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Pages in category "Hindu"
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- God is neither Hindu nor Muslim nor Christian
- Hindu scripture
- Mahatma Gandhi wanted Hindu-Muslim unity
- Our principle is not to proselytize from Christian to Hindu or Muhammadan to Hindu. We are teaching simply how to revive his own constitutional position to become servant of Krsna, how to love God. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- Under the patronage of a Hindu king, Maharaja Asoka, the Buddhist religion was spread all over India and the adjoining countries
- A Hindu may change his faith to become a Muslim, or a Muslim may change his faith to become a Hindu, or a Christian and so on. But the change of religious faith does not effect the eternal occupation of rendering service. BG 1972 Introduction
- A human being should be considerate. Everyone has got religion. Either he is Hindu or Muslim or Christian, it doesn't matter, there must be discrimination between sinful activities and pious activities
- A Krsna conscious person knows that he is neither Hindu nor Muslim but the eternal servant of Krsna. Because people are being educated to become more body conscious, their sufferings are increasing
- A religious person, it does not mean whether he is Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Buddhist. He must accept God and surrender unto Him. This is religion
- Accidentally somebody takes birth in the Hindu family; he becomes Hindu. Accidentally he takes birth in the Christian family; he becomes Christian. These are all designation. So when we give up this designation, that is desirelessness
- According to Hindu scripture, God's name is the most powerful hymn. If everyone hears the chanting of the name, the potency of the hymn will be lost
- According to Hindu system, a father-mother responsibility ceases after he gets the children married, either daughter or son. So much obligation. Then they are free
- According to the capacity of understanding, in every civilized human society there is a system called religion. It may be Hindu, Christian or Buddha religion - these are major religious systems - but the aim is to make a solution of the problems of life
- According to the Hindu conception, the drinking of wine is immoral, whereas in the Western world, wine drinking is not considered immoral but is a common thing. So morality is dependent on time, place, circumstance, social position, etc
- According to the Vedic civilization, a wife cannot call her husband by name. In the present civilization the wife calls her husband by name, but in Hindu civilization she does not. Thus the inferiority and superiority complexes are recognized
- According to Vedic civilization, Manu is the lawgiver. Even today Hindus in India follow the laws given by Manu
- Actually the Muslims in India did not come from the country of the Muslims, but Hindus instituted the custom that somehow or other if one contacted a Muslim, he became a Muslim
- Actually Vedic religion is neither for Hindus nor for Christian nor for... It is meant for the human being. Vedic literature
- Actually, Hindus and non-Hindus, everyone is at the present moment out of touch of the real science of spiritual knowledge. Everyone is going under some religious badge only
- Actually, the Vedic system is called sanatana-dharma, not Hindu dharma. This is a wrong conception. This sanatana-dharma is meant for all living entities, not just the so-called Hindus. The very term "Hindu" is a misconception
- After hearing all this, I sent all the mlecchas back to their homes. Five or seven nonbelieving Hindus then approached me
- All the Buddhists... I have seen in Japan. Their temple is as good as Hindu temple
- All these boys & girls, they are neither Hindus nor Indians, nor they have any knowledge of Sanskrit. But they easily pick up this Hare Krsna & chant & getting the result. So this is the easiest, universal method of self-realization in the present age
- All these, my students, all of them are Americans, and they come from Christian or Jewish group. None of them came from Hindu or India. But what is the process I have given to them? The process is chant Hare Krsna. It is very simple method
- All Vedic knowledge is infallible, and Hindus accept Vedic knowledge to be complete and infallible. BG 1972 Introduction
- Although Haridasa Thakura was the greatest of all Hindus in his behavior, he considered himself a Muhammadan and did not enter the temple. Lord Caitanya could understand his humility
- Although Muslims, or non-Hindus, have no interest in chanting the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, the Muslims in Navadvipa imitated the Hindus as they chanted during the lunar eclipse
- Although the Bhagavad-gita is the scripture of Hindus and the Indians, still, they are not so easy to accept Krsna consciousness. Because their brain is puzzled
- Although the Hindus and Muslims lived together in a very friendly manner, still there were distinctions between them. The Muslims were considered yavanas, or low-born, and whenever a Muslim was invited, he would be fed outside of the house
- Although they (the four sampradayas) are four in number, their conclusion is the same. And another sect is Sankarite sampradaya. So all these five different section of the Hindus, they accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Among those who accept the Vedic principles generally known as varnasrama (presently known as the Hindu system), few actually follow these principles
- Amongst the Hindus, those who are meat-eaters prefer to worship goddess Kali because it is prescribed that one can sacrifice a goat before that goddess
- Another meat-eater said, 'Sir, please hear me. Since the day I joked with some Hindus in this way, my tongue chants the Hare Krsna hymn and cannot give it up. I do not know what mystic hymns and herbal potions these Hindus know
- Any religious sect, either Hindu or Muslim or Christian or anyone, they go to temple or church to pray to God for some solution of problems. People generally think that, - If I become religious person, then my economic condition must be very nice
- Any religious system - it doesn't matter whether it is Hindu religion or Christian religion or Muhammadan religion - it is the question of how the followers are covering the steps
- Any system of religion which revives this consciousness is first-class religion. It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muhammadan religion
- As a Muslim magistrate, you have the right to oppose the performance of Hindu ceremonies, but now you do not forbid them. I cannot understand the reason why
- As for behavior, there are many rules and regulations guiding human behavior, such as the Manu-samhita, which is the law of the human race. Even up to today, those who are Hindu follow the Manu-samhita. BG 1972 purports
- As it is described in the English dictionary, that it is a kind of faith. Faith I may accept - suppose Hindu faith or Christian faith. So you may accept or not accept. But religion does not mean like that. Religion means you must accept
- As soon as you forget the duty of human life, then you are nothing but animal. This is the verdict of Hindu dharma, that if you do not properly behave as human being, you are no better than animal
- As we have explained several times, we find no such word as “Hindu” in the Vedic literature
- As you generally understand in the Western country, the word religion is used as "a kind of faith." Faith you can change. Today you are Christian; tomorrow you can become Hindu. But religion cannot be changed
- At the present moment it is very strong, the conceit that "I am this body," and "I am American," and "I am Indian," "I am European," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am brahmana," "I am ksatriya," "I am sudra," "I am this, those...," so many
- Badarikasrama in the Himalayas, the abode of the Nara-Narayana sages, is a great place of pilgrimage for the Hindus
- Because we are training Europeans and Americans to become qualified and are awarding them brahminical status, we are being charged with destroying the Hindu religion
- Because we have material bodies, we take on so many designations; thus we call ourselves a man, a parent, an American, a Christian, Hindu, etc. These designations should be abandoned if we at all want to become free
- Being influenced by this movement, nobody shall now remain a Hindu, a Christian, a Mohammedan, a Buddhist, like that, but everyone should become servant of Krishna by the simple method of chanting His Holy Name
- Bengal is sometimes called Gaudadesa, partly because it forms a portion of Maithila and partly because the capital of the Hindu king Raja Laksmana Sena was known as Gauda. This old capital later came to be known as Gaudapura and gradually Mayapur
- Bhagavad-gita although accepted as Hindu gospel is not limited with the Hindu community. All over the world this book is studied
- Bhagavan is for everyone. God is God. Just like gold is gold. If gold is handled by Hindu, it does not become Hindu gold. Or the gold is handled by Christian, it does not become Christian gold. Gold is gold. Similarly, dharma is one. Religion is one
- Bharata Maharaja ruled the whole planet (it was called Bharatavarsa and the Vedas were also written that time), but gradually the planet was divided up. So the dharma of Vedic culture should not simply be considered Indian or Hindu in a sectarian sense
- Brahmana-dharma, "ksatriya-dharma," "Hindu dharma," this dharma, that dharma - give all these up and simply surrender to Krsna, because the ultimate aim of dharma is to come to Krsna. "You directly come to Me; then everything is all right
- Buddhism was originated in India. Lord Buddha was a Hindu, and he was a prince, and still, Buddhism was not accepted by the Indians. Why? Because the Buddhism decried the Vedas
- Buddhists, they do not care for the Vedic injunction. We can understand. But these Sankarites they take shelter of the Vedas and they say, "There is no form of God." And that is being followed by the so-called Hindus
- Chand Kazi threatened to convert the Hindus into Muslims by the simple process of sprinkling water on their bodies
- Coming to me, the Hindus complained, 'Nimai Pandita has broken the Hindu religious principles. He has introduced the sankirtana system, which we never heard from any scripture
- Conducted by upadhis - "I am American," "I am Englishman," "I am Indian," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Sikh," these are upadhis, designation. Actually, these are the designation of this body
- Conflict between Hindus and Muslims was created by polluted politicians, especially foreign rulers, and thus the situation gradually became so degraded that India was divided into Hindustan and Pakistan
- Despite all protests from so-called Hindus and members of the brahmana caste, we are propagating the Krsna consciousness movement all over the world, according to the injunctions of the sastras and the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Dharma means obedience to the laws of God. That is dharma. Either you become Christian or Hindu or Muslim, whether you accept God as the supreme authority and whether you abide by the laws of God, then you are dharmic
- Dharma means occupational duty. Just like according to Vedic culture, we are supposed to follow the varnasrama-dharma. It has become very ambiguous at the present moment, Hindu dharma. There is no such thing as Hindu dharma mentioned
- Dharma, it cannot be changed. Either you are Hindu, either you are Muslim, either you are Christian, either you are Buddha, the dharma, the implication of the word dharma, that you cannot change
- Did I say to anyone that "You are Christian. You become a Hindu"? No, never I said. That is not my business
- Different dharmas are created due to ignorance, which causes people to think in terms of Hindu dharma, Muslim dharma, Christian dharma, this dharma or that dharma
- Dipavali is a particular festival observed on the New Year's Day of the Hindu calendar
- Divorce was completely unknown, even up to, say, five years ago. Now this Nehru government has enacted Divorce Act in Hindu law, but actually, Hindu law-maker, they have no such thing as divorce
- Don't neglect the Hindus. Collect money from them for printing and pushing on our preaching work. They are able to give enough money
- Don't think like that, that "Krsna is Indian, Krsna is Hindu," or like that, or "ksatriya. Therefore He is meant for others." No. Because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is everyone's property
- Don't think that Krsna, as it is stated in your English dictionary, "Krsna is a Hindu God." He's not Hindu, He's not Muslim, or He's not Christian. He's God
- Drinking wine and eating meat, the next stage is illicit sex. Is that the business of the Hindu monk? There are sampradayas, Ramanuja-sampradaya, Sankara-sampradaya. But where the Hindu monk drinks and eats meat
- During the hours of eclipse it was the custom of the Hindu public to take bath in the Ganges or any other sacred river and chant the Vedic mantras for purification
- During the partition days in India, Hindus and Muslims were living together peacefully, manipulation by politicians suddenly aroused feelings of hatred between them, and they killed one another over politics
- During the transition of the British in Bangladesh during the last Hindu-Muslim riots, many Hindus were converted into Muslims by having cows’ flesh forcibly pushed into their mouths
