Category:We Have (Disciples of SP)
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- A devotee never prays to Krsna. They have to undergo so much trouble; still they never pray to Krsna. They know that "Krsna will give us ultimately protection. Let us do our duty"
- A devotee's one qualification is daksa, daksa, expert. Out of the twenty-six qualifications, a devotee is always very expert in dealing. It is not that because they have left anything material, they do not know how to deal with material things
- A Grhastha or householder like you, you are also tridandi. Because you have sacrificed everything, your life, your home, and your child, so you are a tridandi sannyasi, in fact
- A man comes and joins this Krsna consciousness movement, and in the middle he falls down, he does not make further progress because he falls down. But whatever he has done, that is permanent credit
- A man is born out of his father and mother, so He has to take His birth from a father and mother. So these fathers and mothers are first sent. I think in the Bible they call messiahs, or what you have?
- A pure lover of God, he loves everyone. Just like we are. Because we have tried to love God, therefore we are wandering, touring all over the world, and the same message, - Please try to love God
- A sadhu is advised, titiksavah, tolerate. Tolerate all this nonsense. What can be done? We have no other alternative to tolerate. Nobody's coming to help us, our business is so thankless task
- A sannyasi may live alone in forest or in Himalaya or in a secluded place in Vrndavana or somewhere, but a grhastha, he has to deal with ordinary persons, so many others, businessmen or ordinary people
- A Vaisnava is transcendental. He hasn't got to train under this discipline. Because he takes shelter of Krsna directly, he's given immediately all protection
- Abruptly if we stop, that will not be good. So we have to rectify by arrangement and agreement. I am simply surprised how you all GBC men agreed to give him $4000 per month. So the mistake has been made, now it has to be corrected by other ways
- Actually all my disciples are sannyasis because they have surrendered everything in the service of Krsna
- Actually that mentality is sannyasa. It doesn't matter whether we have changed the dress or not, but if we decide it, that "I am eternal servant of Krsna; my only duty is to serve Krsna," that is sannyasa
- Actually we have need of many men in India, at least another 50 or 60. But they need not be important men. Assistant men will do nicely. So if you can arrange to send 50 or 60 men here for propaganda work in Calcutta and Bombay, that will be very nice
- Actually we have no quarrel with them (Christian). We accept Lord Jesus Christ as the son of God and he was a great Vaishnava. Because he appeared in another country does not mean that we should not offer him respect
- Actually, a brahmacari should contribute whatever he has got to Krishna, through the Spiritual Master. The Spiritual Master does not accept anything for his personal use, but he employs everything for Krishna's service
- Actually, a Vaisnava is above this varnasrama-dharma. But we don't claim that we have become perfect Vaisnava. We are not so impudent. We want to remain under the Vaisnava. Under the Vaisnava
- Actually, because you have given your life to Krishna, you are already perfect. But it is just like the ocean, if you are swimming in it you may swim forever and not reach the shore. Similarly, there is no limit to the perfection of Krishna Consciousness
- Actually, you are an ideal householder couple, and I want that such grhastha couples should manage things as they have a tendency to organize and manage
- Actually, you have only one Spiritual Master, who initiates you, just as you have only one father. But every Vaisnava should be treated as prabhu, master, higher than me, and in this sense, if I learn from him, he may be regarded as guru
- Acyutananda has already wasted 10 months time by his childish frivolities; sometimes preacher, sometimes guru, and sometimes so and so
- Advice of friends here has been accepted by me that opening of too many branches at the present stage will be too heavy for us. Let us consolidate there in two places which we have already opened
- After all, we are beggars; we have no money, no business, no income. Whatever you pay us in exchange of books or subscription, we utilize it
- All my disciples, because they have surrendered, so there is cooperation. Therefore this movement is increasing
- All my senior disciples are requesting me to revive my translating work and I would like to do so for the remaining days of my life. So you have to help me to get Srimad-Bhagavatam and the other translating work done as quickly as possible
- All of our children should go to Dallas when they are four and begin their training program there. In Dallas, they have full facility approved by me, I have personally seen that they are doing very nicely there
- All of these American and European boys and girls, they have had enough of money, they are sons of millionaires and rich men of America, still they do not ask me for one farthing for their work
- All our men should write. Otherwise how we shall know that he has understood the philosophy?
- All the devotees should be satisfied. They have given their lives to Krishna, so we should see they are always happy. Their service is voluntary. It is not that we can force anyone to do anything. If we do they will go away and that is a great loss
- All the three altars should be of the same style. I am enclosing the copy of the style which I have approved for all three altars. This style is nice, the one which you had chosen for Lord Ramacandra's altar, so you can use this style for all three
- All these boys and girls who are sitting here, you know that they have given up automatically (four pillars of sinful activities). They have been able, by association with Krsna
- All these boys and girls who are under my direction, they have no other interest, simply Krsna
- All Vedic literatures are to be understood with faith and devotion, not by mundane scholarship. We have therefore presented Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- Although a physical body is not present, the vibration should be accepted as the presence of the spiritual master, vibration. What we have heard from the spiritual master, that is living
- Although all the sannyasis we have initiated in ISKCON are young, we have awarded them the titles of the renounced order of life, svami and gosvami, because they have completely dedicated their lives to preach the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although I am condemning the western mode of life, still, so many western young boys, they have come. I never came to speak to flatter you, that "Your western civilization is very nice." I never said that
- Although the atmosphere is surcharged with opposing elements in this age of Kali, if we simply have faith in the words of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although you are only two you should carry on all your programs as far as possible. In the beginning I was only one and I started everything, so you have twice as many men. Trust in Krsna and simply dedicate your life
- Always, twenty-four hours, cent percent, he will be absorbed in Krsna and at the time of death at once transferred there. This should be the process of life. Therefore we have taken this movement, Krsna consciousness. Join us. Cooperate with us
- Anartha means things which are not wanted. We are accustomed to so many things, rascal things, which is not at all wanted. But we have been accustomed. By bad association
- And this kind of hypocrisy. They have taken sannyasa and mixing with woman. This is not to be allowed
- Another thing has developed in the meantime, that we have made contract to purchase a nice church here, costing $225,000; and the down payment has to be made $50,000 within the month of March
- Another thing, why are you always calling on the telephone? Are you such important men that you have to call all over the world? We are poor men sons, what can I do? But, why are you always calling on the telephone?
- Anukulyena krsnanusilanam means when you have accepted the bona fide spiritual master, you should work in such a way that your spiritual master is pleased with you. Then your path is very clear
- User:Anurag
- Any of my student who will understand (the science of Krsna consciousness), he will keep it running on. This is the process. It's not a new thing. It is the old thing. Simply we have to distribute it properly, as we have heard from our predecessor acarya
- Anyone who comes in contact with the Society automatically becomes a devotee. We have actual experience that many karmis and others come to the Society and find a very pleasing and peaceful atmosphere in the temples of ISKCON
- Anyone, to not identify with this bodily designation, it is not very easy task. But still, if we go on hearing the krsna-katha, as we have begun here, it will be very easy
- Anyway, if he has said so, that is wrong
- As Krsna is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, similarly I am also sac-cid-ananda, part and parcel. The difference is that I am very minute. As we have several times explained, the minute particle of gold is also gold. That is not different
- As Krsna sees the sincerity of our hearts, He supplies the facilities. Just like I came to your country with only 40 rupees, and now we have got this huge institution
- As soon as he is on the lap of his mother, immediately stops, crying. Why? He can understand, "Now I have got the real thing." Other woman taking, he still continues crying. You have seen it?
- As soon as Krsna is within your heart so when you read Bhagavad-gita or Krsna book with little seriousness, then Krsna understands, "Now he is serious to understand me." You haven't got to search out Krsna, He's already within you
- As soon as you become a rascal - "Now I have become advanced. I don't require to chant sixteen rounds. I can do whatever I like" - then he has gone to hell. Upstart, immediately he becomes paramahamsa. He's a rascal
- As they have been trained up to rise early in the morning, this will give you spiritual strength. If you simply becomes a gramophone speaker, then it will not be effective. Gramophone or tape record speaker, that will not be. You must be live speaker
- As we have discussed several times, it is to be understood that by the supremely powerful potency of the Lord, as described by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, everything is possible
- As we have read in the Fourth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh: "In this way, traditionally, from the spiritual master to the student, this knowledge was imparted"
- As you are an important worker there and you have so many important duties, especially to take care of the cows, it may not be possible for you to stop your work for chanting 16 rounds. This is no great loss, and you should not feel badly about it
- As you have asked for my suggestion, I would request you to formulate a scheme so that our Indian brothers interested in Krsna consciousness may join this movement and send many preachers all over the world
- As you have described the placing of my photograph and offering to it Prasadam, that is good. In consultation with Aksayananda Maharaj, just find out some responsible men to stay there
- As you have pleased me, you should take it that you have pleased Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is for this I have given you sannyasa, to be prepared to go anywhere on my order and preach sincerely and purely without any other consideration
- As you have requested for the time being Vishambarji may stay for helping with the Gurukula construction. I know he is very much expert
- As you have suggested, you may make any suitable arrangement and that is approved by me however you make it fit. The only thing is the artists must be always engaged fulltime in their painting work
- As you have written in a friendly spirit, I do not wish to discuss this point further. If you will kindly take a little trouble to read this chapter "Lord Caitanya meets Vallabha Bhatta" you will understand the whole situation
- As you love your hands and legs, as you feel when your hand is in trouble, similarly Krishna feels for you when you are in trouble. The hand has value when it is attached to the body. Similarly, we have values when we are Krishna Conscious
- As your spiritual master, I have my whole-hearted thanks for your service. May Krsna bless you. You have done a great service for being recognized by Krsna, and continue with this work
- Ask your wife to chant this mantra and you hear it and if possible hold a fire ceremony as you have seen during your marriage and get this sacred thread on your body. Saradia, or any twice-initiated devotee, may perform the ceremony
- Association is so important. So if we become serious for developing divine consciousness, then this is the only association - we have established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
- Asuci means unclean. Peaceful life means purification. So if you purify and again become unclean, that we have discussed hasti-snana, the elephant
- At least human body is guaranteed, even one fails to complete the Krsna consciousness. Because he gets another chance. To get birth in a rich family means he has no economic problem. He can completely engage himself to understand what is God
- At present everyone goes to school, and everyone is given the same type of education, although no one knows what the result will be. The result, however, is most unsatisfactory, as we have seen in the Western countries especially
- At present, we have about 100 centers worldwide and about 10,000 fully dedicated students in those centers. You are welcome to visit or stay in any of our centers for your spiritual advancement
- Aurobindo does not belong to the Bhakti school. He is more or less a dry philosopher, mental speculator, with some mystic ideas. We are simply concerned with pure devotees, so we have nothing to learn from Aurobindo
- Bali Mardan has told me that you have - no inclination to supervise or check regularly on these financial matters, and thus it is left to a Treasurer who is also not very competent
- Because it is truth, you will come triumphant. There is no doubt about it. It is truth. Now you have to know how to present the truth. That is your business
- Because the devotees have given up everything to serve Krishna. Money, jobs, reputation, wealth, big educations, everything. Their lackings have become transcendental because, despite everything they may do, their topmost intention is to serve Krishna
- Because we have got substantial sale of books, we are free to get money. And it is unbelievable that religious books are sold thirty thousand, forty thousand, fifty thousand daily. There is no history
- Because you have come to me it will be my prime duty to guide you and utilize your talents for Krsna's service
- Because you have forgotten Krsna, therefore Krsna has given you so many books, Vedic literature. Therefore I was stressing, don't waste your time in reading nonsense literature. Just concentrate your mind in this Vedic literature
- Because you have heard it from a pure devotee of the Lord, therefore it is transmitted from you to another. Just as an aerial message, is transmitted from one place to another, similarly, this Guru parampara system is working
- Because you have worked so hard for Krishna, making all sacrifice without any personal selfish motive, therefore you are making such nice advancement in spiritual life. Thank you very much for helping me in this preaching work
- Becomes a renounced order, sannyasi, and highest order, and then, after some time, he becomes engaged in opening hospitals and philanthropic work and in politics. We have seen it. Oh, why?
- Best thing would have been to live with us and work, give contribution as much as possible for running on this missionary work. But the thing is, we have no place
- Better to develop the small number of devotees we have, make them truly Krishna conscious boys and girls than to go on getting many followers who do not understand and practice the real principles
- Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu by Rupa Gosvami which we have translated by the name, Nectar of Devotion, the Complete Science, the Complete Science of Bhakti-yoga, this is very important book of understanding how to become purified in devotional service
- Bhuliya Tomare, CDV 17 - We have heard so much about surrender. So here are some of the songs how one can make surrender
- Birth, should be understood to refer to the body. As far as the soul is concerned, there is neither birth nor death; that we have discussed in the beginning of Bhagavad-gita. Birth & death apply to one's embodiment in the material world. BG 1972 purports
- Brahmacari, one who is not married, simply working under the order of the spiritual master, he has also cent percent time to work. So these are the secrets, that one has to work for Krsna
- Brahmananda has gone to Japan to complete the KRSNA book. Everything is going alright. A few copies will be ready by the Rathayatra, and I have advised him to send you 25 copies to begin the sales from Rathayatra auspicious date
- Brahmananda Swami has read me your letter regarding the students there reading other books. I request you to stop this practice
- Brahmanas should study carefully, especially Gita, Isopanisad, Nectar of Devotion and NOI as well as all the small paperbacks. Soon we will have yearly examinations for brahmanas based on these books & those who pass will be awarded Bhakti-sastri titles
- Bruce has not yet taken his initiation. He wants to remain with us independently. I have no objection for such conclusion but unless he is properly initiated, he cannot help you either in the kitchen or with Deity worship
- By association with undesirable companions we have learned so many bad habits and similarly by association with pure persons or devotees we can become purified of our acquired bad habits
- By Krishna's Grace you have now a lot of experience travelling with me and I hope it will be possible to manage the restaurant better and better. My blessings to your wife and child
- By Lord Caitanya's mercy we have been given all concessions possible for this age, so at least we should always remember that neglect of our prescribed duties in devotional service will not make us successful in the mission we have undertaken
- By misuse of independence we have become out of Krsna's appreciation
- By the Grace of Krishna you have a good husband, good association, good land, and good engagements. Similarly, you have got a very good atmosphere in Columbus. So be happy with all these, Krishna's gifts, and be advanced in Krishna Consciousness
- By the grace of Krsna, we have no debts. No. We have no scarcity of money. They will simply find out. Now in Bombay I am getting from my Book Fund seven lakhs of rupees per month regularly
- By the grace of Krsna, you have first-class intelligence, those who have taken to Krsna consciousness. Now try to continue it. Don't give it up. Don't be foolish, mudha. Continue. Then you will be happy, and all problems of life will be solved
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu never discussed Radha-Krishna Lila with ordinary persons. We have so many other things to discuss; what is the soul, what is bhakti. To understand Radha-Krishna's Pastimes, that is our aim, but we should not indulge in this at present
- Calcutta is my birthplace, so you have kindly come here and conducting this temple. I am very much obliged to you. I cannot remain here; I have to go here and there. Try to raise the standard of Krsna consciousness, even there are so many inconveniences
- Carving tulasi beads should not be your sole occupation. You should also go out for street sankirtana and distribute my literature for the cripple minded masses, and whatever spare time you have you can carve some tulasi beads for me to sanctify
- Cheating Krsna is no business. That is to be punished. You cannot cheat Krsna. But if by accident, knowingly or unknowingly, you have done something which is not good, that is excused
- China has attacked the border of India with a militaristic spirit. We have practically no business in the political field, yet we see that previously there were both China and India, and they both lived peacefully for centuries without ill feeling
- Compare what you were before to what you have become, now challenge any other mantra to produce such effect
- Concerning my house in Mayapur, I have requested Saurabha in Bombay to postpone any idea for beginning the house until we have the master plan of the city. I may decide to move the location away from the front gate to a more secluded place
- Concerning the initiation of your wife, Revatinandan Swami has approved her being recommended for first initiation, & he has been informed accordingly of her spiritual name. As disciples you must strictly chant 16 rounds of japa, Hare Krishna Maha-mantra
- Concerning the installation of Deities of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Maharaja Prabhupada and myself, you have my permission to have them for the Chicago temple
- Concerning the Vedic statements, if you do not know, what can I do? You have to know it otherwise why do you speak something about what you do not know
- Cyavana has misspent, that is clear. Therefore, indirectly we are responsible because we could not control him. Slack management Arrange things so that in the future these things may not occur
- Dai Nippon has upped their price for Hindi BTG considerably, so it is better to print in Bombay just as you have done with Gujarati BTG. When you return to Bombay, you can try for this
- Dayananda has told me that Mr. George Harrison is interested to see me, and he is going to stay one week more, and so let us see what happens
- Dharma generally meant occupational duty. We have several times explained, the English dictionary, dharma is explained as faith. So faith may be changed. But actually, what is meant by dharma, that is constitutional position
- Dharma, the principles of dharma has to be accepted directly from the Supreme Lord. So now the Supreme Lord is helping. We have begun this process
- Dhoti, I don't say. You have nice coat-pant. I don't say that you have to... I never said that. You have adopted it. (laughs) I never said that "You put on dhoti." But those who are sannyasis, brahmacaris, their dress is different
- Did you not say that we have got something; the pleasure derived from all these things, that is very inferior? We have got pleasure of superior quality. Therefore we have been able to give it up. That is the fact
- Dinesh and Krishna devi are going to Florida. In Florida we have 10 acres of land arranged by Dayananda and Nandarani. So all my disciples here are doing marvelously in spreading Krishna Consciousness
- Distress and happiness, they're already destined, according to our body. We have discussed this point. Take, for example, you American boys and girls: you have got a body by your previous activities. So your standard of living is better than other country
- Distribution of books means propagation of our mission. If we can distribute KRSNA book in thousands upon thousands, automatically the Krsna Consciousness Movement will be spread up. You have rightly drawn the attention of the GBC on this point
- Do everything very nicely there now. You now have very good facility for broadcasting our Krsna consciousness propaganda. Just do everything very carefully and soberly
- Do not discuss these incidents because a devotee of Lord Caitanya does not feel very happy to discuss them. But so far we have heard from authorized sources, He simultaneously entered Jagannatha Temple and Gopinatha Temple in Puri and He did not come out
- Do you mean that the changes which you have already suggested in you letter dated 11th April with quotation from Swami Vivekananda are to be added? We cannot add any quotation from Swami Vivekananda
- Don't be disappointed that the whole day you work, you got no collection, and nobody was interested in Krsna consciousness. No. Don't be disappointed. You have worked sincerely the whole day, that is your credit
- Don't be disturbed in mind. Whatever irregularities you have and with chanting your rounds or with Gayatri Mantra, that you to now and Krishna will forgive you. I am praying to Krishna for steadiness of your mind
- Don't be satisfied that you have understood. No. This should be distributed. In my old age I have come to your country carrying the order of my spiritual master to distribute it. You are all young boys and girls; take this message and distribute it
- Don't become stagnant - "Now I have understood Krsna consciousness, I shall sit down and chant Hare Krsna." We don't want that. Go, spread, preach, and make your nation glorified
- Don't misuse this opportunity. Some way or other, you have come in contact with this movement. Properly utilize it. Don't go to the darkness. Always remain in bright light
- Don't think that because you are teaching a sudra how to work like this, you have become a sudra. You are not sudras, any circumstances. Even though you teach to a sudra how to work like a sudra
- Don't think that: "Because I have become a devotee, there will be no danger, no suffering." Prahlada Maharaja suffered so much. The Pandavas suffered so much. Haridasa Thakura suffered so much. But we should not be disturbed by those sufferings"
- Dr. Svarupa Damodara Brahmacari, he has written a small booklet. He has criticized Darwin very strongly, that he is a speculator. A speculator cannot give you truth. That is not possible
- Eating, sleeping, mating, all these are material demands; the more we minimize, then that is good, but not at the risk of health. Because we have to work for Krishna, so we must maintain our health nicely
- Editing of my lectures may be a hard task for you but it will prove an examination test for you as how far you have heard me attentively
- Either girl or boy devotees may deliver lecture if they choose to do. We have no such distinction of bodily designations, male or female. Krishna Consciousness is on the spiritual platform
- Enclosed please find the copy of the letter to Gaura Govindas das asking him to come to Bombay. Why he has not yet come?
- Enclosed you will find one letter from Austin temple. So that is in your zone. He has so many questions, and these types of enquiries should be answered locally. So you can reply this letter and send me a copy also so that I can see how you are answering
- Even if we accept Lord Jesus Christ as saktyavesa avatara, it doesn't mean that we have to accept his philosophy. But we have all respects for him without fail
- Even now in this weakened condition I have got strength from your report. You should know that in this work you have Krishna's blessings. You are a sincere worker
- Even there is a promise that "We shall not fall down again," that is also not believable. What is the use? Better go and speak philosophy in your grhastha dress, not this dress, but you have nice coat, pants, gentleman
- Every month they must be asked what they need. Necessities, they must be supplied. We have already discussed this point. The women, they require protection - children, women
- Every one of us as good as sannyasi because we have sacrificed everything for Krsna
- Every Sannyasi, even if you see a Mayavadi Sannyasi, offer him your respects - there will be no harm. As you have observed we shall follow Lord Caitanya's instruction that we give all due respects to others regarding their position
- Everyone has some potency. You have special potency. Do not waste it in the service of maya, but use it in the service of Krsna
- Everyone has to die sometime, but the problem is that most men your age are thinking, "I will live another fifty years'', but now you have been informed that in your case, you will not live so long
- Everyone is prone to fall down. But that percentage is very low, say, one in five hundred. We have got about ten thousand students all over the world. Out of them, they have fallen about ten or, say, fifteen, that's all
- Everyone is welcome to take this culture, education. We have no such sectarian view. No
- Everyone knows, I have never changed my dress. Rather, I have given the dress to the foreigners, and they have taken it. The Ramakrishna mission people came to request me that I dress myself in coat, pant, hat. Because they are doing
- Everyone thinks that he is right and everyone is wrong. We do not think like that. We take the words of the authority, that's all. Or we have no respect. This is our program. That is the way of parampara
- Everything appears to be very nice, and your service in this connection is recognized. You have done a great service by meeting with Mr. John Lennon
- Everything is existing. We have to simply take the knowledge. The modern method is ascending process. The knowledge is there, but still, they are trying to understand it by aroha-pantha, ascending process. It is called inductive knowledge
- Everything is there. Even a child can take benefit out of Krsna consciousness. That you have seen practically. But we will not take it. That is the difficulty
- Everything necessary as we have prescribed. If you think that it is not necessary, unnecessary, then you under the maya. Why do you take that, "Is it necessary?" That means you are not strong enough. You cannot follow
- Everywhere you go, you will meet only rascals. Manda. The definition is given, manda. Even in our camp there are so many rascals. Just see the report. Even they have come to be reformed, they are rascals. They cannot give up their rascal habits
- Expert means whatever he is doing, he must do it very nicely That's all. Suppose you are sweeping this room. You can do it very nicely, to your best knowledge. That is expert. The people will say, "Oh, you have very nicely done."
