Category:There Will Be No
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Pages in category "There Will Be No"
The following 264 pages are in this category, out of 264 total.
- There will be no... (Books)
- There will be no... (Conversations 1967 - 1974)
- There will be no... (Conversations 1975)
- There will be no... (Conversations 1976)
- There will be no... (Conversations 1977)
- There will be no... (Lectures, BG)
- There will be no... (Lectures, Other)
- There will be no... (Lectures, SB cantos 1 - 2)
- There will be no... (Lectures, SB cantos 3 - 12)
- There will be no... (Letters 1951 - 1968)
- There will be no... (Letters 1969 - 1970)
- There will be no... (Letters 1971 - 1977)
- A ksatriya government should engage people in performing yajna, studying the Vedas and giving charity. Thus the people will receive their necessities for life very easily, and there will be no disturbances in society
- According to Lord Buddha's philosophy, these feelings of happiness, distress, is due to this combination of matter. So you dismantle this matter, material, there will be no more distress, and nirvana - finish. Nirvana means finish
- Actually, before planet was covered with water. Water is going down. Now the one fourth dried up, and gradually the remaining three fourths will be dried. There will be no water
- After hearing the Siva-jvara, Lord Krsna replied, "O three-headed one, I am pleased with your statement. Be assured that there will be no more suffering for you from the Narayana-jvara"
- Aggression for the cause of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is pure. If you become completely absorbed in such aggression to spread Sankirtana Movement, there will be no question of wanting to lord it over in the temple
- Along with our temple, we shall have to construct some residential quarters for the students. And the students will remain with us. There will be no charge for their fooding or lodging. They will remain as brahmacari and go to their schools, colleges
- Andha means blind man. If one blind man is trying to lead other blind men, then what is the benefit? The leader is blind and the follower is blind. Then there will be no result
- Any rascal, if he gets vote somehow or other, then he acquires the exalted post. That is also written in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that in the Kali-yuga there will be no consideration who is fit to occupy the exalted post of presidentship or royal throne
- Anyone who is engaged in the devotional service, whose life is dedicated for service of the Supreme, you will see practically that there will be no want, there will be no unhappiness. This is a fact
- Apratihata means in spite of your so-called suffering, the suffering will be reduced or there will be no suffering. But in spite of suffering, you can make progress in spiritual life
- Arjuna was not in favor of the fight, and he thought it was better not to fight; then there would be no frustration. In reply, the Lord is saying that even if he did not fight, every one of them would be destroyed, for that is His plan. BG 1972 purports
- As I recommend to every householder, if you spend 50% of your income for Krishna's business in developing New Vrindaban, and a similar amount is collected by Kirtanananda Maharaja, I think there will be no need of financial help from other centers
- As in the next issue (of our Back To Godhead magazine) there will be no advertisements, we shall be able to give substantial reading matter like that of Bhaktivinode Thakura, "Teachings of the Golden Avatara.''
- As long as the conditioned souls, who are themselves bound up by the laws of nature, manufacture plans to get rid of the three miseries, there will be no solution
- As soon as you become submissive, surrender to Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there will be no more natural disturbances
- As soon as you get the most valuable body, spiritual body, there will be no more change. Why don't you understand like that? So that you have to get. That is very simple
- At the end there will be no rain. Then this whole planet will be ablaze with fire. That is the beginning of destruction. Everything will die - all trees, plants, animals, everything. It will be made into ashes by the fire
- At the present moment there are many vacant lands throughout the world, and if they are properly utilized, there will be no scarcity of food. As far as rain is concerned, it is the performance of yajna that attracts rain
- BBT means fifty percent is for printing books and fifty percent for construction of temples. So your buses are all moving temples. Don't worry. There will be no scarcity of money. Go on with your program and increase and increase more and more
- Because we are part and parcel of God, Krsna, we are also trying to achieve that life, that "There will be no more to work. Let me accumulate some bank balance, the interest will come, and I shall sit down in a nice apartment, and everything will come"
- Because, in the last devastation, knowledge of the Absolute Truth was altogether erased from the universe, Brahma desired that the same knowledge again be renovated; otherwise there would be no meaning in the creation