- Duty of the hindus
- Either in distress or in happiness, there is no question of separation. Now our modern politicians, they have introduced this divorce law. Otherwise, according to Hindu, Manu-samhita, there is no divorce law
- Either you be a Hindu or Muslim or Mohammedan or Buddhist, whatever you like, Srimad-Bhagavata does not stop you, but it gives you hint what is the purpose of religion. The purpose of religion is to develop your love of Godhead
- Emperor Aurangzeb also inaugurated a tax that Hindus had to pay because of their being Hindus. Thus all the poor Hindus of the lower class voluntarily became Muslims to avoid the tax. In this way the Muslim population in India increased
- Especially civilized human being all over the world, there is some type of religion, either it may be Hindu religion or Christian religion or Muhammadan religion or Buddhist religion. That is the sign of civilized human society
- Eternality belongs to everyone. Not that the Hindus, after giving up this body, exist, and the Muslims or Christians do not exist. Everyone exists eternally. So sanatana-dharma is meant for everyone
- Even during the great Hindu-Muslim riots in neighboring places, the descendants of the Kazi honestly preserved the assurance given by their forefather
- Even if he (one) does not accept the principles of Christian or Hindu, because he is born in the family of a Hindu or Christian or Muhammadan, he is accepted as Hindu, Muslim. But that is due to this body
- Even if one takes up a different system of religion, according to this verse he must follow the religious principles he has accepted. Whether one is a Hindu, or a Mohammedan or a Christian, he should follow his own religious principles
- Even many who were not Hindus and who did not follow the Vedic principles accepted Caitanya as the supreme teacher. The only persons who avoided the mercy of Caitanya Mahaprabhu were those sannyasis who were known as the Mayavadi philosophers of Benares
- Even though the Indian Hindus are very much inclined in my favor, so far I have experience it is very difficult to turn them into pure devotees
- Even to date, in a Hindu family a woman shows proper respect to the brahmana caste, however fallen and heinous a brahma-bandhu may be
- Even until fifty or sixty years ago, the relationship between Hindus and Muslims was very friendly, and there were no disturbances. We do not find any Hindu-Muslim riots in the history of India, even during the days of the Muslims’ rule over the country
- Even up to the present, hundreds and thousands of pious Hindus go to pay respects to the incarnation of Godhead Nara-Narayana
- Every civilized country has some scripture - it may be Christian, Hindu, Moslem or Buddhist. That doesn't matter. The point is that the book of authority, the scripture, is there. One who does not follow its injunctions is considered an outlaw
- Every civilized nation, every civilized man has got his scripture. May he be a Christian, may be a Hindu, may be a Muhammadan or may be a Buddhist. It doesn't matter. But everyone has got his authority, book of authority, scripture
- Every country, every nation and every community throughout the world has some conception of the holy name of God, and as such either the Hindus or the Muhammadans or the Christians, everyone can easily chant the holy name of God in a meditative mood
- Every Indian home, especially the Hindus, never mind in whatever sect or division they belong, they observe Krsna's birthday. As here in the Christian world you observe the birthday of Lord Jesus Christ
- Every religion has got scripture. Just like the Christians have got Bible, the Muslims have got Koran, and Hindus, they have got Vedas. They should abide by the injunction of the sastra. Krsna also recommends that you must follow the sastric injunction
- Factually this Krishna Consciousness movement is neither Hindu religion nor any other religion. It is the function of the soul
- Faith can be changed. "I believe in Christian religion," so it can be changed next day - I accept Hindu religion or Muslim religion. But actually, dharma cannot be changed
- Faith can be changed. You can change your faith. Today you are Hindu; tomorrow you can become Muslim. Today you are Muslim, you can become Christian
- First of all they (Pakistan) wanted to save themselves from fighting from the Hindus. Now they are Muhammadan - they are of the same cult, same religion - still they are fighting. So you cannot stop this fighting. It will automatically come out
- Five hundred years ago in India, the Hindus were so rigid and strict that if a Muslim would sprinkle a little water from his pitcher upon a Hindu, the Hindu would be immediately ostracized
- For particular reason or circumstances we call it (Christian religion, Hindu religion, Muslim religion), but religion is one. That means to abide by the laws of God
- For so long you did not follow the regulative principles of the Hindu religion, but now you are following them with great enthusiasm. May I know by whose strength you are doing so?
- For the common man the statements of the Vedas appear to be contradictory. But in spite of such contradiction, because we Hindus accept the Vedas as authority we accept cow dung as pure and allow it to be used even in the kitchen
- Formerly small girls in Hindu families would worship Lord Siva, especially in the month of Vaisakha (April-May)
- Formerly the Hindus had not been straightforward in executing their Hindu principles, but now they were freely chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Therefore it must have been by the strength of someone else that they were so daring
- Formerly there was no such animosities between the Hindus and the Buddhists. They were practically on the same platform, but philosophically they were different
- Formerly, the people of India (now misnamed as "Hindus") followed varnasrama-dharma or sanatana-dharma, the system that organizes human affairs according to four social orders and four spiritual orders
- Fortunately, the remedy to unite not only the Hindus and Muslims but all communities and all nations can still be implemented by the Hare Krsna movement on the strong basic platform of love of Godhead
- From the very beginning I never described my movement as Hindu religion
- From this initiation point of view, everyone should consider that, "I am no more American," "I am no more Indian," "No more this or that" - "No, I am Hindu; he is Christian" - "I am servant of Krsna." Then you become designationless - servant of Krsna
- Ganges is accepted as the most sacred water of Visnu (because is it Causal Ocean) and is worshiped by all Hindus, from the Himalayas down to the Bay of Bengal - CC Intro
- God has given this law, "You must die." This is applicable to everyone - Hindu, Muslim, Christian, man, animal, trees, birds, beasts, everyone. It cannot be disobeyed. That is law. That is God's law
- God is great. That's all. God is great. Krsna proved that He's great. Therefore He's God. Everyone says, "God is great." Allah-u-akbar, the Muslims say: "God is great." And Hindus say, param brahma: "You are the Supreme Spirit." So God is great
- God is neither Hindu nor Muslim nor Christian. God is God. God is one. But according to time and climate, condition, the method of approaching God may be different, but the ultimate end is how to love God or how to serve God
- God is neither Hindu, Muslim, or Christian - God is God. So it is the duty of everyone. It is not that only Christians should understand God and the Hindus should understand nobody
- God is neither Moslem nor Hindu nor Christian - He is God. Nor are we to be considered Hindu, Moslem or Christian. These are bodily designations. We are all pure spirit, part and parcel of the Supreme
- God is one, but we understand Him from different angles of vision, and that different angles of vision may be called as Christian angle vision, the Hindu angle vision, this Jew's angle vision. But that is angle of vision
- God is one, God cannot be two. It is not that Hindus have got one God and Christians have got another God. No. God cannot be two
- God is one. God is for Hindu, God is for Muslim, God is for any other religious sect. And the definition of religion is that, "the law given by God." That's all. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam
- God is one. God is neither Hindu nor Muslim nor Christian. So we want to see that you love God, that is all. That is our mission
- God is one. So either you become Hindu or Muslim, the God is one. This is to be understood. So the science of God, that is Krsna consciousness. You try to understand scientifically what is meant by God, what is meant by religion
- God is one. There cannot be any Hindu God or Muslim God or Christian God. God is for everyone, for the human society and less than human society, animal society
- God is the Supreme Truth. So Supreme Truth cannot be Hebrew truth, Christian truth, Hindu truth. Truth is truth. So similarly, God is one. He is for Hebrew, He is for Hindu, He is for Muslim, He is for everyone
- God or God's representative, whatever they say, that is not meant for a limited area. Either you take Christian principle or Hindu principle, what is real principle, that is applicable everywhere
- Gold is gold. If a Christian possesses some gold, does it become Christian gold? Gold is gold whether possessed by a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian
- Haridasa Thakura mildly replied, "My dear sir, there are many Hindus who have become Muhammadans. Suppose I have become a Hindu? What is wrong with this?" The Kazi became very angry and ordered Haridasa Thakura to be whipped in twenty-two bazaars
- Haridasa Thakura was the greatest of all Hindus in his behavior
- He (a devotee) has no discrimination that "Here is a Hindu. Here is a Muslim. Here is a Christian. Here is an African. Here is a white. Here is a black." No. "Everyone is Krsna's part and parcel. Let them revive their Krsna consciousness and be happy"
- He (Jinnah) was neither Muslim nor Hindu. He was an intelligent barrister. His father - means not real father - his father was Parsi, and he kept one Muhammadan girl. So the Jinnah is the issue of this - Muslims against the Hindus
- He (Krsna) says in the beginning: "I come, I descend, just to reestablish the principle of religion." Does it mean that He came to support Hindu religion, Muslim religion, Christian religion? No. He came to reestablish religion
- He (Krsna) says, "I am the father." So how can Krsna be foreign? It is a mental concoction. They say Krsna is Indian or Krsna is worshiped by the Hindus and therefore He is one of the Hindu Gods
- He (Lord Buddha) also appeared in India. Why? He was also Hindu. He was ksatriya, king. He promulgated this philosophy, ahimsa, when there was unnecessary killing of animals
- He may be an American, he may be an Indian, he may be Christian, he may be Jew, he may be Hindu or Muhammadan. Doesn't matter. He's a practiced medical practitioner, so he's a qualified man. I have gone there for my treatment
- He may be an Indian or American, Hindu, Muslim or Christian, man, woman, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra or whatever - in any case he is meant to do some sort of work, and that work is his occupational duty
- Here a Hindu coming from very respectable brahmana family and another man is coming from the dog-eater's family. It doesn't matter. As soon as one becomes Vaisnava he is classless society
- Here in Nairobi our program is going on very nicely. There are TV engagements and a very large meeting is scheduled at the University of Nairobi for tomorrow. Many respectful Hindus are inviting us and I am staying in everyone's house for about four days
- Here we have got six temples already, and they are nicely being managed by the American Vaishnavas under strict discipline, without their being born in any Hindu family
- Hindu dharma or Vedic dharma means varnasrama-dharma. One must first of all accept the principles of varnas and asrama. Then there is question of understanding God
- Hindu principles are different from Muslim and Buddhist principles. These may be considered on the material platform, but when we come to the platform of transcendental devotional service, there are no such considerations
- Hindu religion has no philosophy, therefore it has died because in this age people have become very much hardened by material living and they are not much interested in sentimental religions like Hinduism. Sentiments are temporary and they always dry up
- Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, this, that or white, black, so many ways, according to the designation of the body you have created dharma, or characteristics. That is inferior quality
- Hindu, Muslim, or whatever you may be, everyone accepts there is God. So we are teaching not to formally accept there is God, but know what is God and love Him. So those who are interested for higher knowledge of God, they'll take it
- Hindu, or I may be a Christian, but the fact is that we are serving somebody. Either you be Hindu or Muslim or Christian or you may profess any religion, but you must be serving somebody. Is it not? So that serving is religion. Try to understand this
- Hindus generally are not so liberal, but Lord Caitanya is very liberal and he embraces anyone from any corner of the world provided he takes to the service of Krishna
- Hindus, Mohammedans, they used to live very peacefully. It is not a fact that Mohammedans were always aggressive. Otherwise, how they could rule over India for eight hundred years?
