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Pages in category "Govern"
The following 52 pages are in this category, out of 52 total.
- A kingdom, state or empire must be governed under the instructions of saintly persons and brahmanas like the Kumaras
- A person who is not well versed in the Vedic injunctions (veda-sastra-vit) should not run for election as president, governor, etc. Formerly kings were rajarsis, which meant that although they were serving as kings, they were as good as saintly persons
- Actually, in the Kali-yuga, because there is no ksatriya, where is the government? Sudra government is no government. Sudra has no right to govern, but by force they are governing. That's all - Might is right
- After begetting five sons, named Vijitasva, Dhumrakesa, Haryaksa, Dravina and Vrka, Prthu Maharaja continued to rule the planet. He accepted all the qualities of the deities who governed all other planets
- Although a damned government of the people may be given a good or fancy name, if the people are not good they cannot have good government, regardless of which party governs the administration
- Although ordinary citizens work under the direction of the government, they cannot understand how they are being governed or what the government is
- Although Rsabhadeva recommended His eldest son, Bharata, as emperor of the earth, he still had to follow the instructions of the brahmanas in order to govern the world perfectly
- Because people are not God conscious, they are doing so many wrong things that is has been almost impossible to govern the people
- Because the scientific division of four varnas and four asramas is now being extinguished, the entire world is being governed by unwanted men who have no training in religion, politics or social order, and it is in a very deplorable condition
- Caitanya continues, "Madhavendra Puri was not at all anxious during the long journey to Vrndavana through the provinces governed by the Muslims and filled with unlimited numbers of watchmen"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested Ramananda Raya to retire from his governorship, and according to the Lord’s desire, Ramananda Raya petitioned the King. The King was very pleased to give him relief, and thus Ramananda Raya retired from service
- Caitanya says, "In the provinces of India governed by the Muslims, there was much inconvenience in traveling with sandalwood and camphor. Because of this, Madhavendra Puri might have gotten into trouble. This became known to the Gopala Deity"
- Everyone has to suffer or enjoy the fruits of his activity; no one can check the laws of material nature that govern such things - CC Preface
- Everyone has to suffer or enjoy the fruits of his activity; no one can check the laws of material nature which govern such things. As long as one is engaged in fruitive activity, he is sure to be baffled in an attempt to attain the ultimate goal of life
- Generally, this tax was collected to maintain the roads governed by the various zamindars. Since the devotees from Bengal were going to Jagannatha Puri, they had to pass through many such toll booths. Sivananda Sena was in charge of paying the tolls
- Gopala was situated in Vrndavana, which was far from Remuna. In those days, one had to pass through provinces governed by the Muslims, who sometimes hindered travelers
- Padma Purana estimates the species of life to be 8,400,000, & the living entity is rotating or wandering through these species & creating bodies according to his mentality in his present life. "As you sow, so shall you reap," is the law that governs here
- People are not God conscious, they are doing so many wrong things that is has been almost impossible to govern the people. Therefore Krsna consciousness movement is very essential to understand this fact
- People do not care about the laws of this life or those governing the next. Despite whatever knowledge one has, one cannot stop his sinful activities if he is unable to control his senses
- The Bhattacarya told the King, "What you have said is right according to the regulative principles governing the visiting of holy places, but there is another path, which is the path of spontaneous love"
- The brahmana's son, Srngi, said: O just look at the sins of the rulers who, like crows and watchdogs at the door, perpetrate sins against their masters, contrary to the principles governing servants
- The government has two department - criminal and civil. Civil department is controlled by the sastra, law codes, and the criminal department is governed by the sastra, weapons. So this is the rule from time immemorial. Both things are required
- The kings were governed by first-class brahmanas, sages. The brahmanas should not take part in the management of the government, but they would advise the ksatriya kings that "You rule over the citizens like this"
- The ksatriyas, or the ruling class, must govern the world in accordance with the rules and regulations enacted by great brahmanas and saintly persons
- The ksatriyas, they must be fearless; they must be very boldly, face . . . fighting the enemies; they must have the capacity to govern nicely so that people will not have any complaint against the government
- The material world is governed by the material modes of nature. Visnu, Brahma & Siva respectively take charge of the modes of goodness, passion, ignorance. Prthu is also an incarnation of those qualities of Krsna by which one rules over conditioned souls
- The spiritual worlds are the Vaikuntha planets, and the material universes are the brahmandas, gigantic globes governed by Lord Brahma
- The Vedas maintain that a kingdom should be governed for the purpose of satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead and should be ruled by a representative of the Lord
- There (in the process of KC) are restrictions governing eating and sex life (only prasadam, food first offered to Krsna, is taken, and sex is restricted to married life), and there are other regulations which facilitate and foster spiritual realization
- There are a number of parties - political, social, and communal - and there are party whips, party whims, and so on. But no one is well enough trained to look after the factual interests of the governed
- There are principles that govern even fighting. If an enemy has no chariot, is unmindful of the fighting art because of fear, or is unwilling to fight, he is not to be killed
- There are two kinds of royal families - one whose members are simply attached to household life and the other consisting of rajarsis, kings who govern with ruling power but are as good as great saints
- There will be no need of C.I.D. Because if one is God conscious, he'll not do anything wrong. But because people are not God conscious, they are doing so many wrong things that is has been almost impossible to govern the people
- Those who know the rules and regulations of the scriptures, but, out of laziness or indolence, give up following these rules and regulations, are governed by the modes of material nature. BG 1972 purports
- To support this statement there are many authoritative assertions by the learned scholars of bygone ages. According to their general opinion, a person may become governed by certain convictions derived by his own arguments and decisions
- When the Pandavas ruled the earth, Maharaja Yudhisthira, the eldest son of King Pandu, became emperor, and his younger brothers assisted him. Similarly, King Vijitasva's younger brothers were appointed to govern the different directions of the world
- While instructing Maharaja Yudhisthira about the symptoms of guna and karma, Narada Muni said that these symptoms must govern the division of society