- First of all show your capacity that you have managed these two things very nicely. Why there should be complaint? How you can solve it? And why the temples should be maintained by collection of the BBT? It is meant for printing and constructing temples
- First of all, you remain here (in New Mayapura) for some time. Be trained up. Because every one of us, we have followed the silly jackals. Now we have to follow Krsna
- First see that you have sufficient brahmins who are very well trained and qualified, then you can consider to install Sita, Rama, Laksmana, and Hanuman. They are the ideal King and it will be very suitable that They reign over the capitol of America
- First the student must be able to repeat exactly the words of the guru and then after some time he may be qualified to apply the principles he has learned word-for-word to personal situations
- Following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we have constructed temples in both Vrndavana and Mayapur, Navadvipa, just to give shelter to the foreign devotees coming from Europe and America
- For composing I think Rayarama has not given you the right time. It must be ready within one and a half months after the machine is there. By rough calculation, one can compose at least 10 pages per day, so for 400 pages it takes utmost 40-45 days
- For future guidance you will please submit your quotation statement as you have done for the first 20,000 copies of Topmost Yoga, and that will be nice. You submit your statement including all expenditure
- For householders it is prescribed that one should hear the Bhagavad-gita or other transcendental texts of which we now have ample supply from the lips of the devotee of the Lord
- For Krsna they (these European and Americans) have forsaken everything. That is pure devotion. Anyabhilasita-sunyam, jnana-karmady-anavrtam, anukulyena krsnanu- silanam bhaktir uttamam
- For management, this division must be there. Otherwise it will be mismanagement. Yes. A Vaisnava coming to the position of doing the work of a sudra does not mean he has become sudra. He's Vaisnava
- For so long I have wanted to have Rathayatra in New York and now at long last you have helped me fulfill this long-cherished dream
- For so long I have wanted to have Rathayatra in New York and now at long last you have helped me fulfill this long-cherished dream. The Ratha-carts were very strong and attractive and I thank you and all of your assistants
- For spiritual advancement of life, one has to know these basic knowledge, how we have to lead our life in order to make advancement in Krsna consciousness. We have therefore these restrictions
- Formerly, this place, Manor, was known as Piggot's Manor. Now we have named Bhaktivedanta Manor. What is the difference? Formerly, it was for sense gratification. Now it is meant for elevating one to the spiritual standard of life
- From now on, the temples will operate independently and try to improve their spiritual life more carefully, so there is no more need for such financial arrangement of centralization, as you have proposed
- From the very beginning I have always preached that basically we have no difference between the Christians, the Mohammedans, the Hindus, or the Buddhists, the four principal religionists in the world
- From the very beginning of your meeting with me you have very sincerely & honestly carried out my orders & I am so much obliged to you for your simple and plain behavior
- From this letter I can understand that texts number 6 and 7 are missing in the manuscript of the third canto which you have in Boston. The original manuscript is in New York, and when I go there, maybe in April, I will find this for you
- From your letter it appears you have found a nice place for a center there. Yes, we can use everything in Krsna's service and when Krsna gives us a nice big house that does not mean we use it for our eating and sleeping, but we work harder in His service
- Gargamuni is organizing book-selling, and perhaps you have received his memo to all temple presidents regarding selling our literature. So I am consulting with him before I finally decide about the MacMillan Company
- Gaura Nitai can be established anywhere, and it is simple to worship Them simply chant before Their Lordships. He doesn't mind that you have not decorated very nicely, but if you chant and dance He is very pleased
- Gaurasundara has tried to make complete havoc of our affairs there but because I have faithful sons like yourself I think we shall be able to recover what he has tried to ruin
- Go ahead with new vigor and energy to push on the Krishna Consciousness Movement in London. You have already created an impression in the greatest city in the world, and I hope in the future there will be even greater hope for this movement
- Go on spreading the sankirtana movement more and more. I am only one person, but because all of you have kindly cooperated with me, this movement has now become a success all over the world
- God, or Krsna, is so affectionate that we have come here in this material world simply to pass stool and urine, still. He's attending. Just imagine what merciful is Krsna
- Gradually people are understanding that God is not only not dead, but He is factually present with us at every moment. If we have the necessary qualification, to see God eye-to-eye is quite possible
- Greedy for Krsna. Tatra laulyam eka laulyam. To get Krsna, you have only one price: to become greedy for Krsna
- Gurukrpa Maharaja has taken charge of the collecting for Mayapur now. You can simply send his food relief collection money to Mayapur. When the Bombay project is finished and Mayapur begins, the Mayapur project should be financed in the same way
- Hare Krishna Mantra will clear away all of the difficulties that you have mentioned. Actually, as pure spirit soul, there is no difficulty; the cause of all problems is that we are forgetful of the fact that we are part and parcel of Krishna
- Harikesa was doing nice preaching work and recently he has received one letter from Sucandra. Both of them can work there very nicely
- Have a European preaching center and try to enlist all the hippies and tourists who come to Vrndavana. Give them nice prasadam, engage them in chanting, cleaning the temple, reading our books, and give them all facilities for becoming devotees
- Have nice Deity program, always have lots of Kirtana, serve ample Prasadam very sumptuously and speak something from my books
- Have you taken delivery of the 1st chapter Bhagavad-gita from the publisher with whom you left it for examination? You have not informed me about this. Please take care of this
- He (Acyutananda Swami) was so convinced that "What this rascal (Akhandananda Swami) can say to me? I know. I have heard from Krsna." This is knowledge
- He appears to plan to want to "close the door" to their present temple. So he has asked me for a decision
- He has become impersonal. He is simply out of the jurisdiction of personal care. The guru is personal or Krsna is impersonal?
- He has caused a great difficulty in the management of our Honolulu temple. Of course Gurukrpa has got to handle the situation nicely, but what can I do from here
- He has done "The world Examiner" expertly, in the style of "The Reader's Digest", taking articles from different newspapers. Combinedly, it is a strong statement against the criminal position of "deprogramming". Distribute them widely
- He has drifted from our society completely and his letter is very discouraging. He has accused everyone save himself. So I do not know what can be done with him
- He has given us the book, and we have printed 30,000 copies. We shall not publish on the basis of royalty
- He has gone directly to N.Y. & is now causing these disturbances without consulting me. I have not sanctioned these methods. In my opinion, Clean shaved Brahmacharies & Grhasthas in saffron robes look like angels from Baikunta
- He has taken to the shelter of Krsna, therefore his all past business is finished. Although, due to past habit, sometimes you find some mistake, it is not to be taken
- He has violated our rules and regulations and thus fallen down
- He is so much absorbed in ignorance that he has no time to think that "Repeatedly I am stealing, and repeatedly I am arrested, and I am punished, I sent to jail. Why I am doing this?"
- He must practice with determination that "By practicing I'll be success." That is wanted. He has no determination, why should he make a show?
- He said personally to me that under dictation of Srimate Radharani he has given the land to us in charity. We have invested already lacs of rupees for constructing a temple
- He sometimes forces. He puts you in such circumstances that you have no other way than to surrender to Krsna. Yes. That is special favor
- He'll derive greatest benefit. He'll become devotee. He'll get liberation from this material world simply by doing that, it is so nice. So in all our centers have this doll exhibit
- He's (Karandhara dasa Adhikari) not very old. And he wants to take sannyasa also. He's a grhastha, he has got a child. And: "Just wait. We shall arrange for your... You are already sannyasi." He lives apart from his wife. So he's very nice boy
- Here (in New Zealand) also, we have opened temple. We invite anyone. If one person thinks that he is in scarcity or he has no . . . I don't think in your country such person is there. But still, if there is, he is cordially invited
- Here in Bombay we have a nice spot. We are now in possession. It is just like a garden house. I shall be glad if you come here and live with me for some time
- Here in Los Angeles, we have found that there is a group of about 40 devotees who privately meet to discuss the intimate pastimes artificially thinking that they can enter into the understanding of the gopis prematurely
- Here is a community. They have no problem
- Here Syamasundara has arranged a gorgeous festival beginning 21st till 27th August. Just see the program
- Here the Mexicans are taking part in sankirtana and Deity worship very nicely. They have become very good devotees
- Here we are teaching our students, not abruptly say that "You have learned." We are teaching them Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, so many books
- Here we have so many ladies and gentlemen present, but every one of us is rendering some service to the superior. That is our position. The inferior animals, they are rendering service to the superior animal. The superior animal is eating the inferior
- Here, in India, the brahmanas, they are doing everything. Still they are going in the name of brahmana. But here, these European brahmanas, American brahmanas, they're real brahmanas, because they have given up all sinful activities
- How to convince people that this is a nice movement, we are ourselves publishing. You cannot publish better book than what we have done. We know the interest
- How we can charge? We are servant of Krsna. Krsna says that "You speak," so we are speaking. That's all. Why should we charge? But if somebody, out of sympathy, gives us something, we don't refuse. But we have no cost
- Hrdayananda Maharaja has suggested that why don't you come to South America and assist him in responsible management. That is good idea. Please keep me informed of your activities
- I - means person. As person, He (God) is also person. And "I" means person. You are also person. But that person and you person is different. He is almighty, all-powerful. You have limited power
- I am also glad to learn that you have a child within your womb, and please accept all my blessings for the newcomer for whom we shall be very glad to receive just after a few months
- I am also very pleased to learn that you have come out successful in stopping the police from arresting our men and stopping our sankirtana activities
- I am always glad to know that you are there to help manage the affairs of the San Francisco center so I am glad that you have decided to remain there as president
- I am always thinking about you, along with your good husband Gaurasundara, because you have been of such good assistance to me for pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement in your country and other places around the world
- I am anxious to know what you have done about editing my lectures. Have you done something or not. I shall be glad to hear from you in this connection
- I am awaiting your visit. We shall discuss further regarding the land you have described when you come
- I am especially happy to hear your statement, I have taken to the process of chanting Hare Krishna - feeling the results immediately. This is very good
- I am especially pleased that you have stayed some days and got the tapes of Lalita Prashad Thakura for posterity. If you send them to Syamasundara immediately he has all facilities here to transcribe them, and get them printed immediately
- I am giving sannyasa to Rupanuga, Karandhara and Bali Mardan and as you have also asked me, I shall also be pleased to give you sannyasa
- I am glad also that you have a new gosala. Let other farms see what is our behavior for the cows and how we derive benefit from them and that will be the living example to persons who are using cow flesh rather than cow milk
- I am glad that you have admitted about the GBC members not very appropriately discharging their duty. I do not mind this discrepancy but you should be alert; you and all GBC members
- I am glad that you have already started a center in small scale and please try to improve it as far as possible. There is no question of doing anything very hastily so please try to make steady, even if slow, progress
- I am glad that you have arranged for a nice apartment on daily payment arrangement, and if by Krishna's Grace you find out a cheaper place in the meantime, we can transfer there
- I am glad that you have chosen the right course of action to sue Nair and finish the business once and for all
- I am glad that you have decided to give your time now fully to serving Krsna directly, but do not misunderstand the position of "outside" jobs. Any work performed by a devotee in KC is never work on the material platform although it may appear to be so
- I am glad that you have understood the importance of my books, therefore I am stressing it so much. Let everyone take these books. If he simply reads one page then he is getting something substantial, a real eternal benefit
- I am glad to hear also that you have made my rooms very nicely painted and cleansed. Now I shall be coming there by early October and I want to stay in those rooms, so you may prepare them for me very nicely and decorate with flowers, etc
- I am glad to inform you that we have reached Hawaii in due time on Monday afternoon and immediately we met the devotees who came to receive us and I have come directly to Govinda dasi's residence
- I am glad to learn that two new boys, Robb and Kelly, have moved into your temple. Also, it is good news that you now have a weekly course in the University there
- I am glad to learn that you have now become steady in comparison with your flickering past life. The association of devotees is the most important element in learning Krishna Consciousness way of life
- I am glad to see in your letter indication that within very short time, you have been entrapped by Lord Krishna's Grace and you have expressed your transcendental feelings in such a nice way
- I am in due receipt of your letter dated Nov. 30, 1976 accompanied by your translation of Srila Bhaktivinode's songs. Thank you very much. You have done nicely
- I am in receipt of the painting you have sent. This is not a good style of painting. It is an artistic style for sense gratification only. I cannot encourage this style - it should be stopped immediately
- I am in receipt of your note and gift of one ring. Just now I am wearing it. Because you have sincerely offered, I must accept on behalf of my Guru Maharaja although I am not worthy
- I am not at all pleased at what they have done, but if they return let us forget what has happened and go forward
- I am on due receipt of your letter dated November 15, 1976 regarding the Dialectical Spiritualism book. However, you have called it Spiritual Dialecticism. It should be Dialectical Spiritualism
- I am pleased to know that you have fully distributed your money to my Book Fund and BTG, and as you are experiencing, Krishna will send you more
- I am pleased to learn of your spirit of protest, but sometimes we have to tolerate
- I am requesting you as my Governing Board Commissioners to help me bring him back to the standard. He has very good talent, but he is spending it by living such an unrestricted life
- I am so glad to hear that temple worship is going on nicely and that you have made program for discussing all our books. Such group discussion of transcendental topics is so much potent and all should participate
- I am so glad to hear that you have been staying at our St. Louis center under the expert guidance of Sriman Vamanadeva Prabhu and have been chanting 16 rounds of beads daily
- I am so glad to learn that all of you have been such a great help to Amarendra there in our Gainesville center. I can understand that all of you are very sincere boys
- I am so glad to learn that everything is progressing nicely in Vancouver, and you are proposing to sell 2500 BTGs per month. That is very much encouraging. You will be glad to know that we have now published our book, "Isopanisad."
- I am so glad to learn that you have been such a great help to Paramesvari there in our Edmonton center. I can understand that you are a very sincere boy and are very eligible for going back to home, back to Godhead
- I am so glad to learn that you have developed so much love for Krishna. This is the way of developing Krishna Consciousness; and wherever you will be rigid in your Krishna Consciousness, the triumph will be yours
- I am so glad to learn that you have sacrificed your long beard and hair
- I am so glad to understand that you have decided to dedicate your life for Krishna Consciousness Movement, this is the right way of perfecting our mission of human life
- I am so happy to see that you have introduced our Bhakti Yoga or Krishna Consciousness classes in two universities
- I am so much encouraged to learn that you have come to Kathmandu, Nepal. Please try and organize a center there nicely. It will be a great credit for you. Nepalese are mostly Hindus and they will take to this Krishna Consciousness movement very easily
- I am so much glad that you have again come to our camp after some time being mislead by Maya. You should take severe warning from this incident and not treat the matter as very light
- I am so pleased that you have published. Even I have not seen them, I am pleased and obliged to you. Continue this work. Whenever there is any publication in any language, it enlivens me 100 times
- I am so pleased that you have taken my two young disciples, Vaikunthanatha and Saradia, from Trinidad for preaching work. It is so kind of you that you are appreciating their work in this connection
- I am so pleased to learn that you have been already receiving some training up from Rupanuga and you are assisting the temple activities along with the others
- I am so pleased to learn that you have taken Krishna Consciousness as the most valuable gift. One who can understand this, is not an ordinary living entity, but is the most fortunate
- I am so pleased to learn that your Berkeley center is improving day by day under the good care of yourself and your good wife, Himavati. Please go on improving the condition of this important center until you have made it as good as Los Angeles center
- I am so pleased to see the picture. And you have improved very much in your painting capacity also by serving Krishna so faithfully by the talent which Krishna has endowed you with
- I am sorry that I was not able to see how you have nicely made the sandesh because upon arrival it was found to have gone bad. So I do not think it will be practical to continue sending foodstuffs through the mail
- I am sorry to hear of your wife's poor health. You have tried so many treatments, pills and better climates and visits to doctors, but there is no improvement. I think you can admit her to the hospital on a longer term basis for recouping her health
- I am very anxious to hear from you how you are proceeding towards India. Whether you have obtained a visa, etc. Please inform me by return mail of your present position and plans
- I am very glad that you have developed these nice sentiments and now you are living with other devotees. If you continue like this I am sure you will make rapid progress in Krishna Consciousness
- I am very glad that you have found travelling with Subala Swami inspiration to your Krsna Consciousness. That is very nice appreciation
- I am very glad that you have taken my request to heart and that you are now preaching in so many nice ways. This is very satisfying to me
- I am very glad to hear of your translating work there. This is very encouraging. Please continue it with full enthusiasm. I was told by Brahmananda Svami that you have finished 3 chapters of Gita already
- I am very glad to hear that you have already distributed some books in prison
- I am very glad to inform you that today we have laid down the cornerstone for our Bombay Center here in Juhu, and the ceremony was very wonderful with many important people attending
- I am very glad to know that you are feeling happy in Krsna's service and you are chanting His holy Names regularly according to the Vaisnava prescription. I am very glad that you have requested initiation and I have duly chanted your beads
- I am very glad to know that you have become more affectionate for your Spiritual Father than for your natural father, and this is quite to the standard of spiritual advancement
- I am very glad to learn that Lord Jesus Christ has approved our activities. Perhaps you have marked it in my preaching work that I love Lord Jesus Christ as good as Krishna
- I am very glad to learn that you have now become a very good housewife with your very good husband. It is learned also that you are cooking very nice foodstuffs for him. This is very good
- I am very glad to learn that you have the Prahlada pictures in your safe custody because I want to print up many small books with text accompanied by illustrations, and the first one may be of Prahlada Maharaja
- I am very glad to understand that you have at least relished some of the transcendental bliss of Krishna Consciousness. It is a great fortune for you
- I am very happy that you have already made sufficient progress. But don't be satisfied that, "This is end." No. Krsna is unlimited. His service is also unlimited. Krsna consciousness is the line where the blissful ocean increases
- I am very much anxious to know what you have done about the land which Tahsilder and Patwari proposed to give us. I am very much anxious to know it
- I am very much disturbed to hear from you that you have become disturbed in your mind. Do not be disturbed. There is no cause for anxiety. You are doing your best to serve Krishna, that is very much appreciated, do not lose enthusiasm out of frustration
- I am very much disturbed to hear of Kanupriya's activities, and I advise you that so long he is engaged in these nonsense activities, you should not have any association with him. Best thing is that you remain in the association of devotees
- I am very much glad that Pradyumna is now with me for teaching him correctly this sanskrit editing work. After he has become well-trained that will be a great relief to me
- I am very much happy that you have added worship of Srimati Tulasi devi to your Temple activities. That is most auspicious
- I am very much pleased that you have consented to give me the 50% of your profits on that night. But I will have no objection if you consider giving me 100%
- I am very much pleased to note the list of engagements you have submitted, and I can see you have been working very hard to secure so many opportunities for spreading K.C.
- I am very pleased upon you that you have opened Geneva, Switzerland, center for pushing on the revolutionary Movement of Lord Caitanya
- I am very sorry that you have taken to homosex. It will not help you advance in your attempt for spiritual life. In fact, it will only hamper your advancement. I do not know why you have taken to such abominable activities. What can I say?
- I am very sorry to learn that our press is lying idle, and your remark in this connection that we have purchased the cart before the horse is appropriate
- I am very very proud of you both as you have given up everything and gone to a far away part of the world just on my order to carry out the will of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I am very, very pleased to hear that you have accomplished your task for getting the CCP license, it is a very great service
- I approve of the arrangement for the writing on the "Bhaktivedanta Swami Gate". Your dealing with the municipality men and hosting them at the temple shows you have done these things very nicely
- I asked him (one big professor in Moscow) that, - What is the difference between your philosophy and our philosophy? You have accepted a leader, Lenin, and we have accepted a leader, Krsna. So far accepting a leader, there is no change
- I beg to acknowledge, with thanks, the contribution made by my beloved disciple Sriman Jayananda brahmacari. My thanks are due as well to the directors of ISKCON Press, who have taken so much care in publishing this great literature. Hare Krsna
- I beg to enclose herewith some newspaper cuttings for your information how we have performed Rathayatra Ceremony in San Francisco, London, Buffalo, Boston and Ohio
- I beg to inform you that many of my American disciples have become seriously interested in the philosophy of Krishna Conscious. They want to come to Vrindaban to study the Krishna philosophy as authorized and explained by the Gosvamis
- I beg to inquire whether you have taken possession of the house at 5th Avenue, and if not please let me know why it is delayed. Please send Bali Mardan with detailed information and necessary documents
- I beg to thank you for the very nice button you have sent me. Preaching work is our main business as this picture on the button shows. I pray that Krsna blesses you with all strength and intelligence to guide the Sankirtana movement ahead in Denver
- I beg to thank you very much for your letter pointing out some of the discrepancies of many of the devotees in New York. You are correct regarding the items which you have stated
- I came to your country to execute the mission of my Spiritual Master at a very old age and by the Grace of my Spiritual Master within four or five years with your cooperation we have expanded beyond expectation
- I can also pass away at any moment. That is nature's law. Nobody can check it. So that is not very astonishing, but my appeal to you on this auspicious day of the departure of my Guru Maharaja, that at least to some extent you have understood the essence
- I can appreciate that you have opened so many centers now, all over the world, so never mind if some others may have to go there in your place
- I do not know anything, but I, I am surrendered to a person who knows everything. Therefore I know everything. I take my knowledge from Krsna. So you should think how much knowledge you have assimilated
- I do not know why Gopala Krsna's father is so much upset. I have received one letter from GK in which he writes "I don't think my parents will have any objections now because I have assured them in telegrams & letter that I am not going to abandon them"
- I do not know why he has not replied it yet, and since I do not have a copy with me I am also unable to reply it
- I do not think it will look good if you change the quality of paper from one volume to one volume as you have proposed
- I do not understand why he is engaged in this business of his if there is not any tangible profit. He says that there is big, big money but still he has not yet paid ISKCON the debt that he has. Therefore what is this business
- I do not wish to see that somehow or other we have built up a nice institution, on account of lack of management it may be hampered. That is my only anxiety
- I don't say that your religion is cheating or my religion is bona fide. I don't say that. We have no right to say that
- I had heard that you have since gone to Buenos Aires, so please let me know what is your program
- I had part of your letter read aloud to a group of devotees how you have one cow who will be giving 70-80 pounds a day
- I have accepted you as my disciple and you have accepted me as your spiritual father. This relationship cannot be ended anymore. It will be my duty always to pray to Krishna for your further and further improvement in Krishna Consciousness
- I have already replied Jadurani's letter. Regarding her offenses, I do not remember when she committed offenses, and even though she might have done so, I excuse her 100 times, without any hesitation. So she has nothing to bother about it
- I have also appreciated the photos showing you distributing Prasadam and performing Kirtana. Southeast Asia is a very good field for our activities, so you should continue vigorously in the same way you have been
- I have been anxiously awaiting to receive the ticket that you say you have sent. Please write immediately as to the position of this ticket
- I have begun chanting. Maybe there are offenses, but if I continue, Krsna will be pleased to place me on the transcendental platform when I shall relish what is this chanting Hare Krsna
- I have duly chanted them as you have desired, and they are returned herewith enclosed. However, in future, please be very careful to keep these sanctified beads. You should be more heedful
- I have given them this information as a peon, that "Here is God," and they have taken it seriously. Therefore they are advancing. See practically
- I have gone through your translation, but it is not acceptable. We have already settled with a Vrindaban gentleman. I am returning herewith your manuscript. Thanking you
- I have heard that you are very keen to make the Melbourne Rathayatra very wonderful and you have requested extra instructions. One thing is there are many band parties - if you can get band parties to join that would be nice
- I have heard with great pleasure how in only one month's time you have distributed 50,000 Bhagavad gita As It Is in the Japanese language. I think there has never been a case in history when so many religious books were distributed in such a short time
- I have informed Gopala Krishna to supply you with the needed books. However, he has complained that you have a large debt to the BBT and you are not paying it off. So I request you to gradually reimburse the BBT in Bombay
- I have informed Upendra das, who is in Vrndavana, that his ticket is waiting for him in Delhi. So it is good that you have arranged it. And I think that he will be a good asset for your activities there in Fiji
- I have just received one check of contribution from Brahmananda and I understand that you have contributed $500, so I thank you very much for this
- I have just yesterday received one letter from a boy in Seattle named Charles McCollogh, & he has desired to come here to Los Angeles and receive initiation from me. Please inform me of the situation with this boy so I may reply to his letter there after
- I have never said that Siddhasvarupa is a pure devotee, but every one can become a pure devotee if he has no other desire than to serve Krsna and the Spiritual Master
- I have no objection to your coming to Vrndavana, but as you have accepted the sannyasa order, it is more important to preach about Vrndavana rather than to come to Vrndavana
- I have noted that you also have the aptitude for Bengali language, so you can learn this nicely and then you will be able to preach in Bengal in the native language. It would be very effective. Also, you can chant the Gita-Gan in Bengali
- I have noted that you have said about there being new law that licensee is tenant or owner. I do not know what to do on this, but the fact is that we are the proprietor
- I have noted with pleasure that you are increasing your book distribution and that you have "struck at the very heart of the city of Melbourne"
- I have read it, and am glad that you have understood the matter so thoroughly, and have now substantiated your conclusions with so much scriptural proof. Actually, that is our method of preaching, simply to repeat the message as it is
- I have received a Letter from Jayatirtha saying that you have distributed in one week 522 and 521 big books respectively. This is very wonderful. I thank you so much
- I have received a report that you are not working on my books. Why you have stopped editing my books? So what are you doing with my books? You have stopped editing, but what is your occupation now?
