Category:How Much
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Pages in category "How Much"
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- A businessman riding in a motorcar sits in the car, supervises its running and advises the driver. He knows how much gasoline is used up, and he knows everything about the car, but still he is apart from the car and is more concerned with his business
- A common master looks to the necessities of his servant, so how much more would the all-powerful, all-opulent Supreme Lord look after the necessities of life for a fully surrendered soul
- A conditioned living entity should become aware of his real position and should pray to the Lord, How much longer will I be under the rule of all these bodily functions such as lust and anger?
- A preacher is giving real sense. To awaken this sense, Krsna had to come personally. And he is doing the same work: "Surrender to Krsna." How much great service it is
- A spirit soul, being part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, he is by nature very powerful. We do not know how much spiritual power we have got, but that is being suppressed by the material covering
- A thing which you cannot get back by paying millions of dollars, if that is lost unnecessarily, so how much loss you are suffering just imagine. This is material calculation
- A thoughtful man can understand how much a person is favored by the Supreme Lord by seeing his actions
- A Vaisnava can be understood by how much he is favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in terms of his inconceivable activities
- Aborigines generally go to the villagers to sell fruits. How much the aborigines were attached to Krsna is here (in SB 10.11.10) described
- According to Vedic scripture, those animal-eaters should kill them personally, so that they can see how much suffering is there, so he will stop. But now the things are being done in the slaughterhouse. They do not see. They purchase very nicely packed
- According to Vedic scripture, those animal-eaters, they should kill the animals personally so that they can see how much suffering is there, so he will stop
- After filling a pot with vegetables, Advaita Acarya requested Them to eat more, and Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "How much more can I go on eating"
- All conditioned souls are mad after these (profit, adoration and distinction) different forms of sex desire, and one shall see for himself how much he has been freed from such material hankerings based primarily on the sex desire
- All four hundred pages, like this. We don't publish a book less than this volume. So just imagine how much we have to learn about our spiritual life. In no other religious system you may call, or cultural system - can give you so many books to read
- All these sun's time, twenty-four hours, they are present even in this hour. You have to know by telegram or telephone. So if it is possible for the material thing, sun, so how much it is possible for God? This is called raja-vidya, king of knowledge
- Any moment the heart can fail. Any moment I go on the street, there may be some accident. Huh? So there is no guarantee of life. So how much we should be interested in hearing about the Supreme Lord
- Any rich man comes forward, "Please get me back again 1974, 19th January," "No, sir, that is not possible." Any price you offer, it is not possible. So just imagine, if we waste our time, how much loss we are suffering
- Anyone who will take shelter in Me, whether a woman, or a merchant, or one born in a low family, can yet approach the supreme destination. How much greater then are the brahmanas, the righteous, the devotees, and saintly kings! BG 1972 Introduction
- As in your body so much subtle energies are working, just imagine this universal body of Krsna, virat-rupa, how much subtle energies are working and there. So that we do not know. That is our ignorance
- As it is materially possible, that a man of this world can work so wonderfully simply by pushing some button, so how much great is God, or Krsna, simply by His desire, "Let there be creation," immediately everything is there
- As soon as you become devotee, the test is that all those twenty-six qualities will develop. You have to test yourself, "Out of the twenty-six qualities, how much I have developed?" If I am lacking, then you must know that you are not developing
- As we are chanting, if you kindly chant for one week, and you see how much you progress in spiritual knowledge
- As we are fallen, Krsna is also as much liberal also, this age. So if we still, you do not take advantage, then how much unfortunate we are, we can consider
- At the time of death we suffer very much. Just imagine, when we give up our life, how much difficult position at that time. So we forget birth and death
- Avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam, param bhavam aja... "How much powerful is Krsna; what He can do for me," without knowing this, we do not surrender to Krsna
- Basic principle is love of God. That is religion. Don't bother about the ritualistic process. Just try to see how much you are increasing your love of God. Then you are religious
- Because I am spirit soul, I am active even in this material diseased condition. How much active I must be in my healthy condition. That is real knowledge. Healthy condition does not mean that I am dead. This is no treatment
- Because we are bewildered, we are misdirected, so . . . so guru's word, that should be taken seriously. Ara na koriya . . . "No more, anything." That is . . . Therefore how much difficult it is to find out such guru
- Brahma is a living being, jiva-tattva. He is not Visnu-tattva. Just see how much a living being can be powerful. Now, Brahma was created by this Garbhodakasayi Visnu, and Brahma in his turn, he created all these planetary systems
- By performing Krishna Kirtana we want to see how much a devotee is satisfying the Supreme Will
- Especially amongst businessmen, when there is conference, so each one is trying, "Now how much I have cheated him." So this cheating, vipralipsa, is one of the qualification of the conditioned soul
- Even my hair grows inconceivable, I do not know. I cut every week, and it still grows. There are so many little inconceivable power within me. I am part and parcel of God. Just imagine how much inconceivable power is there in Krsna. It is common sense
- Even university students, they say, "If next life, if I become animal, what is the wrong?" Just see, how much degraded
- Even we offer Krsna prayer with broken languages, because Krsna is Absolute, Krsna will accept it. Bhava-grahi, bhava-grahi-janardana. Janardana, Krsna, sees how much your heart is pure for serving Krsna. Krsna does not see the wording of your prayer
- Every student, every disciple, they write me letter how much they are feeling grateful, that "We have got something. Prabhupada, you have given us something"
- Everyone is getting milk? How much?
