just as disobedient citizens serve the government indirectly. Prisoners come to the prison house on account of their disobedience of the laws of the state. So, in the prison house, they are forced to obey the laws of the state
- Just as the English government gives rich and respectable persons the title "lord," so the Muslims give the title Mullik to rich, respectable families that have intimate connections with the government
- Just as the government has many different departments, so, within this material world, the government of the Supreme Lord has many departments, and all these departments function in proper order out of fear of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Just like a prisoner. A prisoner is always with the government, but in one department he is kicked, and in one department he is patted. That's all. So if you prefer to be kicked, you remain in maya. But you are always in connection with God
- Just like a soldier fighting, the government takes cares of his family. That is special prerogative. If he dies in the fighting, the government gives pension to the family members. So you are fortunate in that way, because your son is fighting with maya
- Just like a upstart. He says that "I don't believe in the government. There is no government. I am all in all." So that madman say like that, that does not mean that there is no existence of government
- Just like at the present moment, the government has got inspectors to see, inspect the schools, whether the teachers are duly discharging their educational curriculum, similarly, formerly the king, he was raja-danda-vit
- Just like good citizen means he knows what is the government and what is the law of government. He is following. Similarly, religious person means he must know what is God and what are the words of God
- Just like good citizen means one who satisfies the government. Law-abiding. Good citizen. Similarly, good karma means who satisfies Lord Visnu, the Supreme Lord
- Just like in government, there are so many departments. So you need not to flatter him, but you do your duty, you pay your tax, you abide by the laws, then everything will be right. You need not worship any person. That is their philosophy, karma-mimamsa
- Just like laws cannot be manufactured by some individual man - laws are enacted by the government - similarly, religious principles, they are made by God
- Just like we are obliged to pay tax to the water department, to the fire department, to the education department, so many departments government. Or once we pay our income tax, that is distributed to so many departments
- Just see in the Western countries; all the younger generation, they are so much addicted to intoxication. And the government is spending millions of dollars, how to stop it. But they have become animals
- Just today we have seen in the newspapers of Bombay that the government is going to repeal its prohibition laws
- Just try to understand the ideal government
- King means the supreme executive head of government. They could understand that, "These things are now coming." Drstva, seeing practically
- King Nabhi enthroned Him as the emperor of the world to give protection to the general populace in terms of the Vedic religious system. To do this, he entrusted Him into the hands of learned brahmanas, who would guide Him in administrating the government
- Krsna comes for reestablishing the principles of religion. Religion means the order set by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is religion: "You do like this." Just like king's orders, or the government orders, - Do like this
- Krsna Consciousness Movement is India's original culture. Why the Government should not help in spreading this culture while they are eager to receive it? I hope you will kindly think over this matter and help me
- Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to link up our connection with the supreme controller. Because it is natural conclusion that, If I have to serve somebody, why a petty merchant? Why not take government servic
- Krsna does not personally punish. He has got many agents. Just like in the government, the president does not punish directly, but there are many departments
- Krsna has not pushed us. You wanted something for your enjoyment, so-called enjoyment. Krsna has provided you. Just like you want to enter into the prison life, therefore government creates a prison house
- Krsna says that "I spoke to sun-god." So by hearing this sruti, we understand that there is also life and there is also system, the government, the chief executive
- Krsna stated that He was very sorry that His maternal uncle Kamsa was the head of the kingdom; He said that Kamsa was the greatest anomaly in the whole system of government and that they could not expect any welfare for the citizens while he ruled
- Krsna-katha is compulsory for the rajarsi, or executive head of government. This is also mentioned in Bhagavad-gita - imam rajarsayo viduh - BG 4.2
- Krsna-katha must be understood by the executive heads of government, for otherwise how will people be happy and gain relief from the pangs of materialistic life?
- Later Hussain Khan somehow or other was appointed Nawab by the central Muslim government. As a matter of obligation, he increased the opulences of Subuddhi Raya
- Law is made by the government. Similarly, religion is made by God
- Law means the word given by the state. You cannot make law at home. That is not possible. Whatever the government gives you, that "You should act like this," that is law
- Leaders of the government must be very honest and religious because otherwise all the affairs of the state will suffer. Unfortunately, in the name of democracy, rogues and thieves are electing other rogues and thieves to the most important posts
- Life for life. This is atonement. When the government punishes a murderer with capital punishment, death, that is a mercy upon him. That punishment is accepted practically all over the world from time immemorial
- Like state affairs going on, but ultimate aim is to keep the government satisfied. Then you'll get everything nicely
- Liquor shop is licensed by the government. Does it mean the government is encouraging that, "You become drunkard"? But government is giving this license because there is a class of men who must drink
- Local government
- Lord Caitanya advised Ramananda Raya to resign from his government post and come back to Jagannatha Puri to live with Him
- Lord Visnu, as Paramatma, gives the king all intelligence to execute governmental affairs. Srila Rupa Gosvami therefore asked the King what was in his mind concerning Caitanya Mahaprabhu and indicated that whatever the King thought about Him was correct
- Maharaja Pariksit gave license to Kali to live in four places as mentioned hereinbefore, but by his very expert government the personality of Kali could hardly find the places allotted him
- Maharaja Pariksit, as soon as he saw that a cow was being attempted to be killed, immediately he took his sword . . . "Who are you, nonsense? You are killing my citizen." This is good government
- Maharaja Priyavrata not only carried out the order of Lord Brahma by accepting the duties of government, but also married Barhismati, the daughter of Visvakarma, one of the prajapatis
- Maharaja Prthu maintained all the standards of good government, and he was so invincible that no one could disobey his orders any more than a person could stop heat and light emanating from a fire
- Maharaja Yudhisthira is the ideal monarch, and monarchy under a trained king like Maharaja Yudhisthira is by far the most superior form of government, superior to modern republics or governments of the people, by the people
- Majority wants to be godless. So government is following that. Therefore they are against our movement
- Man-made religion is not religion. Religion means God-made religion. That is religion. Dharmam tu saksat. Just like law. Law means the orders enunciated by the government. You cannot manufacture law at home. That is not law
- Many trees are useful because they produce fruits and flowers, but many other trees are unnecessary. They could be used as fuel and the land cleared and used for agriculture. When the government is negligent, less grain is produced
- Material scientists want to avoid the ruling government of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore they imagine different conditions under which they suppose the planets move
- Monarchy means the king was properly trained up. Similarly, in the democracy, if people are properly trained up, then they will vote for nice men and there will be nice government
- My idea is to attract people of the whole world to Mayapur. So we are just trying to acquire three hundred fifty acres of land from the government. It is going on under consideration. Some men are against and some are in favor
- My idea is to attract people of the whole world to Mayapura. So we are just trying to acquire three hundred fifty acres of land from the government
- My translation of the Srimad-Bhagavatam (published in three volumes first canto) is recognized by the Government of India both central and states education department
- Neither the government nor the responsible leaders of the public want such literature, yet it is in the marketplace because the people want it for sense gratification
- New Indian government being independent, they are prohibiting to send some Murtis and mrdangas. So it is all our bad luck that these things are happening
- No government wants its citizens to act in such a way that they must go to prison and suffer tribulations
- No one is well enough trained to look after the factual interests of the governed. In a so-called democratic government, corruption is even more rampant than in an autocracy or monarchy
- No, even physical. You cannot go out without government consent. And they don't allow, especially young men. They do not allow to go out of the country
- Nobody paying us, no government, no..., that "You take so many million dollars for spreading Krsna..." Nobody. Therefore we require some gold
- Not only will the king or government head rid himself of the contamination of the material modes of nature, but the general public will also, and they will all become gradually elevated to the kingdom of God and go back home, back to Godhead
- Not that the chief executive or the government simply levies taxes from the citizens and let them go to hell. This is not good government
- Not these camara, bhangis and sudras voted and become the president and minister. That will not be successful. That is not possible. There must be trained-up ksatriyas, then there will be good government
