Category:We Must (Disciples of SP)
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- I do not accept anyone as my disciple that "You can do whatever you like." No. My first condition is that "You must be sinless"
- You cannot say, "Prabhupada, milk is better than water. Why don't you take one glass of milk?" That is not anukula. You must supply me what I want. That is anukula. That is favorable
- A devotee thinks of Krsna because he develops love for Krsna. And as soon as we develop our love for Krsna, we must have to think of Krsna
- A gorgeous temple means many flowers, beautiful decorations, and prasadam distribution. Some sort of kirtana must go on continuously. Further, chanting 16 rounds must be completed, that is our spiritual strength
- A lamb at home, a lion in the chase." (laughter) When you are chasing, you must be a lion. (laughter) But when you come home, you do not try to chase the devotees
- A preacher of the Krsna consciousness movement generally should not waste his time talking with Mayavadi sannyasis, but when there are arguments on the basis of sastra, a Vaisnava must come forward to talk and defeat them in philosophy
- A vegetarian is not necessarily a devotee, nor is a nonviolent person. But a devotee is automatically both vegetarian and nonviolent. We must conclude, therefore, that vegetarianism or nonviolence is not the cause of devotion
- According to the Vedic system, if you say something very emphatically, you must prove by Vedic evidences. Otherwise you can go on talking; nobody will hear
- According to Vedic civilization, that is dharma-yuddha, religious fight. When the actual need is there to fight, we must fight. Not that when there is need of fight, one becomes nonviolent
- Actually I am dependent on your mercy. If you kindly follow my instructions and continue to push on Krsna consciousness, that will make me very happy. You must very strictly observe the regulative principles and chant sixteen rounds a day
- Actually one who has attained the perfection, she can become guru. But man or woman, unless one has attained the perfection.... Yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya. The qualification of guru is that he must be fully cognizant of the science of Krsna
- Acyutananda wanted to come back, so it was very welcome suggestion. But I think he might have changed his decision again. I do not know what to do with this boy. And if they want to remain in India, they must do something tangible work for our society
- All devotees, especially preachers, must know the philosophy of Krsna consciousness so as not to be embarrassed and insulted when they preach
- All of you are coming from backgrounds of bad habits, so to make progress in Krishna Consciousness we must overlook the faults of others. You must be patient with your husband
- All our students must carry out these daily duties of regular chanting without offense of ten kinds, following the regulations, and studying our literatures
- All students should be encouraged to write some article after reading SB, BG, and TLC. They should realize the information, and they must present their assimilation in their own words. Otherwise, how they can become preachers?
- All the devotees connected with the Krsna consciousness movement must read all the books that have been translated (the CC, SB, BG and others); otherwise, after some time, they will simply eat, sleep and fall down from their position
- All the good ideas we are manufacturing, they will be manifested in God consciousness automatically. Therefore our duty should be, if we want to make all human being well-behaved, then we must try to make every one of them God conscious
- Although chanting is quite sufficient to cover all the Biddhis, still to keep ourselves pure and sanctified, we must observe the rules and regulations of Pancaratriki Biddhi
- Always think like that, that as soon as you are chanting Hare Krsna, you must know that you are touching Krsna with your tongue
- Anyone who lives in the temple must agree to follow the rules and regulations without fail
- As far as possible the centers should act freely, but conjointly. They must look forward to the common development. That should be the principle
- As Kamsa was not expected to kill the beautiful child of Devaki and Vasudeva, the uncivilized society, although unhappy about the advancement of the KC movement, cannot be expected to stop it. Yet we must face many difficulties in many different ways
- As much as possible try to increase our preaching programs by using all the mass media which are available. We are modern day Vaisnavas and we must preach vigorously using all the means available
- As my initiated disciple you must chant regularly sixteen rounds & follow the four restrictions. If you stick to these principles & chant the Holy Name avoiding the ten offenses you will become steady and rapidly advanced in KC
- As my initiated disciple you must strictly observe the four restrictions; namely no taking of intoxicants; no eating of meat, fish, or eggs; no illicit sex life; and no gambling. Follow the prescribed regulations for devotional service
- As soon as there is a little deficiency we must repair it or it will create a big hole and the ship will drown
- As we increase our life membership number, we must submit our audited accounts and that will convince the public of our stability
- As you are married, there is no need of separation as you are practicing artificially. You must live just like a respectable married couple and earn money as a Grhastha, and spend 50 percent for Krishna
- As you are my appointed leader, you must also see that the others are following very strictly the regulative principles like chanting 16 rounds, reading my books regularly, rising early for mangala aratrika
- As you are temple president, that is a great responsibility. So you must try to execute it with great care
- At any circumstances you must not forget Krsna. I love you at my heart and therefore I gave you the name Krsna devi dasi
- At the mature old age, say 65-70 years, everyone must accept the renounced order of Sannyas; if not in dress, then in action positively
- Because people require a place to sit down comfortably and chant, then we must do the needful and accommodate them in the style they are accustomed
- Because you cannot concentrate your mind in chanting, you have no attachment for chanting, that (minimum sixteen rounds of chanting) is a, a regulative principle. You must. You must finish this
- Before having a child the parents should see whether they shall be able to pay for their child's education. The GBC should make an injunction that if they beget children, then whatever the expenses are for supporting Gurukula they must pay for it
- Before opening a branch we must have able men also to conduct, otherwise how we can open branches?
- Before saving others we must first see that we ourselves are protected from the dangerous effects of maya
- Beginning is the guru, the spiritual master, because he is the representative of the parampara system, disciplic succession. Therefore, whatever we do, we must first of all try to understand from guru
- Believe in Krsna's word and surrender unto Him, and don't spoil this human form of life. Death is sure. Before death, we must prepare to go back to home, back to Godhead
- Both distribution of books and construction of temples must continue side by side in parallel lines
- Boys who are not engaged in the temple service during daytime must try to get some money by working or some other way. Without money it is not possible to exist in the material world
- Brahmin also means pandita, so they must be able to support their preaching by quoting sastric references
- Brahmin must practice cleanliness both externally and internally. Externally he must bathe regularly, and internally he must chant Hare Krishna
- By His own actions and by the actions of His devotees, Krsna teaches us how to become cautious in devotional service. Through the medium of Bharata Maharaja, Krsna teaches us that we must be careful in the discharge of devotional service
- By the Grace of Krishna and the Spiritual Master, the dumb man can speak like a great orator, and a lame man can cross over a great mountain. So we must have the necessary unflinching faith in Krishna and Spiritual Master
- Civilization means how to get out of this material miseries—birth, death, disease and old age. That is real advancement of civilization. If there is any way and means to get out of this problem, then we must adopt in this human form of life
- Concerning the initiation of your wife, Revatinandan Swami has approved her being recommended for first initiation, & he has been informed accordingly of her spiritual name. As disciples you must strictly chant 16 rounds of japa, Hare Krishna Maha-mantra
- Continue this door to door program. It is very nice. Lord Nityananda used to do that; Haridasa Thakura used to do that; all of Lord Caitanya's close associates used to do that. So we must follow in their footprints
- Cow protection is the business of the vaisyas and along with our preaching, this is the most important work. We must have a good section of Brahmanas in our society and we must also have a good group of vaisyas who can grow grains and tend cows
- Definitely, the BBT cannot pay any salary to anybody. Our philosophy is "simple living and high thinking'' - not sense gratification. The temple presidents and leaders (elder students) must show this by example
- Deities should not be removed. We should treat the Dieties as the Personality of Godhead, and to invite Him to come to your home you must worship regularly. You cannot remove. If there is scarcity of pujaris, then Deities should not be installed
- Deity worship should be practiced by everyone. That cleanses the contaminated body. It is the custom that before entering one must be cleansed & bathe himself regularly. The whole idea is that we must very much sincere in our activities to serve Krishna
- Devotees in the line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu must chant at least sixteen rounds daily, and this is the number prescribed by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
- Disease will always be there at some time while there is this material body, but this we must tolerate and not be very much agitated by
- Do not be paramahamsa that now I haven't got to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. Don't be a better paramahamsa than your Guru Maharaja. I go and sit and I enjoy the lectures and how they are performing kirtana. So as I am doing, you must also do
- Do not count on others. If somebody comes forward to help us, that is welcome. But if we at all take the job, we must take it on our own strength
- Do not try to concoct your own theories. This is not the process. You must write just as you have heard from your Guru and nothing else. Otherwise, your writing is useless
- Don't be afraid if somebody tortures us, somebody teases us. We must go on with Krsna consciousness without any hesitation, and Krsna will give us protect. If you are more tortured, then Krsna will appear as Nrsimhadeva and give you all protection
- Don't disturb them, that "These are strange people." No, we don't want that. But we must have our position. Tilaka is our position
- Don't make any addition and alteration of your so-called learned scholarship That will not help you. You must present Bhagavad-gita as it is. There is everything, very easily done, provided we follow parampara system
- Don't think that "I am so advanced. I may not require any guru. I can do without guru." That is nonsense. That, not possible. "Must"
- Eating, sleeping, mating, all these are material demands; the more we minimize, then that is good, but not at the risk of health. Because we have to work for Krishna, so we must maintain our health nicely
- Education means one becomes gentle, sober, cool-headed. Therefore it is said, vidya-vinaya-sampanne. When one is learned, advanced in education, he must be very gentle, not haughty
- Education means one becomes gentle, sober, cool-headed. Therefore, it is said, vidya-vinaya-sampanne. When one is learned, advanced in education, he must be very gentle, not haughty
- Either you become lusty or a thief or a murderer or whatever it may be. Some way or other, if you develop this eagerness, that "I must see Krsna," then Krsna will be seen
- Enthusiasm does not mean if I attain something immediately the result is immediate. No. The result may be delayed but we should not be disturbed. But we must go on working with enthusiasm. This is called patience
- Even by taking a loan from the bank. The idea is we must finish Vrndavana temple construction work on or before Janmastami ceremony
- Even father will be enemy, what to speak of others. If you become Krsna conscious, the whole world will be your enemy. You must be prepared for that. So therefore you require tapasya. Tapasya means voluntarily agree to suffer
- Even if our language is broken we must speak of Krishna Consciousness without caring for literary or grammatical style. English is a foreign language to me also, but I try to speak it, not to be a big scholar, but to be a servant of Krishna
- Even in our distressed condition we must know that we are being protected by Krsna. We should not be disturbed. Because we create so-called distress and happiness
- Even the smallest intoxication, that is also dangerous. Just like fire. Even a small particle of fire is dangerous. If you neglect it, "Oh, it is a small particle..." No. You must extinguish it. It may come out very great fire
- Even there is some difficulty or hardship, or even my godbrothers may not cooperate or there may be fighting, still, I must perform my duty to my spiritual master and not become discouraged and go away, that is my weakness
- Every one of us, those who have come to this Krsna consciousness movement, expected to preach in the future and to become a spiritual master also in the future. But first of all you must spiritualize yourself; otherwise it is useless
- Every one of you should very carefully read. Every one of you must have one book and read it carefully and appear in the examination next Janmastami. You'll get designation, Bhakti-sastri
- Everyone is thinking, "I am intelligent. I am boss. I must order you." And the other is thinking, "Why you shall be boss? I am also boss." So fighting will go on
- Everything must be executed with great enthusiasm. You must be very enthusiastic to serve Krsna
- Everything should be regulated in devotional service. Just like eating. Eating is necessary to remain fit, but too much eating means disease and too little eating means starving. One must adjust things properly, that is the program of Krsna Consciousness
- Everywhere in this world we find so many factions. But we must, in Krsna consciousness, do the needful and cooperate
- Execution of devotional service is prescribed first with enthusiasm and patience. One can execute this transcendental activities staying as he is, but he must follow and try to apply in practical life the instructions as they are given in the BG or SB
- Expert means whatever he is doing, he must do it very nicely That's all. Suppose you are sweeping this room. You can do it very nicely, to your best knowledge. That is expert. The people will say, "Oh, you have very nicely done."
