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Pages in category "Business"
The following 908 pages are in this category, out of 908 total.
- Acarya's business
- Best business
- Book business
- Brahmacari's business
- Business brain
- Business community
- Business management
- Business of the animals
- Business of the disciple
- Business organization
- Businesses
- Businesslike
- Guru's business
- King's business
- My father had a cloth business
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that although this process is guaranteed, don't wait for another life. Finish this business in this life
- Nonviolence is not the business of the ksatriya
- Not his business
- Our main business is to become Krishna conscious and to convince others through preaching work; therefore, we do not want to strive for making big business and lots of money
- Temple business
- There is a class in India, cobbler. Their business is to take away the dead animals, especially cows
- Woman's business
- A businessman is always very eager to go to a place where business is transacted. Similarly, a devotee is very eager to hear from the lips of liberated devotees
- A businessman is not satisfied by working the whole week; therefore, wanting a change for the weekend, he goes to a place where he tries to forget his business activities
- A businessman riding in a motorcar sits in the car, supervises its running and advises the driver. He knows how much gasoline is used up, and he knows everything about the car, but still he is apart from the car and is more concerned with his business
- A businessman, he cannot become strictly truthful. That is not possible. A politician, he cannot become actually truthful. Then the whole business will be spoiled
- A carpenter is called to fight? A cow slaughterer is called to preside over the meeting? What is this? One must be fit for the business
- A cloud is compared to a qualified person because it pours rain and gives sustenance to many people; a man who is qualified similarly gives sustenance to many living creatures, such as family members or many workers in a business
- A cloud is compared to a qualified person because it pours rain and gives sustenance to many people; a man who is qualified similarly gives sustenance to many living creatures, such as family members or many workers in business
- A code word requires explanation. Just like in business circle there is Bentley's code. So for business facility, for saving expenditure, the telegraphic codes are there. So one who does not know what is this code, but he can refer to the book
- A conditioned soul is bewildered by the Lord's illusory energy (maya). Maya’s business is to keep the conditioned soul forgetful of his real relationship with Krsna
- A father gives education to his son to earning livelihood, gets him married, and settles him, but he knows that "This kind of business, earning money and marrying, begetting children, I have done, but I am not satisfied"
- A great Indian scientist, busy in the planmaking business, was suddenly called by invincible eternal time while going to attend a very important meeting of the planning commission, and he had to surrender his life, wife, children, house, land, wealth etc
- A karmi, a business man, is improving his business. Just like in your country there are..., there were many great business brain-Mr. Henry Ford, Rockefeller. So they concentrated their attention how to earn money. They are also called yogi in that way
- A ksatriya never slains anybody who is sleeping. Ksatriya's business is to challenge, and if the other party has no weapon, he supplies weapon
- A man travels to earn his livelihood, leaving home early in the morning, catching a local train and being packed in a compartment. He has to stand for an hour or two in order to reach his place of business. Then again he takes a bus to get to the office
- A man with a mercantile mentality thinks that if he can get some material benefit, like a large amount of money, simply by offering a little fruit and flower, this is good business. Such persons are not accepted as pure devotees
- A mercantile man, he is doing some business and working very hard day and night to accumulate some money, similarly, a devotee of the Lord also can earn money in the same spirit, working day and night. Superficially it will appear just like this man
- A merchant, however pious he may be, must sometimes hide his profit to stay in business, or he may sometimes have to do business on the black market. These things are necessary; one cannot avoid them. BG 1972 purports
- A professional man who makes a business out of reciting the Bhagavatam illegally is certainly not a representative of Sukadeva Gosvami. Such a man's business is only to earn his livelihood
- A sannyasi is forbidden to stay anywhere else, but in a temple he can stay for more than three days provided there is business. Otherwise, there is no necessity
- A sannyasi must not stay anywhere more than three days. That is the principle. But in a temple he can stay for more than three days provided there is business
- A sawman was cutting wood by the saw. So at the end of business it was half cut so he pulled down a plug so that next day he will come and he'll again begin sawing. So went away. So one monkey came. So monkey sat down there and began to pull on the plug
- A servant may desire to start his own business and imitate his master, and when he chooses to do so, he may leave the protection of his master. Sometimes he is a failure, and sometimes he is successful
- A Vaisnava may be engaged in governmental service or in a professional business so that externally one cannot understand his position. Internally, however, he may be a nitya-siddha Vaisnava - that is, an eternally liberated Vaisnava
- A vegetarian restaurant will be very profitable business, and I wish that you may earn your fortune and help my mission at one stroke
- According to Vedic system, big, big king, they give up their kingdom and becomes a sannyasi, mendicant, voluntary acceptance of adversity. This is good. To live very comfortably and forget God is not good business
- According to your association, you can mold your character. If you associate with businessmen, then... They actually form so many association to develop their business capacity. Practical
- Active interest in Krsna - the understanding that Krsna is mine or that I am Krsna's, and that therefore my business is to satisfy the senses of Krsna - is typical of a higher stage than the neutrality of the santa-rasa
- Actually his (the conditioned soul's) only business is to accept the spiritual master, the guru, and through him he must accept the lotus feet or the Lord
- Actually, everything belongs to God. There is no difficulty to understand. You have not created this ocean. You have not created this land. You have created nothing. You are simply stealing. That is your business
- Adhyatmika means to awaken the soul to his proper position. The soul is purusa, spirit, and his business is to reconnect his lost relationship with Krsna
- Administrative business
- Advaita Acarya said, "You are a reject paramahamsa, and You have accepted the renounced order of life just to fill up Your belly. I can understand that Your business is to give trouble to brahmanas"
- After being united, or after being married, one woman and man, they seek nice home, grha; ksetra, activities, business, factory, or agricultural field. Because one has to earn money. So get food
- After the business of deity worship was finished, Rukmini caught hold of the hand of one of her girlfriends in her own hand, which was decorated with a jeweled ring, and left the temple in the company of the others
- After the evolutionary process of lower than human being, when we have come, we have got this body, human form of body, the business is brahma-jijsasa," jivasya tattva-jijsasa. That is the Bhagavata
- After two hundred years he will come out (of the machine) again on this hope, he is staying one weekend - and dies. And the government is allowing this business?
- All other business, he will remember, but when he is requested to become Krsna conscious, to understand Krsna, he doesn't like it. Except Krsna consciousness, he will take all responsibility and work hard for that purpose
- All over the world there are nomadic communities whose business is simply to allure, cheat and steal innocent women
- All right, I shall become humble. Then what will be my business? Then how I shall make progress?
- All the incarnations appearing within this material universe are plenary expansions from Ksirodakasayi Visnu. Therefore, the business of minimizing the overload of sinful activities on this earth does not belong to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- All their (human being's) activities are targeted towards the goal of sense gratification without control, and therefore by all this business they are unknowingly entering into the deep regions of darkness
- All these Christians, they are violating the First Commandment. That is their business. Simply engaged in killing, big, big slaughterhouse. And they give the example that, - Others are eating vegetable. That is also killing
- All this paraphernalia simply constitutes different sources of anxiety, but one who is surrendered unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and who leaves all business to Him, is freed from such anxieties
- Alone in this world I am struggling, and the so-called intelligent persons, they will not come. They have business. Why? If it is actually beneficial to the human society, why I should alone try
- Although a materialistic person is expert in calculating costs and doing business, he does not realize that he is misusing his costly life for want of knowledge
- Although the proprietor of all opulence says, "Just surrender unto Me, & I will take care," people do not do it. Instead, they say, - I will take care of my own business. I will maintain myself. I will take care of myself, my family, friends & country
- Always remember that we are selling books not for making business but for pleasing Krsna, and by preaching we should sell books, not by cheating
- An ordinary worker conducts business in order to earn money for his sense gratification. A devotee may perform the same work in exactly the same way, but his aim is to satisfy the Supreme Lord. Consequently his activities are not ordinary
- Any man can become very honest citizen, do business honestly, earn money and live very honorably. But no, somebody has learned how to steal. The government does not say that you becomes thief and go to the prison house
- Anyone who does not take to Krsna consciousness and is busy in other business, he's a vimudhan. Don't remain a vimudhan. Become intelligent
- Anyone who is trying to divert people's attention from Krsna to non-Krsna . . . that is the business of the modern so-called philosophers and educationists or religionists
- Anything which is favorable for krsna-seva, if we give up that business as visaya, that is mistake
- Apahrta-jnanah. His real knowledge is taken away. He does not know that he is small, God is great, his business is to serve God. This knowledge is taken away
- Apart from such Vedic duties, even in our ordinary dealings (for example, in our household affairs or in our business or profession) we must consider that the result of all activities must be given over to the supreme enjoyer, Lord Krsna
- Arjuna was reputed as a great warrior. So he should remain a great warrior. A warrior's business is not to stop fighting on the plea of becoming kind
- Arjuna was trained in that way - he was a soldier - but by his soldier's business, occupational duty, he satisfied Krsna. He fought for Krsna, not for his personal sense gratification. That is his test, samsiddhir hari-tosanam
- As a medical practitioner, so why you take this disease as bad or that disease as good? Your business is to see that there should be no disease
- As an Indian and a man of good sense with practical business-brain you should not at least indulge in such organisation under the influence of unauthorised person
- As far as possible we shall not deal in business. That will not be very good for our spiritual progress. But if somebody contributes for our good cause, that is different
- As living entities, we are eternal. So temporary business is not our business. Our business should be eternal because we are eternal. And that eternal business is how to serve Krsna
- As long as one has desires for sex, one must change his body and transmigrate from one body to another to enjoy sex in different species or forms. But although the forms may differ, the business of sex is the same
- As one intelligent person puts himself under the treatment of a physician to get out of the disease, similarly, human life is meant for putting himself to the expert physician who can cure you from your material disease. That is your business
- As professional activities or business profits cannot help one in spiritual advancement but are a source of material entanglement, the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies cannot help anyone who is not a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As soon as a king becomes rich in material opulences, he wants to dominate other nations by military aggression. Similarly, mercantile men want to monopolize a certain type of business and control other mercantile groups
- As soon as our heart is cleansed, we can understand that - I am not this material body. I am spirit soul. I have got different business. So long I am working for the maintenance of this body. Now I understand that body is superficial shirt and coat dress
- As soon as we are united, man and woman, then I want a nice apartment, I want some business, I want some land, I want some friends, I want some society. Similarly, we extend our bodily concept of life. There is no question of transcendental platform
- As soon as you become karmis after business, then spiritual life becomes damaged
- As the businessman is always absorbed in thoughts of his business, so the living entity can be absorbed in thoughts of rendering loving service to the Lord
- As the Post Office kindly places a box before your house to facilitate your business, similarly Krsna, goloka eva nivasati, He is living in the Goloka Vrndavana, but He expands Himself as Deity to accept your humble service
- Ask my disciples. I have never shown any magic. Why? That is cheating business. That is not required. It is meant for the foolish men
- Association with those engaged in a similar line of business is very conducive to advancement in that business. Consequently materialistic persons form various associations and clubs to enhance their endeavors
- At the present moment, all of human society is engaged in the business of chewing the chewed. People are prepared to undergo mrtyu-samsara-vartmani (BG 9.3), taking birth in one form, dying, accepting another form and dying again
- At the present moment, civilized man has forgotten how to decorate, therefore this mini-skirt - the business of the trees - to remain naked. Human being means to be decorated, like Krsna is decorated, not naked
- At the present moment, the motorcar civilization, he's anxious how to get a Rolls-Royce motorcar, that's all. That is his business
- Atmaramanam, self-satisfied. There are two kinds of men: atmarama and apasyatam atma-tattvam (SB 2.1.2) - one who does not know what is the soul and what is the business of the soul
- Awaken your Krsna consciousness, then automatically your atma will be satisfied, oh. Just like Mrs. Sharma was describing, "Now I am so happy." She is not an ordinary woman. She is very rich. She has got business. But she is finding happiness here
- Because I am not supreme controller, because I am in diseased condition, therefore my business is to cure the disease. Cure the disease - that is sane man's business
- Because I do not remember what I did in my mother's womb, that does not mean that I had no a little body. The body is change, I am there. Therefore, I change this body I will remain. This is common sense business. I am changing my body daily every moment
- Because my business is sankalpa-vikalpa. We accept something - "It is very good" - and next time we reject it - "No, it is not good." This is mind's business
- Because the business in India is important in this respect, that partly due to their subjugation by foreigners, their original culture has been killed
- Because they do not seriously discuss nowadays the religious propensity, tendency of the human society decreases. It has become a also money-making business
- Because you say: "I have been cheated. I could not get the right information. I stop this business," that is not allowed. You must. Therefore, according to Vedic order it is said, tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet - MU 1.2.12
- Bhagavata has done nice that the illusion of this world is that attraction. What is that attraction? False attraction. The man is attracted by woman, woman is attracted by man. And the business is going on. Especially in this country
- Bhagavata recitation must not be a business. If done in the right way, not only does the reciter achieve perfect satisfaction, but the Lord also is very satisfied with the reciter and the audience, and thus both are liberated from material bondage
- Bhakti means finish this, all this nonsense business, karma, jnana, yoga. Simply surrender to Krsna
- Bhakti means to satisfy Krsna. Bhakti cannot be applied to anyone else. If somebody says that "I am a great devotee of Kali, goddess Kali," that is not bhakti; that is business. Because any demigod you worship, there is some purpose behind
- Bhakti, devotional service, is not easy, but at the same time very easy, one moment's business, one moment's. But I must be willing
- Bharata Maharaja was determined to finish his business in this material world, and he did not at all care for the world of duality. He was complete in Krsna consciousness and was oblivious to good and evil, happiness and distress
- Bhisma is accepted as mahajana, as authority. And what was his business? He wanted to kill Krsna and Arjuna. Just try to understand. Therefore, we have to follow only the instruction of mahajana; otherwise, we'll be bewildered
- Bluffing rascals. Don't be misled. Live peacefully here (in New Mayapura), chant Hare Krsna. Now I have given the ideas, the philosophy, in the books; so it is your business to develop all over the world
- Bodies means we have manufactured according to our different mentality. Krsna says that, - You stop all this business. Simply you are migrating, or transmigrating, from one body to another or one planet to another. That will not make you happy
- Bombay is so important that if you want to get a place you have to pay no less, fifty thousand, lakh of rupees to stand. Then do business
- Brahmana is meant for doing the brain work. He will give advice. Just like we, Krsna consciousness movement, we are not meant for the ksatriya's or vaisya's business, the devotees, but if required they can take. But real business is brahmana's business
- Brahmany upasamasrayam. He has finished all business of material satisfaction. That is the symptom of acarya
- Bring all the books which are published in your country and find out a single man who is a Krsna's devotee. Nobody of them. Then what authority he has got to write on Bhagavad-gita? He has no right. It is simply poking your nose in other's business
- Business activities in our society, they are increasing
- Business means dharma. Another . . . dharma means occupational duty. So svanusthitasya dharmasya samsiddhir. One must find out the perfection of his business. That is culture
- Business means if you have got extra grains or extra foodstuff, you can sell where there is necessity, there is want. That is business. We are not going to open mills and factories and... No. We are not going to do that. That is sudra business
- Business must be done by the grhasthas, not by the sannyasis or brahmacaris
- Business of the living entity
- Business of the mahatma
- Business of the teacher
- Business of the temple president
- Business of the yogis
- Business offices close at a fixed hour no matter what balance of work remains. Similarly, after the age of fifty one must retire from the active, external life and devote oneself to the introspective cultivation of the human spirit
- Business or whatever nonsense it may be, but our first proposal is that you become sinless
- Businessman transforms his energy by establishing many big factories or business organizations, yet he remains a person although his energy has been transformed into these many factories or business concerns
- By God's favor we sometimes get large quantities of food grains or suddenly receive some contribution or unexpected profit in business. In this way we may get more money than needed. So, how should that be spent
- By His order only, one should become a spiritual master and cooperate with the Lord. One should not become a spiritual master for one's personal benefit, for some material gain or as an avenue of business or occupation for earning livelihood
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu prays to Krsna (CC Antya 20.47) "You do whatever You like, but still You are my worshipable Lord." That is service. "I don't ask any return from You." That is service. When you expect some return, that is business
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, - Vasudeva, do you think that if I take away all the conditioned souls of the universe, the whole universe if I take, do you think that it is finished, the business is finished?