- Now government is encouraging drinking and meat-eating. And illicit sex, that is . . . that has become now a common affair, anywhere you go. Why you should have to go to brothel? Even big, big other places. I don't wish to mention. You see
- Now he (Svayambhuva Manu) was very pleased that Lord Brahma had interfered by inducing his son to accept the responsibility for ruling the government of the universe
- Now they are plundering, by official instrument. Now when the government will be finished, they will be street dog. That's all. This is their civilization
- Now, if you cooperate, then I can change the whole thing in your country. This Krsna consciousness movement is so nice. Provided you cooperate
- Nowadays we practically see also that government has enacted so many laws against criminality, but criminality is going on without any stoppage
- Nowadays, a sudra is on the government. A person who is a nonsense number one, he has no knowledge, he is on the head of the government. The things have been topsy-turvied
- O chief (Pariksit) amongst the protectors of religion, please fix some place for me where I can live permanently under the protection of your government
- Of course we have to have independent private university because the government is not interested according to Vedic ideology
- On account of this political situation, the government is not very favorable to our movement. But we have to counteract it by our behavior, by our propaganda. It is not difficult if you do it very nicely
- On the plea of relieving the suffering caused by the ensuing famine, the government will impose heavy taxes, especially on the wealthy mercantile community
- One can say that the former kingly government was like heaven and that the present government is like hell
- One king may be dead; the next, his son or somebody will become king, and the government law will go on. So what is the use of talking foolishly like "God is dead. God may be dead?" God is never dead. This is going on
- One may know that sinful activity is injurious for him because he actually sees that a criminal is punished by the government and rebuked by people in general
- One medical practitioner friend of mine, when he was student in Lucknow, he stated that there is a palace building, Chatar Mandir? Chatar Mandir, in Lucknow. There is some government office. So there were several snakebite cases
- One must give people good engagements, and then they will automatically give up the bad ones. For example, we instruct our students, "No intoxication," and they immediately give it up, even though the government has failed to stop them. This is practical
- One must know God, and one must know what God desires. That is religion. Just like you must know your government, and you must know what government wants, expects from you. If you do that, then you are a good citizen
- One political party utilizes a country for one purpose, and the next moment another political party forms a different type of government and nullifies all the laws and regulations
- One politician has remarked that the Krsna consciousness movement is spreading like an epidemic and that if not checked immediately, within ten years it may capture governmental power. There is, of course, such potency in the Krsna consciousness movement
- One politician in U.S.A., he has remarked that "This Krsna consciousness movement is increasing like an epidemic." He has said that. "And if we do not check it, one day it may take our government." He has opined like that
- One should lament that, "We are under this rascal government, under the rascal guru, rascal father. But who are meant for giving protection, they are all rascals. This is our position." This is called Kali-yuga
- One should not deprecate the Supreme Lord for the creation of this miserable world, just as one should not blame the king for creating a prisonhouse in the government
- One should own as much as he immediately needs. There is no need to keep a big balance at hand, along with the fear that it may be plundered by the government or by thieves
- One side there will be no rain, another side there will be scarcity of foodstuff. Other side, the government will simply levy taxes. So people will become mad. They will give up their hearth and home and go to the jungle. This time will come, very soon
- One side, there will be no rain, and there will be scarcity of food grain, and government will tax heavily. In this way people will become mad, and they will give up their hearth and home and go to the forest. This is the foretelling
- One who is honest may be faithful to the government, but he does not need to bribe the government servants. Bribery is illegal; one does not bribe a government servant, but that does not mean that one does not show him respect
- One who serves the government but misappropriates the government's revenue is liable to be punished by the king. That is the verdict of all revealed scriptures
- Our first attention should be how this movement can go on. So nice character, so nice behavior, so nice knowledge, so nice consciousness of God, so pure, and the government has no attention. They are thinking it is something sentimental
- Our government has got planning commission. The planning commission has brought people in such a condition that they are dying of starvation. And they are taking salary, big, big, fat salary. This is going on
- Our idea is to construct a hotel for American and European tourists to come and learn about factual spiritual life. While they are coming, there will be foreign exchange and the Indian Government is very much in favor of this
- Our message is that here in this material world, there are many controllers, many governors, many isvaras, but nobody is the supreme isvara. Supreme isvara means He has no controller over Him
- People are always trying to get some government post or some position in a reputed business firm because the service rendered in such positions earns great profits
- People are not bad. I have seen. They are very nice. The government, the rascals, a few men who are controlling the government, they are all rogues and thieves. The same thing in India. Everywhere the mass population, they are innocent
- People cannot feel secure about their lives and property, yet the so-called governments continue, and government ministers get fat salaries, although they are unable to do anything good for society
- People liked the government of Lord Ramacandra, the government of Maharaja Yudhisthira and the governments of Maharaja Pariksit, Maharaja Ambarisa and Maharaja Prahlada. There are many instances of excellent government under a monarch
- Please come here, chant Hare Krsna, dance, and take sumptuously prasadam, go home - where is the difficulty? And they are coming. Because we have no money - we are doing on a small scale. But if the government gives us facility we can expand this scale
- Politics means two things. The state, government, what is that? Government gives protection to the good citizen, and those who are rogues, punish them. Law and order. Two things are there: maintenance and law and order
- Prthu Maharaja did not beget his children out of lust, nor was he attracted to his wife for sense gratificatory purposes. He begot the children as a grhastha for the future administration of his government all over the world
- Prthu Maharaja exacted taxes and gave such strong orders to the citizens and government that no one had the power to disobey him. On the other hand, he pleased everyone just like the moonshine
- Rajasu means
- Ramacandra Khan's business was questionable, for he tried to avoid paying income tax to the government. Therefore the government's minister of finance was angry and came to his residence
- Ramananda Raya was still serving at his government post; therefore when Bhavananda Raya went to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he went with his other four sons. They were named Vaninatha, Gopinatha, Kalanidhi and Sudhanidhi
- Recently one lecture of mine is arranged in our Indian Government House (New India House) organized by the Tagore Society of New York who organize such meeting only for the most distinguished persons
- Regarding the Government trying to acquire our land, I have already told you to finish the Temple immediately
- Regarding the Government's plans to construct a three crore tourist lodge, why not give the money to us, and we can construct? If this money is used for four such buildings as we have got plus a temple
- Regardless of whether the chief executive is a king or president, or whether the government is monarchical or democratic, this process (of following in Maharaja Prthu's footsteps) is so perfect that if it is followed, everyone will become happy
- Religion means to abide by the orders of God. That's all. Just like good citizen means who abides by the order of the government. That's all. There is no difficulty to understand what is good citizen
- Rescuing the most fallen members of society among the young people and giving them new life of spiritual or highly desirable qualities. Now you approach the government leaders and convince them in this way, and that will be the greatest achievement
- Rupa and Sanatana Gosvami were born in a high brahmana family, but because they accepted employment under a Muslim government, they were considered Muslims
- Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis, two of Lord Caitanya's principle disciples, were formerly known as Sakara Mallika and Dabira Khasa, and they were employed by the Mohammedan government
- Rupa Gosvami replied, "Sanatana has now been arrested by the government of Hussain Shah. If You kindly save him, he can be liberated from that entanglement"
- Saintly persons are not interested in political matters, they are always thinking of the welfare of the people in general. Consequently they sometimes have to come down to the political field and take steps to correct the misguided government or royalty
- Sanatana informed the hotelkeeper that he was on a special journey for the government and that since he could not travel on the open road, it would be very kind if the hotelkeeper would help him through the jungles and over the mountains
- Sasanam means government. Sas-dhatu I have several times explained. Sas-dhatu means ruling. Sas-dhatu. From sas-dhatu the word has come, sasanam. There are many other words. From sas-dhatu is sastra
- Serving a devotee means serving the Supreme Lord, for a devotee always represents the Lord. When a devotee is in charge, the government is always congenial and beneficial for everyone
- She (Mayadevi) is Vaisnavi. She is great devotee of Krsna. But she has accepted a thankless task, to punish. The policeman is a sincere government servant, but he has accepted a task, nobody likes him