- Hindus, Muslims and Christians are faithful in their particular type of religion, and they go to the church, temple or mosque, but they cannot give up the association of persons who are too much addicted to sex life and satisfaction of the palate
- Hindus, Muslims and Christians are faithful in their type of religion, and they go to the church, temple or mosque, but unfortunately they cannot give up the association of persons who are too much addicted to sex life and satisfaction of the palate
- Hindus, Muslims and Christians, they go to the church, temple or mosque, but unfortunately they cannot give up the association of persons who are too much addicted to sex life and satisfaction of the palate
- Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and the members of the other sects that have convincing faith in the authority of God must not sit idly now and silently watch the rapid growth of a godless civilization
- Hindus, they also pray, go to some demigod, or Krsna. Mostly they go to demigod, especially to Lord Siva, because Lord Siva's name is Asutosa. If you please Lord Siva, it is very easy. He's very easily satisfied
- His (Arabian friend's) appreciation of the sun is different from your appreciation here - it is cloudy; it is misty. But the sun is the same. There is no such thing as "Hindu religion," "Muslim religion," "Christian religion." It is all sophisticated
- His viewpoint is that everyone - whether he be brahmana or sudra, black or white, Hindu, Christian, or whatever - should come to Krsna consciousness. When one is situated in this way, then - he becomes eligible for becoming a pure devotee of Krsna's
- How God names are understood? The God names are understood by His action. Just like we say Krsna. Krsna means all-attractive. God is all-attractive. God is attractive for the Hindus, for the Muslim, for the Christians, for everyone
- I am so much encouraged to learn that you have come to Kathmandu, Nepal. Please try and organize a center there nicely. It will be a great credit for you. Nepalese are mostly Hindus and they will take to this Krishna Consciousness movement very easily
- I do not wish to discuss this point. But Krsna is for everyone. It is not that Krsna is for Indians or for the Hindus or for . . . no. Krsna is for everyone
- I don't think any Indian or any Hindu can deny the authority of Bhagavad-gita. Is there anyone
- I don't want a Hindu temple. Our constitution is different. We want everyone
- I have read in some book - that Aquatic Gospel? - that formerly, during Lord Jesus Christ's time, some meeting were held occasionally among all religious people, all religious people. And in one meeting some Hindu's name was there; he is very prominent
- I may change my faith. I am Christian or I am Hindu, I may change myself to become a Muhammadan or Christian or Hindu. But my real occupational duty to render service to others, that cannot be changed. That is the real enunciation of religion
- I never said in any meeting in the Western countries that "Hindu religion is better than your Christian religion. You give up your Christian religion and come to Hindu religion." No, that was not my propaganda
- I never said to all these European and American disciples that "You become a Hindu." I never said. Ask them. I never said
- I say that every, at least, religious sect. I don't say others, nonreligious or agnostic. There are Christian, Muhammadan, Hindu, Sikhs, or any religious system, they have accepted that there is God, Supreme Truth
- I then inquired from these yavanas, 'I know that these Hindus by nature chant "Hari, Hari
- I understand it from reliable sources that people are trying to get Your Holiness' sanction for contraceptive method, which is certainly against any religion of the world. In the Hindu religion, such contraceptive is considered equivalent to murder
- If God has got competitors, then He is not God. There cannot be Hindu God, Muslim God, Christian God, or other conception of God. God is one
- If he's sane and sober, open-hearted, then he will agree. Not only Hindus. We have got so many Muhammadans also
- If Hindu has manufactured some God, Christian has manufactured some God, that may be God partially, but not the Supreme God. The Supreme God is Krsna
- If I had taken birth in a Hindu family, it would have been easy for me to remain near Your lotus feet. Since my body is now useless, let me die immediately
- If one advocates the Hindu religion, the Muslim religion, the Christian religion, this religion or that religion, there will be conflicts. History shows that the followers of religious systems without a clear conception of God have fought with one another
- If one does not know what his position is, what benefit will he derive by simply being stamped - Hindu
- If one hears and chants without trying to give up offenses, one may think, “This is a Hindu Vaisnava, and this is a European Vaisnava. European Vaisnavas are not allowed to enter the temples”
- If one wants to become educated, he worships goddess Sarasvati. In this way Westerners often think that the Hindus are polytheistic, but actually this worship is not to God, but to demigods
- If somebody makes distinction between Hindu or Christian philosophy, he is not a philosopher. He can not say the sun is the Indian sun because it shines in India, or it's the American sun because it shines in America. But actually the sun is the same sun
- If the Hindus deal gold, that does not mean gold becomes Hindu gold. Or the Christian deals in gold, that does not become Christian or Muslim. Gold is gold. Similarly, God is God - the great
- If the total populace is untruthful, how can the state be happy? Therefore, without consideration of one's belonging to a sectarian religion, whether Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or any other sect, everyone should be taught to become truthful
- If we actually want peace, then we must learn how to surrender to the Supreme Lord. It doesn't matter through which process. Either by Hindu, Muslim or Christian religion, it doesn't matter. We want to see that everyone is becoming a perfect lover of God
- If you do not know what is God, what is His law, that is another thing. But the religion means to abide by the laws of God, that's all. It cannot be Hindu, Muslim, Christian
- If you follow religious principle, then it doesn't matter whether you are Christian or Muhammadan or Hindu or Buddha. Then you are religious. But if you do not follow any religious principle, then how you become religious
- If you keep someone on the ignorant platform, then what is the benefit of making a Christian or a Muslim into a Hindu? No, artificially changing someone into a Hindu will not help. One must know the philosophy of life
- If you think that Krsna name is the Hindu name or Indian name, "Why shall I chant that?" But if you have got any name - actually must be name of God, not a fiction or an idea
- Impersonalists are against the worship of the Lord’s form in the temple, and there is even a group of people who pass as Hindus but condemn such worship
- Impure means we are thinking in bodily concept of life. "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Christian," "I am white," "I am black," these are all designations of the body. We have to transcend the position of the body
- In 1947, during the partition days, there was a big riot between Hindus and Muslims, especially in Bengal. The Hindus were forcibly made to eat cow's flesh, and consequently they began crying, thinking that they had become Muslims
- In any human society, there is a kind of dharma, religion. It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion, or Hindu religion, or Buddha religion, or Muhammadam religion, some sort of religious propensities are there
- In distributing love of Godhead one should not consider whether the recipients are Europeans, Americans, Hindus, Muslims, etc. The Krsna consciousness movement should be spread wherever possible
- In every religion, and every scripture, there are many things, you do it and do not do it. So that is called following the religious principle. In every religion, either Hindu or Christian or Mohammedan, there are some rules and regulation
- In every religion, either Hindu or Christian or Mohammedan, there are some rules and regulation. Just like in Mohammedan religion, drinking is greatest sin. And Hindu religion, flesh eating, especially cow's meat, is greatest sin
- In Hindu society, unmarried girls are still taught to worship Lord Siva with the idea that they may get husbands like him. Lord Siva is the ideal husband, not in the sense of riches or sense gratification, but because he is the greatest of all devotees
- In human society there are various religious conceptions characterized as Hindu, Christian, Hebrew, Mohammedan, Buddhist and so on, for without religion, human society is no better than animal society
- In human society, whether you are a Christian or a Muhammadan or a Hindu or a Buddhist, it doesn't matter. But there must be some system of religion - that is human society
- In India every Hindu, even those not belonging to the Vaisnava group, take special care of the tulasi tree. Even in great cities where it is very difficult to keep a tulasi tree, people are to be found very carefully keeping this plant
- In India these Britishers created feelings between Hindus and Muslims, but otherwise the Hindus and Muslims are living since eight centuries
- In India they sometimes come to fight with me that I am making these papa-yoni, namely, the Europeans and Americans... They are considered by the rigid Hindus as a papa-yoni. "They cannot become"
- In India we are falsely accused of converting mlecchas and yavanas to the Hindu religion. In India there are many Mayavadi sannyasis known as jagad-guru, although they have hardly visited the whole world
- In India, it is the custom that the Hindus do not ever take meals in the house of a Mohammedan, Christian, or anyone other than the house of Hindu Brahmin
- In India, they're very conservative, perverted. So they accuse that "Swami Maharaja is spoiling the Hindu system of religion because he's accepting brahmin from outside." So actually they're also not aware
- In modern time, either Hindus, Muslim or Christian, because in these places there is no teaching of philosophy, therefore they are closing, either mosque or temple or church. They will close
- In our Hindu religion the people are advised to observe some ceremonies. In every religion the same system is there. They go to temple, you go to church, and the Mohammedans, they go to mosque
- In Sanskrit language, dharma does not mean like that, "A kind of faith." No. Faith is blind. Today you are Hindu, tomorrow you are Christian, today you are Christian. So this faith-changing is not dharma
- In the English dictionary the name of Krsna as stated "a Hindu god." But actually, that is not the fact. Krsna is the name of God. Krsna means the all-attractive, all-good
- In the Hindu religion, such contraceptive method or abortion is considered equivalent to murder
- In the Hindu scriptures, therefore, woman's chastity and devotion to man is greatly emphasized
- In the Hindu society since a very long time, especially since the days of India's destruction of the original culture, so many offshoots they have come out under the name of so many isms
- In the laws of the state, a woman, a child, a brahmin and cow has no fault. They have no . . . I mean to say, in the criminal court they are never prosecuted. That is the Hindu law
- In the present civilization the wife calls her husband by name, but in Hindu civilization she does not. Thus the inferiority and superiority complexes are recognized
- In the present day most people claim to be devoted to some religion - Christian, Hindu, Moslem, Buddhist, etc. - but in fact they do not really believe in the scriptures
- In the temple of guru-dvaras, Sikhs, they've got similar temples like the Hindus. And they also offer flower, fruits and sweetmeat, but they read their Granthasahib. As we are reading Bhagavad-gita, they read Granthasahib enunciated by Guru Nanak
