Just like if I go to a medical man or a lawyer, we go there for his qualification. We don't ask him, "Well, sir, are you Christian? Are you Jew or Indian or American or a brāhmin?" No. We are concerned with the qualification. It doesn't matter what he is. He may be an American, he may be an Indian, he may be Christian, he may be Jew, he may be Hindu or Muhammadan. Doesn't matter. He's a practiced medical practitioner, so he's a qualified man. I have gone there for my treatment.
Similarly, Lord Caitanya also says the same thing, and Kṛṣṇa also says the same thing. Never it is He is stressing on birth. Birth is no consideration. Nobody is responsible for his birth. He may be lowborn, but what is that? Or he may be highborn. That doesn't matter. But when he comes out from the womb of the mother, he has got his own responsibility. He has to advance his cultural life in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. That is his responsibility. That is his responsibility. Of course, father, mother, state, teacher, friend, they can help us, but ultimately, the responsibility lies with me.
If I want to enter into the kingdom of God, or Kṛṣṇa, if we want to be Kṛṣṇa consciousness, there is no impediment.