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If the government is convinced that you are studying these theistic literatures under my guidance, then you can be classified in the 4-D section, qualifying you to be a student of religious ministership, and there will be no problem from the draft board

Expressions researched:
"If the government is convinced that you are studying these theistic literatures under my guidance, because I am admitted as Ordained Minister of Religion, then you can be classified in the 4-D section, qualifying you to be a student of religious ministership, and there will be no problem from the draft board"


1969 Correspondence

If the government is convinced that you are studying these theistic literatures under my guidance, because I am admitted as Ordained Minister of Religion, then you can be classified in the 4-D section, qualifying you to be a student of religious ministership, and there will be no problem from the draft board.
Letter to Sivananda -- Los Angeles 13 February, 1969:

Regarding the draft, I think if you place yourself as my student for becoming a future Ordained Minister of Religion, there will be no draft problem. We are printing so many books, already we have got four or five, so if the government is convinced that you are studying these theistic literatures under my guidance, because I am admitted as Ordained Minister of Religion, then you can be classified in the 4-D section, qualifying you to be a student of religious ministership, and there will be no problem from the draft board. So in the future, when your services are called for in New Vrndavana I think I will be able to give you all protection. But for the time being you have got great responsibility to organize the Hamburg center as far as possible. I think you should make the board of management for your center as follows: President; Sivananda das Brahmacari, Treasurer and Secretary; Krishna das Brahmacari, Editor of German BTG; Uttama Sloka, Superintendent of press; Jaya Govinda das Brahmacari.

Page Title:If the government is convinced that you are studying these theistic literatures under my guidance, then you can be classified in the 4-D section, qualifying you to be a student of religious ministership, and there will be no problem from the draft board
Created:12 of Nov, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1