- I have received one article from Rupanuga entitled, "Officials approve Krishna Ministry". Thank you very much. We have succeeded by Krishna's blessing. Now do it nicely. It is a great stride
- I have received the cheese you have sent, and although it was nice, there are yet some improvements to be made
- I have seen your poetry and it is very nice. Try to write more and to have it published. If you like, I can send you more topics to write poetries about and to versify into the German language
- I heard from Gargamuni that you have received some letter from the draft board accepting our society as religious. I am anxious to see the letter
- I hereby certify that my initiated disciple, Sriman Upendra Das Adhikari (Wayne Phillip Gunderson), having successfully completed his course of divinity studies in the International Society for KC has been awarded the degree of Bhakti-sastri (Minister)
- I hope everything is going well with you in Detroit Temple. Perhaps by now you have received my invitation to you to visit our L.A. Temple at your convenience
- I hope you are continuing to study Bengali. I shall be glad to know how much progress you have made by this time
- I hope you are reading what books of mine you have and chanting Hare Krishna Mantra; these things are our real business in the human form of life, so that we can quit all material suffering and go back to our original home, back to Godhead
- I know that over the past years you have suffered so many tribulations to push forward Krsna consciousness in Germany. But this has not stopped you from your determination to serve the cause of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I know the BBT, Negotiations with Dai Nippon and financial matters are being taken care of even though Karandhara has left his post. Your desire to give me relief from having to worry about these matters shows that you have understood my desires
- I know there has been some controversy within the Society about the actual position of our Siddha Svarupa. But I think he is a very nice boy and he has understood our philosophy just to the point
- I know, our men in Krsna consciousness, they are bold enough. They have sometimes been, I mean to say, beaten in the airport
- I left my gold shirt buttons in Vrindaban, in the locked closet, to which Gurudasa has the key
- I may inform you that we have received the permission for constructing our Juhu temple. I want that your collection should be sent there so that the buildings may be completed as soon as possible
- I may suggest that you make one roof garden. On the top of the house you can put soil of six inches and then plant so many tulsi plants and nice bushes. I like garden very much. Just like here in Los Angeles Temple they have made one very nice garden
- I must have now the Permanent visa otherwise I cannot go to Montreal and work will suffer very much if I do not go to Montreal by the next month. Kindly let me know what you have done in this connection and I shall wait your letter with interest
- I note that you have returned from another successful preaching mission in distant parts of Africa. I am always so much pleased to hear such good news how the traveling preachers are spreading this KC movement to every nook and corner of the world
- I note that your wife and Visalaini both gave birth to baby girls. That is the defect. I want male children but you have no stamina for it. I expected from Visalaini by her belly that it would be a boy. Anyway, never mind
- I offer my blessings to your new child Manjari devi dasi. Have a feast, perform fire yajna, and Bhagavan may offer her a garland and announce - Our Spiritual Master has given her this nice name
- I received one cable from Mukunda asking for a loan of $1,025.00 for depositing three months' rent on the house. I have advised New York to cable the money immediately, and I hope he has already received the money and the transaction is nicely terminated
- I say that you cannot take meat, you cannot smoke. So all my students, they were accustomed to this habit, but by my order they have restrained
- I see that Krsna has given you good intelligence, and you have improved very much. And fortunately, therefore, very good leader Sriman Madhudvisa Maharaja will come, so each of you learn how to worship Deity, chant Hare Krsna mantra in this way - ecstatic
- I shall always try to enlighten you to my best capacity. You have kindly asked me what you have to do. That I shall tell you later on, when you are fixed up in our line of thought
- I shall begin Caitanya Caritamrta Essays & Text. If I am assisted by one expert typewriter like Neal, as he is doing now, we can publish every three months a book. And the more we have books, the more we become respectable
- I shall do as you have requested by informing Karandhar that henceforward he should send you $125 monthly, beginning 1st August, 1972, but if you again ask me for increase in expense then I shall have to ask you to take sannyas
- I shall see that they may grant some more concession. You have to convince the carrying company that our this world wide Krishna Consciousness movement, so everything required is for the help of this society
- I stress on this cleanliness very much. If they keep unclean, I chastise them like anything. (laughing) They have learned this art. I always say, "Cleanliness is next to godliness"
- I suggest you approach Tamala Krishna Gosvami at our New York branch. (340 W. 55th St., N.Y. 10019, N.Y.) You may go and join them there, they have a dramatic group, and if your ideas can be developed, I have no objection, that will be very nice
- I thank you for so promptly sending the dried banana. You are always seeing to my comforts and your service in this regard is much appreciated by me. I also thank you for the nice shirts you have made
- I thank you for your very nice sentiments. I appreciate the affection that you have for our movement
- I thank you very much for the beautiful ornaments that you have so kindly sent for my Deities. Immediately upon receipt of them I have placed these ornaments upon Sri Sri Radha Krishna, and they are looking very gorgeous
- I thank you very much for the humble sentiments which you have expressed, and I am sure that Lord Nityananda is seeing your sincerity and will be pleased to bless you
- I thank you very much for the news that many cassette-tapes you have sent for continuing the taping process of my lectures and translating. Otherwise they are either unobtainable or very costly here in India, so it is a very nice service
- I thank you very much for the nice sentiments you have expressed, and surely this nice attitude will be a great asset for your further advancement in perfecting your life in Krishna Consciousness
- I thank you very much for your kind presentation which you have given, even sacrificing your husband's interest. I think, though, that your husband, Mukunda, is also pleased with this action
- I thank you very much for your sincere efforts and you have my blessings that you will without a doubt be successful if you stick to the regulative principles and chant at least 16 rounds a day
- I thank you very much for your very nice presentation of the issue of birth. You have assimilated the process of birth very nicely through the books. This has pleased me very much and I wish that all my students can become as adept...
- I thank you very much that you have already allotted a nice apartment for me, an entire first floor, so if I had the wings of a dove I could fly immediately to Brooklyn and enter my apartment
- I think in the future you will have to take charge of managing BTG in consultation with Brahmananda when the press will be started in Boston
- I think it is very obvious, even you have admitted, that the problem is that you are not following the basic principles of our society
- I think it will be ideal for beginning our printing department in Boston immediately. You have written that there are two big halls, so do you think one of these halls will be nice for printing machines and workshop?
- I think some of you like yourself, Satsvarupa, Brahmananda and Mukunda and Gargamuni, Acyutananda and all of you had already cultivated this Krishna Consciousness in your past lives
- I think that if there is a chance for opening a center in Toronto, then Jagadisa and Kanupriya may go there as soon as possible. You have written that you would like Murari to go there, but he has already left for Boston
- I think the best thing for you would be to come to our center in Bombay and live with us for a while here. We have very nice facilities here and we are constructing more facilities
- I think there is no need of getting a degree. If you can spare some time, you try to learn Bengali, from Sriman Prabhansu. It will be a great asset for our Mission; and as you have decided to work to get money, I quite approve
- I understand from a letter from Gurudasa that you have elections for officers for your temple, and the men filling the posts are all very well suited for their position
- I understand from Janardana's letter that there is very good possibilities of spreading our Krishna Consciousness Movement there. So if Krishna desires, it will be possible to have three important centers in Europe very soon
- I understand from Sudama Goswami that Gaurasundara has handed over to you some portion of the proceeds from the sale of the Temple there. I do not know why he has sold the Temple without my permission. He had no right to do such a thing
- I understand that Govinda dasi has recommended Jadurani to take Iron pills and almost all the girls here are taking them. It is compensating the deficiency due to their past habit of meat taking
- I understand that Mukunda is leading now a nice Kirtan party in the streets, and there is good response. The time is fast approaching when we will have to perform such public Kirtan in all the important cities of the world
- I understand that some girls have volunteered to type and therefore you can now get the revised Gitopanisad nicely and correctly typed before it is handed over to the press
- I understand that the draft board is also disturbing you. It is also disturbing to me, but we have no other recourse than Krishna. Do your best to serve Krishna and he will give you required intelligence to cope with disturbing situations
- I understand that you have become a debtor to Dai Nippon for $52,000. This is not good. We must keep our credit. They have given us all facilities
- I understand that you have been invited by Syama Dasi in Africa. I don't advise that you associate with her because she is sahajiya. To associate with her will hamper pure devotional service
- I understand that you have quickly learned how to operate the Composer machine, and I am anxious to learn how things are progressing in this connection. Have you begun yet to compose Nectar of Devotion?
- I understand that you have started to firmly initiate a campus society, called OSU Yoga Society. It would have been better to name it as Bhakti Yoga Society, otherwise the society may be understood as one of the many yoga societies
- I understand you are going to apply for legal recognition of Krishna Consciousness as a bona fide religious organization, and try to obtain a tax franchise also. They have done this in London also
- I understand you have left and it is a thunderbolt for me. How is that?What are your demands? Or have you also been contaminated? Please tell me frankly. Where is your wife and child?
- I want association of Vaisnava. You are all pure Vaisnavas. You have sacrificed everything, material comforts, for Krsna's sake. That is Vaisnava. Anyabhilasita-sunyam. You have no other desire
- I want that a high standard should be maintained, but unnecessarily changing and redecorating is also not good. So once you have established a very nice standard, avoid too much changing it again and again. That is wasting Krishna's money unnecessarily
- I want that the GBC relieve me of all management which means they have to manage the way I manage. I do not want to see things deteriorate by their management
- I want to know how it requires $50,000 per month to maintain ISKCON Press as you have mentioned this on page 2 of the report under "Budget Projections''
- I was householder, my Guru Maharaja was life-long brahmacari. But we are doing the same work of preaching Krishna Consciousness, so what is the difference, grhastha and brahmacari? Actual sannyasa means that he has given everything to Krishna
- I was just thinking of teaching our students the pronunciation of the Sanskrit verses in the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc. and by Krsna's will you have already begun this
- I was just writing to our European centers that for so many years they have been there and nothing has been printed in European languages. This is not a very good sign. How can there be preaching without books?
- I was on the sea for one month and ten days continually, and that was a horrible account. Perhaps you have read it in my diary which you collected in Vrindaban
- I was so pleased to know that since Gurudasa had left London you had taken charge of our temple there, but later on you again left, so what can I do?
- I was very much eager to see you in connection with your land that you have donated to our Society. Now we have to make a program how to develop the place
- I was very much shocked to learn that you have again met with some motor accident on the way, and perhaps this is the second time you have broken your leg. So I do not know why such things are happening
- I was very much shocked when I learned from Tamala Krsna Maharaja that you have left our company and were living outside. Anyway, I was always thinking of you and your letter of Jan. 26, 1974 gives me much relief
- I was very pleased to note that you are willing to go to China as we have just printed a Chinese Bhagavad-gita. I am most eager to see this distributed throughout Southeast Asia to as many Chinese speaking people as possible
- I will be glad to hear you have found proper service, as this is our whole secret of success. So long as you are chanting and reading our books and raising your family in Krsna Consciousness you are already engaged in the best service
- I will be glad to know from you how you have installed Their Lordships in your temple. If possible send me photographs
- I wish to publish with your firm less expensive editions of our existing English language books, keeping as far as possible to the high standard we have established, and also to print Hindi language books
- I would like to have a letter of introduction sent here from Mr. J.B. Patnaik. When we have a positive letter introducing our organization, we can send one man to see Mr. Patnaik in Bhuvanesvara
- I would like to know whether or not you have collected the money for that German book you took here from me. You can please send one set of Srimad-Bhagavatams to this address, to Sri Vamana dasa: Walther Eidlitz - Bavergrand 18A-III - Uppsala - Sweden
- I'm so pleased upon you that on my order you have gone to distant places and faithfully served the cause. I thank you for this attempt
- I'm very happy to hear that you are once again in Berlin. When you first went to Germany by yourself, I was praying that Krishna would help you in every way to establish a center there in Berlin. Now you have done it by the grace of Krishna
- I'm very much indebted to you that you have gone so far away from your own comfortable country for the service of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and this service will be appreciated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If a man comes, follows the regulative principle even for some time and again he falls down, so so long he has followed, that asset is permanent. Anything, spiritual asset, that is never lost
- If anyone criticizes him, they must be the fool. He has done so much wonderful service and I appreciate him so much. No amount of your foolish words will touch my estimation
- If anyone wants to marry, first of all he must show that he has some earning capacity. Not that "Because there are so many girls, and I marry one to satisfy my senses..."
- If every time someone feels something they call for changing everything, then all that I have done will very quickly be lost, so for the time being there shall be no such changes as you have arranged, until I study the matter thoroughly
- If he fails to find out a good master, then he's street dog. Dog's life is good, provided he gets a good master. So therefore we have decided to become dog of Krsna, the best master
- If he has got elevation, he has degradation. This is common sense affairs. If you become rich, you can become poor also. Why that once you become rich and there is no question of becoming poor? Is that guaranteed
- If he repents for the wrong he has done, then he's excused. Otherwise finished
- If Indians are bad then I am also bad, as I am an Indian. But they have accepted an Indian as their guru. So Indians are both bad and good according to the behavior
- If it is any credit for me, that is what you have written that I tried to give aural reception to the words of my Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaj & thus I tried to engage my tongue in repeating the same words without any change
- If Kirtanananda has ever sincerely served Krishna, & his spiritual master, he will not fall down. The temporary systems will fall down without delay. We should all pray to Krishna for his steady recovery
- If moving the press to New York is convenient, I have no objection. You must have all facility of work—that I want
- If our brahmanas do not take their second initiation seriously, then we will be deserving of criticism. So on this basis, if you think the men you have recommended are still eligible, you can resubmit their names to me and I will accept them
- If somebody comes and helps this movement, one or two, we can make very steady progress. We have no money. We are struggling very hard. You see? This boy is a professor in the Ohio University. So whatever he's earning, he's spending for this
- If somebody thinks that "I have taken to Krsna consciousness, but I am suffering for so many things," for them or for all of us the instruction is matra-sparsas tu kaunteya sitosna-sukha-duhkha-dah
- If the Charity Commissioner refuses us the permission then there is no point continuing, and in that case we shall try to get the two lakhs we have paid back and go away
- If the cost is about Rs 5/- per record then would they be sold at Rs. 10/-? I do not know at what price you have sold them in the past. Anyway if you have already placed the order with Gramaphone Co. then what can be done?
- If there is one sincere soul that is sufficient to start a new center. With this expectation I wanted to send Kirtanananda to London but he has proved himself unworthy
- If they are not spoiled by an artificial standard of sense gratification at an early age, children will turn out very nicely as sober citizens, because they have learned the real meaning of life
- If they have objection they must lodge it with their GBC, and differences must be discussed openly amongst ourselves, not secret meetings. We are Vaisnava devotees, not politicians
- If we become fixed up in this resolution, that "Whatever we have heard from my guru, the representative of Krsna, I must execute. I do not care for my personal convenience or inconvenience. This is my life and soul," then your life is perfect
- If we go on preaching vigorously as we have been for another 25 year then all these other so called religions will disappear
- If we have got our own press then we shall print at least four books yearly, and 50,000 magazines every month. Then you will have ample opportunity for printing Krishna Consciousness literature
- If we have regular plan of selling books, then there will be no scarcity of money
- If we think that it (chanting Hare Krsna mantra) is subha-kriya - subha-kriya means something auspicious - no, that is also offense. We have already described so many offenses; this is also one of offense
- If we want to exist as first class men in society all our students must be induced to following the regulative principles. One shouldn't think artificially he has come to the spontaneous platform. That is sahajiyaism
- If you are going to Vrindaban that will be a good opportunity to sit down and transcribe my Bengali tapes because there is Bengali typewriter in Vrindaban. You may also translate other things as you have mentioned, that is nice
- If you are serving for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, why He will not supply you? Krsna is supplying food to everyone, those who are not devotee, and why not to the devotees? What we have done?
- If you become divine and acquire the divine qualities, abhayam sattva-samsuddhih jnana-yoga-vyavasthitih (BG 16.1-3). . . That is we have discussed already. So if you become divine. . . There is no impediment to become divine
- If you can establish a nice educational center, I know many parents of your country will be glad to send their children in New Vrindaban. But we have to create a nice atmosphere and educational system there
- If you cannot attract people to some rasa, they'll not stay. Just like these Americans, foreigners, they have tasted little rasa in Krsna consciousness; therefore they are sticking. That we have to create. That is bhakti-rasa
- If you come during the Rathayatra festival in San Francisco it will be a great pleasure for me. Brahmananda is also coming. So we shall have to chalk out the future program of our activities
- If you go to Bangladesh and establish a center it will be a great achievement. We have a center in China and one in Moscow why not Bangladesh and Pakistan?
- If you go to somebody and if you say that "You become a devotee of Krsna, surrender unto Him," so you haven't got to... He'll not be angry. He may take it or not take it. But your business is finished. Krsna will recognize
- If you have got some spare time and the inclination, you can read the chapters of Krsna Book and put them into verse
- If you have got time, if, if you haven't got to do anything else, you can continue, sixteen hundred. It is not mechanical: "Now I have finished sixteen rounds, that's all." Why sixteen rounds? You chant sixteen hundred rounds
- If you have taken to Krsna consciousness, your, that current of "do it" or "do not," is stopped. Because you have agreed to do only what Krsna says. If you have actually decided like that, then you are free
- If you immediately accept the words of, accept the words of Krsna-sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam, that is very good. But if you are very learned philosopher, scientist, then read books. Both ways we have prepared to convince you
- If you kindly try to fulfill my mission for which you have been sent there, that will be our constant association
- If you publish some book in Oriyan language, that book will give you good support. So now you have an opportunity, you are there and Krishna will help. Gradually we will help. Krishna is so kind, He is always ready to help
- If you send such articles of different pilgrimages, that will be also a great service. You have got artistic idea, so please take courage and act enthusiastically
- If you think that after getting initiation, "I have become perfect. Now again, whatever nonsense I was doing, I shall go on doing it," then it will be useless
- If you want real satisfaction, as we have already described, that ahaituky apratihata yayatma suprasidati. If you want satisfaction of your self, then you must practice this devotional service
- If you want to do business, you must take the first opportunity, the greatest opportunity, do your business. That is intelligence. And if we think, "All right, I shall do slowly. In seven hundred lives I shall become perfect," that is another thing
- If you want to solve your problem for good, then these are the formulas we have described. What is that? You have to undergo austerities; you have to follow the restricted sex life. Samena - controlling the mind, controlling the senses. Then renunciation
- If you wish to make progress further in your educational career, that will be a nice asset for our Krishna Consciousness Movement. You have a taste for psychology and divinity studies, and this is very nice
- If your conviction is strong and evidential, then try to convince them of your ideas for spreading Krsna Consciousness. Our principle is to simply repeat what we have in our books
- In any case, it appears that Jnana das is restless. It is not a good idea for him to bring Lilavati's daughter to Kilifi as he has described the living conditions as very poor and now she is at least nicely situated in Gurukula
- In conclusion to your letter you have asked as to where is the ocean of love? And I think that you may know that it is in your heart
- In each center we have a president, secretary and treasurer who manage the local affairs
- In every center of our institution, ISKCON, we have arranged for a love feast every Sunday
- In execution of my devotional service there may be so many dangers, but because I have taken shelter of Krsna's lotus feet, I am safe
- In future if there is money sufficient I wish to print each volume of my book, 5000 copies. Now, very soon we shall get 5000 copies of TLC and we have to organize the sales propaganda. If there is sale, then there is no scarcity of matter for printing
- In India, we had many pandal programs and they were very successful, so you try to have one there also
- In London there may be a temple or not, it does not matter; you are doing very nicely, more than having a temple. If Krishna gives us a better temple that is all right, otherwise, your engagement in Kirtana is very very nice
- In London we have instituted a program where important men come to meet with me in the evening for discussion of Krsna Consciousness. I have talked with a very famous sculptor, a teacher of a boys college and today George Harrison is supposed to visit
- In London we have seen the Buckingham Palace. That is the best house in London. Similarly, raja-vidya. There are different types of education and learning, but this knowledge which Krsna is now imparting to Arjuna, He says it is raja-vidya
- In most cities of the Western world we have been arrested many times by the police, but we are nevertheless executing the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by chanting on the streets of all the important cities, such as Melbourne, Paris and Hamburg
- In most cities of the Western world we have been arrested many times by the police, but we are nevertheless executing the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by chanting on the streets of all the important cities, such as New York, London, Chicago & Sydney
- In my childhood, when I was three, four years old, I was saved. My all cloth burned, and there is a scar. You have seen. I would have died that day, but fortunately I was saved. The cloth was burning
- In my last meeting with Prabhupada in Radha Kunda he advised me to print some books if I get money. I took it very seriously and by His grace we have now published my translations of Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc
- In order to fix the devotees in concentration on the service of the Lord, marriage is sometimes allowed. We have experienced that such married couples actually render very important service to the mission
- In our books we have scientifically covered demons & if these books are introduced in the schools & colleges, so many beautiful souls will be saved. Your are doing a great service to humanity to introduce our books to the people in general
- In our disciplic line we have the example of a perfect householder paramahamsa - Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- In our KC society, some of the members are very anxious to introduce worship of the salagrama-sila, but we have purposely refrained from introducing it because most of the members of the KCM do not originally come from families of the brahmana caste
- In our Kirtana there is no need of so called meditation and gymnastic of bodily exercise. It is simple and can be practiced even by the small children and we have practically seen it how small boys and girls do take part in it by chanting dancing with us
- In our Krishna Consciousness Society we have full engagement twenty-four hours a day. Every moment of our time is always busily engaged in the service of the Lord. This is called the incessant flow of devotional service
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we have fixed sixteen rounds as the minimum so that the Westerners will not feel burdened. These sixteen rounds must be chanted, and chanted loudly, so that one can hear himself and others
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we have therefore limited our study of the Vedic literatures to the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya-caritamrta and Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. These four works are sufficient for preaching purposes
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, if we become envious, "Oh, my Godbrother, oh, he has become so popular. He is making so much progress. So put some impediments towards his progressive path," this is also material
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, we practice this. As far as possible, we are giving and taking. We are . . . we have made this program, Life Membership. We are giving our books, knowledge
- In our Krsna consciousness society we have restricted illicit sex
- In our latest Back to Godhead the description is published about our farm in France. We have got a very palatial building. We have named it New Mayapur
- In our personal self, we are spiritual spark, fragmental. We have several times discussed this point, that we are all spiritual spark, fragmental part of the Supreme Lord
- In our temple, strictly Hare Krishna chanting should be given more importance. This is no harm in this mantra you have heard, but it is not very important. There are many such common songs composed by common devotees out of sentiment
- In the beginning we thought and consulted in so many ways and then settled up to purchase the machine. Why have you now decided to rent it and make an experiment? This is puzzling
- In the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, we have cut short the pages under the instruction of the MacMillan Company, without explaining many important verses. We must have sufficient chance for explaining the purports of Srimad Bhagavatam
- In the Bhagavad-gita you have read that one should fully utilize one's talent for the service of the Lord. Arjuna was a military man and he utilized his talent fully for executing the purpose of Lord Sri Krishna
- In the Bhagavad-gita you'll find that if you want to go to the higher planets, there is ways and means. So we have discussed this point in our small book Easy Journey to Other Planets
- In the drug shop the medicinal is already there, but an experienced physician prescribes the particular medicine that, "This is fit for you." Similarly don't think that this sankirtana movement we have newly introduced. It is in the Puranas mentioned
- In the introductory portion signed by you and Gargamuni you have said that I am personally instructing John Lennon and George Harrison in the yoga of ecstasy. This is not very satisfactory
- In the last year you have changed your engagement so many times, it is not good, better to stick to something and complete it than constantly changing
- In the name of civilization, we have increased so many unwanted things, unnecessarily. This is called anartha
- In the preliminary stage we have such (shaved heads, chanting Hare Krsna, altar and Lord Jagannatha) necessities. This creates atmosphere. But at the same time, these varieties are not material varieties. They are spiritual varieties
- In the temple even living with one wife it is not possible. We have to restrict them. No wives live in the temple in India. Family. In certain circumstance, in the temple they live separately, but not in the temple building. That is strictly prohibited
- In this 1972, we have published this Bhagavad-gita As It Is, complete edition. And Macmillan Company published fifty thousand copies in others, but it was finished in three months, and they are arrange for second edition
- In this morning also we have discussed this point that one who knows God transcendental, above this material qualities, he knows
- In Vedic civilization a certain period is devoted for accepting renounced order of life, sannyasa. This sannyasa order, as we have accepted, it is compulsory regulative principle of Vedic way of life
- In Western countries, begging is considered criminal. Members of the Krsna consciousness movement have no business begging
- In Western countries, I have got thousands and thousands of disciples. They have given up all these things (illicit sex, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating). That does not mean that they have become dead. No. It is anartha, unwanted
- In your country there is great need for Krsna consciousness. They are not after economic development. They have seen much of economic development. Now it is time for them to take to this Krsna consciousness and they will be happy
- In your country there is very good system of democracy. As we have seen just recently the people, as the common people have so much power, that they were able to get down this Nixon, who is obviously a rascal
- In your young age you have taken to this process of Krishna Consciousness. This means that in your previous life you were advanced in yoga but somehow or other you were not able to complete but now you have taken to it as if automatically
- Initiation does not mean they have completed all spiritual perfection and now they can relax but it means now they have begun spiritual life
- ISKCON, International Society for Krishna, we have already opened a Gurukul in Dallas, Texas. There is much progress in that
- It appears that you have been poisoned by some rascals. Such rascals cannot do anything to push on the mission of Lord Caitanya but can put hindrances in the path of spreading KC all over the world. I am very sorry that you have fallen a victim
- It appears that you have good talent for writing, so kindly continue to develop in this way and write more and more of your realizations based upon our books
- It comes as a shock to me that you have stepped down from your duties as president of our Hong Kong center. Your move is not satisfactory to me, but what can I do
- It is a fact that wherever we go, if we simply let the people hear our chanting and if we repeat what we have heard from the bona fide Spiritual Master, then surely many, many sincere souls will become attracted to our movement
- It is a great credit that you have met with the Chief Minister and now he will give us all help
- It is a great science to understand what is that spiritual nature and what is that material nature, and we have published about eighty books of four hundred pages each for understanding what is this material nature and what is the spiritual nature
- It is a very good idea that you have to be more attached to the Deities above marriage. But, it is not good to live at home because there is where meat is eaten. That will be offensive, so how can you worship the Deity under such circumstances
- It is a very important question, and I am glad that you have asked me, but I think from now on the GBC men may be consulted in all such matters of temple management and affairs
- It is all Krishna’s Grace that so quickly you have established a center in Japan, which I cherished for a long time