- First of all he must know what to preach. If he does not know what to preach, what he will preach? You have got a preaching capacity, provided you learn the art of preaching. But everyone can preach. That's a fact
- First of all we must decide what we want. Whatever you want, you will have. Krsna is very kind. If you want to remain bound up by the laws of material nature within this material world... Karanam guna-sango 'sya
- First of all we must understand what is spirit and what is Krsna and what is Radharani, and then we try to understand what is Krsna and Radharani's loving affairs
- First of all, you are a family man, and usually at this point a man must think about providing for his wife and child. So if you like you can take a job
- Flower garlands should be expanded, and all expenditures for the deities must be expanded without any miserly contemplation. Our temple should be so gorgeously decorated that we shall excel all Bombay temples. This is my idea
- For a preacher there are four principles to be followed. One, he must be fully surrendered to Krishna
- For neophytes, we must have many engagements. In the neophyte stage, if you try to imitate the advanced stage, then it will be simply ludicrous. In the neophyte stage we must be always engaged
- For plain living we must have sufficient land for raising crops and pasturing grounds for the cows. If there is sufficient grains and production of milk, then the whole economic problem is solved
- For raising crops from the land, how many men will be required--that we must estimate and for herding the cows and feeding them. We must have sufficient pasturing ground to feed the animals all round. We have to maintain the animals throughout their life
- For spiritual advancement of life, we must go to one who is actually practicing spiritual life; not to some head of a mundane institution, not to one who has offended his Spiritual Master in so many ways. I do not wish to go into all details
- For the devotees of the Lord there always many difficulties for propagating Krsna Consciousness among the nondevotee demons. But we must learn to tolerate all the difficulties and push on regardless of whatever obstacles we may be presented with
- For the general populace, He (Lord Caitanya) performed sankirtana very vigorously. We must also follow these principles in preaching Krsna consciousness all over the world
- For the present we must tolerate such conditions (polluted soil, air and man's motives). Actually, these are material considerations only
- French language also, very important, we must translate & bring books. "Bring books" means we have got already book. Simply translate it in the particular language & publish it. That's all. Idea is already there. You haven't got to manufacture idea
- GBC means now they should tour very extensive. That is the first principle, the GBC. Not sit down one place and pass resolution. No. They must be active. They must act like me
- God is pure, and His kingdom is also pure, and anyone who wants to enter there, he must be pure also
- Gopi-bhartur pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa-dasanudasah. This is our process. We don't approach Krsna directly. We must begin our service to the Krsna's servant. And who is Krsna's servant? One who has become the servant of another Krsna's servant
- Grhastha means they must have sex. But they're living independent, separately
- Hanuman is not GBC. If he cannot work under Hrdayananda Gosvami, then he must work under me. He cannot be independent
- He must be aware of everything. That means life. That means life. Now the question is how He became experienced
- He must live separately from the devotees, and if he continues this thing he may be requested not to associate with any of our devotees further
- He must practice with determination that "By practicing I'll be success." That is wanted. He has no determination, why should he make a show?
- Here in Vrindaban I am enjoying my disciples how they are speaking. So two times daily everyone must attend the classes. During the morning and evening times there should be no business, simply kirtana, chant, dance, and be purified
- Hope you are all well, and that Jadurani is feeling little better, and she must take plenty of rest
- How to please Krishna? - by following all the regulative principle that I have given you, chanting 16 rounds and reading my books scrutinizingly. Everyone must do these things, otherwise they cannot understand Krishna Consciousness
- I am always very much enthusiastic to open branches, so if another branch can be opened for propagating Krishna Consciousness, it is always welcome. If we have got opportunity to open such branch, we must take advantage
- I am depending on you as one of my elder disciples to set a nice example for the others to follow. This is very much wanted. You must become ideal in all respects
- I am enclosing herewith a letter you may present to the authority and as a Divinity Student you must not be sent to the field. Chant Hare Krishna. Krishna will save you. Present our prospectus and all newspaper cuttings
- I am forwarding a copy of this letter to Gurudas, so during Ratha Yatra festival you must meet together and make a decision of this World Samkirtan Party
- I am in due receipt of The Hare Krishna Explosion, vol: No. 21. You must stop circulation of this paper immediately. It is not being properly managed. Who is this rascal who is writing such articles. See to this immediately
- I am serious about starting a press as soon as possible, and because there is no other alternative, we must have a good press
- I am so much disturbed by problems caused by sex life that I am not going to sanction any more marriages. Our devotees must do it at their own risk from now on and they must provide their own income for living together outside the temple
- I am the initiator guru, and you should be the instructor guru by teaching what I am teaching and doing what I am doing. This is not a title, but you must actually come to this platform. This I want
- I am very encouraged to hear how San Diego center is flourishing under your supervision. The test is that so many new devotees are coming. That is a very good sign. Now you must take care to train them very nicely
- I am very glad that you are preparing the ground work for starting our centers in London, Amsterdam and Berlin. It may be that we can add another in Tokyo. We must have hundreds of such branches for preaching Krishna Consciousness all over the world
- I am very glad to hear that you are settling into some steady service. Krishna is sending us so many children and they must be nicely guided and educated so that they can grow up to become first-class Vaisnavas
- I can help you. But you must want to be helped. Life is not meant for simply eating, sleeping, mating and defending as the animals are doing
- I cannot stress this point enough that we must handle this publication of Back to Godhead very nicely for it is one of the most important aspects of our society. So you will please do the needful in this regard
- I chastised him, "Why you have given him such advice? He's a grhastha, he must have some money. He has to take care of the children." Anyway, you have got better job now and better service also. Krsna has rewarded you for your service. Stick to it
- I count you and your godbrothers among those few men who are treading seriously on the path back to Home, back to Godhead, and now we must maintain such exalted position and not fall back by neglecting our highest standards of devotional practices
- I do not want the preaching to be at the expense of managing. Manager must also be a preacher; otherwise who will want to follow him?
- I do not wish that Gurukula should be closed down in Dallas. So you kindly arrange to send your child back to Gurukula. One thing is at least for the time being, you must arrange to pay the tuition for your child
- I have advised him that he must attend daily classes regularly, but there is no need of his attending other functions like Aratis etc
- I have already explained that once a temple is opened it cannot be closed. Before opening we must consider very carefully
- I have already given you a list of good behavior for the devotees. The person who is a devotee must develop those good qualities
- I have always stressed that we must become recognized not only by the mass but also by the class
- I have instructed them that if they want to do it, they must send me at least 100,000 dollars monthly - not less
- I hope you will soon be getting a cow for New Vrindaban. Vrindaban without cows does not look well, so we must have many cows as soon as possible
- I know in the Western countries it is difficult job to finish sixty-four rounds or 120 rounds, like that. Minimum sixteen rounds. That must be finished. Tat-tat-karma-pravartanat. This is the direction. Observing the regulative principles
- I know that you are in need of constantly working the press and the press is constantly in need of being worked. If you are individually the manager of ISKCON Press, I have no objection, but you must work nicely and the GBC will be satisfied
- I may inform you that in order to maintain our status of spiritual strength, everyone of us must very rigidly chant daily sixteen rounds without fail and follow the regulative principles strictly
- I must caution that we must be careful to avoid so far as possible affection for family based on sense gratification. Be happy in your family life by working cooperatively to please Krishna, and she should be your assistant
- I never said they should not use their beads. That is our business. They must be taught how to respect their beads. How they can learn unless they use them?
- I remember when I sold the first one volume personally to the Archeological University. I sold them personally long ago. Now you must work conjointly with the other library men in India
- I shall be very glad to accept an educated and intelligent disciple like you, but first of all we must meet and you should know whether you can accept me as your Spiritual Master, or I can accept you as my disciple
- I shall be very glad to accept an educated and intelligent disciple like you, but first of all we must meet and you should know whether you can accept me as your Spiritual Master, or I can accept you as my disciple. This is preliminary necessity
- I shall see later on whether or not that Krishna Balarama can be installed there. You cannot paint the Deity with paint to make bluish. Don't manufacture ideas. What is standard you must follow
- I simply want to engage everyone in the service of Krishna, that's all. And that means preaching. So if the preaching work has stopped, what can I do? In that case you must expect there will be so many troubles
- I think his father has got a special duty to protect this child in his K.C.; The mother has also similar responsibility, so either your wife or yourself must take care of the good child
- I think in our apartment also somebody must remain. In New York also I lost my typewriter, tape recorder. In 72nd St. at daytime, at nine o'clock. I went to take my meals in Dr. Misra's place at about nine, and when I came back I saw the door is broken
- I think that now that you are going to public school that you must study hard especially keeping in mind to learn how to read and write and do arithmetic. Perhaps after the summer we will have our own school in New Vrindaban & you will be a student there
- I understand that Dinesh's present job is very tedious and hampering, but because you are now a family man, you must have some steady income
- I understand that you have become a debtor to Dai Nippon for $52,000. This is not good. We must keep our credit. They have given us all facilities
- I want that you approach Navayogendra with all humility and ask his forgiveness for the beating. In this way you can rectify things. You must bring them back
- I want to know fully what is the position of Bhaktivedanta Manor (I think it is not good) and Germany. You must analyze these problems very carefully and make frequent reports and I will give you further instructions
- I'm so glad to learn that you are eager to serve Krishna in every way possible. This mentality is very rare, and I guess that you must have been engaged in Krishna's service in your previous life
- If a child is trained properly in Krishna Consciousness, he will never go away. That means he must have two things, love and education
- If anyone desires to be treated, he must live with us. Before admitting him, we must see that he is not a mad man and will not create a disturbance
- If anyone wants to marry, first of all he must show that he has some earning capacity. Not that "Because there are so many girls, and I marry one to satisfy my senses..."
- If Dr. Wolf has become envious then we must simply avoid him. What is his complaint? The idea of the nursery school is very good idea
- If I am actually rendering devotional service and I'm not getting any happiness, that means there is some maya's play. Otherwise there is no such reasoning. He must feel happy. Then he has to rectify the process of his service
- If I have understood the order of my Spiritual Master rightly, then I must perform my duty under any circumstances and never once think of going away under disgust
- If I love you and if I have got some secrecy, I don't disclose to you, that is not perfect love. I must deal with you open-hearted, you must deal with me open-hearted, then there is love
- If moving the press to New York is convenient, I have no objection. You must have all facility of work—that I want
- If new students are coming and they want to live with us in the temple, they must agree before living with us to follow these principles without any exception
- If one man is appointed as leader, all must follow him and be obedient. "Obedience is the first law of discipline.'' They are pointing out irregularities, but they themselves are not doing their duty
- If one wants full knowledge in life, then he must read Bhagavatam. Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary ABCD, and then let him read Bhagavatam
- If required you can take raw cereals soaked in water overnight that is also good. The thing is you must accept such food as will keep you fit. Not more nor less that is the injunction of Lord Krishna in the B.G.