- By the grace of Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu there will be no trouble. You'll be happy. Try to preach this Krsna consciousness movement in India at least for some time, and help them to rise to their standard of Krsna consciousness
- Dampatye 'bhirucir hetuh: in the Kali-yuga (the present age of quarrel), eventually there will be no marriage performances; the boy and the girl will simply agree to live together, and their relationship will exist on sexual power
- Democracy is also mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that in the Kali-yuga there will be no more monarchy or the kingdom ruled by the ksatriyas
- Don't feel alone. Always chant whenever possible, read our books, and there will be no great difficulty
- Don't think that because one has become Krsna conscious there will be no enemy. Of course, Krsna conscious person is always ajata-satru. There cannot be any enemy. There cannot be enemy in this sense - that no enemy can do any harm to them
- Don't think that: "Because I have become a devotee, there will be no danger, no suffering." Prahlada Maharaja suffered so much. The Pandavas suffered so much. Haridasa Thakura suffered so much. But we should not be disturbed by those sufferings"
- Even if there is some wrong on the part of the husband, the wife must tolerate it, and thus there will be no misunderstanding between husband and wife. Visrambhena means "with intimacy," but it must not be familiarity that breeds contempt
- Even if you do not understand, your dull brain, but we have to accept the words of Krsna. That is the critical point. If we take Krsna's instruction, everything will be solved. There will be no problem
- Even in my absence there will be no stoppage of activities; things will go on nicely by regular exchange of correspondence and there will be no difficulty
- Every family in every society can conduct sankirtana-yajna at least every evening. In this way there will be no disturbance or scarcity of rain
- Everyone is trying to become supreme than the other. So there must be violence. So expecting that there will be violence, the ksatriya class required. Just like in the state, expecting that there will be violence, therefore the police department
- Except one's wife, all women should be addressed as "Mother." This is civilization. Then there will be no corrupt relation
- Generally speaking, if the king or president is a rajarsi, the relationship between the citizens and the chief executive will be clear, and there will be no possibility of disruption in the state, because the number of thieves and rogues will decrease
- Gradually the whole water will be dried up, and there will be no water. And in that situation all living beings will die. Then the sunshine will be more, by heating, the temperature will increase, and then everything will be burned into ashes
- Growing, cultivating, producing, there will be not possibility of, and we don't want more than the necessity. If by God's grace we get more, then you can make sale, but we are not going to work for selling purpose
- He (Krsna) said, "and every one of us will derive benefit from the jewel. Because of the jewel’s presence in the city of Dvaraka, there will be no more famines or disturbances created by pestilence or excessive heat and cold"
- Human beings should perform the sacrifices recommended in the sastras, and if they do so there will no longer be food scarcity. In Kali-yuga, the only sacrifice recommended is sankirtana-yajna
- I am glad to see that Abhirama is doing well. He is a very intelligent boy. Now he is concentrating on book distribution so there will be no difficulty. This should be our first business. Temple opening is secondary
- I am pleased that she (Srilaxmi Dasi) has become my disciple, now let her very seriously take up this process and she can know it for certain that there will be no more coming back to this place of miseries
- I am sure if you simply follow the instructions I have already given there will be no difficulty
- I have already explained the four kinds of sinful activities you should avoid. But if you think that you are chanting, therefore there will be no reaction of sinful activities, that is the greatest sin
- I have got now practical experience that you depend on Krsna, there will be no scarcity. Whatever you want, it will be fulfilled
- I have seen your German devotees, they are very enthusiastic and steady workers. So if you get some good souls to join, then there will be no difficulty for selling the books
- I shall always pray to Krishna for your protection. Side by side you also remain always engaged in Krishna's service and thus there will be no chance of falldown
- I think there will be no objection even by the Buddhists if we simply ask them to chant the name of Lord Buddha in the systematic way
- I think there will be no objection even by the Buddhists if we simply ask them to chant the name of Lord of Buddha in the systematic way
- I want that all of these big plans should be realized, and there will be no end to the resources Krishna will provide, but first there must be good management
- If all of them (all species of life) were plenary expansions of the Supreme Absolute Truth, then there would be no question of liberation, because Brahman would already be liberated.