- Simply by changing, by so-called parties, the government cannot improve. The government can improve when there are Krsna conscious person. So if some day you turn all the people Krsna conscious, then you become president
- Simply by manipulation, if one gets vote, he captures the governmental power. Sudra. He's a sudra. He is not a ksatriya like Maharaja Yudhisthira, trained up ksatriya
- Since I have come to this part of the world in 1965, so many boys are chased by the government draft board. You see? They belong to the independent nation, and formerly they were independent. And what is this nonsense independence
- Since it is stated in the Vedas that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the maintainer and leader of all living entities, the king or the executive head of the government must be a representative of God. Then he can claim honor exactly like the Lord's
- Since Maharaja Priyavrata was fully trained in transcendental knowledge, he could have returned home and conducted the business of government as a brahmacari. Instead, however, when he returned to household life, he accepted a wife also
- Since the Nawab was principally engaged in conquering different parts of the country and also in hunting, he depended largely on Sanatana Gosvami for government administration
- Since the population is fallen in these democratic days, they can only elect a person in their category, but a government cannot run very well when it is run by sudras
- Since we have lost our responsible monarchical government, the four divisions of social order - means brahmana, ksatriya, vaisyas and sudra - they are deviated due to unemployment. The brahmana could not get sufficient engagement in their duties
- So at the present moment we are in a very, very deplorable condition, no good government
- So how we can think that there is no control, there is no government, everything has come out of its own course? There is controller, and He is called Isvara. Isvara means God. There is management of God. It is very commonsense understanding
- So I shall request you to think on this matter how we can organize a small party of Brahmacaris' school, so that government may recognize it, and that will be a nice program
- So if the people are Krsna conscious, naturally the government will be Krsna conscious. And if you are fools and rascals, the government will be fools and rascals. Because government is the representative of the people
- So many government representatives voting for legislation. Every day they bring out a new law. But because these laws are only mental concoctions manufactured by inexperienced conditioned souls, they cannot give relief to human society
- So many illicit children, and the government has to supply them food, and the welfare, what is called? Social welfare
- So that is violence required. Tit for tat. One who is going to commit violence unnecessarily, the king, government, should immediately take the sword and kill that person. That is government's duty
- So-called secular government
- So-called social, national and government leaders mislead people more and more, under the bodily conception of life, with the result that all the leaders, with their followers, are gliding down to hellish conditions birth after birth
- Some group of men should be ksatriya for ruling over. Unless there is discipline, ruling, everything will be chaos. The government must be there. The principle of directors must be there. So dharma, artha, kama
- Sometimes the conditioned soul is very aggrieved by the chastisement of his enemies and government servants, who use harsh words against him directly or indirectly. At that time his heart and ears become very saddened
- Sometimes the king had to kill personally with the sword. Even in European countries, the royal orders were trained up. Nowadays it is constitutional, democratic government. The king has no power. But this is not good for the people
- Sometimes we see on the road so many valuable things left there - government property for repairing roads or some electrical work. A man may think, "Oh, fortunately these things are lying here, so I may take them." Is it not stealing
- Sometimes, due to their powerful positions, princes or government servants neglect the position of brahmanas and Vaisnavas, not knowing that because of their offense they will be ruined
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally admitted that a grhastha must live with a wife. Ksatriyas were even allowed to have many wives to encourage them in discharging the duties of government
- Srimad-Bhagavatam states that in the Age of Kali, thieves, rogues and fourth-class people who have neither education nor culture capture the seats of governments to exploit the citizens. This is a symptom of Kali-yuga that has already appeared
- Suppose a king dies; does it mean the government dies? The government will go on. You can say, "God is dead." God is not dead, neither you are dead. But if you foolishly say that God is dead, that does not mean His law is also dead. The law will go on
- Suppose a sannyasi begins in philanthropic work, some hospitalizing or opening educational institution. That is nice, but these things are being done by the government and many philanthropic persons. That is not the duty of a sannyasi
- Suppose government is creating one city, but he's creating at the same time the jail house, although there is no criminal at that time. But government knows there are some criminals who will fulfill this jail house
- Suppose you are a government servant. You are serving in the secretariat. But tomorrow you become Hindu or Muslim or Christian. But do you mean to say that your service in the government will be changed also? No. That will continue
- Svayambhuva Manu, with the assistance of Lord Brahma, thus fulfilled his desires. With the permission of the great sage Narada, he delivered to his son the governmental responsibility for maintaining and protecting all the planets of the universe
- Take advantage of Prthu Maharaja's example
- Tax revenues should be distributed to the citizens in times of need, during emergencies such as famine or flood. Tax revenues should never be distributed amongst governmental servants in the form of high salaries and various other allowances
- That (Maharaja Pariksit's) is the way of good government. The disturbing elements like the personality of Kali will always try to extend their nefarious activities, but it is the duty of the able state to check them by all means
- That Guljaya Nanda you know? He was one of the prominent member of the Planning Commission. He was very important member in the central government, Home Member, Planning Commission, President and so on, so on. Nowadays he is loitering on the street
- That was the position of the two brothers, Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika. They belonged to the highly situated sarasvata-brahmana community, but they were ostracized due to their acceptance of ministerial posts in the government of Hussain Shah
- The absolute controller cannot be impersonal. By our practical life we see - government. "Government" is an impersonal word, but at the end of the government, there is a governor or president, a person
- The activities of the government head, or king, as well as the activities of the citizens, should be so directed that ultimately everyone engages in devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The American government has many restrictions for the entrance of foreigners from less prosperous countries. The reason is that the Americans do not wish to share their prosperity with any foreigner who has not qualified himself as a citizen of America
- The American government has stopped financing this foolish excursion, going to the moon planet. They have stopped. They have now come to sense that simply these so-called scientists, they're experi . . . experimenting on public money and wasting
- The American government is spending millions of dollars to stop the use of LSD and other such intoxicants, but the government has failed. How is it that simply by passing laws or giving lectures one can make people give up these things? It is not possible
- The American government may create prison departments, but why you are interested there? Why you are going there? The real position is: because you are criminal, therefore government has to create such department
- The American government spent millions of dollars to stop this habit of intoxication, LSD. And as soon as the same man comes to our Society, he immediately gives up. Why? It is practical
- The American government, they spent lots of money for stopping this addiction to drugs. And these boys, as soon as they come to me, they give up
- The animal is also praja of the government. The trees are also praja of the government. So formerly nobody could slaughter an animal, nobody can cut even a tree without reason, without sanction by the Vedic injunction
- The anxiety of Prahlada Maharaja, "How these rascals, who have made a plan for happiness of a few men, gorgeous plan." And they're . . . for happiness of the government servant, that's all
- The assurances and challenges made by Maharaja Pariksit are never exaggerations of his real power. The Maharaja said that even the denizens of heaven could not escape his stringent government if they were violators of religious principles
- The brahmana is meant for giving good intelligence. The vaisyas are meant for maintaining the economic condition. So as the government maintains the force, military police, their business is to chastise
- The brahmanas should give advice to the ksatriyas, to the government, and the government, according to the nice, good advice, should maintain the state. In this way there will be peaceful condition of the society
- The brahmanas, the priests, have been against this Krsna consciousness movement since it began with Lord Caitanya. When Lord Caitanya started this movement, the priestly class lodged complaints to the Kazi, the magistrate of the Muhammadan government
- The child may be foolish, but father-mother cannot see that their child will remain a fool. He can force. Government also. Why there is military force? Why there is police force? If you want to be outlaw, then you'll be forced to accept the law
- The city is very clean but the socialistic government is not very good. Only you can take what the state supplies. There is very little freedom there
- The conditioned soul is sometimes attracted to the little happiness derived from sense gratification. Thus he has illicit sex or steals another's property. At such a time he may be arrested by the government or chastised by the woman's husband