- It is alright that you have purchased machinery and are using on the farm but if you can do without as much as possible that is better
- It is also nice that you are caring for the devotees. They have left everything for me, so they should be treated as sons and daughters
- It is apparent that you have understood our philosophy nicely so you continue to read our books regularly and preach vigorously, and help to distribute this great transcendental knowledge to all the distressed souls of this Kali yuga
- It is by the grace of Lord Krsna on account of your sincere service unto Him that you have got a very nice place for our propaganda center. I understand that the house is purchased by you, but you have mentioned nothing about it
- It is good credit for you that since you have gone there the San Francisco branch is going to purchase one house. You nicely arrange for that
- It is good credit for you, materially, that you have so nice cars, nice skyscraper building, and so many nice things you have created. Spiritually, it is not good credit. It is waste of energy
- It is good news that you have come to your senses that nothing should be done by contractor. Everything should be done by ourselves. Mr. Saraf is experienced, so take his help. So go on raising funds, constructing, and send me the plans
- It is good news that you have so sufficiently taken possession of the 40 acres of land there in our society name, under control of Gaurasundara
- It is good that you have stopped all business ventures, book distribution is sufficient
- It is great offense to change dress now that you have taken babaji dress you must continue. You are all so restless and take everything as farce. Now, take more rest and go on with your program of chanting and that will be good for you
- It is my satisfaction that everything is going nicely in Los Angeles. I want to see that those programs that we have begun will go on expanding and improving more and more
- It is nice that you had a nice Diwali-Govardhana Puja celebration
- It is nice that you had a nice Diwali-Govardhana Puja celebration. I have not received any photos however
- It is nice that you have started the Sri Rupanuga Vidyapitha Library and that you are teaching the boys at the Gurukula Sanskrit. You can do it
- It is not possible by the so-called yoga system or meditation. One has to associate with devotees, otherwise it is not possible. Therefore we have formed this Krsna consciousness society so that one may take advantage of this association
- It is not that automatically we have to award a devotee second initiation after he has been with us for a certain time, but the qualifications have to be there
- It is not that everyone has to be a brahmana just because he has been initiated 1 or 2 or any number of years. Especially if one cannot even rise early for mangala arati he should never be given brahminical initiation
- It is not that we have coined this term "Krsna consciousness." Krsna consciousness is the oldest phrase in the history of the world - BG 18.65, BG 9.34
- It is not that we have to open different centers all over the world. Whoever cares for the KC movement can install Deities at home &, under superior guidance, worship the Deity regularly, chanting the maha-mantra & discussing the BG and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- It is not that you have become a student and you'll remain student. No. One day you shall become also guru and make more students, more students, more
- It is said that "one man's food is another man's poison." Because they have become disgusted with this material world, sometimes our devotees appear to have foolishly disregarded everything
- It is said that the execution of devotional service is so perfect that one can perceive the results directly. This direct result is actually perceived, and we have practical experience. BG 1972 purports
- It is simply by the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu that we have now got a feeling for service to Krishna. Krishna is so perfect that He comes and teaches us personally how to become Krishna conscious
- It is so gratifying that you have already saved $600 for the improvement of the temple. So I am very much pleased. Go on working like this and Krishna will give you ample money - there is no scarcity
- It is so much heart-engladdening that you have taken very seriously the preaching work, and Krishna is giving you chance for becoming a great preacher in the near future
- It is the duty of the ksatriya to see that everyone is executing his proper professional or occupational duty. We have discussed this point yesterday, sva-dharmam api caveksya (BG 2.31). Sva-dharma
- It is to be understood by chanting Hare Krsna mantra, by following the regulative principle, he has already come to the platform of sattva-guna. But if it is a false thing, there is no need of second initiation
- It is understood that you have been in the Temple for not a very long time and still you have appreciated very much the spiritual movement
- It is understood that you have come back from Korea. I do not know why you have come back. You wanted to organize our preaching there
- It is very encouraging that you have tried to understand our philosophy so quickly
- It is very encouraging. I've received one telegram from Hamsaduta. It is understood he has personally gone to Jaipur to take the Deities, and he will personally take them to Bombay, so there is no anxiety for the Deities
- It is very good that you have registered the society. It is very important. Actually we are not a religious institution. We are presenting a cultural program, making men of good character. Therefore it is a cultural institution
- It is very pleasing to me that you have distributed so many of my books and preached to the students. This is our mission of life, to somehow turn the minds of the conditioned souls to Krsna consciousness
- It is very satisfying that you have introduced Sankirtana Party procession in the public streets and parks on the occasion of Lord Caitanya's Birthday. It is a good addition to my missionary activities and I thank you very much
- It is your responsibility to see that these devotees that you have recommended strictly follow the rules and regulations, chanting 16 rounds, attending the classes and the mangala aroti and refraining from the four prohibitions
- It was brought to my attention that our Sriman Hayagriva das has become deviated from the four basic principles which I have given to all my students for adherence to when they are first initiated
- It was originally my Guru Maharaja's desire that there should be a center established in London, and by His Mercy, now you have successfully begun this mission; so please keep me informed how you are progressing there
- It was very nicely done and the cover is very attractive, but one thing is that my picture has come out very black. There are so many pictures, and if that one was so black, you should not have chosen it
- Jaya. First when I entered this room (at Bhaktivedanta Manor), I said, "All glories to George Harrison." Yes. You have given us this shelter, and Krsna will give you shelter at His lotus feet. We shall pray always like that
- Jayananda's death is glorious. It is very good that he had stated, what is the use of such a useless body, better to give it up. He has left his body very wonderfully, and he has been transferred to Vaikuntha
- Just like "Don't do this. Don't do this. Don't do this." So if you have faith, you will not do it. But because you have no faith, you will do it, and therefore you will go to ruin
- Just like in New Vrindaban. They are coming to the city for preaching. So not absolutely we can abstain immediately because we have been dependent so long, many, many lives. You cannot. But the ideal should be introduced gradually
- Just like in our this Krsna consciousness movement, all the activities, they are not material. They're all spiritual. But still, because it is being enacted in the material world, we have also so much anxiety, although that anxiety also bhakti
- Just like these boys, girls, they are chanting Hare Krsna, and they are undergoing the austerity. So they have not died. Not they are unhealthy. You can see. They are living, and they will live. But they have become purified
- Just like we have seen some temples, our foreign devotees are not allowed, because they have got the rules that mlecchas and yavanas, because they are very unclean, they should not be allowed. But that should not be applicable to the devotees of this KCM
- Just like we, Krsna conscious people, we have given up intoxication. Now, if somebody comes and bribes and offers some money that, "You take this one thousand dollar and drink," you'll not agree, because your consciousness is developed
- Just like you have submitted, so you can understand God. This is the only qualification
- Just like you saw these boys and girls. I have not imported them from India, but they have taken this movement very seriously, and they will take it, because it appeals to the soul directly
- Just on Saturday, several devotees have arrived from San Francisco, all of them have come here for two weeks to practice together as our Sankirtana party, then they will all go to London and begin preparations for our center there
- Just see these boys, these girls. I have not imported from India. I came here single-handed with seven dollars. I have got hundreds of students like that. How they have changed, their character, their behavior. I have given them life
- Just try to understand, you have to preach immortality of the soul, transmigration of the soul. What is the difficulty? Simple logic
- Kali-yuga is not very good age, simply faults. We have several times discussed that in this age, people's duration of life, mercifulness, bodily strength and so many things, eight kinds of things, will be reduced
- Karandhara and Sudama goswami are prepared to help you in every way. Your husband has gone away so what can be done. But you should return to our Temple and again take up devotional service as I have designed and directed at our Centers
- Karandhara has also written that my long desired scheme of a Krsna Conscious daily newspaper is being implemented. Please do this work very nicely. It will be a very great step in the history of ISKCON movement
- KC movement means we are preaching what Krsna has said, that's all. Not that we have manufactured something new. No. That is not our business. How I can manufacture? I am imperfect. But the spiritual master who follows the perfect teacher, he is perfect
- Keep them alive. "Simply because we have opened a center, the business is finished." No. Alive means this morning class must go on, evening class must go on, there must be regular program for prasada distribution. Busy. That is alive
- Killing proposal is not good. We have to kill them with arguments and reasons not with sticks and weapons
- Kindly see the things in this light and forgive their small mistakes. The big thing is they have given their life, everything to Krishna - that is never a mistake
- Kirtana and prasada will appeal to even the uneducated. We have means to preach to both the educated and uneducated, the sinful and the pious - dhiradhira-jana-priyau
- Kirtanananda does not believe in parampara or in the necessity of scriptural authority. He seems to feel that this is a sort of tyranny. That means, after taking sannyasa and understanding the philosophy for more than a year, he has changed the whole view
- Kirtanananda may be eager to address in the Harvard university but recently he has lost his link on account of disobedience
- Knowledge is so nice that even if you think that you are very learned, you are well versed in everything, still, you require knowledge. That should be our motto. Don't think that "I have finished"
- Krishna can help us immediately with all of His resources, but first of all He wants to see how much we can work seriously. So the more we become steady and serious, the more help we will have from Him, rest assured
- Krishna has been very kind to you that as soon as you have gone to Munich to open a new center, He has helped you with a very suitable accommodation
- Krishna has sent you there and most likely I shall attend the New York Rathayatra. New York is the place where I first landed and now we have our own place and books, so if you do it very nicely it will be a great triumph
- Krishna is always willing to shower His mercy upon His devotees, so we have simply to become receptive to this mercy by devotional service, and then the path is very easy
- Krsna Consciousness is factually the only solution to all the suffering which is besetting fellow humanity and all living entities. So we have great responsibilities in discharging our duties in devotional service
- Krsna consciousness movement is not a new thing that we have introduced or manufactured. No. It is authorized on the Vedic principle, authorized by acaryas like Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all other acaryas
- Krsna has already come. What I am speaking? Krsna is there. But you have no eyes to see
- Krsna has nothing to do with varnasrama. Similarly, if we act as varnasrama, still, we have nothing to do with the varnasrama
- Krsna is already connected with you. You have forgotten, and we are trying to give you the process how you can revive your original consciousness
- Krsna is giving you an opportunity to become more advanced. Take to that. You are intelligent. You have understood. Now try to transfer knowledge to the innocent persons. There must be father. That you are convinced?
- Krsna is not hungry, neither He is dependent on your supply of foodstuff. No. But still, Krsna has become your guest. Just like you have brought Krsna here. He is very kind
- Krsna means all-attractive. Have you got any idea, all-attractiveness? How one can be all-attractive, have you got any idea?
- Last week we have acquired with Krishna's grace a very large plot of land for raising up a very excellent center to revive the spiritual life of Vrindaban
- Last year we introduced Ratha-yatra in Philadelphia. It was very successful. And this year we have introduced in New York. It is also very successful
- Let this life be dedicated for satisfying Krsna's senses. That is Krsna consciousness. One life. We have, several lives, we have tried to satisfy our personal senses. Let this life, at least one life, let me try, what happens
- Living separately does not mean that we have nothing more to do with the devotees, no. You should associate with them as much as possible, and donate something regularly, 50% is the standard set by Sanatana Goswami
- Lord Jesus Christ is son of God, the best son of God, so we have all respect for him. Yes. Anyone who is teaching people about God consciousness, he is respectful to us. It does not matter in which country, in which atmosphere, he was preaching
- Madras is a good field because these people understand English very easily. So you will have very good chance for preaching in English
- Marriage is a concession for a person who cannot control his sex desires. Of course it is a difficult job for the boys in this country because they have free access to intermingling with the girls
- Marriage is not for sense gratification, not that we get married twice, thrice in a year. No, if you have got a child there is no need for more marriages. But if you cannot stay in Krishna Consciousness unless you have got a husband, that is all right
- Mr. George Harrison is sometimes coming forward to help us and sometimes he is not straightforward. But because he is chanting Hare Krishna and he has some faith in Krishna, a little respect for me, I am sure he will come forward to help our movement
- Mukunda has already protested such rascal and we have to go on with our own work positively. Fault-finding men will always be there, that is the history of the world, but one has to execute his prescribed duties
- My advice to you is that whatever instruction you have received from me, just try to follow to your best. You must keep your sannyasa stage, because you have taken it from me. Wherever you go, try to follow the regulations
- My dear sons and daughters, I am so much obliged to you that you have become so enthusiastic for offering Vyasa-puja. Now try to understand
- My disciples have sacrificed their life for me. But you have got regard for me, but you cannot sacrifice your life for me
- My first condition is that if someone wants to become my student he has to follow these four regulative principles
- My Guru Maharaja Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati used to say pran acche var sehetu pracar, "one can preach who has got life." So one who is preaching this Krishna Consciousness Movement means he has got real life
- My Guru Maharaja ordered me that "You go and preach this philosophy to the Western world." So under his order I came, and I presented Bhagavad-gita As It Is, as you have read
- My idea is that we should not form a separate organization in London. The same International Society for Krishna Consciousness as we have branches in different places in USA, a similar branch may be opened in London or in Germany
- My life? According to sastra, if we have actually developed Krsna consciousness, we are going to Krsna. I may not, but they will go
- My only anxiety is to guide you; Krsna sometimes makes me sick just to examine how much you have learned to conduct the business under my guidance, with a little independence
- My only idea was to point out to the public that unless you have purified leaders there is no possibility of advancement even in the material condition. I had no idea to spend money and energy of our society in a way which is not our real spiritual life
- My students, they have painted so many pictures, so I have given simply the hints that "This picture should be like this." So they take note and make the picture, and people very much appreciate our picture
- Nija-bhakti-yoga. He (Caitanya) is teaching surrendering to Krsna, just like we are teaching. We are . . . what we are teaching? Surrender to Krsna. This is our mission; we have no other mission
- Nine different process of Krsna consciousness movement is being pushed on by the members of Krsna conscious Society all over the world. And we have opened also here in Bombay, the most important city of India
- Nitai has become over intelligent. "Please bless me I may find out a bona fide guru." He has written me
- No Mayavadi school can present as many books as we have; nevertheless, they accuse us of not being fond of study. Such accusations are completely false
- No, he has no intention, but he lives apart from temple connection...
- No, no, I cannot put you in anxiety. You have done so much. You have suffered for Mayapur so much. I cannot put you in anxiety. So I shall do what you like
- No, the printing of the Gitar Gan cover this fashion is not at all approved by me. You have done most nonsensically. Why change the cover? When people look to see the Bhagavad-gita they expect to see Krishna and Arjuna, not the picture of Krishna with cow
- Nobody is cooperating. Simply these boys, they have kindly come to me and cooperating. So my movement is progressing, but very slowly. But if the leaders of the American people, they come and they try to understand and they try to introduce this system
- Not only do foolish men and women consider the body the self, but we have even seen that the dead body of a so-called yogi was kept for days by his disciples, who thought that their guru was in samadhi
- Not only in India, all over the world, the churches also, they're dwindled. Now, Europe and America, so many churches are for sale. We have purchased so many churches because people have no more interest
- Not only in Vrndavana; we have seen wherever we held that Hare Krsna festival, thousands of men were coming, even the so-called educated
- Not that "Because I have become Krsna conscious, I'll be very humble." You must be humble, but in need, if there is need, you shall be thunderbolt
- Now he promises he will not return to London unless Hamsaduta goes away. How can I ask Hamsaduta to go away when he has improved the situation? From Puranjana's letter, Hamsaduta is ready to pay back the dues owed to the landlord at Bury Place
- Now I am getting old, so if you can do things without me, that will be a great pleasure for me. You are an experienced devotee and know how to manage things, and you have good men there to help you so I am sure that you can carry on things nicely
- Now I am trusting you all elderly leaders to do everything very responsibly and to the standards we have set, so that I may very soon begin translating fulltime. Thank you very much
- Now Krsna has given you all facilities for this work, and I can understand that you are very intelligent boy and you have got good enthusiasm, so I am taking encouragement from your progress
- Now that the Dallas Gurukula has been closed we have opened many smaller regional Gurukulas on some of our farming communities, such as our farms in Vancouver, Pennsylvania, and also Mississippi as well as others
- Now that you are President of the Detroit Temple, you have very great responsibility to take proper care of all the devotees who are engaged there
- Now that you have come to Krishna Consciousness, your spiritual life, the real life, has begun. First birth is from your parents but real birth, real life, begins when one accepts a bona fide spiritual master and renders service onto him
- Now we have "Mrdangas" and cymbals. Let us organize a Kirtana party both at New York and at San Francisco and on our off days at least twice in a week let us have our Kirtana outside
- Now we have come to establish some branches in India. We invite everyone. There is no discrimination that "You are such, you are such." Anyone can join us
- Now we have seen that many foreign visitors are coming to India to see the sacred places like Vrindaban, and the KLM Airlines has requested us to guide their tourists in some scheme
- Now we have the GBC, the sannyasins, the presidents and so many qualified devotees. We have to give up the habit of placing everything on Prabhupada's shoulders. We must be responsible, mature, steadfast and convinced
- Now work very strenuously. You are all young men, and somehow or other, dead horse, you have given life. Otherwise the last fortnight I was thinking I am dead now. I was thinking like that, 'Now life is finished"
- Now you are living by yourself because you have been hurt by seeing that the children are sometimes mistreated, and because no one has taken your good advice in this connection
- Now you are working very seriously and sincerely for Krsna, and you have taken great risk and courage to work in far off place on His behalf, so you may expect that He is giving you His all blessings at every turn
- Now you have everything, respect, philosophy, money, temples, books, all these things I have given, but I am an old man and my notice is already there. Now it is up to you all how to manage it
- Now you have in stock about 10,000 copies of KRSNA, face value of which is about $75,000, so kindly try to collect as much as possible and send your weekly collections to this deposit fund
- Now you have taken this initiation, and it is a very serious matter. You must always keep very strongly to the principles of Krishna consciousness
- Now you have voluntarily taken sannyasa. You may take advantage of this opportunity and preach this Krishna cult and expand missionary activities. Do it sincerely
- Now, because you are on the field work, you have to meet so many opposite elements. And you have to satisfy them or fight with them with conclusive statements from Bhagavad-gita, and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Now, by the grace of Krsna, yourself and Upendra, the descendants of your adventurous forefathers, have gone there with a great mission, and try to execute it to your best capacity
- Now, we have by Krsna's Grace built up something significant in the shape of this ISKCON and we are all one family. Sometimes there may be disagreement and quarrel but we should not go away
- Now, we should have self-sufficiency. This means to make our own food grains grow and to weave our own cloth - like in Mayapur. If we have food grains, milk, and cloth life becomes easy and we can save time for preaching and chanting
- Obedience should be without any motive. Just like see here the Europeans & American boys, they are obeying Krsna or Krsna's representative without any condition. They have not come here to obey my order for earning livelihood or for some material purpose
- Of course, as individuals, we have sometimes disagreements, but that should be adjusted keeping our central attention to Krishna
- On account of this political situation, the government is not very favorable to our movement. But we have to counteract it by our behavior, by our propaganda. It is not difficult if you do it very nicely
- On the birthday of Lord Caitanya we have installed the deity Jagannatha (in three) in the temple of the San Francisco Branch & the celebration of feasting was nice last night. People are taking interest in the temple and are attending meetings regularly
- On the whole I am so much pleased that you have opened a branch in Washington, which is the center of all elites
- On the whole, I wish to present Back To Godhead purely in the line of Krishna Consciousness throughout and criticism of too much materialism, as you have written many articles already. That is very nice
- On these principles only does the Krsna consciousness movement go on. We have no business other than to talk of Krsna, worship Krsna and chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- On this (initiation ceremony) occasion, when you have come here from San Francisco prepared to go to London, so my hearty welcome to you, and please do this missionary work very nicely and Krsna will be pleased upon you
- On Vyasa Puja day we had a very nice ceremony in the temple where the Vyasa Puja booklet was read aloud by Hayagriva, who is travelling with me during this European tour
- One civil surgeon is a Bengali in London. Civil surgeon. You have heard this Aurobindo? His father was a medical practitioner in England, and he was born there
- One has taken to this Krsna consciousness cult and is chanting as far as possible, but there is possibility, because one is not mature, there are so many attraction of maya, he may fall down
- One of my disciples, Niranjana das Brahmacari, has won a scholarship to study in Glasgow, Scotland. Allow him to stay in our Temple and take prasadam there
- One should remain perpetually a student, but he has to act as guru
- One thing is whether they have collected enough to cover all the costs. I have heard that despite all this distribution, now there is a big debt to the Book Fund. The GBC has to manage so expertly that there will not be debts
- One thing is, I am very much sad to learn that you have left the company of the devotees over this incident at Gurukula school
- One thing is, we have not yet developed what we have got, so what is the point of expanding further?
- One thing, you have mentioned a "band" for playing in the park. It can be performed besides kirtan
- One who is a householder, he has to work because he has to maintain a wife and children at home. But for a brahmacari, why should he take the botheration of working simply for the matter of satisfying the belly?
- One who is too sinful, very much sinful, he does not get the gross body. He remains in the subtle body, and that is called ghost. You have heard - some of you might have seen - there is ghost
- One who seriously comes to us, he has to become a brahmana. So he has to adopt the occupation of a brahmana, and he has to give up the occupation of a ksatriya or a sudra
- Order-carrier. He has no intelligence. He doesn't require intelligence. "Do this." That's all
- Our awareness is there. You love somebody. But you are meant to love Krsna, that you have forgotten
- Our Bhagavad-gita, we have named it Bhagavad-gita As It Is. And here, Professor Dimmock, he has also written, "The definitive English edition of Bhagavad-gita." So we are presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is. This is called disciplic succession
- Our festival has gone very nicely here in Mayapur. About 400 American and European devotees have come for the celebrations this year. We will all be going to Vrndavana for the opening of our Krishna-Balarama temple there on April 20th, 1975
- Our first and foremost business is to preach and by Krishna's Grace you have taken this task very seriously
- Our Krishna Consciousness Movement is especially meant for enlivening men in this novel educational system. We have published about 10 big big books of 400 to 1000 pages each
- Our Krishna Consciousness movement is practically based upon music and dancing. If by your exceptional qualities you can help in this movement, I think you have been sent by Krishna Himself to help me in this connection
- Our life is dedicated to Krishna, and you should work for Him 24 hours. We have different varieties of service
- Our loving object is Krsna. Somehow or other, we have forgotten Him. We don't trace the history when we forgot. That is useless labor. But we have forgotten, that is a fact. Now revive it. Here is reminder. So take opportunity
- Our mission, human mission, is to come to the platform of amrtatvam, immortality. We have discussed this point. Amrtatvam, immortality
- Our policy is not to decrease, only increase, therefore I do not think it is a good idea to leave Austin just because you have not got a temple house there
- Our preachers mainly belong to European and American countries, yet by the grace of Lord Caitanya they have tremendous success wherever they go to open branches. Indeed, everywhere people are very seriously chanting Hare Krsna
- Our present appreciation of happiness is due to the senses, and these particular senses are according to the particular body. The other day we have explained that a hog, because he has got a particular type of body, his sense gratification is to eat stool
- Our program for Krishna Consciousness is solid, and backed by most authoritative literature - Bhagavad-gita, and Srimad-Bhagavatam; there is no question of our not being popular to the world. Simply we have to present ourselves in true perspective
- Our proper business is to satisfy the senses of Krsna, not our senses. So because we have deviated from our original position, therefore it is always a perplexity of our life
- Our publication project is to finish Srimad-Bhagavatam. If we publish one volume for one canto, still it will not be less than 12 volumes. Besides this we have Nectar of Devotion and two or three more books
- Our real pleasure should be in bhajananandena. Radha-krsna-padaravinda-bhajananandena. In this way we have taken very serious job. In this life we want to finish this material existence for good
- Our students, they have very quickly given up the four principles of sinful activity. And that is actually surprising to all these so-called sannyasis also. They are surprised
- Our task is very heavy because we have declared war against Maya
- Our teaching, Krsna consciousness, is perfect because we have taken the lesson from Krsna. Just try to understand how perfect we are. We don't say anything as "I think," "maybe," "perhaps." No. We never say so. We say definite
- Our ultimate aim is to take part in politics, because Krishna took part in politics, we have to follow
- Out of sixty volumes, we have published only about twelve volumes. So it's a great literature, Srimad-Bhagavatam. So everything is there; nothing new
- Over the past ten years I have given the framework and now we have become more than the British Empire. Even the British Empire was not as expansive as we
- Part and parcel means helping the whole. As we have several times explained that this finger is the part and parcel of my body, so it is the duty of the finger always serve the body, whole body. It has no other occupation
- People must co-operate. If not, then they will have to suffer. So, I am very glad that you have come forward, being one of the leaders of the cultural community
- Perhaps while you were in India you have heard that we glorify in the following way: Guru Gauranga Chandarbika Giridhari. Four "G''s. So Guru-Gauranga you understand, and Chandarbika-Giridhari means Radha and Krishna
- Perhaps you have information about my activities in the Western countries and the cult of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu being nicely transplanted in the Western countries
- Please accept my greetings on your recovery from illness. I was so much anxious for your illness. Now I am relieved that you have come back from Hospital
- Please come here, chant Hare Krsna, dance, and take sumptuously prasadam, go home - where is the difficulty? And they are coming. Because we have no money - we are doing on a small scale. But if the government gives us facility we can expand this scale
- Please inform Hayagriva that Gargamuni has sent him the whole set of English Caitanya Caritamrta which he may read carefully and then return it back
- Please keep in the front of your attention my desire that you convert the Africans. I know you have some of them already now train them up, so that even if you are forced to leave, they will be able to carry on Krsna Consciousness on their own
- Please let it be known that Nitai has become a venomous serpent. Be careful of him
- Please let me know if Kamalasana arrives there in Sante Fe. He has left the temple here all of a sudden, and no one knows where he is. I am very much anxious for him, so please let me know if you have any word from him
- Please let me know immediately how the Chhanganlal case has come out. I hope that by now you have received my letter of April 3, 1973 and have taken appropriate steps to secure the Juhu land
- Please remember always the humble teachings that you have received from me, and that will make you always associated with me, and with your other God-brothers
- Please study carefully my books to be enlightened. You have presented our philosophy very nicely. This engladdens me that our students are presenting so convincingly. This is the way to become future preacher
- Please try to understand the philosophy with all your reason and faith; and as you have inquired from me I shall try my best to convince you in the subject
- Practically there is no death. Death means changing the body. We have already discussed this point. But that janma, that birth, oh, it is stated here that it is a bondage. Janma-bandha
- Practically this institution is the real U.N. We have the co-operation from all nations, all religions, all communities, etc. It will be an international institute
- Practically we have very little suffering from disease. We are spending so much money, but we don't spend for doctors' bill
- Prahlada Maharaja is submitting that, "I do not require to be highly elevated to offer my prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead." Nobody requires any material acquisition to approach God. We have been discussing this point for the last few days
- Preachers must have sufficient education because they have to meet with so many opposing elements
- Presently arrangements are being made for me to go to Moscow, Russia. We have one invitation to speak in the university there. If I see that you are understanding our philosophy, then I shall be glad to take you with me to Russia for preaching work
- Pretend? Kick them! Why you should accept pretension? Then you are a fool also. You say "pretend," and still, you have to talk about them. That means you are also faithless. Why should you talk about the pretension?