- If each of us follow the regulative principles and chanting of the mantras hardly there will be any chance for sex indulgence. So we have to be little careful about it and Krsna will help us
- If everyone is strictly chanting at least 16 rounds daily and reading the books and observing the regulative principles then management will be at our finger's end, and there will be no difficulty in maintaining Krsna Consciousness
- If from the very beginning we seek shelter of the supreme friend, there will be no cause of danger
- If nice children are there in the society, they will become responsible men. Then there will be no disturbance in the society. Everything will go on smoothly
- If one becomes Krsna conscious and simply depends on Krsna's glance (tava viksitaih), Krsna will supply everything, and there will be no question of scarcity
- If one can hear from the proper source, and if he understands the real fact of rasa-lila, then the result will be that his heart, which is full with lusty desire, that will vanish. There will be no more lusty desires
- If one keeps oneself clean in this way and always engages in devotional service, his life will be a success, and there will be no scarcity of anything he wants
- If one simply follows the four regulative principles and regularly chants Hare Krishna, there will be no question of falling down from devotional service
- If our ears are always engaged in hearing the glorification of the Lord, there will be no scope for hearing the Mayavada philosophy, which is doom to spiritual progress
- If people throughout the world take to the Krsna consciousness movement and chant the easy sound vibration of the transcendental name and fame of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there will be no scarcity of rainfall
- If sankirtana-yajna is performed, there will be no difficulty, not even in industrial enterprises. This system should be introduced in all spheres of life - social, political, industrial, commercial, etc. Then everything will run peacefully and smoothly
- If the government is convinced that you are studying these theistic literatures under my guidance, then you can be classified in the 4-D section, qualifying you to be a student of religious ministership, and there will be no problem from the draft board
- If the living entity tries to understand that he is an eternal servant of Krsna, there will no longer be misery for him
- If the women outnumber the men, some men can accept more than one wife. In that way there will be no prostitution in society. If men can marry more than one wife, illicit sex life will be stopped
- If the world affairs are adjusted according to our Krsna conscious plan, there will be no difficulty for all the nations, all the countries. They will be happy
- If there were one government on the surface of the earth to handle the distribution of grain, there would be no question of scarcity, no necessity to open slaughterhouses, and no need to present false theories about over-population
- If this consciousness (thinking in terms of Krsna) is spread, so simple, then they will lose designation, there will be no more distinction, "Oh, I am Chinese," "I am Russian," "I am American," "I am Indian," I am this - I am that
- If this division of society is maintained no one will be unemployed and there will be no unrest in society. It is a very scientific way of keeping peace in the world
- If we are in spiritual strength, there will be no scarcity of money; and the spiritual strength is that each and every one of us must chant the sixteen rounds of beads and follow the rules and regulations with great adherence
- If we depend on God's creation, there will be no scarcity, but simply ananda, bliss. God's creation provides sufficient grains and grass, and while we eat the grains and fruits, the animals like the cows will eat the grass
- If we do not accept the standard knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, then we shall continue to remain in darkness and there will be no solution of the problems of life. This is our propaganda
- If we do not care for the sastra, whimsically manufacture our own ways of life, na siddhim sa avapnoti, it will never be successful. Na sukham. And there will be no happiness
- If we have regular plan of selling books, then there will be no scarcity of money
- If we take shelter of Krsna seriously, there will be no fear of being thrown back into the cycle of so many species of life. A sincere devotee will surely be transferred to the abode of Krsna, as affirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- If we take shelter of Krsna, then we shall know, "Oh, now I have found shelter." Then there will be no more confusion, no more hopelessness
- If we work sincerely keeping faith in Krsna and Spiritual Master there will be no difficulty at all in our preaching work
- If you are serious, there will be no break
- If you can confirm to me that there will be no charge for depositing, then I can send you checks. So please tell me what to do
- If you can organize sales of BTG and our literature very nicely in Hawaii, there will be no financial strain
- If you can organize this Sankirtana party chanting in the parks and in the street, with permit from the authorities, there will be no scarcity of money, and people will be very glad to contribute
- If you follow the rules and regulation, then there will be no dirt. Hare Krsna. Ceto-darpana-marjanam. Our, this process is simply to make the mind dirtyless
- If you follow the Vedic principles, then you will be happy. This is like the codes of the state. If the citizens obey, then they will be happy, there will be no criminal trespassing, and they will enjoy life
- If you have actually tasted bhakti-yoga, then there will be no more material attachment. This is the test. Not that artificially keeping a big tilaka on forehead and thinking within always "How to get money, how to get woman?"
- If you introduce real metal coin, then there will be no inflation
- If you keep them as dogs they will simply bark. There will be no more peace. Just try to understand practically. You have to make them a human being. If you keep them dogs and cats, there cannot be any peace. This is really knowledge
- If you persistently simply adhere to the devotional service of Krsna, there will be no more strength of this illusory nature to drag you. No more. There will be no more power to get you into this province of sense gratification
- If you remain Krsna consciousness, fully dependent on Krsna, then there will be no scarcity. I started this Krsna business with forty rupees. Now we have got forty crores of rupees
- If you think that you are chanting, therefore there will be no reaction of sinful activities, that is the greatest sin. Greatest offense. Never. Don't commit any sinful activities
- If you want to forget Krsna or God, He will give you intelligence in such a way that you will forget forever. There will be no chance to come to the precincts of God
- In all circumstances, one should seek shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then there will be no danger under any circumstances