- In the Vedic system is what God says. If you take to this system, then the social body will be perfect, not only for Hindus but also for Christians, for Muhammadans, for everyone. And that is being practically realized in our Krsna consciousness movement
- In their temples impersonalists install deities of Lord Visnu, Lord Siva, the sun-god, goddess Durga and sometimes Lord Brahma also, and this system is continuing at present in India under the guise of the Hindu religion
- In this way (by breaking the statues and images of God during the Hindu-Muslim riots in India) they (Hindu and Muslim) were both thinking - We've killed the Hindu God. We've killed the Moslem God, etc
- In those days, the Hindus were so strict that if a brahmana accepted service from a non-Hindu, he was immediately ostracized from Hindu society. Despite this, Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis were made principle authorities in the science of Krsna by Mahaprabhu
- Indeed, although they (Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and religionists of other cults) profess to be very religious, they kill poor animals. Such religion has no meaning
- Instead of becoming free from the clutches of maya, or illusion, foolish human beings become bound up by different nomenclatures, being designated as brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras, Hindus, Mohammedans, Indians, Europeans, Americans, Chinese
- ISKCON is a non-lucrative organization, whose purpose is to promote the well-being of human society by drawing its attention to God. We are a non-sectarian society, and our members include people from Christian, Jewish and Moslem as well as Hindu faiths
- It (Krsna consciousness movement) is not artificial proselytizing: "You are Christian; now become a Hindu." It is not like that. This movement is actually bringing people back to their natural position - part and parcel of God
- It (varnasrama-dharma) is not a Hindu system, for the word "Hindu" is a name given by the Muslims and does not occur in any Vedic literature. However, the varnasrama-dharma is mentioned
- It appears that from the aggression of Baktiyar Khiliji in Bengal until the time of Chand Kazi, Hindus, or the followers of the Vedic principles, were greatly suppressed
- It appears there is good chance we may get permission for our men to enter Jagannatha Puri temple if we can present the right documents. My idea is that you present the enclosed statement proving our men are bona fide Hindus
- It does not matter whether he is a Christian or a Muslim or a Hindu or Buddhist. It does not matter. But if he strictly abides by the laws given in that religion, then he is a good man, religious man
- It doesn't matter how we have learned to love God, either Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muhammadan, but if you have got that success, that you have learned how to love God, then your life is successful
- It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion or Hindu religion. No. If the followers are trained up how to love God, how to serve God, that is perfect. That is being taught here. In this KC movement, there is no such teaching to ask from God. No
- It doesn't matter whether it is Hindu religion or Christian religion or Muslim religion. It doesn't matter. But human civilization, a civilized human being must follow some religious principles. That is the aim of human life
- It doesn't matter whether one is Christian, one is Hindu or one is Muslim. Our simply request is that whatever you may be, you make cultivation of God consciousness. That is our program
- It doesn't matter whether you are Christian or Hindu. People must be raised to God consciousness scientifically. Otherwise it is doomed. It is not progress. It is already doom. They are simply inviting war after few years
- It doesn't matter whether you are Hindu or Muslim. Whether you are interested to satisfy God? That is first-class religion. Otherwise, it is third-class, fourth-class or whatever... Whether your interest is to satisfy God. Then it is first-class
- It doesn't mean that you follow this religion or that religion. You may follow any religion. It doesn't matter, either Hindu religion or Christian religion or Mohammedan religion, anything you like. But we have to test
- It doesn’t matter of whether it is Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muslim religion the formula is, sa vai pumsam paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhoksaje. That religion is first-class which teaches the follower how to love the Supreme Absolute Truth
- It is a big history, how they (Britishers) killed India's original culture. And then Hindu-Muslim riots, friction, fighting between Hindus and Muslims and dividing them
- It is customary among Hindus that at the time a child is born, especially a male child, the parents distribute great charity in jubilation
- It is customary among Hindus to carry a dying person to a nearby bank of the Ganges, for if one dies on the bank of the Ganges, his soul is considered to reach the lotus feet of Lord Visnu, wherefrom the Ganges flows
- It is my personal opinion that at the present moment except for a few persons, practically there is no man in the world who is strictly religionist, Hindu, Moslem, Christian, Buddhist
- It is not a question of being Christian, Muslim or Hindu. One should be purely religious and freed from all these material designations. In this way one can learn the art of devotional service. This argument appeals to all intelligent men
- It is not our proposition that you are Christian, you become Hindu, or you become Christian, increase our numerical strength. We don't want. We don't want any numerical strength. We want one sincere person who has learned to love God, Krsna. That's all
- It is not that we love only our countrymen, only Hindus, or Bengalis, or Madrasis, or . . . no. We love everyone, even the animals. But because human being can understand the Krsna philosophy, therefore we hold meetings of the human being
- It is not the purpose, that we are trying to convert American into Indian, or Indian into American, or Christian into Hindu. That is not our mission. We are just preaching the science of Krsna, or science of God, Krsna consciousness
- It is still a respectful practice to circumambulate the Lord in Hindu temples. Especially in Vaisnava temples there is an arrangement for people to offer their respects to the Deity and circumambulate the temple at least three times
- It is the custom of Hindus to give in charity to the poor as much as possible during the time of a lunar or solar eclipse. Advaita Acarya, therefore, taking advantage of this eclipse, distributed many varieties of charity to the brahmanas
- It may be that the Hindus may be following the same principle in a different way or the Christian may be following the same principle in different way. That is called desa-kala-patra. According to time, atmosphere, and the performer
- It's not our business to convert the Christians to become Hindus, as all other missionaries, they are doing. They are trying to increasing the number of Christian or Hindus. So our... There is no question of increasing. It is very difficult to accept
- Knowledge that pertains to designations does not endure. I am thinking that I am a man or a woman, an American or Indian, a Christian or Hindu - these are all designations pertaining to the body, and when the body is finished, they will also be finished
- Krsna appeared five thousand years ago, but His knowledge, which He gave in the form of the Srimad Bhagavad-gita, is still worshiped. It is worshiped not only by the Hindus or the Indians, but is read all over the world
- Krsna appeared for reestablishing the real principles of dharma, or religion. So He did not come or did not appear for establishing the so-called religion system - Hindu religion and Muslim religion or Christian religion or this religion
- Krsna Consciousness cultural movement is not actually Hindu movement, but originally it is India cultural movement. Krsna does not claim Himself either as Hindu or anyone else, but He claims to be the father of all living entities
- Krsna consciousness is applicable anywhere and everywhere. It is not that it is monopoly of India or for the Hindus. No. And actually it is being accepted, practically, in all countries, even from all religious sect
- Krsna Consciousness is not a faith, such as the Hindu or Christian faith, but it is a science. When Krsna says Dehino smi yatha dehe…, the principle is that the soul is different from the body
- Krsna consciousness is something non-sectarian. It does not depend on Hindu religion or Moslem religion
- Krsna did not come to establish some sectarian religious system. That is not God's system. God is for everyone. God is not for the Hindus, for the Muslims, for the Christians, or anyone. God is for everyone
- Krsna did not come to establish the so-called Hindu religion or Muslim religion or Christian religion. No. He came to establish real religion. Real religion means we have to submit, surrender to the real person
- Krsna did not come to reorganize the so-called dharmas: Hindu dharma, Muslim dharma, Christian dharma, Buddha's dharma. No. According to Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said, dharmah projjhita-kaitavo 'tra
- Krsna does not say that "I am for the Hindu living entities or the Indian living entities." Where it is in Bhagavad-gita? Why the foolish men take it that Krsna Hindu, Krsna Indian? Krsna says that "I am friend of all living entities"
- Krsna is for everyone. Don't think that Krsna, as it is stated in your English dictionary, "Krsna is a Hindu God." He's not Hindu, He's not Muslim, or He's not Christian. He's God
- Krsna is not meant for the Hindus, but Krsna appeared in Hindustan. Therefore it is the duty of all Hindus to know Krsna first. And they also conscious. Every Hindu knows Krsna
- Krsna is the name of God, but if you think that "Krsna is Indian name or Hindu name. Why shall I chant it?" no, you have got your God's name, so you chant that. You chant that. We recommend that you chant. God's name must be. Then you'll be purified
- Krsna says in the beginning, dharma-samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge: "I come down just to reestablish the principles of religion." What is that religion? Not this Hindu religion, Muslim religion, Christian religion
- Krsna says that He comes when there is a decline in dharma. The Sanskrit word dharma has been translated into English as "faith," but faith has come to mean a religious system that goes under the name of Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, etc
- Kuruksetra is a place which is still a place of pilgrimage. The Hindus, those who are followers of Vedic rites, they go there. They perform religious rituals. And there is Vedic injunction, kuru-ksetre dharmam acaret, dharma yajet
- Later the British government made it a policy to divide the Hindus and the Muslims, and thus they maintained ill feelings between them. The result was that India was divided into Pakistan and Hindustan
- Lord Jesus Christ, he was tortured. So he was crucified, but he never agreed that there is no God. So that should be our motto. This is following. Either you be Christian or be Hindu or be any, but be God conscious
- Lord Siva is generally worshiped by Hindu maidens to get a good husband. Gandhari satisfied Lord Siva, and by his benediction to obtain one hundred sons, she was betrothed to Dhrtarastra, despite his being blind forever
- Lord Siva is very peaceful and at the same time most powerful. Formerly, therefore, small girls in Hindu families would worship Lord Siva, especially in the month of Vaisakha (April-May)
- Man professes to belong to a particular type of faith with reference to particular time and circumstance and thus claims to be a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or any other sect. Such designations are non-sanatana-dharma. BG 1972 Introduction
- Manu-samhita there is no divorce. Now our Hindu laws, they have amended, "Divorce is allowed."