- Purusottama has also heard that you are considering to open a store of Indian imports in the new temple on 61 2nd Ave. This idea is approved by me
- Rabindranath Tagore is nice poet from materialistic point of view. That's all. To satisfy the materialistic person. He is not a nice poet from spiritualistic point of view. We have nothing to do with him
- Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was offering obeisances flat hundred times and taking bath three times. Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, those who have gone to Radha-Kunda, you have seen, the extreme tapasya. He was very rich man's son
- Ramesvar also informs that you have received there the equivalent of dollars 7,500 from Life Members, so this should also be sent by you here to Vrindaban
- Rascals, they have created problems. Therefore we have started this Krsna consciousness movement for their benefit. Let them cooperate, and we shall make solution of all problems-political, social, everything. Let them come and cooperate
- Realization means you should write, every one of you, what is your realization. What for this BTG is? You write your realization, what you have realized about Krsna. That is required. It is not passive. Always you should be active
- Recently at Bhaktivedanta Manor they have held one election for President and Hamsaduta was present. But I am receiving so many contradictory reports
- Recently I have given Sannyas order of life to six Brahmacaris. They have been sent in different parts of the country for preaching work
- Recently I have given Sannyas order of life to six Brahmacaris. They have been sent in different parts of the country for preaching work and two of them might go with me to join you
- Recently some criticism has appeared in the Illustrated Weekly also. So, such things will go on in this world, but that does not mean we have got any disrespect for any Vaisnava acarya
- Recently we have published abridged edition of Bhagavad-gita, 350,000 . . . three hundred and fifty hundred thousand
- Recently we have published our "Isopanisad" a Vedic literature and in this small booklet we have thoroughly discussed this point
- Recently we have received many acclaims by prominent educators, scholars and scientists throughout the world for our books
- Recently we have received their picture, how nicely they're looking, the children. Children, they're innocent. If you want to kill, you can kill; if you want to train him just like a perfect man, you can train him
- Regarding Bali Mardan, he has not resigned and until he or some other member does so there shall not be any change in the members of the GBC
- Regarding Bhuvanesvara temple, whatever you have said is alright, but we have received estimate much less than that of yours
- Regarding Karandhara, he has already been informed that I have accepted his resignation from BBT. It is all right that Tamala Krsna borrows $10,000 for a bus and that Chicago borrows $10,000 to purchase their present building
- Regarding keeping our temples clean, this is essential. Unless we can maintain the temples we presently have superexcellently clean, we should not open new centers
- Regarding Lalitananda, formerly Hrsikesa, his proposal for joining us does not appear to be very sincere. He wants to keep himself as Bonn Maharaja's man, although he has taken permission from Bonn Maharaja to leave him and join us
- Regarding missing tapes, Devananda has written to both Detroit and Buffalo and he has sent you a letter also in this connection. So very soon you should be receiving the delinquent tapes from Detroit and Buffalo and then see if any are actually missing
- Regarding moving our New Delhi center from its present location to a smaller place, I would advise you to first investigate the building which is now being rented by an old disciple of mine, who you have met, Acarya Prabhaker
- Regarding our involvement with the property in Bombay: by chance we have been entangled but now a strong committee should be formed of our life members. Let them take it up, otherwise what can be done?
- Regarding Spiritual Sky, yes you can be appointed. Gopala Krishna has suggested that the Board meet bi-annually, and I approve of it
- Regarding the artist you have written about, if he can paint improved paintings, we shall publish. Yes, you can bring him to Bombay when you come
- Regarding the building, if it is already acquired by the university, then if you purchase, the university authorities must give you guarantee that they will return the money, whatever we have paid, after deducting the usual rent only
- Regarding the complaints against yourself you have mentioned, I do not find any complaints. But even if there should be such complaints, you must remain pure, and automatically the complaints will vanish
- Regarding the construction you have not mentioned anything about the gate. I want that the gate should be there. The gate should be constructed before the wall is constructed
- Regarding the German situation, it is an attempt to suppress our movement there. We have become very popular there and now the Christian church, as well as the police are very much feeling pressure that "now this movement is increasing"
- Regarding the hole in the Deity, no do not repair it like you have stated. You can fill up the hole with wax, and go on worshiping
- Regarding the horoscope, it is a nice idea and if I meet a good astrologer I shall try to get one for your little child. I'm glad that you have sent me the exact time and date of birth, this will help
- Regarding the intended election, I have no preference for anyone. Whomever gets the majority election, he has my vote
- Regarding the letter to the draft board, I would like that you boys may decide among yourselves what is to be done. When you have decided amongst yourselves, send it to me and I shall sign
- Regarding the new car, I think we require some new cars in India. So if it is possible, the car may be dispatched to India. We have already applied to the Import Department Govt. of India
- Regarding the restaurant, you should not name it as you have suggested, but "Hare Krishna Restaurant." That should be the name
- Regarding the Vedas personified, they should be drawn just like you have seen some pictures of great sages. They are young in appearance like perfect Vaisnavas, and they may be shown with tilak and Vaisnava markings in that way
- Regarding your article in BTG about Ayurvedic Medicine, I do not think this is very worthwhile endeavor. You have shown nice ability for writing so it will be more appreciated if you continue to study SB and BG and express the same by your assimilation
- Regarding your idea of a Krishna Conscious book of many of our prayers, this is a nice idea, and very soon Dinesh will have many prayers which he has been tape recording written out in English transliterations
- Regarding your proposal of a Rathayatra festival as Bhaktivinode Thakura suggested, you may kindly send me a note telling in which book the above statement is there. I shall be very glad to see the article you have written in this connection
- Regarding your question, this surrender to Supersoul is in the advanced stage of Krishna Consciousness. So long one is not advanced, he has to take information and direction from the representative of Supersoul or the Spiritual Master
- Regarding your request to sing prayers in English, this is nice suggestion, and you may do it. So far as the songs that you have written, you may send me a copy of them and I shall see them
- Regarding your seeking permission for selling some leather goods and water pipes: I say yes, you can sell. We have nothing to do with these things, but in special cases, if somebody asks us to sell intoxicants or similar things, we cannot do that
- Regarding your selling of BTG, we have taken a great risk of printing 20,000 copies per month, and before taking this risk, we consulted four different centers, and you all agreed. Now you try your best and the result will depend on Krishna's desire
- Regarding your suggestion for a book especially for use in college courses, if possible you can pick it up from my other books, articles and speeches. You have the idea, so you can do it, just suitable for them
- Regarding your unstable condition of mind, I beg to request you to always remember that you have all gone to London with a great mission and responsibility. I am so much pleased with you all six boys and girls who are doing so much for my missionary work
- Regarding your working on the translation of the second canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, we shall see later on, for now just try to finish what you have begun
- Remain always a servant of your spiritual master and present the thing as you have heard. You'll be spiritual master. This is secret. You should know it. Don't try to become overintelligent. That will spoil. Evam parampara
- Repression means, suppose you have a disease, you are suffering from typhoid fever, and the doctor says that you don't take any solid food. Now if you desire to take a paratha, you have to repress it: "No, I cannot take paratha"
- Rupanuga has a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra, so you can get this from him. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear
- Sadhu-sanga is so essential. And sadhu's symptoms are described. And suhrdah. Suhrdah, we have already explained. Suhrdah means well-wisher for everyone
- Sarvatma means one who is the living force of everyone. He is called sarvatma. There is living force. I have got living force, you have got living force, everyone. But wherefrom the living force is coming? From Krsna
- Sastra-caksusa: you have to see through the sastra. Otherwise, we have no eyes to see past, present, future
- Send a copy of this letter to all our centers in India so that if there is any harassment of the security police, we can utilize it. I think that in Bombay since they have received this letter, our devotees are not complaining about police harassment
- $70,000. or $80,000. should have been collected, but Karandhara has only collected $24,000. So where is the rest of the money? This means that the money is not being collected properly. What can be done?
- Several times we have described this, that two birds are sitting in the same tree. The two birds means one, the Supersoul, and other, the individual living entity
- Several times we have discussed this point, that this hand, this work of my hand, is a kind of energy of my body. Now, this hand is meant for working for this body. Similarly, mamaivamso jiva-bhutah jiva-loke sanatanah - BG 15.7
- She tests very rigidly whether you have taken Krsna consciousness to disturb Krsna, or you are actually serious. That is maya' s business. So there will be, in the beginning, test by maya, and you will feel so much disturbances in making progress in KC
- Simply they are ecstatic in chanting Hare Krsna mantra. So kindly what you have begun, do not break it. Continue it very jubilantly
- Since scientists are now enamored of theories about the chemical composition of the body, we have challenged many scientists to make even a small egg
- Since there is no sacred thread for the women, they may have already heard the mantra. In any case there are enclosed three mantra sheets, one for each of them
- Since we have presented this dharma, to serve Krsna, it is working very wonderfully. We have got branches all over the world
- Since you have gone to San Francisco, the center is improving daily, beginning from Rathayatra Festival, and you are also selling BTGs nicely. This means Krishna is giving you the opportunity to serve Him
- Since you have returned to N.Y. you have falsely dictated that I do not want the robes or flags. Why are you disturbing the whole situation in my absence?
- Small children are just like animals and they have to be trained how to obey, otherwise they will be simply spoiled
- So all of the girls you have mentioned, such as Ekayani, Kancanbala and Indira are similarly very good souls and I am always praying that Krishna will help you all more and more
- So Bhagavad-gita, in each and every verse the things are very, very clear, as clear as the sunshine. So there is no question of interpretation. Our this publication of Bhagavad-gita, we have therefore mentioned: Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- So far as accommodations are concerned, Hayagriva has given me information that there is a nice two-story house where both the press and the workers can be accommodated
- So far as Krsna is concerned, I understand that you did not keep any copy of the manuscript. Generally it is the custom to make at least four copies, so how is it that you have neglected this?
- So far as Savitri getting her 2nd initiation you have written to say that she had difficulty now to even chant a few mantras. So you must observe first whether she will be able to keep the Brahminical vows
- So far as the certificates are concerned, they are very beautiful and nicely done. But I have noticed that there is one small spelling mistake which you may be able to correct. "Srimati" you have spelled as "Srimate"
- So far as translating our literatures into Japanese language, you should endeavor to do so vigorously. You have published only one Japanese BTG, but they should be regularly published. So if you go on and engage your mind in all this positive work
- So far Calcutta branch is concerned, it cannot be closed. It must be maintained. You have got permits for five men, and all of these men must go to Mayapur immediately and perform Sankirtan day and night
- So far foodstuffs, you should collect profusely. If you collect more distribute more, and if you collect less, distribute less, but only distribute what you have collected. If there is no food, do not contribute our own funds for this purpose
- So far I am concerned, we have just completed our pandal programme in Hyderabad and it was very, very successful. In that portion there was no rain for two years, but due to our Sankirtana yagna the rain came
- So far Lord Brahma paint him just like you have painted already in the poster where he is flying on the swan for stealing Krishna's cowherds friends and cows
- So far our devotees, Americans are concerned, they have nothing to do with politics
- So far the Garuda Stambha is concerned, from the photograph, yes, it is approved what you have done
- So if you have got any other method to understand yourself & God, you can follow. We have no objection. But our method is that. We want to test that by following some method, either call it religious or cultural, whether you have understood yourself & God
- So long you are not cured, what is the use of talking svarupa? First business is cure yourself. Anartha-nivrtti, that is anartha-nivrtti. Then svarupa will come. That is the babajis. In Vrndavana, you have seen? Siddha-pranali
- So many boys, young boys, you have understood. So do it and give me relief. I remain in the background. Let me finish my Bhagavata Purana and those who are assisting in the writing, I'll be there
- So many thousands of Europeans, Americans, they have joined us on account of sadhu-sanga
- So now my plans have changed. Karandhara has made arrangements for my physician to come here, thus saving much expense and time. So now I shall remain here in Los Angeles up to the 30th of May, then to New Vrindaban for a few days and then on to London
- So Pariksit Maharaja had the opportunity of hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam for seven days, so I do not know whether we'll have, I have opportunity for reading Srimad-Bhagavatam for seven minutes. So let me read it very seriously"
- So this is the process of bhakti-yoga. You surrender and, in the past, whatever sinful activities you have done, that is squared up, now account closed. Now you begin a new life, devotional life, and if you stick to the principle...
- So we are trying our bit to understand Krsna and to make others to understand Krsna. And therefore we have published about eighty-two books, big books and small books. So we request that you either accept Krsna without any hesitation
- So you describe that you have set up an altar in your home and you are offering prasadam, and this is all approved by me
- So your efforts in the matter of our Sanskrit editing are effectively improving our books more and more with scholarly standards. All your work and programs are approved by me as you have listed them
- Sober, intelligent men are required who can preach. Now we have so many French literatures, so there is a great opportunity
- Some of our students, they think that "Why should I work in this mission? Oh, let me go away." He goes away, but what does he do? He becomes a motor driver, that's all. Instead of getting honor as brahmacari, sannyasi, he has to work as ordinary worker
- Some of the churches have been purchased by other religious sect. We have purchased one church in Los Angeles. So opening temple is good, but who will maintain the spirit of temple worship
- Some part of this Sanatana instruction, we have discussed. Again we shall discuss. So this Sanatana Gosvami met at Benares while Caitanya Mahaprabhu was returning back from Vrndavana. We shall discuss this point tomorrow
- Some time must be taken, but unlimited time, unlimited expenditure, that's not good. Ten percent. You produce books. Take ten percent. You may have more than 1,500. You may have more than that
- Sometime ago you asked my permission for accepting some disciples, now the time is approaching very soon when you will have many disciples by your strong preaching work
- Sometimes I become very eager to start a varnasrama college. We have nothing to do with varnasrama. But we want to see that the whole human society is peaceful. That is our mission. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. This is the desire of the SP of Godhead
- Sometimes our devotees fall down because he has not come to that platform, ever-existing. Therefore the fire extinguished. That is possible, but everyone should be very, very careful that the fire may not be extinguished. Then again maya
- Sometimes we also have some parties in the temple. Someone wants to dress the Deity in a way, another wants to... Of course, they are not transgressing the rules & regulation, but still, everyone wants that "I shall serve the Lord in this particular way"
- Sraddha means to accept that, "This is a nice movement." Just like you have come here with this sraddha, little faith that, "What these people are making in Krsna consciousness movement? Let us go and see." This is called sraddha. This is the first thing
- Srimad-Bhagavatam. Vyasadeva has given us. We should study very carefully, and we have tried to give each and every word's meaning and the translation and the purport, consulting all the big, big acaryas
- Stringed instruments are Vedic, but the real Vedic instrument is mrdanga and karatala. Anyway, you have to do according to the time and circumstances if you use these other instruments. So you have got my approval and you can go on
- Such attitude of humbleness which you have so nicely expressed along with your very good service attitude is very beautiful and will take you far to advance more and more
- Such French edition was my great ambition and now that you have achieved success, I request you all to improve it continually so the French speaking people will have opportunity to take advantage of our Krishna Consciousness movement
- Such orders stopping sankirtana in the streets of the world's great cities have been imposed upon members of the Hare Krsna movement. We have hundreds of centers all over the world, and we have been specifically persecuted in Australia
- Suppose we fall down. There is nothing inauspicity because whatever you have done sincerely, that is recorded in the book. In the Krsna's book. Krsna has got accountant. He keeps nice account of the activities of His devotees. That's a fact
- Supposing if there is any harm, that is to be judged by the local president, and if he has good reason to think that another party will be unfavorable to his temple's operations, then he may order them to leave, that's all
- Surrender to Supersoul is in the advanced stage of Krishna Consciousness. So long one is not advanced, he has to take information and direction from the representative of Supersoul or the Spiritual Master
- Suta Gosvami confirms this, that "Your question about Krsna is so nice that it is auspicity for the whole world." So we have started this Krsna consciousness movement. It is not any personal affair. It is auspicity for the whole world
- Syamasundara told George that if he can give us a…, give us some money, we can purchase. So he has purchased without taking any of our money
- Syamasundara. has asked me to go there, so if I am not very seriously engaged, I must go. But if George and John join in the procession, it will be a great success
- Take advantage of these books yourselves. Not that you just distribute but neglect reading them yourself. Always read them, especially Krsna book. Every time you have a spare moment, you should read
- Take prasada and chant Hare Krsna, that's all. And we have now nice buildings. Live there peacefully, chant Hare Krsna. This is my success. If I see that you are living very nicely, chanting very nicely, then all my labor is successful
- Take to this chanting of Hare Krsna mantra. There is no loss. There is no expenditure. We don't charge anything. We have arranged this Ratha-yatra festival by begging from door to door
- Thank you for supplying the account for the money which has been sent to you. I am encouraged that you expect to have the everything completed on time. This I want
- Thank you for understanding this Krsna Consciousness philosophy more and more. Now that you have a little taste, kindly keep it as the most valuable asset of life
- Thank you for your wonderful sankirtana results. It is very pleasing to me that you have sold so many books. Now, continue and increase
- Thank you very much for your kind appreciations of our Krishna Consciousness movement. I am so glad to hear that you have taken to devotional service and are finding it more and more enlivening
- That is good they have sold the jewelry business; we have got so nice book business, why shall we have this?