- The cow has got the grass for her food. You have got food grains. Cow is giving you milk, just to give her protection that, "You take my blood, turn into milk. Please do not kill me." So why these things are happening? Because there is rascal government
- The demigods are as factual as we are, but they are much more powerful due to their being engaged in the direct service of the Lord in managing different departments in the universal government
- The demigods are departmental heads. The government of the Supreme Lord consists not only of one planet or two or three; there are millions of planets and millions of universes
- The demon Hiranyakasipu accused the Lord of being partial because the demigods worshiped Him, but in fact the Lord, like the government, is not partial at all
- The demons are always disturbing. Their business is to nullify the existence of God. If there is a certain class of citizens, if they are simply after agitation that - This government is useless
- The disciples have come to the shelter of guru, the citizens are expecting good government. So they are subordinate, expecting protection from the superior. Therefore the whole scheme should be how to protect them from repetition of death
- The disturbance of the animal population by wholesale slaughter produces a catastrophic future reaction for the butcher, his land and his government
- The duty of the king or the head of the government is described very nicely in this verse (SB 4.16.4). It is the duty of the governmental head to see that people strictly follow a religious life
- The educational system must be reformed. Not that godless, no education, secular government, no education of God in the schools and colleges. This is not a very good proposal
- The example is given that the government gives everyone the facilities for governmental action and management, but by one's own choice one creates a situation which obliges him to exist under different types of consciousness
- The fact is that if the government does not open liquor shop, these rascals will distill liquor every home. Therefore government gives some concession
- The fifty-fifth year is generally taken by government regulations as the final year for retirement
- The first principle for good government is that it must institute this varnasrama system. The purpose of varnasrama is to enable people to become God conscious
- The general policy is to stop our Movement. That has begun, in so many ways; by the parents, by the municipality, by the government, by zoning; somehow or other to check this Movement
- The girls are getting illicit children and the government has to supply food for them. Nobody is taking care of the girls, of the children. And government has to take
- The government - indeed, the entire society - should be structured in such a way that everyone can be trained to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The government administration in the present age (Kali-yuga) is bereft of all godly qualities. Considering all these points, the people today have no alternative but to take to Krsna consciousness for protection of religion, life and property
- The government and the natural guardian, the father, should educate subordinates and raise them to Krsna consciousness. Devoid of Krsna consciousness, every living being suffers in this cycle of birth and death perpetually
- The government can give you the law book. You consult and do accordingly, you’ll be happy. And if you don’t, against, the government man is not coming to stop you. You do, and suffer
- The government cannot check the resultant actions of sinful life, namely war, pestilence, famine, earthquakes and similar other disturbances
- The government creates the prison house. That does not mean that government wants that somebody should be criminal and fill up this prison house. It is a freedom to the citizens
- The government doesn't want further development of Vrndavana. They are neglecting the city in such a way that no gentleman will go there. The old city is so... Formerly, it was planned that "So many pilgrims come here. It should be nicely developed"
- The government draft board has accepted our Society as religious, so they are kind upon us. But, we do not get any direct financial help either from the government or big foundations
- The government failed to change the hearts of the citizens from indulging in sinful life, so instead of losing the taxes they collect to inflate the treasury, they have decided to manufacture liquor to supply to the citizens who hanker after it
- The government has both an educational department and criminal department. An outsider may consider the criminal department inauspicious, but from the government's point of view it is as important as the education department
- The government has two department - criminal and civil. Civil department is controlled by the sastra, law codes, and the criminal department is governed by the sastra, weapons. So this is the rule from time immemorial. Both things are required
- The government here is also not very optimistic of such kind of swamis. But in spite of all difficulties, there is ample possibility of spreading pure devotional service of the Lord, or Krishna Consciousness movement, all over the western world
- The government is a democracy in which any sudra can be voted into taking up the governmental reigns and capture the power to rule
- The government is not partial to any citizen, but if a citizen is law-abiding he receives abundant opportunities from the state laws to live peacefully and fulfill his real interests
- The government is spending millions of dollars to stop LSD and other drug intoxication, but my students are giving up everything simply by following my word. So why isn't the government coming forward to help me?
- The government is thinking that Indian people, being too much religiously inclined, they have fallen down economically; therefore these religious sentiments should be stopped completely. It is not encouraged
- The government is top-heavy, and without increasing taxes the government cannot maintain itself
- The government may be imperson, but the head of the government is a person. Similarly, in the universal government there are so many living entities, just like we are. Not only human being - 8,400,000 species of life, all living entities
- The government may create a prisonhouse, but why do you go there? Does the government invite you there? No, you become a criminal and go there
- The government never objected to our movement. Never. I never met any objection from government side. Neither even Christian priestly side. I never met any objection. They understand that "He is doing something"
- The government of Prthu Maharaja was perfect because it was administered exactly according to the orders of the Vedic injunctions
- The Government of U.K. has passed a bill to hand over the redundant churches to other religious sects, but the Christian authorities want good amount of money for selling these properties
- The government opens wine shops, but this does not mean that the government encourages the drinking of wine
- The government says "In God we trust", and we are preaching the message of love of God, pleading with the people to become servants of God. So where is the cause of breaking the public peace?
- The government should be so conducted that automatically one is elevated to Krsna consciousness. King Prthu therefore wanted his citizens to cooperate fully with him, for if they assented, they would enjoy the same profit as he after death
- The government should give to the hands of the devotee, we are recognized devotees, ISKCON. If they want, really management. We are managing, so many centers, on account of devotees. It is not possible to manage all these things by paid men
- The government should take up, American government, and cooperate with us, teach the people the science of God. Then it will be a great, benevolent welfare activity. Simply giving their money to the poor, to the needy, will not help
- The government shouldn't allow you to keep slaughterhouses. If anyone wants to eat meat, let them eat like tigers and others
- The government shouldn't allow you to keep slaughterhouses. If anyone wants to eat meat, let them eat like tigers and others. Individually, kill one animal - a lower animal, not cows. This should be the government law
- The government still is under the control of the public. That's a fact. If the public becomes Krsna conscious, naturally the government will be Krsna conscious. But that is up to the public. But they do not want to be
- The government was creating . . . British government was creating faction between the caste, low caste. So Gandhi thought that - I shall make these bhangis and camars as harijana, as great devotees
- The government will adopt the policies of dasyus, or plunderers. Thus there will be no instructions from the brahmanas, and even if there are brahminical instructions, there will be no ksatriya rulers who can follow them
- The government will be incompetent, the more the citizens will be exploited. Ultimately the citizens will suffer. Because they will want money and plunder the citizens, they will be disgusted
- The government would be very glad to demolish prisons altogether provided that there are no disobedient citizens in the state
- The guru, the spiritual master and the government should be careful that - These rascals may not make plan. This rascal may not make plan to be happy
- The Hare Krsna movement is the right movement for ameliorating the fallen condition of human society, and therefore governments and public leaders in every part of the world should support this movement to completely rectify humanity's sinful condition
- The honey gathered in the comb is taken away by force. Therefore one who accumulates money should realize that he may be harassed by the government or by thieves or even killed by enemies
- The hospital-making business is being conducted by the government; it is the duty of a sannyasa to make hospitals whereby people can actually get rid of their material bodies, not patch them up
- The human form of body are 400,000. Out of many bodies that live in jungle, they have also no technology, no education, no systematic government, nothing - but they are also eating
- The Indian government is becoming demonic because those who elect the government are becoming demonic
- The instructions given herein (in SB 4.14.15) serve as a summary of how the head of government should execute his ruling power and thus attain happiness not only in this life but also in the life after death
- The jail department is criminal department, prison, where citizens are put into jail and given trouble. So if the prisoner says: "Why the American government has created this prison department?" is that valid question?