- Calcutta was developed under British rule by the influential mercantile community, and especially by the suvarna-vanik community who came down from Saptagrama to establish their businesses and homes all over Calcutta
- Calcutta, Bombay is really important city in India: big business, port, all rich men, every kind of, all cultural, everything - Calcutta and Bombay. Originally only Calcutta, now Bombay also. Because the Britishers, they made Calcutta capital
- Can't you see the U.N.? They have headquarters in New York. They are simply talking nonsense, that's all. That is their business. So unless there is full Krsna consciousness, there cannot be any improvement of the world condition
- Chewing the chewed. The business is the same, but changing body gives some relief. Just like these men, the business is they're wasting time by changing, wasting time at home, come to the golf club. That's all
- Cultivation of knowledge to understand one's spiritual position is also, to a certain extent, a waste of time. Because the living entity is an eternal part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, his immediate business is to engage himself in devotional service
- Culture and business means you may do whatever business you are doing, according to your division, or according to your capacity. But if you want perfection in your business, then you must try to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is culture
- Cupid's business is to invoke mundane lust. The whole universe is moving being agitated by Cupid's arrow. The activities of the world are being carried on by the central attraction of male and female
- Daivi-maya asritah, as soon as we become under the shelter of daivi-maya, then our business becomes bhajanty ananya-manasah: simply serving Krsna, no other business
- Daksa means very expert. Any business you give to Vaisnava, he will be able to do it very nicely
- Day's business is to earn money. Without earning money, the night's business will not go very nicely. Therefore money we must have
- Developing the business of economic condition, means the business of eating. And defending - either you defend with atomic energy or with your nails and claws, the process is defending. That is in the animal life also
- Devotee means pure devotee, anyabhilasita-sunyam, without any other desires. Devotee means he wants to serve Krsna, that's all. Not that in return he wants something. He is devotee. Devotion is not business
- Devotee must rise early in the morning, by four o'clock. By five o'clock, he must finish his bathing and other things. Then he takes to chanting and so on. Twenty-four hours' business must be there. So sleeping is not good
- Dharma is meant for the human society. The animal society, they have no, nothing to do about religion, neither they know what is religion, what is this body, what is soul. It is not their business. Dharma is the business of the human society
- Different people are of different mentalities. Therefore it is not my business either to praise them or to blaspheme them. I only desire their welfare, hoping that they will agree to become one with the Supersoul, Krsna
- Diploma in business management from McGill University
- Disciple may understand that, "Here is a person whom I can accept as my guru," and the guru also can see that, "Here is a person who is fit for becoming my disciple." Then the business is nice
- Do your business nicely. That is expert. And when it is dovetailed in Krsna, there is no gradation that this business is better and that business is lower because everything is for Krsna. So that business becomes Krsna. Do it nicely and Krsna is satisfied
- Dog's another business is that he is seeking always master. Unless he finds out a good master, it is a street dog and it has no place
- Don't approach the cheater guru, bluffer guru, and be cheated. Stop this business. This has spoiled the whole spiritual atmosphere of the world. Take guru, the supreme guru, Krsna
- Don't wait for another life. In this life, finish this business, to understand Krsna, and go back home, back to Godhead
- Dr. O.B.L. Kapoor is a Vaisnava. Although by age he is my younger, we are Godbrothers, for the last forty years, since he was a student at Allahabad & I was doing some business there, we are known to each other. His association is a great blessing for us
- Dress is not important. Practically, as sannyasi, brahmacari, we dress with saffron cloth. But sometimes you do not like, but we have to do business with you - therefore we change. What can be done? Necessity has no law
- Drinking wine and eating meat, the next stage is illicit sex. Is that the business of the Hindu monk? There are sampradayas, Ramanuja-sampradaya, Sankara-sampradaya. But where the Hindu monk drinks and eats meat
- Due to business exchanges, relationships seem to be strained. Finally wars are declared between nations, and as a result of these upheavals there is destruction all over the world, and people suffer heavily
- During the summer time you should utilize this program of Sankirtana and book distribution vigorously. Attention diverted to incense business is not a very good sign. We should give all our energy for distributing BTG
- During this period (Caturmasya) the merchants cannot do free business, dedicated souls like sannyasis cannot freely preach the doctrines of the Vedas, kings cannot go out to tour their states, and students cannot go to their schools, which are closed
- Education, austerity, penance or, in the modern world, business, industry, education and so on-all should be engaged in glorifying the Lord. Then everyone in the world will be happy
- Either you call Krsna or Jehovah, or whatever name you like, you give, but God is one. So if you simply become to this consciousness, that "I am eternal servant of God, and my business is to serve God..."
- Engage this tongue for these two business: chant Hare Krsna and take prasadam. He will forget dog-eating. There is no exception. Everyone can become Krsna conscious if he follows, beginning, these two rules: chant Hare Krsna and take prasadam. That's all
- Envious men will find out some fault anywhere. There is no fault, actually, but they will manufacture some fault. That is their business. So many persons were envious of my Guru Maharaja, but He was preaching and did not care for them
- Even if I advise, try to meditate, I meditate upon my wife, upon my children, on my business. This is not the stage of seeing Krsna everywhere. That requires training. That requires advanced knowledge
- Even in ordinary affairs - let us say you are driving your car on some urgent business, and you see a red light. You have to stop. You cannot say, "I have to be there in a few minutes. I must go." No. You must stop. That is tapasya
- Even in such a sacred place as Vrndavana, India, unintelligent men pass off this rectal and genital business as spiritual activity. Such people are called sahajiya
- Even though he (living being) may be tired, the illusory energy perpetually forces him to do so without being satisfied. There's no end to such sense gratificatory business & the conditioned soul becomes entangled in such servitude without hope of release
- Even while riding in the car, he (the business man) thinks of his business and his office. He has no connection with the car, although he is sitting there
- Every endeavor requires land, capital, organization, and labor. Just as, in business, one requires a place to stay, some capital to use, some labor, and some organization to expand, so the same is required in the service of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Every relationship . . just like I have given you example, business relationship. So if you want to establish some business relationship, there must be a broker. You see? If you want to establish a relationship with some girl, there must be a negotiator
- Everyone can be an isvara. So we are also controller of something. A business man is controller of his business; I am controller of my disciples. There are so many controllers. So in that sense, everyone is isvara, in the sense of controller
- Everyone has got the facilities for sense enjoyment. Why not human being? Human being is developed consciousness; he has got better facilities. But the human being's business is not to indulge in sense gratification
- Everyone has to conquer over sleeping, so that is called daksah. And daksah means expert. Whatever business is entrusted to him, he does it very nicely, daksa
- Everyone is appreciating your presentation. Please keep up this standard of behavior. Do not make any artificial discrepancies amongst yourselves because you are acting on a very responsible business
- Everyone is claiming "Aryan," but he does not know what is the business of Aryans. The same ignorance - "I am this body." So by the bodily features they settle up - This is from Aryan family; this is from non-Aryan family
- Everyone is engaged in decorating the world with highways, motorcars, electricity, skyscrapers, industries, businesses, etc. All this appears very nice for those who are simply engaged in sense gratification and who are ignorant of spiritual identity
- Everyone is engaged in his own business, but if he's advised, "You give up this business. You take to this Krsna business," that is also gambling because he does not know what will happen
- Everyone is servant. Not that, "Oh, everyone is equal to Krsna." That has become a cheap business
- Everyone is trying to become happy and avoid danger. This is our material business. Everyone is trying for atyantikam sukham, ultimate happiness
- Everyone should be serious, because this human life is meant for this business what we are doing, Krsna consciousness. Not for eating, sleeping, mating. That is done by the animals
- Everywhere there is a class of men who are interested in economic development, business, industry and money-making; they are called vaisyas
- Family or society, that is the increase of the same affection. So the so-called nationalism is also materialism. There is the simply expansion. Just like you have got a party of rogues. And a big party or small party, the business is plundering
- Farming, cattle raising and business are the qualities of work for the vaisyas, and for the sudras there is labor and service to others. BG 18.44 - 1972
- Father is always ready to give son all protection. That is natural. So we are all sons of God. We simply surrender to Him and the business finished. Then where is the mystical and this or that? There is nothing secret
- Finish this business of birth, death, old age and disease in this life. You can do that. This is our main business, not to make arrangement for eating, sleeping, mating and defending under different garb, under different pretext
- Finish this business, this life. One life let me be strict in following the discipline and regulative principles. - This is called tapasya. So "Although it is inconvenient, I must do it to solve my problems." That is firm determination drdha-vrata
- Flesh is eaten by tigers, dogs. So if you have learned how to eat flesh, does it mean that you advance in civilization? It is the business of tigers and dogs. The dog civilization
- For a particular type of business, occupation, one must have particular type of brain. So therefore this is division. Not that everyone is of the same type
- For business reasons many envious persons oppose excavation of the real place (of Kuliya, where Lord Caitanya excused Gopala Capala from his offense against Srivasa Thakura), and sometimes they advertise unauthorized places as the authorized one
- For example, in the business world we find such institutions as the stock exchange and chamber of commerce
- For self-realization, one can live a controlled life, as prescribed in the sastras, and continue carrying out his business without attachment, and in that way make progress. BG 1972 purports
- For the benefit of the whole human society. Therefore they are honored all over the world. This is gosvami business, not to exploit, shame, live like irresponsible man, eat, drink, be merry and enjoy
- Four pillars of a successful business
- Freud's philosophy is the business of the hogs and dogs, and it has been taken as philosophy. Even the hogs and dogs know how to enjoy sex life. And they are.... On account of sex life, they have written a philosophy. Is that philosophy?
- From early morning till late at night the devotees are engaged in Krsna's service. This is called kevalaya, pure; for them there is no other business. This process is recommended for all, and it is the perfection of all religious processes
- Gambling of all description, even speculative business enterprise, is considered to be degrading, and when gambling is encouraged in the state, there is a complete disappearance of truthfulness
- Generally the mountainous and hilly portions of the earth are made flat by the striking of thunderbolts. Generally this is the business of King Indra of the heavenly planets
- Generally the suvarna-vaniks are bankers dealing in gold and silver. In western India, the Agarwalas also belong to the banking profession. This is the original business of the suvarna-vanik or Agarwala community
- Generally, people are inclined to do business or make profit for sense gratification; such tendency is the cause of material bondage. But to act for Krishna is the cause for opening the door for liberation
- Gopinatha Pattanayaka is a pure devotee who worships You only for Your satisfaction. He does not care about his personal happiness or distress, for that is the business of a materialist
- Great business magnates, industrialists who work very hard to earn money by different ways and questionable means eat the thorny results of their actions mixed with their own blood. The Bhagavatam has situated these diseased fellows along with the camels
- Grhastha means one who remains within the apartment, but he is not compact; he is not bound up within the boundaries of the apartment. He has got other business. What is that business? That is atma-tattvam
- Guru introduces us with God and prays to God, "Please excuse him." This is guru's business. And by the request of guru, God agrees to excuse him. This is the process
- Guru's business is double business
- Guru's business is not to exploit the sisya. It is the business, how to deliver. So who can deliver? Who is actually guru in the parampara system? Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- He (a big man) simply pushes one button, and everything, agreement and everything, comes immediately signed. So because his management is so perfect, his business is so perfect that so many men are working in his office
- He (a businessman) then inquires from his business friend how he should act, and sometimes presents are exchanged. Thus whenever there is a dealing of priti, or love in intimate dealings, these six activities are executed
- He (Krsna) says, "You give up this business, simply surrender unto Me. I'll take protection." So if we are intelligent we shall take His final instruction and follow it and be happy. That's all
- He (the cleansed heart person who is free from the clutches of maya, or the materialistic way of life) understands that he is not this body - that he's a spirit soul, and that his business is therefore different from merely material concerns
- He (the living entity) does not die from this punishment because if he died, then who would suffer the punishment? It is not the business of the constables of Yamaraja to put one to death
- He does not say that You become equal with Me. That is nonsense. So Krsna will be satisfied because your business is how to satisfy Hari, and Hari says, Krsna says, that you surrender. That will satisfy Krsna
- He is honestly carrying that money and delivering you. That is the post peon's business. Similarly, our duty to receive perfect knowledge from Krsna and distribute it. Then it is perfect
- Her (Mayadevi's) business is to punish these rascals who have come to enjoy here. You see? But she is a sincere servant of God
- Her business is to cut off the heads of the demons. She is carrying one head in this hand, and in this hand she's carrying a chopper, and her business is to cut the heads of the demons. But she's also the agent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Hiranya means gold, and kasipu means soft bed, cushion. So materialist persons, they are very much fond of gold and enjoying sex. That is their business. So Hiranyakasipu is the typical example of this materialistic person
- Hitler wanted that, "I shall again make these English people fisherman's island. They have to take their business to fishing only." That was Hitler's declaration. That has happened
- House, country, family, society, children, property, & business are some of the material coverings of the spirit, atma, & the yoga system helps one to become free from all these illusory thoughts and gradually turn towards the Absolute Person, Paramatma
- How can I advise you that one is to do something and another is to do something. Neither you should depend upon me for such local administrative business
- How great rascals they are! Simply to deny the existence of God, that's all. That is their business. And the creation has no brain, asatyam. Anisvaram - There is no God. It is all false
- How one can get out of the bondage of material existence, vimocitam. But people do not know that "This is my business, how to get out of this entanglement." They do not know even what is that entanglement. Such foolish civilization is going on
- How you can do business? I am doing business because I have got all these things. I went to America - land. Then I worked - labor. Then I earned some capital, and I have got brain how to do it
- Human form of life, is only meant for understanding God. If we divert our attention to any other business, that means we are spoiling our energy
- Human life is an opportunity to stop all the problems of material life. So if he does not do so, if he does not understand or take to this business how to solve all the problems of life, then he's missing the opportunity
- Human life is meant for attaining the highest perfection of KC, but when people are godless & the presidents or kings are unnecessarily puffed up with military power, their business is to fight and increase the military strength of their different states
- Human life means developed consciousness for enjoying senses, that's all - which is the business of the animals
- Human society's means of living is clearly mentioned here (in SB 3.6.32) as visa, or agriculture and the business of distributing agricultural products, which involves transport, banking, etc
- Hunting business was allowed only for the kings, ksatriyas, not for ordinary man. Killing in sports. Because the king had to administer so strongly that sometimes he had to kill an evil person immediately with sword. The kingdom was very strong
- I am busy in my propaganda work and I cannot just divert my attention in this account business. So far the 15 cases of books, I have several times submitted the invoices and each time they are rejected. So I am fed up with this business
- I am cutting throat of one poor animal under my protection. If somebody cuts my throat, how much I am unhappy. And I'm doing the same business and I'm human being? How can I call myself a human being? I have no sense even of compassion
- I am doing very large-scale business in my present body. I am earning... Just like Rockefeller, Ford, in your country. In our country also, Birla. There are many big industrialists earning money like anything, hoarding money
- I am pleased to note your attitude regarding business. Our policy is nirbandhe krishna sambandha: We shall accept all kinds of civil activities, including business, trade, industry, only in connection with Krishna
- I am simply surprised when I compare British days and nowadays. My practical experience - one of my maternal uncles, he's a very big, rich man. He was; he is not existing. So he was doing business, rice exporting
- I am so glad the press workers have become enlivened in their work. This is required if we at all wish to be a truly worldwide organization. Worldwide means worldwide distribution of literatures. That is the business of ISKCON Press
- I am therefore training local boys and girls for kirtana and very soon we shall be out on world tour with this kirtana party. In India, however, many rich business men maybe ready to spend this amount to spread the kirtana movement
- I am very insignificant. I have no capacity. My business is only to convey the message of Krsna. Just like a postal peon; his business is to convey the letter
- I am writing you because I have not received any letter from either of you regarding the banking business with Liberty Bank, Honolulu
- I can accept the ritualistic process tomorrow of the Christian faith; or a Christian may take another ritual - but his business, to serve the superior, that does not change
- I can understand from your letters that you want to retire from business. It is very good proposal, but instead of devoting yourself to solitude, why not come with me and travel in foreign countries for some time?