- If some outside party comes, they must sell books only, no collecting without selling books. They must live in the local temple and not separately, and they must follow faithfully the instructions and directions of the local president
- If somebody comes here, the free hotel and free sleeping accommodation, then his coming to this association is useless. He must learn how to serve
- If someone has desired to distribute books all day he may do this, but he must always follow the principles of rising early, chanting 16 rounds, etc
- If the acarya, guru, is satisfied, then we must know certainly that Krsna is satisfied. So this is the principle, and the acaryas give us direction. It is not very difficult. Simply we have to become very serious and sincere. Then everything is all right
- If the government is giving you money, why not use it for Krishna? Only thing we must avoid cheating them or falsely claiming something to get money. Then we are risking our very high reputation as pious people
- If there is forcing us to stop this sankirtana movement, that much we must protest
- If there is lack of knowledge, or if there is forgetfulness, everything will be spoiled in time. So especially you must encourage the students to read our books throughout the day as much as possible
- If there is possibility to preach amongst the communists, you must do it immediately. The intelligent communist people will very easily understand our philosophy
- If there is some incident and I claim that no one is cooperating with me or no one will work with me, that is my defect, not theirs. The Vaisnava devotee must think like this
- If they have objection they must lodge it with their GBC, and differences must be discussed openly amongst ourselves, not secret meetings. We are Vaisnava devotees, not politicians
- If we are actually conscious for our happiness, we must make a permanent solution of these miseries. That is the mission of human life
- If we are at all to gather knowledge, we must gather it from these (the four Vedas, with their supplementary Puranas, the Mahabharata, the Ramayana and their corollaries, which are known as smrtis) sources without hesitation
- If we are in spiritual strength, there will be no scarcity of money; and the spiritual strength is that each and every one of us must chant the sixteen rounds of beads and follow the rules and regulations with great adherence
- If we become fixed up in this resolution, that "Whatever we have heard from my guru, the representative of Krsna, I must execute. I do not care for my personal convenience or inconvenience. This is my life and soul," then your life is perfect
- If we do not follow even the liberal instructions of Lord Caitanya, how can we expect to discharge our regular duties in devotional service? It is not possible in this age to follow Dhruva Maharaja in his austerity, but the principles must be followed
- If we find it suitable that by marrying one will be able to serve better, than by not marrying, then one must marry; that is our principle
- If we get chance, we must open a center in Kanpur. It is a very important city in India. I heard that there was someone who was willing to give us a house. Kanpur is the third most important city in India next to Calcutta and Bombay
- If we get opportunity, preaching facilities for going on car, on airplane, using typewriter, dictaphone, microphone, we must use it. Because this is Krsna's property, it must be used for Krsna. This is our philosophy
- If we keep the Statue of Krishna in our room, we must know that Krishna is present, and as such we must be careful in our dealings, talkings and behavior, as we are present before Krishna directly
- If we see the Deities in very pleasing mood, that will certify our service unto the Lord. So everywhere we shall see the Deities in such pleasing mood. As soon as we see the Deities in a different mood we must immediately understand our discrepancies
- If we trust in God, we must know that God is actually the only trustworthy person. Then if I put my trust in Him, that is sensible
- If we want perfect education then we must follow the principle of Bhagavad gita. Such education will help the whole human society. In all different fields of activity, social, political, religious, cultural, economic and so on
- If we want to keep our minds completely fixed without deviation, we must engage them in devotional service full time
- If we want to make all human beings well-behaved, then we must try to make every one of them God conscious
- If we want to make progress towards spiritual advancement of knowledge, this preliminary knowledge we must have that, - I am not this body
- If we want to understand really Vedic literature, then we must follow the parampara system. There are four sampradayas, parampara: the Ramanuja Sampradaya, Madhvacarya Sampradaya, Visnu Svami Sampradaya, Nimbarka Sampradaya
- If you are actually benevolent to your countrymen, to your society, to the human society, you must preach this Krsna consciousness movement
- If you are actually executing devotional service, you must feel happy. If you don't feel happy, then you are not executing. There is some flaw
- If you are actually serious about understanding that supernatural transcendental subject matter, you must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- If you are actually serious to understand the transcendental science, spiritual knowledge, you must have guru
- If you are initiated as a brahmana, you must act as a brahmana
- If you are leaving because of your wife, then your wife must agree to pay for your return fare. If she agrees, then you can go
- If you are taking service from your car, so you don't identify yourself with the car. But you take care of the car to take service from it. Similarly, we are taking service from this body because we are living, so I must eat or I must sleep
- If you are unable to work under the direction of Hrdayananda Gosvami, then you must work under my direction, but you are not independent
- If you become conditioned by God, that is your perfection. And if you become conditioned by maya, that is your trouble. You must be conditioned. That is your position. You cannot be independent
- If you can help to organize our cow program in Mayapur, it will be a great credit for you. We must be able to grow our own fodder for the cows. We don't want to have to purchase food for the cows outside from some other party
- If you cannot finish sixteen rounds, then you must not sleep on that day, you must not eat. Why don't you forget to eat, forget? Why do you forget chanting Hare Krsna? This is negligence, aparadha, offense
- If you don't want me to do this, then you must say what you want me to do. Is it not right? Suppose I am chanting. If you don't want me to chant, then what do you want me to do, the next question will be
- If you find it hackneyed, then you must know that you are not yet serving spiritually, you are serving materially
- If you have a tilaka and a kanthi, that does not mean that you belong to the Krsna consciousness movement. Any cheater can do that. You must know the philosophy
- If you have taken a wife for grhastha life, why are you neglecting? That is not Vaisnava. Vaisnava means he is very much responsible, and if he is householder, then he must be responsible
- If you really want freedom from this material existence and miseries of material existence, then we must minimize the bodily enjoyment. We must minimize. Just like a diseased man is given some liquid food. He is forbidden
- If you respect spiritual master as God, then you must offer him the facilities of God. Otherwise how you treat him as God? Simply in mind? In action also
- If you simply chant and do not speak then that would be all right, but there must be some speaking. Because if there is no speaking everyone will say that we are just like Devanand's film. So to be very respectable, we must speak our philosophy
- If you want to do business, you must take the first opportunity, the greatest opportunity, do your business. That is intelligence. And if we think, "All right, I shall do slowly. In seven hundred lives I shall become perfect," that is another thing
- If you want to enter into the spiritual kingdom, the abode, the planet where Krsna lives, so you must be purified. Adjust yourself. Not only to the spiritual kingdom of Krsna - any planet you want to enter, you must adjust yourself
- If you want to know about me, then you must know from me. That is authentic. That is authentic. Or from a confidential person who is confidence of me. Similarly, if you want to know Krsna, then here is Bhagavad-gita, spoken by Krsna
- If you want to see God just face to face, not fiction, then you must follow the rules and regulation, you must chant, you must purify yourself. You must wait. The time will come. When you are purified, you'll see God
- If you want you can cut your hairs, but there is no need of cutting. It would be nicer if you can put on sari, you can learn it from Jadurani. You must remain like a nice girl. The dress and appearance is social convention of the society
- If you work so hard, you must know what benefit you are deriving out of it. But the ass does not know. Similarly, the karmis, they are very busy, very busy accumulating wealth. But he does not know what for he is doing so, why he is so laboring hard
- If you would like her to help you in the paintings for the new book, then it is all right, but you must deal with her very tactfully
- In Los Angeles, they regularly assemble during arati and class. If this regulative principle is lost, then you are karmis. They must come back by six o'clock, suspending all other duties, and assemble by seven o'clock
- In order to make progress towards the end of spiritual realization, we must make distinction, but the aim should be one
- In order to start the proposed project in your letter you must have full sanction of the GBC. Then I will approve of it, if they approve it. Do not try to start any project independent of the GBC. I want that everyone will co-operate nicely with the GBC
- In regard to preaching the glories of the Lord there are no hard and fast rules, we must simply always remain ourself fixed in Krsna Consciousness and then Krsna will give us the good guidance how to push things on
- In the Absolute world the fool is also the master and the master is also a fool in reciprocal exchange of dealings. Lord Caitanya also accepted Himself a great fool before His spiritual master and all of us must follow the transcendental process
- In the beginning of our spiritual life we must worship Madana-mohana so that He may attract us and nullify our attachment for material sense gratification. This relationship with Madana-mohana is necessary for neophyte devotees
- In the beginning there may be some mistake, but we must see that "Whether my mistakes are now correct?" That should be vigilance. Never trust the mind. That is the instruction here. Mind should not be trusted
- In the beginning we must treat the Lord with awe and veneration. Later one when we are perfectly on the spiritual platform, we treat Krsna more intimately, and therefore we forget the exalted position of Krsna
- In the beginning, of course, we do not find such opportunities to strictly follow. But still, we should not give so much attention for the regulation or strict rules and regulation. But we must see how much a person is advanced in Krsna consciousness
- In the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, we have cut short the pages under the instruction of the MacMillan Company, without explaining many important verses. We must have sufficient chance for explaining the purports of Srimad Bhagavatam
- In the meantime, you must have the machine and begin immediately composing. If credit reference is required, Hayagriva will give. I have already talked with him about this. So do it immediately
- In the temple, the rule is that you must get up before four and prepare yourself, and we have to ring the bells three hundred times, and still you are sleeping. Just see
- In this way of six Life members daily, we shall very quickly expand our Society in India. This Life Membership is the support of our Movement here, so you must stress this program especially. That will be our success
- In Vrindaban, we must do something very grand and gorgeous, both in the matter of preaching and accommodating the educated class of devotees
- In your previous letter you informed me that you are not going to pay a farthing unless you are in possession of the house. So you must follow the determination. You should not sign the check if you are not satisfied yourself
- In your travelling from centre to centre, you must be very careful to see that the leaders are observing the principles of chanting 16 rounds, rising early for Mangala Arati, participating in the morning and evening classes