- Manu-smrti. Now they are changing so many. They... Strictly speaking, the modern Hindus, they are not strictly according to the Hindu scripture
- Many people before me, many svamis went there to make Christians Hindus. They kicked there on their face. They did not become successful. Because they talked nonsense
- Mayavadis greatly fear the Krsna consciousness movement and accuse it of spoiling the Hindu religion because it accepts people from all parts of the world and all religious sects and scientifically engages them in the daiva-varnasrama-dharma
- My mother was bhiksa-mata to one brahmana. He is the son of our priest. Family priest, family guru, vipra-mata, still in Hindu family, the system is still going on, brahmana visiting daily
- My sama-darsi is that why only the Hindus shall know Krsna? The world should know Krsna
- No more Hindu and Muslim. It is simply lump of matter. But because they got a type of body, a type of mental situation, consciousness, they fought with one another, and then after death, no more claiming - Hindu and Muslim
- No, no. Religion is not meant for Hindus or Christians - for everyone. So there must be a general definition of religion
- Nobody says that, "This (Hare Krsna) is a word from India. Why shall I chant the Indian name?" No. It is God's name. God is neither Indian nor American nor otherwise, neither Christian nor Hindu nor Muslim. God is God
- Not necessarily all Hindus are vegetarian. Not necessarily. There are many Hindus who are worse than others. So it is not that because one is Hindu or one is Indian, he's vegetarian. No. But generally Hindu culture is based on this Vedic civilization
- Now He has given up His own name Nimai and introduced Himself by the name Gaurahari. He has spoiled the Hindu religious principles and introduced the irreligion of nonbelievers
- Now you are converting the Christians into Hinduism. Then where is the difference between their activities and your activities?" So this fool does not know this is not making a person from Christian to Hindu. This is not the process
- Of course if one thinks that Bhagavad-gita and the Hare Krsna mantra are part of the Hindu system and doesn't want to accept them because of this, he can nonetheless attend the Christian church and sing there
- On this earth we have created so many dharmas - Hindu dharma, Muslim dharma, Christian dharma. These are all manufactured dharmas, but real dharma is attained when we come to the conclusion that Sri Krsna is everything
- One may become a Christian from Hindu, or from a Hindu to Christian. Generally, we find these changes. But a dharma does not mean like that. Dharma means which you cannot change. It is the constitutional part of your life
- One meat-eater said, 'The Hindus say, "Krsna, Krsna," and they laugh, cry, dance, chant and fall on the ground, smearing their bodies with dirt
- One must forget these designations (Indian, American, Hindu, Muslim, Christian and so on) and use this consciousness only for the service of Krsna. Therefore if one takes advantage of the Krsna consciousness movement, his life is certainly successful
- One should not think, "Why should I follow Hindu or Vedic scriptures?" The purpose of following the Vedic scriptures is to develop love of God
- One who has got real conception of God, they have no quarrel with each other. All the history of religious fight, Hindu-Muslim or Christian - non-Christian, they are all ignorant. They are all ignorant
- One's consciousness is the cause of material bondage, but if this consciousness is purified by bhakti-yoga, one can then understand the falsity of his upadhi, his designations as Indian, American, Hindu, Muslim, Christian and so on
- Our definition of religion is to accept the orders of God. That's all. It doesn't matter what religion you are following. You may be Christian, I may be Hindu, that may be Muhammadan, but the test of religion is how one has developed his God consciousness
- Our difficulty is that when we want to convince another person about Krsna consciousness, he thinks that "I am Hindu, I am Christian, I am Mohammedan, so they are trying to proselytize me"
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is no sectarian movement. We don't say that this is Christian religion or Hindu religion or Mohammedan religion or Buddhist religion. These religions develop in different parts of the world under different conditions
- Our Krsna Consciousness Movement is preaching these four varnas and four asramas, so naturally it has got some relationship with the Hindus
- Our movement is, either you are Hindu, either you are Muslim, either you are Christian, you kick out all this. Sarva-dharman parityajya. Simply you become surrendered to Krsna or God
- Our plan is not to sponsor the Hindus or any other individual group. Our real purpose is to spread Krishna Consciousness
- Our principle is not to proselytize from Christian to Hindu or Muhammadan to Hindu. We are teaching simply how to revive his old constitutional position to become servant of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- Pasandis say that we are spoiling the Hindu religion because people all over the world are accepting Lord Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to the version of Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- People become religious. Just like in your Christian religion they go to the church to get some material profit, "O God, give us our daily bread." This is material profit. Similarly, Hindus or Muslims, they become religious
- People have no preliminary knowledge even. Everyone is thinking, "I am this body." "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am brahmana," "I am ksatriya." It is not this body I am
- Personally I have no aptitude to open temples neither I have done it in India although there were many great opportunities. But here see there is necessity even from the point of Hindu cultural view
- Philosophical hodge-podge exists under the name of the Hindu religion, but the Krsna consciousness movement does not approve of it. Indeed, we strongly condemn it
- Practically we see - we have got branches all over the world - those who have taken to Krsna consciousness, they are happy. So take it very seriously. Don't neglect it, that "It is a sectarian religion of the Hindus or " No. Krsna is not for the Hindus
- Precisely for this reason, we can envision ourselves "changing religions." One who is a "Hindu" today may become a "Muhammadan" the next day, or one who is a "Muhammadan" today may become a "Christian" the next day, and so on
- Preliminary understanding should be that God is one. There cannot be Christian God. There cannot be Hindu God. There cannot be Muslim God. That is not complete idea of God. That is imperfect
- Proselytization is superflous. If one is Hindu you make him a Christian, and you change the name. But what is the use of changing the name if you do not reform him about his character?
- Recently there is division of Pakistan and India. Twenty years before, this Pakistan was part of India. Now, these Muhammadans, they did not come from outside. They changed their faith from Hindus to Muhammadans. Now they divided their property
- Refuting the Kazi's statement, the Lord immediately replied, "The Vedas clearly enjoin that cows should not be killed. Therefore every Hindu, whoever he may be, avoids indulging in cow-killing
- Religion does not mean that you stamp some stereotype religion, "I am Christian," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Buddhist," and then fight. That is not religion. That is fanaticism. Religion means how one has become devoted to God
- Religion is one. How it can be Hindu religion, Christian religion? No. Religion is one. God is one. Therefore religion is one. Because religion means the law or the order given by God. That is religion. Simple definition
- Religion means how to love God, and any religion which teaches how to love God - that is perfect. It doesn't matter whether you are Christian or Muslim or Hindu
- Religion means to abide by the laws of the Supreme. That is religion. It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion or Muhammadan religion or Hindu religion
- Religion means to accept God. So if you are Muslim, I am Hindu, if I accept God, if You accept God, then where is fight? If we accept that God is the proprietor, God is the father, then where is the question of fight?
- Ritualistic process may be different. Hindus may be following a different kind of ritualistic process. The Christian may be following a different kinds of ritualistic process. That does not matter
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu: he can see everyone on equal vision. Because he knows, - Here is also another living entity. He is not a Chinaman. He is a part and parcel of God. He is not a Christian. He is not a Hindu. He is simply thinking like that
- Sanatana Gosvami was considered to be fallen according to the Hindu social system because he was in the service of the Mohammedan government. Indeed, he had even been excommunicated from brahminical society due to his employment
- Sanatana-dharma, or Vedic dharma, is being disobeyed, distorted, and misrepresented, it has come to be misunderstood as "Hinduism." That is a fake understanding. That is not the real understanding
- Sarva-dharman parityajya (BG 18.66). "You have manufactured so many dharmas: deva-dharma, samaja-dharma, desa-dharma, this dharma, that dharma, Hindu dharma, Muslim dharma, this . . . no! Simply surrender unto Me (Krsna)." That is dharma
- Sarve sukhino bhavantu. This is the test. A devotee wants to see that everyone is happy. It doesn't matter whether he is a Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian. It doesn't matter. We want to see that everyone is happy
- Secular state means that the state should see that everyone is strictly following his religious principle. That is secular state. If you are Hindu or varnasrami, then you must follow the principles of how one is a brahmana, how one is a ksatriya
- Simply by stamping oneself Christian, Jewish, or Hindu and Muslim, without knowing who is God and what is his desire, that will naturally create antagonism
- Simply we are teaching that "Become God conscious." God is neither Hindu nor Muslim nor Christian. He's God. And we are also not Hindu or Muslim or Christian. This is our bodily designation. We are all pure, part and parcel of the Supreme
- Sir, you are the ruler of this town. Whether Hindu or Muslim, everyone is under your protection. Therefore please call Nimai Pandita and make Him leave the town
- Slaughterhouses means the Hindus, they do not purchase meat from Muslims' shop. That is impure. The same thing: stool this side and that side. They are eating meat, and Hindu shop is pure, Muslim shop is impure
- So far as the Vedic religion is concerned, it is not simply for the so-called Hindus. That is to be understood. This is sanatana-dharma, the eternal and universal nature and duty of every living being. It is for all living entities, all living beings
- So far attending pujas at the houses of the Hindus there we can go and hold our kirtana but we should not take prasadam there. We can accept raw materials and take them to our temple but we should not accept any prasadam prepared by them
- So far Hindu religion is concerned, there are millions of Krishna Temples in India and there is not a single Hindu who does not worship Krishna. Therefore, Krishna Consciousness movement is not a concocted idea. The chanting process is also authorized
- So far Krsna is concerned, there is no two opinions about His authority throughout the whole world. And so far we are concerned, Hindus, or the followers of the Vedic religion, there is no difference of opinion so far Krsna's authority is concerned
- So far Lord Buddha is concerned, he was Hindu, there is no doubt, but he started a separate type of religion - nonviolence - because at that time there was need for such religion
- So far Vedic religion is concerned, it is not for the Hindus. That is to be understood. The sanatana-dharma. It is for all living entities, all human beings. It is called sanatana-dharma
- So far we have got historical reference from Mahabharata, Indo-European stock, they are also Hindus, the so-called Hindus, followers of Vedic principles. Yes. Gradually, they deviated
- So long one is Hindu, so long one is Muslim, so long one is Christian, there is no question of Krsna consciousness
- So many Muhammadans were there in India, and ultimately, by the British policy, they divided. They were not actually Muhammadans coming from Turkey or from West. They were lower-class Hindus
- So who is not accepting Bhagavad-gita? In the Bhagavad-gita where is the mention of "Hindu"? Hmm? Krsna says that "I am the father of all living entities." So why do they say that this is Hindusim?
- So-called Hindu dharma, that is a gift of the Muhammadans
- Some of them are called Haridasa. They always chant "Hari, Hari," and thus I thought they would steal the riches from someone's house
- Some of us are thinking that "I am American," some are thinking "We are Indian," some are thinking "German," or this or that - "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Christian," "I am white," "I am black." In so many ways our consciousness is polluted
- Sometimes in the Vedic conception the wife is considered as dharma-patni, religious wife. Means wife helps the husband in the matter of his religious life. That is found in, still in Hindu family
- Sometimes people criticize these American and European devotees, that they think that "They are American devotee; we are Hindu devotee. There is difference." This is not bhakti-marga. This is upadhi. Why you should think yourself as Hindu?