- I do not understand why he is engaged in this business of his if there is not any tangible profit. He says that there is big, big money but still he has not yet paid ISKCON the debt that he has. Therefore what is this business
- I do not want so many things. Just like I do not want to become old, but old age is forced upon me; I must become old. I do not want to die. Then death is forced upon me. I do not want to take birth. These are all very troublesome business
- I give some money and I get some return - their business - that is rajasic. And tamasic means, - I'm giving money. I do not know what will be the effect, what will be the result. I do not know
- I have already given you a business suggestion namely manufacturing incense locally. Once you are successful in this attempt you will get money more than your expectation and spend it for Krishna's service
- I have given you a department to manage nicely, and if there is some profit, you may give some for my book fund, but I cannot be consulted for advice in how you should manage the particulars of your business
- I should render my service in all circumstances, without any expectation of profit or return. A pure devotee does not ask any return from Krsna. Rather, a pure devotee refuses, even if he is offered by Krsna, because that will be business
- I showed opinion on your book? If I have got opinion, I publish another book. Why should I interpret? Why shall I poke my nose in your business
- I started my own factory, the business was very successful, but everything was dismantled; I was forced to come to this position to carry out my order of my Guru Maharaja
- I want the house more than you; my only objection is that "this is not a regular business transaction'' as admitted by you
- I was the manager of a big chemical factory. I started my own factory, and the business was very successful. But eventually everything collapsed, and in this way I was forced into the position of carrying out the orders of my Guru Maharaja
- I wish that you can utilize your best talents in business organization and the result utilize for Krishna's satisfaction is on the absolute platform
- If a Brahmin has become very much expert in this six kinds of business," and mantra-tantra-visaradah, "and he knows also all the mantras and tantras, but he is impersonalist or voidist, then he cannot become guru
- If anyone thinks that "I am chanting Hare Krsna mantra. It is reacting all the effects of my sinful life. Then again I can commit and chant Hare Krsna. It is very good business..." No. That is great offense
- If anyone wants to be a businessman, there are colleges or technological schools. That's very nice. But why should everyone be dragged into technology
- If I am not fit for a certain thing and if I am engaged in that business, that will be failure. That will be failure. For a particular type of business, occupation, one must have particular type of brain. So therefore this is division
- If I go to preach, and in association with others, if I fall down, then my business will be finished. So they do not come. Only Vaisnava comes at the risk of their falldown. They do not fall down, but they go even to the hell to deliver
- If I have to surrender, why not to Krsna? Why surrender to some foolish man? If my business is to surrender, I cannot do without surrender, then let me surrender to Krsna. That is intelligence
- If one accepts a poverty-stricken position because of losing money in business, gambling, prostitution or intoxication, no one will praise him, but if one becomes so by giving all of his possessions in charity, he becomes adored all over the world
- If one does not act accord to the rules and regulations of sanatana-dharma, that is his business. That's all
- If one engages himself in his original, spiritual business, acting as the servant of Krsna, then all processes of purification and reformation are fulfilled
- If one hears and chants without trying to give up offenses, one may try to carry out a professional business by means of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra or reading Srimad-Bhagavatam, or one may try to increase his monetary strength by illegal means
- If one is intelligent, he takes immediately: "Oh, it is so nice. He'll give me all protection? Let me surrender." Business finished in one second. But if he's a rascal, he wants to search out, make research work, then after many many births it will take
- If one is suffering from certain type of disease, goes to a doctor, gets some medicine, it is cured for the time being, again if he's attacked and goes to the doctor, again he gives medicine, what is the use of this business? That is intelligent question
- If one keeps a large amount of cash with him, he is always anxious about keeping it properly. Thus if one discusses the disadvantages of accumulating wealth, he can naturally give up business without difficulty
- If one wants to continue this business then he'll continue this material body, and if he wants to stop this business, come to his original position, then he makes real progress in life. But nobody is interested in advancement of spiritual life
- If somebody cuts my throat, I become so sorry or so aggrieved. Why shall I cut the throat of other animals? This is civilization. And not that go on killing animals like anything and hunt upon the woman, topless woman, make business
- If someone says that the entire business rests on such-and-such a person, it does not mean that the person is bearing all the factories and offices on his head
- If the building fund is being nicely raised, that is all right and you may stay in Calcutta. If not, then when I go to Gorakhpur I shall call for you from there, but if fund raising business is going on nicely, you can stay
- If the people of the world understood that the basic principle of life is spiritual identification, they would understand that the business of the spirit soul is to serve the Supreme Spirit, Krsna
- If we can advertise that simply by reading this book (Bhagavad-gita) and meditating for fifteen minutes anyone can immediately get power, become successful in business and pass his examination, many people would be attracted to the book
- If we find Krsna's association, we can easily give up our opulent positions - our family, business and everything. However, that requires sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), association with a sadhu, a devotee
- If we go deeply into the matter and consider it in the light of modern science, it is possible for us to see that sanatana-dharma is the business of all the people of the world. BG 1972 Introduction
- If we have to do some business seriously, we send our very responsible man to transact, similarly, for the deliverance of the fallen souls here in this material world, sometimes the Supreme Lord Krsna comes
- If we organize a business, we have many anxieties. The managing director or proprietor of the business particularly has many anxieties
- If we remain without knowing God, then we are simply animals. We are no better than animals. What is the use of becoming a human being? Eating, sleeping, mating - that is also animal’s business
- If we see that people are engaged only in these four business - eating, sleeping, mating and defending - he is cat and dog
- If we simply keep ourself on the business of eating, sleeping, sex and defense like cats and dogs, this is very, very risky life
- If you are practicing yoga, we should recommend that you think of Krsna within your heart. That will help you. That is our advice. But if you think something else, that is your business
- If you are thinking that you are the master of your wife, children, of your servants, of your business, that is false. You are the servant of your wife, you are servant of your children, you are the servant of your servants. That is your real position
- If you are trained up to become a faithful servant, just become a faithful servant of Krsna; then your business is complete
- If you continue that surrender, then you are cleansed. But if you again commit, that is your business
- If you deposit one cent daily, one day it may become a hundred dollars. So when you get the hundred dollars, you can get the business. (laughter) So you come here daily, one cent, one cent... When it will be hundred dollars, you will become a devotee
- If you divide all people, you will find one class of men, they are not interested with this opulence of material happiness. They are seeking - philosophers, learned scholars, scientists, religionists, reformers. Their business is different
- If you do business or if you accept some employment, do so on behalf of the Lord. Whatever you may eat, you may offer the same to the Lord and be assured that He will return the food after eating it Himself
- If you employ your tongue in the service of the Lord, He'll reveal Himself to you. He'll reveal, revelation. So therefore we have to control the tongue. What is the tongue's business? The tongue's business is taste and vibrate
- If you find Krsna's association is so nice, then you can very easily give up your opulent position, svajana, bandhavah, family, business and everything. That requires sadhu-sanga, sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), to associate with sadhu, devotees
- If you go to somebody and if you say that "You become a devotee of Krsna, surrender unto Him," so you haven't got to... He'll not be angry. He may take it or not take it. But your business is finished. Krsna will recognize
- If you have got a different type of philosophy, you can write. Why you should touch Bhagavad-gita and misrepresent it? So because they are sudras - their business is to cheat - they do that. But a brahmana will not do that
- If you have got little sense that, "I shall understand what is God," this very much qualification, if anyone only wants sincerely that, "I will understand what is God," then your drinking business begins
- If you have got your family and you are thinking you are the master of your wife, children, of your servants, of your business, that is false. You are the servant of your wife, you are the servant of your children, you are the servant of your servants
- If you live in India it will be better facility that you have some preliminary knowledge of the local language. This was recommended even for big British officers who used to go to India either for business or for political purposes
- If you pass your law examination, don't go to the court, don't practice, nobody will call you lawyer. Suppose you know how to deal with electrical fittings. But if you do not do any business, if you sit down at home, nobody will call you electrician
- If you simply go to the holy places and take bath in the water and finish your business... No. That is not recommended. Tirtha, going to tirtha means to find out a learned saintly person and take knowledge from him. That is tirtha
- If you think that "My dear God, I come to You for my daily bread, and as soon as You give me my daily bread, my business is finished with You..." No. That is also very good, but this is not love. This is business
- If you want something tangible business, train some people to become ideal character. That is this Krsna consciousness movement
- If you want to do business, you must take the first opportunity, the greatest opportunity, do your business. That is intelligence. And if we think, "All right, I shall do slowly. In seven hundred lives I shall become perfect," that is another thing
- If you want to support it by many testaments, that is, of course, your business, but we take the direct meaning, "Thou shall not kill," the Christians should not kill
- If you, by chance, by mistake, you violate the regulative principle, that is excused, but if willingly, if you go on committing sinful life - so just like in the Churches they go to confess and again begin - that kind of business will not help you
- If your wife keeps herself peaceful living separately from you, I think you can arrange for the time being like that, but in my opinion, this business of separation may not be developed into a case of divorce
- Impersonal conception of God is a troublesome business. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita: klesah adhikataras tesam avyakta asakta cetasam
- In a big establishment, the energy, or the organization of the supreme boss, is working in every nook and corner of the business, but that does not mean the original proprietor is present there
- In a monarchy, one man sufficiently trained was competent enough to conduct alone the business of the state
- In a slaughterhouse the butchers certainly get money easily, but such business is not based on religious principles. Similarly, there are many nightclubs for sense gratification and brothels for sex
- In all conditions, the pure devotee is liberated. He may engage in some occupation or business, but he is always thinking of how to serve Krsna, and in this way he is automatically liberated
- In all other business, there is no question of pleasing Krsna. When one nation declares war upon another, there is no question of pleasing Krsna or serving Krsna. They're pleasing their own senses, serving their own whims
- In America we see many old men on the beach who have retired from their business to waste their time trying to catch fish. They are not very cautious, and they touch the water
- In business circle there is a popular English saying that you can earn more by sitting in one place than by travelling in many places provided you can sit down in a place with due consideration
- In business field, if the bank sees that you have got fifty percent, they will advance. If you have got fifty percent, any transaction, you want to do some business
- In business you go to a storekeeper. He'll say, "Oh, you are my great friend. I am not taking a farthing profit from you." But you must know that he is taking profit, at least fifty percent. So this is called cheating propensity
- In each creation, the living entities are given a chance to close their business as conditioned souls. When they misuse this opportunity and do not go back home, back to Godhead, Lord Sankarsana becomes angry
- In India still, although poor country, they have got a courtyard, a little garden. That kind of house, in the village that is the system. So the first business is cleanliness. Everything should remain clean
- In India there are still thousands of yogis and sages, and every twelve years or so they meet in particular holy places - Allahabad, etc. - just as in America they have businessmen's conventions
- In India there is a system of jata-guru, the guru by caste. By familywise, they become guru. One family is attached to another guru family by hereditary rules, the sons after sons accepting guru, the other party, and there is regular business
- In India, the country where still God consciousness is so strong, the government wants that they should forget about this God business. So this is Kali-yuga. Kali-yuga means simply for fight on trifling things and forget God
- In India, wherever some famous temple is there, there is a tank. Now the haircutting, that lakhs of rupees are sold to foreign countries is hair. Heaps. These managers, they are selling the hairs. Very big business
- In India. No, world. It is very important city. Export, import, local. Tremendous business possibility there. Many poor men goes and becomes very rich men. Bombay is very important center
- In my opinion, it is better to travel and preach than open business. I had a nice business, one of the best in India, and Krishna took it all away, and now I am very much thankful
- In one's own occupation, one must speak a lie or his business can't go on. Lying is not a very good thing, so one concludes that the business is not based on very moral principles and one should therefore give it up
- In our Vaisnava literature there are hundreds and thousands of nice purportful songs, and if those songs, under George's supervision, are recorded, I think it will bring a great revolution in the record making business
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam Narada Muni states that even if a brahmana is in a difficult position, he should not accept the occupation of a sudra. This means that he should not be engaged in service for another, for this is the business of dogs
- In the business circle, I got very good name, and with whom I was dealing business, they were very satisfied. But Krsna made so trick that He broke everything, and He obliged me to take sannyasa
- In the business field also, sometimes a merchant has to tell so many lies to make a profit. If he does not do so, there can be no profit. BG 1972 purports
- In the cities, as soon as there is some misunderstanding between you and me, we go to the court, either criminal court or civil court, to settle up, and it takes years to settle up the business. It goes on
- In the darkness we cannot see anything. But if there is matches or candle, if the candle is ignited, then we can see. Similarly, guru's business is to open the eyes. To open the eyes means to give him knowledge that "You are not purusa. You are prakrti
- In the material world we generally see that when a man who is poor and skinny gradually endeavors to earn money through business or some other means and he then gets the money, he enjoys the senses to his satisfaction
- In the modern age most countries have developed economically, but due to business exchanges, relationships seem to be strained
- In the morning our first business should be to beat the mind with shoes a hundred times. and, before going to bed, to beat the mind a hundred times with a broomstick. In this way one's mind can be kept under control
- In the morning, you take a dog and worship it. That is your business. Our business is to worship the form of Krsna
- In the temple there are devotees, there are not businessmen, so you cannot depend on them for doing business; neither can you expect advice about business dealings from me
- In this material world everyone is trying to be happy by earning more money, by business, by service, by this or that way. But in special cases, Krsna makes his business or service unsuccessful. At that time he has no alternative than surrender to Krsna
- In this material world it is our mental creation, "This is happiness. This is distress." Actually, it is all distress. After all, we have to die. After all, we have to finish this business. So what is happiness or distress
- In this region (bhauma-svarga, or Kashmir) there are certainly good facilities for material sense enjoyment, but this is not the business of a pure transcendentalist
- In this way (BG 7.15) the fools are categorized. A duskrti is always acting against the scriptural injunctions. The business of current civilization is to break scriptural rules - that's all. By definition, a pious man is one who doesn't
- In this way Raghunatha dasa passed one year exactly like a first-class business manager, but the next year he again decided to leave home
- In western countries it is very open talk. And open business also… So one should give up this material sense gratification. The more you become entangled in material sense gratification, more you'll have to remain in this material world
- Indeed, all living entities within this material world are under the control of mahamaya, whose business is to subject them to the influence of threefold miseries
- Indirectly, the sons and followers of Rudra are advised to stop the business of annihilation, following the Rudra principle while the peaceful creation of Brahma is going on
- Instead of becoming a pseudo-transcendentalist for the sake of wanton living and sense enjoyment, it is far better to remain in one's own business and execute the purpose of life. BG 1972 purports
- Instead of wasting his time with business speculations, he (the materialist) should seek the life of plain living and high spiritual thinking and thus save himself from perpetual materialistic unrest
- Intelligent class, or brahmana; and the administrator class of ksatriya; and the mercantile class, money-producing class. Everyone is engaged, and he's doing his own business. But this division must be there. Without division the society will be in chaos
- Isvara means controller. So every one of us is controller to some extent. Somebody is controlling his family, controlling his office, business, controlling his disciples
- It is contemplated that we are going to South America afterwards. So, if your business is finished up, then you can join us directly from London to Caracas, but if the South American program does not take place, then I may come back through L.A
- It is dangerous civilization. Dangerous. And anyone who will come and say: "Yes, you enjoy your senses and simply sit down for fifteen minutes, and you chant this one alphabet - bas. You finish your business." This is going on
- It is good that you have stopped all business ventures, book distribution is sufficient
- It is guaranteed human life? - somebody asking. Even if it guaranteed, why should you take the chance of another life? Finish this business in this life. Take help from Krsna, take help from books, take from your spiritual master
- It is interpreted that "rich family" refers to a big mercantile family because generally people who engage in trades and mercantile business are very rich
- It is maya's business to try to build up the living entity, to puff him up, and maya's last snare is to make the living entity think that he can become one with God
- It is not business proposal, but it is a scheme for distributing widely our literatures. That is my program
- It is not our business to amend the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead or make additions or alterations, as it has become a custom for many so-called scholars and svamis who comment on the words of Bhagavad-gita
- It is not possible to manufacture food or sex in a factory. These and whatever else we require are supplied by God. Our business is to take advantage of these things and become God conscious
- It is not that, "You, you remain a sudra, mleccha, & I make you a disciple. I'll never touch you, I'll never touch your foot, and I become your guru." It is not this guru business. It is not guru business. Guru must transfer his qualities to the student
- It is not very difficult. Krsna comes to instruct this simple truth, that "You are being controlled by the material energy. You give up this business; you be controlled by the spiritual energy, and your life is successful." This is the method
- It is only Krsna consciousness movement trying to bring back Vedic culture so that people may be very happy. It is not a business; it is not a religious sentiment. It is a program to make everyone happy. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. This is Vedic culture
- It is our constitutional position, normal life, to serve Krsna. We are part and parcel of Krsna. Just like this finger is the part and parcel of my body. And what is the business of the finger? The business of the finger is to serve this whole body
- It is perhaps in our movement only that each and every individual is being trained up. Others they do not do that. "I have made a guru; then my business is finished. Now I can do whatever I like"
- It is prescribed that you can do anything. There is no harm. Whatever your business, or vocation, occupation, you are engaged, that has not to be changed. That has not to be changed. Simply your consciousness has to be changed
- It is Ramacandra Puri's business to inquire always about how others are eating and conducting their daily affairs
- It is said that the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening and its business is to reduce the duration of everyone's life. But the sunrise and sunset cannot diminish the life of one who engages in Krsna consciousness
- It is simply praying, "O my Lord Krsna, O Srimati Radharani, Krsna's energy, kindly engage me in Your service." That's all. Finished all business. This is Vaisnava. So Vaisnava has no necessity
- It is sometimes found that even demoniac persons who are envious of Krsna take to the profession of explaining BG in a different way to make business, but anyone who desires actually to understand Krsna must avoid such commentaries on BG. BG 1972 pur
- It is sometimes found that persons who are worshiping Krsna in a different way, take to the profession of explaining BG in a different way to make business, but anyone who desires actually to understand Krsna must avoid such commentaries on BG. BG 1972 p
- It is temple, and that is house. Otherwise, from the external feature, where is the difference? The same stone, the same wood, the same plant, the same land, the same kitchen - everything is same, and the business is the same
- It is the business of the asuras to try to kill the Supreme Personality of Godhead or to prove by all means that there is no God or that Krsna is an ordinary human being and not God
- It is the duty of the government that everyone is discharging his duties. That is king's business, raja-danda. If one does not observe the regulative principle, then he should not declare himself as brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra
- It is understood that by his brain or his energetic expansion, the business is running without interruption. It is the brain and energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that carry on the complete manifestation of the material and spiritual worlds
- It requires little intelligence that, "I am eternal. Why I am in this business, accepting one body and again giving up, giving it up? And there is no guarantee what kind of body I'm going to accept next." There is no guarantee
- Japan's 75% business is done in America. We are not impractical. Because there are so many workers, but they refuse - to work
- Jijnasa means enquiry, that "Who is that brain?" Because things are already going on. It is not depending on your so-called research. It is already going on nicely. So your business should be: "Who is that brain behind it?" That should be your research
- Jnani wants to merge, and karmi wants higher level, higher standard of life. That is karmi's business. Karmis give in charity just to acquire pious result out of it, so that after death he can be elevated to the Svargaloka, heavenly planet
- Jnani, who understands the futility of engaged, simply being engaged for the bodily comfort . . . he understands, "After all, the body will not stay. So why, why I am wasting by this way, if there is another business?" That is jnani
- Just as an ordinary materialistic businessman thinks of nothing else when he is absorbed in his business, a pure devotee, when engaged in the service of the Lord, does not think of anything beyond that engagement
- Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He delivered Jagai-Madhai. They were all this: addicted to illicit sex, meat-eating, drinking and intoxication, gambling. That was their business.
- Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu: He delivered Jagai-Madhai. They were all this addicted to illicit sex, meat-eating, drinking and intoxication, gambling. That is their business
- Just like father gives some capital to the son: "You do some business." Now, you lose the money or increase it hundred times; that depends on you. Similarly, Krsna has given us
- Just like if you have got some business with a very big man, when his representative comes, you treat him as the same person because he is authorized agent. That is natural
- Just like the cow is standing here, sometimes eating this, sometime eating that, sometime eating that. What is the business? Only business: to fill up the belly. That's all
- Just see in this beach. They are coming all dressed, and the man is attracting woman; woman is attracting man. This is business, going on here
- Just see. This is the position. How low taste: hogs' and pigs' business, and write philosophy. His (Freud's) books are selling like anything
- Kalidasa, one of the relative, uncle, of Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, he was also very great Vaisnava, maha-bhagavata. His business was to eat the remnants of foodstuff left by Vaisnava
- Kaliya-hrada is mentioned in the Bhakti-ratnakara (Fifth Wave): “When one takes a bath in Kaliya-hrada, he is freed from all sinful reactions. One can also be successful in business by bathing in Kaliya-hrada”
- Karma means when you act according to the sastra, that is called karma. Lawful activities. The lawful activities is very good. But unlawful activities, you are punishable. So the business of sense gratification is unlawful activities
- Kartaviryarjuna had no business going to the residence of Jamadagni, but because he was puffed-up by his extraordinary power, he went there and offended Parasurama. This was the prelude to his being killed by Parasurama for his offensive act
- Killing business is not very compatible with religious life, or spiritual life. In every religion. In Muhammadan religion also there are devotees that are allowed to kill (animals) on a particular day, not daily. Qurbani. They are called qurbani
- Kindly see that this business is stopped at once
- Knowledge means: "Why shall I serve the unreal illusion? Let me serve the reality. If my business is to serve and never to be master, always to serve, then why I shall serve the illusion? Let me serve the reality." That sense is called knowledge
- Krsna consciousness is not an ordinary lovemaking or moneymaking business; it is reality, and if you stick to it seriously, your life will be perfect
- Krsna consciousness movement is that we want to stop this show-bottle business. Everyone must be a real leader, then people will be happy
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying to educate some Brahmin. If the society take our help and conduct the business of the society - Ksatriya, Vaisya, Sudra - then there will be peace and prosperity. Otherwise there will be chaos and confusion
- Krsna does not force you. He says the real, "You love Me, you'll be happy. If you don't love, you suffer." But that is your business
- Krsna Himself is guiding him and becoming the chariot driver, and He saw that "Arjuna is declining fight?" He became surprised. So He chastised him, - So this is not for a gentleman, business. You are behaving like non-Aryans
- Krsna is Brahman, or spirit, and I am also Brahman, but He's the Supreme Brahman, while I am minute Brahman. So my business is to serve Krsna
- Krsna is giving the instruction, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. What business you have got to poke your nose and give interpretation? Are you bigger than Krsna
- Krsna is Isa, the Supreme, but I cannot see Him. Now, Krsna is there. You are blind. Why don't you see Him? Therefore you cannot see. So you have to open your eyes, not close. That is the business of guru. The guru opens the eyes
- Krsna said to the gopis that "You have to be satisfied with your own business. I cannot return you anything for your love." Krsna, the Supreme, the all-powerful, He was unable to repay the debts for the gopis
- Krsna said, "It is simply self-interested or self-centered business dealing. Even those without a tinge of loving affairs are better than these merchants"
- Krsna said, "You give up all this business." Mam ekam saranam vraja: "You do everything for Me. That's all. Don't utilize the assets of the world for your sense gratification, neither you give it up as mithya
- Krsna says, svakarmana: "Whatever talent you have got, you can serve Me & be perfect." That is the program. They're preparing cloth for the devotees, not for business. Therefore he's serving Krsna. To serve devotee & to serve Krsna, there's no difference
- Ksatriya business is royal family, and vaisya, they are agriculturist, traders, krsi-go-raksya, and protection of cows. These three business, livelihood of the vaisya
- Ksatriya's business was to see whether brahmana is actually acting as brahmana, a ksatriya actually acting as ksatriya. This was the ruler's business to see. And to see that nobody is unemployed, nobody is a devil's workshop
- Laborer class, they are neither intelligent, nor, I mean to say, they want to take part in politics, nor they are able to do independent business. Under the circumstances, they are to give their labor and work under somebody and get some remuneration
- Laksmi's business is to stay engaged in Krsna's service. So all the money of the world, it should be engaged for Krsna's service
- Lending for opening a temple is the business of BBT but not lending for residential quarters
- Let us cooperate in this (KC) movement very nicely; here in this spot, New Vrindaban, the woman's business will be to take care of the children, cooking cleansing, and churning butter. Those who have the knowledge of typing can help in typing also
- Let us see their terms, although it is a hopeless business. Still, as you know, I never become hopeless in any case. So I am negotiating with them to see how we can cooperate
- Life after life, you are trying to satisfy your senses. Krsna is giving you the facility, God is giving you the facility, but He is asking you that "Give up this business, nonsense"
- Like one of my big Godbrothers - he wanted to make business with my Guru Maharaja (spiritual master), but my Guru Maharaja did not take the bad side. He took the good side. He thought, - He has come forward to give me some service
- Living entities are naturally attracted by variety, by attractive streets, buildings, cinemas, parks, businesses, foodstuffs, etc. Despite all this variety, the English poet Cowper once said - The city is made by man, but the country is made by God
- Living entities in this material world are very busy trying to gratify their senses. In the street we see many dogs assembled for sex. This may seem very crude, but human beings are engaged in the same business, perhaps in a more elaborate way
- Local administrative business
- Lord Caitanya has advised His followers that their business is to propagate krsna-katha
- Lord Caitanya wanted this business, so by the parampara system through my Guru Maharaja and my humble self, the matter is handed over to you. Now it is up to you American boys and girls to do the needful
- Lord Sri Krsna comes & says to us, "What are you doing in this material world? Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. Come to Me, & I'll give you all protection." But we say, - I don't believe You Sir. I have more important business here
- Lord Sri Krsna, when He was personally present at Vrajadhama, stopped the worship of the demigod Indra and advised the residents of Vraja to worship by their business and to have faith in God
- Love means without any personal profit. If I love God for some profit, that is business; that is not love. Ahaituky apratihata. And such love of God cannot be checked by any material cause
- Man's artificial civilisation has created so many artificial laws that we, although God's men, have difficulties to travel in God's countries on God's business
- Manu spoke the secret of BG to his son Iksvaku. So now that system is lost. Kalena mahata: by the great power. Kala means time. Time has got his influence, very great influence. Time's business is, whatever you make, time will try to kill it. That's all
- Many business concerns publicly advertise that topless girls are available in this club or in that shop. Thus women have become instruments of sense enjoyment in modern society
- Many sannyasi: brahma satyam jagan mithya, "Brahman is truth and the world is false." They take sannyasa, and after some time they come to the hospital opening business. They come down again to politics, hospitals, philanthropy, welfare work. Why?
- Material life means chewing the chewed. A father educates his son to earn a livelihood, get married and settle down, but he himself already knows that by doing this he has not become satisfied. Why, then, is he engaging his son in this same business
- Maya Danava is mentioned here as maha-yogi, a great mystic, but his business was to help the asuras
- Maya means things which have no existence independent of Godhead, but its business is to cover Godhead
- Maya will place so many impediments. She does not like that so easily you go back to home, back to Godhead. That is maya's business. Daivi hy esa gunamayi (BG 7.14). Just like police
- Mayavadis think that Brahman, when merges into the existence of Parabrahman, then business is finished. No. Business is not finished. Because we are individuals. It is not possible to remain without any activity
- Meditation on the impersonal Brahman is a troublesome business for the meditator, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 12.5): kleso 'dhikataras tesam avyaktasakta-cetasam
- Men are moving by cars and rails on the roads, by subways within the earth and by planes in the sky for the purpose of business success. But in all these movements the real purpose is to earn wealth for comfortable life
- Mischievous, miscreants, simply wasting money. They're taking huge salary, huge research fees from the government, and simply misleading persons. That is their business
- Mosquito's business is to bite, and king's business is to rule over
- Mother Yasoda began to argue within herself, I am not sleeping, nor am I dreaming. Then maybe this is an illusion created by devamaya. But that is also not possible. What business would the demigods have showing such things to me?
- Mukti means to give up this nonsense business, anyatha. He is servant, but he's thinking master
- My (Nawab Hussain Shah's) only business is attacking other states with my soldiers and fighting everywhere as a plunderer
- My dear King, please search out that deer who is engaged in eating grass in a very nice flower garden along with his wife. That deer is very much attached to his business, and he is enjoying the sweet singing of the bumblebees in his garden
- My father used to carry salagrama-sila. Wherever he would stay, ganga-jala, tulasi, decoration. Say, half an hour business. My father was a great devotee
- My father was doing business, and he was a great devotee
- My only anxiety is to guide you; Krsna sometimes makes me sick just to examine how much you have learned to conduct the business under my guidance, with a little independence
- Narada asked him (Mrgari), "Why are you killing in this way?" And he said, "Oh, it is my business. My father taught it." So he was honestly doing that
- Narada Muni continued, 'My dear hunter, your business is killing animals. That is a slight offense on your part. But when you consciously give them unnecessary pain by leaving them half-dead, you incur very great sins'
- Nature gives warning, - You are now past fifty. That's all right. You have fought in this material world. Now stop this business
- No karmī can expect to improve his business so swiftly, and besides that, Whatever a karmi acquires is temporary and sometimes frustrating. In Krsna consciousness, however, everything is encouraging and improving
- No responsible man will take that responsibility that, "I will kill this animal. Again he'll become a man and he'll kill me. No, no. Stop this business." So this is the process of restriction
- Nobody goes to sadhu for going back to home back to godhead. It is only (material) proposition. Otherwise the so-called yogis, sadhus, swamis, they are making good luck business simply by promising that you'll get this material power
- Nobody is accepting that method (God is there, I am subordinate and I must surrender). But if one accepts, that method will be a business of one minute. It is not difficult
- Nobody is without any occupation. Everyone is engaged some sort of duty. The storekeeper is engaged in his business, the factory man is engaged in his business, the lawyer is engaged in his business. Everyone
- Nobody wants to die. And where is that technology, to stop death? What do you think? You are financing many technological institutions, businesses. Why don't you finance an institution which is giving instruction how to stop death
- Nor does He (Krsna) have any desire for fruitive activity (na me karma-phale sprha). When we enter into business, we hope for profit, and with that profit we hope to buy things that will make our life enjoyable
- Normal business
- Now America has to do the same thing to stop demonism. Then your nation will be leader. You understand; you have trust in God. Now it is your business to trust in real God and work for Him
- Now it is not required the bows and arrows or . . . because they're already dead, because they have no conception of God. Simply fighting how to avoid God, this is their business
- Now the acharya is meant for handling business?
