Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters dated March 14th, 18th, and 19th, and have noted the contents carefully. So far the Chatham Tower is concerned, you may drop the plan, and try to get the two-story house which you mentioned. Please check into it and keep me informed. Yes, it would be very nice for Mr. Kallman to contribute 1000.00 dollars for the printing; please try to encourage that. I shall be expecting to receive the dummy publication which you described in a few days. You may keep that bottle of liquid which you mentioned, and when I come there I shall see to it.
By Grace of Krishna, Adwaita is being transferred to Bellevue; now try to get him out with the help of the psychiatrist who helped to get out Kirtanananda. That will finalize the matter, but we must find out a way to take permission from the draft board that our institution is a recognized religious institution of Hindu Vedic origin, and we are training students for preaching God-consciousness, and building up their character by strict moral principles. Therefore, these students cannot be called for fighting. By temperament they are unfit for fighting, because they are being trained to become perfect Brahmins. The business of the Brahmins is to teach people spiritual education. Fighting is means for the Kshatriyas.