- It (bhakti) does not even finish with the end of the body, but it continues eternally. And it is joyfully performed. At first, though, there may be some inconveniences, but we must tolerate them and we shall realize the goal
- It is a common sense affair. The God has given you independence. If you do something wrong, against the will of God, then you must suffer. Therefore we find so many varieties of living entities. In different grades of life
- It is great offense to change dress now that you have taken babaji dress you must continue. You are all so restless and take everything as farce. Now, take more rest and go on with your program of chanting and that will be good for you
- It is not compulsory that one live in the temple, but in order to make spiritual advancement, one must follow all the rule and regulations of Krishna Consciousness, just as the devotees in the temples do
- It is not sufficient for us to just chant 16 rounds, but we must endeavor to chant offenselessly 16 rounds
- It is not that one has to become very learned scholar to become a preacher. Simply it requires enthusiasm, "My Lord is so great, so kind, so beautiful, so wonderful. So I must speak something about my Lord"
- It is the duty of husband to protect wife in every way from the onslaught of material nature, and he must act always as her spiritual guide by being perfect example of devotee
- It is the mercy of Krishna that you are getting fair warning of your nearing death. Now, you must become very serious to prepare to meet death without fear of being fully absorbed in the lotus feet of Krishna
- It is understood that Laksmi is favorable because her husband Narayana is being served nicely. If Laksmi is unfavorable, then we must increase our preaching efforts, and strive for pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is very important (The Nectar of Instruction) and must be immediately read by all devotees. In the near future we shall introduce the Bhakti-sastri examination for second initiation and this shall be one of the required books of study
- It must be recognized that we are not just a religious sect. People are being kept in darkness, so we are trying our best to give this to the world; we must work in that spirit and become qualified
- Jagatananda must subdue his sex desire by constant chanting of Hare Krishna, and praying to Krishna to help him
- Jana-sangas ca, to associate with unwanted people. You must associate with devotees, not others. They are called.... laulya, jana-sangas ca
- Jesus Christ was crucified. He didn't mind. So if you are unnecessarily prosecuting us, we don't mind. We must go on with our duty. We cannot give it up
- Karyam means "It is my duty." That is real sannyasa. "Krsna wants that this Krsna consciousness movement must be spread. So this is my karyam. This is my duty. And the direction is my spiritual master. So I must do it." This is sannyasa
- Keep your movement very pure. You don't mind if somebody goes away. But we must keep our principles pure
- Krishna Consciousness is the greatest of all good fruits. We must therefore have necessary endurance and enthusiasm to get the result. We shall never be disappointed when things are presented in reversed order
- Krishna Consciousness is the only truth that exists. Without Krishna Consciousness everything is illusion. You must not waste this life away thinking that everything belongs to you. Everything belongs to Krishna and it must be used in His service
- Krishna Consciousness means we should always be satisfied and happy, not that we must work something impossible, becoming overburdened, and then because we are unhappy by so much trouble we lose enthusiasm altogether and give up all hope
- Krsna consciousness means, as Krsna instructs, you must be very, very busy, twenty-four hours. That is Krsna consciousness. Not to become a lazy fellow, eat and sleep. No
- Krsna has given you nice opportunity to preach the philosophy so you must be sure to understand it rightly
- Live carefully, it is India, we must live according to the time, place and circumstances, that is intelligence
- Lord Caitanya accepted Jagai and Madhai on condition they would not commit further sinful activities. So all our students should be careful in the matter of violating the four principles and at the same time must carry on the chanting process rigidly
- Lord Caitanya made it a principle that we must teach by personal example. This is what I have tried to do. So if all of you my disciples do this, then the future of our movement will be glorious
- Lord Dvarakadhisa is sitting there overseeing everything. He will give you all facility, simply you must cooperatively work together, faithfully following in the footsteps of the acaryas
- Make sure that the Deity worship is been done nicely and that sankirtana goes on daily. Also the devotees must all follow the rules strictly as well as chant 16 rounds daily and read my books
- Maya may try to pull us from Krishna's service, and try to engage us in her service, but we must simply persevere, and try to do as much as possible for Krishna each day
- My advice is always chant 16 rounds minimum and follow the four regulative principles. All of my disciples must agree on this point otherwise they are not my disciples
- My advice to you is that whatever instruction you have received from me, just try to follow to your best. You must keep your sannyasa stage, because you have taken it from me. Wherever you go, try to follow the regulations
- My advice to you under the circumstances is that at least for one hour you must all go to have Sankirtana outside on the streets or in the park. That is your life and soul, first business
- My first instruction to you is that you must pass your M.A. Examination before any other consideration. Your degree will be a great asset for the society in the near future
- My Guru Maharaja did not travel all over the world, so I have got double energy than him. So you must triple energy, four times energy than me. Then actually disciple
- My idea is that the leaders must agree to stick at one place, even they may have to remain their life-long, that is the ideal leader, one who is conscious of his duty
- My only point is that simultaneously we must increase our literature production and build Mayapur Temple, But it is not that we have to stop everything else for one thing
- My only request is we must spend money very cautiously and not to waste. For improvement we can spend. I am simply afraid that money may not be wasted
- Never mind some temporary inconveniences, we must remain steady in our duty to Krsna
- New devotees must all be trained nicely how to render devotional service by chanting 16 offenseless rounds daily and following the 4 regulative principles. Kindly set a nice example yourself for everyone and in this way make your lives perfect in full KC
- No, I don't wish to agitate your mind. I want that if there is any difference, that should be adjusted, and we must preach combinedly. That is my point
- No, if too much endeavour is there, that is to be avoided. By all means we must preserve our spiritual status, that is the point
- Nonetheless, confronting all kinds of difficulties, we must spread the Krsna consciousness movement with great determination, like that of Prahlada Maharaja
- Not that "Because I have become Krsna conscious, I'll be very humble." You must be humble, but in need, if there is need, you shall be thunderbolt
- Now is the time for us to begin the boiling process. Now you know everything how to be a Vaisnava brahmana, now you must practice these thing or the whole thing will be a show only
- Now it is practically in your hands to finish and push on what I have started. I am now getting all respect and honor, so now you must preserve that standard and not dishonor me
- Now that our Bombay temple is nearing completion you must begin to construct a nice temple at the birthplace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Mayapur dham
- Now we have got many many books in England and we must raise funds for our place there, so try to increase the selling of literatures and magazines and deposit everything in the building fund
- Now you are being forced by Krishna to advance in Krishna Consciousness, because you must set the perfect example for all others to follow and be always very responsible and sober
- Now you are raising your third child. So more and more you are becoming responsible for these living entities who are your dependents. You must see that they do not take birth again in this material world. That is your duty
- Now you must all carefully follow these four regulative principles (1) No meat eating, (2) No illicit sex life, (3) No intoxication, (4) No gambling. Always be sure to chant minimum sixteen rounds daily. Study my books carefully, go for sankirtana
- Now you must be able to judge these things as you have got experience and you are there, what can I do from such distant place? If you think it is nice, then try for it
- Now you must guide them very nicely in Krishna Consciousness, because you are a veteran devotee and practically speaking the future of our Krishna Conscious Society rests in the hands of my older disciples
- Now you must very strictly follow the orders of your spiritual master by chanting 16 rounds of japa daily & accepting the 4 restrictions; no illicit sex life, no intoxication, no gambling, & no meat-eating. In this way you will surely make progress in KC
- Now, you must be very sure to keep a stock of each and every book so that you can supply all of these orders immediately
- Of course we work very very hard just to get someone to come to the platform of devotee of Krsna, so we shall not be too much hasty to drive anyone out. Therefore we may forgive once, twice, but more than that we must take other steps
- Of course, my authorities and so-called officers, they sometimes also order in such a way that everything becomes topsy-turvy. So you may write to me your grievance - what can I do? - but meanwhile you must follow him exactly whatever he says
- One clergyman, he was talking with me. He said, "Swamiji, I have seen your disciples have a very nice face, glowing face." And "Yes, certainly. They must be. They are making spiritual progress"
- One may stay in whichever asrama is suitable for him; it is not essential that one take sannyasa. If one is sexually agitated, he can enter the grhastha-asrama. But one must continue fighting
- One must also follow the pratigrhnati principle and be willing and ready to receive the transcendental gift
- One must be enthusiastic, patient, confident, one must execute the duties, associate with devotees, and one must be very honest in dealing. Six things. If these six things are there, sure success
- One must be free from lust, avarice, anger, dreaming, etc., to actually attain the path of salvation
- One must be very bold so that he can conquer these enemies of Krsna consciousness. Not caring for the good and bad of this material world, one must boldly propagate Krsna consciousness
- One must chant at least 16 rounds of japa daily and in this way progress in Krsna Consciousness. One promises before the spiritual master, the Deity, the fire, the devotees, the Supersoul, so it should very strictly be followed
- One must try for the point when he simply hears Krishna and immediately all of Krishna, His Pastimes, His Form, His Quality, are in his thoughts. So to always be immersed in thoughts of Krishna this is our process
- One should have unflinching faith in God and spiritual master. Don't jump over God, crossing the spiritual master. Then it will be failure. You must go through. We are observing Vyasa-puja ceremony, the birth anniversary of our Guru Maharaja
- One should sincerely try to bring himself (the GBC member) to the stage of devotional service motivated by pure love of Krsna, and our personal example must set a guide for them (the new and old students)
- One thing is that they must be fully engaged. Don't make a hotel for free boarding and lodging. Everyone must be full-time engaged and the best engagement for them is to sell books
- One thing is you must stop this fighting between brothers. Otherwise the whole program will be spoiled. Yourself, Tamala Krishna, Brahmananda, Satsvarupa - you should do everything combinedly. That is my request
- One thing we must remember that we are not professional musicians or concert party. Our main business is to vibrate the Holy Name of Krishna everywhere so that the people will be benefited by hearing the transcendental sound
- One thing you must know that any prayer you offer to your Spiritual Master and Superior Spiritual Master, all of them are conveyed to Krishna, so no sincere prayers go in vain
- One thing, it is not good if we engage any professional translators, our own men must do the work
- One who has entered with the determination that "I must practice," so if he cannot practice, then why this makeshow that "I belong to Krsna consciousness movement. I am initiated." Why this farce?