- Everyone is trying to become happy himself. Just... Bhakti-marga, or the path of devotional service, is just the opposite, to see how much Krsna is prita-mana, satisfied
- Everyone is working for his personal benefit, - How much money I shall get? How much name and fame and reputation I shall get?
- For example, with our naked eye we perceive the sun globe simply as some glaring substance, but when we see through authorized books of science & other literature, we can understand how much greater the sun globe is than this earth and how powerful it is
- Formerly, and still in Indian villages, suppose one man is going to give his daughter to a boy. So he will go and see how much grains he has got in store, how many cows he has got. Then yes, he is going to agree, like that
- From material point of view, you can understand how much potency is God, Krsna
- From the Vedic angle of vision, the Western people are the most uncivilized. Only money is covering them. When they introduced that mini-skirt for the girl, how much abominable it was considered in India
- Full nonsense, this rascal. How much havoc he has done to the human society. A grand rascal, this Darwin
- He (a foolish man) is expert in calculating the loss of pounds, shillings and pence, but he is so foolish that he does not know how much money he is losing, even according to material considerations
- He (Arjuna) did not consider how much the other party was bent upon fighting. All these symptoms are due to softheartedness resulting from his being a great devotee of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) started the civil disobedience movement, and He called for one lakh of men, to join the sankirtana and go to the Kazi's house. Immediately it was done. Just see how much influential He was
- He (Caitanya) kindly accepts His faithful devotees and teaches them how much tribulation and disturbance can be produced by even a slight deviation from the strict principles of devotional life
- He does not know what is the power of Krsna, how much He is Yogesvara. Still, he is falsely claiming to become Krsna
- Here by the side of wall, this house, there is a tree. It has grown. Just see: that tree is not even within the jungle. In a small space it has grown all sides surrounded by house, and it is alone. Just see how much condemned life
- Here in this Bhagavad-gita, that Bhagavan is giving you knowledge. So how much perfect it is, you have to consider. Vyasadeva could have said, "sri-vyasadeva uvaca." No. Bhagavan uvaca, so authoritative
- Here the first thing is recommended, satyam, truthfulness. Satyam param dhimahi (SB 1.1.1). And the biggest politician says: "This is the qualification of an ass." Just see how much opportunity we have got to make spiritual progress
- How much a devotee has been favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be tested by the activities the devotee has performed
- How much a devotee is seriously attached to the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be understood from the statement of Maharaj Prthu
- How much a young man may have propensities for enjoying this material way of life! And when there is facilities. But how they have taken to it? This is the proof
- How much brain he has that he has created this universe, Brahma. He has created the demigods, he has created the planets
- How much devoted, beautiful. They are spiritual, they are not material. Their bodies are not material bodies. Krsna does not embrace a material woman
- How much foolish we are that we are getting a particular type of body, and the sukha-duhkha, happiness and distress, is already fixed up. That is called destiny. As soon as I get a particular type of body, my happiness and sufferings are all destined
- How much greater then are the brahmanas, the righteous, the devotees and saintly kings who in this temporary miserable world engage in loving service unto Me. BG 9.33 - 1972
- How much intelligence has got God, we can imagine. If we, our teeny brain, we are so intelligent . But unfortunately the rogues, having got a brain from God, they are denying God
- How much more this is so of the righteous brahmanas, the devotees and the saintly kings. Therefore, having come to this temporary, miserable world, engage in loving service unto Me
- How much of a hindrance are hostility, greed, illusion, lamentation and too much attachment to material enjoyment
- How much one has advanced in Krsna consciousness one can test himself, that "How much I have become detestful, all this material way of life?" Everyone can test himself. If he has got still some inclination, then he is not fully Krsna conscious
- How much qualification you have acquired for seeing God? Seeing God is not very difficult, but at the same time it is very difficult
- How much the father and the government or the guru should be strong so that he can save his dependents from the clutches of death
- How much time it requires to surrender to Krsna? Immediately you can do that. Surrender means you surrender and work as Krsna says. That is surrender. What Krsna says to do? Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru. Four things
- How much you are able to gratify your senses. That is civilization. How much you are given facilities to gratify your senses. This is the modern idea, hedonism. More eat, more drink-eat, drink, be merry, and enjoy. Sense gratification
- How much you are becoming detached to this material world, that is the test. If you are still attached to the material pleasures, that means you are not making progress in bhakti-yoga
- How much you making progress towards spiritual realization and real, real identity of pure consciousness
- How vast (the Atlantic Ocean)? Is it double the size of this well? (the frog in well) - "Oh no, much much larger," his friend replied. "How much larger? Ten times the size?" In this way the frog went on calculating
