You should have immediately utilized Mr. Nehru to give me a certificate. Lord Caitanya's movement is genuine and I am the bona fide representative in your country for this movement. Now if Mr. Nehru certifies this, then where is the difficulty to obtain the permanent Visa either from there or from here. Please see therefore immediately Mr. Hejmadi and obtain the certificate as abovementioned. I think Mr. Nehru must have already spoken to Mr. Hejmadi about this.
As advised by you I am writing separately to Hayagriva about the manuscript of Gitopanisad. For typing, Satsvarupa is always ready and therefore there is no need of employing a paid man.
Regarding other problems, depend on Krishna and try to find out a suitable place if Mr. Judy has a tendency to exploit us. I think Kirtanananda may do this practical service to the Society first if you are certain that Macmillan Co. is not going to take to our publication, then you must keep aside the $5,500. for this purpose. We must have our books printed, we have wasted much time in the matter of editing and finding out a suitable publisher. When I was alone there were three volumes published but during the last two years I could not publish a single volume more. It is a great defeat. If I have one or two sincere souls like you and if we can make more publications, then our mission will be a great success. I am prepared to sit down underneath a tree with one sincere soul and in such activity I shall be free from all diseases.
I know that you are very much anxious to see me in good health and by the Grace of Krishna I am getting well day by day. The only thing is that this time I wish to return on permanent Visa or immigration Visa and before I go I wish to begin the printing of Gitopanisad.