- In ignorance if we fight, there is no solution. In darkness if we fight, we may wound, I may wound you, you may wound me, but there will be no solution. So the whole world is in darkness
- In our Krsna consciousness movement it is advised, therefore, that the sannyasis and brahmacaris keep strictly aloof from the association of women so that there will be no chance of their falling down again as victims of lusty desires
- In subduing others, in joking, in responding to danger, in acting for the welfare of others, and so on, one could refuse to fulfill one's promise, and there would be no fault. By this philosophy, Sukracarya tried to dissuade Bali Maharaja from giving land
- In the age of Kali there will be no meaning to propaganda crying to stop corruption in the state
- In the dog society there is no marriage, and why in the human society there is marriage? They could avoid it. And nowadays they are being avoided. In the Kali-yuga there will be no more marriage. That is stated in the Bhagavata
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam there is foretelling that in this age there will be no more marriage. Vedic marriage will be stopped. Svikara eva ca udvahe. Simply by agreement, the marriage function will be performed
- In the Vedas, the four primary subjects (pious activities, economic development, satisfaction of the senses, & liberation from material bondage) are prescribed in a regulative way so that there will not be undue competition for sense gratification
- In this Kali-yuga people are degrading, and the supply also will be reduced. There will be no supply of milk, there will be no supply of sugar. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. There will be no supply of rice, no supply of wheat
- Industrial civilization will fail. They are manufacturing simply cars. The time is approaching very swiftly when there will be no more demand for cars
- It is said at the time of destruction, first of all there will be no rain, no rain for hundreds of years. So everything will dry up and die, practically by continuous sunshine
- It is said that, "There will be cloud, there will be lightning, but there will be no rainfall." These are stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. This is the result of our sinful life, restriction
- It is stated in the Twelfth Canto of Bhagavatam that at the end of Kali-yuga people will be so polluted that there will no longer be any grains, wheat, sugarcane or milk
- It is the duty of the father, it is the duty of the guru, it is the duty of the husband to see that his subordinate is being trained up in Krsna consciousness in this life, so that there will be no more death
- Just as when a fort is safe when it is defended by a great general, if Krsna is placed in the fort of the mind, there will be no possibility of the enemy entering
- Just like your American country, it has a date of its beginning. Now it is staying. Now it will be, some day will come, there will be no more America. You should know it. That means, that is nature's law
- Kalki's nature is described in Bhagavata. He will come just like a prince, royal dress with sword, and on horseback; simply killing, no preaching. All rascals killed. No more preaching. That is the last. There will be no brain to understand what is God
- Krishna is giving you intelligence and bestowing His Mercy upon you; continue this attitude, whenever you feel some difficulty, chant Hare Krishna. Pray to Krishna to help you, and there will be no difficulty. Be rest assured
- Krsna consciousness means once you hanker after Krsna, there will be no more lamentation. Here the lamentation is, "I could not find Krsna," not that, I have lost Him
- Krsna says that, "If I do not place the ideal life, then the population will be sankara." Sankara means unwanted; creating disturbances always. There will be no peace in the world
- Let the people be divided with four acres of land and a cow, there will be no economic question. All the factories will be closed
- Like a child learns to eat, little, little. Otherwise there will be no more food. Therefore dharma is required to stop this miserable condition of life. That is real dharma
- Material entanglement is no problem; if Krishna was not so powerful that He can easily undo our material entanglement then there would be no need to follow the path of Krishna Consciousness
- Members are to be recruited from all sections of people and I am sure when actual work is begun there will be no dearth of financial help
- Milk is one of the important nourishment foods. And there is no milk. So gradually there'll be no milk, no rice, no wheat, no sugar. These are stated. Where you'll get nourishment
- My dear friend, if Krsna is unkind to Me, there will be no need for you to cry, for it will not be due to any fault of yours
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that "When you get up, you beat your mind with shoes hundred times, and when you go to the bed, you beat your mind with broomstick hundred times." Then there will be no compromise
- Narada Muni advises Vyasadeva thusly, "Even if one does not execute his specific occupational duty, but immediately takes direct shelter of the lotus feet of Hari (Krsna), there will be no fault on his part, & in all circumstances his position is secure"
- Near Vrndavana is Govardhana Hill, which is very beautiful, and there are newly grown grass and fodder for the animals, so there will be no difficulty in living there
- Now by your talent you are producing nice food, but tilling the ground some way or other, by machine or there must be rain, so many conditions. But time will come when there will be no rain
- Now I am in Dallas and the climate here is very suitable with plenty of good sunshine. I shall remain here for a few days and if my health improves there will be no need for my going back to India
- Now one thing is that there you have got our magazines, and simply by selling our magazines you can maintain yourself. There will be no difficulty. In all our centers this magazine has given a new impetus for solving the economic question
- Now this sankirtana movement has already been started by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. people should take advantage of this great sacrifice and join in the Society's activities; then there will be no scarcity
- Now we are getting milk powder, but there will be no milk. It is not my imagination. They are described in the symptoms of Kali-yuga, that the end of Kali-yuga these things will happen. That means more and more suffering
- Now you have got food in chaos, but there will be no food also. Then the mother and father will eat his own children. This is world, this Kali-yuga, everything. No food will be produced
- O my Lord, please lead me on the right path to reach You, and since You know all that I have done in the past, please free me from the reactions to my past sins so that there will be no hindrance to my progress
- One can get liberation by seriously discharging devotional service unto Me and thereby hearing for a long time about Me or from Me. By thus executing one's prescribed duties, there will be no reaction, & one will be freed from the contamination of matter