- I am also very much anxious to know how much business you are doing on the matter of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- I am cutting throat of one poor animal under my protection. If somebody cuts my throat, how much I am unhappy. And I'm doing the same business and I'm human being? How can I call myself a human being? I have no sense even of compassion
- I am getting thousands of letters from Western countries, from my disciples, how much transcendental feeling they are enjoying
- I can understand from seeing these figures just how much suitable you are for heading up the responsible position of senior man in the New York temple affairs
- I can understand now that how much merciful was my Guru Maharaja that he forced me to take this life
- I do not know anything, but I, I am surrendered to a person who knows everything. Therefore I know everything. I take my knowledge from Krsna. So you should think how much knowledge you have assimilated
- I do not know how much you will appreciate my this suggestion, but if you can do such organization, it will be a great service to the country and to the animals, and to this cause of Krishna Consciousness
- I have appreciated so much your letter that I am making copies of this letter to send to different centers to show them how much potency is this Sankirtana Movement
- I hope you are continuing to study Bengali. I shall be glad to know how much progress you have made by this time
- I shall be glad to hear from you how much you are interested in this movement. On hearing from you favorably, I shall arrange to send a batch of trained disciples of this country to exhibit in all important cities of India how they are working
- I want to impress upon you that this chanting of Hare Krsna is so nice that if you give in an experimental way... You can see. You chant for at least one week and you see how much you have changed
- I want to speak to the public something, I have expressed my opinion in that way. But because it is popular, you are taking advantage of my book and expressing your views. How much cheater you are. Therefore he is suffering, Dr. Radhakrishnan
- I would write, then publish, and then distribute without any help. So how much pleased I am with you that you are helping me in this mission. So you go on with your work. Krishna will help you
- If by satisfying the poor teachers one becomes pious, how much pious he is who is trying to satisfy the supreme teacher, Krsna
- If by simply copying you want to take so much credit that you will defy the existence of God, you are so fool, rascal, then how much credit should be given to the original person who has made all these things existing. What is their answer?
- If even an insignificant living entity who is but a part of the Supreme Lord can produce so much of a chemical, how much potency there must be in the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If in the inferior quality, matter, it is possible, how much it is possible in the superior quality
- If one is simply sticking up to the system without seeing "How much progress I am making in my life?" then that is waste of time. That is called niyamagraha, simply observing the rules
- If this electric energy (like telephone), can work so wonderful, how much wonderful energies are there in Krsna that He is working and it is coming out, automatically. You cannot explain, you will say it is nature. No. The same working is there
- If we examine how much time He devoted to killing and how much time He devoted to protecting, we shall find that He devoted more time to killing
- If we give so much credit to the artist who has manufactured this Sputnik, how much credit we shall give to the person who has manufactured this arrangement. This is Krsna consciousness, to appreciate the greatest artist
- If we neglecting the rules and regulation, if we have to accept the body of a dog, just imagine how much displeasing it will be
- If you are actually engaged in religious principles, the test is how much you are detached from material attraction and how much you are attached to God
- If you are associating personally with President Nixon, how much proud you feel? "Oh, I am with President Nixon." So will you not feel very much proud if you are associating the supreme Nixon? Who can create millions of Nixons
- If you are hungry, you know, by eating, how much your hunger is satisfied. You haven't got to ask anybody. Similarly, if anybody increases his Krsna consciousness, the test will be that he will be disinterested with all material pleasures. That is test
- If you create some center of our Krsna consciousness movement, how much strain you have to exert to maintain the standard, status quo
- If you paint a very nice flower, how much labor you require. Still, it cannot be so beautiful as the natural flower. So don't think the natural flower has come accidentally. No. It was done by the machine manipulated by Krsna. That is Krsna understanding
- If you render service to Krsna, then He'll reveal to you. Revelation. So, he, how much service he's giving, that will be tested how much he has, I mean to say, realized Krsna. This is the test. If Krsna is still vague idea to him, then he hasn't advanced
- If you render service to Krsna, then Krsna will reveal to you. So how much service he is giving, that will be tested how much he has realized Krsna. This is the test. If Krsna is still vague idea to him, then he has not advanced
- If you want little credit by experimenting, hydrogen, oxygen mixed together, then how much credit should be given who has created the vast Atlantic Ocean - not only one, millions
- If you want to speak your own word, why you take Bhagavad-gita? How much, ah, devilish mentality. You want to speak your own philosophy - speak. Why do you take advantage of Bhagavad-gita? But that is going on
- In fighting the first thing is to take estimation of the enemy's side, how much they are strong, how they have arranged. Then one should calculate how to counteract, how to fight with them, this is intelligence
- In India still, there are many snake charmer. They, simply by mantra, they can get out the poison. Materially if it is possible, how much it is possible in spiritual?