- The jurisdiction of the Muslim government extended up to Pichalada. Due to fear of the Muslims, no one would cross the river
- The king is responsible. The government is responsible that any one of his subject, either animal or man, he is not disturbed; he feels secure of his property, of his person. And it is the duty of ksatriya to save, to protect
- The King then went outside and had orders written down and sent to the government servants within his kingdom
- The king, or government head has to see that the citizens are engaged. The state or the government must not deviate from its duty by declaring that the state is a secular one which has no interest in whether or not the people advance in varnasrama-dharma
- The king, or government head, is supposed to be the representative of the Supreme Personality and is supposed to see that things go on nicely and that the citizens are situated in the scientific social order comprised of four varnas and four asramas
- The king, or the head executive of a state, may not be seen in the government offices, for he may be engaged in royal comforts. Yet it should be understood that everything is being done under his direction and everything is at his command
- The kings and executive heads of government in the Vedic age never accepted their positions for sense enjoyment. Such exalted kings, who were known as rajarsis, ruled only to maintain and protect the kingdom for the welfare of the citizens
- The ksatriyas and the government should be advised by the brahmanas. The vaisyas should produce enough foodstuffs, and the sudras should serve the three higher classes (the brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas). This is the arrangement of SPG
- The ksatriyas, they must be fearless; they must be very boldly, face . . . fighting the enemies; they must have the capacity to govern nicely so that people will not have any complaint against the government
- The Kuruksetra is still there. Everyone knows. There is a railway station of the name Kuruksetra and there is a place Kuruksetra. Now it is being developed by the government. So how you can explain Kuruksetra otherwise? Kuruksetra is a fact
- The land is lying vacant, and they are making two governors, five commissioners, six ministers and . . . drawing fat salary. This is government
- The laws are given by Bhagavan and are written in books like Manu-samhita and other Vedic literatures. According to the law, we have to obey the government, and according to dharma, we have to obey Krsna, God
- The Lord incarnates and sets things in order when things are mismanaged by so-called kings and heads of government
- The maintenance of slaughterhouses for the satisfaction of the tongue and the killing of animals unnecessarily should never be sanctioned by a government. As described in a previous verse, cows and other animals should be given sufficient grass to eat
- The mass of people should be educated in Krsna consciousness so that according to the democratic process they can select a first-class devotee like Bharata Maharaja to head the government
- The meaning of religion is to abide by the laws of God, just like a good citizen means who abides by the laws of the state, of the government. Because we have no understanding of God, therefore we do not know what is the laws of God
- The members of such a government are described as dasyu, thieves. Their main activity will be to plunder the wealth of the people
- The nations of the world are very eager to again have one state under one flag
- The Nawab told Sanatana Gosvami: As you know, I completely depend on you and your responsible work in government
- The officers and directors are engaged as representatives of the government, and to offer some bribe to the officers and directors is illegal. This is stated here (in BG 9.23) as avidhi-purvakam. BG 1972 purports
- The officers and directors are engaged as representatives of the government, and to offer some bribe to the officers and directors is illegal. This is stated in Bhagavad-gita as avidhi-purvakam
- The only remedy for such conditions (degradation of the governments of the world's godless societies) is to enhance the sankirtana movement under the banner of Krsna consciousness and protest against the sinful activities of all the world's governments
- The other day when coming to your country I met a secretary of the Japanese government in Tokyo. I wanted to explain to him that he should cooperate with this movement, but he said, - Oh, we cannot cooperate with any religious movement
- The people in general are all contaminated by the modes of passion and ignorance. Consequently they cannot select the right person to head the government
- The people's government, or government by the people, should not allow killing of innocent animals by the sweet will of foolish government men. They must know the codes of God, as mentioned in the revealed scriptures
- The police tax you and get fat salary. That's all. This is government. They will degrade you and take your money and enjoy themselves
- The populace will be harassed on one side by scarcity of food and on another by heavy taxation by the government. In other words, the people in most parts of the world in this age are harassed by the ruling principles of Hiranyakasipu
- The power of Krsna is just like a government that cannot be overcome
- The present democratic government is proclaimed to be a people's government, a government by the people and for the people, but this type of government is not sanctioned by the Vedas
- The president is selected by the votes of ignorant sudras; therefore another sudra is elected, and immediately the entire government becomes polluted
- The prison house is undoubtedly constructed by the state government, but this does not mean that the government is anxious for its citizens to be put into it. Indirectly, the disobedient citizens force the government to construct the prison house
- The prison is a necessary institution of the governmental establishment for those who are disobedient to the laws of the government. Similarly, this material world, full of miseries, is a temporary creation of the Lord for those who have forgotten Him
- The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things
- The real problem of life is not to adjust things materially, change from one form of government to another form of government. These things are temporary things. It will not give relief
- The relationship between the citizens and the government should be exactly like that between father and son
- The ruler (the Nawab) was so anxious for Sanatana Gosvami's advice in government matters that he suddenly appeared at his house
- The saintly persons and great sages killed King Vena out of emergency, but they did not choose to take part in the government in order to subdue the uprising of thieves and rogues, which took place after the death of King Vena
- The saintly sages herein (in SB 4.14.15) instruct that the king or head of government should set an example by living a religious life. As stated in Bhagavad-gita, religion means worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The same basic principles are accepted in the democratic governments of the present day, for the irresponsible party of the people is always voted out of power and must yield to the responsible party for a better government
- The Sanskrit word visvasta-ghata refers to one who breaks faith or causes a breach of trust. The mass of people should always feel security because of the government's protection
- The so called democratic government means some of the sudras, rascals without any knowledge of the highest aim of life. By hook and crook they get some votes and get the responsible chair in government. Naturally they can whimsically enact any law
- The so-called reading of Bhagavad-gita, lecture on Bhagavad-gita, without Krsna... God, kingdom of God without God. We want kingdom of God, peace and prosperity, but without God. There must not be God. That is our secular government
- The social classes can be further characterized as follows: (2) He who has taken to displaying force and entering government administration is called a ksatriya
- The some rogues and frauds, they will combine together, and make a government, and take others' property, and they will remain honest, and he is fraud. This is Kali-yuga
- The spiritual master is the representative of God. Whatever you offer to the spiritual master, it goes to God. Just like the tax collector. He collects taxes, but it goes to the government
- The state is now callous to religious principles. Srimad-Bhagavatam predicts that in Kali-yuga the government will be entrusted with dasyu-dharma, which means the occupational duty of rogues and thieves
- The state looks very well if there is a good government, with a good king or president. Then everyone is happy, and everything goes on well
- The state should be very respectful to societies that distribute God consciousness all over the world, but, unfortunately, at the present moment there is no state or government support given to such movements
- The thing is that you serve Krsna. Our predecessors, the acaryas, they are also government servant, but they resigned when they decided to preach this cult. If you have desire to preach this cult, then that is different
- The Vedic way of life does not allow any man to be like the monkeys and dogs. A degraded civilization of sense gratification and economic development is the by-product of a godless or kingless government of the people, by the people, and for the people
- The whole government was specifically designed to fulfill this particular purpose. As such, the king had to select properly the cabinet ministers, but not on the strength of voting background
- The whole system should be so centralized that people may be saved from this process of punar janma. That is real government, real parenthood, real guru-ism - how to save the disciples or the citizens or the son, subordinate
- The whole thing will be taken by government by income tax. So we are stopping to work, to have more business." This is the position because our mind is so inclined that if I cannot enjoy the fruit of my activities, then I am disinclined
- The word nah (we) is very significant in this verse (SB 1.18.44). The sage (Samika Rsi) rightly takes the responsibility of the brahmanas as a community for 1) killing monarchical government
- The word nija-sasane ("in his own governmental duty") indicates that both the government and the citizens are responsible for the execution of varnasrama-dharma
- The word praja refers to one who has taken birth within the jurisdiction of the government. The exalted royal families were conscious that all living beings, whether human, animal or lower than animal, should be given protection
- The word sastra is derived from the dhatu, or verbal root, sas. Sas-dhatu pertains to controlling or ruling. A government’s ruling through force or weapons is called sastra