- One day it will come there will be no water. That you expect, because you are not paying any tax. You are thinking, "Water is coming, my father's property." But you are not father's son at the present moment. You are maya's son
- One day it will come when there will be no water, simply land. There will be no water. That is the process of nature
- One should be engaged in pious activities. Then there will be no chance of committing sinful activities. In this way, when you are mature, no more sinful life, pure life, always practicing pious activities
- One side there will be no rain, another side there will be scarcity of foodstuff. Other side, the government will simply levy taxes. So people will become mad. They will give up their hearth and home and go to the jungle. This time will come, very soon
- One side, there will be no rain, and there will be scarcity of food grain, and government will tax heavily. In this way people will become mad, and they will give up their hearth and home and go to the forest. This is the foretelling
- One thing is that there you have got our magazines, and simply by selling our magazines you can maintain yourself. There will be no difficulty. In all our centers this magazine has given a new impetus for solving the economic question
- One thing is whether they have collected enough to cover all the costs. I have heard that despite all this distribution, now there is a big debt to the Book Fund. The GBC has to manage so expertly that there will not be debts
- One who is serious to take Krsna consciousness, his first business is to break these four pillars of sinful life so there will be no chance of sin. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, yesam anta-gatam papam
- Our farm projects are an extremely important part of our movement. We must become self-sufficient by growing our own grains and producing our own milk, then there will be no question of poverty
- Our process is very easy. We have to see whether my Guru Maharaja, his Guru Maharaja has followed this. Then there will be no more doubt
- Pariksit Maharaja said: "It is not that if I say there is no God that there will be no God or that I will not be responsible for what I do." The atheists deny God due to their sinful activities
- Prasannatma: they'll be happy. Na socati na kanksati: there will be no lamentation or needless hankering. Samah sarvesu bhutesu: they will see everyone on the spiritual platform. And finally, mad-bhaktim labhate param - BG 18.54
- Regarding the Composer machine, there will be no difficulty in transferring the money to the Iskcon Press account. But in Columbus they are already so negotiating for a similar IBM Composer, so let me see what is their terms here
- Regarding your plane fare to India, it will be best if you can collect that money by selling some books on sankirtana. Then there will be no shortage
- Rsabhadeva said to his sons, "Persons engaged in fruitive activities are repeatedly accepting birth and death, and until they develop a loving feeling for Vasudeva, there will be no question of getting out from these stringent laws of material nature"
- Sankirtana and Book Distribution should be pushed side by side, and there will be no difficulties. That is our experience
- Sankirtana is our life and soul, and if we execute this transcendental business in all earnestness, then there will be no difficulty in any way. We should not pray to Krishna anything except to ask to engage in His service
- Sarva-dugham mahi. So nature will supply you sufficiently, provided you follow ideal life. Otherwise nature will punish you. There will be no supply
- Servant is not actually serving the master; it is serving the money which the master gives him. As soon as the payment will be stopped, there will be no more service
- Simply follow the instruction of Krsna consciousness, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65). Follow the rules and regulation, and everything will be clear, very crystal clear. There will be no impediment
- Since the land has emerged, we have calculated that this is the Asian continent, this is North America, South America, Africa and so on. Eventually there will be no water but only land, and this means that there will ultimately be destruction
- Since there will be no water, the heat will be scorching, and eventually the earth will be burned to ashes. Then again there will be rainfall, and everything will be mixed up again, and again there will be destruction
- So far your acceptance by my other disciples is concerned, in the beginning there may be some inconveniences but if your decision is to work with us without any reservation, then there will be no difficulty
- Sunya means zero. That is called nirvana. Buddha philosophy advocates nirvana: no more desire. That is their philosophy: By desire you are becoming implicated, so make all your desires extinct. Then there will be no more feelings of pains and pleasure
- Suppose you are destined to suffer. So apratihata means that in spite of your so-called destiny to suffer, if you take to Krsna consciousness your suffering will be reduced, or there will be no suffering
- Taking shelter of these books means taking shelter of Krsna. There is no doubt about it and if you stick to this principle there will be no attack from Maya
- That one Supreme Person is maintaining the necessities of all living entities. So for a devotee who is trying to go back to home, back to Godhead, there will be no scarcity. Be rest assured
- The demoniac class of men will always remain, but unless there is a strong body to present God Consciousness proposals to the leaders of the world, there will be no hope
- The devotee must be clean, inside and outside, both. Outside cleaning by taking bath, washing the body with oil or soap or soda, and inside, materially, there will be no unclean things, stool, unnecessary stool
- The devotee's hope of becoming fearless is to chant the holy name of Lord Nrsimhadeva. Yato yato yami tato nrsimhah: wherever we go, we must always think of Lord Nrsimhadeva. Thus there will be no fear for the devotee of the Lord
- The GBC should personally observe strictly all the rules and regulations and they should become the practical example to others. Then everything will be all right. Then there will be no fear of being victimized by maya
- The government will adopt the policies of dasyus, or plunderers. Thus there will be no instructions from the brahmanas, and even if there are brahminical instructions, there will be no ksatriya rulers who can follow them
- The last king in the dynasty of Iksvaku will be Sumitra; after Sumitra there will be no more sons in the dynasty of the sun-god, and thus the dynasty will end
- The living entity is not burned by the fire. It is not dried up, it is not moistened. This is stated. So why there will be no life in the sun globe? There must be. Because nainam dahati pavakah, fire cannot burn the living being
- The Mayavadis, they think that, "Make me zero, void. Then there will be no pains and pleasure, no embarrassment." Their philosophy is like that. Impersonal, that is also the same thing. Or void. Voidism, the same thing, Make it zero