- In India such vast knowledge, it is kept for professional Bhagavata readers. How much harm they have done! Some professional Bhagavata readers, it is their property
- In other words, all fools and rascals. Just like big, big scientists. They are theorizing that life is made out of matter. How much ignorance it is. All these Darwin's theory, chemical evolution. Simply they are basing that from matter life has come
- In that aerial mansion, Devahuti, in the company of her handsome husband, situated on an excellent bed that increased sexual desires, could not realize how much time was passing
- In the beginning, of course, we do not find such opportunities to strictly follow. But still, we should not give so much attention for the regulation or strict rules and regulation. But we must see how much a person is advanced in Krsna consciousness
- In this age our only business is to mix with prostitute. Just see our position. How much fallen they should be. There is open market for prostitution. This is modern civilization
- It does not matter you learn to love God through Christianism or Hinduism or Muslimism, any "ism," but the result should be how much you have advanced in the art of loving God
- It doesn't matter whether you are following Christianism or Hinduism or Muhammadanism. Just try to understand how much you have developed your God consciousness to love God. Then in your any religion is nice, very nice
- It should be thoroughly understood that birth is distressful. Because we forget how much distress we have suffered within the womb of the mother, we do not make any solution to the repetition of birth and death. BG 1972 purports
- Janayaty asu vairagyam. A man is tested how much he has advanced in bhakti-yoga by his detachment from material enjoyment. If one is attached to sense enjoyment, at the same time he poses himself as a great devotee, that cannot work
- Just do the needful and think always in your mind how much what you are doing will be pleasing to Krsna. That standard for pleasing Krsna is simply to spread this Krsna Consciousness message far and wide all over the globe
- Just imagine the spirit soul, how much powerful he is. And they have no machine to find out. How they will find out? One ten-thousandth part of the hair, we cannot see - the tip of the hair is so small. That one part is the dimension of the soul
- Just like I am traveling in my centers, and if I see that my students, my men are doing very nice, everything is going nice, how much pleased I will be, that I'll save my labors and now write books for the rest of my time
- Just see that minute portion of God is so powerful. Just like potassium cyanide. Minute quantity, if you take one grain, immediately you'll die. Similarly, if some ordinary material thing is so powerful, just imagine the spirit soul, how much powerful
- Just try to study this life, how much painful it is. This is the human body & what to speak of the dog's body, cat's body? You study very minutely. You'll find, from the beginning of my life in the womb of my mother up to the death point, simply miseries
- Just try to understand how much our life is valuable. A second of our life we cannot purchase by paying millions of dollars. And if that second is wasted without any utilization, then how much money we are losing
- Krishna can help us immediately with all of His resources, but first of all He wants to see how much we can work seriously. So the more we become steady and serious, the more help we will have from Him, rest assured
- Krsna consciousness movement is to let people know how much valuable life is his, and utilize it in that way. Our movement is sarve sukhino bhavantu: everyone become, be happy. Not only human society, even animal society. We want to see everyone happy
- Krsna continued, "I was simply seeing how much you were anxious for Me in My absence. So please do not try to find fault with Me. Because you consider Me so dear to you, kindly excuse Me if I have done anything wrong"
- Krsna continued, "The wonderful explanation you have given of My every word is completely factual and approved by Me. O most beautiful Rukmini, you are My dearmost wife. I am greatly pleased to understand how much love you have for Me"
- Krsna is guiding. So everyone is being guided by Krsna, even in this condition of life. And when he fully surrendered, how much guidance will come, just imagine? Even without surrender He's guiding. Without His guidance he can not do it
- Krsna is so nice that anyone who takes to Him becomes the first-class peaceful man. You can know from the example of Arjuna how much peaceful he was. He did not mind to forego his claim, and he remained nonviolent and peaceful
- Krsna wants to see that how much you are spending your valuable life and energy for Krsna. That's all. Don't be disappointed that many men are not coming here or we are very poorly pushing on. Never mind. Whatever Krsna has given us, chance, utilize it
- Lord Jesus Christ, he was crucified. Still, he was so tolerant he, at the time of crucification, he's praying to God, "My Lord, these people do not know what they are doing. Please forgive them." Just see how much tolerant. Titiksava
- Lord Krsna continued, "If some foolish king who is puffed up by his wealth, prestige & power wants to usurp a brahmana's property, he should be understood to be clearing his path to hell; he does not know how much he has to suffer for such an unwise act"
- Lord Krsna continued, "My dear King, I offered to give you any kind of benediction just to test how much you have advanced in devotional service"
- Lord Krsna showed His mother the complete universal creation within His mouth, while she, completely charmed by her son, wanted to look inside the mouth of the Lord just to see how much earth the child had eaten
- Material enjoyment is indeed the cause of all unhappiness, but one cannot give it up unless one has personally experienced how much suffering it is. Therefore one should be allowed to remain in so-called material enjoyment while advancing in knowledge
- My dear Bhattacarya, your fortune is very great. How much shall I praise you? I also am very fortunate to be able to take the remnants of this food
- My father used to say, "When Krsna takes your money or possession in ten hands, how you can protect it with two hands? And when He give you in ten hands, how much you can take in two hands?"