- The word surarsi-vara-anumatena is significant. Manu entrusted the government to his son with the permission of the great saint Narada
- The world situation is so tense that at any moment governments may issue declarations to stop religious rituals. Eventually the world situation will become so degraded that it will be impossible for pious men to live on the planet
- The Yamaduta is comparing the trustworthy government. Everything is discussed in Srimad-Bhagavatam, but people do not take advantage of all these instruction
- The young boys, they are taking Hare Krsna movement seriously, so the government can be changed in their favor. After all, it is democracy. So you can do it. You become president; you'll become senator. In America it is possible
- The youthful generation of the present day is very enthusiastic in trying to overthrow the government in different parts of the world. But unless people are Krsna conscious like Dhruva Maharaja, there will be no appreciable changes in government
- Then the government took all the horses for a proper price, a time was set for payment of the balance, and Gopinatha Pattanayaka was released
- There are always rogues and thieves in human society, and as soon as a weak government is unable to execute its duties, these rogues and thieves come out to do their business. Thus the entire society becomes a hell unfit for gentlemen to live in
- There are many people, they do not like us because we are preaching God consciousness. This is our fault. Even in our country, in India, the government do not like us
- There are many younger Muscovites who are very anxious for joining our movement. Unfortunately the government is so strict that it is difficult to take their cooperation for starting a center there. Everything is strictly under government control
- There are so many parties, they make agitation, "Oh, this government is nothing. We require a new government." Therefore in your country (USA) the Communist movement has been statewise declared, - It is illegal
- There are two kinds of ruler or controller. One is the government, and the other is the teacher. Or guru means spiritual master. Spiritual master can control. The disciples obey the order of the spiritual master out of love
- There is a description of Sanatana in Caitanya-candrodaya, and it is mentioned there that Sanatana Gosvami was one of the most important personalities in the government of Nawab Hussain
- There is an immediate need for a good government - a government by the people, with Krsna consciousness. Unless the masses of people become Krsna conscious, they cannot be good men
- There is no king or government to check people, and therefore society has fallen into a chaotic condition as far as spiritual understanding is concerned
- There is no necessity for the government's creation of a separate police department, but because it is a fact that some of the citizens will not accept the state laws, a department to deal with criminals is necessary
- There is no possibility of happiness if the government or citizenry have no idea of Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the original cause of the cosmic manifestation, or if they have no knowledge of bhuta-bhavana, who is visvatma
- There is no possibility of making advancement in government or civilization without some regulations
- There is so-called government, millions of rupees they are spending and taking salary, government house, but the praja, they have no security for their life income
- There may be so many laws, but the real law is what is given by the government
- There must be a good government to see that the citizens are actually executing their religious rituals, and thieves and rogues must be curbed. When this is done the people can advance peacefully in spiritual consciousness and make their lives successful
- There must be minister in charge of law and order. Where you get this idea? The idea is there from the original government. And there is the director or the minister in charge of law and order. The Yamaraja is minister in charge
- There must be some relation. Without relationship one cannot exist because he is part and parcel. Just like persons in the prison house. They are not out of government. There is relationship with the government, but that is indirect
- There should be a training how to become brahmana, how to become ksatriya, how to become vaisya. And the government should see that everyone, as he is trained up, he is working according to his quality and occupational duty
- There were many complaints against the so-called incarnation. At that time Bhaktivinoda Thakura was a magistrate, and the government deputed him to deal with that rascal, and he punished him very severely
- These rogues (pseudo religionists) are the most dangerous elements in human society. Because there is no religious government, they escape punishment by the law of the state
- They (communist government) are advertising equal facility to everyone, to the worker. The worker is still working. They are going, still walking on the street to go to the factory. So in this way the whole civilization is going on simply by bluffing
- They (foolish men) start varieties of public and semi-governmental institutions to tackle the devastating power of nature, but they don't know how to pacify insurmountable nature
- They (government) are neglectful about this brain, brahmana. That is the defect of modern civilization. Therefore the human society is in more or less chaotic condition
- They (people) were immensely supplied with all necessities for life due to King Rsabhadeva's good government. Consequently everyone felt full satisfaction and did not want anything. This is the perfection of government
- They (the regulative principles) are made according to the time and circumstances and the mentality of the people. But the principle of regulated control is the same. Similarly, the government sets down certain regulations to be obeyed by its citizens
- They (the secretariat during Muslim reign) were elected from the kayastha community, a community that is still very expert in managing business and government affairs
- They are considered that government servant, and very faithful to the country's service, but as soon as a country or government does not pay, everything is rejected. So Krsna service does not mean like that
- They are imagining, "I think it is like this and that." There is no value of this "I believe," "I think," "I conjecture." You can do that, but things are going on. The government is very, very strong. Little deviation from the law, you will be punished
- They burned hermitages of saintly persons, important mines that produced valuable metals, residential quarters of the agriculturalists, the mountain villages, & the villages of the cow protectors, the cowherd men. They also burned the government capitals
- They have admitted, some of their party, "If this movement is allowed to advance, then some day they will take our government." They have expressed that feeling. And now they are preparing to fight out
- They have given me a very nice report of your activities and I am glad to know that the government authorities (in Kenya) are taking interest in our movement. It is a good sign. So you go on with your preaching
- They must be moved. Government means, nowadays, all rascals. They are elected by rascals and they are rascals. That is the difficulty
- They said, "Gopinatha Pattanayaka, the brother of Ramananda Raya, has always been a treasurer for the government"
- They thought, "This Ramananda Raya is the Governor of Madras, a highly learned and grave person, a maha-pandita, but upon touching this sannyasi he has become restless like a madman"
- Thieves and rogues simply await some political upset in order to take the opportunity to plunder the people in general. To keep thieves and rogues inactive in their profession, a strong government is always required
- This (the need for brahminical culture and protection from the government) is admitted in this verse (SB 4.21.52) by the citizens of Maharaja Prthu, who could maintain the wonderful situation of his government due to his position in pure goodness
- This is compared to a country where the king or the government is strong: the unwanted elements like thieves and robbers cannot prosper. When the citizens become confident that they will not be attacked by robbers, they develop with great satisfaction
- This is genuine movement. Why the American government should be discriminating against a genuine religious sect, Krsna
- This is the necessity of society: a class of men should be Krsna conscious. Otherwise the society is doomed; it is going to hell. And, when such rascals are at the head of the government, how can there be peace? How can you expect peace in a dog's society
- This is the relationship between the government and the citizens. The citizens must be law-abiding, and the government must rule over them just like father
- This is the standard of leadership. So if you elect first-class leader, then your government will be first class. But if you elect some rogues and thieves, drunkards, then how you can expect good government? - This is natural
- This material life is a term of imprisonment in sex. Just like imprisonment means you are detained in a place allotted by the government, you cannot go out. So here, this material world, the imprisonment is the sex. You cannot go out
- This movement is very precious missionary activities for the present society. I request the government should very scrutinizingly and wisely study this movement without being biased to some stereotyped ideas
- This prayer, Narayana-kavaca, constitutes subtle knowledge transcendentally connected with Narayana. One who employs this prayer is never disturbed or put in danger by the government, by plunderers, by evil demons or by any type of disease
- Those who speak the Telugu language consider this holy place (Kurmacala) very important. This statement is reported in the government gazette known as Ganjama Manual
- Through taxation, such men exploit the citizens as much as possible, & in this way they devour the citizens of the state instead of benefiting them. We therefore cannot expect a government to be efficient if it is headed by such unclean mlecchas & yavanas
- Through the popularizing of hari-kirtana, or the sankirtana movement, the brahminical culture and ksatriya government will automatically come back, and people will be extremely happy
- Throughout the world there are problems everywhere. One country has one type of problem, and another country has another. There is strife within governments themselves, and even presidents are fraught with problems
- To collect seventy thousand dollars and spend every month, do you think is very easy job? A big government is concerned, or a big company, to collect seventy thousand dollars and distribute it again. It is a big problem
- To give protection innocent citizen or animals from being injured by the rascals, the government or the king should take his sword and kill immediately. Not that general killing. You can capriciously kill anyone and give evidence