- The poverty place means you can get cheap labor and the place you have already in your possession. Guidance, I am present. So do it immediately and there will be no scarcity of money. I hope you understand me right
- The problems will be more intricate day by day, and it is stated in the Bhagavata that some day will come when there will be no food grains, no sugar, no milk and no fruits, that these things will not be available
- The students must all attend morning and evening arati and classes. If we follow this simple program along with regular sankirtana, distributing the books and preaching, then there will be no fall down
- The youthful generation of the present day is very enthusiastic in trying to overthrow the government in different parts of the world. But unless people are Krsna conscious like Dhruva Maharaja, there will be no appreciable changes in government
- There is no scarcity if we believe in Krsna. If Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then there will be no scarcity. Actually there is no scarcity
- There should be a formal contract signed by both parties at each marriage, voting that there will be no separation and that man and wife will work cooperatively in Krishna Consciousness
- There will be no botheration for you of family life, provided it is carried on in full Krishna Consciousness. Follow this idea and you will be happy
- There will be no difference between our temples and the Institute, but the Institute will be official for the general mass. It will be a formal education and they will get degree
- There will be no objection if you can come here to New Vrindaban. The whole thing has been explained to your son, Patita Uddharana, so you may consult with him and do the needful
- There will be no question of exploitation, for everyone will have enough. Black-marketeering and other corrupt dealings will then automatically stop. Simply ruling the land cannot solve man's problems unless the leader has spiritual capabilities
- There will be no rainfall, and there, food scarcity and taxation by government, income tax. Income tax is to plunder. If you have got some money, this is the means. So this is all stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There will be no scarcity of acarya
- There will be no scarcity of acarya, and people will understand Krsna consciousness very easily. So make that organization. Don't be falsely puffed up. Follow the acarya's instruction and try to make yourself perfect, mature
- There will be no scarcity of money for the work, so you try to raise fund locally as far as possible. But whenever there is scarcity of money, you will have it in the usual way as you have already got it. So do everything very nicely and quickly
- There will be very, very big chaos, this godless civilization. And it is distinctly said, "There will be no grain, no sugar, no milk"
- There will be very, very big chaos, this godless civilization. And it is distinctly said, "There will be no grain, no sugar, no milk." These things will be stopped
- They are already killing animals for flesh, so when there will no longer be grains, vegetables and fruits, they will kill their own sons and fathers and eat their flesh for sustenance
- They are simply proud of increasing hospital. Why there should be hospital? Why not stop disease? That is scientific advancement. Stop disease, and there will be no need of opening hospital
- They say that there is a tissue in the brain, they disturb with this religious idea. They say like that. And if that tissue is operated, then there will be no more religion
- This (KC) movement is specially meant for making first-class, 2nd-class men at least. Or even 3rd class, 4th class. But what is this? You are producing sixth-class men, and you expect that there will be no crime, people will be happy, it will be peaceful
- This artificial life is not actual life. We are perceiving. Suppose there have been no rain for one or two years. There is a time when for hundreds of years there will be no rain. You have to wait for that time. That time is coming at the end of Kali-yuga
- This hypocrisy should be stopped. There have been so many fallen down. First of all there will be no sannyasi anymore. I have got very bad experience
- This is the advantage of this age, Kali-yuga. We have got many disadvantages. People are implicated in sinful activities, more and more trouble. And it will be exhibited there will be no food grains, no milk, no sugar
- This is the pity of the thing. Now you should reform them in this Krsna consciousness movement, and real United Nations will be formed. There will be no question of nationalism
- This is very important verse. Evam tvayi nanyathe . . . nanyatha ato asti na karma lipyate nare. If you know it that everything belongs to Krsna, in this way if you live for hundreds of years and do your duties, there will be no reaction
- This Krsna consciousness movement will produce good father and mother, and therefore they will have good children, and there will be no problem in the world. If everyone is Krsna conscious. Not everyone, even ten per cent people become Krsna conscious
- This marriage is serious business and not to be taken lightly. There is no question of separation in Krishna Conscious marriages. Therefore I am asking all those who want to be married that they sign one paper promising that there will be no separation
- This material world is a gigantic body only. Whole cosmic manifestation has a date of its creation. It is expanding and giving so many by-products. Then time will come which is called devastation - there will be no more rain, and everything will dry up
- Those who are engaged in creation, maintenance and annihilation should consult the Supreme Person, who has appointed them, and should act accordingly. Then everyone will be satisfied, and there will be no disturbances
- Those who are intelligent should know that in the Kali-yuga there is no possibility of performing Vedic sacrifices. But unless one pleases the demigods, there will be no regulated seasonal activities or rainfall. Everything is controlled by the demigods
- Through Lord Caitanya we can become friends with Krsna, and there is no limit to this friendship. We can become friends of Krsna not in awe or adoration but in complete freedom. We can even relate to God as His father
- Through Lord Caitanya we can become friends with Krsna, and there will be no limit to this friendship. We can become friends of Krsna not in awe or adoration but in complete freedom. We can even relate to God as His father or mother - CC Intro
- Till now I have received no reply from the Canadian Immigration Department, and I have just now received one letter from Janardana stating therein that even if I go to Montreal pending my immigration application, there will be no difficulty
- Time will come in this age when there will be no food, and man will kill man and eat. That time is coming. They are now killing animal, but animal lives on the grass and grains. When there will be no grass, no grains, where they will get animal?