- My idea is that if simply by narrating the Crucifixion incident of Lord Jesus Christ, the Roman Catholic Religion can spread to such a wide area of the world, how much there is great potency of spreading our Krishna Consciousness
- My only anxiety is to guide you; Krsna sometimes makes me sick just to examine how much you have learned to conduct the business under my guidance, with a little independence
- Nanda continued, "We simply think of how much we are obliged to Him for giving us protection in many dangerous situations"
- Not like the rascals - we interpret. No. No interpretation. The rascals, they interpret. He (Professor Dimmock) is a rascal, as if Krsna left Bhagavad-gita for this rascal's interpretation. How much rascaldom it is
- Offer something. Just be in love with Him. Then just see how much peaceful you feel. How much tranquility you feel and how you are protected by Krsna, how you avoid insufficiency, how you become pure and how you make your progress in spiritual life
- One can imagine how beautiful this spot (Kailasa) was and how much the demigods passing through enjoyed the atmosphere
- One moment of your life, if it is wasted without any profit, just imagine how much loss you have suffered. Because you cannot get back one moment of your life again even if you are prepared to pay millions of dollars
- One should be very much enthused, "Oh, I am going to Krsna, in the spiritual world." How much enthusiasm you should feel. So that is utsahat
- One should consider how much loss one suffers if he wastes even a moment of his life for nothing
- One should not imitate such great personalities but one should try to see how much taste he has developed for chanting, so that one can remain alone simply being engaged in chanting
- One should not try to go upwards artificially without seeing for himself how much he has been released from the sex desire
- Our humble request to you all is that henceforward you please chant Hare Krsna mantra whenever it is possible. You have got enough time, and there is no rules and regulation, there is no fee, and see how much you are benefited
- Our Krsna consciousness society is giving the most valuable thing, chanting of Hare Krsna, without any charge.They are canvassing, "Please take it. You'll be happy. Please take." So people should know how much valuable service they are rendering
- Our Krsna prasadam are so variegated, nice varieties . . . the variety is the mother of enjoyment. How much enjoyment you want with your tongue? You can have simply by eating Krsna prasadam
- Our point is: just try to study this life, how much painful it is
- Our point is: just try to study this life, how much painful it is. This is human body, what to speak of dog's body, cat's body? You study very minutely, you'll find, from the beginning of life in the womb of my mother up to death point, simply miseries
- Personally one can understand how much he is advanced in spiritual life. Spiritual life does not mean that a sannyasi is smoking and drinking tea, one gallon of tea. That is not spiritual life
- Please be engaged in the service of Lord Krishna very enthusiastically. You are my old disciple and I know how much enthusiastically you were working in the beginning
- Please supply me the following BBT information: 1) What amount of order is the Vrinda Book Co. giving monthly, and 2) how much are they paying monthly. What happened to the advertisement?
- Poor cows, they deliver milk, and later on they become slaughtered. How much sinful the modern society is, and they still want peace and prosperity. That is not possible
- Raghunatha dasa drew up an account of the amount to be given and submitted it to Raghava Pandita, who then made up a list showing how much money was to be paid to each and every devotee.
- Regarding my books, everyone should read. I am also reading. Everyone should be engaged 24 hours. That is the sum and substance. How much you should read and how much you should do other types of service, that has to be decided by each individual devotee
- Regarding Syama's kirtana; it is also nice. But it does not behoove that I shall sing with her. Let us see how much she is advanced in Krishna Consciousness. And then we shall think of full cooperation
- Restrictions and precautions to be taken by the pregnant mother, as enunciated in the smrti scriptures of Vedic literature, are very useful. We can understand from the Vedic literature how much care is taken to beget a nice child in society
- Rupa Gosvami is the direct disciple of Lord Caitanya. When he retired from his service - he was government minister - oh, he brought home golden coins, full, a boat full, full of gold. Now, just imagine how much the amount was
- Sadhu means that he must be tolerant. Just like Haridasa Thakura. You know how much tolerant he was
- Sati's mother (Prasuti) could understand how much Sati had been pained by the insult of her father. Sati had been present along with the other daughters, and Daksa had purposely received all of them but her because she happened to be the wife of Lord Siva
- Sati's mother could understand how much Sati had been pained by the insult of her father. Sati had been present along with the other daughters, and Daksa had purposely received all of them but her because she happened to be the wife of Lord Siva
- She (the illusory energy) wants to test, "How much this person is sincere?" So there will be so many allurement offered by the material energy
- Simply by remembering Visnu, if one becomes clean inside and outside, so by chanting Hare Krsna, how much purified he is becoming in every moment or every second
- Simply by studying, becoming bookworm, you cannot advance. The real secret is... That is stated in the Vedas. Unflinching faith in God and spiritual master. Then things will be revealed from within. How much strength we have got to study all these books?
- Simply they'll think that "If I keep long hairs, I'll be very beautiful" This psychological study is there. And five thousand years before, prediction. How much authoritative the book is, just imagine. Is it not fact?