- To rule the mass of citizens in a state and keep them in a complete progressive order is not possible simply by passing laws every year in a legislative assembly. The varnasrama-dharma is essential in a good government
- To save the people from the danger of an unregulated government, the sages churned Maharaja Nimi's material body, from which, as a result, a son was born
- To the criminal the Government is present as force of law and order, putting the criminal in the prison house and giving the civil citizen all facilities for peaceful life
- To the government, both the departments are equal. Rather, sometimes the government has to spend more to the criminal department than to the educational department. Because they have to maintain both
- Today's slogan is that everything is for the people, and therefore the government is for the people and by the people
- Treasury department collecting taxes. That is not the tax officer of the treasurer is collecting for his personal self; he is collecting for the government
- Unable to check such illicit smuggling, the government has decided to manufacture the liquor at cheaper prices so that people can have their supply of intoxication directly from the government instead of purchasing it in public lavatories
- Under the circumstances, if in future coal industry is developed and if it is required, the government may at once ask us to vacate and no law can stop it
- Unfortunately at present all of India has been victimized by these non-Vedic principles (illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling), which are sometimes even supported by the government
- Unfortunately in India they do no take it very seriously; it is up to you in America to actually accomplish something in terms of introducing the principles of Bhagavad gita As It Is into government
- Unfortunately in this age the governmental power is gradually being captured by third-class and fourth-class men who have no spiritual understanding, and society is therefore very quickly becoming degraded
- Unfortunately neither the government nor the people in general have any idea of this (the only way is surrendering to God); they are simply interested in sense gratification and in being happy in this life
- Unfortunately the foolish governmental head and the general populace do not know that the ultimate goal of life is to understand and approach Lord Visnu. Without this knowledge, everyone is in ignorance, and all society is crowded with cheaters & cheated
- Unfortunately, at the present moment the bodily constitutions of the leaders of society, especially the governmental leaders, are polluted
- Unfortunately, in this yuga, Kali-yuga, the religious principles are tampered with, and the government cannot properly judge who is to be punished and who is not. It is said that in the Kali-yuga if one cannot spend money in court, one cannot get justice
- Unless one is very well organized, one cannot accumulate riches by unfair means. Even if one acquires riches by unfair means, he cannot avoid punishment and insult from the government or the general populace
- Unless people are Krsna conscious like Dhruva Maharaja, there will be no appreciable changes in government because people who hanker to attain political position by hook or by crook cannot think of the welfare of the people
- Unless you voluntarily give, it will be failure. You will try to find out ways how you can take everything . . . just like income tax. The government is trying to take more money from the public, & public is hiding them in black market. This is going on
- Upon breaking the laws of the state, everyone can be punished by the government except the brahmanas and Vaisnavas
- Upon hearing this proposal, the representative of the Orissan government, the maha-patra, was very much astonished. He thought, "The Muslim governor is a drunkard. Who has changed his mind"
- We are conducting Krsna consciousness. But if the government cooperates that a certain number of students must be trained up scientifically what is the meaning of God, that will be very much beneficial to the state or to the country
- We are just attempting a big planetarium in Mayapur. We have asked government to acquire land, 350 acres. That is negotiation going on. We shall give a Vedic planetarium
- We are only a fractional portion of all the living entities in the many universes of the material world. Those who are in the material world and material body are condemned. For example, the population in prison is condemned by government
- We are rendering service. Either you are rendering service in office, or to your family, or to your cat, or to your dog, or to your government, or to your society - you must be giving some service. There is no escape
- We are supremely under control. So therefore we have got certain obligation. Just like we are controlled by the government. So we have got some obligation also, to pay tax to the government, the income tax
- We are world-wide organization, and we must have the cooperation of the government authorities, so we shall not create any unnecessary misunderstandings by avoiding government requirements
- We can better understand the mercy of God by an example: a government state is always supposed to be merciful, but sometimes, in order to keep law & order, the government employs its police force, & thus punishment is meted out to the rebellious citizens
- We can understand this fact by a simple example. The king or government is equal to all citizens. Therefore, if a citizen capable of receiving special favors from the government is offered such favors, this does not mean that the government is partial
- We find that King Priyavrata had to be persuaded by Lord Brahma to accept the post of emperor of the entire universe. Similarly, his father, Svayambhuva Manu, felt relieved to entrust the universal government to Priyavrata
- We have got 25th July as government fixed-up day, holiday, for Ratha-yatra. And people take part in the Ratha-yatra, not all my devotees, even outsiders
- We have got this human form of body, it is your duty to inquire about the spiritual subject matter. But if your guardians, if your parents, if your government does not teach you, then it is our misfortune
- We have several times discussed this point, that the government, this word, appears to be impersonal, but actually, behind the government there is a person - the president or the king, like that
- We have some devotees in Russia, very young men. They are very much interested in Krsna consciousness, and they are chanting, although silently, so that government may not hear; there will be danger
- We have to surrender. That is our constitutional position. If I don't surrender to some particular person or particular government or particular community or society or something, but ultimately I am surrendered, I am surrendered to the laws of nature
- We may approach our government leaders with our simple formula and show to them by the practical result that we are accomplishing the reform work that they are trying to do by spending millions of dollars but not very successfully
- We refuse to accept any controller of this universe because if we accept a controller we have to account for our sinful activities, just as when we accept the government we have to account for our unlawful activities
- We see that in some countries the government changes from party to party, and therefore the men in charge of the government are more eager to protect their position than to see that the citizens are happy. The Vedic civilization prefers monarchy
- We want to unite the world on the platform of Krsna Consciousness under one state, one government, one religion and one scripture. It will be successful if we work cautiously and maintain our standards
- What is dharma, religion? It is the codes given by God. Just like the state, the government, gives law: "You have to do like this. Keep to the right," you have to keep your car to the right. This is law
- What is the difference between good citizen and outlaws? The difference is a good citizen is always trying to satisfy the government by abiding the laws given by the government. So therefore our ultimate goal is to satisfy the supreme government, Krsna
- What is the rightful ownership of the living entity? That is to be understood. Birthright, what is called birthright. Just like everyone has got right to live under the protection of the government
- What is the symptom of such a rascal government? That is also stated. There will be no fixed position of these things. Just see. What are these? Eating, drinking, residence, taking bath, sexual intercourse
- What is this nature's law? Nature's law means a system, a machine. Just like in this government there is system. You cannot violate. "Keep to the right!" "Stop here, red light!" You must have to stop
- What was committed by King Vena many years ago is at present being carried out by atheistic governments all over the world
- Whatever government orders, you have to accept. There is no question of disobedience. Why he should order, and why one should accept the order? What is the purpose? The purpose is mal-loka-kamo mad-anugraharthah. This is the ideal life
- Whatever the government gives you law, and if you follow, then you are a good citizen. Similarly, there is order by God, and anyone who follows that order, he's religious
- When a country is subjugated by an undesirable government, persons and parties undergo severe penances and austerities to get control of the government, and when they attain control, they flourish by giving themselves generous salaries
- When a man kills an animal, God, the affectionate father, is perturbed and is pained at heart. Thus the slaughterer of the animal is suitably punished by the material energy, just as a murderer is punished by the government through police action
- When a person is elevated to this state of endurance, he thinks as follows: "I do not wish to be a highly posted government servant. I shall be satisfied even if I have to eat food collected by begging"
- When a person within a state acts according to the laws and licenses of the government, he does not become involved in criminal activities
- When a Vaisnava sees mismanagement in the government, he feels great compassion in his heart and tries his best to purify the situation by spreading the Hare Krsna movement
- When government employs some police force, some military force, that does not means impious. That is required. Similarly, fighting or violence is not always impious. But a responsible person, he does not take violence unnecessarily
- When government opens liquor shop it is not encouragement; it is restriction. You cannot have liquor manufactured by yourself anywhere, everywhere; otherwise it will increase more and more
- When he is arrested, if he says, "No, you can release me. You can arrest my father, because I am very pet son of my father," so will the government will do that, that you have committed murder and your father will be arrested? No