- One who is worshiping the Deity must be always attentive and mindful of his occupation at all times. He must never for one moment forget his duty of serving the Deity at every moment and strive always to please the Lord
- Others may cooperate or noncooperate, we don't mind. But we cannot change our policy. Our policy is: Krsna says, "I am the Supreme"; we must declare throughout the whole world that Krsna is the Supreme
- Our dwelling, which is made of earth, wood, stone, iron, cement and so many other material things. If we think in terms of Sri Isopanisad, we must know that we cannot produce any of these building materials ourselves
- Our farm projects are an extremely important part of our movement. We must become self-sufficient by growing our own grains and producing our own milk, then there will be no question of poverty
- Our initiated members must be in the majority, and if any deed has to be prepared then I shall send you the wordings. If not, verbally is all right. If they want to make any documents, that must be approved by me
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is a protest against all this nonsense. And therefore we, sometimes we are unpopular. But we don't care for that. Popular or unpopular, we must go on with our business
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is very scientific, authorized, so our business is to enlighten people as far as possible, and at the same time we must remain enlightened
- Our personal power or endeavor is not always supreme. We must therefore accept the position offered to us by the order of the Supreme
- Our philosophy is that we are not this body, outer tabernacle, but one must stick to our principles and live with us like other devotees
- Our process is slow but sure, not that we must do everything immediately and then later on regret it
- Our Society is like one big family and our relationships should be based on love and trust. We must give up the fighting spirit and use our intelligence to push ahead
- Our speculative knowledge, intellectual platform, is not helpful. We must receive knowledge from superior source, perfect source. That knowledge is perfect
- Pavitram means purest. So if we want to approach Krsna, then we must observe the purificatory process. Being impure, we cannot touch even Krsna. That is not possible. If we want . . . therefore Lord Caitanya has made it easy
- People are simply being cheated by so many rascals who pose themselves as big, big leader so you must all strictly follow the principles that I have established and for the general mass of people give them chanting
- People in general, they cannot understand, but those who are preaching, they must be very sincere, the same way, rupa-raghunatha pade, haibe akuti. They should read the literatures, the instruction, just like Upadesamrta
- People should clearly understand that we don't encourage laziness. We never encourage. According to your capacity you must work
- People will appreciate. ...pure character or position, people will take, in any condition. There may be revolution or no revolution. They will take it. ...that our movement is actually good. They will take in any condition. That standard we must maintain
- Physical life, so you must keep yourself fit to execute Krsna consciousness. It is not our desire that you become sick and you cannot chant
- Place or no place, we must go on with our preaching work
- Please impress on him (Prabhupada dasa Adhikari) that this second initiation is not awarded cheaply or automatically, and that he must be very strict in following the regulative principles of bhakti yoga
- Please take nice care of him because there are so many good souls who we must inform of this most important philosophy, and when another man is sent by Krishna to help us it is our duty to help him understand Krishna Consciousness as far as possible
- Practically my health does not permit me to take up any active management or administration. I should now retire and GBC should kindly give me relief in this connection. Now our organization is expanding. We must have good GBC management
- Preaching is our life. But in order to preach one must become firmly fixed in the spiritual practices otherwise his words will not act. It is the duty of every initiated disciple to try and please the spiritual master
- Preaching means he must be conscious, Krsna conscious, advanced. Krsna conscious means that he's a lover of Krsna
- Printing and translation must continue. That is our main business. It cannot be stopped. Must go on. Just like persisting, now we have got so many Hindi literature. (laughs) I was simply persisting, "Where is Hindi? So it has come to some tangible form
- Real spiritual life means acting in our constitutional position of the eternal servants of the Lord, so we must offer this sublime science of Bhagavad Gita to the population at large, and those who are actually serious will take advantage
- Regarding Bhagavat edition: I have already decided that we must have a press
- Regarding our Indian centers, it is already decided that in Bombay we must have a center first and negotiation is going on seriously. If we cannot open many centers in India, at least one center must be opened in Bombay before we go back to the States
- Regarding our prospective Indian tour in February of 1971, we must now settle up the things during the Rathayatra festival because all important European devotees will collect together in London
- Regarding Rathayatra Festival in London, it is my great desire that you must perform it
- Regarding sannyasa, yes, according to Vedic principles, as a married man, you must give your wife at least one boy child
- Regarding the complaints against yourself you have mentioned, I do not find any complaints. But even if there should be such complaints, you must remain pure, and automatically the complaints will vanish
- Regarding the hippy religion; we must distinguish ourselves from the hippies. The hippies generally maintain long hair & beard & in order to distinguish ourselves from them we should be clean shaved
- Regarding the question about selling records there, I have already told Hamsaduta that it may continue temporarily until the stock is finished, but you must give a book with each record
- Regarding the recent upheavals in our Society, that business is finished, now we must all concentrate very carefully on the simple execution of our duty following the principles of regulation very strictly in our daily life
- Regarding the road, you must immediately install at the front of the road a permanent iron gate, like the one on the opposite property
- Regarding your business, if Jayatirtha and the others give their sanction, then I have no objection. The most important thing is that you must follow all of the rules and regulations
- Regarding your problem, first thing is that the philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita is that one must learn to tolerate the sufferings due to the frailties of the material body
- Regarding your question of an initiated person falling prey to the maya, the answer is that so long we are in this material world, there is always chance of being spoiled by Maya, so we must stick with vow to the Lotus Feet of Krishna
- Regarding your taking sannyasa, first, you must come and live with us for some time and then we shall see
- Regarding your writing, you must know that it is the duty of sannyasa to write always to save the cripple minded man and women. In fact sannyasa must do everything
- Revive rigidly the devotional practices and be repentant. Then Krsna may be pleased to excuse you. You must be repentant
- Sankhya-purvaka-nama-gana-natibhih. We have to practice. Certain numerical strength we must maintain
- Sankirtana or street chanting must go on, it is our most important program. Lord Caitanya's movement means the sankirtana movement
- Sannyasi means responsible, you must be responsible for the spiritual progress of the devotees, to see that the right standard is being observed in all departments
- Sannyasi must be independent and not rely upon temples to pay his expensive travelling costs, simply he must take Krishna's mercy whenever and wherever it is offered
- Serious students of this Krsna consciousness movement must understand their great responsibility to preach the cult of Vrndavana (devotional service to the Lord) all over the world
- Simply by repeating what I have said; first you must yourself become fully convinced of this philosophy, your preaching will meet with all success
- Simply they must chant Hare Krsna, observe the regulative principles and read our literatures sincerely and their success is guaranteed
- Simply to defeat scholars and philosophers is not the occupation of a preacher. Preachers must simultaneously introduce the sankirtana movement, for that is the mission of the Caitanya cult
- Since Dr. Radhakrishnan implies that the impersonal Brahman alone possesses such transcendental qualities as being inexhaustible, imperishable, and unborn, we must turn to the Gita for a proper reply
- Since we have started a Krsna conscious society and since a human society must also have ideal marriages, to correctly establish an ideal society we must take part in marrying some of its members
- So especially you must encourage the students to read our books throughout the day as much as possible, and give them all good advice how to understand the books, and inspire them to study the things from every point of view
- So far as Savitri getting her 2nd initiation you have written to say that she had difficulty now to even chant a few mantras. So you must observe first whether she will be able to keep the Brahminical vows
- So far as your occasional agitation from maya, the answer is very simple that one must either strictly control his senses, or else he must get himself married. If one is strong enough in Krishna Consciousness, then there is no reason to become grhastha
- So far your marriage is concerned, I have no objection, but you must agree that you will never separate but work cooperatively throughout your lives in Krishna Consciousness
- So long he is president you must follow him. If he is wrong, that will be corrected by the spiritual master
- So now I am seeing more and more that my senior disciples must take an active role in continuing the high standard of purity which has been established in our Vaisnava line
- So to pass the examination means one must have knowledge. There are higher intelligent class of disciples, otherwise it is not compulsory. So how to organize it, how to do it, you GBC can decide. I have given the idea, now how to do it is up to the GBC
- Some of you must be, must learn the art of fighting also. But in a practical you are not going to fight. If required, you can fight. I say that we are above all these varnasrama, but we must train others or ourself also for material activities
- Somehow or other you must engage yourself in loving Krsna. That is the success of life
- Sometimes when you open your book you find. They are called bookworm, they're very small, but it is moving. And because it is moving, from biological study we must conclude that it has got a heart
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult is based upon the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra. Lord Caitanya first advised Tapana Misra to fix his mind on this chanting. We, the members of the KC movement, must strictly follow this advice of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult must be preached all over the world. This does not mean that people should take to His teachings and remain sudras or candalas. As soon as one is trained as a pure Vaisnava, he must be accepted as a bona fide brahmana
- Sri Sri Radha-Madan Mohan have kindly descended in Their arca vigraha form now you must receive Them with that consciousness. And by serving Them you will all develop pure love of Krsna
- Srila Prabhupada reiterates that all GBC must strictly follow the rules and regulations and do what Srila Prabhupada does. We must be the strict prototypes of Srila Prabhupada. We must be pure by preaching and chanting
- That is our basic principle of knowledge, that every one of us is defective, so you cannot give us complete knowledge; it is not possible. We must receive knowledge from the perfect without defects
- That is the business of leader: He must be himself always enthusiastic and inspire others to be always enthusiastic. Then he is real leader
- That is the first principle, the GBC. Not sit down in one place and pass resolution. No, they must be active. They must act like me. As I am old man, I am traveling all over the world
- That tolerant attitude must be there to a certain extent, but we must remain also always firm on this point, that the brahmacaris living in the temple shall not disobey the orders of the spiritual master
- The "communal form of Krsna Consciousness" which you mention is not approved by me. It is all concoction. My Guru Maharaja condemned this practice. We must stay together and vigorously preach the Krsna Consciousness philosophy to the world
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta teaches us that we must offer our respectful obeisances to all such pure confidential devotees of Lord Caitanya if we indeed want to know Him in truth
- The best thing would be if you could combine the Road show with visits to cities that have existing temples. In this way you could enliven the devotees tremendously. We must keep our existing centers strong
- The boat party must continue preaching. It is very nicely responded to
- The boy who spat upon the person of Kirtanananda must send a letter of regret and apology
- The brahmacaris and sannyasis must stick to the temple activities. Only the grhasthas can take part in the restaurant. Our aim should not be to work for profit
- The brahmanas must keep clean externally by bathing regularly, and within by always chanting Hare Krishna. The symptoms of the brahmana are explained in the Bhagavad-gita and one should cultivate these qualities in their devotional service
- The British Empire had only a portion of the world, and we have not completed expanding. We must expand more and more unlimitedly
- The building there is complete, we are making it an ideal asrama. So if you go back there, you must find a suitable engagement. It is not a place simply for sleeping
- The duty must be done. Even it is little suffering. That is called tapasya. Tapasya means we must proceed with our Krsna consciousness business in spite of all dangerous and calamitous condition of this world. This is called tapasya
- The first business is that the GBC must see to the management of their zones. Still, I require a permanent secretary. In addition, one GBC man may come and go
- The first thing is that everyone, man and animal, especially the cows, they must be properly fed so become very stout and strong. Cows will supply milk, and man will work hard, without being suffered by dysentery. He must work hard
- The first thing is that you must feel well. In whatever condition you should feel well, because if you fall sick, everything will be topsy-turvy
- The first thing is we must hear. Srotavyah. Just try to hear what is God, what is His kingdom, how He acts, how He is cheerful. These things are to be heard. Sravanam
- The GBC meeting (Mayapur 1975) should be held five days before the actual festival is to begin and it will be held in my presence. As far as your proposals are concerned the real thing is that we must make broader constitution of the management by GBC
- The idea is that all the devotees must attend arati, prasada, and other temple services. If they miss they will be deviated
- The idea is we must have the necessities of our life as far as possible independently. But we should not be business minded. Our main business is to develop our dormant Krsna Consciousness
- The Indians there are now coming to realize that they have been simply cheated by all the rascal swamis and yogis. So you must be sincere, always strictly following the principles and work with determination and patience
- The members of ISKCON must increase this (Krsna consciousness) movement more and more, according to the principles that we are presently trying to execute. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, thus being pleased, will smilingly glance upon them