- That is my joy, that we have now a sampradaya, a party of Lord Caitanya in the Western country
- That religion is best which helps someone, the religionist, to develop love of God, Godhead. If you put to test all kinds of religion in this formula of Srimad-Bhagavatam, you'll understand which religion is best. You haven't got to ask anybody
- That should be the process. Krsna is omnipresent. He can see you, He can understand you, what are doing. So we have to execute devotional service in such a faithful way that Krsna will see us. Then you will be successful
- The acaryas and the devotee, big, big devotees, they have given the routine work for cultivation. Just like we have got this Nectar of Devotion, how to cultivate devotional life
- The anu, vibhinnamsa jiva, when he comes within this material world, he becomes entrapped or his that jyoti... In the previous verse you have studied jyoti. Vibhinnamsa living entity, we are also jyoti
- The BBT is in the Gwalior Tank Road Branch, Central Bank of India, but Gargamuni Maharaja says you have opened another account in the Indian Overseas Marine Lines. Please let me know what is this idea? I never knew of it
- The best news of all is that soon we shall have our own press for printing Krishna Consciousness literature in the German language. Our life and soul is kirtana and presenting literature to the public at large
- The Bhagwatam we have is the same Bhagwatam. It was originally spoken in four slokas by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to Lord Brahma. All these descriptions are in my books and I request you to read them very carefully as you are a learned scholar
- The books are very urgently required here because we have made about 35 members and none of them have been supplied with any books. Every day they are asking for books and this is not very good for us
- The boy Bruce is improving and becoming more interested. He has now sacrificed his hairs for Krsna - that is a good sign
- The boys and girls of America are generally good souls, that is why they have taken birth in such a nice country, and now they should make perfect all of their opulences by engaging everything in Krishna Consciousness
- The Buddhist theory is void and the Mayavadi theory is impersonal. But our philosophy is that God is originally the Supreme Person. Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate (SB 1.2.11). We have discussed this point many times
- The composition which you have sent me, although it is incomplete, it appears to be nice. I do not find any mistake in the composition, but sometimes you have spelled Chaitanya as Chaitanya, and sometimes you have spelled it Caitanya
- The conch shell is place on the altar and used for blowing. It is pleasing to the Deity and a bona fide item of worship. Never mind all the rumors you have heard
- The conch shells as you have described may be kept on the altar as decoration, but they must be kept clean. Everything on the altar must always be clean
- The Deity should have nice flowers everyday etc., etc. You should try to bring Them up to the highest standard, such as we have in Los Angeles or New Vrndavana
- The demonic people, they do not have the truth. Only a false theory, the Darwin's theory. We have commented upon Darwin's theory also in our book Scientific Basis of Krsna Consciousness
- The devotees in the KC movement are preaching all over the world in accordance with the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They have to meet many karmis, but by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they are unaffected by material influences
- The devotees, they have got such eyes to see that they can immediately discriminate who is a fool, who is learned
- The Dollars 5,000 which you have collected for Food Relief may be sent for the construction of the Prasadam Distribution Pavilion here at Mayapur temple
- The Edinburgh temple may be moved. However Hamsaduta Prabhu has suggested that if it is to be moved why not move it to Birmingham or Manchester where there will be more facility to preach and make life members and devotees
- The essay is very good and I thank you for it. You have very nicely understood and described the meaning of "Back to Godhead"
- The fact is that when you have decided to get yourself married, I think without the formalities of taking consent from your parents, you can get yourself married legally
- The fact that you have left our movement just on account of some minor disagreements shows that you are not actually serious about going back to home, back to Godhead
- The first day I arrived we had talks about two hours with the Beatles, but because they are materially very rich, it is little difficult for them to understand Krishna Consciousness philosophy
- The first thing is that we have taken very, very responsible task, to finish this so-called lording over this material nature
- The issue of Back To Godhead which you have sent me is very very nice, and Krishna is helping you for your sincere efforts. I hope you will continue this attitude and improve the quality and writing of Back To Godhead both nicely
- The karmis have no end to their desires. "Bring money, bring money, bring money, bring money." You have seen. You have got good experience in your country. Millionaires, multi-millionaires, still working hard
- The living entity, his real constitutional position is to serve God. We have several times explained this fact, that the part and parcel of God must be engaged in the service of the Lord
- The name of the place at Letchmore Heath we have already named Bhaktivedanta Manor, European Center of ISKCON
- The new thrones are actually super-excellent. I wanted that thrones be constructed like this, so you have introduced it. Personally I have already instructed and you are following
- The newsletters which you have sent are very nice. Thank you very much
- The only fear I have is that you may fight. Please do not. That will ruin everything we have done. If there is any misunderstandings which arise, as they will, settle them up
- The only test is how you have developed your attachment for Krsna. If you are serious about it, it can be done within a second. If you are not serious about it, it cannot be done in many lives. So that depends on your serious nature
- The other machine which you have supplied is undoubtedly of superior quality as I see that a few tapes recorded on this machine have come out very nice, but there are several practical defects also
- The philosophy discourses we had years ago is now lying without any utility, so all your Godbrothers are very much anxious to publish it
- The picture you have enclosed of Siva Linga is approved by me and it is in the right proportion. It may be black or white according to the stone
- The place as you have described it that they are thinking to get sounds very nice. I know how dedicated all of the distributers of my books are in Germany where it is not easy to work
- The present Krsna consciousness movement follows the same principle (of chanting and dancing), and therefore simply by chanting and dancing we have received good responses all over the world
- The president cannot take any loans without authorization. This is a declaration. These things must not be allowed. Whatever he has taken must be returned and he must pay back the money that he has kept
- The presidents should not give up their posts, but GBC work must go on and temple activities be maintained simultaneously. So now you have experienced practically that your responsibility for temple upkeep must not be set aside for GBC business
- The program as outlined by you is accepted. I am preparing now for the meeting with Vinobhaji as you have suggested
- The program as we have followed with good success is to find out some local boy who is well acquainted with the English language and train him to preach to the general less educated public
- The program you have outlined is very nice, however I cannot go on long time procession because I am called by nature, I can go at most one hour
- The purpose of yajna is to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this age, as we have explained many times, the yajna of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is the only sacrifice that can satisfy the Supreme Lord
- The real disease, as we have already explained, is to lord it over the material nature
- The real thing is that you are feeling alone, and because you are so to say, child, you have become nervous. Otherwise for a preacher there is no difficulty anywhere, irrespective of climate and conditions
- The result has been very excellent; they are not very big philosopher, nor Vedantist, neither born in the Vedic civilized way, but they have been trained only under my direction for only two years
- The San Francisco temple, not being situated in a nice quarter, they are trying to remove to somewhere else. Now they have got a Berkeley temple. It is not my policy to close any temple, but if there is inconvenience, we change the place
- The sandesh was the first class sandesh I have tasted in your country, you have mastered the art perfectly well, thank you very much
- The sankirtana just now we have performed, it is vibration of the transcendental sound. This will help us in clearing the dust which we have accumulated on the surface of our mind
- The sankirtana movement we have started offers the best process for becoming purified of all sinful reactions and coming immediately to the platform of spiritual life
- The sastra gives us direction that you should be accepting these things and you should be not accepting these things, sastra. Just like in our society, we have picked up the most essential nivrtti and pravrtti
- The sentiments that you have expressed in your letter are all due to my Guru Maharaja who has deputed me to pick up all good souls like you in this part of the world
- The sentiments which you have expressed are very much encouraging to me, that I have got such disciples as yourself who are more anxious to serve me than my own children
- The smartas, they are thinking like that, "How these mlecchas and yavanas can become a brahmana?" But they do not know that by Krsna consciousness one can jump over. Mayam etam taranti te. Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya. Maya is very strong
- The soul is fundamentally pure but he has an aptitude to come to the impure state of material contamination. He is therefore called tatastha or marginal. He has got the liberty of staying within the pure state or becoming contaminated. That is his choice
- The statue which you have received is not Visnu Murti. Visnu Murti is never to be found in fighting spirit with anyone
- The story begins, kanyakubje. Kanyakubja is still there in India. Perhaps you have heard the name of Kanpur. So that is within the Kanyakubja area. Kanyakubje dvijah: "There was a brahmana in Kanyakubja"
- The tests you have sent to me are nice, and the Hare Krishna Mantra leaflet is also nice. The only thing is that on the leaflet the type is very small, so people may have trouble to read it
- The title cover of Teachings of Lord Caitanya which you have sent to me is very nice. I hope that you have already taken care of the one typographical error on the inside flap, but otherwise, it is completely satisfactory
- The whole idea is that action, either in ignorance or passion or goodness - we have discussed that point - that doesn't matter. That action should be done from the spiritual consciousness platform. That's all. Then you transcend the reaction
- The whole New York City is flooded with the snow, and we are all put into inconvenience. That's a sort of suffering. But you have no control. You cannot stop snow falling
- The world is full of sinful reactions. If this sankirtana movement is pushed on there will be peace, there will be auspicity all over the world. It is not that we have introduced a new thing. It is sanctioned by the sastras & accepted by the authorities
- The young boys and girls of the Krsna consciousness movement have given up the spirit of material enjoyment not because of practice but by the mercy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His servants
- The young men and women at the ISKCON temple are giving everything they have for giving others a chance to come and worship at an authorized Radha-Krishna temple
- There are Canadians, Englishmen, American, Australian, but they have forgotten that he is Englishmen or American or Australian or black or white or Indian. No. They have forgotten. They are simply interested in Krsna consciousness
- There are different degrees of guna. The degrees are so mixed up. Therefore three gunas is manifested into 8,400,000 different forms of life, mixture. You can calculate. We have several times calculated. Three multiplied by three equals nine
- There are different types of religions, originally on some philosophical basis. So let them remain. We have nothing to bother or fight with them, because after all, every religion has got some good motive to elevate the person to a certain stage
- There are so many Indians in this country. They're not helping me. But these boys, these girls, because they have come to the transcendental platform, they're helping me so nicely. Therefore the Movement is going forward. This is practical
- There are three stages of chanting. One chanting is with offense, beginning. There are ten kinds of offenses, we have described many times. If we chant with offense, that is one stage. If we chant offenseless, that is one stage
- There is authoritative statements in all the sastras, but if we do not care for sastra and sadhu and devotees, we manufacture our own way of life, that is different things. We have nothing to speak about that
- There is chance of uniting all these different parts of India by Krsna consciousness. You have to organize. At least you organize here, Manipur center, Burma and Bangladesh and Assam. It will be successful
- There is no harm for having children, that is no impediment for preaching endeavor
- There is no need of establishing a deity for the time being in these places you have mentioned. Simply make a nice preaching center
- There is no need of keeping so many men. We have attempted in Vrndavana. A few men may remain here. That's all. Otherwise, it will be not very nice to attract when people are attracted by seeing your behavior
- There is no need to concoct anything new. You simply have to study carefully our books and then in your own words try to express what you have read. This will automatically make you a very successful preacher
- There is no question of asking you to go away from Bhaktivedanta Manor. I have received word also from other sources that the situation has improved since you have come there. I have sent a detailed letter to Mukunda and this explains my desire
- There is no question of high percentage. I said that even a small percentage, there must be some ideal men. At least people will see that "Here is the ideal man." Just like we are having
- There is no question of ill treating of our own Godbrothers simply because they are sick, nor should you allow such neglect to go on. So long we have this material body there will be sickness
- There is no question of your falling from my grace: you have always my blessings upon you, and I am always thinking of you, and praying Krishna to help you and give you more and more advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- There is no scarcity in their country. Everything's complete. But still, for Krsna they have forsaken everything. That is pure devotion
- There is not question of a devotee becoming ostracized because he has become ill, nor do I think this is being widely practiced. One of the symptoms of a devotee is that he is kind, so if our Godbrother becomes ill it is our duty to help him
- There is one boy, Bhagavatananda, in Pittsburgh temple, who wants to have some new engagement and he is expert carpenter who has built many houses in New Vrindaban, so you may correspond with him if he can come to help you there
- There is sannyasi also, brahmacari, grhastha. We have no such distinction. Yei krsna bhaje sei guru haya. Anyone who is in Krsna consciousness and full in the understanding of science of Krsna, he can become a spiritual master, a teacher
- There must always be activity. Not that we have a nice house for comfortable living. We simply want to bring people back home, Back to Godhead. That is the purpose of our temples, of our books, and our festivals, and preachings
- There was no force. Only proposal. That's all. When it was proposed before me, I also said, "It depends on the choice." So anyway, go on with your work, sankirtana movement you have started
- There will be no scarcity of money for the work, so you try to raise fund locally as far as possible. But whenever there is scarcity of money, you will have it in the usual way as you have already got it. So do everything very nicely and quickly
- Therefore you have got spiritual master. Why he is there? Therefore you have to accept spiritual master who will give you direction. You cannot do it. If you manufacture your own..., then go to hell
- These are bad company. We cannot have any sympathy. We cannot make any compromise with everyone. That is not possible
- These boys and girls although their father are atheist by nature they have come out very theist, high class God conscious students
- These boys and girls are also initiated for the last two years only - they are not very great scholars in theological studies, but still by the Grace of Krishna they have created some impression in a city like London simply by their sincere effort
- These boys, although they are young men, they will never go to cinema. They are young men; they have got all propensities. But they are so elevated, they have given up all these low propensities - going to the club, restaurant and cinema, or naked dance
- These boys, they were not educated in Vedic literature, never. But how they have taken to this Krsna consciousness? This is the magic of Krsna consciousness
- These European, American boys, girls, they are practically in the modes of passion. But they have been elevated immediately to the spiritual platform worshiping Krsna. That is possible
- These European, American boys, they don't care for any criticism. They have given their so-called hats & coats & they are chanting. They are going on the street, chanting Hare Krsna mantra. Not only here - New York, London, Hamburg, Berlin
- These man made borders of land are disturbances in the Law of the Lord. All lands belong to Krishna and as servant of Krishna we have every right to enter any land
- These rascals say, "There is no God." Simply rascals. At least expose these rascals. We have no power to kill them, but at least we can expose them. That is also great service
- These reports about Japan are coming from all over the world. This is very disturbing to me. Their own original face is coming out. This is not at all good. Now you have to do what you have to do to rectify the situation
- These so-called, the so-called big, big leaders, big, big philosophers, and big, big scholars, they have accepted Krsna as ordinary human being
- These transcendental literature, we have taken much pain to translate them into English so that you can understand. We have got fifty books. So take advantage
- They (Jayatirtha and Karandhara) have big, big brains. Why they are failing? Now the Founder-Acarya has to manage. Without my consent the BBT has financed
- They (my disciples) are always engaged in meaningful work, serving God and their fellow man. They have become the flower of your country and all over the world they are being treated with the highest respect
- They (these European and Americans) are pure devotees. They have no other business. They have sacrificed everything. They are coming from rich family, rich nation, educated, everything. There is no scarcity in their country
- They are little educated or they have got some wealth or fame or ability, so they will be sometimes little puffed-up, but that is all right, they deserve it
- They are seeing that all Europeans and Americans, they have adopted such nice Vaisnava culture. There are attracted from that point. But if we are not to the standard point, they immediately appeal, "Oh they are useless". So that should be corrected
- They are trying to unite all nations, spending so much money. But here, we have attempted this Krsna consciousness movement. All parts of the world they have joined. From America, from Europe, Australia, Africa, India
- They cannot create even an ant, and now they are going to make superbeings. This is another foolishness. They cannot create even an ant, moving ant, and they're going to make superbeing. Just see. And we have to believe them. We are not so fool
- They have agreed to our terms and made a draft agreement form which I have not yet seen
- They have forgotten Krsna, they have forgotten God, and I am trying to make them Krsna conscious. It is a very difficult job
- They have forgotten their nationalities. They are simply under Krsna's flag. This is united nation. The rascal do not understand that how to unite. You cannot unite the whole people on this bodily concept of life
- They have given me a very nice report of your activities and I am glad to know that the government authorities (in Kenya) are taking interest in our movement. It is a good sign. So you go on with your preaching
- They have got very good opportunity in Tokyo for spreading the Sankirtana Movement, so they are moving from Kyoto to Tokyo city proper, and it is understood that some of the Japanese boys are already singing the Hare Krishna Mantra
- They have nothing to do with politics. And if they found any politics, they can hang me. I shall go
- They have spoiled India's culture. All these... Rabindranath Tagore. All misleaders. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the real leader, and Krsna
- They must be all ideal acarya-like. In the beginning we have done for working. Now we should be very cautious. Anyone who is deviating, he can be replaced
- They say that "Why you criticize others also?" Because we have to vanquish them. Now these people cannot rise. When there is sunrise, there is no use of these glowworms. So this Krsna consciousness movement is Krsna Himself
- They should hear the tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra into the right ear and the ceremony shall be held only in the association of devotees. I am enclosing one copy of Gayatri mantra tape herewith, as you have requested
- They will never say that they have become equal to me. "I have advanced to be my guru." Never say
- This Bhagavad-gita we have published "As It Is," but unfortunately many editions, they give different interpretations. But "As It Is" should be understood
- This feeling of separation will make you enriched in Krsna consciousness. Feeling of separation. Not that "Krsna, I have seen you. Finished. All right. I have understood You."
- This human form of life is given to us by laws of nature to understand what is God, what we are, what is our relationship with God, what is this material world, why you have come here
- This human form of life is obtained after many, many millions and millions of births, evolutionary process. We have already discussed this point
- This Indian culture is being accepted all over the world. We have got fifty branches all over the world. Now we have come to establish some branches in India
- This initiation means the third stage of Krsna consciousness. Those who are being initiated, they should remember that they have to follow the rules and regulations
- This institute, Krsna consciousness movement has spread because the students who have joined us, they have given aural reception, by hearing
- This is a very feeling festival. So I thank you very much. You have come here. And try to understand our philosophy. You are all educated boys and girls
- This is my position, nowhere. I do not know. Just like I am being kicked like a football. I have no place. You have seen football playing. The football has no place. As soon as comes, somebody's feet, he kicks. He goes to another body. He kicks
- This is the position of this material world. Tri-tapa yantrana trisura. You have seen the picture of Goddess Durga - she is piercing the trisura on the chest of the asura, and he is suffering, his struggle for existence, fighting with the lion, rajo-guna
- This KC movement means we are presenting the BG as it is. That's all. We have no difficulty because Krsna is accepted as authority, the SPG, by all the acaryas; not only formerly, like Vyasadeva, Narada, Asita, Devala, many, many big, big stalwart
- This knowledge, what we are distributing, it is not that we have created this knowledge by research work or by so many other ways, by inductive process. No. Our knowledge is from the deductive process
- This Krsna consciousness movement is educating people in this way, that Krsna is the enjoyer. You have seen Krsna's picture. He is always enjoying. He is not working. That is Krsna. God
- This Krsna consciousness movement means to train people to become the topmost yogi. Topmost yogi. Because they have controlled their senses. No meat eating, no intoxication, not even smoking or drinking tea. This is yoga
- This lamentation you have got is not good. Brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati. This is not Krishna consciousness. Do not lament, but go on with your collecting engagement enthusiastically
- This means that by the grace of Krishna, not only our Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir has become very popular all over Bengal, side by side you have also become the attractive feature in Bengal
- This premature desire to understand the lila of Krishna is due to mundane sex-life desire as we have seen amongst many of the babajis and sahajiyas in Vrindaban
- This publicity is very important in the advancement of our preaching work. Only the standard should be that our philosophy be presented factually. I can see that you have developed first-class relations with the press and this is a sign of your sincerity
- This state of consciousness, material consciousness, is on the sleeping state, in the darkness of sleeping state. We do not know. We do not know what is my identity. We do not know wherefrom we have come in this place, where we have to go
- This talk is going on since so many months, why it is not being finished up? Now we have formed a committee, now whatever you think, you do. I want to see how the things are going on, and how it is going depends on you
- This yoga practice begins simply by hearing. You have got these ears. You simply just lend your ears and you become yogi
- Those who are in devotional service, they have got two things: they can see what is maya and what is Krsna
- Those who are neophytes, trying to be beyond the range of Kali-yuga, our members of the Krsna society, because they have given up these four sinful activities, they can see how one is influenced by Kali
- Those who have deserted this movement are not the example. So why are you citing them as example?
- Those who have joined this Krsna consciousness movement, my request is they follow the regulative principles, as instructed by Rupa Gosvami, with enthusiasm, read books and distribute books. And that is a very great service
- Tin, tin, tin, tin - International Society String Band, combined together, now we have become a stringed instrument
- To a sincere student, all of the contents of these books become revealed from within, even if he has not thoroughly studied them all
- To become devotee is not so cheap thing. You don't think that because you have got a tilaka you have become devotee. Why do you think like that?
- To get up at four in the morning is definite, there is no compromise on that. Someone gets up and someone doesn’t, No! You have to get up at four in the morning every day that is called dhrta-vrata and dhirah-vrata
- To please Lord Jagannatha means to go on serving Him to the best of your ability. That love is there, dormant, for Lord Jagannatha. Simply we have to revive it. Not that it is something new. Simply we have to remember
- Try to convince them (Tusta Krsna or Siddha-Svarupa Goswamis) to return to our Society and work cooperatively. That they have gone away is not good thing and it is a deviation from our line of parampara
- Try to finish the temples in New Vrindaban as quickly as possible using whatever materials you have
- Try to have Sankirtana and get one mrdanga from New York by paying them, and in this way try to improve the attendance of the temple. Your ideas you mention are very good
- Try to make your press department very nice. The magazine is already selling, and if you make further improvements, the sales will also improve. Just like our English BTG: from 5,000 copies they have increased to 25,000 copies per month
- Try to understand our philosophy thoroughly and distribute it. Janma sarthaka kari' kara paropakara. At least nobody can defeat our philosophy in the whole world. That position we have
- Unfortunately, sometimes Bhagavad-gita is misinterpreted and people are misled to understand the origin. Therefore we have the opportunity to publish the Bhagavad-gita as it is
- Unless we have got sufficient experienced devotees we shall not install Radha Krsna or Jagannatha Deities. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is very kind and lenient. Simply chanting of Hare Krsna will please Him
- Unless you have surrendered, you have no right to question. What is the meaning of such question? Simply waste of time
- Unless you have taken the purport of the Vedic literature through the disciplic succession, you will never understand it. It will remain a mystery, like the honey within the bottle
- Unless you surrender, where is the cooperation? Just like all my disciples, because they have surrendered, so there is cooperation
- Unnecessary pride is very bad. "Oh, I have become very advanced in Krsna consciousness." That we should never think
- Upon your recommendation I accept the devotees you have requested initiation for. Robin Teter's initiated name is Rama Gopala dasa
- Utilize what talents you have already in Krishna's service and He will give you the intelligence to increase more and more
- Vaisnava is Vaisnava. Spiritual master, they are all transcendental. Of course, in this country you are introducing new, but in India we had been at Tirupati. Thousands of people were coming, & their daily collection was not less than 100,000 rupees
- Very simple thing. We are receiving the transcendental knowledge through guru-parampara succession. So we have to simply take instruction from guru, and if we execute that to our heart and soul, that is success. That is practical
- Very soon we shall take steps against Madan Mohan Goswami who has usurped my verandah and entrance. Most likely you will have to fight a case against him with the District Magistrate of Mathura
- Visnujana Maharaja tells me that in his absence, while he is opening one center in San Antonio, you three boys are maintaining nicely there in Austin. So you are all very qualified and you have been trained up under the expert guidance of Visnujana Swami
- We accept the oldest thing. Don't think that we have manufactured something. For this reason I had many correspondences - you have seen also - with Dr. Staal of the California University. I protested, that, - This is not a new thing
- We all combined together have taken a great task of this Krsna Consciousness movement so I am very glad to learn that you are all gradually understanding the importance of this movement
- We are accepting these boys as brahmana because they have learned. Of course, due to their past habits sometimes they commit some mistakes, but they have concentrated their mind in Krsna
- We are all sold to Krishna and we have no other business but His service. That should be our determination
- We are dancing, we are chanting, we are eating, and we have love also between husband and wife, between boys and girls. We allow everything. But everything is targeted to achieve to the highest goal of life, Visnu, or Krsna
- We are developing a plan to be self-sufficient. Namely, to produce our food grains, maintain cows, for drinking milk, and weave cloth for garments. We have plans for erecting a magnificent international city based on this Vedic culture
- We are different from this body. We have several times discussed this point. So in Sanskrit word there are two implications in the understanding of our existence. One is deha. Deha means this body. And dehi means the proprietor of the body
- We are discussing about spirit soul, not the Indian, American, Christian, Hindu. No. We have no business with this skin philosophy, that "Here is an American, white; and here is an African, black." No
- We are eternally related with Krsna. At the present moment it is simply forgotten, suppressed. Therefore we are thinking that we have no relationship with Krsna. But that is not the fact. Because we are part and parcel of Krsna
- We are existing. We have come out triumphant. They could not do anything. So the Hare Krsna movement is so strong, and indirectly, directly, or some way or other, if you chant Hare Krsna, you become benefited
- We are having a GBC meeting and your presence is required. After the Mayapur ceremony when I am coming to Europe, I will stop in Tehran for two or three days
- We are having many meetings, almost every night, in various places with good notice. Daily our Sankirtana party goes down town where they are followed by hundreds of Indians
- We are holding festivals, feasting, philosophy and salvation-why shall we not spread our influence and overthrow them? Regarding your plan to travel around the world staging such Hare Krsna Festivals-yes, do it, you have my blessings
- We are just attempting a big planetarium in Mayapur. We have asked government to acquire land, 350 acres. That is negotiation going on. We shall give a Vedic planetarium
- We are keeping our faith not to a third-class person. To the supreme authority, Krsna. We have to understand first. Therefore we have discussed this point. Tad viddhi pranipatena - BG 4.34
- We are not easy-going, that not to preach. We have taken the risk to preach. And it has, it is becoming successful. People will take it
- We are not fools that we have given up everything for advance in Krsna consciousness. Because we know that this, this way we shall never be happy. It is not possible
- We are not manufacturing ourself. What we have heard from the parampara system, from higher authorities, we are presenting simply in our own language, and the evidence is this Vedic verse. This is perfect literature
- We are not meant for cheating anyone. We have no business. But to lead one to Krsna consciousness we may say something sometimes. So that is not cheating
- We are not meant for exploiting. We have something to give to the whole world. That is Krsna consciousness. That is the mission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- We are not meant for learning something new for the service of the Lord; but we have to engage whatever talents we have already got
- We are often asked why we have made our center in Vrndavana. From the external point of view, it can be concluded that Vrndavana has become degenerate due to these sahajiya activities
- We are opening so many centers all over the world - we have already 102 centers - just to give opportunity to all classes of men to associate with devotees and develop your love for God. This is the purpose. And we have no other purpose
- We are preachers on behalf of Lord Krsna, that is our occupational duty, we haven't got to search any further some new challenge or change our engagement. No, that has been already settled up. Best thing will be to develop more & more what we have begun
- We are preaching all over the world and you, my dear friends from Europe and America, you have taken this Krsna consciousness movement. Again I shall repeat the same logic. Andha-pangu-nyaya
- We are selling Back To Godhead through the personal approach, through the Sankirtana Party, so I expect each center to sell 50 copies daily on the average as we have practical experience here
- We are selling books very nicely, daily twenty thousand dollar minimum all over the world. In learned circle, big, big universities, professors, they are appreciating. We have many congratulations
- We are serving God, we have no profession, we have no business, we have no income, but Krsna is supplying all the necessities of life. Paying for this house two thousand dollars per month. We have got one hundred such centers
- We are the cause of material bondage and freedom from material world. We are, ourself, the cause. There is no other cause. Simply we have to develop either this demonic characteristic or the divine characteristic
- We are trying to establish this brahminical culture, go-brahmana-hitaya ca. You'll be very much pleased that in a country where go-hatya is so prominent, now we have established so many farms in Europe and America
- We are Vaisnava devotees, not politicians. So these things must be stopped, plotting. Your merit stands far above theirs, you have done some tangible work to please me by spreading this Krishna Consciousness message in New Orleans, that is the test
- We can explain what God is, so people are appreciating more and more our Movement. Now by Krishna's grace you have a beautiful Temple, use it to preach very vigorously
- We do not approve this so-called nationalism. Therefore we have named "Internationalism," "International," no distinction between this nation or that nation, this religion or that religion
- We do not bluff our students that he has liberty to do all sorts of nonsense, and at the same time advance in spiritual understanding
- We do not encourage more than one wife, but provided the man is highly responsible and conscientious and the woman agrees then we have no objection
- We do not hate anything material because we have learned from our disciplic succession how to utilize material things for Krishna's service
- We do not know, after eating, we have to wash our hand. We are taking the handkerchief and finished. So this kind of brahmana, what they will do? That is not even a civilized man
- We do not make any compromise, that you go on with your sinful life, at the same time I sanction that you have become Krsna conscious. No, that we cannot do
- We do not want any remuneration for this service because we have engaged ourselves in the service of the Lord
- We don't hate hippies. We have nothing... But these people misunderstand. That is... That is another thing. We welcome everyone. We have no such distinction
- We don't require anyone who is very musically talented. Here in New Vrindaban Hayagriva has organized very nice kirtana party, and they are singing and chanting thrice daily very, very nicely
- We find a monkey is also lord in his jurisdiction. You have not seen the groups of monkeys. In India we have seen, in Vrndavana. Every monkey has a group, and he has followers, about twenty, fifty, like that, and they sometimes fight
- We had fallen into abominable lives as meat-eaters, drunkards and woman hunters who performed all kinds of sinful activities, but now we have been given the opportunity to chant the Hare Krsna mantra
- We have a distinct position that we are neither cheated nor cheaters. We are the genuine representative of Krishna who is the friend of all living creatures. We must play our part independently only on faith in Krishna and His bona fide representatives
- We have a great task before us to preach this Krsna Consciousness all over the world
- We have a plan for expanding our Sankirtana and we will be needing so many hundreds of mrdangas. So you have got the fiberglass shells there, so I am informing Jayapataka Swami to arrange for one or two Bengali craftsmen to come and stay with you
- We have actually seen that a great vaisnava-aparadhi continuously suffered so much that it was difficult for him to move, and yet he did not die
- We have actually seen that many sannyasis who accept sannyasa prematurely, not having satisfied their material desires, fall down because they are disturbed. Therefore the general process is to go through grhastha life and vanaprastha life
- We have actually seen that our Krsna consciousness movement has many opponents, such as the - deprogrammers - who instituted a strong legal case against the devotees
- We have actually seen, especially in the Western countries, that men who have reached more than eighty years of age still go to nightclubs and pay heavy fees to drink wine and associate with women
- We have already described Jayadeva in Chapter Thirteen of the Adi-lila
- We have already discussed this point (nobody will change faith) in many articles and change in religious faith does not make one advanced in spiritual understanding
- We have already discussed this point, that niyatam kuru karma tvam karma jyayo hy akarmanah (BG 3.8). that - Your prescribed duty should be prosecuted nicely. Go on. Don't stop it, but work for the life of karma-yoga
- We have already discussed this point, that we must know the responsibility of our next life. Just like a child is given education for the next life, to become youthful, to get into higher education, admission
- We have already discussed this point. When one attains perfection in Krsna consciousness, he does not want anything more. Everything is complete
- We have already explained that we accept the authoritative statement of sastra. Now, Brahma's life is stated there. Arhat means his one day is equal to our four yugas
- We have already predicted in the Bhagavata there will be no rice, no wheat, no vegetables, no fruit, no milk
- We have already published about fifty-four books. These books are selling very nicely. It is not sentiment, it is a science
- We have already started one Temple project and we are raising funds for this purpose. Unless this temple is finished in Bhubaneswar we cannot take any new project
- We have also established worship of the Deity in our temple so that all day long one will automatically think of Krishna, He is so kind
- We have also started a restaurant in Honolulu and it is going on very nicely and we are getting good profit. If you take details from Srutakirti das Adhikari, he is in charge of the Govinda's Restaurant and he may be able to help you
- We have altars, we have pictures. We offer fruits, flowers, incense, and immediately, by combination of these things, there is some spiritual atmosphere, and there is chanting. So people enjoy it very nicely
- We have an immense field of work in distributing books, in reading and chanting and working for Krsna in many fields. And the aim of it is to always remember Krsna
- We have become guru, spiritual master, not with a false position that, "I have become God." No. We are servant, simply servant, ordinary servant. Just like post peon. Not very high salaried servant. Ordinary, third-class servant
- We have been discussing this point, that isvara-vacana, what is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is no flaw
- We have been given such a nice big facility at Bhaktivedanta Manor so it is not for our eating and sleeping. Rather, on receiving such a nice place from Krsna we should take it as an indication that we must now work harder
- We have been recognized by the draft board as a religious society
- We have been spreading this sankirtana movement in the Western countries, and in our recent tour of European cities like Rome, Geneva, Paris and Frankfurt
- We have captured the strong chain of disciplic succession. This chain is coming down from the highest platform, Krishna. Just like a rope comes down the well so that anyone who may catch the rope from any position is sure to be delivered
- We have celebrated a very, very nice Rathayatra festival here in London, and in the Trafalgar Square itself I initiated nearly 30 new devotees with fire yajna before 25,000 persons, mostly Englishmen
- We have come from America and Europe with forty disciples, mostly American, and we wanted to stay in the Birla Guest House at Mayapur during the Birthday Anniversary of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Unfortunately, Sri Bhakti Vilas Tirtha did not allow us to stay
- We have come here in this pandal, or in this Kumbha-mela, not for any other purpose than to glorify the Supreme Lord so that people may understand the importance of this movement
- We have come to distribute Krsna consciousness movement. We must tolerate and give this message to the people. Karunikah. Very merciful, in spite of all trouble
- We have come to your country - you provide, we enter. You see? Our business is ajagara-vrtti. The mouse makes a hole, and the snake enters it. That's all
- We have concluded that it will take seven months to reach the moon planet at the speed of eighteen thousand miles per hour. But they're going in four days. Just see how bluffing
- We have created these GBCs. So they should be very responsible men; otherwise, they will be punished. They will be punished to become a sudra
- We have created this atmosphere of interest in Krsna in the Western countries, and I think that cooperatively we may work together to increase the foreign tourism in our country of India
- We have described several times that there are two kinds of krsna-katha, represented by Bhagavad-gita, spoken personally by Krsna about Himself, and Srimad-Bhagavatam, spoken by Sukadeva Gosvami about the glories of Krsna
- We have discussed already that without Krsna there is no question of happiness. There is no question of happiness
- We have discussed that point. Arjuna was talking with Krsna in friendly terms, just like friend. Krsna was saying something, - Oh, you cannot . . . you are a ksatriya. You are a military man. How can you give up the fighting
- We have discussed the symptoms of Kali-yuga, this age called Kali-yuga. As there are seasonal changes, similarly, in the duration of this material existence, there are seasonal changes. That everyone has got experience
- We have discussed this point (matter comes out of life) very broadly and Swaroop Damodara is convinced that everything comes from life, Krsna - aham sarvasya prabhavo/ mattah sarvam pravartate. - BG 10.8
- We have discussed this point that our material bondage is due to hankering and lust for dominating over the resources of matter
- We have discussed this point that we living entities, our life is going on simply by changing dresses from one body to another, transmigration of the soul, according to our work
- We have discussed this point very elaborately in the Bhagavad-gita As It Is and your high intelligence will help you to present this idea before the learned scholars of France who are already inclined toward a Personality of Godhead
- We have discussed this point, that either brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, especially dvijottama . . . The brahmanas are called dvijottama. Dvija means twice-born, one birth by the father and mother and the other birth by Vedic knowledge and spiritual master
- We have discussed this point. Why the green apple does not fall down? So this is their concoction. And why the other planets do not fall down, with so many rocks
- We have discussed very elaborately. Anyone who has got intelligence, he can understand that, I am not this body. Within this body there is a living force, and without that living force the body is useless, lump of matter. That's all
- We have distribution prasadam, not dog's food. Such rascals as here. You do not know. I do not wish to discuss anymore on this point. You have murdered the whole thing in two days
- We have enough Krishna Consciousness matters to discuss so there is no need of wasting time with such topics as Ayurvedic Medicine
- We have enough matter to qualify a person in academic career. At least we can offer the degree of DD - Doctor of Divinity by affliating ourselves with some neighboring recognized university
- We have established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness to give people an opportunity to associate with those who have not forgotten Krsna. This spiritual association offered by our ISKCON movement is increasing day by day
- We have established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Anyone who is trying to be aloof from this Krishna Consciousness Society and yet engage in Krsna consciousness is living in a great hallucination, for this is not possible
- We have everything required in the Bhagavatam. I want that the students can nicely recite the sanskrit verses and then they can read the full purport in English
- We have experience that some students come to join us, but because of being biased in some particular type of faith, they leave our camp and become lost in the wilderness
- We have formed the Bhaktivedanta Institute for organizing scientific presentations of Krishna Consciousness
- We have given houses with the purpose to execute devotional service exactly like the Brahmacaris and sannyasis. Otherwise, why purchase houses near the temple?