- Now this Macmillan's report is that ours (Bhagavad-gita) selling more. Therefore, they have advanced to take up this enlarged edition. Otherwise, they are business
- Nowadays it has become a cheap business, to see so many Gods. But you test this, whether he is controlled by anyone. If he is controlled by somebody, then he is not God
- Oh, we are making this advancement. We will do in the future. We'll do.These are the business of the fools and rascals, not intelligent, which will never be successful. Durasaya. But they'll stick to that false hope
- Once they understand their relationship with God, people generally believe that God is the father, and the son's business is to ask Father for whatever he needs. But that is really a lesser relationship
- One can become rich only by trying his luck in business. It is not possible by serving other. One should have independent source of income that is possible only if one is engaged in business or in land lordship
- One can live in society like an ordinary human being, but at the same time one's own business should be to satisfy Krsna and spread His glories
- One class of men (the brahmanas) must be intelligent and brahminically qualified, another class must be trained in administrative work (ksatriya), another in mercantile business (vaisya) and another simply in labor (sudra)
- One is accumulating money to give to the children. He is anxious that "After all, they are my children. They must get at least five lakhs of rupees." This is his business. But it is not his children
- One may argue, "What is the difference, married sex and not-married sex? The business is the same." No, there is some meaning. This restriction mean to bring him to the position of the daivi sampat
- One may be employed in some business and, feeling inconvenience, resign. That resignation may be all right, but if by resigning one becomes unemployed and has no engagement, then what is the value of resigning
- One must be serious to understand, and he must approach a qualified mahatma guru. Then his business will be . . . transaction will be very nicely done. This is Vedic process. Is there any difficulty to become mahatma and to become a qualified disciple
- One occupation which is not exactly fitting you, you do not know how to do it, so avyapare suvyaparam yo kartu... If one wants to act in a business in which he is unable to do, then he is killed just like this fool monkey
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as jiva-himsa (envy of other living entities)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as kama (desire for material gain)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as kuti-nati (faultfinding)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as nisiddhacara (accepting things forbidden in the sastra)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as pratisthasa (the desire for name and fame and for high position)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as puja (hankering for popularity)
- One should always think that this sense gratification business, we have done in so many lives, 8,400,000 species of life. Eating, sleeping, mating and fearing. So in this human life, if you are actually serious, restrict. Then life is successful
- One should avoid those who simply dress as Vaisnavas or so-called gosvamis, and those who make a business by selling Vedic mantras and reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam to maintain their families
- One should not become a pseudo spiritual master as a matter of business to meet one's family expenditures; one must be an expert spiritual master to deliver the disciple from the clutches of impending death
- One who has actually heard (Srimad Bhagavatam) attentively, his next business will be how to describe it, kirtanam. One who has heard nicely from the spiritual master, the next business will be how to chant it, repeat it. That is natural
- One who has attained yoga is not dependent on the dictations of his mind; rather, the mind comes under his control. Nor is the mind put out or extinguished, for it is the business of the yogi to think of Krsna or Visnu always
- One who is actually interested in business-like way to make some profit arthadam, then there is only interest is how to become Krsna conscious. Otherwise you will manufacture so many interests
- One who is faithfully engaged in his own business, particular type of business, janma-labhah parah puman, his human birth, his human life is successful
- One who is intelligent, that "I change body and different bodies. I am eternal, so what is my eternal business?" this is athato brahma jijnasa. This is called inquiry of the spiritual life
- One who is transcendentally realized, he does not care for the unfavorable or favorable. He knows that "When the time will come, either the favorable things or unfavorable things will come in the law of nature. Let me be engaged in my own business, KC"
- One's business is that he should make friendship with Krsna and advise others also to make friendship with Krsna. That is real leadership
- One's business or occupation need not be changed - as Arjuna's was not changed - but one does have to change his consciousness
- Only when one has finished the business of mundane inquiries in the marketplace of sense gratification can one make relevant inquiries regarding Brahman, the Transcendence
- Our business is how to go back to home, back to Godhead. If there is some difficulty you should tolerate and go on with our business
- Our first business is this book distribution. There is no need of any other business
- Our incense trademark should be registered now. I understand that there is one man in Bombay who has plagiarized our Spiritual Sky label, so we are serving him the proper notice to stop this plagiarizing business
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to educate some brahmanas. If the society take our help and conduct the business of the society - ksatriya, vaisya, sudra - then there will be peace and prosperity. Otherwise there will be chaos and confusion
- Our men are idle, and they're bringing paid men to cut vegetables and paying two hundred rupees. This is management. First of all, whatever business is already there, engage them. Then bring further engagement
- Our only business is to become Krsna conscious and depend fully on Krsna for all protection
- Our only request is that you have got this human form of body - don't misuse it. Don't waste it like animals simply by eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. You have got another business
- Our opportunity, is obtained in this human form of life. We should not waste our valuable time in any other occupation or business
- Our process of propaganda is that Krsna is the highest authority. That is our... You may take it that we are limited; that is your business
- People are after peace, santi, but this is the santi formula, that we must know Krsna - the supreme enjoyer of everything. If tapasya, you undergo severe austerities... Suppose you are doing business; that is also tapasya. You have to work very hard
- People are very much anxious to have one religion, one God, one scripture, and one business or one activity of life. This is summarized in the Bhagavad-gita - that one God is Krsna. Krsna is not sectarian God. Krsna means the greatest pleasure
- People are, in modern day, they cannot sit down in a place for a long time. Therefore so much traveling. The traveling business is very prosperous. Everyone wants to travel. They cannot fix, fix up
- People do not try to understand Krsna; they simply try for economic development. Their first business should be to understand Krsna. Other business should be secondary. So at the present moment, it is very difficult task
- People do not understand what is his business. He thinks that my business is to eat, sleep, mate, and die. That's all. This is animalism
- People don't care for God, but they care for nature, and it is nature's business to give kicks in the form of the threefold miseries. She is always administering these kicks twenty-four hours a day
- People think that if a person can make him successful in business, that person is a guru. The sastras do not confirm this either. A guru is one who knows the Vedas and the Vedic conclusion
- Police business is that "You become law-abiding citizen; then I have no connection with you." So far. "And so long you are not a law-abiding (citizen), I shall kick you as much as possible." So Maya's business is like this
- Police business is to see the criminal that is actually, he is in his original consciousness to become law-abiding citizen. Otherwise police will go on punishing him. That is police affair. Similarly, this maya is the police agent
- Prahlada Maharaja is beginning his prayer: My dear Lord, You pacify Yourself. Now my father is killed. That business is finished. Now, these people, they will never create any trouble, so You become pacified
- Prakasananda Sarasvati only business was to sever the limbs of the Lord by proving the Lord impersonal. Although the Lord has form, Prakasananda Sarasvati attempted to cut off the hands and legs of the Lord. This is the business of demons
- Preaching is our real business, not getting big, big buildings and doing business for money just to maintain them, no
- Punah punas carvita-carvananam. Those who are very much attached to sex transmigrate from one body to another, with the same business of "chewing the chewed," tasting sex enjoyment as a dog, sex enjoyment as a hog, sex enjoyment as a demigod, and so on
- Puranjana, the living entity, is asking the unknown girl where she has come from, what her business is, why she is present, etc. These are inquiries about atma-tattva - self-realization
- Ramacandra Puri advised, "It is not the business of a sannyasi to gratify his senses. He should fill his belly some way or other"
- Real human business is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's para-upakara. In ignorance they are doing all nonsense. Stop them. Give them knowledge. This Krsna conscious movement is real civilization. That we have to prove
- Real process is one should go to the guru. But intelligent man goes: "My life is meant for spiritual realization. So I must find out a guru." That is his business
- Real process is to concentrate the mind upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah. The yogi's business is, by controlling the mind, focus it toward Krsna or Lord Visnu. That is real yoga system
- Real yoga system is to find out within the heart where is God. My business is that I've forgotten God. The karmis, they . . . karmis, real karmis, they do not forget. The upstarts, the rascals, they forget
- Representative goes to secure business door to door. Somebody purchases, somebody does not. So that is not the representative's concern. Similarly, our concern is that we shall dedicate our life to preach this KC movement all over the world
- Sad-dharma-samsthapakau: just to establish real religious principle, nana-sastra-vicaranaika-nipunau, with scrutinizing thinking over and giving to the people. This is Gosvamis' business
- Sanatana-dharma is the business of all the people of the world
- Sanga means execution. When you associate with medical association or sharebrokers' association, simply go there and sit down is not your business. You have to do something. You have to do something. Sat-sanga means that
- Sankirtana Party in the streets and Sankirtana Party in school engagements should be our chief business. This will assure success in our propaganda activities
- Says in the Bhagavad-gita: If you want to stop this chaotic condition, then accept Me (Krsna) that I am the enjoyer and proprietor of this whole world, and I am your real friend. Let the business be done on My account
- Securing food, that is the business of grhasthas
- Servant's business is to surrender, not to argue with the master or to claim that "I am equal with you." These are all fanatic, mad proposal
- She tests very rigidly to see whether we have taken to Krsna consciousness to disturb Krsna or are actually serious. That is Maya's business
- She tests very rigidly whether you have taken Krsna consciousness to disturb Krsna, or you are actually serious. That is maya' s business. So there will be, in the beginning, test by maya, and you will feel so much disturbances in making progress in KC
- Shortcut of 'demon-cracy' is 'democracy.' All the demons and rogues, they gather together, somehow or other votes, and occupy the seat, and the business is plundering
- Simply an official business, just like you sleep and again you awake, similarly, a devotee's death is like that
- Simply criticizing and no work, that is the business of inferior men. So do not be disturbed by them, go on with your work, increasing more and more. Never mind the jackals howl
- Simply fighting how to avoid God, this is their business. It is very difficult to convince them about the existence of . . . they're seeing every moment there is existence of God, but they're so stubborn, so much bewildered by maya, they'll not
- Simply in school, colleges, in business, in assembly, in society there must be some discussion about God. Then it will be very much auspicious for all the world. There must be some question
- Simply searching after, searching after happiness, our time comes: "Finished. Your business is finished. Now get out." That is called death
- Since I (Nawab Hussain Shah), your elder brother, am engaged in such a destructive business, you (Sanatana Gosvami), being my younger brother, should look after the state management. If you do not, how will things continue?
- Since Maharaja Priyavrata was fully trained in transcendental knowledge, he could have returned home and conducted the business of government as a brahmacari. Instead, however, when he returned to household life, he accepted a wife also
- Since ordinarily a snake's business is to fatally bite other living entities, as a devotee he was forbidden to do so. Unfortunately, people took advantage of this nonviolence on the part of the snake, especially the children, who threw stones at him
- Since there were not very many living entities in the beginning, Visnu entrusted Brahma with the business of creation, and Brahma in his turn created many hundreds and thousands of demigods and great sages to continue with the creation
- Sir, I have got many business to perform. - "No, immediately die." Where is your science to stop it?
- Sisya I have several times explained, sas-dhatu. Who voluntarily accepts the ruling of a person, he is sisya. And otherwise, "You go on talking whatever nonsense you can. I'll do my own business," that is not sisya
- So a ksatriya's business is always prepared to fight. Fight means that to see that everyone is acting nicely. Because if you are not acting nicely, and if I say that "You are not acting nicely," you'll be angry
- So far your daughter's marriage is concerned, I have no business. I cannot negotiate marriage. That is impossible. Neither there is any need for her to be sent to India
- So if you remain on the mental platform, then this business of accepting and rejecting will go on. You'll never come to a conclusion. Therefore one has to rise to the spiritual platform
- So long we are in this material world we have to work. Karma. Karma means to gain some profit. Karma, akarma, vikarma. Vikarma means against the law. Just like ordinary laws. If you are working honestly, business or karma, that's all right
- So long we are seated on the chariot of the untrained mind, unbridled mind, the mind will drag me to things which are nonpermanent. But my whole business is that I am permanent, I am eternal
- So long you come, do not come to Krsna consciousness, your, these two business will go on, lamenting and hankering. And as soon as you come to Krsna consciousness, you become joyful. There is no reason of lamenting
- So many slokas, I am taking so much labor. If you do not read it carefully... It is not for that I am making business, for selling only, and not for my students
- So nobody can be perfect. Therefore all these so-called perfect leaders, they should close their business. It is already experimental, all nonsense. Come to Hare Krsna mantra and chant. That's all right
- So the intelligent persons, they should understand that how to stop this unlimited plan-making business. Still there is no solution. That is called athato brahma jijnasa. That is life
- So these Yamadutas, they are accustomed to go to the sinful men like Ajamila and many others. Their business is to arrest the sinful soul and take the soul to Yamaraja. So they were very much surprised by seeing these beautiful Visnuduta
- So this bluffing, these cheating things are going on. And because we are unable to cheat and bluff, nobody cooperates with us. They want to be cheated and bluffed. That is the business
- So we must stick to that business under all circumstances, that is the main thing. Therefore married, unmarried, divorced, whatever condition of life, my preaching mission does not depend on these things
- So we should understand that we have got a separate business, real business. That is called self-realization, that "I am not this body." This is self-realization. That is being instructed by Krsna in the beginning, that "You are not this body"
- So we're very shocked and astonished that so many people are coming to the West, to the United States, and posing as holy men and simply making business, charging money, and giving somebody some magical formula whereby they can become God
- So what is this civilization? Early in the morning, six o'clock... According to Vedic civilization, one should rise early in the morning and chant Hare Krsna, perform mangala aratrika, worship the Deity. This is the morning business
- So you cannot see at your present status the God. But you can see His form, and the business will be done. If you offer everything, Krsna will eat. Business will go on
- So-called Christians, they do not trust in Jesus Christ. But they are going on as Christian, as priest. Cheating and bluffing should be stopped. This is KC movement. The rascals are flourishing by cheating and bluffing. This business should be stopped
- So-called earners of money are those who simply know tricks by which they can take away God's money under the guise of business and industry. After accumulating this money, they enjoy seeing it plundered by their sons and grandsons
- So-called scientists are making various plans by which living entities in the future can live forever, but while they are thus pursuing such scientific knowledge, Yamaraja, in due course of time, will take them away from their business
- Society's means of living is clearly mentioned here as visa, or agriculture and the business of distributing agricultural products, which involves transport, banking, etc. Industry is an artificial means of livelihood, and large-scale industry especially
- Some of them are frustrated; they don't want it. There will be frustration - after all, it is hard work. Hogs, too, are working hard day and night, thinking, "Where is stool? Where is stool?" That is their business
- Someone has got attachment for his family, some to society, some to nation, some in business and so many things. Asakti is there. But to make your life perfect, you have to transfer the asakti to Krsna
- Sometimes at the time of death, they cry, that "I could not finish my business"
- Sometimes he is cheated in business transactions one after another. In this way, by cheating, living entities create enmity among themselves
- Sometimes I think that so many cars are going this way, and so many cars are going this way. Why they not settle up their business by telephone, that "I do here your business", "I do here,"?