- The members of the Krsna consciousness movement chant a minimum of sixteen rounds a day, which can be done without difficulty, and at the same time they must preach the cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu according to the gospel of Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- The new men should also go out for samkirtan, chanting or distributing my books. This will make them strong. Also, they must study my books at least three hours a day (including classes)
- The New York boys are very much anxious to start our own press immediately and we must have sufficient matter to print in the press continually
- The parents must take responsibility for their children, otherwise they should not have children
- The preacher must love the people. Why at eighty years old I have come here if I do not love? So who can love better than a preacher? He loves even the animals
- The preachers of the Krsna consciousness movement must carry this conviction very carefully within their hearts and kill the demons who in many tactful ways vilify the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- The president cannot take any loans without authorization. This is a declaration. These things must not be allowed. Whatever he has taken must be returned and he must pay back the money that he has kept
- The process is before accepting a guru, one must hear him at least for one year
- The question, does Lord Rama or Lord Caitanya forget, is like saying, does God come under Maya, or forgetfulness. You must fully understand this before you can successfully debate with the Mayavad arguments
- The regulative principles of a battlefield, namely to abide by the order of the commander, must be followed. Otherwise it is impossible to direct the fighting capacity of the soldiers and thus defeat the opposing elements
- The secret of preaching work is that one must keep himself fit in spiritual strength by maintaining always the highest standard of purity in Krsna consciousness
- The soldiers in this Krsna consciousness movement must always possess physical strength, enthusiasm and sensual power. To keep themselves fit, they must therefore place themselves in a normal condition of life
- The students must all attend morning and evening arati and classes. If we follow this simple program along with regular sankirtana, distributing the books and preaching, then there will be no fall down
- The temple plan enclosed is approved by me, but we must have full control over the temple, otherwise we are not going to take charge. We cannot make any compromise on this point
- The Vaisnava devotee must think like this. We should not find fault with others and criticize and go away, that is not the Vaisnava way
- The varnasrama-dharma system is scientifically arranged by Krsna to provide facility for delivering the fallen souls back to home, back to Godhead. And if we make a mockery of this system by whimsically disrupting the order, that we must consider
- There are many things like that. So you should try to understand it fully. Why should you understand it haphazardly? You must try to understand fully
- There are so many thousands of buildings in the west which are filled with illegalities, but how is it that we must come to a perfect standard or be closed down? This is not the standard of law, but prosecution
- There is a blazing fire of maya, and we have to inform the people, even if we must use broken language. That is no fault. But by Krishna's Grace this problem will soon be solved
- There is a standard of behavior for devotees living in the Temple and everyone who lives in the Temple must follow that standard, or else we will automatically fall down
- There is enthusiasm: "Yes, we must do it." That is wanted, not theoretically on the armchair of devotional service. That will not be successful. Armchair theory will not help you. You must be practical and there must be enthusiasm
- There is severe cold, chilly cold, but my duty is to take bath in the morning. So we must tolerate. I must tolerate that chilly cold, and still, I take my bath. This is called tapasya
- There must be such management and or such arrangement that we must have always good association for advancement. That is required
- There should be no complaint, under all circumstances we must chant regularly 16 rounds and attend the morning and evening classes, for Krishna we can work like anything, but one lick done for maya it is useless, overendeavoring
- Therefore we have established Back to Godhead. The students are allowed, whatever they are hearing, they must be thoughtful and write
- These debts must be paid, that is important business. Along with our preaching and propaganda work, we must also give attention to financial matters, otherwise the whole thing will collapse and it will be a farce
- These material bodies are perishable in due course of time (nityasyoktah saririnah) but that the soul is eternal, then we must remember always that the body is like a dress; therefore why lament the changing of a dress
- These verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are Vedic mantras. They're not ordinary wording, set of wording. It is not. Veda-mantra; samhita. So every one of you must try to chant. This is required
- They (Krsna consciousness devotees) cannot go outside the Krsna consciousness society or movement. Within the society we must try to serve the predecessors by preaching Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult and spreading His name and fame all over the world
- They bow down like stick. This is called dandavat. Danda means "stick"; vat means "like." When you fall down, just like a stick falls, before superior, that is called dandavat. Not by simply saying dandavat... Eh, one must fall down
- They can purchase books from the temple at regular wholesale price and sell, and whatever profit there is above wholesale price they must give at least 50% to the local temple out of good will. That will be nice
- They must be all ideal acarya-like. In the beginning we have done for working. Now we should be very cautious. Anyone who is deviating, he can be replaced
- They must be engaged twenty-four hours. That is wanted. It is not a lazy free hotel. Anyone lives, he must be engaged twenty-four hours
- They must give up japa; first of all clean
- They must translate as it is, they must not deviate. Anyway, our motto should be to somehow or other express the objectives of Krishna Consciousness to the German-speaking people
- They should follow what their spiritual master says. Book selling, there is no question of moral and immoral. They must sell. Just like in fighting. Where there is fight, the soldiers, to gain victory, there is no question of moral and immoral. He must
- This chanting is our life and soul, so we must arrange our program now so that there will be as much chanting on the streets and at college engagements as possible
- This is cow protection. We must tend the cows very nicely so that they give us sufficient milk. And with that milk we shall live
- This is Krsna consciousness. You must voluntarily agree - not hackneyed, mechanical: "Spiritual master says like this. All right, let me do it." No. You have to understand very nicely. Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam. Priti, with love
- This life is not meant for wasting time like cats and dog. Because after all, we have to give up this life. But before giving up this life, we must gain something. That is described in the Upanisad. Etad viditva yah prayati sa brahmanah
- This modern civilization is big dog civilization, that's all. That is not human civilization. Human civilization means that he must be interested to know Krsna and God. That is human civilization
- This obstacle by the Kazi is not new to our Krishna Consciousness Movement. It was there even during the time of Lord Caitanya, but we must steadily go on with our activities without caring for these so-called custodians of law
- This second initiation is very, very serious business, and you must become very strong and firmly situated in devotional service
- This transcendental competition is very encouraging. But combined together, we must defeat Maya and her influence
- Those who are less educated, not very much expert in preaching, they must be acting as ksatriya or vaisya, or as sudra
- Those who are managers of this institution, they must always know that we cannot make this institution or this center as a brothel. There must be such management and or such arrangement that we must have always good association for advancement
- Those who have taken this movement very seriously, they should be very sober and understand at least you must expose all these rascals. That will be very much appreciated by Krsna
- Those who will manage this institution, they must be first-class gosvamis. This is my proposition. Not grhamedhi
- Through the schools or colleges, libraries, life membership program or ordinary sales, we must push on this literature distribution program. It is so important and a most valuable service to Krishna.
- To derive the full benefit of the chanting of the maha-mantra, we must first take shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, learn the Panca-tattva maha-mantra, and then chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. That will be very effective
- To the extent we are thinking of Krishna, to that extent Maya has no influence. But as much as we are desiring to forget Krishna and trying to enjoy for ourself, so to that extent we must suffer the pains of Maya
- Translation of prayers into English is good and if somebody dresses like nice American gentleman without any robes, I have no objection; but every one of my disciples must have the flag and marks of tilak on forehead
- Try to keep up this present standard and think of new ways to make it always fresh and attractive. Krsna is all attractive and evergreen, and you must use your talent to layout the magazine so that Krsna appears in print as He is
- Try to reach as many sincere souls as possible through your Sankirtan Party. This will be the greatest service you can render to Krishna and your fellow men. Krishna gave you good intelligence so now you must continue to utilize them fully in His service
- Ultimate is always be absorbed in glorifying the Lord, but not in the beginning. In the beginning you must work very hard; you come to the stage of pure devotional platform
- Under all circumstances you must remain in the association of devotees. Do not let yourself fall out of this association
- Under my guidance you must be real important, not false important
- Unless one is initiated they cannot cook. They must be regular disciples then they can do Deity worship. So there is no question of the outsiders cooking in the New Delhi temple
- Unless we are very sincere, we cannot cope with maya. That is not possible. If you remain a servant of maya, you cannot conquer over maya. You must be very sincere servant of Krsna. Then you can conquer
- Unless we have taken fully shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna, there is no stoppage of this repetition of birth and death, neither there is any peace or happiness. We must know this from all angles of vision and stick to Krsna consciousness very rigidly
- Unmarried man, because he has got no responsibility, he commits all kinds of sinful activity. That's a fact. Therefore in our Krsna consciousness movement we do not allow such illicit sex life, no. You must get yourself married
- Utsaha, endeavor. "In this life I must fulfill my mission of Krsna consciousness." That is called utsaha. Dhairya. Don't be agitated because it is not giving result immediately. Just patiently go on working
- Utsahad dhairyan niscayat. The first principle is one must be very enthusiastic. He must believe that Krsna has said that, na me bhaktah pranasyati, "My devotee will never be vanquished." So "Let me become Krsna's devotee sincerely"
- We (the GBC) must fix up what devotees we have got in the knowledge of Krishna Consciousness, then we will succeed. What good are many, many devotees if none of them are knowledgeable?
- We accept a disciple to engage in the bhajana-kriya - first of all he must give up these anarthas. So these anarthas, one cannot giving up smoking or drinking, but actually, if he takes to devotional service, he can very easily give up
- We are eternally connected with the Supreme Lord, but somehow or other we are now in material contamination. Therefore, we must take up a process by which to go back again to the spiritual world
- We are firmly convinced that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and all other are His part and parcel servants. This we must declare boldly to the whole world
- We are now extended. We must manage very nicely. Of course, management means sincere service. Then everything will be all right
- We are training, we are advocating that illicit sex is sinful. Our first condition is that one must give up these four things: illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. This is my first condition before accepting. So they agree and they follow
- We are world-wide organization, and we must have the cooperation of the government authorities, so we shall not create any unnecessary misunderstandings by avoiding government requirements
- We cannot follow asadhu-marga. We must follow sadhu-marga. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. We cannot follow an upstart, manufacturing some song, manufacturing some ideas. We cannot follow that
- We cannot neglect any department. There must be all the departments, and they must be cooperative and healthy. So this movement is meant for that purpose
- We cannot stop this movement. It is actually a fight against Maya. So Maya may also sometimes cause casualties in our camp. So, we must only thank Krsna and seriously dedicate everything for Him
- We do not allow any lazy man. He must be engaged. That is Krsna consciousness movement. That is Krsna's order
- We do not make cheap disciples. Our condition is first of all you must give up these things: illicit sex and meat-eating and intoxication, up to the drinking of tea and cigarette. You have to give up. And gambling
- We don't allow anybody to pass on as God because we are presenting real God. We must make process. The real process is to kill him. But that much power we haven't got. We cannot do that. Otherwise, we would have done so
- We don't restrict to the ordinary man, but if one comes forward to become our student, serious student, then he must follow this pravrtti-nirvrtti. Otherwise he remains asura
- We get a devotee after great endeavour, and we must train such devotee in a nice way so that he may not go back and be at large in the clutches of Maya
- We have a distinct position that we are neither cheated nor cheaters. We are the genuine representative of Krishna who is the friend of all living creatures. We must play our part independently only on faith in Krishna and His bona fide representatives
- We have been given such a nice big facility at Bhaktivedanta Manor so it is not for our eating and sleeping. Rather, on receiving such a nice place from Krsna we should take it as an indication that we must now work harder
- We have come to distribute Krsna consciousness movement. We must tolerate and give this message to the people. Karunikah. Very merciful, in spite of all trouble
- We have got so many books. Whoever comes here must read the books, devotee, the inmates of the temple, outsider, then you will understand what is Krsna consciousness
- We have got, everywhere we have got immediate boss. So we must work. That is systematic. If everyone manufactures, invents his own way of life, then there must be chaos
- We have published so many books, not that simply for selling to others. We must read also, and digest, and write articles in our Back to Godhead. That is thoughtfulness
- We have to receive mercy both from the spiritual master and Krsna. We cannot jump over to Krsna. That is another nonsense. We must approach Krsna through guru. That is parampara system. Krsna is not so cheap thing that you can jump over
- We may avoid discussing, but Bhagavata is very open for discussing all subject matter. That is fact. We should not hide anything artificially. We must discuss the fact
- We must accept the verdict of SB, which says, The absolute Personality of Godhead, who is known as Vasudeva and who is very affectionate toward His surrendered devotees, expands Himself in quadruple forms who are subordinate to Him and identical with Him