- We have given these houses with the purpose that they should execute devotional service exactly like the Brahmacaris and sannyasis. Otherwise, why purchase houses near the temple?
- We have given time, sixteen rounds. But you are not Haridasa Thakura that you'll be able to chant whole day and night. If without working, if you chant, that is the highest state. That you cannot do. Then you sleep, that's all
- We have got about hundred branches, and each branch, there are not less than twenty-five up to 250. So average, if you take one hundred, then it is ten thousand. Yes. Ten thousand. And all of them are young, within thirty, within thirty
- We have got business. Why shall I keep in the bank? This is the policy. If your money is idle, we can spend it in our books, in our purchasing land in temple, constructing temple, developing...
- We have got immense literature. If lifelong we try to understand, there is sufficient stock. It is not hackneyed. You'll get nava-navayaman. Newer and newer things
- We have got immense literature. We have already published more than twenty books. If you want to understand the Absolute Truth by philosophy, by science, there are books. Otherwise, the easy method is chant Hare Krsna
- We have got very good response in Africa by our kirtana, so have sankirtana widely, with dancing, and that will attract everyone, and also distribute many of our Krishna Books, paperback edition - they were especially meant for the Africans
- We have got very serious mission. Don't be fickle. When you have come and sacrificed your life for the mission, don't be fickle. Be very steady and capture Krsna's lotus feet tightly. You'll never be attacked by maya
- We have great respect for Lord Jesus Christ. We accept him as powerful incarnation of Krishna, as much as we accept Lord Buddha
- We have had actual experience of how Americans and Europeans, because of their full Krsna consciousness, have purified their whole families, so much so that a mother of a devotee, at the time of her death, inquired about Krsna with her last breath
- We have initiated so many projects and Centers and practically we are short handed all over the world, so it is better at this time if we work to maintain and develop whatever we have
- We have introduced a Life Membership program there in India, for the purpose of giving the intelligent men in the society an opportunity to help push on this great movement of pure Vedic culture
- We have introduced this system in all of our centers. Arcana, arati, bhoga offering, Deity dressing and decoration are all preceded and followed by the chanting of the holy name of the Lord - Hare Krsna
- We have invested in Boston about $20,000, but still it is not well equipped and the major portion of our printing work is being done in Japan. Until we can open a very nice press and print our literature up to date it will not be a good investment
- We have just received advance copies of the Bhagavad-gita Chinese translation, the first 6 chapters. Might this be of some value to your preaching work in South Korea
- We have made the process easy, that's all, by following great, stalwart personalities. But it is not that it is a blind following. It is based on philosophy and science, this Krsna consciousness
- We have more than 40 big volumes of authorized books, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad gita, etc. Intelligent people are accepting this movement all over the world, so if you are serious about joining this mission, then why not study these books
- We have neither changed our plan nor have we any intention of changing our plan of developing Hare Krishna Land in Bombay
- We have no ambition. Just like we are brahmanas. We have nothing to do, but according to Vedic civilization, the brahmanas guides the ksatriyas how to rule. So our position is to reform the politicians. We are not going to compete with them
- We have no business creating enemies, but the process is such that non-devotees will always be inimical toward us
- We have no business to come so far. In Vrndavana I could live very peacefully; there is two room still, in Radha-Damodara Temple. But because there is Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness means serving the Lord
- We have no business to keep young girls from their parents. We do not force anyone to go or to stay. It is all voluntary
- We have no business. But our real aim is how people will be happy. That is our real aim
- We have no concern with any political movement or social movement. We have taken simply Krsna consciousness movement
- We have no other business than Krsna's business. That is the peculiarity of this movement. Even if you take it is a religious movement, there is no religious movement in the whole world which has got twenty-four hours' engagement
- We have no other message, because we have understood to some extent that without love of God, they are suffering. So they will be happy when they begins to love God. This is our mission
- We have no principle striction that one is Indian, one is America, one is African, or one is Hindu, one is Christian, one is Mohammedan. We invite everyone to understand the philosophy and reform the activities of life. This is our mission
- We have no quarrel either with the vegetarian or non-vegetarian, because according to Bhagavad-gita both of them are sinful. Anyone who is not eating Krishna Prasadam, either vegetarian or non-vegetarian, he is a sinful person
- We have no quarrel with any type of religion but we simply teach that awaken your dormant love of God which is technically called God consciousness or Krishna Consciousness
- We have nothing to do with politics and our cultural and religious movement is being spread throughout the world
- We have nothing to manufacture, but simply carry the message as a faithful peon. That will be effective
- We have nothing to offer Krishna because He is the Proprietor of everything that be. But when He sees that a living entity is trying to serve Him, that is appreciated
- We have now decided to take legal proceedings against Nair because we have received one telegram from Tamala Krishna as follows: "Nair unreasonable, settlement impossible, immediately filing criminal and civil suits, letter follows, Tamala Krishna"
- We have now sufficient literatures. Now go on preaching this cult for the complete welfare activities in the human societies
- We have opened hundreds of centers all over the world just to give people in general a chance to hear about Krsna and accept Krsna’s prasadam. These two processes can be accepted by anyone, even a child
- We have opened our gurukula asrama in Dallas. We are teaching from the very beginning of life small children how to become brahmacari. That is required
- We have our temple in Houston, Texas, and if possible you can associate with the devotees there for some time
- We have practical experience in America that in our various ISKCON farms we are giving proper protection to the cows and receiving more than enough milk. In other farms the cows do not deliver as much milk as in our farms
- We have practical experience in discharging our missionary activity that some people come and apply themselves to Krsna consciousness with some hidden motive, and as soon as they are economically a little well situated they give up this process
- We have practical experience in discharging our missionary activity that some people come and apply themselves to the KC with some hidden motive, and as soon as they are economically a little well-situated, they give up this process. BG 1972 purports
- We have practical experience of this with our students in the ISKCON. Before becoming students, they were dirty looking, although they had naturally beautiful personal features; but due to having no information of KC they appeared very dirty and wretched
- We have practical experience that any person who is chanting the holy names of Krsna in course of time feels some transcendental pleasure and very quickly becomes purified of all material contamination. This is actually seen. BG 1972 purports
- We have practical experience that anyone who accepts this fruit (of love of Godhead) and sincerely tastes it immediately becomes mad after it and gives up all his bad habits, being intoxicated by Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s gift, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- We have prescribed in our Society that all our students must chant at least sixteen rounds daily. Such chanting must be offenseless in order to be of high quality
- We have published Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Krsna, Easy Journey to Other Planets, Nectar of Devotion. So we request everyone to understand this movement by reading authoritative literatures in this connection
- We have published many books, including Sri Caitanya-caritamrta in seventeen volumes, four hundred pages each, as well as Bhagavad-gita and The Nectar of Devotion
- We have published our book, Isopanisad. Isavasyam idam sarvam: everything belongs to God, and every one of us, we are children of God
- We have published so many books about Krsna - to hear. Just like man is sleeping; you talk loudly, and he will be awakened. Yes. That's it
- We have published so many books, not that simply for selling to others. We must read also, and digest, and write articles in our Back to Godhead. That is thoughtfulness
- We have published so many Srimad-Bhagavatam edition, nicely explained in English. So they are being accepted even educated circle, school, college, and big, big professors
- We have published this book, Nectar of Instruction. Have you seen? That is Rupa Gosvami. All these instructions are there. Read it very carefully. Everything is there
- We have received complaint from the Bina Musical Stores that on their inquiry about $400 dispatched from America you have replied in the negative. The $400 was sent by cable on the 3rd September 1969, and before that you received $300 and odds
- We have received one letter from Cox and King's, one of the world's biggest travel agencies, requesting us to assist them by providing facilities for all the tourists coming from foreign places who are interested in seeing the real spiritual life of India
- We have released one Hare Krishna record through the famous record manufacturers, the Apple Company, and by the Grace of Krishna it is being sold on the average 20,000 copies per week in London alone
- We have sacrificed our life for Krsna's service, where is there scope for sleeping and gossiping? You can see in my example, not a single moment is wasted
- We have seen many big, big sannyasi, they give up this world as false. But after some times, when they cannot actually realize Brahman, they again come to this jagat for humanitarian work, for welfare activities
- We have seen many persons abruptly taking, or without understanding the self-realization process
- We have seen many philosophical speculators. They are simply talking in the meeting. But that's all. And if we take, study their private character it is less than ordinary man
- We have seen so many sannyasis. First of all they say: "This is false. The world is false. Let me take sannyasa." And after remaining a few years of sannyasa, then he learns how to eat meat, how to drink wine, how to associate with women
- We have several times discussed this point that the so-called scholars, politicians and philosophers, they read Bhagavad-gita and comment in a different way. This is their foolishness
- We have several times discussed this point, that all our miseries, distresses, are due to this body. There are three kinds of distresses - adhyatmika, adhibhautika and adhidaivika
- We have several times discussed this point, that the government, this word, appears to be impersonal, but actually, behind the government there is a person - the president or the king, like that
- We have several times discussed this point. Just like to understand the sun, somebody is studying the sun ray. He is also studying sun
- We have several times explained in this meeting that there, there are two birds: the individual soul and the Supersoul. They're sitting in this tree of this body. So the Supersoul is called adhiyajna and the soul is called adhibhuta
- We have so much work to do, we cannot lose our solidarity. Do not cause a crack there with any fighting spirit or competition
- We have some devotees in Russia, very young men. They are very much interested in Krsna consciousness, and they are chanting, although silently, so that government may not hear; there will be danger
- We have started this Krsna consciousness movement to awaken this godless civilization, that you try to love God. This is the simple fact
- We have support from very high circle. Scholar, priest, even father, mother, parent. Many old gentlemen come to congratulate me, "Swamiji, it is our great fortune that you have come to this country"
- We have taken a very difficult task, to convince people to take to Krsna consciousness. But that is the only benefit, or the supreme goal of life. Krsna personally comes to teach this science
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as it is, and following the instruction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we are preaching to our best capacity
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as the standard of all human activities. If the leaders of the human society take it as standard, then all the problems will be solved. That we can give practical suggestions for
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as the standard of all human activities. If the leaders of the human society take it as standard, then all the problems will be solved. That we can give practical suggestions. Any plan of the atheists will never be successful
- We have taken the perfect information from the perfect source. We say not one million; 900,000. This is called Vedic knowledge. This is perfect
- We have taken the vow to see Krsna or to understand Krsna. We should be very, very serious and do the needful. Then our life will be successful
- We have taken this business that preach that there is God. We have got an intimate relationship with God. So if you act, act accordingly, then you will be happy. This is our Krsna consciousness movement
- We have taken this danda. This is our determination. You cannot stop us. That's it. - Because we know this is the only welfare activity to the human society. You make talk, madmen. We don't care for it
- We have the practical conclusion from Krsna confirmed by Him in Bhagavad-gita (18:66), Just surrender unto Me; and in return I shall protect you from all sinful reactions. Therefore you have nothing to fear
- We have to accept economic development so far as we keep our body and soul together, fit for Krsna consciousness. We do not recommend that unnecessarily you should give trouble to the body
- We have to be very sincere devotee of Krsna and He will supply everything. In that position, go on preaching. Don't be tottering. You have taken a great responsibility; go on executing it. Don't fight amongst yourselves for petty things
- We have to come to the Krsna consciousness, then there will be no caste. Just like these boys, Americans, Europeans, Africans, Canadians, they have no caste, they have no nationality. They are simply for Krsna. That is casteless
- We have to cure our disease. This disease means... The Krsna consciousness movement means purification of our diseased condition, infectious condition. It is not anything artificial
- We have to educate men about the absolute truth. All of the scientists and other big men are simply cheating the mass of men by making false propaganda in order to take some money from them
- We have to make it confirmed in three ways. What we hear from the sadhus, we shall have to consult whether these things are spoken in the sastras. And whether the statements or sastras are confirmed by guru, by the direct spiritual master
- We have to manage our men in such a way that they may bend to our will but not break. After all, our work is purely voluntary. If they become angry and leave then our work is defeated
- We have to somehow or other push on and Krishna will give us a chance. For yourself also you can try and take a visa as a teacher and some of your students may demand your presence. We have to play some tricks for Krishna's sake
- We have tremendous task before us
- We have unlimited number of instruments and other goods which we shall be needing from India, so if arrangement can be made for these goods to be sent safely and promptly, there is so much business which we shall give you
- We have walked on the sea beach. So just at ten, one, three feet, away the big ocean, Pacific Ocean is . . . but we are certain that this Pacific Ocean cannot come beyond this limit. How we are certain? Because there is the order of Krsna
- We have worked very hard and established a great institution, but if we think for our personal benefit then it will become ruined. This is my only concern
- We have, of course, established so many temples, but still we require to establish temples, Radha-Krsna temples, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's temple, in every village, every town of the world
- We hear from Los Angeles that they have not received the documents or any information of the consignment being dispatched by any ship. This means they have not yet submitted the shipping documents; in other words, the goods have not been shipped
- We invite everyone. We have no such discrimination that black, white, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, no. Anyone. It is universal. Because we consider every living entity is part and parcel of God. That is a fact
- We know who is God. Therefore this business is possible by us, not by others. We know what is God. We have no vague idea. We know who is God, where does He live, what does He do, His name, address, His father's name - everything we know
- We living entities, we being part and parcel of God, Krsna, our only business is to serve Krsna. We have no other business
- We meet such Mayavadis who criticize our method of chanting & accuse us of not being interested in study. They do not know that we have translated volumes & volumes of books into English & that the students in our temples regularly study them
- We must all become ideal in our character and then people will be very impressed with such purity. A devotee is faultless. He has no flaws
- We must be so careful to train the devotees nicely. Now they have come from the realm of maya to Krsna's place, so it is our duty to keep them there
- We must have our books printed, we have wasted much time in the matter of editing and finding out a suitable publisher
- We now have published several books which delve deeply into the topic of the Absolute Truth, so you should read them very carefully, and gradually the knowledge will become revealed to you
- We receive so many letters from our foreign student how they're feeling. Because they have taken seriously, they're feeling obliged that "We have got life pratyaksavagamam.'' Pratyaksa means direct
- We require some men for India. Karandhara informs me that you have declined to send any. Our programs there are important and there is a great need. We have not captured very many first class men there so we must import
- We select girl, say, about 16, 17 years old, and boys not more than 24 years old. I get them married. You see? And because their attention is diverted to Krsna consciousness, they have very little interest simply for sex life
- We shall be sorry for Kirtanananda's plight under Maya and may not waste our valuable time talking about him. The best thing that you have done is that he should no longer speak in our temples. We shall all pray to Krishna for his recovery
- We shall make a children's book with ten pictures of Krsna's different appearances (Dasavatara.) and a short story or explanation for each. Now we have just received part of the manuscript of an abridged version of KRSNA especially meant for children
- We shall not open any more Centers for the time being. We have so many programs which require manpower and resources so we now must consolidate our energy
- We shall sit together in Mayapur if there is any complaint against one another. At the Mayapur meeting, whatever we have decided that is good for one year
- We shall try to save Bali Mardan from this fall down. He is a good boy, but he has been mislead
- We should always be enthusiastic to try for shooting the rhinoceros. That way, if we fail, everybody will say Never mind, nobody can shoot a rhinoceros anyway, and if we succeed, then everyone will say, Just see, what a wonderful thing they have done
- We should bring the matter in the court. We have the opinions of so many scholars. Bring the matter in the court. But if it is a state policy to cut down this Movement, then civil disobedience. What can be done?
- We should divide our society in such a way that somebody, some group of men is engaged in studying the dharma principle and spreading it. Just like we have taken the principle, generally, to spread what is meant by real dharma
- We should increase our taste for hearing and chanting about Visnu, Krsna. That engagement you have fully in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. So stick to these two books, or Caitanya-caritamrta. Caitanya-caritamrta is still far advanced
- We should not believe our mind, that we have become perfect. By mental dictation we should not be guided. That is a very bad practice, to think of, that "I have now become liberated, I don't require to follow the regulative principles"
- We should not have to reduce our standard on account of the ignorant masses. Diacritic spelling is accepted internationally, and no learned person will even care to read our books unless this system is maintained
- We should not trust the mind, that "Now I have become liberated." Never think so. We should always remember that liberation is not so easy thing, but if we follow the rules and regulation, then there is every possibility of becoming liberated
- We should request you, we have opened this branch of Krsna consciousness movement just to give chance to everyone to come here and associate with the saintly devotees, and make your life very successful
- We shouldn't make any addition or subtraction of mental speculation, but should endeavor, even if we do not fully understand from our present platform, to present simply the philosophy as we have received it directly & realized it by practical experience
- We sit down, don't use any chair, any couches, unnecessarily, carpet. What expenditure? We have no expenditure for personal self. And still you are faulty? What can be done
- We want to see good result. Even there is no good result, we don't mind. We must be sincere to Krsna that "We have done our best." That's all. Without cheating Krsna
- We will have to see what is the price if printed in America or Japan
- We work where there is a good field. Do it nicely. You have noted that is the secret of success. Please continue this policy of straight forward dealings
- What strength our Movement has now got is due in large part to the enthusiasm we have had to distribute our literatures profusely throughout the world. I have got very, very encouraging reports how my books are being distributed vigorously
- What we have renounced? We have renounced... We are using the motorcar, we are using this machine, we are eating, we are sleeping in nice room - what is the renouncement? Only renouncement is no connection with woman
- What you have said about considering a thousand times before opening a temple, that I want. Not that you should open a temple whimsically, and then close whimsically
- Whatever amount you have collected, that also deposit in this account. But the main point is whether any negotiations or settlement
- Whatever free time you have engage in reading my books. Otherwise, an idle mind is a devil's workshop
- Whatever German books you have lying with you ready for printing should be immediately printed. This work should be given priority as our society's well-being there depends upon it
- Whatever little success is there, that was only this qualification, that I wanted to serve him. That's all. Otherwise, there was no business of coming here at the age of seventy years. You have seen all my room in the Radha-Damodara temple?
- Whatever property we have now made, Krsna has given us. But now, to maintain this, to save this prestigious position, that is difficult. Little mismanagement, there may be so many difficulties
- Whatever we have done and whatever we are doing, the atonement is chant Hare Krsna mantra. So we haven't got to go to Vrndavana. We have brought Vrndavana, Nabadwip, here in Hawaii, in this temple
- Whatever you can think of. Krsna includes everything. Without Krsna, there is nothing. Take anything. Take this table. This is stone. But the stone is also Krsna. You have read in the BG - earth, water, air, fire, ether they are My separated energy
- Whatever you have collected for poor feeding may be sent to Bombay Bank of America
- Whatever you have learned - you are one of the old students - whatever you have gathered by experience, you must hand them over to the new students. This is called parampara
- When a disciple becomes perfect in spiritual advancement, the spiritual master feels very, very happy, that "I am a nonsense, but this boy, he has followed my instruction and he has achieved the success. That is my success"
- When death comes, you are unable to do anything; you have to immediately leave the scene. And according to the laws of nature you'll have to accept a body according to your karma
- When I learn that you are selling many BTGs and are receiving nice support from the community, I am very much encouraged. Now we have published our Isopanisad and you must try to sell it as far as possible
- When I shall ask you to question the subject matter which I have discussed, you should put questions on this matter. If you bring so many other subject matter, there will be no end. Try to understand what we have spoken in this meeting
- When the property is secured, then you can install the Deities. Otherwise, don't take the risk. I have no objection to your taking a loan for your farm project as you have proposed
- When there is question of fight, we have to fight. Just like in Bombay we fought, but the result, we depended on Krsna. We have come out victorious
- When they (student of Krsna consciousness) are dressed with saffron-colored cloth, with tilaka on their foreheads and beads in their hands and on their necks, they look exactly as if they come directly from Vaikuntha
- When they are dressed with saffron-colored cloth, with tilaka on their foreheads and beads in their hands and on their necks, they look exactly as if they have come directly from Vaikuntha
- When they chant and dance, I simply remember Bhaktivinoda Thakura. That's all. I pray to Bhaktivinoda Thakura, "Now they have come to your shelter. Give them protection." That's all. What can I do more? I cannot do anything more
- When we begin this sublime chanting process, or even if we simply hear the sound Hare Krishna, then we have begun our journey back to the Spiritual Kingdom, back to Godhead
- When you go there, try to preach. You have learned how to speak English, so you can preach nicely. Always try to give some service, and that will make you successful
- When you had not received any money for the construction, you sent a threatening letter. Now money is there and you are silent. Why don't you inform us?