- Sometimes supporting one side, sometimes the other, they would talk very privately, with much whispering in the ears, although none of the business was very serious
- Sometimes the Mayavadi philosophers, they give this example that "As all the rivers come down to the ocean, and then business is finished." But our philosophy is not so scanty. We do not wish to mix with the ocean, we want to go deep into the ocean
- Sometimes they will advertise, "Our customers are our masters." Is it not? But in spite of the flowery language - "Our customers are our masters" - this is business, because nobody is a qualified customer unless he pays. But service is not like that
- Sometimes you become member in the stock exchange and other association to learn their business and make progress. Similarly, if you want to increase your love for Krsna, you must associate with persons who are interested in this business - devotees
- Sometimes, due to business, Ramacandra was absent from His capital for a full week & could not be seen by the citizens during that time. Because of his vow (fast until he saw Ramacandra), the brahmana could not take even a drop of water during that week
- Sometimes, for business purposes, large crowds of men are taken to different places of pilgrimage, and money is collected from them
- Sometimes, for the sake of amusement, they used to decorate their faces in strange ways. Another business of the friends was that each of them wanted to defeat Krsna
- Sometimes, when we are unsuccessful in our business attempt or earning attempt, we become sorry that, "Oh, Krsna is so cruel upon me that I could not trust in this." But that is His special favor. You should understand like that
- Spiritual airplanes do not fly business executives, politicians or planning commissions as passengers, nor do they carry cargo or postal bags. These planes are for pleasure trips only, and the residents of Vaikuntha fly in them
- Sraddha-sabde visvasa sudrdha niscaya. This is basic platform, that "What Krsna says, that is truth." Krsna bhakti kaile sarva-karma krta haya: "If I follow Krsna, then my business is complete." This is intelligence
- Sri Isopanisad confirms that these pseudo religionists are heading toward the most obnoxious place in the universe after the completion of their spiritual master business, which they conduct simply for sense gratification
- Srila Kaviraja Gosvami and one who follows in his footsteps do not have to cater to the public. Their business is simply to satisfy the previous acaryas and describe the pastimes of the Lord
- Srila Rupa Gosvami warns, however, that if a person is properly initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, he should not think that simply by the acceptance of such initiation his business is then finished
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.2.36) states: Sukadeva Gosvami concludes - The business of the living entity is to always remember the SP of Godhead in every circumstance. The Lord should be heard about, glorified and remembered by all human beings
- Such a personality of devotee is not a professional man who earns his livelihood by the business of Bhagavatam
- Such a sincere person who follows this method (by carrying out his business without attachment) is far better situated than the false pretender who adopts show-bottle spiritualism to cheat the innocent public. BG 1972 purports
- Such a sinful man (a person who in this life bears false witness or lies while transacting business or giving charity) is taken to the top of a mountain eight hundred miles high and thrown headfirst into the hell known as Avicimat
- Such men (professional singers, dancers and reciters of prayers) never become servants or engage themselves in agriculture or business occupations; they simply take charity from neighborhood friends to maintain themselves peacefully
- Superficially he (the caudhuri, or minister) would chastise Raghunatha dasa with threatening vibrations, but he did not beat him. The members of the kayastha community in India are generally very intelligent and expert in business management
- Superficially they think, "We don't believe in God. We believe in Lord Buddha." And Lord Buddha is God. Therefore in the Bhagavata it is said that his business will be cheat the atheist class of men
- Suppose as business man, I've done very nicely. I have given in charity. That's nice. You get better life. But for business sake, I have earned money by hook and crook, my mentality's just like crocodile or dog; then I have to become a crocodile
- Suppose I am a businessman and have worked very hard with intelligence and have amassed a great bank balance. Then I am an enjoyer. But then say I have lost all my money in business; then I am a sufferer. BG 1972 Introduction
- Suppose I am controlling this institution, Krsna consciousness movement. But that does not mean I am the original controller. Similarly, there are many, many big men, business magnates, controlling his factories, office, but he is not original controller
- Suppose I started my business with a vast amount of money, but I failed to make a successful . . . I lost all the money. So I am sufferer. So similarly, in every field of our life we enjoy, we enjoy the result of our work. This is called karma
- Suppose you are doing business; that is also tapasya. You have to work very hard. Money does not come so easily. Then you get some money. So it is also the result of your tapasya
- Suppose you are lawyer. Your particular engagement is study of law or executing legal business. So that is sva-dharma
- Take hand's business, take leg's business, and combine them cooperatively. Then the body will be nice. If the leg says "Why hand will type? I shall type," that's not possible. "Legs, all right, you walk, and hands that you type." Then combine together
- Taking the Nawab's sprinkling water upon him as an opportunity, Subuddhi Raya left his family and business affairs and went to Varanasi
- Temple means people should come, people should learn the science of God. That is temple. Not that to make a business of temple
- That (service minus devotion) is not service, that is business. For example, here in Mayapur we have employed a contractor. That is not service - that is business. Is it not
- That advantage of re-engagement in our original, spiritual business is given freely in this age: kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet (SB 12.3.51) - Simply by chanting the Lord's holy name, one achieves spiritual liberation
- That is a very lucrative business (taking large crowds of men to the different places of pilgrimage & collecting money from them), but Rupa & Sanatana Gosvamis, expressing their opinion in the presence of Caitanya, disapproved of such crowded pilgrimages
- That is good they have sold the jewelry business; we have got so nice book business, why shall we have this?
- That is our duty - to advise him, to convince him, to give him all facilities. Still, if he does not take, then we are not going to see how long he will suffer, how he will stop. Let them do their own business
- That is the business of leader: He must be himself always enthusiastic and inspire others to be always enthusiastic. Then he is real leader
- That is the business of the asuras, how to wipe out Krsna, Kamsa philosophy. So we haven't got to follow Kamsa philosophy. We have to follow Krsna philosophy. Then our life will be successful
- That is Vedic civilization. Everything exchange of love. No business, mercantile
- That will be awarded to you by superior judgement, that "This man has done like this; he should get a body like this." That is not in your hand. That is not in your science. The real science is how to stop this business. That is being advised in BG
- The administration is under the sudra side. How they can manage? So they must be trained, as in business we give training
- The animals, as soon as they are fatty and grown up, they are sent to the slaughterhouse. This business is going on. So why there should not be crisis in food grain and crisis in human...?
- The best source of our income should be by accepting contributions from the sympathetic public, and selling our own books and literature. That is also a sort of business, but it doesn't matter
- The bhakti-vedantas see that the people in general are wasting time in false sensuous things. Their business is to get the ignorant mass of people to reestablish their lost relationship with the Personality of Godhead
- The brahmana is meant for giving good intelligence. The vaisyas are meant for maintaining the economic condition. So as the government maintains the force, military police, their business is to chastise
- The business community you can impress upon them that throughout the whole world there is no institution to impart education in the matter of spiritual understanding
- The business is tad viddhi pranipatena (BG 4.34): one must be prepared to surrender. So unless that character is there, surrendering, how he can become his disciple? It is not possible
- The business is that we have to increase our attachment for God. This is our main business. We are attached to so many things. That is material life
- The business of club that a young woman should be there, and there should be wine and cards for playing gambling. And whenever they get holiday, they, you won't find him at home
- The business of the asuras is to disturb the suras, the devotees and brahmanas, but at the time of Krsna's appearance these devotees and brahmanas were undisturbed
- The business of the part and parcel is to serve, render service, to the whole. This is natural condition
- The business which we have taken to work together is neither your business nor my business as far we are personally concerned, but it is the business of Lord Caitanya and His bona fide servants like my Guru Maharaja
- The cowherd men, who had come to execute the ritualistic function of worshiping Lord Siva and Ambika, finished their business and prepared to return to Vrndavana. While returning, they recalled the wonderful activities of Krsna
- The defect in the modern society. They imagine. This business should be given up. He must follow. Sadhu-marganugamanam, which is prescribed by the sadhu, guru, you have to accept that. You cannot manufacture your own way
- The defect is that my business is to render service to the Supreme Lord which is misplaced in so many ways. In so many ways I am giving service to my society, to my friend, to my community, to my nation, and so on, so on. That is misplaced
- The demigods, such as Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, King Indra, Candra and Surya, are all subordinate to the SPG. Aside from the demigods, even in human society there are many influential personalities supervising various businesses or establishments
- The demons are always disturbing. Their business is to nullify the existence of God. If there is a certain class of citizens, if they are simply after agitation that - This government is useless
- The demons' business is to continually struggle for existence as lords over material nature
- The devotee should not be a mercantile man: "If You give me something, then I shall give You something." That is business. A devotee is not like that. He understands that he is eternal servant of Krsna, his duty is to serve Krsna
- The difference between God and you and me is this, that you know your business, I know my business. but God knows everyone's business. That is the difference
- The difference between material life and spiritual life is that if somebody is simply engaged in sense gratification business, that is called material life
- The direct process is: take to Krsna consciousness - "I am eternal servant of God. Let me take to this business. Finish." Perfect knowledge
- The divorce is also dog's business. Dog is having sex intercourse with this female dog and another, another, another, another. It is animalism, That's all
- The doctor will give you medicine, but what is this business, that you go to the doctor and counteract the poisonous effect and again come back and again take poison? What is this business? Is it very intelligent business
- The dog is busy for sense gratification: "Where is food? Where is shelter? Where is a mate? How to defend?" And the man is also doing the same business, in different ways
- The dog's business is, you are not offender, still it will offend, Gow! Gow! Gow
- The duties of the vaisyas, who are engaged in visa, are stated as cow protection, agriculture and business. We have already discussed that the human being can safely depend on the cow and agricultural land for his livelihood
- The facility is, the other animals lower than the human being, they have not got to do any business or any profession or go from one country to another to earn livelihood. That is their advantage
- The father married again, the mother married again. They were not happy, and the business also closed. So by one instance I can understand that how in the Western countries people become out of social structure. The root cause is godlessness
- The first business is to make people God conscious. Then everything is adjusted
- The first business of a transcendentalist is to keep the mind always on Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The first business of the gopis is to chant the glories of both the hero (Krsna) and the heroine (Radharani). Their second business is to gradually create a situation in which the hero may be attracted to the heroine and vice versa
- The first thing is that I have already given you my word, so there is no need of an agreement with me. My word is final agreement, but if you want it for business reasons, I have no objections to sign it
- The five stores are the five working sensory organs. They transact their business through the combined forces of the five elements, which are eternal. Behind all this activity is the soul. The soul is a person and an enjoyer in reality
- The Germans, they could not do business throughout the whole British Empire. We know, Indians. So they were very much envious of these British people, and therefore they started two big wars, world war
- The Gosvami's business is to do, how to save these people, these rascals, from this repetition of birth and death
- The great business magnates, industrialists who work very hard to earn money by different ways and questionable means, eat the thorny results of their actions mixed with their own blood
- The great sage Narada then addressed King Pracinabarhisat: O one whose life-span is great (virat), in this way King Puranjana begot 1,100 sons within the womb of his wife, Puranjani. However, in this business he passed away half of his life-span
- The grhamedhis business is to repeatedly chain himself to so-called family life, in one life after another, and perpetually remain in the darkness of maya
- The grhastha's concern is to get out of the family life created by illusion and enter into real family life with Krsna, whereas the grhamedhi s business is to repeatedly chain himself to so-called family life, in one life after another
- The highest knowledge was easily available even to the poorest man in society. The poorest man could inquire from an astrologer about his past, present and future, with no need for business agreements or exorbitant payments
- The hogs are stool-eater, and they are working very hard day and night, and the business is kastan kaman, to satisfy the senses, these two business: where to find out source of income, and eat anything without any discrimination
- The hospital-making business is being conducted by the government; it is the duty of a sannyasa to make hospitals whereby people can actually get rid of their material bodies, not patch them up
- The householder should earn money by business or by profession and spend at least fifty percent of his income to spread Krsna consciousness; twenty-five percent he can spend for his family, and twenty-five percent he should save to meet emergencies
- The human life is meant for inquiring, "Where is God?" That is human life. Not "Where is stool?" That is hog's business. So we should not encourage this hog civilization
- The human life's business is to accept tapasya, voluntarily accepting some inconvenience of life. That is called tapasya
- The hunter then admitted that he was convinced of his sinful activity, and he said, 'I have been taught this business from my very childhood. Now I am wondering how I can become freed from these unlimited volumes of sinful activity'
- The idea is to save more time from this materialistic business and utilize it for Krsna's service. When our anxieties are how to utilize life in that way, that stage is abyarthya kalatvam, utilizing life without spoiling it
- The idea is we must have the necessities of our life as far as possible independently. But we should not be business minded. Our main business is to develop our dormant Krsna Consciousness
- The inside part was meant for the family, & the ladies would live there unexposed to men. That part was called the bhitara-badi, or inside house. In the outside house, or bahir-badi, the respectable gentleman received visitors & kept his business office
- The karmis are earning money by their business, and it has become a business. Everywhere, religion has become a business
- The karmis, they are more and more becoming entangled: "Give me this, give me that, give me that"; ultimately, "Give me the post of Brahma," "Give me the post of Indra." So their business is simply "give me"
- The Kumaras did not accept the offering of their father (Lord Brahma) because they were elevated far beyond the business of generating a great number of sons
- The living entity's prime business is to satisfy the Lord because the living entity is part and parcel of the Lord
- The living entity, part and parcel of Krsna, starts his own business to compete with the Lord. There are many competitors out to attain the Lord's position, but to become like the Lord is not at all possible
- The lower animals, the birds and the bees, have no business or profession, yet they are not dying for want of food. They are all living in nature's way, and they all have the necessities of life provided - namely eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- The maya's business is to capture. Just like criminal is arrested by the police, similarly, maya is also engaged for this purpose
- The members of the kayastha community in India are generally very intelligent and expert in business management. Formerly they were mostly government officers. They were mentioned even by Yajnavalkya, as quoted by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
- The more they become materially advanced, they'll decry, "Oh, there is no God," "I am God," "We don't care for God. Why you are clamoring for God?" Their business is simply to decry God
- The mosquito will bite, the flies will disturb you, the bugs are there, and then the dogs will bark unnecessarily. You are passing, and his business is barking. Ha 'Bow Bow Bow'. So this is also suffering
- The only business of the Mayavadi atheists is to make Krsna formless, and consequently, because of this severe offense at the lotus feet of Krsna, they cannot expect salvation
- The only process for perceiving Krishna and His name, qualities, form is our sincere service attitude with our senses. Beginning from the tongue, all our senses are practically led by the tongue sense, whose business is to vibrate and to taste
- The parts and parcels of the Lord are endowed with specific powers for rendering service unto the Lord, just as a big business magnate's sons are empowered with specific powers of administration
- The physician must heal himself first, before treating the disease of the general public. To gratify the senses of the diseased fellow is not the business of a real physician
- The Pracetas practiced these austerities not for material benediction but for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord. One may engage in any business - material or spiritual - but the purpose should be the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Pracetas underwent severe austerities for many, many years, even within the water. Accepting austerities and penances is the avowed business of those interested in advanced civilization
- The priest, they get some money and they want to continue their church business to get some money. So this is going on, cheating and cheated. Therefore the society has become the full of cheaters and cheated
- The priestly order, they think, "As others make some money by working hard, by professional or by doing some business or working, so we shall also earn some money by showing the church or the temple or the mosque." They have taken it like that
- The principal business of such non-ksatriya rulers will be to kill the innocent animals, especially the cows and the bulls, who shall be unprotected by their masters, the bona fide vaisyas, the mercantile community
- The purpose of opening so many centers of Krsna consciousness is to give chance to these forgotten men, Krsna consciousness. It is not a business. It is a charitable institution. It is hospital to cure the material disease
- The purpose of our life is to please Krishna; that is the business of the older children, to serve the father
- The rascal leaders say it is primitive to remain on the farm, but to do business in the city and become rogue and rascal, that is advanced
- The relationship with God or Krsna as son is better than the relationship with Krsna by one who thinks, - If I accept God as my father, then my business will be to ask for my necessities from the father
- The rendering of service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead in expectation of a good reward is deprecated by Prahlada Maharaja as mercantile business
- The same is stated here (Jiva jaga, jiva jaga). It is the prime business of human beings to connect again with the Supreme Soul
- The sastra always says that "Don't work in such a way that you have to accept again body after death." That's, that is your business. Not that to accumulate crores and rupees and make a very good bank balance & skyscraper house & 3 or dozens of motorcars
- The sastra says to protect yourself, that is a . . . what is called? In English there is a proverb: "Self-preservation is the first law of nature"? What is that? So self means soul. Your soul may not fall down. That is your first business
- The seva, the service, begins from the tongue, service. Not with the hand but with the tongue. If you simply chant Hare Krsna, this is seva, and if you take prasadam, then your business begins immediately
- The small business is to serve the great. If the small falsely thinks himself that he is as great, that is ignorance
- The so-called national people are sacrificing so many lives. But what is their business? Business is that doggish mentality: "I am this body." So it is very difficult to give up this doggish mentality that "I am this body." Very, very difficult
- The so-called philosophers, they simply concoct ideas, "I believe. I believe." Whatever you believe, that is your business, but the ruling of the Supreme Lord must go on. You cannot check it. You cannot avoid it
- The social classes can be further characterized as follows: (3) He who is engaged in agriculture, herding cows and carrying out a trade or business is called a vaisya
- The speculative process of empiric philosophy is as bitter as the fruit of the nimba tree. Tasting this fruit is the business of crows. In other words, the philosophical process of realizing the Absolute Truth is a process taken up by crowlike men
- The spiritual master comes to the deliverance of the fallen souls out of his causeless mercy. Nobody has any business for the sufferings of others. The best example is Lord Jesus Christ, that he suffered for others
- The spiritual master is so kind that in spite of having bad dreams due to the sinful disciple, he accepts this troublesome business for the deliverance of the victims of Kali-yuga
- The state functions protecting the good citizen and punishing the criminals. That should be the state business. Wherefrom this idea came? What is called? Law and order department, or what is that
- The sunshine is there open, but if you close your door, if you want to keep yourself in airtight darkness, that is your business
- The sunshine, sunrise and sunset, means decreasing our life. It is very nice example. The sun's business is to take away a portion of your span of life. But he cannot take away the portion of the life of a devotee. Because a devotee is going to live
- The thorns the camel eats cut the tongue of the camel, and so blood begins to flow within the camel's mouth. The thorns, mixed with fresh blood, create a taste for the foolish camel, and so he enjoys the thorn-eating business with false pleasure
- The torturing business of the demons is going on. Going on. As soon as the demons finds somebody little weak, they will torture. Weak in their way. A devotee is not weak, but they think that, These devotees, they are weak
- The twenty-five percent of his (Rupa Gosvami's) accumulated wealth which he kept for personal emergencies was deposited with a good business firm, since in those days there were no banks
- The Vedic literature is meant for to find out Krsna, vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah . . . (BG 15.15). All knowledge . . . vedic, veda means knowledge. So any department of knowledge you may pursue, the business is how to find out Krsna
- The whole business is how to develop attachment for Krsna. If you have developed that attachment within a second, oh, then the business is finished within a second
- The whole human society at the present moment, majority, they are godless, especially the Communist. They don't acknowledge. The scientist, the philosopher, the scholars - all godless. Scientists' special business is how to defy God
- The whole thing will be taken by government by income tax. So we are stopping to work, to have more business." This is the position because our mind is so inclined that if I cannot enjoy the fruit of my activities, then I am disinclined
- The whole universe, or for that matter all material existence, is moving on as jagat, simply for planning business to make one's position very comfortable or secure
- The wife is the inspiration of all good intelligence. Upon seeing one's wife dressed nicely, one can think very soberly about family business
- The yogi's business is always to remain alone in a secluded place. Alone and secluded place. Yoga cannot be performed in assembly
- The yogi's business is that he's always meditating upon the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is yogi. Mad-gatenantaratmana
- The yogis should not have illicit connection with their disciples. Do they believe God is...? It is simply business for earning money and getting woman. They have no other... Valueless
- Their (impersonalists) business is mostly word jugglery and mental speculation. Consequently the impersonalists pursue a fruitless labor, as confirmed in the Twelfth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita (12.5)
- Their (the gopis) third business is to induce both of Them (Krsna and Radharani) to approach each other
- Then, in 1923, I left Calcutta on business account, and I started my business at Allahabad. But I was always thinking of my Guru Maharaja, although I was that time not initiated. But the impression was there
- There are 8,400,000 material forms. So this transmigration is going on, but in every one of these millions of forms, the business is sense gratification
- There are always rogues and thieves in human society, and as soon as a weak government is unable to execute its duties, these rogues and thieves come out to do their business. Thus the entire society becomes a hell unfit for gentlemen to live in
- There are fights between nations, societies, communities and families. People are thinking, "Why are you interfering with my business?" Then there is a fight. Because of illusion, we do not consider these situations temporary
- There are innumerable interpretations (of Bhagavad-gita) rendered by different mundane scholars, but almost all of them do not accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, although they make a good business on the words of Sri Krsna
- There are many millions of universes, and each of them has got a sun to conduct the business. And all these suns are created by somebody. How much complete He is, you can just imagine. That is God
- There are many paraphernalia I require for my temples; it is not meant for business
- There are many powerful kings, leaders, learned scholars, scientists, artists, engineers, inventors, excavators, archaeologists, industrialists, politicians, economists, business magnates
- There are many thieves. At least in India I have seen. Their business is stealing, and they are put into the jail, and as soon as he comes out, again commits the same thing and put into the jail for many days
- There are so many authorities. So Krsna consciousness is not an ordinary bluff-making or a money-making business. It is something reality. And if you take to it seriously, your life will be successful
- There are two business: something gaining and something losing. Just like businessmen. They have got two businesses: either to make profit or to lose. At the end of the year they calculate, "Whether we are loser or gainer
- There are two words: grhamedhi and grhastha. Grhastha means . . . that is called asrama, grhastha-asrama, to live with wife and children, but the business is how to develop Krsna consciousness. That is grhastha-asrama, as we recommend
- There is no use tracing out the history when you become infected. You should not be infected. That should be your business. And as you are now infected, you try to avoid the causes of infection and take the medicine; you become cured
- There is one section who are called Arya-samajist. Their business is only to criticize all the scriptures. That is their business
- There is so much risk, as running these cars so many people are dying. There is record, it is very dangerous. At least I feel as soon as I go to the street, it is dangerous. The motorcar are running so speedy, and what is the business?