- Time will come when there will be no rain. Then what you will do with your tractor and machine? You'll have to eat the tractor
- To avoid taxation means you become good man and you select your ruler, good men. Then there will be no taxation
- To gain a position where there will be no fear, we have to accept a fearful method. So, in the material world whatever we think, they are not very happy proposition, that's everything is fear
- To own a certain piece of land is the basic civilization. Everyone must have a portion of land to produce his food. There will be no economic problem
- Two girls in Nairobi, they wanted to join our society. So Brahmananda, as other girls are joining, he welcomed, but it created a havoc to the family of the girl. They went here and there. "Oh, the girl has gone out of home. There will be no marriage"
- Ultimately, with the advancement of Kali-yuga you'll have no food. Food means there will be no food grains, there will be no milk, there will be no sugar, like that. No fruits. If you get fruits, there will be no pulp, it is simply seeds
- Unless people are Krsna conscious like Dhruva Maharaja, there will be no appreciable changes in government because people who hanker to attain political position by hook or by crook cannot think of the welfare of the people
- Unless we take Krsna's association there will be no ananda; it is simply zero. In the zero platform you cannot remain for many years or many days. Then you'll fall down. If you don't get, if you don't increase your affection for Krsna
- Various sastras advise that for material convenience one should keep his wife always satisfied by giving her ornaments and by following her instructions. In this way there will be no trouble in family life
- Vyasadeva has given the symptoms of Kali-yuga. One thing, there will be no rain, scarcity of rain. And naturally there will be scarcity . . . Durbhiksa. Durbhiksa means you will not be able to get anything by begging also. Bhiksa
- We are simply leading the life of cats and dogs, without any knowledge that we can achieve that perfection of life when there will be no more birth, no more death. We do not understand even that there is possibility of amrtatvam
- We are trying at the moment to get our society recognized by them as a bona fide religious institution, and if this is successful, rest assured that there will be no trouble for you
- We can certainly imagine how deteriorated human civilization will be by the end of Kali-yuga. Indeed, there will no longer be a sane man capable of understanding God and our relationship with Him
- We don't hate anyone. Otherwise there will be no preaching. And Lord Jesus Christ said that you hate disease, not the man who is suffering from disease. That is very nice
- We don't want cities; for the time it may go on, but as we make progress, there will be no necessity
- We have already predicted in the Bhagavata there will be no rice, no wheat, no vegetables, no fruit, no milk
- We have got everything in India, and to become God conscious, to establish the Lord's kingdom, not at all difficult. But we manufacture our own ideas. But we want that rama-rajya, but without Rama. How rama-rajya will be there?
