"How much does this course of study cost?"
It costs nothing. If you simply come here, you understand everything. We don't charge anything. But they will not come. They go to a rascal who will charge fifty dollars for meeting and all talk nonsense. They'll go there. And because we are not charging anything, they are not attracted. You see?
But how we can charge? We are servant of Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa says that "You speak," so we are speaking. That's all. Why should we charge? But if somebody, out of sympathy, gives us something, we don't refuse. But we have no cost. We are working ourself as far as possible and maintaining ourself, but anyone who comes, we don't charge anything. We have got volumes of books. I have translated six books Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, and one book Teachings of Lord Caitanya, one book Bhagavad-gītā As It Is. Some of the books are there. You can see. So there are so many books, immense knowledge.
So it is not very costly. We charging very low price, just to printing charges. If somebody wants to purchase, we have got our magazine, monthly magazine, Back to Godhead. But if one does not pay, the same thing we are repeating daily in our meetings. So he can come and hear. God has given him the ear, and he can learn. So there is no cost. There is no official cost. "How much does this course of study cost?" We don't charge anything.