- Since there are potencies in the living entities who are samples of the Personality of Godhead, how much potency there must be in the Supreme Godhead Himself
- So far we are concerned we are trying to train first class men. How much great responsibility we have to follow regulative principles, chant the beads, live with personal character etc
- So if one sun created by God can do so much work, can distribute so much heat and light, just imagine how much powerful is the creator of the sun. This is common sense
- So to anyone who is constantly engaged in addressing the Lord and His energy, we can imagine how much the Supreme Lord is obliged. It is impossible for the Lord to ever forget such a devotee
- Some actress, some cinema artist, singing, and people are so fond of hearing that singing that the artist is paid fifteen thousand rupees for one song. There are many in Bombay. So just see how much attraction we have got for the material sound vibration
- Sometimes I think when I see on the street strewn cigarette butts, that if people in general give up cigarette smoking, how much money they can save daily without any effort
- Sometimes people boast, "We have gone from the hut to the skyscraper." They think this is progress. But in the Vedic system of civilization, one thinks about how much he is advanced in self-realization
- Sometimes the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself wonders how much transcendental pleasure is within Himself, and in order to taste His own potency, He sometimes takes the position of tasting Himself
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then said, "There is so much food here that it is impossible to eat it all." The Bhattacarya replied, "I know how much You can eat"
- Temple building or mosque building is coming down from time immemorial. People are investing their money, hard-earned money. Why? Uselessly? Nonproductive? No. They do not know. They do not know how much productive that is
- That is the Bhagavata definition - that how much you have enhanced your love of God. You call "Krsna" or something else, that doesn't matter. Phalena pariciyate. The result. Your religious principle, what is the result
- That is the test of bhakti: How much you have become disinterested with this material advancement. That is bhakti, advancement of bhakti
- That is the test who is a devotee. Simply by advertising himself, advertisements will not do. How much you are freed from the anarthas
- That is the test; how much you have become advanced in devotional service, you can experience yourself. Just like a hungry man, if he's given food, if he eats, then he experiences himself that he's getting strength, his hunger is being satisfied
- That is the way of a God-gifted person. A devotee like Kardama Muni exhibited such opulence by his yogic power at the request of his wife, but when the opulence was produced, he himself could not understand how such manifestations could be possible
- That rascal civilization, they cannot understand. They are trying to stop miserable condition, but he does not know that miserable condition is his body. Just see how much foolish (it) is
- The asura is concerned with how much wealth he has in the bank today and how it will increase tomorrow, but unrestricted accumulation of wealth is not permitted either by the sastra or, in the modern age, by the government
- The Ayurvedic system of eating is to decide how much you can comfortably eat, then take half of that amount, filling the remaining half one quarter with water and leaving one quarter for air
- The demoniac only thinks how much assessment he has just now and schemes to engage that stock of wealth farther & farther. For that reason, he does not hesitate to act in any sinful way & so deals in the black market for illegal gratification. BG 1972 p
- The gopis continued, "Dear Krsna, certainly You know how much we are saddened when You go out of Vrndavana village to tend the cows in the forest"
- The gopis continued, “Dear Krsna,You are very cunning. You can imagine how much we are distressed simply by remembering Your cunning smile, Your pleasing glance, Your walking with us in the forest of Vrndavana and Your auspicious meditations"
- The instruction is that even such personalities may be sexually attracted, so how much we shall remain careful. This is the instruction
- The Lord accepts the attitude of His devotee and sees how much he is prepared to serve Him
- The Lord then told the devotees, "I can tell how much you have labored and how well you have cleansed the temple simply by seeing all the straw and dust you have collected outside"
- The miser, the opposite word is liberal or brahmana. Miser knows his self-interest, "How much nice foodstuff I have got to eat daily." That's all. And liberal, - How much krsna-prasada I am distributing to the world
- The mother eating; from that eating the child is also eating, the intestine is connected how much mechanical arrangement is there? Can any medical science, any scientist connect even this is matter
- The pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu are unlimited. How much can a small living entity elaborate about those transcendental pastimes?