- We have got intimate relationship with Krsna, eternally. It is not artificial. Therefore if you keep ourself always connected with Krsna, there will be no more disturbance. Peaceful
- We have got our English Srimad-Bhagavatam and there will be no difficulty to impress the audience with our Siddhantas and any intelligent man impressed with our Siddhantas will certainly change his life's mode of action
- We have to come to the Krsna consciousness, then there will be no caste. Just like these boys, Americans, Europeans, Africans, Canadians, they have no caste, they have no nationality. They are simply for Krsna. That is casteless
- We have to work sincerely, and because Krishna is in everyone's heart, there will be no difficulty to have the necessary facilities
- We must keep our faith in Krsna's lotus feet, and then there will be no danger
- We shall expand to hundred thousand. That is required. Then hundred thousand to million, and million to ten million, So there will be no scarcity of acarya, and people will understand K.C. very easily. So make that organization. Don't be falsely puffed up
- What I am doing alone, now you have to do twelve times; then it will spread. Then each one takes another twelve. Then there will be no space for these rascals to flourish
- What is the symptom of such a rascal government? That is also stated. There will be no fixed position of these things. Just see. What are these? Eating, drinking, residence, taking bath, sexual intercourse
- Whatever little I have taught you, follow that, and nobody will be aggrieved. No maya will touch you. Now Krsna has given us, and there will be no scarcity of money. You print book and sell
- When a profuse supply of water from the river inundates the land, all these things can be produced, and there will not be scarcity. This all depends, however, on the performance of sacrifice as described in the Vedic literature
- When Arjuna became confused, he said, sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam prapannam (BG 2.7): "Now I am surrendered unto You (Krsna). Please teach me." Unless you come to that point, there will be no teaching, and there is no use of teaching
- When I shall ask you to question the subject matter which I have discussed, you should put questions on this matter. If you bring so many other subject matter, there will be no end. Try to understand what we have spoken in this meeting
- When there is actual gold currency in the form of coins, the influence of gold in producing falsity, prostitution, etc., will automatically cease. There will be no need of an anticorruption ministry for another term of prostitution and falsity of purpose
- When we'll be spiritually advanced, then there will be no impediment. Now we cannot fly in the air, but when you are free from this body, your spirit soul, within a second you can go to the Vaikunthaloka. It is so light. Within a second
- When You go through the jungle, there will be no brahmana available from whom You can accept lunch. Therefore please give permission for at least one pure brahmana to accompany You
- Where is the living entity who has no desires? That is not possible. If we kill somebody to make him desireless, that "If you are killed, then there will be no more desire," no, the desire will continue in the subtle body
- Whole treatment of the human society should be like that, to cure him from the disease of forgetfulness his relationship with God. Then when he is cured, when he is in healthy state, then there will be no more trouble in the world
- Why not take it as God's land and produce enough foodstuff. There will be no scarcity. There will be no skeleton. And distribute it. Where is that consciousness?
- Why should you fight? Can you fight with death? Maya has imposed upon you death. So fight with maya, that there will be no death
- Why you create the cause of cancer disease? You accept these four principles of life - no meat-eating, no intoxication, no illicit sex - there will be no cancer
- Without God Consciousness, no plan will be successful. Of course, the demoniac class of men will always remain, but unless there is a strong body to present God Consciousness proposals to the leaders of the world, there will be no hope
- You accept me as the chief of this institution. There must be one chief. Otherwise there will be no management
- You and your assistants have got my all blessings and encouragement, now go on with complete confidence and always praying for the protection and mercy of Lord Krishna, and there will be no impediments, rest assured
- You are arranging for passport for going to the foreign countries and if you will get it, there will be no difficulty to see our temples in the foreign countries
- You are getting a wife who is already trained up in Krishna Consciousness and if you live carefully and faithfully there will be no difficulty. That is the verdict of all Acaryas. I think this will simplify your agitated mind
- You are killing cows, the source of butter. Now, time will come, there will be no more cows. Misusing. And then where you will get butter? You cannot manufacture in your factory a cow or butter
- You are now serving Krishna under the instruction of your Spiritual Master, so there will be no scarcity of supply of strength unless there is some weakness on your part in the matter of absolute faith in these two shelters
- You are producing sixth-class, seventh-class, tenth-class men, and you expect that there will be no crime, people will be happy, it will be peaceful. That is not possible
- You are thinking like that. "If it would have been like this, if it would have been like this." Therefore kanksa, akanksa. So if you become transcendentally situated, brahma-bhuta, there will be no more akanksa
- You cannot stop death. You cannot stop old age. You can manufacture advanced medicine, but why don't you stop disease? Take this pill, there will be no more disease. Where is that science
- You have made promise when you took initiation that there will be no illicit sex connection. If still you are unable to fulfill that promise to your spiritual master, then what is the use of calling yourself devotee and disciple? That is simply pretending
- You have to perform yajna. If you don't perform yajna, then there will be no sunshine. Therefore, in the Western countries, there is very difficult to get sunshine. This is the natural sequence
- You should become a perfect human being. Purify your existence. Why you are subjected to birth, death, old age and disease? Because we are impure. Now, if we purify our existence, then there will be no such thing as birth, death, old age and disease
- You should follow the four regulative principles without deviation. If you do these simple things, you will make steady advancement in Krishna Consciousness and there will be no fall downs
- You simply desire to serve Krishna best and there will be no scarcity of anything. Know it certain from me
- You take advantage of our humble service, and then you'll understand and you'll know. There will be no difficulty
- You try to understand our philosophy from any angle of vision and we shall be able to answer. There will be no difficulty, because we are taking our lessons from Krsna. So there is no difficulty to answer any opposite element