- When you have any questions you should immediately consult Gaurasundara or some other elder Godbrother or sister, or else you are always welcome to question me directly. It is my duty to guide you as far as possible
- When you have invited Visnu, Krsna, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to accept your service, you must be very, very careful how to render service. How cleansely, how nicely you have to serve. Otherwise everything will be spoiled
- Where have you got this idea to retire and simply translate books? That is not in our line. My Spiritual Master has given me the instruction to spread this movement all over the world and you are my good disciples, are helping me do this
- Whether you are making progress in Krsna consciousness you have to test yourself, whether you are decreasing your material desires. That's all
- Whether you have approached such spiritual master, that you can discuss
- Whether your husband likes to take responsibility as your spiritual guide or not, that does not matter. He must do it. It is his duty because he has taken you as his wife. Therefore he must take full responsibility for you the rest of his life
- Who says you are a bhajananandi. Don't be a bhajananadi. As soon as you become a bhajananandi you'll be spoiled. You'll be spoiled as Nitai has spoiled himself. You have an intense desire to preach, so do that
- Why did you not have tilaka, both of you. You have no time for tilaka? Tilaka, why it is locked in bathroom?
- Why falling down? Because he was not fit for the position, therefore he has fallen. Better remain in his position and become perfect. Why artificially bring them? There is no need
- Why Krsna is recognizing so nicely a preacher? Because He knows that he has to face so many difficulties. It is not easy going. Armchair politician, no. He has to face so many difficulties
- Why not write nice articles of this philosophy as you have assimilated it? This will be a very great service because we are now converting BTG to exclusively contain articles by my disciples & myself, along with pictures of our Sankirtana activities
- Why you have interpreted the picture as one has to be naked before the Lord to become perfect? We have no interpretation in any one of the verses in the Gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- With your speaking talents there is so much valuable preaching work that you will have opportunity to do to relieve the burden of the suffering humanity
- Without being devotee a man will become cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel, in this way go to hell. And devotee cannot tolerate. We have studied in the life of Lord Jesus Christ
- Women should, should be allowed to beget children as soon as they're able. But as soon as the pregnancy is there, there should not be any sex life. They have got sex life in pregnancy also. So many things, we have... We can guide them all
- Write means smaranam, remembering what you have heard from your spiritual master, from the scripture
- Yadubara should be encouraged as he has given good service. Both his wife and himself are both serving nicely. I approve their work and they should be encouraged in all respects. In future we shall get more and more valuable services from them
- Yes! You have done it very nicely. I thank you very much, so immediately it can be printed in BTG and then later on it can be published in book form
- Yes, progress of devotional service becomes choked up when there is gross offense to the Spiritual Master. So far I am concerned, you have no offense
- Yes, sannyasi, brahmacari, means preaching. They are not meant for material management. They have dedicated their life for spiritual
- Yes, the plan you have sited for the lake and island is approved by me. I am very glad that you are doing this work and since the work started on September 8th, it is already going on
- Yes, you are correct in stating that spiritual activities, even mentally performed, are beneficial. You have seen the picture in NOD how a brahmana simply by mental service was promoted to Vaikuntha
- Yes, you have better work there. You should stay in Bombay and continue the same work there
- Yes, you may wear any clothing that you find comfortable; no, it is not very good to use yeast in preparing prasadam. It is better to prepare bread in the process as you have seen done in the temple
- Yes. Love. That I explained - love. We have got our love in store. But instead of loving Krsna, we have distributed the love in so many ways, and frustrated. Love is there in store. That is reserved for Krsna
- Yesterday evening we had very good meeting in Harvard University, and many students and professors attended. There were nice discussions and they are convinced that our activities are genuine and for the real welfare of the human society
- Yesterday my deities were dressed with the clothing you made and it appears so nice. I do not know whether you have time to make similarly a few other sets. It will be very nice. I know that you are the most expert in making dresses than all others
- Yesterday we had a very successful meeting in the University of Nairobi; the exact words used in the newspaper report as follows: ISKCON SWAMI EXPLAINS PHILOSOPHY
- Yoga club and programs in general is very impressive, particularly that you have a regular four credit college course at Fordham University wherein the students are required to read some of my books
- You all young boys and girls, you are fortunate. I am not bluffing you. Actually you are fortunate. You have come to the right place, where you can learn Krsna consciousness. This is the greatest boon of life
- You American boys & girls can make very large profit, but why you have taken to KC? You are not meant for profit making but for advancing in spiritual life. We should not take to the restaurant for profit making at the cost of slackening spiritual life
- You are able and willing to help us in our construction plans in New Vrindaban.The construction of the houses is already under way because Nara Narayana has already submitted to me some plans along with an estimate of the needed finances
- You are all Australian. Why you are all Australian? Or you are all individual. How you become all Australian, merge into the Australian conception? Because as Australian, you have one interest
- You are all young men; you have got so many desires, naturally, especially in the Western countries. But you have voluntarily given up not to go to the restaurant, not to go to the club or theater or cinema. These are good qualifications
- You are an elder disciple and you have heard what I am speaking, so you should just speak what you have heard and it will have potent effect. This is the power of the parampara, disciplic succession. So you must be prepared to meet all opposition
- You are blessed with an advanced devotee husband, you have now two nice devotee children, and by Krishna's grace you have taken a genuine Spiritual Master
- You are both very nice householder couples, so work together in cooperative spirit, following the example you have seen in our other Krishna Consciousness centers
- You are brought up in a different standard in Europe and America, and in India it may be difficult because you haven't got all the facilities. But you learn tolerance. Execute Krsna consciousness. That should be our business
- You are carrying on the Street Sankirtana Party as we have instituted in the Western countries even though you have sometimes only one companion. This spirit is most satisfactory and this work is proven as the basis of our successful movement
- You are experienced man for Calcutta. I do not wish to see things deteriorating there. It is important center, and you have proven that you can manage things nicely, so why you should not be there? I want you to go there immediately
- You are living by yourself because you have been hurt by seeing that the children are sometimes mistreated, and because no one has taken your good advice in this connection. But you may be assured that I am always anxious about the welfare of my disciples
- You are not ordinary common men. There must have been some pious activities in your past lives. Therefore you have taken to this Krsna consciousness seriously
- You are still pious. Otherwise, how you have taken to Krsna consciousness? You are still pious, but you are misguided. Your, your nation is very good. I like the American nation
- You are with us practically for the last four years and still if you think you cannot surrender to Krishna without any doubt, then what kind of progress you have made by this time?
- You can ask me freely to make devotees initiated for first initiation provided they are enthusiastic and following the rules, but be very cautious before awarding second initiation, even though you have a need for brahmanas in the temple
- You can fix up the Hindi High School Program as you have proposed, and we shall go. You can fix it for three weeks from now at the end of September
- You can have sannyasis chant on their beads, and give them their spiritual names and beads at the fire sacrifice. They must abide by the regulative principles and chanting minimum of 16 rounds daily. Then there will be steady and sure progress
- You cannot know by your imperfect senses. Our senses are imperfect. Several times we have described in this meeting that our senses cannot realize the Supreme Truth
- You cannot stop the activities of the senses, but you have to purify. That is recommended. That purification of the senses begins from the tongue. Therefore we have recommended that don't eat meat, don't taste intoxication, don't . . . and illicit sex
- You cannot trace out the history when you have fallen down. That is impossible. But our position is marginal. At any moment, we can fall down. That tendency is there
- You especially are to take the credit. From the very beginning you wanted that place, and you got the land, got money from me, and now you have built the place by your concentration of energy. That is wanted
- You had a very successful meeting in the University, and that is wanted
- You have a good position by the grace of Krishna, and I request you to continue on in this spirit of service to the Lord
- You have a nice talent for writing, practice makes perfect, so continue, it will be appreciated
- You have accepted me as your acarya, but you do not pay me any salary. This is forbidden. The teacher will not accept salary. Then he comes down to the sudra platform
- You have accepted the importance of the spiritual master for making advancement in spiritual life. Now that you have been formally initiated, you are linked up with all the great Vaishnava acharyas
- You have achieved a great blessing from my Guru Maharaja
- You have agreed to give Dollars 8,000.00 from BBT funds for construction of the second story of the Kitchen here. So, you can do this
- You have always served me very faithfully, so I pray that Krishna may bless you with a long life with which to open many temples and that in this very lifetime you may return back to home, back to Godhead
- You have appreciated the subject matter of Nectar of Devotion and Krsna while working on it in the press, and actually these two books will keep us constantly in Krsna consciousness
- You have asked about "chemical changes of consciousness'' or drugs, and if these may ever be utilized in Krishna's service. To change consciousness, therefore the Spiritual Master is there
- You have asked about the compiler of Sri Brahma Samhita and the four-headed Brahma of this universe is the compiler
- You have asked me some questions about the functions of sex life in Krishna Consciousness, and the basic principle is that it should be avoided as far as possible
- You have asked me something for which it is difficult to answer from such a distant place. You are grown up girl you should rather decide what to do. Fix up your mind always in Krishna and He will give you good counsel
- You have asked me to insert "What right has a man to say he has a soul if he does not feel it, or that there is a God if he does not see Him?'' Do you mean I have to put in my KRSNA book all this nonsense quotation?
- You have asked what is meant by illicit sex. Sex should be used only in marriage for begetting nice children to raise in Krsna Consciousness. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that I am sex life performed according to religious principles
- You have asked what is the origin of the black race. This is not an important question. Why should you be curious about the temporary body
- You have assimilated the process of birth very nicely through the books. This has pleased me very much and I wish that all my students can become as adept at presenting the information in the books like this
- You have become my disciple so I must request you to chant 16 rounds and follow the regulative practices of devotional service, and you may know it for sure that very quickly you will achieve the supreme perfectional stage of your life
- You have been a little bit perturbed that the demons are eternally condemned, and I thank you very much that you have been compassionate with the demons. That is the sign of Vaisnavism
- You have been married for a year and a half but do not have any desire for children. Then why did you marry? That is my question. If you do not want children, then why did you marry? You should not take sannyasa
- You have been my student for some time, and I consider that you are one of the big men who are assisting me in this vast work, so I am naturally concerned for your well-being
- You have been taught to serve Krsna, and with Krsna we'll live eternally. Our life is eternal. A temporary disappearance of this body, it doesn't matter. Body is meant for disappearance. So live forever by serving Krsna
- You have been to India so you know the importance of the life membership program here, so I am requesting that you personally attend to some items needed here for the preaching work in that connection
- You have come forward to help me. I shall request you all that I shall go away, but you shall live. Don't give up pushing on this movement, and you'll be blessed by Lord Caitanya and His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada
- You have complained about those devotees who have mistreated their wives and children, but that is not the example. Those who have deserted this movement are not the example
- You have created this animal civilization. Now they are coming out as naked animals. This is the result. Now you have to reform them. That reformation is Krsna consciousness. So you have to make an example, what is actually human life
- You have dedicated your life for Krsna and therefore you should be ideal. We are introducing KCM for the harmony and good will of humanity. But if you are suffering from the very ills we are trying to remove, how can the people be influenced favorably
- You have defined impersonal Brahman as the Divine Energy. I fully agree with you in pursuanee of its description in the Brahman Samhita
- You have described how you once fell down because you saw discrepancies in our philosophy. Actually, our philosophy is perfect, but because there were discrepancies in your mind at that time you may have thought something wrongly about our philosophy
- You have described the building progress there, but if you can send me photo then I can understand the situation as it is
- You have done a great service by incorporating our Society in Canada. Please immediately send a copy to Cidananda in Vancouver branch so that he can do the needful also
- You have done a nice job with the French edition of BTG & I am especially looking forward to the next issue which will be color 32 pages. You should more & more improve this magazine until it becomes superior to all other magazines in the French language
- You have done great service to the cause of the Society and I always consider you as two strongest pillars of the Society
- You have done the right thing, printing Bhagavad-gita in German language, and I very much appreciate that you have done this great service
- You have expressed a fear of becoming attached to your musical activities, but attachment for Krishna's service is not bad. If you can engage your talent for Krishna's service, then this attachment will increase your Krishna Consciousness status
- You have expressed such nice sentiments and I can see that you are making nice advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- You have given me all happy news. The festival success is very encouraging to me. So go on with your festivals
- You have given me great pleasure and I thank you for your attempt to please me
- You have got sufficient experience in this connection. Now you can utilize your talent and experience in establishing a very nice temple
- You have had some success in arranging for a temple in Vancouver. This is most encouraging news, but why you are silent? Please inform me of your progress there as I am always anxious to hear from you
- You have high intelligence, opulences, birth in the families of the rich nation. Use this opportunity for making life successful and go back to Krishna, back to Home
- You have installed the Deity there so nicely with all nice decorations, and I have seen how clean you are keeping it
- You have learned the life of a Sannyasi now it is my desire that you apply for some concrete results in this new field. If you do it, it will be a very great service to the Movement & humanity at large & I will be very pleased with this work
- You have made it very nicely. I can see that it required skill to make it so artistically. You have made Radha and Krishna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu very attractively
- You have made promise when you took initiation that there will be no illicit sex connection. If still you are unable to fulfill that promise to your spiritual master, then what is the use of calling yourself devotee and disciple? That is simply pretending
- You have mentioned about some criticism made by Jaya Govinda which upset you. I do not know exactly what is the point, but if there is some honest criticism, there should be no cause of becoming upset
- You have mentioned about the disagreement amongst our god-brothers, and it is a fact. But so far as I am concerned, I am trying to execute my humble bit, and if somebody disagrees in these activities, what can I do?
- You have mentioned about your dilemma between Krsna and your parents, and in this connection I may inform you that parents are available in any kind of birth. Either you take your birth as a human being or as an animal, there is a set of parents
- You have mentioned controlling lust, and this is very important
- You have mentioned that you may be interested in marriage, and if you think that you should marry, there is no question of living as an artificial brahmacari
- You have mentioned the idea of having a pandal in Madras between the Mayapur and Vrndavana festivals. This will be nice, if it is practical. If you can arrange it co-operatively with the other leaders, then I shall also come there at that time
- You have my authorization to open centers as you see fit after considering twice and thrice. Do not whimsically open or establish any center and then close it down later on
- You have no men nor books. Neither you have any place to live. Therefore, the best thing is that you come immediately to Mayapur where I am staying until Gaura Purnima. You can do your translation work nicely here
- You have not followed my instruction and now you are in trouble
- You have organized N.Y. very nicely; I give you all credit for this. But if you are insisting and require some change, then the best thing to do is to go to Mayapur and manage the building construction there
- You have plenty of money, milk, fruits, flowers, grains, everything, and you are living in the jungle. What more could you want?
- You have published very nice picture. This is one picture and this is one picture. Bring it. Hare Krsna. Side by side. Hell and heaven, one has to select
- You have read Bhagavad-gita? So this is the duty, "You give up all other duties, you simply take to Me, surrender unto Me." This is duty. All other duties, they are temporary, and this is real duty, to surrender to God
- You have read Caitanya-caritamrta? It never becomes old
- You have requested me if you can again return to your wife. How is that? It will be a very bad example. It is not possible at all. Then you have to give up your sannyasi dress. So give up these thoughts
- You have rightly said that the best way to associate with the spiritual master is to follow his instructions
- You have scientific mind and you want to use it in the service of Krsna. This is very good, and this I want that scientists step forward and preach Krsna consciousness
- You have seen the picture of Durga. So material nature is devi-dhama. And above this, there is mahesa-dhama, the region of Lord Siva. Devi-mahesa-hari-dhamasu. Then the Vaikunthas. And the topmost is krsna-dhama
- You have seen the picture of Krsna? Yes. So better we shall become animal of Krsna. So there is nothing wrong. Even if we become an animal of Krsna, that is also very worthy. That is not ordinary thing. Krsna is embracing
- You have sent some money for Mayapur and Vrindaban projects and I am very much thankful to you. This money was properly utilized for development of the Mayapur and Vrindaban schemes
- You have so much land to cultivate here (in New Mayapura)
- You have some experience now with Gurukula, so your full-time engagement should now be how to organize the Gurukulas all over the world
- You have suggested that some men are best engaged in doing business. I agree. All grhasthas who are interested in doing business should do so in full swing
- You have suggested that you print in ZZG simply the verses of Bhagavad-gita, but without the purport what is the meaning of the verses? The purport is actually the main thing
- You have taken initiation from me, so actually you are obliged to do this. You have promised, therefore there is no choice, you must follow strictly. Otherwise, you are carving your pathway to hell
- You have taken seriously this work and I know that my guru maharaj is pleased with you because he wanted this. So by this your endeavor you will all go back home back to Godhead
- You have taken the matter very intelligently and now we have got invitation from one Professor G. G. Kotovsky in Moscow. So I agree to go to Germany as soon as I hear from you in reply to this letter
- You have to approach guru - guru means the faithful servant of God, Krsna - and take his word how to serve Him. Then you are successful
- You have to associate yourself with persons who are in that business. Then gradually you'll also develop the taste ... So there is no cause of disappointment that because you have no taste for such things
- You have to print a large number of Back To Godhead every month
- You have to spend two hours for Krsna out of twenty-four
- You have to work with confidence and faith in Krishna, under my direction, and I am sure you will come out successful
- You have tried to explain the reasons for your recent traveling excursions, but there is no need to explain; the reason is that you are restless. I wanted you to concentrate your mind on painting and utilizing your talents for Krishna's service
- You have understood our philosophy rightly, that we boldly challenge anyone--philosopher, scientist, educationist--to understand our philosophy
- You have very diligently collected all the purports in Srimad-Bhagavatam and have presented very nicely our missionary activities, especially in reference to religion, politics, and sociology
- You have very good engagement. You have got so many qualifications for Krsna's service. Be engaged always in this work; you will never feel solitary
- You have wished me to live until all of my publications are finished, and I thank you very much for these good wishes. May it be fulfilled by the good will of all of my disciples
- You have written All Glories to Our Guru Maharaja. This is impersonalism. As soon as we offer obeisances to guru, the name should be there
- You have written that chanting, dancing and book distribution are going on nicely. Prasadam distribution should also be introduced. This will make the program even more effective
- You have written that the devotees here say that you cannot know me, but only Kirtanananda Maharaja can know me. But, if Kirtanananda is a disciple and he can know me, and you are also a disciple, why you cannot know me?
- You have written that you are my disobedient son, but I think I am your disturbing father. I am putting more and more burden upon you but you are so tolerant that you have no hesitation to accept my demands even although sometimes they are unreasonable
- You have written that you are wishing to leave for Toronto with Kanupriya, but this can be done only if there is no sacrifice of the Montreal temple. You are doing so nicely there as you have written, so why should you leave
- You have written that you will soon be leaving Hamburg and this news has caused me some distress. I have always been glad that you were in Germany to take care of the temple and you have written that Krishna Das is also disturbed at this sudden turn
- You have written to say that I am "as hard as the thunderbolt & softer than a rose" is quite right in the line of Krishna Consciousness
- You haven't got any connection with this man or that man; you are connected with the philosophy, with the process of life
- You haven't got to manufacture anything. What Krsna has already said, you repeat. Finish. Don't make addition, alteration. Then you become guru. Very simple thing
- You just remain fixed up in devotional service, and all impediments that may come will be vanquished by the unlimited potency of the Lord. We should have faith in His Power, His Grace, and His Causeless Mercy
- You may be pleased to know that your husband has now taken sannyasa order of life for preaching the message of Lord Caitanya
- You must have a resolution how to finish the development of New Vrndavana in the right sense of the term. At the same time, please make a very nice scheme to purge out the non-Vrndavana spirit that entered in our Society
- You must jointly work because both of you, you have started this New Vrindaban, and you have to work jointly. There may be sometimes disagreement, but you should settle up. Otherwise how you can make progress?
- You seemed to have taken a new grasp on Krsna Consciousness when you say, "As for where to live, my only concern now is to live where I can best serve you"
- You should always read also, besides attending class, whenever you have time, the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Then I can surely recommend to the draft board that you are a very serious student of Bhagavad-gita under my supervision
- You should change your habits. You have lost now a good soul, and either he comes back or if you know his address then if he does not like to live with you, he may come at once and live with me personally
- You should definitely organize to distribute amongst the stores in the same conditions you have mentioned. Then our publication department will be a grand success
- You should give up this dark well and go to the forest, vanam. Come to Vrndavana. Vanam means forest. We have constructed very nice temple. Come there
- You should know that I am very pleased that you have fulfilled my request without any hesitation. This is your success in spiritual life
- You should not install the Deities until you have a complete program to see that regulated worship may go on nicely. Until then, simply worship Guru and Gauranga in pictures
- You should not keep your trust on so called gentlemen of the world however nicely dressed he may be. In the matter of discharging our mission of KC we have to meet so many so called gentlemen but we must be very cautious for dealing with them
- You should not waste too much time for editing as we have done in the matter of Gita Upanishad. If there is good English it is welcome but we should not edit as Hayagriva has replaced "devotional service" with - knowledge of self
- You try to make successful BTG as you have recently planned and then you may proceed to London
- You want to serve Krishna with all your energies and intelligence, so I have got all support and approval of this scheme, but until you have got some income, how can I advise you to give up your present job, especially when you are a family man
- You wanted one white assistant for facilitation of your work in Ahmedabad, so we have selected the best man for this work, Sriman Hai Haya Das Adhikari
- You will become perfect preacher. Preach only what you have heard from Krsna and guru, that's all. Don't add and subtract. Then you are secure
- You would have been pleased to see the excellent building (in Mayapur) that we have constructed. People say it is a unique building in all of Nadia district. There is ample space for 300 gentlemen to come and visit
- You write that you have desire to avail of my association again, but why do you forget that you are always in association with me?
- You write to say that you have become frustrated with so many dualities of the material world and that sometimes you are engaged in sense gratification and sometimes renouncing
- Your child should be named Subhadra, the name that you have already chosen, this is nice. Regarding the horoscope, it is a nice idea and if I meet a good astrologer I shall try to get one for your little child
- Your comment is well taken that you have little or no knowledge of the politics. So you remain uninvolved and just continue to simply follow the authorities and concentrate on improving the Deity worship
- Your entire program as you have outlined it is one hundred percent approved by me. I have got all faith that you can intelligently guide and develop this center very nicely
- Your going away, I did not take very seriously. I am very glad that you have come back. You should remain with Dayananda. That is your duty
- Your idea for selling advertisements for Rathayatra issue of BTG is very good. This idea we have implemented both in Bombay and Calcutta and it has proven very good for collecting money
- Your idea of opening up an account, depositing in it, and sending me the monthly statements is very nice. I approve of your idea cent per cent. You have voluntarily put yourself under my control
- Your idea of placing conchshell in the eyes is nice and you may do it. You have the perfect example of the Deities in New York, so if you can similarly make some Deities for our other centers it will be very nice accomplishment
- Your kirtana program as it is going on is very nice. You have kept the Vrindaban spirit so sublimely that I always remember it and always hanker when I shall go back again
- Your original set of beads was lost in the mail and did not arrive in the packet with your letter of initiation. Brahmananda has sent one set of new tulsi beads, and I have duly chanted upon them and I am sending them to you enclosed herewith
- Your rendering our books in the Spanish language will be a tremendous service to our Krishna Conscious movement. It is most encouraging news that you have begun this activity and by all means continue with it
- Your service is most valuable in spreading this cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The process you have adopted is just right for preaching Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's cult
- Your service will be recognized by Krsna. Don't think that because you are teaching a sudra how to work like this, you have become a sudra. You are not sudras, any circumstances
- Your siddhanta is correct to the sastra and in this way go on reading books and have the correct perception and Krsna will help you. siddhanta baliya citte na kara alasa iha haite krsna lage sudrdha manasa
- Your specific duty is to chant and hear the transcendental Name of the Lord, read some passages from my English version of the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavad-gita and explain them as far as possible you have heard from me
- Your spiritual name, Sripati Das*, means the servant of Lord Narayana, or Krishna. If you will simply continue to develop your Krishna Consciousness as you have been doing, then surely you will be an expert servant of Lord Krishna