- The personified Vedas continued, "No one can estimate how much the living entity is degraded by entering abominable species of life such as cats and dogs"
- The qualification for leading class is how much one understands about Krsna & surrendering to the process. Not whether one is male or female. Of course women, generally speaking are less intelligent, better she has heard nicely then she will speak nicely
- The real qualification is that how much one is engaged in Krsna consciousness, in the service of the Lord. That is the qualification
- The spiritual side importance-giving means one has to see how much important this human life is
- The test is how much you are advanced in understanding God. If you do not understand God, if you have no obedience to God, that is not dharma
- The theosophists, the philosophers, they are trying years after years, life after years, "What is God? What is God? What is the Absolute Truth?" Just like we throw Sputniks - "How much the space is length and breadth?" This is frog philosophy
- The thing is that as they (the scientists) are individual person trying to do something wonderful, the individual person who has already done all this wonderful, how much credit He deserves
- The visibility of one's qualities doesn't depend on the partiality of God; it is due to various coverings in different proportions. Thus one can understand how far he has advanceod in terms of sattva-guna & how much he is covered by rajo-guna & tamo-guna
- There are many millions of universes, and each of them has got a sun to conduct the business. And all these suns are created by somebody. How much complete He is, you can just imagine. That is God
- There are ten kinds of samskaras, reformation. And how much careful this Vedic civilization is, that a child will be born and he is taken care of since the day of the, I mean to say, joining, conjugation of the father and mother
- There is a big problem (old age and death), and they cannot solve it, and still they (scientists and philosophers) are proud of their advancement of knowledge. How much foolish they are, just consider
- There is a great need of this movement, and we are spreading this Krsna consciousness movement, and this is practical, very easy, and just suitable for this age. It doesn't consider how much you are qualified
- There is no limit to perfection - we may go on improving more and more, and still there is no limit to how much we may please Krishna, just like for the materialist there is no limit to how much Maya can kick us
- There is no such distinction that one has to take the path of the renounced order of life. The real essence of our life should be how much we are Krsna conscious
- There is no, in the educational system, no Bhagavad-gita. Just see how much unfortunate
- There was a Saubhari Muni. He was a great yogi. He expanded himself to eight forms. So yogis, they can. But if a yogi can expand himself into eight or several forms, how much potency is there in the yogesvara
- These rascals, simply they are depending on their blunt senses, these stupids, so-called scientist. Therefore they're stupid. They simply believe on their eyes. They do not know how much defective these eyes and senses are
- They (atheists) may learn from this action how much the Supreme Father (Krsna) has to be respected. Uddhava was simply struck with wonder by such glorious behavior of the Lord, and he was very sorry that he was unable to go with Him
- They (foolish persons) do not know how much risky it is to spoil the human life simply for eating, sleeping, mating, and gambling. This is very risky life
- They (karmis) may become big multimillionaires, but they are just like asses, working hard day and night. Regardless of how much money they may have, their stomachs can only hold so much
- They are individual person trying to do something wonderful, the individual person who has already done all this wonderful, how much credit He deserves. If by simply copying you want to take so much credit that you will defy the existence of God
- This chanting of Hare Krsna is so nice that if you give in an experimental way... You can see. You chant for at least one week and you see how much you have changed
- This human life was meant for understanding Visnu, God, but they did not use it. So thus, try to understand how much important is this Krsna consciousness movement, how we are trying to save the whole human society from their irresponsible life
- This is Indian civilization. Yet in the same place, India, Bharata-varsa, how much people are suffering by giving up the Vedic way of life and not understanding the teachings of Bhagavad-gita
- This is the test, that anyone who is supposed to be advancing in devotional service, bhakti-yoga, the test will be how much he has awakened his intense desire for hearing about Krsna. That is the test
- This scene (Mother Yasoda binding child Krsna because of His disturbance) is very much appreciated by pure devotees, for it shows how much greatness there is in the Supreme Person, who plays exactly like a perfect child
- Those who are elderly person, they have got experience. If their sons go wrong, how much they are anxious. How much the father is anxious to get his son back again. Back again. That is the natural instinct
- Those who are taking to this Krsna consciousness, mostly they are younger section. Now ask them how much hopeful they are, how much jubilant they are
- Timingila fish swallow up these whale fish like this. Such a big fish. These informations are there. Therefore try to understand how much perfect knowledge is there in the Vedas
- To understand Krsna is so difficult. That Krsna is being delivered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Take Krsna, immediately. Chant, dance, and take Krsna, and eat prasadam, and go home. Just see how much efficient this movement is. Immediate
- Vedas says that tad viddhi, tad-vijnanartham, Krsna also says: "You try to understand this transcendental knowledge." Tad viddhi pranipatena (BG 4.34). Don't go to a guru to challenge him: "I shall see how much my guru knows." Then it will be useless
- Vedic civilization says, No, this (living in a skyscraper building) is not advancement. Real advancement is self-realization - how much you have realized your relationship with god
- We are part and parcel of God, a minute particle; still, we have got so many potencies. Every man, not only man, the animals also, they have got various potencies, creative energy. So just imagine how much creative energies and potencies are there in God
- We are receiving so many benefits through the agents of Supreme Personality of Godhead, & we do not acknowledge even, "God is great. He's supplying us nice foodstuff," so how much ungrateful the human society has become. And they want peace & prosperity
- We can only imagine how much juice there might be in a fruit that is the size of an elephant but has a very tiny seed
