My only anxiety is to guide you. Krsna sometimes makes me sick just to examine how much you have learned to conduct the business under my guidance, . You should never act independently, because my guidance in my words are always there. The main guidance is all of us should remain spiritually strong by chanting the minimum number of rounds and following the rules and regulations. The GBC should personally observe strictly all the rules and regulations and they should become the practical example to others. Then everything will be all right. Then there will be no fear of being victimized by maya.
My only anxiety is to guide you; Krsna sometimes makes me sick just to examine how much you have learned to conduct the business under my guidance, with a little independence
1974 Correspondence
My only anxiety is to guide you. Krsna sometimes makes me sick just to examine how much you have learned to conduct the business under my guidance, . You should never act independently, because my guidance in my words are always there.
Letter to Bali-mardana -- Vrindaban 5 September, 1974: Categories:
- My Anxiety (Prabhupada)
- My Guidance (Prabhupada)
- We (Disciples of SP)
- Krsna Sometimes
- Krsna's Making
- Me (Prabhupada)
- My Health (Prabhupada)
- Just To
- Krsna's Examining
- Our Examinations (Disciples of SP)
- How Much
- We Have (Disciples of SP)
- Learn How To
- Our Learning (Disciples of SP)
- Conduct
- Business
- Under The
- My (Prabhupada)
- With
- A Little
- Our Independence (Disciples of SP)
Page Title: | My only anxiety is to guide you; Krsna sometimes makes me sick just to examine how much you have learned to conduct the business under my guidance, with a little independence |
Compiler: | Labangalatika |
Created: | 12 of Nov, 2010 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1 |
No. of Quotes: | 1 |