- Sometimes Sri Krsna descends Himself, and sometimes He sends His representative. The major religions of the world - Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Moslem - believe in some supreme authority or personality coming down from the kingdom of God
- Spiritual education means just to inject in their ears about our philosophy, externally they chant beads, wear telok, without any discrimination of Hindu or Muslim or anything
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is meant for all human beings and it is the duty of the Hindus specially the Vaisnavas to disseminate the great knowledge throughout the whole world. With this purpose in view I have taken up the mighty project
- Suppose I am now Hindu. I become a Christian or Muhammadan. That, my real business of rendering service, does not change. So dharma means that which you cannot change
- Suppose somebody is Christian. He sees Krsna Consciousness as a movement of the Hindus. But actually it is not. Therefore, he has to become free from the designation of becoming an American
- Suppose you are a government servant. You are serving in the secretariat. But tomorrow you become Hindu or Muslim or Christian. But do you mean to say that your service in the government will be changed also? No. That will continue
- Tapasya means austerity, penance, vow. These are the teachings of all scriptures. Either you take Hindu scripture or Christian scripture or Muhammadan scripture, in every scripture human form of life is meant for training
- That is highest knowledge. It doesn't matter whether you are Muhammadan, Christian or Hindu or this or that. Whether you know God and you have fully surrendered to Him, then it is perfect. Otherwise, it is simply waste of time
- That is the qualification of sadhu. Titiksava karunika. Why? Suhrdah sarva-bhutanam: "He is friend of everyone." There is no distinction that "He is American," "He is Indian," "He is Christian," "He is Hindu," "He is dog," "He is cat," "He is man" No
- That loving spirit, goes with you, either you become Hindu or Muslim or Christian. Therefore that service spirit and love, the tendency to love and service spirit, is your characteristic, and that is your religion. That is the universal form of religion
- That process (taking Krsna) we are giving to everyone, without any discrimination. We have got students from all communities: Hindus, Muslim, Christian, Parsis and Africans. The process is so perfect. If you take the process, you will also understand
- That religious system is first class wherein God consciousness, or love of God, is taught. - It doesn't matter whether it is Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muhammadan religion
- The babajis, they are against anything preaching. They are very, very much against preaching. So I am preaching. Babajis, the Mayavadi sannyasis, and all of them, their idea is that I am ruining this bhajana and Hindu dharma. This is the propaganda
- The Bhagavad-gita religion is not Hindu religion or Christian religion or Mohammedan religion. It is the real religion, between the soul and God. The reciprocation, the exchange of dealings between the Supreme and the subordinate
- The British government fabricated the Hindu-Muslim riot, and lastly, at last also, their purpose was fulfilled by partition of India - Pakistan and India
- The conclusion is actually when a human being is civilized in the true sense of the term he follows the system of varna and asrama and then he can be called a "Hindu''
- The criss-cross pattern is simply decoration. After mopping the floor nicely, this kind of painting with colored rice powder is still prevailing in Hindu families of S. India. It is called alipana
- The fight between different religious principles, religious followers - "I am Hindu," "You are Muslim," "I am Christian," "I am Buddhist," "My religion is better," "Your religion is bad" - these are all not religion
- The Ganges is accepted as the most sacred water of Visnu (because is it Causal Ocean) and is worshiped by all Hindus from the Himalayas down to the Bay of Bengal
- The governor then submissively asked, "Why was I born in a Muslim family? This is considered a low birth. Why didn't supreme Providence grant me a birth in a Hindu family"
- The guest who comes without any notice, he's called athiti. So according to Hindu custom, the householder is to keep always some foodstuff for athiti guest. Somebody may come without notice, so some foodstuff is already in the stock
- The Hindu, Muslim or Christian in all circumstances is servant of someone. Thus, to profess a particular type of sect is not to profess one's sanatana-dharma. The rendering of service is sanatana-dharma. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Hindus and Muslims joined together in chanting the holy name of the Lord when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advented Himself
- The Hindus call themselves followers of the Vedas. Some say they follow the Sama Veda, and some say they follow the Rg Veda
- The Hindus chant the name Hari because that is the name of their God. But you are Muslim meat-eaters. Why do you chant the name of the Hindus' God?
- The Hindus were so foolish that if a Muhammadan sprinkled some water in this way, so he becomes Muhammadan and he is rejected. In this way the Muhammadan population was there
- The Hindus, Muslims, they are innocent. They don't fight. These politicians engaged them to fight artificially for their political ambition. The wars also declared nowadays, on account of the rascal politicians. The people do not want it
- The Hindus, they have got Vedic scripture. The Muslim, they have got Koran. The Christians, they have got Bible, Old Testament, New Testament. Similarly, there are many other religious sects, they have got their own scripture
- The ISKCON branch, being directly watered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is becoming undoubtedly successful, whereas the disconnected branches of the so-called Hindu religion that are envious of ISKCON are drying up and dying
- The Jagannatha temple still accepts only those Hindus who are in the varnasrama order. Other castes, especially those who are not Hindu, are not allowed to enter the temple. This is a long-standing regulation
- The karmi's activity is on upadhi. "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Christian." With this upadhi, we are acting. But bhakti means without upadhi. Sarvopadhi-virnirmuktam. Activity without upadhi
- The Kazi said, "When I went to the Hindu's house, broke the drum & forbade the performance of congregational chanting, in my dreams that very night I saw a greatly fearful lion, roaring very loudly, His body like a human being's & His face like a lion's
- The Krsna consciousness movement should be spread wherever possible, and one should accept those who thus become Vaisnavas as being greater than brahmanas, Hindus or Indians
- The meat-eater replied, 'Sometimes I joke with the Hindus. Some of them are called Krsnadasa, and some are called Ramadasa
- The miseries are three kinds of miseries. It is not the question of one religion or another religion. The miserable condition of life is for everyone, either he is Hindu or he is Muslim or Christian or Jew. It doesn't matter
- The mistake is that we are accepting this body as ourself. I am thinking Indian, you are thinking Australian, he is thinking American, thinking Muhammadan, thinking Hindu. Because we are thinking different way, we have got difference of opinion
- The Muhammadans, they pronounce s as h. So from "Sindhu," it has come to "Hindu." Otherwise, this "Hindu" name is not mentioned in any Vedic literature
- The Muslim King ordered the magistrate, "Do not disturb this Hindu prophet out of jealousy. Let Him do His own will wherever He likes"
- The Muslims referred to the Indian people, who lived on the other side of the river Sind, as "Sindus" - actually, due to the peculiarities of pronunciation, as "Hindus
- The old temple of Bindu Madhava, which was visited by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, was later dismantled by Aurangzeb, the great Hindu-hating emperor of the Mogul dynasty. In the place of this temple, he constructed a big masjid, or mosque
- The persons who follow these four orders of social status and four orders of spiritual advancement, they are called varnasrama. So Hindu religion is a miscalculation. Really, they are called varnasrama-dharma. That is the Vedic term
- The present civilization is based on the bodily concept of life: "I am this body." "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am black," "I am white," and so on. The whole civilization is going on on this bodily concept of life
- The present religious system of the world, all of them originated from India. The principal religions of the world, namely the Christian religion, the Buddha religion, the Hindu religion, even Muhammadan religion, originally it came from India
- The present so-called Hindu religion, which, being predominantly conducted by the Mayavada philosophy, has become a hodgepodge institution of various concocted ideas
- The principle that only Indians and Hindus should be brought into the Vaisnava cult is a mistaken idea. There should be propaganda to bring everyone to the Vaisnava cult. The Krsna consciousness movement is meant for this purpose
- The psychological effects of various peoples, places, and times have led us to designate ourselves as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Congressites, Luddites, Socialists, Bolsheviks, and so forth
- The purpose of this Krsna consciousness movement is not to make Christians into Hindus or Hindus into Christians but to inform everyone that the duty of a human being is to understand his relationship with God
- The queen suggested that "At least you make him (Buddhimanta Khan) a Muhammadan. Then that will be the punishment." So the king, or the Nawab, said, "All right, I shall make him." Because in those days, to make a Hindu a Muhammadan, it was very easy
- The Ramakrishna Mission, Hindu monk, within the eighty-five years, how many Hindus they have made? You can count maybe a dozen only. Huh? Did they make any Hindus - European, American young boys? And it is the Hindu custom that sannyasis eat meat
- The rascal class of men, they cannot understand arca-murti. They think that, "They are worshiping idol." Even amongst the Hindus there are so-called followers of Vedas, they also say that, What is the necessity of worshiping Deity in the temple
- The religion of the Hindus has increased unlimitedly. There are always vibrations of "Hari! Hari!" We do not hear anything but this
- The religious life you cannot find in animal society. In the human society, either he may be Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddha, Jews, anything, there is a kind of religious principles. So that is the beginning of human life - religion, dharma
- The religious wars between the Hindus and Moslems and Christians and non-Christians were all conducted on the basis of ignorance. One who is in knowledge knows that God is one; He cannot be Moslem, Hindu or Christian
- The report that Hindus and Muslims are taking prasadam together is very encouraging. Please continue this program. All the Muslims in Mayapur have now become very friendly towards us
- The rigidity of the so-called caste system in Hindu society became prominent within only one hundred years or so when the number of dvija-bandhus, or disqualified men in the families of higher castes, increased
- The same thing: stool this side and that side. They are eating meat, and Hindu shop is pure, Muslim shop is impure. These are mental concoction
- The Sanskrit word asurya-pasya indicates that a respectable lady could not be seen even by the sun. In the oriental culture this system was very prevalent and was strictly observed by respectable ladies, both Hindu and Muslim
- The secretary returned to the Muslim governor and informed him of this news. Dressing himself like a Hindu, the Muslim governor then came to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- The seminal brahmanas in India, who say that one can become a brahmana only if born in a brahmana family, charge us with ruining the Hindu system of religion. Of course, the fact is that one becomes a brahmana by qualification
- The service is his dharma, not this rubber stamp, "Hindu," "Muslim," "Christian." No. That is designation. Actual dharma means the characteristic
- The SL, Caitanya, confirms that anyone who chants the holy names Hari, Krsna & Narayana without offense is certainly extremely fortunate, & whether Indian or non-Indian, Hindu or non-Hindu, he immediately comes to the level of the most pious personality
- The Sveta-varaha appearance of the Lord is the first birthday of Brahma. The birth date of Brahma is in the month of March, according to Hindu astronomical calculation
- The title Mullik is found not only among the Muslims but also among the Hindu aristocracy. This title is not restricted to a particular family but is given to different families and castes. The qualifications for receiving it are wealth and respectability
- The Vedic culture means to execute the varnasrama-dharma. Now we are known as Hindus. The Hindu word is not to be found
- The whole Vedic civilization is based on this, that you must know what is your relationship with God. It doesn't matter whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Buddhist. A civilized man must have some religious process. That is all over the world
- The whole world was pleased. While the Hindus chanted the holy name of the Lord, the non-Hindus, especially the Muslims, jokingly imitated the words
- The word (Hindu) most probably came from Afghanistan, a predominantly Muslim country, and originally referred to a pass in Afghanistan known as Hindukush, which is still a part of a trade route between India and various Muslim countries
- The word dharma does not have the same meaning as faith. The faith of an individual may change from Hindu to Buddhist to Christian to Moslem, etc. People have the ability to accept one faith and reject another, but dharma cannot be changed
- There are differences. Christian principles are different from Hindu principles, and Hindu principles are different from Muslim and Buddhist principles. These may be considered on the material platform