- We must adopt civil disobedience. There is no other, second way. "Capriciously you cannot impose anything against the law, against the judgment. If you do, then we shall also disobey." That should be the last resolve
- We must all become ideal in our character and then people will be very impressed with such purity. A devotee is faultless. He has no flaws
- We must approach Krsna through guru. That is parampara system. Krsna is not so cheap thing that you can jump over
- We must avoid the risk of a separatist movement, unity is our purpose; just like in London where the Indians are starting their own Hindu Radha-Krsna Temple
- We must be conscious of the difference between our present and past conditions and should always be very careful not to fall from the most exalted life
- We must be educated how to control the senses, how to control the senses. Therefore while eating, we are reminded that this eating is... If you do not take it as prasadam, then eating is sense enjoyment
- We must be very careful about deity worship, if it is neglectful then it is very offensive and that will not help us, we should not do it simply for show
- We must be very enthusiastic, that "I must surrender to Krsna. Although my mind is going outside, but I must be determined that I must surrender." This is called utsaha, enthusiasm
- We must become so responsible for seriously practicing this art of KC, because this world is so full of degrading elements of life for dragging everyone down & down, & if just a few men can perfect the art, they can save the rest of all the people
- We must carefully follow in the footsteps of Sri Madhavendra Puri and observe how he installed the Gopala Deity on top of Govardhana Hill, how he arranged and performed the Annakuta ceremony in only one day, and so forth
- We must consider that whatever we are doing, that is our defeat, because we are doing everything in false consciousness
- We must consult Bhagavad-gita very regularly, try to understand the problems of life, and the first problem is that you have to change your body
- We must declare boldly to the whole world, that they should not foolishly dream of world peace unless they are prepared to surrender fully to Krishna as Supreme Lord
- We must depend upon the authority and control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We must eat something which will help me in my real philosophy. But we must eat something which will help me in my real business. My real business is Krsna consciousness. Therefore I must eat krsna-prasadam
- We must elevate ourself to the second class devotee position. To become first-class devotee, that is very difficult job. We can expect after executing devotional service as a madhyama-adhikari. Then we can be promoted
- We must exist on cooperation, otherwise the whole thing is doomed if we simply go on fighting over some small thing. So try to organize things and preach together in this spirit, and that will please me very, very much
- We must exist on such cooperation, otherwise the whole thing is doomed if we simply go on fighting over some small thing
- We must expose them, that's all. This is our business. This is a good opportunity in the court, so that it will be published. People will know what is our philosophy. Licking of vagina civilization, this. Publish
- We must expose these rascals by strong preaching and profuse distribution of these Krsna Conscious literatures
- We must find out a way to take permission from the draft board that our institution is a recognized religious institution of Hindu Vedic origin, and we are training students for preaching God-consciousness
- We must follow the path of mahajana, the instruction of the acarya. Then we can become purified. And unless we are purified, there is no question of pure devotional service
- We must get the support of the mass of men, and if the leading men can be induced by you to preach on our behalf, then you will be able to speed up the process and actually that is a very great service for Krsna
- We must have a very efficient office at each temple, with facilities for prompt distribution of mail to the proper persons, not that the mail is simply left in a corner for everyone to pick through and find out for themselves
- We must have close cooperation between America and Germany for the successful publication of our BTG regularly in French, German and English languages
- We must have our books printed, we have wasted much time in the matter of editing and finding out a suitable publisher
- We must have respect. Respectable person must be respected. Otherwise, what it is? That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's . . . amanina manadena. Don't expect any respect for yourself, but you offer respect to everyone
- We must impress upon the parties involved that Krishna Conscious marriage is not some cheap thing that may be embraced whimsically and at any time thrown off. The boy and girl must be willing to accept each other for life
- We must keep ourself spiritually strong. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He was behaving in His life, and that He was teaching. . . . behave like spiritual man
- We must know thoroughly how Krsna is acting. That is all explained in the Bhagavad-gita. If we study Bhagavad-gita very carefully, as it is, we can understand
- We must know what is God, whether actually we can put our faith and trust in Him, whether He is trustworthy, what is that God. This science should be introduced
- We must know what is our constitutional position. That we do not know. We are sat, eternal; therefore we shall act in such a way that will benefit my eternal life
- We must know, we must find out guru who knows sastra, the essence of sastra, Vedic, Vedas. What is the essence of Vedas? Vedanta. Vedanta means to know Krsna
- We must learn all of us, to defeat these nonsense rascals, and curtail this epidemic of Impersonalism, which is fatal to the innocent people. We can stop this epidemic with this information of Krishna Consciousness, and it is our duty to do it
- We must learn how to do all kinds of varieties of engagements on Krsna's service, not that we shall expect anyone else to act for us and thus avoid something ourselves
- We must learn how to see Krsna. So we should not think that "Here is a stone statue." As soon as we think of stone statue, then our this feeling, bhava, will be lost
- We must make a large propoganda program for Krsna Consciousness by distributing these books everywhere, all over the world
- We must not deviate from the injunctions of the sastras. This is confirmed in the next verse of the Caitanya-caritamrta - CC Adi 17.25
- We must print hundreds and thousands of books and distribute them at the same speed and thus we will have a great effect on the mass population of Europe and America
- We must publish our books as much as possible because that will create our position. Back to Godhead should be the life and soul for the Society
- We must push forward this (Krsna consciousness) movement tolerantly for the benefit of human society
- We must read. Then our position as brahmana will be fulfilled
- We must remember that a sinful man cannot develop God Consciousness. The four pillars of sinful life are: 1) no illicit sex, 2) animal killing or animal eating, 3) indulgence in intoxication in any form, and 4) take to the life of gambling
- We must remember that such incidents (of CC Adi 17.127) took place in the past, five hundred years ago, and the fact that they are still going on
- We must rise early in the morning, bathe, attend mangala-arati, worship the Deities, chant the Hare Krsna mantra, study the Vedic literatures and follow all the rules prescribed by the acaryas and the spiritual master
- We must run the Society on cooperation
- We must see practically if someone is leading a pure life and not be blinded by some sentiment
- We must see the inconceivable mystic power. Just like Krsna, as a child, lifted a hill. This is inconceivable mystic power. Ramacandra, He constructed a bridge of stone without pillar
- We must simply accept the word of Lord Ramacandra, Lord Krsna and Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and follow in Their footsteps. Then it may be possible for us to know the purpose of Their incarnations
- We must stay together and vigorously preach the Krsna Consciousness philosophy to the world. That is the real spirit of Lord Caitanya's Movement
- We must stick to Krsna consciousness without any designative ideas. We must stand on the transcendental platform
- We must stick to the service of the Lord very seriously & that will help us make progress
- We must take advantage of this great benediction (given by Lord Caitanya: by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, we gradually develop our eternal relationship with the Supreme Person, and go back home, back to Godhead) of the great Personality of Godhead
- We must try to avoid becoming too much overly organized like the material businessmen. Our business is to ourselves become Krishna conscious, advance in spiritual life, and to preach to others how they can also take advantage
- We must utilize our intelligence fully for serving Krishna. Serving Krishna does not mean that we sit idly and say that Krishna will take care of all our business. That is not depending on the Lord. Depending on Krishna means to act always in KC
- We must utilize this human form of body properly to understand that, I am not this body; I am pure consciousness. And this pure consciousness I have to practice in such a way that in next life I get my pure conscious or into pure spiritual body
- We must work for Krsna's sake. We shall go to the Krsna's temple, or we shall go for selling Krsna's books, or meeting some Krsna devotee
- We shall live under a tree, that is not difficult, but we must go on preaching every moment, that will make us happy
- We shall not open any more Centers for the time being. We have so many programs which require manpower and resources so we now must consolidate our energy
- We should be known as shaven-headed, not long-hair-headed. This is discrepancy. At least once in a month you must be clearly shaven-headed
- We should clearly establish our aims in such situations and sit by idly. We must preach very boldly whenever the situation is favorable
- We should never think that oh, my service is so much valuable to Krishna; I am performing such nice service. No. But we must take our service seriously because it will be to our benefit and Krishna will be pleased
- We should not be lazy and idle and gossiping. We must fully utilize the intelligence which God has given us, but at the same time, we must completely depend on God. This is called "In God we trust"
- We should not be lazy and sleepy, at the same time not foolishly active. We must come to the real standard of life, goodness
- We should not be sorry. Because Krsna says. When we, I mean to say, deliberately discuss on sastras, there is no question of compromising. We must face the bare facts
- We should not think independent. We must become bhadra. Then all auspicity will come
- We want our men to come to India to learn the Sanskrit language so that we can study the Vedic literature. So you must arrange for a teacher to coach these boys in Sanskrit
- Well, she is also an woman. She has no much intelligence. But here, to manage Krsna's affairs, is also Krsna's work. Don't take it otherwise. We must be engaged in Krsna's business
- What is important is that everyone must engage in Krishna's service under the direction of the spiritual master
- What is the difficulty? You must discuss. Otherwise how it can be resolved?
- Whatever happens we must take it as the special mercy shown by Krsna to his devotee. Yes, the reading of Krsna Book and chanting at his bedside must go on. I am offering prayers to Krsna that He may protect Jaya Gopala, who is such sincere devotee
- Whatever we have to do to induce people to take a book, that is nice. We shall judge the thing by its result, not by its means. At the same time, we must avoid irritating or disappointing anyone by cheating them or telling big lies which become detected
- Whatever we have to do to induce people to take a book, that is nice. We shall judge the thing by its result, not by its means. But at the same time, we must avoid irritating anyone
- Whatever you have learned - you are one of the old students - whatever you have gathered by experience, you must hand them over to the new students. This is called parampara
- When I learn that you are selling many BTGs and are receiving nice support from the community, I am very much encouraged. Now we have published our Isopanisad and you must try to sell it as far as possible
- When Krsna comes, He is not like us. And if we consider Him as one of us, then we must be rascal number one
- When one preaches he must tell the truth. Just like Lord Jesus Christ. The people did not like his preaching, but he did not stop his preaching. That is another point. You see? So in the preaching propaganda there is possibility of creating animosity
- When our student become serious to be initiated, we ask that you must give up these four prohibited principles. So, no illicit sex life, no gambling, no meat-eating and no intoxication
- When Sankirtana is in a troubled area, do it very carefully. It is a good idea, but you must be very careful at the same time. It is not contradictory to our principles. Rather it is a great service
- When the disciple or the son is grown up, if he is chastised, then he breaks. So before being chastised, we should be conscious that "This is our rules and regulation. We must observe"
- When the work has to be done, do it first, then chant. But you must fulfill at least 16 rounds daily
- When there was another party, then the 105 brothers (Kurus and Pandavas) were together. In this way, we must cooperate to spread Krsna consciousness
- When they (so-called jnanis, yogis, karmis and tapasvis) say they are as good as we are, we must say that only we are good and that they are not good. This is not our obstinacy; it is the injunction of the sastras
- When you go to India, you let me know and I shall give you some introductory letters to Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi, Navadvipa, Jaipur, Kanpur, etc. Perhaps you have to visit Udaipur also. But in Europe wherever you go, you must arrange for opening a centre
- When you have invited Visnu, Krsna, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to accept your service, you must be very, very careful how to render service. How cleansely, how nicely you have to serve. Otherwise everything will be spoiled
- Whenever a somebody comes to me for becoming my disciple, my first principle is that you must give up illicit sex life. You must give up meat eating, fish eating, egg eating, all this nonsense
- Whenever one goes to see some saintly person or to visit a temple, he must offer something. That will help him. It is enjoined that one should first of all dedicate his life and if it is not possible to do that, that one should dedicate his money
- Whenever there is an opportunity to hear about the transcendental activities of the Lord, we must take it
- Wherever there is opportunity to instruct about this spiritual subject matter, we must go there. We should not have such discrimination that city should be neglected. No
- Whether your husband likes to take responsibility as your spiritual guide or not, that does not matter. He must do it. It is his duty because he has taken you as his wife. Therefore he must take full responsibility for you the rest of his life
- While dealing with the ordinary men, we must spread this movement in such a way that they will not misunderstand us and take offense. Try to sell as many of my books as possible to your best ability
- Why are you asking for more men to help you in Florida? As I created, so you must create others; that is Parampara. You are already three; why do you need any more? And you are big three. You just try sincerely in your work and Krishna will bless you
- Why there should be mistakes? Mistakes makes the book useless. You must be very, very careful. It will be detrimental to the sales
- Why they should accept Bhagavata? We are not accepting Bible, so why they should accept Bhagavata? That is no argument. You must present the Vedic knowledge in such a way that they will be obliged to accept: "Yes, it is right."