- There may be many spiritual master, but if their business is one - to satisfy Krsna - although they're many, they're one. Although they're many, they are still one. The principle is one: to satisfy Krsna
- There must be a solid basis for such business venture
- There was a great devotee of Lord Caitanya known as Kholaveca Sridhara, who was a very poor man. He was doing a small business selling cups made from the leaves of plantain trees, and his income was almost nothing
- These (musk and hair from the gavaya cows) are always in great demand for the higher classes of Hindu population, and such business (trade) still goes on in large cities and villages in India
- These are nine different processes, and our Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya, following the footsteps of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, their principal business is this kirtana, hari-kirtana
- These rascals may go on talking so many things, but we haven't got to take care of all of them. We have to do our own business. Let the dog bark on, the caravan will pass. So not that we have to take care of the barking of the dog always
- These rascals they have created a gorgeous civilization. What is that? Just like in your country especially, a gorgeous truck for sweeping. The business is sweeping, and for that they have manufactured a gorgeous truck: Gut, gut, gut, gut, gut, gut, gut
- These rascals, they're in ajnanam, dealing with sex life, dealing with the body as their philosophy, science. Dealing with the body and dealing with sex life is the animal business, and they are passing on as philosopher, scientist. This is their position
- These symptoms signify that although the gopis' business was not finished, they had become stunned with ecstatic love
- These two things are there: sat-patha and asat-patha. Asat means it will not stay. So if you remain engaged in this bodily business, that is asat
- These Vaikuntha airplanes do not fly business executives
- They (a class of professional mendicants) know some magical art and mystical processes, and their business is to beg from door to door, sometimes pleading and sometimes threatening. Such mendicants are sometimes called yogis and sometimes kanaphata yogis
- They (materialistic persons who become preachers, gurus, religionists or philosophers) spread a network of business schemes to collect money for sense gratification by cheating people in general, who have no knowledge of pure devotional service
- They (Mayavadi Vedantists) will remain cheaters. So if you go to a cheater you'll be cheated, and that is your business
- They (sages of Naimisaranya) understood that Lord Balarama, although a ksatriya, was now retired from the fighting business. The brahmanas and sages, who were always for peace and tranquillity, were very much pleased at this
- They (the asuras) will never be able to understand what is Krsna. Bhagavan mate. They'll never be able to understand. And remain in darkness, and transmigrate from one body to another, and this business will go on
- They (the gopis) all rushed toward the place known as Vamsivata. Some of them were engaged in milking cows, but they left their milking business half finished and immediately went to Krsna
- They (the grhamedhi) are wasting time in two ways at night: either by sleeping or by sex indulgence, going to the club, going to dancing, going to this or going to that or sleeping. This is the business at night
- They (the secretariat during Muslim reign) were elected from the kayastha community, a community that is still very expert in managing business and government affairs
- They (those who hanker after women and money) also engage in some moneymaking businesses to cheat innocent people, and they try to support their business programs by making offensive statements
- They are after their own sense gratification, and they will put a signboard, "I love everyone." This is their business. And fools are accepting, "Oh, this man is very philanthropic." He does not love any man. He loves only senses. That's all
- They are manufacturing different ways of suffering. And there is no happiness. Simply the business is going on. This is our material disease
- They are not, of course, very big business magnate or politicians; they are common men. But it is appealing to the common people. There is no doubt about it
- They are thinking, "By adjustment of this material world, we shall be happy." That is not possible. The maya, the material energy, will not allow you to become perfect unless and until you surrender to Krsna. That is her business
- They cannot understand that by serving Krsna, we become healthy or in our normal position. This is called ignorance. Somebody is trying to forget Him, somebody is trying to become equal with Him. This business is going on
- They do not know what is life. They take it very easily, this life, just like animals. "If I can eat nicely, if I can sleep nicely, if I can have sex life nicely, and if I can defend my country or my home nicely, then my business is finished"
- They have discovered this nonsense ad infinitum, that future will never come. And they still, will set aside the business to some future and take the credit. Yes. - In future we shall be able to do it
- They're all rascals, all rascals, cent percent. They do not know what is arrangement in the hospital and they go, poke their nose in which is not their business
- Thinking Nityananda Prabhu to be an ordinary human being is the business of mental speculators known as kunapatma-vadis. These people accept the material body, which is a bag of three material elements (kunape tri-dhatuke), as themselves
- This basic principle of increasing attachment is not our business, although it is the general tendency. Grha, ksetra, suta (home, land, sons). But if one can reduce and stop it, that is first class
- This begging business is not for a householder or a military man
- This business (transmigration of soul) is going on. If we want to stop this business, we have got this opportunity, human form of life. We can understand things if we have got little intelligence
- This business on the public way, kissing, embracing, this is meant for the sudras. Therefore it is said, kalau sudra-sambhavah: "In the Kali-yuga the population is all sudra." There is no brahminical culture
- This business, cheaters and cheated. We preach to the innocent persons who are being cheated, and we don't want to cheat anybody, but what Krsna says. Our business is very simple
- This Deity worship and chanting of Hare Krsna maha-mantra . . . be always engaged in this business. It is a very important business
- This entire material world, especially in these days, is the result of fruitive activities. Everyone is fully engaged in decorating the world with highways, motorcars, electricity, skyscrapers, industries, businesses, etc
- This is a fact that as soon you chant Krsna, all your resultant action of sinful activities immediately nullified. But if we again commit that sins, that is up to you. So we should not make it a business
- This is a place simply for suffering. Therefore everyone's business is how to get out of it. You cannot stop it. Even if you show sympathy, that is useless
- This is a typical example of materialistic persons. At night they waste their time by sleeping more than six hours or in sex indulgence. This is their occupation at night, and in the morning they go to their office or business place just to earn money
- This is our canvassing, Hare Krsna maha-mantra. If you don't agree, that is your business. That is your misfortune
- This is the beginning of bhakti-yoga. If we conduct business and earn money, we should spend it for Krsna. This is a form of bhakti
- This is the duty of the mercantile class of men: to improve agriculture, to give protection to the cows, krsi-go-raksya. And vanijyam. And if you have got excess food, you can trade, vanijyam. This is the business
- This is the way of materialistic life. Life means that they should not work. Working hard, very hard working, that is the animal's business
- This is their (material scientists) business, to discover the inferior particles and neither have they discovered the superior particle which is one ten-thousandth the tip of a hair. Simply they are wasting their time
- This Krsna consciousness movement is enacted just to create little faith in Krsna. Then the person whom we are trying to help, his business is to associate with sadhu
- This marriage business should not be taken as a farce, but is a very serious matter
- This material world is created for the forgotten souls. And here the business is to again revive them to God consciousnes
- This maya is the police agent. Her business is to chastise you. Every moment this is going on
- This maya's business is to give you always trouble, tri-tapa-yatana, adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika, just to kick you, those who are nondevotees, just to correct you to become a devotee of the Lord
- This para-upakara business, welfare activities to spread Krsna consciousness all over the world, is the most important business at the present moment. It will unite everyone politically, socially, culturally, religiously, in every way, Krsna
- This plan-making business is maya, because that will never be successful. Trace out the history of the whole world. Nobody has become happy
- This poisonous effect is that the priesthood, they are for business. They will never give you the right thing, not it is in their power. That is going on
- This prophet always desires your good fortune. By His grace, all your business is successful. By His blessings, you will attain victory everywhere
- This spirit (of making a good business on the words of Sri Krsna and not accepting He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is demonic, because demons do not believe in God but simply enjoy the property of the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- This Valmiki Muni was a dacoit, a plunderer. He used to plunder, I mean to say, innocent men on the road, kill him and take everything. That was his business. But by chance, he was associated with Narada Muni, and he rectified him
- Those who are actually advanced Aryans, their business is how to approach Visnu. That is the Rg-mantra. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum durasaya
- Those who are apasyatam atma-tattvam, who cannot see, who cannot understand, who cannot vision what is atma-tattvam, what is their business? How they are wasting time? Sukadeva Goswami says nidraya, by sleeping. By sleeping
- Those who are interested with this body only, with them he has no interest. This is the sign. That is also mahatma. His only business is how to keep friendship with Krsna. That is his only business. Then he is mahatma
- Those who are not in knowledge, they are afraid of death. Best business is, before the death comes let us finish our Krsna consciousness perfectly. That is wanted. Death will come. You cannot avoid it
- Those who are preaching Krsna consciousness, they should not be afraid of this hell and heaven. Wherever they should go, they will simply preach, "Chant Hare Krsna." This is their business
- Those who are yogis, they want to find out that "God is sitting with me. Let me see by meditation." That is yogi's business
- Those young boys are living as true brahmacaris. Brahmacari's business is to study and then go to make some collection on behalf of the guru. This is very good engagement for them
- To be good man, this consciousness is, "I am very good man." Or to bad man, "I am very bad man." But if you become Krsna conscious, "I am neither good man or bad man. I am Krsna's man." That's all. Finished. All business
- To challenge the authority of Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the business of asuras (demons). Yet sometimes suras, or devotees, are also bewildered by the illusory energy and falsely claim to be the maintainer of the entire universe
- To eat and to vibrate sound is the business of the tongue. If you can control your tongue for prasadam, spiritual food, and make the sound vibration of the holy name, then by surrender of the tongue you can control all the other senses
- To get relief from tedious business of accepting one body & then giving it up to accept another & again another in continued material existence, just give up this process of sense gratification & surrender unto Me. Then you will be saved. - This is KC
- To gratify the senses of the diseased fellow is not the business of a real physician. A good, qualified physician cannot indulge the patient by merely satisfying him, but must prescribe the real medicine, whether it satisfy the senses or not
- To stand within water in winter, severe cold, is not very comfortable business, but they voluntarily accept it. This is called tapasya
- Try to avoid too much business as this distracts us from our real mission. If Krishna sees that we are very active to spread information about Him, He is Master of the Goddess of Fortune, He will give everything!