- There are many scriptures in the world. The Hindus have got the Vedas; the Christians have got the Bible; the Muslims, they have got Koran. Now, if you read all these scriptures, you will find something contradictory. Just like animal killing
- There are meat-eaters. So according to Hindu system, if anyone wants to eat meat, he should take a goat. According to Hindu system, only goats and lambs can be killed for meat-eating, no other animals, no other animals
- There are millions of Krishna Temples in India and there is not a single Hindu who does not worship Krishna. Therefore, this Krishna Consciousness movement is not a concocted idea
- There is a misconception about the Hindu religion among people who profess other religions, such as Christians and Muslims, who say that in the Hindu religion there are many Gods. Actually that is not a fact
- There is no difference between this (Hindu) process and that (Christian) process and; the point is whatever process one follows, he must become God conscious
- There is no difference of opinion if one is actually religious. "God created this world," "God is the supreme father," "God is great," this is accepted by everyone, either Hindu or Muslim or Christian. There is no doubt about it
- There is no need to turn from Hindu to Mohammedan to Christian or some other faith and thus become a renegade and not follow the principles of religion. The Bhagavatam religion urges following the principles of religion
- There is no second religion. There is only one religion. That is God consciousness. Now, as soon as you designate, "Christian," "Hindu," "Muslim," that is upadhi, designated religion
- There is no such thing as Hindu religion, Muslim religion, Christian religion. It is all sophisticated. Religion is one
- There is no such word as "Hindu religion," at least in the Vedas. The religion is translated into Sanskrit as "characteristic." Religion is not a kind of faith. Just like chemical composition. Sugar is sweet - that is religion
- There is no such word in the whole Vedic literature. You won't find in the Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata as Hindu dharma. There is one word as Bhagavata-dharma, but there is no such word as Hindu dharma
- There is not a single Hindu in India who is not more or less Krishna Conscious. So far descendants are concerned, material nature is so strong that she does not allow anything to go on steadily
- There is not a single Hindu temple here at least in New York or all the places so far I have traveled in this country. Regarding management of the temple is concerned for the present I have called for one of my disciples from Delhi
- There is some kind of religion - either Hindu religion or Muslim religion or Christian religion, Buddhist religion. These are the prime religions of the world
- There were even invitations from Muslim houses to Hindu houses and from Hindu houses to Muslim houses. Both the Hindus and the Muslims accepted the invitations to go to one another’s houses to attend ceremonial functions
- These (father giving his daughter dowry and when she goes to her husband's house, brother of the bride accompany his sister and brother-in-law) are all old customs in the society of varnasrama-dharma, which is now wrongly designated as Hindu
- These (foolish) critics think that only Indians or Hindus should be offered sannyasa to preach, but their knowledge is practically nil
- These (four dhamas, or kingdoms of God) are Badarikasrama, Ramesvara, Jagannatha Puri and Dvaraka. Faithful Hindus still visit all these holy places for perfection of spiritual realization, following in the footsteps of devotees like Uddhava
- These (musk and hair from the gavaya cows) are always in great demand for the higher classes of Hindu population, and such business (trade) still goes on in large cities and villages in India
- These Britishers created this religious fight between Hindus and Muslims. Before that, there was no in the history, religious fight, in the history of the whole India. The Mahabharata, Kuruksetra fight was... That was political fight
- These foreigners, they are neither Hindus nor Indian nor brahmanas. How they are taking? They are not fools and rascals. They are coming from respectable family, educated
- These people, they were not born in India. They are not Hindus. They are not Vaisnavas. Their forefathers never heard what is Krsna, neither they heard. How they are taking? It is the process
- These professional men (singers, dancers and reciters of prayers) earn their livelihood by taking charity on such occasions from the homes of the Hindus. Eunuchs also take advantage of such ceremonies to receive charity. That is their means of livelihood
- These so-called Hindus are generally impersonalists, and we do not want to have anything to do with them; better we stick to our own standard, and eventually they will all come to us for learning what is God
- These symptoms (relief from suffering of material condition) are visible when one no longer has material attachment. A sadhu does not think himself Hindu, Muslim, Christian, American, Indian or whatever. A sadhu simply thinks, - I am the servant of Krsna
- They (Buddhists) have got Lord Buddha's statue. They offer lamps, and they sit down. They read Buddha philosophy. It is exactly Hindu temple
- They (meat-eater hindus) maintain that whether one worships the goddess Kali or the Supreme Personality of Godhead Visnu or any demigod, destination is the same. This is first-class rascaldom, and such people are misled. But they prefer this philosophy
- They (small girls) especially wanted to get a husband like Lord Siva because Lord Siva is very peaceful and at the same time most powerful. Formerly, therefore, small girls in Hindu families would worship Lord Siva, in the month of Vaisakha - April-May
- They (the so-called followers of the Hindu religion) are impotent; they cannot do anything to spread the Vedic culture for the benefit of human society
- They go to the church for some material benefit: "O God, give us our daily bread," asking some material benefit. Similarly, Hindus also, they go to the temple, pray to the Lord, - My Lord, I am very much distressed. I have no money. Kindly give some
- They think that Krsna is saying, "Yes, I am the Hindu God. Yes, I am Indian." But He is like the sun. Why American sun or Indian? Nothing is American or Indian; that is all artificial
- Thinking religion to be meant for material benefit, these so-called Hindus have actually become vicious by worshiping the numerous forms of the demigods. In the next verse (CC Adi 17.217) Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu confirms the Kazi's purification
- This body is a machine that we are accepting as self - "I am this machine." Whole world is accepting - I am this body, I am Hindu, I am Muslim, Christian, I am American, Indian, I am black, I am white. No. Therefore Krsna says: You are not this body
- This brahminical culture, the brahminical brain, is the standard of Vedic civilization. Just like Manu-smrti. You cannot trace out the history, when Manu-smrti was written. But Manu-smrti is considered so perfect that it is the Hindu law
- This British government took advantage of this ill-feeling between Hindus and Muhammadans. And they wanted to rule over India. They felt that ill-feeling. There is a great history. They are very big politician
- This form of marriage (giving bride in charity along with dowry) is prevalent among higher-class Hindus even today and is declared in the sastras to confer great religious merit on the bride's father
- This Hinduism, Hindu, this word, is not a Sanskrit word. It is given by the Mohammedans. You know there is a river, Indus, which is..., Sanskrit name is Sindhu
- This is a knowledge, that every living entity is imprisoned within this body. This knowledge is equally good for Hindus, Muslim, Christian or everyone. There is no question of Christianism or Hinduism
- This is another instance of Hindu custom. One brahmana would give advice condoning a particular fault, and another would give advice to the contrary
- This is purely cultural programme for spreading the Hindu culture and if the Hindus have no such scope for spreading their culture then what is the meaning of independence
- This is the idea. Krsna is not sectarian. Krsna is not Hindu; Krsna is not Indian; Krsna is not African. Krsna is nothing of this material world. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, transcendental
- This is the position of the modern Hindus. They have lost their own culture, and they wanted to imitate Western culture. That they could not do, neither they could maintain their own culture. Therefore in the wilderness, very precarious condition
- This is the test. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. A devotee wants to see that everyone is happy. It doesn't matter whether he is a Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian. It doesn't matter. We want to see that everyone is happy
- This Janmastami ceremony is observed by all Hindus. Irrespective of becoming Vaisnava or not, this ceremony is observed in India every home. Just like in your Western countries the Christmas is observed in every home
- This Janmastami day is the most opulent festival day for the devotees, and it is still observed with great pomp in every Hindu house in India
- This Krsna consciousness movement is incarnation. They are teaching love of Godhead. We are not teaching some ritualistic process that, "You become Hindu," "You become Christian," "You become Muhammadan." We are simply teaching, You try to love God
- This Krsna consciousness movement is incarnation. They are teaching love of Godhead. We are not teaching some ritualistic process, that "You become Hindu. You become Christian. You become Muhammadan." We are simply teaching, "You try to love God"
- This Krsna consciousness movement is purifying everyone. This bodily concept of life, "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," they are forgetting. Just like in our society there are devotees from many religious sects, many countries
- This Krsna consciousness movement is so nice that one should forget that he's Indian or Hindu or Christian or American or Indian. Everything should unite as servant of Krsna. That is bhakti-marga
- This movement is not some kind of rubber-stamp proselytizing - You were Christian; now you are Hindu
- This philosophical hodge-podge (of becoming an incarnation simply by worshiping a demigod) exists under the name of the Hindu religion, but the Krsna consciousness movement does not approve of it. Indeed, we strongly condemn it
- Those who imagine the form are called iconoclasts. During the Hindu-Muslim riots in India, some Hindus would go to the Moslem mosque and would break statues and images of God, and the Moslems would reciprocate in like manner
- Till now there is no worshipable temple of the Hindus in New York although in India there are so many American missionary establishments and churches
- To convert a Hindu into a Muslim was an easy affair in those days (of Caitanya Mahaprabhu). If a Muslim simply sprinkled water on the body of a Hindu, it was supposed that the Hindu had already become a Muslim
- To take care of the cow is a religious function for the Hindus but actually if care is taken for cows, it delivers us the miracle food - cow's milk, which is so valuable. And because we drink cow's milk, we should accept the cow as our mother
- Today I am Hindu; I can become Christian tomorrow. You are Christian; you can change your faith tomorrow. So religion... In Sanskrit word religion does not mean faith. Religion means the original characteristic. That is called religion
- Today I may be a Hindu, but tomorrow I may become a Christian or Moslem. In this way faiths can be changed, but dharma is a natural sequence, a natural occupation or connection
- Truth is truth. "Two plus two equal to four," it is accepted by the Hindus, Muslim, Christian and everyone. Science is science. So therefore we should be interested about inquiring. This is the confirmation in every scripture
- Unbroken seeds of grain or fruits in the seedling stage were considered auspicious, and they are still so used by the Hindus in general on festival days
- Under the bodily concept of life and they're fighting like animals, because that is animal life. Therefore Krsna instructs at the end that "You Hindus, Muslims, Christians, this, that, kindly kick out all these conceptions of religion"
- Unfortunately, these people are under the identification of this body: "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am white," "I am black," "I am learned," "I am fool," "I am rich," "I am poor." These designations are our ignorance
- Unless one is very fortunate, never mind whether he is Hindu or non-Hindu, one cannot take to the Krishna Consciousness movement and accept its bona fide principles
- We actually saw during the partition days in India that although Hindus & Muslims were living together peacefully, manipulation by politicians suddenly aroused feelings of hatred between them, and thus the Hindus & Muslims killed one another over politics
- We actually see that there are many Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and religionists of other cults who adhere to their religious principles very nicely but are not equal to all living entities
- We are discussing about spirit soul, not the Indian, American, Christian, Hindu. No. We have no business with this skin philosophy, that "Here is an American, white; and here is an African, black." No
- We are fighting between the different religions because there is no Krsna religion, no eternal religion, only temporary religion. "I am Christian," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim"
- We are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, this, that. They are all third-class, cheating religion. What is real religion? That is religion which teaches how to love God. That is religion. Yato bhaktir adhoksaje. That is first-class religion
- We are identifying ourself with this body: "I am Indian," "I am Hindu," "I am Christian," "I am brahmin," "I am black," "I am white." These are all designations. This is not my real identity. My real identity is aham brahmasmi, "I am spirit soul."