- We cannot add a moment, nor can we get a moment back. If time is money, we should just consider how much money we have lost. However, time is even more precious because it cannot be regained. Therefore not a single moment should be lost
- We cannot cheat Krsna. Krsna can immediately understand how much serious and sincere you are for understanding Krsna or approaching Him or going back to home, back to Godhead
- We do not want to see how . . . what kind of rituals and performances you are doing. Phalena pariciyate. We want to see the result, how much you have tried or how much you have developed your love of Godhead. That's all
- We explain two, three lines from Bhagavatam - how much people appreciated. So we have to preach like that, the substance. Not the sentiment. But if we cannot, the sankirtana is sufficient
- We have got limited power to expand . . . yena sarvam idam tatam (BG 2.17), and become immediately expanded throughout My body. And He is unlimitedly big. So how much His consciousness is distributed all over the universe, sarva-jna
- We have to see how much service we are going to give Krsna. This minority, majority, these are all material conception of life. If you can give major service to Krsna, that is your success of life. I started this movement alone, minority
- We should not waste our this human form of life whimsically. It is a great loss. But people are not educated how much important this human form of life
- We simply say "God is great," but we do not know how much great He is
- We want to test a man how he has advanced in his religious life. What is that? How much he has developed his love for God. That's all
- What to speak of other planets, you cannot approach even the moon planet, which is the nearest. So just try to understand how much incapable you are
- When a devotee realizes how much he has to say about Krsna, twenty-four hours in a day are not sufficient. It is the fool who is celebrated as long as he does not speak, for when he breaks his silence his lack of knowledge is exposed - CC Intro
- When He (God) so descends He proves how much greater is His ability to enjoy, and He exhibits His power of enjoyment by (for instance) marrying sixteen thousand wives at once
- When I first came to your country I had no idea how much the American people would cooperate with my Krsna Consciousness .But now good boys like yourself and all my other spiritual sons and daughters all around the world have been giving me great hope
- When I first came to your country I had no idea how much the American people would cooperate with my Krsna Consciousness mission
- When I received news that you are to be operated I was perturbed but I submitted prayer to Krsna & am glad that Krsna is so merciful. He saved your life and your baby. So I am grateful to Krsna & you should know how much grateful we should all be to Krsna
- When Mathura was thus besieged, Lord Sri Krsna began to consider, in consultation with Baladeva, how much the Yadu dynasty was in distress, being threatened by the attacks of two formidable enemies, Jarasandha and Kalayavana
- When Mother Yasoda was thinking that her son was walking in the forest without any umbrella or shoes, she became greatly perturbed to think of how much difficulty Krsna must have been feeling
- When the conditioned soul tries to get out of her clutches by spiritual advancement of knowledge, material nature becomes more stringent and vigorous in her efforts to test how much the aspiring spiritualist is sincere
- When you take chili from the market you see how much, what is the degree of its hotness. If it is very hot, oh, it is very good chili. If you find a chili sweet like sugar, oh, you'll reject it
- While Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was taking prasadam at the house of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Amogha criticized Him. Still, the Lord accepted Amogha, thereby showing how much He was obliged to His devotees
- Who can leave Krsna? If one has got Krsna . . . they (sixteen thousand wives of Krsna) know Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So they are embracing Krsna. How much happy they are
- You are a boy of great energy and the more you use your energy in Krsna's service, the more He will supply you, rest assured. So it is up to you how much you want to endeavor for Krsna's sake
- You are mostly Christian, you know. Lord Jesus Christ, when he was being crucified, he was begging, "My Lord, these fools do not know what they are doing. Please excuse." Just see how much qualified. Because he is devotee of God
- You are not taking the opportunity of understanding Krsna. Just see how much unfortunate we are. As you serve Krsna, you understand Krsna. You cannot understand Krsna otherwise, unless you render service
- You are sane, that you do not accept me as President... That is one thing. At least you are not insane. So if I say, "I am God," and you accept, then how much insane you are. Just try to understand
- You can say that, "We can create water by mixing hydrogen and oxygen." All right, you create. How much you can create? One pound, two pounds or ten pounds, that's all
- You follow any kind of religion, that doesn't matter. But the test will be how much you have developed God consciousness or Krsna consciousness. That is the test. If that is lacking, then you have simply wasted your time
- You have to eat the grains and the fruits and the vegetables along with a slice of meat, you take. Still, for that slice of meat, you are killing so many poor animals. How much sinful it is
- You have to test yourself, out of the twenty-six qualities, how much I have developed
- You know how much I am anxious to see this enlarged edition of Bhagavad-gita As It Is printed and also we are being requested for this book from all parts of the world, so everybody is also anxious
- You may advertise yourself or I may advertise myself, "I am a great religious person," but the test is how much you have learned to love God, how much you have advanced in that process
- You may become Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or brahmin, ksatriya . . . whatever you may be, it doesn't matter. But if you are a religious person, the test is how much you have developed love of Godhead. Then it is tested, - Yes, you are nice
- You may show that you are becoming a devotee, very great devotee, so test yourself how much you have advanced
- You will see that how much profusely the earth was producing during the time of Maharaja Yudhisthira, because the executive head of the state was a pious, so how nature was helping. Nature was helping. Now India there is scarcity
- Your love of materialistic life or love of this world is increasing, love of sense gratification is increasing - that is not religion. That is not religion. Test of religion is how much you are increasing your love of God
- Your question is how much or how little brahmacaris should associate with the unmarried brahmacarinis in the temple. As brahmacari you should not mix at all with brahmacarinis. Actually they should not at all see the face, but that is not possible