- With such sentiment for Krsna, or Krsna consciousness, we can accept everything. If the typewriter can be utilized for advancing our Krsna consciousness movement, we must accept it
- Without preaching, without understanding philosophy, you cannot keep your strength. Everyone should be thoroughly well-conversed with the philosophy which we are putting... That means you must read thoroughly every day
- Women when not with husband must live very very humbly and simple life
- Yes, if anyone agrees to live with us in the temple he must without any exception follow the four rules and regulations, plus the other regulative principles, otherwise he may be asked kindly to leave the temple and live outside
- Yes, it certainly requires many leaders to manage the many affairs of a large scale institution, so you must train up whatever men you have got and try to manage this way
- Yes, the big Deities are already shipped to Los Angeles. We must have in L.A. immediately the installation of these big Deities. As soon as I arrive, I shall install Them
- Yes, they must be strange, because they are spiritual. You are all material. So for the material persons, we are surely strange people
- Yes, try to pick up Chayavan Swami. He seems to want to do some good for the African people but you must convince him that besides Krishna Consciousness all other so-called welfare work is simply a waste of time
- Yes, we must set up our society as a school as best we can - I have already sent you letter. Please formulate the whole curriculum because we have to immediately submit to the Draft department & if this is accepted that will be great gain for our society
- You (the Temple President) must make sure that all the devotees in your temple are always satisfied as far as possible by being happy in spiritual life
- You and your good wife must endeavor strongly together to become fully Krsna Conscious through this simple, sublime process that I have given
- You are an elder disciple and you have heard what I am speaking, so you should just speak what you have heard and it will have potent effect. This is the power of the parampara, disciplic succession. So you must be prepared to meet all opposition
- You are making arrangements for me but also I think you should make arrangements for calling your wife. The husband and wife must live together for helping one another in developing Krishna Consciousness
- You are not forbidden to do this thing or that thing, but you have to see only whether by your action the Supreme Lord is satisfied. That's all. That much knowledge you must have. Then your life will be successful
- You are not to judge. You should be, you should know that this man is appointed, and he gets here by spiritual process. I must follow. You cannot judge him
- You are the president of the Temple and therefore you are responsible for all areas. Who is in charge of the Deity room? It must be secured at night, every window and door must be locked and you must personally see to this
- You as mother and father must take responsibility to deliver these nice children and that will be a very great service for Krsna
- You become guru, but you must be qualified first of all. Then you become... What is the use of producing some rascal guru?
- You become Krsna conscious; then you become fully aware of everything. Otherwise you remain rascal, fools, gadha, asses. If you prefer to remain asses, you can do so, but we are servant of Krsna. We must preach real, reality
- You can do any nonsense and still you become initiated. Give me some money. No. We don't make such compromise. You must first of all agree to give up all these sinful activities. Then I can accept you. I can initiate you. This is our process
- You can have sannyasis chant on their beads, and give them their spiritual names and beads at the fire sacrifice. They must abide by the regulative principles and chanting minimum of 16 rounds daily. Then there will be steady and sure progress
- You can take action according to the necessity of business, because we must use our full intelligence in any matter
- You cannot jump over. You must go through the parampara system. You have to approach through your spiritual master to the Gosvamis, and through the Gosvamis you will have to approach Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- You don't sleep. Never Krsna said to Arjuna that "I am your friend. I am God. You sleep here. (laughter) I'll do everything." No! "You must fight." That is wanted. Yuddhyasva mam anusmara "You fight and remember Me. Then I'll do everything"
- You have got good ideas, you are intelligent and have got qualifications, but you must learn to be more responsible
- You have got your body, I have got my body, another has got his body. In this way we have got different bodies. So we must understand this is the platform of cultural unity
- You have taken initiation from me, so actually you are obliged to do this. You have promised, therefore there is no choice, you must follow strictly. Otherwise, you are carving your pathway to hell
- You make weekly inventories and pay weekly for the books sold. That is a good idea. You can take his help, how to do it. You must organize these things in such a way that things will go on automatically and increase more and more
- You must all carefully follow these four regulative principles and chant sixteen rounds
- You must all find time to write some articles for publishing in Back to Godhead. That is culture
- You must all jointly make these decisions about my program there, not that whimsically one man shall decide one thing another man shall decide another thing
- You must attention give to temple. When you have got the eyes to see Krsna everywhere, you may not require temple worship. But why do you try to imitate that? You have no eyes to see that
- You must be honest, not dishonest. You accept before the spiritual master that "I shall do it," and if you do not do it, that's not good. You must do it
- You must be sure that these devotees are very strictly following the regulative principles and chanting a minimum of sixteen rounds daily. They must be fully engaged in devotional service, 24 hours per day
- You must be very careful and always praying to Krishna that you will not forget Him at the time of dying
- You must be very cautious, being president that you set a perfect example so others will not be misled
- You must be very enthusiastic that "I shall preach the glories of the Lord to my best capacity." It is not that one has to become very learned scholar to become a preacher. Simply it requires enthusiasm
- You must become ideal in all respects
- You must construct something wonderful. Otherwise, it will be a discredit to you American boys. That will exalt the position of America in India. And in every temple food distribution must go on profusely with American food supplies
- You must determine if it will be easy task to raise so much money, not that we shall have to labour so much just to get money and after for maintaining, so much so that our spiritual life becomes neglected, no
- You must distribute these books, and so life membership distribution program must be vigorously done
- You must execute the duties. Just like we have asked our students to finish sixteen rounds chanting minimum. Sixteen rounds is nothing. In Vrndavana there are many devotees, they chant 120 rounds. Like that. So sixteen rounds is the minimum
- You must execute the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, parampara, Caitanya Mahaprabhu and your guru. That is real life of devotional service, to take some responsibility for working and execute it to your best capacity
- You must follow the principles that I have given at all times, under all circumstances. Without these four principles, there is no spiritual life. Even it may be very difficult you must follow
- You must follow the rules regulation so that you are benefitted. But if you are not benefitted simply by following the rules and regulation, that is agraha, only for the rules and regulation, not for the result. We must see that there is result
- You must get spiritual strength. Karmi strength will not help you
- You must give up the rotten politics immediately and rise up for the preaching work of the philosophy and religion of "Bhagwat Geeta" without offering unnecessary and dogmatic interpretations on them
- You must have a resolution how to finish the development of New Vrndavana in the right sense of the term. At the same time, please make a very nice scheme to purge out the non-Vrndavana spirit that entered in our Society
- You must have the best kind of treatment available, and you can spend from the money you are collecting on behalf of Krishna
- You must have to follow these rules and regulation (no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication) if you are serious. Then take initiation. Otherwise, don't make farce. That is my request. One has to be very determined
- You must jointly work because both of you, you have started this New Vrindaban, and you have to work jointly. There may be sometimes disagreement, but you should settle up. Otherwise how you can make progress?
- You must judge whether the match will be favorable on the point that it must not cause any disturbance either in the girl's family or in the local community
- You must keep in touch with our life members, that is their real complaint
- You must know that I am always with you all so long you are executing Krishna Consciousness
- You must know the science of Krsna consciousness. That makes you guru, not this dress
- You must live up to the rules and regulations of brahminical life. First and foremost is cleanliness
- You must make sure that all of these devotees are following the regulative principles very nicely. Everyone must rise early, take bath attend mangala arati, chant at least 16 good rounds, attend class, and follow the four regulative principles strictly
- You must now be careful so that people may not misunderstand us to be a second edition of the hippy movement
- You must pay your entire debt to the Book Fund in the future, otherwise you will become that disciple who spends the money of his Spiritual Master
- You must read. Why I am writing so many books? Not a single moment waste. If you want to become successful in Krsna consciousness, don't lose even a single moment. That should be the first determination
- You must secure document in proper legal form which will insure that the five lakhs will be subtracted from the fourteen lakhs purchase price, not that again we shall have to pay according to Mr. Nair's whims
- You must secure one letter from Temple University stating that our Nectar of Devotion is being used as a text. This will be very helpful in introducing our literature in all the big Universities all over the country
- You must see that the brahmanas are given sufficient time to read the books
- You must set nice example for the others by following very rigidly the regulative principles, such as chanting 16 rounds on the beads, reading the books, getting up to attend mangala aratrika, etc. In this way everyone shall be encouraged
- You must stop this fighting between brothers. Otherwise the whole program will be spoiled
- You must study my books very scrutinizingly, follow the four regulative principles very strictly and chant 16 rounds daily avoiding the ten offenses. Don't take this movement as something cheap
- You must take the full responsibility to give them all guidance and facility for perfecting their lives in Krishna Consciousness. The trick is to keep everyone always engaged happily in Krishna's service, then they will advance rapidly
- You must think of your health. I had already noticed a deterioration when I was in N.Y., and now you say it has gotten worse. That is not good, and you must correct it. So do the needful
- You must treat your father as respectful as myself; even if you are sometimes ill-treated, you should tolerate. You should follow the example of Prahlada Maharaja
- You must try to utilize the whole thing for the purpose of Krsna because everything belongs to Krsna. That is your duty
- You must work conjointly. That is my desire, and if you fight amongst yourselves for some individual interests, that is not surrender
- You said that your job is maya, but you must know that maya is illusion. As soon as there is absence of Krishna Consciousness - that is maya. But you are working just to help and push Krishna's interest; therefore, it is not maya
- You should all read very carefully Srimad-Bhagavatam and BG, and you should be able to answer all questions like this, and only in rare cases approach me. But it is important that our students must be able to answer all questions for becoming preachers
- You should always deal things so tactfully that people may not fall away. Every living being is important in Krishna Conscious service, and we must take all precautions that one may not fall away
- You should not be discouraged if people are not coming to your meetings. We are trying to please Krishna. That is all. We simply must go on with our business, to the best of our ability
- You should not give publicity. You must even in the beginning verify that we are not hippies. Hare Krsna movement is not for hippies. In many places this is a notion, that we are hippies
- You should take either the tape recorder I have here, or one which Mr. Kallman will supply. Finally, there is the big Royal typewriter, which you must pack nicely and bring
- You train up some qualified men and send them and if they can do something there it will be a great achievement. Simply they must chant Hare Krsna, observe the regulative principles and read our literatures sincerely and their success is guaranteed
- Your first consideration must be to see that your children become Krishna conscious, and if your husband will not take his responsibility, then what can be done? Simply you must keep to the principles, and pray to Krishna to help you
- Your idea for starting a Krsna Conscious center in American Samoa is very good, but first you must be well conversant with our philosophy and following all the principles
- Your program for traveling on the West coast holding festivals at schools and communes is approved by me. Especially you must try to convince these students to join us
- Your question in regard to marriage, we must impress upon the parties involved that Krishna Conscious marriage is not some cheap thing that may be embraced whimsically and at any time thrown off
- Your Sankirtana Movement there is growing in popularity, and therefore you must immediately have a nice place. I think that for this purpose the five-story building is quite suitable
- Your study aids that you are using to help the children learn the meaning of Bhagavad-gita slokas fully seem to be alright. You must see that the meaning of the verse is in no way altered or changed. Simplification is alright but do not change anything
- Your temple attendance must continue. So if it is possible that you shall live with the boys at the temple, then that is very good idea, and work also with your father