- When Hiranya dasa, Raghunatha dasa’s uncle, made an agreement with the government to collect taxes, the Muslim caudhuri, or tax collector, having lost his position, became extremely envious of him
- When I left my home for your country in 1965 alone, the government would not allow me to take any money. I had only a few book and forty rupees, Indian forty rupees
- When Maharaja Nabhi saw that his son Rsabhadeva was popular with the general populace and the governmental servants, he chose to install Him on the imperial throne
- When one enters the post of king or head of the government, one cannot understand the meaning of self-realization. Knowing this, Yati, the eldest son of Nahusa, did not accept the power to rule, although it was offered by his father
- When Rupa Gosvami, he was minister in the government of Nawab Hussain Shah. At that time, very exalted personality. He could understand Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission
- When Sanatana Gosvami left his government post and came to Caitanya Mahaprabhu for the first time, he asked the Lord, "What is education?" Although Sanatana Gosvami knew a number of languages, including Sanskrit, he still inquired about real education
- When the government follows in the footsteps of Maharaja Prthu, it will be very easy for all to execute devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When the government is actually guided by brahmanas, or God conscious men, then there can be real happiness for the people
- When the government is very strong, all the thieves and rogues disappear or hide themselves. Of course Vena was not a very good king, but he was known to be cruel and severe. Thus the state at least became freed from thieves and rogues
- When the government is very weak, rogues and thieves flourish
- When the government neglects agriculture, which is necessary for the production of food, the land becomes covered with unnecessary trees
- When the king or governmental head does not follow the proper principles, nature deals out the punishments in the forms of war, famine and so forth
- When the kings were not responsible, then gradually the government by the people was introduced. Otherwise, formerly, the kings were very responsible, especially for the advancement of transcendental knowledge of the citizens
- When the Muslim governor heard this, his mind changed. He then sent his secretary to the representative of the Orissan government
- When the people are perplexed in this way (not having sufficient food grains), they should approach the head of government, and the president or king should take immediate action to mitigate the distress of the people
- When there are no other arguments, he (the person that disobediently agitates against the government) is punished. In logic, this is called argumentum ad baculum
- When there is a demoniac rule, everything concerning the Vedic principles is turned upside down, all the religious ceremonies of yajna are stopped, the resources meant to be spent for yajna are taken away by the demoniac government
- When there is a scarcity of food in India on account of meager rainfall, some members of the richer class very proudly distribute foodstuffs, making huge arrangements with the help of the government
- When there is a scarcity of grain, the government should follow the methods prescribed in the sastra and approved by the acaryas; thus there will be a sufficient production of grains, and food scarcity and famine can be checked
- When there is a war, the government stops all other work and make special arrangements to send weapons
- When there is discrepancy in the discharge of law and order, the government takes special measure . . . what is called, that? A special law?
- When there is some disturbance caused by wild animals in a village or town, the police or others take action to kill them. Similarly, it is the duty of the government to kill at once all bad social elements such as thieves, dacoits and murderers
- When there is sufficient food, the government should not allow the eating of cow's flesh just to satisfy the fastidious tongue
- When there was an incapable government, Indra having been dethroned, & people were being harassed & disturbed by thieves, this child (Krsna) appeared in order to protect the people & enable them to flourish, & He curbed the rogues & thieves - SB 10.8.17
- When there was noncooperation movement of Gandhi's, the people became riotous, and they began to break anything government, especially the postboxes on the street
- When we speak of a king, it means the king's government, king's palace, king's queen, king's sons, secretaries, military strength - everything. Is it not
- When you speak of God or any big personality, he has got his associates. Just like your President Nixon. When you speak of Mr. Nixon, it means his secretaries, his office, his paraphernalia, government, so on. Not alone
- Whenever the government disrespects the supremacy of the Personality of Godhead and fails to protect the institution of varnasrama-dharma, it will certainly have to face such catastrophes as formerly brought about by Lord Parasurama
- Whether a highway robber or a government thief, such a man will be punished in his next life by being thrown into the hell known as Sarameyadana, where he will suffer greatly from the bites of ferocious dogs
- Whether one thinks himself protected by his parents, by the government, by some place or by some other cause, everything is due to the various potencies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- While I am engaged in the business of killing Lord Visnu, go down to the planet earth, which is flourishing due to brahminical culture and a ksatriya government
- Why government is maintaining the police force, the military force? It is required for keeping law and order. So violence is bad, that's all right; but sometimes it is required
- Why government spends so much money for police department? Just to keep law and order. There must be
- Why is a highly placed government servant given better facilities than those of an ordinary clerk? The answer is that a highly placed officer has to discharge duties of a higher nature
- With great pleasure I note that although the Government of Kenya did not allow me to enter the state, my work was not hampered on account of my absence
- With this idea in mind (that the king should satisfy his citizens in their sense enjoyment and elevate them to Krsna consciousness), the king or government head should rule the world. In this way, everyone will be satisfied. How can this be accomplished
- Without engaging in devotional service, neither the citizens nor the government can be happy in any way
- Without government, the state was devoid of law and order, and consequently there was a great uprising of murderous thieves and rogues, who were plundering the riches of the people in general
- Without the spread of brahminical culture and without proper protection from the government, no social standard can be maintained properly
- Yamaraja is in charge of ruling of the sinful persons. Dharmasya sasanam. Dharma means the laws of God. It is not a sentiment, faith. You believe or not believe, what does it matter? You believe or not believe in the government laws - it must carry on
- Yes (it is possible to overthrow a government), if you become all devotee, it is very easy. Because nowadays, the - Government of the people, by the people
- Yesterday I was presented with a paper, Indian government scheme to help people starting small-scale industries, and government is ready to help
- You approach the government leaders and convince them in this way (we are rescuing the most fallen members of society), and that will be the greatest achievement. They have got so much money for spending for human welfare activities
- You are going to carry the message to the government
- You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana Himself, and I am only a government servant interested in materialistic activities. Indeed, I am the lowest among men of the fourth caste
- You can create some laws within your family, but that is not generally applicable to others. But when it is given by the government, that is real law. That is applicable to all people
- You can kill one insignificant animal, like pigs or goats. It has not very much use. You kill it in your home, before your children and family, and eat. The government may not have any objection. But why should you maintain slaughterhouses?
- You cannot ask a high court judge, "Have you passed your M.A. examination?" No. There is no need. Because he is sitting on that high court bench, it is to be understood that he is a learned scholar, great lawyer; therefore government has given this post
- You cannot completely eradicate war from the social life. Just like government maintains the law and order force. There is necessity
- You cannot create your santi in your own way. That is not possible. Just like the citizens, if they create their own way of santi, there cannot be peace. If they abide by the orders of the government, by the laws of the government, there will be peace
- You cannot make law at your home. Law is enacted by the government. Similarly, we should understand religion means you cannot change, and it is enacted by God. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam - SB 6.3.19
- You cannot say that the government law is different from government. This is material example. And spiritual is still more perfect
- You cannot say: "Why the government has made me uneducated?" Government is giving facility to everyone, "Come on." And is that argument, "Why government has made me criminal?" You have made yourself criminal
- You have got the opportunity, because nowadays, democracy that, "Government for the people, by the people." Is not that? So if you are Krsna conscious, naturally the government will be
- You have to change your body. And that will be selected not by you, not by your government, not by your father, not by your so-called guru. It will be decided by the laws of nature. That you cannot avoid
- You just become devotee of Krsna and always think of Him. Where is the difficulty? You can walk on the street and remember Krsna. Is there any tax? No, the government will not ask you for any income tax
- You make good supporter, then government is yours
- You must do according to the rules and regulations of the government. Then you make profit, be happy. That's another thing. But if you act vikarma, against the rules and regulations of the state, you commit theft or this or that, then you'll suffer
- You must know it perfectly well what is God and how to trust Him. That science we are teaching, KC movement. The government should cooperate fully. There should be school, college, to understand what is God, how to trust. This movement should be started
- You should sacrifice the major portion of your income to the Supreme. If the government has got right to exact income tax from you, has not Krsna the right to exact income tax?