- Try to keep him from getting upset. I do not know why he becomes at intervals like that. I can only pray that Krishna will save him from this upsetting business
- Two business: socana and akanksa. Everyone is trying to be very big man. That is called akanksa. And if he is lost of his possession, then he cries. So these two things will be finished if you become spiritually situated
- Unauthorized commentators, they bring some lamp to show the sunlight of Bhagavad-gita. That is their business. Therefore people have been misled
- Under the laws of karma a living entity wanders within the universe under the rule of eternal time, and sometimes he becomes a mosquito and sometimes Lord Brahma. To a sane man this business is not very fruitful
- Under the spiritual energy, one can understand his position, his relationship with God. Therefore it is said, mahatmanas tu mam partha daivim prakrtim asritah. And what is the sign? Their business is bhajana
- Unfortunately, his (a qualified person's) whole life can be disturbed by a wife who divorces him. When the husband is disturbed, the whole family is ruined, the children are dispersed, or the business is closed, and everything is affected
- Unfortunately, his whole life can be disturbed by a wife who divorces him; when the husband is disturbed, the whole family is ruined, the children are dispersed or the business is closed, and everything is affected
- Unless he has surrendered, how he can take up this business, go door to door and say: "You surrender to Krsna. You surrender to Krsna"? That means he has surrendered. He has no other business
- Unless one is liberated from material conditioning, these four defects (illusion, committing mistakes, imperfect knowledge and cheating) must be there. Consequently every man has a cheating propensity, which is employed in business or money transactions
- Unless we become very strong in Krsna consciousness, it is very risky to handle material things and business
- Unless you take the real instruction, how you can stop disaster? You must agree to take the real instruction. If you don't agree, then you suffer. That is your business
- Vasudeva continued, "Who, therefore, can understand Your (Krsna's) pastimes or the mystery of Your appearance and disappearance? Our only business should be to glorify Your supreme greatness"
- Vedic mantras must be enunciated perfectly and chanted with the proper accent; if the priests who are engaged in this business commit any mistake, the checker, or referee priest, immediately corrects the procedure
- Vikarma is punishable. Karma you can do. You ripe (reap) your own fruit by working. You become big man, you become rich man, and you become poor man also, by your karma. If you cannot handle your business nicely, then you become poor man
- Visvamitra Muni could kill that raksasi, but because he was brahmana, it was not his business to kill. He begged help from Maharaja Dasaratha to lend Lord Ramacandra and Laksmana, to take Him there. This is the systematic way
- Vivekananda came here to preach in 1893 to Vedanta. Now he learned the business of opening hospital
- We are also lords, but not Supreme Lord. You cannot become the Supreme Lord. You are lord to a jurisdiction. You may be lord in your business, controlling so many clerks, officers, workers
- We are making business under the name of love. In the material world there cannot be love because . . . suppose a girl loves a boy or a boy loves a girl. Both of them are actuated by sense gratification. So that is not love
- We are migrating or transmigrating from one to another. This business, if we want to stop... Because we are eternal, our aims and object should be to attain that eternal status. That we can attain by Krsna consciousness
- We are more interested in distributing our books. Incense sales are clearly business only, but when we sell our books that means we push forward our movement. Of course they can both be done together
- We are not expert in any way, unless you take to Krsna consciousness. There are many animals, they are far more expert. There are, just like a vulture goes three miles, but the business to find out where is a corpse. Just see
- We are serving God, we have no profession, we have no business, we have no income, but Krsna is supplying all the necessities of life. Paying for this house two thousand dollars per month. We have got one hundred such centers
- We are so much in this age engaged in sinful activities. The sinful activities are generally . . . the four pillars of sinful activities are illicit sex life, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. So this whole world is now full of all this business
- We are so shameless and so rubbish that we are not very much disgusted with this business. We want to continue, and therefore Krsna is also ready: "All right, you continue"
- We do not publish anything which is not approved by the acaryas. We are not like ordinary press, that anything and anything will come and we shall publish. No. That is not our business
- We find it necessary and unavoidable in business dealings to speak lies - not to mention the volumes of lies that are spoken by members of the legal profession
- We have accepted a body, but we will not be allowed to remain in that body permanently. We will have to give it up and accept another, and then another and another. What is this business
- We have forgotten real position, sanatana-dharma. We have forgotten. Sanatana-dharma means a living entity is meant for serving the whole. Living entity's a part, part of the whole. So the living entity's business is to serve the whole
- We have got two business - socati, kanksati: desiring for things which we do not possess and lamenting for things which we have lost. But if you become self-realized, if you become aware actually what you are, then na socati na kanksati
- We have got very much attachment toward doing business, for earning money and become very happy. So Krsna says, "Yes, you can do business. There is no harm. But you give Me the result"
- We have many desires, but we have to divert these desires to Krsna's service. For instance, we may be very attached to making money; therefore Krsna says, - Yes, go ahead and conduct your business. There is no harm. Simply give Me the results
- We have to be prompt and gracious in this business of mail-order books
- We have unlimited number of instruments and other goods which we shall be needing from India, so if arrangement can be made for these goods to be sent safely and promptly, there is so much business which we shall give you
- We must come to understand that Krsna is the ultimate proprietor of the fruits of all our works. Hundreds of people may be working in an office, but they understand that whatever profit the business makes belongs to the proprietor
- We request that "You take Krsna. You will be benefited." And actually it is being done. We don't present a false person. We present the real person, Krsna. Now, if you are misfortunate, you cannot take, that is your business. That is your business
- We require personalities like you to join this movement wholeheartedly, but because you have got wife and children I am hesitating to ask you to close your business. As a responsible head of a family you should consider this point seriously
- We say no meat-eating and no intoxication. So if all people become Krsna conscious and give up drinking and smoking, the big business, breweries and cigarette manufacturers, will be closed
- We should not ever try to force anyone or reduce our Society to an impersonal business exchange, this will kill everything
- We should not waste our time, either you act materially or spiritually. But materially we have no business, although we have taken it the material business as very important and spiritual business has no meaning
- We should not waste our valuable time in any other occupation or business. Simply inquire and be ready how to serve Krsna
- We think of our business, our dog, our family, our lovable object and so many other things. We have to think of something; without thinking, we cannot remain. We simply have to divert our thoughts to Krsna
- We're very shocked and astonished that so many people are coming to the West, to the United States, and posing as holy men and simply making business, charging money, and giving somebody some magical formula whereby they can become God in half of a year
- What is my business? My business is to get out of these material clutches. So if anyone is eager to be free from these material clutches, then he must take shelter of Visnu, not others
- What is the amazement, wonderful thing, Sai Baba has done? If he is creator of gold, then why he is doing business of incense?
- What is the business in that club? Old men, they are going. So lusty that they enter the club by paying fifty dollars, and then there is young women and wine, and that is their pleasure
- What is the business of this material world? Now, falsely we are trying to enjoy. The false enjoyer. Everyone is trying to be enjoyer. Krsna has given little freedom, "All right. You want to enjoy. Enjoy it." But you have to be in this material world
- What is the business? The business is to take shelter of Krsna. Then he'll be free from all these things. Otherwise like monkey, the monkeys are in the forest, but they do not take shelter of Hari. So their simply going to the forest is no use
- What is the profit by doing such business, by bringing petrol from moon planet and use it here and drive motorcar? Why they (astronauts) are taking so much trouble?
- What is their (Siva and Parvati's) business? Their business is: Parvati is perpetually asking her husband about spiritual matters, everything, and the husband is replying. That is the duty of husband, and that is also the duty of wife
- What Krsna means, to understand, it is not so easy job. And again He said, He explains that bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah (BG 18.55). Only the devotees can understand. It is not the business of the karmis, jnanis, yogis
- Whatever limited circle, you just become guru and deliver them. Deliver means deliver from the ignorance. Everyone is in ignorance, so we have to teach them that "You are not this body. You are pure soul. Your business is different"
- When Krsna was absent from Vrndavana, all the cowherd boys became bewildered, and having given up all kinds of activities, they appeared to be mad and forgot all their regular business
- When one goes to a guru-kula, he immediately becomes the menial servant of the guru. If the guru orders him to perform some lowly service, he is prepared to do it. This is the business of a brahmacari
- When one has a family he may think that he is the master of his wife, or his children, or his home, business and so on, but that is all false. One is actually the servant of his wife, of his children and of his business
- When one is in full knowledge that, "I am spirit, aham brahmasmi. I'm spirit soul. Now I have my business with the spiritual world," that is liberation. That is liberation & the means which help you to come to that position, that is called spiritual life
- When Ramananda Raya began to feel separation from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he was overwhelmed. Meditating on the Lord, he gave up all his material business
- When Sri Caitanya said, ama haite kichu nahe (“It is not My business to do anything”), He set the ideal example for a person in the renounced order
- When the hands of the gigantic form separately became manifested, Indra, the ruler of the heavenly planets, entered into them, and thus the living entity is able to transact business for his livelihood
- When the living entity is lost in the forest of the material world, in the struggle for existence, his first business is to find a bona fide guru who is always engaged at the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- When the regulative principles have no aim, the varnas become a caste system and the asramas become the business of various shopkeepers
- When there is a population increase, it is the business of the Supreme Lord to feed the people. But atheists or miscreants do not like abundant production of food grains, especially if their business might be hampered
- When there is allowance for sex life or meat-eating or drinking in the sastras, they are not meant for instigating that "You go on with this business as much as you can." No. Actually they are meant for restriction
- When there is fight between two ksatriyas, the decision is that one must die. Unless one dies, the business, the fighting, will never stop
- When they met, the Lord would offer him respectful obeisances, considering him a Godbrother of His spiritual master. Ramacandra Puri's business, however, was to search for faults in the Lord
- When we are under the care of daivi-maya, then our only business is to serve Krsna. That is our original constitutional position, krsna-dasa
- When you have to do something, you have to tax your brain. That is the business of the brain. When you have to protect yourself, your hands will be required. If somebody comes to attack you, you immediately expand your hand or take some weapon to protect
- Whenever they (prakrta-sahajiyas) are asked to hear a recitation of Vedic literature, they refuse, saying, “What business do we have reading or hearing transcendental literatures? They are meant for neophytes”
- Where is this training is given that "We are spirit soul. This body is temporary, and the spirit soul business is this, so that spirit soul may be purified, no more he accepts this material body"? Where is that education?
- Whether a gosvami or a tiger or other ferocious animal, everyone's business is the same - to please Krsna. Even the tigers are also devotees. This is the specific qualification of Vrndavana
- While engaged in this destructive business, I (Nawab Hussain Shah) am hoping that you (Sanatana Gosvami) will tend to the administration of the state
- While I am engaged in the business of killing Lord Visnu, go down to the planet earth, which is flourishing due to brahminical culture and a ksatriya government
- While searching for small children, Putana, whose business was to kill them, entered the house of Nanda Maharaja unobstructed, having been sent by the superior potency of the Lord - SB 10.6.7
- While talking about Krsna with Uddhava, they (the gopis) forgot all about their household business. They even forgot about themselves as their interest in Krsna increased more and more
- Who can know? Yo janati tattvatah, to whom Krsna reveals, he can know. He can know what is Krsna, and as soon as you have done this business you have understood Krsna, then tyaktva deham punar janma naiti
- Who can say that he is a master, that he is not serving anyone? We may serve our family, society, country, business, automobile or whatever
- Who do not come God consciousness, they remain demons, and their business is just like Kamsa, Ravana - simply making plan how to kill God, or kill Krsna. That's all. "There is no God." That is their propaganda. "I am God." That's all
- Why not introduce this new thing in America and help my mission also at the same time. It will be very profitable business and I wish that you may earn your fortune and help my mission at one stroke
- Why should I engage myself in this killing business? Better retire from it. If I don't get my kingdom, I shall rather beg. - This begging business is for us
- Why we are preaching "No meat-eating"? If you stop meat-eating, then the poor animals will be saved. So what business we have got with the animals? Suhṛdaḥ sarva-bhūtānām. A saintly person is friend to everyone
- With good rains, the farmer's business in agriculture flourishes
- Without profit, there is no question of business. So first, if the profit is aim, then the two business first come to a contract, or agreement. This is called sambandha, relationship
- Without seeing him (His Divine Grace Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja) at that opportune moment, we could have become a very great business magnate, but never 1) would we have been able to walk the path of liberation
- Without the gopis, these pastimes between Radha and Krsna cannot be nourished. Only by their cooperation are such pastimes broadcast. It is their business to taste the mellows
- Women's business is getting milk
- Yesterday I was presented with a paper, Indian government scheme to help people starting small-scale industries, and government is ready to help
- Yogi's business is dhyanavasthita, in meditation, in full samadhi, he is seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, four-handed Narayana. Visnu-devananda. Ananda. They are taking pleasure by seeing Visnu within the heart
- Yogi's business is to see God within the heart. That is real yogi. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yogino. Yogi's business is to see in meditation always Krsna or Visnu within the heart
- You are such a fool and rascal, and you are creating fools and rascals, that's all. That is your business. - And that is going on as the advancement of education. You do not know. How do you explain? You say nature. That means you are fool
- You are suffering in this material world on account of material entanglement. So you give up this business. Come back to home, back to Godhead. - So this is the real message, given by God, by His son, by His servant. The message is the same
- You ask Krsna, "Sir, my business is hari-tosanam. So how can I satisfy You?"
- You can go back to home, back to Godhead at the end of this life. So, my request is that you take it up very boldly and finish your business in this material world
- You can have a permanent life, permanent dress, permanent knowledge, if you become free from this dress-changing problem. That is called mukti. The Krsna consciousness movement is to stop this business of dress changing
- You can see in my example, not a single moment is wasted. This idleness is the business of the karmis
- You can take action according to the necessity of business, because we must use our full intelligence in any matter
- You cannot expect any good treatment by the material nature because her business is to punish us. That is the business so that we can enquire that "Why I am being punished?" That is required. That "why" philosophy is very important
- You do not explain the direct meaning of the Brahma-sutras. Indeed, it appears that your business is to cover their real meaning
- You do some business. So the result is one million dollars profit. So you take it. And the result is one million dollars loss. You take it. This is karma. You act on your own account and you take the result. Is it clear? This is called karma
- You have got a car, but you are running at seventy miles' speed, going to your business, & you are earning hundred and thousands of dollars. So you are thinking that you are enjoying. But this labor is suffering, in order to forget this I take to wine
- You have got good experience for managing in business world, so why not you become also expert organizer for Krishna?
- You have got nice office, material point of view, nice business. So if you perform that business, office work, your duty, very nicely, but you have no Krsna consciousness, sastra says that srama eva hi kevalam. It is simply wasting time and laboring hard
- You have suggested that some men are best engaged in doing business. I agree. All grhasthas who are interested in doing business should do so in full swing
- You have to accept some authority. If you don't accept authority, you speculate. That is your business, but we don't do it. We accept the authority
- You have to associate yourself with persons who are in that business. Then gradually you'll also develop the taste ... So there is no cause of disappointment that because you have no taste for such things
- You have to change your desire. That is KC movement. Sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam. You have to understand that - I am not this body. I am neither Indian, nor American, nor Russian. I am part and parcel of God. Therefore my business is to serve God
- You have to serve two bhagavata, nityam bhagavata, not the bhagavata-saptaha. This is another cheating. There is no such thing as bhagavata-saptaha in authoritative literature. They have manufactured as a business. But Bhagavata should be served nityam
- You have to take care of yourself by the instruction. Not that, "Now I have got a spiritual master and I have got the initiation, my business is finished. Let me do all nonsense." No
- You learn from the authorities. So the Gosvamis' business is to do . . . how to save these people, these rascals, from this repetition of birth and death
- You make many scientific plans to overcome - it is not possible. Then how it is possible? Mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti. Unless you surrender to Krsna . . . that is your business
- You may do your business. Just like Arjuna: Arjuna was doing his business. He was a fighter, ksatriya, but he did not forget his culture, hearing Gita from the master. That is culture
- You must execute your business as it is advised by the sastra and guru. So utsahad dhairyad niscayat tat-tat-karma-pravartanat, sato vrtteh. Your dealings must be very honest, not duplicity
- You must satisfy the Supreme Lord. That is culture. You can do any business. "Any business" means the brahmins business, the ksatriya's business, the vaisya's business and the sudra's business. That is business
- You should know that we are not doing any business for material benefit. Gargamuni spends his profit for Krishna Consciousness
- You should not go to the forest to find out some living entities, living beings, to kill. That is not your business. That is himsa
- You should not inquire that "How I become God?" We learn from scripture, God has created this material universe. Oh, what I have created? And still I am puffed-up - "I am God"? So this cheating business is going on. So these are absurd
- You surrender, not surrender, that is your business; but my business is that I am requesting you that you surrender to Krsna
- You surrender, then Krsna will take charge. Aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami: "I shall give you release from all reaction." You haven't got to wait, that "First of all finish my business and suffering from sinful . . ." No
- Your business endeavours will surely be pleasing unto the Supreme Lord
- Your business is how to become Krsna conscious. You should not be disturbed by nature's process. But if you want to help anyone, just try to help him in relationship with Krsna. That will be real benefit
- Your business is how to get success of life. So any method you can accept, but your aim should be one - how to get out of this material entanglement
- Your business is to elevate yourself to perfect Krsna consciousness and nothing more. If you deviate from this law, if you don't accept this principle, if you want to enjoy more, then you have to suffer more. There is no question of forgetting
- Your money you can squander away. That is your business. But we request the authorities and the sane men that you take up this sankirtana movement, especially in America, and expand this to other parts of the world, Europe, Asia