- We are impure because we are compact in designations: Oh, I am Christian-I am Hindu-I am American-I am Indian-I am white-I am black. These are all designations. If you simply know that "I am servant of Krsna. I am servant of God," then you are purified
- We are not Christian nor Hindu nor Muslim. We are God's servant. That's all. Anyone who is God's servant, there is no disagreement. And when one is maya's servant, servant of maya, illusion, there is disagreement
- We are not talking of religion. We are talking of philosophy and science. When we talk about these things that the occupier of the body is within the body, it is neither any Christian knowledge nor Hindu knowledge nor... It is fact
- We are propagating, teaching people how to love God. That is our mission. We don't say that you become Christian or Hindu or Muslim . . . No. You become a lover of God. So comparatively, the process which we are recommending, that is the easiest process
- We can select our own religion and be Hindu, Moslem, Buddhist, Christian or whatever, as long as we know the real purpose of religion
- We cannot agree to make a mixed up association without any authorized principles. So far as Hindus are concerned, they are not fixed up in one principle
- We do not belong either to the Hindus or Christian or Jewish. We belong to Krsna or God
- We do not know what is divorce. In our country there is no divorce, at least in Hindu law. Yes. Wife and husband, once combined, that is for life. There is no question of separation, in all circumstances. Either in distress or in happiness
- We do not know why the pasandis of the present day protest that we are deteriorating the Hindu religion by spreading Krsna consciousness all over the world and claiming all classes of men to the highest standard of Vaisnavism
- We don't find either in the Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam or any authorized Vedic literature "Hindu dharma." Unfortunately, in India it has become very prominent, Hindu dharma, something hodgepodge
- We don't say that you become Christian or Hindu or Muslim or..., no. You become a lover of God
- We have been accustomed to say like that, "Black Mr. Such-and-such," "White Mr. Such-and-such." Similarly, religion is one, but due to our sophisticated mind, we call it "Christian religion," "Hindu religion," - Muslim religion
- We have created so many dharmas: Hindu dharma, Mussulman dharma, Christian dharma. These are manufactured. Of course, there is indication how to execute dharma, but real dharma: when you come to the conclusion, vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah
- We have got devotees from all groups of human society, and they are taking to this Vedic system. It is practical. There is no difficulty. So Hindus, Muslims, Christians - everyone should take to this Krsna religion and become "Krishnites," - Krishnians
- We have manufactured so many dharmas: Hindu dharma, Muslim dharma, Christian dharma, Parsi dharma, Buddha dharma, this dharma, that dharma. They are not dharma; they are mental concoction. Mental concoction
- We have no principle striction that one is Indian, one is America, one is African, or one is Hindu, one is Christian, one is Mohammedan. We invite everyone to understand the philosophy and reform the activities of life. This is our mission
- We have no quarrel with Hindus and Muslims or Christians or Buddhists. But our objective is that religion means there is connection, relationship with God
- We invite everyone. We have no such discrimination that black, white, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, no. Anyone. It is universal. Because we consider every living entity is part and parcel of God. That is a fact
- We may be a Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian for fifty or sixty years, or at the utmost one hundred, but again we have to take birth and be something else
- We must avoid the risk of a separatist movement, unity is our purpose; just like in London where the Indians are starting their own Hindu Radha-Krsna Temple
- We must find out a way to take permission from the draft board that our institution is a recognized religious institution of Hindu Vedic origin, and we are training students for preaching God-consciousness
- We must forget whether we are Christian, Moslem or Hindu, and we must understand that we are living entities whose constitutional position is to render service to the supreme living entity. When we reach that stage of understanding, we are liberated
- We say tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). Other religious sect, they say: "This is Hindu belief." It is not question of Hindu belief. It is the fact
- We want unification of Hindu and Muslim. Unification of all faiths and peoples and the method is being done by our Krishna Consciousness Movement
- We wish to go to the Jagannatha temple again, and let us see what they do. The Hindu Vishva Parishad approves us as rigid Hindus as it it will be clear from the letter of Swami Cinmayananda
- Well-to-do Hindu gentlemen constructed their houses with a place called the Durga-mandapa for the worship of the goddess Durga. There they generally held worship of the goddess every year in the month of Asvina - September-October
- What do you mean by Hindu scripture? Huh? So they are interpreting in their own way. So Krsna is not for the Hindus or the Mussulmans or Christians. He is God. He is everyone. He is for everyone
- What is the method of religion? To accept the authority of God. That is the primary principle of every religion, may be Christian religion or Hindu religion or Muhammadan religion. It doesn't matter
- When British rule came, their Lord Macaulay's private report was that "If you want to keep them as Indian Hindu, you will never be able to rule over." So it was British government's policy to condemn everything Indian
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu was residing at Jagannatha puri, Haridasa Thakura, who happened to be Muhammadan by birth, was with Him. In Hindu temples, especially in those days, no one but a Hindu was allowed to enter
- When I say that "You are young man. You'll become old man," either you are Christian or Hindu, Muslim, this is a fact. So don't bring in "The Christian believe this" or "Hindu believe this." Fact is fact
- When I went to America, I did not go there to turn the Christian to become Hindu. No, I never said that
- When India was divided into Hindustan and Pakistan, there was good opportunity for the Hindu Indians to follow strictly the principles of Bhagavad Gita, and the state religion should have been declared Krishna Consciousness
- When Lord Caitanya met Sri Ramananda Raya on the bank of the Godavari, the varnasrama-dharma followed by the Hindus was mentioned by the Lord
- When one actually is self-realized, that "I am not American, not Indian, not Hindu, not Muslim, not man, not woman. I am spirit soul. Aham brahmasmi," at that time, he does not lament
- When one is self-realized, aham brahmasmi... "I am not this body. I am not Christian, I am not Hindu, I am not black, I am not white, I am not fat, I am not thin. I am Brahman." Brahmasmi. That is called Brahman
- When the mind and senses are purified one no longer considers himself a human being, a demigod, cat, dog, Hindu, Muslim and so forth
- When the spirit soul goes away, then where is the distinction? Suppose in hospital some Hindu dies or some Muslim dies, some Christian die, they are stacked together as useless matter. Is it not?
- When we go to a doctor, we do not ask him whether he is a Hindu, Christian or brahmana. He has the qualification of a medical man, and we simply surrender, saying, - Doctor, treat me. I am suffering
- When we profess a particular faith or religion and make this the center of attraction, again we designate ourselves with some sectarian label, such as "Hindu," "Muslim," or - Christian
- When we speak of sanatana-dharma, don't think that sanatana-dharma is meant for the Hindus. Sanatana means eternal, and dharma means occupation
- When you say we are not Hindu that we are not restricted with the Hindi community. That is the meaning. Because Krsna says, "I am for everyone." So why should we be restricted to the Hindi community?
- Where is Krsna Hindu or Indian? Where it is stated? Why people take like that? That is not fact. Therefore they are in the fearful condition of life, always afraid, - What will happen next
- Wherever there are these talented persons (Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya), he is to be considered as first-class man. He does not say that, "If it is found among the Hindus or amongst the Christian . . ." No. These modes of material nature, is all-pervasive
- Real religion means becoming God conscious. Birth is successful if an interest in Krsna consciousness is taken
- Whether one is Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish or whatever, everyone has some religious institution
- Whether we are Hindu, Moslem or Christian or whatever, we must acknowledge that there is a supreme controller of this universe. This cannot be denied by anyone who has faith in God
- Whether we are Hindu, Moslem, or Christian, we acknowledge the system of marriage. The purpose of this system is to avoid illicit sex
- Whether you have understood God and whether you have become a lover of God. Then your religion is perfect. Simply for stamping that 'I am Christian,' 'I am Hindu,' 'I am Muslim,' there is no profit
- Who cares for Ramakrishna Mission? Hindu monk, but who cares for the Ramakrishna Mission? For the last eighty-five years they are working. How many Hindus they have made? Simply bogus propaganda
- Who is a Hindu who will deny the authority of Krsna? Is he a Hindu? Every Hindu observes Janmastami, the birthday of Krsna. So why do they not take Krsna's advice and remain practically Hindu
- Why Krsna says, "I come down on this planet or in this universe for reestablishing the principles of religion"? Then what is that dharma? That is not Hindu dharma or Muslim dharma or Christian dharma or this dharma or that dharma. No
- Why they think Eastern, Western, Jewish and...? We are talking of the human being. That is the misunderstanding going on, that this is Hindu religion, Eastern religion
- Yes, you can call it Hinduism, but actually it does not belong to any "ism." It is a science of understanding God. But it appears like Hindu religion
- You are a human being, and I am a human being. Even if I am not a Christian, even if you are not a Hindu, still we are human beings. Similarly, the soul may not be Krsna conscious, or he may be Krsna conscious - it doesn't matter. But the soul is the soul
- You are Christian today. You can become, I mean to say, Hindu or Muslim tomorrow. So faith can be changed, but dharma, that natural sequence, natural occupation or natural intimately connection just like the fire, heat & light. This cannot be changed
- You can see the members of Krsna consciousness, some of them are Indians, some of them are Europeans, some of them are Englishmen, some of them are black, some of them are white, some of them are brahmanas, some of them are Hindus
- You cannot say, "This is Hindu gold," "This is Muslim gold," "This is Christian gold." Gold is gold. Similarly, God is one. You cannot say, "This is Hindu God," "This is Muslim God," "This is Christian God." God is one, and eternal
- You do not require to change your position. Even if you require to remain as a Christian or as a Muhammadan or a Hindu or a Jewish or Buddhist, it doesn't matter. Please try to see whether by your activities God is satisfied
- You may become Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or brahmin, ksatriya . . . whatever you may be, it doesn't matter. But if you are a religious person, the test is how much you have developed love of Godhead. Then it is tested, - Yes, you are nice
- You may call it "Hindu religion" or "Muslim religion" or "Christian religion," but in any case, real religion is that which teaches how to love God
- You may call the Vedas Hindu, but "Hindu" is a foreign name. We are not Hindus. Our real identification is varnasrama. Varnasrama denotes the followers of the Vedas, those who accept the human society in eight divisions of varna and asrama
- You may educate in any way - Christian way, Hindu way, Muslim - but educate all the people about God consciousness. Otherwise the civilization is doomed
- You remain Christian, but what is the harm to study other literatures where more informations are there? That is quite reasonable. We are not asking you to become Hindus
- You say that your charge is "They are introducing caste system." But the Hindu caste system is already there. How do you say that I am introducing? That is my point